Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 25, 1865, Image 1

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' ' . r .ass. wm MHUa KXT U I SB Bl awA W I . . li .,.'. '1- .. f - I ) . I ' 1 , '
. i
T0LU51E XIX, XD 29.
T-X3tJ Isck- Trr Come at XaJ
Flcrescc -Snrfag Machine.'
This machine U the most pcrrect instru
ineai to execute any kiad of sewing now done
by machinery in tie wurld. It is aisnpia nu j
jcrtecl in h tnclinical eaiitruciiu. The
feeimny te rttcrsud t or.y puisi tlc!ed i
Vitbout sfi'ppmc. rliic!i U great advantage !
In ftnin !he end of
Uri, Knot, JVAV lor!:. Poul'r Knot, !
(Voj M ilound Table.) ,
I was .TttW hekted with W.''fl6ia A",Ar: tr..vOie''d -ot refo, ! thgli life, i-df.ll . kw f AIw,Jmi
i-t enodub J waro, ,y blood ..d m that he whoa, ,ou .od - . - W "
. ... I .... ... 1 J.k t.,- --....iliF in nnirrf and he lit I DOt be UUWOfiny 01 YOUI iuw "J r,
T' . t. P.
remetiilriQce, I toow that I Lave hitherto
ttaudared iuto the path of danger, but
heucCforth I an frc from tho (Jreail
cli i-ii'cli "perfrct nl nlm oil bo' a j
Je9 t)f the fbr:e. I
OpetJtor can 5tij 'Ueh"ihr7 wtt ad
eifioij fffcia one jvllia t wtijihcr w::lt- j
it Btir-mn(E the auchuie
:;i s:i:c:.e cannot be'i-xce! for rm. i
fUericiry darsbility aui b? iutr of finish.
difficui'y expei-ifnced in sewing acrjM:
thick iwaciK. ; j
Syra !:gut4na uety
J: trait Th. Outi!. Cr-i Arm, tea,
Ji:Ad. djlher. as j av, !1 k;r..is ol StUrh- J
frtttrcd bv famU;. WHnufJc.'nrers. ,
Tho ''! f'!,t,T "' r''li ur 'e--' j
witJOUti-.opping.ih.- .r.cMne.
Tve u,ns: inexpeeei f.xd n difficulty .a j
HHrtiiy 'f'..."3;..!,.-
. . . .... 'i'isi-r: nl win-
a alsi;wt vii'U".
Feur hundred thouMod men,
The brare (he good the true,
In tangled w.iud, in i.iouct a: n glfri,
Ou b inle plain, in prison peti,
Lie d.-ad for me and you !
Four hundred thousnu nf the brare
H:e nMide ui ransomed toil teir grave,
For me atid you !
Co aI filia l, for nis and you !
In many a fererej swamp,
Iy Liftny a bitck hayou,
lu ciany a old and froiea fmp,
! - The wenry sentinel ceased hi trmp.
And died tor me and you !
Fiain Western plain to oceo tide
Are t:rcte!itJ the graves of ihote who died
For mi iuk you !
Go jd frier 2, for me and you I
j give uijr brain an extra "impulse, auj tuj death, leavina b'w lauiily in poverty and
, words were not chosen as I should bave sanenu
chosen them hud the spirit of wine been I ''Thomas, tie boo, wa four jcurh olJcr
UouKl.t to pursuade iiiyelf that 1 had f or-! .ge of eiKh'eei was killed in a street fiirl" j 8!,are- U"Jer "l . T
J tuuately escaped the nnare of a c.Kjuette, iu new York. Mrs. . Granville aarvived ; nP'n a,e 1 lo,J tbe wlue c"? ,0
! ....1 .1.,., T .. ;!.. .I, .r k. . ...,i,-..it.l. I a learful clciuV. I will shnrt it a, 1 would
i U U va hiatal. A U. Iot WW aya v J l v v. III DVU UUV a avi nu w w J llljl
thus to rewon. I stopped at the hotel. ' ing, the dottorbid of a broken heart. huo hawetul lite ana a c.ouueu ou....
. ..... V. ! - I . .1.1 V... ... ..-.i at- w.l! I Jo this.
n hcie I tiiuii i a le id niv comrmn;otjs. I Poor Mar thu :ett tatlierless and ucu . " J
- ' . J . . ... .t If
iit tliat my Sttii.iua iiiuim... v.. .
look upon her b)y, can Muile appro iugly
'world : snah-
lit.il 8'ie oi
It !) t!:e TOO.-1 rspiu newer ir.
it; fit nif'.n i'" ,
7. --rv urttr i.ireili"fad wii
the fubr c. ,
It oit no !rc5e. al'. its macau"- u
t jp cf the tsftle.
Sjirr tiichine ia tMritit ii 9
u.fti:.tca. and tooo nil fiia
en M.-iic.S're-. MutiRfjwt.. one id thw ui
ck.:nc3 ctn V e seen in ou' fclioa. . .
eptnTor.-. ii-j 1'.
c'.j.rvJ f..r it. '
.-.ii i f ll.e aant
P aUer Mo.nct. 1" f !
. . ,
a isprc.w.
p. :r. 1
A. -M.
a 1 .- i . A- ! y, j
I'ut:.Kr:eMail.... 4.si. i'.
Man Irala l;,- P- M
8 27. A. M.J !
J.:,-A. M. - j
fi.S, A. M.
3 5:5. P. M. ,!
10.117. a
fUsi'v eTie.t M'.ndty.
S Stop at Pprrvviiie at, n:5 v "M
5 -720 3:53 y Stop at Tfcompcnfwn at
11 At".
' Stop ai Perry aville a! 3.19 (if Biced) I
5 ;54. jj Thoajriaontown al 3..: H:0i) j
P;it.-l.. Krie Mail...
f Baltimore Erpre-..'...
..Philiidelphia Espress..
Fast Liue
.Mail Train
tKrairant Train....
3ai!y eicept "tiny.
t Stop at pprrvvii!e
l.catitT Prct'rIn?
WMly blAodjf fliU . t j ;.r...
Their r.-a'ly sword it.ey drew.
An 1 ;ourvd their iii'e-blo.d. l.ke the raia.
A hci.e a lieriiHire to g.:in,
Tj g-.iu '.or n.e and yoa !
Our b.-vihera amsiered by tur side.
Thev uisfcLed. and fought, and bravely die'.
For me and you !
Good rriend, for n.e and you !
Up micy a fortress wall
Toey cb iril thoje boyj in blue
'M.d virjin,; iu ike.'aud vo!U-yed bill
The bravest were th first to f ill !
To f". for n:e and ycu :
TLosn .!.'.e men the nation's pride
Four Luudred iliKUmud men hare died,
For ma and you!
Good friend, for and you '.
In treason's prisoa h"'.d
Tti:r iravyr pn:r:H rew
To cU.uie like the oiiiits of old.
Voile, t!i..d agooi unU,
TLey siarved fur me and you !
The good, the patient, and the tried.
Four LunjVed tuumauJ nieu have died,
For me and yon !
Good a it-ad, tr tae and ycu '.
A J'-bt we ne'er can py
To them is jiislly doe.
And to the natioa's latent day
Our cbiUrca' chiUren still shall say.
They died for me and j on !"
Four hundred thousand of tbe brave
Mi Je this ;ur ranaoateJ soil their jrave,
For uis and you !
Giod frhnd. for me ad J7"1 !
and helped dispose of haii' a loicii bottlsj oiothcriesn, wijicui bn.ther aud sister, at
of .wine i tbe age of fif'weu, was forced to earu tbe
Qu the fol!owii- tiioriiin; 1 awoke with j brad which ia are-f-and nobiy has she
a headache, aiiJ when I calle! to mind done it. lfoo kuw her, Cliarlie, you
the events of the preved'iis; evtoiiii; I was ; kuow One of the noblest women that evef
auythinp but happy. 1 beau , to realise j lived. Pur what's the iuatter ? Why
how much I had loved Mary Granville. ; blea me, yu look as pale as a ghost."
'J'liOro aclii:i- void iu l-.eurt, j 1 ei ujleo with myself, aud told Jack
and I lairiy wept as I contemplated y I had swallowed a lot of cigar sitlnke. I
hi?. Jt was my J.ne, and if tJa-' j-(K-e and opening 000 t' the cas-ueiits,
ence had penetrated very fibre of my be- j hepped out on the balcony, where the
in'. Tiie beautiful L'irl had become aioe 1 fresh air restored me.
dear to tue than I could tell, and I grou-i At a !ie hour Jaeli departed for the
ed m biiter anguish when 1 thought .JWt lintel, and wlieu I had retired to niv chaiu-
she was lost iorcver. I had resolved llitjber 1 paced too ami Iro until loicr after
Iwu Jii el very aury and indi':iat, i midnight, i could no" longer misumlcr
but wheu the sweet face was called up to I stand the uiot:ve - which had actuated
mental view tuch frelintis mulled awaj, 1 Mai v iu reitctiu'r my 'hand. She knew
leaving tae sad and Josj!ate. that I was iu the habit of ming wine, ank
upon tLe course he has chosen.
. '-And now. Maty. if. at some future
time you should feel :hat you eau trust
your happiness in my keeping, you will
give me Home token thereof, aud I will
ouie and as-k you again for your baud;
and should it be my blessed lot to rece.ve
it, I will devote every energy in my Deiug
to make vour life a joyous and peaceful
0110" ' . . ,
1 let go bcr hands, and bowe 1 my head
to wipe asray a te. I turned tovyard
the door really iuieud.ug to depart aud
give her time for reflection, when she
ptououi.eed my name. I looked back
and her hands were stretched out towards
Ou the following Sabbath I atteudiJ
on that evening when last we met she
church, where I saw Mary once more must huve discovered that I u'raiik euuugh
She played the otgau, as she had done fr j to' briug a fale fiuu 10 my cheek
tbe past year, and as her fingers swept
ever the keys, I fancied that I could tie
tect a trciuuioiistiess which I had nevei
noticed before. Was :t only imagination
j or wa it really a plaiu'iveuess a saduesi
i iu the expression of her uiumo ?
1 1
To me it seemed at times as though thr
organ mnai.ed and wept. . It was like the
waiiiug of the daughters of Z:oa by the
I rivers of Babylon.
j When the services were over and ire
j went out froiu the church I saw Man's
1 fatet It was pale and wan as though 8fe
I. .. ,,! . tl'-l t
"Oh ! my God ! " I ejaculated, as I sank
into a chair, "I wonder cot that she re
fused to place her future life in my keep-
accursed cup. The uight of sorrow and
desolatitfu has Veen long enough upon
Not now," I whispered. liI will not
tk your answer jet. Watch me prove
me. Only irive me to know that I have
your love and will '
I stepped speaking, for Mary's head
had been piilawcd upoiu by bosom, and
. ia.
S'.e has suffered, enough from the ne wls weci",,f; ,
. .. . . 2 . i.,.w ! i...w I" she uticred, as I wound
Oiy arms about her. ' Oh, Charles, 1
never uouDted your truth. I know you
el .1.1 1... .1..... .,..!
, V , 11. ,l f cannot Jtceive me. God bless your m.b.e
husband whoso opening path ol wuu . , . ,
- - ll.? 1 ...a l.,1r, VOtl Tlk IP
which the ,esmu'l0U' BUU J " '
life led towards the pit into
loved ones of other ?.-.y had fallen.
"But," I asked us if, '-why did the
not tell the whole truth 1"
I found no difficulty in answering the
nurtioflirr 3fc4 had shrunk from wound
. VttrmtrTce.tngH. 1 knew how "aensative
1 !'.a ! beeu .-itk. V hat could it tc t - Mia
she bufi'erin-g as I had sulfered ?
thought Cashod upon me that -"""e 'e she was. and I kne that she was afraid
might have told l.erm.'i? t0 ,uy dis f offeudimr me. Perhaps sh- :hou-h
advauiagc. I had rfCtittes ia ihe village lnB proul aBa head strnag enough to rcsen
cuewie" who envied ue because I j -MC, i,licrtj m her part, and perhaps she
iaheri.ed wealth aud I f"CJ J i,,,,, I mipht look unon ler part as
enemies who envied me the love of Mary j (jie 0jrt.r3n.r vf her hand iu c.uslJeration
Grauvillo. ,f my renouncing the wine tup, and that
Another week passed and L became 1 j urn ler ffor.
On Fridav Jack btanton l;ft me, and
a-ww " a"T
. mfm '
Charier-, it cannot be.
eet and esteem
As a
uioie sad aud louesome. My business was
irksome to me, aud my books :.ud papers
afforded me no respite. Iu faet 1 could
u..l leal, far my mind was bever upou
the pane bciore uie. Another, Sabbath at
coiu-Uhuichaud I eaw Mary agaiu. She was
Coxp-isition of N ,'. Vex 0ij ;it,d j.ure pssiou oa aie a ad do not press
or ita.1"'..' " .
Mary Granville stood before me a she
mo nr! Vi . ! rv i 1 o r ilo.u hefore. aud her eves looi
j though she had been weeping.
llu.hiL the iujeediu- cek I received
I . 1. . . I n..tar ,), .., l.t.ire. aud her CVes JOOfcC'
vii. . '. w'.h . f..i,:-;b the .al-r tfvi
. .. . -tin t2ie ..r.s'!l: s I-.. a-.tK ,r h4.1-.f4
if "r T . i-t vi ..-!.' KV.. ' ' . . - 111 : . .. ,.1 ,. lion ... .. -..!..,., , . ;
Blaekia;. it i-iua..--"p - - : lo r head bowed,' trcmbliniT U an aspen, siaulou, wr.o uao jusi .pvui. - - . VoU will. (live we au -
ou Saturday evening I called at Mary's
bourihug house. Mary herselt answered
my summons. She started when she saw
me, and I saw her rih: baud move .juici
ly toward he huart;
"Mary," said 1 i-peaking calmly, for I
had a mighty ttreugth of w.li to support
me, 'I have not come to distre-s you, 1 have
sool and 'a vUitlrom my old colhge-chum. Jack coue a3 a lrl(JU,i, UJ 1 humbly ask that
r .... . l .. I ... . IV...J I ... r r
I cannot tIl how long I stopped that
evening. I can only tell that I was very
happy, aad that, my prospect of the com
iu year was bright, and iilrioiis.
Oa the fol!iwin da.v a Sabbath, Calm
aad pleasant :he oig-m gave forth a ucw
s:rain. The daughters of Zion were no
l.iu-er in a stratme laud. Tliev had taken
their harps down from the willows, and
within tbe chambers of the new Temt.Ie
more resplendent far than the old, they
san the stoma thai aforetime made joyous
the city of their God. AH marked the
"raudear ol the luii-io that sprang int..
life betiea.h the tinch of the fair organist
on that beactifu' Stbbalh ajoruing, and
all seemed moved -y inspiration T
me it was like the holy outpourings ol a
redeemed srul, and with bowed head an 1
folded hands I j;av4 myself up to tho sub
iime influence. As Mary turned lion
instrument cuigh her eye. Mine were
dim with moisture, but hers were brio!;:,
gleaming nh seraphic light
ya.rd. S'-e helped herself to theai and
cat very f.eely, andon beaan ti gam ia
milk ; and although she was fairow, she
gave as mneb milk as she till the yr
before. In Se; tember she begaa to gnaw
boards a title again. As the soap bines
wero gone, my busbaud weut and dug op
the bones af a horse he had hurried,
a .1 boiled th m in lye until he coali
pound them u( fi-ie, and ihee wore put
ia the same box. As Ion; is we le.'p
s .ft bones within th-ir reach, our canle
do uot gnaw boards. As long as they
show a disp.isitiou to gnnw boards they
invariably t;row poor, while they gain io
flesh wheu mat appetite ia appeased.
SuitrACB MvviJttixa I'.r many
years we have advocated, and proved by
the most iu disputable evidence, thai aur-
face, manuring of the land is the best
mode to apply dung in a general sen-je,
and that some of our btt farmers bad
adopted it with respect to many of their
croj. We notice in the last Dumber of
the Ciwe Farmer a short commoni-
-i. .i . - ... .: i
Ctlou trom tint iu:ene.y praeacn iu
mer, John Johnson, on this suljtct, ia
which he sustains, in a few words, all
that has been said iu our columns in it
favour, to wit : "I have used mantire,
only as a top dressing, fir the last tweuty.
six years, and 1 do thiuk one load used
ia that way is wrlh fir m ' than two
ploughed utider ou our stiff la id." ter
muutotru Tihjrai'h.
A Nkw II:dis Plant. The silver
thorn is a cpecies of Eleagnus from Asia,
vj.1 promises well. Some kinds of hed-e
plants grow :oo fast ; other, like Pyrin
j.tj.o i'i ii., too sJ jw. The honey locust
and o-sage orange are subject to attacks
fro a mice iu wiu!er. The silver tboru ia
bushy, hardy and thorny; grows to a
complete hedje, three leet high, in three
years j- jtie teaBs bewiifw
wiry ; and at three years of age bears
Seed, which grow readily. Its flowers are
as sweet scented as th-3 jessamin-; it is
perfectly hardy, though a native rf A-sia.
The I'jfroatntU is tot hardy in sunny
places. Oae variety of it is quite bushy,
bears white berries, aud its foliage eudares
the winter well. Ganlarr't M-mtUy.
Death of
LMJh ' laud I fancied there were tears tu her in Berry ville. Alter supper, as we sat in
"sold Keiail V.y all GUOCEHS AND 1!0E , ShJ was , ful girl, and I had ; U.e cosy parlor am-kiiig our cigars, I Uj!.
Aev W rSl her and pure as si.e was ! gcd that a bottle of wine would uot be
Mi'.ed at the
HariTifacturer's Depot.
194 Itcatl Strcl
jleaaii'lul; and further than this, Thad,
. i believed that she loved nie.
I k n nrr.han. aud had beei en-
CHALPt MAXUFACTOSY. the past year iu teaching
one of our village school. Of her early
OrncaorTUJi;s.ATaCor-.TTt ,.,.. .,.: MVfi that she had
AoiictlTi'iiftW", r
T-errvsv.lie. Oet. 1'", J ; tu educated and had moved in good j barm?"
. . i. i - . i i
amiss, jacs suooa. uus ucw.
:-o, Charlie," t:e said. -weT) leave the
wine for those who need it."
"YoU used to driuk it. Jack.",
"Yes, but it never did me auy good."
"And do jou thiuk it ever did jou auy
She went into the parlor, and I fo!
lowed her, closing the door behind me ;
and wlieu we were alone the set the
lamp upeu the table aud motioned me to
a teat.
No.' said I, "I will not sit down yet."
Give tue your baud, Mary.
Mechanically she put forth her hands
and I took them in my own. There was
r. do hery cer'.'y tUt the tomn-.:tt. ; to believe that. 1 w to that I will not aay; it never,, wollaria2 Juok iu her eyes, and a slight
Manufactured Arric:P as awarueu r . - , - . . " . .
manure. ..,.,; ,. . ., . . ,1, 1, v , , , , ,
.,.r,. vv w eit 2.EL i.e r ir.v , ivw.ii.". ,..111.11 tjn.e. lcr liaienis uati utu e- j Mia(j uw . .
the aaoat aubstaotif.!. neatest made, aad best , f-f.j,er lj ia;ieJ in business,' aud (t.d otbr who were as strong as I am. j I
ftaiahedaeuof Chyr8'w JACOBS, Tw'r. it bad been told to me that the sa l reverse Jy the way, CSarlic, Wt Mary Grau- J and 6(,f,3van
- Willmm ll.icB. f tilled hioi. I had known that Mary was : ville here?" .
pLVOr that fhe was dependent upon her "Yes," said I.
! ; 1-l.r.r for "UDnort and the thought i .'Do you know her?" ,
"Ot ftiYiMil tnr!ll- 'AMt. that I io.ild ofler her a comfortable home, j turned away my face and pretended
fWUI 7 irilh ibe advantage of moderate wealth, , t0 have heard soiuet'iiug at tbe window.
-,MlFFb!NTOVN, JUNIATA COIXTV, PA. J &Un ..cruJ(i0 t my prospective hap-1 "I bave seen her," I replied, wtien 1
'IFPER 'his professloiml services to the j jjat this uoeS'cted answer had composed myself. "Sue plajs the
Sp""l-..rr'.!" ...r bright hopcstoihegrouud.i0ririt in the church."
o!0 juU mean,' I cried, veiiemeutlyr; . ' She aad I were scnooiinaies, pa.aueu
.:.b,.t vou thus 'dismiss me T Anil east '. Stanton, "aud speaking .of. wine brings
J- . L I.:....
off'' ' ... her to my iniiiu. uojouauua .ujiu.Bi
I cannot be your wife," Was the reply. , 0f her erly life f
"Then," said I, with more warmth than
TI raight have betrayed under other cir
cumstances, -I leave you to yourseif, and
j .11 .... i..i.iuu (amrunti'ii (o
I'. SAIt-I-H
1 - -MANL'PACTCREr.S ' ' "
aud ' :" '
'v VnyitSAifi'CfiAtERS
, "Nothing," I answered.: .
; "1W Mary ! ,1 ueve think of her
' without feeling my resolution of total ab-
while I t-trive to shake off the love thatHtiiience.e-row stronger and strouger.
haa bound me to you, I will only hope When we were achool' children together
. - ij.i'j'i .ii. . '."A aw m '- s ..j'--'..v'-i '...-. !- into eonr : lift ! har ratl.dr w.ia the wealthiest man in ler-
5Y"t?TlS tT5 c;uc,ude eh4 Aether jryyille,. and she. and her brother
M. tJ- PElPEIlt . II. H. M AuKLt. i , j you will keep iilin. : -j .! .
jgjf- Jriierfr',orrrnf!,oit' 'yd'f kJUn. "M j She looted up iuto iiiy face with a pain
ful, frightea'-d glauce, but I aid uot stop
to hear her speak further. I turned aud
i-'ARMKU Jacob Strwao, Ot Jacksonville.
Morgau county, Illinois, die I suddenly at
his res'ideuce on tt c 2l.h of August Mr.
S rawu was a very remarkable man.
i He weut to- Iiiinots at sn caily period,
;mi e.miuipnced b'lsinesa as a farmer and
purchaser of cattle for the western and
oiher markets. It is said that his whole
firtnne at the titue'uf Lis settiiugin Mjr
gan couuiy consisted ot half a dollar
silver. lie ba-TcT'-T, ha-Jcn er.d l-Oi
L- ... ...... It o l.'t.I i.whK.l nn.itppr
L , ... Zi t... ,.r'm 'n fr acres of land. But ene.py, industry,
nauu piesseu ti.e - i - ,
She knelt I iiia ptraitcnuv.,
' eourse of thU't;
Mary was not in the chior,
t..-.. a.. ..i.. v ... .;.U,.,I n.vr fine u. 1.11.1
neiore me. 1 . .. ,. . ,. ...
lar.-e Inrtuue. tie uuc 01 .ua
us bi th the aged ctergymen stretched bis
hand wiih piayer nid l-iessiug
And we weut out from cluuo'i losether
Mary and I out in the new life bound
heart to heart, and hand to baud, to love
hotior aud cherish forever more.
- 'Riff 2a "if 3 2) M S" S ! e house.
tt FiVr,TFTlXY offers hii'Wvieea t9 the! " I remarked tV at under other circum-
r XV pub'ic of Juaista county.. Having had a ' jJ
!'' f.-i, .,li,I.TiM in "the h'lBiness of Vendue
" revinc ha'feels coufidenl'that he can'
gaerl satiafaciion: "He eau"t till timjr bejjjappnse, dear readers, the attending cir
eoasultedt his residouee ia Mlfiiatowa. Ps. CViWitiaae; e:o f rU tell you caadidly.
Vendue 8t""ces t"01 Dave. eeu CJ Jfe cool aud .iime it came to jass that he
reader j collected la u.y peecb ';' aud what do you'rotslj intoxicated. Of cot
I know it has harm-; flllsi. i.aJ come to her pale cheeks.
onliuuel speakiug slowly
and I knew that moisture was
gathering iu my eyes, "you must answer
one question. A uswer it as you please,
and take tny solemn assurance that I ask
it only, for your own good . Tell me, do
you loe me ? ;Xo. no do uot take your
hands ay yet. Answer me if you eau.
Fear not O. fear not; tor I bad rather
go Suto endiess uighi than do you wrong.
Teli sue', Mary, do yon love me ?"
"I caunot' speak falsely," she tremb
lingly whispered, ot my "cwn peace,
perlisps I love y 00 too well."
' Listen to me one moment," I added,
drawing her1 nearer to me ; "wheo I have
told tou whnl I have to tell you shall be
the jndye." ' " 1 - ' ' : .
r- 'She til notstrive to free her hands, but
looked up eagerly in my face, and her eyes
beamed with a hopeful light.
"You know John Stanton?" I said. . t
'.Yes,'' she replied. ', .n.
"He was uy bejt friend when we wsre
at Collegf,; sud iuy friendship bda not
crown less. lie came to see , uie and told
me .the story of tbe trials and suffer.os
of one of tho schoolmates of his : earlier
dajs. Oh, Maiy.-I know well why my
band was refused and I blame you not.
It may be that oar paths will 2e ainexentj
amouat the happiest of the happy
"Mr. Granvillo was iu, the. habit of
drinking, wiae, aud the habit grew upon
hiiu uutil be felt he could not live with
out his brandy r
. "llu was of a social disposition, and in
was otteu
' un-ler
6uub - circumsuiiccs, one or two tilings
must bappea tbo ma muit reform or te
Cattle Gnawinu B A!tDs A wri
jer iu the Xrur E.ijiim l Fu'rnx-r says :
Your cot respondeat in Maine, Mr. Mclu
tire, wants to know the remedy for cattle
eating bjarJs. boues, For some time
have hoped sme one w mid reply,
because I am uot.accust.imed to writing
lor newspapers 1 but as my busbaud ha
been troubled for a number of years iu
this way with his cattle, I '.will attempt
to give you his experience. ' Some 3 ears
ago our caule would gnaw every hoard
that they could Bet at, ai.d the .cows.' e
pecially, would even gnaw the bottom out
of the pails they were fed in, if not at
oiice takeu away. ' This unnatural appe
tite seemed to dry np the cows, and roy
husbaud "sold B-'nomber- after. tbt- got
so as to ve but little milk, "bfcause,"
as he said, "they would gnaw the - barn
down."- When fbey. went toother barns
they .luittheir gnawing, and proved to be
good cows; Three years ago last January
he bouuht a C .w that was recommended
to be ati excellent milker. He bad not
had her week before she beao to gnaw
every piece of board that he could find.
The next summer she gale only about
ei-bt quarts of rtsTlk 'a day. - He bought
bone-meal and chalk, bot she would not
eat tbem."- After I made soap tae ; d.
d I.i.u in the
veirs to amass a
,rgesl landholders in the fctato.
.Mr. ?3;rawn went to Illinois from Ohio
n I83J. Previous to moving his faurly
w Illinois he eu'erjd about 1)) acres of
mud near Jacks -mviiic, a'. ?1 -5 perae.e.
fbi was the nucleus of ttie iiumease
I n. led prorrty ha possessed wheu ha
Led, atuount:ug to btwoeo thirty aad
ciiirtv.fi 0 acres. The laud is uow worth
iroin I W to S5i r acre. At this valu
jtiou Mr. Strawtj's lauded props! ty alone
.vould be wor.b 1 5W,00. .Mr. Strawn,
a immeoseiy smut, would probably
eigh pounds, and geuerally rode ia
a. U bagy. ' If hi ci ji 1 tft a frijal,
or even a stranger, to ride aud pot hisa
on the news of the day, but eripaeiJIjt
anou ther gates 01 his property, he eon.
sidered be had wade quite a point for
the day. iuriujj the war he wiu a thor-
oab Ci iou man, and did a great deal to
moderate the C pibtud untiiutut 0
bis section t'f th" JJtate. A short tim.
siuea be efferrd gie 810,000 to tb
State Sauturj eomuiv-jiou, if the peop!e
of Morgan cuuety wuuld subscribe double
that amouut. . Tbe money was raised, aud
Mr. Strawn preseuted bis check for th
S1'J,000. - Bcsidas his immense real prop-,
erty, Mr. 3.rau has a lare amount cf
noney loane'a. .. '
t3u S-lue cute lauV.ee has iaveoted a
palpitatiDg bosom for the ladiL, which :a .
set iu tuouou by a concealed spring. A
will spring of atfection iu tbe . heart is a
much aider and more valuable iuyeutioa
It doa't need winding up, exeept twfe a
jear wita Bewboaaet.