DR. P. C HTNDIO, of PntteriMMi, Pa., wish, to Inform bit Mend and pa tron that he Las removed to the house oa DrMge Strset opposite laid & Jordan's Store. , , JEREMIAH LYONS, Mtorncg-ataro, Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.. Office on Main street South of Bridge sir t. CALL AND EXAMINE our Stock of Ready Made Clothing before 70a Purchase Elsewhere, you Kill find on hand a food assortment for Men and Boy ware, which wiil bo sold cheap for cash or eesatry produce. MICKEY X PENNELL. Jan I-tf I'atttrson, Pa. K. C. STEWART ATTORflEY-AT-LAW, Mifflintotcn, Juniata Co., Pa., Offers his professional icrvioes to the pub lit. Collections and all other business will receive prompt attention. Office first door Hor'.hof Belford's Store, (upstairs.,)' YfriLLUM M ALLISON. Attorney at Law, Will attend te all business entrusted to his are. Office on Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. " MILITARY CLAIMS. THE undersigned will promptly attend te the collection of claims against either the State er national Oovernment, Pensions, Bck Pay, Bounty, Eitra Pay. and all other claims rising out of the present or any other war, eoUeeted. JEREMIAH LTCNS, Auornej-at-Law. MlfiUatown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl a. aa.. a j..ar at o.at im y WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. So. 1M North SECOND Street. Corner of ' Quarry, PHILADELPHIA.. Aa assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver & Tlated Ware, er!tlv on hand, Suitable for BQLIVAX rSLRSESTS'1. JgT Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to Ecs. fl. I8e4-1 yr. F. GEOVE & CO. WH0LESAL1 DEALERS & MAIfUTACTUEEES OF Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Io. 164 FAAKLI. Street rSB5 oaKEX AUD TAC. STRUTS, BALTIMORE, QUICK SALES AXD SMALL PROFITS. Superior Imported Cioass, fine Cniw iso Tobacco, nnd Ltir of every description, with a general assortment of Tipes, 8 nun Bsxes, fancy Articles, 4e. Julyl9-8m. The Universal Clothes "Wringer WITH 03 WHEELS, HIGHEST PRL'MILM PRICES HEBTJCED large. Nuc, 910 00, .Mcdiom, 3 50. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. He nirmal Cog Wheel Clolhf Wringer Was pronutinoed superior to all others at the wonurs rm isr losdoiv. In 1802 ; received the Bronie Medal, (hijh- est premium) at the Great Fair of THE AMERICAS IXSTITITE, In new Tork City, in 1?C3. It has also re ceived the FIRST PREMIUMS at the ing HUU Fairs : New York, li6C 1803; Vermont, 163; Pennsylvania. 18G3 1SG4 ; Michigan, 1864; Indiana 186:51861; Illinois, 1HC3 1804; Iowa, 1SC3 1S61; Wisconsin. 1864; Conn: River Valley Fair, 1804 ; Champtain Valley Fair, 1804; and at the pricipal County and Institute Fairs throughout the laud. TESTIMONIALS. "Mj family would as soon give up the eook-iag-stove ss thb Clothcs Wkihoer. It can not be too highly recommended. Solon Hobi tin. After a constant nse of the r.titrEBSAi, Clothss Vkikgek f or more than four yesrs in my family, 1 am authorized by the "powers that be," to give it the mom unqualified praise, and to pronounce it an indispensable part of the machinery far housekeeping " Ties. en vy Ward Brx-htr. "This is the first Wriuger I have found that would stand the service retired of it," J. P Iluggh'.t, Lortjoy't Iottl. In the Laundry of my house there is a t ernctual thanksgiving on Mondays for the mvintion or vour excellent V ringer." IUt. Tcoodort L. duylcr. "We think the Maouine much more than pays for itself every yaer in the savings of euruicuts. We think it importaus the Wring r should be Cued with COOS." 0 JudJ. "I heartily conimcud it t. to econuuiiets of ti-ne, mousy and contentment." Jtt: Doctor "I save labor, expediatos work, makes tne laundress gooi natnrd, does not tear off but tons and is indispensable in a well regulated family." R- S. Storrt, Jr D. D. "Every week has given il a etrougerbold upon the affeotions of the inmates of the laun dry F.vtry member of the household ia m adiiration of it." Stu York OUerver. COa receipt of price frcm any part of the country where we have no canvassers, we stud the Wringer free of freight eharges. cowl canvasser wanted in every township. vr.d fr Illustrated Trice Circular. R C BROWKING HEADQUARTERS! QQ as Mifflintown Chair Manufactory ! C1HARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the J citizens of Juniata county, that be con tinues the Chair Manufactory at the well known old stand in Water street, where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor (.nairsof every description, including Settees, Large Rocking Chairs, Sewing Rocking Chairs, Children' Chairs. Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chairs, Bar Kooat Arm Chairs, and every i thing pertaining to bis business, all or which he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. . prompt attention will be given to llepa irins All work done cheeDandexBeditionslt. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in excbaLge for furniture. JfeyFurniture Boom on Main street; oppo site the Post Office. CHARES WEITZEL. 9. pf ember 8, lS62-tf. IB GOING THE OP CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OP JOS. IY1. BELFORD The cndcrsiRned would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He has bought his assortment at such prices tnat be cannot be undersold by any in the country. Special at tention paid to purchasing goods in the city per order at the shortest notice. Everv effort will b in&do by him to give sat isfaction lo those who may favor him with a call LADIES' PRESS GOODS ! Black and fancy Silks, Moris Antique, Pure Chilii, Brilliantes, Bnmbatinels. Cashmeres, Penlius. Rnrgee Lawns, Grenadines, Duca's, Gingham Lawns, All wool d'Laincs, Alpacas. Sc. A full assortment of " bite Dress Uoods, Mus lins, Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon net Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, &e. Also, Col lars, L'ndersleeves, Handkerchiefs In great va sty. DRTGS. A large quantity f Drugs, also on hand. Prescriptions filled. He has alio la'u in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Sc., at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highe il market prices will be paid by J. M. BtiLFORP. Philadelphia J'uraiUire Vareroom. 424 & 42i3. North 2d.I Street. r?STARLISllfc'D EIGHTEEN TEARS Xj hiving a vcrv large Stock of the bet 1 made Furniture on baud, such as Sofas, Spring Seat Chairs, Rocking Chnirs, and Tsrlor Fur niture generally. Also, Bed Room Sets Com plete, wtth Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking Glasses. Beds, Matresscs, &c. and a full va riety of all kinds of Furniture generally. I warrant all articles Bold --and will sel CHEAP for Cash, Mar29-Gm J. L. SCHSEBLT THE undersigned desires to inform the citi zens of Juniata County that he has taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in l'errysvillc, where he may be found ready to execute jobs in his line of business such as Tomb Stones. Monuments, Marble Slabs, Table Tops, &c. &c. ne believes that a lnng experience and practical knowledge will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all who may patronize him. Give him a cat! as he fella confident that for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. CHA3. EMERSON". Apr. 2'th HOW TO SAVE MONET BUY FROM JAMES II. SIMONS, who has now on hand the largest stock of ready made vaDDLES aud HARNESS in the. countr. which he is selline at ereatlv reduced prices. He is now manuueturing nis gr.diics and Harness with such perfect system that he is enabled to sell a miperior article of cierything in his line, CHEAAER than' any other establishment in tue county, ne inviies purchasers to call and examine bis stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. Jtnifs H. Simons, Saddles and Harness are knon lodged to surpass in point of lightness ganre and comfort, as well astreal value and rabiiity, all others manufactured in the unty. Remember bis r 8 it on Bridge cet, in the rooms formerihocoupied by D . A. Belford, as a Tailo nop. V, All kinds of repai gncatly exocut and all work warrentek. DlIDICAIi C.4D. DR. S. O. KJEMPFER. 0e rmy sur geon) having located in Milfiintown, tend ers his professional services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. Dr. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, general, and army practise, feels prepared to request trial from those who may be so unfortunate as to need medical tendance. He will be found at Will's Hotel at 1 hours, except when professional engaged. July 22, li?65. CITY HOTEL, Corner of Market andR. road Streets, opposite the Railroad i): 1 t 1IARISBURG,PA.. 1 aa Tern 1 s moderate atose of ay TbTctty. WM. 0 THOMPSON Fisk's Patent Mctalic Burial Cases. FOR ordinary Interments, depositing m Vaults and transportation tbey have no rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and out to prevent rust and the exterior has a FINE ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. They may without offensive odor be - kept as long as desired th'js obviating the necessity of hasty burials. . Their long and successful use and the approbation given them renders unnecessry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. , , SANDOE AND MARTLV, I'nriertakers and'Cablnet Ware fflanufaciurors, . Keep constantly on hand an assortment the abb re cases. Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4th 1865.-1 TAKE CARE OF YOOR TEETH. WHETHERTHE UNION ISPRSERV ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. TEETH inserted upon an entirely new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and nlcanite, lso Vulcanite, which for Beauty, Durability, Cleanliess and the res toration of the natural contour of the face. ennnot be surpassed. Either of the above Bases I warrant for ten years. Teeth also mounted upon v. Gold. Platina and Silver. Coralite and Amber, with or without artificial gums. Speeial attention will be caid to di easd gums and a cure warranted or no charge made. Teeth filled for life. . . . The extraction of teem upon the latest un proved principles, causing the least possible pain. tS. Having located permanently in Mifflin town and being in possession of all the latest improved instrument and machinery. I war rant entire satisfaction in all cases or the monev refunded. KSTWill visit McAlisterville the last week of October, January and May, the balance of my time I can be found at my office on Bridge street tliree doors east of Snvder s Hotel. Mimimown, Juniata county, Pa. U. L. DERR, jn2y Irtridtnt Ventut. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, AT TODD'S STORE, IN PATTERSON. Jutt Keeeirtd and for Sale at Ion Prica Fancy Prints, from 20, 25, 30, to 33 certs; Fancy DeLaincs from 81 35, to 38 cents. Fancy Dress Goods from 65, 75, to 00 centi Best yard wide Brown Muslins. S5 to 40 ots. " " " Bleached 3'. 87. 45 cts. Balmoral skirts from $2.75 to $6.05. Baggd from 75 cents to $1 Spool Cotton, 8 cents. Skirt Brade 12 cents. Syrup Molasses 80 cent s per gallon. t Extra Syrup from $1 to $1.25 per Gallon. " Good Brown Sugars from 18, 14, 16, to 18 c. White Sugar at 23 cents. Also, a larje assortment of Queensware, from $5 00 to ?8.50 per set of 46 pieces. Boots from $4.00 tO $7.00. Grained Kip Cavelry Boots, 28 inches in legs, at 7.00. Also, a full assortment of Ladies' Gaiters. All of which I will exchange for Butter at 25 cents per pouud, or eggs at 20 cts per dot. or for CASH. Aug. 16, 1865- J. B. M. TODD. OTICE! Ladies wishing to ?e supplied with neat and good shoes will tind it to their advantage to call on II. D. WELLER, at bis shop on Main Street above Cherry, where they can be supplied with almost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended to by giving bim a call. Ttnm . CA S n. H . D. WELLER. Mifflintown, July 2C(h '65. LEVI RKCBT (A1IVEB STKATIB New Firm in Patterson. Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium ! I Just opened in the new Brick Building, Via Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht and Samuel Strayer, a large and elegant assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Overcoat, Frock Coats, Dres Coat, Pantaloon, Vest, Drawer, Collar, Unilemh irtt, IJamlkerch iff, . Hats and Caps, Boot '& Shoe, And everything usually found in a first class Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. FANCY GOODS . Also a largo and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be bold at the low est possible living prices. Laaici' Guitori aud Shoe. They also invites the attention of the ladies to his fine Block cf GAITORS AND SHOES, which he wiil sell at prices defying competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beairtiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &e , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. WITCnES AND JEW H.Y Gold and Silver Watchet, Clock, Ear ring, riain and Fancy r'myt, Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gmti' Breast Pins, Gold Pens and Pencils, &c, whioh at this time form the largest and best assortment in the county. ja,All the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If yon don't believe it, just give us a call and bo convinced of the truth of the assertion, HECHT St ST RATER. Patterson, April 12, 1865-tf. Deafness, Blindness) and Catarrh, flREATED with the utmost success, by Dr. X J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aurtist, (former ly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Slreet Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in bis practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pain. No charge mate tor examination. un, 10. wo.-jy. NEW GOODS! CALL aud see tne New Stock of Spring and Summer Goods at MICKEY & PElfXELL'S. IN PATTE11SOX. Ju:t reoeived anew and complete as3ortieht I of Ladies' Latest Style Press Goods, Plain and Fauey Frenuh Merino, Paid and Fancy French Reps, Black and Colored Alapaca, Black and Fancy CasUiU'era. A targs assortment of Mourning Goods, Balmoral Skirts, Brooch S'qtwre and Lone Shawls, Striped aiid Pai red Woolen Shawls Our stock of Domestic Goods baa bees largely increased by the purchase of a complete lot of Choice Prints, Bleaujicd and Un-Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Dentins, Wool Shirtings, Kentucky Jeans, Twilled and Plain Flannels, Also a large assortment of Cassimera and Cassinetts, all of which we offer' to Purchas ers at towh prises for Cash or Country pro duce. MICKEY & PEXXELL. Patteison, Pa. P. S. Also, you will find a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Wall and vVindow Paper, Jan I-tf fllCKEY PENNELL. KlWKEtV CELEDTAED BITTER WINE OF IKON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINS OF IRON, . THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, ' For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good. And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. It costs hut Little and Purifies the Blood. It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. I Now Ouly Ask a Trial I Now Only Ask a Trial I Now Only Ak a Trial I Now Only Ask a Trial Of this Valuable Medicine. Of this Valuable Medieine. Of this Valuable Medioine. Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seventy-five & One Dollar'per Bo'lle. Only Seventy-five & One Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-five &One Dollar per Bottle. Ouly Seventy-five 4yne Dollar per Bottle. Manufactured solely b S. A. KUNKLE& TtRO. General Depot 118 Market St., Harrisburg Pa. tor sale by B. r. Kepner, Mimmtown, and respectable dealers everywhere. JjuIjlJ bi -bra PENNSYLVANU HOUSE. At ailraad Depot, Patterson, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. TnE above named having taken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will find this the most convenient stopping place as they will be waked up at any hour desired- The location is most favorable snd the accommodaiionsn-e of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table and Bar will alsobe well provided. KiT He has, in connection with the Hotel, a good LIVERY STABLE. Hoise, Carriages, Buggies, te., always to be had. Persons conveyed to any partiof the country. Btly strict attention to business and a desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and render the sojourn of his guefls both coniiortaaie ana pleasant. Patterson June o, ti TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just opened eut a large and fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. which he is ready to make to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. The public generally will find it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'S TIN SHOP, oa Bridge street, Mifflintown, Pa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant all clothes to fit or no sale. - SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. Mt.AU persons desirous of purchasing any of Singer's Sewi.no Machines will obtain all necessary information on the subject and see them in operation t my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better mach ine thirty per cent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in this eouoty. fj 0 family should be without a machine. jan 1, 64-tf AIIFFLLNTOWxV TIN SnOP. HAVING purchased the Tin and Ehcci Iron Store, located on Bridge Stieet, Mifflin town, I would respectfully inform the public that I intend to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of COOK & PAH LOR STOVES, Tin and Japan ware, the largest and best in the county, and as to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. Jo and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either m town or country. Braes Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper, French Tinned. Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waffle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent, and of various measures, always on hand aad for sale- - ' Persons ia want of anything in the above line are req nested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident that he can suit them either as regards the article er the price. agjr Old copper, Brass and Pewter boughs and 'he highest price paid in cash, or goodt . UCCE WTNEV SHREIftER'g BALSAMIC COCGII SYRUP For Coughs, Coltli, Crov.p, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Lronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac. This syrup is a purely YigdabU Compound It is pleasant to take, and never docs injury but owing to itstqurifyinff quiilit ics, nmat do good under any circumstances. In effect is truly wonderful soothing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs ; Purifying. Strengtnening and Invigorating the whole sys tem ; calming aud soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, aid driving it from the system. CRCjt'P. No child need die of Croup, if t'lis Syrup is properly tised and used in time. Mothers hav ing broupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at band. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience baa proven that il is equalled by no other preparation. Price 60 cents per. Bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 116, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United Stater. lOUTZ'S CELEBRATED attf Cattle fouto. These Powders will strength en theStomach and Intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to abealthystate. T),it am a ore preventive of Lnng Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, men as u lan ders, Yellow Water. Dis temper, Founder, Heaves, Blavering, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener gy. c In poor, low-spiritd anima':;, it has the most benencial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, nnd gites to tiie Horse a foe, smooth aad glossy akin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this Boole animal. FOB MILCH. COWS. Tne property this Powder possesses In in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give H an importance and value which should place it in tho haads of every pexow kepia a Cow. By actual experiment it baa proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Bitter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their tide and makes them thrive much taster. HOGS., In all Diseases ef the Swine, such ss Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, etc. By patting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar- Mi r shrill tiw. above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Fries 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1. PREPARED BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT TBCia WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, Ho. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore. Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper throughout the United States. FOTJTZ'S MIXTURE. The Lest Liniment of JIan and Beast v.irm' j'k v.se. Ts a S&f and reliable Remedy for tht cure of Khemuativm, l'ninfnl Nervous affections. Sprains, Burns, Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to eure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o Colar Gall, Cnts or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. . Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no ma!- I. 1 . 1 : v, . 1 1 ' J - "J ' " There s nothing in the world so sure and il gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fros Bites, as this preparation, Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 35 and T5 cents a Bottle. Prepared bv S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At neir Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, No. 116, Franklin St. Baltimore Md. 1 Sold by B. F. Kepner, Mifflintown Pa., and al I ore-keepers throughout the United States. I The above M edicine can be had at manu ctor's Prices of Johnson Halloway & No 2co North 6th St Philadelphia. Cow- Fensiocs ! Tensions ! A1 IX PERSOA-S WHO HAVE BE F.N D1S- ABLE DURING THE PRESENT WAR ARE ENTITLE TO A TENSION. All per sons who intend applying for a Pension mnst eall on the Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability ia sufficient to entitle them to a Tension. All disabled Soldiers will call on the undersigned who has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and adjoining Counties. Y. li. K.UMHU, M. U., Patterson, Pa. Dee. 9, 13.-tf. Grooeries 2 Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee,-Pulverised Sugar, Crushed Sugar, N. O. Sugar, 8. H. Sugar, N, O. Molasses, S. H. Molasses, Loverina Svrun. Chocolate, Mustard, Rice, S.'areh, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch, Fish, Salt, &e., &c, for sale cheap at thjfiiw Stoki in Patterson. J.nl-tf IBM ICFD yrr. s A Tint wocu3 ouAT unn roe -Scrofula and Scrofulous Disease. From Mtrg E:le. n tccll liioic merjumt of Oa nrtt. ATaiius. " I lure toU lro qiuiHiitk'S of yonr Sarsafa killa, bnt never yet one bottle which failed of thai dcatfvd effort and full satMlaMloii Mthoae who took It. As fast as our prajJe try it, tlicy agree there ha been ne medieine like it before in our eommuuily. Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Fnstulaa. TJV cere, Soros, and all Diseases of the Skis. From Her. Boot. Stratton, ISrietnl, Emgbntd. ' , M I only do my dntr to yoe ami the ptibli, wheel 1 add my tentimooy to that you puMibh of the e tllriuitl virtue of your S arsafarilla. My daugh ter, aged ten, hml an affllrtinr humor ia her ear, eyes, aud hair for years, whi-h we were anabl tot enre until we tried your Sabsapasuxa. Sue has tveu well for some moa4B." Trom Mr: Jrrre E. tire, a wrWtywttm md "' -..,.,. w. nf rttintiigriUe. Caoe ithv Co f J. "My dshiw fcu cufierad for a yr yn with irrofitloua eruption, which w Tcrv tronhlcaooi. Kothing afforded any iriKfl antu we inea yoar AR9ArARiLLA, wliivu soon completely cured hrr. from Chnrte P. Gage, Esq-, ' liddt tvmm tinge. Murray f Co., manufacturer afettamelteet Vitpe.n in Xatamt, A. H. "I had for teveml yeara a very trmtWcsoww lumrr In my time, which grew eoubtantly won an tit it di?VL'ured my features and became aa talal erable miction. I tried almost every thins; a awan eould of both advfee aod medieine, but wrthowt mf relh-f whatever, until t took your jsarsaparizaa It immediately made mv faoe worse, a you told JSS it might for a lim; but lo a few weeks the wt ekin began to form under the blotchee, aud oop tinued until my face is as smooth as ay bodc--and I am without aur symptoms of the disease WrS I know of. I eujoy'perlvct health, and witnowt e doubt owe it to your babsapauilla."' Erysipelas General Debility Purify the Blood. From Dr. Sabt. Savin, tloiuton St., Kca Tm-i. Ia. Aykk. I seldom fail to remove ErwpHrm and ScrnfuloH Serf by the perwreriiie; amof yo 8AB9APAKU.i.A,nd I havejnst now cured aa attw of Malignant Erysipshn with it. So alt-ran r wt possess equals the Saksaparilla joa bare sup plied to the profl-striun as well . to tlie people. From J. E. Johnston, Eq., IFnkeraan, Onto. For twelve years, I bad the yellow Enrlp-h on my rijrht arm, durm hirli tune I td all ti celebrated phvfcicians I could rvar-h, and took hnn dreds of dollara worth of mcdirlm. Tirt h!ot- were so bnd that the conU boernne vMblf, ao.i t; doctors decided that mv arm must be ampnlaicd. f begun taking your Sahai-abii.u. Took two twi tit s, and some of your 1'ills. Togvtuar tlvy eured me. I nm now aa well and Bound aa aiir 'jtr'. r rVins; in a public place, my caae is kaowa to rrr , ? body in this ou mm unity, aud exeitea the wudcr cf all. from ITm. lenrj Mmro, M. P. Pof f fremiti C. W., a Uutiing number of Ike Canadian tarn ment. 1 have wien vrmr Sarsaparilla hi wiv fa!', geuvral dhiity, and for purifying the fci. with vurv bcneik-ial rv.iU. aud il eonudnva i eommemllag it to the aabctcd." Bt. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Bait Eiiw.n, Scald Head, Soro yoe. from iJarreg SieVer, Eta., the able editor mf i.t Tiut'Jianntx-k Dtixocr-tt, Ptiituyltani-. "Our only child, uut tliree year of 5, r ? attacked by pimpk-a go h.'a iorelu'l. Tliey rj f i--pread nntil tlwy formed a loaiheome sua viral'-.' eore, which covered his fw. and actually bhryi- A hia eyts for Rome day. A akilful riliywnin appl: "t nitrate of silver and other rvmcitica, without u;7 appareut efM. For iii'teon days we uarf!ed u-'' bunda, Wt with theni lie rhould tear open th W tcrnig and corrupt wouud wlii covert hlc wVl fare. Having triwi every thing el we had r' hope from, we bfgun ivm your rjAKAPAUlhT.r and applyiug the iodnto of potash krln. aa an, direct. The tore U-rau to hul we had nt-w the lir.t bottk-, and was well wheu wa had ! J the second. The chiM'a ejeluftlivs, wlii'-h had cot-. ' ut, grew again, aud he is now aa hidihy and i as aur other. The whole neighborhood predkaei that the child must die." , Byphilis and Mercurial Disaa4. rV wa Dr. Hiram spxit, St. Lrui., Miefri. I iiud your S.vKPAi:ii.it a nnre etrrtn.t remedy for the secondary symptoms of SfttktU and for syphilitic disK-aso thra any oilier poec. The prott sKion are iudclited to you ler some of the butt medicines we have." iVipst A. J. French, X. D., em eminent pyf of Jjatreme, Maet., iro m a ptomirmt mtnUsr y ike LeffiMiatltre of Mosearibhttd. "Dr. ATtK. ily di-ar Mr: I have foaixl SARSAPAKlLUt an extvllt'Ut remedy r .'Vrii'l?, Vth of the primary aud tcmndary type, and e'Jc bial !u aerae raws that were too obstinate to yl! to otbnr remedies. I do not know ploy w ith mrc ccrtaii.ty of buca, where a pvwnr ful idtcratlva is required." Mr. Cka. .1. Van Line, of Veie r.mnnrtet, .W. , had dreit'lful ulcers on bin lejra. rauwii hy the aNwe of mercury, or memtriai JiMase, w ln.-h rrew iA arid more ravald for yean, ia apitv of etorv, remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tif pernevennjr use er ai sjiio.trAmM.A reiwrr him. Kew eases ran be found more invatnrawi and diatreaamg tliaa this, and it took several doeca Domes ! core mm. Loucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weaknesa. are generally prodnoed br internal STofmtvn 11 eeranoa, and aro very oftru eared by the atterarW effect of this Harsapakili.a. Sin caaea reyir. however, in aid of the Sarsapakilla, the tiil.l application of local remedies. From the teeU l-wtrn and wtdelji-eeletrated V. Jacob Morrill, of Oittcinnai. " I have found your Sarsaparilla an exrelrant alterative ia dlaeaaes of It-males. Waay emem a Im-irularity, I.eucorrhvft, Interna l"lcorntitT. aad local dehilitr, artauur from tla? acrofuloua duMhema, bar yielded to it. and there are few that do sot. when its effect ia properly aided by local traatment." A iorfy, nnwiUina to allow ike publication of kmr name, write " My d.iRtfMcr and myaelf have been cored of a very debilitating Lencorrhor of loiur standing;, by two bottlca of yoar S.VKSAFAaiLxa.'" Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when raiised bv Scrofula in the syateia, are tepidly cured by this xt. Sabsapauilla. AYER'S cathartic; pills possess so many advantages over the other pnrgatires in the market, and their snpertaw virtues are so universally known, that we aeaai aot do more than to assure aaatSkiblic their quality is maintained equal o Sle beet it ever has been, and that they may be depended est to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. ATEB, M. D, Cw., Lowell, Mass and sold by We have opened the large Room juet oppes te our Store in Pattersou wh.re e effe a j'nerai t-sortment ef Tables, Chairs. Mollis, IsOiiuges H e d Is t c a d s 3 and Mattresses Trunks Carpels Stands. Racks. & Many other articles for house furnishing HECHT 4 S "RATER Best White Lead ! Best Zinc PURE LIUERTY LEAD. Unsurpassed for Whiteness, Fine Gloss, dura bility; Firmness and Evenness of Surfaca PUKE LIBERT!' LEAD Warranted te cover more surface for same weight than any other Lead Try it and ynu trill have no other ' PURE LIBERTY ZINC, Selected Z1SC, ground in refined Linttsd Oil, uneriuated in quality always the same PURE LIBERTY ZINC. Warranted to do more and better iTMk at given cost than any other Get tlie Best ! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAIVT 4 COLOR WORKS. Orders executed prompt 17 b7 ZEIGLE afc SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Faint fc Glass Dealer, tSk,Store and office, ISO. 1ST Vorth Street PKILAIILIy HIi. l Marci31?.?6-