' - . . i .. . , . .....' . ; -: ; Hjfc ifffiiiffiiiHieL J 1 VOLUME XIX, NO 28. .Xk lMT looked For Come at ! I TIIE CELEBRATED Florence Sewing Maehine. This machine is tbe most perrect instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done by machinery in the world. It is simple nd perfect in its mechanical constructisa. The feed may be reversod at any poi.t desired without stepping, which is a great advantage in fastening the end of seam. U takes KOIR DIFFERENT STITCHES, Lock, Knot, Double -of, Doublr Knot, ech stitch perfect and alike on both ides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and ehinge from one stitch to another with out btnpping the machine. I:i stitches cannot be excelled for firmness, tlaetieity durability and beamy of finish. No difficulty experienced in sewing aeress thick seams. .vewe light and heavy fabrios with equal facil- 1; will Braul, ThcK Qiati, for, her.. Id!, 7A.vA Gather, and ao all kinds of Stitch- iiv required by families and manufacturers. Tbc work will feed either to the right or left, without stopping the machine. The most inexperienced hud no difficulty in using it. I: is thoroughly practical and easily under s'ood It has tprrtya to jet oiit or ie-, and will last a lifetittie. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. U is the most rapid sewer in the world; mak ing iie ttitchet :o each revolution. It ttftK the came site thread on beth sides of the fabric. It oils no drvBses. all its mackiners being on top of the table K.very machine is rirren.'fj to girt entire tat isfecttort, and to do all ha' is claimed for it. Miss Carme E. Stambaccb is the agent f-r this eounlr. Ry calling at her residence nn Main Sireet, Mitfliutown, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. 8cpuiul.erl2, lbCd-ly. GOSLING'S BRILLIANT, EASY" SHINING, Leather Preserving; V Com position of Neat's Foot Oil and pars Ivory Itlnck, imparting to BOOT and MiOE LEATIIEtt the softness and pliancy of KID while with one fuurth the labor neually ruiploved in the application of the ordinary marking, it produces a JET BLACK EN) AMKL lil.OSS, equalled only by i'atent SoU Retail by all GROCERS AND SWOB DK.'LEUS. Orders received by American Apeny. 86 Iiroadway New York, and whola aaied at the Manufacturer's Depot. . . 154 Read Street, TS. 1 Insurance Company of New York- Cash Capital - Two Million Dollars. Ae.ets 1st Jan'jr. 8,765.503,42. Liabilities, " " 77,901,52 THE "IIOH T' is an old. well establish ed and reliable company. No premium note. No assessments. It insures all kinds of property or goods, for any length of time, paying promptly in case cf loss by fire. Ap plications solicited and f olicier issued by A. H. WEIDMAN, Agent at MiiSintown, Pa. UIAItt .MANUFACTORY. Orstca nr Tits Jusiat Comtt AcaiocLTcaL Society, I l'errysville, Oct. 16, 1863. I W E de hereby oertify that the Committee a Manufactured Articles has awarded to Cmaslss W. Wiitzil the First Premium for the most substantial, neatest made, and best f atshed sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, TWcs'r. William Hssch. Sec'y. janlJ JOHN T. LSAHM. MIFFLIXTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA. OFFERS his professional services to the public. Prompt attention given to the prosecution of claims against the Government, solleetions and all other business entrusted to his care- Office, Main Street, one door South of Snyder's Hotel. Sept. 20, 1865. H. F. SAIGEK WITH tEIPER & A ARK LEY, MANUFACTURERS ASB - WII0LF.SALEDEALER3 BOOTS '&, SHOES Ko. Si; Kerth Third Street, Pkslla M. G. PEIPER, H. B. MARKLEY, tUF rmrtieular attention paid to trdert. "gf ALEX. SPEDDY, RESPECTFULLY offers his services to the public of Juniata county. Having had a large experience in the business of Vendue Crying, he feels confident that he can render general satisfaction. He can at all times be consulted at his residenee is MlfUintewa, Pa. Aug. 16, 165. - . Kishacoquillas Seminary, TTTTLL open its Winter Session, on Octo " ber 16th, 1865. Tuition, Board, Light Fr.el sed Furnished Rovms per session of five neeths, So. t or further particulars address S. Z. SHARP. Liha!vqiills. Fa. THE VOLUNTEER'S RETURN. I hare come bark to yoo, my mother, Weary, and wasted, and worn, Locks matted over my forehead. Uniform blood-stained and torn j No wonder you shrieked when you saw me, As if I had struck you a blow ; I'm not looking much like the dear fellow You parted from three years ago. That one was stalwart and.Landsome, Eager and fierce for the strife ; This one is pallid and wasted, Scarred, and a cripple for life, Mother, God knows for the Union I'd fight till my very last treath, But just twenty-one, and a cripple, But for you, it had better been death ! But for you, darling mother, only, There was somebody else, when I left, With eyes that were bluer than heaven, And lips like a bright cherry cleft; My Maggy sue was may God bless her ! I meant to have made her my wife : She had promised, but how can I ask her . To wed with a cripple for life? There, mother, don't weep I was cruel To utter one word of regret ; It was all I could give, and I gave it, My right arm is left to me yet ; With that, and my pension, dear mother. We'll keep off the wolf from the door; And if you are contented and happy, God will help me to ask no more. But hark ! who Was that t heard sobbing, Just then, in the chamber close by ? O Maggy, my love and my darling I E.i"9 me once, ere you bid me good bye ! What's this ? toil will nevsr fors ake me My loss makes me only mote dear ? God bless you ! Oh, love, you have given New life to your poor volunteer ! You will work for us both, are you saying ! Nay, dear, though I can't drive a plow. There are trades that one hand can master And I've courage for anything now. With your love, and my mother's to bless me, I've no room in my bosom for fears, Awl may God grant as bright a hooe-cotnisg T all our brmv ! HARD TO FLEASE- The New York Daify Xiwi writes "The working classes of the couth art exposed more than those of this section at present are, to the pressure or negro competition. The equality- of the two begaiea its assertion tbere, ia a form more threatening to the while laborer than even in the case of the North. The progress of the struggle at the South may therefore be watched by the working classes bere as a study ot what is, as jet, but in progress of development atneng themeelves." It is difficult to satisfy men who are determined to grumble. We have been confidently assured, at different titnea, by the Daily A'etrs and its friends, the ma lignant pro-slavery men, tirat. That the free negro will not work at all ; but . Second, That he will work eo much better than the white laborer, that the latter will be injured by the "pressure of negro competition." . Third, That the country wil! be ruined by the idleness of the free blacks ; but . Fourth, That the negroes are so eager for work si to leave none for white work men. Fifth, That the negroes are a corse to the country ; but Sixth, That the slave system, which tnade negro breeding .a regular and profitable business, and thus increased their numbers at an abnormal rate, was a divine institution and a blessing to the land. Seventh, That the negro is naturally an abject coward : bit Eighth, That he is a most dangerous creature, capable of rising and murder ing a community double his numbers and with a hundred times bis strength in arms and all preparations for defease. Ninth, That the negro can only live in a waom enmato, like that ot tub South ern States ; but Tenth, That now he is set free there, be will immediately rush North and take the bread out of the mouths of the white workingmen here. Eleventh, That white men cannot work in fbe Southern fields, which can be cul tivated only by negroes ; but Twelfth, That tbe negroes ougbt all to be colonized in Africa, or driven off to eome remote corner of this continent. Thirteenth. That the fret-imen are so tm comnmxioB raa iioi- M1FFUNT0WN, JUNIATA COUNlft stupid and ingorant as to be dangerous tnt republic ; but Fourteenth, That they ought not to be instructed or permitted to acquire knowl edge. , Fifteenth, that it would be a curse to Northern workingmen to have the ne groes flock into these States; but Sixteenth, That Northern workingmen ought not to favor a policy which would make the negroes contented to remain in th; South.' Seventeenth, That tbe workingmen of tue Northern States are the most intelli gent, the most capable, the most industri ous and the most virtuous in the world ; but Eighteenth, That they will inevitably be ruined and deprived of work by the competition of ignorant and idle Degrees. Nineteenth, That the presence of the blacks amongst us wiir always be a source of difficulty and more trouble ; but Twentieth, That tbe Emancipation act is wroag, aluaflj beoaaM, under its ope ration, the negro race is likely to die out,! like the Indians. I'tete are some of the curious contra dictions into T?hich men fall who ihnore all genet al principles, and follow only the will-o-tbe wisp of their prejudices. It is tot only in relation to the negro question that they are thus blinded their folly extends to other affairs. For instance they assert very earnestly that a merchant ougVt to be free to sell tin goods where ever he wants ; but they will not have a luboier sell his labor as freely, though that labor create the goods. They insist that we shall buy calico in the cheapest market, but not labor. , They laugh at the absurdities and cruelties of "protect ive legislation," and yet erf out that white workmen must suffer, unless pro tectad against "the pressure of negro competition. They welcome immigration from abroad, at the same time that thej try to mivumI wo AingtHan . tir - ihat the labor market is already overstocked, These are the same who, before the war, declared the negro a beast, monkey, possed of every vile qualitj, and a terrible danger to the community, and yet urged the re-opening of the Af rican slave trade. -V. T Evening Pott. A Beautiful Deed. A young offi cer was coucected with Sheridan's brig ade. It was in one of those forced marches when they had driven back the enemy and had been in the saddle for several consecutive days and nights, that this trooper availed himself of a tempo rary halt, to slip from bis saddle and stretch himaelf upon the turf his horse meanwhile, browsing in the immediate vioinity. He had slept for some little time, wheu he was suddenly awakened by the frantio pawing of bis horse at his side. Fatigued by his long ride, he did not rouse at once, but lay in that partially conscious slate which so frequently at tends great physical prostration. Soon, however, the faithful animal perceiving that its efforts had failed to accomplish their object, licked his face, and placing its mouth close to his ear uttered a loud snort. Now thoroughly awake, he spring up, and as he turned for him to mount, he saw for the first time that his comrades had all disappeared, And the etiemy were coming down upon him at full gallop. Once mounted, the faithful beast bore him with the speed of the wind safely from the danger and soon placed him among bis companion's. "Thus," he add ed with emotion, "the noble fellow saved me from captivity, and perhaps from death." Journal of Commerce. 19 A silb committee of a School Beard, not a thousand miles from Lynn, were examining a class in the primary school. One of the committee, to sharp en up their wits, propounded the follow ing : "If I bad a mince pie; and should give two-twelfths to Harry, two-twelfths to John, to twelfths to Isaac, and keep half the pie myself, what would there be left?" There was a profound study among the scholars, but finally one lad held up his band as a signal that he was ready to answer. ."Well, Sir, what would there be left ? Speak up, loud, so that all can hear," said the confmittee man. "The plate !" shouted the hopeful fellow. The. committee man turned red. in 'the face, while the other members roared aloud. The boy was excused "from swering any .more questions. ,M HMW"IB" " . OTTA. OCTOBER It, IS65. THB BEBfeLS WENT TO SCQOOIrr WHAT THET LEARNED. Th Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, in bis latest letter has tbe following amusing remarks : No eitifen of the New England States could hays gone more profitably to sohool than haw these same chivalrie sons of the South daring the rebellion. Their expe rience is about as follows : "Yes, we saw the tiger and the ele phant, and the whole menagerie, orches tra and all. Yes, we have been educated. Considering that we started out on a sort of picnic in 1851, it is astonishing bow from a irohc it ran into a tight, irom fiht into a war, and from a war into an almighty defeat, leaving the whols Con federacy in a heap, precisely as if we bad hitched all the seceding States into one train of cars, and then put all our best men, our speakers our preachers too, at the lead for engineers, and so rged add fillsd, and full of glory and gas, had gone s- l onttwo milea a minute, till we got on the long bridge between the des potism of our old Union and blessed In dependance of our new heaven of a mon archy, when the bridge broke, and here wt. are at your service ! But we went to sohool for all that Let us sec what we learned. Well, we first found uo t that the Northerners could fight; then the darkies would fight for the Yanks ; then they would not work ; then they would tell oar secrets : and, finally, that thev liked the strangers better than old massa. Our women had to cook, wasn, cut wood, and make their own clothes. Having no J calico and little to wear save what the j blockade-runners brought Us, we . had to learn, by rude machinery, by band, to weave our own fabrics. In this way quite large business was carried on in the cotton States. When we stopped grow ing cotton we grew sorghiiia, and for two years lea tnousana witn the moinsses undo of that tropical plans. Our rebel lion made us adepts in arms, in their use and manufacture also in all the military arts in the management of shipi-of-war and in the handling of coastwise craft Our marcher gave us a new knowledge of our own sectioc, thus making us geo graphers. In a moral sense we found se cession to be a destructive dogma ; our leaders false prophet; and our hope; of foreign aid fallacious. We soon discov ered that the niordte of the Federal arrry stood it instead of an additional element that in fact it was re-enforced by the schools, churches, newspapers, mighty charities, and well-fed people behind it. We had no such rock to rest ou. We had almost no homes to go back to. Toward the last we had no place to go to but the army, and so we staid in it, and many of us never left the battle-field. Two hun dred thousand are still there, sound asleep in their graves ! In fact, the war left us almost Without a spot on which to rest our living bodies. But the greatest lesson was that no American ought ever to fight the Uniog. And we advise you never to go to school for such an experience. We give it to yott second hand, but gratis. You might succeed in perpetual motion ; you might try to bottle the sunbeams you get out of cucumbers ; yott wight take a daguerreotype of the sun in the light ot the moon ; you might prove that a Cop perhead was a genuine patriot but you could never get the upper hand of that quiet old man kaown as Uncle Samuel. We tried it, and we are here !" Tee Oldest Mas ix tub World. It is claimed that the oldest man in the world resides in Caledoncia, Columbia county, Wisconsin. The name of the person is Joseph Crele. He was born in Detroit, and the record of his baptism in the Catholic Church of that city shows that he is now one hundred and thirty nine years old. Crele was married in New Orleans one hundred and nine years ago, whence he relieved to Prairie du Chien, while Wisconsin was yet a province of France. He now resides with a daughter by his third wife, who is over seventy yean of age. The old gentleman is quite active, and oan walk, several miles a day. When' is an undertaker like one of bis own jobs t When he's a coughing. Why is a hen immortal ? Because her son never sets. - . What kind of paper resembles a sneeze? Tissue. What is (he wortr ecat a bio can set ... i- n : cir ton ceit. . . SCENES AT THE WHITE HOUSE. A few days ago a, very interesting scene took place at the usual crowded reception of the Presidet. Applications were ap proaching Mr. Johnson, each with his ease ready ; after briefly stating which, and a record being made of it by the pri vate secretary, way was made for others. In the line was Mr. Banks, an enterpris ing yanng merchant of New York, and his fjiend Mr. Kervan, of Petersburg, a leading miller, who applied for pardon coming as be did within the twenty thousand dollar or thirteenth clause of the amnesty proclamation. As soon as the President saw Mr. Banks he recognized him, asked him his business, and hearing that it was to ask a pardon for Mr. Ker van. he took a note of it, and told him, smilingly, he would hear from him in the morning. The ieason why the President reoognised the young New Yorker is beet explained by the following narrative : In April of l8Gi, ifler the Senate of the United States adjourned, Mr. Dinks wa. going from Washington to the South, on the railroad running by Gord onsville and Petersburg. At his side was a very pleasant person, who conversed freely on the different topics of tbe hour, and fin ally asked him to change a 50 gold piece, which be did. When the cars stopped at Gordbnsville there was a great and exciting crowd assembled1. They at once demanded, and sent their number into the train to see "whether Andy John Son was oh board !" "Let's hear from him!" "Drag him out !" At this mo ment the gentleman at the side of Mr. Banks, arose, and was walking to the plat form to show himself, when the engineer started the train and dashed off at his best speed. His companion was Andrew John son ! As he took his seat, Mr. Banks asked him where he was going. t lie said To my home at GrecHville, Tenn." "I, am glad we got off from those gentleman, GOTemer,' said Banks. "I act sstTy," said Johnson ; "I want to tell them what I thought of secession." Mr. Banks then asked the Governor if he was armed. The reply. was iu the negative; when the New Yorker handed one of his fine te volvers to the Tennessee Senator, scd they seen afterwards parted to meet a few days ago in the Presidential mansion. Banks has his gold piece to this day. The next morning he was feet for, and as the President met him he said; "1 have of ten thought of you, Mr. Banks. You gave me a pistol that might have saved my life, . I now give your friend Ker van, a pardon to start him in besiefss." GIANTS. In the time of Augustus Casar there were two persons living in Borne called Indusio and Secudila, each of whom ex ceeded ten faet in height. Their bodies, after death, were kept and preserved as miracles of curiosity in a sepulchre with in the Sullestian gardens Pliny names a certain Gabara, who in the days of Clau dius was brought out of Arabia; and says be was nine feet nine inches high. Thq i Emperor Maximin, originally a Thracian peasant, measured eight feet and a half. His wife's bracelets -served him as rings. His voracity was such that be consumed forty pounds of flesh daily, and drank 18 bottles of wine. His strength was proportionable to his gigan tic shape. He could draw a loaded wag on without help, and with a blow of bis fist oftimes broke the teeth in a horse's mouth. He also crushed the barderst stones between his fingers, and cleft trees with his hands. Pliny also speaks of Polydemas, a celebrated athlete, who ex ceeded all men of his day in stature and in strength. In Mount Olympus he killed a lion with bis Sat, being unpro vided with any other arms. He could atop a chariot with his band Id its most rapid course. Once he singled out the largest and fiercest bull from a herd took hold of him by one of his hied feet and notwithstanding his struggles to es cape, held bint with such strength that bis hoof remained in his hand. Tbe officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Pennsylvania have address ed a letter to the Freemasons of the United States, urgently calling on them, one and all to unite now, at the close of a long and terrible contest, to carry out the princ iples of their order, brotherly love andharity tawhrsh tbi Order is eoBS6erttd. - . WHOLE NUMBER, 964, . XEWSPATER OFFICES. ' . . - r-:.-.. A eorrespondentwriting from Mobilw says : While on my way to supper last evening, I walked up the street with au old gentleman who is engaged in the type setting business, or in foremaniziug others who aie, and he told me that he hi t just returned from a visit to one of the cemeteries of the city. "I weut our, there a great many years ago," said ha "to help bury a printer, and I remera- fber that his grave was but the tenth one there. Now, instead of ten, I find their, at least ten thousand ; and when I look ed abroad this evening over that Jit tie wilderness of green hillocks, and thought of the many tears and creaking heart that have been since I stood there at the burial ot that poor printer long years ago it made me feel badly, and I was tempt ed to say I wouldn't swear any more." I replied that the thought teas rather a solemn one, and that if it should causa him to break himself of the ugly habit of swearing, bis visit to the cemetery would turn out to have been the best Sunday evening's work be had ever done. "Ah," said he, "you never acted as forman in a newspsper office, or yon would know that a sight of all the grave yards in creation could not break me of that habit. Why, Sir," he continued, ''if there had been a printing office in Heaven, and Lucifer had been tbe foreman of it, I'll be if he hadn't fallen a thousand years before he did A SCENE IN FUTURE. In a lecturer recently delivered at Chicago, Grace Greenw3od adverted to a scene that will doubtless one day be a common one. Speaking of the future of oar country, she drew a picture that probably many that read these words my live to see : We may picture to ourselves a group of noble young lads- some ten years henee, thus proudly accounting for their orphan age an orphanage which the country should see to it shl! not be desolate. Says one, "My - father fell ia beating back the invaders at Gettysburg." Says another, "My father fell on Lookout Mountain, fighting above the clouds." Says a third, "My father suffered Mar tyrdom in Libby Prison." Says another. 'My father went down in the Cumber land;" yet another, "My father was rocked into the long sleep below the wave in the iron cradle of the Monitor." Aid there will be hhplcss lads who will listen in mournful envy, saying in their secret hearts "Alas, we have no part or lot in such glorying3. Our fathers were rebels : And here and tbere a voutn more unfortunate, will steal away from his comrades amd murmur in bitterness of soul, -'Ah. God helo me '. Mv father was a Cojyperhcad .'" Hot asd Cold. Dan Marble was once strolling along the wharves in Bos ton, where he met a tall, guant figure, a "digger" from California, and got into conversation with bim. "Healthy climate, I suppose ?" "Healthy ? It ain't anything eke. Why stranger, there you can choose any climate you like, hot or cold, and that without traveling more than fifteen min utes. Jtfst think o' that the next oold morning when you get out of bed. There's a mountain there, with a valley on each, side of it, the one hot and the other cold. Well, get on the mountain with a double barrelled gun, and you can without mov ing, kill either summer or winter game, just as you will !" "What, have you ever tried it ?" "Tried it ! often, and should have done pretty well, but for one thing. I wanted a dog that would stand both climates.. The last dog I had froze off his tail while pointin' on tbe summer side. He didn't get entirely out of tbe winter side, joa see true as you live." Marble sloped. Why is a skating park like Niagara ? It is a good place to see the falls. Why are young ladies like arrows ? Be cause they are all in a quiver when the beau comes. Why is a talkative young man like a pig ? Because, if he lives, he is likely to become a great bore. ... Why is a minister like a locomotive T Boca us you are to look out for his when th leti ring. i 1 i