Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 04, 1865, Image 2

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    IL .... p..f..t. -
ttM prtjadires of tbe thoughtless, may at
Ist fucked in bringing themselves down
to cr beneath the levtl of the negro.
The time when tey confidently de
clare! that the doftrt-ctioti ifrli,xy
would seed swarms of nrroca. icto our
tsi&t to drive a-vsy white laborers - '.;
Eaperienee hag shewn that the few we
ha 1 here ran away from slavery in the
South, and that l)d there beeu no slavery
there these negrors ia the North would
have long since moved South! . . Th
bey told
in ai :ti -a:e or a war, uie leaves
......... ,
r.i.l.l .11 CAf fnr (do r mooters I
- . - e . . i 1
S-jUthra masters nor their Northern al-! great Btrugg'e, and never cease to vener
is hae any faith in ihi doctrine now. j ate their memories. The greatness, pow
8at thnft polirirtana csnnot lire withot.l er, resources and energy of a free people
the negro. He eomprines nearly their
entire stock in trade. One year it is one
phae ef the negro truestion ; acoiher year
it is something else.
The great -work of
Rishop Hopkins was cure one of their
Fraudard work. It is 'rather dull sale
this year. Tbo conduct of these poliiic
sss towards the poor degraded negro
would be past all comprehension had we
rot a memorable example of the same kind
in the early history of the human iacc.
All the troublesome and deadly plagues
of Egypt including the death of all the
first born of the land, were not sufficient'
to reach the heart of Pharaoh, ur to pur
made the Egyptians of tbe error and sins
ot slavery. f?'o that, even after ihe slaves
had left the country, led by a pillar cf
cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by nicht.
tbe ruler and his hosts of subjects follow
rJ tbern even info the midst of th lied
Pea. Our nation has suffered more than
nil tha plaguci of Krpt. As the law of i
primogeniture has ben abolished an:ong
us, the deaths were r.ot all nf onr firs'
born, but r.early one of every household ;
yet these deluded hosts, led on by hard
hearted and wl:kod Vharcahs, 11 lealeri.
are slill pursuing even inta tlie'teiJft of
the Red Sea. Will not the ''waters, tau 1
ia as walla cf safety to the slaves, retur:
saia aud cover PhaTaoh and his hoV.f.
and all that coaie Into the sea after them,
until there fhali remain not so.much as
f thcE
f'i'r. cASPiHAtrs.
For Auditor General, we have present-!
... .r -. . I T.
r j tne name oi mjor uenerai juns t .
IIabteanft, c-f Montgomery; and f.r
Surveyor General, that of Col. Jacob M.
Camtbell. ot Cambria. A a biographies
of these two pentlemen have recently
been puMii-hed and circulated among tbnir
fallow citizens, it is only remarked here
that they are both brave and gallant sol
cliern, mod especially jnlifind far m satis
factory discharge of the duties of the
respective officers for which their fellow
citizens have nominated them.
It is cot to be disguised that there is a
large number of persons both ct the North
:id at the South who hava not Enally
abandoned the hope of tbo ultimtle tri
umph "f the principles of he 1st ; rcOtl
liou. Tlicy ho; e to secure by the f u-sctss
of their views at the boliot box, that
Which they Is-.Jed to accon:p..sh larixeJ
f-rc. It may depend upon the decision
of Pcniisylvsni on the 10th cf Octr.bcr.
-whether the war shall r-rove. at last, a
jaiiure whether its fruits arc to be only
"debt, disgrace and slaughter," or wheth.
t it is to have substantial results in the
death and burial of slavery. S-tato sover
eignty and the right of secession.
It i3 a well-established - fact, that the
r ontcst was long protracted by reason cf
the bope and belief entertained by the
South, that they would receive, aid and
ympathy from the North. It is now all
important to the South that they should
be assured that this bops U fallacious,
and that the North will adhere unfalter
ingly, to the ductrineg, principles and
Tie.vs which carried tlicm triumphantly
through the four years of bloody war, It
' lea to let fhem know at orce andferct.
cr, that there is no bo pc for the final tri
umph of the doctrines and measures for
which they contended in the Geld.
' V have seen that tbo men among us
wno were first to urge upon : tbe Govern
ment to holJ tbe rebels In tbe light of be
ligerents, are nowlhe first to strive to ra
licve them from the consequences mid
penalties of their beligercncy. Tho?e
who wera constant in tu'eir predictions
that the "war would never end," and that j
"the South could never be conquered,";
are Cow most ready to insist that the war
ia oer, and that its objects and results
shall not be secured, but that rcb-ili uhall
bs instantly restored to all their former
rights under tbe Constitution tad laws
of the country. These fume men who;
are now appealing to the soldier? for their I
vote, oScially denounce as "murderers" ;
all those engaged in tryiDg and punishing 1
by military commi?sior, the aulLcrs cf
the ttivjlesaie slaughter of their compna- j
ians ia arias. All Ihis ail ruore they do ;
with full knowledge of the law cf nations.!
;nd the laws of war, which declarethat t s.Read ndvertwpment of John Ear
.those Eien have forfeited all their rights ' eiro,-Tl Arch' i?iret, Phili-iolpbia,. iu
under tho Copstitution, tad that they Lt-w this icsuc. His ussnirtraeu? of Laoies'
e prostrato at the feet of "the 'victor, as 1 Fancy l-'nw.-N cdwrkta sn-1" wrtiiyi of
ocnntrrfl ."orcr.brova and -rildaed bl,--s-'!l Hti" '- -' -:- " 'ri
Itgerent', -with just sr.ch rights nud no
more, as a kind and merciful Government
may chocs to vouchsafe la them- ; Let
the people rati to the polls and sustain
by their retes the great faase so -noblv
ad true j lefeudd and sustained by
the solders iu ike ield, ;;Th iatuiwvill
then declare tuat the ""Great War oT
Freedom" wa9 not a "failure," hut oar
children to the latest generation, will
lcain to read with the warmest glow o
i patriotism, those pages of our nation'
I t - i i ., i mi ;
niiory -wnicn aewnws me tni una lie -
tk. 4 11... .. .1
di!ayed ia our great straggle for the
preservation of t'no ontioa'i life, will on
ly l etjailed by the future .greatness,
pruspeiiiy and guccess the uation . ycr
iued,"rcenei!.ed uul reelaiiutd by. tbe
fiery ordeal through which we have, just
passc'i. , . ;; ..- .. j
By order of the Committee. - .
, JOHN CESSNA, Chalrmart.
K..'W .. . iji... mi i i in
Simiatit iirntracL
.1 vn.on ciukct, and a vuion of h nth,
vawii v p-M'r siftu sever; -A
vr.um of hearts, end a union 'ahand,
Ani th fX r.truan Uni-jii fvrtvte!
M I F F L I J I O f N-Mi-aesrtr
Sormn;, 0.
4, i sr.;
A. L. CIS?, TJitor.
L v. -.'3 : lo.
,I5 I'rotlniia Liberty
Inhnbitante Thereof.
hs-. the T.nrjnf Cimlalua if any parer pub
lished in this-Couuty. U i iLtrcfora the
let ait'Ttiiinj medium. Ii ia a Paprr, truly
loyal, ably con hicte 1. a rt clas" lca!i.t.
H-l well wortby nf ihe patrouag of every
!al citiien in the Couuty. .
I'nionCoanty Mauding Coraroitteo. "
liifiiin Col J J rfttie. jou, Capt A Ii Martin,
Farjnanagh EKas Homing It 0 Gallagher,
Fytle Jlicbael Hoffman, Capt L I-spen,
Monroe A li he?Ionbcrr( H it:-piiii-r.
Susquehanna Levi l.ijrbi .jl t'jisjcrcTe,
flrfrriT-tiua S Sl-ellenbcrger. IT TI M;ciuoi,
Delaware T P Thompson. Elihu Eccnr,
Waiter J A Gallagher, John Moticr,
V.ci-soii T.t ; a.r.i:;' nrotrn, fleo Goshen,
Milfini On! J F. T.vh'wn. Thr-Jl Kanly,
Turbatt Ptcwart Turbctif l?aat KautTmnn
r,,.r;.ST-v,ljt fmnnel Laird, P S I.ifrgett,
pfru-e l!il! AVia J Tvanf. Tuoaas Pation,
Dealt lr J V ttirrctt, i.:c::ar.l IVyie, .
I Tu'ctmra James lrwi:. Go 'X SmIker,
Lack Mnthias Sturap. John Le-marJ.
Diack Ls D Mclmyre, i-ninuel fh-.srsr.
Uaion EGputlkan Stat Nominations
Sffaj. Gen. JtKiX I". II AUTRA..rT,
or KoxTGtuiasT cocxtt.
0 .
JlCOIt 91. CAMFBCI,!,,
or ca;bkia rrrTr.
ron. AssKMr.LV,'
or BcT;xoI!0!C cor?iTV. '
or Mir?nx corsTY.
for rou.KTV coMMissiorrns,
" BENJAMIN F.. WALLS., (3 jea'ri
Color fj-arar of ihe i'th Y. V. AjcJ CO years,
or LACK.
JOSEPH B. McDONALP, jr. (1 year)
Private ia Co. A let Tcana- CaTalry.
or, UKAl.t
- - -i
. Captain of Co. F. lCth..renn. CTa'.ry,
or PATisasox.
QuarttrmaMer of 5"rJ Ret. V. V.' '
To Elect 1021 fS
ces's "and llniou
j CoirimitieesJ 5v
This wetk's issue of the Junuifa'TSue
JJemorrat,nrcs all "skedadlcra" and de
serters to vote;at the' cbBtiiiijj-election,
aod tiikes, the-position .that hey cannot
be prevented' by' law from votinj.- Tt
v , - , , .r- m- -.,r
also notifies all election officers that they
I '. . . J
will brf iudicted if they reject the' votes
of these cersons. " :I : '
That there may be no mistake ob th
subject of tho' disfranchisement of all
serters and skedarllersj we present the 21st
Section cf the' Act of Congress, approved
March 3. 18G5, which provides eaphiii
ally auil distinctly as follows ;
Sectios 21. and be it further enacted
j That in addition to the" other lawful pen-
! aiuca ot the crime A icscrttoo lroin the
roilitarj and navil scrvica, all persons who
have (Itiei !td the military or naval service,
all persons who have deserted the military
or naval service of the United States, who
shall not return to- said service -or 'report
tucDiswivod to tu i rjvott jJarsliiill ntn
ijj Risly days aftor the I'roclawutioaltere
luafter mentioned, shall be deemed and
taken to have voluntarily t-'e'inqukbed
ana lonouea r.r Tignw t citizensuip,
and their rights to become citizens : and
.1 such uesertura shail be forever mcajiable
ot bolumg any owcc,of trust and proLt
under the United State?, orof PTircisin;:
any rights of citizens thereof; and all
persons who shall hereafter depart the mil
it iry service or naval service, and all per-
suns.who beio.; uuly enroueu, shall uo
Witt the district iu which he is enrolled,
or go bwond the limits if tbo United
States, with intent t avoid any draft info j Aiirri.xiTgw.r- Andrew M'Nnliy, 27, li
the inilifa-v or naval service, duly ordered ibsrcr. "i
?hH be l.hiilfi to the penalties of this see
ticn And tiie . i'rtsideut is hereby au
thorized and required forthwith, on. the
t.assatre of tLU act. to iX-vre his rroclania-
t'vm Eetting forth the' the j rovisious of
this section,' in hich prr-clamntion the
, . . . i . .-a I. i
!'r:dTit is reiiuested to notify all deer -
tera returning wifhi'i sixty days as afore
paid, that thoy shall be pardouad cn con
dition of returning t i.t! cit regiments aud
comnsntcs cr u:h otl;er' organizations
ttiey may be assigned'. M. 'until thpy have!
served for a period of lime' equal to their !
original term of cuiistment. - H
wn tne -itn or iiarcu, imjj, ia cue-
dinee to the provisions of tbe section ofc
.1 1 1 .1 Tl . 1 . . A M- I
tne jst quote -i vTe ue rre..e. ot
the I niU.d iliitej isued bis prtoiaiuaUmi
"vrdi-i ino aud rym. ii-j ad iieTtei to
return to their. poets,. or (o roport thoa.
selves ta ,1'r.jvo t Mariial-j' for duty, ou
or before the llili of May. 1SG3. That
proolam.ation. ami the, act of Cougre."
upon which it wis hazed, .were, published
in all tli' s;r.bori?d newspiper of the
Hth Disiri.. Thu- nil parties ; interest
! ed had full kpow-Mre of ticir rtfu'i and
ample raining of ,he j-rituty tUt wou.j
eni-ue in cjse they neglected to avai'
tbcmelve3 cf the privilege rf reporting
on or before the' 1.1th cf May, 1265.
The Democrat 'quotes' 'Store laws in fup-
port of its position, we Cnntcl LuitcJ
Stat law. A man who is ut a citiien
of the United Fta'cs, einnot be a citizen
of Teunsylvanja.' This 'point has been
tro-qaently tlceid'-d ly the fupreuic Coitrt,
iand will be so tleoidcd asuio. The per-
, ut S(af;k(Vg are liod.
Mug even whea controverted by United
States laws .was tho cause of the rebellion,
and it tce'Jts lii.it our secesh friends down
town still persist, in maintaining .it,' al-
tU . ;t : lU laIia b!
S.OrriciAL List of Deserteus or Jc-1
j .mat County Disfranchised et
' ' Law. : ' '" :"
: We pre-enfc beliw an nfftetal list of the
I deserters and skedaddlers, citizens of uif
i ferent election di-itrictb ia Juniata Coua
! ty, who are disqualified from voting at
j the election to be held Oct. 10th, 1SG5.
The election ofScers in each district are
' enj'iined to preserve this lif, and as the
j. , , . , , , . . '
is tbe duty of RuJie.ection officers promp-
: QcseiterB ij.-irr.fJ tneroiu caer to voto, it i
j tly to reject and report-M such ballots.
11..;,..,,- p. iw l.lT,
- . o, t . " - t j
I certify that the following List of de- j
sorters from the draft for Juniata County,
14th Congrtssiocal District, is a correct ;
transcript from ihe records of thii oEsc.
Captain & Provost Mar. 14th Dist. Ta.
Eeali Wilson Peffcr, aged 22, Jba
n.nn rr.m... iii p..
v...j ..wtui.u, ti iui-i,c"
Clack Loo Michael StrwTt. 22. laborfr -.
Michael Hammo'X 2.", I.-i'oorer ; V.'illiam lil-i
lor, 22. laborer t 3eb ifimai-Ibac':, 4t. rnn
r; Atlam Suiitii, 43, furmcr ; Jacob Gucter.
3S, undTwriglit : Thorn .3. Vbuhucd, 2-lj la
borer; M'illiam -Lauer, 2J, laborer Gecrgo
Itiej. 38, Farmer. .
Iiki.awakb Roliert R. Reynolds, Iff, Ma
sorer; Jonn Kauftman, 2S, J-'armar; John
M. Leech, 3.1, Uberor. , T
FAYETTE E-lward Lyon, ('colore 1) 23; U
berer: Nathan Griffoth, 2. Farfciiw.
Fk.n'4vAcr.n Jr.aT)! Jjriin. 2G, Carpen-
i-r; ouiiara neigny, icc.vreai ill. laSorer;
Dicion Lo-uler. 21, fabwer; Jofhh Webb, 20.
laborer:' .)osih Lone. &S. 1W- . -
Lack William Giftor i.2 t. fwracr : Robert 1
I. IVlk. 21. faritief t- V. Ttnlvenp ' f-- .
TV. Kii-K. 37, KWer; Jvhn Rt. 20, f.ii-e(r. !
John Cerrr, :, faroier-: SamncJ Aiiisou. 20.
r.hrer: amuVt SS.ne'rl 2J.1aMrer
fAi-ms.: J. Y; M'.ri' l'.ttsms. Ji".
blcisniitk ; Jcgrph M .' DirngTierty, 24, labor
er; Alexander Cnr, 33, enriBtrr j ViDistn
Grey, 2f ,'farnisr ; jamas Campbell, 4!, !a-t-o:rct:
Kobrt lollcti, 2 1, laborer; -Jto
Harris.. 25, laborer; Datid McWilliams, 20,
iRborer;. Joseph 3: Kurrol, 20, lorcr; J.13.
Zimmerman, 24, fanrtar.
.Mosson Pttr Sti'ouse, f?. Uborar; Saml.
Am. Mi, kWisr ; JuCou Yi. rat;e. rarer
i .1 . . - vn t. ' r..i.Trl
lj, 3r; lceti I'eiw Fieery, laborer ; Lew-
ig Stroup, labarer; IT. S. Schtill, 22, fnrmcr;
ii. laborer: Ihotaaa Tresier. 21. Llbori
Jacob J. S.'rotip, "85, saddTer; Simon Page,
f'VJtTI'n-V-' Utrer:
Bcabn . Market Zt laborer; William. Stmt-
Unfc,??. ?rpep.ter Jaa'ies C. Ncnh, laborer;
oloj:oEi Aiiurer. jk. lArntrr Vrui. hlinciin.?. .
SO, laborer.: Lucius tirapos, 'Xi, fu-mor ; Jnlin
rJcConqell, 20, Toaohor-: S-Iouhib Slkolloiiber-
,fer, SO, farmer; Simon Kesslor, 2S, laborer;
VvlT Womr,.a5, crpnter;' Alfrd Mill.r,
is Flormand 27, laborer; .Iac Grajbill,, 27,
Uborol : "-Joseph t5el!rs, 3o, miller;
SvHuBHASNA-.Levi !cul, farmer;
faoil. Krousr, 22, laborer; Henry .Bey, 24,
laborer; 'Simon rr?sler, 21, laborer;. Mi
ckael ii. Zerbe, 2i. laborer; Casper Ov Dress
ier, 41, laborer; .Mic'aael C. Cliase, laborer ;
Philip Prcssler,' 20, firmer; Terry J!ichl,
21, loekteBdnr; Joba Frt-iJline, 23, lalorer:
John if. Heckeabrekt, friuer; L-avid R.
Wciser, 24, boatman ; Iuaao Hime, 20, lilack
iiiub ; Absoliim ljaroer, farmer.
TtauETT Christian Neff, 2C, laborer-
TF9C4R0BA. Wm. Carler, 23, laborer; Jas.
FMtin, 20, laborer; Daniel FnsMiuian, 3)J,
mason v Jnaepk Fifber, 30, laborer.
Bbals & S races IIii.l. Jolm Tilfer, 21.
Parmer ;'San-lcrsfn-IlTaii(Jt.'?8." Mail Car
rier; John If. .l.obuck, 2o, Ctu.lent r Uenj.
i'. t'lnrk. 20. Laborer,
Black Loo Miehael IL-rmAh. 20, Labor
. r a : tit lk. TU a
v , Lll)1rr. Wra. EoM, u La
! i,av.r
DaiAWABi. Thaitdin E.' Webb, 30, Hrik-
layer; D.mitl lUirns, 24, Farmer; iiwafJ
Crofs;n, 28. carpenter.
FATiTT.-i-Kpbraim Eurs. 2, t laborer ;
Samuel, i'uicrput, 25, Ittoror; Davil Kautl
liian, 24, laborer-
OaxcftWOftU. Jeremiah Borria, 20, labor
Tfci. i;bo,?22, laboiex. .,
Lack, Jpiin Harris, 25, laborer: Isabel
! ,eaejlcr
l"UH-frl..r, 24, farmer
8 E,ekiel 7.' 3('
Fer liuand liuekhoHer, 2j, blacksmith.
' Moiinoa. Tbomas fl. Watta, 2, farmer;
PATTSBS0K.-James t!oUobin, 22, nreaan;
Utury Creenlyf 22, br!cln'.ner.-
SrsQiaiiAXXA. banlcl Iloekenbroalit.
i fariuer' SMnnu D. Lijbt, 21 .lborer; Pfr
I Strauser, 2i, luruier; I etar J.inbsrt. 1-
V. T', u.t, ,.., ,A
Tikmtt Jefse Mothers,
22, laborer?
Wesley Barkisy, 31, laborei.
Waleeb. Wm. A. VVhitr. 2", farmer; Iteu
bn EurkwaHer, 35, ccrpenter. -
In order ta'show that the laws of this?
State Cn'form to those of Congress, and
i6 define briber thb du'y tf election offi-
leers on this subject we quote' ihe 103rJ j
Section of 'the General Election lnw'cfi
, p8cn.Tlv,n!,t aprr0Td July 2ed l?3!:i
j , . , ).. t-n.;t . - ' i
. ;;If any i'-.SVCtor Or jiulge' of ! N'aiionalit.y, jutt, a tLo c-Jitorj cf the
an election shall .knowingly re- Democrat did. lleealtod bitu a tyrant,
joct the vote of. any fiualifictl just as they liv ,IIe styled bim as a Nc
ctiLzen, or kuovljigly receive ro ju?t v Lie iJM. ifo iiteicd n:m as
the . V.ote . of , anV-person not a Monster jast as they did. He advLie !
qualified, Or- COIicCal. from . his the people to rise in their strength aol
ri1tv n'iifiri; ri-.v fr-f m flmlhffrl him frmn n.a iiiron.' inct at Tif
i a-,,- , .
kmwkle 01 ivluch ,S'U;il .V;te
i t,,.-.!.! 1.,- Inir ' -k vc. rt i-n.l
rejoc-ted, each of the persons so
oflendinsr shall on convistion he
imnislicd in the manner.; pre-
srrihnd in the lOTfh eAftion ufi
this act. :
- And on referring to the pen-
alty in :the 107th section, it
says that each;sueh person con
cerned tterein shall on convic
tion thereof, be .ued. in any
sum not less than fifty or more
than two hundred dollars. .
We cow' lcar6 the snbjeet fn the
bauds of proper authorities Every elec
tion officer has his duty cloarly defined
thero cm be no mistaking the penalties
attached to a riolation of such - duty:
ami tee desire it to be distinctly v. idir
stood thirl every Jnije and X'"'''-i- fcho
violates Ou law disfranenisiiig d'c t:ct
Kill be protecuUd to the full extent of tit
law. ' '
Have you ever duly ennsidcred tbe im-
Jpoitaut fact that tn-cisee on the
' N ' ' " ' j
n.tliearmv? Wh 1 rmi rr,wetitintr
. , : J ; v. 0
your " bodies as' a bulwark betweea' t-icsc
mc'ii and tbe enemies of our c-otratry,
and while you were pouring out your
blood aa a free libation upon the alter of
your country, every onb of these men who
vou are now aked to rota for. solemnly
and calmly voted to deprive you of tbe
elective trancnise. ana tuus v.itca to ae-
. ... '; ...
r-rn.I. V,olnr (t. l,.v.l f il..-. .,..,.
d fi;reitrucr and the nepro. These
men cow atk your votes. Spurn them
as you would " a deadly' serpent. They
only carets you to .'senra'yur rain.
' j
' :j
' '' UNION MEM ;' - .
j- Vote early nest Tuesday, and thca sec J gle fur our natioual rrcucrva',1 an-l bs
! that every Union voto in your -diiirict is i was wliuily incupat itatcd by age anl de
' poiled.'-. Ha'e wagons ready to bring out I funnily; . Ilo toiim of our true frieuuY
,i 1 ;,-,- .,! l.,k
iJ""1 - " '
I m-tin at lining wlm can at all hi Lr.;Jbt
out. ;GiTO.us".a l'alUvotof nu our .st.eowM j
. - - cn ..1.. , ....... c !
iajrcrtaiii.iJ.'Tuiot of the trcftemtHKis ?-
(. -..!,..' . -, 't .
' sue.-- .invtuii i
' tn'T-.' Ot'T
o.ui' '.''.'iiiiirv
We earnc8tiy urge upon every irieni A
the llational (Jo?eia;iieatin Jatuitta coua
ty that Liabor !yuouaIj and eornes'i
for tho ijuecese of -6 irbolevttel nes t
Taesdaj Jf iaitddfci-.'O to telig joii'
j TJii-erafRfe Sj Sh6u be Work of prt
pleasure. The Union party of to-Jay oc-
cnpies a prouder position than that Cccu-
pied by any other pai'ty sines the .fjrma-
tionuf our Governtneut." During all the
, ., fa
' dark and gloomy ho'jrs .ofhe . terrible
struggle, wheu the clouds were so black
and the mist so thick that the stoutest
heart faltered and the mightiest arm
trembled, when the Uoverament ,waa aa
sailed by the' armed legions of toe Ketell
ion, and the greater portion of the Dem
ocratic ; party of the .North, the Uaion
party stood as a mighty ; rock, firm and
immovable,, the "strong right arm of the
Nationj ever hopeful, ever' HanguiirBj al
ways. cheerful, never doubting, Lever fear-
ing, until finally, their efforts by the bless-1
ing ot a kind i'rovidence were crowned
with EucccM. r- And ro will it erer be if
we but prove true to our tr.uFt, Our his
tory is tw noble, our record too proud to j. not peea fwr" the leaders an.l
have them frittered away - by petty jeab preM(, , of tLe Deaiocratl(, w3r
oua.es and party bickering Let ua act WouM baTft be w oDg lefore it WM
unitedly and firmlv, permitting nothiD7 t I rfTirt r
,. . ,- I rn.Ji hiUcr,i,
alienate as from the tarty r.ad its caiidi-! ,
. , That in conseouecce of the course of the
dates, and dod wal juat aa.turely blcs our . , , ,
, , , . ' , ' Democratic! leaders, the war was prQlon!
cJTorts va the future as uj has doae in tnei ... . . . .
past: ice war is over
beeu won ' the' clack
opprescc l ij eo more hear! in our
laud, every wan who breiithrs the air pi
America is If.UEK : tbe desert bioasotns
like a ro.-e ; in the itottth where or-ee wm
tjraiittj; tiivrry,- crlsery and wrc'n-hfcd-ne,
ail are now a? cheerful aud a?. Lappy
OA when, "the tuor-iiu slurs first sacg to
gether.1' Octs bi3 boeu the work of ac
complishing this let onrs be the work of
pcrpetuaOnj it un.mj.-a! red to our cb:l -
Jren. i
act mouth.
Philips in
the conduct, rf the nejrroes in
the late
war. T7e "prereme the extract'
ii s cir-
- if v,:
rect one. Rat w
aio honest, do vou n-Jt t;ll
rha Mr. Uhiiipa
lla. opposed Mr.
Lincoln, the kTfat nuu-tr of . Aineriaan
! , -, r ...
' J. "ever wis a I.opuohcaa. and
i nrr rtr , H -tniu'ti .nT,niwi.l
..ft iniva oniwe.l
nt! our eaudidafes.'- Ia: a gpc
. - . .
pcfe'i r.t the!
Iciutute New ja
ja September L
li Ji-,w "P1-" -i c-ecti.u ot
McClellan to that of Mr. Lincoln. Let
tbein tell their readers thr-p? truths, and
then we have no objecti'-n to their a '.tot
ing hw; speeches f'rjia now to d-.'- nis-uav.
Our Legislniire Ticket.
We hop? that our friend throughout
the couuty will exert themselves to give
our whole ticket a hand?ome majority.-
As the Democrats are making great ef
forts to defeat our Legislative ticket, our
friends should be especially zealous to
foil them in that direction. Ocr candi
dates, Jlphraim Baker and 'James ' M.
Crown, havo been regularly nomiuatcd
and are deserving of the support of every
iover of justice. Mr. Eaker has served
jas a privatf- plu;er fur four years, during
the late rebellion, and serve! faithfully
and. well. ' Can w prove so nngrafeful as
to forget, the services of the brave men
who havo suffered and bled in defence of
our common liberties, and reject tliom to
elevate to office those w In have lnued
-'- "
with the,
; enemies cf our rause ? Wc
aot believe cur patriotic fellow c'tlrens
-UI'Provc W.I"W ? 'C rClges
Veto for Raker and llrown and the whole
Have you ever reSccte J that the Deni-!
tratic County Conrentioa refused, ,to;
Jmiuato a single ioldiar for any -&ee
oomiuaio .n tingie coiaiar ui any ..2aC
- fc- - v,v; " ' j .
., '
BOUacea ;uo war as an
ana atigraatbe J . yoa . .aa, "Lincoln s
Ilirclingt." and as "Jllcrccunry tools." rj
Now they le;ro to eeenre your votes by
Iprofesbing friendship for . you-. ' A ti'ce j
is knowu by .Us fra'tt." , TVith ouc Mng-e 1
objection every man ou tbo Union Ticket j
ooto a cjL.-jHciou.-ip.iii iu in--- o''-.u.' , -
- "TT'- ' - ' , - :'; -
.. ... . : o",a . ,;,e -;lurn.
Wc h'-i'c our UiewU i.I f'i fr Jtaiag !
. :v -v.. . . .
'i:b, m1!u;.ti-: -
thaertit has been qnotins; for the i be.V. 11 aTe " " everJ 1 tl0D Toe
from a speech of XenJell " P'"- 'wj tnaige iu
which he highly eulogies the , "T for- ."-a"e c.aa iUi
Eminem be 2
Tbt tbe I'eraicritic party feted last An-
ast a year
'oKHce the sold:ers in the
lijmej'oiian jp'j negroes, who have a t
That everj maa on the Union ticket this
fall, was in favor of th rifelt of the
diets U vote. '' .i' .
REMEMBER -,i yjTyq
.Tbu iLlmki and presses o tue Jui
ocratic barty rendered aid an l eceourape
ment to the rebels tBroughcnt the whola
war. . ; ' ; - - - -
That the Democratic speakers and press
es, belittled "every Union victory 'h an J
magnined every Rebel success hroughont
the war. . . . , . - , j
That the Democratic party U it) fa-
Tor ef repudiation, and want 'o cheat yon
out of every greenback er government
bond you hold.,
- , . . , ed and teat toe 1'emccratic paTty i.? te
er, the -victory has .... , ,
. c sponsible for the largo pnblte ctbet ao-J
ii!rof tbe chains cf 6 , 4
That no loyal ti?aii or wMier ought to vnte
! for such a party, cr a'd ti Irinirij irto
pen er again, when they may attempt tc
get. up anotbej; ritcllioD v
, , . A Las'tVort. ' ' ";T
This will be the last time we wiii hare
; an oppsrtnn ty oi aaarciaiog tne L-nion
1 men cf this cciaty, before they deposit
their vote next Tuesday. TAe Cnftest
L'rt nrV
..... u....uflV.
a "8s reP':l,nS1 wcrkearcesy
! tote .the. bo!e tii-ket remember tbe
ea Joul" bwanble Lincoln; Ler
te uteJ ana tuet rtu.te to scratcn s
siu:ie name on onr t.cict.
When you go to vote next Tuesday.
romnlji tLit every derided Democratic
Election District li .Tuniof County, voted
to i)i?francb'te ynn, wh;' every Repcb-
! 11
lican d;trict la the C uriy voted to coa-
fer itron you that iu:t! ctiao.o r;.t 't tr
. . , . ,
. J
! fnr-t tAiiiin.- li.r-h Lr-r-lil and dear l.
' ' . c
e ncou uay nun, tr.c.-e men are yoar
trite friends ?
Retaemler, that every prominent Dem
ocrat ia the county opposed conferring '
upon you tbe elective franchise, while
every Union man, no matter of what
prominence, labored earnestly to confer1
upon you that inestimable '.'privilege -Which
are your true friends ? Choo.e
I ye between them.
Have Yvnr Wacom aud Horses KeaJr.
- Let enr friends throughout -the coun
try attend to this important matter, next
Tuesday. Have the wagons aad horse
ready, and by the middle of the day com
mence going after tie sick aud cr.'pple.l
Union voters, and tbe careless and diliUry .
This election, for the State and C'cunty,
w one of the tnest important we have ever
had, hence the importance of baring every
Union-TOtcr at the polls.
" " Remember. '
That the Copperhead party arc in '.fat
vor cf repudiating the National Debt 1
Every poor person who lias a government
j bond 'or a five dollar greesbaok, ahonld
vote next Tuesday atrainst the party wha
wanfs to cheat him cat ef his bar J earn
in-!.'' - :': ' i-
- ;
.. DSfi, Soldiers, remember that tho BatBe
cry of "negro suffrage and "negro eqtjal-
:tj' .i,at ;s now raiscd so vehemently' by
,,,. Copperhead party; was used last year
by the s'arao men acatnat the'' Araendment
by tne sara0 wm aga
,t,rt j orun tju. ao ia.. i.aiutf is iujc UTif
op.e. . i hcj . (Mi-i tivtcjj soldier the riglit ot sutfrage.-
i Ajol'.tioa war, ; Ybey profeised to'fiar that the arcen'f
, "Lincoln's j tacnt would ' give ' negroes tbe" rirnf. to
' K'.y;cx
I 'not would ' give ' negroes tbe" rirnf
vote and used it as an argument against
thj soldiers ' among 'their' ignorant "mi
bigoted followers." llelf cry-mcanr n-
niore now..' . Tlieir recorJ shows' t!iat they
.yj, gijc tiio uegro .he right' of anffrafi
w.'icr;vcr and whenover IWt ' CM make
poiulcal capital by s tic a a course!.
1 k r.
mm 1 , 1 1 , (
- tUfSb sneak or deacrlei ban a right to
I rOto next Tueaday. -rilvery ; election effi
j -icr who takua his v-ole wiii be- guijty of
oijiir-.. :.ni will be iuoio to 4.ro?erutiui,
W tie ' and ec,wil,! rwarawd.-Iguk.C'i'-tl?'''rcjU.t"4ii
'are yvrjrittV'Uy .-i Ju-iyy. -Cac a:. !
:'-" "tmfrift.irir.cnt 1