Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, September 27, 1865, Image 3

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    EDSESIAT MORNING, Septmbc 27, :9tt
'SlSTtSSi, Uaar ii.Toat Poall"
.Iifrnal fisilatff is tW rriee of Urtj"
, MM .
after Monday, May 29, 1S65, Passenger
i -raiaa wiH leave Mifflin Station a follow :
... -.- "EASTWARD. ' " '"'
Philadelphia Express.. 12,4,1, -V M.
' Fast Litter..:......:. 5.41, A. M.
-Pay Express 11.21, A. M.
7 PitubK.&". Erie Mail..'.. 11.155, P. M S
, ; Mail Train:.,.. ..... ... 8.45, P, !..
' - . WKSTWAlltt. : - - i
f'itts).-.&. Erie Mail.:.. 3 .27, : A. M.
1 t Baltimore- lTx press..:.." 4.59,' A. M.
Philadelphia Exprem).. .- 5.IJS, A. M.
Fast Line..:...:..,, 5.5, P. M.
Mail Train....... it- 41.53. P. M.J
tEjaiKTantTrata.,:......: 10.07. A.M-
. except Sunday. .f Duily except Monday.
' ) Mtop at Perrysville at, 11:28 (if Oaged)
,11.508:51 Etor at " Xhompsontowa at
K.4. 4:16.- ,.
I Mop at Perrvtville at S.19 (if fl.iged
0:31. U Thimpsoatown at .3.230:00
oSaged. ) : . . -
Our FAREWti.i.. 'c expect
uur farewell words to our patrons
Say !
our !
firet ie-me after the election
, I
IB tne Ultan ;
tiui let all who owe us settle p aud save i
- .
IIknrt HarpeiI, 520 Aacn
Thilad'a. (Head Lis CarJ, in this is-1
sue.) keeps a good stock of Pioe Jewelry j
and Silver Ware, on hand. Give hiip aj
Shallow Game To roll that Union
wen are siyio that they are pniotr to
vote the copperhead ticket liecause - the i
. ...r'.; L. I
the copperhead ticket because
is about ai silly as it In faLw . ', " . v t
. j
Hetikbb. Jactfb Stambaugh
ha re-(
tired fmm the firm doiujr busipes in
the j
('hrystal Palace aud the place is occu
pied bv Mi'i'rs. Parker aDd Frow. .' Oar
X ..! ... j .t. . 1
iic,i wistw5 ftiieu'a mu reining pmiucr
aud also the iocou)iu ouei. . -
Tickkts. Our readers' will find on
the lat coluaia of this page Union tick
ets. Cut them out, tnakt then) up, and
have them ready for the ballot box, on
Tue;.i:iy, the 10th of O.-tober.
We liave also th j tickets printed and
rwnly fjrdtribulioi throusrh the county.
TCcw Books for TcAdiiERs Ells
worth's T.txt 15ouk ou ' Ptnnraanship,' an
excellent work,' giving a thoriu.i;h knowl
edge of that useful aud oruameatal sci
ence, also', methods of teaching the Fa inc.
Prof. Wickcrt)iaui"E school economy, giv
ing the latest improved method of instruc
tion, just the book for young teacher.
Oswald's Etymological I'ictiouary, JLc
Also cube root,' blocks, reward cards,
rehool mottoes ke. .Call ou A. II. Weid
uwn. at the' Book Store. :"
Im'axt Vouxu. Oa the night of
ti:2 l'.;h iDst., the conductor of the Phil
adelphia Express Iraitl east, this s'de of
Huntipgdon, found a young male infant
iu thfl. water etoset i.f the car, where it
bad been placed by the unnatural mother
hiii deserted. The child was brought; to
the Patterson depot, and handed over to
the Overcers of the Poor of the Iwrough
f Patterson. Juniata Remitter. i.
P. S, Since the above Is in type the child
has died.
Wu-Jude DaviJ Binks knowing very
welt that certain defeat awaited :himr de
. twined to run ft-r Assembly", but the detuo
t rats being hard up for timber prevailed
en bim to - ran' airy way in 'spite of ' bis
lridiies advice by the contrary who felt
rtiat it would be the worsf of cruelty to
elect bun even it :be could make Ue ri
fle Baker and Brows are going to' "Hatf
risbnrg. this wluter aui of euureo ' Mr.
Banks and Company will statist liotne
where they oujht to be. ft t - r
OfR Witxesh fs. We were very sor
ry to be compelled to force nien thirty
miles frotn home, but could not avoid- it,
IVcknow that their pay will not meet ex
peopes, nowithgtandinjr we filed a bill of
cost for them amounting to $123,70, we
therefore can only thank them, roiu the
very bottom of our hear: for their heavy
eipensrs and lorn of time. The follow
ing is a list of tbe Juniata - Loyal Dele
f Ration : Christopher Hardy, Thos. A.
Hardy. John Kobinfon, J. Shellurn
Robinson, Abraham Gus, Sr. Abraham
dit Jr. II. M. . Grtmiujer, Geo. W.
Pasick, E W. II. Kreider, John,
McKinlev, J. J. IV.terwn, ' Jwemwu' 1
W. M
r :
t .lUlif-r
lis j
TtCi.R01lA FfittALl SlMOIART. By !
I referring to oar advertising; ' columns it
will be seen that oor friend (JaRL b .
KoLBE has takeo charge of this Institu
tion. ' Both tbc School and the Principal
are to well known in this community that
recommendations are useless.'- Persons
having daughters to educate eaunot do bet
ter than to Rend them there.
J To Our Jury. IFe are very grate
, ful to the jury in Snyder County that
isat upon our case. We will ever remein-
ler them aa our true friearla, and as the
frieuda of justice and righteousness.
May God bless them, and may they ever
rejoice that they had an opportunity of
doing justice to a por priutsr who has
labored eealotialy for years to uphold the
Tnion and Union Men, and to render un
popular rebels ana all disloyalists and
what would have become of this coutriy it
the press had not ,4tfue M- ? We believe
we did right, as we' expect to answer to
God at the great y, and we feel thank
i'ul that our friends did'oot forsake us in
the hour of need.' Qod ' be praised for
the loyal meq of Suyder County.
hi ' '
j Overseers of Poor of, Mifflin Borough
tor the year 18i3V ' ' '
ALEX. SPKDD V in account with thaBor
oufcli of Mifflin for the year 136
r-i. u, ' 'i?r.
To amount of Duplicate of 18o3L...$l9tt C4
r -- . V-
May 5 1SG3, By Cash paid F Held for
keeping of Pauper ... f...,$15
May 23 1803, By Ditto
11 SO
June 6
,. 20 00
25 00
. 25 00
84 00
Julv 10 "
Aug Sfl "
Oct 10-.."
Xot 14 "
1 " 1CI
' Ditto ...
Ditto .
Ditto ...
Ditto . .
25 'XI
3 S8
.'till t 4 'J
s, 'S3. Ttc cn.h Kiid J. Sluvninker
I --f -v " i . ,
John U Hazard 1 25
Doc lu
' " Jobo .Ycakley... i 60
Suiouff ii Stambaugh 26 07
Jan 185 1
Jacob ill....... u o.i
Apr 24 !S'j3r By o Xtn uoar for Hook
1 00
4 bus potatoes " 25
Mav 1
' 1
'V- "vJ
" -7
" 7
" 15
" lfl
n !,
25 f)i flour " 1 00
5 Fh!h ' v ' : " 50
CabM Paaplt.r...i 25
Tbr.-e Shad fo
25 Ibi flour
CI Ri! fllour
4 FUh J' ,
5FiAft.x -1 '
4 Fish"
CisU for rent "
25 lbs of tlour ' " "
25 10$ of tour
SO Rt Cour ". "
17 ft floui , "t
, Caih to Pauper
v 'Ditto .... .........
; Ditto ......
' -r.: Ditto
- - -. Dillo-.......
28 lbs Sour for Heck.,
jio lbs flour . . " , -2
lbs llimr . . ,
1 !t coff.:
25 R flour "
Cli for Pauper
35 .Ra b'iour for Hot'
V!aia to- Pauper,.....,"
25 lbs Flour for Hack
25 lbs Flnr "
25 -ill Vak r
2" ib I'loaj. """' r
. Cuah to Pttuiwr
v uiti.:.
" 25 H- Flour for Hck
. 25 tt)i FIotr "
-. 25 ib Flour . "
25 Rw Flour , "
2a Rm Flour "
26 P-a Flour
25 lb Flour
2t Ri Flour "
. CVh to Pauper .......
y ' Ditto i..r....
. Ditto
. 1 00
. 200
1 25
1 00
2 00
1 13
1 13
1 25
1 00
1 M
1 00
1 00
1 12
. 1 00
. 1 12
1 U0
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 u
:i 12
1 50
1 00
Juno B
Julv 2
" 0
' 11
1 Aug a
" 17
" 31
-pt 7
" 10
" 15
" 15
- 23
" 12
" S
" 3
Dec 5
V 11
" 1C
r- if
" 81
1 00
"1 00
' 1 13
1 13
1 13
I 10
.1 00
t m
1 00
1 00
1 00
. 1 tK)
1 00
3 00
1 00
1 13
1 13
3 Oo
! 00
1 13
2 97
4 17
10 00
Jan 3
" . 13 "
,1 18
" 13 "
F.-W .
11 " '
" VI "
17 "
" 24 "
JIr.2 " '
4 l
9 "
"17 ".
23 "
Ang 18C5'
1 loud Wood for Heca
Cah to raupers
25 lbs Flour -for Hck
25 lbs Flour; "
'25 lba Flour '
1 Load Wood "
Cssh to Pauper
25 R3-Flour for Ueck
t Ibe Flonr
By Ex allowed by Aud.
Br Pcreentag for col.
By Amt allowed Berv. '
$309 70
$199 64
Amount of Duplicate
Q' crseers of Poor Dr to Alex Rpeddy $1 10 06
Super, y bbl. $7 50 Butter, prime $tb 30
n.. . . - ......
9 00 I Lard, 25
Rye, cwt. 3 00
Buckwheat, 4 00
Corn Mal,... 1 75
Tallow, 12
Eggs. do , 22
Hogs. -Hcwt 15 00
White wheat,... 1 95 (Hani. 3 ft
Rel Wheat bu I 85 Sides Shoulders ,16
Barley,... ' - 1
Buckwheat, 1
Clover, 'bus G
Timothy. 8
Flax..-..;... ! 2
Apples,-- "ff bu 2
reaches, " qt ' 5
Cherries,......." -
Fore qr, 1 cwt 9 00
Hiud qr 10 00
Chickens, "9 pair 50
Ducks, . 40
Geese,."...:..;.... '1 0
Turkeys, '2 00
COAL, If ton - '
Traventon etove 8 00
- - do " Egg. 8 40-
Sunbury stOTS-8 00
do egg ou
Cheetnut,....'.' 7 00
Pea, 5 50
Mixed, . 3 75
Oak S-00
New Iriah, 'jl ba
75 IllicUnry, 4 00
j Sweet, 3 00 HAY,
; VARIETIES, Timothy, Wn
Apples 1 00 IClover,.-..';...virs"'J! -0fr
nn t n...-:i.i
rThtt Beans.... 2 60 jCoal Oil Vgal 00
V - ; jSalt. sack - 8 50 '
I.lUlelield, j (Indies?? 1H -Nails......... 6 00
': In a4rin )
. ";. ' urr..tfl wo.-Llr .1 P.. M. iT.I.D
DoH't ask it. The" copperhead or
gani down town rant and rave, about our
offer of $1000 if they produce the words
they profess to quote. ' They5 ithiuk we
said iqicr and having "nicker on the
braiu" in their pockets and elsewhere they
can t see any thiug but nigger, niooeu
XlGGElt! They however conclude not
to ask for the $1000 they would sooner
take a
StoI.EJ. Stolen from the subscriber
residing in the borough of Patterson, on
th night of the 27th of September 1865,
a Pocket book containing a ' Note on
IFm. . L Cunningham for 860.00 aud
about 970,00 in money. . i'ersoos are
hereby cautioned 'against receiving said
; . ,4. JOHN J. QUAY -
It itndtgocixhatmanthouldbtalone.-Geto. 2.18
Mr. Samuel Marahman of PerrysviUe, ind
Miss Racb.el E. Swing, of HcAliatersvlIIe,
Juuinta.couuty, Pa.
. By the same on the SStb. ult. in Ltwiatowa,
Mr. David Fink, and Miss Mary Sbrefller,
both of llilford towonbip, Juniata county.
Pa, , m-
By tbe same on tie" 5th ult. Mr. David
Kbower-.'and Miss Maliada Guas, of Walker
township, Juniata county. Pa.
By the same on the 21st ult. Mr. Wm. II-
Wagner, and 'Miss Mary . "Leigtcf,- Vth of
Mifflin county, Pa. 1 ..
On the 7th inst., by Rt Jamas C. Sharon,
Joba H. Sharon and Miss Prude-Woan, all of
Dais eounty, Iowa.
With the above the printer was made the
happy recipient of a doiUr note, fir which
the happy couple will please accept our pro
found thanks and good wU'aes for their sua-
cess and happiness through pie.. " Bljtased are
they that remember the printer.
X pnicoeilinzs in partition on the real estate
of An.lrew Parker, deceased, and by order
of Orphans' Court, will sell at public outcry,
on the premises at 10 0 ciock, a. m., on
The tolloirinE property to wn : A
LAND in termanagn -township,- Juniata
cotin.y. aujomiug .. . -ouu a
uotv ana joun ocnweir. couiaiBinir, tuoai
ALSO, at the Central House, in P...er,on
an S.turdav; October 14. 13C5, at 1 Vcloec.
:."e.,?r T rrA'
re . i s
Main Street lots No 34 4 ' 43 44 45 5S
I ,d oTi.eror. atrlrt; 'iMSo.
.: rf. 7..i:sP.,l..r.rl. i,k ' S.v
r', C7,' 58. and 59 on Railroad Avenue: and north-werlWardly of thesu mmit of the Shade
lots No. 85. 80. 87, 8 80, 90, 91. P2. 93, 94 , Mountain. .,::'" ; '. v '
and Ofi on Mowry street. ! At the Church Hi School Hoose, m Tur-
ALSO, a tract of land in M'uford township. 1 belt township for Turbett township. -adjoiag
lands of Daxid Sulooff, Jobn Wri-h. j 1 ALSO MAKE KNOWN and give notice
and Jacob Frauk, containing . . ' t iD aud by the 13tb section of the afuresaid
0 ATRfvC AVIl 157 PFRrilPS i Ac!, I am directed, that every person, exoept
s aviiuv.. xxa xv. .""v....
TEHMS: So much of the purchase money
ad will pay the co3!s of pirtition Ac. and t
he paid 10 Jusva, D. Parker, Adutiuistraiar of
Andrew Parker, deceased; one-third of the
balinoe on cesfirmatioa of sale to the .Hfira
aud legal repreaentamed of An drew Parker,
dBe'eard ; and the remainder in one year
tUcreafier with iotorrst, to be secured by re-
cognizance wun surety approvea Dy tne
' " . EZR A P. PARKER,
Adm'r of Andrew Parker, dee'd.
Orphans' Court 8aie.
T, . . . , . - -. . m-i I leetiou shall be elligible to any office." , .
HE undersigned, .4dmm5strator of Wrf.., A,M Aat in 4lU action of aa Act of
Acbuler, dee'd., will offer for aaljat pub- A ealUled ,.An Aet Uting t0 E.
Uccutcry. by ardw of the Orphans CoUrt. on for olhrr purpoge,f" approved
the premises in Fayette township, Aprin8w, 13t0. U is cuact4 that the afore
Countv. 1 a., on - 1 ' -. . '., ,l .- .i..it . u. , .i
SATiniDW TinTORER 7th 1SS5. !
A tract of knd, eitua.ed as above stated, j
bgcdied by lands of Montgomery Jamison,
Thomas Ki-'zer'a Heira, Joh Kinxer and -
others, conuining aboct - ... . -v , , i
move or less, with the aopcrtananees. ' '
There is a good Log Frame House, Frame !
Cam and other outbuildings oa tbe premises, I
and, a!e, excellent water and cbobe fruit.
The abtrws wopertv is situated in on of the I
bet farming districts in Juniata County, Sind i
ould make a ulesirable home -for any
.u - ...a . j l
wishing a small farm " '
TERM 5: en pr cent of the purchase
money to-repsid when the property is strick
en down, one-balf of the balance on confir
mation of sale by tho Court, and the remninif
er on the 1st of .Ipril 141)0, when a dead will
be given and poseaiion given. ,
i . ; : Auctioneer 4 - -mm,
The undersigned offers his services to tbe
public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. , He
has had a very "large experience, and feels
confident that he can give satisfaction to all
who may employ him. He may be addressed
at Mifflintowp, or found at bis borne in Fermanagh-township.
' Ordera may also be left
at Mr. Win's Hotel.
Jan. 25, 18til..,., , WILLIAM GIVEN.
: t'--.'t ; ' " .
Tbe Hawa tt, Uainlin Cabinet Or
gansk forty different styles, adapted to -sacred
and secular music, from $80 to $iidO each.
or other first premiums awarded them. Illus
trated Catalogues free- . Adreea. MASON A
fctw J'ona'.i ;'V j-tiv 1 Kt
r. saicer:
'' --" ' '' - WITH ''','' '
, ;! ' . - . " -.; f
1 IS,-' ; '!' '":'
.- 31 Unrlb Third Street. Phlla
M. 0. I'LIPER,
Particular aUtntwrt
pcij tt ariltrt.
CITY HOTEL, Corner f Marae' and Rail-!
road Streets, opposite the Railroad Depot i
'.. fVTfr'J"an.odc-atcato.-tti3'.n!
le: :c ;tt t'tty. WM. U THOMPfsOy- ;:
IVhsheas i aso ct am Act of the.Gea
eral Aasenibly of.lba Common wealth f I'enn
..Imiul eatiled "Afl .tet relatinv-U) the eloc-
tfoaiaV this Coaaoawealrk," passed the 2nd
day of July, A. D. 1830, it is made the doty
f the Sheriff of evapy county wiibin the
CoiumSnweaTltrto give public' notice of the
General Election and set forth the officers to
be elected, and tbe place at which the election
U W be held. - - .-.
. I SAMUEL B. LOUDEN, -High Sheriff-6f
the county of Juniata, do hereby make known
and give this public notice to the electors -of
the county of Juniata that on. the SECOND
TUESDAY OFOC'TOBER next (being the 10th
day of the month) a General Election will be
held at the several election diatriets establish
ed by law in said county, at which time tbey
-wiU ot4 by .ballot for the several officers
bareartet mentioned, w wu: -. (."" - '''-
ONE PERSON to fill tho office of Xudltor
General o tbe State of Penasylvtnia.
ONE PERSON to fill the ofBce ofurveyor
denefal of the State of'Teunsylvahla.'
Iivu PERSONS), in connection witb tbe
counties of- Huntingdon and Mifflin, to fill the
office or 51 ember of the House of Kepresen
tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- ONE I'BRSON to fill the office of Treasur-
-er ofJaaiataucty.'; m 'I I f '1
'ONE:PER80Jru fill the1 oftW
of Cotty
Commissioner of Joniata eouaty for three
years. -
ONE PERSON to U- theoffice of Couat,
Coramisaioner of JumataeMktafrarjBne rear.
TWO PERSONS tolSW office ..of Jury
Commtisooer of JuniataTo'u lty,
ONB PERSON to fill the office of Surveyor
of Juniata county.
v ONK PERSON -la fill tbe oftce cf Auditor
oC Juaiata county. ' VJ -i T-. i
give notiee that the places of holding the
aforesaid Oeneral Election in the several dis-
. tricts and townships in the county of Juniata
' r 4a fntlnw in wit
. .- -., .V J
At tho Court -Kouse 1n
the bornueH ef
Mifflintown.for the "borough" bf MiSintowh.
At tne Court House in tss eorocgn 01
Mitflintoirn, for FernMjisglt township.- -
At the School House in Mexico, tor Walk
r township. x -
. At the Academy at Thompsontowh, fcr Del
aware own'ihip. ' " " r
At-the PublicHouse'of Thomas Cox, for
Gieenwood township.' ' -
At the School House in Richfield, for Mon
roe township. "
At - Knou.-t'a School House, for Susquehan
n township, jib
' At the School Houss in Sle.il'.lateraville, for
Fayette township. ,
At the Hchol Howe ia Tatter son,' for'- the
farongh of Patterson.
At the School flon-ie in rerrvsville, for the
i borongh ef Pcrrysviile.
j At the Locast Grore School House, near
i the residence of John Metlin, for Milford.
I 1..L-0 u.i 111 t-- -
At the School House near the' residence cf
, AQ w g ,0WMhj
, .....n.v.
in'ti-. T,,,.'t.,.r..i.;r.i ti..nt ;,
portion ofitlyingnorth-weitwiirdor the sum-
f of the Shad. Mountain. ' .
; At the Lick S'-hoot loiraw n.ar the rest-
dMAa fif liniami1 V . fl rr.rs iraf 'nwnin'n 1
: ."ac. ttok of H Uin7-.ovth.we.
: wardly of the summit of the Shade Mountain.
At the Contio School House for .0 much
Uf the townships of Laakand Tuscarora lying
.Justice of the Peace, who shall hold an office
j rf pp.,inl3ierrf, t.t profit or trust, nndef the
Oovernmont If the Unitd States, or ef thin j
j or cf fcny city or incorporated district, ;
' urtber a oouimiseic.ned officer or otherwise, i
1 subordinate officer orager.t, who is or shitll j
' ,c em,l0yod under the legislatiee, judicary or i
! ,Tcu'iTe departmat of this Stnta or of the j
' United States, ortif any oity or incorporated !
j district, and a!io, tnal crcry member or t'on
( gress nd of the State Legislature and of tbe
j Select and Common Council of any city, or
I Commissioner of any incorporated district, is
I by law incapable of holding or exercising at
the rime time tbe office or appointment of
J 11, lie. Inspector, or other offices or any sucb
mlHtrr officr or borough
offlecr from serving aa Judge Inspect or 01 ;j
ra 01 any v.cnerai or special avicouou 01
V Comuionwealth. ....
. . Pursuant to the provisions eonlamed in the
I lUlu "CCIHIH VI ,llt. IWr- utok tviratsiu.
respectively tase cnarge 01 tne cenincaie ot
Be election of their respective districts and
prodaoe them at the meeting ef tho judges
from each dirtrict, at the Court House in the
Borowgh of MitBintrfWn. on the third day after
h 7 the election, being the 13th day of
Il(nkr.. a 11 I N ..'I tiaawa ntirf Ihai-a th flu
UUbUUTl. . aw . l'."JO a.a aawa ii v
aud oerform the duties xeciuired bv law of
said Judges.""
Alo, By the 19th section of a Act to
regulate elections by soldiers in actual mili
tary, service, approved tbe 25th of August,
A. D., 1865." "the return judges of the sev
eral counties shall adjourn to meet at the pla
ces now directed by Law, on the third Friday
after any general or presidential election for
the. purpose of counting the soldiers vote."
Tbe return . judges will re-assemble at tbe
Court House in t ie borough of Mif&intown,
on Fridsy, October 27, 1805, who shall receive
from tbe proihonatory of the county and shall
includtrin their enumeration, the votes so re
turned, by soldiers in actnal military service.
Also, that where a judge by sickness or
unavoidable accident is unable to attend said
meeting if judges then the certificate of re
turn aforesaid, shall be taken charge of by
one the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of
said district, who shall do and. perform tbe
duties required of said Judge unable to at
end.. , . . , ( - , . . tt
The return judges for this AssemBly dis
trict will meet at the Court House in Lewis
town, on Friday; November 8, 1365, tben and
there to" do and perform such duties required
by-law of said judges. ' ' -
Also, that an Act of Assembly, entitled an
Aet relating in the elections of this Common
wealth pssed July 2d, 1439, further provides
as follows, to wit :
That the Inspectors and Jndges shall meet'
at tbe respective places appointed for holding
the election in the district to which they Tie
long, before' 0 o'clock, in the morning of the
of the said Inspectors shall appoint one
clerk who shall b qualified voter' of each
district. .. . . ,
Agreeably to the provisions of tbe 61st sec
tion of said aet, every General add Special
. election shall ba oteuel between EIGHI and
i TF.N O'CLOCK in the forenoca and continue
without interruption or adjournment until
SEVEN O'CLOCK ia.the evsaing,. wbea tbe
polls ekaU ba cloaed- .
. a EAMUEL B. LOUDFJT. 5'-?. ,
;B "n' '-'r'sraVr 13, 1 -
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Juniata County, the undersigned, ad
oiinistratoof the estate of Wife. Dunn, lata
of OsklaajJ Mills, dee'dJ wjyfexpose to sale
at publiciutcry on the fftBttjai, on
; THUKSblr, NOTEiffeEB 16th, lS.
Tie foV.evmlhSmuTfifeTly, te ;
"W'j- - " rX' certain piece of land
A ""situated in Fayette tow n
ship, adjoiuinr lands. 9 1 . Lueian WUsoDj O.
Dsifiendeiverru A noffman and Adam Wid
at an, conlainisK; 4 j -j; 14 . , 1
And 91 FE RCHES. having about one tore
cleared and nal or fenee the balanea baiag
rood timberland.. c t ' '
TV'ri O -i.''1 'A lotof lani eantigions
fJ" . to the above and contain
ing 5! PERCHES, having thereon eree'ed a
also, a shop suitable for a shoemaker or tailor.
TERMS: One third of the purchase mon
ey fo be paid on eenflrmsHoif of tale by ffi
eourt and the fejnalninjf two-thirfls to b paid
on the first day of Apr1l,n366, when a" deed.
will be made-and possession given. ;
- Bare to commence at lu 0 cioca, 01
said day when attendance will te 'given by
i 1 ' 8AMLEL DUNN, AJtur.
Jk . looked For-CoW itlnf!
Z!LZZrb -rfi.
Florence Sewing Macline.5
This machine U the most perreet instru-
j ment to execute any kind of sewing now done
by inacbmery in tne worm, it is simple ana
perfect in its mechanical conatructitn. Tbe
feed may be revcrsod at an; poist desired
without stopping, which is a great advantage
jn fastening the end of seams. '"' r
ioei, Knot, Double Luck, Doublr Knot,
each stitch perfect and alike on both
V aides of the fabric.
Operators can select any stitch they want sad
change from one -stitch to another with
out stopping the machine.
Its stitches cannot becxculled. oa, firmness,
, elasticity durability and beauty of finish.
No difficulty experienced in sewing acres
thick "fame.
Sows light and heavy fabrics with eiual facil-
it?: ' ; . '.r - ; :
It will Braid, Tuck, Quilt, -W, ' hm. Fill,
Bind. Gathtr, and ao all kinds of Stitch
ing required by families and nianufac'nrers.
The work wU feed either t'f tie right trjiji,
' " without stopping Hie midline. ' " ' '
The most inexperienced find . no difficulty "in
,: using it. . ' . ; ' " ;
It is thoroughly practical an! easily UhJer-;
It has no tpringi to g't eut of ordir, and will
last a lite time.. ..... ....
It runs eaiur, and is almost noisel -is.
j 1: is tbe mdt rapfd sewer in 'Jie. Wrhf; Xii
'g f inS jf''f e-i lfj!tc& revolution. ;
. i It lAestb'sanie si'xe thread on bsth siJes of
i It uses ihe same siie thread on bsth siJes
! fabne.
j U ''V?
M'' ' '
4.ltt is Cahnedfor iu
Cabbib i,, 6TAMBACOH is tbe - agent
fT b re-dene,
on Mam ree. Miffiintown, one of these tao-
Hl.UniT'ers!l Clothes Wringer
t 1Q Off, .nettfun,, M JO
The CBiYcrtal Coj Whl Cloth-s - WriRger
Was pronounced superior to all others at tbe
In 18C2; received the Bronie Medal, (high
est premium) at tbe Great Fair of
In new York City, in 19C3. It has -also rc
eelved the FIRST PREMIUMS at tbe '
' - ing State Fairs: ' 1
New York, 1802 I8SS; Vermont, 1833;
Pennsylvania, 18CS 18tVl; Michigan, 1864;
Indiana' 18G3 1S04; Illinoia. 13C3 1884;
Iowa, 18631864 ; Wisconsin, 1861 ; Conn;
River Valley Fair, ISO ; Cbamplain VaUoy
Fair, 1801; and at the pricipal County and
Institute Fairs throughout h bad: '
"My family would as soon give up the eea-k-ing-stova
as this CioTnaa W'eiscxe. It can
not be too highly recommended. Solon Sob
- ....
' After a constant use of the Vxivihsal
Clotbes Wbikobb for more than four year
in my family. I am authorized by the "powers
that be," to give it tbe most unqualified praise,
and to pronounce it an indispensable, part of
tbe machinery for housekeeping." Rev. Ian
ry IF ard Bcecher. ... , : , . .
"This is the first Wringer I have found that
would stand tbe service required of it." J.
Jtffsisu, Zovejoy't Volet.
? "In tbe Laundry of my house there' is a
perpetual thanksgiving on Mondays for the
invention of your excellent Wringer." J!tt.
Teaodore L: Cuyltr.
"We think tbe Maonina much more than
pays for iuelf every yaer in the savings 'of
garoieuta. - We thiiik'it imponans the Wring
er should be fitted with COGS." O Judd.
. "I heartily commend it t. to economist i of
time, money and contentment." Rev. Doctor
"It saves labor, expediates work, makes tbe
laundress geed natured; does not tear off but
tons and is indispensable in a well regulated
family."-,. & Storrt, Jr P.. . ( i
, ''Every week baa given Jt a strongerbold
upon tbe affections of tbe inmatea of tae laun
drv. Every member of. tbe household is 1a
atlnration of it.'.' Xev York Cbterter.
1c3l.Oo receipt of price frcm any part of
the country wbers we bva no oanvassora, we J,
send tbe Wringer freo of freight obargaa. j
A good canvasser wartcd in every township. ;
neni tor luustratad Price Uiroutar.
... B. C BRCWFUfCr
3 54" Ss.tacfrrpy, V. T
'' '" i - ' t faSi 3 "
Auditor General,
Joha P. Ilartraaft
Rurreyor General,
Jacob M. Campbell.
Fphraitn linker,
Jaraea M. Ilrowa.
County Treasurer,
Joseph M. Belford.
County Cati.miisiuneti,
Benjamin F. Walls, S ye ars,
Joseph B. Metona!J, jr. 1 yr.
Jury Commissioner,
H. 11 Wion.
County Auditor,
Theophilus T. IavlA
County Surveyor,
William I'unn.
Attlitor Geaeral,
John F. Hart ran t
Surveyor Genaral.
Jacob M. Catnpball.
Ephraim Baker,
James M. Browa.
County Treasurer,
Joseph M. Bolt-rd.
Couoty Cortiuiissioners,
Benjatuin V. Walls, 3 yairj,
J'jseph I. MoDouald, jr. 1 year.
Jjry Couimiisioaer.
H II. Wilson
Ccuoty odltor.
Thevphilus T. I'av;e
County Surveyor,
William Dunn
Auditor General,
Joha F. Hamauf?
Purveyor General,
Jacob M Catnpb-ii,
Ephraim Baker,
James M. Brown.
County Tresjarer.
Joseph M. Bellord
County Comatiiaiouei!1,
Beujamiu F. Walla, 3 years,
Joseph B. McDonald, jr. 1 yesr.
Jury Commissioner,
ir n. Wii?jti
Count; Auditor.
Theoj'hilue T. 1)41.
C'juoty Furveyar,