Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, September 20, 1865, Image 3

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    VFijI'ESDAV MORNING, September 20, :So5
- jfj r illnlL. Curl vll TOr feat!"
) r. ' ,i.. '"
biwflil tipilanrf fc tiir. rri'r bMlhcriy"
)ENNSVLVANIA RAILROADOX AXlijWver tails, hornets' nest, ant hills, ra
after Monday,. Mny 21, ISoii, Passenger
. rami will leave Mifflin Mation as follows :
.!'. .' . EASTWARD. i .
' Philadelphia Kxprcss.; 12.43, A. M.
' Fast line............... 5.41, A. f.
i Iay Express..... ...'.. 11.21, A. M.$J
lttsl.s?-&-Erie Mail.... 11.12, P. M.5
4 Mail Train 3.45, P. M.jft
frttbg.&. Erie Mail.... 3.2?.. A. M.
f Jtaltinaorc Express..!.. 4.3d, A. M.
: Philadelphia Express.. 5.3S, A. M.
-Past Line...... 5..W, P. M.
Mail Train 3.5:. P. M.tH
' f Emigrant Train 10.07. A. M.J
jAMKiJ S'driTH, Ag t.
except SunJaj.. tailj except Monday.
Slop at rerrySTille at, (if flaged)
H.itt i Stop at Tbompsontovn at
1: 40, 4iUi: . .
Stop at rerryavillc at 3.19 (if ftnged)
3469:31. ij lhctr.psoatown al 3.e34!:00
8oltlirrs' Monnmrnt Fan.
CiSll fb7I!IBml)S TO THE 1ST INST,
i'rMis F. Oiiyer nn-I Mary Cross, so
, . Uciluiti, . SI
V:r Mrs. M. (jauk. eolicitor,
t'cf Mrs. S. A Wickersham, solicitor,
Kr Mifs Hell McConnell n l Mist Lu-
cinda Ni'dy. coliciturs:
George Mct'.'tiH'.ll '
'Vin Ncclv
I- .Mitrj-bc1 ,
A Katoii
.'vl.n rhi'.lips
A'uonnl prtviously ack'd
- 0 50
j (mi
,- 1
2 on i
Tiial receipts ..
.t25 .
(9It !s said that (Ictiunil ISutler U
Ik be associated with the Attorney Geu
tral as a public prosecutor of Jefferson
Hf, A new sowing uiucliitie to collect
rents, mend manners, and repair family
breaches is. much figedsd.
have a very fine tabic exhibiting the dis
tances between 20 of the piiocijtul places
in Juniata Couuty price K'cta ou cards.
Bo? We are requested to sMte tiifie
ill be no ploughing match at the Cotiu-
fail at IVrrysville next month as stated
fisjf" We are requested to
ia the advertisement iu lat weeks Ls.sue.
tQm The everil Committees at the
Pair will make their reports to the Secre
tary by 'J o' cluck on Friday Dlh in--toad
of the 1 1 th as stated in the ndver
temcnt. ItayGcu. ScbeneU's political, definitions
are aharp. '' In a la'e speech lie defined
rebels and copperheads.. He said that a
rebel is a courageous copperhead, and a
copperhead is a cowardly rebel, .
0 Don't fail to go and see the grand
Panorama at Pcrrysville on Saturday
nigbt. this will be the only opportunity
afforded the Citizens of Juniata to we
this most maguifitent scenery of the age.
Another. 'Beau. Amos Snyder
brought to town to-day a very large bear
rjroght fh Che'of John Tyson's bear pens
on the Shade Mountain. It can be seen
at Mr. Snyder's Hotel, where they now !
Lave two. - Mr. Snyder rill soon be able !
to start a Menagerie. . , , r I
W 'i ',' . .-. w .: - I
. Sweet Potatoes. Wc received from
Mr. William nartman of Patterson a half
down of the largest srect potatoes we
fiavc ever ecco. One of them weighed
two pfiftnds." : They arc of his own cul
ture. v The donor has our thanks, and if
any one efau' btat them, please scud ' them
e-ryr,izr '
eiThe Orsud I'anoranii of the As
sassination of l'retiidciit Lincoln, and the
attempted assassination of Secretary Sew
ard which has created sUch an excitement
throughout tbo country will be on exhi
bition at Pcrrysville on Saturday evening
September, 2Srd 1SG5." Don't fail to go.
LauoE Irish Potatoes. 3lr. Win.
Whitson of Termanagli township, ' has
left at our door sill one half bushel cf tfn-
coromonly large common Irish Potatoes
of his own culture, with rcquccst to say
that if any reader of the Sentinel will
bring to this office a like measure con-
tainiuir less notadir-v l. will rt,,r ,h
. ;
donor tw.j fb!d. Who can raisn
number fliau '.Mr. Wbilsori ? I)
-pak at. 'infle. . . ...
ed let the true mends o! lie Linicn wark.
i i oicaeriugs cease et every : ouori
ub uiuusnx 10 ijtxr airainst uie cum m-ju
jsuemy. The Union camp fires are urn-
mir brichtly. Keep them IiKhtcd and
btirning. The prospects are auspicious.
A vast and concerted warfare is being
waged against Ibose 'eccentric female or
naments yelcped "waterfalls."- It is a
warfare in wbit-h satirical writers, and do-
ners on wood, iurnrsn the only Uteres-
1 ..........
sire power. Strange to say, however,
the hotter the warfare, the larger sWife
c ii t- . :
grow the-waterfalls. It they continue
t increve in size much longer, the number
! of broken necks that will be horrible to
'contemplate. ' These waterfalls look like
j bat;, and anything else that is ugly.
Y bat hideous thing will they give plate
to? : ..; ; v; . . 1
Democracy Knocked in the Head.
Nothing froves how completely the
Dcniocrary are beaten as tfie late t State
eleciious in Maine and Vermont. In the
first Stale, very . strong . r.solations were
passed endorsing Johnson j. the payment
of the national debt" and. th soldifirs.
Vet khcy were beaten worse than ever by
20,000 majority. In Vermont they have
not a single Senator and but half a doz
en members of the Asscmbty.f'..Thns it
rill te in this State. The ' fnlon men
Support tbo President, aud the loyal Dem
ocrats do likewise, leaving the secesb cop
perheads out in the cold. .- ., .
. . Ocinocratic Lender. .. j . ,
Much as the Democracy rhay" profess
love for the soldiers, loyalty and devotion
to the couutry, they are continual jj'v
ing the lie to their profession. t They
plead for Jeff Davis, they call the trial
1 and cxecutiod of assassins, murder ; they
! 'Ionian J that the states lately in rebellion
shall Lc permitted to return to Congress
I and take pah in the Govern liic'ht of the
rountry m BHch way acd manner tney
nail choose ; that rebels, traitors, ihar-
ilcrcrs, and assassins shall be permitted to !
SO Jrte, 01 to be tried by cotirf ami jury
jf thdr i-ompaniuHt in crime. Nay they
- I even cling to their old leaders, who blush-
' ei not. to the last tiottrs of the rtbclliod,
i . ; . . . .
- ; to plead its chuse or justify' its crime-
j The people, however, who have ju.-t put
i dowii rcbbllion are not prepared to
accept its kaown advocates their future
I!i?.. SAifiii.. P. 15ATKJ.--We are
pleased to notice that AVesttnicster Col
lege, at its last commencement, held Juna
1?, 1 805, conferred the honorary degree
of L. L. D. on Samuel P. . Bates A. M
! formerly County Superintendent 'of
i - -
Crawford coutlty, ' and "for the past six
years the efficicut aud populcr Jh-puty
tipfcrintendcat of eotfimbn schools of
i Ponn.'ylvahia
j . iafC8
j " .
is a graduate of Brown
University Providence K. I. (of the
class of 1?52) an author and lecturer ,of
repute, and cll worthy of this hotiof .'
But we refcrto.it with inorc pleasure be
cause it is a recognition of his services
in behalf of the Coriimb'n ' school' of the
etate. We rejoice to see that those who
labor faithfully aud successfully in this
iuirbrfait interest afe not . overlooked by
the faculties Of our colleges. . Thid is
right. It is wise too ; for the success of
our higher institutions of learning de
pends largely on the success of our com
mon schools, aud this again ia' (be 6a
eenrHgcirent and atsistarfce extended to
teatu'ertf a'n'd superintendents'.
The following is the law of Congress,
admitting dieaS to" the rights of sflfTrago
after cnteiiug the arury. : It is important
that the law should be u'nd erstoo'T : by
those interested, as there are mauy aliens
entitled to its b'enef'ts, v?ha are ignorant
of its existence :
ALIENS AIi"MlTTE!) TO C!?rEN5f7lP. .
By the 2 1st Section of the act of Con
gress, approved July 7, 18G2, it is pro
vided that any alien of the age of twenty
one years and uprward1, ?b.'o hasen!iste'd cr
shall enlist in the armies of the United
States, cither the regular cr Volunteer
forces, and has been aud shall be here
after honorably discharged, may be ad
mitted to become a citizen of the United
States, upon his petition, without any pre
vious declaration of bin intention to be
come a citi zen of the United States, aud
that he shall not be required to prove
more than one year's residence within the
United States previous to his application j
to bcoum such citizen. Ia addition to
proof of rcsidcuce and good moral char-
I acter, it is re quired that the court ad
mitting such .alien, shall be satisfied , by
competent proof, that the alien has been
honorably discharged from the service of
Ihc United States, th'uf act materiallv i
- - j fh
.rv i
: ma'iTJcr do away wijh the necessity of
procMrin? tbfl regular naliir.ilirtt.i.m pi !
'r - ri - - - ''
i ' '' t
9 tare nwnitta l-iw l,t rin.a r.il it, .n.ir
Important Notice-. Having
purchased a school property at Cassville,
, ;n Huntirtrdo-l tounty and having deter-
'.. . . , i r .J., I
, b . , . . , 4 Jlt" j
, tallnS uesuuuc ooiumrs iu-ius, -
' wish to close up all the accounts of this
office before the 2nd of "licit October.
uiffuxtovn Atrri
Sur.er. f. bbl. $6 6 'Butter, prime r lb 30
' l ' -
Extra.- 6 7a 'Butter, in rats
. Fancy,
8 50 I Lard,
to J' f jTallow,....;--;
.Buckwheat 4 00 Eggs, W dot 22
to j,ea,;. , 75 RK.
?RAN. iHoes. Vcwt 15 00
Wrii'e fthe-i!,... ? 00 Ham, 11.....;. 25
Ke'l V.'heat Y ?u t '" (Side t Shoulders 16
Rye 1 40 j BEEF, . '
Barley,.:. 1 00 ;Fore qr, cwt 9 00
Oorn, t!0 Hiadur,, 10 00
Buckwheat, ...... 1 (H) i IOttTHJ',
Oats 45 ;Oh:ken9, pair 50
SKEKS. 'Ducks, 40
Clorer, bus 12 W Itleeac..?.'.:..!..:. 1 00
Timothy. 3 50 'Turkeys.. 2 00
Flax i 00 I COAL; "fl ton
Hungarian 80 'Treteuton stove 9 00
1R1ED FRL'IT, do Kgg 50
Appleg, bu 2 50 'Suubiiry Btove 8 00
Peaohes, qt
5 50 I do . Egg B oO
Cherries, 1
I Pea.
I Mixed
i Hickory,.,
i HAY,
, 7 00
5 50
. 3 75
. 3 00
. 4 00
10 90
S 00
Currents 10
Blackberries, 8
Elderberries. C
New Irish, bu 75
Sweet 3 00
Arr.V.9. T bu 1 25
Onicn's,i.:.. 1 00. 1 Retailed Articles.
White lieans;... 2 50 ICrl Oil T gal . 00
Beeswax, lb 45 jSali; Sadk i 3 6"
Soap, dry . 10 pister, y ton 10 00
randies ." 18 Xails.... 00
Wool, washed... CO ,'jUNIATA SENTINEL
Rags, 5 I In advance. $2 00
Corrected weekly j- H. M. Tonn-
. . rtt
MarKkts. Flour
8G.75 (ri; 7.T5 Superfine S8.25 S.50
lor extra; 59 (a; 12 for fancy brauds. ,
Iiye flour aud Corn meal 5 .50 (S) S3
per lb. "
Wheat. Kcd $2.03. 2.0G old
Pennsvlvauia $2.10 ((C 2.15 Pennsylva
nia White S2.40.
llVE. lGc (Vr; 97c. ;
Ciirn. 00c for yellow Pie for white.
Oats. 55c (; 5Cc.
Cmivk Seeik S7 , 7 50.
Timothy Seed 85.25 (" 5.50.
Flax Seed 3.25 per bu.
not j"0 thitmamhbu'd 4o.-Gen. 2.18
On the 12th inst.; by Rev. S. Sieber. Mr
Samuel Miller, and Mis Mary i. Hallowel 1
both of Juniata county. Pa.
On the6ih inet., by Rev. E. W. Kirhy. Mr.
David R. "ettr, to Miss Mary J. Variorm-r.
both of Mifllintowu, Juninta county, Vi.
And th'Tt it no ditcharge in tint uar. Eceh. 8:8
At the Orphan House, CHarleston, S. C,
Hospital, Snndny morning, August 20, 18G5,
Private Enianuel Walters, Company C, 47th
. - . i.' 1 , . ,
Kcgiment Pchusylvama Veteran oluntccrs,
aged 28 years, a native of Juniata Co,. Pa
The !tiaion &IIanilln Cabinet Or
grails, forty different styles, ad.ipted to sa-
cred and secular music, from $Ki to jflKHt oach.
or other first premiums arde! them. Ulus -
tra'ed Cctalogues free- Adress, MASON
New York.
THE undersigned would respectfully
inform the citizens of MifHintown
and vicinity, that he has openeda Jew-Ekii
elry Establishment on Mii Street, Mifflin
toflrf, in Tfcompson'Hotcr, thiH dotfr from
the corner, where bo will keep constantly on
hand rfnd at greatly rede'eed prices'.
Gold and Silver Watches,
And a general variety of CLOCKS. FINGER
WARE, SPECTACLES, together with a com
plete assortment of Fancy Goods.
SicfuTlie repairing of Clocks. Watches and
Jewilry promptly attended to, on short notice
and on very reasonable terms. AH jrork war
ranted to give satisfaction. The public are
respectfully invited to give a ealL.,
Aug. 30,1865 ,.j..a,.:T,
THE nndersigned Administrated of Estate
of John Lantz, will off or for sale at pub
lic" outcry by order of the Oryhans' Court e
the ptemises te' Delaware township, Juniata
Cotfnty, Pa., about two' afc"f.64e liaH aales
North West of Thompsonfown, on'
A tract of lanp situated as above stated and
hounded by lands of S. O. Evans, David
Walker's Heirs, Margaret Stinson and others
containing about
About bp acres of which are cleared and un
der good cultivation, tbe balance being tim
bcrland. There is on the premises a LOG
HOlE LOG BARN and a One spring of
ate? rrear the door, and on the place
TERMS : Cne half of tro purchase mon
ey to be paid'on the coniinnatio'ti of the sale
by the Court and the other half on the first of
April next to bo secured by judgment.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M. of
6.am aa7 when attendance will be given, by
.... I : -.1 r 1 - j .1 ". 1
. - . '
intornration maybe obtained prior to the
sale. . . .
September ?, ISCj-tii.
- '
Whxrbai is AJto bt as Act of. the Geo
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entiled "An Act relating to the elec
tions of this Comnonwealth," passed the 2nd
d.iy of Jjrfy.-A. D. I83D, it k made the duty
of the eherilT of cVery oounty within the
oi rBe.,fcaenir of cVery oounty within the
Commonwealth to give public notice of the
General Elections, and ee Torth the officers to
be elected, and the iUm it which the elrtion
it to be belli. , r- :.!.:.
,1, SAMUEL B. LOUDEN. Hich Sheriff of'
t'i C0un.tr of Juniutai. do hereby make known
ad glye thie public notice t(t,the .rleplore of '
tl. " . r t - . . i . ... . i hprivtt f
I'CESDAV OFOCTOBKRnext (being the lOtl
day of the mouth) alenefl Election will be
held at the several election districts eatlH$Ji-
ed by law in said county, at which time they
will vote by ballot for the several otfttfers
hMivXter m.ntioned, to wit: r . , , .-. 4
.. OSB, rrRfiON to fill the office, ef Auditor
Grnerai of. the State of Pennsylvania. .
r N; TflX '? fiV,h.e 0fficf ( SurTey ur
Generr.1 of the State of Pennsylvania.
.:TWO CRRnX8.:.iB OMi.entSnn erflh L
counties of Huntingdon aiJd M!fflin, to fill the;
office of Member of the kouse - of Kepresen- i '
rreaur -
er ofJuniata county.
;P WUi,t? ! . C , !C TV
CoffimiSMoner of Juniata county for three
ONE PERSON to fill the, office of County
Commissioner of Juniata county Jur. one ver.
TWO PERSONS to fill the office of Jury
f.'t . r . .. .
; ONE PERSON to fill the office crCoiinty
U'lpmiHonw oi jiimam vou ny.,
UNE Flt50 to fiU the office or Surveyor ' " " """"
of JuniaU county. others, conuimng about
ONE TERSON to fill the office of Auditor ; C 3 A. m-WSkd
of Juniata eouUty. . ' ' ! J.
. I ACStl HBtlERV MAKE KNOWN and ' more or less, with the apportanancCs.
give notice that the, places of holding the ! There is a good Log Frame House, Frame
aforesaid. General Election in he, several dis- ; Rarn and other otttbuildifigs on the premises,
tricts and townsa'f vin the coua;y of Junia'a and, also, excellent water and choice fruit,
are as follcws, to wit : , , ! The above property is situated in one of the
At the Court House in. the borough of bes farraicr a'.stricls in Juniata Coutttft- nd
Mtfflintnwo, for the borough..of Mifflimowu. ;would make a desirable home for any . one
Atthe Court .House in the borough of -'wishing a small farm.
Mimintown, for Fermanagh township. ; 't TERM5: Ten per cent of the pilr:ha-e
At he School :Uouie in Melico, tor Walk- money to be puid when the property Is slnck
ir township. . . - 1 en-down, onc-lialf of the balance on confir-
. At the Academy at T'uompjontown, fur Del-' mation of sale by the Court, and the rem.iin.f
aware iowjaship. ' tT on ,lie of -'r'U lHfiti. when a dead will
I . .ii iur t uuiiu iiouqc vi luuiuna Liu, 101
iGienwood township.
At the School House in Richtiuld, for Mon -
roe towuship.
At Knouse's School House, for Susquehan
na township. ,
At the School Hous in McAllistersville, lor
Fayette township. . , ..
At the School House in ra'terson, for the
borough of Patterson
At the School House in Perrj-sv-lle, for the
lioroitgh of FerrysviUe. , .
At tit Locust Grove School ItaU?o, near
the residence of .tohn Mtitlin. for Milford.
A t the Sprnce itill School Houkc, for Spruce
Hill township.... .
At the School Ilouso near the residence of
Ssrouel Allen, lor ncaie tcwnsnip, , i
. At the School House near McCulloch's
Mill's for Ttisearora towpehip, except that!
portion of it lyingnnrth-weslward of the sum- ;
mit of the Shade Mountain. J
At the Lick School House near the resi
dence of Benjamin Walls, for Lsck township
except that portion of it lying nrth-wet-wardly
of the summit of the Shade Mountain. .
At the Centre School House, for so mui-h :
of the townships of Lack and Tuscarora lying 1
noith-wertwardly of thesu mmit of the Shade
At l!ie Church Hill School Hoose, in Tur- i
bett township for Tui-fcVtt totrnship. J
i ai.su mim N.XM. . ana gun .o..ct
,s mand by the lSth aect.on of the aforesaid
In.fir.0 f Via rr whn ItftM &n offir
of appointment, cf profit or trust, under the
inturnmnnt nf tkp 1'nitfftl Stu.ia fir nf lhi
! State or of any city or incorporated district, j
vhftihM rnrninisinn(l nf?ii' AF OlhT5rif i
ia suooruinaie orucer ornganri wno is or snan ;
he cm love,j UU(lcr the ief,1?!;uiv e,j,Micarv or
' .. 1 l: . iT. . Ui n. II i
executive department of this State or of the
United States, or of any city or incorporated
district, and also, that every member of Con
gros, and of the State Legislature and of the
, adtct aud Common Council of any city, or
t Commissioner of any incorporated district, is
j 0y BV innpable of holding cr cie
; ,na fame time '.he office or apnoi
cJercising at
hit incut of
Judge, Insbector, or other oflices or any such 1
election shall be eliigllilo lb any office." "
Also that in the -1th scction'of an Act of
Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to tie-, j
'fcution and for other purposes," approved
April iwtn, 1S0, It is enacted that tno atorc-,
said 13th section "shall not bo constructed so
as to prevent any military officer or borough
Officer from serving as Judge Inspector or j
uiera or any wenerai or special tiection oj :
this Commonwealth.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the
Tt'ith section of the Act first aforesaid :
'The judges of the aforesaid districts shall
resDectivclv take charge nf the certificate of
the election of their respective districts and j on Mam street outo 01 uriuge sir ci. ,
produce them at the meeting cf the judges;. rrrrrrr;
from each district, atthe Court House in the j ("1ALL AND LX AMINE ,
Borough of Mimintown, on the third day after our Stock of Ready Made Clothing before
tbe day of the oiection, being the 13th day of : you Tarchasc Elsewhere, you will find on
OctobeK A. D., 18C5, then and there to do i band a good assortment for Men and Boys
and perform the duties lequired bylaw of i ware, which wnl be sold cheap for cash or
said Judges. "
Also. By the 15Hh section of "an Act to
regula'e elections by soldiers in actual mili
tary service, approved the 25th of August,
A. D., 18tv," "the return judges of the sev
eral counties shall adjourn to meet at the pla
ces now directed by Uv, on the third. Friday
after any general or presidential election for
the purpose of counting ihe sbTliors' vote."
The return Judges will re-assemjjle at the
Court House' n the borough of MifHintown,
on Friday, October 27, 1883, who shall receive
from tbe prothonatory of the county and shalf
include in their enumeration, the votes so re
turned, by soldiers in actual military , service.
. Also, that where a judge.by sickness or.
unavoidable accident is unaole to attend said
meeting if judges then the certificate of re
turn aforesaid, shall be taken charge of by
one the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of
said district, who shall do and fsrform the :
duties required of said Judge unable to at- j
end. .
The return judges for this Assembly dis-
trict will meet at the Court House in Lewis-
town, on Friday, November 3, 1865, then and I
thereto do and perform such duties required
by law of said judges.
, Also, that an Act of Assembly, entitled an
Act relating to the elections of this Common
wealth psboed July 24, 1!&3, further provides
as follows, to wit :
"That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet
at the respective places appointed for holding
the election in the district to which they be
long, before 9 o'clock, in the morning of the
of the said Inspectors shall . appoint one
clerk who shall ba a qualifiid voter of sdeh
Agreeably to the provisions of the 61st sec
tion of said act, every General a.id Special
election shall be ovened between EIGHT and
TEN O'CLOCK in'the forenoon ind continue
wunnut mterninioti or au.tournmenL ul" cons(ai,tly on hand, suitable tor a'JLlUAt .
SEVEN O'CLOCK in the evening, when the TRESES rSl Superior Importid t ioaaa, 5n Cbiiv
polls shall be closed. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry , IoBcr., and 1.11 of every description.
.'MifflimowB, September 1, la5 te..
RKSPECTFCLLY offers bis services to the
. "public of Juniata county. Having bad a
large experience in- the business of Vendue
large experience in- the business oi enauei
: Crying, he feels confident that he can Hinder .
! general satisfaction. He can at all tiiues be
! consulted at his residence id Mltflintoiuu Pa.
Aug. 1C, 1B65.
' No. 520 ARCH Street, above tilth.
f ManofaMarer and Dealer In
!' if f L -4- Xm
: : Y.l NE J E W B L R Y ,
f SO 1 1 D 'S It V E R WARE,".
! iperlor Silver Elated Ware
I ' .... ,tr.i
' : ' " ' March J, ISO,.," Jmos.
Orphans' Court SalfT7
. &huler, dee'd., will offer for saleat pub;
lie culcry, by ordr of the Orphans Court, on
he premises in Fayette toWnship, Juniata
( col(,v pa on J
I ' ' ' : '
SATURDAY,' OCTOL'EIi 7th 1865,
'. , , , '. . ,
' A of Und, situated as above stated,
I hnudded hv l;inil4 of Montflrnmerv -Jujniiwin.
"7" ii.s ' i.fi. !
v r -
: : n
teu'iJcrRjgntt! offers his services to
pill. lie as Vendue Crycr and Auctioneer.
has had a very large experience, and feels
confident that he Ciin give !atufaction tc .all
who may employ hira. . He rnay be addressed
. at Mtmintown, or totina at uia nonie in rer-
matiagB township. Orders may also be left
j at Mr. Will's liotel. . ... ; .
i Jan. 25, 166-1. WILLIAM GIL...
1S6j f PArKR HANGINGS. 101
k V It
fl'HTtTV p (ptMii.
ril.i. f-Hi .
MARktl tro
N. B. Afine stock of LINEN f HADE
lantly oa hand. Feb. Sti-i-Sm.
,o of ,and fUmttd . w.lk.
rr lOWUSD'p,
Juniata county, Pa. adjoining
lands of Jacob hellenberger, Daniel Werti
anil Widc'v MeTtdith. .eoritain'-r;; about j
About IB ot which are cieareu. au.i in j
eras9, ihc balance being well timbered. There
. . wo .l .1 .. I it rm '
11 1 r ..!. T
Log House and rrame bank, baru
on the premises. Also good water and fruit
,rrCg 1
IVr terms and fUrtlter infortaatica iatirc
of the undersigned residing nrar Mexico, at
!, T jf,.r. m.r bf a-'-lressed o him.
ti-i..h . Vt CRIMM EL-
' : : ;
ltt. P C. ItCiiiO, OfPatterHOni
J pa., wishes to inform his friends and pa-
ir0ns that he has removed to the house on
Bridge Street opposite Todd S Jordan s store.
li?PPfl W I YOV-
t'Miii.'iuiu u"- j
HttVtt&W 'if- ttl.t !
! -rVllV J Hi U"' (ll -JwiTlVf!
i v . 5 : . 1 I
I Mifflintow"n, Jkntfta County. Pa., Oijce ,
rV-tersorf, Fa.
Jan 1-tf
E. C. STI5Vf AKf ,
Alijflintoirn, Juniata Co;, Pa.,
Offers his professional services to the pub
lie. Collections aud all other business will
receive prompt, attention. Office first door
North of Bedford's Store, (upstairs.)'
' Attorney dl LavJ,
Will attend to all business entrusted to hia
care. Office on Main Street, Mifflmtown; 1 a.
rprrg undersigned wlrf promptly fl'tend to
j'etion' 0f ciaims against either the
or jtttioIlai Government, Pensions, Back
Pav. Bounty, Extra Fay, and all other claims
arising out of tHs present Or any other war,
e"UeClrf:. J-fRfMlAlI LYONS,
... . . . . Attorncy-at-Law.
Mi'mintown, Juniata Co., Pa. lA'bl
No US N"orta SECOND Street.' Corner cf
An assortment ,cf
Watches, . ...
suver s
VWif.il War. '
promptly attcadd t' '
Pec . 11-1 jr '
. -0
; .. !.vl,,
irF 11 h i.": J?
- I " , lITi.:.,
lics i , , 'i
valuable t arm locaiea
e towniihip, oBVrs at private sale h
in Spruce Hill tows
1 8,UE- '7. aoooi o mue. w -
ot Perry svitte and the Ta. R. R. bounded by
lands of James B. Okeson. Silas Smith'
Heirs, JamfS f itzgcerld and W"m. Thomas,
and cjinj Jining about .
about 125 acres of which are cleared ad aa
der good euliivalin, being the vtry bestqoal
ity of Limestone land and - in fine uder.
There is a good BASK BARN. UWfcLIKG
HOUSE end other out huild ings the prm
ists well watered and th e wood Itnd wc!I
For further information persons ran call
upon Thomas Meloy now living on the prem
ises or address the undersigned at Doyle's
Mills Juniata Cotiutv, Pa.
Aug. 2:l-3t.
i fil.if of l.,:f, !,iTi Ilauuhaicout. d'e'd
.N'clii is hereby given that letters of Ad
eiinistrator of the" estate of Lefftrd Haugha
wotit loe of Fayene township, deceased. ba
been granleo to the uml'rigned residing in
the fine township. All persona knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate pay men t and those hav
ing claims will please present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Aug. tl, "65. -Ct. Aifnani$trat'ir.
Notice is hereby given that letters uf Ttsta
nieatary on the estate of Isaac Rollman le of
Nlitaintown, 4cct;l!!e' Lave been granted t
the undersigned . rcsidjug in Periuamgb.
township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted t. tt jjl.s'a'c are requested t
make to immediute .ayme.it aud those hav
ing claims will pla"e rriSfcnt them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Aug. 2, 1505-C1. Kzerut-yr.
XJ Eaintt of Ilmi. Yodrr, Are 4.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ttsa-
meatary on the estate of Bcn,i. Yodcr, Nie
I cf Irela'ware totrhship, Heceifaird, b
' ErartedJ'j "jc undersi'ncl rcdidin
sve beaMt
in the
same township All persons Snowing them
selves indebted to said estate ur? requested t
make immediate payment arA those having
claims, will please present tiiem duly authen
ticated fcr settlement
Aug.2 Kztcuror.
Eitttft of Kitliiv. Finn dre'd.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the Folate of Wm. Dnnn late
of Fayette township, dee'd. have becngran'-
jiuiu iDnunumigmi oi aia-r lowp. .t
.persons knowing laemE-Hes indebted to said
j estate arc rcqucstta to iake immedinte pay
I mcnt, and those .having claims will please
present mem 01117 anineTTcate 1 lor tettlc-
July 2Mit.
Leather Prenerrlnfr
1 Composition of Neat's Foot Oil and pnra
1 ivory iiiiiLK. iniiaiuMg 10 ani
(SHOE LEATHER the softness and pliancv f
, KiD-hiie with onc founh the labor usuVi-
! employed in f!t: affdirition nf the ordinarV
Blackings, it produces ft JET BLACK IS-
j AMF.L GI.SS, eqnafkd only hy ratent
j Leather.
Sold Retail by all GROCERS AND SHOli
T ' I ,. : . . . . . . - T I . 1
1 DEALERS. Orders received by Amertcsa
j Ageticy. 3tS6 Broadway jew York, and whole -
: su!:l al the
Manufar"irer's Depot,
I lt 4 ft? (id tree-f , T. T
M.si"rACTcaia v
No. 148 N. Second St.. Corner Quarrr,
He has constantly on hand an asaart-
'X ment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever.
Lrrdue and Tlain Watches : Fine Gold
Chains, . Seals a,1d Ks'ys, Breast Pins, Ear
Ring's, Finger Kings, Bracelets. Miniature
Ctfss: Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles.
Spcutables, 6ilver Table, Desert, Tea. Salt and
Mustard Spoons ; Sugar Spwrns, Cups, Nap.
ia Rings, Fruit aid Bitter Knives, Shields.
Coniba, Dpimond Ppiutod Pens, etc., all of
u hiqk ititl hf iprf lfn fur C'llk .'
M. i. TO H I AS if COS best quality full
jeweled Patent Lever Movements constantly on
hand ; also other Makers pf superior quality.
N. B. Old Gold and Sdner kaugkl Jar tV AJ
Sept. 9- ly.
t. dof e. pkter sew
K. W. Cor. Howard & Mulberry Sts.
Consignments of Grain, Flour, and
Couutry Produce respectfully solicited. Also,
a large and general assortment uf Groceries
on hand.
Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff,
Io. 164 FfRAIVKLl.X Street
wih a geaersl acjnrtment of Pipes, Eautf
jBr.Its, Fancy Ar'icles, Ac