Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, September 20, 1865, Image 2

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    So t the great Ratification Meeting
Veld in Philadelphia on the same day, Mr
George M. Wharton laid down the re
ceived rule of party discipline :
The platform of (he Oicaje Convention
eland before the American people .Jis the
puhtical erecd of the licmocMievi arty la
lac existing crisis of the oeu'ntry. It mart
mccsiarily.be the rule of practice efvry
one who accepts a n6iiiinl?tfj'nuder it."
Mr. Yalluhdigliaiu himself, the great
apostle ? a submission peace, in his Day-
tou i-jrttrnor1 September 7th, said of Mc-
Clellaa ; -. v i ' ?;'!'.'?
l, accept jum as jirescutcd by, ud aupporiJ
linn to csrry out s I know li will curry out
ht doctrines and principles enunciated in
(hit Convention, which r now the demand
vt the people of the I'nited States."
AaJ the Indianapolis Scntint proclaim
ed for its party candidate, '
Hi programme wiil be a cessation of hos
tilities and an nttenpt to restore the Union by
compromise an J reconciliation ; or, failing in
that, taking the last extreme recognition." -
To be Contiued next "Week. .
A Copperhead Candidate IB 'ari of
Col. W. W. II. Hxa, the Copperhead
candidate for Auditor General, has now
resumed full charge of the Ioylestown
Democrat, a newspaper which Jic has
owned for many years and which hereto
fore and now sympathizes with the rebels.
The peculiar foroe of the Dimxmt, since
Col. l'avis haH returned to preside over
its columns, consists iu assertim; that the
rebels have not been whipped ; that they
should be received back to (lie Union with
lluir rights' restored ; that slavery is
tft and cam' never be abolibhed, and that
in justice to the rebels, the debt which
they incurred in struggling for their
"riiits" is as legal as the debt which was
piled on tho people by the National au
thorities while waging a crusade on the
Hie, t eonle of the South, and if the Xa-
tioual debt is paid, ao also must the debts
of the Southern States be liquidated
According to Col. Iavi' own theory the
triumph of the Copperheads at the ballot
box would be to wipe out all tho disgrace
i4 the defeat of the rebels on tho battle
Geld. The . IkuyltMowii Democrat takes
thin position, and V. W. II. Davis is the
editor and proprietor of that pestilential
Hark on Dk-Mwracv. Harper's
Weekly which was one of the strougast
defenders ol democrcy before the Rebell
ion., speaks thus harshly but truthfully of
tho corrupt thing. It says, "The nation-
prestige of tbe Democrauc name is
(roue. The name of Democracy is indis.
fdubly associated with treason, rebellion,
and civil war. I'uder Democratic ascen
dency the conspiracy was conceived aud
matured. Vnder a Democratic Admin
istration it ripened. ; 15y Democratic
liiela It was directed. JSy Democratic
politicians it wan defended -lind excused.
Hy a Democrrtic Convention it was de
tlared triumphant. Hy Democratic or
gans and orators, as far as they dare, the
theories from which the rebellion sprung
arc still justified. ' The Democratic party
has forced its best men from its ranks.
It has prostituted a noble name, to the
basest purpose." At some time that name
may become again respectable, but lor
the predbut, American pcopfc have had
quite enough of "the Dcmocracy."-
1 -y m
IW It should not be forgotten that
the Democracy tf tlieNorth is now, a3 it
has always becu, the fast friend and faith
ful ally of Human Slavery.' It would re
establish Slavery to morrow, if it conld,
and make' it a national institution. Is
the proof asked for ? Wc cite the fact
that not a single Democratic Convention
in a Northern State has approved the
Constitutional Amendment abolishing
Slavery, and wc cite also the fact that the
only three loyal States Delaware, New
Jersey aud Kentucky which have posi
tively refused to retify that Amendment.
k r. T..i CM
iv viviutu , . lviuuvi am. i ui 11.0
Northern Democracy and their Southern
friends in possession of the Federal Gov
ernment, and Slavery would be re-established
right off. ''
Axotiikr State. Tbe late election
in Coloroda indicates pretty conclusively
that the people have adopted the Free
State Constitution, and that the State will
be ready for admission at the opening of
Congress. This will add one more to the
votes in favor of ratifying the Constitu
tional Amendment ; abolishing : slavery -and
as it is not improbable that several;
other Western territories will soon fol .-I
low the? example of Colorada and come in
as States, we maf be able to ratify that
amendment without New Jersey, t
' Major Charles II. Shriner, United
States Collector for the 14th District, last
week collected and forwarded to Wash
ington the sum of $110,000. '
.The receipts of the Pennsylvania
Central Railroad will thie year foot up to
iboiit SLVfinn.tWQ; betwecr. .fi.OOO.oriO
nd Zft niifi.ntift r.f which is clear profit. '
haw -I
A union of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no power shad ever;-
A union of hearts, and a tinion of hands,
And the American Union forever! ."'
M I F F L I N T O W N:
Wednesday Morning, ; Sept. . 13,
A. I,. GUSS, Editor.
Lev. 25 : lo.
3f Proclaim Liberty .JSi'
.Jt-er-Throughout the Land -f
pif to ALL the
Inhabitants Thereof.
hai the hardest Circulation of any paper pub
lished in this County. It is therefore the
bat advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Lncalist,
and well worthy of the patronage of every
lcyal eitisen in tho County.
Cnion Conutv Standing Committee.
Mifflin Col J J Patterson, Capt A II Martin,
Fermanagh El:as Horning It C Gallagher,
Fayette Michael Hoffman, Capt L l)egn
Monroe A U MieUcnbcrger, S Mrouaer,
Susquehanna Levi Light Sol Vpdegrove, .
Greenwood S Shellenberger, H H Mint urn,
Delnware J I Ihompsou. tlihu ltenner,
Walker J A Oallngher, John Motzcr,
Patterson Lt Snmue' flrown, Geo Goshen,
Milford Col J K Robinson, Thos H Hardy,
Tnrbtt Stewart Turbettf Isaas Kauffman, 4.
Perrysville Lt Samuel Laird, P & Liggett,
c;pru?e- 1H11 Wm J Kvans. Thomas Patlon,
isealc Ir J P Sterreft, llichard Uovle.
Tuscarora 'ames Irwin, Geo M Smclker,
Lack Mitthiaa Stdrap, John Leonard,
Ulack. Log D Melntyre, Samuel Shearer.
Union Hepnblicari State Nominations
or Mirn-ixTOws.
Color Dearer of the 4?th P. V. Aged 60 years,
or Lack.
JOSEPH 13. McDONALD, jr. (I year)
rrivnte in Co. A 1st l'enua- Cavalry.-
Captain of, Co. F. 10th, Penna. Cavalry,
Quartermaster of 53rd llegt. P. V. ;
or favette.
8(5 " I'rey-snn must be made, odious !
Traitors must be punished and impover
ished. They must not onfy be punished,
but their tocialjtower, must be destroyed;
And after making treason odious, every
Union men and the Government -should
I remunerated out of the ockets of
those kiio have inflicted this great suffer
ing vjHin the country." President John
son, April 21, 1865.
the Jumata -Sektisel i Published oa-t
Main Street, next door to the Post Office,
Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa., on every
Wednesday at tbe rate of 2.00 per year in
adranoe and $2.50 if not paid within the
year. We wish to do a cash business as
nearly as possible. . We wish to deal honest
ly and alike with all, and therefore need ao
be asked to vary from our terms by any one
Thankful for past favors we ask theoontinned
Seventy-fire cents per square of ten lines
or less for the first insertion; three inser
tions for $1.50 and 50 cents for all subsequent
insertions. Estate Notices $2.00. Profes
sional and: Business cards with paper $8.00
per year. Merchantile cards with paper $15.00
par year. Local notices 10 cents per line.
People ought to look to their interest and hd
vertize in the Sbntinm. as its circulation
is ' about one third larger than any - other
paper published in the county. -
Eighth sheet bills, 31,25; quarter sheet
bills $2.00; half sheet bills $3 00; whole
sheet $6 0030 bills are always given if de
sired. Blanks $2.00 per quire. Colored or
fancy work extra, Cards at $1.50 per bun
dred. Job Work respectfully' solicited" as W
ibelicve y't can do np job'Ptatly and attrtct
I ive'ij- niiJ ciptditioiisU? -,,; ,j: j", T
Juniata S
$1000 Reward.
The last week's issues of ihe JnniaU
ileijitter and Juniata Democrat both dib
tinctly qoutc -these words 44 havingbeen
averted by. and found in the Sentinel.
Rcniciftberrhcn nsVc Un vote part oi the
Kcpublican ticket, that their partyergaa aays
"that a nraro has better con'CDtlon at ftit a-.
u than a democrat," t v.
Now we will give the sum of one thou
sand dollars to the families of the Juniata
soldiers, who perished in the slaughter
pens of the South under the adnitnistta
tieo f soh dhninpnisheel Democrats as
Winder, Werze, &. Co., if the Editors of
thoso : papers will produce a ' SNTi'EL '
with the alleged words; - : . '
- And on their production We will run up
the entire copperhead ticket and agree to
vote it openly, if they will agree to run
up and vote the Union ticket on failure
to produce such assertion. '
Here is. a chance to establish your re
pution for truth and veracity and benefit
your party or to suffer the just penalty
of wilfully, deliberately, maliciously and
libcl'.onbly putting into another's month,
words which he did not use. .
The devil did not more potitivcly niis
reprent the words of the Aluighty when
he told our first parents that tHey should
no: die, than do these Editors'! We are
willing to stand by our own ; assertions
we do not go back on our rerord- this
is what wc did say :
! eneu;
enough to he a traitor, the negroes of the
South are better than its white traitors."
And these words we can prove ly : in -
eoniefluoieiacu. J-et any man oi com -
mon intelligence look at the South. Were
not Davis, . Lloyd, Breckinridge, Cobb,
Mason, Yaucy aud a host of others who
mt the -tnKtifvntrir4 anil If.idpra nP tb
.... .. , - .
leoemon, aii prommcm. ana recognweu
1 be history of this war proves that even, alienable right to life, liberty and tuo pursuit i ' " '"" """ ,,"l "ul ; at put.lrc outcry on the premise, on
uneaucateu negi-oes naTe nau a Better con- 01 nappincsS. 1 sueu as it ts, wc give 11 in tiie name ui TJit'KSL'VY NoVKMBFK I'ith ISt0
ceptton of their dutiea as eitixens than the t '- " . . , . ' . i i Cbri.t SIrri vnu liCfan Viiur luhor ! i.v .' '
democrats and hence are better ouatified to Wc ask Our readers to give this rCSolu- uruI" .,'" ,nte 3.0U "?San Juur uoors f. fa h R,a, ff,,r ., .
democrats, and hence are letter qualified to b . . ; , our miJ3t you have had many things ' . , ,V 1
exercise the elective franchise than rebels or ton a careful reading, aud they will .,... 1 .l. ..PVra 1 .- ,A certain piece ofland
cooDcrheads. If there is nnv virtue sense J ... . .- b' ,.,! to contend Willi. . ' r.Jtt the common 1 O. 1 J"o;.....l ; r.. ,--
gh to be loyal, over h.'ving rtunMJ,, P". " trials and family alHlfUotlS Dt :Ie you I hlB ,,(1ioin ...Jhs of L,ian Wii.cw. ti
leaders of that party ? On the other hand, (his traducing the memory of one of the j w0ic counsel of God, exhort tticrt every-; 1'F.lt.M.S. one third of the purchase men
who ever heard of even an uneducated srrdat founders of the Republic We I where to repentance aud faithfulness, and , e-v J,;J nn "'"''''Vl"1! .h"V"'t
negro in tho south being a traitor to the
... . ,
outhbeine a traitor tothelmnc no una will be deceived bv this
Ifmted States uoverume ut : o oue'jlove Copperhead lie, lUUddou to
Which therefore had the best conception
of duties as a citizen the ocrocs or these i
' i
democrats 1 Answer will you ? As a
class the negroes iu the South were all:
, .11.
fiiillifiil-av n lj& flip, tlpmonntta wpn
uearly all traitors. Deny it if you dare
And it they contend that we were ,
speaking also" of the North, which, how-
nn. .h r..rt fh- itAnnflptlnn
ever, was not the tact as tne connection ,
clearly proves, theu we again assert that'
!,. ; .,.r..i v....
"-U..U! i.ui i"iU,0 .a..
The few negroes in the North were all
joyal had a true conception of their du
ties as citiscbs. Whs it so with all thoss
.,..11.. , . .
that cttrlnd tbrtti1'Tep fllmfWrfttn 7 I !,itHA .
.,.v . "
now face the music ! Look at the record
of the so-called dcmocraU ! Look at
Jim. Buchanan who said the government
had no right to coerce a State that had se
ceded ; at Congressman Long and Harris,
praying God that ' we might never con
quer tho South ; at Yallandigham add
others- whose very names stink with trea-
son; look at tne thousands 01 democrats ':
who skedaddled to Canada : at the draft j
rioters;' at the infernal gang who declar-
cd the war a failure ; at the assassins j
and oh, 'Jod, the heart sickens to recall !
or enumerate cither the men or the man-
ne'ra in which those who have boasted of
their democracy have proved themselves
traitors and sympathizers with treason,
murder,' starvation, assassination and
crimes without name or paralell-black
and damning as hell itself.
The course of the so called democracy
or copperheads during the war Is so out
rageous that ' it would have damned to
6 tornal infamy any other party or set of
men but these fellows calling themselves
democrats (?) glory in their shame and
charge their "disgrace on' others ' Now
has their record a paralell ? No Sir, the
blackest negro in the North is ashamed
of it eveu if his skin is so black that
charcoal will make a white mark upon it,
he would spurn to be a Yallandigham, a
Long, a Booth, a Wallace, a Clymer, a
an Ingersoll, a Wood, a Davis, a Bil!
Millet or any of that tribe who are noto
rious as opposes of the Government in its
effects to. crush the rebellion. Yes thote
very negroes, so much abused by laese
Surratties, had a better1 conception of
their duties as citizens than to go Canada,
to get up draft riots, to pray God for the!
success of the rebels, or to call an assass
in an innocent women.. Even our towns
man, Cyrus Morrison, black though he.
be, had a better idea of his duties as a
citizen when he enlisted in the army
than that Editor who remarked in Lis
hearing as he was going to the train that
'he (Morrison) . was a damnod fool for
enlisting.' You so-called ; democrats,
you tcel, genuine sympathizers with, the
rebels, who have much ( to say against
those who put. down: the- rebellion and
nothiug against the rebels, who call Mrs
Surrntt.au innocent woman and the .trial
of the demon hyena , Werie "murdering
by military commbsion," you white lirer
ed crew, for decency's sake for truths'
sake, do not cotnpara your foyaltj, your
conception of your duties as citizens, with
that of tven negroes no not disgrace
the poorereaturesby making them believe
that their record is blacker than yours.
Civs the devil his due and he willing to
take your owb ,
m r 1
' - ' S'etro Snffragek
Both - the iDeinberat and Refiiter ! in
their last two issues chartre that the tats
Union State Convention declared in favor
of N-gro Suffrage. Now we challenge
them to the proof of this statement.
This system of wholesale lying has been
earned on quite long enough. They
know that it is not true but they hope to
deceive the ignorant by its repetition
We again ask them to produce
proof as ho held up as Wilful falsifiers
The only resolution of that Convention
which could by any possible contortion
be construed into such t declaration is
the following : -
That the mild and generous method or re
construction offered by the President to tho
people lately in rebellion, in the judgment of
this Convention, has not been accepted in the
spirit of honest loyalty and gratitule, but
with such evidence of defiance and hostility
an to Impel us to the conviction that they can
not safoly be ent runted with the political
rights which they forfeited by their treason,
until they have proven their acceptance of
them in eo nstilutiotial provisions and secur
ing to all men within their bonlers tneir iU'
; ceived the anathamoes of these modern
Democrats uvitten by Thomas Jcffec
! 10 whom they .Jclight to style the father
i : . ? . ,
j ot Democracy. Listen to tuo language,
: ' secure to all mcu within the borders
1 their "imtliable riuht to life, libertv and
i the pursuit of ' happiness." The very
t sF tUn 1A.lurtinn nf I r.iL.Tnn.
b b .. ...
. dence. fclume on you, l-oppcrucaas, wr
: hope no one will be deceived by this
' ccive TOtew,
The Democrat
nr. Bcllotdi
The Democrat last week in a coarse
. . . . ,
.1 t ..itAln ..t..lnl
,Blm gnuueuiami oicu..j
j ga;j!, Mr. Uclford the Union nomiuee for1;
Trcasu rcr. Now wc deem any reply un-1
necesary. Mr. D elford has resided heie
r -l . r . i ii'lireseaw iu the parsonait alwaVst wet-
for quarler of a centurj 8ud we could . J ,
8;iy no,hin3 in his praise not already well
i. . . . .... ,
tnowu to uiis community, so we tuinK
the Democrat can say nothing to his dis
adtantage Which will be believed by any
one ;n ,.,, community without retrard to
j .
1 v.-" -- " " --, .... -
... s r l.ir.J 1 f
rarw. .it. i;nuru auu ur. laiaer nie
.nr. iisllora aua Jlr. larker are
.0UT neighbors and it is ungentlcuranly to
say the least to assail either, personally
Mr. Parker, his his weak points and is
vulncrablc but our cause docs not lftunc
to turn common blackguards to give it suc
cess. ' The people know them both, Mr.
Bclford made a good Treasurer once aud
we hope to see him rewarded by a rccl-
lection. .- .. i
jf Robert don't want the office to take
, turn occasionly out of the money then
we woukl like to know what is in It.
.Robert is too oonscientioui to "shave
orders" we don't believe he would do any-
thing of. the kind. Mr. B elford was
nominated because his patty had confi
dence id him as tt good citizen a Consis
tent christian and an lloQCst man. It was
not to Catc'h Democratic Methodists votes
or aby one else in particular but because
of the reason stated above.
We have confidesce his claims and
character are so supciior to those of his
opponent that fie1 will be supported by a
large majority of his fellow citizens and
th us be triumphantly elected. ' -
Sanitary. Notwithstanding the com
mon prediction that Wo Would have s
very unhealthy autumn, the general
health is our neigh boi hood ccntinues
good. . We have no prevailing disease in
this community, and very few persons are
sick. Keep the drains clear : don't per
mit any stagnated pool of water, any
piles of decaying vegetation, nor any col
ections of offal and filth to remain about
your dwelling, and wo think ' no serious
sickness neec be aperehended. ' '
Assess the Soldier.
It is the duty of district committees,
and the privilege of individuals, to sec to
it that all soldiers arc assessed on or be
fore the" 30th of this month. Strldicrs
who served and voted in the army lost
their citizenship lemporarily, J1.
and it most therefore be restored before
they can be permitted to vote.
19 The ' Republican State Conven
tion of Massachusetts assembled at Bos
ton, on the 14th inst, aud nominated Col
Alcxauder : II. Hnllock for Governor,
and Hon. Win. C'laplin for LieutiLaut
Fine Donation.
A nu&ccr of the brethren and sisters
of the Lutheran Church in this town call
ed at the parsonage cn last Saturday after
noon, carrying, to their pastor quitea .va
riety of -the necessaries tsf lift. Jlr. A. II.
Weidiiian! made the;' presentation in ; be
half of the party in the following remarks:
Hev. K. II. Fletcher. Dear Sir
rutrtiitu. ucar oir
elation! mb7n9!
and Brother In
ot the Lutheran
town and country, and others who bear a
frienoMy feeling toward you, I am author -
M bthe .icitiug eemmittee to present
you theso subsUntiai tokens of respect
for VOU aud the saered office which you
-K . - ... . . .
hold. : You. 6ir. are a Minister ot thrtst
standing between tts and eternity, to
treat us all to he reconciled to . God.
nffi ta higher than vours. none more
, , mi at-
noble ; none more responsible. He be-
o .. : ... .
neve your niinu ougru 10 oe couccrneu
anxiety as 10 now you snail .ive anu meet
" . : . 1 n i- 1
your financial obligations. Jntlve be -
lieTC there is no Sphere of labor in which
a man is conscious of making st many
sacrifices, and of laboring so zealously
' , j f 1.
for the good of others, and vet in which
he so oftiri feels as if his labors ot love
Were to vain and ' Unappreciated. In or-
dcr therefore, to eboer your heart, the
brciltreti and sisters have this day brought
to your door whatever gift is seemed good
to then ; and, in addition, t now hand
you this purse containing 121 tloi'ars in:
luciricv. accouinanied with a list of the
aiHttibntiona. and I am sorfv thnt the
reaier ; out
i have not been exempt. Aulti Bas tbe
i conqueror of our race cutcred yoUr fami
j ,aud akn 'MT?a .s,?m lutl? I
nud. 1 ucked bv a lathers hand and)
; p,auteJ' h) ,ie Vo'n4iM (lf Gt,j to Loum
: j0icver Yfttl have lived asiid tronbt'os
! tiniest pasions and prejudices olteu ran
higli'j but ihecr ydur heart wttluu you,
the future I'Joks brighter. Wc hav
i neaee a train thrjuithoHt our
i about wortuiy tilings oniy enougu to mase j county, up to 10 o cm.-k. .. a satue
tho j you a" good citizen, humble, social and a SEPTEMBER Cn, ISiT.I; for building in
gentleman : but not to le harraseed by s-n"? ir.xy, on.ne.urt nonae
6 . . ' . , 1. 1 ! lot. Plan and rpecification to be sei-n at
n(iw:, ,..). rraf.. ,hl.u . .i... s.,i.Me for a shoemaker -r ta.lor,
I ri i a- ii i t ti
t may our llcavcfilY fatner oie.s u ait,
j may our Heavenly
I tins company, tnis uonaiiun; our cuuren,
) youiself and fjttiily. and finally briug Us
.. .. i . t i
ITilll U.f III". .I.U1.IJ.V1 .U - . ' W - -
I evei lasting rest.
Tli. I'sst'ir ratified a follows;
! " , . . v
Jil .111EI IIER.N AND Oii'r.K! I I our
t .... . . . '
friendly greeting to day is calculatea to
cheer the heart of your Pastor aud inspi-e
him with fresh hope aud zeal iu the cause
! 0,,r common Lord aud Master. Your
I ,, Vl' n;nU,,'n, n,i ,uv;,,fiMlhcPre!iillW,,',1,f.k
I J ' . ' . . . -
! prcseutiim him a tcstimoouil of sovie rs-
2ard atia affection, and therebv ftivlnjt a
! beautiful cxeiiiMineation 01 tne aposm a
i injunction. "And we oeseecu you oretn-
I ,nj
. . 1 . 1 1. . . 1 . 1 ; . ......
eru to anow viictii wiiicu lauur auiou ivu.
f, j ,
' i ..,. ,i,p r ,.r,i .,,,,1 ..illllin
isl, yuu. and to esteem them very highly
iu love lor their works satte.
Allow me
.o say that whilst we gratefully acknowl
i .. 1 t. in- .1.1 . :c.. j..
?. , . . ,
nation (Mtnriisiti it duns man v Brt:cles
which arc ot prime importance in a lum
ily, the conviction that these various gifts
have becu the spoutancous offering of
willing, loving and, sympathizing hcarU,
adds wrcatjy to their value and iutensly
to tbe pleasure aud sctifiaction of their
reception. The relation subsisting be
tween Cs as fastor arid people has been,
Upon the whclc, of a frictldly character j
this c:rcumstance, considering the pecu
liar troublesome times through which we
have recently passed,' is to me a source
of much satisfaction. During thd last
four years of my ministry affiOBg you,
events have rapidly tracvptred Which has
caused much alienation ot feeliug. not
only in families and in the . social circle,
but even in the Church of Christ, and
nniong those who are members of the com
mon household of faith. Let us be
thankful brethern that the demon of dis-
cortl and stnte has not to any considera-
ble extent marred the peace and harmony
of our congregations, but art the contrary
there seems to be a spirit love which j
prompts us to east the mantlo of charity
over each others frailties and imperfec
tions, and to labor for each others spirit- j
vial and temporal welfare. In conclusion, !
brethern, wc thank you for your kiudness,
and also for the sympathy you have been
pleased to express for myself and family
in those afflictions which .ad all-wise Prov
idence has seen fit to send tipcm Us, and
we humbly hope that the remainder of
the period of our sojourn in your midst
may prove a. blessing to yourselves and
also to him who feels himself to be one of
the humblest ana weakest of Christ's ser
vants. After the exercises Were over the com
pany spent a few moments in a sociable
i conversation, and then departed ' feeling
! &M 10 the,r WhlJ-. wWe don'-
ion was worth at least $200
"The South" have seized on Wash
ington at last. Hundreds of pardon
hunter, besiege th. White House daily,
to asoaid the Preeident that they are" loy
al and that they are in favor of hit policy.
But what right have a people to boast of
the loyalty which was whipped into them
by the force of the bayonet ? aud who
cares whether they are in favor or not of
a policy which the Government h-m the
rijrlit aud the ytrcn-th tocufbrte ?
( Kis!iaccqui!!as ScmiDarf,
"!T7'iI.l. open jts Winter Session, on Octo
V bcr 16th; iJitM. Tnition. Board. Licbt.
1 Fuel anil 1'wruikhod Rooms per session of hve
months, 87." "For further particulars address
;; : s. z. sua up,
; , ' Kishacoqitillas, T.
n t rr -
j MIFFL,ST0WS :Jl-NlAU covKty,. PA.
1 -u-py
- O". 1 lo ft
prosecution f claim against the Oote rntneat.
' collections and all other business e ntrusted to
1 v; vj- - t, - ....
' ."Mreei. o ne uoor toutn
' of Snyder's llotl.
?ept. 20, 1S5.
a-ropoaw : in accordance w iln the rce-
i uiiiiMTTiiujii 1: 11 me tinini jury, &pnroTeI i
j hy SEAlE tKftTWAVS miix htrM
i nmmeimittf':-. nf h urtiJ
by the Hoard of Commissioners of Juniata
i 1
. tb, rnmmissi..ers Office.
; Also, propoMls will be receWed at the fame
I time and place for patting Yrnitian window
i shutters upon the upper story of tbe Court
Ho.u,sye" '. ,
' -''. at the same ttme and Llac. proposals
j be received furrnrnshin two bed sVeads
and bed ling fur the usoaf theCailnty rnsotf.
j My order of the Commissioners,
j . ",, - A. J. (.RtKfi, Olcri.
pr" "' ' " ' ' ; '
T)v virtue of an -rderof the Orpbana" Court
! 'f -'"mala County, the nndei-igned, ad
! Winistrator f the stale of Wm. Ittnn, lata
Oakland Mills, dee d.' will
M Will,
IiEitTciideiver. M
Si Hufimsn aud Aduni Wtiil-
man. conttumug
.Va.i n PE ttrnr.s. bavi:,K bullt .era
cleared and un 1 r fence '.he balance being
I . ,, ,''.
A lot of i.-ind contiguous
o the above and eimtain-
i (Ji i
: .it IriirHU'l having therein erectol a
. uiVF.l.l.l N1 IhlLSK and KRAMK STAMT.
conn anu wie reniaiuinK '"-'""""' "
,ia nf tnrtl. lSi. when a dcc'l
j -i - - .
w;u i,e niade nnd possesion given.
Snle to eomiueure at Id o'clock. A. M..
ldav when atteti'laiice will be giren bv
, W ......... .
.111 r.l. It .llttr.
rrnr. rsrKRSI(j5iKI. KV VlRTVK oy
j X prdfeetlir. in partition imthirilestat-
or Andrew raraer, fieci-aei. nu nj r.irr
of ,)r,lhars- Coiirt, win -n at pm.iic ...tier...
on the premises at 10 o cl'K-k, A. M.. n
SATt ni iV, OCTOtiKR I t. 1S05.
The followirtg property ip wit : PAUCEL
OF I.ANP in Fermahseh township.. Juniat
county, adjoinipjj imi'ls "f J"lin Wright. K.
S. Doiy and John Schwcir, coiitaitiiu, (ncjt
nlensuret " .
9 ACKKS A: 131 PfeBf W F;
ALSO, at the Central Hon, in I'fitttrFrh
n Saturday, October 1 1. ljC5. l 1 o'cl cc.
I . M. ttie loitowing wis m me nuinujiii
Patterson: Lot So. U. 1C ami 17 on
Main street ; lots Xo. H4. 4'- iZ, 41. 45. AS
and -V. on Tuccarora street; lots No. 1,
tli 75. 7o and 7 on Path street ; loth So.
fi, ;7i 5R. ami 50 011 l!aiirot:d Avenue: slid
lota No; i. Pi), f?. SS, 8! 0, 01, 'Mi, ?t
landOti dn Mowry slt-eet.
ALSO, a tract or land in MiTord town.Miip.
adjning luni of David Snloi ff, John Wright
and Jacob Frank, containing
TERMS: So mulfi of the purchase roonry
as Will pay the costs of partition ic. and In
be paid to Ezra, D. Parker, Administrator of
Andrew Parker, deceased ; one-thir l of the
balance on confirmation of sale to the Heirs
arid legal representative of An drew Tarter,
deceased: and the remainder in one year
thereafter with interest, to be secured by re
cognizance with surety approved , by the
"dtn'r of Andrew TarVer, dec' if.
Sept. 20-ts.-
IX the
Borough of Mifflintown, for the years
j The account of James Kirk. Treasurer of the
j boroitgh of Jlifflintown, for th years 1B6I
! 6J-6.I:
$?."! li
AS 00
JSl 41
1 60
$765 03
To amonrtt of duplicate of l'"f
" " 1862
" Panorama Exhibition
ft'y casta paid to C. S. Italy on Jndg
ment Note
$100 00
4 no
t 69
M 47
Crt 17
115 &5
5 20
By caali paid on 7 Orders
By Receipts and Orders cn rfep Hcsta
of lt.ti
By exonerations allowed collectors for
B"y percentage allowed eol'a for !
By balance in hand of " '
t5y exonerations allowed "
by percentage allowed ' ,
By exonerations " " 1S12
By Percentage "
Br Treas'trtr's percenlare
171 48
21 05
14 20
24 AO
13 02
9 16
11 S3
31 !'
By amt allowed Alex. Speddy on over
paid duplicate of 1851. 1'.
By t allowed A. Speddy on dupli
cate of 1852. r
fty one Order 7 fHi
By cash paid to II A Stsmbaiigb.Treas'r 3 3K
Total $7W i
The aboe inclndes the aceonnt of I'atid W
A Belford, Treasurer for 1(6. Mr. B. having
rcfrirred from Mifflin before the expiration of
his Trcajurship.
eii""r to