Vfo staPAi1 atofcnyq, September ib, :aee a8T UNO FCAR NOT." TOWN ANO f VNTKV. 'iXTtFii. Oir nl ear ton " sU-i Mi-.. . ,.N''r . - ..- ' Kttful llitaB it ibt race of 08NSSYLVA5IA RAILROAD. ON AND afte .Monday, May 29, Jii, Pawngtr reins will leave MitHui Station as follow i : ' KiWeiphia Esjwess.. 12.43, A. M. ; 'Fast Lane..-..,...-... 5-.41, A. it : LHj Bxpresj. ... ......v. 11.21, A; . 'Ktt.bK.&. EtmUuL.. 11.12, P. !&. Mail Train......' ........ 3.45, P. M. J - WESTWARD. 'iiUf:.Si. Erie Mul.v.. 5 27. A. M.J . - Baltimore Express . 4&9, A- M- rhiladdphta Express.. f3i, A. M. 'Past Lin.' ... S...8, I. M. Mail Train 3.5::. 1'. M.! TKtwfrrantTraia. 10.07. A M.Jjj ; V JAMES NORTH, Ag't. iiiy exeep t Sunday, ffai! except Mondav. Stop at VerrysviUo at, 11:23 IT fiaSej) ll.JM 3:63 " Slop 11 TflCniptvatowu at i:.4-. 4:16.-. . J 8top at Ferrysviile at 3. 19 (if ?ge (5 9:31. "j Tbompsoatowu at 3.1:3 !:00 tfflaged.) ttf la the last Rt'jitter the editor speaks of P. S. Lipgett, Esq. as 'his friend. Thin charge Mr. Liggett indignantly do xies, and wtates that he is unable to im agine what. disloyal act tie editor gap. -pcf htm to have been gcilty of, that he ho'ild be il'-raef?J by an opea charge &f friendship with the editor. "Come re out from amodg thejs and be ye sap trsfs," Ac. A 'ew 5?trTtCABVror. John Roll inati baa opened ',ut in the Diu;; Store tasinc.n in the rucra ilth his brother William the waununiter and Jeweler. In drnpjin j in we aotice that the room is Sited up ith the rca'cst Deatncs arsd tt. Joho kan served his conntrj faithfi'.Iy, it a e!v ver, e'ntorprisiag young ias, ao'l we fcvpe to him flourish and rj 17 a hrge share cf the p-iblic patron aje. Ci'l and ec him pricei tu jd,;rate. In iEMriLfcANCE. Oa Monday ereuing of iaat week Rct. J. S. MaM2r."y, P. E. of the M. E. C. delivered a Temperance Leefrc ta thii place at tha cooclnBion of whirh the J lowing r'caolntion was adopt ed : RerJircd;-lhl it i the aenso of the t!;! that Ia!iXeraoOc is on the ii- creaae and dirmaads th hearty coo?cra- tioooi'ail ehriatian pcoflc to stay the i .tiie of i: inflaeoec. iW'Esr Book Lo.?r. Mr?. Pumclia 'J. Crawford, while coming from McCoy town, to thi.4 place on last Monday, lot her pockat hock ccuUioing over fifty dollars. I: a'so oostaiaed a lead pencil ilh hery head and a silver quarter dol ar. Any one finding It arid retarding it to Kcr io Jirl!:atawa kill be liberally re warded John P. Iteed, jr. indicted tor the aiicged murder of Jaesb Ciouao, at Bed ford, Pa. has been released on bail. Ked's csuesel were ready and actions to go io trial, but the prosecution refused to do co and obtained a postpotiemeot. S, A Sj'dter'i Picoic will k; acid in J. J. Rhine's Woods, oear White HalJ, ic Fayctie towaship, oa SstarJiy, S;p tembtr, 16tb. HA. PeLCsy'.vacia inrnUhed from April 17, 1861, 13 April 3'), 1SS5, accord !n to a letter from Provost Marsha! Gen eral Fr? to Gevertor Cartin, Sdl,939 ircsps without reference to priority of errit., which varied tioci three mouths to ihree years. To this number are to be aided trocri BiiiS dairnce atld emer geocki. mes whd lef; tiro State to enlist is other military districts, aad colored troops recruited to fill p colored rr?aai saricniin other States, swelling the graiid total to 479,439. Tai Pxmocbatic Rlcoep We have OiBUcencsi this week the publication of a tesord ot the Dernocratio Party we hop all our readers tsiU givo it a careful ;ritL K'.ep thee paper', and post joaraelvta in the record of a party whose doctrines and iztS for the last five years are so bhek, daaniig1, disgraceful and disloyal that had acy other party been guilty of one tenth its crimes, it would have darcued it so lew, that it never could bare offered to show itself again. But like 8atan they are not cTa-shed by their record they a:e still Laid together by :ae saae?:T nzi hop of peb'v SotwiM' MojicMHT Fcwd Tke T V- --.v.. . ' : L Arour.rauauowicuFSU.eio.-uw.ugc.su rcei to ia from Walker township, Miss Einma 8. Thomnaoa and Mis La - yinia.U. Hart, Solicitors: y He trick , $3 00 J S Thouipion 5 00 R Peihl 1.25 II Strought J.00 C A Thompson l.OOl H W Strouae 1.00 Peter Kilmer 1.00 D Iletrick 1.00 WPThoeipion2.00 A Musser 1.00 D Kloss 1.00 W Hetrick 1.00 SFuok 1.00 John II Wilson 1.00 T Kennedy 1.00 D Patterson J.OC M Rodgers 1.60 E Spicfrer 1 00 W K Benson 1 00 DNMiCer 1.00 J 'Carpenter 50 J Stionght . 60 R Turner 50 N Funk 0 Wm Ueecher 50 D Folti ; 50 L BoWman 50 O McFarla'nd 50 J P Koisely 50 J Wetnler 50 - -1 sjjj 57.00 W Uingnc&l.W S B Hark 2.00 fied Hack 1 00 Rct M'Cariutr 2.00 J Thompson 1.00 W II Turbett 1.00 S Riokenbaugh 1 00 F Emrich 100 Y S Folti l.OOi S Patterson 1.00 W II Parker 1X6 S L Herr 2 00 Miss MKiniloe 100 8 Lstnlonsleer 1.00 J K Rodgers 100 P. S Ifart r 1.25 Wm Rodgers 1.00 J Mootacr 1.00 Dr.pplebaugh 1.00 Wahu Rodgers 1.50 ToUi c . r ;. BY MISS M. SAETitH AND MIlH 2llLK OALLGattL, Solicitors. . CBook W Book M Kyle J t'ndcrwood Ir P Hamlin 1.001 1.00 J Tyson Miss 3 Bride '. W Cnmmel ' Miis N Kline M S Beshoar P Karstetter A Friend Ifancy KanHmau M Farleman D Crimmet T Weaver , J S Wearer 50 50 50 25 50 ao 5 25 25 30 50 25 100 1.00 1.00 J A Gallagher 1.00 Mrs C Zeigler 1 00 Wai Fowled - 1. 00 D Fowlus I. CO W D Seiber 1 00 S Shirk 1.00 iVPKurts 1.00 .? GincrriCh - 1.00 I M Gingrich 1.00 John Gingrich 1.00 a Warner Wm Bratton 50 Wallace Bratton 50 Mrs A Beshoar 50 Barbara SiderS SO Eph Kaufiman 50 Mrs S Kauffoiaa 25 J tlauttman 1 00 C Muier 1.00 J K inff.uaa 1 00 Jco Kaaffman 1 00 J W Sartain 1 00 Jacob Jlliao 1 00 Jos Mover John Musser M Weaver Cyros Selbtr Mrs M N..bio Mrs J Kerr 25 25 50 50 50 25 Chas ZeieJer 1.00 8cl Shirk 1.06! Julia Rank 25 Phi'ipRnak 25 33 35 57.00 $90 33 199 50 fotsl Amt. previously aok. Total receipts $289 85 E. 8. PARKER, Treasurer. Valvable Farms fo Salk. Joseph McOlclland offars for sale the farm on which he resides in Spruce Hill tdwhship. 1 1113 county, containing 110 acres of good land having good buildings at 1 o'clock r. M. on Wednesday, October 85lh, 1865. A!?o at the amo time and place a farm situated near the above containing 40 acres with good buildings, Ac. And on the nest day at the some hour being Oct , "C,!i (an not 00 t5l 5th as the bnys ptintcd it on th6 bills.) lh Farm cf Mrs. Mary A. Thompson adjoining tho aodve and containing 213 acres with good build ir.g?, ic. These farms are about four miles west of Perrysvilie on the road to Academia, are very desirable propoitia and pleasant hones. Bears. Our frieend Snyder has anoth er, bear captured on the Shade modntain hack of town in one of Tyson's pens. He is at the Hotel and crowds como to see hiui. teg" We are compelled to postpone our oomweuts on our nominees this weik; fur the present we can only rexark that they are all very eieelleotand worthy Cen. In them the cause of the Suldiera Was properly recognised. Vikmost Election. RctSrcs from HG towns (being more than three fifths of all the towu? in the State) show that 15a Republicans and 8 Democrats have been elected to the Lcsislaturb. Keatackr. We publish to day the official returns of the Kentucky election, giving the vote of the State Treasurer and the vute for Members of Co agrees The total vote for Treasurer foots up as follows : Garrard, Dom, 42,187; Neale, UnJon, 42,032 ; Garrard'a majority. 105. The total vote for Mcuhers of Con gress foots up as follows ; For the Oppo sition members, 67,502 ; for the Union member, 64,008; OposS'ifch majority, 8,494. The Senate will stand 19 Union and 19 Opposition, and the House of Repre sentatives 6S Opposition and 42 Union. Jftj In the Win trial, on Saturday. Lieut. Col. Chandler. foTtreYlv ic fha I r -L.i . . . Rebel service, who made ao inspection of the Andersonville prison, testified to ' the wlifferecceof Gen. Windef to the j oomfort aud health of the prisoners ! Winder said to him, it would be b'etrer'tc. let one-nalt of the prisoners die, so that they could take ewe of the rem ami." t ;r''- .-. j . , , - jWicie. wuaa.ttrw-rd promoted , ! important A naoaneemens ik'ailM USnSaMina 1 IP l.uva .In r- ,.V - . ! mark that it is highly probable that a fcw ! more issues of this paper will tercifcUi all our counection with tbia office. H o say mawuhieei.uff, ot jiS regret uo. Antv tlnrincr nvnr sra nf fffftnt- , , , ,. , -, . . f ul war and high political exoiteraent, we ,. . have conducted the Organ of the Union Party of this County. W love them, for they hare been kind to us, often exceedingly so, they have shown that kindness by a generous support, by gift ly eyfipthy, by liquidating the fine aad costs ofolitiea. prosecution, snd we will part with them with very great relue-1 tance bu. duty seems to call us to a . . 3 . . . j more befitting position. Hs have one what w; propiWd, when we first pUrchas- .1.1. n-. j tt 1..- vi 1 mation 01 saie oy me uouri, ana 'ne riniB ed the OfEce, and now feel honorably at tr m Jt of ' u 1866;when , de4d wiU t:a-. ... r.u rt.. . ' , . , j il r liserty to withdraw What arraniremenU will yet be made, time must, show, and will be announced blreafte'r) Vn taetoiean time le' all true fiiends .of the Union go to work resolutely and secure the election of the w'hote Soldiers' Union Ticket. 8. Both oT the Surratt Orgies 'cowa town are out this week in columns of abuse of our nominees iacluding their usual lies, ribaldry and blackguardisra. Let any one compare the several issnee of the. SKNTiSEt 6l"nca their hontinatios, with their urgansj and then fty who has commenced to ounduct the campaign ky a personal ulu.e of candidates. Howev er, wfe ecaTi ti.el ooiupeiled nejt week to vindicate our'oWn ua.l retort in good style. UIFFLISTO It .V A XO SARKKTS. TATTESSOS' ffcOUR. Super. 6bi. $6 50 Eit'ra,.".......... 6 75 Fancy,. 8 SO Bye. ewt- 3 00 Buckwheat, 4 00 MARKETINGS. Butter, prime $ lb 30 Butter, -n rate Lard, 25 TUow - 12 H'ogs. 'aixwt 15 00 Ham. lb 25 Corn Menl,... 1 5 GRAIN, White vhet.... 2 Red Wheat ti bu Rye....... 1 00 80 40 Sides & Shoulders 16 BEEF, Foro qr, cut 9 00 Hindqr. . 10 00 POCLTRT. Barley,... Co.-o Buckwheat, 1 01 . 60 1 00 - 45 'ch'ckens. pair 50 Oat a, SEEDS, Clover, "g Jimothy. rUx,. ....... ll-i'ntar'iAh iDuoia, 40 bus 12 00 3 50 2 00 Geese, 1 00 Turkey. 2 00 COAL, "il ton 80 Treventon atove 8 00 UKitu ruuir, Applex, 1) bu 2 50 do Ere 8 60 Sunbury stove 8 00 reaches, " qt Chcrrie?, Currents Bltckhfiries, Elderberries, do btz 00 Chestnut, 00 rea. Mixed 5 50 3 75 WOOD. POTATOES. New Irish. "jS bn 75 Swe? 3 00 VARIETIES, , . Apples. "S bu I 25 Oak. I 3 00 Hiokory, 4 00 HAY. Timothy, 10 30 Clover,,.,, - 8 00 Oniona - 1 00 Retailed Articles. White Bean,.. 2 50 Beeswax. Tt 45 Soap. Jry i 10 Caudle...!..-.... IS Wool, washed...- 60 Rftg.i, 5 Corrected weekly Coal Oil gal . 90 Salt, Id sack 3 60 Pla.ier, ton 10 00 Sails. JUNIATA SENTINEL In advance Si 00 $ B. M. Todd- rmLAiJELPHiA Markets. Flour 7.25 7 75 Supetfine $8 00 8 75 for extra; $9 12 for fancy brands. Rve flour and Corn tneal $5 6 2o per it. Wheat. Red $2 05 fSl 2.10 old Pennsylvania $2.15 2.20 Pennsylva nia White $2 40. Rte. 95e (Si 105c. Corn. 92e tor yellow 95c for white. Cats 16o 50e. Clover Seed $3 9 SO. Timothy Seed $4 25 4.50. Flax Seed $3.00 per bu. HARRIED. I16 nc!fadtkalmantkouUitaleat.Otd. 2.18 Ca he th Inst.; by Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Wa. H Vise. t Hnminjlon edtinty. to Min Elite A. Orner, ef tebaroti. tk. Tho Long Looked for Como at Last i 1H CELEBRATED Florence Sewing Machine. r '-. This machine is tCe moat perrect instru ment to execute any kind of aewiog now done by machinery in the world. It is simple and perfect in ita mechanical eonstrnctien. Tie feed tiny be rcvenioj at any point desired without stopping, .hich is a great advantage in fastening the end cf seams. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES, Lock. Knot, DoubU Loth, Doublr Knot, each etiich perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and changa from cife sti'.sh to another with out stopping: the miooine- . . Ita stitches cannot be exelied for firmness, tlactisity durability and beauty of finish. No dlificol'y experienced in sewing across thick seams. Sews light and heavy fabrios with equal factt- It wiff Braii. Tick. QuR. Cord, hem, Ftltl Bind, Gather, and ao all kinds of Stitck? iny required by families and ciaflQfaefnrers. The. work will feed either to the right or left, without stopping the machine. The most inexperienced find no difficulty in using it. It is thoroughly practical and 'easily under- s'ood t " It has no tprmgi to jftt cut of brtr, and will last a lifetime. It runs eailr. and is almost nolsebss. It " tne most rapid sewer in the world ; nfct inn five ttiteket to tack revolution. , ' th. Mm, iiM thnud B h.tft aides of the fabric; K Cil' -?. ckiBrs oetng o Ever machine is vnmnted io on eafo-s wJ- iIVacwin9o,1l ha is claimed for it. for this couutv. By caUine at her remdence i0" iIB Street. Mifflintown. one of these ma- shines can be seen in operatica ' .fttEbep 12, 1866-Jy. . Orphans' Cojrt Bale.., I fTlHS onderaimed. dmlnikiralor of Wo. JL &h , d'St iur for lest pub Ijocuicry. by onfcr of the Orphans' Court, on CouaiyTpTott r SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th 1805, ... . . . . ..... . . ...j "tici 01 una. sitnaiea as ootb iicm, I iby 6f Montg0merv Jamison, Thomas Killer's fleirs. Jofaft Kinzer and others, conuiaing atoct more or lasa, with the.apperiaaaaoea. There is a rood Lojt .Frame House, Frame Ban.a4 thr oaf buildings om the pramiaos, and. also, excellent water apa caoi jo irmt. 3 trould,mak a desirable heme f-r acy one ! wishing a small farm. TRRM5: Tea per cent of the purchase ! rooney t0 b, psiJ whB u, property U strick- eu down, one-half of the balance on confir- he triren and cosaeasion riven. , . , SAMUEL LEONARD, Adtkr. GOVEfiXMENT MILES AT AUCTION tft rii.i.4bELi'i;iA THE UNITED STATES WILL SELL 1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION, At Clitapiftn'3 City BaznAr " ' Xo, 1126 Race Street,' 100 MULES. on each WEDNESDAT . . SATURDAY AFTER THE. 20TII DAY OF SEPTEM BER commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. . These Mules are all eerviceable, and so Id only for want cf use. Buyers are invited to' exitiuipe i jem at any iime, ana everj laoiuiy will be given for a thorongh inspection. oouy. sheds are provided for itispection from sun and ram. , tTerrns Cath in 'Government Funds. ALBERT S. ASH MEAD, Captain and A. Q. M VENDUE CRIEU AUCTIONEER The nnderained offers his services to tfec public as Vendue Cryer and Auotiooeer. He hits, had a very large experience, aud fevla confident that he can givo. satisfaction to all who may employ him. . He may be addressed at Mifflintown, or found at hie bctre in Fer managh township. Orders may also be left at Mr. Will's HeteL Jan. 25, 1864. WILLIAM GIVEN. ijuv;! - PHILADELPHIA ( ,,. 1860 A PER HANGINGS. 1 18Ga rtOUELI, St BURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF WALL PAPERS, WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner FOURTH and MARKET 8lr PHILADELPHIA. N. B.ASne stock of LINSN FHAbB tantly oa hand. . . Pah. 16. t665-3m. LA N D FOR SALE ! 'PUE UNDERSIGNED OFFERn AT PRI X yatc sale a lot of land situated In Walk er township, Juniata eounty, adjoining lands of Jacob Shllenborgcr. Daniel Went aril Wi i. w Xiercdiib, containing, about 0 ACRES, About 18 of which are cleared, and in good gru&s. tho balance being well timbered. Tasre it a Log House Snd Frame Bank Bara on the premises. Also good 4&ter and fruit trees. . . , : For terms and further informatidn inquire 't th undersigned residing near Mexico, at keh place letters may be addressed to him. Idly 1 Jib, to. WM. CRIMMEL- DR. P. C Ri'MDEO. of Patterson. Pa., wisbm to .inform his friends and pa. troasthathe has.remqved to .the house on Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store, apro-tf JEREMIAH LYOXS, Milflfctown, Juniata County. Pa.. OSce oa Main street South of Bridge str et. ALL AND tjlAMj.NE " ' onr Stock of Ready Made Clothing before you rnrchase Elsewhere, you will find on 1 hand a good assortment for Men and Boys ware, which wiil be sold cheap for cash or country produce. Jan 1-tf Patterson, Pa. K. C. STEW RT, ATTOHfi EY-AT-LAW, Atijjlintotcn, Juniata Co., Pa., Offers his professional services to the pub lic. Collections and all other business will receive prompt attention. Office first door tlorta of Belfard s Store, (upstairs.) TiriLLIAM M. ALLISON, ' Attorney bt Lac, gtarB gtttiaf. Will attend to ,U business entrusted to his ears. Lace on usin street, .i-mictcwn, ra. MILITARY CLAIMS. rpHE andersigned will promptly attend to A tfaa aotlection of claims arainst either tbe State or National Government, Pensions, Back Pay. Bounty, Extra Pay, and a!l other claims arising out of the present or any other war, collected. . ... ,. . JEREMIAH LTOI.S, , Attorney-at-Law. . Miffiintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl a. ja- Biaif 1 m, js-m WATCrfivTA'ICfctR JEVf EttR. ! No. 148 North SECOND Street, Corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA.. 4a assortment of Watches,.. Jewelry. Silver & v. -Plate! Ware, consUetlyoo hand, Suitable far UOHUSJ ABSENTS i .ataT Repairing of Watcbas and Jewelry prosody attend 1 to .... . j-s f . 7? VALUABLE PARK sssaaae ' taw I rrfitv. UNDERSIGNED RESIDING IN i X Baale towaahip. offers at private sale his valuable Farm located in Spruce Hill , town shin, Juniata eouStty. Pa. 4bont 6 miles Weet ot Perryaville and the Pa. R. R. bounded by land of Same B. Okeson, Silas Smith's Heirs, James Fitigearld an! Wm. Thomas, and containing about ISO J9Loir6 abcut 125 acres of which ire cleared and wa der good cultivation, being the very bestqual i'ty or Limestone land and' in fine oder. There is a good BANK BARN, D WILING HOUSE and other out. buildings on the prem ises-well watered and the woodland well timbe'rW. .. . , , . For further ip format ion parsons can call upon Thomas licloy now living on the prom ises or address the undersigned at Doyle's Mills Juniata County,, Pa. WILLIAM OKESON Aug. 23-. ESTATE NOTICE Ettatt of Ltfdori Hcnyhtycoul, deed Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad ministrator of the estate of LelTord Haugha wout late of Fayette township, deceased, have been grantee, to the nndersijtned residing in the same township. All pereon knowing themselves indeb'ca to said eatate are request ed to make immediate payment ASd those hav ing claims will plee-se present them duly au thenticated for Set'-leienf, ,. SAM92L LEONARD. Aug. 9, '65.-Ct- JoVtmumtor. ESTATE NOTICE L'ltC.e of Itaac Rolimn, dee'd. $otic's is hereby girefl that letters of . Testa mentary on the estate of Uaao Rcllmaa Utef f MitHintown, deceased, Eave been granted to the , .undersigned residing in Fcrman igh township. All persona knowing . the in -aelvea indebted to said estate ara requested to make to immediate payment and those hav ing claims will please predctt them duly au thenticated for settlement.. JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Aug. 2, lSo-Cf. Executor. ESTATB NOTICE ,. Ettatt of $tnj. Toder, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that letters of Testa mentary on the estate of Ben. Y?dci-, late of Delaware township, deceased. have, been granted to the undersigned residing in the same township. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will please present them duly authen ticated for settlement. JONAn VODER. Aog.2-6t. . Executor. ESTATE. TOtlti Ettatt of Wtllia Dunn dee'd. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Wm. Dunn late of Fayette township, dee'd, bave been grant ed to the undersigned of Walker towp. Al persons knowing tbemDs'tes indebted to said estate are requested to make itEirediV.e pay meet, and those ba?& Claims will pleasa present them duly authenticated for settle ment. .-- July 2-St. SAMUEL DUNN, Adm'r. GOSLING'S BRILLIANT, EASY SHINING, Leather Preferring Composition of Neat's Foot 01 and pure I 2. Ivory Black, imjarting to BOOT and SHOE LEATHER tin aoftsess and p'.iuncy rf j KID while with one fmrth the lar tsuaiW i empioyea in tne appuca.ion ci mn or i.aarj Blackings, it produces a JET BLACK IN A MEL GLOSS, efjuallcd only by Patent Leather. , Sold Retail by ail GROCERS AND SHOE DEALERS. OrJers received by American Agency. 386 Broadway New York, and whole saled at the Maacfact'irir'i Depot, 131 ttettd trect,!.T ISAACS. STAUFFER. WATCH MAKER k JEWELER, MaNcrACTi-Rsas or SliTER VISE ND ISFORTEE OF WITCHES No. 118 N. Second St.. Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. ,. , 1 . .... 11a has censtantly on hand an assort ment of Gold aud Silver Patent Lever. Lepine and Plain Watches : Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins. Esr Kings, linger Kings, Bracelets, Miniature Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles, Spectaoles. Silver Table. Desert, Tea, Ealt snd Mustard Spoons; Sugsr Spoons, Cups;. Sap. kin Rings. Fruit and Butter. Knives. Shields, CcinJa, t Diamond. Pointe t Pens, tta., nil cf which tclll be told lea for Cath ! 3T. I. TOBIAS 4 t'O'S best quality full jeweled Patent Levet Movements constantly on hand; also other Makers of superior qnality. N. B. Old Gold and 5i'.'rcr bought for CmAJ Sept, &-ly. r. GROVE. at a- PETER SEW ft OROVE & GO. hiatal ornia bsicu ttfrthaU t ass i-iAii3;.H GRAIN FLOUR, &C. K. W. Cor. Howard MiilL'cUTy fits- DALtanoaB, Sjapr Canslgnmonts of Grain, Flour, and Country Produce, respectfully solicited. Aleo, a large and general assortment of" Groceries Ob hand. F. GROVE & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS A MAJTUPACTTRERS "oT" Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Ao. 164 Fa.4.KLI Mrttt asrwtEM oaxx.x akd rac stsxxts, BALTIMORE. QUICK SALES AND EMALi PKCTITS. Superior IirroaTin Cioans, fine Cstw 130 Tosacco, and Lxar cf every description, with a general assortment it Pipe. outf I?a09, resry Ai:ie?, ii . li lTSa NEW wm mjjvia a u 1 uasjju . .. 0 . . '..) THE anderalgued would respectfully ' inform the citizens of MiffliUowa 1G and vicinity, that he haa opened a Tnr tlin J elry EstablishinsnL on Mam Street, Mifflin -town, in Thompson's Hotel, third door from the corner, where he will keep constantly ea Sand and at greatly reduced pries. - Gold and Silver Watches, . . , And a general varitv of CLOCKS. FIN'OSR RINGS, BREAST PiN3, E-1R RINGS. GOLD PKNS. and PKSCIL8. 81LVKR PLATED WARS, Sl'KCTACLES. together with a com plete aaaortment of Fancy Gocds. i SSA.The repairing ef Clocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to, on short no tie apd on very reasonable terms. Ail work war -ranted, to. gite satisfaction. The public are respectfully invited to give a call. tf THOMAS R- McCLELLAN Aeg. SO, io&j. , LIBSOLTJTIOI . 5F PARTHERSHIT. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORP A existing between the firm of Wtlso n A Bros, and trading in the Merctintiie bn iness was dissolved by mutual cooottt en tbfl 16th if August 1865. All peraor.s indebU-t to said firm are requested to mike isime-iiato ptticect and thereby eave trouble. WILSON & BROti. The Business will be continued at the old afan 1 in the name cf L. W ILSON i CO. Ang. 2d, '65 REYSOLD'S OHIO PUMP Something .Vcw, t7tfi a Valuable irtrt thn fir the rttrpl. THE gfBriCRIBER HAVING rURCIIAi ED tue right for Junltta onnnty. It U the above named valuable Pump, dt.irea to call public attention to tho same. It is fas first end ouly Double Acting Fum? In ea istence. -:- - . , - , This reciarkabte pnmp bae a.trac:e-i tea attention and received tho approval of sientiSa men a'.! ever tbe country. I will exhibit it at lbs Hotel cf R. M. Thompson. MiftJinwwn, Pa., with, wacm or ders may be left in my absence. JOHN LESH. Public 8cdl EsafttnationB. Public exitttnations of tecbers for the va rious districts in Juniata C-ouniy, yiL S held as follows : At tbs Sobool Houie, in the bsronh ef Fat terson, September I, .. At the Schcol Honee, in tbe bc-ough ef Ftr-rj-sville, Sept. 2. At Spmce Hilt School Hcnss, for Spruce Hill dint- Sept. 4. At Lick School Hotts. fcr lack district. Sett e. .. .. . . - Ai MXunouoh's Mills, far Tuscan re dis trict, -icFt. 7. At Johnstown, txr Beale d!stret, Sept. 9. At Mexioa, for Walker district. Sept. II- At Thompaontown, for Delaware dUtrist, Sept. 12. At M'AlistersviUe, fi l ayette distriet, Sep tember 13. At IiicbfirlJ. for Monrce district. Stpt. 13, . At Knonse's Sciccl llause, fir Sux'tnaa ns. ciistriot, Stpt- 1- . At Thcss Coi' for Grtcswaod dittrict. S-pt.l. . At Loccst Grate, fsr Milfcri dijfri?'. Stp timber 2?. it M!fflla, for Fcrmanujli diitrlct. S-.-t .it fcr Mifflin Vr-ugh, Set v The examinations will beg a at 9 o'c'.:k precisely It is h"p"d that applicant wiU b-a arcdont at the timj otopvcU g No oaa w4.I 5.0 admitted iati the class r-.cre than hi.'f an ton fterO o'clcck ; th is widbe ng'diy aitcro to. EacU appltoant is reqUer:d to 00 too pro vided with pen, ink ml at last three si.ee- cf pper No certi5cate avtrag:ng more than S ) will be gratttl, unless tt tbe urgent request of the board tt directors ; nor a certificate in which all the eetentisl branches are nut rep rssented. Directors will please attend to baviog tka hoose opened by o'clic" A. M. Nagltct cf tL:S may put me to great inconvenience. 11. 1. ZIMMERMAN. Ccnttty Sept, Juniata county. P' Perry sVi!!e Aug. 8, '6-5-!!. BOM.SS. Insurance Conijianv h eir Vork- Cash Capital - Two Millioe Dollars. Assets 1st Jan'r. JW "3,785,503,42. Liabilities, - 77,901,5; 1 THE llsjyiE' is an old, ?!! est abiUJi ed and reliable eotcpiiriy. No premium note. No assessments. It insures all kinds of property or (ood, fur any length cf time, paying promptly in case of loss by fire. Ap plications solicited snd polinier iistted by A. U. WEIDJMN. Agent at Mi'-flistc-rn, Pa. NOTICE TliZ undersigned L&ts retuA tad 30-i eut the , Oyster Salmon, in MIFFLINTOWN, in the cellar oedar the Union Hotel, kept R. M. Tb--;i, aai -liclts a portion of tbe public pat.-onage of citiiens and Soldiers. Give ns a call and we will try and give anything io, ct:r lias sf busi ness witii gentility and jrcrrp.'nosa. h:k im ccic. Aug. 30-3t. 3. W. PECK. ALE XTS P 1? D D Y 7 RESPECTFULLY offers bis services to tbe public of Juniata scucty. Having Lad a large experience la the basiasss cf Vendue Crying, he feels confident tbat he en render zecernl tisfacti?c. He can at all times be cor-sulted at Ms reitdeece in Mifflintown, Pa. Aug. 15. 1563. sKTRY OABFEK, JTo. 520 ARCII Strtat, ahoe I'ilth. . PHILADELPHIA & -inn fact ure r anl Dealer fa FINE JElfSLRy, SOLID SltVTR WARE, aa-i eg-tler Silver Platsvf Ware Tlarca 20. l-Rf.'la.js -