VOLUME XIX, NO J2. grot t sslowtl . xrft. c 5 DR. P. C ncSDIO, or Pattern, Pa. wishes to Inform his friends aud pa trons that he has. -removed to the house on Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store. apr5-tf ' - V JEREMlAli LYONS, . - Mitlliatawn, Juniata County. Pa., Office 6a Main street South nf Bridge ttr et. , . TOM Ik STOXES. ItECBEN CAVESEY, Manufacturer of Tomb Htones. McAlirterville and Mifllintown. All ' Work put up iu the most tastefnl and sub ' etantial maimer. Give him a call. spri! I3-G4tf. - riAU. ayi eyamine K'J- our Stock of Ready Madcf'lolhinc: before ' you i urvhnee Elsewhere, vou trill find on hauj a good assortment for Men and Boys "-are, -which will be sold Cllettp for cah or country produce. MICKEY & PENNELL. , 4aa t-ff , . ; Patterson, Pa," '. E. C. STEWAKT, ATTOBH EY-AT-LAVY, Mijifuttoicil, Jxniata Co., '., 'IflYr.s hi profeftionat services to the pub lic. Collections and all other business will rrivo urompt atleutiou. Office first d'ior North of Eslford's Store, (upstairs.) VlTILLIAM M- ALLISON. ' ' Attorney rJ Law, AMI Will attend to all business entrusted to h:. r Office on Main Street, Mifliintown, Pa. MILITARY CLAISS. IIIE undersigned" wil proraj'tly attend to JL the collection of claims against either the PtAte or X:ititinal(!urciuiiient, Peu.itons. !!ack t'av, Hounty, Extra Pay, aul all other claims hrUitiji out of the present or'auy ether tar, collected. . , JEUfcNilAH HONS, , Attorney-at-Law. !ifnintown, Juniata Co., l'a. febly it I". Suiter -j-.-k ii. T; Reed. St to Also, Jobbers in ' I. TUS, ( ASS IM ER K8, S ATI N KTf, .Xo 4J3 MARKET -STREET." -v.... i. :.t t...,.... P.,,i. l-;ftl. I'lIH, I)','JII 'j . J j 0V 1. Ii. -STAl'FFKB, j,! H,3 ttJiliS WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, j No. North SECOND Street. Cvmer oil A.r,r fniLAl.rr.lMIl i An accArtmpnt. tli A VTatches, JcivcJry, Silver & Plated Ware, cvostanflv n h.in l. Suitable ir ffOLlPAT Eigy Hi-pairing of Watches and Jewelry nimptly attended to " Dec. r. 1?1I1 rr. W. A LKVKIU.V,, uniber . Coniuiisjaioti 3Ier haul Calluwhill Street Wharf, . . Philadelphia, Pa. Supplies of Timrr, Stares, Locust Pins Itoop Poles, &c Sin and Lunitier penernty, t. ill be purchased, roiitractwl for. or received eunnii.-iou, tit the' option of he shipper. 'HA!li MANUFACTOllY. OritcK ot tbk JtrxiATA CorsTi Aumrn.Tr kl So iktt, Perrysville, )ct. Hi, lft;3. WE do hereby certify that the Cfcttmittec hn Manufactured Articles has awarded to Cmari.ks W. Weitiel the First Premium for the mart substantial, neatest made, and best finished sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, 7Vu r. Wtt.MAM !Irx(;K. Sec'). jan!3 .No. o2(.'.AKCII Street, aoo'Te Tifth. PHILADIU-PIIIA. MttnuinLlitrer .. and ; Ueater id FI -V K J E W T, j R Y , SOLID 'SILVER W A R E. ami aiiperlr.Slfver Pluted Ware " " " March 1HG5, 3mos. rEXIUE -a. ': CRIEtJf .. . , AUCTIONEER , The uuderigncd offers his cervices to the public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He 'as bad a very large experience, and feels C 'tifi leut that he can give satisfaction to' all who way employ him. lie may be addressed i AiilQiutowu, or found at his home in Fer. managh township. Orders may also be left at Mr. Will s Hotel. Jan. 33, 19o4. WILLIAM GIVEN.' 1B,- riHLALE!.rHIA 1 w j PAl'EU H ANGINGS 1SG.V HOWELL A ItdRKE, : MANl'FACTURERS OF WALL PAPERS, ASP WLMHnv CITUTAIX PAPK11S, . 'Curntr FOURTH and MARKET Stra PI1ILADELPI1I.V. N. P. - Afine t..,;k of LINEN HADf,S i ..nsta' tly oti hind. Feb. I Vjij-" ia 7T " LAND FOR SALE! rHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AT PRl X rate sale a lot of land situated in Walk- j er I'd nship, Juniata county, Pa. adjoining lautia oi jacoo eneuenocrger, uaniei nenz and Widtw Meredith, containing, "about 20 ACRES, ;; About 18 of which are cleared, and in good grass, the balance being well timbered. There is a Log House and Frame Bank Barn on' the premises. Aide good water and fruit trees. for terms and further information inquire of the undersigned residing near Mexico, at j which place letters may be addressed to hint'. j r. GROVE. PKTER NEW F. GROVE & cd. (tnt rat (Commission $U rdta!U.s AMI I'KALF.BS IS I GRAIN FLOUR, &C. i N. W. Cor. Howard & Mulberry Sta. t(2r Consignments- of Grain, Flour, and Country Produce respectfully solicited. Also, a large and general assortment of Groceries ok hand. R GROVE & CO. j WHOLESALE j DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS OF Cigars, Tobacco and Snnff, o. 101 I'ftWKMV Sireet ItKTt F.EN liREKX A N II PACA BTBKKTS, JiALTIMOllK. jUl'K'K SALES . AND SMALL PROFITS. Superior IroRTE Ciuabs, fine Chew- iMi ToiiAtcii, and Leaf of every description. I with a spneral assortrneut of Pipes. Snuff Bcr.es, Fancy Articles, fee. JulylW-3m. j MATRIMONIAL. LAUIES AND GENTLEMEN: Hyorwishj to mary you can do so by addressing me. I send you,, without money and! Without price; Talunble information, that will enable jou to marry happily au 1 speedily, ir respective of age. wealth or beauty. This Thin inf'M-ica'ioa will cost you nothing and if J0" ish to marry, I will cheerfully assist yon. All letters strictly enntiuentiM. 1 lie t mr-jii c- iiii(?rru!i( it'll cmtiii iij rjiHru-iiii. nun no reward asked. . Please inclose postage or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. . SARAH B. L.ufnERT, . Jirecnpoint. . May'.T-Saios. Kings Co., New York. "" " T-"' MOTH'E TO DELI NOl'ENTS. Not ice is herebj' given to all persons indebted to ; ihe cstat of Thomas, Sbormier, late of the ! boroiiirb of Tatterson deceased, either by Nite or llo. S Atfcouut to conte forward and py up before the first of September, or these claims w-!l then positively be put into the hands ol a Justice for collection ANNA fHORMIER 1 V. A. Dttl'GHM AN ) Aitj. Administrators. PHOTOGRAPHS. Th r.itrons of the Sextint.!. who may visi Harrishttrg, or desire a lint class Picture should by all means go where they take, the most splendid lil;tHrst ever gotten up any where, which is at BURNTl'K & CD'S . J 10 Market st, Harrisb'g ilrafnes-S Hilda's aud Catarrh, HMtEATED with ihe utmost success, by Dr. X J. ISAACS, Oculi"t and Aurtist, (former ly ef Lcydon, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Street Philadelphia,. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen M bis Offcee. The medical faatlty are iiiviicd to accompany their patients, as ha has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EVES, inserted withorft pain". No charge made for examination. Feb, 1?. 'C5.-)y. rpSRMS OF ADVERTISINGS, Seventy-five cents per sqnnre of ten lines or less for the first insertion- three inser tions for $1.50 and 50 cents for all subsequent insertions. . Estate Notices 2.00. Profefi Jioita't and Business cnfds with paper 58.00 per year. ffehant?)C cards with paper $15.00 por yerff . Local ifoHr.es 10 cents per liuc. People ought to look to their ifilerest and ad vertize in the Setis4 a'b Its' circulatioh is ahoot .one third larger than any ether paper published in the county. . ,. i z " Jttlt WORK RATES ,. , . .; Eighth sheet bills,! $l.2' quarter shcef biHa $2.00; half sheet bills S3 00; wbwle sheet $6 00 30 bills are always given if de sired. Tdanks $2.00 per quire.' Colored r fancy work extra, Cards at $1.50 per htm dred. Job Work respectfully solicited as we ibelieve we can do up jobs ni ally and attract ely arid expeditious y. ' ' ' ' ' ' "i i i i i . i 1 1 i i i rfERMS OF PUBLIC A"f left - . . Tire Ji.if.vtA ScNriNKL Published . on Main Street, next door to the Post Office, Miffliutown, Juniata Citfnty, Pa., on every Wednesday at the rats of $2.00 per year in" advance ami $2.-30 if not paid within the year. We wish to do- a cash business as nearly as possible. We wish to' deal ftonefl ly aud alike with all. and therefore need no I tie asked to vary from our' terms bv anv one Thankful for past favors we ask ihce-intintied 'wpport aud tff rts of our friends. tHB CONSTITUTION TBI tIOI AP MIFFLWTOWN; JUNIATA WVm, SHADOWS ON THE STREAk-. ' Summer erening shadows" t Thickly drawing ronnd ; : ; ; Summer's beauteous blossoms . : : Strewing all the ground. ; J' Leaning o'er the buttress, fi " ' Ruined, gray and old ; ' '::i7 -' Looking into waters, f s '; Sileat, still and cold. , , When our bright reflections "" Dance Its s'ji face o'er ' ''' - When like ceaseless music ' The distant torrents roar. ; T 1 ''iiiim . . And the rocks before cs. '' Kiss the water's brim; ' Flinging a reflection ' : ' " Between mymlf ar.d i'm.' As we stood together, Whispering soft and low, ' Flinging harebell blossoms ' '' On the waves below. ' " ' " ' ' Laurel leaves were gleaming Round his shaded hair, While the rocks were frowning O'er mine- cold aud bare ! . Seemed they not prop'ictib Shadows on the stream ? .. .. As when visions haunt us From a troubled dream. : Many, many summers, r. .Witlrthcir wreath of floworj .. , Many, many winters, With their deary hours ; Flowing like those waters, Life's rough pathway down t' J'J . liricgiEg fames fresh lrtets For Lis laurel oruwn '',.., Ity the gray old buttress Lonely now I dream ; Softly, oadiy watching . . . . Shadows on tue stream .' . THE I'EED OF . RAILWAY TBAlNe. The Great Western Express to Exeter, England travels HI the rate of forty-three miles an hour, ineluditig stoppages, or fifly-niDC miles an hour,' without includ ing stoppages. To attain tins rate, a speed of sixty miles an.liour has hecii reached.' A "speed of seventy iii!Jes an hour is about ctjuiralcnt to thirty yards per sec ond, or thirty five jards between two beats of a common clock. Ail objects near the eye of a passeDgcr traveling at this rate will pass by Lis eye in the thirty fifth part of a second, and if thirty-five talccs were ercctcJ at the side of : the road, a yard asuudcr, they wouldt not be distinguishable one frini another. ' If printed red, they would appear collect ively, a couti nualy flask of color. If two train's with this speed passed each other, .hs relative velocity, would be seventy yards per second ; and if one of the trains were seventy yards long, it would pass 1y iri a biriglc second. Supposing the locomDtive which drarrs such a train to havc'dri?ing wheels seven1 feet in di ameter, these wheels will revolve five times in a second : the valve moves and the steam escapes ted titnes in & sebond but as there are two . cylinders, which act alternately, there we teally twenty puffs, or escapes of steatci in a second. -The locomotives can be heard to "cough", when moving slowly, the cough bbifig occa sioned by the abrupt emission of waste stem up tho chimney ; but twenty coughs per second 6ao Cot he separated by ear,' their irfdividtfality becoming lost. Such a locomotive speed is e'fual to 6nc-fourth of a cannon L'rfll ; and a moarenttim of the whole train moving at such a speed, would be nearly equivalent to th'e - aggre gate force of a number of cann'ott balls' equal to one-fourth of the weight of the tram;'-' ' - ' ' ' '''''' ' "-a- -r -it- rr 1 r ' itSv Arte nj us Ward says when he heara the song' . 'Comft . where' my love; dies dreaming," Jfe dcrti't go. i He don't thick it ould b rigbJt - .... rgi.Nashvillc, Tenn'.j'hai a'popfylafion" of nearly sixty thousand, tbreo theatres, five darly pspert, id flv6 nu'edred Mnltitie Saloons. . " " 1 ' :' " Secretary M'Culloch has doeided that all bonds, Treasury notes and' other obligations of the Government are" free from State or municipal taxation. ' ' ISr "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." . This may be the reason' Why the ladies have discarded the erowus of tfieir bonnets: TBt IMFQtCIMlllT tf TH 1.AWS- PBNH'A:T5firTEMBR 6, 1865. THE SKELETON IN THE WELL- - ) - i ' : It wis during the year 1861, in the thrivin; .little town of . Argcntiere, , near Ihafoot of the. Cevelin'es Mountains, in France. .The 'day was charming. Many ot tte mnabitants were traveling tne highrays, enjoying the agreeablcness of the readier. Amoug the number there was'a tall young man," apparently not more than twenty-five years, of age. In lis right hand he carried a cane, and" in his left a small carpet bag. His gai: was quick, and from bis expression he ap peared to be bent upon soma important errand. In this manner he went along, occtsionly glancing around "Ho view the surrounding objects. . He had hardly gone more than a quarter of a mile when he came td a street which was :n the sub urbs of the town.' , He turned and pro ceeded up this. Presently, after, walking but a short distance, ho arrived at an iniiy Here ho hesitated, and after view ing die exterior, he muttcied to himself the following words : "It is very singular that this is the first inn I have seen throughout my route. However, I will put up here." So saying he entered the building, and having registered his name, he was shown to a room. After ordering his bib dinner he went into his apartment to rest himself. His order was immediately responded to and after eating he prepared to retire, iu tending to partake of a long and hearty sleep,so that early next morning "ho might tisit the various merchants of the town. He accordingly went to' bed, .and was soon wrapt in sleep. . While thlis sleep ing V.ti had a dream that made the strong est inipressiou upon him. We will give it as iiom the lips of the dreamer : . "I though that I tiid arrived at the same town, but in the middle of the even ing, which was really the case that I had put up at the same inn, and gone imme diately, as an unacquainted stranger would do, in order to see whatever was worthy of observation ia the place, ;! I walked down the main street into. another street appar ently leading into the country. - I Had gone to no great distance when 1 eamo to a church, which I stopped . to examine. After satisfying my curiosity, : 1 advanced to a by-path which branched off froai the main street. Obeying an impulse . which I could either account for nor control, 1 struck into this path, though it was wind ing, rough and unfrequented, and present ly reached a miserable cottage, in front of which was a garden eovered : with weeds I had no gTeat difficulty in getting into the garden, for the hedge had Bevenll wide gaps in it. I approached an old well that toed solitary and gloomy in a distant cor nqr; and looking down into it beheld, without any possibility of mistake, a corpse which bad been stabbed in several places. I counted the deep wounds and wide gash es. There were six." At this moment he awoke with bis hair on end trembling In every limb, arid cold j drops of perspiration bedewing his fore head awoke to find hiuself comfortably in' bed, his carpet bag lviug near him, and the morning sun beaming through his cur tain. What a diffenence ! He sprang frori bid bed, dfessed himself, and it was yet early, Sough1 an appetite for breakfast by a rooming walk. He wefft atc'orfjing- ly into' the street, arid s:tro!ied along. The farther he went, the stronger became the codfased recollection of the objects" that presented the'riselves to his view. . "It is very strange," said he to' him self; "I have never bCen in this place be fore, and I cou'ld swear that I've seen fife boitee, and the next, and that other cH the lift" , . i1"' "' On hie went tit! he came to a corner of a street croseiog the one down- which he had corue. lief ore long he arrived at the church with' the architectural features thai had attracted his notici ia the dream ; and then the high road, along which he bad perstfed his way, coming at length to the same by-psth that bad presented ., it self to his imagination a few hours before there was no possibility . of doubt or rnistai6. Every tree arid every urn familiar to him. , He hur ried forward, no longer doubting that the next moment would bring him to the cot tage ; and this Was really , the' case, In all its exterior appearances it Correspond ed with what he had seen1 in his dream'. Who, then, could wonder tfia't he deter mined to aicertaiu whether the coirici- j.Jcuc would hold good in every point 7 ile entered the garden and wcut directly ; : i :: t . (to the spot where he had seen the well ; I but here the : res'emblanr failed ; there j Wail Sn - rv jirect;on. . examined the whole garden, and even went around the cottage, which seemed to be inhabited, but nowhere could he find any sfgns of a "well. He then hast ened baclt to the inn in a state of excite ment hard to ' describe. He could not make up his mind to allow such extraor dinary coincidences to pass unnoticed. But bow was he obtain a clue to the aw ful mystery ? He went to the landlord, asked him directly to whom . the cottage belonged that was on the by road near to him. ' ' . . ' "I wonder, sir," said beij 'what causes you' to take such particular notice of that wretched little hovel ? , It is inhabited by an old man aud his wife who have the character of being very unsocial. They scarcely ever leave lie house, ae nobody, and nobody goes to see them. - Ot 1 late their very existence appears to have bcen forgotten, and nobody goes to see them, and I believe you are the first who ' for years has turned your steps to the lonely spot." ' :: ' ; : - : - These details, instead of satisfying Ins curiosity, only aroused it the more. Breakfast was served, but he could eat none.; arid he felt that if ho presented himself to the merchants in Such a state of excitement they might thing him mad. He walked up and down ..thrt room and looked out ot the window, en (Jeavonoj; to interest himself in a (tuarrcl between two men ia the street; but the garden and cottage re-occupied his mind, and at last, srifttching up his hat, he made his way to tie street. Hastening to the near est magistrate; tie related the whole cir cumstance briefly and :c!carly. - ; 1 1 . ."It is rcry . strange,'' said the officer, "and . after what liafc happened I don't think it would be light fJeave the . mat ter without further investtgation. : I will place two of the police at your command ; you can. thou go once, more to the hovel and seareh every part of it. 1'ou may, pcrhapsr make some important discovery." He allowed but very "few! minutes to elapse before he was on his way, accom panied by two officers y after knocking at the door, and waiting for some time, the eld man opened the dock " He received them somewhat uncivilly, but showed ' no mark of suspicion, when they -told him they wished tobcaich the house. - -, ul. .' "Very well, as fast and as scon . as you please," was 'the reply. ! . "flave you' a 'well here?" "Xo, sir,- we ' are obliged to get our water from a spring a quarter of a mile distant." ' -J ' ' They searched the li&nsi, tut discover ed nothing of any consequence. Mean while the old man gazed upon tLcin with an impenetrable vacancy of look i as if he could not understand why they were in truding on his property. Finally,' they forsook the cottage, without finding any thing to corroborate their suspicion. They, however, resolved,: to inspecMhe garden. By this time a number of per sons bad collected together outside ! having been do.vo to the spot by the sight of a policeman. They were asked if they knew arfythirfg of a well in there. t They replied they did not ; the idea seem ed to perplex them. 1 At length an olj wtfrnan came forward leaning on a Crutch. "A well ?" said she. "It is a' well you rfre' looking for ? ' That has been gone these thirty years. I remember as if it were hue yesterday ; hew I fi'ed to throw stones into it just to tear the splash in the Water ." : . ' . 1 "Do ' you wmewber where' that well used to be?"' asked th'e gentleman.' "As near as I cari recollect," replied the woman, "it is oti the very spot where you now stand." . " " He suddenly started as if he had ' trod den upon' ji serpent. Tbcy at Once cotri rh'enced' digging upon the ground. "A! about .twenty inches' deep they c'ara'e to a layer of bricks',' which being brokerx ' "up" revealed some rotten boards'. Thee ifere' easily removed ; , when they beheld the dark mouth of the well' - "I was tfuite certain that was the spot," said the old woman, "What a fool you we're to stop it up, and then to h'a've to travel so' fuT for water !" , ; A sounding line, furnished with hooks, Was' now let dowrf into ' the well the crowd hard-pressing around them', breath lessly bending over the Hack Ucd feted hole, the secrets of which :cemci hid2cajcleik, bag? of wiu 1 wo$.t Rnk.' 'nnTOits. - WHOLE MME&, W. ' :t in impenetrable obscurity.- ThW was re peated several times without any result.' At length," penetrating below the mud; the hooks caught something of -considerable Weight; and after much time and ef fort they succeeded in raising it from the obscure bole. ' It was an old chest ' The sides and lid were decayed and it needed no loukbuiith to open it. Within it they found what they were sure they would ffud, and Which filled the spectators with horrot the remains of. a human body ! The police officers now rushed into tho houiand secured the old man. As to his she at first could not be found. But after a fatiguing search she was discover ed under a pile . of wood, being much bruised by the heavy logs above her By this time nearly the whole population of the towu had collected around the spot.; . ' ' . .. ..' ' .' ' " ' The old couple- were, brought before the proper authorities and separately "ex-" amined. The man perflated ia his denial, most obstinately ; but his wife at ..ouxe confessed that she and her husband,' a very long time ago, had murdered a ped-, lcr who possessed a large sum of mouey. He had passed the night at their house 7 and they, taking advantage of the heavy-, sleep that encumbered him, had strangled ' him ; after which they placed his body in a chest, Th,c chest, was then thrown into the well, and the well stopped. The' two criminals had reason- to believe them selves free from detection, as there were no witnesses of he crime,7 and 'its'' trace had been carefully concealed.' Neverthe less, they had not been able to hush .the voice of conscience. , They fled . from their fellow men.' They were intimidated at the slightest noise, and silence thrilled them with fear, They had often thought of flyiug to some distant land ; but some inexplicable influence kept them near the remains ot ther victim. Terrified by the deposition . of his .wile, the' old man at, length made Ssiililliur confession, and six. weeks after the' guilty couple expired . on ; the scaffold. t ' .' . " ',4. r 1 m 4- m , - 1 1 ' . INTERNAL REVENUE DECISION. ; ' The Commissioner of Interna! Itevenue informs Assessors and Collectors that .'all persons trayelliog about the country as the agents of manufactures and dealers, seeking orders for goods in original or un broken packages, a r" regarded as commer cial brokers within t!ie meauing of the law, and as such must procure licenses. ' Those acting a3 agents of one person or ' firm exclusively are also liable as above. Licenses to this class of persons should be made out so as to show the place of, business of the person license I if he ha?.( one, but if not, his residence should be4 stated. Licenses thus tilled out should be recoguized by revenue officers in all parts of the country. B5u A man who wantdd to buy a horse -asked a friend how be told the animal's age- " ' ' "By his teetl," Was tie reply. The rieit day the add Went to a horse dealer, who had showed him a splendid ani-. mal. The horse hunter opened the ani mal's mouth, gave 6'ac glance, and turned on his heel. "I don't want him "he said, 'he's thir ty two years old." He had counted the teeth. Iff" A clergyman of Saratoga Springs, a few Sundays since, wis pfeaih'icg a ser- mon upon death, in the eourse ot which be asked the question', "Is it,- Cot a sol emn thought V' ... His little hoy, four: years old, who had been listening with , wrapt attention to his father, immediately . answered in a shrill, piping voice, so as to be heard throughout the house, f'Yes, -sir, it it," greatly to the amcseraent of the. congregation, . - - ; m" "Jim, I bClieve Sambo's" got no truth in him."- ' '" ' ' ' "Teu don't know ; dere's more truth in dat nigga dan all de rest on de plants- tioh." : "How do you make dat ?" "Why he neL'er let s an out." ' "Well, sir, what does h-a-i-r spell" . "Boy ' I dofl't know.'! . ... "What have you got on" your head ?" Boy (scratching)' "1 gttess it is a xiiuskeeter bite, it itcho3 like thunder." t A young fop about starting down to New Orleans, proposed to purohaae a life preserver. "O, you II aifact it, sugestC'l the 9 -