- T-. IMPORTANT ' IN V All DSI : IRON IN THE BLOOD. It i well knawn to llie irodical profession that IKON is the vita! Principle of Lire Piemen of the blood. This is derive J chiefly from the food we eat ; but if the fcod is not properly di gested, or if, from any cause whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole sys tem suffers.' The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupify the brain, will opetruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all parti of the system, and every one will suffer in what ever organ Diay be predispose! to disease. The great value of Iron as a Medicine Is well known and acknowledged by all med ical men.. The difficulty has been la optain snrh a preparation of it as will enter the cir culation aad (-"imilite at once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes. Massachusetts State Chemist, has been attained In the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before un known. " THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a PROIRACTED solution of the PRO OXIDE OF IRON. A NEW DISCOVERT N" MEDICINE that strikes at the Root of Dis pose by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element Iron. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP t'ures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, L'ropsy, Fever and Ague. Loss of energv. Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vior, and new hie into the system, snd builds up nn'Iron Constitution." THE PERUVIAN SYRUP I ures Nervous Attentions, i-emr.le Complaints, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Ij a SPECIFIC for all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompa nied by L'ebility or a Low State uf theSystem. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures nd recommendations from some of the morl eminent Physicians Clergymen and others, will be sent FREE to any nddre?s. We select a few of the names lo show tie character of testimonials. John E. Williams Esq., President of the Metropolitan l'aiik, N. V. Rev. Abel tevens, Late Editor Christian Advocate i Junrnal. Rev. P. Church . Editor New Vork Chronicle. Ilcy. John Pierpont. Lewis Johnson, M. P. Kev. Warren l!urton, Roswell Kinnev, M. D. Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, 8. K. Kendall, M 1). Kev. euirdon Robbing, W. U. Chisholm, M. P. Rrv. Sylvanus Cobb, Francis Danna, M. D. Kev. T. Starr Kin;, Jeremiah Stone, M. D Kev. F.ph. Nute, Jr. Jose Aut. Ranches, M. I) llev. Joseph li. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, M. I Kev. Henry t'phani. Abraham Wendell, M. D Kev. V. C. licadley, J. R. Chilton. M. P. l;v. J TV. O'cmsteaJ, II. E. Kiuney, Mv D. Prepared by X. L. fUi-k & Co., exclusively for J. P: i'iustnt-re, No. 4PI Broadway, Few Vork. Sold by all Druggist;,. lie titling Russia .Salve FORTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE fully established tne superiority of SEPDINC'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparations It cures all kinds uf SORES. CUTS, SCA LPS, M'RNS, BOILS. ULCERS. SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS. STIES, PILE-j, CORN'S. SORE LIPS. SORE EYES, Ac, Sc., REMOVING THE PAIN AT ONCE, AND REDUCING THE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS 4 1N FLAMATION' AS IF BY MAGIC. Only 25 cents a fiox. rOK SALE BY J. P. DIXSMOP.E. Nn 4-.il Broadway, S. Y. S. W. FOWLE, & CO., No. 18 Tremont st. Boston And by all Druggists. WASHINGTON HOUSE. e 7i)9 riicstnut Strcfl abof 7th, Yhilddphii fTMUS old and popular Hotel is l.vyj'ed in JL the immediate ecn!r- of usiuess. and to -eion visit!!,; th r;ty un matters uf trade or pleaflt-.ic, it is cue of the mi-ft desirable Ho tels in Philadelphia- It it' Convenient to all the Rail lload Depot1!, anl easily accessible by city curs from all parts of the City. Its rooms are airy and spaoinus, and the Larder will be unexceptionable in every respect. The Manager assures the public that no effort nill be spared on his part to make the WASH INGTON HOUSE, in all respects, pleasant and ajrrceabic to bis puests, and he will be ploascd to sec his old friends and former pat rons of the "States Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome many new ones. Mr. L B. Neg ley, the former office clerk at the States Union, will be ;rlad to see his old friends at the WASHINGTON" HOUSE. CHARLES V. A!.LMfTT, Mauay.r ISAAC K. ST AUFFEE," WATCH MAKER k JEWELER, MAHrrAl'TCBKBS VI HULK WARE SD IHPORTtR (IP WATCHES, No. 143 IS. Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. fJSL He lias constantly on hand an asort iJb meut of Gold and Silver Patent Lever t&jl3 Lepine and Plain Watches ; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins. Ear Kings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Miniature Cases, Medallions, Lookets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, 8alt and Mustard Spoons ; Sugar Spoons. Cups, Nap kin Kiugs, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc , all of a itch Kill t sold low for Cash ! M. I. TOJilAS A COS best quality full iewcled Patent Lever Movement constantly on hand ; also other Makers of superior quality. N. H. Old Gvld and Sili rr hovyht Ur Caty Sept. 9-1. MANHOOD: HOW LOST HOW KKSTOKKD. Juai published, rew edition of Dr. CuZ- itrue t t eMr r,stay on lue racical cure (without lncdiciacl of Spermatorrhoea, of Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lossr cs, Impotency. Mental and Physical Incapa city, Impediments to Marriage, etc: also t'nsiiijption. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by, eelf-indulgence or sexual extravagance. TpJjU Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts. The celebrated author in this admirable es eay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years c iicccssful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous URe of internal medi cine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what hi condidion may be, may cure himself chcrtpfy, privately, and radically. This lecture shonld be in the hf ndg (.f every youth and every man in the land Scut, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, nn receipt ofsix cents r'v- p ji tamp?. Address: the publisher. HAS. J. C. KI.ISE .V ro !l-T Howry. New Yort, PvsOffiee bo. 400. .Jj.ril Ay HEADQUARTERS! Mifflintown Chair Manufactory ! CHARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the W citizens of Juniata county, that he con tinues the Chair Manufactory at the well known old stand in Water street, where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor tiiutrs of every description, including eeuees, Large Rocking Chairs, Sewing Rocking Chairs, Childress' Chairs,.Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chairs, Bar Room Arm Chairs, and every thing pertaining to his basinets, all of which he ia prepared to aell oheaper thaa ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to Repa- ring. All work a one cneap ana expeditiously. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchange for furniture. tQF'Funuture Room on Main street; oppo site the Poet Office. CFTARES WEITZEL. Si pt ember 3, 1362-tf. IE tiOING THE OP CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF " JOS. M. BELFORP The undersigned would respectfully invite the public to eall and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He has bought his assortment at such pricna that he Conner be undersold by any in the country. Special at tention paid to pnrcUasin ; goodain the city per order at the shortest notice. j Every effort will be made by him lo give sat. j iifsctioa to those who may favor him with a call I. OIKS' DRESS GOODS ! Black and Fancy Silks, Mori Antique, Bergcs Lawns, Grenadines, Ducals, Gingham Lawns, All wool d'Laines, ' Pure Chalii, Hrilliautes, ! Bombazinels, Cashmerts, Peplins, Alpacas, Sc. A full assortment of White Dress Goods, Mus lins, Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon net Satins, Kibbons. Flowers. &c. Also, Col lars, Uudersleeves, Handkerchiefs in great va- j A large quantity of DrugSj also ion hand. Prescriptions filled. He has also laii in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths; Mattings, Ac, at the lowest prices, j Country Produce taken in exchange fir ! goods, for which the highcit market prices , will be paid by I J. 31. 15 EL FORD. Philadelphia i'urnifiire Warcrooat. 424 & 42t, North 2nd Street. 1 ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN YEARS J having a very large Stock of the best made Furniture nn hand, such as ftefua. Spring Seat Chairs, Rocking Chs?rsi and Tarlor Fur niture generally. Also, Bed Room Sets Com plete, with Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Beds, Matresses, &c. and a full va riety of all kinds of Furniture generally. I warrant all articles sold - -and will sel CHEAP fir Cash, Mnr2!-tim J. L. SCHNEBLT Pcrrysvilie Uarblc Works, flnE undersigned desires to inform the citi- X. tens of Juniata County that he has taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in Pcrrysvilie, where he m'ay be found ready to execute jobs in his line of bA'sinesi such as Tomb Stones. Monuments', MarMe Slabs, Table Tops, &c. &c. He believes that a long experience and practical knowledr will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all who may patronize him. Give him a ca!: as he fells confident that for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. . CHAS. EMERSON. Apr. 25th HOW TO SAVE MONEY BUY FROM JAMES H. SIMON'S, who has now on hand the largest stock of ready made-A ' ygDDLES and HARNESS in thefSV county, which he is selling at greatly K1 reduced prices. He is now manufacturing his paddles and Harness with such perfect system that he is enabled to sell a superior articlo of eerything in his line, CHEAAElt than any other establishment in the county. He invites purchasers to eall and examine his slock be fore purchasing elsewhere. James H. Simons, Saddles and Harness are acknowledged to surpass in point of lightness elegance and comfort, as well axreal value and durability, all others manufactured in the county." Remember bis r S is on' Bridge street, in the rooms fortneri, occupied by D. W. A. Belford, as a Tailo op. . . tff, All kinds of repai ngncatly execut ed and all work warren tek. NEW MILLINARY 0 rpilMindcrsigned desire to inform the La JL dies of Miftliu and vicinity, that they have justrcturncd from the rit with a new stock ef Summer Millinary uoous oi latest siyi and most Approved workmanship, which they ar6 prepared to make to order at the shortest notice and sell at the lowest price. Call at their shop just opposite the Sen tinel Office," on Sfaiu St- MifllintowM.Pa SALLIE HAWK May3-3m. TILlIE KEELY. ClTT HOTEL, Corner of aflrrltet and Rail road Streets, opposite the Rrflroad Depot ' HARI8BURG,PA. . nti t mi9 as moderate ntose of any iTh tci j'u S? it.v. WM ( GTHOMPgN C Fisk's MentMetalic burial Cases. FOR ordinary Interments, depositing in Vaults and iransportation they havo no rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and oat to prevent rust and the exterior has a FIXB ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. They may without offensive odor be kept as long as desired thus obviating the necessity of hasty burials. Their long and aucocssful use and the approbation given them renders unnecessry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. . SANDOE AND MARTIN, : rntfertakers and'Cabluet Ware Itlanuracturors, Keep constantly on hand an assortment : b the above cases. ' Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4th 18C6.-1 TAKE CARE OF YOOR TEETH. WHETHER THE UNION iSPRSEfcV- ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. TEETH inserted upon an entirely new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, which for Beauty, Durability, Cleanness and the res toration of the natural contour of the face. cannot be surpassed. Ki'her of the above Bases I warrant for ten years. Teeth also mounted upon Hold. Plat!na and Silver. Coralite and Amber, with or without artificial gums. Special attention will be paid to di easd gums and a cure warranted or no charge lnaae. i cein miea lor ute. The extraction of teetlt upon the latest im proved principles, causing the least possible pain. Bd Havinff located narmanentlv in At ifflio. town and being in possession of all the latest improved instrument and machinery. I war rant entire satislacUon in all cases or the money refunded. jJgrWill visit McAlisterville the last week of October, January and May, the balance of my time t can be louhJ st my olbce on Bridge street three doors east oi SnydSf's Hotel, Jlituinlown, Juniata county, 1'a. G. L. DERR, jan2y raidrnt Jlrntul. God Xeivs and Tme. At the Tower Hall Clothing Store. At the renowned Bazaab or Fashion. At MANSBACH 4 VANORMER'S Cheap Corner. Corner, Bridge 4 Water Streets MIFTLINTOW?; PA. THEY has just opened another larire as sortment of New Goods, such as nothing of all kinds, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Fan cy Goods, &e.. all of which they Will sell at low rates, as their motto is "Quick sales and small profits?" Coata Cloth and Cassimere Coats. Fine anl Coarse Coats. Frock and Business Cent-!. Sunday aud Everyday Coau. Vtr.ll (.'loth and Cassimere Pants. Plain and Figured Pants. Fine aud Coarse ,Pa?t. vV ell-fitting and Long-wearing Pants. Tests Cloth and Cassimere Vests. Silk and Satin Vests. Light and Heavy Vests. Plain and Fancy Vests. also : Trunks. Valieses, Carpet Sacks, Ciihes, Um brellas. Shawls. Gloves, Suspenders, Stockings Cravats, Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Combs, Brushes, Soups, Pocket Kuives, Chewing Totacco, Stfgitrs, and almost every descripion of uotions not found in say eth er store. JtiyCaU and examine otir sf ock before pur chasing eso where, as we feet satisfied that we can p'ca."e ill. DON'T FOftCET THE PLACP- Corner of bridge and water streets; ABRAHAM MANSBACH JAMES N. TANORMER. LEVI HECHT SAMIIEE STBATtR New Firm in Patterswr. Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in the new Brick BaiHing, Main Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht aljicj famTa'cl Strayer, a large and elegant assortment of Ueady-ATaVfe CIclhiDg, consisting in part of Orercoat. Ftocfi Contt, t)rrs t'oais, Pantaloons., Vasts, Drawert, Collars, . Viidataliirts, Jlanilkerthlrs, Jtnl and l'ajs, Boott A Shoes, Aad eTcryihirij u'sutlly fo.u'nI in' a rst cla'e'a' Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. - " FANC'V GOODS Also a large and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold at the low est possible living prices. Laaiei Gaitort and Short. ' They also invites the attention of the ladies to his "fine stock of GAITORS AND SHOES, which he wiil sell at prices defying competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLorns. They have on band a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &e , which are of a gortd quality, and vrefl worth th inspection of lbs bnjer. WATCHES A0 JEWELRY Gold and Silver Watch's, . . , Clock; Ear ring. , j, i ' I'lain'and fancy rings, 'J Watch Keys, Ladies" and Gents' Breast Pins, Gold Pcnsand Pencils, tfnichat this' time frrm the largest and bfesl rtsothaSnf irj the comity. S,A1I (he above good's will be sold cfieap er than any oTfrr pore in the United Statfs. ' If yon don't belie .'e ir,- jSSf gif e Gs a' tn and be convinced of the truth of the a'ssertioS . HECHT & STfR-AYER. Pattei-son, April 12, l'jfe5-ff. rpAKE N'oflCE. iA'DISS C2 ytis. Sa-Mi Stein has removed her jfillina fj Shnjrfrom Watef Street to Cherry St, above the M. E. Chiirch. She has just returned from- the City with a largo assortment of spring' floods which she will sell low. Cat and exnillne before purchasing elsewhere, at She is aU'o prepared to do "dress making" r; the shortest notice. Call and examine you will see the sign w'ith her name at the doot . April ' GALL aud see tne New Stock of Spring and Summer Goods at - - 1 IN PATTERSON. Just received a new and complete atuortmenti oi : - r ' .- . .., Ladies' Latest Style Dresq Goods,. : Plain and Fancy French Merino, Paid and Fancy French Reps, Black and Colored Alapaca, Black and Faijy Caalimers. A large assortment of Mourning Goods, Balmoral Skirts, ' Brooch Square itid Ltitg Shawls,. . ' Striped and Barred Woolen Shawls Oar stock of Domestic Goods has been lareer ifccHased by the purchase of a complete lot of (jhoice i'riots, Bleached and Un-Bleached Muslins, i-. Tickings, Denims, Wool Shirtings, .' Kentucky Jeafls, : . : Twilled and Plain Flannels, Also a large assortment of Cassimere and Cassihetts, all of which we offer to Purchas ers at town prices for Cash or Country pro duce. MICKEY A PESNELL, t latteison, Pa. P. St. Also, you will find a large at ock of Urocenes, Hardware, (Jueensar6, Boobi and Shoe", ! Wall and tVindow Paper, Janl-tf , .. MICKEY & PENS ELL. Kl'N&triL'S , CELEBRT AED BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON. BITTER WINE OF IRON, THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC ' THE GREAT TONIC j, tor Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. For Dyspepsia ttfld ISd'Certion, For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good,' Reliable and Sure to do Good, And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot d Hurrn. I And Cannot do Harm, i Afd Cannot do Harm, j It costs but Little arid Purifies the Blood. I It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. j It costs but Little and Purifies tfci Blood. - It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. j I Now Only Ask a Trial ' I Now Only Ask a Trial i I Now Only Asa a trial j 1 Now Only Ask a Trial , Of this Valuable Medifcinc. 1 Of this Valuable Medicine. j Of this Valuable Medisme. I Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seventy-five A One DoIIar'per P.oltle Only Seventy-five & One Dollar per Bottle, Only Seventy-five A One D-jlllr per Bottle. Only Seventy-five &(jne Dollar per Bottle. Manufactured solely by S. A. KluKLE& BRO. General Depot 118 Market St.. H.trrisburgPa. For sale by B. F. Kepuer; 3!iS:intown, and respectable dealers everywhere. ... 0ab"13 64 -0m PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. At Railroad Depot, Pattersoo, Pa 8. R. NOSTIHE, PPOPRIETOR fTMIE above named fiaring taken charge of JL this large ar 1 convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will find this the most convenient stopping place as they will be waked tip af aiy hotif ilei;red- The locatio is most favorable and the accommotiationslTrc of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table and Bar will alsobe well prcviaea. . Jg H,has, in connection with the Hotel, a good LIVtRY J5TABLE. Jloise, Carriages, Buggies, Ac, always to be bad. Persons conveyed to any part of the country. TfratuBy strict attention to business and a desire lo please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and recier the sojofrri fcf his guests both eomfo'rtadle and f leasant. Patterson June B, If TAILORING MABLISU31EN1 WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave t? iffform his friends and .the public penerally that he has just opened out a larpe and fashion able assortnJcnt cf FAlti AJTD WIHTER GCSfSS, which he is ready to make to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. The public generally will find it to their interest to cslT at his room above FSlCX'S TIN SHOP, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, Pa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant all clcthcs to fit or no sale. SISOERS &WI&6 ffiACHIjte. TAAU persons desirous of purchasTfis? try. of Smcia's Sewiho Macbixis will obtain all necessary information on the snhject and see them in operation it my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty percent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should be without a machine. jan I, 64-tf MIFFLINTOWN TIN SIIOP. HAVING purchased the Tin and Sbesi Iran Store, located on Bridge Stjeet, Mifflin town, I wiVifd respectfully inform the public that 1 intend to keep consttfn'tfy ott hairtl a general assortment of . COOK & PARLOR STOVES, a4T Jajan Ware, the largest and best in the county, and as to rVuiity and workman ship cannot be surpassed. , SPOUTING, K6Vtl$G; iali anff Sheeting work, will be promptly at tend iT to' either iii fown or country. Brass" Copper and Enameled French PreseTfirtg- Kit Hes, IrtppWA Brass, Copfer, French Tinnea. Enamelled rToIDJW Ware, Waffle Irons Coal Shovels, Frrrlt Cati'B. both cbinmoa and Patent, and of various measures, always cn hand slid for sale , ( Persons hf warit of anything' in the abpve line are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere', as he feels confident that he can suit tbein' either as regartfs the article or the pfice. . fST Old copper, Braai and Pewter boughs and the highest pries paid in cash or goodt fACOB G. WIMJY SHREINER'S. BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP ,)-,,. . . . For Covoht, CohlA, Crotip, Whjojping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, 'Sp'ttiny Blood, rain and Weaknett 6f the breast, Difficulty of Breathing, &e. This Syrup is purely Vtgelabs Compound . It ia pleasant to take, and never does injury ; but, owing to Us purifying qualities, musi do good under any circumstances. Its effect i, truly wonderful soothing, calming end allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying Strengtnening and Invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. CROUP. No ohild heed die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at band. For Coughs after Measles, thia Syrup la moat excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled t'; no other preparation. Price 50 cents per. Botlie. ' Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., Af their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 11U, Franklin St. Baltimore, Ml. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. CELEBRATED These Powders will strength, en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They are a sura preventive of Lnng Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases undent to the Horse, eucnasuian JiTi, Yellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Tital Ener rv. Ac. In poor, lowtspirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a no, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing tho appearance, vigor and spirit of toil Boole animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this PowdiT poweea M ?n creasing the quantity of Kilk in Cows, givfe it an importance aud value which should ptnee it In the hand9 of evrrv perpoa keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and moke the E-itter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their Lide and makes them thrive mnch faster. EOOS. . . . . In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Oonghs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, Ac. By patting from half a paper to a paper of tnese Powders in a bar- rpl nt Strilt 111 above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these fowders the Hog Cholera can" be prevented. Price 25 oti. per Paper, or 5 Papers for L rSIFittTD BT ... 8. A. POUTZ & BJlO-i . AT THKTA .. WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. Ha 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. Hd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers thrdughent the United States. FOUTZ'S MIXTURE. Z7te lest Liniment fur ilotl and tltast nt in use. In s saie rJnd reliable Eetr-edy for tht. cure of Kheiimatisui, Painfnl Nervous affectious. Sprains, Burns, Swellings, art! all Diseases re'tuiriiig an external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old B' Vnniag Sires, or Sweeney If properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o Colar Oall, Cnsor WotindV, ii is n'tf Tc'faUible Remedy. Try it, and be convia:i3 tf i!s ef ficacy. . ; , ..... RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, can be promptly and pfcctually cured by the use of this Mixture There a nothing in the world so sure and il goed to take away tad CORNS and care Fros iitS-R'3 thij' preparation. Try it and satisfy yottrseltes. Price .",5 and 75 cents a t&t!i. F.-eparcd by , . ' S. A. FOUTZ'S A BRO.. , At njjir Solesale Drug and Medicine De pot, Nollo, Franklin St. lt Baltimore Md. Sold by B. F. Kepner, Mifflintown Pa.,jfnd al ore-keepers throughout th,e tTnited States. The above Medicine can be b-id at manu ctor's Prices of Johnson Halloway & Cow fr, No 23 North 6th fit Philadelphia. Pensions ! Pensions ! . ALL PEIISO.VS WHO HAVE BEES DIS ABLE DURING THE PRESENT WAR ARE ENTITLE TO A PENSION. Ail ner- 8!hjB"'?ho' intend applying for a Tension must call oh the Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability is sufficient to entitle them to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call on the undersigned who has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and aifjoin.ng I'orraties. 7. U; KUMUU, M. V., . , ' Palterstm, t. V6C. 9, 13.-tf. " , rSrime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ised. Sngar, CrushW 8-jgar, If. O. 6ugar, 8. H. Sdfrar, IT, O. Molasses, S. H. Molasses, Loverirfg Syrnp, Chocolate, ; Mustard IJicej S.'afch, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn' Starch, Fish, 8alt, ic., &c.( for sale cieap ai tbsVtw Etofs in Patterson. ' " . Jiil-tr JB JODVf. Tub pectlliar taint oi infection, which we call ScRonx lurks la the contitiMiens ff niultiuidc ofmin. It cither prtxluces or ia tpttuevoV 'by an en feebled, vitiated aute of the Muud, wherein JtluU fluid bcoome in- . compcteut to sustain the vital forces in tneir lgorras action, and leaves tlie system tc fall into disorder and decay.. The scrofulous ntaminatioa is va riously caused by vnaircurial disease, low living, disordered digestion irom unneauny food, impure air,"filth and filthy habits, tho-.depressing prices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, Tt is hereditary in the coniUluffttl, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it see ms to be the rod of Hiai who says, " I will vuit the iniquities of the ethers upon their children.' The disease it originate tak various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produeea tubercles, and fina'.ly Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stdtnach an4 bowels, derangements which, produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and Uyer complaints; od the skin, eruptive and cutaneous atfections, Thct e, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz.. purification and invigora tiun of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, fonl, or corrupted blood, you cannpt have hcalthj with that "life of the flesh" healthy, yon cannot have ecrofulout discs?. Ayer's BarsapatUla ' is compounded from the most effectual ass dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy, yet devised, is known by all whe have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues trnly extraordinary in their effect upon this, class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly TfcnowB and remarkable cures It has made of the following diseases : King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, TOnon, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sorest Erysipelas, Ro'i or St Anthony's Fire; Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lanes, White Swellings, Tjebility, Dropsy, I.enralgTa, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Lufectiom, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses. snJ, indeed, titc whoUj series of complaints that arise froui impurity of the blood. Minuto reports of individual cases may be found in Att.k's Amekicw Almanac, which is fVrnlshcd to the dnigis-j for gratuitous distribution, wherein may b Icurncd the directions for iu use, and soma of the remarkable cures which it has luadx when all other runc&i-s had fciiled to aSbrd relief. Those cases arc purposely taken, from af! sections of the country, m ordT that every reader may havn access to somv iicWho can speak to him of its benefits from personal expurience. Scrofula depresses tut vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subjbet to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitution. Hence it lends to bhortcn, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast iniportaaofc of these considerations has led us to kptnd years in perfecting a remedy which is adulate to, its cure; Tliis wo now tifler to tbe public under tne name of Avra'a KvitSAPAariiA,' altliougn it is compot-d r Ingredients, sonic of w iiieh exceed the lt of SarmfiariVa in alterative power. , Jty its nil! you may protect yourself from the sutler ing and danger of theft- disorders. J"ur 'out tbr; fml corruptions that rot and fet r in the blooj?, purge out the eaures uf disease,' and timorous he.iiih will follow. Py it pe'ti liar virtfies tLL" remedy sti!tiIa j fhe vital funetiSns. and thus expel. the distempers which lurk within the system or burst tut on any part of it. : . Ve know the p'ilific have been deceive ly many ccjitipotinds of Sartapurilla, that promised much atai did Nothing; but they ill neither be deceived nor disappointed it this; Its virtues have Inren, proven by abun dant trial, and fTler remain no question of" ;t surpassing excellence for the curt of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach.' Altlmirli Under the same name, it is a iry ditrervnt medicin" from any other which has l eeii before the pt-ople. and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever ba available to fLvm. . . CII.KRRY . PECTORAL-; he Wprld's Great Brpedy tot Cougtis, Colds," Incipient Con evunption, svnd for the relief of ConBuinptive patiects ia advanced wtagos ' of the dmea8e. This has lieen so long used and so uni versally fch( n',, (lint "e neetl do no more than assure the public that its qnality is kwpt up to the lt it ever lias been, and tliat il Biov be relied on to do all it liao ever done. Prepared by th,. J. C. Ave Co.. . , I'rarticul mi Axqlijtical, CieMisttf jj . Lowell. Sfase, Srd'i by s!T druggists c-vrry where.' , e e have opened the laree Room just oppos- ito our Store in Patterson where we offer for sale at low prices a general tssortment of Table, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges B e (I H t e a d 8 , and Mattresses-' j Triihks Carpets Stands, Racks, & it any other articles for house fiirnisl- ing I ITrfHT & STRAYER Best VYLite tcsd ! Best Zinc? , TIRE LIBEKTY LEAD, . I' netr passed for Whiteness, Fine Uloss, dura- ' bility, Firmness and Evenness of Surface. PURE LIBERTV LEAD Warranted la cover -nore surface for same weight than any other Lead Try it and iou will lace no other I I;E LlnERTV ZIC, Selected Ttn C. ground in refined Linseed Oil, nue.-ualed in quality always the same -,. ia rUKE LIBKKTY ZINC, TTafranled to do more and better work' at given' cost than any other . , U the Pest! ManuCaCtureu at PENNSi'LVANIA PAIi A COLOR tfORKS. Orders executed prompt ly b7 -r . :. , ZEIGLER A 8 91 ITO, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealer 2gw Store and office, SO. 137 Sorti Street PHILALIIPv H u. l&Sk fr5