:tk Juniata StntincL WXDNEBDAI MOUSING, August 2, ".t65 'BE JUST AND FEAR MOTk" TOWN AWD COUNTRY. butiift. orf wu VW PMI' it- vn. f 'KttipKl.. Wluse A lb? hlte, df llhrrty" PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND after. Monday, Wey 29.- 18to, Passenger Trains wiU leave Mifflin Station As fellows: 'tisTWAP?). " ' '.PWladeliilLiA Esrress.. " -3 A- M- jFastIie,.......v.-" Day Express..... Pittsli;r. &. Erie Mail.. '.Mail Train..;.. - . ML. A. 31. 11.21. A. M. . 11.12, P. M.f . 3.45, P. SI-ST! :.;, . . WESTWARD. . Pittab!!.&. Erie Mail... 3.27 A M.t fBalttmoie Express.. . Philadelphia Express..' Fast Line................ Mail Train. ............... t E nii erau t Traiu . . ... r, . . . 4.59, A. M. 5 3, A. M. ' 5.53, P. M. 10.07. A M JAMES NORTH. Agt. 9uU except Sands.' -tDnil; except Monday. J Stop t Perrysville t, 11:28 (if tUged) Jl.20 8:S? Stop Tbompsonlowa ai 11.40. 4:18: : Stop at Perrysville lit 8.19 (if flaged't 859:34. J Tuompscatown at 3.239:00 ifflaged.) . . Bu the trial list in Snyder County for tetm comiucncins the last Monday of September is the Unit of E.-' S. ; Doty r A. L. Ju and Wr W. Davis for "uia iicions puliealions. la? A very large and delightful pft nio party came of at rcrrysville ou Thurs day last we were sorry that circumstan ce made it impo? sible f or us to attend. KH. The ffood people in the neighbor hood of East Salem and Thompsontowu propose giving the soldiers a dinner on Saturday Aug. 2Cih. ia ' the prove near Smith's school house, with speaking, dan ring, io. So we are informal. .. 1 Rev. .Jacob Wright, snn of John Wright of this t'-ic. who 1ns chnrpfe of Lutheran Churches in Armstrong County, has bpen home on a viit snd presched in the Lntheran Church in this place on last Sabbath morning and erpning. .The aubsoribers to the Cemetrv ! re tMnestd to meet at the office of E. ! 1) Parker Ea. at 2 o'clock P. M. on Thundsy, to decide npon a location for a cemetery. . ' Am TnEOrFt.-ES Our ''democrat- ic" friends are far.more anxious to serve ! their enurtry.in offiee than on the batt!e field. Candidates for ihe different posi tions in this Conntv are getting as thick as "flics in June time." The Corn Crop. Accounts from all ; parts of the country represent the pros pects for the coming corn crop as nnnsnal iy promising. From present indications the yield here will exceed that of any eeasoti for many years past.;; ' Counterfeit Ct'ftRE.vfY.rtrThere is 110 end to the amonnt of eminterfeit cur rency now in circulation Thev seem to bo nesrlv as nnmorons a the Pennine.- The fifty cent notes are in such had re pute that some persons refuse to take them, being unable to distinguish tho genuine from the counterfeit Somebody sends us the following "On Saturday last, a pay picnic was held i adjacent lojiM'Allisterville at" which' the ' youths of the vacinity exhibited their usual ability upon the fioor. The dinner was gotten up with the richest taste, and in jthe.most plentiful manner, -Yet most every one enjoyed the hospitalities of the ladies', more than. the sumptuous--dinner." Important to Claim . Aittnts ajd A'l PLICASTS FOR PENSIONS. The Com- iniwicner of Pensions has decided that in accordance , with the Act" of Congress, Claim agents arc "prohibited, "Under se rejt penalty j' from Teceiving, mote than ten dollars in all for their services in pros ecuting any pension claim, or from re ceiving any part of such fee in advance, or any percentage of auy claim,'cr of any portion thereof for pensions of bounty. IfiT Mrs. Auna Bashorb of Walker township and a ?fr. Myers were riding in a carriage one day last week, when 'a rail of the fence alofig a narrow lane through which they were, driving, caught ta the wheel aud frightened the horse, which run off and finallv upset ' the car riage and was scperafed froia it. The women both were Considerably hurt, espe cially Mrs. Bashore--and they all rradc'a very narrow escape. m- A'-wJVt fcttl'le-th.--'Miflrn V-ry -- ''.T''- " :-?: V'''' ... 1 . fcsir VFe lisYe 6nttiority for eayicg thai the Government Safe of :51ulei in Phila delphia, fr the .teaiaioitig . a88i and i?aturday, held by order of Cupt. A. S. Ashu.ead, A. tj. M. at Champion Ba zaar, Race St., balow 12th, .will comprise animals of first quality only, - the poorer ones having been 'already sold.1'- See ad vertiauieat ia another column, ! -T , .. jfcfc. Very considerable -excitement Was occasioned ( in our town last' week When it was diacovored that 11. E. Parker had just received a new lot of goods. ' Old and youo, male and female, hare 1 all heen calling to we and1 buy. Robert keeps .a very fine little store. .Jfou can get almost anything you Want dry goods; groceries, confectiouarics, ware, tad noil tioba of all kinds. - Call and see. .' j . . . ..- .11 Pro? I'ETTERS. An item has appear ed in many of .the newspapers, stating that but one cent postage is required on drop letters. In order that the people may not misundcrstaud this matter, we would state that where there in no deli v ery made by .-the carriers, pnly a one cent stamp is required on'"; dfop letters, 'tut where carriers are, employed to deliver mail matter at the resideuee or business places of citizens, as to the. :ties, a ,two cent stamp' must he affixed to letters. w SATE CrlNTRAt COMMITTEE. lion. John Cessna, of Bedford, Pa., was select ed by the Union Republican Sute Cob vestion. at Harrisburg last week, as Charr 111 a a of the State Central Conimi'tt'ce. This Onmmittee is composed of S mem bers from Philadelphia, .two from the counties of Berks, Dauphin, and Alleghe ny and one foin each of the other coun ties. A. I4. Gusd, Eq. represents, Juni .ta County .on the Committee. ' The Cciiiiiiiltec assemble in Philadelphia on the :jist. . ". . LtcKis 0 Creek S Sw Celebration. We had the pleasure of attending the Sabbath .School Ce!obriit''n .in. Licking tree r.uey on last cacuruay. i. wa, dccidedlv the largest aud best thii'g of the kind we have attended this seiison. All Licking Creek and its -friends were there to the number of about 500; Ad dresses were daliveiod by Rev. , J accb Wright, Rev. 11. II. Fletcher and Dr. S O. KSitipfcr after which the childreu all gather'c'l-sround rectangular' tabic of some Cud feet ia extent where there were I spread basket of Iragmcnts left. Things pass- off pleismtly and everybody seemed pleased. We had not time to stay to seethe rum among the young tulks, but took notice I that as we left they were on a fair way to : ido themnelves justice. Anions ether t jtraeiloai was the large aiil beautiful Ban ncr put Up tt office State Capitol Hotel. This institu tion kept by Wm. O. Thompson fornibrly of this county and brother of 11 M Tfcompfcn,' tT this rdace, has 125 Room's, besides the Priora, Halls. Dining and other DepartmeaSt. - We dropped in last week and found it utterly packed hav ing some 5D0 guests,'many of whom were quartered outside in private houses, and we bCticed applicants for' lodging , turned awiy by fifties. There were' people from almost every Stat'3 in the Union, among them many celebrated, literai-7, ' musical, i political and military men. e noticed that clcik Fertig was eg loncer one of the institutions of the establishment but his place is filled by our friend Josh Baker who discharges the duties of Chief Clerk with so much facility, grace and polite ness that we are not surprised at Mr. Thompson's selection or lili popularity among the puests. W. G. T. knows how to keep a Hotel and also knows how to keep good hotel Clerks. Stone Coal in Perky. Morgan Pa vis, a bkillfal and experienced miner, in forms us that ho was lately employed hy Messrs. D. M. Black arid Job Ilocken bery to dig for coal ori the land of the lat ter ia Horsa Valley, Toboyne township, Perry county 5 and that he has discover ed a vein of about three f'At in thickness of hard bituminous coal. He says it is a regular foimation vein that he has et- plored it on the crop, and is about to sink a drift below in' the hill to test it further Horse Valley 5s a very narrow valley ly ing' between the Conococheague and Tus carora niouiitaibe, and the coal is found on the rio?th side of the Conococheague, several hundred feet higher than the Sher man's Valley, lying south of said moun tain. "Tfe coal found is about four miles by the road over the mountain from New Germantown, aud about the same distance .(from Waterford in Juniata county. Mr. i.ayis says the coal .burns very well, and understands that' specimens of it Havel been taken to Philadelphia, where practi cal men have pronounce! it to be ot good Quality. - Further exploration- are being made st the matter fully and fairly BoHicrs'- Monument Fncd ' CASH ACtSOmSGSIESTS Tv IBB I1ST iJEt- Delaware TtHtnshij) yCoHtrHittioiit, ptr JUrs. O'W'fA. os Jolluwt 8. O. Eans 5.00i . O.' MoNeiBt, 1AH Vjn. Bcnuer, 5d David Oarver,'" : 25! Wra. J. Dennis, f 1.00 Mrs. 8ae: Smith, 60 r&niel BpicUer. .. 60 S8.75 Wm. Kocs, AYtskingtou City ' f 2.00 I: $10.00. Amt. prerior.s?y ackJ. 13.15 : $149.90 E. S. PARKER, Trrai. ,' ISr'.lt has been a great query as to what became pf;.W.i.W.: (jrlNURICH ot Mexico t Perhaps we can answer. When he left home he bad no notion to take the stn he did, but after he ryaebed Harris burg, he cave way to feeljugs, of despair on accouut ot bis finnucial difficulties, and dctcriuiued to forsake family,- houie, and all, rather than face his creditors. This Sad Step 'Vas" perhaps al?8 induced Ey ( the iL-e of stimuieots as ii. is thought he v;aa given to opium, eating.:"; His iutcutious weia to go to . middle Tennessee and if possible scuic day sond for his family. We have no further comments to add to this singular and sad case, except that al though our information is leliablc, no one nee i question us a tq how we obtained it, for we are not at liberty to give it. 8 Mrs l.incoln-tillor Surrat't's Organ in this town. thb week Calls the old lady an ' 'inn'ocmf" woman I'll. Yes, "so are Judas Iseariot. the Copperhead . Party and the Devil ! It's part of the religion of democracy to kil 1 patriot and then de- tend tiic murderers I A New Child's Pat-eh. We have re ceived two copies of "TAe Litlfe C'orpo ml," a monthly paper for children, the publication of which has been commenced t Chicago, Illinois, hy Alfred L. Scwell. Judging from these epecimens, it is the cleverest thing of its kind yst realised in America. It's whole appearance is in capita! taste, and there is evidence in it that its editor has rare tact lu catering for the wauts of the little ones. Each number contains sixteeu pages of quarto size, beautifully printed.' This affords ; rQom ()r iegJ of of wh;eh I ,u' .:.:...:. 'L J' ' a an excellent variety is giveu ia prose and poetry. The enterprise deserves to be a decided siicccw- Price otie dollar per year. Tho "Childien's Portrait of Mr. Lincoln," which is given as a premium w every subscriber, is one of the neatest steel portraits we have seen of our mar tyred President. - The publisher sends a copy of the CurporaV to any address for ten cciits. tuEncouragc home institutions, home manufactures, home newspapers, and home itself. Don't run after foreign goods just because they are foreign, and when you cju ituy just as wail and cheaply at home. Soli 'you produce, your butter a'fyou have so sell to homa purchasers. Pat ronize your own mechanics, craftsmen, and professional acn, and don't be bangers on and dependants on other places. Take your home newspaper. It at least informs you of hdCie interests, in which you are immediately interested, and by giving it a iiberal support you enable the editor to give you a beltei f aper. In short, spend your money at borne and assist in build ing np your own city arid section of country. ' , It you dou't patronize home institutions, dou't grumble ii home institutions don't patronize you. The Bedford Gazette is only con sistent when it justifies the murder of Jacob Ltous3. wad was recently snot down by a returned deserter, for do other rea son than that the delinquent and cowrad ly copperhead bated Crouse as a faithful officer.' The Gaxtte justified the 'mur der of Union men by the rebels, the star vation of Onion prisoners, and lastly the assassination cf Mr. Lincoln. ' .We repeat then that to approve the murder of Crouse is only to be consistent. . '., "8 An old negro named Etlinborough Smith, supposed to he ever a hundred years old, and who resided near Johns town, Cambria county, was found mur dered, in his cabin, ou Thursday morning. The cabin bad been ransacked for plunder. A young white man wLo suddenly disap peared, is supposed to have ' committed the murder. . ,. . r 1 B3J" Ann Buck, a notorious character, was tarred and feathered, at Lewisburg. Similar treatment should be meted out to the men who caused her to bo "notori ous." Lumber! Lumber I ! Mr. Georck Gosuex, of Patterson, since his return from the army, has resumed the , Lumber business. He will keep constant! ' on haud Pine and Hemlock, lumber, suoh as Boards, Scantling, Plastering : Lath, Shingles in short everything needed for building purposes. : Persons in ' want of anything in his line, can be supplied at the shortest notice, and on ' fair " terms. LttAbc'r delivereJ if desirbd3'. ' V. 3 Canc-b'cfUbmcd Chafrs and chairs of all kinds always ou band and .for -sale 1.y CliarWs W. WeltrA. ' ' " " PATTSRaON tutnaaia. x FjWUR, Superf bbfc $C 50 Extra,...,..,..;..: 6 75 Ky. eL. 8 00 Buckwheat...... 4 00 frd. Meal,u...- 1 T5 -GRAIN;' -i ,.' Red Wheat tpbu l 60 While wiet,. 1 S Rye....... 40 Barley,..; ,1 O) Corn,:..,... - i 60 Buckwheat, 1 00 Oats,. 45- MARKETINGS, Butter, prime lb 21 Butter, In rate I5 Lard; . r TaUow.- 12 Eggs, aoa , 20 " PORK. : . ": Hogs. ?! Swt 5 IS 00 Ham.'- R).,.,... 25 Sides & Shoulders 18 --BEEF, Fore qr, J cwt 9 00 Hind cir... .....:. 10 00 POULTRY, ' 1 rtii'-bena. 1 Dair 50 SEEDS. Ducks, ' 40 Clovef; htis 12 00 (Geese,..'.. . 1 00 Timomy. 3 iJ Flax;.....;.:-' ' 2 00 lliinrarian,. . . . 80 DllIEU FBCIX, Applet. bu 2 00 Peaches, ' tjr 50 Cherr.es,....;. '"It Turkeys,:....... 2 00 COAL, 1 ton Treventon sfove 8 00 do Egg 8 50 Sunbury etoro 8 00. . do Egg 8 50 Cliestnut, 7 00 Pea; . '- ": 5 60 Mijed,,;.'.'...,.i. 3 75 woofa, Oak 3 00 Hickory,'. 4,00; HAY. Timothy, 10 00 Clover.....-...- 8 00 Retailed Articles. Coal Oil f gal 90 Salt, sack 3 50 Pbister, ton K 00 Nails........ 6 00 Currents,.... ' 10- Blackberries, 8 KUlerberries, v " 6 POTATOES, Kew Irish, ft bu ' 7 Sweet,:...-.'...'..'. 3 00 .VARIETIES, Apples, $ bu 1 25 Onions, .. 1 ou White Beans.... Beeswax, ) lb : ?o 45 jo 18 GO 5 Soap, dry Candles ........ ; Woo, washed... J U MAT A SENTINEL Regs, .'y. ,.,'. In advince f 2 00 Cdrrected "weekly by J- B. M. Todd- DIED. And there is no SUeiiriein that var. Ecc!. 8:8 On the 13th inst., Charlotte, Infant daugh ter of John J. and Lccretia E. Fattereon. Died in Lack township, of.. Chronic Diar rhea, ou the 20th of, July 12G5, Thomas J. Young, aged about 22 years. Thomas was a younennn of some promise, lie was drafted in July 18fi4, and bavinjrbeen absent at the time, he failed to report- accord ing to notice. Subsequently he wont to Har risburg to report. He was thre induced by certain one, to go in as a volunteer for a bonnty. By some means he was discovered to be a conscript and pnf into eerriee for threa years, notwithstanding his offer to pay his commutation. He as shifted about from place to place till finally he was aiene to Co. E 71th Reeiment then in North Carolina. On the Oth of March be took Typhoid Feter and lay in Hopital about two months, when he nad so far recovered as to be able to walk about poor fellow ! wns rohbed ef all his money and clothes whilst in the Hospital, but the wnrat..wa( yet t come, lit took diarrhoea which moil assumed a chronic form. He wis now shified to Dttvid's Ieland whe'ebe lay till the 20ih of June, waen his f ith er brnus'ul him home one of tho Dtot emic'ated hnraan beings thnt was ever seen in this locality. We drop a silent tear and say may his soul ret whcie suoh tortures as those of this life do not exist. - Xack Towasnu-, July 21st 'CS. T. . 9IEDIC.il. cir.n. H. O. K .EMPPER. Hate army nr- eeon) having loeated in Mitftintown. tend ers his professional services to the citizens 0 this place and surrounding country'. Tr. K. having had eijrht years eTperince in hospital, general, and a-my practice, feels prepared to request a trial from those who may be so unfortunate as to need medical at tendance. He wiU be f.nnd at Will's H-tet at all hours, except w ben professional engagt 1. July 22, I860. A FRESH ASFi.VAi.OF NEW GOODS, AT TODD'S STORE, U PATTERSON. Just Heeeived and for Sale at lew Prices : Fancy Prints, from 20, 25,- SO, to 3-1 certs; Fancy DeLaioes from 31 35, to 38 cents. Fancy Dress Goods from C3, 75. to 90 cents. Best var-1 wide Brown Muslins. 3-vto -JOcts. " " ;.). Bloaohed " 30, S7. 16 eta. Balmoral skiits from S2.75 to SG.05. Bn'rgs from 75 cnts to $1 Spool Cotton, 8 cents. Skirt Brade 12 cents. Syrup SIbVsses 80 cent s per gallon. Extra Syrup from Si to SK:!5 per Oallon. flood Brown Sugars From 13, 14, 10, ta 18 c. White Sugar at 23 cents. Also, a large assortment of Quecnsware, from S5 00 to S8.5C per set of 40 pieces. Boots from $ 1.00 tO $7.00. Grained Kip Cavelry Boots, 28 inches in legs, at 7.00. ... , : Alo,.fl full assortment of Ladies' Gaiters. AH of which I will exchange for Butter at 25 cents per pound, or eges at 20 cts per dor. or for CASH...... Aug, 10, 1803- J. B. M. TODD. REYNOLD S OHIO PUMP. Something Jiew, ami a Valuable inven . liun for the Feojl. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHAS ED the right for Juniata county, to sell the above - named valuable Pump, desires to call. publiu. attention to, the same. U is tbg rs- aud duly Double Acting Pump in ex istenec . .: . .,','.. This remarkabla pump bas attracted the attention and received the approval of sientific men all over the country. I will exhibit it at tho Hotel of R. M. Thompson, MttUintown, Pa., with whom or ders may be left in my absence. Cii.r ,'.. ., JOHN I-ESH. P UBL IC SALE 0 - iaoar Axrsi posts. THE COMMISSIONERS OF JUNIATA County, being about to erect a new fence around the Court Yard, will expose to public sale, at the Court House, iu Borough . of Mif flintown. on WED.ES0.T, SEPTEMBER 6TH. 1365, , . The materials composing the old fence, eon- stating of about-THRbb TONS OF I RON I AND A I.AUGE NUMBER OF LOCUSF Pt9TS. The Iron is of a superior quality, (ronrid bars, most of them 16 fcef long, and H inches In diameter.) and s good as flew, The Posts are sound, and in an excellent state of preservation'. The iron and posts will be sold in lots icaint purcnasers. - rer. sons in want of either of the above artiolee- I MIFFHSTO I? A" A SJ , will find it to lhtr advannage to' attend thi ale." - - - Aug. 9-'..:.. A. 4. OREERr??r.- ' t r i OK... AT. ''. p PI1ILADCLFUIA- 7t rpHE UNITED STATES WILL SELL -L-AT PUBLIC AUCTION, At v Champion's City Bazaar : .,!.. ;'i TATTEItS.4I.li. 'RACE STHEET, ' ' Betieceii. 1 llli and 12th S&cefc, ) Daring the Iloiith ofins '65 900 MULES. . These Mules are al a'crjifceable, and sold only for want : f use Buyers are invited to examine them fit any time, a-id every facility will 'be" given for s thorough inspection. Roomy ic eS4 ara proriiJed fbr idspection frotB sun and rain. . . . 4 .' UOO MULES. Will be sold on EACH' WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE .MONTH OF At'GUaT. commencinii at lOo'cloek. A. M. i VTeif Va irument Funis. By ordorof . c,,,r, , Eng. n. thl. ALBERtS. ASHMEAD Carmm M. -Qgceo. .21 Market tnrhihva. -"-I. Z," m. - TAX-PAYERS. Vf? . ;rr,,,-rT - 7 TAKE AOTIIE. ' The annual list of United States Taxes is ' made up on LICENSES, INCOME, on CAR-' RIAGfcS, SILVER PLATE, and all unpaid ( Monthly Lists arc now due and payable a folio Vat, f ' JU5.IATA COUNTY will be attend d to ly Joha-MeLaughlin, Deputy, at Pomroy'S Slcre,. Beale twp., Thursday. .ii!.''5t 21; S. uc t . Store, Perrvsyillc, Friday, August 20; A. Snyder's Hotel, MiUnntowH. Saturday, Aug. 26; E. A. Margrits' Hotel. McAlUtersville, Tucalay, Juc..2'J t Richfield, Aug. 30; Sher- mer's Hotel, Thocpsontown,' Friday, Sitfirem- her 1 ; and at Morrow's Hotel, East Water- furd, Tuesday, Sept. 5. M'tt-IAL OIICfc. . ' To all who neplf:;t to bay at tiie times and places specified,'l9 preceiitum rauat be add'd and collet-led. A'.l Taxes mint be paid in Uovernmenl fund oi-iu equivalent. - C. ii. -URIitR, Collector, 1 tth D.strict, Pa. it DISSOLUTION OF FARWERSfiLP. "VTOTICE is hereby giveu that the partner- iN shiD herc'ofore existing between the nn - dersigned. trading under the nn of Maus-i bach aud Vanovmer, in the Mercbantile bn.- incus, Was dhsolved ou the Tth day of Au-'; gust, ltjo. All persons indebted to the said firm arc requested to make immediate pay- j nient to James N. Yauormer, an'' thereby ; save cost. . -. - '.- ' ' , A. MANSBACH J. N. YAUORMER Miintowo, Aug. lC-rt. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Leffdord.ilauylidKqut, deed Sotice is hereby given that letters of Ad-; minidtrntor of the estate of Lefford Ilaugba wout late of Fayette township, deceased, have been granien to the undersigned rusiuiug in the E.-iuie township. Ail pertons knowrng themselves indebi.ed to s-'iid estate are reaueel- ed 'o icake immediate Davuieu t and those hat ing claics Will plcdse present theiri duly a5.- thenticatei f3r settUmeD!;. : SAMUEL LEONARD, Aug. 0. 'C5.-6t. , Admmuirator. RUT I TP VnTtrT ." . . .. ;. ... 4 r.itate oj Mac nclman, aec a. Notice is hereby zivea that .letters of, Tufa- nientary on the estate of Isiiuc;Rol!manIatecf Miflliutown, Ueceaso-I. have been granted to the nndersignfd r-!s!ding in Ferm.m igh towtiebip. . All persons knowing them- selves iudellvd to said estate are req-ite lto iu:il:eto ihiii.edii'te paymeui,. and th u Lav- ing claims will plef.se present them duly au- tbeuticated for setlletiwsit. ... JOSEPH F.OTHUOCK. Aug. 2, lS'jo-Gt. E:e::or. MD STATE NOTICE . -- . .-!" .ef vj. VaJtr, deed, Notice ia herebv uiven that letters .of Testa- me.itary ou the estate of Benj. Yodt-r, late of Delaware township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the sawa township. All persons knowiuir thci.i- selves iudobled to said estate are requested to make immediate, payment an I. those haviur claicis- tt ill tlease urcserit them duly auihcn- ticated for settlement. JONAH YODER. EzKutor. Aug.2-6t. E STATE NOTICE . .. Estate of William Jhir.n dee'd ., , Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad uiinistratien ua the Estate of Wirt. Duun late of Fayette township, dee'd, have been grant ed to the undersigned of Walker fowp. All persons knowing themselves indebu-d to mid estate are requested to make immed:ate pay- mcnt, and those having claims will please present them duly authenticated for settle- mcnt July 20-6t. SAMUEL DUNN, Adtn'r; TO THE NERVOUS DEPILITTB AND DESPONDENT OF BOTH -Sr"F.. A great, sutferer having beerf -teityred'to health in a few days, alter inany years of misery, is willing to assist his suffering fellow-creatures by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, a Copy of the formula of cure employed. Direct to ' JOHN M. DAGNALt, Box 183 Post Office, Brooklin, X. Y. . I The Bridril Chamber. ,'."' ' A note ofwammg and advice to tho-e suffmng with Seminal weakness, Oenernl Debility, or Premature Decay, from whatever cause produced. Read, ponder and reflect . Be wise in time.. Sent FREE to any address for the benefit of tie afflicted, bent by re- turnmail. Address T,f.-lro ...:-. .". BLJLfcK. . - apn!183m ?. ,429 Braadway, w Vwk.1 . GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility ii. Premature Decay, and ths effects uth fiiliudiscrctiou, will ba happy to fur n is era with trie ma.ins of enre. (fret " ch ar ve. is remedy is simple, sfa, and cerm i For full particulars,. by re'urc.mail. -please dress Jtil . OfciiJI.!. GO XasvauSt., Sew lcrK OLD VES E M4IEXE1T, TAMPHLET directing how .1.) epeedji, Xlrcstore sight and give up si-eciaeles, wnjj. out aid of doctor or tneuitins. Sent hy mail. ifree, onreceint of 10 cents. Addreae,; I : ' E". B. KOOTE, M. D., i- FeU'2-6ai. - 11T) B.-oI iy. lrk. i ' - SALT! SALT!! .... . , . T,owerJ in priraby order of JOHN IfOL fHIfrj SaH agent cf SyruJuae,' K. V. ; HK will l sold at ",60 -per barrel in ppoj order-, until otherwise ordered at Massrj huUmff aai Stajubaugh Milfliotown and at- SulouS ai Siambaughs' Wurehonie Perrysville Pa. -July2o-4t JOHN DOLPHIN. Ag ' wdfToEi . ladies wishing O fe supplied with neat and good sooes win timi it to their advantage to ell on II. D. WF.LLER, at his thon on Mail, Street abtfve t'licrry. where tlic-y can be supplied with almost every sivlcat inodcr- . T5Trre-Gcn,I5',"n h,Tln repairing they W13U uuiaiwj nut uuai.jr ccculcu will ca promptly attended to bv givln" hifn -call. Terms : CASH. - " H. 1. WELLEK. - Miffliutown, July 26th 'C5. .BRILLIANT, HASY. SHINLVti, Ieallier Pretic-rvias IX : SHOE LEATHER the softness and p'.iancj cf KID while with one fourih the lal.or usually employed m the atplioatior. of the or-!iny "BUoiincs. it produces a JET BLACK EN. AMEU- UI.OSS. equalled only by Patent LMth Sold YUW by till GROCERS AND SHOE DEALERS. Orders received by American Agncy. 8i Broadway New York, and whvjle- satv'i at the 1 Manufacturer's Depot,' l.Vi it end irfft. X.T Wanted! Disabled Soldiers And o?fcer5 out of. employment to canv:iaa for 0VK ORKAT X VTIONAL WORK I i uo.isura, : "Tht Lue and ftiblic Services - A. Lir.co!i," By Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Br, compnsicg one larrc octavo Tolume of neany 500 piigcs ' -: j Thi-, is fhe only -vroi-t of the kind publUl.- ; ed ; it is entirely new and original, contain- I ing his early hisiory, political career, apeecfa- , messages, proclamations and other officii! documents illustrative of his eventful adiain- titration, togctuer with U'e scenes and event connected witn ms t.-ajic.ei;i it will be sola ra'Y cjur awaoriica :rcre;ing agents, to wh-m exclusive territory Is given, cad. libera cr.mmisiiicns raid. hd lor a circular ami terms to -Atr-ricaa Publishing Ag-acy, Bca ZIV No.-C Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. j iuly.2rlf!: : DYSPEPSIA. C 1 11 E XV A It It A A TED- fil'W&a ' tiLZfo'luvring Symptoms: lt. A constant pais cr uneasicess at lbs pit of the stomach. ' : . 2d. Flatulence aud Acidity. . 3d. CeSliveness end toss of Appeti'e. 4ih. Gloom and Depression of Suiritj. 6h. Dian-hcea, with griping. tth. Pain in all parts of the system. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. , 8rh. Cough, with Phlegm id the Throat. Oth. Nervous Atfer-iot:, ar.i wactot cltvp at u'.gljt. 10iU. Lr.-,3 of A pjieMia and Voci'.ing ,lllh. L-iziinetj, Uiir.net of Visit wl - Lies, ot irhts. - . ! 12:h. Uoadache and Staggering in wataire, j with great Weakness. I Out of ihe thousaiidtf cf cases of Dyapepsia ' that have used Dr. Wishiirt'a Great American ( - 1 "ul- w tuvui n3 ri.nu u. inerfeet enre. We warratit a Un in verv , . standme. S.ilJ bv all dm j-:.-IkI T.ifr-ilii. ..-.r.Ja! f,r. frjshiti-t's OCce. 'o. 10 '.I. geocrislreet, P:l- a lclphia Pa. Aliexniiu.vioirsand consulla tlir.s Tree cf ' churn".- .-end fr circular Fiici-j 1 pt;r box. -Seat ly uail. freeolcbarga on receipt uf money. . f . fjrspcpiii, Dypcpis, P7p-:psia. jr.,. ...., u i.; i.. . n t ! ,..I... -i.- ...."'.r . fur tue ye-ir uiid a half I puftVre.l everv thing tut death from that awful disease called lv pt p&ia. My whole system v.us prostrate with weakness and nervous debility I coula r-it digest my food ; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of t'.iod, it would return jutf n I swallowed it ; 1 bee:: sis r e costive in my bowels that I would not have a pajsagc in lr than t'roni four and ol'-ca c:''t djys; under this irimer?e s Ift'triiij?, i.-y i''.i::-I (.reined er.- ' rely to give way. I had ureadtul horror and evil fo.btxiings. I thought everybody na'ct u-e, and.I iated ever body : I could Hot heat my husband nor r.y oWu children, everything appeared to be hcrror stricken to me; I had I no anibitiou to do anything; 1 lost ail my love (if fclfillly and home; 1 would lamblcand wan- tier troai place to place, hut could not be con. tented ; 1 felt that I was doomed iu hell, ami Iat ""e was no heaven!' r n.e, and was oftea tempted to commit fuici., so near ivas c.y whole nervous system UeMruyed, and aiso my miud. from that awful complaint, Dyspepsi. that my fri-;uds ihuught bci!l to have me plaee-1 ni lr. KirkbriJe's llw'spital. West PLilauel- ! phia . I . rcnined there nine weeks, and ! Ihoiif UtI was a little better, but in a few days ! sy-4ii-eadfjl complaint was raging as bad as ever Hearing ot the woiiiii!r!iil cures i er formed by Dr. Yiharl's (.iie.it American Dys pepsia Pills and his treatment for 'typcpia. my husband called on Dr. V ishart and stated my case to him. He raid he hud r.odoubt ho could cure me. So in thrtad.iys after I called and placed myself uudor t':-T Doctor s treat ment, and in two weeks I befin to digest aiy j fuoJ, and f-It thnt hiy di?,-ue was giving way. and Continued to recover for about three. 1 months, and r.i the rresent time I enjoy per feet health of body and ftiiud, nml ( most iii- cerely roruru uiy" thanks-1 a uviciiul God ailJ wi8harlf alld tl)hi, rca6 Ara;Mn 0 a inu alJ pim) x ,Xar 0ur(lial tlul . &TcJ nie frum ,usaM A lam u,j A zreauimt e All ,,er8ca, PU1te,iug with gpgi, tl libcrty i0 oa:1 un mor , write a8 , am ,jll;ng t M th,.ga i e;ill for suffering huiaahiiy.. Elizabktii Lbansos, Br:iidywine. DtJ., formerly of Old Chester. Delawnrwunt ,!,.. . . Ur, Wichart's naiec, . 10 Nor;h Stton l treet, Philadelphia. Tbeabove are a ew among the thousae4s which this-freat remedy has saved from an ub timely grave. - We have ilious.mds of leticrs from pbyii cians and 'trugcists, who have prescribed and sold thefe medioinc, saying that tiuy have nev er used or sold a medicine r.Iiijh j;:ivt iuei universal satiafaotion. Prepared. only by the prsprieior, : 01: V.cj. V. Wltibart, Nj. It Nor.h Second Stree!, : j rhTad-Sphin Pcns'n ?iW h ail uiizziM.