v-1 tfjuuii of laketj and a iUon oflatult, , A uniun no rpoicer . sha.lt sctierj 'A'vntp'n of .hearts', anil a tui'oii ottaryJi, Ami the AnmtcCh limit Jorer err M I F. F L I N X 0 w N- , Wednesday Morning,' 'August 23,' 1965 .;7lFK,iRCESS AxND FREE. ?M' A. ti. 'CUSS, Editor. Lev." 55': 16.'-fitr- ,i Proclaim Liberty jpg Mr-.TLrou shout the I.arifl J&' jr 1 ' to AI.fv tve '. sf T-r Inhabitants T!:trcof. i jar The J cxi at a sextixel-&& ha the Ttirj'ft CrrtvlatioH of any paper pub lished. ,m thie Connty.-.It is therefore tbe httt idcertiting mtdwm. It ia a Taper, Iruly HyM. ably conducted,' a first class I.oralisi, and veil worthy of (lie purroosgs of every loal ciiiien ia the County. ftOfc. ," Treason 7nust he made xi7ois; Traitors must he punished and imporer isAcd, ' They must net only he punUhe-l, hut thrtr t'xbil power, must he dentrryyed; .ltd a fter matin j treason ' oiliou.i, every Union men aud the Government should he' 'remunerated out of the poctets of those tcho hrie in flicted this great suffer ing vpnn (he country.'' President John ion, April 21, ISGo. 4 V i. r i tTaioii E'eratIican State dominations , FOR AUDITOR GENERAL - MJ. Gen- JOI! r. U 4BTRAMT, '' or xotgomt ccrjTT. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL Col. JACOB SI. CAMPOLLL, - , OF CAMBHIA COCKTT. 1 nion County . Convention ' At a meeting of the standing Unisn County Committee, of J d'niata' county, held at Jacob Will's ; Ilotel, in MifSin town on Saturday, August" iTth ISfio ;it was unantmousiy agreed, that the Union voters of said eccnty rcfet at their usual rliccB of lioldinj, electiorlS 5n tl.eir sever al towuship on THURSDAY AFTER NOON, OF 'AUGUST Slst 1S6&, bd tween the hours of 2 srrd'O o'clock P. M. and in the borough' of Ji2Jintod, Pat terson and I'errysville, Ictvfedn the hoffrs of 4 and 7 o'clock P.'M. to elerf two Del egates from each election district to' rep resent them in the Union County Co5 vention to be held at Mifflintown on ' Saturday, September 2nd 1865, " at 1 oscIock P. M. to nominate a ticket ' to be supported by the Union voters at the ensuing general tlection- . . , , JEHEMTAn LrONS, 7V. W. W. Davis, S-cfy. ' . " The elections will be conducted by the fo'iowing Standing Union County , Comiuiltee: Mifflinlown, JeremUh Lyoni, W. W. Darfs. Fermanagh, C B Horning. B. F. BchweleT, Faycu, John Hoffman, James Darin, , Monroe, A. G. Shellenber, John Shellfy, 8uxquehanna, Levi Light, Sol. Updrgrove ' Greenwood, H Mininm, Wm Thomas, Delaware G W Jmith, Jpnat hun Frey, Walker, Col John N MoOi-e. .Tohfl Motier, Fatterson, F M Mickey, H M Grnoinger, -: MUford, K A Robinson, Arnold Varncs, . Turbe'.t, Wm M Kobinson, 1 W Flickinger, rerryavUle, lba Limhtrrst, T M Wagfnsellcr, Hpruca Hill. J K Tattcrson, Jaaes a I'ittoa, lleale, Wm Toung, Jonathan V Doyle, Tuscarora, H H Behtcl, Tllomae Morrow, Lack, John Patterson, Kphraim Youug, Black Log. Kobert Melntyra, William P.css, ,T : vh7 t Dane. .The, Democratic party is just' now en gage! in raiang the-cry of '-negro equal ity," ."ncgio voting' Ac., in order to dis tract the attention fifths people, and more especially the soidiers, from their damning record of the last ibree years. They hope by aising false issues, to escape the meii ted obloquy thab rests- on them on account cf their' trail orcis' eonrse during the ex istence of the rebellion. It won't win. The people canrrot be" humbugged in that manner, ai-d the soldiers are not children to be frightened by the try of. negro cqnalitjyruied by the Democratic party. They hste not ' forgotten tils' party nor the m;a who denounced them ss "mur derers," !'thieves," "Lincoln hirelings," f s will be pretty well ascertained fey the rote this fall. The soldiers have not for gotten their' old .enemies, and honeyed words, and "soff scraping" generally will tj ot help the Democratic party any, when itiir-i'. ;ji -i, .b.ra.v.Vf 'I? ivrllv?;. . Major General Hart ran ft The hero of tort Stedmaa, wlio wod his stars as a major general on the field of battlia the fire and Smote Vile. Latbd6prca price's attacks on Grant' Inay before jucboeha, haa teen ..sow uawd by the tfnidh Stale ConYentipo, fir Atraitot tfencfal, and ianow,Ji eandiwt for the support of the people In select ing him as onr standard bearer, the Con vention recognized eminent merit, re spected the wishes of the' people, and dis carded the paltry claims of politicians. General Jiartranft had command of some six thousand Pefansylvao'iaas1, and1' al though all were nearly green troops, the ibis manner in which bS handled them. and their trrlM tennlse of the rebels in thetr affaofe wi Fort Stedman on that oc ctsionwtm frjom -General Grant "aT notice in u special ordef iasaecf to these Trob'f. In the coming olection ihescT troops not forget their old 66mmnde.'j lie led theni Jo a" glo'noiuf vifctor'j ; once' ".vrhea disaster had Overptwerfcd our arms, and in OeUbei next will as signally lead the grand army of Union Voters in the "State to an e'juslly brilliant success over the copperheads. The soldiers who fought under him, once more 'returned to civil life are ready to do battle for him again, and drive back in rout and confusion all the opponents of the Union cause.' Each soldier who served under him will at once become a politician and election;? with hearty enthusiasm foi 'lis success. .Col. Jacob 31. Campbell. Col. Jic'ob 31. Campbell is a citizen of Cambria County,' and entered the vol unteer military service, as Colon el of the 34th Regt. P. V. The 54th was organ-iez-J at Camp Curdn in July, 1861, from volunteers recruited in Dauphin, Somer set, Carbon, Montour, Northampton and Lehigh counties. Col. Campbe'l, early after his appearance in the field, was pro moted to the command cf a brigade, in which position he performed goo'd and vamant service, laucea, tne record oi Col. Campbell ertecds over frelds where some of the hardest fousbt battles of the war toot place, tor his gallantry in the contest he has been frequently compli mented by his superior officers, aad for his services to his country in the hour of its peril, a grateful people will shortly exhibit tjieir estimation of his -worth' by electing Jiim to one of the most impor tant positions in thoir gift. When we lived in Johnstown, Cambria county, we knew Col. Campbell Very tfeW, and from a personal acquaintance with him' in his private home we can cordially commend him to all true Union men as . -. - one eminently capable' and deserving their votes. We hope' to see Juniata eonie up gallantly to the Support ot this detcrving patriot.' J' We Don't Wast it. Somebody has been unkind enough to ."end uS repeatedly a copy of an InfjJel Paper published' in' Itostunj and should these lines coriie before hiS eyes, we' re quest him not to' repeat th3 insult.. Per h'afs he imagines that because we are no bngSr in the labors or the' ministry that therefore our rSiod may Le' prepared foi such reading if so he is grossly mis-takr-n. A want of faith in' the import ance and rcaKfies of rcfizton was not a motive in relinquishing the clerical office. We believe in God as our Fa'tfiefVin , ' (.- Christ Jesus as our' Savior, in the Holy Spirt our Sunctifier, and in the Holy Bi ble as an infallible rule of faith' and prac- SUellenberger, q q t:ce We have no sympathy for ToSilelity eiher, Abram . , . - -. . . . , ,. , 'Seiber, DaTid and Atheism. This paper teaches taat the sncoh0ur; Adam CiLIe Is a mere human production, that Sieber1 Jo&n' j. : .!. i.v .. it- c-vi.-.i. .v.. :i' Stitier, John ii ia nj;ui iu w uu mo ouuuJiu, tiiiti li is wasting time fo go to church, wrong to support a nunistery. aad that religion is' an imposition and a cheat, without reason, blindly received, and of great injury, and finally it advoc ttes downright atheism as , the only doctrine supported by consistancy i anu reason. e oeueve no tiuer woros Were ever written, than these of the in-1 snired man of God- JVie fool hath said in Tit's heart there ! no God Fealins 14:1, for surely no one but a fool, devoid of sense, wit and understanding would Be so silly as to deny his Maker. And if a man is a fool for saying in hi heart there s no.God. what must he be who says so in a primed paper j Ancieut infidels .kept it in their hearts, but these silly fel lows ilory in their shame and make pub lic exhibitions of their folly. They may thiut tTiey are smart they may seem smart, .but' when they come before the judgment seat of God they will realize the awful truth that they were devoid'of good sense. 'Whatever other follies we may be called to answer for, we hope to be spared from the supteme folly of de nying tiur Creator or the Light be sent icto the world. Repaired in good style the pave- laeat in ftoat.of.W. : Vt: WiWi r!.Wrp '- 1 - - . - . - -j-j- - r J - :.v .....niuiii i .I'-.iriseBU'IA'ar) SU. v. .. tJ. S. INTER?! All feEVItiWK.;. Income 9X : Jatmtft Cpwtf. The llerenne ItepittoBill-fttA' on has recogoied thi. proprietj.. 6t 'pub. jishing the )& oi jnoomcs. returnei ior taxation, so thatach man maViu3g5ot Sjthe integrity of his neighbor in ssu!Ug; his just share of the exactions noueasarj .... i -t.i? : to sustaiD our .Rational creau. relieving that it can do no harm that it can offend no just man and that It may prevent dis- hoaesr returns to avom uxauon, waoir Iwkh ftttb&b. ska o tire list of taxable tn- comctf in the; East end of tbe County, being the 10th Division of the I4th Dis trict of Pa." It iriclddes the 509 allow el'rjy taw for living.; AUJbose." names do not appahr on the list,' have made.' re turn that their income does not exceed six nUndred dollars.''' THe list will" U "fonnJ fnfcre';tiri'!; 'and Ve' return' otir thanks to Mr., WiHia'in Wv Davis,; Assistant . Asses sor, for his kindness in furnishiug us the list, rln a future issue we ehail give, the incorncj.of the West end of the CbfloirT-I Allison, Rav M Miffliutowo Auraan, Jacob 1'uyetle A Ums, John Mrs Walker Adams, Ja'me "' J " '"': Adams, William ' '': , Adams, Jacob " ,S710 . 79-t 770 700 H8I 11442 2100 117 Belford.JM . Rook, Job n BeshoaT, Andrew Kortr,' Abraham l'.esboar, I)ftvid BtHhoar, Jikj'i ..' Bell, William . neshoar, John Brown, John Brown, Tetcr ' MifHintown Walker Fenanagtr 118 7r,3 . 798 f.90 C6.r( Fayette Cross. William Delaware Walfce.. 'Walker - Delaware Mifflintown 4 Greenwood . DelawarS Viifiintown $;!17 1285 $I14fi moo 1G62 308 764 $707 975 . $700 $882 M4(i : 13S4 KM Ourran, William DaTis, Kdirin ' Dimm, David B Ueitrich. John Berr, O L Doty ES . Dimtn, John dee'd Evans, SO Elder, N A Frow, James Greenlcaf, Y L Delaware Walker gUSs, Uriah I Gi?rich. John nlhni ' iionn-ii. Fayette Fermanagh ',ri ! Uallacher, R O Hart, William Mrs Hamilton, Hugh Ilartms.li, John Jletrick, Jerrtp'e Hetrick. William' Hart, Henry Heckman, John Harshborjffr, Henry Hepncr. tieorge Horning LU ' Walker $70S 1391 1123 .9i3 1176 Vila 855 - 63J 817 .t-.:? l $713 $1676 . 1280 13t3 , 601 - P'4 2 Favette Fermanagh Miffintown Jacobs, George Kinijr, Samuel t . Fayette . Kauflamn. Saml M " . Kurtz, jVserVh Delaware Kurtz.- Jneob' " Kanffman, Jonas ' Wslket" ' Kyle, Moses . . Lukens, J S Delaware $1234 $1047 .673 1027 1353 1043 740 ' 800 744 1060 632 1251 S192G - 79S $1053 . 82'". Monbcck, Solomon Walker Motier, John ?TcMinn, John "' Moore, J N ' Musserl Christian " Miller, nehry " Marpritz. E A Fayette ' Myers, S C - Mtteser. J ibn MeAlister. S W " ,. McMecn, William Parker E D -' -"Miffllutowa Parker, R E " . Renno, David . . Fermanagh Rothrock, Joseph " j SfmsoH,' Itfarcaref WattW ' ' . '' $1138 635 . 1544 884 754 88G : 899 875 f.74 . 2344 ; , 1864 82ti 875 - ( -1304 " 707 . ;.54 " , .'641 053 : 685 ,.tS82 'J100 " 924 Smith, JoBnT Sieber, Jonas d?c'd ! pioher, Emanuel j 8nyder, George ! Selber. Michael Stnnffer, Amos Stitzer, James Fayette gmitn fra Sauceman, John mttn, jacoo Shirk. Jircob ' t. Spicher. Daniel Delawte" : Schlegel, Jacob' . Seiber, William " Sellers, 5j"!)en! David ' enberger, Chr Monroe" SiiiillonlnifTiir" Tnn . 712 .i0uffer, Abrm Fermanagh 713 ! Stoner, Ahim , , ,, 658 . 14(58 . 4100 ' $774 : 2488 986 '' ' 937 l ,198 . , 1000 :.. l,,6 :"S1587 Seiber. Daniel Salouff. Jacob" - Mifflin Stambaugh, Jacob . " Tyson, Christian, Tborapsou, J N -Thdtrpson, W P Thompson,-Wm Tbampsoft Robert Walker Fayette ' Delaware Thompson, w 8 , " ... Thompson, R Mj.', : Mifflin Clshl Simon ' : i . ' Watts. Samuel Wilson, Lucian Wilson, J B " Wilson, If T West fall,- Daniel Weiser, Jacob . Wrigbt, John Wilson. W W Weidman, Bcnj Fermanagh Fayette .' S748 143S 1433 1433 703 784 3665 Delaware ' Susquehanna Mifflin .,. . Walk.r . 800;. 061 IS-' We have received from tbe Union League, Philadelphia, a pamplet entitled The "Record of the Democratic'- Party 1860 1865'." '- It is a,'nblicatioii Which 8!ibuid be scattered broad ; cast' over tho laoli ai' it coataiujaaiibb ,;6eto."idcli -1. i . t if I' . . - L v Tkilio itate ticket. " Bjf th proceediBgsi ot-tne Union State Cojvtion-whioh met Islt week at. liar riburg,-ii will be perceived . that the ekin of bar patriotie soldifefs were fully rccdgnixed, both candidates being veter ans of tbe hte war. General Ilartranft, who luu feen nominated for Auditor Gen eral, distinguished himself greatly before Petersburg, in the repulse of a fierce reb el attack, and was mentioned with high honor jn Jha dispatched for' his; ,sdKics Colonel Campbell, who has been .nomina ted for; Snryeyor vGenoral, has equally served with gallantry throughout the war. Both are me n of. ability aud high ohursc terj We rejoice especially in the -ratifi- eation by the convention, i tf ; the . recon struction policy of the national Adminis tration. 1 :n VT-r t ."1 ';f' " t When Sumter fell, we enlisted to fight taiWrs and thetr sympathizers ,;dur ing tlic war,' and altaough we now no longer bear the .:;.' .-:i .. - u.'l -Trainp, t Amp.'tririip, the boy s are marching,'! we Still have the saiue foes, conquered ia f.he field by our gallant; boy in bluev to tight in the political arena: ' Defeated id the field, they- are now slrivirig to gain in trickery and political maneuvering ''whAt they lost so completely under the - Jeadly charges of Union bayonets. As long as this is the case; we hope to have the Sen Tfstt alwdys "crowded" with heavy bombs and charges of grape and canister for the enemies of the country. '.'"An Inteeestinq .Prediction-. In I860 when Jeff Davis was threatening destruction M the iJot-th as the result ot secession, he, one day, in an animated conversation with Cen, Simon Cameron, exclaimed: ''When the South secedes, such paralysis will fall upon Northern enterprise, that the grass will grow in the streets of your Northern ci'ies !" The retort was instant; the General replied : 'No Jlr Davis, if the Southern States se cede, utter ruin will fall on your section. Your slaves will be liberated, and will as sist in your destruction. Tlie North will not be ruined, but I will, with my own bands, plant corn in the streets of Charles ton, the cradle of treason." True to his proAiise, in the spring of this car, when Gen. Cameron visiteJ (he South, he did phnt the corn in tbe very 6treet of Cfiar leston, and hired a soldier from one of lh hospitals to attend to it. Tbe General received the other day tho" crop, - con sisting of four ears of corn, one of which has been presented to the IlarrLsburg Telegraph, and can be seen at that office. I&" The New York Xews, tie rebel organ in New York, is becoming alarmed, lesf in' the attempt of thd Democrats to' get Freii(!ent Johnson on their platform the result will be that tie Will get many Democrats on the Union platform. There may be some danger of thii ; and we advise those Copperheads who hive ventured express' approbation of Presi dent Johnson to be on their guard or they niay become patriots before they are fully aware of it. flow odd they would feel to wake up aud find thedisilves good loyal citizens ! : " t&J. D. IIowcll, a brother-iu law of Jeff Davis, who, 'as previously stated, was arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct, and uttering insulting and dis loyal language in the Pulaski House, Sa vannah, has been sentenced to a fine ot two hundred and fifty dollars, sis months' imprisonment, ana subsequently to be i sent out of the district. Another rebel, who participated with Howell in his crim inal demonstrations, has been imprisoned in the city guard -house; : s' A late Tcbel arsenal, in luehmi'ud, containing fifteen thousand shot and shell, together with a great quantity of car tridges and ammunition for small arms, took fire and exploded on Tuesday after noon. One soldier was killed and . a ne gro severely wounded.- . The loss iJ between sixty and one" hundred thousand dollars. Kir At Menrphis and other . places in Tenuessee a severe Shock of earthquake waslelton inursaay morning, suuaings i we're shafeen and! chimnos tumbled, over. No particular damage was done as is known. At St. Louis and Cairo a Sim la? shock was felt yesterday.' " "'''.'. ;' . BjnvThe Commbsioners of Snyder county have been couintsHidcd by the Court to proceed with the erection of new county buildings at SeliasgrOvc, the new county scat. ,. ' '. Ohio Politics.' i . Cincinuati, August 18th. The Demo cratic' Wtate Sovereignty Convention as sembled at Coldmbus yesterday. : M- H. Mitchell, of Knox county, was appointed Cbitirfsao', and W, II. ManncI, of High land county. Secretary, - Alex. Long Was nominated for Governor ami Chilton A. White for Lieutenant Governor. Strong Stale - Sovreigrry " J?hiticii were ai'jpt;1!.. ' '- WASTED -0- A Situation as Clerk in a store by a young! tiiaivuf reipectbility. ' . j . - I he bast or reoerencr given, rerinipnn tion aily at this-office. j! y Aug. 23, '65. '- ? 7 DISSOLUTION Of PARTNERSHIP. rpUE PARTNERSHIP. HERETOFORE J,, existing between the firm of WilBO n ft flros. and trading in tbe Merchantile bus iness was dissolved by mutual consent on the 16th of August 1865. AH persons indebted t said firm ,ara request to maks imtnediatt paytn'eitt and thereby irtve trouble. mT, '' - WILSON ft BROS. Tne-tHiainesa will'jbe continued at th eld slanlin the name ot ..i r. -i. , . , ,. , ; L. WILSON 4 CO. Aug. 23, 'CS j , t . a- ' - ri - v ' V I tjcntlemtn s riiiptsn lug More. , . . Insurance lonipany oi iew 1 ork- j Fay go ofuu tibd.-. .ad;, can. - ..." j'-m i ers and Balmora! Fine Sltoes, fci- Misses and Cash Capital - TiV Million Dollar., children. Carpets and Oil Cloth, tc, Also, AaataV.tY;.rVlM3r" ti&MinJl.S' '. .'. - Lialiilitie,,J'7c:. . . 7j!.l'" --Ciuftrlr, Qlffniuara,---TH8 :MTvf WTiiw ol.l,-waMfelVi , Hardware aDTtMry.- 1 hp, Oils, Paints, l-eaanHMirompanr-' N preniiom and all fueh articles as are dually found in a note: -"No assessments. It insures all kinds . count ry store. ... . , of property pr goods, for any length of time, pJL.3 promptly in cae of loss by fire. Ap- iWJL soli cifed aaJ fdiJautJ - ,J -s' A- IT. WtflDMAjr, " '"' Agent at MilBiutown, yj, - ? - . ' STRAY HOC. CAB.TO.TIIE RESIDENCE OF THE 8ub-cribera rtaidiiii in Farma'nagh town- ship, Juniata Cunly, Pa. on or about the 1st of July last a while ebfial without any spots or marks and supposed to be abeut a year old. The owner is requested to come forward prove property pay charges and take it away, otherwise it will bo disposed of according to I!?- . . . i ' , IT. 1ft iKVRT7:. li 'i:tr.E.v. moist. i J A'J2. ; VALUABLE 1KWTS. nrrpi ' C5- "3 f Xr "4y!L -' 9cXw ?cf)- rTHE UNDERSIGNED RESIDING , I't jl. liPaifi tnwu-uip, ouurs ai pric uia valuable Farm located in Spruce Hill town ship. Juniaia county. I'a. about C miles West of Pcrrysvil'.e and the Pa. H. R. bounded by lands of James B. Okcson, Silas Smith's Htrs. James Fitzgearld and . W m. Thctnas, and containing about : ISO oiros about 125 acres of which an cleared and nn' dor frowi tfnltrrailiifi. tieinc the very bestqual itv of Linicstoue land and in fine nder. There is n eood RANK HA UN, . IiUELI NO HUl'SE and p:her 01:1 builrings on the prcm ises well waltered and (ue woodland well timhered. - i . . j For further information persons can eail upon Thomas Metoy nnw living on the prern- ises or address tlie uudersigued at Doyle's ingeniously braided lightly and firmly togU Mills Juniata County, Pa. : er, edge to edge, making the ioiigliet, u.ost WILLIAM OKESON flexible elastic and durable Sprinp; eTer used. Aug. 2-St. ; They seldom bend or break, iike the Single ' " i Springs, and consequently preserve the. r per- PubliC School ExamtnatiOTlfl. : feet and beautiful shape raor.; than twice as ' : long as any Single Spring Skirt that Ever hiw Public" efanrirfitions of teachers for the va- or Can be made, rious districts in Juniata Count', will be The wonderftl ffeiibility and gTeat cox hcld as follows : " f-irt r'n'S ple?ttre to any Lady wearing tb At the School llnu, in the borough ef Pat' . Duplex Eliif-tir S!;irt will be experienced par terson. September 1, ticularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas. At the School House,' in the borough of Per- Carriage!. Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm rysville. Sept. 2. Chairs, for Promenade and Hum Dress, as Af Lick School House, for Lack dirtric't, the Skirt enn be folded when in tne to occupy Sept 0. a small place as easily and conveniently as a A't TTCulMip'ch's Mills, for Ttwcarora iTis-: Silk or Muslin Dres trict, Sept. 7. t A Lady baring Enjoyed the Tlcasure, Com- Ai Iohntown, for R?ale distr:ct. Sept. 9. ; fort and Great Convenience of wearing the At M-.-xieo. for Vaiker district. S?pt. 1 1. ' Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single At Thompsontown, for Delaware district, day will never afterwards willingly dispenss Sept. 11. wrih their us. For Children, Misses antt Af M'Alistersville, for Fiiatfe dlbtrietSen- Young Ladies they are sfiperior to all others, tcmnerlft. ' i TUB HOOP are covered with 2 ply double At Richfield. fr Monroe district. Sept. 15, twisted thread uud will wear twice as lor.g as At Knouae s School House, for Susqnehan. fbe Single yarn covering which is used on all na dis'rict, Sept. lu. . . . y. Sicie Steel noop skins. The three bottom At Ihoras Cox for Greenwood district, rounds nn every Skirt are also Double Steel. Sep.t. IS., . . land twice or double covered to prevent the At Locust Grcve, for Milford district, Sep- j covcrin g from wearing off the rods when dmg tembcr 2J. . j ging down stairs, stone steps, ic. &c. which At Mifflin, for Fermanagh district, Sept; 25. thev arc constantly subject to when in use. At " for Mifflin boroL'gh, Sept. 26. . - , - , , . , , . .,- AH are made of tbe new and elegant Cord- . Tho esaminationswin fiegm at 9 o'clock ed Tapes, and arc the best qualitv in eerv precisely It is hopea ibat nppiiciints will be ' part, giving the wejrer the most graceful and present at the time ot opening. No one will b perfect share possible, and are unquestiona admitted inta the class more than ha.'f an hour My the lighest. most desirable, comfortable after 9 o'clock ; this will be rigidly adhered ! and eccnomical Skirt ever made. Each applicant is re'querted to come pro- vided with pen, ink and at least three sheets V. -tificate averaging more than 3 . will be crat ted. unless at the urgent rr,nZt f i the board nf directors ; nor a certificate in which all tbe essential branches are not rep resented. Directors will please attend to bavins tbe house opened by S o'clock A. M. .-Jeff'.et 0r mis may put me to grew lnconv-n-chce II. B. ZIVlMEltMAN, County Supt, Juniata county. Ps. rerryaville Aug. 8, 'tio-4t. :.. ALEX. SPEDDY, ESPFCTFrLLY crffefs U services to the IX public of Juniata count v. tTinv . :Z general satisfaction, jle can at all times be'kT ootasultcd at his residence in .MlBB?oWn, Pa. Aug. lu, jcrutf. ' Proposals. '' t Kurus-VLS will he received, by t a Pchoftt wnruoi i'eiawr townsbip. nitfil .s.T-; URDAl. SEPTEMBER 2, 1805. at 'i o'clock, School House. Plan of stntinn- n,l Hi, . . i..r iuc aeating ot tuo lnompsontown the same as the Gocdville School House of Delaware township; ' By order of the Board, AMOS GRATBILL, Trcs. JOSEPIT KOBTZ, SiCt'y. Aug. Id. 1806. Young Kcrt Arouse. A voun? lady of cierhi&en years of ae rV riili s fraiul m.irdl At,avnA,A opes a correspondence with some' voune man with a view to mutual improvement. Aaureis, . vAREIE THORNTON, 5cTms Orrre, Sender c , la. IN THOMPSONTOWi 0:0- TUST opened in the New Ptore Room under l the (Mil Fellbrfs Hall, ih Thompsontowo, Juniata eeiinty Pa., a well selected and ele gant -assoriuiAM ti Dry GuuJs, consisting ia parj.f;2 V.V-- - ' L'diel', Dlress" tiooili. Such as Delaines, CLailien, Lusters, Alpaccas. M wool Delaines, Sbeperd Plaid Lawns, and a full assoriment.of Ladiea White and Fancy Goods, and a large assortment of Staple DRY .'GOODtf, :i.v;.!Jv'. ConataBtlyav Jau4 aad for sale ebear for CASH, by . . , , i; :' R. IT.- 'WRTOHT. A1b. GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHING EMPO RIUM' iH'ftlit rm btiiWinc. An dceant ! assortment" of ready made Clcthinr for Ua and Bora, eonii-ting in part of Fan?y Frock Coats, Dres Coats, Pants. "Vests tiraw ers, Collars, Undershirts, llandkereliiefs. Oat &. Caps, Boots fc Shoes, And everytliifig"urisual!7 founl in a ferst class , iue n.'gu .".rj p.oauc. 8!ld at sma11 Profits- Cash. Call and eiam.ne my s.cck and w. for yourself, as 1 am always ready to wait on. 1 n sm-n, j j- - . '('man Ca :K Hot nnrt llnfh'nrf Ftnnnriiim Thomp9v.atown, Aug. 16, 105. R. n. WRIGHT. WK. HOOP MiUTS. GiS. nflPKISS' I "OWN MAKE OF HOOF isKIRra. arJ enttrn express! to meet the wants of r!BllT clAS, TBAi ' i - .mhri- ' .nmnt. .i.oTtment nt ... - ,. . s,v Sii n.l . Lrnp,lf for Ladles' Misses' and Children, and , pa Mivttirir tnii.I1 mhni 9iAnc in naint nf I Synmeiry Finish arc durability ; being I made of the finest tempered r.neiHh btevl j Ppritigs with Linetr finished CoTering, and having all tbe metalie fastenings immovably ' i secured, bv improved machirfrr. Ther re- ,ain 'heir SJhnpe and Elacticity to the lasr, amj a,e tfAKKASiitD to rive KNT1ES SATIS- I FA' THlN. po; A ten. constantly in receipt cf fv.Il lines of Eastern Made !-MltTS, at verv low -J. SrilRT.S Made tn Order. .Altered y and Repaired. WHOLESALE ml RETAIL, at MANiFACToiir anJ Sales IUo.v, No. 023 ARCH Street, above Gth.; .PHILADELPHIA. Terms Casb, Osa Pities Oxli ! Aug. io, ';'. The Great -invertion of tlia Are ia HOOP SKIRTS J. AV FRADLEVS New Patent Dl'PLEX ELLIPilC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. THI.-5 INVENTION ionMsts of Derm (or ' two) KLLiHXie Pt'Rr Kit?t!;p Stpel Sprimis. ! WE1 ! jq p CTt of the InTenti'm. and SOLE MANC- fS?' , - rtili SALE in all fast-class Stores in tLia. TPPDJ 4 V if - f 1 I -1 1 . am -V' "" ,nrounont lhe United Statos and 1 ' ,,!lMn " '. Mexico, fcoutU ! Americi, and the West Indies.. ' &-lxJt'i"K ra thi Di plzx Elli?tic (oa l0-''-) Spriji" SaiEi. PUBLIC SALE OF ValtiAble Real Estate! THE UNDERSIGNED OF F&KS fOITSALE nt publie oillury. on th premises in Mil ford towobhip, Juniata county. Pa , thrae miles from MitUintown on . the ruad leading to Johnstown on ' ' ' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. '65, foiiowwo real estate pbopirtt, to wit: A tract of land situated as above stated and adjoining lands of Moses Kelly, William Stereti, John P- Kelly and others and esn taining about VCTi And 112 perches, about 175 or which are ' cleared and under good cultivation, being rood limetitoue laud, aud the balance being timberland. The improvemi-nts consist of a TWO STO- P.Y STONE DWELLING HOW,Bank Earn, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings.- Also a tcnaut House. There is a good spring of wa ter near the House, and alsa' ronning water on the farm. The tract is one of the best and most pleasantly located farms ia the county. Anv n'6n desiring to view the above property can ca'l on Mr. Joseph Funk, robid- incr ori fh i.renus. ' SALE to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M. ef aM rhy when atteudauca wiil be jivea aa -J terms made kajrn tv Ag-ist ?, '?-'.