Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 16, 1865, Image 4

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    L1. ijj-.U-l.l.Ji
,..4 1&F0RTJST
I H V A L I'b S !
. . . .; i IKO-N' IS TflE MXD. ;
Ills well known to the medical profession
. that LEON islLe vpal principle of Life Elemen
f the blood. This is derived chiefly from the
food we cm; but ;f tbo food ie not properly di
gest!, -or if, from any cause whatever, the
naoessary quantity of ircn is tint taken intothe
circulation, or becomoTelecl.he whole sys
tem vufiers, .The tad' blood, will irritate the
-heart, will dug up the lungs, will stumtr tha.
brain, will opstrufct the liver, ami VillsEtld
its disease producing elements to all parts of
. the system, una every one will sufur lit what
ever ovgsn may be predisposed to disease.
The great value of
Iron as a Medicine
ts well known and acknowledged by all med
ical men. The difficulty has been to optain
suh a preparation ofit a will ewter tho cir
rulntion uJ asainiilata at once with the blood.
This point, says Dr. 11 uvea, Massachusetts Stale
Chemist, baa been attained in the Peruvian
Syrup,, by combination in a way before un
known. . '
a PROTRACTED solution of the PRO
' N" MEDlCiXE that strikes at the Kout of Dis
ease by supplying the bleod with its Vital
Principle or Life Clement Iron.
Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy,
Fever and Ague. Los of energy. Low Spirits.'
Infuses siroiigth, vigor, and new Ida into the
nvgtciD. snd birld up an'IroTi fViitiutiou.''
. ures ervi;us Allcnioiis, I enmtc Complaints,
jiud all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder.
Ic a SPECIFIC tor.all disvascs originating in
a HAD hTATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompa
nied by uebility or a Low Stoic of the System.
, Fatrplilcts ncntnitrinir certificates of cures
and recommendation? lrcm some of the most
eminent Physicians, Clergymen and other",
wili be sent KilEK to niy address. '
Ve select a few cf tho Lames to show the
character of testimonial. '
John E. Williams. Esq., ;',
1'ie.silcul ot the Metropolitan Uauk, N. T.''
Rev. Abel terens.
Late Editor Christian Advocate & Journal.
Rev. P. Church ,
Editor Now ork tror.iele. J
Tv. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. D. j
Kev, Wirta I5urt"n, Ross'.l Kinney, M. D. !
P.ev. Arthur It. Fu'ler, S. K. Kendall, M. U.
Per. Ourdcn Bobbin's, W. 11. CLWiolm, M. D. I
Kev. Sylramis Cobb, Francis Caima, 31. D. !
Rev. T. Starr Kirg, Jeremiah' Sione, 5i. D "j
Her. I'pii. Nutc. Jr. Jise Ant. Sanehes, M. D ;
Her. Joseph II. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, M.. I ;
Pcv. Henrv "ham, Abraham Weudcll, 51. It
Vcv. P. (.'. Headier, .1. R. Chilton. M. D. !
liar. J. W. Olmstead, If. E. Kinney, XI. D.
Prepared by X. L. (.'lark & Co., exclusively for
J P: Diunire, NX l!'l 'Eroadway, Few Vork.
Sold l.v all KrUilijUti.
tCddiui Ruia .alve
Has tully established the superiority of
Over nil other healing preparations
Iteuresait JtindMifStES, CUTS, SCALDS,
TLAMATIO.N AS IF RY .MAGIC. ' nct Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, ic. . Also, Col-
Unly 2o cents a Cot. I lars, Vnderelccves, Handkerchiefs in gifat v,v
J'llR SALE BY I e'y-
J. P. DIN.4 MORE, No 401 Broadway, V. V. .' , DKl'CS. :
s.w.FowLE.&o..Ko.i8TrenioBi.i.BortjiijA Jarsre ouantitv of Drup:s, also
: And by all -Druggists. l i v ' ' i- --ii i
, :on liana, rrescnptions rilled.
Vr.AS!!I.N(!TOX HOUSE. , J Hehasals.qlnii ma lar?e stock of 'Wool,
I Cotton and Rag CnrpMS, Oil Cloth, Mattings,
o 7D3 fhritimt Str.Tt abjv 7th, YliilJ.'lp'jii ' ic, at the lowest prices. .
THIS old ai d poulur Hotel is located iu j Country Produce taken in exchange for
the immediate centre of business, and to goods, fur which the higbct market prices
person vUitibg the City on matters of trade or j will be paid by : -
picastiie, it is one of the most desirable Ho- I J. M.' J5ELF0RD.
tela in Phil.i delphia- It is convenient to all i : r
?tXt acibieipiiiiia Fnrnilare areroom.
rooms are airy and p aeiaus, ar.i the Larder ! 424 iV 4-0, North 2rvl Street,
will li? unexo'pttiunabie in every respect. rSTABLISH ED EIGHTEEN Y'EARS
The XIanagcr assures the public that no effort ! J having a very large Slock of the best
will ' Fpartd on his part to make the WASH-; made Furniture on hand, such as Sofas, Srif.g
TNGTON HOUSE, in all respects, pleasant Scat Chairs, Rocking Chairs, and Tarlur Kur
ard agreeable to his guests, aud he will be J niture generally. Also, Red Room Seta Corn
pleased to see his old friends and former pat- j plcte, wtth Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking
rons ci tee 'states Lnion, I'nuaaciptua, ana
to weloonie many new ones. Mr. L B. Neg
Uy. the former oflicc clerk at the States Union,
will be glad to ?c his old friends at tho
MASrFACTi BKr.s op
No. US N. Second St., Corner Quarry,
He has constantly on hand an assort-
mem of Cold and Silver Patent Lever, j
-epine and Plain Watches ; Fine Gold '
Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Enr
Rings, Finger Rinffs, Bracelets, Miniature
i apes, .ueituiuonJ. LcCKe's. I'enciH, imtnljies. y
Spectacles, Silver Table. Desert. Tea, Salt aud j
Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spoons. Cups, Nap.
kia Rings, Iruit and Butler Knives, Shields, j
Combs, Diamnud Pointed Pens, etc., all of
which trill ut fWd U'ic for l uh !
X . TOltlAS Jf CO S best quality full
jeweled Patent Level Movements constantly on
hand ; also other Makers of superior qualitv.
N. B. Old (ivU and SiWtr bought fi.r Caii '
Sept. 9-1 y
Just L.ublishc'l, a '-w edition of Dr. Cnl-
rm'i Ctlrbrotfl A'fwy on the racical cure
r without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, of
Seminal Weakness, Iuvuluntary Seminal Lossr
s, Impotency, Menial ami Vhysicnl Incapa
city, Impediments to Marringc, etc.; nlio
Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by,
self-induljrence or sexual -extravagance.
EV Prioc, in a sealed envelop, only 6 els.
The celebrated author in this admirable eS
fny clearly demonstrates from a thirty years
itnrwessful practice, that tho alarming conse
q'tencrs of self-abuse may be radieally cured
without the dangeTons use of internal medi
cine or the application of the knife pointing
out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain
and effectual, by means of which4overy suf-
lerer, no matter wnai uis conuiuiou may ue, notice and sell at tlie lowest prices. f. ,
r.iay cure hiiiie'f cheaply', privately, and Call at their shop, just opposite, the Sen
raJVally. ..... j unci Office," on M ain St; 'MilStntown.ra
Cfjy- This lecture should be in the h; ud ! ' flALLIK II AWK
cf every youth aii'I every man in the land. j Xlay-I-Rm. . 1'ILLIfi KliELY.,
Sent, unfler seal, m a plain envelope, to
nr :i"dre. i.Oi,t l'.ii l. on
recejpf o.'six ct,f
. lie r.'il)U-hr4.
..r: t."-t Mamps Add-
( MAS T. C. K1.1NK a: C'
Xe .V fr, Vj; (.'Sice ict 1
t j
..... . 'W-;
Miffliiilown Chair.;Maflufactory.!
C1HARLES W. WEITZEL would inform tho
J citizens of Juniata.- county, lhal he con-
tinuC3theChiir51anufactory at the well known
old ettitrtl in Water street, where he is at all
times prepared to receive orders far. Windsor
Chairs of every decription, including Settees,
Large Rocking Ciwiirs, Sewip; Reeling Chairs,
ChildrouV CJmir-w Countings Stools. Cain
Seal Chairs, Rar Room Armchairs, and every
thinepertaining to his business, all of which
he is prepared to till cheaper than ever. He
is now, prepared to wholesale work at city pri
des. Prompt attention will be given to Hepa
rin . All work done cheap and expeditiously.
Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in
exchange for furniture. ,
EcifFtiruit'ure Roo'm on Malo' street; oppo
site the Post Office.
S ptetnber 3, 1302-tf.
ould respectfully invite I
The nndcrslsrned
the ublic to call and examine his stock before
i purchasing ebsewhere. He has bought bis
assortment at such prices that he cannot be
! undersold by any in the country. Special at
. tcution paid topurchasing goodsin thecity per
j order at the shortest notice.
J Every effort will be made by him to givesat
i isfaoiion to those who mav favor biin with a call.
lauii: imrss goods !
Rlack and Fancy Silks,
Xlorie Antique,
Pure Cbilii, Rrilliantes,
Berges Lawns,
Grenadines. Ducals,
Gingham Lawns,
All wool d'Laiues,
Cashmeres, Peplins,
Alpacas, Sc.
A full assortment of White Dress Goods, JIus-
'ns- Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon-
t. lasses, iscus, JUatreises, Kc. and a full va-
ricty of all Jcind of Furniture generally.
I warrant all articles sold --and will sel
CHEAP for Cash,
rcrrjsvillc Marble Works,
THE undersigned desires to inform the citi
zens of Juniata County that he has taken
charge of the works lately owned by Henry
Willi in Perrysville, where he may be founil
ready to execute jobs in his line of business
such as Tomb Stones. Xlonuineuts, Marble
Slabs, Table Tops, &c. &c. lie believes that
a long experience and practical knowledge
will enable him to give entire satisfaction to
a11 wno mav patronize hira. Give him a call
ne fc,ls confident that for neatness chcap-
"ess na tlcspatcn ue cannot be excelled.
Apr. 2."th
XJ. JAMES H. SIMONS,' who has !now on
hsnd the largest stocK of ready made
ygDDLES and HARNESS in the
county, whi.'h he is selling at greatly
reduced prices. He is- now manufacturing his
Saddles and Harness with such perfect system
that he is enabled to sell a superior article of
everything in his line, CHEAAER than any
other estab.ishiiicnt in the county. He invites
purchaser to call and examine his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere'. "
James II. Simons, Saddles, and Harness ire
acknowledged to surpass in point cf lightness
elegance aud comfort, as well as.real value and
durability, all fclhera-tunnuiactured. in the
connty. Remember his Shop is pn Bridge
street, in (he rooms formerly occupied by D.
YV. A. Uctfuril, as a Tsilor fbop. I
' Bft. AH kinds of repairing neatly execut
ed aud all work warrentck.
rpnEundeiB'gned Je3ire to inform the La--1-
dies of Xlifilin and vicinity, that they have
jnstrctiirned from the city with a new stock
ef Sumui'jr Milliuary Goods of latest styl
and most Ant-roved workmanship, which they
are prepared to make to order at the shortest
;ytlTY HOTEL; Corner of Market and Haif"
' Vy o4 .ttveels. oppr site t-h 'Railroail I'ep'it
TT . n r e rt f ttsl B A.
JTili .S7J VKO, PA.
tffL.Trm as mod-n-fltr fee of wt Tl o"
ia .If..-itv - WM-sOTIfOMriS.W.
, . -; : Vi. i ski
fi- - t-
FOR ordinJry Interments,: depositing1 in
Vaults and transportation they have no rival.
'. They are made of the most Imperishable ma
terials, and are enameled inside and out to
prevent rust and the eltcrior has FIVE
ROSEWOOD FINISH. When pronerlv eemeht-
i td. the- remains of the deceased, are ff. (Vnm
irntption of water, or depredat ions of vermin.
i They may without offensive odor b kpnt as
long as desired thus obviating -the necessity
of hasty burials. Their long and mecessful
use and the approbation given them renders
unnecessry any extended notice of their valu
able advantages. H . - -
UiMlertakera . and 'Cabinet 'Ware
- ... . Manarafarot-s),' '
Keep constantly on hand an assortment o
the above cases. . ' '.
Miffiintown Pa. Jan. 4th 1865.-1 " 1
TEETH inserted upon an entirely new style
of base, which is a combination of Oold
and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, . which for
Beauty, Durability, Cleanliess and the res
toration of the natural eontourof the face,
cannot be surpassed. .Either of the above
Rases I warrant for ten years. Teeth also
mounted upon
Oold, Platina and Silver,
Coralite and Amber, with or without artificial
gums., Special attention will be paid to di
easd gums and a cure warranted or no cha-ge
made. Teeth filled for Ufa.
The extraction of tectn upon the latest im
proved principles, causing the least possible
B, Having located permanently in Miffiin
town and being in possession of all the latest
improved instrument and machinery. I war
ranf entire satisfaction ia all eases of the
money refunded. i
fcay-Will visit McAlisterville the Inst week
of October, January and May, the balance of
my time I can be found at my ofSce on Bridge
sireei inree aoors easi oi isnyaer s Hotel,
Xlifllintown, Juniata connty, Pa." ' "
jan2y ,.-.' rmdtnt Dtntist.
God Scivs awl True.
At the Towmt Hall Clothing Store..
At the renowned (!a7ihh or i'ASnirt.'
Corner. ' "
Corner, Bridge & "Water Streets
THEY has just opened mother large as
sortment of Sew Goods, suchas
Clothing of all kinds, Shoes,
f- Boott, Hat-g CttpN Carpets, Fari
- -' cy Good, kc.f all of which" they
Will sell at low rates, as- their motto is "Quick
sales aud small profit."
Coats Cloth aid Cnsshnere Coats.
Fine ana Coarse Coats.
Frock and Business Coats.
Sunday and Everyday Coat!",
rants Cloth and Cassin'iere Patils.
. Plain and Figured Pants.
.: Fine and Coarse " Tants.
Well-fittingand Lnn?-wearing Pants.
Vests Cloth and Cassimere Vests.
Silk and Satin Vests. ' '
Light and Heavy Vet.
Plain and Fancy A'csts.
i . also
Trunks, Valirsas, Carpet Sacks, Cane-t, T.'in
hrellas, ShawU, Gloves, Suspenders, Stockings
Cravats. Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Handker
chiefs, Cnnifcs, Brashes, Soaps, Pocket Knives.
Chewing Tobacco, Segars, and almost every
descrisiun of uotions not found in any oth
er sto-i-e.
J""Call and examine our stock bofnre pur
chasing e'?e where, as we fee satisfied that
we can pca? .
Corner of bridge and water streets:
New Firm in Patterson.
Gentlemen's Furnishing . Emporium ! !
Just opened in the new Brick Building, Miin
Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht and Samuel
Strayer, a larpe t nd elegant assortment of
Ready-XIade Clothing, consisting in part of
Owrronfts, Frovh Coats,
Dress Coc's, Pantaloon,
Vests, Driven, Collnrs,
L'nd rrsli irs, llmull-rrrh ! fs .
lint and Capsj Hoots f- SIiocs,
And everything nsually found in a first class
Gentlemen's Furnishing Store.
Also a largo and carefully selected assort
ment of Fancy Goods of all classes, kinds and
qualities, all of which will be sold at the isw
est possible living prices. f
Laaies' Gnitort aud Shoes.
They atSo invites the attention of the ladies
to his tine stock of G.WTORS AND SHOES,
which he wiil sell at prices deiying ibiupeti
They have on hand a beautiful assortment of
Carpets, Oil Cloths, &o , which are of a good
quality, and well worth the inspection of the
buyer. ; - . ' ; . '
Ould and Silver WateLt; -S
Clocks, Earrings, ...
Plain and Fancy rings,
Woh Keys, Tadies' and Gents' Breast Pins,
Gold Pens and Pencils, which at this time
form the largest and beat assortment ia the
county. . , .
BQfcAlI the above goods win be sold cheap
er than any other store in the United States
If you dou't believe if-,, jtist give as a call
ant! bo convinced of the truth of the assertion
Patterson, April 12, 186&4T. -
r.o Qn.i. Ci..: i i. 'ti.,
ry Shop from Water Street to Cherry St. above
the M. E.. Church. Sue has just ' returned
from the City tfi'ii a large assoi'tment of
spring goods which she will sell low. ; (Jjj
and exniB-ine belore purchasing elsewhere,
She is also prnpkred to do "tli-ess nnkng, gJ
the shortest notice. Call and examine you
will sc the sign; -with her name' t the d-.-or:
April -jf, ; .
CALL, auled tne New i-ucit f tprinf
aid Summer Goods at
1 .. j MICKEY & PEKJfELL'S, '
Just received a new and complete assortment
of , . ' - ' : ' -Ladies'.
Latest Style Dress Goods, ;
. Plain and. iaucy French Merino, '
. ; . j . Paid and Fauey French Keps,
.- )tl . .Black and Colored A lapaea, "'
i . -. t Black and Pantijr Cashntcra.
A large assortment cf ; : ;
Mourning . Goods,
Balmoral Skirts, .
Brooch Square and Lonar ShawLs,.
v. Sti-iped and Barred Woolen Shawls
Our. stock of Domestic Gooda has been largely
increased by the purchase of a complete lot of
Choice Prints, ', .. '
JJloobheJ aiitf Uti-Ttlcaohed SfuHluia,
; Tickings, Perii-tis,. Wool Shirtings,
Kentucky Jeans,
! '? Twilled and Pjain Flannels,
Also a large assortment of Cassimcra and
Cassinetts, all of which we ofl'er !o Purchas
ers at town prices fdr Cask or Country pro
duce. ,; MICKEY & PENNELL,. .
' . i I'atteison, Pa.
T. S. Also, yu: will find a large stock of
Groceries, .( ; ....
Ilardivare, ;, ,
. Qucensware, .
.; ' . .r I4poL aud Shoes, .,.
... Wall and w indow Paper.
kiskel's celebrtaed
bitter wine of iron, -bitter
wine of iron, ', .1
bitter wine of iron,
. bitter wine of 1p.ojt,
. ; the great tonic
" . ... The great tonic
. . ' ' the great tonic
the great tonic
Fct Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, .
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility!
. tor eaa Momacbs and UeneraJ IVtuhty.
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. !
For weak Strrmachs and General Debility
Reliable antj Kure to do pool.' I
Reliable and .Sure to do Good,
Reliable and Sure to do Good, J
Reliable and Sore to do Good, ' ' ' "'' - I
, . -L ,, And Cannot do Harm, t
And Cannot do Harm. I
'' Aud Cannot do Harm. '
. And Cannot do Harm. !
II custs but Little and Purifies the Blood. . . ' '
It costs but Little and Purifies the Ploo'd. ' i
It cost but Little and Purifies the Blood.. . j
It costs but Little and Purities the Blood. . i r.
I Now Ouly A.rk a Trial ;
,1 Now Only Ask a Trial j
,1 Now (inly Ask a Trial I '
' I Now Only Ask a Trial i
Of thin Valuable Medicine. '
Of this Vuluable Medioine. ,' . : I '
Of this X'aluableMedijiiie. '
Of Ulis Valuable McRcine. - !
Only Sevcuty-fivc & One Dollar'per Bottle. '
fttllv Seventv-five i One Dollar ncr Bottle.
Only Seventy-five Stne Dollar per linttle. ' ne property mis i-owm-r po?scsrs in in
Only Seventy-five &fne Dollar per Bottle. treasinp the qnantity of Jlilk in Cows, girs
. ..Manufactured solely by ' ' u -1
Oereral Depot. liS Markets!., Harrisbnrg Pa. j
Foraale by B. F. Kepner, Miffiintown, and ;
respectable dealers everywhere. , j
julvlS.Ot -Gin
.41 Railroad Depot, Pall orNon. Vn 1
THE above named having taken r-hnrge of
this large and conveuieut hotel where he
is prepared to entertain traveler, sojourners ,
or regular boarders. Persons wishing to rake i
the trains east or west wiil find this the niit t
convenient stopping place as they will be !
waked up at any hour desired- The loca'in- !
is most favorable and tha accommodations4!!1
of the best kind. The stabliug is excellent 1
and hostlers atten'ive. The Table and Bar '
fill alsobe well provided. j
Jg" JIc has. in connection with the Hotel, j
a trood LlVfcRif STABLE. H.nse. Carriages, j
Ruggies, &e., always to be had. Persons
conveyed to any fart of the country. j
Ir By strict attention to business and a;
desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat- !
roaage. and render tho sojourn of his guests
both coiufortadle and pleasant.
Patterson June 8, tf
WM. WISE. Merchant Tailor, begs leave I
to inform bis friends ami the pnblic generally
that he has just opened out a large and fashion
able assortment of
t:h;Ch he is ready to make to order promptly
and on the most reasonable terms. The
public generally will find it to their interest to
call at his room above
on Bridge street, Miffiintown, Pa. and inspect
my Goods and workmaaehip before purchas
ing elsewhere. 1 warrant all clcthos to fit or
no c5e. . a .
83UAU v.rscms desirous of purchasing any
of Singrk's Pewiso Machines will obtain all
necessary Information on, the subject arid see
them in operation t my establishment. If
favored with their OTdcrs I will fit them up a
better machine thing yer cent, cheaper than ever
hitherto done ia this county. No family should
be without a machine.;: jau 1, b4-tf
AVING purchased 4h Tin and Shwi trtn ;
town, I would respectfully inform the public
that I intend to keep' constantly on hand a
general assortment of . C .
Tin and Japaa ware, the hirgest arid best in 1
the county, and as to quality and workman
ship cannot be surpassed. , -
Job and Sheeting work,, will be promptly at
tended to either in town or country. Brass
Copper nnd Enameled French Preserving Ket
tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper, French Tirneu.
Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waffle Irons Coal
Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent,
and of various measures, always pn hand and
for sale
Persons in wan of anything In tW
Jiae are rem-estel to give him a call hefore
pureuasing viBvwueix, n.m lecis connncnt ;
that ho cauauit thorn either as regard the l.oteaing'syvr.p,' Ch .colate,' Mustaid, Kioe,
article or the price. . , ' j S.'arch, Ntumcss, Cloves. Cassm.Oipgvr, Corn
' wl'per! - - PcUr tt'EJ",iStarch.'ri'!b. fslt, (a sj .-.henr
and tke fciftwi pnc patd m cash or o-It. j St(,KC jn pvt.rr'.n.
. t. . ' - , ' ' - - .-'
For Cough, ColJs, Croup, . Whooping
Cough, ' Asthma, Bronchitis., p'.tting
Bloud, Pain and Wtalcn'eisof'tne lireatt,
Diffienlty of Breathing, fy?; '-- ;
This Syrup is a purely Vtgetchl Compound .
It is pleasant to take, and never docs injury ;
but, owing to Hs purifying qualities, nrusi do
good under any circumstances. Its effect i,
truly wonderful soothing, calming snd allay
ing the moat violent Cough; Pnrifying
Sfrerigtheuing and Invigorating the whole sys
tem : calming aud seothing the nerves; aiding
and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the
DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root
cf DIUEASE, and drivibg if fr6Jn the system.
. : ! . '.. CRUI P. . " -
. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrnp is
properly nsed an'tnsedlntime. Xlothers hav
ing eroupy children shonld watch- the first
show of the Disease and alwiya ker thi
Rercedy-ae hand. .
For Coughs after Measles this Syrup is
moct excellent. Experience has proven that
it is equalled by no other preparation.
Price 50 cents per. Bottle. ' '
Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At
their Wholesale Drug an i Medicine Depot, No."
110, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md.. Sold by all
Drnggists and Store-keepers throughout the
I'nited States.
mc and tlU goxc&txs.
These Powders
will strength
en the Stomach
and Intestines,
cleanse them
from offensive
matter,-.' and '
bring them to
a healthy state.
are a
tnra preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain
remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse,
suca as Glan
ders, Tellow
Water, Dis
tt D per,
Cough3, Fe
' vers, Loss of
Appetite and
..i. Vital
KT. c. ......
. In poor, law-spirited animals, it has- t'as
most beneficial effect.
The use of them improves the wind, strength
ens the Appetite, and 'gives to the Horse a
fine, smooth aad glossy skin thus improv
ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this
aoble animal.
. it. u AiuiHKiitiicta - iuu value wiaui bii'iuiu
place it in the hands of every person keopinj
a Cow. By actnal experiment it has prove
that it will increase the quantity of li!k and
' Cream twenty per cent., and make the EmUi
firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives
. them an . appetite, loosens tht-ir hide and
' makes them thrive much thfter.
In all Diseases ef
the Swine, such as
Oonghs, Ulcers in
j tha Lnngs, Liver,
ftc. By putting
from half a paper
to a paper of these
rowuora in a nnr- ffe?
rel of Swill, the -'2U6
above Diseases na be cured or entirely pre
vented. By using these Powders the Hog
Cholera can be prevented.
Price 25 cts, per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1.
& A. POUTZ & BRO.,
No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. Md.
For S,a!e by Drogsista nri Storikeejeit
throughsr.t the United States.
Tlc lest Liniment fir Mttn and Sta.?
tiw ii use. -
fs a safe and reliable Remedv for tht cure
, of Rheumatism, Tainfnl Nervous affections,
Sprains, Burns. Swellings, and all Diseases
req-'iiring an external aiplication on Man.
On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll
Evil, f istila. Old Running Sores, or Sweeney
if propcrlv applied.. For Sprains, 1'ruises
Scratches, Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o j
Colur liall, Cnts or Wounds, it is an Infallible j
Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef- ;
Persons afflicted -with this Disease, no mat-j
tor ot how long standing, can be promptly and
effectually cured by the use of this Mixture
There s nothing in the world so sure and i1
j.i.';d to take away tad OOUS S and cure Fros
liite? as this preparation, v .-
Try it and satisfy yourselves. Trice 35 and
75 cents a Bottle. - Prepared by'
. S. A. FOL'TZ'S St BBO..
At ncir Wholesale Dmg and Medicine De
pot, No. 116. Franklin St. Baltme Ml
Sold by B. F.. Kepner, Miffiintown Pa., and al
ore-keepers throughout the Tnited States.
Tha above Mediine Can be had at manu
ctor's Prices of Johnson HaHlowny 4 Cow
fr. No 23 North 6th St Philadlphia.i. : ..
Pensions ! Pensions !
sonairbo intend applyrnc for a Pension -must
'call on the Examining Surgeon Uikaow wetk.
cr uieir Lrisauiiiiy is suiucieni io enviue mem
to a PensioJl.-5 All disable Soldiers vfill call
on theuuilerJigaed wba has bea appelated
Tension Examining Surgeon for Juniata aud
a'tTjoin1tie Counties. " "-
. BCNDIO.'M. D.f. .
tir Patterson, ti.
Gri? ooeries !
Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Piilver-
hed Sugar, CrLihed .Suarr, N. O. Sngta,
s. u. su.s:iT, N O. Molasses, S. II. Molasses,
T -1 SdrofuLk an SorofUlons J7i-ieae.
from Entry Edes, a Wnpi'iriSl e Or
' ; ftrd, Jfoitir! '
"I have sold hr9 quaatltiea of your SAr.sari
arr.LA, hnt never yet on buttle whi. h lailed of th.
desiKd effect and -roll KtiMaeriot! to thow who took
It. As fast a our peuiiJe try i:, tliey a;ree Ihi-rc h
been no medicine like it beiora in our iiouimuuity.
Eniptlons, Pimplm, Blotches, PustuleaTJV
cers, Sores, aad all Diseases of the 8 kin.
From Jlrv. l&ibt Strutttm, liri$inl, EntiUnd.
" I only do my ilatv you and the public, wfasa
I add mv teatiiunny tx that yon yuiilisii of the me
dicm.il virtnea of your PAas.ipAiMt.i.. My daoc;h
trr, aired ten, had an atllieting humor In her cart,
eva, nnl hair f-r years, which we wer aoabl So
cure uutil wo tries) your S-ULoAl-Aim-LA. tftie has
fecua wi !1 for soma months."
Jfmm Xrt. Jan 5". Itke, a 7f i.-nawn, and mncX
ist&tncd tatty nf Irnm-iPr, Ca;e'Vv Oo.y.J.
jU daughter haa auaered faraaapnaarith a
" eroTulous ruptjon, which was vtry truiiltl'aoiiMk
Hothinir afiurded any reJW WBtil fo trk-J yomr
Kzuon KMawapiMHr wurrxi im-t-
From fthrri P.tng EW-9 of irfifiw
Gage, Jlfmrrm f inufiu:turert tfciutmUl&l
paper in ahmu X. JK
fcr hnd for wrurftl fem-k .tny tnmUcMotn
umtr ia mf far?, wflioli gTCW rvmHtnntly wort
until It dififiirtJ niy f nturea and became an Intol
erable aflliction. I irie4almiM ervrjjiui a maa
cxhiM of both advice and mciicinfjlut wuhtit aay
. rehef wlmtever, until I took onFR.ir.tuiLL.'i.
It IromedmMy mvte my f;i vror? , a you fJj mm
it miht for time; but in a tr weotaiiic new
akin begua to form andcr Vut- blntHiea, and cnv
tJni'd uutU my fam i an smooth as avy tkoIyaW
and I am wit hoot any ynptom trf Ibedjtftt tha
i know of. I eiijoy' peni.rt h.-.i.th, anti wiiUoat a
doubt owe It to your bAK akuulla-' .
Eryaipalaa Qeneral Dobility Puriiy lh
" frnm Tr. ffobt. Satrin IJomttan Xrm Tarh.
u Iic ATKK. I ful!ora fail to renore Eruption
and St-rnftil'ms Sttrrx hytheprrfVT?rtnffti?f of yonr
H.P"rinnxATantl 1 hare jut aor eumtaii attack
of .Witijnant hnttipfJas with it, Ko altrutiT wa
pou!tm Um.3 the Sakha pa RlMa. ro have tj(
fLifed to tike profwsttion as well ;t to the people.
from J. E. Johnston Esq., Jfn twia;i, OAo.
. M For iwvlra yenrt. I livid the Teilow Errilaa
on my riht nrm.rflariuj wtiU Suite 1 tried -ill tht
reU'bratea jihy?icians I c?ul4 fch, and fools Jjuo
dretls of d'dlam Worth 6t itkUnavn. Th nl.-wrs
were so bad thtt the eorrls became r1:liie. an tit
doctor dexde4 tint niy aria nuist be amrmtatvd. I
heaian takiu your S.nAPAtiuA. 'Tno&tro bt
fles, and soim? of yonr rit.i.). TncfethtT fTtpy hna
fnndnivi. I am nor as wll nnt sowiaititny hody.
Being in a public ple, trr rwn b known to cvtry
bMy In tliis comiffl-Jtry, and excites tIw1cbu3Fr of
I rem Km. JJntry Monro. Jtf. P. P.( qrNfcnell49
C. f.t a fouling mt.-nl-er cf (he CutuuUam Parlia
ment. ,
I luvr oped your .f .littviMfcifX fn my family.
Ibr gtmral tidAlii-t, iuid for puitflfhw Wjo,
with renr beneTl-rit reult.nd fed osnfldutoe da
eoaioenUiutf it to titfe siIiM.'taa.' t, ,: ;
fls. Acthoriy-n Fire, Ito. 8s.l housi
Scald Hoad, Soro Eyes.
From ITarrit Sictltr, I'xq..the nbU. etltior ift
Our only ciiili, atiout tlur yara of aj;e. waa
attacked hr pimp.ea 0 his fritj 1. -Thev rtnuiiy
spread until thvy fornkvd a lchomo amiTiniVuS
sore, which overed his fwe. and Hctimlly blrad-.-d
hi, eyes tor nm iav. A "kiifui ptiyncinn appiiea
sjltnirs ot silver i
Other remedK-a. withow ynr
.1-Dsmit eflV-ct.
Kor littetn dnva we coar'kd lT
hamU. k'St with them li should tear own tbtrfes-
t'-rfui; and corrurt wonnd which coven-d hh whol
iirc Having' Uicd every tkiug w kmd aiif
hope from, we Ufjpn eivin ywur SakapaUIM.,
and appifiu; thu kxtide oi poWNlt- lotion, arfoa
stirvrt. Tlif Ktiru IcCiiii to heal iviH-u we had tivt-it
t us Urt bptlle, anl a well when we bal linf h -d
J t.tc Hcrml. cn;M ey iah -s wiiKi luni com
irt, grew aaWvfnd or is how a neaiu.y am Jmr
as .iiir oth'.r. T!:c nhol ntiUburhoo 1 prcdwti-
tiut tire ciiihi tnost djt." - ' -' fc.
5jrphiU3 ana Llcrcasial Viseasm.
rrty-.it Dr. lliraui $lo.ity .S. louis, Mittri
' 1 tii:d yyitr Sakaiakiu.A a uior effect 'i;il
rrnw-riv for thi- si'us.iiary fyaiptoraa of tiphtiM
" ami fbrsyphilitie lii t'ifm any othrf w- po-.
pntfi'tnon mix iiadelftcd w yoa swr ttmm Hi tb
Vst tniilicines w havti. ....
Ttm A. J. French. X. Dm vrt eminent phjfrtciifu f
Iswrtnce rh is tt prwninent temper cjT
sae I.jistntttre of MusM 'tuttUs.
, lu. ATE. My l3ir sir: I har foiraa ronr
Bajmai-aiuj.!-, an cx oil cut reioedy for 6uftUit,
'loth of the primary anii aerott'Un-y typi'j and effrr
fcii in some cartes that were tH oitiuate to yield
to oilier reinedVs. 1 do not know what wtiii rra
p!"r with iurv c-rtaiutT t" tsucevss, wAwrc a povrvr
I'ul alterative is required. f ,
Mr Chat. S. Vuit o Vr Iirnvrir&w X.J.,
liad drt artful nlcern on hi- S g-, mnM-hr the a.'Ub
of nirrcury, or merinruU fiieaiej which grew mor
sod more a-irravated for years, in yit of every
rcBit 'iy or trtatmutit that could lw apidied, autU the
p rMPvcrms' use of Atkk's SarsapaiulI-A rli-v-f
Fuui. f'i'w cases ran ha found mors iuvetcrate mul
dlTrm 1h.tn thfs, imd it toot screral do2.-n
Irotrlcs to euro hiin . '
Leucorrhcps, Whites, Femnl "Weftrrncss
are pvneraUy proIiuisl by intimal .S'Vouiou ' V
. etmt'OH.an. ar v.-ry often rurtl by the itltT;itiT
etIW-t of ibis HAiixi'APt'-i.t. mi. c.icn rrctur"
bowever. iu of fk S misapariixa,-th skiirut
spplii-ation, of local remedies. . f .w
' From tht irft.Mit'WJi mut nVr 7y fe V'.roYf TV.
Jacob MiTriiL, o" Ciwinttaii. -. -
: I ftav found your Srs.UMRH.LA an rxcell-'nt
all'Tatn t-tiTi diwtes of lets d(s. Many cme mt
rrri-piil.irity, 1.HcorrhM, Int rnal l'levr;ttion. aatl
locaru-?.!!:, HriHiu irora the Herufalous daathctfa.
havuvfcMc l to it, and there an few th.it do cot.
when it t-fftvt N properly aided by local tnatmentv'
A ttM'y, mntciilhtff to V nc tht publication of Jssr
name, trrittt:
yr diiuphtpr and ntyw-li" have beoa oirrd of a
verv drhilttHtinif l.tiicrrh(ea of Ion? etandiug', by
two bottles of your S.fc aparilla."
BbenmatUm, Gout, Liver Complaint Dys
pepsia. Hoart Disease, NeurslKia,
wnn in il lv s-rvfida iu the frvntcra, are rapidly
ured by tUb xt. bAKSAP.uiLL.. . .
posavss so many advantages over the other
pnrirativcs in the market, and their superior
virtues are so universally known, that we neeJ
tot do mure than t assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the b?st it ever
has been, and that they nray be depended ot
to do all that they have ever done.
rrepare.1 by J. C. AYER, M. P., 4 C",
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
We have opened the Inr!e Room .just oppos
ite our Store ia Patterson where . wo, ofler
for sale at low prices a general tssortnieut of
Tables, Chairs,
Sofas, Lounges,
t$ e d i c a tl s 9
anil MattreSsv
Trunks Carjwts
Staiuls, Racks,1 &
Many other articles for house fumisbint- -
Best White Lend ! ' Bestrzir'
Cnsnrpassed for! Whilie,.iii-3r(-4)S9;.rfnTa.
bility. Firmness auj Juvenness of Surface
PLUK CLUEKTV .'LEAD Warranted 'in
lover niore aurfacefor same lKcighUhan aaw
1 other tead- '" r-'
Try it and tot' r Hi hare no other ' '
1,1 il'.rRi; LIBERTY ZINCj -l
SilectcJ . ZJ.VC, aroimd in tofineoV f.ina.i
L Oil, utieqiiakd in .juality alwavs the same-. .
i I'l l.fT LIIiKKTY 'Aye, ' '
Warranted to do mora nnd uetter' work at?1'
given cist thin anv other -....
6? the. p,'st! . .
ManuTaetured ar PEXNgYLVASt V P VI N'T
& tiOLOK WOltfid. Orders txecutedpMropt h
j Wholexah lrv, Faint Of" fiii-'-
I X&.im ui.&t!t 1117 o-t -" I
Street tHlLW. ' It" Ta "