Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 16, 1865, Image 3

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    .-,.!. .""X
- T
I i .in I'll rr --
. $jg jtoftiala gtnthtl.
' ftsnaiL, Oairt wt!l rear rortl"
Efeflrll vigilante is tifi! t rife of LiVrly"
A after Monday, M. 29.. l&tw, T
-ON AS!)
Trains will tear Milam Stf.tion as follows :
'" Philadelphia Kxprfsa.. I'i-tt. A. M.
. tFast Line.:... 5.41, A. M.
"Day fettre...... U.21, A. M.j
Fitttbg.&.Erip.Mail.... 11.12. IVM.
Mail Train..... '. . 3.45, I. 31. s
I-ittg .t. Erie Mail.... 3.2, A. M.t
"jBaltimore Express....'. 4.59, A. 31.
Philadelphia Kxpresa.. ' A. M.
Fast Line....: 5.5S, P. M. '
Mail Traiu 3.53. P. M.K
t Emigrant Train 10.07. A-.M.j
Jailyexeept Sunday. fDailv except Monday.
Stop at Perrysville at, 11:28 (if finged)
11.203:5: Stop at Thotapaoiitown at
i:.J, 4:ltr
J Stop at Perrvtviric at ?.I9 (if fisgeill
3459:24. !1 Thirr.iontowu at g.23 9:00
ifflaged.) "
a i j
HinT The County Committee is to meet
oa next Saturjnj.
B. We would "acknowledge the corn"
Jf iome kind farme troUid Dnn;; tts a
'lon of eara.
A. Uopkina' "own make" of lloop
Skirts, ior Indies, and Cbildren, adver
tu'cd iu. this wsne. Call at R2S Arch St.,
Philadelphia aul examine hia etock ot
WThe 16th Pa. Cavalry i?e now at
ITarriiburg and will be discharged and
paid off in a few days. We are told
that Capt. Kauiuel Brown and Col. .T. K.
Rvbinaon haV'j bees tip home on a short
iait. welcome all the boys home.
. Mi'LEs Somo 500 head ol Govern-
fnent Mules have been
een ee5t t tcis vicini
il 'm1. A number of
'3 lo pa.tarc any sJ
nr returned olii?Vs are engaged in guard
la them. VJ"c Lear that many niora are
pc:ted t be sent here to be pastured.
bdj t
ijf.ten. Simon Cameron
jrneented with a portrait of himself by
the Union men of Philadelphia, as a tes-
' .inionial of the appreciation which they
1ave of his services as Chairman of the
. Vr2ion State Committee during the cam
paign of 18(31.
tef Ac, old. criminal was once asked
what was tlie Hrjt step that led to hi.t
ruin, when he answered : "The Erst6tep
was cheating a printer. out of two years'
ubscription. When I had done tfeat,
the devil took such a gri o'i me that
t could not shake him off."
. Another Sabbath 3:noot, Cki.k
BttATIO.v. We are informed that there
ta to be a Celebration of the SliMnth
h'ohools in Licking Creek Valley on next
Saturday in the Grove uear the ''Trout
Run Sj;rin' on tho l.inh of Abraham
Gut. Sr. Tha friends of tho.cauie. are
rcipectfuhy invited to be present and par
ticipate. A. A young lady of California recent
ly broke her nuk while reiistiug. the at
tempt of a man to kit-s ber. IV.i furn
ishes a fearful warning to young ladies.
"Ve know from personal experience fin
lays gone by, alas ?Iiow prone young girls
arc to peril their precious necks by twist
jog away from a fellow at a time when
by holdiugbtill, thy might be soh-a-p-p-y
r 5 UMr ",rl3 T J0" . naas
Btedjy and don t ireak your tuning ,
B'-"- . . ? : ho or double Spring Skirt. Though a
. Lumbxr f. Lumber ! ! Mr. George J recent invention, it has become very pop
Goshin. of Patterson, einco his return ular, end is rfipidly obtaining the prefer-
xrom tne army, aas resumes me iumoer
boxioeaa. Ho ( will keep constantly on
hand Pino and Hemlock lumber, such as
Boards, Scantling, Plastering - - Lath,
Shingles in abort everything needed for
building purpoc8. Persona in want of
asything in his line, caa be eripplted at
the enoftaet notice, and on fair tcrrcs.
Luafcer delivered if desired
Juniata in California. In. look
tag over the columns of the Marjsville
Daily Appeal wo uoticc that ORRIS SlEW
A&T, EdQ, formerly of tiia plaoe, and son
of Thomas Stewart of Tdrbctt township
aud brother of E- C. Stewart, Esq, of
this town, has beea nominated on the
Tnioa Ticket for Assembly in that dis
trict by a very flattering vote. We con
gratulaio oar ouly subscribed in Califor
nia in Lis luck, and hope to bear of hia
tr.uuif Liut election. Wt are always glad !
to tear cf Juntat boys turning up tramp j
wbcrevr tby urn r-itrh tb';ir ttnts. .j'i'uion a 'failure -
A si 8a whl don't
! per is cot only Tcor, but ' will ii&y rV
l'' r rru. J... 'i lt ,
luoitra neiiinoir, ma tuna
hey wiH earn. Polka who kbor for sev
.'.! .2 "1i
enty-five cents i. day always sign their
names with an X. Subscribe for the
Sentinel it cc3t& jnst two Joilar.i a
year, in advance. A paper thit is not
worth two dollars, is not worth anything.
I. The latest hyiehic question tin
der discussion i ; "How to Reserve
Various theories of diet, ex -
ersige, and dress. are sdvaared by inge
nious physiologists.' If allo.wd to contrib
ute ottr niite to the general fund of infor
niation, we would ang(es?t th they cny
very easily be kept in family jars. ,
' ' fsS Sonicbodj cade a raid cn our
aliow window, and thinking he hd a let
ter rijht to it than We had, eatried.it eff,
for which we mast confess tc canriot re
turn thanks. Por two years it Las attract
ed the passer by, aud hundreds have secu
in it relics of the war, which they had
never seen or never will see again. Our
little-Cabicet is gone and tho pxscr by
will hilt no more to-aee' what wa had in
oar wi'o1cVs-;.T.'; -j J'iA ii-
. MftuodiSY S. S:! CntrlBAhcs.
The Sabbiti School of th? Methodist
Church in this place held their Celebra
tion in Sehweier's Woods on Friday last.
The attendance was large, and everybody
seemed to enjoy the exercises, the 'replst
and the reereatiou with great satisfaction.
W are sorry that a pressure f job work
in our office prevented us from being pres
ent during t'-e whole of the "xeircises.
t" III bam Cow us. whom wo. notic
ed last week as having opened ont a new"
saloon under Thompbon's Hotel, has pla
ced ns nnder many obligations to him for
leaving a very fine mellou at our residence.
Those of our readers who may wish somc
thioc good to eat or anything in his line,
should call with him. lie is a hero of
the war, Las aerved several enlistments
not for bounty or to fc,void tho draft, but
seeause, old as he is a"r! gray, h f'slt it
his duty. Soldiers aud everybody call
and see him.
The Tomato as Foop. A goo:' med
k-al autacrlt ascribes to the tomato the
lollowing very important medical quali
ties; 1st. That the tomato is one of the
most powerful aperients c'f tp.e liver and
other organa ; where calomel & iddicatfjd,
it ia one of the mrist effective iad the
least hurtful medical agencies "known to
the procesion. 2d. That a chemical ex.
tract will be obtained from it that will su
persede the use of calomel in the cure of
disease!. 3d. That be has successfully
Vented diarrhea with tHi'i article alone.
4th. That when ud aS an article of diet
it is almost 'sovereign, for dyspepsia asd
indigestion. 5th. That it should be con
stantly used for food. . Either cooked or
raw, of in the form of catsup, it is the
most healthy article uow in use.
Tvfc Court Uoi se and Yard.' Eve
ry citizen who takes any pr.de id our
County will be pleased to learn that bur
Comity Commissioners have had the
public building repaired the jail has
been improved, a set of shutters, a portic
pinting, lie, and the whole interior of the
Court Room has been remodeled and fix
ed up with taste. The yard also is to have
ai Iron fence around it so as to make it
l:'-Jk ?s if we bad at least some taste
for ' tbc beautilul. We are in favor
if honorie tMosa to whom honor, is
due. and therefore hit that our Com-
tuiasiouers Iutc doce tlieriselves credit in
ordering these improvements and will bo
sustained by all when of taste end judge- j
mcnt in the county. .There is but one
mistake in the Court Room which ia that
ivhile at it thev ouirht to havo had tic
- j t j - -
back wat! tlkeu down aud set back about
ten feet so as to enlarire tbo room. The
old posts and irc'ti raila will be sold at auo-
tioo during Court week.
Sombthijio Nrw.-We cill attention
y Ae advertiBeraeDt ot the j, Elip.
enoo ovef other kiuds in use- Tho rods ih
it are composed each of two delicate and
well-tnJpered steei. springs, which are
ingeniously braided together edge to
adge, the lower tod3 heavier, and having
a double covering. This peculiarity of
construction makes ibis siirt very strong )
and durable, and also so exceedingly flex
ible that it readily adapts itself to the
form of the wearer, and allows of auy
amount of doubling and crushing with
odt injury to its shape. These skirts are
unquestionably the lightest, most desira
ble, comfortable1 and economical ever
made. These are advantages which la
dies, who have experienced the discomfort
...J! . ''-' ' "-Hi
uu loconveaience oi stogie spnags, win
duly appreciate.
. 43rlf the question would not bo con
sidered impertinent, we would like to ask
the lata supporters of Gen. McCkHaa
whether they still thiuk the' war for the
.-T -:-!
:'ire ??how.' The shtw brosgbt a wat
iwd to cm torn as we Mt ff f
I liberal advertising would do. . It was the
t . i .v . t-w. ht
J ErtfT. IOU ItlO Oral rdtruancu v-wvwii
has been in our towu for many a day
The, showmen wero v pry orderly and ejev
cr and there was little or no drunkenness.
The man Tho discontinued the Sentinel
because bo was too poor to pay $2.00 per
year was in town again ! lie whs in the
week before to seethe Circus, Wc watch
ed him tbat.we might pity hia poverty.
llia.bilU ten as follows: - ;' -
At the -Ch-cui. Dav'u wa-res lest
i . u
! liridce toll for self. ' wife and youngster.
12ct3j gingerbl-ead, 8 cts; ,side show,
G-cts; tickets, 1.25; lemonade, 20 cts .
tiro drinks whiskey, 20 cts ; toys for young
ster, cts'; candy, 15 cts; Total, $2.87.
As he passed down, street be remarked
"Say now Quss if you'll take the old price,
Sl.oO for the SVntinel I'll 'scribe for an-
pthsr yea:." ; We didu't sec it at the old
price, uotwithstauding Kj . vVorked hard
for iiis mouey.t&d had lost recently $0.00
by not kqowiqg something which he might
have read in the Sentinel. . . '-: '
At the Mnag?rir.. Id town early, tick
ets and incidentals about the same ; two
extra side shows, $1.25; shooting with
an air gun 20 cts; gambling with dice,
1.50; extra drink and treating friends,
50 cts; Total, 0.89 making a grand
total of $0.19. We enumerate these items
in order to. show how a body ought to pity
the maa who is too poor to take a county
i Trz -i-T-.-rrrn
Dissolution. By rsferecci: to our
advertising columns it will be sect that
our friends, 3Iansbach and Vanormer
havo closed oat their business in this
place and arc desirous of finally settling
up all their accounts. As these geatle-
men are both finally leaving our town it
may not be amiss to drop a few remarks :
Abraham 3I.VNnACh baa been well
. i . i.i
knowa to ocr citizens for many years as a
dealer in ready made clothing. Although
he was commonly known as a Jew which
word some think Ccccr:arily demotes oae
who seeks to take every advantage of you
he can yet it 'must be said in justice, that
there were few more honorable men than
he ; at least we always found him candid
and truthful iu all hia representations
and transactions. He inngled with our
people and was a good citizen. During
the great excitement of Lee's iuvasion he
shouldered his musket ( with our other
citizens and went to the defence of our
border. lie has Claoy friendd here who
regret to see him , leave and tcf e he may
flourish down in Winchester, Va., where
be baa of eued out iu good style.
James N. Vanormer who formerly
run the Cuba Mjlls and latterly tie Store
at "Manibach'a Che:p Career' having
disposed of his stock In trede, intends to
take his departure in a fe tT days for
somo otner seaport town. Where Ce
will go, or what he will engage in, we
are not informed, but of what ho has
been and vptje, wo can freely speak.
His agreeable and affable manners have
won for him the esteem and good will of
all our citizens. lie wes always the -same
clever Jim, teect when and vrbere )ou
would, u e bate to see bid leave our
town as we know we shall miss him. lie
sd a ready Band and a willing heart for
any enterprising or laudable project. Tn
bis busltiess he was nlarked by candor and
fraukaess. Although a democrat he
was never copperish in fact his express-1
cd couvlciiciis tvro yeas a;othat the reb-'
els ouirht to be subdued bv force of tihns,
, ' t i ..." i r
killed bts political asp'T'itiou eforo the
mis-called democratic cotiTntioo as dead
as a mackeral : and we nttvn wondered !
' .
how a man that was so near right, could
content himself holdiug on to a rotten
cenoern controlled and directed by a set
of copperhead with whom he had no
sympathy. We regret to see Mr. Vanor-
er leave as wo Sriow of some herea-
bouts who could be better spared, but we
Snno fortune inaV sifi!u linon biir nlwrD.
ever he may turn np.
Super, ?bbl. $i 5Q (Butter, prime lb 22
czira,... o .
Fancy,- . 8 50
Rye, 1 cwt. 3 00
Buckwheat...... 4 00
Corn Meal, 1 75
Butter, 2a rate 15
Lard,. . 20
Tallow.... 12
Eggs, dot 20
FORK. , ...
Hogs. "jS cwt 15 00
Ham, fb 25
Wheats bo 1 60
White aet.... 1 bo
Sides A Shoulders 16
Rye 1
Barley,... - 1
Fore qr, 1 cwt 9 00
Hind qr,. ... 10 00
1 00
. tiO
J 00
.. 40
Buckwheat, ...
Chickens, ) pair 60
Ducks, . 40
Geeso,. h 00
Turkeys,...i.,. 2 0!)
COAL, U ton
Clover, t bus 12 00
Timothy. - - 3 50
Flax 2 00
Hungarian,.... 811
Apples, bu 2 60
Peache, " 6 50
Cherries,...'... 12
Currents,.,,... iff
BlacVberrivs, 8
Elderberries, . , 6
New Irish, "3 bu " ,a,
Sweet, 3 00
Apples, bu. 1 2i
Onions,......,.... 1 00
White Bcans,. 2 50
Beeswax, "Jl tb 45
Soap, dry 10
Candles 18
Wool, washed...., 60
Treventon stove 8 00
do Eff 8 f0
Sunbury stove 8 00
do tee ' V 60
Chestnut, 7 00
5 50
... 3 75
. 3 00
. 4 00
10 30
. 8 00
. iUV,
Retailed Articles; -
Coal Oil gal -.90.
Salt, 1) sack 25.
Plaster, i ton 10 00
Nails.., C 00.
Sage . oi
In advance 2 00
J- B. M. Toiro-
Corrected weekly by
On tU 10th inst, by her. B. H. Fletcher,
Mr. Jaeob KniseJy, l JJiis Mary Frank, both
of this eouctV. ..if.
On Ho 10th ihat,, by Sot. E. W. Klfiy, Mr
v7m. B. Hawk, Of .this, fcoraugh, to Mies Elii
beth fltouffer, of Fcrteanieh tirp, u. (- -
On the ISth inst., by Est. IU H. Fletch r,
Mr. lunes Halliwell, of Waiker twp., to Miss
June Colin, of Blair eo.
fistait of Lffftiord Uaujhawout, deed
Salice is hereby given that lettors of Ad
ministrator of iha etato of Lofford Hangha
woutlate of Fayftte township, deceased, have
becngmiua to toe uederained midiDfr in
the ''wnt townehip. All pi-rfons knowion
IhemseWes indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment and those hav
ing claims nVi plense present them duly an
ihcoiicated lor ecilleinent. -..
, .:i , . ... rJAMCEb LBOSAFJ),
An'".5 :S, '65.Uiii i ' Administrator.
.. Etiate of ;t4f Rollman, deed. ,
NoLico Is hereby given that letters i cf Testa,
inentary pu tha estate of isaic lldlluian lute of
JIUH'mtu'B'n, ttccwisci, have teen 'granted tt
then nndcrsignrd residing in Fermanigh.
township. All persons knowing them-
Stdres indlitd io said estate arc requested to'
mr.ke to immediate payment and those hav
ing claims will please present them duly u
Uieuticaied fur ssttleircnt. "
Aug. 2, 1865-flt. Exitulor.
Ettate of Rnj. Voder, dcz i.
Notice !s hereby gien that !tteri bf Te.iia
uicniary on the estate of Benj. Yoder, late
of lelaware township, deceased, hare been
granted to the undersigned residing in the
saaie township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted 14 said estate are requested to
make immediate payment and those baring
claims will ptcase present then! duly atit hci
ticatcd for settlement.
Aug. 2-6!. Executor.
, , f V ' " ' ' -
groat sufferer having been restored la htnllh
in a few days, after many years bf misery, is
willing' to assist his si'ffcriog fellow-creatures
by sending (fr), on the.receiut of & poHtpaid
adJre -aed BTclore, a ccpt of ths formulz of
jnretmpkyei. L'lretit to
Bos 193 Post Office, Brooklm, N. Y.
0?afacs, Blindneva and Catarrh,
H" HATED with the utmost success, by Dr.
-1- J. ISAACS. OculiH and Aurtist. (former
ly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 619 FINE Street
1'hil.ideiphia. . Testimonials from Che most
reliable sources in the City ted Country can
be seep at his Office.. The medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patier'i. cn ha
has no sacrats in his practice. ARTIFICIAL
EVES, inserted without pain. No charge
made for examination. - Feb, 15. '05. -y.
to majry you can do so by addressing
me. I will,, send .you, without money ar l
without price, valuable information, that, n il
naWe ycu to marry happily anl gpeclily, ir
respective of age, wealth or beauty. This
This information will cost you nothing and if
you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist
you. All letters Mriotly confldential. The
desired information Sent- by return maiJ and
no reward asked. . Please inclose pstge or
stamped envelope, addressed to yourself.
A'ldreea i '
Afav.7-3jics. Kings Co.,New York.
hereby riven to all persona indebted to
the estate of Thomas, Shormier, late of the
borough of Patterson deceased, either by
Nfte ct Book Account to come forward and
pay up before the first of September, or these
olauti wiU then' positively be put into the
hands cf a JuV.ice for Collection
Atirf. 9-lt AJa?inistlators.
ladies wishing to be supplied witi crat
.ml jroeil shoes yiill Had it to theit-advntaee
,c, on It. P. WELLElt, at his shop .oa
Mam Street abtre Cherry. iiiers ihey ciia
1,8 Wied .almost every e.ylert niodnr-
;itcpnres. uentiomen narmg repairing thy
prices. Oentlonien naruig repai
wish durably and neatly executed will be
promptly attended to by giving him a call.
M i 91 intown, July 20th '60 .
Lowered in price by order of JDHJT EOL
PHIN, Salt ngejit of Syracuse, N. Y. Salt
will be sold at $3,50 per tavrel in good order,
until otherwise ordered at MessrLtiulouQ' and
Stainbaugh MiSlintown and at Sulou? ntd
S!mbaughs' Warehouse Pcrrvsville Fa.
July2ti-4t JOHN DOLl'lIIN, Agl.
Ettate of , William Dunn dee'd.
Notice is .hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the Estate. of,.VYm. Dunn late
of Fayette township, dee'd, b7e been grant
ed to the andersigned of Walker towp. All
persOda knowing themselves indebted .to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
niuLty. and those having, tlaiula, will please
present them duty authenticated for scttle-
! meiit. " ;
July 26-Ct. SAMUEL DUNN, Adm'r.
Wanted! Disabled Soldier?
And others out of employment to canvass for
,. , Just Published,
'Tht Life ami Public Service of A. Lincoln,"
By Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Bar,
comprising one lorg"d octavo volume of nearly
500 pages.
This ia the only vork of the kind publish
ed ; it is entirely new and original, contain
ing hii early hietoTj; political career, speech
es, messages, proclamations and other official
documents illustrative of his eventfiil admin
istration, together with the scenes and events'
connected with hisirngio end l will be sold
nly by our authorized, traveling agents, to
whom exclusive territory is given, and libera
commissions paid. Send for a circular and
terms to "American- Publishing Agency, Box
218, No. 000 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
July 12-8 1, .
Letters on Business Connoanications fir tiiP
paper, aoj Remittances ihould be s'ldn-sed
A L Cus. Sentin.l Office, ifllin'own. I''
It m notyooj that man tkouU it alois4.-GA
r r
AT FUBL1C ALaTIO.x, .. ..
: CtaatapioM's City
asm .
, .Jjctwce 11 th arid ,12th Streets,
during (he illontli of Aug 'QS
900 , MULES. ;
. These. Mules are all serviceable, and sold
only for want of use. Uujcrs are invittj to
examine them at any time, and every - facility
will be &ivcn for a thorough inspection.
Hoc my sheds are provided for insrJccliQ from
auc end rain. , , .A : ,
100 MULES.
Will be sold oa'BAO! VEDNESDY and
OF AUGUST, cojfifienping aUOa'clock, A, M.
Z. Terv.s Cash ii Government Funds.
By order of i '
t. . -.... Brig. Cen.E"tIN.
ALBERT C. ASH ME AD, Captain aud A. Q
M. OfEco, No. 721 Market St., Phila'a.
la the States of New York, Pennsylvania,
- Ohio, Indiana, Delaware, Maryland,
. and New Jersey, and the District
of Columbia,
QcARtsaKASTki Gkkeral s OrricT, 1
W ASHisrics, T. C. July 24, 1S05.
.Vi'ill be sold at public auction, ro the Highest
bidder, at the time aud 'place named below
riz :
New York city, Tuesdny and Friday of eseh
week, 200 Horses each clay.
New York city, Wednesday of each week,
20 mules each day.
Albany, Friday, August 25, 500 Mule.
Dutfa'.o, Wednesday, August 30, 5t0 M'ils.
Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 2)0
Horses each day. .i
Philadelphia, Wednesday and Faturday of
each week, 100 Mules each day.
Pittsburg, Thursday of each week, 150
Mules each day. ,
Shippensbnrg, Wednesday, August 16, 100
Erie, Thursdey, August 17,200 Jlorses,
Shippensburg,, Thursday, August 17, 100
WilUamspoit, Friday, August 13, 20.' Hor
ses. Indiana, Monday, August 21 v DlO Horses,
Chambersburgj.wednesday, August 23. HK)
Chambersburg, Thursdsy, Aiigiisi, 2, 100
Milton, Friday, August f-o, 200 Horses.
Carlisle, Wednesday, August 30, 100 Hor
ses. Carlisle, Thursday, August 31, V0 llvMi.
Cres'.lihe, Thursday, August 17, 500 Mules.
Clcvlaud, Monday, A'igusi 21, 200 Horses.
. , INDIANA. .
Fort Wayhc, Thursday, August 21, 1.C00
tiilcs. ).,
Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 2?0
Horses.- i i .
Wiimington.- Friday of each week, 200
Mules each day. ......
.. . . NEW JERSEY.
Trenton, Thursday, August 10. 200 Mules.
Trectoo, Thursday, August 24, 200 Mules.
Baltimore, Wednesday, August 9', and Wed
nesday of each week thereafter, Horses
each day. i
Each weekday. 200 Mules.
: Each week day except Wednesday, 200
An opportunity V purchase a suporior class
of saddle and dn-t animals, at far let. than
their truo value, i now offered to the public.
Thoura the rwijority-of tHpm are sonnd
serviceat le. hi'y are .lfHiger required intbe
artry, itii cust be sold.-
Many of the mules were bought ia the he
pinning of the war, when young, accompanied
the armies in all their marches and camps,
and are thoroughly broken, hardened by ex
ercise, gentle and familiar from being so lung
surrounded by the soldiers.
Animals wijl.be scld sir.glj.
?ales to commence at 10 A. ' I.
TE?. MS Cash in United States enrrency.
Brer. Brig. Geo. in charge
' 1st Div. y. M. G. O.
Aug. 2nd '65,
The Bridal Chamber.
A note of warning and advice- tc: those
suffering with Seminal- Weakness, General
Debility, or Premature Decay, from whatever
causo produced. Read, ponder and reflect !
Be wise in time. Sent FREE to any address
for the benefit of the afflicted. Sent by re
turn mail. Address
fcprillS3ci 429 Broadway, New York.
Either Prenervi'
Leather Ireerv'1i
A Composition of Neat's Foot Oil and piire
Ivory Black, imparting to BOOT and
i softness and pliancy of
fourth tho if.-, or usually
KID while with one fourth
employed in the application 6:" the ordinary
Blackings, it produces a JET BLACK EN
AMEL - GLOSS, ertiiailed only by Patent
Sold rtetcil try.o.11 GROCERS AND SHOE
DBAL'ERS. " Orders received by American
Agency, 38(5 Broadway New York, an l whole
saledt the '
Mruiufactuier's Depot, ... '
J.V Rend Mre?! , X Y
A GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay, and the effects of
outhful in discretion, will bo happy to furnish
h era with the means of core, (free of cU-irye )
yis reaseay s strapic, safe, ana certai j
For full I'ivticulars, by urturc mail, ploaie
i d; o-j ' . jonx it. m;ik, :
. run. aueIpiiiai . ,
i Pytpepina h tkrfr-l'erma tympiomt;
1st. .1 constant pain or cneaaliwea at tls
pit of the stomach. .
Id. Flatulence and Acidi'y. ' 't ' 5
&li Costiveoess and Loss of" '
4'J. Oloom and Depression of Spirit'. -th.
Diarrhoea, srith griiu,;. -: "'
. 6th. J'ai in all parts or tho systefr. "'
Tthi Cent umptive Symptoms aai Pa'rTta
tionofUie Heart. -.
8th. Cough, with Phlega in the Throat,
t'tb. Nervous Aflcjlian, and want ot 61p
at night. - . .- . - ' 1
10th. l ess cf Appitite-and Vomiting
llthr. Il2iini, Dimress of Visit ". 1
Lcssif sght. - . ' ' ' - ' .
12th. Ht.tthtcl atd ita;gring!B ia.kiog.
with gjeat Weakna. ":' ' .
' Out of th thousands cf ti ' ypJ j
that have vsd Dr. Wlhrt Vjlreat Ameitcaj
Dyspepsia Fills, not he pf thwf-hfis fail- v
ipotfect cor !We vrs,r:r:t' csr fc ttnrj
jae. no met'.cr if of tKt ptr reus stacilr.
Soli byal! ilniriFtsf verywhtre,' ad ai Dr.
WUhiirfs OtBcp; 10 N. Second street; Pii
adclphi P:W AilexaminationsanJ cinsult
ttons fres of charge.- Seud for a circular
Price $1 per box.1-.- Sent by mail, frceofcb&Vje
on receipt of money. - . . . , .
' Dyspepsia, Dyspepsirtj I3ypepsl8.
T. Eli'zblth BaASSOTcf Brsdywine, L'e!
formerly ot Old Chester,. Del., do certify tha',
for onc-year and a Salt, ! s-iffered everythinc;
but death from thdt awful diseaso called Dys
pepsia. Myffsole system was prostrate r'ith
wcakn?is D.-rf ncrvdus debility I could not
ir;tst ir.y feol ; if I at even a cracker or the
s&:allet,t'nn;oint of hb4-, it would Tcturft jus',
ad I swallowed it : 1 became so oostive in my
botrels that I would not have e. paesagein ?efs
tlifl.ii from four and often eiebt days; under
this immense Jcfferinj, my. mibd seenied en
tirely to give way. I had tirettdful.borror'e:i 1
evil f4rtodiBRi - 1 thought wveryhedy sated
me, ard I- bated everybody ; I cwM ant K-ar
my husband nsr my owa c'nillrea. evrrythiu);
appeared to he horror stricken to ine: I bad
no aiubwiOB to do any -Iiiuft: 1 lost ail rr.y !;,r
nf frmity and hoRe; 1 would iambic and win
der fro3 plaeo topMee; b;'l co'iTd nut be con.
tented ; I felt that I was 'doomed to lie!!, aiid
that there was no heavUnf or fiic, aud wan often
ten-.pted to' cowiriit si.;n, so neur waswy
wlrle ntvcrs system deslryed. a id aUi; av
UtiS'K'frcnith.-.t awful c.'mfl-.iiit, Dypcfs?.
ihr.t iyft 'tads thii'isht tdsf ' jtiaveme place !
ni Dr. Kir'.brlio' Hoopit A, V est 1'MUdoI
pbia I ren:i!rd there uiiia eeks, nl
thought I was a titlle better, but ins; few day
my dradful complaiht was raging as tat's,s
ever. Hearing of the wirderfiil c:!rer jirr
formed by Dr. Wishart's Giect Aiaersn i)s
pepsia Pills and his tre.-ltuivut fet t)yspc- :3.
'y, husband called cn 'Jr. V'is!ait aud trtatf I
nrarenseto him. i! 3 si.! j be had no doobt 1-.
eonld cure me. So.in hreedays after I calH I
timed fiiyself uudcr the Doctor's trea:
niecf, Siad in two weeks I began to digest tuy
fid, azd felt that my disease was giviugwey,
and continued to recover for about ihiti
months, and at the present time I enjoy ptr
fect health of body and mind, and I i.tost
cerely return my thaaks to a iuei:Kal
and Dr. Wishart, aid- u bisf frrc.t 'Aiiiericm
Dyspepsia Pills and Pino Tree Tin- Cord'al
that saved n:e from an Insane Asyluia hi i- ik
prejnatare graie. All pcrsous suffering vr-lti
Dyspcpii ere 4'- liberty .to cill une.tn l
write. Its 'ianx Tilling to do all tliegcwl I can
for s-iffering humanity.- Elizabeth Oaisscsi,
Brnndywine, Del., formerly of Cld, Chester.
Delaware eou!y, Pa. .",'
Ur. Wfah'arfs Office. . 10 Ncrth fc'rcoi.l
tieet, Philadelphia. -
Dyspepsia! DfspensiR I
Bb. -"Visu.'.et. I hat been a'cftistant ruf,
ferer with Dyspepsia for tbe'Iast t'jhte'a
years', during which time I esn-o' say that !
wer esjoyed a- perfectly well 3ay.! Theev
tcre-tiaies when lac symptoms rrere maree a
gravoted than at others, and then 'it stenie I
would be a great relief to die- I had St t
times an unpl'ifeM f?tlin ii Siy lieaJVt
'atterly; Tify' sufferings s. n-;?; iMrreased it
I became almost unfit tori, usiuers of any kind
ry mind was fon'infially filled with loow
ktouglits and forbodins. and if I attcmpe.d i
hanie their current by reading,'. nrfc Cuce o
tionensa of Icy Ctfdi'tssin connexrf'in with ,
lead weigllf, as it were, resisted upon m!
braii: OlfO.-ft feeiinji of sickness wold occut
at th-seforiach, ard freat psin fo my eyeet
Urocmr tnie l wifh which was the coutiniiaf.
fear ?f losing my rea-nn.' I also experienced
great lassituuw, debility and nervoU'ner
which mnde it ditfHrnlt to walk hy day or sieel
tniht. I became averse to society mi
d isposed only to seolusi.in, attd ;Itrvin tru'
the "kill of a number of eaiir.cr.t' ph'vsiiii-t
of various sch'ol,(f.?n.Hy' fc'Jnn to t!ie c::i
elusion that, for tjis.j'3asD ! iry prsen
ae 1 4-" y-'ars) these --was uo cure iu cxistc
through C'.e intert'enence of Divinu Pro -iuence,
to whom I devoutly offer my thanks,
1 nt last found a sovereign remedy in yosr
Dyspepsia Pills aud Tar Cordial, which seem
to havo elTeetuully removed almost the last
trace of my long list of ailments and bit'l fc?
ings, and in their place heSljh, .pleasure tad
contcattr.t'hi art Pijr eieryduT ccniparr.ions.
" Ja.4cs M. $Ansjts,
No. 4 S North Second street, Philadelphia,
Formcily of Woodbury N. J.
r. V il : rt't tirr ni, A r rric an Dsrip
tin P'JIs..
This is to-or?V'y tWI have siifferHfor ten
years itrat tlreel'K'tl do-Viplaint called dyspep-;
eiV I suffered much pain and dires. with
gloom and depression of spirit : w!5treat'.l
by eight different pliysiciausfori?; complaint
ihd at times was-much bctle?, tat then the!d
diaenwe, dypep!, tiM return with all it.i
drencful resjlhier; and my whole system w
fast wasting away. In this sick and debilira
ted stat3, I was krc3 a circular of Wivhart s
great American Tyspepsia Tills, aDdlineTr
Tar Coidial, which gave a Correct description
of my suffering, and determined to placa
myself under the Doctor's carp, and take hi ;
As soon as I commenced ib nse ofthciavd. -Ititie,
I began to get better, and no I contined
three months, at which time I was perfectly
restore,! to health , I am to-day a wrU maa.
Dr. Wishart, I giv yon this certificate with a
grateful heart tor the benefit I have reervel
from the use of your truly wouderftil medicines..
May God blesa you and pr terve yir truly
useful life for many .fears. I would nay f
every sick person whs is suffering as ! r.,
that my resident-ia No. 135 Pt:bmondstTr.
Philadelphia, altera I will . take great delight
in giving, testimony to the great powex .of Dr.
Wiahart'a Liedisines to cure.
-i . F. IX. Attav.
The above are a ew among the thousand
which this great remedy Las saved from an au
timely grav.
We have thousnnds of letters from: payu
cisns anddrngjrists, who have pr-cribed aad
sold thrse meiiciue, saying thstttrt-yhaT nev
er nsed or sold a medicine wbich gave
universal satisfactrou'. i
Irepard osity by tie propieof,
- Or. C. n isriart,
:ii. 10N;r:h Fptoml Srref,
Philadelphia P'.-no'ii '
ii i'v ;i iirujgirs