Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 16, 1865, Image 2

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    juniata f&Mmnti
' .4 umAim 0 lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no power shall j? ttf:
t iiKtoa pf hearts, and a lihtun of hands,
A ad the America L'nton Jorever:
VefrleStiaT "fforr-iMe, August 18; IMS
A; L: Gl'SS, Editor.
Lev. IS t lo.
JaW Proclaim Liberty -&t
pB' Throughout the Land
p0 to ALL the
9 Inhabitant Thereof.
a tb Largtti Ctmlatiat of nay paper pub
hfhti.in this County. It it thfrafors tho
Jiir idmriitify nuiium. It ia a Paper, truly
lsyal. ably conducted, a first class Localist,
and wall worthy of tit patronage ' verj
lyl citixta ia the County.
ff" Treason mutt be made odious;
. tfrmttvm Mwf fmijAJ ami wMwiwr
uAei. r"try nof oitfy i punished,
hut their torial poker, itvtt be destroyed;
Ani after ftiaking treason otliovs, every
Union ir.'en and the Government should
hs remunerated out ef the pockets of
thost who' hjive inf.icted this great tiiffcr-in-
upon thi county.'' President John
son, April 21,
The members of the Union County
Couiiuittee will meet at tie Public
H3US9 of Jacob Will, ia the borotigb of
Miffliatowo, on
SaTLRDtY, AltrST 19th. 1W,
At 1 o'clock T. Jf. for tl;e purpose of set
ting a day for primary elections, io.
A full attendance is earnestly request
ed as otber iifiporta'ut business may come
before the committee. The following pcr
cus compose tie a'sading County
MiSlintown, Jeremiah Lyoas, W W. Davis.
Fcrmanngh. C B Hnrni-ir-. B. K. Rtbtfefer.
'ycue, John Hoffman, James Davie.
Monroe, A. G. Shelluulter, Jobn Sheilcy. , .
Ho-s-aoeharoa. Levi l.fp'it. KM. I'j-Jcrrovc,
Greenwood, i Minium, Win. Tboms.
Delaware. G W Smith, J una; ban prey,
Wilkcr, Col John N Mjcre, .loim Moucr,
Patterson, F Ai Mitkoy, il M Groninger,
M ilt'ord, 11 A Robinson, Arnold Vnrnps,
Turbf.t, Win M Robiuvon, O W Flickingtr,
'rrysillc, fjbas Lintlitirat, T M Wapmseller,
Hprucs Hill, J K F.iUcrBon. Jamst S Patton,
lsale, m Younsr, Jonaihan V Doyw,
Toeeirora, li H Lchlcl, Thomas Morttfw,
Lack. John P.-ttlcron, ItUntiai Youug.
Black Log, Robert Mclntyre, William Boss,
JEREY LYONS, Chairman.
Captcre of . a Silver IIali Dot
IAR. Mr. James N. Yanormer, after
settling up his business, ttfade a lucky dis
covery. It was nothing less than three
-silver half dollars, found in tho bottom
of his pocket book, and beneath tbe lin
'0 where th-:y arc supposed to have tak
en refuse, iu a fright, about 'Ifcur years
thinking they were the last of their
f pecies, where they were covered over with
greenbacks and lost sight ef, udtil recent
ly, thinking it was "ground Log day,"
they put up their no6es to smell the weath
er and look for company. Jtt this act
tbey were captured, and as tbe eaptor ex
pcots to migrate from our town, he could
not take the trouble to cage and tame
them, so a happy thought struck him he
came right up to the Sentinel office and
presented us with one, ktcwiffg well that
we could tame it and bring it tn hi ra
tions, or make it bring rations to us. The
Sentimx bows its bead and returns its
10 Our readers must excuse us for
lack of editorial matter this week. . Dur
ing the period which we ought to have
devoted to this department wo were suff
ering the agonies of a general tooth
ache. Wo retrained from writing an wo
knew it would be rough on the cops if we
got onr pen at them under such aggra va
line eircumataoaea. Ya called nn Prn.
fosaor Pefrandhad a fw of the worst
grnmblers jerked out of their boots, and
tbo Doctor then asked us junt let him
see some other ugly stumps we did so,
and took nctioe that after he saw hear,
we oouli see them too 1 It is not natural
ti love tli C5u who iuSiot pain on us, still
we have a high opinion of Dr. Derr and
cm recomend him as an expert dertiet
and master of his trade.
Her The tri;t of Hyena Wirtx for
tarv:ng our prisoners 3t Anderson ville
ba eomtnesced it Washington and h ia
lievca'.!? boprH thoy trilr rrik" bftrt
'oflk t u.ro.- ;
' v "
3hs. Andtrtonrifle Fiends Syrtcmuiic
j Torture if Our Soldiers TerrWi.e
Taett Brought to Light. ;a -
i Th?VPr York Pott of ThdfadaT nnb-
lisbee a letter npon tbe tuanncx ia which
onr, soldwrs, prisdncrs at Xndersonvillc,
vtctc tortured. Wo presume its 'author
is' Ambrose Speueer,' formerly ol Ncn
Andersouville, who has voluntarily come
North to testify ia the cesa of Captain
Henry Win, who is soon to be tried for
his inhuman treatment of our soldiers
while keeper of the prison at the latter
place. . '
. The prison isaEtockado of about igh
tea ftet nigh, the posts being sunk ' five
feet; it originally contained eighteen,
but Was afterwarda enlarged to twntj
saveo acres, situated on a hill side at the
foot of which flows a brook five feet wide
and as muny inches deep. Tbe position
was selected by Capt. Winder, son of Gen.
John II. Winder, in the latter pan of
1SS3. When it was suggested to him to
leave th trees standing as a shade for the
prisoners, he replied : "That Was just
what he was not going to do ; he was
going to make a pan for the d d Yan
kees, where they could rot faster than
they could be sent here."
Col. Parsons was first commandant of
the poat, but was soon succeeded by Gen.
Witider, with his son as Adjutant, his
nephew as Commisaary and Sutler, and
Henry Wirr in imnWiata command of
the prisooeis.
When prisoners were first rccoivod it
was usuitl to suljjcot them to a search for
monoy, valuables, etc., which ostensibly
were to be restored when they were re
leased fro:a captitity, but which hi reality
went into the pockets of those who con
trolled the prison. Notwithstanding a
law of the Confederacy expressly prohib
;toi toe dealing in "greenbacks,' yet tho
initiated, a few whose "loyalty" was un
questioned, could always obuia for a cct-
sidtratisri tfce grctjiibstfcs which they re
quired. . . '
Tbe writer of this was tne foretiaa of
the last grand jury which was empaneled
for Sumter county, Ga., and in tho per
formance of his duty he had to investi
gate a large number of presentments for
dealing in the forbidden currency, which
were brought against poor Union taen ia
every instance. Struck by this fact, he
resolved to examine, as his position gave
lam a right to do, into all the circum
Hsnoes; where the money originally came
from, who did the selling of it indeed,
tie whole ttiodus operandi and he elicit
ed tbe fact above stated, how the money
was obtained : that Winders and Wirs
wcre f Pe prbrpals, acting through sub- i
ordinate!, in ,ahcriog bushels' of plums,
in the war of rrcmitims. Ac. Meanwhile.
the poor prisoners were left t0: f ho tender j
mercies of thoir jailor and co'minisiary j
for their food, which might have been !
improved in quantity at least, if their nion- j
ty had been left in their own possession,
At first it was customary to sena a wag-1
on into tie etoctadft etery morning at ten i
o'clock, loaded with the rations 'or the
day bacou and c'orti bread, nothing else
but as the number of prisoners increased
and the greed of gaiu grew upon the trio
above mentioned, the cctn I'icsd wai re
duced in its quality, bein theri maa5fac
tured of equal proportion of ground field
peas and corn, nnbolted, unsifted, un-
cleansed indeed, from tho di rt and trash
which peas naturally accumulate: and at
last, when the number of prisoners in
creased to over thirty-seven thousand, the
tteat rstioea per week were reduced to a
piece of lacoU for each man about three
inches long and two wide, with ono booe
of the bread above described per day.
Then, also, tbe custom of carrying the
prisoners fcod into the stockade in wag
ong was abolished. They drove up to the
gates, which were slightly opened, and
tbe scarfty food, fcul and unhealthy as it
was, was thrown inside by thS guard to
be scrambled for by the wretched pf ts
ctfsrs, the strongest and those nearest the
gate getting the largest share, the weak
and sickly getting tine.
I have mentioned the 5maH brook
which runs through the lower part ot the
stockade, and which supplied the water
for drinking and washing. This brook
bss its rata m swamp not far from tho
prison, and at no timo, corttfistry tret for
a lengthened period, was (be water suita
ble or healthy ; but when the faeces and
filth, the iretnage of the whole camp of
prisoners, came to be superadded to the
natural tmStness of the water for drink
ing or cleansing putposes, my readers can
judge what thirst was assuaged', or fever
cooled, or throbbing tenrplea Wished, by
this floating stream ot filth and disease !
At my tine, under the most rigid bygi-
entio restriction, it ia difficult tomaintaic
health and cleaUlin-esa antongst :1a Urge
body of met what do you -tlr?nk wax
tbe condition: of tnirty-aeveD laottsanJ !
bi?f etatvo'd men1. vJftuf atry r!ic tr--1
nlations, nuder co moral cr restraining
influences" If the remnant who were
finally allowed to pass ont of this military
uolgotha ware not wild beasts, ttnWashed,
befouled devils, no taanka aro to be given
t'J Henry Win for lack of efforts to pro
duce such a coriramrtatibnr :- " '
When it rained, as it does inslbat cii
mate almost continually during tbe spring
dud fall months, the soil witnin the enclos
ure was one mass of loblolly, ioft niid,
at least fifteen inches iu depth, through
which stalked and staggered the. giunt,
half-clad wretches thus confined. The
steneli from theprison could be perceised
for two miles, and f tinners lirinj tit the
neighborhood began loftir for tne health
of their families. , , . ; r
As a consequence of this, the hospi-
tils facetious was Wirtz in his horrible
humanity were crowded to repletion
with the emaciated, starved and dis
eased men who were trundled into them.
The hospitals were constructed of logs,
uuhewed, the interstices unfilled and open
admitted the rain, without floors, cots,
bunk's or blaakets, filthy and foetid with
the festering, putrid bodies of the sick,
the dying and the dead. Words fail, ln
gusge is impotent to describe one of these
dens of disease and 3eath. I once mus
tered the courage, impelled by the earn
est entreaties of a northern friend, to
enter one of them, to visit one who was
tenderly reared, and walked in the best
rinks of Connecticut society. I believed
I had seen before this, what I deemed
to be human wretchedness in its worst
forms. I thought that I could nerve
myself to witness mortal agoriy and
wretchedness, ui destitution1, Ai I Had
heard i: described, with'otlt blarieh'irin, or
tremblifig, but if the condensed horrors
of a hundred "Hack holes" had been
brought beforomy mind to prepare me
for the ordeal, tbey would have failed to
realize the facts as I saw them face to
I CsCCtft, fri 3 dsily paper, read by in
nocence and virtue, detail what met my
sight on the occasion I refer to. I will
riot p6lliite any page, save the records of
the court that must tfy the culprit for
the crime of torture by disease and filth,
with the details of that caravansary of
horrible, intentional slaughter. For fear
that some msy think I have exaggerated,
an episode here will perhaps dispel such
illusion. Convinced by the horrible fact
that wad a disgusting stench in his nos
trils, Ocn. Winder, then , Commissary
General of Prison, but having his Head
quarters at Andcrsonvillc, was forced by
decennt not humanity, for this lie himself
asserted, to ask tbe aid of the Prosiuing
Elder of the Methodist Church ofthecir-
cuit t0 "P sorac ineacs to alleviate the
miseries and soothe the Vretchedne.ss of
tbe po'ct InnistcJ of that Andcrsonvillc
hospital. This gentleman invoked the
co-operation' of the women of Sumter
ctfifnty, who responded with clothing and
necessaries only, for those' alo ne were al-
'owed, to tne amount d Jour wagcu loads.
Upon 0 day appointed, four ladies, accom-
pau'ed by their husbands, went to the
prison, and sought from the Provost Jfar
sbal a pass to take their benefactions to
the sick prisonciE. 7 teas refused with
h curse ! The party proceeded to Win
der's Head'juSrtcrs, where Henry Wirti
was in cofnpany with the General. Tbe
dWand for i. psss Was repeated. Un
derstand tne laoies were present, sou tbe
reasons given why the party were there,
in accordance with Winder's special re
quest. To their astonishment they were
mot with this reply
"G d d n you, nave you all turn
ed Yankees hero ?
"No, Goneral," responded the spokes
man of the party, "I am not, as you
know, nor aro any here present ; we have
coffta as yon requested us, through the
licv. Mr. D , to bring the necessary
articles fot tbo Federal hospitals, and ask
a pass for the purpose of delivering
"It's a 5 -d fie ! . I never gave per
mission for anything of the kind 1 Be off
with you, all of you !"
As if this fearless" display of martial
valor acd gen'tlemanTy bearing" was not
sufficient, Henry Win essayed to and
eclipsed his General's profanity and inde
cency and I here assert that if tho low-
eat sinks of tho most abandoned parts of
your city were gleaned, they could not
surpass the ribald vulgarity and finished
pTofa'trhy of this jailor, exhibited in tho
presence of those refined and 'loyal' ladies.
Shocked, tenified, beaten to the very
dust with mortification, the party retired,
41, foiled in their efforts to succor the
siek, ot alleviate the tortures of the dy
ing Union soldier, they gave taeir loads
Of cfothing and food to a passing e'clumn
of Federal prisoners, on their way to
Mother place Mfflen. They, af least,
had the sifirfaction of knowing that some
wofc benefited, even if tbey had failed in
their efforts fof tnostf wto ro'oit untied
tbeir twihtsitfrrr'- ---
During the kit wiaterwhfch was ttri- j
nreallycold far Georgia, . when the ice
was an inch, thick no shelter, ho blank
ets or clothes, no wood was provided for
the wretched inmates of that pHso.
Squads were permitted, in numbers of
thirty, to go out under guard daily, for
one hour, without axes or any cutting
tools, to Rather the refuse and rotten wood :
in tho forests ; arid it they outstaid the ir
time they were tried by a drum-head court
martial, charged with violating their pa
role,, and IF, found guilty, were hdng!
I, myself, saw three bodies hanging, who
were thus executed. Poor fellows, I
thought, God has t aked pity upon you
and given you deliverance from your
erne! jailor. ' When you and be meet
at another judgment seat, woe to him if
his authority be found insufficient for
this taking of your livfes, ret'ehei though
'Jiey Be. j"
' My house was the resort, or 1 should
lay, refuge, of most of the prisoners who
aade their escape f r om the stockade, and
the tales of starvation and distress which
tSey tbid would have melted an iron
heart. I must close my hurried acco'int
of what I have seen. It is far from full ;
not one half has been told ; by far the
most has been kept back froin very shame,
and in respect to your , readers. I have
not embellished. tLe pictures were too
rough, the characters too forlorn for. the
flowers of rhetoiio tc bloom in their pres
ence. Broken hearts, crushed spirits and
manhood trampled on, may answer as fit
ting subject for the romancer's pen, but
the horrible reality, so seldom seen, burns
its intss.es ripb'a tho bolioider's soul, that
no other impressions can efface, and triey
rcfflSiS life-pioMreS indeed. '
Written for the Srntinel
Mr. Gt'ss.
Sir: The war being over,
wo would naturally c'ifppose that prices
might revert to something near what tbey
have been prior to the rebellion. Dur
i og tbe war wages and provisions', Salaried
and fees and indeed everything tangible
had arisen tc eshorbitaat prices and
amongst other things our legislative bod
ies assumed to themselves the right to fill
their pockets out of tho Stats Coffers by
a process which they called a lawful ex
propriation. Now sir I whin youag
was taught that it took two to tua'ie a bar
gain, but in' this 6ase there are tut one
ody whether corporate or incorporate,
they had no body to Contract with but
themselves, so they on what they call a
legal principle might as well vote them
selves ten thousand dollars apiece as one
thousand apiece and after their covetous
desires were gratified if it was possible to
gratify it, who woalJ, could or should ea!l
them to account for this legal ftaud upon
the pecple their constinacoy. Jow sir,
for remedy I propose to instruct orif del
egates when they meet to nominate our
candidates wh om we wish to represent us
in the next Legislature to support a Ian
to take the power out of tho Legislature
fixing their salcry and invest it in the
pcopte who are their employers and who
have the" right to Say how much they are
willing to pay, hence any man viho thiuks
they pay too little' let h'iru decline being a
candidate and there will be nobody liaVt.
Now sir, my proposition is th'is that the
next legislature enact, that the f rst U rand
Jury that meets in any and every coanty
of Pennsylvania after the 1st day of Jan
uary of each year shall be required to' de
termine how much in their judgment
that they are willing that their member
to be chosen tho next succeeding Octo
ber, shall hate let them seal Up their
report and forward it to the Audi tor Gen
eral and lie there un-opened until! April.
By that time coar3 will have been held
in every county in the state and their
Grand jurors reports all snt in, there
ou a certain day id tp'ril, the Auditor
General shall open and Eis clerk enter all
the reports, the average thereof shall be
the compensation for the next ensuing
legislature, the same shall be published
and every body get to know how much
salary a member shall have by the voice
of tbe people', this then would be equiv
alent to a contract. Then tbe people who
nave to' pay make tLelr offer and any man
accepting it is bound by it, I do consid
er this proposition a fair one and it cari
easily Lo acted, and the law tnay be made
either per deim pt salary for the session.
I think reform and retrenchment Ought
to be pass-word. Now, there arc a host
of other fees' ttooughout the state that
might be let down a link or two'.
Of uino members of Congress just
elected in Kentucky, five favof the t'on
s'ltutional Amendment, and fur repre
sent tL'e party opposed to it . . Among the
elected is the gallant General Rousseau,
who .was the first to raise a regiment f or
the Union iu Iris State, iu 1861, aud who
fought his way to a major-generalship du
ring the war. ' .Air. Yeamob,-wuo so
ably supported the Constitutional Amend
ment in the last Congress, i alsc' re-el-eo'tedVa?
b Green' Chy Smith.
& e a a n h.
... i
K Kr !;i " U "jr1?" v ?
r uiili vi tfiininui vuuuvf . Jl&flUK US4I
Jarge experience in .the ViainesS of Vendue
Crying, be feels confident that he Can render
general satisfaction. - He pen at U times te
consulted at bin residence in MlfflintcKn, Ta.
Auk. I'M-
PROrOS A ii wil! be received, by tbo School
Board of Delawaca,tqwBihipt-. until SAT
URDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 196-i. at 2 o'clock,
P. M., for the seating of the ' Thompsontown
School House. Plna of seal in? and finish.
the samo as tho Goodrille School llouso.bf
Delaware township. ' ' :-
- :ibyoUerof tbe Board,
. . AMOH GRAVBiLL, Frit.
Joiemi Kra-ra, 5ccy. .- i
Aug. 10. 1863.
JCST opened tn tbe fiew flora Room under
the Odd Fellows Hall, in Thompsontown,
Juniata county, Pa., a well selected and ele
gant assort L-nt of Dry Goods, consisting in
part of , . .
, -j lifttfies Drbsa Good,
Siich as Delaines, Challiee, L'mters. .tpascsK,
all wool Delaines, Sheperd 'a!'d Lawns, and
a full ASubrimeut of Ladies' Vthite nnd Tincy
Goods, and a large anortnent of Staple
. SETT edous,
Conitaatly oa hand and for sale choan for
CASH, by .
RIUM in tbe same building. An elegaet
issortulefit cf ready made Clothing .for
Men and Bc'ja, eohsisCi.'g' In paftof Eaacy
Frock Co'ain. Dress Cnat-v, Tants. Veis Draw
ers, Collars, t'n'lershir.s, Handkerchiefs.
lata A Capit, iiools Ac Shoe.
Ari l everything nnually found in a first class
Gentleman's Fmiiish !n Rtore.
Fancy Goods of all kinds. Lading' Gait
ers and Baltnora! Fine Shoe, for Misses and
Children, Carpets and Oil Cloth, Slc, Also,
a good stock of 1
Cirocerles, QneeiMwir:
!?ar?WAre an!! Ciitlcry, fVngs, .c'il.i.
r. 1 til such articles a ere -JfUal.v foi
e uruiiliv ount in .i
cotintry stcre. .
h h.-icit prices paid for country produce
Goods sold at small profits, for ("anti.
Call and ejaminc mv sirck and se
for yourself, as 1 am always ready to w:t no
customers, just above tbe Square at W righta
Che.'ip Cash Store and Clcihini Empo'riauj,
Ibompsontown. I a. .
Attg. It). 1S65. V- t. TTP.irt'lIT.
tJ2. II OOP skIrts
by to" meet th -arif3 of
Tbey embrace a complete assortment of
all the At arid desirable 8'yles, Sizes and
Length, for Ladies' Misses' an 1 Children, and
If superior to all others mape in point 0f
Cymmetry. Finish and durability; bcinj
made of the finest tempered FuJlisa Steel
Springs wi'i Linen finished Cctirinf ail
having all "he mtHlic fnsteAings inlniovaMy
icc:':reu. by iniprove-1 machinerr. Hicy re-
hbht cn tki
tain their ShaDe and Elaciicilv to the last, t
-aca are wabsasted to k'.tb jSTir.s
t iT13-
Also, diustautlv in ireirt of fu'l lines of
good Eaotem Made SKIRTS, al v?rv lo
Prioes. "KIRTS Male to Or
and Rfpiiied. WHOLESALE and RETAIL,
at m a H i; r actor Y am? StLts Itoov.
No. 0'8 ARC If Street, above OtL..
CTi. Tr.F.vsr Ctii!, Oxs Ve.it c'm :
Aug. 10, 'O-i.
NEW SKIRT FOR 1555 -6-
The Great invention of the t.g! bt
fLLH'TIC (or dstiblc) SPRING SKIRT.
tU INVENTION oousists of bf-rtsx (or
two) Ellhtic Furs Refined Hyzr.', Spbinos.
ingeniously braided tightly aud firmly togeth
er, cage to elge, making the lougbest. n.osr !
Qexible ejasiio and durable Spring ever used.
They seldom bend or break, like ibe Single j
Springs, and consequently preserve the.r per- I
feet and beavtiful shape more than twieo as
lonjj as at'y Single Spring Skirt that Ever has
or Can be made.
The wonderful flexibility and great com
fort ani pleasure to any La?y wes.'rin? the
Duplex Elliptio Skirt will" be experience;! par
ticularly in all crowded Assemblies, Op'eraj,
Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm
Chairs, for Promenade and Hone Dress, as
tho Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy
a smtll place as casi'y and conveniently as a
Silk or Muslin Dress
A Lady haVing Enjoyed the Pieresurc, Com
fort and Gre-it Conyeniente of weatiftr tbe
Duplex Elliptio 8teel Sfiri-tg Skirt for a sinile
day wijlnevcr afterwards willingly diipeue
iilh tiiiir use. For CaiTdfen, Sfis.icj ciid
Toun L adies they are superior to all others.
THE HOOPS are covered with 2 fly" double
twisted thread nnd will wear twi;e as long as
the Single yarn covering which is. used, on all
Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom
ronnds on every Skirt are alo Double Steel,
and twice or double covered to prevent the
covering from wearing oflf the rods when drag
ging down stairs, stone steps &e &e. which
tbey are constantly subject to when in use.
All aro made of the new and elegant Curd
ed Tapes, and are the best quality in every
part, giving the wearer the most graceful aud
perfect shape pcssible, and are anoicslion-i-bly,
tbe ligbest, .most desirable, comfortable
and economical Skirt ever made.
TORS of the Invc'niion, and SOLE MANU
FACTURERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 ft 81
FOR SALE in nil first-class JSiorss ia this
City, and thronghont the United States and
Canada, Havana de Curia, Mexico, 8outh
America, and the West Indies.
1-aejt.lKorif e mrtux Dltlkx Eluttic (oa
kocble) Spriso Skirt.
'Young Vexr Arouse.
Ayotrng lady cf eighteen1 years of e,
with a good moral character, wishes to
opon a correspondence with eome young man
wi? a' vfew to mutual fmprovetnen't.
- .rddreaf,' ..
i'clios Grove, ijnyder eo-, I'a.
DlSOLOilOxT 05 jpABiamto-,
AJCt ICE is hcrviy girtn that tL paraer
i ship berofVri,.exi3jntp between the oo
dtraiined.ta'linE un irr bt . nme of Maun-
jbacb and Vaoormcr. ia t Mor4buuI b;:?
: ulesa, wj dissolvetl on tue .iia ay w Ait-
ta8t' 1865- AU on indehtd to tbe Mi-i
firm are requested to make immediate Ty
qent to Jan N. anormer, aa thereby
sate coat. " ' :
MiSintoisn, lag. 16-3t. . 4 . ,
Jutt lUetittd evt' for Salt' Of. Hi Trt'a .
Fancy PrinU, from 2rt, 2H, SO; to'SS-eert,
i Fancy DsLainea frow at SS.-fj PJwS's.
Fancy Dress tioods frijtji 6S; 18; r W evnts.
Hest yard wide Hrown Muaiinr 3j to 40cta
i4 ., . Bleached ' 3u, S7. 15 tu
BaiHoral skirts from $2.7. ta f 'iMh.
Bagi from 75 crt to f 1
Ppool Cotton, 8 cents.- -T-
Bkirt Ertdr 12 eents. ; ;j '
I f .Tp TloUsws SOeenlserg.'tKofl
Extra Syrup from $1 to 1.25 per GalK a.
Good Drown Sugars fretn i, li, 16, to IH e
Wbiie Sugar at 24 rents. -
Also, a Urge assortment of Queenfe-arr,
from $5-00 to f S.ot per.?et ?f 46 pieces
Boots from $4.0 tti S7.0).
GrHiiie-lif) Cavelry Vootr, 23 incurs ia
Irps, at 7.Q0s . i
.'.so, lfi','f assortment of Ladies' 9&i:rt
All cf which I will exchange for Hafttr at
"fj ezkts per pound, or eggs at SO ct per de.
or for CASH.
Aug. 10, 1865- J. B. M. TODD.
.Stmrthitig JVetc, and a. Valuable vtrro
! iioH for the People.
ED the right for Juniata eoir.'.y, io sell
the . aboie named raluable Pump, dsirea
to eall public attention to tbe same. It i
ts first and only Doable Acting Pump in i
isfi;e. This remarkable pump has attrae'ei th
attention and received the approval ofsientiio
men all over the country,
I will exhibit it at tbe Pfctet of R. M
Thnmr4nn. .Mietinlnwti P. with w,wim m
J ders way be left in tny aSenie.
' JOlfN LS"H.
j rr'""y, oriii)r aijyui ic crec a new ira'.n
I arouud the Coyr: Varii. will expose to pnMio
j oaic, ai iu tiun iouse, in unrongn ox mh-
fiWowir. on
The materials composini; the old fence, con
sisting of about THREE TONS OF IRON.
t OST3. Jho fror. is cf a suprnor qualny.
j (ro;Jn; ", most of item HJ ftet long., an-i
1 i indues in aiame-er, i ua as gooa as new.
! Th l"0?. . re..soi!ni, ae!,. an excellent
,la,e of .preservation. , -pt,s froa and o
wil1 3o1 la !- ":it f urchasers. lVr.
j sons in wsnt of either of tbe above ar;U-!cs
I "a'I 10 thir adTannngo lo attend ibis
'"'c .
! 9"'5- J. C FT fit, Ctfk.
! ' "
T a Vi A Y F S
T!. annua! lii-t ef LTuiJ S'atiM T
(m-tde up on tfCENSES, INCOME, on CAK
IAE, SILVER PLATE, .and all unpaid
V Mtfrlj Li; aro now due and payable t
j f -i'Cas :
JUNIATA COUNTY will be attend d lo t j
! Jp?-n McLaughlin, Di-ptity.at Poraroy's Store,
i t'eale tsp., Thursday. August 24; S. Ku k e
St'i.re, rcrrjjyille. .Friday, August 2"; .
j Snyder's Hotel, M!intowa, Saturday, Auij.
-o ; r.. .. largrus noieu icAlisiersii.e.
Tuc.sJ:j, A !:'-. 2 ; Uiehficld. A,ug. .: SLr
nier's Hotel, 'f heTpsonton,, Friday, Septem
be 1 : and at ?1orrow's ifjtef, Eal Wa'.er
ford, Tuesday, Sept. 6.
To all who negleel to pa? at the times and
places specified, 10 per -reuiura must be adi-!
and collected. AU Taxes must be paid in
(roTcfurucBt fusils or its equivalent.
, . 0. H. SHRINF.R.
Collector, 14th District. IV
Pti'BLiQ S AlklE
OF .
Valuable Real a t a f e t
'at public outcry, on the premises in Mil-.
for") t,Qnshit. Juniata county, Pa , threa
miles from MitKintown on the road leading t
Johnstown on .
the roi.i.owi.so SEAL estate riorcKTV, TO wit:
A tract of land situated as . above stated
and adjoining lands of Moses Kelly, William
Sterrett, John F- Kelly sad others and een-
taiuin'g ibo'.'t
And 11S perches, about 175 of whisk arw
cleared and under good, cultivation, bsiag
good limestone 1b3, and the balance beirgT
timberlaa L
The improvements eonsini of , a TWQ STO
Corn Crib, and other' oufoull lings. Aha i
tenant Hoii TSere is a' good spring of wa
ter reer the lions, and also ruLbing watsr
on the farm, the tract is one cf the boat nail
most pleasantly Itxated fsrias In the county
Any person deirin" to view the ah-s
property can call' on Mr. Joseph Funk, roaid
ing on the premises f.'
SALE to commcnia at 1 o'oWk, I'. M. rt
said day when atttfnlanco will be given aai
terms nut! kao;n"by
WM. r! poMeroy. .
August 9, '6;V.
R. S. O. K.EMPFER. (late trmy lar
Keon)haviTi2locatcu in Mitnmtown, tend
ers bid professionaTser vices to the cttitctt
this plaae and surrounding country.
Dr. K. bavins; Lad eight years eaperiec
in hospital, gsnsral, aud army practice, feel
prepared to request a trial from the.- wh
may te so,uul'ortunato; a J to need medioal t
tendaDCr. . . .
He will be found at Will's Holi al .!
ft.mr-i. oxeept wlw pt jfoiu.i'' 1-J-il?
. I .. w
- 4 - .