Juniata JlwtmeL .t at. M . w a A union of lakes, and a union of land t, A union no poicir shall sever; A union of hearts, and a Unioii of hands, Aud the American Union forever! MlfniMOlT N vVedacsdaf Morning, August 1865 it FEARLESS AND FREE." A. L. CUSS, Editor. Lev. 25 t lo. fir- Proclaim Liberty -JW' Throughout the Lund Ut& jtif to ALL the jef Inhabitant Thereof. ar the jitxia ta sEyrrsET. has the l.arjttt Circulation of any paper pub lished ia this Count j. It is therefor the 4f adetrziting merfiuru. It is a Paper, truly loyal, ably conducted, a (rat class Localiat, and well worthy of the patronage of every lytl cititen in the County. SU " Treason must be made odious; Traitors must le punished and impover iiied. They mast not only be punished, u their social pouter, nvst be destroyed; And after making treason odious, every Union men and the Government should le remunerated out of the pockets of those vha hate indicted this great suJFer- iiiy upon tht country.'' President John eon, April 21, 1865. Dressier on Negro Sulfra jc. Oar friend Eolumon of 8uequeba-ca ka ca to comment on bin letter and we do eo briefly. By 01 late humane or divine do civil rights depend ou color.- All our oitizens do or ought to stand on !: tame footing before the law. Noth ing bat crime sad character should dis qualify or distinguish. A red or black or yellow kit in ta do crime. ' If the riht of bufrage ia to depend on intelligence, one half of the democracy would be disfranchised with the 'negroes. It is not a fact that whites are more intelli gent without education that negroes, oth er things being equal. The bittory of ihii war proves that even uneducated ne groes bare hid a better conception of thair duties as citizens than tbc democrats, and hence are better qualified to exercise the elective frssclme than rebels or cop-r-erheadi. It there is any virtue in hav irg sense enough to be loyal, over having etupidity enough to be a traitor, the ne groes of the South are bettor than its white traitors. In this state it has not bocn an issue, but in the rebel States it will yet etv.ne to this: Ih-e rebel states can not be reem'.imcted on a loyal basis by enfranchising unre2entant traitors and disfranchising byalmen. Nero suffrage in the south will yet become a necessity as well as a rijjht. As by rebellion they made Emancipation a military necessity ro by their persistenco they will render negro suffrage a political necessity Loy alty must rule. It will be uo remunera tion to tho colored people for their loyal ty or their services that they are declared free if lliey are to be kept under eucb laws a their cruel and unrelenting enem ies may enact. Their condition will be worse than slavery if they are left to the mercy of their embittered would-be mas ters. Neither Solomon, in hia wisdom, who acknowledges that he was black and yet comley, nor Solomon u Susquehanna, who can not "afford" to grant the African anything more than "liberty," would be content to live under red-hot and blood red rebels without any civil protection but what those rebels would grant. Colonization u played out. It is lm practicable even if the negroes Were wil. : t. : ii .cnn;ui;nn . I wJ I n amount oi misoonception and negro hate adheres to even profeesed Republi cans! What au immense amount of ig norance, prejudice and groundless enmity must yet be removed before Christ wil reign King of Nations as he now is King of Saints I 0 - j - & je. Experiment are being made in Philadelphia ia infiltration, a process by which a live hog may be converted into cortied pork in twenty minutes. The ani xnal is killed, hia heart removed, and an instrument inserted in i;s place by whieh tweet pickle i sent through (he wain ar tery into erury pri of tht pi0'- It is es timated that this proews vill reduoe the price of fjoi fifty per t Are the Orphan Properly Cared Fori As we were accompanying a lot of the Soldiera' Orphans westward , the other week, we got in conversation w;th a, lJy after we left Lewie town station, wto. was -anxious to know who and what, the chil dren were uuder our care, and was much surprised to hear that they were the pu pils of the Soldiers' Orphans School at McAliste'reville, as she said that a lady (?) from JCfflin county had taken down her children and brought back such bad re ports, that the children were dirty, ragged and sot half attended to, that she brought back her children home again and her stories had thrown a ' damper" oh the whole project of Soldiers' Orphan Schools throughout Mifflin county. And she was astonished after hearing her stories to see a lot of pretty, tidy, bappy, bright- eyed boys and girls, and said he could hardly realize if, but that if the citizens of Mifflin county could only tee these children it would change their minds, and more remarks to tho same effect. We merely allude to this matter to sLow the mischief one person of ill-judgment can dc. A woman did once come to McAlistersville and wanted a nice room, separate bed, wasli stabd, howl and pitcher, tic. for her daughters and theii left because her hlce little ladies coiiId not Le ttus accommodated. She thought it would be "hoggish" to let her children cat and sleep as others did, and above all the prospect ot her children having to wash diehes was awful beyond toleration. She left and passed through this town, abusing the school at a round rate. We do uotjioow who or what she is, oof do We care, but we hope the people of Mifflin county will not deprive their destitute Soldiers' Orphans of the blessings of these schools because of the ravings of one haughty woman, who, if she is able to keep her children better than the State ought never to have represented them as destitute. It i verv gratifying that the school did net collapse when the woman and her "pretty, weety, tirfty" girls went home and the cun still shines on Mc Alistersvillc. A Livr Rebxi, in Tows. It may and ought to astonish oar 'readers when we tell them that we have a genuine live rebel in our town not a rebel sympathi zer, fur they have been here all the time, but one, who boasts that he was in the ebel army and helped to lick the Yan kees on several occasions, and that he was not a couscript but a volunteer, and that although glad that the war is over is sor ry that it ended as it did, for he had al ways believed and hoped that Jeff Davis would be victorious. W e have uot seen the little impertinent rebel, but the above is the substance of what he is reported to haTe said to several persons in town. He was born in Milford township and his motner is said to be living in this town. He went to Virginia some years ago with bis brother, and has now returned to get the money due from his father's estate. After doing all he could to murder our citizen soldiers he has the impudence to insult our loyal people whose brothers, sons, aud fathers he helped to murder, by iutrudinghis blood-stained Carcass be fore their eyes and boasting cf his love of treason aud labors in treason's cause." Why such things are permitted we can not tell, for certainly it is mjre than any community ought to put up with. Those who hare heard him talk would have been justified lo slapping his chops. A eoat of tar and feathers or a ride on a sharp fail out of town, might increase b:s respect for our loyal people and returned soldiers. We have men here just returned from the army, whose brave comrades, who went out with thero, will never return, for they hare fallen victims to a hellish re bellion, and these soldiers ought net be insulted by the presence of a rebel sol dier. Let him loave this town as soon as he can pack his traps and depart. If he does not, and persists in his talk it will get hotter here than in tho South. One word more and We are done there are a number of men in town who are whining about the poor boy, saying it would be a shame to disturb him, &c. who by their cuppcruoau ejuipaui, fehowo that they are not a whit better . h than this rebel and traitor lor their hands which they offer our citizens in friendship are alike red with the blood of out brotherr. , 9ca The Chicago Republican says M rs Lincoln is living in ' perfect Beolnsion at the Hyde Park Hotel on the shore of tho lake, seven or eight miles from that city. Uotb her sons reside with her. - Captain Robert Lincoln is studying law in the of fice of MrtSTCS Seaninion, McCagg & Ful ler, in Chicago, and goes there daily to at tend to bis duties. Copperhead PlatformV Restoration ot Slavery. Repudiation of the war 4ebt Mrs. Surratt. A new Officer to be Elected a Caaage in the method of selecting Jwvors. It may not he known to our readers that at the last Legislature a law was past ed requiring the voters of this and several other counties to elect too "Jury Commis sioners" whose duty it shall be to select the names to be pat in the Jury Wheel. No voter can vote for more than one of these, just as in Inspectors of elections, so that each party wilt be sure to, have one. They are elected for three years and are paid the same as county Commis sioners. These men are required to be "sober, intelligent and jud;ciom." This method we think will commend itself to all holiest people as fair ' and impartial and under ils management we expect to sec less than 40 democrats dratfn In a panel of 43. Let the Republicans look around for a suitable candidate. We may have somewhat to say on this ques tion again. For the present we would only state that we are indebted as a par ty for this wholesome reform to the inde fatigable efforts of our worthy member Hon. John Balsbaeh. He we'll deserves lo be remembered for it. Letter from the Itill. Vo. 3i BCUS. Sorely this is the bug season, tor hun dreds Bifem to Crowd hroand my burbiug taper, S )k are large and some are small, Some can fly and ethers crawl. Some in ailenee pass along. Some trouble by their noisy song. Some in beauty are arrayed. Some dark forlorn and hateful cade. This poetical strain is doilb'less not so good as many others. Let it be remetn cered 'tis a new subject as 00 One has this descanted en the rise and fall, ori- seU and downsets of this part of the ani mal kingdom. I accept as a truth the declaration that all things are made for some wise purpose, but when I atn subject to the experimental part, I can not always see it. . Why that hateful looking crea ture should just now give me such a prod that my blood run's cold, or why that winged animal should buzz around my ears, much to my annoyance, or why anoth er should almost extinguish my light much to his own hurt and at the expense of my good nature, I know not. lift I'll console myself with the adage that "whatever is, is right:" Often when I see the movements of these animals, I thirik hs nil and fotfliah they BK, and yet their efforts are no more fruitless, their doirigs no more senseless than that of many who With reason are blessed. As that poor thing fiiti to and fro, attract ed by my dazzling light sot knowing that death is there, till singed and b'tirned be dies. I am reminded that maay beings, gifted too with minds, are every night al lowed by dazzling lights, and merry voices mingling with music's charms, to enter hut once 'mid scenes o'er which hu manity shudders thinking of the conse quences. Little thick thy that ruin ia there until too far gone to stay their fcteps, they find that all is lost, the spirit crush ed, the fluer feelings dead. What Would tiot many a once prom ising youth, give if to-night he could re trace his Steps and rejoicing in conscious innocence, stand where he did ere the glaring light, the sound of music and the dance, the excitement of the gaming ta ble enticel him from the path of virtue and of peace. Just as I close that sentence my feel ings are stirred by a little insignificent creature nipping me eeverely on my back that t am ready (0 extipate the whole class, but I am reminded that the hand that made them is divine, and that in stinct is their guide. ' Iu pity I stay the uplifted stroke, and think of a large data which of rsason boast, but who, whether at home or abroad, among friends or foes, ia high or low places, spend their time rehearsing the follies of even their betters, throwing out insinuations, casting imputations, magni fying imperfections, natural or accidental, tearing np at wholesale the weakness, con cealing the virtues, and thus well deserv ing the name, and ought to - receive the contempt due a baekbiter. Rather let the gallinippcrs, half consume ne, flies my patience try. and bngs their troubling never cease, than that I should for a sin gle hour have my motives, aims and pur poses judged and recounted by this class for whose removal Injured humanity oft hears a sigh. The insects pain, I can al lay, its mischief end, bat who "can a wounded spirit bear," or compote the wrong done by those who to your face seem fair but behind your back arc sure to bite. The way that some people in company, in their own families, serve up those on whom they would wreak their vengeance, is little short of devilish. So there is another hug, welt, it it time to change the subject, eo I'll speak of him. l6 rf a ''party bird," gorgeously attired, and moves along with pomp and show. On iwjninogintotiishisWry, I find thai he is of tittle use, and much display. He ianon reminds me of a gay )oung sport, that" I more ornamental than nseful Ho sleek be is, how jeweled too, how lofty rears bis mein, high high his head, how like the fabled bird he struts along, bow every act seems to say, "stand aside, I am finer than thee.1' Of all beings that deserve pity it is he who would fain impress you with the idea that dress makes the man. Ills well if yon can afford it to wear the best that na ture and art can furnish, but to live be yond your means, expend all for your body, and nothing for your xuind, and then t be proud of your attire, bdt indi cates a lack of brains. But here comes another bug, which surely merits that ether title humbug, for of all the bugs I ever saw, this is the poorest bug. The origin of the word humbug is rather cur ious, and at once reviews old college tricks, but on this I cannot dwell, as I am reminded that the word is full of hum-hug- There's the "ile" humbug, which would have you belive that to purchase a few shares in en OU company is certain sue- C8SS. There is tho lottery Ltimbug, where you arc promised a flue gold watch, a set cf silver ware, Ac, and all for one dol lar. There tod U the agent humbug, were without doflbt you can realize fifty dollars for ten, or at least one hundred per month 253 all expenses paid. Then too there is the book humbug so well recommended that to to have it is to posess all knowledge, and to know the secrets of all mysteries, and thereby re fute the assertion that "there is no royal road to learning." And fioially there is the edueatioca? humbug where in five hours you may completely master any language living or dead, aod whether you be blessed with brains or not it matter little as by present systems all that add more be well sup plied. Rut lest you anight think you are humbugged iu reading this letter I'll cut it short by remarking that in days long ago, so now "there is no auccess withont great labor.'' TIMOTHY" TOPIC. ftjr Some letters written by Gen. Lee to Moseby have come into the hands of the government, and they Strow the Mose by's guerrilla systita of warfare acd mur der was endorsed aud Commended by the refined (!) commander of the "Confeder ate" armies. Thero was scarcely a cruelty committed by the rebels that Lie is not more or less responsible fdf ; yet we have men in tie loyal States who etfogiie his "greatness" and piopose to raise by sub scription a h'andsonre fortune for him on which he may spend the balucee of his days in ease aod comfort, or be rcdy, on another opportunity offering, to lead ar mies against the Union. In 1363 the Cincinnati Enquirer, one of the leading democratic papers of Ohio, laid down the following planks for the democratic party to stand on : "1st. That the Democracy can sever come into power as a war party. '2na. -1 hat the war li utterly oppos ed to the continuance of Republican in stitutions. ''3rd. That the Republicans are en titled to ail the glory and all the disoredit of the war. "4th. That tho Democracy believe in Mr. Vailandigham'a views respecting the war. Tho above is good reading now when I the war is all over and copperheads hare ' 11 1 I . & 1 . T , an lurneu war men praise nuay vonn son arid all claim to have always been gocd Union meu. Poor modern democracy to what degradation have yoa come to at last ! Too Trne. We Clip the following from one of our exchanges, and as it is peculiarly appli cable to this locality, we hope those con cerned will profit by the truths here stat ed : "Ridiculous to see copperheads hon eying and sugaring around Union soldiers. Soldiers, they only want your votes, and have at heart the same opinions of you that they had when they called yoa "Lin. coin's hirelings," "Hessians," cut-throats,' and ether like opprobrious names. Spftrn them as yoa would vile copperheads which they STe." Stswrratu The Copperheads have a new Saint. They have canonized that "Innocent lady," Mrs. Surratt, and all their papers are hi sackcloth and ashes, talking cm aboat her "taking off" iu the most agonising spirit. She will, without doubt, be an object of veneration for the new party of Surrat ites in all time to come. They wil! make fast day of the anniversary of Ler death, and she will be s rallying cry fo? the traitors North and South. Young Men Arouse. . Ayoong Ldy of eipbieen year of air, with a good moral cnraeter, wishes to open a correspondence with somm young man with a view, to mutual improvement. , - ' .Aadrais, CARRIE ItrpRNf ON. Selins Grove, Snyder CO., Pa. IVjOTlCX TU DELIJiQUESIS. lioiice is i hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Thomas, Sbormier, late of the borough of Patterson deceased, aither by Kit or Book Account to com forward and pay up before the first of September, or these claims will then positively be put into the hand of a Justice for eolleetioa . j ..- ANNA SHORMIER 1 t D. A. DOVGHMAN J Aug. 9-St Administrator. REYNOLD S OHIO PUMP. Something Keen, and a Valuable vtven . fieri for the People. THfe SUBSCRIBER llAVINO PURCHAS ED the right for Juniata county, to U the above named valuable Pump, desires to call publ e attention to the same. It is tbs tint and only Djub'.e Acting Pump in ex-istt-nce. This renmrkab! pump hai attracted the attention and received the approval of sieniifie men all over the country. I will ev.bilii it at lb lTSt-l Cf P.. M. Thompson, MiUlimon, Ta., vriik whom or der may be left in my absence. JUHS LESH. PUBLIC SAL E OF IRON AUD POSTS. THE COMMISSIONERS OF JCNUTA Couhiy, being bo-.'t t!f erect a new fence around the Court Yard, will expose to public sale, at the Court Uoase, in Borough of Mif flintown. on WED5EM1Y, sEPTElBEB 6TH, 1SH, The materials composing; the otd renc, e sisiing of about THREE TONS OF IRON, AND A LAKGE NUMBER OF LOCUST POSTS. The Iron i of a superior quali ty, (round bars, most of them 1G feet long, and 1 inches in diameter.) and as good as new. The Posts are sound, and in an excellent stale of preservation. IKe iron and posts will be said in latl to suit purchasers. Per. sous in .ws at of either of the above articles will find it to their advaanage to attend this ale. Aag. 0-G5. A: 3. GREER, Clerft. TAX-PAYERS, TAKE NOTICE. The annual lift of United States fates Is madenp on LICENSKS, lXCCM?; oa CAR K I AO KS. t-U.VElt PLATE, and all unpaid Monthly Lists arc now tiuo aij payable as follows: JUNIATA COUNTY will be attend d to by John McLaughlin, Deputy, at Pomroy's Store, Beale twp., Thursday. August 24; S. ItSik's Store, PerTjsj-iHe. Friday, August 2; A.' Snyder's Hotel, Miffl;nfwa, Saturday, Aug 20; E. A. iJfarRrits' Hotel. MiAllstcrseille, Tuesday. Aug. 29 ; Richfield, Aug. 3 ; Sher mer's Hotel, Tliompsontown, Friday, Septem W 1 : end jl MorruvV'S Hotel, JFast Water ford, Td'esJiv. ScLt. 5. SPECIAL N6?fti. To all wha neglect to pay at the times snd places specified, 19 per centum must be added ami rolli-eied. All Taxes man be paid in GoTefftfetrf tttiis Cf it cnia(c-f. . . ,. C. II. SMJCISSK. Collector, Hih District, Pa. tyBTid Ale 9 Valuable Seal E state! 0 THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE at pSblic olffcry. on the premises in Mil ford township, Juniata eou:'tv. Pa . three im'n froia MitSicitoWn on the raid leading to Jobnsiofri on TUESitAT, SflfflMffl it '65. ihk roi.i.owiso mil istax norxnrt, to wit: A tract of land situate? n etoe. stated and a'lj-ining lands of Mosrs Kelly, WiHiart Stcru, J. ha P- Kelly and others and con taining about 9 And 112 perches, about 175 of which are cleared and under good cultivation, being good limestone land, and the balance being timberland. The improvements consist of a TWO STO RY STONE DWELLING HOUSS. Bank Barn, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings. Also a tenant House. There i a good spring of wa ter near the Bouse, and also running water on the fnrm. The tract is one of the best and most pleasantly located farms in the county. Any psrson desiring to view the above property can call on Mr. Joseph Funk, resid ing on the premises. SALE to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day vtt(n attendance will be given and tertfis Blade known by TfM. R, POMEROr. Aujrnst 9; 'OS. ESTATE NOTICE t'itate cf Lcfdord Bauyhavcut, dee'd Netice is hereby given that lettere of Ad ministrator of the estate of Lefford Haugha wout late of Fsyette township, deceased, have been grsn'ea to the undersigned residing iri the fame township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payiCta t and those hav ing claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL LEONARD, Air,. 9 , '6a.-6L Administrator. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Isaac Rollman, dte'd. Notice is hereby giren that letters of Testa mentary oh the estate of Isaac Rollman late of Mifflintowa, deceased, have been! granted to the undersigned residing1 ih Ferman tgb township. AU persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate' are requested to make to immediate payment and those hav ing claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Aug. 2. 18fla-9t. Executor. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Benj. Todtr, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that letters of Teefsv mectary on the estate of Benj. Yoder, late of Delaware township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing ia ta same township. AH persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate raymett tfbd t&ose baric g claims will please present them duly authen ticated for settlement. J6!AH YODEK. Aug.2-Ct. Kzxutor. SPECIAL SALE OF . GOVERNMENT MULES "? f ; AT ) - PHILADFXraiA. TITE UNITED STATES WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION'. At Cbafaapiott's Citj Daaufeaar .A1 r. :. X TATTERS ALL. RACE STBfiET, etvee UA and 12th Streets,. 1'; During the month of Aug US ; 900 MULES. These Mules are all serviceable, sad Sold only for want cf use. Buyers or invited U examine them at any time, and every facility will be given for a thorough inspection Roomy sheds are provided for inspection frem sua and rain. . , , . 100 MULES. J Wilt b sold on EACH WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o'clock. A, M. m Terms Cash in Government fundi. By order of Brig. Ora. EEIN. ALBERTS. ASHMEAD. Captain and A. Q. M. Office, No. 721 Market St., PailaV G HEAT SALE OF GOVERNMENT HOR SES AND MULES. 25,000 ANIMALS TO BE SOLD DCRINO THE MONTH OF AUGUST. In the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. QcAiTiaxASTta Gxuxaat's Owe. WASBisrios, D. C. July 24. 18C5. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the lime and place uais fcWw. viz : NEW YORK. New York eity, Tuesday and Friday of each week, SOU Horses each day. New York city, Wednesday of eos week; 20O mules each day. Elmira, Tuesday, August 15, 500 Mules. Albany, Friday, August 25, 500 Mules. Buffalo, Wednesday, August 30, 500 Molea. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. Thursday of each week, 100 Horses each day. Philadelphia, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, 100 Mules each day. Pittsburg, Thursday of each week. ltO Mules each day. NewviDe, Wednesday, August 9, 100 Horses. - Newville. Thursday, August 10, 111 Mules. Reading. Friday. August 11, 200 Horses. Shippensburg, Wednesday, August 16, 100 Horse , Eric, Thvndey, Aogust 17, 200 Horses. Shippensburg,, Thursday, August 17, 100 Mules. Williattstort, Friday, August 18, 200 Hor ses. Indiana, Monday, Atigoat 21, 100 Ilorsts, Charcbcrsourg, Wednesday, August 23. 100 Hin-ses. . Chambersburg, Thursday, August, 54, 100 Milton, Friday, August 25, 200 Horse. Carlisle, Wednesday, August 30, 100 Hor ses. Carlisle, Thnrsca'y. August 91, 100 Mule." Ohio. Massillon, Tuesday, Augrtsf 1" 200 iVorsea Crestline. Tbire'da, AuKid! 17. 60U Mule Clevhtsd1. jJc'iSuT. August 2), 200 Hon.' INDIANA. toil Wavne, Thursday, Actus 24, XjOOO Mule. delaar. . ffniiScgfo'n; Tuesday of each week, 200 Horse. Wilmington. Friday of each week, 200 Mules each day. NEW JP-SSSY Trenton, Thursday, August 10. 20O M1m. Trentc. ?u'fsdny, August 21, 200 Mu'.eo. MARTLA'N'D. Baltimore, Wednesday. August 9. and Wed nesday of each week thereafter, 200 iier each day. ... W.iStflNOT'.ON. D. C. Each week day, 200 Mules. . GIESBO'RV. D. C Each week day except Wednesday, 200 Horses. An opportunity to purchase a superior elaa of sa'ldle and draft animals, at far lea thaw their true value, is now offered to the public' Though the majority of them are sound and serviceable, they are no longer required in the army, and must be sold. Many of the mules were bought in the be ginning of the war, when young, accompanied the armies in all their marches and camp, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by et ercise. gentle and "familiar from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. Animals will be sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. TERMS Cosh in United States currency. JAMES A. EK.IN, - - Brev. Brig. Gen. in charge " 1st Div. Q. M. G. 0. Aug. 2nd '65. F. GROVE. PETZ& KBW F. GROVE & CO. ASD DSALIBS IX GRAIN FLOUR, &C. 9. v7. Cor. Howard ft Mulberry Sts. ...:ii.,nii at Grain. Flour, and Country Produce respectfully solicited. Also, a large and general ooaonmeui vi umiw ou bond. F4 GKOVE & CO. WHOLESALE DIALERS & XANUFACTTJUZM Of Cigars, Tokcco and Snuff, So. 161 FA.KLI Stmt. sxTwscii oaaaii as rca stbsits, ; BALTIMORE.' ' CCICK SALES ANDSMALL PROFIT. Superior iMi-oa-fso C:o.ta, Saa Caaw ixr. Tobacco, and Lbav of esery description, with a general assortment A Pipe, finaff Boxes, Fancy Articles, c. ' July 19 -8m.