Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 02, 1865, Image 3

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    ht Janhli StntiucL'
Aug oat 2,
'ttrrivn, Oard weU war Foot! "
"Eternal Vifilsntt it the Price M Lihfrlj"
after Monday, Mr I'll, P?bo, Passenger
Train will leave Mtwiin ."ration as follows:
l'hiladelihia Express.. ?2.'4:5. 'A. M.
fFast Line..... 5.41, A. M.
lby BxpreM...:.. 11-1. A. Jl.fJ
Tittsbg .4. Erie Mail.... 11. 1J, 1'. M.
'Mail Train....: ...;...,' 3.45, P. M.
'I'ittsb.i. Erie Mail.... ii.127, A. M.J
j Baltimore Express 4.5'l, A. M.
Philadelphia Express.. 5.3H, A. M.
" "Fast Line., 3.58, IV M.
'Mail Train U.'tf. 1 M.t
t Emigrant Train 10.07. A. M.j
' - JAMES KT1I, Ag.t.
5i!v except Snndav. Dailveiccpt Monday.
Stop at WrysvUle at. 1 1:28 (if flaged)
11.20 A :V! "Stop at Thompsoutowu at
Stop at rerryaville t: 3.19 if tlagedi j
315-'.:84. t , Thowpsoiitowu at ".-'3 f:W j
j trade a horse with Uncle Sam without
Local (.Vlv.m.v. Eveij book has a ; gettinsr his assent to the bargain, in con
preface; every intrumect must be tuned; . sequence of which he has been furnished
every voting gentleman should love his j gratuitous logding with Sheriff Louden.
sister, and if he has no sister, get some- J
lm.lv .dso's alstiir "(in the braiu.'' and I
every department of a paper should have j
a beading. We therefore baptize this the '
local columns. Here we will give the
titate of the weather and also the ftate of
our pocket book, which by the way is
badly bent sometimes : deaths and mar
riages; robberies acl murder": puifs,
enuffs, grins and Miiiles.
Ht'Mf Mektinh. A
!!uti Mcetlii" i
the I'uitcd Krethrcn Church will be
held on Saturday August 20th, 1 ?tJ5, in !
David Siebcr's vVJods three-fourths of a
mile North West of McAlistersvi'.le on weeks, but the men arc willing to go
the road leading to Singer's' Mill. , The home at once. This report we believe
friends and public are invited to attend. to Uutrtte no sot of volunteers were
They will be addrt.-scd. by lie v. Josliua ' anxious to bo discharged, and none dc
Walkcr. V. V.. and others. Preaching on ' tested being uselessly quartered iu the
!?ulbatb morning at 10 o'clock and also 'coal regions to gratify the vanity of an
in the evening. j officer more than they, but siucc they
They ark Hkke. The "wctcran
"mools or ' bicvtt hoiscs" advertised
last week in our columns aud also by
hand bills from this office, for sale on
next Friday, are here already and the
:ale w 1! one cfi 'without loll. Come to
tvwn and s-ce sijjils, buy a inulc, pay the
printer, and go Ik me rejoicing.
Rm;n.i.Nti to 1'EAfK.Fii. Li IE Tt
is with pleasure that we note the return
of so many of oui- brave soldiers to peace -
ful Waiks of life. Already quite a mini -
, , 1 , .
bcr .,f them have entered into buamess,
some ol them resuming their oid ptides-! an,i g01Jlc 0f the bogus ' halves" have
fions while others arc striking out iu maue their appearance. Our citizens
new branches of industry. should l-c on the lockout for them. They
, . ; - j are deicribod as follows : The paper u
Lots m- Est' itkmk.nt. Our town J coarser and Yhiekcr than tyc geuuioc, and
.i- . . ii i i . i.. ' ou close inspection is blurred and indis-
f cents to be efwcially blest with 'some-. . r
, tmct. I he couaterlcit may be detected
thing going on. Last week we had 'wo;, , f between
day's horse sale, and the cntcrtaiumeut 1
of the Soldiers-Orphans. ' 1 his week we ' the back of the note. 1 he stars on the
ate to havo a Circus, a -Mule Sale, and a ! counterfeit have white centres, while the
... ' . 1 entire stars on the genuine are in green,
coou time generally. .... ,. . , , .. e.. ..
13 ! 1 ho reading in black on the lace o! the
1'. S. A., 'he boasted initials of the ' genninc note is clear and distiuct, while
i . . . ii j i.'ivf 1 .i x 5' ,toQ ,f i.i.r ! in the counterfeit the bronze is printed
late so-called Conleucritu .:.ates or A uicr. i r
,. i.i ou the black, the words "lilty cents be-
K-a, moan, aeording to a late traila-; iu obHtcratcJ. Thcsc derccts
lion, - Crinolinum kirtum Abfquatu- Mn. bc easly remedied, however, and
iatuni. . " j when the notes become worn and dirty,
,, ,,,' ,, , i will uo doubt defy detection.
Makin-j I-aces. Jewell remember J
when we were a well Fpankcd youngster, , . , .
, ' ., I IhieVks AnotT. On Wednesday
that a very popular and expressive incth-, night last two men Btayjug at Mr Wiiri
od of showing dislike to a person, was! Hotel were robbed in their bod rooms.
"making faces." In that act, were cm-1 One had about S235 and the other S1G3.
bodied off the feelings of scorn, hatred 1 They said their rooms were still locked
i i- i t t:. , u i. .;.. ! in the morning. There has been but Iit
and disUkev limes have changed since ,.,,.'?, , . ,
-, . V , tie said about it, no reward offered, and a
that time, and now artists "make faces j significlinj ilcncc maintained from which
in order to wake a liviug. We see that ; jnfcr that everybody does not know
Miss Mary Abraham has in successful op-; ail that somebody knows about it.
cration an establishment expressly ilcsigu- j It is also stated that Wm. Currcn was
ed to take lace and enable old and youug i relieved of some $20 during the horse
to secure the ebadow ere the subMauce ; chad b,ccn " company with
A VAU'Ani.E J!ook. Cviitiiriig tJte
trial of the Assassins and Cvnspirattirs ,
for the murder if President' Lincoln.
This book coniaius a full and oorreot re-'
port ot ,11 the witnesses examtnod, m- bu, against thm9J comproIuiso
oludinj; the suppressed or tccrot tcsti- w;tij them. The young man has decamp
mony, with the arguments ol Kcverdy ' cd ftr other pai'ts. We feel sorry for his
Johnson, Judge Bingham; and all the ar- ! relatives, but we think it high time that
gjuients on both sides, the verdict of the !
military oummuaion, and the president's !
! i, I
- " , iiit:vn awjnv wui iVHun, aim ii niu JIUII
ecaffold, as well as a steth of the life ofi grasp of tire law is not clasped upon them
all the conspirators and portraits of cafh.1'1 citizens will have cause to Jecp
The Book, is full of engraving. It can ! rc'''rct lL 'l he cycs 0" our cil'"ells arc
be had at Weidman 15 oL Store. IViec,
1 rice,
in paper cever 50 rccfj.
Bcijnd, -Irs!-
Iar ani fifiv ccn'.s.
Fishinu. Oil Monday last we joined
with a party and took a grand fish at
Spieee'a Daai in Licking Creek.' YVe
were rewarded with a tine lot offish,
alnong which were some nice pike, one
of which measured. 20 inches.
Valuable FaKm for SAi.K.-Uy
j reterence to our advertising columns it will
! be seen that a very valuable farm is effer
I ed fur sale in Milford township., We
know this land to be finely located and of
superior quality.- Any person desiring a I
good larm ought to visit it.
W: ARB ThankfI'L. Ve are very
thankful to those of our patrons who dur
ing the month of July paid us their dues.
We are still waiting on some others who
seem to be wonderfully slow in taking a
hint. It is a great shame to let printers
bills stand year after year. Nobody wails
on us unless we pay interest. Why should
we ? .
The Horse Sale. The Horse sale
did come off as announced, and brought
a great many people to town. The horses
sold high at least so it is said and the
same was reported of, the two former
sales at this place.- - We think the Gov
ernment, having had three good sales in
this place, ought to send us another- com
pany of these veterans, and give us a
eiiacoc to get cheap horses.'
j A Bah Traui. There is an old say
. ing that it takbs two to make a bargain.
lut the axiom was disputed by a chap in
I'attcrsoD last week, who undertook to I
I" The issues of five cent fractional
r-J ' as been d1Scoutinued by
the Secretary of the Treasury, with a
v,cW ,0 lnn lnt0 circulation the two and
three Cent nickels, which have been
hoarded. Further issue of three cent
notes were forbidden by an act passed by
the last Congress.
Cait. Dkhen's Ompanv. "We learn
"'at Capt.' Degeus men (202ud Jtegt.)
arc at narrisdarg awaiting their pay.
The TJrymjih says the time for which
. re--:.. l ..:.: .!..:
'they enlisted will expire in two or three!
have been detained tojhc very border of
' iheir term, they ac not anxious to be dis
charged at once and thus cheated out of
the last installment of bounty which they
already deserve. . Either we, or the Tefc
;riih, have been misinforiced. And if
Brigadict General Albright wishes to
know the opinious of his men concerning
i his efforts to detain them until this time
, let Liu consult them after they are paid
'off let hi tfi show Lis face to them vhcu
1 tkty Jare sj cak.
: "'
- Iiok Out lou ItiEM. 1 ho new hf-
' t t ButM are aireaJ C0Ull,crfc;t0j
n,e figures "30," at the top and bottom of
Ou Friday a yonng man, well known
hereabouts, entered the store of Air. Kel
ly in Patterson and pilfered some S25.
The money was subsequently restored and
the prosecution squashed. The law (night
to be eqforccd not only against thieves,
Uic P'?IIIC rrQt,;cts M bY making an
'' t f al 1 r. 1 a...
. - u ' l,"""'rcl gentry.-
lt!C" no doubt that there is a gang of
T r " y0U"g r ,
uia, cam ini muuev. snetl'l 10'j 01 11.
t-c hih. .lu.i f;j ot gp.t thcr mcaas
! bono;;!!-.
At McAIIisteisvillc, Pa
ha. Thos. H. Borrowed State Superintendent."-. .
Col. Geo. F. McFARLANDPrincipal.
Wm. E. Cavkkv. Teacher. ,
Jacob II. Smith Teacher.
Miss 8. K. Smith -Teacher. , ... . J
Mrs M. E. Mackev Seamstress. "
Mrs Eliz. McWilliams Matron.
Note. This Orphan School at present Comprises about Go males and 15
females,, making a total of 110. Next Session it is contemplated to increase
the number to 130. For the patriotic and humane project of educating and
maintaining the destitute Orphans of deceased Soldiers, we arc indebted to
tlie exertions of His Excellency, A. G. Ccetix, Governor of our State., to
the liberality of t he I'enna. Kail Koad Company, and to the appropriations
of our Legislature, backed by a grateful people, who will not forgot uor
neglect the children of those who gate their lives to their Country. :
The people in the neighborhood of Mcillistersville have kindly consented .
to bring the Orphans to town, aud arc expected to arrive at about 4 o'clock,
1". M. After marching through the tonus the children will be distributed
to" yieir respective places of sojourn.
After supper is over, thebovs are to assemble in the Court Yard at haif
past six o'clock, and parade for half an lour previous to the Concert The
girls will meet the boys at the court yarl at 7 o'clock and proceed to the I.u
cran Church. The idea uf having ihe Sunday Schools attend in a body
has becu relinquished.
Lutheran Church MifHIutovrn, Tlmrmlaj
Neven o'clock. July 2?tb, 1MU5,
l'RAYEIt By llev. Matthew Allison, of the Presbyterian Church.
OPEJil.NO Olk. Ckall !t' lit, j : 1Z:i:k jr-:-zr.
SALUTATOltV Spoken by oue of the Boys.
Ml sic 1st '-Itally round the Fl.ig. boys."
2nd "The Sweetest Name."
' 3rd "Out upon the I'mirie."
4th "ThcMultiplication Table." the columns m.iy
selected by the audience and wi!! be sung backward or forward ns requested.
Ilr. Thos. II. Hun-owes, Cot. (!. F. McFarlaud
The Clergy of the town, and Members of the Audienc.
Mctc. 1st '-Come join odr Youthful Hand."
2nd '-Tramp, Tramp, Tramp '."
" 3rd "HonR of Faith."
" llh "1'arting Song."
VALKDICTOUY. Spoken by one of the boys.
The Orfihuns are desirous uf fmrvhasiny n .Surnlny Srhoul
Lihrnru ami n COLLEC1 lOX vcill accord 'inyly taken vp, t:
aid in this untie rttikw'j, rthilc the fuUoicimj ixh it being sung:
Closixu Oue.-
a Tine Jj r
Doxoi.otiY. The congregation will
.Vt.i -olm,ii nil l;1.,u;n.. fl .rw l
ljESKDICTIO.V. By Itcv. E. W. Kirly of the . E. Chuich.
SoTn. The children will retire with the citizens, who tfavc so kindly
agreed to keen them over night, and who arc expected to hare (hem ready for
departure on their respect he trains, and if passible sec them to t hi ."cars.
They are going home to Sec their' fricnla during a vaca'.iou of live weeks.
N. B. The next session will commence on the -1th asy of September'.
tf-nfinr" l'.rint, JiffUntutrn,I'a.
HU General Thomas has written to
Gov. Brownlow, of Tennessee, that he is
only awaiting a report in reference to the
case of Emerson Kthcridgeand if he is
guilty of the language ascribed to him he
is clearly amenable to the military law.
Attention has been called to speeches
made by other parties", and they arc under
consideration. The Governor is assured
that he will be fully sustained in carry
ing out the policy of the national aud
State governments.
BA. Only about 1 500 deserters of the
draft availed themselves of the pardon
offered in the proclamation of the late
President Lincoln. The thousands of
others still at large are yet liable to arrsst
and punishment.
- 1 4 -
tST The power to negotiate national
loans has been exhausted, bite the Secre
tary of the Treasury is of the opinion
that with the reduction of the expeudi
ures of the government, the treasury
cad be kept iu an easy condition.
tL. Captain Dead, who escaped from
Harrisburg while under court-iriartial a
short time ago, was captured at Sunbury
disguised as a negro, and making his
way to Canada. . He is now in confinmcnt
and securely guarded.
- ; --
t- William- M. Icctcn. Cashier of
''.ii - KoU !i 11 . I .. t
, ia,,K, comuuttcu suic.uc
.on ednwdaj, by h.D.M,,s himself.-
( 'a ue tc in po rary insanity.
The Chicago Journal says Gen.
.Sherman belongs to no religious denomi
nation. His wife is a Catholic, but he
n-u never frecima a'tbombcr- ol'
in singin, '-Traisc God
$&Tko Selinsgrovo Timet wants to
hang Andy Johnson for permitting the
assassins to be hung. It says: "Thcic is
not a crime recorded in Fox's Book of
Alartyrs that is more abominable in the
sight of reason and in the light of justice
thin this trial aiid this execution. "
It also says that "there was net a man
engaged in that military commission, in
cluding the President, who gave his voice
and vote in favor of the sentence passed,
but who, equally with Payne, deserved to
be kung by the neck until dead." And
the great body of the Democracy say
imnn t
J" The recaptured archives of the
State of Tennessee tell many a tale of
rebel villainy. Gov. Harris' papers arc
full of the secret history of the reDcilion.
Among other papers on file, and indorsed
by Harris, is a proposition to assassinate
Gov. Johnson, in Nashville.
K-The Northera Central Ilailway
Company have contributed 2500 to assist
the boroush of York, Pa., to pay for
the assessment made upon the citizens by
the rebel General Early during the last
rebel raid in Pennsylvania.
In Southern Kunsas the rcorli' are ret-i
tiuS terribly in earnest in puttin-. down j
I.;S v.. i . .. -
thieving. .Not long since sis thieves
were hanged in Franklin "County without
the least benefit of clergy.
BO. Hundreds of furmci resident? of
Washington, who left for the South on
the breaking out of the llcbcllion, are
now returning to their homos ; but very
few of them have yet succeeded in obtain
ing employment.
ayThe conspirators Mudd. Spangh
Arnold and OT.aughlin arrived at i'lilt
.uzrhim arrivpf! ililtnn
H, - . :
cad uu t:,c 'JOlb, bntld to the I'l-v Tcr'-l
Washington, V. C. July 124, 165. j
By direction the Quartermaster General,
ere will bo sold, at publie auction, lo (he
highest bidder, ai
PI?ir Y ATTfiTTCiT 41. ' W
1 1UUAI, AUUUOl 4111) l-.
V t .1. . . - 1 I.. . -
ni'iic of tae war. as tounz mules, accombanitd
. 1 1, - . ; . : ii . i i
the armies in all their marches and c&niws.
and are thoroughly broken, hardened by ex
ercise, gentle and familiar from being so long
Burroundcd by the soldiers- . ,
. Though souu'd ar.d serviceable, they are no
longer required la tfi'e army, aud can be
purchased at fhese sales at far less than their
true value. The attention of both miners and
farmers is especially invited.
Mules sold singly. .Sale to commence at
10 A.M. Trmt: CASH in United State
. fireVet Urig.iJier Ocncr.il in churge,
First Division, Q. M. G. 0. i
,.OF. ,
At Washington Street Wharf.
During llic Month 0IM11? '
, 900 xliULES. .
These Mules arc all serviceable, and sold
only for want of use. Uuycrs are invited to
examine them at any time, ami every facility
will be given for a thorough iuxpection.
ftooiny sheds are provided for inspection from
tun and rain.
100 MULES;
Will be sold on EACH WEDNESDAY and
OF A I'GUST, commencing at lOo'clock. A, M.
Terms Cash in Gorcrnmrnt funds.
1'y order of
.. l'rig. Gen. EKIN.
A LBEUT S. ASHMEAD, Captain and A. J.
,M. Office, No. 721 Market St., Phila'a.
Lowered in price l.y order of JCIt.V DOL
l'HIN, Salt agent of Syracuse, N. Y, Salt
will he sold at S'!,0 per barrel iu good order,
until otherwise ordered at Messrs Suloufl' and
Stamliuugli Mifllintown and at Suloulf and
i Stambaiighs' Warehouse Pcrrysville I'a.
i JalyJ'i-lt JOHN l't'LIMlIN, A-it.
! :
XJ r.itatc or it illia:n Viuut rt .
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the Estate of Wm. Dunn late
of Faveltc township, dee'd, have been grant
cd to' the undersigned of Walker lowp. All
persons knowing themselves indebted lo said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will please
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. July 2f '5t'. . SAMUEL DUNN," A lm'r.
F. tiUOVE.
. W. UOr- Howard CC mmoerry BIS.
s- f.,n;o.,.mi-nta of tirain. Flour, nod
Country I'roduce respectfully solicited. Al",
n l..r,r. .nil (rtltr;ll n Sl irt TIK-nT of Cw riM-i1-r
01. hand.
Cigars. Tobatco and Snuff.
lYo. IC1 F tt A H K 1,1 ."V !!ilre.;
Silperior IjiroitTeri Cn;.ns, fine Cur.w
tsn Touacc-o, and l.aT of cTery description,
with a (reneral assortment of I'ipes, Snuff
Hoses, Fancy Articles, &c. . Julyl'J-Sni.
Leather I'reserving
A Composition of Neat's Foot Oil and pure
Ivory Black, imparting to HOOT and
SHOE LEATHER the softness and pliancy of
KI1 while with one fourth the l.tbor usually
employed iu the application of the ordinary
Blackings, it produces a JET BLACK EN
AMF.L GLOSS, equalled only by Tatent
'"soKUletail by all CftoCEilS AN1 SHOE
PEA LK US. Orders received by American
Ageticy. Broadway New York, and whole
saled at the
Manufactttrer's Depot,
15 1 Read street, "i ,
rpilE undersigned would ref ccffi.ny inform
' ; 'f. "r Thmn,n utown and sur-
roiinuine c&untry, that he has opened a New
Store under Odd Fellows Hall, where he keeps
pn.,t..nilt- n band a well selected assort-
. , 1
Dry Cod.
Groceries, Fauiy
Good and Notions.
Hoots and Shoes, Hats X -j
Caps (Juecnsware, Hard ware,
and CutlerA'. Cedar i Willow ar.v
lu-ii" and a lot of Fancy Stationary
which he offers le sell at. tne lowesi pos.. .v
fi -ures for Cash or Produce. 1 will pay the
verv hi 'best prices for Butter, Kfg", I.afHi.
Wool, Pried Fruit and all kinds if country
produce, which is .eum-ally bjugui ami --hi).;-1-c-I
t-- luirUe'- 1 '''' -:Vv 1T' I t :'!'V;; ;"'
cm ... . . .a
c'Tcl.-a., i"S cl'cn !i ore.
cit all to cail and vS"r-l '
K. II.
! MARKET XNfttf.
T bh..$6 .jO ; Butter, prima !t
x rl -'- . i? lBufr.
, Fancy 50 'Lard. 20
Hi VP nl nl -A Ml T11n J T'
j GRAIN.' " - . H..-. "(rf-ctit la oo
! Red Wheat ybn t a :H:uu. 1 B..... i.
I White whet,... 1 6 rfiHes &-Shonlder 1
! Rye 1 40 I IiKKF, .
i ,':'rlcy- . if"":''r'
p cm W
Corn 0
Htttd ar l'i tf'
Buckwheat, 1 W
Oats,.., ... 4i)
POULTRY, . .. '
Chickens, y pair :5t'
j Ducks. lt
:tesc '.S. 1 '"
iTurkeys,.: 2 0"
CO .VW tun
Trevemon clove O'l
I uo Egg fl M'
ISunhiiry jstac H
! Clover, bus U V
Timothyi 3 .V)
Hai,.'.... 2 00
Hungarian,. ... - 80
Apples-, "ii bn -J on
Peache', " qt
Currents. ....
6 ;V
do ..El-2
12 iCheytnut,
10 :rea.
H .Mixed. 7".
ii ; WOOD.
illakl..; 3
New Irish, bu I ut' ', Hickory, t 0'.
Sweet 3 00 i HAY,
VARIETIES, .Timothy, M :
iM''e't "e hn 1 -VI (Clover,"..: H tt
Onions . ttn j. P.ptaiieil Arliclea.
VvhitS Ueans.... S .Coal bii "pB"1
Cceswat, y W fl Silt, f srk s' w
Soap, dry 10 Tlastcr, 'ft ton D Oti
Candles IX -Nails....: i
Wool, washed...- r.o iJUNIATA SENTINEL
Rags................ 5 I In advance $2 00
Corrected weekly by J- It. M..Toi.i-
nvtyon-lt&atnin !?! te atonr.-Cen. L'.-!
Ti ,
On thn iltli ult., l.y Rev. ii. Y. Bou'c. Mr.
James M. Speelinan. and Miss Eathlinda nk
er, both of Juniata county. Ta.
On the 27th nil. by Kev. G. W. Bouse, Mr.
Se.Wrirt T. Ileneh, and Miss Anna E. Barnnrd
both of Jul iata coiiuty, Vn.
. On tile :'tiih ult , bp Rev. J.,Bcl'e. Mr.
Aaron Dcvjnny, and Miss. MariaJD. I.authers.
both of Juniata county, l'a. ,
On tiie 1st ult., by RCV. E. W. Kirby, Kre
nion Andrews and Lydia Hall. l. i
On he same day by the sam William M.
Johnson and Haniiah C. Hall. jCol.l
it. :.
At her rcsi ence in Kealetown, Juniata
cmity, on the 2nd itist., Mrs. Edith H.
Swcringin. a;;cd til years H mouths aud '1
On the 22ud ult., iu Turbett tp.. Ciinrlrs
A. Erbisou. tgttl " years, 7 months, and
20 days
Orphans' Cour Sals.
fpHE undersigned, Administrator of ,.tl.r
J- Estate of ltobcrt Harris, late of iie.-.lc
townshsp, dee'd., will expose 'o sale at public
outcry on the premises, on
A tract of laud situated in DraTe towiiiiip,
Juniata County, Pii.,i4ljoinin.f 'audi of Cal
vin and I'eti-r Benle, and Heirs of Ilobt-rt
Sterreit, dee'd., and containing about
XT' Acres,
About !mi acresof which nre cleare-l nu-1 un
der cultivttr'oQ 'he balance beirtg titnber
land. . .. ' - .
There nre ou tlie premises a log hour-, a
Utn barn, nn am.lp oreuanl and (rood water at.
HUc house. The property will be soli ma
boiI'k orifiiHi::i': pakcki.?,
as snail no aeemci most -le-ira-ve.
' L C Ollff
Cash on confirtnatiuu of sale by
Sale to commence al 1 o'clock P. M.
r a;i
lay when attend tnee will be given bv
Jviy 12 Is. JOHN C't'FrMAS.Vrfmr.
PUBLIC sale:
rrIIE linilersJjruril A.ttnit.istrntor of Estai-j
J. .f Jjlin I.anU, will offer .for o t pub
lic ouicry tiy or-1-.-r ol' .tlie 0--phans I'oucl. on
tlie premises .in P.-Iawarc township, Jiiuiitn
County. !'., about lr and one half miles
North W'.est of Thomps;nfown. on
PATl'RPAY. .IKil'bT liTII. IPfj".,
A tre'et o'liind situated as above stated an i
boundci by lanls of S. t. .. Fans.. Pavid
Walker's Heirs. Margaret Stinsoa and oth-.-rs
containing about
160 -5LCXOiS?
About G" acres which art cleared and un
der cultivation, the balance being tinilici laud.
Tltcre ! ot the premises a LOO HOUSE.' and
1.00 BARS, aii Apple Orchard and a tine
Spring of Water, , . , . .
TERM.1": One half of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmation of the sale by
tne Court and the other half on the . first of
April next to be secured by judgment.
SALE to commence fit 1 o'clock. 1. M-, of
paid day when attendance will be give?' by
the undersigned, from whom any additional
information may be obtained prior to the
rale. : . "
M?f Slit ';-(!'.'
vate sale a lot of laiH situated in Walk
er township, Juniata eotinty, Pa. adjoining
lauds of Jacob Shellenbcrgcr,. panicl Werti
and Widcw Meredlib, containing, about
i About 1 of which are cleared, and in Rood
i irraw. tl-c balance being well t.mbered. I hero
. .... ;
Jj m aP.! trSUIC bank JiaHl
.. . ...
i on the premised. A 'so goo.1 water n-l fruu
I trees.
! For terms and farther information
iff the nndersiiriicr residing near Mexico.
; which place lWws may be addressed to r. in
July llVh.'fil: VTM. CRIMME L.
The Pafi ids of the Sr. rtsi k w'no msy visit
. H iVr'sburg. or desire a lirit cbiss Piftuii
islinul.i bv all me'ins ro where .tlv-y take tin-
i:'"-;-t Sp'it lldld hi-tHr?' CVCT gOUCU Up fttl
where, which is at
'lIiyilL ( k s Hit Market i
llarr':r:b g
tUgUf. I Juiv IS,