Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 02, 1865, Image 2

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    Jfunialii Isfnihicl.
jk3: ; !
3&rK iff L 4 Vr !
f. 'ftiefy
A union of lakes, and a nnUm lands,
A union no power shulf $ftrr;
A union nf hearts, and a vnion of hand,
And the. A nif man In ion urevtr. '
' mifTlTV I b W N-
Weduesdar Morning, August 2, 18j
A. l.VSS, Tditor.
Lev. -j : lo.
t'roi-laiin Liberty
4J- Throughout the Land syr
to ALL the
r- InhnMtaaU Thereof. OrS'
ha the l.aryrtt Circulation of ativ paper pub-
lished in this Couuty. It is iberefore the
ttst eJrtrti.lng medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a fim clans I.ocaliat,
and well worthy of .be patronage ry
l-.-yil citizen in the County,
Writt'n for tft S'iittri'1.
.Monument fund.
The Soldu-ra'
Have the receipts fur the ; Joasy and ragged. It seems really as if
Soldiers' Mouutuctit stopped ? I see their j lnere wcre always some persons ready to
weekly publication has beon diccuutinucd. !6pcak evil of anything good. It was to
What is the matter ? Arc the people not : counteract all such siliy rumors that wc
interested, or have the committees neg- i Jcjt unxlous to i,avc the school in town
lecied to wait upon our citizens We oVcr uight aud Miig some of their songs,
canuot erect a monument without funds, j as wc wcn tncw it would impress our t iti
and wc cannot get funds unless those iuto ; Z,.D favorably and excite a sympathy for
whose hands this important v.vik has ' tno unf-rtunatcs. Wc did not expect an
been entrusted -din harge the duties de- ariu,tie performance, but wc still knew
volviog upon them. If any of the com- j tuat tiicy C0UU touch ou.- hearts.
mi:tee decline to act, let others be up-j Kcmarks were made by Ir. Thos. II.
poiutcd who will, and the good work go j l5urrowes, Col. McFarlaud, Itevs. Allison
on. We believe from what wc kuow of and Kirby. A collection was taken up to
'.he public sentiment, that the erection of i aid the children in purchasing a Sunday
a mouument in honor of our brave boys, ; School Library which amounted to 822,72.
who have fallen iu battle, during the late
, , , ... ,
bloody struggle, meets w.th the general
approvcl ot tli9 people, aud all that is
licecssary to obtain the few thousand dol -
lara requ isitc to it. erection, is. that the
bubject should be intelligently brought
, - . ., ,
before them. There seems to be au
opinion prevaleut amjjj our country
friends, that the proposed monument is
lo be put up
v. .,; r,,rf Vr,I In Al;fli;
e.pecia.iy .or inc uruem n wwn. .
ii f . 1. i ji. . e .
is not me iaci. tnc monument is to be j the Tribune and after a chat with several
erected, and deJicaU l ( the honor and ! friends returned home. It was amusing
memory (.!" the heroic dc-ad, of our whole to sec thc interest which the children
country. The project had its origin in ; cscitcd alouj; the road. "Who are they"
town, and that has been fpoken of as a 'aud "what are they'' wcre constant fjucs
mitable jdace to have it erected, but thc j tious. At Lewistown an incident occur
k'cation, as yet has ii"t bceu selected. , red to which we expect to refer next
j.vcry district in thc county jas an inter-
et iu ;t, and husu voice iu the selection
of a location.
The committees, I thiuk arc the prop-j
cr persons to decide where and how it '
rhould be built. Let them go to work, j
call upon every Lady and Oentlcman, ask '
tbem politely f;r their ten?, fives and 1
ones; and don't slight thc boys and girls, ,
their halves, quarters, tens aud fives all
lielj) to make dollars ; aud cveu the little :
ones penny, will hcl; us to put np thU ,
noble htructure.
It need uot, aud uius'. uot fail.
Yours l!escitiul!y,
Mn.K Sale. Hy reference to our ad-1
yertisingcolumnsitwillbeen that
are to hafc an extcnsire sale of mule at
... i . . t .- i
this place on next 1 rtday, to be continued
most probably on Saturday.: We have , population- bevcral large, tractions oc
no doubt that many of our farmer and : e'urnug, Congress, by an act of March 4,
teamsters would do well to attend this j
sale. Jhose mules will come to Uien-'o the States of Illinois, Iowa, MiunesoU,
elre much sooner than horses, and I , , .x, . ., . . T,, .
. r , ... ii Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ithode
when once fed up, arc death on a pull, " ' , '
never die, arc easily kcjd, and have many j L,kud and A'crmont, thus increasing the
advantages over horses. This will most i number to 241. Nevada having since
likely be the hint chance to secure the ' i,CCQ admitted to thc Union with one
animals and we exjet t to see a large crowd wclnbcr tLe tota ;s UOw 242. Thc pres
here text t riaay- i .. . . , , - .
. ..... . cut apportionment stands a fixed fact un-
V, John H. 8urratt one of thc uiur- til thc 3d of March, 1873. Thc eleven
derers of President Lincoln has been cap-! States now in process of reorganization
ttircd in Texas and , yesterday taken on j . unJcr u u the loIlowing rep.
throuirh this rdace to ashimrton and to " 1
the callows
ln"t iiojrleet to read the special
sale of mules advertised in this weeks '
paper. i
cSf M C call tliC Attention
of all our fun and wonder lov-
inj; VC.ldors to the Animal ami
Circus Shovv advortisod in an
other column. We believe this
to be a jrood show and expect
t cn a 1 1 tnfn rtnf I ho;
' n--. a iuiii v-iii.. "o
ana otner suiraals will no a
tight themselves worth seeing ;
and the fun loving folks will
not, be ovrlrnkfvi. Come and!
The Entertainment of the Soldiers' Or
Elsewhere in our itaue of to day we
give a copy of the programme, Ac. cou
uecttd with the EnlerUiuuient oi the
Soldiers' Orphans. We had originally
! suggested to Col. Mcl'arland the propriety
ot the Entertainment, and Lad taken
upon ourselves the responsibility of pro
viding and niakiug arrangements. Had
: t,pfMn(l i fitilnitf. f1nilttipQ4 thorp are
! those who would have laugh anded seold-
I ed at our expense. But wc are happy to
i state it passed off with uuusual satisfac-
j tion to all our citizens. r.verybouy as
i far as wo have heard considers it a sue-
cess, and the citizens feel that while they
entertained the fatherless, they in turn
i were entertained. Every heart seemed
. to be touched, and seldom if ever was
j gucll univcn;ai turn out 0f our citizens
.is there was on Thursday evening arounl
the Couit Yard to ecc the Orphan Boys
We had arranged a complete pro
rrainnic for the distribution of the boys
land gilds, but on their arrival it was par-
tially deranged by . causes uot necessary
' to enumerate. Consequently we had to
' do the best we could, and rejoice that the
difficulty was that there were more who
were willing and anxious to keep these lit-
... .... (i, , l ,l b
j kept. Wc reeord this with pride, as it
j well of our citizous, aud especially
, 4 . , 1 . ,
j 80 as some ignorant thoughtless, or wicked
'person was buisily circulating the story
that the children were uot fit to be cuter-
i tained hi repectablc families that they
! had the nicasels, the itch and other con-
j tageou diseases, aud that they were dirty
",uu ""B? u lw,K-c " ar, "
the pcop.c couIJ nave bceu seated in the
; niurch. Thc loo LaJ Kivcn ,n entcr.
i tainmeut in McAlistersvillc the night
. jrevious aud neatly 810 were there re-
a!iz-d. Col Mcl'arland returned his thanks
. tUysc Tho ''f1 ta.ken an ,nt?rCiit !pct'
, tins up thc cutertainment and providing
phco9fer the children and keeping them
J over night.
j accompanied about "0 of the eliil-
ncxi uay wcaiwara, uiopmng
them off at stations up as far a3 Altoona.
Hcre we took supper with -Mr. Hern of
For the present we will close by saying
that thc address of Jr. Uurrowea aud thc
presence of these orphans In our town
have done mucli to enlighten our citizens
in regard to these schools aud excite an
interest and sympathy in their behalf.
Mifflintown has thc honor of giving thc
firtt public reception to, and having thc
first public entcrtaiumeut by, thc Soldiers'
Orphans of Pennsylvania.
The House of Hcprenrntativcs.
From the Chicago Tribune-
I?y an act ol Congress, May 23, IS.'iO,
the number of Representatives wascstab-
lishci at 233. which aumbcr was arpor-
(juIieJ tllc ECVCraI Etatc, (rebc!
. , .... to,. i ,0o
included) iu 180-upon a basis of 124,18.
' '
ISi'yJ, gave an additional member to each
Virjriuia. 8: North Carolina 7 ; South
Carolina, 4 ; Georgia, 7 ; Florida, 1:
Alabama, 5; Mississippi, 5 ; Lousiana, 5;
Texas, " ; Arkansas, 3 ; aud Tennessee,
;g. 'loUl.O.
s Elections of nieaibern have been made
'r llie Thirty-ninth Congrw . in all the
! Mates of thc I mon, except tho aforeaid
! eleven, and Kentucky and Nevada. Of
the 10 members already elected, It4
were chosen on Licoln tickets, aud 36 by
the opposition. It is difficult to make
political estimates for tho fat urc ; but in
in? sipni I ne Ii;nu i cu NU will UilVC I
ttr . : J . :n t
f.-.lln-vs :
Trpiibli'-in. frrn',','',a
2S T.ta'rs hT okctf'l HI S.
" ( Ky. atld JTev, 1 estimated 1 'i'
1 1 tout hers tatca.
Driuocrrtry Fishing For Cudrions.
We bad supposed thai the demociacy
bad yielded to coppcrheadism, and that
the end ot thc war had killed off both.
But thc recent "address of the "National
Committee of the Heinocracy pf the
United States," proves that we were mis
taken. Mr. Cbailcs Mason, as chairman,
an old office-holder uudcr Presidents'
Pierce and Buchanan, speaks in the name
ot the "national" democracy, and bursts
forth in a most extravagant eulogy upon
President Johnson for his reconstruction
policy, admitting at tho same time that
he aud the democratic party hayo Jbeen
widely separated by what theaddrescho-'
sea to call "extraneous circuuisunccs."
The strangeness of this attempt on the
part of the Democratic party to claim An
drew Johnson, by reason of his recon
struction policy, is apparent from the fact
that Johnson is carrying out Mr. Lincoln's
policy and for which thc latter was so
cruelly abused by the Democracy. We
thus have the same thing which made
Abraham Lincoln's "tyrant" and a "usur
per,' making a saint of Andrew Johnson.
So manifest is this inconsistency, ' and
so rediculous do its authors become, that
they are doomed to inevitable defeat.
Thc idea that President Johnson will
abandon the true and loyal men who have
elected liiin aud saved the country ior the
purpose of going over to the semi-rebels
and political pettifoggers who compose
what is left ol the Democratic pirty for
such is the object of this flattery is
ridiculous in the extreme. The garb is
too clumsily baited to catch cvea the
llioJi of gu3vn0, and canuot lcoiva
a politician so sagacious and experienced
as President Johnson.
The servility of these men is pitiable
in thc extreme. As long as thc rebellion
continued, and the Southern Confederacy
stood for their support they leaned upon
it and their political hope entwined about j
it as affectionately as thc vine around the
tree. That reliance gone, we now find
them reaching desperately in every direc
tion to find something else to cling to
It matters uot, apparently, what the char
acter of thc support may be, if it is only
suQicicnt to keen ihcm out of the tnire
and sustain their worthless political cxis- rt. Adamite exUtmcc, was captured by the
tence. Cousifteney, principle, manhood resent keeper, ALT, the Kptian hy or
are all utterly disregarded in this eager I der of the Viceroy of Egypt, 2000 uiihs
search for a position. The professions of
the past are forgotten or treated as worth-
less, and every desire for thc future seems
tit be centered in the one idea of finding
some measure or some individual upon !
. . , , . i , .. , !
which they can lay hold to sustain them-1
r. ' . . '
selves, aud keep their organization troui j
utter extinction.
Of course, such a
policy is liable to j
lead those who practice it into thc most establishment, being composed of the most popular, s.ki'iful ami accomplished rcr-' army, and must be soi l. .
inconsistent and awkward no-ilions and ; formers in the profession, hating been selected from tie fr.-t establishments iu Eur'ope . M ,n' ''r he were bought ia the t
luionsisicni anu awkwaru poMiious, aim, . i - i ..-.,., . u ii. cmuinic of the war. when yoiin aceompamel
, , . ... , t - l ii i .and America. Among the principal Artistes arc the tol owtn : . ., J . " i 5 . .
place them iu attitudes which wou d be r , ... r . . - ,i '7 i . . i i . the armies in all their marehe sad caiaps.
ic tolerable to mcu capable of '"0-
The leaders of "the Icu.iocracy," howev-1
cr, wire never particularly sensitive in .'
that regard, aud hence wc fiud them bear-'
iug up under the ignominy aud humilia
tion of acts of sclfabascmcut, aud under
a load of public scorn, with the callous
ness befitting their cause. A rebuff in
one uartcr, apparently, makes them only
the more eager for a smile in another.
LLikc unfortunate suitors, who have whol-
ly failed on the objects of their own dc-j
sires, they arc ready to make love to thc '
mistresses of any and all others, who hap-
pen for thc time to be alienated from
their natural aud legitimate attachments.
When General Shcrtuau lost caste for thc
time with thc loycl men of the coun
try, who always sustained him, on accouut
of jiis unlucky negotiation with Joe. John-'
son, the democrats rushed fawniDgly to i
ins :eet, ami obsequiously vowcu tncir
willingness to adopt him as their own.
So with President Johnson ; when they
find a disagreement prevailing between
him and some of the more radical of thc
Republicans, on thc subject of reconstruc
tion it matters not that he has been
their most hated man ior the last four
years they rush eagerly forward, and
call upon him to come to their arms.
They have abused him without stiut or
mercy, and he has by uo means been
complimentary iu his expressed opinions
of them j nay more, he is even now en
gaged in carrying out a policy of pro
scription and punishment towards thc
rebel leaders which must le in thc h'.gh
est degree distasteful to tho Democracy,
aad yet they arc perfectly ready to take
him to their bosoms, if he will change
his policy oh no if he will only
separate himself from thc Republicans.
He may haug Jeff Davis, thc idol of thc
Democrats, and practice any enormity he
chooses upon their fricuds, tho rebels,'
they will nevertheless take him, if he will
!!nw them to call hint their owa.
j . 1-A movement is on foot by colored
; meu to purchase the Charleston
and rubhbh it as an anti-slavery . jourual.
Some progress has bceu made, and money
is being subscribed with a good prospect I
or ?t
Enlarged, Improved and Re-Organized, .
Being at present the largest Traveling Establishment iu the country consisting of
Jas. Melville & Co's-Grand Circus.
acd world renowned -Equestrian Troupe, comprising the ST A 11 KIUKI1S of both
Ilerr Driesbach's Extensive 3Ie-
nagerie! j
Comnrisimr a inaEnifieent collection of rare BEASTS and BKPTl LES,-among j
which will be found Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Hyenas, Corifiarsi, Lynx. Pumas, Lamas,
Panthers, &c., Birds of gorgeous plumage,
vSaiuls, LVathaiiK fe
The Gigantic
or ..TtKHMOTii" of Holy U'rit, of whom
theic is not his like." This rare sneeiuieirof the bfu;e creation, the last vestase of
, uu T- '
, anu was lmporieu into rnts cuuniij at an ci-
j pcnsc of more than ?40,0t0, by U. C. Quick,
j w;th whom such arrangements have
! becu made as to enable the Management to
present him to the public in conjunction with
the other unique attractions which make ni
. , 1 . ... , .. ., .'
this ( ataclvsm of Wonders couipriMos this
. tf COIUbination.
TIlC CirCllS TrOlipe is tLc largest
lni Mn i n iE. the A iitiilia'i Y,
pli.bcd Lady rider in thc world ;
J.mks Melville, the Australian performer, who stands without a Peer i:t the
arena. The distinguished Australia!! family whose Equestrian and "iscelltineous
Performances have won a wide world reputation- '
JJ A ST til i K. rv u fcL ii.i.r.. j;uiui
! 3IASTKK fcAMUEL JMelvii.lk, a wonder
Geo. Melviixe, the principal Ivjacstrian. :
lim.o Nathans, an artist whose praise i.s great iu mouths of wisest censure, whose
r n.J , l..3 nv.JL,l l... : !. ' - i i I
nuriuriiiuiiuus ou one, inu, iukc auu iuui
. . w . ii l
W M. Ivinkadk, the man oi a nunurea rumersauus- ana me renowncu repie-
gentative of the Eccentric PETK JEXKIN'5?.
J-'lIAIH'EK & WllEITXEV, the Acreb.its, par excellence of the I'nited b'tates, the
most darin" and thrillin;; Irapaze l oriovmers ever seen.
' JM Wakh, the funnie.st of Clowns in
Kope exercises, Plate Spinnig Tumliiug.
M lie l -
zrz&sa tut fr
J. Withers' famous Washington brass Hand
TUE STUD OF HORSES is composed of '
thc finest English, A meriean aud Arabian thor
oughbreds, highly trained aud magnificently
caparisoned; and the programme of the arena
will comprise all the elegant, sensational, thn!-
ing, comic and entertaining novelties of
The 'vhole of these MAGNIFICENT
I lOO US OPEN AT 2. & 7. P. M. under one cnormoTis pavillion, for one price of!
admission, which, notwithstanding the enormous outlay attendant upon such au uu-!
precedent combination, is fixed at the low figure of .1ft cents. . Children under ten
years of age, half-price.
PI ANTS, ( four iu number,) followed by WITIIKIfS WASHINGTON OPEK V
RAND; the grand, M KNAOERIF, thc extensive CI UCUS and Troupe of Artists,!
together, with the Gorgeous ParaphaualLi of the Metropolitan combinati on. J
J. MELVILLE, Director
ana a Colony ot JlouKeys.
.Co's Performing
J? '
Elephants !
wliosc wuudu'ful feaLn surpn.-s authiu ever
before witnessed, and who.-e extreme docility j
and intelligence, have attracted the attention j
of the most nofod fun,, and Httdents of Nn. !
Iliponotamns !
it is declared (Job 40 553 ) "I 'pon earth
eud most complete ever combined iu one
ilti tiian. thi mnst Iio.-m t : till :iii.l nei'i.in-
in i-'jiiCMi mil , r
in 1 ciicciiou m ull he attcmi is.
iioia." mi, t Avtii ilu ij uj in inv tmii'i.
it i. i.i i
Co'jtic Songs, Mayings, lhinees, Slack!
never failing to create a big fuss gen-
pROFE..si!t I.AMiWoTTHY, maitrc du cirvue and
who durinir the exhibition of '.he II in-
popntamus will entertain the audience with an:
exceedingly accurate and very interesting dicrii-!
tion of the animal which he has compiled from
the most reliable sources.
15. W'li.iiANks, the gieat (jyuinait Uidcr from
J. Withers, tivan ' Noonan. Solomon Pratt.
Jones, Johannes J'oineroy, F'ed, Avery
riv. - ia, .Hiss Losa 1 remain, and a host
comprising gymnasts, acrobats, vau'tcrs Ac.
ATTllACTION'S will be exhibited in
cuter thu t-nvn at U o'clock A. M.. nre- i
of Arena.
20.000 A SI M 1.8 TO EK !" I.1 DrRIXll
Sew York, Pennsylvania,
Imliana, Delaware. Maryland,
and New Jersey, ami lie District
of Columbia.
HASuiNrToN, 1). (.'. July -4, letw.
Vill be aoM at puMic auction, to the Uigbet
biUJer, at the time anJ place tiameJ Leluw,
viz :' '" ' " " ' " - ---a-
: .NEW YOUK...
New York city, Tuesjay ani FriJay of each
aevk. Hursts eaeli day. s
New York city. Veduc!luy ol vaoli . week,
'JOO aiulen each day.
F.liuira, Tuesday, August 8, 2fO llnrse.
Ettuira, TtieHduy, August 10. OOi Mul4.
Albany, Friday, .Autrimt .", iO( Mules.
Huffalo, WedueaJay, Au(fiiH Wj, ,'a.io Mule.
I'liiltde'lpliia, Thursday f eacli week, 2ij
I Hjrses eaeh day.' ' . : : j r.
riiilodt-'lvlii.ii Weune-xUy auJ Saturday of
each week, 100 Mule each day.
PittbiiiR, Tliiiriny of earli week, 'M
j Mules each day.
1'oinville, Tues lay, August 1. "JOO Mules,
i MitHintuwn, Friday, Aupn8t 1, i Mule.
I York, Friday. .Uib( 4, 'K Hor-ie.
Newville. Weduesday, AujfUJt ' lo0llor.
Ncwvillc, TliuiKday, Auul 1J. 1U Mules.
Ke.uling. Friday. August 11. -OU Hirsts.
i Shipeusbiirg, Wednesday, At'gust !'", ll"
I Horse!.
I F.rie, Thersdcy, Aiignit IT, i'Hl Horse.
ybijii'ensburg., Thursday, August IT, H"
) Mulesj.
!. Willismsport, Fri.l.ny, August 1H, JO.i Vjt
t jri.
laJiinft. Monday, Aujjust 21,' I i Horo.
Chambersburg, vediieiilay, Aogu'l 23 lUu
' Horse
Cluiuibersburj:, Thursday. Angus', l.
Milioii, Friday. A iiguil 2. 20" Horace,
rarli.sl.-, Wednesdny. Aupavi l'W Hor
r,es. Carlisle, Thursday, Augual ;ll, 1W Mule.
folumbiana. Tuesday, August 1. luO Hor
Salem, Wednesday, August 1. HH Hore
Alliance. Thursday. August . Horse?.
Canton, Saturday, Auu'l . I'M Hordes.
'Ieelaud. Tues.i-iv, August l.iunt Moles.
MaSsitlon, Tulay. August 10. -'imi Hoi-s.
! Cres'line, TU-irsday, August 17. Mules.
Clcvland: M..iM!ay.".tutnt 21, -'! Horses.
! Fort Wnviie. Thursday. Aiiji'ist 21, !.'
: Mules.
j Wilmington. Tuesday i f eaeh week, 2"
' lforses.
1 Wiimiiijrlou. Friday of eaeu week, 2 V
Mules each day.
Trenton, Thursday. August lo. 2) Mulei.
Treutou. Thurs'l.-iy, Anus;2l. 2'to Mule.
llallitnrtie, Wedue-iay. Auj;ii-t '.. and Wed-n.-s
lay of f.ch Week luereaftur, 2"" Horse
t tell -lay. . '
Each eek day, 210 Mule.
ItlKSBOHO. D. '.
Kach Reek day eieeul Ve.iues..ly, 2'
' . Horses.
! An opportunity t purchase a snperior cla
; of saddle anil draft animals, nt far less than
' their true value, t now o!f-red to th public.
I Though ihr mriinr:TV of them arc s.tund and
' serviceable, iheyare iio lunger .required iu the
and are thoroughly broken. krjened by ex-
eri-ise. penile and I'au-ili:vr fro.ii being ;o Aij
i-u.Tomided by the eoldiers.
Animal.i will be sold sinaly.
.iTm to eoniuienec at 1 A. M.
TKI'iMS l'?li in t'uited States enrfcacv.
Hrev. Briir. (ien. in eharj.-.
lt'liv. t. M. i.
Aug. 2:id :'.
; t o
! I j
Ktate of I;tJt H-n'rmm.
.Notice is hereby given tlmt letters of Twi-
; mentary ou the estate ot Isaac ltollman late of
t Miulmtown, deeensed. have been printed i
the undersigned residing in rrrminib
township. All person knowing them
selves indebted to iiiid estate are reu'iested to
! nitike to iniuiediate payment arid those hav-
; ins; eluims will please" present i hem aiyu-
thenttcstcl tor settlement.
An". "' s')l,t-
josi;ni kothuiCk.
Kutatf f lirni. Koicr, rf.r'i.
'Xolice is hereby given that letter oj Ti"t
nientary on the ettate of Penj. Yokrr, late
f Delaware township, decea.-ed. have been
granted to the undersigned residing in the
same township.
All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested to
! "'"ke immediate payment and those haviDj;
ei:iinia win jueJie present lucin uuiy Rumru
ticatcd for scitienicat.
1 7 Notice is hereby jrlveti to all peton?
j who have subsi-ribed for "SchiuurWer'a His
tory of the ltebellion," I't. Isaac l.oilman, ur
ceaned, and who have received the first Vol-.
Bine, that ib second volume- i now ready an t
j will be delivered in short tituoy by the un-
PETEU reed:
1.4 RD.
Dlt. -S. O. K.K.Ml'FKlt, t late wmy iur
peoni having located in Mihiintown. tend
ers his professional services to the citizens o
' this place and surrounding country.
l)r. K. having had ei;;ht years experience
j in hospital, general, and army practice, fecli
prepared to re'iuest a trbl from tho.se who
; may he so unfortunate as to need medical at
tendance. '
F ' He will be fonnd at Will's Hotel at. all
j hour,,exieu when professional engagid.
July 2 ' IMm '
La iiesi be utpli4 witk' neat
and trotid whiles will nud it to rhfir ad.in-.i-
to eU n H. U. WKlXEIi. atLj jhoz, on
51iu MreeV above Cherry,. nLra tiey can
upphed with almost every style at moder
ate pncvji. tletitleiuen hsTinj- repirig th.-y
wish durably and neaily eveciitl will be
Iproiuptiv attentleJ to bv givini; hi in a cail.-
Yrr.n. t CASH. H. D. WKM.KK.
) MiiKictoTrt. July "'ih Co....