Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 02, 1865, Image 1

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    l ": in-"
vnmn7S -4rf.2se.- rfi?5v-ii5SS
.. - i . - - - .X.
CO- ....
wit. i r. nrxnio. of Ialteroi,
l"n . wish to inform his friends anil pa
Snsthatlie has rcmovca to me
I'.ridge Street opposite ToiW & Jordan's Store,
rpr'i-tf ' -
(J! 44li'1tilili 'IT "4: 'I lit
llVMlil y t
MitHirluwn, .luniata i'oei. t4.; iHioe
in Mail; street S.u'lfc ..f lit
I'.r.l lJKN CAVENKV. Manufciar. r of Ton.b
' McAlisterville ami ?"itttn. AH '.
work put tip m'tlte moyt taMrliil ' er.d sul-
Ktmitial nrannei: ;ive Lin. a cail.
pril l.'-fi4tf. ' . , '
1 N0 KX.M!K'
V.' ..urSt.wk of 51a-U-("io'li',ng U-fo--
-..ii I'lirciias Klsewhvi'e. voti will Lml l
Ti.irnl i; 0'l assnriuitiit !! Men ami l''t
Wire, wlticu vii! Ire joM cl'e.ip tor c.;jIi o.
' bountrr pru.li"-. . ...
" ' Ml.'KKV Vl'F.NNi:!.!..
Jan I tf . . . l'atii'i-Noii. 1'-:
Mijilinturrn. Ju''-'i ('-, '.. '
ttiU-rs !iis pr.-foSMHual "erviivi to the ".il-
'id. t'.llfcti'ns au.l fcll ot'ucr l.usincsa
feccive prompt atlcution. Olhce hrt l-'"''r
North f lSelfmil i" Sieve, yTi'ri t
I I.I.I AM M. Al.i.lSOX.
iio'r.vu Uu'j'.if.
Will .iipii.I in all li!isin,-ss fouit ;' J '
,re. Oilice iii - i tt Si
eet. .1-"M
tu, I I.
'I'lli'. ii'i let-signed ill pfon '1'ily
! i t.1
L :o 1 ct i.,n .j'claiiii 13:11 -!i '""" ' M--it,'
- !:'.' "("-i-uu.ieilt. !'i-ll-.o:l:-i,
Vu. l: if. V..y: l'.-iv. nud all o'li-r - -1 i
e'rfsiii-: uul of the prc-eii! or al.y
,M ; t ! : ' io
1 Al.oro
Mil! 'ii'.i.f ;r,
fi. W, Sict'J. Ait'o
t'l.i THS, t'A'SIMF.r.KS. S VTINK'l
. 4j: M A !'. K 1T STRKV.T.
1 ; -'li am! t iftb.
13 i. i. sin s-rr.;i.
V C ! Nl A K E ri AfiP "VEIFP;
S. 1LS North S.l-:OlNI Street. ( orner o!
(inirry, I'Ul 1. Al'KU' III A.
Aa assoitment cf
silver i
l-.oi-.taiiiU-on hand. Sni'at-te f--'r I. '.'"'.! 1
Repairing id Watches and ..-eC-y
t'ronptly attended to
Pee. C,. is yr.
w. a. i.i:vr.;:iNii. -
tiinbt'r & CotiiiitH'oti 31n--?rri!ii
CiiUuKuill STeet Wharf.
... ,rjjil.ideIi-!-ia, i':',
SupplU-s of Tini'oer, Stupes, jioci''.
ibiofi Voles, if i'i lir! I.ueibei- (ii;
i-U';. ,
h-ill be purchased, eonirai t
or reiioiveii
on commission: :il ll et.'M.iii .f.'"e sbipve:-
ciiAiii "manufactory.
Oiricr or the Jum.i f o nt v1
Ar,i:iit:i.TfK?- Sin ihtv, -rerivsville,
(l'y..lii, lSOo. )
. WE do lici-eliy. certify thr.i .'miitiuttc J
on Mariurnctiired .Article'-' luts tuvarded I'M
Cit,nt.r.s W. Wkiizcl the First rrcniiuiii Pr
th most substantial, neatest nuu'C, and J'c'.-i
fiuiehed sett of Chairs.
ti. W, JACOliS, Trtai'T.
Wiu.hm Hkncii. S.ry.
No. ;"20 .iXiCIS Street, above bitfli.
-. - - ' rHlLAMXPHlA.
.Hanufaclarrr an ieaier in ,
and Dealer ' in
WatCneS, I
FINK J h K b u 1 , 1
: ,s o 1. 1 d s 1 1. v e i: w a n v.
.nrf uinerlnr Silver Pl:Kfd W are '
.---:;, :MafJi',t;-T6-J-J, "-mos.
1 "r " "
ITU' a
Iheun.Jers.gne.i oiiers nis mi ..... .... .. .
r.nMIc ! r..n,loeTrvcr and Auctioneer. He
baa bad a vcr
confident that
fho taa y em
at Miffl'mlown
at Mr. wnr nt.t
Jan. 25, 1861. WILLIAM G1VKX. j
IPiir.l',. I'HILADliJ.l'IIlA j ivc.r, '
, . ... .tl ll.l.Hll.1.,1-.
I . I l'ILI.' 'lJtX-IXI-i t
- ..i.-ii.. 1.1.
I'orner FOl.'UTII and M.VV.KKT Sir
N P - Afiw .,ft,k . f I.IXKN -IIAIU.S
f..nc!ar.i!y r, hand. ftH. l- l-S'-.o-Cm.
y large cipener.ee, anu n-e:s . . , .T(liN ( TSSIICU lot !. c-i-, u .m v... y ... -, ;n HUlliei.lC, COnseqilCUUy ,ClU.--lilc;ii.!"U
he can give satisfaction tc a i i - .. -, Iwi-uvt ;ou Id-bud a - mora- cfiiiHteHi ., v,c i,t, Verv imperfect., thoucra
ploy him. He may be addressed t.v..rt. .la Vubiished dal.iw., on.l ;.it twivw ihatt UlC i T. r.... ;K,.T.. ,.;.,'.,..;'l.'..i-,.
, or found at his home m rer- , . ,1 .....-t. t hr- . .- .- ,,- : : v . -i
,.,i. .mr also be left .Mam Mreet. nexi. ooor mir mil t't, tue .eiui. jui. fcii-i. is not some oiiort inane at e ass net-
the sle of the first sk-r'es of SnrtO.OOO.OW)
of tLe 7- Loan as compleltJ on tbo Slst ofi
larcb lt(. TLe sale of the socond series ;
of Three Hun.lreil Millions, varaMe three j
J'" - fr' l-' l3r bf JulK'' !-10- waj -
,. ou ,i,c 0r April. 7a V.f -or ;
of tK:!y il.iyt, nrer 0r. Uundttd Milium j.
A(fr lcaviug t.iy K-ss j
iliau Two llnn.lred Millions to be disposed -f. j
:ntt.resi piyable semi-mn!'.'jr 1:1 '.lr- '
p atlc!ed tu th no.e. wUich J..
? i-ciuHIy cashcl atywhere. U aiiiouhlcii:
Cities, Coiii'H or Stales. auJ the iuterext i-
n..t tcl v.tiUf on "urpUiA of tlte-owners
.xl.wCli;: 'inj,il JolUr ii
This f"-' iiuTi;,,.'?e1 tlieir vai'ie fioui. one Xt
liuve -:r eet.:. fer r'tfttm. ccjr1'ng to ill
inie levied mi oilier property. I
SH'sorite Quickly.
Less i si.-. u SJO l,liiil',"l'" nf the ii oan a'lthor
I; lite In;'' Loifrcw a;;c r.o'.v on t::r m:iv
l.o ills. 'I-"" ."..'
if.'.' itHl'iitnl if firtftt f
r-..ooV ;n,i? H" ro.'.'Mn'''
riri-.---' s-v i'. i: , i.'
hi order that e'.liiis
eeTion of :iie r,.n:itry ii".-- 1
lies fur taking 'l:- 1-ian. lii-'
i-veiy town nit
; ailor-jd faeii'
N.iiinnil I'aiiks
-"late Tiaii'K
'' I'rivaie li.inkVvs tln-ii-hi-i:i
:;.( cotiiy. I tt f eucral'y ngircd to receive
m!seripli-rti a' far. - Sirl-:r.be.r!i,
il ea- own .ii?n:s, in wioim th-y !::ne eoiift-.'iH-e.
.11: '. '.: ..are only t.. 1.- rej-tiiib' f
i'Le de;iverr-;' i!,i- joo-s f,,r an-the
our reul Vfl'1" oiifT -50.niilr.
ritcem ... f iOOx "
91000 '
: t
Vore and iTprc Desirable-
i lie rebellion is snpjn-es.sed. aud the (!nv
ernmcnt lias ahead- alopied ir ! to re
"e expenditures a? rapidly ns. jc'i;S?le to
a pea,.:C Rioting. lUu ti iiiidrawing fro:u mavk
ri. as borrower and purclrsi-r. '
Tiiis'is the nri.'i lo.w i mM:Ze'
now olfered by I '"0 'iovi-ruioeti'. and eort iiiu-
'.-': tVc '.iii:.f i-iU'i'-Mi f-.'iw "i
rui: rr.oi'i.i..
t ...
Tiie S( vfii-Thin v N'-if ni! omvrri ,M
l-.IIV, 111 I:.;
lion of the h dder.
V. S. Six per cent.
li()LP--tKAinNO .1HNDS
-li;cli ;n-.' altv.-ies y-or:!: a Tireinnii!'.
Free from Taxation. -
The 7-:i: Xo(c- v.inuoi be tated by Town-,
.i.... "
I'ririi-l'iirg National IJank of llari-is'nurg.
f i!si National Hank of Huntingdon.
First NiCioiial lbiok nf Si-Iinsrove.
.Itfl lir I'oiv. I'ver, & 'o'. !'-:fik.-:s.
I' .TUM,LHHr.tc.K;.fc u ui ni Ci2V-' toi tlte c.u of ed-. yoico poured " fcru cur,e, itpontlio
;. .. . ..... : - ., . ... " i.45yii!r:it wnkillL' n i kilitto ive U P TtlOInnnnonr-. ., . .. i d d Yankee sou of a- r- .
bciiw a'Korbe.l. w;l.r.U su'oscriua lor irif hc your? elf a sillier true, J , ... . . . ' . i ,t ..,,-, I " - . : " ' ' : t i ,,
., ,, .i r. , . ii.v!,- 'hi.l monotony ol the fClioo-t r"oin. j 7 eu1W I'EKFoKMKD. Iu adiaitiMU caJ ed 1 ey aann to bw awtane.
!n svv..t.o-itli olii'Ti i!ie notes wi I undouTiieo- ; tfa when tire nndginoKe are hirliei: . .. i -t. . , t, , , .-1 rt 11 . 3
' .. , ., ! rocro sr. vovkforvouto'd,-.- - -; anil all beeit-o mtfrtvtl,- In i ns- to tj10 fo al,()VC inciilinejl, I held . -(,UCc aiorb lcatorf was bcH op;- and
U , ,.1 a oliirn. as I.a, ,..:.for.iv,.ec:, fj) Mi .; j, ; ; ; taront, Lack antl Fermanagh, the Sec- ? t j.uWic cxmnin-uions, made 207 vis-: that tim0 hb tara up.,n them. ,mikd
h.. --ae !.n l.i.:!i!r 'lie faliscititiiiua ti other,.; - .. ... . ' , . ift.ii'v mniril me rouuu.-WIHIO Ttj tlvo (TtfTi.fAiit sebools." trtiVelM ! .. . . . ,
- ion .t po wttti icariitt trea. i; V- . .... v . ' lU- , y"m t ... . . ! with a Rolt. SWe
!s.-.-,;-.s A.iavr. nunu, uZ'xv "iving ! 1 M "otia te'thc district were flf such a grades we Vome last ! CUII' J 5"' whf lK Uvc
s, h-B.T...N-KivKHbyibe, r,Si,kvo, W -i-i onoonunify toil,ni,,,e':1 out, (yet 'not ev;osiiig' any ! winter. H. R ZIMMERMAN-.' i been bad you heet. hampered itb yur
!,sl Nai.ona ISank 1 biiaile:;..,,,,. , W I: t.Hl. OU . V,J ..iic. ! and the Inant.Cr of correcting j (Wy thlf,riHkb nt. fret tldtl.ir.o, -
1 usi National Hank ot Alioom.. enter the ho'lSC When the hCllool V , . .... ... ... .. v .1 'tot . , .. . - . , - , r
first National Hank f llii,lr. ! 1t. in s(,jOU f,nl commit ileprcd.l- tlK'm piVCll. J hrfllliectc Vfl! Would til- PkKRY SVH.IiE. June 18, 1 ' hcn Jot sfjfjfft'ach tl.c dmttirig -wrtrb
Miifiintown. ra
(ri-il-tiMs of Alt't
"cventy-iiTC cciilJ
less for the first 'tirertion three iuser-.
'us lor ti. ,u aim oo cents lorini i,nM-..,cu.
i noetlini-;. r.-ta'o . .Notice .J.iin. rioiea-
... . . ....
, t.i i.. i --.1 ....... ill-
sioiia, niid l.'isir.. s cards wah t aner -s.im
per year, ''"rcliantilc c-:rds rti'b aer iyKi.tiO
k-r vear. I.oeal-ifd'ir'e" i" rK'.i fit Vtf.
- ,,,rt.d. Wherever thtvc is a full series
Vnitl ISISO i .,f text book', M.c clasficthm if! good :
. r( ,. ' i but in some 'districts there is no lHli.
,sJtf ;":ue ""'lormitv of books, and. of ..ebntse; tW
People oeghyo tiiok.to their inttrcst an'I ndr ; inltv expcrienceI in proeiirif?2 a-snji-
venic in tlitsr,S:ST!E;. as its circulation . : ,f tcacl.cis. V.'lieii ail the te.teil
i about one.lVrll- larger tlrarl ay fiber ji.-s ia,l bCen Clitjihrjed that COtlld be
paper puWieH in tte county. ! found, there still remained a number
J WORK K;XVr .- .
Diebih sheet Wis. t"l.--: rjuartcr ;iicc;
,:i!s VtJiiii; half ' sheet bills'? t: whole
!,eo KU-1i WHa arc tlfW piven if dc -
i;r;rfi. - Wiinks ?-.'h) p-r ouirc. ' colored or
'. a- ...f.,' e .lu.jKt S:.HI rel- liuu
idreiU. Job Work .espectr.illy solicited as e
ibelieve re oan do up Jobs u j-ly U-.fi-:' .
e WM,uij),l?u-
Mifliintoini' Juniaia .Coniity; Piy...' 'rrji
Wednesday at the rale of 2.U0 per year in j
advance ar.lt PlM -it nM. paid ilb'm Ihei
year.' YVe wi? cash business as i
- I . . i.nnnat
neariy-a possible".'' We wi to'aeal honest -
' 1,-and alike with all. ah'l therefore need not (
i 7:17
lrt and Iri.s of err fri-' ' '
r ; -
i he asked tu rary frifrt! W terms by any one.-
;y KTTl.ns ,ii' iiriai i.i.ui""
. . . -r
' Pt.cr. in.d.li.-mi.. .ho,: J he addressed
; -A. I. bentinel Olhce. Mtlhr.ilawn, r-
. . i . z i f.;- -w rn-f mir r i t iini lit: j.i i
;r-.I; YOUR mission.; .
. if yon eannot on the ocean, ' , '
Sail among the swif:est fleet,
.Rocking on the highest billows,
. . . Lauglni2 at the storms you meet ;
You can stand among the sailors.
Anchored ye within tie bay.
You can lend a luuni to Uelp them.
,; As ihey launched their bolt's away.
t't' volt i"'c j'2-J weak to journey
l"p the mountain steep and high,
T6;i cap stnj t withiu.tlie .!lcy,4 . '
tt hile TlHumilfitndes po by f ' '
,u vnu chant hi Imppy mcaSiire.T? !
; A. they slowly rrii! c along :
i hoPgh rhey may forget the singer
Tlicy will not forget the song.
. ft y.ii PsvilMt'lgOwl nri-.l silver;
. tver reaJy to conunainl.
" t :'i cannm toward the n;eiiy
lU'ncii ad cvo open bawd, ' '
Von eon visit the Afll!cr, ! : . ' i' : .
r Hie erring -oti ear. wfcp '" l; :
Von can '.'e a true disciple.
Sitting at the Savior's feet.
Von cau bear away the wounded.
iort can civr up the. Hi-a'i;
- - "-' '
t-'o not, 'livn. stand idiy W:iitiiig,
For ijornc greater work to do
Fort tin is a lazy goddess, v,
She will nercrtomc to yoit j. .
tio and toil in r.ny vineyitrd."
lo nt fvir.io do aiid dart !
fi' you want a field of Iati.vr.
Yon can f.nd it anvw iicre.
' "
iTV S(:Pr.i'IX
Si'HOUl.S. :
. .Vv.M Al. IlKI'Oill' OFfor.NTY
1I.MM.M K titvt vu.1!
. 1 lol-SfcrS.rAlUlOUgll ll'CIC
i ueni several houses uihUt contract at
the beiauninsr if-the; , year, only one!
1 was fMiipletcU'whie-U was in Tsaro -
1-1' In some instances tlie liouses were
' . . , .-. .. 1
part I v eiveted and tlten icitio oe con'-
pletl at some other lime. This waa
1 i t 1 1'. 1
i '
'ilf.-f ir.-asure owintrtot'ic Mikity
laborers, who could not be had at
my price.
i'YuxlTri:K. I here - were, sever
'lou.ses siiiii'licd with"irood furtiiturc
, 11 ,
:41.-st summer.
tunc m
'tins tint v
j mor(.
. ":
i hen- was no ra r
i ; to n-L'ivtted that in many places
there so little care taken of outline
.,:,iij nrimarv chr.rs: many have
Ii '11
v.l o..i,,ib .fii.1r.r-
.i,l..iiw,.ij ,
i the number ol "nt'loa t-lioo's, mere-
fore, remains the same as Deiore re
it or.- miit nil t'.iiiiifi! iit iTtjiiiiiit i., . in
i .. 1 .lf T.
; . . - tl,Wl..
- -, . . . .. -.,
I m 4-. 1,,-rl, tr,-,- ;imfr2 II t-
Ol- tilV; fltjIlOOJ.S DOll HI lliuin.1
' O o in nf- 'iv; ui.'.'i;iiBi-i I .-..... i .
. - t
Tk.v.:mkk. --There has nevtr been
a time when there was so much dilll:
.j - .... trt M1'r,t,1iotl - These
i Ll to be HIM witU whatever kkid of
; t(.,lt.i,c, co,, ut i,c1uiuhI. tntoomauj
instaac'cs the schools would much bet-
; . ... have . remained closed, but the
: : i 0r .tho ncople compelled the
.'..i ... cdiru da in con-
i:ni-i iois i" i Mivi. inv
, ()f which 1 was often con -
s)!.iti,,e,l 0 o-,vc ccrtilwatCS where they
were not deserved : but such were not
4l,iwr'; chi.i. tvtv rever hart a more
f.lltbflll Corps , of teacl'Cl'S ; .tflCY hl-
, f;li,srull'r. :aild di!igClit!y, and
: ,,,,,,.1, : hr.-Asr. cannot be' awarded
. tjCm for the good tln' have tloilC,
- - ..
Examixatioxs. Thh wits the most
; hexing n.i wv
rollieiid duty- I held ttro p., b ,e
lamination);-' nf evt-ry district. !n .wine
Itliree. aud'' in some tour and more.
.three ana' in some iom ami m -i--.
W hil'c Hiakintr ,v first round in vis-
, K I. , for private" CXlimi-
vlllll .1 1 I
. ..... . .,..l.l l,-lT-
.Ulltil llil'H IVI',11'1 linn. , , , , . , . .
i ,..,...i b-.r , . i " IL ' 'i1'"""-" i"1' f notcii 01 tueir time mat tnev coui'i nm nccident it lniyiit bo ol servee. a
on,, j .s .v..t i I;,;.;,,.;,,,,,,, l,.w l, ..l,.-,,,.,! . , i.. iik lA. ( : i -
been ooli''ML to sp..Mia so niiieii :', ,,, , i . p lM,, l" v-" , :cut ireaiise or. tac an 01 s-.viinii.iuii tas
Vr i .....1 ; I ' (i" nob I that there is no p:acc where The inard of director-: in even-dis-i , , ? , '
i nusiii'rsoldwis b?r.nt,ali'' ; , , . 1 "'J l"llr l 1 ll",alu, 1 V -, . ,f the rescue of drawing person".
.n.enintoUieanny. Inipo.ni,;- ;i --T- t "! ' If you have any distance to .win,, the
nix.u liieschooi noaru. uu,- ,- . ;, ,,,...,,,,,,, .,.,, r ... - . , l(t
li'irin t t the iii-D-Jtientv of t ie i .-ie.tetir..s. i u-uou-n w., ccilt tUus Clicourain'' f'CS't Tc;-;lie,"S, "-- - '--' ' ,
i'.,i- tlin iifnis i,.-. n, -tliauney-i 1 f -.- ; wnicii was proiicr aim nuiu. j ne ou. v i " " . .,
.. tllO I1I1K. llhl . Ill.lll 0 ... -,;,,,., I ,,ft .p,.tlll. !,,:...., t... L .i . .1. . 1 - A. f.l ..f '.,! enn rush
el-- that li!w vet taken place '-""- v -i- - unug u;ue rcgreueti was mat ms myu moie iu. -
. i . i i t. is hf-i there in 'i':e. c lav. w hat I other- 1 ,...! ,,-,- o,.,t;, f.,11 int.-. tlm lion,1,( .t. i, i, ...f.,, ;,! n.l nnl alm-ntv.
,notl' CI, l Ti I 1 1 i I 11 - - i . .7.1 l,u V ..V. t. II 1 1.. A. II III ly I'll. iui. u; i I Lll'JUlt IHV n.l , j-
lfc7" - - - '
( tn?otrtiiisi o th laws. I .. . .-. !
w(&aV but J never, granted them !
JOMJULiUy avoid -t . usu-
! nllv nfinnintil rfTrttmrn- uinie.
iiv.' "ir r . . : v . . ,. .; : 1
scirooi tiouso ur xu.it, purpose, n'r .
directors un.l citizpns art opportiv.r.tv
ti) attend " The most fateful dutr. I
had to 'perform j was to-grnht' certitl-
cates to pcrsoiis who were not' rii titled
to. one: , .out this was cover uone wuu
(ff first consulting the. boaril .pf . di
rectors, nor tuitil it was .dcoivled. that
it,was tlie best thing that .could be
done , under "the 'circumstanoes.' " In
Soiiie ' district-" the examination.) wtro
j well attci'idcd by directors 'aritl -citi- j
ir.ens: bnt in eonw plas, on arriving
Rtturj 8Ciiooiiiou,iionn auioiioi.
lOflceO ami no oneooniaioiime.wticie
tofiud the kcv.. This Li verv. annoy
ing; direetorsshould sec .-to it to have
t!ie house opened in time.. , , ...
VisiTATiox-Two'. hundrel' aivl
!e veil visits' were' made in all. ' -Ml
j the scliools were1 visited -twice : '
jtcen thive tinios,and sonio four times.
! income distncts tne wuoio wru nu (,xVese. ., , . .. . . .. I tm ,be sca(r0M. . ou Cat.l.art How uP the
i iu-ound with mc the-second $ ' There hrc'fivc ltoiTirr' sct-ict'e r,r-,,,, , r , r r-'4 - -Where
this was done it always : re-! ,,anred in different pans of the ormntV. W f'S
!'oH.,. ; .Voo.1 t., the :u-.li(h,l.-5:i.l.;..K.1.1. .m.I, introst .in their r. J,reat fury, while Ius cracked and wiry
? i
1:1 cf,--iio ou ricic u nrr 1 fi-.uij- ill,
T... T . .;
r;uu.U aUcndfd. ' It is a notably fact t 'r V , Jut 24S tiavs inofticial d-t- - fiK'rcd hi. whole fUtc. All the bid.. u,r
tiiat tne poorest school .'are ahyays j ti,-;:in. a great deal of time in ice- tlcd look fled. ( ocrage, love,, pny
jl'ouiid'wliera the penpTo are the least i uiiilir. "::!;, . : - pension, Pa!"? ba'--'k to h'm- He tried t.
f in le rested in tiie cVm.-e of education, j .U(.;jtAK'P. Tboyai' ttiiouirV.v-'Iucii nerve himself to stand.' Tta offiecrs re
j 'I ahvays spciit hi'lf u -lay in ; -a j.wc have just sstl, lins Ijceii.thcni'! : !cacd hisi, a be ?ccbsc! to dwirc. He
Iw'no.aJ. ccij.t in a Very fe ii1?'.anw3j trying one to .the school, cause ir tiiis stacre.l, and he wonld bav fallen.
wi,cre tLe N"!lools ttXwxn7U an' not j '-ounty. So many of ir f-achcrs luVl v,,Ml,lcUtary iu ?Avt; his bend
I ...nj ..w.,rf...l hurt.
. :ui viii,
,!rcd and twodajs m yiatiii schools,
;J lost but one dav from thcCcriuuiur
j ot veiiibcr to IhemluiPitf of'Mareh.
, 1 almost always a'tdrc'sscd the 'school
i hefore'; leayiirjr: it.'siieaking'from five
iu:inii" ! . . . -
stances seemwt to tTquire:-
J Ms.n:icT.u.j-' 1 1 e ir.j- timiwi
1 district niSUtate.-? were organizcU must
. of which kept ia successful oeration
... ,:i ih. 1 , , i 1. ...1. .,,. t - In
l,,.,l,l Ibn nli.'.i i.t thn..'..hOlM.iVin til'
"uui v.n.. i... sn...... w......
I those fstricts where none -wa organ-
ji:d. the teachers mostly joined with
those of adjacent ''distrk-'t?: The one
in 1 )i.l-.woi-i liw 1 ome Ii rtiv-tii.iiient.
iorainization. is kept up Summer and
1 1 - . . i i . .i i t i :
inter, ami lias toe iiouor m ut;ii . j( jie raisinrr r't fitloierS !?oiiptv: I n to nave some qoou pian mi yruvvumu iui
tlic best I ever saw. This one, will be , fli.trk:ts this dutv tetJupe."4 so , i,re.-sed on tbeir minus, fo that iu case -cf
w "-c couai not nave none at an. :
Tlicre I had all the teachers of the
forsr then all the defe-t-that
' ' ,
' that ..those instructions, were
- r ' ' -I" .1.1
out., . Aianv otner aavanttiges resuiiou
from them which'T citrrnot here m'-p-
t , r "'e i ""vf n
'. ns.der well regu-
kea tnstru-t nistUutes cf. Lwt bene-
t to the schools. - i. --.;..t-: ,
Tt is not for me to comment on
and Tiiscarora are ; the.; only districts
m-whicb..the,tjero.tjiry acts, as district
surieriiitendent. . This is mostlv owing
to the fuct that the Secrehtry had not
the time to spare;1' 1 irCetoi-s would !
well to select such a one from' their
number to this position, whose busi
ness would' lie t-oiitine him so closely,
so that he couhl devote-more time to
.... , i. in .I- ,-..-
.visaing scnoois. . w nere iuis uiiijjs
well perfbnue'l it add yuiw material
ly io schools. r
UX'IrliUMlTY OF TlCXT '' TOOI5.'- Ti1
all the schocls f here is a uniformity of
L-t.w and spellers : in eleven dis-
..... .1 . : .. ri
i incw mere j a- uuiwiiiiity -ui u.vi
1 w.i-r throny-hottt: but -in' the remain-
Jn,r f, yc tllCl'O is ft. 'ICat AivereitV of
jbooks, on giTmmar,; jceography ,;and
tiori.' A' full scrf': of text' books lias
been adopted in nil the-distriots. biii
the resolutk'T! has riot ;beei, enforcel
bei.,ausci:f"ino jx:rson; are very niucdi
opjifisvutif j.t i.i here are ur.ij-t -liiswii-
ccs. wherq. t.eadwrs at tlieir own'ry-
spi'iusibihty- etiangea- the ikkiks hi
tliir own' 'School, thus Vireakiiig thf
.,,.:- :.., ! ..J ,l., TKaAnn,
iiuiiiiiiiiu v iii i -.ju'u.-iio i.
not he' toMrabM. and teacuc-hdrtiig.
pis should "b",hI'l fcrronf-:bI;; , It
is often 'done ,wliere'"'the.' ;drri'Ctor.s ;
kuow nothing about it until the change
1 Ti .. .- , :.---,;.. 'V." EniTOSts
is 'effected,..- If directs would visit !
the seboola rnorUnly, tcaciiers wouiu j
not ' linvp. tliii Same omortunitv t do i
" -- . - 1 L J
Aiokal INSTRI ctio:t--iiio ikmc
jrftS retid in nearly all1 tl schools i
j niant word byxncf lmth praref many j
i;,,.,,,.;. An-! i-On!
!;the whole, moral insHltctioiirtVa Uol-
crably.well-attended t : any crdinary-tBgagemCBti au4 the scour.
' CorxTY IXSTITCTKA There fttrcl'lrtldetaatiTe giowrcd wt :th.prbodr
thro Institutes Jieltl ; ones at Bethlc-
hem. one at. MvUoy.sTilie, aivl one at
Thoinpsontown. .'There . wasalso a
icctin? cf the Teachers' Ass'K-iat.ioii
nt.Aliimntown in raw,
tiotwitnstan'.v.nc;iiie inclemency ot inei ,
Weather at the time," was ii very intr-!
ostium one and hihlv profitable to all
wlwrtttemled for'iliesakeof improve-
meiiL.. ThecUilisef MiHIinandPat-
terson manifested iviicli ink.c';('t in tle
meeting not only by attending,
also nt keepiug 'the, twdx-s clear
....... .i . i
t ., -r .,-i-ii,- 1 . oin.-.in ei.
. 1 , . ,1 .
I -.1 . i. '.V"' i . J :"l
eiiuer uone 10 inu aniit, "i - u.. ' -
j Mtions hiarlo -vaonT'f in othftr d.Tai:( -
;.inenfe of business thai it 'was foMni
hnpossible to prW-nre.a s'ii.lieientT)mn-
-.T r,f properly quablred teachers to
fijl'our frhntili " We were, therefore,
in rr.anv iilstav.ec'A fcrrrpc'led to noivpt
itv,S aS teachers whn vtfe'- u!k:Uy
: uaualirieih-ana .their. labors in the
..otM .room .rhowed plainly that the;
-hoo! 'j'.vouM t'nuch better, have re- j
,v ' t ' y -'; - i -ii
uiautcu cjosw,,. uw,,i;u, (m, iu
j not be the (jaw. during tlpraont vtar.
. I.I 1 ,U l,..i. II
j . j?lU ,
the most svinns drawback the
,.nf ,-i4l wnc o ,nt of Ttl'i llier
: i. c .l;,...,.,,-;, ,,,'oua traics may sa
ctnsntncuce of tlHr bavins: to aHend
I .1 . . . . . .. . , .
woi-tlde.ss tt?achirs.. We hn.v-? a riVfT-
,,ct 0f a bctter supply. of teachers for
'.,..,..' ...:n i... 4
rtLL.3 Yt 1 1 1 IIUL IJC l.T'UIJl U' liU V 'Hl'J ill'- ,
i Yl'VTH.ATR Vfll.R. f'll T T TITv V V'St UOinT.s.
'.-.".n. VVJI . ,..,..u..u
Vi'c commoud the f.illo:'' tc th: r'ld-
! cr of the Sestinet'.
Most parents, before retiring io rest,
rnak-: lt d itj to Vitt tbis sleeping rnonis trel cvr i anil your own uiovemcnbs.
of" ihbir cbildrcc';' They do so I" . c'rchi j Ills face 1 rem you the temptation
to be satisfied tint' the lights arc extin-; to prVpplc with voir is removed, and yi
guiHhc'd.'au'd'u-.kt no danger ia tbreatcning ) have more facility' to maSo to the slu-rf;
their tittle ! ones.,' Hut if they leave tbe;ur'uit convenient j-l.n-e-of lauhng.-r
ropin 'with closcd windows and door-, they ! Xr attomp to seize a. drowning person.
shut , in as trrcat an cncin? as arc. a!. -
igh bisravages may not be so' readily
icted, ' Toi'son is llierc', slow but dead -
. - ' ' t .
lv." Moruin- ifter mbrnisK h W " Tit-
tie child rcn Ttakc weary, fretful and
pressed, ;';Vh!tt can it Wean what can
it be ? tb mother crtea:. ;Jn dfafslr -be
bus recourse to mcdieino. The ennstitu -
tin bceomes. enfeebled, and the
grows eorse. The cause perhaps, is never
traced .to overcrowded .1ceping'i..o)is,
without proper air ; but it -b ncvertbolees,
tbc right 'eu-. An mtolligciit mother,
having aeri'iarntod herself with the pritf-
cipled ot ventilation; will ntjt retire t-? ber
' own rcem -iithoiit li.ivli: - r.raviud a su!Ji -
. of-. r ; . .- !;. i . , ,- -i t
c'tcocji of air.'. for berebihlrca, m the I .. i.n); a,l hold coi'ir t,.p-.ie about
same manner that she provide, and reg-t- f ;"-v,t"aiV a very
:te.s their tnght covering., or. any other ! lr; al f L," ' . - : , t
reqttbflp.fyr5e.lxeila.os' Suinkt, ouic-j ti.md man. anl hay been frightened ; at
tituesi by .iui'lkiously lowcripga .windo-.v, I Vu;ir ...IfAn." ' .
and aA'Othct-timea by leaving a door wide ; -'" ; - ". '"
opeu, tbiseiuVmay be atuine.1. In niaj- j?.T -I say, printer, d y.n take, go
hoiucs the day and nfett nursencs.com- epimi.nt m-arr ?'No. ;Wbat..tbe? rta
munieate. When this is the .-a.-o. l':.m jin't-it.v led : - V- i-t-si- ia .jrei.
n,,,i,l,ni,iF. Ilm Iiirrbor -ri.n.t Oniil -1 t.C
I ". ' .... ,
i ict orieu. aii'Hlie ilo-'r i-ci.W4-su tno r-joias ,
'.;t.ew;-, np- -j-:Vf3 in t
j-ifc-a ,'w;tr
rouog ebiidro can boar-.tbis tarratigeJ I
ment, f they are not exp-d t a direct,
draft, I
AVUOLE MMBEfi, 9a 3;
A hSEcntw.K the W-A-
n. nicnarosoD, m uiamrwi. ..
nrisnment. tars i
' ii 4 " 1 1 rrt , -TV. 1 V 1
ctr ifo p,i.soa until he was "nearlv
acd then L'e
oUl to be Lan , r . , s ' "
"Capbart and atdon iley lmmel
through tftc dreadfrf affair ak if it swre
who had been icvi'.cd W tto;?3 tlje exc-
cutiou. as H he regretted'
ke conu noti perform,
(J ( v. ,
vefy nmeii- ta:i
i'.'O anii."il-!i;
"The cstiraallc txtutr . havh.j; l.orno
I'cuton to t'uc scaffold, rakasod llioix t'jld
jt Jutti and tuld lwrn. tqtauJ,-vf. ..v3hcjr
then dwended, and ordered an -KtrderHnj:
ij"pu!! tho drop.'- Tri ; fcHW bad V.j
hand u'pou tbc rope,, wbch . the,. c;j.i;n
looked around with a ghastly, barf id's.Hi
j w,nc? mattered. svmctbingaud.sat'" dovrii
...... - ... .
H Ull II sill I . SMV';i
. .......
1 :i . . . 1. . 1
i ,,ro' u,Ui ; "s--i-
'' ;'Hrrj, burry ! oried oit JaP?
n:irti ni '"".' ,''kc' yaJ "ih
i -d Yankee will die- ia mir arms if
vow doa't feant ?tim quick !" '
.-(, p.; ',tfa tu tw'i
; W1S gwaT;cr, itf' lfce aif;
Val Tcuues-
sivis'n Pkow.niso rEKSox's. At
. ... - - ' j -
, ; . -u - . J .
tbj casoU o. tub far, wheu bathing.- w
thj rahVl0n ibb: 'ideas io rcr
:nrd to vhat ourrLt to be dune dl Uanger-
1 C,
r.ianv live?. .' Fer.su0.t
I w'h- swim and frciitrcnt the water oupht
I . i ' . . i v. ' . e ' i....
..,1 ;f ,l.-irnimr ii. r.o.n '! succeed in
! ( b:n(T your c1 freeing
jourstd!, fccicg uakcl, art iuauiutwb.t
, diligently ail oppoiiunuj,
- , ,
i iy im; Uitth "i t.i '. ..... w.
fler. aou win, ia i;n.j muu,
:J i .t,t .1
i' . -it i.;.a :r...
, afic! to cp. a,m a .".- -
' you, and cr.ercisa tlic moat . porieci eon.
; bw hair o! the beau, mere i ?re
dsnRcf td be apprehended it. so doing, fiif.
1 as tbc artnk are at liberty, you arc . Iiabb'
!.!. .i.i In . .l.i'.i 1 1 .r-ri ti in a tlMillienl
! to, be eaaght.in a death-grip i.ia;ncu
1 Ji.-;nTf.yKp at Siiaijows. A1' M
, Uiw wcnt (l) ;1 j,.., priest, aitd told .bin!
J h ioUg fa,.c, thai- he had aeon a
1 ' '
i ..vheu and where ?." ',"" ' T'--
'paing by tbo chiir.-li, and ',
a;raiuat tU wal, r.it did 1 belmld the
t f " r
j,-',,;;, (' m,cr a-kcl
j ( ' 1
j " lfiir!..i ; 4e hliapV vf a' grv'l
! .. .'...
' . ... . i. '. .-..? ;
i silllll.- i T 'K'll U",l Itlvn -r .
?ay l".jshtOiiil pr'tferb
have a venter fill !"
' inu?t