Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 26, 1865, Image 2

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    itmtats ScnfuwL
A union .nf hike, ami a of la nth!
union to' fo'cer s hall fte r; I
. . , . . . '. , -,.
A anion, of hear?. n,id it union " hnmii, (
.: "T. jj , F f J c t O W "
Wednesday Morning, "July 2ft,'
A. I.. KL'SS, Editor.
iff- rrovlnim I-iberty
.Tir-Throughout the Land ajhlf'
to ALL the &ar
;if Inhabitants Thereof.
has the Largrmi CirctlatioH of uy paper pub
lished ia tbis County. It is therefore the
t virTtitmo mtdim. U is it Paper, truly
loyU ably conducted, a firt class Locality
and well worthy of the patronage of every
lr! citizen ra the County.
Bf. " Treattin invst be math odious;
Traitvrt tnttit be pvnish'd ond imporer
ished. Thei mint not uny be pmiitlicd,
hut their ocial poicrr, must he destroyed;
And after hiakivg (re.anon ydious, evvy
Union men and the Government should
lir Ttmuntrattd ovt tif the pockets of
those uhb hurt inflicted this great infer
ig vpnn tlu country.'' President Juhu
oo, April 21, I860.
Stonewall Jackaou'i oiI.
We f re indebted to John J. Quay, at
I.tnchbitrg. VY, for a opy of Rev. J is.
R. Ramsay's Sermon on the death of rcb-
td Gen. Stonewall Jackou,"lst I'resby
tvrtan Church, Lynchburg Va May 21,
U63. ' ;
Of course this nii&guided ruau u he'd
dj as model of christian holioetand
be Johoies are exorted to let their watch
word, when charging on the Yankees, b,
Forward in the name of Jackton't God,
and this would insure thorn victory over
the foes of the Country, the Church and
Christ? From the looksjof the "last ditch
which the rebels lately found we judge
f be Chivalry muit have reversed the mot
to and gOD, "UackwarJ, in the name of
Jackson's devil." Kanibay consoles him
self that though Jackson is dead yet rays
he "ttitf nobk Vuiuf ot 'our armies, our
beloved nd bouored aud njagoauiinous
I in strong in the fear of 3od."' Ho
arc you now Mr. Ramsay and how is the
rtrcngb of Lee? 1
cnial Acquiuntancr. ,
' Man is a social being God hath made
him' so. To ipend years without speaking
10 any one tuust be m awful punishment.
Ttt there are some people so dry aud mo
rope that one would think they would be
ontent to live in a world by themselves,
tlowevcr we do not belong to that class.
We like company we love a pleaxant, go- J
nial friend yet like all other people we
have, our owa peculiar notions of what
constitutes au agreeable person. Wc bc
licve it is right aud christian, while wc
think enough. ot all, to think more of some
special oucs, for we Bud that even , the
Savior had a ''beloved disciple" among
the twelve... He loved all, bub especially
loved John for some reason just as'we
prefer some of our friends .before others.
Kindred .spirits are attracted by each other.
Some men love others for tho very, tame
reason that others hate ; them. . As -men
differ about beauty;, so thy differ as to
the agreeable. .." .. : '
v Since we have aiadeour home in Mlf-
fliny we formed .the acquaintance of a
great number of very genial friends
persons whose pleasing smiles aid familiar
how-do-vou do s have given us inucn
pleaeuret And we are sorry that we can
sot y so of all. However, we can say that
the, lines have . neither been arawn by
Church, nor Party. . !
:. The duty of placing the manacles
bpou Mrs.' Surratt; escorting' her to the
gallows,' and supporting her until the trap
"fell, devoir ed upon Licutouaut 'Col. W .
II. M 'Call, of Lewieburg, 1'enna. ' When
tJaoiBi; the' irous upon her wrists, she
told him ho-wasuo gentleman, or he
would rot do eo. " Colonel 3I'C. told her
Vhat ilVfas Tj,is unpleasant duty, in obedi
ence to ordera, ag4 hot "his choice"'''' Her
ariin'gjs&lutc to' hrm "jjati" '"Tou arc m
scoundrel tr which were al&urthei." last
aujjble 'words she uttered.
JtfaWs oert awooorn .rrokin:f tier
it ihistims of the tear tlian it nowloes
iu this couu'rv.
What Constitotes a Democrat.
We arc credibly ioformcd that twa old
cojyperheads wtre talking together"-'about
VresiduTit Jph nsonwmineovet to., trie
Democracy. ' The conversationtook place"
aoinc weeksago- before the conspirators
were hung. The one remarked '
"Andy Johnson is coming over to the
Democracy in fact he always was a
"Well I don't know I do not see what
"evidence you Tiave of his Democracy,"
'replied the' other, i.V.i .'.-..; :;'.'' ;' ''u.Y.
"Why I'm snre he has not hang any of
the conspirators as yet." .
afraid he wili." . ' : ; '. ' i ; '-.
I ' 'n ! T do not think He will in fact
he iare notjje kne the Democratic
, , , ,
part ts opposed to shedding any more
This, evidence of Johnson' democracy
war : given in-good earnest and without
knowing that any one! heard it. Every
one may make his owa comments. We
notice that stock in Johnson's democracy
has gone down aboufc 9o per. cent below
par since the execution., :Aud when' ha
; hanqs that threat representative democrat,
Jefferson lbvis, we fear they wjll give up
all hope of converting Johnson.
Iid Jeff Dnvis trr o plT T
" man. '''
Nearly all the copperhead have such
a warm side for Jeff Davis that they deny
that he put on a female disguise iu order
to etcape.. So responsible is the demo,
cratic party for .tho rebellion and so hearti
ly did.lbeysympathize with.it, that, they
feel the disgrace , of the petticottt story
as a pi-rsoual matter. Thsy say there is
no cvi deuce far it, at least like the "end
of the war," they can't see it. Ouc of
the editors. of the Afiltonian.- just from
the army saya : 't ;
. We were but a few miles from the
scene of Jeff Davis capture at the time, J
saw hiui brought in, heard the testimoney
of Lieut. Boutel,' (who was wounded in
the fracas with the 1st Wisconsin) Lieul.
Purnitou, who wan one of the officers in
charge oi thedutachmeRtofthe 5th Mich,
which captured Jeff, Lieut. Pugsley, who
was also along,' Andrew Beale,' private 4th
Mich, who di'oovored Jeff, through' the
disguise by seeing his boot,' and nearly
every one of the detachment engaged in
the capture and thei all told the name
story Hat he vas disguised as a woman
with nioroiug gown, shawl kc, and had
started for water. f' This they told oa the
day he was captured, telling it not by way
of ridicule, but to show how nearly they
came to losing him, and perhaps without
a thought as to how ridiculous an ending
it was to the'Sonthern Confederacy. We
are well acquainted with the officers and
men above named and know them to be
gcntlemeu of veracity. Furthermore we
heard the capture talked over ' and the
femato part of it laughed about in the
presence of Davis and his party as a mat
ter about which there was no room for
doubt, and without any denial. We con
sider there is no more doubt that Jeff Da
vis was disguised in ' the garb oi a wo
man when captured than that we have an
The PeansrlvaDia School Joarnot.
The July number begins tbe fourteenth
volume of this -valuable educational peri
odical. It is to be regretted that so few
of the teachers, in this county take . it.
How they can teach successfully and keep
posted oo all the various acts trau spiring
in the educational world without it,- in a,
mystery to us. ; .The Journal in almost
indispensable to the faithful teacher. -.:
The editor. Thomas H. Burrowea, is the
oldest and most prominent,: practical and
useful -Educator- in the State, and has,
probably done more ioi the cause of com
in on School education in Pensylvania than
any other living man. All tho best years
of bi life have beeu devoted to it and
hi extensive - experience and practical
knowledge enable hiui to publish just
such a journal as faithful ; teachers need.
. We wish that every; teacher in the
county would subscribe for and read the
Sehuol Journal. , If they would we know
that we would have better teachers and
better schools. It is published .-by . T.
II. Burrowes,. Lancaster Pa., at the low
price of one dollar . a year, cash in ad
vance, . ... , . , .,. . .....
President Johnson' has' written : a
letter to Governor Brownlow,"- Viving at
grcatci? length than ''in' his - telegraph of
the 16th bis views upon the necessity and
propnety of maintaining the State gov-f
ernment and lawsDt 'Teoncsseew -lie had!,'
received such information from west Ten-
nesscc as caused bim iuMy to endorso' tho
arrest of rjmerson Ethcridg. ?)
'fop- fn the northwewera part' of South
CarxtTirrai wJiefyTririted'rateirtHips have
notb'diJritigCtc'lni tbe people,
it is stated, still prcfi-.r. .V.cofc'I-atc-. cut- j
rrney" to the L uitcd States' greenbaclgi.
Trial of the Keeper of the Anderioa
V villa Prison. J, .
The c.)untry"'wU5.bei' gratiuVd- to learn
that ('apt. IJenrWierw, lately rson
keeper at .VodcrsotiBUe-rs shortly v to be
put upon Ltf trial tor the cruelty -and- bar
barity practiced by him upon our prison
ers confined at that place. The PlUjtarT
Commission sitting in this city j. 6f which
Brig. Gen. A. B. Underwood is President,
and Col. N. J. Champman, of the' War
Department, Judge Advocate, have been
directed tq trr the iaaa. The obaraes
embrace a list of atrociiMa that ar&.iittfc
abort of fiendish, and will arouse the in
dignation of : the; civilised world. Tbe
Government is now engaged in' the collec
tion o( testi.noay preparatory to the' trial.
Let the Soldiers who have survived their
imprisonment at this prison, pat, Colonel
Champman in posseasioa of any .essential
facts. 'I i . i . . '.,:','" . , '.
' . " -Li ' '' ''
i .The New Jersey Republican, State
Conventiou assembled yesterday at Tren
ton. r General Judson . Kilpatrick ,. was
elected permanent President. , The. Com.
mittee on Resolutions reported a series,
pledging support to the natiduil Admin
istration ; favoring the adoption of the
constitutional . amendment . ,; abolishing
elarery j: thanking the i soldicn. .for sup
pressing the rebellion, ic. General nomi
nations were theu wade for. Gjvei nor.
Among others, General Kilpatriuk's name
was placed iu nomination, and wis receiv
ed with immcusc applause.; It yas pro
poscd.to nominate ; him, by. acclimation,
but the friends of the other caididates
desired a ballot, four ballots were taken,
aud on the lust Marcus L. Ward, was
nominated.: The resolutions of. the .com
mittee were adopted, and oue relative to
the rights of negroes was tabled. t
Perfectly Natcrai.. A Democrat
ic paper says that as soon as the Southern
people arc restored to their rights, they
will naturally side with the Democrats
No one disputes this. The recent attempt
to restore civil governmcn in Norfolk
! shows how the Democrats will vote. Reb
el officers who had just been paroled, and
soldiers with the iuk not yet dry on their
oaths of allegiaucc'j voted the Democratic
tickeVsolid. In Richmond, the Democrat-'
ic issue is raised the same way; "Democ
racy and treason Democracy and seces
sion -Dumocracy and Southern ; rights,
all assimilate one with the other.' The
only difference that we can perceive is
that between them wc can see no dis
tinction. It would puMie any "One to
know how to distinguish them apart.
If the sham-Iemocracy are sincere
in their desire to ustnin President John
sou, they must hold themselves ready to
embrace tuany measures which for four
years they denounced as outrageous viola,
tions of tbe constitution Of course we
must expect to sco them acknowledge
that they made fools of themselves in re
riard to the writ of habeas corpus ; for
the Chairman of their' National Execu
tive Committee haviug called upon them
to sustain Andrew Johnson, and the said
Andrew "Johnson having but a few days
ago suspended the writ of habeas corpus
as coolly as Abraham Lincoln could have
done it, how can they dow stand by him
unless they acknowledge that their course
toward Abraham Lincoln in respect to the
writ of habeas corpus was unjustifiably
wrong r -
There is another' bitter pill for the
sham-Democracy to swallow if they. con
tinue in thoir pretended devotion to the
new President.' ' lie will hang Jeff Davia
as sure as he ' is convicted, and that he
will be convicted thre is no doubt. The
hanging of, that leading Democrat, who
monopolized the administration of the
cops for the last four years, will severely
try their newly fledged affection for the
late "renegade" and "drunkard," Andrew
Johnson. , . , 1 .
' jgt. The President of tho IT. 9. Sani
tary Commission, Dr. Bellows, has issued
a farewell address to the branches and
aid societies, notifying ' thctn that their
labor in collecting supplies for the Com
mission now ends. ' The worthy President
pays 'a deserved , compliment to the La
dies, to whoni is justly accorded the lar
gest part of wbatevor gratitude belongs
to the Commission. . , " ," '
Another Virginia SrjieiDt.-Jamee
Hargrove, one of the wealthiest and larg
est negro travelers in the State, stepped
into a storo on Bridge street Lynchburg,
the Other day, and placing a pistol to bis
head shot himself dead, ' He had invent
ed some of bis 'property ; in' Confederate
bouds, and three days "before, the surrcn-
''.' -t , . '
- ;, 1 ' . :, n i . ?-,.; ', :. .!
..., . .
jar Tlie passenger railway in Harrb-
bnrgis doing k good business ' The' Tel-
ejjruph states inat who tine car running,
over one thousand' passeogcriTJiavV been
carried over the ' lmd as' far as b'rii.sbcd.
in one day, niakirg a rfpfctpt jcr. ?tcm of
'over fifty two dollars.
HrPHMoD Va.' Jlj 19th 1863." I
... v.' ",Okinakcb Opfh e.
.. M. A. Is Gvr Editor :
Allow me, through
the coramns of your paper, to make an
appeal (by stating facts) to those that do
feel and sympathize, with the soldier of
the red white and blue. I, as one,' feel
vtry niuch hurt, and yet da-'n'ofe'avf :a
diapaaitioB U ooaiplain. But there is a
timefwhen necessity -eeases to be a virtue
for pujjlfcf prions od presses jeenj jo aan i
liest.so little regard in our behalf. hile
the war was yet raging, men falling vic
tims to its services; the ranks 1 becoming
thined and diminished, the cry wair made
through the, public printers, .nwre troops
to recruit our armies.. Pennsylvania was
first to respond at every call, bat now ' is
last to .have her men mustered out.- Yes,
here we are in a' very unpleasant state, of
mindIiving a miserable life of swpence,
expecting that which we do. not' realize,
no pay for some six oi eight months, our
rations miserable- scarcely enough to.
keep soul and body together. Have pity-
on us lor our families sake. Yes many
of us have wives aud little ones at: home
who need our support. A kind and af
fectionate mother, wlwwe -parental care
over household matters has been great,' i-
now anxiously . looking 'for'our' return !
while many of us have not had ' thei op
portunity 'of seeing liotne for - eighteen
months, some two and three years.-' .3Iy'
complaints are not cast at Government
no, a grade below, thuse who wear the
marks of rank making gain thereby. '
. Respectfully Yours. . .. .
, .,....' D. -A. - ' OTESTIN E,
i . Ordnance Office Richmond Yu.
I, The little village, of , Charleston
Va., where Gov. Wise hung John Brown,
is .being visited, by, maiiy northerners,
who. have citrried off' everything movable
from the field on. which Jlrown was hung.
There are six hundred women in
Richmond making up garments for1 the
negro troops in Texas. ' They make from
$lto?G per week Among them are
some representatives of the ''first fami
lies."' It in creditable to them that' they
are willing to work.' ' '
ICir" A Gentleman who employs a large
number ot negroes on a cotton plantation
in Lutherford couaty, Tcnn., informed
thtt editor of the . Nathvifle Times, the
other day, that he found uo difficulty iu
getting his hands to work regularly.
The negroes generally. worked admirably,
and give satisfaction to those who. treat
them well.
.The election in Richmond, Virgin
ia, on Tuesday last, resulted iu the succo
of the candidates denominated secession
ists, who are not suspected of any great
love for or loyalty to the national govern
ment. The voting is sa:d to hare been
done principally by the paroled soldiers of
Lee's army. , , , . .
85. The New Hampshire Superior
Court has decided that an express compa
ny delivering a parcel marked with the
cabalistic "C. 0. D." collect on deliv-ery-r-may
allow a person- to whom .it u
consigned reasonable time to open the
package, and determine whether - he will
receive it or not.- ,! ...... ;..,.
KS, Gen. Thomas has" ordered that
Emerson Etheridge be held at Columbus,
Ky., until further' orders, and not T be al
lowed to converse on political affairs on
pain of close confinement. lie is now un
der guard. 1 " " ' .v-T-.-f. .'-
ttt .... . - "' :.i ' ; ; ' '.
a? Gen. Grant is reported to have
said, in a conversation. with tbe Mexican
Minister a few, days ago "the French will
Fe to leave Mexico." '
-'&. Seven-Thiities were sold on Satur
day to Jthe arnount of. 85.13Q.4Q0,. . Total
for the week,, f 32,503,000. ,' , .
": PnRESOLOOtCAL ' JoURSAt.. T his
Journal for; Angnst is' before' 4us. 'As
usual it is filled with interesting mattei
some of which we may some day lay before'
our readers. Monthly by Fowler !fc Wells,
$2.00 per year - 389 Broadway, NJ. Y. '
Blackberry Cordial.-tTo a gallon
of .good, ripe blackberries,. add three ( lbs
of cheap, -oleanjbrpwn sugar and a quart
of rain water scalding . hot. , . .Suffer , the
berries thus treated,- to stand 12 hours in
an earthern crock' and then ; stew twenty
minutes ' in a 'porcelain, lined ' kettle.1
Squeeze 'out' all' the liquid through a eloee
cloth' 6trainer'"add to it a quart of Jamai
ca spirits,' a quarter of a pound 'of whole
aihipicea'nd an ounce of essence of cloves'.
KoUle Vheif'cOld', and us'e; "i targe 'table
spoon fnl of tbe cofdial '1'' an " ordiaary
tuinbler of watef as a 1 crttmfJn beverage
durir.sr all "the WaVin weather. 1 ' -' '
Under such a practicer' there-'will be
very few cases of cholera infantum' and
';nmti)of coruplainlH,"; among rbildfen,
or of diarrho?:i or dvs'.-ntery among adults
&. '
A a
" V
"wtt-'t -
Ta4.folJortaa enilaei comprises the corps
of Managers and Director :
T- D- DEEM ..........(.Proprirlor
DR GEO W. 8TETEJ8:..--. Trra.nrir
lEOS :' WnmMY---i-Equrstrian Biitttor
PROP- WAHLE- " --- Ltider of tht Band
H'.r .-.in-' I - ', .'.: .,- ; : t i
Consisting of a roamticent outfit, a troupe
of'Rqucstrians and Eqneitrienries, 'a crops of
Gymuaets and Aerobnts, a company or Ktiues-tro-dramatists,
coiuediana, nnd pntoniitnists,
a full complement of eqnerrie", ktooius, and
cberalirni of tbe ureua, aud i i.o!twmbte...
t'oiajuiiiui; in it cviupreliensive -lei id,.
setrulrd from the ertmr-tH-fa-rrrVt -of the va- i
riw aiftiliiita-Yiirital -vatubiuiuenM oi r.u-i.
rope aud America.
Tin: stud or nousrc
ias hpon c!io..-n with n. k cfr.-, and m :
blood, benttty, nnd'imin'm, crtn defy rivalry. I
iinh.rs AN'n
i- iTPli
are m!iro! f equme sagacity, and ilir lat-1
ter, whils f.ilsifying the old adi?e or -Mub-
born it a mule." c-mplotely bcwil.ler the i
!iMH.-tator with biuaiiilike iatallect, nnd, :ni-
pri'lienive t:icilc power, in slmrt. in every,
partielar, the tir-rt Wvr'4 e in lay eliini -
to iuc iiiio oi mi- . .
mrro-AH KMC .MOIKl. OI'
A .!'.
The Cilincade cnioriiig town in prat-i pro
censioii preceUM ny the itDKiiK in J'ln.-'
PIllN HAKKH. tuo most .maKmni-u-nt te- '
cimen of art and elaborate worktnaapliip evr
paraded befere the pnblie. rpleii'i'ufly capari-!
Boned ami driven ' and- ejtiroHed lv JAtK !
MAl'KS. the champion whij.. .. . .
Two clov n stti p-if.rn anr
1IIKA.M HAVf i he ureal wu nui n.o.lera
UrinaiUl. J tl.ll.i.o ' OI r.1.1.1. me iiiuj
si mi , tiT i-a i'i.i-L-1 I I . ..it.:ni
and singinj; I town. a-Kni wieo:eri as tns most
acceptable man if humor. ho ever aturacd f-
a motley aitirr. will occupy a prominent por
lion iu the'di p-inn-iif oi tun.
are led by the following ani!-!. ech oi' w'iom
13 a wid -U v'o'ebrated star in his oj- her ro
fesaioo, j ,. . .. '...,', '
MAHA.ne .Hiiiit KoniNtu..
.li.li .. ..
The suu boaitt.oCrhe.l'irne. tlie prima doutia
of Equetrinne!. and a jarngon of gMl.,
beauty, trwiin'me btw very- aid a'-tD-tic ticel
leiiau. t a M i-.-
l.rr i i.k' t!iMi:
TS n.vTT'T2 To? rvrl : A
III lltlllF III III! I
The Juno like Queen -r 1 be arena, and terp-t Superiyr l.Heniii kd (iibs, fine Ci"
aichurcan artiste. ' Her elns-ic poe Upon the i 1N1 Tobacco, and .f every description,
slack wire, -aud uec leutiful e411ipvH.se .ai wit!ra senernl assort:nnt of I'ipes. Snu-T
eu:illy p-jctic sad incitapar-tble. ( '
The beautiful little histrionic eques'rienue.
.- , -. . .. f....... j
. , JIH.I.IF.. . J.KONETTI'..
The daring and magnificent liorjc-wom-io. ,
.. ... JOI1X STA, i
The ch.impiun two, four, and si liote rider, j
ter Tommy. The motely dyliueatora of the !
Urecian and R'Unrtn schools 6f High Art. ci
embCSi'l iu their beautiful classic tllrmpiau
The Arbaeiari maaier' of 'the Egyptian
science, illusionist, , and .prcsjidigitateur ex
traordinaire. . Sl;.NOH MAUUK,
The great Globe equiiibrtest and matrt Ju
cirque. ' ' ' ' ''"''''
- MR. Ill RAM DAY,
... ' . , 'i
The wit, jester, humorist, and clown, par
rxetlience. .A merry offshoot of Momos, a
"fellow, of infinite wit,' and a . Kesuine and
original specimen of the Sbaitsperlan bujfj. ,
j !
His mostly associate and quaint, and 'quiz
zical compeer.
SMITH, JOE. "REESIDES, acrobats, ' Gym
nasts and amphithealrical professors of la
hauletolt,,, . ; . -r . . ,-. . ,. ...
The prodigy of the mnajrc, a superb pec
imen of -blood, symmetry - aud intellipmoe.:
will ba introduced in bta nducaied performan-.
cci, by madan Robinson. ...
KEV&,.. From Ashley Anipliitheatre, London.
5ancA the Spot tod Spaniard,: and Paul r.y,
unhesitatingly ...pronounced the wonders of
tbe mule family, will be exhibited at each
performance by the trainer, Mr.'Chas, Coville.'
The incomprehensible Roan, etc., iU exhib- i
tied under a spacious oriental partition, amid
strains of orpheua-like music by the double
band of string and wind instruments, led by
tbe (treat director, PROK. E. W A H CE. .n
Admission to all parts of the pari!! ion. ,00
cents. Children under 10 years. 25 cents. .- ,,
.'. Wof Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. ' ' -;
Tbis targe and magnificent establishment
wil exhibit at: ; ' :t "ii .
- '. . :t-i--i s ..' 1 . .. ,7 t.-
rs-in, I U .! t , , . . ,-,.....
' M I FF 1 1 N TOWN,
1 lllllCl0 I J W Iw I
i.FRT DAY" AUGUST 4th. 1865.
Lvryi. rooTF., :tr,,,4?ct:
IXtx gtilmti$fuifuls.
!.ewerel iri )(riee by ordr of JOHN'
! will lie eoM at 3,uO per bitrrel in good order.
uin.li iiuerwi'c oraereu ai .qessrs nmoaa ana
Slaaabaiigh Minllntown and at Sulouff ao1
Staubanghs' Warelionw PerrysTille Pa.
July --4t JOHN Ih)I,FH!", Ajt.
Ml'UlC'tir, C1R0., ,
S. O. K.EMPFEK. Hate armv i.u-- .
leon'i Uaviitglovate.1 ia MiiU'mtettn, tend:'
jcM iui uufaiuiu4.4i:zviue& to tbe citiiena j .
i ibis Dlaee and urruunlini cnuntrr.
b Ir. K. hnvlBfe hnJ eight jr eiperienca
tin bopiiar, general, and army pmetiee. feel"
r i v 1
, prepared id ratDem a trMl-'frn tkaiie wee
may b nnl'nrtnnaie as to need medical al.
tenuiinee. . .. .. .. -.
11 will bt found at Will's .HM at li.l'
hoiiM, except when profe'itionil enrii'-d.
July ".
' ? H f! t
l.alrr wrbintf d kli
K'be koupMM tuna jnlat
ami good alines wilt find it to their adrantap
to call On II. 1. w ELLEK; at' hia-shorr oa
Mailt Street ahorc ("berry, where .they ean
be supplied with almost every t-let moder
ate prices, llditleroutr baring-' repairinf; they
wish dirraWy and. aeajtly. eiecutfd will b -j
promptly attended to bjr giving him. a, eall.-.-
Trv: CA.-'U. . I'..U, WEtLER.
Miflintown, J,uty ?.;tli . .,',.'
l-t' " ,. '
ate of ffV'f'fu P'Tri dre'd.
Nulice is herebv e'nen thf Letters aX'S d i
miuiHiration on the V'slitte of 'm.' ' Tiuun Ut
of Fayette township. drVd, bare be-n grant
el to lha un-lersigoed of nalkeT towp. i.f
persons knowing iliemyelre indebted to imid
I csl"" are-reiueaiea li-.mn imnieaiate p.
j ment, an-1 those having claims wijl pleads
! present them duly nmhenticnted for srti'x-
innr. - . .
July Urt-f.i. S.lMlTKI. HCN'N", Adin'r
r.'. t TZ. . ' " . '
I. ORoVf, "" ' tVtfK MVr
C-f nrral C orauiisision Um ba;
M I'ttll'IS IS
GliAlX FMiliK; kC.'-. -j;
W-'Cor- Howard & Mulberry St.
i tfon-icnnients f lirain
Flour, nn'i
, ,.UUIltrv lru,lce repecil'ully Solicited. A!-o,
' , J j ;ell),HUwTiiiicU.f Gro.jerw
; g! l,an,
o ...i
F G K 0 V E & OQi. :
k - - -u - whoi.ksam: . ..
f 'Cigar?, Tobacto and Snuff.
Lo. IOI liMVKMV strtrt
j . 7-"n . - a - ; r-- ' -
am vrtii t.ntN iCvsiBaiirs.
: ''"'lJALTIMOKK' '
- r , , . .
10IICK S.IUS. ANI . SM.VI.I. yliiiHT
j !. rauey-irt(l'.;.oj .. . Jmyiy a.
, S 3 .' 5
Leather Prewrvlna; n
A' Conipo-iiioti of Scat's Foot Oil and mr:
1. Ivory Hliick. imparling to BOOT and
SHOE LEATHER the softness and p'.ianej tf
KIl while with one fourth the labor mmaily
employed iu the applic.ion of the ordinarr
UlHikings. it produces a JET BLACK E
AM EI. GLOSS, equalled only by r-atet:
Leather. ....
Suld Uetnfl bv all tj'ROfFlfNj 'AND HOi:
lE.LEltSI' trrdrts received by American
Ageucy. !l"t Broadway New York, and whole
saled at tbe : .- - .- . . -
Manufacturer 'f Depot.
' ' 15 1 Kettd wtreel. X.Tr:
ret rs sszr ;.-.
The. Patrons of theSsriaL who may visi
Karrifbdrg, oriJ.wira ai first Ws Picire
should by all means go where they take the
most sp I en-lid hkmtt ever gotten up any
where, which is at '''
CI RNITE k CO S 110 jjarketjt, Harrisb'ff
. , Wanted ! DisaWcd Soldiers -
And others out of employment to canvass Tor.
' " Just Publishird,
"Ttt 'life and fuSlir Serrirrr nf A. Zineoih."
By frank ;C'rihr, .of, the Philadelphia Bar,
comprising oue large'octavd rotumc of nearly
"Otipages. v'-
" Tbis in the only work uClb-i kiiid publiah
ed: it is entirely new and Original, contain
ing his early history, political career, speech
es, messages, proclaratnioos-and. niicr efliciaV
documents illuitrative of his eventful, adtain
istnttioa, together witli tin acenes and events
connected with his trapia end It will be sold
ouly by our authorized traveling agents, ti
whom exclusive territory is given, and liberal
commissions' paid.' Fend for''rtWular :aa
terms to "American Publishing Agency, Bov,
-'l. No. tint) Chestnut Street, 1'hilaUelphia.
"Jnly T2-8t. :";.':
iJ n..,: 1 ,.. .
A COLLECTORS t!T the 7th
section of the Act of Assembly ISM. it'll
made bbligafory upon the Treasurers' of the
several counties of Commonwealth" to pay ever
an'ualty, to te State Treasurer the' whole
amount of folate taxes dne by tbe f IftST PAY
OF ACGCST. under a penalty fo. thw .tar'
payers of having flYE PER t.'EST.'alde xi
the amount charged against thera in the
Dnplicates. The collectors are hereby requir
ed to proceed immediately iuUi'd colicctionot
TAXES, and.demand fxom each ,ta-payer In
his duplica'e th amount so charged
gainst lint. M that th.TriA'Au4r-rif,Tom
ply with the law. f All persona who fail to pay
over their State, taxes. hv the, FIRST OF
A I'O H ST If WP.' ') ha rollectQsJr aJiliorir
ed to add FIVE PER. CENT to the taves of
I all delinquents. : .1 , ., : "
j rayrjenta must be made Coiiccrors' to tie
j County Treaiurcr on -or before-''L
j.?'ll" 5fSt. :..' .'!. i'i .
B;.i qtlrf au Cr!BT'i"t'rf '
4JtttlSj-'d; , A- . litiF Vvc