Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 26, 1865, Image 1

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    "4 i
volume m, no. is.
reftfisional (Sards.
rR. P. C KCSDIO. f Pattern
XJ !'.. v tubed to inform bis friends and 1
irons th.xl he lias removed to the Louse on
Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store.
aprO-tf - -
Miffl.otown, .'tlmaia re., trace
P.k Office I
V u iiain Bit wi. uvui vi avi ' jj,
RKl'HKX CAVF.NRY, Manufacturer of Tomb I
St.mea, MeAIistcrville and MifHintown. All
work put up in the most tasteful and sub
stantial manner. Give Lin. call,
npril 13-C4tf.
oor Stock of Ready MsdeOl.jthing before
you Purchase Elsewhere, yon will find on
hand a ( wl assortment fur Men and Boys
ware, wbich will tie sold cheap for cah or
country prwditce.
'an 1-tf Patterson, Fa.
Mijjiiniotrn, Juniata Cv.y It.,
Offers hi pr.fes:iol sarvices to th pub
lic. olletious and sll other bnine!ts will
rofeive prompt attention. , Office first dyr
N.irtUof itelford e Store, :p5airj.J
Attorney at Ltv
Will attend to all biiriners en'ruste 1 to hi
eare. Office on Main Street, MifHintown, I'a.
fPHK undersigned wi'l promptly
nd to
the oil
State ir Sntionaltiovenimeut, rcn.tions, Hack
r, IU.ur.iy. txtra Vy. and all other claims ; imbKcriptions at par. Subscribers will select
arfiis outol the preeBt or any other war. j thflir Ej,cct, in whom they have eonn
eotleced. JEREMIAtI t.VONS. . 1 denee, and who are only to be responsible fo
.'iimitta Co.
fl r. Sal?r i :'.h U. ", ReeJ.
aim. Jobbers in j
North ide, betaecn r'"ttrth and Fifth. !
VHlLAUr.LrHlA. j
I. K. STtlTrbB,
No 11 North SKt'ONU Street. oruer ofi
0irrr I'Hlf M'LLl'HIA . J
An assortment oi
- . i
. .. Silver & - j
Plated Ware, ;
e5!atlv on hand. Suitable tir HOI. IV A 1"
'JilSlXlS'. i
ajr Repairing of Watehes an-i Jewelry
promptly attended to
Iec. 1804-1 yr.
timber &. (.onimlMsiion .Merchant
. Callowhill Street Wharf,
Philadelphia, I'a.
f-uppHes .f Timber, Staves, Locust Pins
Hoop Poles, Ae fie and Lumber, generaly,
will us prchaseI, eontnictod for, or received
cn comiuisi')U, at the option of ihe shipper.
. a
Orrtcr. or th Jcstiatu CorjtTt 1
Aoaii'cttoai Sociktt, V
Verrysville, Oct. 1", 180:j. )
Wl'. do hereby certify that the Committee
en Manufactured Ankles has awarded to
t'naatcs W. WrmsL the First Premium for
th most substantial, neatest made, and best
finished eetf of Chatni.
G. W.JACOBS, Trta.-r.
William Hekch. Secy. janlo
Mo. 520 ARCII Street, above Fifth.
Mannftarturer and Dealer la
K I N K J V. W K , It Y ,
land Mipetior Silver Plated Ware
March JI, lSOO, Jimos.
The nndersirned offers his service to the
public aa Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer! He
has had a very large experience, and feels
eonodcot that he can give satisfaction to all
who may employ him. He may be addressed
at MifHintown, or found at his home Sn Fer
managh township. Orders may also be led
at Mr. Will's Hotel.
Jan. 25. 1804. WILLIAM GIVEN.
j i ai nn 1 1 a ' j i . t
howell &. ni Kki;,
'orn.'r AHiKTII and MARKET. Str.
V Hli.ADr.LPiUA,
N. B . AUtt.
tars'ao.'v on h
sto-k. cf LINES SHADES :
and. U. 10, 185r3a. j
S fc W v..; JMi
m 1 HO L0Al.nata
I The sale of the first serin of S30Q.000.000
. .f the 7-SO Loan wu completed en the 1st of
iMrch lfif'.K' The sale of the sewed series
! years from the 15th day of June, 180". U
begun on the 1st of April. n tA thort spirt
of tkirty ortr (Me Jfunt4 MitHmt
Ait ftrkt kare been told leaving this lees
than Two Hundred Million to be disposed of.
, The in(erM is payable semi-annually in cur
rency Ky eoupens attached to each note, which
are readily cashed anywhere. It amounts to
Ci'ics, Counties ur States, and the interest is
net taxed unless on a surplus of the owner's
income exceeding six hundred dollars a year.
This fact increases their value from one to
three per cent, per annum, accord i or to the
Irate levied on other property.
Subscribe Quickly.
Less than $200,000,000 of the L oan author-
ei fcv tim iast.Congress are now on the miur
(Let. This amount, a? the rate at which it is
i being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with
j in two mouths, when the notes will ttndoubted
f ly rntnmf.nd a premium, as has utiifnrmlyteen
' the c?e on closing the rubsciptions to other
i Lvns. It !?rv prvt-ublt that no tomi'lcr
j all' amfiunl i-tyond tht prtttnt ttrin tciU be f-
j 'a 'h8t eiMcn. -f etery town an
, ,cti0n of the country may be affurded facilt-
tie!) for taking th loan, the National Banks
j State Hunks, sad frivate Backers throughout
I deliTorr of the notes for which are t he
One cent per day on a 50 wote.
Two tents ttOO
Tern $SOO '
in . 4. f000
fl fftOOO
More and More Detirable-
Tb.r.b.Hw.i-.UHl.r. a.d the Got
ernment has alrmdy adapted measures to re-
.oce etpeuditures as rapidly as possible to
! a rcafc footinz. thus withdrawiiur from mark
et as borrower and purchaser.
This is the O.VI.Y LOW .V MARKKT
now offered by the Wovertintent. and oonwitu-
ites tbo hrkat rorii.AK lva vt
riiK 1'inPLE.
The Seven-Thirty Notes are convertible on
their maturity, at the option of the hjldcr,
V. S. 5-20 Six per cent,
o 1111.-U are aiwava vonn a premium.
Free from Taxation.
The 7-8' Notes cannot be faxed ty Towns,
Ceivc orders.
1 ' ' JAV CflOKK.
St'BsfBirTtos Aokjit, fkiladtlphm
S BscRtpTion wttt. Ft nftivri) by the ,
First National Bank of Philadelphia.
First National Bank of Altoona,
First National Bank of Carlisle.
'First National Bank of Harrlsbnrs:.
Karrisbarg National Bank of Karrisbtirg.
First National Bank of Huntingdon. '
First National Bank of Seliasgrore.
And by Doty, Parker, & Co., Rankers.
MllBintown, Fa-
Seventy-five cents per . square of. ten Jines
or less for the first insertion; three inser
tions for $1.60 and 5(1 cents for all subsequent
insertions. Kstale Notices $2.0..' Profes
sional and Business cards with paper $8,00
per year. Merchant He cards with paper 816.00
pf year. Local notices 10 eents per line.
People ought to look to their interest and ad
vertize in the Skktiitkl as its circulation
is about one third larger than any ether
psper pnMiehed in the county. '
I Eiirhth sheet bilb. ?1.2oi mtarter sheet
bills 92.00 half 'sheet hills $3 00 f whole
sheet $0 00 80 bilts are always given if de
sired. Blanks $2.00 per quire. Colored or
fancy work extra, ' Cards at $1.50 per bun
dred. Job Work respectfully solicited as we
ibelieve ire can do up jobanintly and attract
vely and expeditiously.
The Jt'nf ata 9F.Kfi.iRt is Published on
Main Street, next door to the Post Office,
Miffiintown, Juniata County,' Pa., on every
Wednesday at the rate of $2.00 per year in
advance acd $160 if not paii, w'bi the i
year. We wish to do a cosh business. as
nearly as possible. We wish to deal honest
ly and alike With all, and therefore need not
be asked to vary from our terms by afS$ 'one.
i Thankful for past favors we ask t he continued
, support and efforts of our friends.
J ' w- m . j
Letters on Busioees. romnrunicationti for the
paper, and Rruji'tnc should, be addressed
A. 1, iinw, Sfntln-:! Offii-, Miffliatown, Pa-
I i -
District' Representative to
, Union State Convention. . .
Tb Senatorial Conference of the dis
trict composed of Blair, Huntingdon,
Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry win
ties, for the purpoM of eleoting two Sen
atorial Ifelcgatcs to represent the District
in the Union State Convention, on the
17th of August, was held in LewUtoWB,
oa the 20th. The following Conferees
were present :
Blair. G. W. I'atton, John Elliott,
John I.ingafelt. ' -
HustisouoN. Hon. George Taylor,
G V. Johnson, It. A. Cunningham.
Ckstrk.K. C. llume, It.. II. Dun
can, G. M. Yocura.
MirrLix. G. II. Galbraith, W. Greer,
W. E. Vines.
JuaurA. V. II. 1'aUcraon, J. J.
Patterson, A. L. Guss.
Pkrrv. K. Shuler, O. T. Keim, J.
T. Euierick.
Hon. Geo. Taylor of Huntingdon Was
elected President of the Conference, and
J. J. Patteraon, of Juniata, Secretary.
The following gentleman were nomi
nated for delegates : It. H. Duncan,
Centre county ; I. V. Hall, Blair coun
ty ; John Wiutar, Perry county ; and
Hugh Hamilton, Huntingdon county.
First ballot, Duncan 16 votes, Hall 7,
Wiutar 4, Hamilton 9. , . Mr. Duncan
was declared elected, one of the dele
gate. . .
Second ballot, Hall, C votes, Hamilton
11, Wiatar 1. . 31 r. Hamilton was de
clared elected one ot the delegates.
On motion of J. J- Patterson, .of Ju
niata) the delegates were instructed to sup
port Hox. John A. Heistasd of Lan
caster, for Auditor General, and Cait.
Hnine X. laih. of "Huntingdon, for
Survtyor General, at the next State Con
vention. Oa motion of Mr. Yocum, of Centre,
the ioiiowing resolution was adopted un
animously :
Reonhrrl, That this Convention heart
., , . i i : .
ny eouorse ana approve me auuiinisira
tion of our President, .Audrew Johnsoa,
and of the Governor of our State Gov
ernor, A. G. Curtin, and pledge to them
our continued confidence and support.
On motion the Conference adjourned
sine die.
J. J. Patterson', Sfd'g. r
Agreeably to previous arrangement
the Conferees of this Representative Dis
trict met in Lcwistown on Thursday, July
20th, 1865, and were organised by the
clectioc of William Butler as Preaidwal
!and John Balebach as Secretary. The
following is a list of the Conferees ; ' .
' Hcntinodon. Henry 8. Wharton,
Joseph Johnson, A. C. Hutohiaon.
. Mifflin. Col. Wm. Butler, David
Witherow, A. W. Campbell. , .. .. , ;
Juniata. J. A. Gallagher, William
! Given, ?John Balsbach.
':. On motion Col. Wm. Butler of Mifmn
County and Alexander Port of Hunting
don County were unanimously chosen to
represent this district in tha Union -State
Convention to meet at Harrisburg on
the 17th day of August next.
On motion the Conferees were institut
ed to vote for Hon. J. A. Hkistand ot
Lancaster for Auditor General and Capt.
Briob X: Blah of Huntingdon, for Sur
veyor General. ; ." ,
On, motion these proceedings were or.
dered to be .published in the Union Pa
pers of the District.
On motion the Conference adjourned.
'; WM. BUTLER, Prtt,
John Balabach, ' '
A singular occurrence in mention
ed in a letter which has been received in
Manchester. . A gentleman wis informed
few days ago by his groom that a favor-
jjiurBe j,UUg its head and refused its
food. Home drops of blood', were lound
in the horse's nostril, and a.. Veterinary
surgeon reoommended bleeding. The gen
tleman, howevAT., decided to send the ani
mal out for a quiet exercise, and . on its
return to the stable a live mouse came out
of its nostrils. f .. . ,-
" 19 Mind uncmployol isr mind uncn-
' ITritfcuoe the Sentinel. '
Mr. KiIT0R :-The following Address
Was delivereJ the other evening in a
Democratic Club Room EAST END.
Felhtc Detucrat$ .'We are in a bad
fix, and we 'must try to work ourselves
out of it as best We cau. ' Four years ago
last fall we cone all in our power to de
feat Abrahim Lincoln.' It Was no go 1
He was elected in spite of our teeth.
The South rebelled ! We thought it 'a
good opportcnity to break down that de
testable pirty, called the Republicans.
We done all we could to arouse' sympa
thy from our "Southern brethren.'' We
discouraged enlistments and sont our men
to Canada.' It was all "no go." An army
was raised, the Democrats in the South
were encimpased round about by Yan
kee Solders. The time arrived for anoth
er Presklcntial election, and a move was
made ti extend the right of suffrage to
the wdiers. We always said tre had
more soldiers in the army than the Re
publicans, yet", as a matter of necessity
we opposed the soldiers' vote. Notwith
standing our opposition it carried. They
got their votes. We then dared not say
much against it. We yielded as au
honest man should do.. We commenced
begging for their votes for Gen. McClcl-
lan, hut all in vaiu. hen the returns
came in, it cppearel as if though the
name of McClellan had nevef been known
in the army. Lincoln was re-elected, and
with hiai Ardy Johnton, notwithststid-
iug the declaration in the Chicago Plat
form that the ''experiment of th sword
to restore the Union was a failure."
Although we represented Mr. Johnson aa
a "broke-down politician," the "Tennes
see outlaw," a "ruffian," and every other
bad name imaginable, and our party refus
ed to let him speak in the Halls of the
Stat House at Harrisburg because he
was an abolition emmissary,"yet we could
not gain the day. We ako told the peo
ple that ere long the niggers woultLswarui
up North, and take all the work from the
poor white men. Now these scamps won't
come after all. Now Lincoln is dead and
Andy Johnson is President, and we have
tried another game. Since everybody
has a liking to him and we have lost so
much by abusing Lincoln we thought we
would own him as a Democrat, and
through him build up our party, but that
appears to fail again, although we have
been doing all in our power to make peo
ple believe he belonged to our party; they
tell us they remembered too well how we
abused him only a few short months ago.
And when . we tell hint he belongs to
our party, the old cuss always gives us to
understand that we do not bolong to hit,
that he don't want to sseociate with us.
He did lately manifest in unmistakable
signs that he .followed in the very foot
steps of Mr. Lincoln, by refusing to allow
the Writ of Habeat Curput to operate in
the case of. Mrs. SurratL He is also
now telling the Southerners that they can
not be recognized as States in the Union,
uulcss they abandon Slavery, which ap
pears to have been the bone of contention
for so long a time. ,' ' " ". ' ' " " "'
Now Gentlemen, what'a to be done ?
The party must be built up again, and we
must exorcise all our ingenuity to get it
accomplished.. We aro in a bad fix, in.
deed. . We are Jacking in three essential
points vis: 1.) We are very scarce in
material. 2.) Wo have hardly an Archi
tect able to devise a plan for the struc
ture, and 8,) we have no Foundation.
. I would now suggest that we try our
skill at it, and if we can't succeed; we
will submit the matter to our High Priest
Vallandigbam, and if it's no go then, then
I knew better way than to abandon the job
as one of the ;'Impo9sibi!ities" I have
read of once, and Jet the Republicans
; In fact, Mr. President, our jarty re
minds me of a man who heard, goaie
years ago, that the old Lewistown Bank
had broken, and came running home to
gco whetkor he had any notes on that lank,
and then felt greatly relieved when he
found he had none on that bank nor on
any orter bank. So we have been growl
ing about the abolitionists breaking the
Constitution and haviug such bad priuoi-
ples until lo and behold whoa we come to
look at on rsel res we find that we have
not a sioglts nrinrle.left.
I am thaukful for. put itt'trtfro-ani
bid you good night.
Saist'b Ret (which is im the ) 1
STAtT fV Noo GarseT,) V .
. : :. May 15th, '65; ) -
All the staits uv the north, and the
heft uv them recently subjoogated, all
the Sociates, Associaahuus and Churchia
that ever I heered uv hev sent delegash
uns for the purpus nv velnntearin advise
2 Jonson, the noo Preeydeint. Fcelin'
that Noo Gersy should not be bebiud. m
thee advise bizneas, I elected myself a
delegashun, borrowed a' cleoe shirt, and
traveled 2 Washington. I was announst
ex 'a delegashun from Nov Gersy,' and
wui at wunst ushered tn2 this presents..
"Wher is the delegashun ?" ejakoolat
ed the President, "hurry" em up, fur I've
13 more to resecvo this afternoon."
"Androo Jonson," said I, impressively,
''I represent Noo Gersy, a stait that
bos just dun henot to the deece&t I'rcs
ydent" ': ' ' ' ' "
"Troo," returned he, 'sich staits hon
or patriots after they arc dead." " ' r
-'I resent the insinooaehun with ekorn.
F proof that the murder uv the Presi
dent rung the poplar hart cf Noo Gorsy,
let me say,' sir, that the Kaniden and
Amboy Drekturs, at a mcetin" called
f'.ir the purpus, absolootly, votid 2 carry
the corps uv tho deccoet Prcsjdeut over
the roed for half fare I a honor never be4
akordid 2 eny livin er ded individjooal-
But let that pars. Noo Gersy needs no
spebhel plceder. Thcr she stands. Look
at h?r cf u hcv a mycroscopc .
' I cum Andrco ez a original Dims
krat, who whatever uther sins he may
hev committed, nerer skratcht hi tikkit
er di looted his whisky. : 1 In . behalf uv
thet Dimocracy I speek- -
'ex lie ben nienshund 2 you wunst er
twnat a .immense resyonsabihty rests on
yoor eholdiers. The Southern staits strug
gled for their rites,. but were squetcht.
They fought like heroes, fell becoz uv
overpowerin number again em. They'r
down your iron heel is ou2 their neeks
What will you do ? Will you grind em,
or will you be magnanermus 7 .
"Wuznt we wunz a happy na&hen, and
wee kin bee so agin it rests with u. Yoo
must conciliate the Dimocracy. Our
party North is msgnanymus. We stand
reddy to forgiv you fer havin drafted us
for havin taxt us to support a uacoutoo
shnel war, providio tt'li stop now. Woo
our Southern bretbrin back . with jentle
woerds. They air a high spirited and
sensitive race, that kin never bee subjoo
gated. Take em agin 2 yer b tissual, and
don't hooruilate em by degradin coudish
uns. Giv em a chance to , forgiv us fer
whalin uv em. Restore their nipgers?
pay ther,. war det, . invite Magoffin and
Vance and Drown and the res t uv the
Uurners back t then various eapitohi
giv Lee, Forist nnd Deauregard ther ct.
uahuus in the regular army, and penshun
the disabled confederate heroes.
' "Tber musn't be ao hanging. . Yoo've
got that unfortnit staiisman Davis he
felling 2 yoor bans beooi ho wui ignorant
uv the style uv yoor (lait Linkin's) min
yuns. He mite her knodo that the sojers
never seed a woman takin 2 the wuds
without ehasin ncr. Dot he mus sot be
hang. 1 ' Democrisy looks on the ' matter
thus i ' ''.''
"You can't hang a man for conspirin
agin Guvment, onles he takes up arms.
' Ef a few take up arms, it's only a riot
and no bangin matter eksept when Ab
lishnsts like John Brown du it. In sich
caces, hanging is alius in order
Ef a nlimber of staits do it's a revo
loot ion, and them es yoo eapeher must be
treted ez bellyjiggerants and primers uv
war. To hang prizners uv war, Androo,
is murderer. ' - -
this wud probably satisfy the South. At
the North, les9 is required. The Dimoc
racy is eesly ooncllioted. Give yur lead
ers enuff uv the offisis. 2 support cm,
with the privylege uv mansgin things 2
soot us, and the trnbblo is ore. . On them
turuis we'll support yoor AdmiuUhtrakh
en, or eny uther man's, oorjelly and har
tily.and pees will agin wave rher white
pinyons over the land, and will continyoo
2 wave em ontil ' the liouthern hart is
agaiff fired. . ,
'I hev dtra Noo Gersy hz apoke."
"I rather speot my word ; will bare
foot. Leak out for a ebange of policy;
... Pitafxrror V. Nasst.
-'.- ' .'.. " ' '",
As many of our readers kaow Colonel
Scott personally; they Will keenly . appre
ciate the point of the following incideat
of the war in the Southwest' Coi Scott'
spent the spring and part cf the summer
of 1962 along the Mississippi, as Assis
tant Secretary of War, giving his person
al attention to the campaign for the open
ing of the river. , Ever vigilant aud no
less unobtrusive, he had oucatiot) to give
Gen. Pope a very quiet but most impress
ive lesson on good manners, and we doubt
not that one was quite enough for the
pompous commander. Wc quote from
the New York Tribute:
I heard while at Pillow, au anecdote of
Gen. Pope an officer of ability, but
sometimes a very unpleasant man, with a .
pompous aud hectoring uiaaocr which
will bear repetition. While at his head
quarters, the General was approached by -a
rather small man, plain-looking, and en- '
tircly uuassuming, in citizen's attire, with
the question : -
"Are you Gen. Pope, sir?" .'i
"That is my name," was the answer in
rather a repelling tone. " :
"I would like to see you, then, on a '
matter of business."
"Call on my adjutant, sir. He will '
arrange any business you may have."
"But I wish to hare a personal oonvcr
sition with you."' ; '
"See my Adjutant," in an anthoratire
"But--" .
"Did I not tell you to see my Adju--tant?
Trouble me no more, sir," and
Pope Was walking away.
"My name is Scott, General," quietly
i remarked the Email, plain man. ,
"Confound you! What do I care,"
thundered Pope in a rising passion, "if
your name is Scott, or Jones, or Jenkinp,
or Snook, for the matter of that ' See
my Adjutant, I tell you, fellow t Leave
my presence "'
"I am,", continued the quiet man, io
his quiet way, "the Assistant Secretary,
of War, and '
What a revolution those simple word
made in the General's appearance and
His angry, haughty, domineering air
was dispelled in a moment, and a flush
of comfusion passed over his altered ie.ee.
"1. beg your pardon, Mr Scott, I hal
no idea whom 1 was addressing. Pray
be seated ; I shall be happy to grant you
an interview at any time.
Possibly a very close" observer might
have seen a faint half-contemptuous smile
on the Secretary's lip though he said no
thing, but began to unfold hi business
without comment.
After that unique interview, Potio
and the Assistant Secretary were frequent
jy together, and I vcuture U ay the--
lalter had no reason subsequently to Com
plain of the General's rudeness.
Gen. Grant on NgoRoScrtRAUE.--
General Grant, both from his position a
head of the army and from the prestige
he has won, is likely to become as impor
tant to our Government for the remain-'
der of his life as the Dnke of Wellington
was to the British Government in' the lat
ter half of his public career. 1 His views,
therefore, will always be of interest :'', In
this connection; we give" the following
from the Chicago' Tribune :'
"Ucneral Urant m conversation with
his friends, says that .it is " too ' soon ' to
declare that the loyal blacks in the South
khall not be allowed to vote. Aside from
.he abstract right and the legal problem
of what suthority can confer or' withhold
he franchise whether Congress or the
States the question may assume the
shape of a political necessity. The Gov
ernment and people may have to choose
between keeping a standing army lor
109,000 men b an expense of f 100 ,000,-
000 a year to the tax-payers, to support
the white minority in the- South-' against
the white Rebel majority; or of enfran
chising the blacks and thereby enabling'
them to support the whifo loyalist.
General Grant foresees that the suffrsge
question may take thu form." ' ' ' .
- toaf Hoarded nickel pennies are aeeiag
the light of day after thee years of seolu-
jioa, in such large quantities that the7
are besoming a drag ia ttc market. Too
mint neH cvin ni aire jennies far yean.
ItP Ligfet can iftk, great eat are
9?eb. "