t IMPORTANT TO THE 1 n V A -L IDS ! IKON IN THK..JII.OOD. It m well known to the saodivtl profession utuiw lame vrcai rrncipie oiLitc bleman f the blood. This is derived chi-fl from the food wt oat; t-m if U fod i dd: prep'.-rly di gested, wif, ftsak any. tnatcver. tie necessary quantity uf iron i noitakep iutoihe circulation, or becataee reduced, the whule vs Ha suffers. The bad Wood -wiil irritate the heart, will clog up "be '.nn w ill atauify the train, will obstruct the liver, and wiU'sen-i it disease producing element s to allparisof tike system, and every oae will suffer in wint erer organ ct a he predisposed to dirM. Tie ; rent va'.ua f .. Iroa as a M:!icire 'j1 . . It well known. aad acknowledged by all rred-: leu Dto.' i&c uiineu'iy has rxi.n o'.t!Mn una a i)rUM:ion of it at will enter lFt cir-1 . ulatMn and anaioiilate at ;to with ihe blood. Thiapoiot.eayeDr.iiayes.MassacbuvvMsStatc Chemist, hai been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by conibinatisn in a way before un known. ' ' "' THE PERUVIAN 8YRUP t a PKOISACT K y.Ko'utijn of the PRO TOXII'KCF IROX. A 5JSV .DISCOVERY IN M EKCI N't; thnt trikes at the Koot of bia aata by rupplyinr (he blood with jt Vita! Principle ov Lite fcleraL-nt Iron. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Uvsj epfin, l.iver t. orupiami. Dropsy, Tevcr fd A sue. Loss of energy. Lo Spirin. THE' PERUVIAN SYRU? Iafuses n'.runih, vior, and new hit- intj the eyi!em. nd biil up an "Iron Constitution." THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. Cures Nervous Attentions. Female Complaints, and all diseases f ihe KidneTs and Madder. THE PERUVIAN' SYRTTP I a SI'iX'lFl'. lor all diseases originat-nz in BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompa nied by Debility or a Low Stale of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates cf enres and recommendations from sotae of the nmtt eminent Physicians, Clcrjyn.cn and others, witi be sent FP.CE to any address. We select a few of the nams to sliow the character of testimonial. John E. Williams Esq., President of the Metropolitan ltank, .V. T, Rev. Abel tevens, Lats Editor Christian Advocate Journal. Eev.. P. Charch , Editoi' New York Chronicle. Jltv. Jftia l'terpjut, Leais Johusja. M. V Ker. Warren l'urton, IUwell Kiuaer, II. D. Kev. Arthur K. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, M. I). Rev. Gurdon P.obbins, W. U. Cfcisholra, I. 1). Kev. S'ylranus Cobb. Francis Ianna, M. D. Iter. T. Starr King. Jeremiah Stoue, M. D Rev. Eph. Nuf, Jr. Jose Aut. Sanchi-s, M. D P.ev. Joseph H. Clinch, A. A. Hayes. M. V Rev. Hem y UpUum, AbraLani WcnJclI, M. D Rev. P. C. lleadiev. J. R. Chilton. M. 1. I lev. J. K. Olxjteai. H. L Hinney. If. U. Prepared bv X. L. 'lark ft t'o.", exclusively for j J. P; L'.n.raorc, o. Proadwsy, t ew 1 ork Soli by all Prtigg'tts. Xltddi'i's i:iiKia Salva FORTY THAU'S EXTERIEXCE Hss fuily cs'aoiuiied tLe urioriiT of REOOINC'S RUSSIA SALVE; Over a!', ether bfi'.insr porai at;cns i P.lac'K and Fancy SUks, . Ttciireea1.Ik"'ndsof?ORr!S,Cl'TS.S'ALrS1 ! forie An'iipie-, BVRNS. BOILS. fLCEP.S. SALT RTIFCM. ! Ture Chalii. llrilliartes, ERYSIPELAS, ST5K.S. PILES, CORXS, SORE 'P.omhaxiuels. - - MVS. SORE LYES', ecc . f c. UEMOVINO THE PA IV ATOX'CE.AXD KE0VC1XG THE MC.ST AJf'lBV L'n K1 NO LULlSO 9 a l.i- FLAMATI'iX As IF BY MA'jlC. .Only US cents a Uox. r ? - tor sr r ' J. P. DTXSMORn. X'o. 4C1 15r ndway, N. Y. E. IV. i O'V IS. A CO.. X'. 13 rreuiout st. sts And r ill r'ni'-'ts. j WASHINGTON HOUSE. j V 7!i9 CLSvtnat Stt i'jdv 7th,' Phiiatl-'nhia 4 1 ryiilS o'.d and pcpuVir Hotel ia '.ocucd in X tn inims J-a:e centre of buimcs. and w : peww wnrug the c-ty on ina?iref tr4e or , p.e.rni- j! i of iht mvat dcsiiab'.e Ho- I tela in I h.lalt.rbia- It is couvcnicnt in all 1 the Pail Road D--po:s, as- easily nccessibie by city cars from all prts of.the Citv. Its roomj ari airy and epactoua, and tLe I.arder ' will be uncxccptiioaab'.e in every rap?a ' Jhe .Manager aisaies tLe public that n etfort ; vll be cu u'.s part to tiaae :ae VA3H- IXt10X H J.SU ta a!l rcsneci. pieaant at-1 ap-eeacle to tis gi?ns. tuid i.9 nil be n-fare generally. Also, Red Room Sets Com plied lo se v his old triends and former pit- pltte, wtth Ilureaus, Tables, Chairs. Looking j rons of the ' States Lrion. ' Pisiladelp'aia, and Gl-. Beds. Mtreses, Ac, and a full va- 10 welc-.mc many tew onee. Mr. L B. Ker- r:c,v of all kinds of Furniture irenerallv. ! ly. the toi-mcr oiEceclui at the State Union, wi!'. M glt'I to see nis oil friend at the: WASHINGTON HOl'SE. CHARLES M. ALLinXD. ISAAC K. ST AUFFER, WATCH 'MAKER &JEWELEB, M AKCFACTVRKIS Of SlLitli IV.'l.E fiD llf'JKUK Ui' lUIlHES, No. 143 N. tfeconu St.. Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. .' lit Las constantly on hand an a'sort- nsent of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, j Lepine and Plain Watches ; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Soys, Breast Pins. Eur j Kings, Pinger Rings. Bracclela, Miniature Spectacles, Silver Tabic. Desert, Tea, Salt and ! Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc wAtcn "'u be told lota far Catk ! X. I. TOJSI.IS k CO'S best qualit jews'ca ratent ievet .novecents constantly on band; also 01 her Mak" of superior nnaiitv N. B.OH Gold and SUtr bought fcr Ca J ' Sept. tl-Iy. MAN I700D: HOW LOST HOW.REtSTOKED. Juri putj'ieliea, a new edition of ZV. Oil- iterv 1 f.ettbrated Assav an tLft mrirai nra (witUout nwdiciTicV of iipermatorrh'jca, of . J'Jrability.all others manufactured in tfcecoun eesiual TVeakness. luvolnut.iry Cvminal Loaar ty- Rmember his Shop is on Bridge street. Impotcncy, Mental and I'liyaical Incapa-' ln ,!le rBae Tgrmerty oacupieU by D. W. A. city, Impediinvcta t Marriage, etc.; also- j Belfurd, aa 4 Tailor Shop. Consumption, fcpilepey, and Fits, indnced by, BP9-A11 kind of reiiring neatly executed lelf-indu'gence or aciual extravagauee. and all work warranted. .... t tf. Price, in a tested eae!opc. Mrfr 6 ets. j mfmmmi - i a ail i KV Toe celebrated author in this admirable j M R, VV it ILaLINAKYw ay c.eany ueuioniries ironi a thirty voarsj uccessful practice, tbauhe alarming -onse- j queacea of self-abute mnr he radically cured itbotlt tLe dangcrou- uie of itnerual medi- en ir the application of f!;e knife-pointing nut a mode ot cure, at once simple, ccmin I and i Genual, by means of which every suf-j ferer, no ostler what Jiis condidion may bo. 1 may e.ire Jiimtelf cheaply, priyaiely, and ; '""'O' . rfy'vir, A .'" of every youth and every man m the lami .J. ' a'a:".. " . -i ' ,u 7r a m ""T u ( ,.r two post rtampa. Address the rnt.lU.er,. v J-r'--r-' 1 . , h T,Ty. , .-r. t r., .".ft., bor-- ! ' "'!-v ' , " ' ' i HEADQUARTERS! .1 , , , : MlffliiltOVn Chaif JlannfaClWy j! pHARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the old itand in- Wntier street, where he is .it all times prepared receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Settees, Lrre Rockicgthi'tra, Sewing Koeking Chairs, j CuildrensChait-, Counting House Stools. Cain Seat Chair. liar liooni Arm Chairs, and every I thing pertaining to bia business, all of which he is prepared tu Bell cheaper than ever, "lie! is sow prepared to wholesalo work-nt city pri ces. ' Prompt attention wi',1 be giteti to Repa ring. AD work done cheap and expeditiously. awed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchange for furniture. CrjFufhiture Room on Main street; oppo site the Pust Office. , - , It in CIIARf! WEITZEL. . S pteuiber S, I3S2-U". .r i GOING THE OK CHOIGE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS, M. BELFOBD The undersigned would rtHpectfully inviie the public to call and examine his stork before j-urchnsing elscTibere. lie has bought, his assortment at such prices that he ci";io be undersold by anv in tha coui.trv. "Special at- ; icutioa paid tot.urehasinj goodjia iLccity per ortler at the snortst notice. 1 Kvery effort will bfi mado by him togivesat- iefaclion to those wbo may favor uiai with a caU. LADirs sr.ss goods Pcrges Lawns, Grenadines, I'uca!" Gingham Lawns, All wool d'Laines, iCashmens. Pcplios. Alpacas, kt. A full assortment of Watte Iiress Goods. JIus- ! liop, Brocb nntl otbCT finiwlff, D(tnni", Bun- 'net fintins. Ribbons. Flowers, &o. Also, Col ! tars, L'nd-rslccrcs, Handkcrehiefa in grat va ' e'T. i RIJI'GS. j A large quantity of Drugs, also :on hsnd. Prosa-intions filled. ' ta, al,0 U!. ;n a !arge ,ocV f VoA, ci'loa, si,Ba Carper, o;i cioths. Mattings. ic, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in eichange for g30l!li fa. y,), LigLest market prioes wilfc Baitl b . . - - - ;;j."M. 'liEU-ORD , ft nihuieiiihiu Furniture Warcroouhi tn 424 & 4'2(3, North 2n? Street, r'STABLISHED ' EIGHTEEN YEARS having a very Urge Stock 'of the best i tnade Furniture ou hand, ruch as Sofas, Spring Seat CLairi. Rockin? Chairs, and Parlor Fnr I "warrant all articles sold and will scl CHEJ :.P for Cash, ' Mar.'9-6m J. t. ECIINE3LY Perrjsvi!i3 M irb!c Win, '"piIE ncderaignel desirtsto inform tbe citi- tens of Juniata County that he bss taken- c'aarge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in Perrysville, where he may be found; ready to execute jobs in bia line of business ' nch as Tomb Stones. Monuments. Marble! j Slabs, Table Tops, &c. ke. He believes that j it long experience and practical knowledge' j will enaole Bim to give entire satisfaction to all wuo may patronize ntm. Oive bim a call as ha fella confident that for neatness cheap-! oesa and despatch be cannot be excelled. C1IAS. EMERSON. i rj0W TO SAVE MOXEY.-BUY FROM Saddles and Harness with such perfect system that be ia enabled to tell a supci ior article of everything in his line, CHEAPER than any other establislmient in the eonnty. He invites purchasers to call and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. James II Pinions' Saddles and Harness are acknowledged to surpass in point of lightness elee-unce and comfort, as well as real value and o rpiIE undersigned desire to in X dies of MilHiu and vicinity, t tliforrs tke La- thmt tii k.T-n inst returned from tb city w"iih n.w atnU uf Summer Millinarv Goods of the latest (Style Dud most Approved workmanship, which they art. pi e ared to make to order at the shortest untie! sell at ttto lowest i,rie. Call at Iheir shop jun opposita tie 'Sn- ttnel (rPi,.." on Mum St- Vid nloan I - : J5.Cl.LIK HAWK, Mv3 - 3m. 3. - - TILLIH KEELT. ' : - I. 1 .1. 1 -J. .1..L - f J . A I T . ., . -jBAiiUi-ns na MAKNE8S in thef-rrrj, They also invites the y full ' v01? wu.,uu " seiung at great.y to his line sto.-k of G A ' " . ,T r w wnicu nc wi.i sen ai M l " "Ul bL. larncr of Mirk. and Kail - med Street., rpposite.bo Railed Depot fA. 3wT" V odMni..ff', thoM of any - be .. WM. THOMPSON. ' . - ' Fisk'sPatcntMeta'ic Burial Cases. Afi? " FOR ordinary Interments,, depositing in Vaults and transportation they hmena rival. Ihey are made of the most imporishahle ma terials, and are enameled inside and out to prevent rusi ana me exterior nus a FINK ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement- i ru, iuv rcuinius oi iuc neceaufi, are iree from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. . They may without offensive odor be kept as ! Ion? aa dsired thti ohviatinir tha n;! , ot- uasIV burials. Their loos and successful ,n.l tl, .tit.ent.atinit ....n tfc. . i. . unCCessry any extended notioe of their valo- 1 able advantaeea. . , SANDOB AND MARTIN, 1 . t aVntiertakerg Und 'Cabinet YVurvi JliinufaclurorS, ... , ; . bJa Keep constantly on hand an assortment o the above cases. Miffliiitawn Pa. Jan. 4ih 18G5.-1J TAKE CARE OF YOOR TEETH. Buffer WHETHER THE UNION ISPRSERV ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. TEETH inserted upon an entirely new style of base, which is a Combination of Gold and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, which for IScanty, Iiurability. Cleanliess and the res toration of the natural contour cf the face, cannot be surj assed. Either of the above Bases I warrant for ten vears. Teeth also mounted upon v Gold, I'lallna and Sllrer, Coralite and Amber, with or without artificial gums. Special attention will be paid to di casd gums and a cure warranted or no charge md. Teeth filled fur life. The extraction of teem upon the latest im proved principles, causing the least possible pain.. .. - - - - B?i- Having located permanently in Mifflin town and being in possession of ail the latest improved instrument and machinery. 1 war rant entire satisfaction in all cases or the money refunded. 55-Vil! visit McAlisterville the last week of October. January and May, the balance ef my time I can be found at my office on Iirblpc street three doors ast of Snyder's Hotel, MitHintown, Juniata county. Pa." G. I.. I'ERR, jan2y rtiidat Demist. Gnod Scuts and Trite. 1 At ibe Tower Hali. Clothin-r ftore. At the renowned Cataah r.r Kassiios. At MANsLACH & VAXOiOlER'S Cheap Corner. ' Corner. ErMge & Water Sireefs IttirFX-lIMTOW, .PA;.. THEY Las just ojemd annier large aa t , aortir.tnt of N ew Goods, uch as Cl'thin cf tC kiniU. Mioes. F.oots, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Fan- ' ' oy Ooodfj Sc . aftVuf i whic (hey Yf ill sell at low rate", as ihcir mo'to is '(iuick sales and snnll profits." - .... Coats Cloth a"d Cassimere Coats. Fine ant Coiivms Coats. Ftook and P.iwlness Coats. Sunday aud Everyday Coats, ' I Pants Cloth and Ca.sfimtre Pauls. Plain and figured Pants. Tine and Ccarsc , I'aau. , , ' . WtTl-Siiinf and Long-wearing Punts. Vests CloTTT a;:t Casaiiuere Vests. , hilk ami Saiin; -j Vests. ' -Ifhfaad Hear Vestt 7 . , . ; '. Plaid an i Fr--y V. ( ! . . .' ' also Trunk. Vn!ies, Carpet SacV, Canes, L'm bretlas, .Shawls, Glove". Suspvniler.i, S'cckiujs Cravat. Shirts. Drawers, Coilars. Handker chiefs, Combs, Brushes, Soaps. Pocket Knives. er store. . BrjyCaH and examine ctr stock bofore mir- chasing eso wliev, as e fee satisfied that we can p;eac Hi. DON'T FORGET TOE PLACE. . Corner of bridge and water streets; ABRAHAM MAKSRACH J.YMESX. VANORMEH. LEVI HECUT fAMt'EK PTRAT1K New Firm in' Pattrrson. Gentleuieu'e Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opcpeil in tie new Brick Building. Main Stt.rept. latttrsnn bv Levi llpnht find San-.up s,vr lur- ..".,1 ..Want .xorimmt .f ueady-Made Clothiug, consisting in port of , ,, uvtrcotus, rroeic cottf. Dre Voafs, Pantahjn. IrsU, Drawers, Collar, , L'nJi rshirU, IlandJcerchiejSy Hats and Cups, Boots k Shots, And ereryt'uing nmiully found in a first class Gewleuien's Furnishing Store. FANCY GOODS Also a large and carefully selected assort ment uf Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be gold at the law- attention of the ladies ITORS A7f SHOES, prices defying cotnpeti- tion. ' r.ttf:T.v rTT nrnrrra They have on hand a beautiful aaaortmenl of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &e , which are of a goud quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyfr. . , ; : i WATCIIKS AMD JEWELRY ' Cola and Mirer Ifdtehei, . Clocks. Ear ring, Rain and Fancy rings. Watch Keys, Ladies' and Genu' Breaat Pins, Gold Pensaud Pencils, &c, which at this time form the largest and best assortment in the county. t"!uA'l the above goods will be sold cheap er than any othrr store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give us. a call and bo convinced of the truth of the assertion ' HECHT & STRAYER. Patterson. April 12, lGS-tf - ' l , - , jrjriAKE NOTICE. LADIES . Mrs. Sarah Steis has removed ber MilTinai 121 vtr. cj. . I. n - ,he M E. Clurch. She has.just returned from tbe ritv vrith a W aaaortment ar sprins conds which she will (tell low. Ca 1 Bnd examine before purchasing elsewhere.- I phe is also prepared' to do -dr. ss making" a, itbe.hortestncV - Ca5 sDd -examine yo will fee the sitrn V-tu kr naffle at ttV d-W- ! Ar.ri' ,j tf - i GOOD NEWS ! CALL aa m 'tnej Mew ftoc of Spring Swamer fiooisMyj r . a if ; MICKEY ft yEJJNEtfS, ! ' ;'s " ,"v' IN PATTERSON. ' ;' Jnst receive! a new and Complete assortment of ' - Ladies' Latwt Style Dress Goods," '' Plain and Fancy Fretith Merino, . Paid and Fancy French Iiejits,1 -i . Black and Colored Alapaca, ' ' j Black and Fancy Cashmere. A large assortment of " Mounting Goods, " "'-' 1 ' i , Balmoral Skirts, . " - ' " ' . v. Brooch Square and Loot; Shawls Striped and Barred Wcnlen Shawls Our stock of Domestic Goods has been largely increased by the purchase of a complete lot ol Choice Prints.-,,. ' i-f ., . ,: u -Bleached aoAUn-Bleaclted ualif,; Tickings, Denims, Vool Sliirtju ".'; Kentucky. Jeans,, jr ; ;;;(; .. J ,'t , Twilled and Plain Flannels, 'Also a latve ftssortmant of Cassimers and Cassinetts, all of which we offer to Purchas er at town prices for Cash or Country pro iuce... ; ' f v 1 ' . MICKEY 4 PENN'ELL. .. , : , ' ...Pattetwn, Pa. P. S. Also, you will find a large slock of Groceries, Hardware', ..:.!! '--,'( tjueeusjvare, t . ' ; i . . . BooU and Shoea,.-.! , ' . Wall aud rt in'low Paper. Jan 1-tf ; . MICKEY 4 PENN'ELL. KtUVKEL'S CELEORTAED ' BITTER WrXE OF IRON. ' '; ' BITTER WINE OF IRONV; - -i i BITTER WINE OK IRON. BITTER WINE OF IRON, 5 " THE GREAT TONIC .. ; THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC ' ' THE GREAT TONIC For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,, , For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. ' '. -. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs aud General DobUity Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, ''" - -' Reliable and Sure to Ho Oocd, Reliable and tiore to do Good. - : 1 .i-v. And Cannot do ITarm And Cannot do Harm. ,1 i - And Cannot do Harm. . , Aud Cannot do Harm It coets but Little and Purifies the l'.l. od. . It coats but Little and Purifithe R'fod. ' It costs but Little and Purities the BluO I. . It cost! but Little and Puritiet t'-ie Blood. ' " I Now Only A "It a Trial I Now Ouly Ask a Tri! 1 Now Only Ask a Trial ' I Now Only 'Ask a Tria; Of this Valuable Medicine. V i . -Of this Valuable MctL.Uine. tlf this Valuable Medicine. . , ' ; Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seventy-five AOiib Dollar'per P.oftle , ,. Only Seventy-tive & One Dollar per Bottle ' Only Seventy-five &One DolUr per Bottle Only Severity-five Apne Dollar per Bottle. Mmcfrea BrtretyrtT" " " " . S. A. KUNKLE h P.RO. General Depot 1.18 Market m., Harrisfcurg Pa For sale by B. F. Kepncr,' .MiSiintown. and respectable dealers ctorywheri .'.(July 13 6-1 -Out PENNSVLVAiMA ilOlSE. At Railroad Drpot, Paltrrstxn. Pa : S. R. NOSTINC, PROPRIETOR. THE above named having taken charge ot this large and convenient hotel vLere he is prepared to entertain travelers.' sojourners or regular boarders. - Poisons wishing to take the trains east or west will Sni this the most convenient stopping place as they will he waked up at any hour desired' 'The loca'io isniodt favorable and the accommodations re of the best kind. The stabling ia tsceUetit and hostlers attentive.- Tho Table and Bar will alsobe well provided. . . fcjr Ite has,-ia connection with the note", a gocd LIVERY STABLE. Hoise. Carriages, Buggies, tac always to' be bad. Persons conveyed to any part of the country. BC.By strict attention to business and a desire lo please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and render the sojntrrn of his guests both comforliidle anil i leasant, I'aitcr s.j n June S, tf ,. . ., tailor! WM. WISE. Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just opened out a large and fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS,' which he is ready to make to-order promptly and on "the most 'reasonable terms. The public generally will Sail it to their interest to call at his room above . ... ..-i.' .. FASICK'S TI -N . S II 0 Pi ... oe Bridge atrect, MlittUUown, Pa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship het ire purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant all clothes to fit or no sale. ' ' ! ', SISGEK;8 SETVIirO 'ttACiUNE.. . aluAll persons desirous of pnrclia'lng sy of Sinoeb's Srwi5o McIiikks will cf tain all necessary inforiuatijo on the subject and see them in operation . 'uiy establishment." If favored with their orders I will fit them up h better machine thirty percent cheaper than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should be without a machine. jan 1, 64-tf ' JUFHiLVTOWN TIN SHOP. , i" i..,.,.. i HAVING purehased the Tin and Sheel Iron Store, located on Bridge Stieef. Mifflin town, I woald respectfully inform the ptiblic that I intend to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of , COOK & PARLOR STOVES, Tin and Japan ware, the largest and. best in the county, and aa to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. , 10 UTlS G, ROOFLY0, " Job and Sheeting work, will.be prnn-rt'y at tguded to either in town or ' cou ntry." Brass Copper and EuauieledTtench Preserving Ket tles, Dippers. Brass,- Coppar, French1 Tinneu. Enamelled Hpllow Hare, Wafflo Irons "ral Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common aad Patent; ami of various measures, always oa hand and for sale . :. . Persons in waul of anything in the above line are requested to give him a-cull befre purcbusiug elsewhere, as he eels confident that he can suit "thetn either aa repaid the article or the prfrce. ; . fif Old copper. Brs sni Pewter' "bougbs a-jd !) highest prire p,id iu casVorgoodt. " JACOB G WIMY ; BALSAHIiCs;;tWU.';SYi.lJP For I' Cou$h VdtU poap,, WhorjpinQ Cough, . Asthma, Bronchitis, ttiuj BTod, Pain and Weakness of the lirecut, Bijffirulty 6 Breathing, ke. . . ,, ,, This Syrup is a purely Vegt tabt Ctf-povh) . ft Is pleasant td fake, and never does injury ; but, owing to it purifying qualities, musi do good under any circnai stance..' Its affect; is truly wonderful southing, calming End allay iug the most ; violent Cough). Purifying, Strcngtnering and Invigoratiujihe whole sys tiu: calming atidsoothingtheDerves; aiding and facilitating Fxpeeoration. and beating the DISEASED LL NUd. thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. . IlltOl'P. r ' No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup i properly used and Used in time. Mothers hav ing eroupy'ehildren should Watch the Srst saoTT' of the Disease, and always keep tbia tteir.eoy at nana. , , - tt .i : - x , Frr Cottgha after Mcnslc3,, this syrup is niost excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. . Price OO centt per Tiottle. : Prepared by S. A.' FOl'TZ'S & PRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 110, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggifts and Store-keepers throughout, the United States. H -, . . .. ; ; :: ' CELEBRATED ' m and attk goirilfns. These Powderl will strength rnthtStomacb and Intestines, cleanse tbem from cSefisfro mnttfr, and bring them to a healthy state. Tbnv Are m ' tin preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain .Kmedy for all Diseases licident to the Horse, oca as ulan era, Tellow. "rTater, Dia tamper, Founder, . II a v o s , Slaverinir, Coughs, i'e- Ters, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener rv. 4c. Itt ooor, low-!Tirited animals, it bus the tnoet beneficial eiFert. ; - - ' ' The use of them improve the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and give to the liorsc a fine, smooth and glossy tkin thus in. prov ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this aoble animal. . - . POB MILCH COWS. Tne property this Powrer po?9fffes hi in creasing the quantity r.f lllk in C"w3, five It an importanett and valne liirh sh'mTd pbicc it in the hand of every pcrs' n keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it lias pruvtn that it will increase tlie quantity of Mi.l aud Cream twenty per cent., ard make the B itter firm and aweet. In fatre::inp Cattle, it give, tbets an apjie'itey loosens their Wo aad aaakef thaaa thriv. tuuh l.Ic.-. ;. ..HOGS. . , r . In all Diseases f the Swine, such as Consrh ' Ulcers" la th Luntrs, Livei", Ac, By pnttio from half a pap?r to a paper o!" these Powders in a bar rel of Swill, the 3 WClRiS? above Diseases can be cured or entire! v pre- Tented. Bv using tbese Pov. tiers the lio Cholera can be prcventia. ' Price 25 ctj. per Taper, cr Papers for $1. - S. A. FOTJTZ & BBO., ' . at jirzra ' ' " , WHCLtSAlE DPUG AND MEDICINE OIPOT. ', So. 118 Franklin St, Baltimore, lid. For Sale by Drugc'sts and Storekeepers ' thronshant the United States. FOUrZS MIXTURE.- ; The lest Linimtut .or JU'Vt ami Bast ! -- ' -1 nftlf ktr. I i--tf. j Is a safe and reliable Remedy for Hta car ! of Rhcnniatism, -Paiafnl Nervous nlfrctions. Sprains, Burns, Swellijigs. and all Diseases ; requiring an external applicntioh on Ma I On Dorses it ' will never fail to cur Poll EviL Fistuln.Htil Runnir.g Sores, or Sweeney ! if properly applied. For Sprains, Braise, j Scratches', Crecked noofs. Chafes Saddle o Colar GalU Cms or Wound, it is a. InfaDible : Remedy. ,Try it, and be convinced of its ef- ' fitacy. . i j . , . ,'; BHECMATISW.' " ' ' 7j .. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no mat-' ter of bow long standing, can be promptly and i fffeelually cured hj the use of this Mixture; There s nothing in the world so sure and it Socd to t.-ke away bad CORNS and cure Fros ite. aS this preparation, ' '"-'" Try it and atify yourselves. Priee rSand 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared bv ,. . '' s. a. rorfz-s k p.p.6.; - At turir "A'holesale Drag aad Medicine De pot, No. llti. Franklin St. Baltimore Md. Sold by B. F. Kcpner.-tMifllintnwn Pa., and al tore-keepers throughout the United Sjates. The above Medioitte ran be, had at mann '' ctor's' Prices of Johnson Hrtilcway S Cow . fr,. No- ,23 North fib St PbUadelpliVL 'Pensions ,! Pensions!' 'A LL TERSO.VS WHO HAVE BEEN I1S- i IX niiLi. uiiw.iu ritnrncaor silt ARE ENTITLE Tl A PENSION- All per- sons who intend applying for a Pension must call on the Exttnvining Kuracetl to know weth. er their Disability ia nutficieD t entitle them : to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call I on inn unaersiguen woo nns oeen appomtea I Pension Examining Surgeoa for Juuiaia and . J L . I -L - ... .1 ; aljoia.ng Counties. p. r: rcndio, m. c; v 'aiteraon. Pa; i Dee. D, U.-tf, (.' 1 t i 1 i s . ; ' Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ised Sugar, Crushed Sugar, N. . Sugar. ; S. H. Sugar. N, O. Jlalnsses, S. II. Mo-Li?ea, i Loverine Syrup, Chocolate. Mustard." Rice, j .'areh, Nunrgn, Cloves, Caaiia, tiirigwr. Com t Starch, Fish, Sail, Ac fco., for hale' cheap at tho Naw'Slftli a Pn'fersnn. ..J .uI -tf ' J. D M Tore. ' infecrkin ' which call Scnorri.a htrka 1 ia ttie fonsomtiort oT jimlutuda of nicn. It ' fcthdr pradoa or is . produce J, Ly 'at eiv :feolUd', vittaUd itth of the Mood, wherein 'that fluid become in jtonipetent tu sustain 'the vital forces ia thair vigor us action, and "pleavca tlie lystem k tall into disorder a ad clrc.ny. The scrofulous contamination i va rioii ,'y caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy -. food, impure air, filtii and BKhy habit, the depressing vices, and, abo-ve all, by"' tlie vcncrtal infection. . . W hatcver M lU i oriin, it i kcreUitaxy ia the constitution. descending "from parents to children tanto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it r.r . . , .r. , 1 ...it r. t 1 1 m wV,a . . V . . I wilt . I ' vi'it the iniquities of the father upon lhir i, P ehildron," Thu diseases it originate, take rarimi. names, according to the organ it attacks. In the lung. Scrofula produce tubercles, and finally Consumption; in tha glands, swelling which suppurate and be- !mnie ulcerous ore; in the stomach aad bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver comprint ; otk ' tlie skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require th t ame rented, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify tlie blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With, focbh foul, or corrupted blood, you cannci have health; with, that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. - Ayerfa Sarsaporilla is compftunded from tho most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered f.r this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it -Mails. That it is far supe rior to ant het remery yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it doe, combine virtT, truly extraordinary in their effect upofl ttlfs class of coinylaint, is indisputably proven ty the great maltitudw "tf pulindy known 'antT re ma: table cure it ba,uda of the fidlmvfrig dtseasv: Xilljf' Evil of Glandular S-ellirigs, Tumoit. Eruptions, Pimples, Blotchos and Soros, 'Erysipelas,' Rose or SL AntLcny't Firo. Salt Rhfinin, Scald Head, Couehs froa taberralous deposits in the lung, WhiU 8welfinCT-, Jtebihfyv Dropsy. Kenralei4. t Dyspepsia er Indigestion, Syphilis and SyphiUtie Infection, Mercurial Disexse. Fcrdtl? Weaknesses, and, indeed, the. whoh teries of Complaint that arise torn impurity if the blood. Minute reports of individual easts mif be found in Ateh's iVuraiCAW Almanac, wliich is fltrnuhed to thedrurgit fir yraturtous rliittibutir-n. wherein may r 1. arn'd the directions fur i's u.-e, and son. of the remarkable cure wLich it ban mad when ail other remedies lad failed to ailord relief. Iltofe carts arc puiposcly takea IVmit all rection, bf tbe cju"tiy. in ortitw' tliat every read.-r may kavn Bice tu err ci: who can Fpeak to l.im o'its benefits iiou. fers.jnal expenenro. Screfula ii prearc tli :.uxl .utt(:c, end thus Ki.es its iet.ni far I.. ore fut m t It diita.'e and it fatal rtsulta ,t!.an nrc Leaiihv rcnstitbtiotis. Jience it e,V4.i;i!s to 'shorten, nnd di e greatly shorten. the averg (luratit u uf Luiu.tn liC'i .Th vat in.portanre of t!'Ce consi'Itraiions has lid us to ipend years ih perftttipg a remedy 1 which w adequate to it tuie. I tin we no i t'er to the public Under tht r.iune of AtKa'a ' 8.vrH.ir.BiLi.A, al;!'. ufcli it is lonipured cf j irgrvdicnts, eone of which exceed tlie Lett j f Sarnjtai itla in alterative pewtr. By it 1 . a:.i you nay protect your.-elf fmni the sctTcr- tug .::d dituger of these disorders, l'uie cut the f" til crrrfp!:,.'ns Uizt rot and feUf i tn ilie Llu;d. purge oi.t tlto c:ute of ili.-e.if!), I rd lijninii health trill lo'iiuw. By its fteu- ! li:'r vi :i;es this fcn et'v ttiii-t'Tatei lT, vitil j fun tiors. and tt:tis cupel liw .irfteiuper j which link within the ijiuia or Lurit out ;n ary prrt of it. j We knew the public Lave Iten deceived ; ly r.any comriwis of Kn.Mirnriiin, that i pioniiied r.itM li rnd did nuthipg; Lux they ' V ill neither be dcteived nor tiin. pointed iza , this. Its virtnea have been provrn ty abua- j daiit trial, and there remains no question of its Mirpasijing excellence for tlie cure f tiia I fllietinjS tli.-eases it is intended to 'reach, i Aithotth under the same name, it i a try ! tli'Iircr.t ntclitine from any other wliich ha I Leen lefurc tl.e ptuplc, und i far nure ef . fectuul ll.i.n tiny ether which boa ever bL I svaiiaUi? to tlitin. CHERRY PECTORAL. Mio World's trcnt Remedy Iam" Coughs, Colds, Iiicipient Con suciptioa, and for tne relief , cfConstimptiTepaticna -y .! ! in adviuioed Etagos of tho disease. , Thl ha, t-reri so iong ared and 0 unt tersally known, that we need do no more tlnn assure the public that its quality is kept tip to the- h.'t it ever ha been, and that it may be relic I on to do all it has ever done. ' l'rtparwl by I)a. J. C. Arra I Co.. ' Prortical and Analytical t hrmitU, - - Lowell. Mat. Sold by till dregglsta every wherer We have oj.ened thfc'argfc P.)m just opyvat ilfo-ir Tftoro Tn Patterson where we ofler for sale at low prices a general Usortmeat il Tables, - Chair, Sofas, Lounges. Bed ft t e a d s , and : Mattresses Trunks Carpets Stands, Racks, & I Many other article for house furnishing HECHT Si STU Alii ri... nrt.!.. i . n n . m JCM HUB JX'UU ; JjfSl Am j ,. ,. PL KJ? . LIBERTF LEAD, i Unsurpassed for Whiteness. Fine Gloss, dnra- bility. Firmness and .Evenness of Surface- .LKi, Liutl.il lit ID Warranted to cover more aurface fur Samo weicbt than any other Lead . " ! Try it W vi' hnv. no other I PUKE LIBERTY ZINC. Selected 7.VSC, ground ia refined Linseed Oil, untqualed in t,nality alas the name. m . P;im LI BKRTY ZINC, j W;rantnd to do more and better work at j j;iven tot than any other-t j GH the Best! j Mttnnfiicrnrcd at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT ! - CULUR WORKS. Orders executed prgmpt-. J iv r s ' ZEIGEER KrtllTH, kV.irJtsils Drvrj, Paint A- ?. DtaTcrt te5U Store and office, !fO. 137 Norlh tr. Street PHILADELPHIA, Marcie , lst'G 1 y.