Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 19, 1865, Image 3

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tTEDNESDAT MORNING, ' July 9, :855.
"Siimiiit, Qaard wU tear Poet!"
"Eternal ligllante it the Price of Lihtrty"
u...).. t. on IDAS t)..dAM a..
Trains will leave Mifflin Station as fuUovu
1 Philadelphia Express.. 12.43, A. M.
tFast Tawie 5.41, A. M.'
Day Express 11.21. A. M.
"PitLsbg.Jt. Erie Mail ... 11.12, P. M.
'Mail Train i....... 3.45, P. M.
Pittsbg.A. Erie Mail.... 3.27. A. M.J
f Baltimore Express..... 4.59, A. M.
. i'luladclphia hxpress.. O.dS, A. M
" Fast Line :
Mail Train.
ft.58, l M.
3.53. P. M
tEmirant Train..'.'.:.... 10.07. A .M.
Daily exce pi Sunday. fDaily except Monday.
( Slop at Perrysville at, 11:28 (if ttaged)
It. I'D 3:54 Stop at Thoupsoutoan at
11. 10. 4:10V .
Stop at Perrvoville at 3.19 (if flawed)
2:45 0:34. Thoiupsoulown at 3.2;i '.1:00
- ifflaged.)
Soldiers' Monnmcnt Fond.
'Cash Acknowledgements for the
. Meek ending July Nth.
lllelnware. Ttcnshi) Contrilmtioni, jitr
J)r. P. (ireenlcei, a Jolluiet .-
Adaiine I.ufcens.
Jem ima Benner.
Solicitors. I
ll. Thompson
'.( 8 Lukens
KinU 4 Co
V- L Greenleaf
.1' Wertz
' W Lukens
.Inr.ib Laub
; W Lloyd
O A Shernier
-Uohn F Detra
Sr Kaly
t; II Wright
J- K I.ongaore
-J V I.yilr
Sl Sieher
It Rasirc"
S10 V! Jonas Branb 1 WH
.5 00, Jacob Speicher 1 X i
.1 tKi J 11 Kauifmaa 1 Wo I
b ()'; K llenner 1 Ik)
0 (Kij J S McCurdy 1 On i
5 0! 1) 'Smith I i0 j
! .i i i 'Sh-rmer ! ' I
1 00 Israel Tennis 10"
1 IKi! J K SorC r,,,
1 OOj
1 (10
1 00
l..misa Tli.nisoii "ii small insurance in the ('o.uuibia uni
J R Doiiglwriy "o pany. In about too uiiutites after the
D Shuman 50 sirote the whole barn was in one sheet of
Nancy IJowers 50 fiC Many people gathered, bat could
L. Hutcbinsou , .1 - . . , ,
T Kumbaujh Vi',, cuthing tu stop the devouring ele-
1 OJ
1 00
1 oo
1 00
1 IM
$37 00
Mr?. lWIecca KeMcr.
. Miss M ttilda Hutc'uinson,
John A Mlh $1 00 Tit Hutchinson 1 HI
W J McKinney
1 (N Snun Krimmel 1 00
1 tail Kehecca Healer 1 00
1 00' Sam Zeiders 50
1 Mij
1 OOi $'.! -Vl
J Welsh
K Adams
It I Raaler
W S Thonipon
Mr. II. Lawion,
Mrs. 15. 'A. Hunberjer, j
Mrs II LawoB $ 50:
Mrs B Hunlierger 50
Julia L Auker 50
Saiu'l Kurtz, jr - 50.
l-'dwatd Spieher 50
i lirniian inpiece 50
llavid (iinjrrtch 5o
James Frey 50
AitgttMus llatitn OO'
Itotlioa'l Station
Oro F Frey
Annie Trillion
W1I Lawson
Vim Hamu
Ellen I. Dunn
Hannah M frey
liiTid Marlin
Michael Stelly
f. r,."i I
5T mi
'.' 50 1
A nit. previonsly ckHiiwl.-dj;
'''' " j
1 t al Receipts ; . - "SPtl 15
The above ought to have appeared last
week. ri
Srvr 1
-. j ...
Soldiers" Monument Fund.
WaU.er 1 vuuthip ioutrilmtijHit, Vita,
Wert liitriet, jxr b. M. Shelly.
llan Heckman $2 0 Jacob lieidler . 2 00 I
I. V Seiber
S M Shelly
W II Moore
- OO !
Anil. pi-eti,iinlv sickuonlcdped
S.10 00
119 15
-eiptn - 15
K. S 1'AKKEK.. Tru'r.
W'uat the War has Cost titf
:iMUTn. The Newlork Thnet figures
up ' the: pecuniae loss . of the South in I
irood moucy as follows : ,
,v - ' f -. 1 ,r f'V
In slave troncrtv..r.'v snn nnn icu
By the ravages of war... .; "'lyO OO'oOO younS n,aB au(1 deserves to be encoar-i-W
crops of e'otton. 900joO0 000 j a8etl-
r'?!!T- -"'-r !X(0,0 "m- W. are glad to notice that a new
Jkice and sugar 000 000 '
CeBfeUeratcdebl ( worth in: ;;"' I cJ'tion of cPherion Political History
.gold $500,000,000)..... 4(MiO (HM) 000 i f l,,e Hebelliom is about to be issued.
The proper, proportion of . . j It will make a complete of leading politi-
' the National War Debt 1,000,000000 ' cal eve nU from the 6th of, November,
9,510,000,000 1
jiii?. oi course, ,s a very rough wti--,
nun? :
..!,.- ,is.. i j- . - .
.other items, mvolvmg indirect, though
uot less certain, losses. '
"Seldom have any people paid such a !
penalty for folly and wickedness. It i
ougnt to Dc enough to propitiate the
worst enmity.i Though perhaps certain
of the authors of all this calamity have
not yet suffered to the extent of their ie
'surU, this csi tainly canuot be said of the
j-Tit !,0,jy of the S..u!hcrn neople es
rculiy wh.m regard is had to "their sacri
i.'0 ii;-t only nf property, but of life. So
ir as 'hey are eonccrued. nouc lut
utarta callo-ia w cverj felling of humani
v csali dtiuan-i ihe inSietion upon them'
of :v furt'.rr. j .ir.iy'-.Rx'u-" -
1 Bu A tfe Hera busy kst week put
ting ttp out papan for tha mail, geuUe
man aiDt iato out taaotom saying ha
wanted to pay tip aol take to readiug hisj
own paper awhile. We inquired who he
Was, and were at 5r.it surprised to hear
the familiar name, Daniel -Shirk, but
in a moment we recognized the familiar
features of an old acquaintance. 15 less
yon, Daniel, trom Timber, l'eoria Coun
ty, 111., we are glad to see you.
A New Putsician. We learn that a
gentleman by the name of Koompfer, who
baa been a Surgeon in the army, intends
to locate in this town and practice med
icine. e reckon there is an opening
here. We have three Ministers to doe
tot our souli, three lawyers (we . don't
count the fragments) to doctor our quar
rels, three ecjjtors to doctor our minds,
and here is no reason why we ought not
rJ"1" le three physicians to doctor our
Olr Soldier Bors. -The companies
of Captains McClellan end Musser are
still at llarrisburg awaiting their pay.--They
iecm to be very unfortunate The
49th Uoys are also there asd expect to be
home to-morrow. The Juniata boys in
the 21st Pa. Cav. arc paid off and are at
home. Quite a number of Capt. Degeu's
men are at home "seeing the folk."
Their time expires on the 4th Septem
ber. The influx of our soldier? ..has '. en
liven ed our town very much. V'i
-1 s f
New Arrival. A large ( otN' of Sta
tionery packages,; containing eighteen
sheets assorted paper, eighteen envelopes,
pen and holder, and . jewelry all for twenty-five
cts. Also, new lives of Lincoln
with funeral orations Johnson and
ftraot the trial of the conspirators,
containing .the whole testimony, with
accounts of the execution Ac. Hair oils,
soaps, perfumery just received at Wcid
man's Bookstore. '
IJarn Ulr.nt. About C, o'clock
A. M. Sabbath, July, 10th, the lightning
-.truck in the Barn of John Musser at
MvAlistersvillc. The barn was large.
and arnrd with pr:nn and h:iv full tn thn
,.f ..i i i.' I
, "V . """' .. . I" 3
sta."d'nS the fl.wr, his threshing ma-
chine, hay rake, sled, sleigh, and one val-
uable young mare were all consumed.-
Very soon two horses were got out sadh
burned, one will probably die. The loss
; . . -,, 1 c.n7ui n i j
is about ?1U0 or 92000. He had a
ay We had the pleas ure of a visit to
our Hunetum sanctorum yesterday eveniug
of Josh. I). Biker, the geatleui.tnly and
obligiug Clerk at the State Capitol Hotel
iu llarrisburg. aud Win. K. Parker, late
Adjutant of the 87th, Pa. Vol. We
did not ask thcui what they were after,
but after subscribing fir the Senti.NKI.
(which shows that they have an interest in
this county) they were last seen "going
down the pike.'' This reminds us that
whoa about their age, we were also charg
with "going down the pike" betimes, and
we have a very pleaiaut recollection of
what it "crnie to." Some of these "llar
risburg boys" pretend to come np here
after 'butter" and '"Snyder's bears ;"' but
we suspect that if some fair reader of the
Skntinel would tell all she ' knows,
1 f something she ought not to do.) it would
appear that they are more concerned
about the hwj than the bear, and are In
search of nothing Luther.- All right,
boy, go ahead ! " "
Oil Mektinii. The stockholders of
iuniaia inuepenueoi vii company
are requested to meet at their works neai
McCoy town, on Saturday July 29 1805,
for the purpose of aiding the operations
of the company and the transaction oi
other busiuess. By order of the Presi
dent. - . '
P. P. BE A LB, Srrry.
r.istrurvT. Those of our readers who
i: i i . 1 I
live uereauuuis mivi uiivc vui.uivii w na.
their clocks and watches repaired, or who
wish to buy a good tiraa piece, or a nice
present for a lover or friend, will please
take notice that Wm. Roll ma a has taken
charge'- of the establishment on Main
c. . m:m:-; -a: uif....i,
o t u . n i r a
StrC' W,"re he majr " 1,WC8 U f0UDl
ready to accommodate those who may fa
vor him with a call, William is a clever
1860, to the 15th of April, 1865, from
the first election of President Lincoln to
his tragic death, and will give besides a
, ' . .l t t ,
copious cnapier on me cnurcn anu ice
... M , . .
rebellion. Most of our readers need not.
e to'd t'lat Hon. E. McPherson, the au
thor 0 'nu v',whle work, is unsnrpassed
as a careful student of political history,
and he is eminently fitted to compress the
momentous events of the war intelligent
ly. We know of no work cither publish
ed or contemplated that approaches this
one in value to the politician and indeed
every intelligent student of our thrillin"
ftair We have a number of new ad
vertisements which we hope all our read
ers will xamiue, and sec if there is any
thing of kti.Tcit tbrTf-iu'tlir'fhem.
Celebration. The' , Presbyterian
Sunday School of this place will bold
their annual celebratiou on Saturday. J u-
1 .- J CI I I S 1 . n
V.," "u ' ?cuwe'" ' our
miie j rum town. . xney win meet in nc
church at halt past eight o'clock in the
morning. All persons are respectfully
invited to attend, i
Tne Sentinel Treateo. The Sen
tinel while on duty the other day was
agreeably surprised by a blue coat, tryiug
to cross his beat. We were about calling
for the corporal ot the guard, . when we
saw him holding something in his hand.
We did not feel afraid for we knew we
had always been the true friend of the
soldiers ; but what kind of a shooter was
that rolled up in a paper : Iu a moment
we saw into the whole arrangement. Mr.
Samuel Bonsai! of Co. B 202nd Pa. Vol.
who is now home on furlough had brought
a bottle of Raspberry Wine of his own
manufacture and treated all hands in the
office. , Our judgement is that Samuel it
a very clever young man, and has our
tbr.uks for a jorum of the best domestic
wine that ever glided into our "denticu
lated orifice just below the uasal protu
berance." -
t& A correspondent of the Christian
Watchman relates of Powers, that on
being asked not long ago by an Englisb
lady, who visited his studio iu Florence,
whether he had executed a bust of Jeff
Davis, he replied : ''No, madam ; I hope
that before long an artist of another
profession than mine may have the pleaV
ure of executing him." ,
0. Among the papers of Jeff Davis
recently captured were several documents
of vital importance, determining the
guilt and complicity of Jeff Davis in the
conspiracy plot. These documents are
said to be of such import as probably to
determine the authorities in favor of the
trial of Davis before a military commis
sion upon the charge of assassination.
Judas was an exemplary traitor.
After his treason he went out and hung
himself. Very few of his tribe have
ever imitated his example.. Kufiiu, of
! South Caiolina is an exception. Having
! lived like Judas, he was willing t" die
I like him, aud so blew out his own brains.
If a few others would "go and do like
wise," it would remove a very aiffieult
question from the area of debate.
I.N Li't'K. The editor of the MifHin
town "Sentinel" was recently presented
with over three thousand dollars, iu uotcs
of. various denominations. We congratu
late our neighbor an his good furtaaa, and
are certain that he will never be out of
money. (It is rebel money, however, and
we arc informed that it i s slightly below
par just now.) -Leicitbunj L'hroutck.
Concord Oil. We have received a
specimen of the Petroleum taken from a
spring oo the Erwin property near Con-J
cord. A small bottle of water taken from
the spring has a scum of oil on it, and has
the numistakable Petroleum smell. It is
seen rising from the bottom of the spring
with the water iu bubbles, and it is be
lieved that it is forced up from a bed of
oil by "a current of gas. We learn that
a company is about being organized in
Shippensburg to dcvelope the laud in the
immediate neighborhood of the spring.
Franklin Repository.
The Copperheads and murder pat
ty are losing a number of their leaders.
Four were hung the other day at Wash
ington. JS'o wonder the hoDCst .voter?
are leaving that party by thousands. They
say they canuot stand the "murder parly"
any longer. Ex. .
J9"The State authorities are arrange
icg to procure the names of all Pennsyl
vania soldiers who perished at any or all
of the rebel prisons, and were buried at
such localities.' '
B The Government is about to take
possession of some important mines in
North Caiolina, which have been hither
to worked for the ' benefit of ' the ' rebel
V t& At Fortress Monroe on the Fourth,
it is said the Declaration of Independence
was read in the hearing of Jefferson ' Da
vis. 98 From tho last I'ennsylvacia School
Journal we learn that the number of pu
pils in the different Schools and institu
tions under the State authority, for the
care and educatiou of the orphans of sol
diers, who perished during the war, is
857, of all ages.. The. number ordered
to be admitted in June was 105 ; trans
ferred to other schools, 27 ; restored to
relatives, 9. TLe whole of this branch
of our public system of education is un
der the charge of Hon Thomas H. Bur
rows, Lancaster.
(ton. Tnrrv lia sunnrescd the i
Richmond Whin for sti-'matizin-; the)
i, , ., ' - i .t.,n, i
President s werctful amnesty proclanu-,
tion as "heathenish," and characterizing
a law of this land, duly enacted by Con-
rcss, aud approved by the IVesident, as
l,r., I .attt-.H 1 1 rOHllI t 111 " V
absurd, and atrocious! v nniust. In
seauence he lias directed" the 1'iovost :
Marshal to sfire the office, presses and
type and prevent Ihe publication.
Wfoe Post Office Department "LAND FOR SALE!
uo OTii-supportlng. Its profits for tlio j
lastau months of 18G4 were 872.230.C9;
. n
! " lor the first six months " of thia
will be much larger. -
J8SS. Time and space pre
clude the insertion of several
local items this week. '
Super, -gl bbl.
Extra, ...
Rye, l cwt,
$C 50
6 75
8 50
3 00
nutter, prime lb 20
Dimer, iu rule
lluckwlieat,.. 4
Corn Meal 1
Red Wheat bu 1
:'Ho;s, cwt
lo 00
'Hum, j tb 2
'Sides & Shoulders 16.
jFore qr, cwt 9 00
(Hind qr 10 00
Chickens, j pair 50
! Ducks, 40
White when,... 1
Corn, new...
1 40
1 50
Clover, $
bus 14 00
4 SO
2 50
Geese, 1 00
Turkeys, ... 2 00
COAL, 3 lou
Treventon stove 8 00
. do ' V.ea 8 50
Apples, 7$ bu 2
Peaches, qt 5
Currcnls,. . i.
New Irish, fi bu
Sweet i
Apples, f bu 1
Onions 1
White lieana..., -Beeswax,
"JS lb
Soap, dry ,
Wool, washed
Sonburr stove
Chestuut, ........
Miied ...
10 30
. 8 00
RalailM.l lr-tii'lua
Ceal Oil f) eal 00
45 Salt "n suck . 3 00
10 Plaster, r- ton 10 00
IS jXails 00
5 I In advance $2 00
Corrected weekly by J- B. M. Town-
And there no diteharye in that tear. EccU. 8:8.
In this place, on the 12th, very suddenly,
ISAAC ROLLMAN, nSed 45 years.
Mr. Rollman Wis well known for many yw
as one of the honest and ?tibst:imial men of
our town, where he curried on Ihe -watchmaking
and jeweler business, lie had gone out
with Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of whose chinch he
was a member, lo gather berries, took sick on
the road and died shortly after their return.
For some jears a disease nf the brain had
been preying Uwn him aud his dcnlh. though
sudden, could not have been altogether unex
pected to himself or his friends. His son
John had just returned from the army two
days before, after a long and faithful term of
service for his country.
War Department. Cavalry Bureau,
Q'rlcrmasler Gen's Office, First Division
Washington, D. C, July 5lh, 1865. )
WILL be sold al public auction to the high
est bidder, a lot of Horses, -nt the lime and
pl .ee mentioned below, viz :
Theso Horses have been condemned as un
fit for ihe Cavalry Service of the United
For road and farm purposes many good bar
gains may be had. The Horses will be sold
Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. and
continue daily until all the Horses are sold.
8TERM.S: CASH, m United Statct Treaa-
Brev. Brig. Gen., in charge 1st Div. ij. M. G. O.
July 12, C5.
Wanted! Disabled Soldiers
And others eut of employment to canvass for
Just Published,
47''' tnd IuMic Serriees of A. Liiirvln"
By Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Bar,
comprising otic large octavo volume of nearly
500 pages.
This is the only work of the kind publish
ed : it is entirely new and original, contain
ing his early history, political career, speech
es, messages, proclamations and other official
documents illustrative of his eventful admin
istration, together with the scenes and events
connected with his tragic end- It will be sold
only by our aulhorixed traveling agents, to
whom exclusive territory is given, and liberal
commissions paid., Send for a eircular and
terms to "American Publishing Agency, Box
218, No. 000 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
July 12-31. ; .
section of the Act of Assembly: 1804. it is
made obligatory . upon (he Treasurers of the
several counties of Commonwealth lo pay over
anually, to the State Treasurer Ihe whole
amount or Slate taxes due by the FIRST DAY
OF AUGUST, under a penaltv to the tax
payers of having FIVE PER CENT, added to
the amount charged against them in the
Duplicated. The collectors arc hereby requir
ed to proceed immediately in the collecttonjof
TAXB3,!ant demand from each tax-pay er in
his duplicate th- amount so charged
against, him, so that the Treasurer may com
ply with the law. , All persons who fail to pay
over their State taxes, by the FIRST OF
AUGUST NEXT, the Collectors are authoriz
ed to add FIVE PER CENT to. the taxes of
all delinquents.
j Payments must be made Collectors to the
County Treasurer on or before the "1st of
! July next.
I By order of the Commissioners.
! June 15-td A. I. GREER Clerk.
Estate of Abraham llalteman dce'd.
oticc is hereby given that letters of Adumi-
isation on the estate of Abraham Halteman,
tlwnshiD, deceased, have bee,
'grm," -0,1C
j same township.
c undersigned residing in the
p. All persons fcu-rwing tucm-
'selves indebted to said estate arc requested to
" I HI 11 1 ni Wt IC IHJITOlll ,II03:
I inT M-iiiita will vilt.aoo ttprini tin tii 1 title-
, --v... j ....
1 iviitivimt:! mr scmviHtHii
nine ii .vr-vturtr,., 1
situated in Walk-
ty. Pa. adjoining -
ur. Daniel Werts
X. vat
ate sale rro oi iiuiu
. . . , i
er township, Juniata county
1h...U of Jacob Shellenbcrio:
land Widow Meredith, ccniniuing, aiiour
: 20 ACRES,
About 18 or which are cleared, aud irt good
grass, the balance being Well timbered. There
is a
Lo House and Frame Bank Barn
on the premises. Also good water and fruit
trees. " ' ' ' '
For terms and further information inquire
of the undersigned residing near Mexico, at
which place letters may be addressed to him.
July litU65.. , . WM. C RIM ME I..
Court Sale.
rrHE uodeTsined. Administratrix of the '
J. ritale of Oearire Slittman dee'd. will -
pose lo sale at public outcry at the Public
House of Thomas M. Warenseller in the bor -
ougli of Pcrrysrille, at 1 o'clock P. M.
TUESDAY, JULY 25th, 181,5,
The futtoving R'-al Estate Froyerty. to wit : A
tract of
Situated in Turbett township, Juniata County,
Pa., adjoining lands of Jerome Thompson,
Peter Kilmer, G. W. Strouse and others, con
taining about
SO Acres,
TEB3IS: One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale and Ihe bal
ance in one year with interest to be secured
by judguieut bond .
June 28-ts.
' nimnl Statrmrut of Frrinan'gh School Dhtrii!
f t... : .
"OEfEIPTS and expenditures for 1864-i.
XV Tax rate 4 mills on the dollar of. valua
I . .... - .... .
I Hon.. ..." '
Gross amount of tax puplicaiea. $1113 9".
Deduct exonerations, S', V!
Deduct Collectori and Treas
nrer'a couiinission, - 61 54 ' -
i-8 07
. Net amount tax receVved
Add State appropriation received,
Balance on hand from last year'
Books sold.
Hi) fr'J
8S 42
J. .o
j jo
Total receipts, ,
Paid 3 teachers $;10 permo. 4 months $ SflO 00
" 3 180 OO
it J-jo o Si) 00
Paid 1 ass't $15 "j mo. for S mo. 2 dayt, 50
Total paid fr teachinj
Fuel and contingencies.
Secretary for services,
Building debt,
Balance on hand.
8S es .
$2218 8C
WM. WHITSON, Presided.
Attest, Jossrn Rotiiuocic Secl'y.
Estate of Wm. Ilendertun, Heed.
Vntti- t t,rnhi. n i P(n llinl lftor. nf 4ilmn
istration on the estate of Wm. Henderson, late
tf Pnrumnairh tnvnliln ilM-Dittil I. r u hn
tame .township.. All peruana knowing them -
luuL-utcu ii, saiu estate itrc it? urMi-ntu i . . ,..., . v-
, . , , , , ., i ns lust opened out a fall asvMiment of New
make immediate payment and those having i . ; . r . . . .
i . -ii ! . ..i a ,i "(Goods, bought at Rc.tneetP Phres n flue eit .
. , , 1 ,,, r ,
la.itu i.u& aetiicutcjit.
ii it lirvhrnciw
a. as. a,- ,
l C STS.-The following resolution was
passed by the Board of Belief June IS, 15,
and ordered to be published in the papers f
the County, lo wit : .
Kesolted. That as the exigencies of the
General Government have passed away vtith
the enl of the rebellion, the duties of tiia
Board of Relief have also come to an. enj.
Notice is hereby civcu to all persous inter -
ested that there witl be no more meetir.gs of
said board held.
liy order of the Board,
Attest A. J. GREER, IT.
June 13. 18u5-3t.
, FAIt.1t AT
THE undersigned Administrator of Estatt
of John Lanu, will offer for sale at pub-';
vu,,.,.,. ,. t.,oV,rPas v.n.r..on.
u . . i , -,
County, Pa., about, two and one halt miles
.i ii. . , tl
jNarth West of Thor.ipsnntown, on .
otTi-univ ir-rivn i'.tii
Atraetof landsnuaiedasabove stated .and
bounded by lanls of S. . Evans. Dand
vv.ii. .-.ii.: i . d.- 1 .w
co:uiiI:Mr,rt-SM,,s",, "d ,he
160 Acres,
aooiu o- acres or wnicn arc cleared anil un-
der cultivation, the balance being timbetland.
There is on the premises a LOG HOUSE and
LOG BABN. an Apple Orchard and a fine
Spring ot Water,
TERMS-. One half of the purchaso money
m tv f..iu vii mis Lvuim.!n'u ui inu ?aie iv
tne Court and the other half on the first of
April next to be secured by judgment.
SALE to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M of
said day when attendance will be given by
the undersigned, from whom any additional
information may be obtained prior to the
sale. . i
. .May 31st '65-ls.
f m s II V. ,inrlAVlifr,lpl woiflrt mMinret A1II7 infm-n, ;
1 the Citizens of Thompsontown and sur -
rounding country, that he has opened, a. New
Store nnder Odd Fellows 1UU, wheh- he keeps
constantly on hand a well seltcted assort-
rncnt of
Dry Goods,
Groceries, Fancy
Goods and Notions,
Boots and Shoes, Hau V
Caps, Qiieensware. Hardware
and Cutlery, Ce4ar& Willow-Ware.
Drugs and a lot of Fancy Stationary. ,
which he offers te soil at the lowest possible ,
tWrurcs: for Cash or Produce. I will pay tc
very highest 41 rices for Bnltr, Ffg", c."
TTI, Dried fruit awl alt kinds rr
produce, whitdi is generally b-raghr ' .-',,!!t.,'J
ped to Tiiarhet. 1 therefore rcc- ?,",T
; all a'M -.i .rrttullv soli-
I pnrolta sing el-sevchere '-.- ji stock
July is moo. ..
I CEXTLKJIAN eurciof Sarrourefci!4y.
; l'it-n,aivrc Decay, ead ;Jio elfects r,f
f -v" "thfiilindiseretlon, will tie Happy to furnish
ot hers with ihe menas i.f i-uri-. (f "Atrrs--. )
his remeoy ia BiBipIe, yule, andcirraii. ' '
T or full f articnlara. hv re'nrr mail, plsss
address JOII. K. CCDKJ.
CO XorssatiSt., Xetr TorK
O Ll El ES 71 1 be S
A PAMPHLET directing; How ro spelMily
restore sighrand give up spectacles, with
out aid of doctor or medicia;. Sent liy mail,
free, on reccint of lo rents. Address.
E. 15. FfiOTE. VT. tr .
Feb. 2-Cm. 1130 Broadway, Xew Toi-
great "rr iiaoiuK baen reatured to. healtU
in a few days, after many yaara ut misery, U
willing to assist his sultering iellow-ereHrurei
i bJ aendiuir (free;, on the rectehrt of DostDnid
j addressed eaelope. a eupy of the- furmuta f
' cure employed. Direet t.
- Boa 183 Post Of&ce, Iftookliix,
The Bridnl Chamber,
A note of warning and adrice to thoe
3iin"ring with Seminal Weakness, General
D.-bili(y, or Premature Dcra-y, from whatever
caus; produced. Read, ponder a-nu retlect 1
Be wise in time. Sent FREE to any addrMa
for the benefit of Ihe afflicted", ficn by "re
turn mail. Address- '
apnl ?.:n 423 Broadway. Sew York .
Selacs", UliiMlne!.i and Cirtnrrhv
! ry RE AT ED -rith the utmost success, y Dr.
j L J. ISAAC. Oculi-t and Anriist. (f.iraieii
( ly of Leydeu, Holland.) No 51V I'l.vjl Street.
Philadelphia. Testimonials fnnu the bj
reliable sources in the y an'i. c mutrv can
j he seen at bis Office. The medical faculty aie
! invited to accompany their patienn. as he
t . 1 - . T, 1'
has no secrets in his practice. ART1 FIl'IAL
i. l-.S, inserted without p tin No charoo
! made for examination. l'ub, 15. '05. -ly.
the human system, ihiV and female : the
causes and treatment of diseases ; the mai
r:a?e ei'stoms of the world ; hiw to marrv well
a 'li0U!:,n'' 'h'ngs n-ivcr published before.
re:i'i me reriscu aui eniarg-M- c'titK.n o;
Mr.uict. Commox SrxsK. a rurious Toc k ffcr
j curious people, and a good book for every niif.
j 400 page. 100 hundred Illustrations, l'ilcs
1"I8 fCi' t-'0,,tcnt table sent free to any ad!-
j dre". Books may he had at the Boi.'i store?.
or will be sent by niml, post paid on receipt '.f
'.he price. Address
E. II. FOOTE. M. D..
Feb. f-tfiu. 1130 BroaJw3j,N.Y '
M A TD I M n RE I A 7 "
"littl Wi T AWES AND GENTLEMEN; If you wuh
j j XJ to ni.,ry you cau do ho by addressing
jj (,j ma. I will send you. without aiouey and
"iW 00 : without price, valuable inf.irm ition, that wflJ
57 50 CUille yiu to marry happily an 1 speedly. ir-
i respective of age. wealth or beauty; Thi.
1130 17 ' 'n intoruiation will cost you nothing anil' i:
you wisn lo marry, i wat cneer-.uiiy assist
you. All letters eirictiy contidential. Tbv
desired information sent by return' mail, and.
no reward asked, l'lc.iee incloso postage or
stanipeil envelope, addiosic - t. joursel."'.
trfooayitfat s
May3ucs.'7- Kins C-.Njk Vork..
! IB KAt. K, "S)KACL
Ju .SL
! y v f !,-
i save mpnry !y falling at
I s-STnre rn l aiterson as Le
: rancv I nuts, from 18, 20 to
cts per vl.
DeLaines from SI rr XI eeats yard. r
Brown Muslin front 13. h't 18 lo 40 day jdf.
, 11. .1 I AT t Wi' 1u a . -ll i
T oodjfrom 1 to !o cents ' r-?.
I tk,r " w"" P? 7 .
H' "n's, T 8f'
j ".P lolasaes 8K-e.t per gairofl.
! -' ?JV f P".
i Good Brown Snjr.tr front 1-J, 1j to 58 rts
tihUBteoftce. 35 cents per pound.
I j.r-1IDC Kio cpnts T Co-ji:d.
, (r; we s, jt in,cm!, jej. "iaxicl.
; ivime 5. 2"jfacerar per Nnrrc!. to 5?'.
: v,tr ir.rriw. n,-r karr.-r SStiSlt. -
, Eltra. riUUa.rs. per barrel. 11 to ?I-T.
Cnvund Alam Salt from 51 to !!.;i0 per sack.
t.!l hl, t0 cents per .tilnn.
These arc t'asb Prices orftir fiMinir" Ffa-rate-
J ft. M. li.'Mv.
May ::. ISi'wi.
rnir.iTt: s.tf.t;
Ml TT 1 TJT V D ! U L'siT T I.1
rriHE subscriber residing in Fayette ttrnil
I -L ship, Juniaia County, Pa., oilers at pri
, b , , , b, m fc
as Thomas Kmter s, dec d, sttcatc I i'ic l.ilc
, , ,:, " . ,
east of Jlc AUistcrvillc. nine east of Mitnitt,
, .. .. .. .
five miles north ot 1 hompsonsto .-.n. eontan;-
there,j. A,,joilling ;,,., f Jwc.hg
, ., . , . . , .
: and ol hers, and having thereon erected a hiratt
i sToyKuovM and bank bars
: otone spring iiuuse. mc wafer runnmp i
' ilia tinpini, Ilmlsi anil thtni-A ill fh ttnrlt vH4-
ncver lailincr water, new horr house ami fw
brick ovens and other necessary Imil-iing",-
j o04 appje orchard of grafted fruit in !
bearing condition, cherries, pears mi 1 oih-T
i fruit ; also a good lime sione rjuarry wef
i opened. The land has bcen-wclUitncd "niu
j E00(j order. For further inrorniafim !! ":
qC iinucrsi'rneits
.-- .10 51 S k IN -El1.
rrFidirg on the r.iW'
Mav 21th
Orphans' Court Sale.
rriHE undersigned. Administrator 'nf tlt:
Jl Estate of Robert Harris, late er Rcatci
townshsp, dee'd., will expose to ss!c at inJ!;C
outcry-on the premises, on - ' ; .....
SATCRDAT, . AlhlST . IIH :LSt."f'. .,.''.
' A Iand "' Bcale-townss.?
Jun.at. County. .. , adtoin.rg lands o r.
; nu nl H-im- ot her:
Stcrrctt, dec d., and containing abor
127 Aoresf
Abont 00 acres of which a; o cleared a ad un
der cultivation tin l'.ftc Ijein' tiutlier
Iand. There w on -h- nt-mise ! hruse.
log ar. -uard acd 2ol water ar.
uou. The property i.
b soM 'O tt
. . , .1....... u..,.j 'tkirar:.c.
Tt RMS. ''sh " rrmftwatiw
Sale eotmocHCe at 1 o clots 1 . '
day when altendauce will M 1'7
rjuiv. JOHSOJF!'
.a:i.u rr -
: !'