V ,:a jMiUincl. Letters from the Hill. No 2. RECONSTRUCTION. , ,t . !:tk. and a union of lands, '' rn poK-r shall seter; h c . 1 ) - rnrf a vniou of Ion J. rifin I'uio j'orectr! M I 1' r L I S 1 0 W X--d-iy .J-ri!iug, July 19, ISftj ' 'FOKLHSSAXD FREE." A. 1.. liVSS, t.ditor. I.ov. 23 : lo. l'ro':.im Liberty jfrf7 1 bruuliuut the Land .v. if to ALL the a' '-- lr luibitanli Thereof. As before the rebellion, men differed many justifying the act; and as during these years of strife, men differed many denying the right to coerce t state, so now in regard to the reconstruction of the government, men differ many believ ing that at once the right of suffrage should be confered upon the sable mil lions of the South. In regard to the abstract right of the negroes to vote, there is but little opposi tion from any quarter. So one, whose opinion is of much ac count, stands boldly forth now in the face of events, to maintain that their claim to frauchise is unsound. The edict "that the negro has no rights which a white man is bound to re spect," is like its au thor dead.' And a government powerful in arms to overcome the most relentless of foes, great in whatever commands the respect of the world, is to-day the friend and protector of a race that but a few years ago was the downtrodden of the earth. The political cry that this government was made exclusively for white men, aud that others had not even the right of pro tection for person aua property vouch safed to them, is not heard but from a few who are so far gone as to be irre claimable, and so much imbeded iu fossil r.'tr.rr.yATA SExriSFr.-&t i .;-; s: Cifulativit of any paper pub-' .'...s iu ttls I'oun'y. It is therefore the; i -'!.,. udHn. It is a l'rer, truly I :'.. :ii.;y ...:llu:.-a, s 6m class Localise, j as to be worthy a place in sonic curiosity Two Books. Thompson-town Pic-Nic. '."-si ,:i t..e " mnty. (.. must he made i'oij . f iHtuLdad and impuv'er : m "f v.ut enhf be puntfhnl, . i . mr.t hi d'Striyd; treitton odioi't, evert and llf ( ! ove r mr tit rhotild '.' tut "f (h-: tmrteti of The iucstion then is not about the principle of the thiug. The bcussion now is whether 1'resident Johnson has the power to enfranchise the colored pop ulation of the rebellious states, and whether if he has the power, it would be expedient to exercise it T j The I'icsidcnt being a believer in the .i ' II, n fit. ii ihik iirfttr uttrr.-r. i ,'.' President John-1 ddctr'De tuat no state can secede, niain- :l. l'..i . j tains that no one of the states has ever ! been out of the Union, but that its oper ations have been merely suspended during the Inst four year, aud that in "coming I home' as Lincoln said, they arc to act the feelings even of defeated rebels; but yet only so far as it does no injury to other men who are free and have rightt This cry of expediency is but the argu ment of men who fear to meet the living issues of the day. Had Lincoln listened to it, the noble Proclamation of Freedom had never been given to the world ; Congress, in fluenced by it, would not have repealed tiie Fugitive Slave Law, lest Some brave son of the South might be exasperated ; the War Department swayed by it, and no colored troops would have ever entered the fire girt city of Richmond. ' Had President Johnson been influenced by expediency he would doubtless not have talked so plainly to the delegates from Charleston and Richmond; :nforming the one that slavery must be abolished ; and the other that as tbe rreh supported the war, so they must abide by the con sequences, aod the $20,000 clause cannot be repealed ; neither would he have re turned the writ of Habeas Corpus issued by J udgc Wily, and in a few plain words, lebuked the presumption of Judge Thomp son, declaring that the war was ended, by giving the powers to know that the Habeas Corpus had been and was now suspended. The second argutneot drawn from the ignorance of the blacks is much more plausible ; and if it were not, that by a parity of reasoning thousands of others, though loyal, would be excluded from the pons, n wouiu aave mucu we.gui. ah j Marlborott;,hi Wellington, Julios CVsar, know that the rcbelhon was the fruit of I o, Q Khan w- n);ght name ignorance. T he leaders were able to do morc waat mey nave aone oecame .ue jbca,CDi ,nd wbo ncver 8urrenJered to an ! Iu the event of another celebration are ignorant, and to avoid trouble in the L..m i,uf :t ;s no. neet!asiirv ' elahoiate i..t-;..., n.-xt vpr. it is honed j , j - - . i j ' Two remarkable works are said to be in preparation tor the press, by two remark able men. One is to.be published by James Buchanan, who once declared his belief that he was "the last President which the United States would ever have," while the other is by General Rob ert E. Lee, wbo will endeavor to explain how it was that he was the last Commander-in-Chief of the rebel army. Buchan an will explain how he permitted the re bellion to begin, whilst Lee will relate how he brought it to ;ts end. As a lit erary speculation, we should prefer to be interested in the copywright of Lee's book. Nobody cares particularly what excuses Mr. Buchanan may offer for his official derelictions. We know what tbe effect of his vacillation was, and we have paid very dearly for the infor mation. As a literary venture, Buchan an's "last dying speech and confession" would not command as wide a sale as the recollections of the hero of the last sen sational murder. Tiiompsontown, ) July 15th, 'Go. j Mr. Editor, . Thursday last was a 'day of pleasure,' lhat will long be remembered by those who were present at the Pie Nic, held in' the beautiful grove of Robert Thompson, Esq., near this place. The number present was very large, and delegations were represented, from Newport, Millerstown, Mexico, Altoona and Harrisburg. A party from the lat ter place, comprised about seventy lalie and gentlemen, and arrived, in company with those from intermediate points on the road, at Thompsontown Station in a special car, about nine o'clock, accom panied by "Keffers Cotillion Band" from Lancaster City. Upon their arrival at the Grove, they found a platform already erected, and soon the btli and lasses, en gaged in dancing to the excellent music, discoursed bv the Baud. Lar;?e numbers began soon to arrive, in carriages from the surrounding country and before But Lee has many admirers in unmixed j noon, it is estimated, that at least three society, "and there will be anxiety to j hundred persons, were upon the urouud. read this varnished account of his failure. I Throughout the d:iy, every one loth A rebel paper savs that he is "the great- old and youii. etined to eioy them selves am? the niuie, and dancing, did not conclude uutil alter 'J o'clock in ihc est general that the world ever saw; to which we may append without going into a fuller enumeration, except twelve, viz : lereaiii.. Washington, Jackson, Grant, Sherman.! To lr. I.ucian Thompsou. for the use Meade, Thomas,. Sheridan, Napoleon, of his "spring house," I feel assured in iu saying, that the geutlciuen jimtniitiir lf arc greatly indebted fjr the co!d milk aud other dfictin'm, deposited therein. future we believe in excluding all from that the committee' entrusted with its management, will be more liberal in tli HXtxv gUU'f rti$cracnl!S: . F. OROVE. l'ETER NEW F. GROVE & CO. Cflurral '(Commission $u rt bants ? GRAIN FLOLK, &C. . W. W. Cor. Howard & Mulberry Sts. BAaVrifflsaB, Consignments of G'raU. Flour, aW Country i'rotluce respectfully solicited. Ale, a large and general assortment of Grocertoe ou hand. , y. ,' F.GKOVE & CO: WHOLESALE . DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS OF O'sars, Tobacco and Snuff, ;o. 104 Tit AK'IiI Slrrel sVKTWKFS CB1KX S SC VTSStli, KALTiMom-i: ' ' QUICK iALE AND SMALL PROFITS. Superior Ispobtb t'ifM.m, fine Cuiw ino Tosaico, anJ Lcr of errry leseriptioa. with a general assortment o( I'ue, Snuff Boxc. K:incy Articles, &c. Ju!jP.-".ui GOSUfiti'S BRILLIANT. EASY, SHINING,'- Lcallier I'rfienln; . his tor v in order to refute this Bill secesh the polU who are unable to read, and in ;flatiery. Gcnera Lce i,as iccn , rcbel a measure a. least, a intelligently lor M they haJ no lettcr material j distribution of their invitations at lea-t tTllfl.:. i.,UM.vo!tJworeUiP- He wa beaten Id Weat Vir- to those ia our ow,. neigh Vrho , . A , aC ginia by General lleynolds: in Maryland Notwithstanding the suiall sum of four I , , , . iby McClcllan ; ic Pennsylvania by Meade, 12 noianec of the race in question. But ' .' ' , ' , A Composition of Xent's Fool an. pure iory I'.lick. impnrtins to lttMT aul .SHOE LKATliKK lUe softness an-1 f'.iaucj .r Kll while with one fourth Hie !or u. im.lv emplnyeJ iu the application of ta nr-linHrr Ul.ii-kinz. t pro-litccsa JET Brt;K t'.S. AMKL CWlSii, e.U.ilte-l ouK- hv r.itcat Lrathpr. S..1.I Uet:iil .y all IJIHH KRS AND SHOE. le IIS, l-.i-n l l nrdtf 'i Vfiv wl...I -1 ' ' ' ' " ' ...... s:i '--'l at the Manufacturer's Depot. 14! i-:nl street. .V. Jlar l up lor t nndi Jat-. c W'jik A-j'itn rt.iintiii" tarn out limit don't see it. v , '.' .- "- ."' c;rtin thtt ien. Sher-iT-i. ! ".!.- !i m"v-ntit findi'litte for j.-ti'. ! J. '.-.- j-rtcra True Ihnuxrat, -i.. t ". i c. ruin thai Geo. 8ber ') I-L:r.oc-Vic canriidate for oi jij.i.Junia'ji Register Jane -.'.m j'j;-i-?t-?4 to us a few 'weeVa .., i:ts i!o above ''moral certain- i.s 'Ji. y , Id doubtless come in ; !: . day. Vi c did n-)t need to wait at i we nt-w prcsout them in con ; .viih tiio !'"ilo'viug despateh from 1 1 1 ! i. Oiiij. .h;cd July loth, '05 : .i'l'i. Isjor-Gcn-ji-al .rheraian had a public ; :!oi; iur.; to-iLyj In the eoure of . iU .irk.-. !ic !).. ai t if v endorsed General in 4 him as next Governor of I i -- aI--.- s-Ai lie was not, under i;ms::t::co-, a caudidato for Gubcr-i're.-'i-icatial honors. dcwjcracy are hard up they have : viaci: uor candidates. It !; 1 ! r' .-.r;' tcful to them even now ii: rn-: tlu "war a failure" if ri.li: into office on the rcp : i v,i.- tmn. But it is "uur ..u trie Heroes of the war c j'-scih i.) be tin: tools of those! c -.r'.oadisui constituted one tie tlr.'iith of the rebellion. Uvws' wou't yo-a try Vallandig- liuucu -lor rrmciplea. l'cuicciacy are in a bad wy just i"l.-v are hunting for principles, ''''' vjTiU'.-iple" can they find, on . toLoi-.U'r i:p their defuuet and de i j .;rty . '1'Ley arc endeavoring very '.: ;jiuc rouud to the support t-f JoIiusom, evidently with a cle : !cri.-.o Lin:, but the game is too - lo v.-in. Vt'c pity the -oor dis i ;ui pcrhta-Je. They od their r, iacc-rtt-auy-pricc principles i c t-w.iil' wed by the loval Amer- ; ... .o, aci uuw ihcy are nt a loss ..uii'.I t? take, there is but one - -ulitiy now, and that is the ; iua iicptil'liean party. ' 'iuality-: precept Tf 1'ractice. ''.pp-rt.c:ti? wlio lave lately bc 'j:iJ cf t'uo society of the men under, the same laws aud regulations as were iu operation when they went 'abroad." Those who oppose the President's views contcud that the states having re belled, and passed tbe ordinance of seces sion, were out rj the L uton, and as being conquered must apply for re admission, and be subject to, and comply with the terms which the representatives of the loyal states may propose. Tbcy contend, too, that they may of right impose any terms that in their wisdom tbey may think best They would not only have the negro free, but would also at once in vest him with the right of suffrage. President Johnson would have him free and defcud in his rights of person and property, but would have tbe ques tion of suffrage to the loyal whites of each state. The President's view seems to be this, that in the work of reconstruction be is' not of necessity called upon to fix the po litical standing of the negro. But that he believes that he has not the power to do so, cau hardly be, for we fiud him exacting conditions of voters, such as we have not found in the consti tution in force in 1861, and even disfran chising some logally qualified to vote un dcr the old consti tution, and if he has the right and power to do this, has he not tho same right and power to declare whe shall take rart in the reconstruction (this be is doing) aud if it be necessary en franchise some legelly unqualified to vote under the constitution of 1861. - And though ws tare no declaration to that effect still wc doubt not that if the President Dad deemed it vitally important iu the reconstruction of the states, he would have given the right of suffrage to at least some of the negroes of the South as he hag taken it away from some of tbe whites. .... -. The negroes then arc doubtless excluded from the polls on the ground of expe diency. No one doubts but that tbe time is coming and will seen come, when no mere sense of respect for feeling, through loyal no mere grounds of expediency will prevent thtr enfranchisement of the colored men, who helped to preserve the republic. And in this the President leads . the way, for he has nrged the -col that any more consequences should possi bly result from the voting of benighted blacks, than has resulted from the voting of benighted whites we cannot concieve. After all, disguise it as they may, the rea $on why many aro now opposing the en franchising of the negro, is. not because it is wrong in principle, uoi because it is inexpedient, nor because Lc b ignorant, but became he in hlark. But tbe march of events is , ever on ward, and the time comes when the right of auffrago will ba if -ot univoraal, at least impartial, when men of all color's having the necessary qualifications shall have a voice in tbe affairs of the nation. For years the "negro question," was the question of our political contests, and all parties are wont to pay homage to the "divine institution of slavery." aud in Virginia by Grant and Meade. FR03PECTU3 learn that the committee of arrangement.', j OF TIIL DLEP Itl'-X OIL .H jLLL tic bad at one time the common a ot over ami above all expenses, nave a sur-1 a splendid army, but he dil nothing plus of at 'cast 011,5 hundred dollars, with it. j which they inteud to appropriate; toward.- After defeating MoCIellaa in the six j diminishing the expen.-es of a similar days battles, he was badly defeated him- j party. to be given bore next y ir. self on the seventh, at Malvern Hill. : NELLIE 1. He won at Fredericksburg because he Tiik "VoiT ltor vi. On Comtast." h.-iriri" l:ise-l tffi tracts of very superior Oil lanU m llniilv.ini township, ftrceiic l.'ounlv. Pa., both of vhic'i arc situated ahout one nii'I A h .ll" miles from (lie celt-hrotc 1 M.iplc Farm tin: centre of Ihc I'liuk.tr'I Creek O.l Region., an't upon one of which liiey are sinkiii); a well have concltiileii to bore a -won-1 well, wilh which lhere will b connected thirteen acres of land, about twelve of which ean b re-l over, in two tract, 'on of ''three acrt-s situ led on. lleep lun a short distance from its en trnncfHnto llnnkavil YerV. and nhotil one an-1' a Harter'nile9 from the 8-;!i-brated Kosswell, which .viel-ta from twenty to thirty barrels daily. This tract is considered by oil mn as a very desirable position for a well, from tho fart lhat is surrounded on all aide by lofty hill, with numerous deep ravines leading into it. On 'his tr.ictlhe company propusi t, sink a well, to be called TIIC -DEEP. ltr-K, WELTV' At a distance of a few hundred ' rard from their well now boring. Tbe Southwestern Company is now borin-r a well at the mouth of the same run, in which, it is said, they have poo-1 indications of oil. The l'urt Koy al ("ompiny have just started one. nhd Iw T .u. 1 .!. k:. . I -l l .viewwiiniim r.xecuitve tor toe purpose omrn mc "n-ewm.iieuce-i noon iiiriner up To what happened to him in April last: L,ere9m. The other trac. will contain tc . it is scarcely necessary to revert. Suffice ! OI J!kIU. ":m lo M"K' oul "r J,,t" WI8K cres nearly all of which is boring ter -iV.ry. portion oi uis .vuuicsiy i lociaiuauen oi , an-i witnoiit uoiioi nrsi class on 1 m l, titui was behind intrcuchments.- Chancellors- ell yes, we tbink tberc is more pt kt.uj ... - i . i , ; at pic nics than discreii tn calls for :iud ville was his only real victory, aua otone- " , . v ... , , . . . .. . . we think another tiling. Nellie, that when wall Jackson won it for him. At the fcec- yAiioxn arc expected to notice these social ond Bull Run and Groveton he would gatherings they ou'lit always be invited, have been defeated had Fitz John Porter i whether they are likely to attend or not. don bis doty and reinforced I'opc. lie ' HereaftrT. if wo can not get a pick at was boaten at Chantilly by Kearney and i in,enJ " pik at .sou,.Bb,,Jy C,3C; , . . . And it ou want your i ic nic "blowt-d Stevens, and he was driven from the Kap-1 up .,il)vi-teus pri,viJe , bos of idan by Grant and Meade tn a scries jglKi cigars, and we will do as much puff of battles in which he acted mainly on ! ing as you want Ko. the defensive. At the Wilderness he' -.- tried the virtues -fan attack, but got! BS- President Johnson expressed his enough o it. and he intrenched and was i v,eB3 0:, lo ",c Y""- " wea- 3 ' IMPORTANT NOTICE. i," which Job desired that ; thc 25,1,1 ' May kuowa as the should do. He enjoys the ' clausc-" -M he eummittcc that he The few that believed slavery to oc tne A.A . , .,, .,,,., fi..t,. . tliy leaders ot ttic ie'jei:i.n very piaiuiv 'sum of all villianics," and labored to intrelIcllIllentll al,"thc way t0 j on Saturday a week. A Committee fr.-iu circumscribe the limits of thc system, ietcr6tIlr all(i R;chaiond llichmonJ sought and obtained au mter- were treated with contempt, aad even) n, , , . .... - , ., . . i view with the Executive for thc denied sometimes the privilege of advo cating their views, by those who of late i years have manifested an undue regard for freedom of speech. And as men en deavored to retard the cause of progress and freedom, now some will oppose, and may prevent for a time the granting of impartial suffrage, but they cannot in '.he end defeat it. And this is the question of the hour, and must and will be mot. Wc may deplore agitation, but so long as there is any hope of removing institutions, repealing en- , , f f . . , would relieve the poor and bring tbe do- actmcuts tbat are contrary to thc spirit of . . f , of Ui ' nor within the benefits of the proclaim. progress and freedom so long will there j k wU, M hig h ( tion. Tbe President stated that in mak. be agitations. The only way then to pre- . . . . - emDloved iiuK t,,c "option under discussion he by thc United States, to whom he owed had acted on tl,c uatural "PPH5on that everything in life, which debt he repaid . mcn had a,dcJ thc "belliou according to ;.b ;ni;irf .r,,.,. , their pee uuiary meaos, aud that it-was! The two books will be. in their way. of! t,ic wcaUh.v I,,cu of t,,e So,lth w'") dra interest, and they midit be issued under j S)0ned tI,u Pp'o into Secession it to say, it has given him leisure to "write a book his enemy shoul reputation of beiog thc third General ldld not t,,,,,k tl,eJ" des,rcd tI,c ru,"0Vi'1 uf who, in thc United States, surrendered an ! t,,c "" ,ur llic PTe f 'elp.ug entire army in thc field, his predecessors I tho I,,,or' lut ,0 CDai;c 'u being Burgoyne aud Corn wallis. With j m;,ke mme5 anJ suSteJ tbat ''- events like these in his military, it is su-' ,hc,r nic"'ur,al asserted they were so premely ridiculous to assert that he is ; vcr caSer t0 ''c,, thc Poor ,,,cy co1'1 'the greatest General thc world ever saw.' "eir surplus over the 20,UW Ilia book will sell, no doubt. s 1, : ' hcir benefit, which at the same time vent "sectional feeling," '-sectional par ties" is to do away with every "sectional institution," and make our government iu lact, what it is in name truly cmo cratic Tbere is now an opportunity to do this and may our rulers meet tbe ex pectations of the great popular heart of freedom, and have in them the same mind that was in the late good President. TIMOTHY TOPIC. , Brownlow on Reconstruction. He Gov. Brownlow has issued a lengthy address to the people of Tennessee, ex plaining the validity and constitutionally of the present Constitution and Govern ment of the State, and stating that the Constitution was the work of President Johnson, and that he; (Johnson) will sustain his model scheme of reconstruct r r-iic Sam's livery of blue, arc! ored population of tbe District of Colum-j tion in the rebel States, with just so much force applied, and just such man ner as may be neoessary. Gov. Browsilow auoccs that tht, act .-ou the fcuLject of Negro Equal- ' bis, to petition the next Congress to ack- . ,;r !!tctM:!g in the deprecation nowledgc their right to the franchise, by .k-v.itkm of the ncirro. The fel-1 "iviucr them the power to exercise' it. ( thc same title, "An apolocy for my fail- n,ms:il1 naa llveJ ,n ",e Bjutl1 an "new urc.by James Buchanen," and "An apol-i,,)W the thinS haJ been d,jne ogy for my failure,' by llobert E. Lee." j Virginia her rich ineu had used the press One will relate to thc history of a "play- t0 ssist in ""citing the revolt. He de ed out" politician, and the other of a sol-1 nicd that the working of the Amuesty I dicr, Finit coronat oimi. Inquirer. i 1 roclamatioa was injuring the people, as tne committee nan siaiea, oy snuttingsip The Savannah Herald contains au 1 canital and keeninsr work from thc no ir address by Ex Governor Brown to the If that -u douc at all) ;t u jone Cvn people oi vieuria, wuicu uc ui ires , ., . , ,. r , , , hem to supportnot only the Government 1ucncc of tke vw!at,on of law and tte of the United States, but the administra-1 commission of tfeason. Thc Trcsideut tioa.ofthe Chief Magistrate. He ap-' concluded his remark by statiug that he peals to them to take the amnesty oath had seen no rcasous for removing the ic and observe it in good faith. Ho argues f srictioas. that slavery is now dead forever. As to! . ' his slaves he will immediately cinaucipato ! - jqt Thc cil on Oooked Kitn, about one mile from llunkird Creek, ami the same di.-tanco from the Taylor Well, in which they have slruo'.; oil. and arc now preparing to pump, and about one ami a half miles from the Maplo Farm. The term of !eae in both cases is twenty years, one fourilt royalty, wiih coal privilege. Operation lo he con.menot-d and prosecuted at the pleasure of the operators without danger of forfeiture. The company will procure a first class oil engine and good boring tools, and will put up the ncesssry bui!(itn)ts tn a substanrial. durable and work manlike style, prosecute (he work with all p.-asible dispatch, and will commence tlio work an soon as the sbara arU takeovTL The Kumber of Shares Will be 125! at , $100 Each; ; jr. The Stockholders will have the pnvlfce Hi' selecting their own officers, and taking the well into their own bands ag soon as it is bor ed ; anil if Ihey wish, by consent of tke ma jority can make further assesnments on tbci:-srm-k and bore other wells: An assessment of 40 per ceat. wil". bore two additional Well-i after Ihe engine, necessary tools, and the ter ritory is ones procured There is now no longer any doubt of the ii isteneeof vai-l deposits of oil in the Punkard Creek oil region, from he fact that a number of fine 'yielding wells have keen" obtained, sue h as the 1 - J '. i 1 1 i it i.-i - - WILY SOS-1 AND 2, CRAMER, ST fLlfo. COXriXEXTAU- . FUliirR.', iUCA. BCSKARD, STCLCRft. R0S, 'J 1, AN t .OTHERS. 1 Uoring for oil if going - on -actftely 'along Diiukaul Creek W-a dntarvre of Roaie l!l"t, miles. Several hundred (Ilonsaiid ' UoQar-t . of Pcnpylvania, New YorS lind ifi enpitat has been devoted to the development tof oil lands in this section . of eoaniry, .ul. ,."il . elrikcs" are of frequent' "occurrence." The oil ehtntneo! la of a very suprcior .jualiiy, and is used for lubricating purpoars. It- is without iWiiKt the risTnt rofn is WrsT kb Psxntiv.m. Yajii bels .if bitumin- Allentown (Y TP,.,o..rat i u.5! ""derli. lh wbol. elrvv a i, and treat them as free, giving them a part m r tac want of of thc crops or Wages for their labor. , . r - . . , I inous coal and the larza ana To those who catnot suppo.t thc Con-' demaad rr.:roD S1BC tLe cessa,lla of ",c re"ly ud, .tit ;hoT undertook less than From this fact we bier that be "believes j passed by re Legihlalurc to limit the to pa:, tBese same soldiers, I they have a right to it, and that thc charge j elective franchise to loyal men will be led by destaging men is no niece nppUca- .v-v p'J. :ug wi '.. a level with the negro by dc- un ot the rightol suffrage. : ble to the negro than to the white. ' -iiiomKcr ?!-.t tie wen who !ovc The arguments drawn from expediency .-utli a dicafifu! tcr-'ar--1 two. one tli f-.ir of d-d'is?. violeticji un 1 i:.iv . j j uiji;.. lliemitlves vu!..(i a!tj the' ic. : r ycu ti-wii to tbe i-'ve! o" !te ! cth-r th- f .ins o; rt:.;! u 10 :clUi r . JS, tLc ..e I-.: The geologieai Mntclctre of if siipww bilani (antiiirs of oil; l- DTA I (t llnnl-Ar.l stitution of this Government he suggcts ' war) every iron establishment in the Le- Region to be vet prolific in oil, and tW per" the emigration from thc country. I high Yallv has blown out ouc . two or ' "'"S ccke.r oleginoii wealib. in T i ...... 1 . A ' ,.- . ., , that .piarter, will undoube-lllv he evownedwita 5T The Xew York Wy Ae, thc ! 7f stauls'. uJ I"2 rou ,,s "Icd "n ' rr : iuu vdUav ui iiiu ciiuai iui aiuu iuc rail-1 " . . . - b uu iurs vi t. r.LT., .will please fomsnl their ' j nmlB -Ion M.- Kkpsrk, Trxfimirer of Uiq . ... . t . iui itioni Miii,uniuiFiV..ai w rtrr a - 1 1 a -. ,. edbyillegal votes will be annulled, and, Wood snuffsas be tluuks, a cliaucc to gctj jas.Judge Asa l'acker of Mauch ' K. P.oBisijvlur: Roy,!. , W t,oonr,r tbo ofTuwrs so elected will ha the negro vote lor bis party, xt is not i t'bunk, 1'enn., formerly a representative ., '-.t rvm-n n-'- r.r'tnrrrw "?'. , . .... ft t. . .i tr I:., n. ...... iv '... t. i. ir rested.1 ' i!ii!rouao mat tuo vopjurucau wm"' v.f.j,n- hum nunc 'I'!,.. .-Ivi! flPfl n.-litar - nuthorities wil! '......'t .,, ;.. i.h r.nitt- will v-t !.... I munifieeot douation : oi-. live: humlwi , M I S.I.ID IW nil,' vm i - .. w-v-.ru. I, .... , . .T. Ht- vurf t. i5" : t,,e 'iure Maui, near B,ti,i-:l.cn, tWr the endowmoat 1 d M ' - VV f. ii every speeies of ' of ignorance, and the -danger of being ; enforced on thc day of the election by the ! leadiog Copperhead paper in the couutry, i , . , i . 1 - ' - ... J 1 . . . f a- road bv the civil and military, and all electious effect-1 is out in lavor 01 negro sunragc. j.eu- in yfS-iV l .4 :ot m iisrmot'., ; i. '. r :- . : . if itt.i 1. '-"-an a yea :i:.: v, i ,..u i!, .-v the r:-!i' v .::i Mi.-;r ; , T., '1 ;ir.' i'i tim Vim rit -f , .... ". . i- .r.: r.-.t J, ft iir-.- i!.. ;.,..,!:-., ..i ' . t .1. 1- ' u l 'I'll . .- f 1 . . 1 , '-'a . u a -1 . . . .. . - 1 - . 1 1 . 1 .-1;'. 1 1 u which ii .as '-' I: i. .'Bm;.-v ' M irvM i f V it" ti