Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 12, 1865, Image 3

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    rA ifc ir1" jt .
limiata Stntiacl.
Ourd wall l"or Pc::"
' . c .
Eternal rigiI"Bc is tlie Prirt
after Monday, May 2?, 15, Passenger
Train will leave Milliiu Station as follows :
"Philadelphia Express.. 12.4S, A. Jr.
tFastlAe..... f.41, A. M:
Day ripreos.:... 11.21, A.
Pittsbg.. Kric MaiL.. 11.12, IV M.Y
"Mail Train :!.4., 1
?Pittsbg.&. ErieMml...
j Baltimore Express
Philadelphia Express..
"Fast Iiue
''Mail Traiu
Emigrant Traiu
3.27. A. M. ,
4.fH, A. M.
ft.SS, A. M.
.r).)8, I'. M.
3.W. P. M.J!
10.07. A M.l!
. . JAMES NORTH. Aft.-
Jit'y except Sunday. fUsily exeept Monday.
Slop at Perrysville at, 1 l:2S iif dag'.-'"')
tl.20 :t:,'iH f Stop at ThcifcpMf.toVit at
1 :.4il. i:hi:
I Stop t PerrygTille at 3. 10 (if Hatred t
3:45 :34. jj Thotrpsontjwn it 3.25 '.):0U
ililnged )
Ai'i-i.KS. There are indications that
the apple crop in this section will Le very
B?3i At long last t'.-ci boats are run
ning once more in the "raging cauawl"
the shortness of the boatiog scisou
will be a serious lo- to shippers of graiu.
t-ual. Ac.
Harvest. Our farmers are all busy
with their crops. We tried it Oh two
days and are satisfied that it is no "child's
play." We worked one day so steadily
that we Iiad'nt a dry stitch on us any more
the reason was wo were caught iu a
heavy rain.
-i '
trS" The editor of the Lea-isburg
( hruni' lt wishes for rtlarf citing Sharks
iu the river at that plate, to prevent frtale
and female rowdies from expressing their
carcasses to the public in (he costume
which Job wore when he" Came into' tile
19 Those most nnziuns nov? for the
' Presidential pardon, arc the sai?)e men.
who, four years ago. Tauntingly averted
that they would live or die with the" Con
federacy. The Confederacy being dead.
Stls a mystery how these braggarts sur
vive. The Orphan School By reference
to another column it will be seen that
Col. McFarlnnd proposes to give the orph-
3ns a chance to give ciir Citizens an cn
!'tCTtainment if they will pet a suitable
'"liOusc and keep the children nntil the
iriorning (sains. We hope this rtasona
ble offer will bo accepted. What say
our citizens ?
Hot Git Foe, tain. Tiro young
'Vien yesterday opened a liotring- fountaiu
' of tangle-foot whiskey on tiie Patterson
'Porch. One was forward kneeling at the
''heix-h'' very tL-vottonnUy while the
' o'lher was lying around loose. We cmue
'to the conclusion that unless our idea of a
iown squirt" looks better and smells
better than the machinf ry ic our trans
' Juniata bur cuigh, we shall be forced to
'ppoe its construction.
tS" The early maturity of the crops
this year is a matter of surprise. The
harvest is at least eight days earlier than
has been known for many years. Dut it
is to be regretted that the promho of an
"xtraordinary yield of whit hn.col been
fulfilled. It has been considerably in
jured by the weevil in some localities,
'while it ?3 generally much lighter than
wss expected. The corn crop, however,
'promises very well.
We arc -under obligations to
Messrs Tickuor A Fields for a copy con
"aiuin: fhc fwcetest and raott popular of
fc nny son's pocins. Tbc?a copies are i
ud in a neat form and at fifty cnte a
copy only. Froth thesanx? Crui wtJ have
"The ilau witlwul 4 Country, " , in' pacj
ihlct form. It was originally publibhsd
iu the Atlantic Monthly and attracted
jnuch tttcnliou. Il is published at ten
cenfa per copy. To be had at Wciduiflij'a
Book Store.
ItWc arc indebted to Col. G. F.
McFarland for a copy of the steel p!atc
engraving cl the frontispiece of his forlh
coniing History of the First Corps. It
comprises fine pictures of Gen. Doublo
(!tfy; Col. McFarland aud live other of
the 1st, Corps officers.
We hope the Colonel will soon get out
of his work as wc feci assured that it will
be a very valuable book to all' who be
longed to or had friends, iu that part of !
,itc . istry;- Ue know the author is very
oompetent to jet it np properly.
I . IIokse Sale. By refarence to our
i advertising columns it will he seen tlint a
I bca will ihkc pinue at uiifl wnu uu hou
nesday, July 20th, at which time we ex
pect to sec a large crowd of our farmers
in town 'as douotless there may ' be some
bargains ot ha'aJ . Come to the great
j Horse Fale. We presume there is no
j co doubt but that it will come off cn that
. ; '-; :
wau Harper's Magazine tot July is
nchiy stored with .entertainment for the
long summer holidays. The illustrated
papers are Pristfa Life,'Washoe Revisited.
Aliird paper) and Heroic Deeds of Hero
ic Men. The serial stories are still pro
gression with deepening interest. Gar
den Philosophy, Sealed Proposals, Out of
Prison, Anecdotes of t'uitarian Diviues,
and other articles possess fpecial merit.
B W are ihdgltcd to Horace Wat
ers, publhcr, No. 481 Broadway, N. V.,
for two sheets of music "Funeral March,
to the memory of PiesidentLincolu," by
Mrs. E. A'. Parkhurst, a plairitive and
mournful (J uuriorj cotnposltign for ;thc
piano, tmd "Jh,' b'end ui? one Flotrcr
Flower from bis Grave," a beautiful pong
with quartette chorus' and piauo accom
paniment. The ( music of the-latter ' is
simple ahu UeS'tiful, ar.d well adapted
to social clubs. , ; ; ."
SlJThe Ilattis.butg Tcleyfaph comes
to us enlarged and clothed in .1 new drcs.
It has got back to the eld building again
the tire seer.t'! to have had the effect of
expanding it tr beautiful proportions.
"Old Oeorge"' ' Peek," "Ween," the
'Miller'." and the ''boys'' riiivt hafc all
put tl.cir heads together add their hands
to work to get up so neat a paper. It is
devotedly attached to the good cause of
our Country in fact it is neaity as loyal
as the SKXTiSFLt' We are glad to see
the morning edition agisiu distributed in
VETfcBAXS. A cc'rre.econdent sends a
letter from Pattersuu iu regard to the 4ut.h
IleL'iment. Wc can not better present
the case then by publi-!ii3g his letter.
It is worthv of iierusal. We. see now
that the Hesiiuent tV t.'t be dischurrrd.
It is a fact that wc are apt to loose sight
of our old solnicrs who have been out dn-
rir.g all 1 lie war, and think more of those
only recently eulisted. 15:it if :ha one
year men are to be honored, thrice and
four times more are they worthy who
have sorted thee and four years and done
the hard fighting. From the bottom of
our heart we thank ' and honor them
fur flidir Lrnvciyand devotion to our
15" We are really glad that among
the assassins Lately hung iu . Washington
there was one trmnnn. Sot that wo hate
womcii. but because we thiuk it high
time that woutierf koow their place. Dur
ing aii this war the .rebel women In the
South and t'cir slle-Vscesh friends in the
North have been sayiiig what trey pleas
ed with impunity they imagined that
their sex would shield them from all
punishment. Hence they were the most
powerful aiders of the rebellion. We
rejoice that women also must kuoiv thoir
piaces o'r take fNe Cousoiiinccs."' "
. . t
A Vau:ai;i.e .jovwxAU. Wo receiv
ed this week. M'ine Demorcst's Illustrated
Motthly, containing printed pate'ras, and
its advent was like tho glad coming oi" a
beloved fri"nd. The July number Com
mences a new volume, and pre'-ctfts ex
traordinary inducements to tnbscribers.
Thc typography, cngsaving and fashion
plates are tmitcn up in the very highest
s'ylc of the '-art preservative."' Besides
the very many plain, practical instruc
tions in the fashions, its literary depart
ment is excellently conducted ; while its
Household Department surpasses the
stercotrtel directions of all tho old maid
rook' that ever wrote how to l.Tike tansy
tea or sole leather pics. Every lady who
desires to kuow what ta wear and how to
make it, should subscribe fof fhc .Monthly.
KX, We are "indebted to Mr. tiician
W. Kingsiy of this place, now doing bu
siness in Uichmond. Va.; for the follow
ing little item illustrating how utterly
unablo the rebels were to control every
body and enforce their desperate games
in their last moments iu Jliehmoud:
When the ilcbel eapitol was being
evacuated Genera'. 1'irlj ordered two en
gineers, on the Richmond and Petersburg
P.ailroad, to run on the bridge' aud the
set fire t'j both cods of the bridge. But
instead, of thus vantonly destroying fhese
engines they run them to Chester, switch
ed them off on a coal road and left to
hunt our forces. Presently they wore
captured by the Yankees while fleeing
from them in a mistake, supposing them
to be rebels. They were gjad they were
mistaken. . Win. Mauley was the engin
eer of the ('omit and ltobert Frank, in ;
of the. Mien IloaJ., which engine bo- jj ;ni Jks- 1 year, 3 months
longed once to the llaltimore and Ohio'"' T'- ; . .
iv.:i.-.i r- 1 l. ., ! h ! grieve aot for Flora, she is only asieer. ;.
...i.i.v.m v.o.,iraj, u,u0 ccu "J"'" vv
by tho rebels. It
said the Company I
ve Franilia for rtTing tiic'v en
The Atlantic Cable. It is now ex
pected that in about two weeks the Great
Eastern wiil start on her voyage with the
Atlantic cable, which is now safely coiled
up on a board of the .great, ship and wait
ing lor the f tal preparations. ' Tl ere is
siifficieht confidence in the success of the
enterprise to induce underwriters at
Lloyd's to take risks on the cable at
"twenty five per cent.' which eertaintly
indicates no excessive, apprehension. -
. The schedule of. prices fixes the rate
upon messages tor the l otted Mates at
lona ponnd sterling word, It is stat.
od, howevr, that this heavy charge is es-)
tablishod temporarily, to check the press
of massages at the outset. :! -' a
" ' . ' ' ' ' " ' '' ''
Siioi'-Liftixu. Wc are ' ialormed
that a young lady was detected, last week,
in Patterson, at a store, in the act of hid
ing a pair of shoes under her dress with
a view of securing them without paying
for. them. , We have the particulars of
several other efforts at shop-lifting, by
males and females, iu this town and in
Patterson, all of which deserve exposure,
or rathe- we should say the law ought. to
be enforced against all offcudors without
respect to person. Dishonesty hereabouts
is getting perfectly awful. We have not
only those who can look yo'i in -the eyes
with aa innocent stare while they are
stealing from you ; but there are those,
who under the guise of friendship, will
ingracintc themselves, into ones favor,
and cheat him so villi anously, that they
can laugh over it, and pass" it off as an
evidence of tmartness. Such are some
of the men fed and fattened by the people
but there will bo a slight upheavel . some
of these days. :
The Forthcoming Trial bf Jeff Uayis.
Now that the conspiracy trial is over,
and the sentences ot the Military Com
mission are executed, there will soou be
some definite action concerning the ttial
of Jeff Davis. If it shall be determined
to try him for treason, the proceeding
will, of course, tak place before a civil
tribunal ; but from prtsent indications it
is more probabla tht he will bd tried by
a military commission the as leader aad
j Instigator of the conspiracy, f. r it is said
j in prominent quarters that there is newly
discovered evidence against him
The AmnZt Proe.am,in-App.ien.
lion lor the
Keniova' of the si,ooo
The President gave an audience to-day j Henry S. Mcrideitha". w.ts re'eleticd ecrc
to a deputation of Virginia gentlemen ' tary with permission to choose his own assis
who wished him to so alter the amnesty taiits. Ho selected W. Kirk and F. Tidmage.
proclamation as to dispense with the ! As usual the Annual S. S: Sermon was
clause which excludes from it? benefits j preached on Tuesday evening, bv Her: 3. II.
persons who are worth more than S2U,u00 c Smith. . TUo exercistscoiumeucclbysins
The President, after a free and plaiu iis the lUOTih hymn,
conversation, Said be would look at the I -Delightful work : youiii; tunU to wiu,"
paper which they presented. but so far in !.md prayer.
he had seen no reason lor removing .tlio
1 Ffi isro iv x a fro
Super, Y hbU Sfi 50 Butter, prime lb 15
Kxtra, 15 73 !liut!cr,.Ju rate 1:
I!ye, cwt.
S 30 bard, . 20
3 00 -Tallow -' -12
t 00 Ejrrs. aoi 22
Corn M1 1
Red Wheat Vim 2
Hogs, V cwt 15 Oo
2 fi Ifam, tP lb "... 25
1 '1 Seles & Shoulders 10
1 10 IiKl-f,
1 4 ) Fort qr, f cwt 0 00
10 'llir.1 or.; 10 00
While when,
Corn, new.....'
Iluckwheat, ..,
1 ."!'.) ! roUI-TKY,
Oats, : - fO
Clfirer, y bis 1 i 00
Timoil-T. 4 T-0
I'hickeris, "f pair
1 00
2 00
Fbis 2
IlimKiirhiu.. ... I
lUtlEl KKX1T.
Apples, T 1,11 -reaches,
" qt 5
50 ; COAL-, "j tilt
00 Trcveiitoa stove 8 00
i j- ' do Kgg 8 60
50 Sunlmry stove f (to
.,1 i (b Lgg h oO
12 .Chestnut, 7 00
10 ilVa, 5 50
.s Mixed 3 73
ti 1 WOOU,
N'cw Irish, "p bu 1 50 , Hickory,..
Sweet 3 00 j HAY,
VAU1KT1ES, 'Timothy,
1i nO
Apples, "(1 bu 1 50 Clover 8 00
Oninfis 1 (R) j Retailed Articles.
Vhile Renn?.... 2 ' Coal Oileal !W)
r.eeswav, ri lh -1.1 'Salt, -p' sack S tit)
Soap, dry 10 Thster, "jl ton M 00
Candles IS N.-.ili fi 00
WPo1, -wssiicd 00 tji'MATA SENTINEL
Rags,..,. i 5 j 111 advance 2 l0
Corrected weekly by J- B. M. Tonii-
it not good that man $houhl be alone.-Gcn. 2.1
On the 3rd, iiift., by Rev. J. A. Mathers,
Mr. J- Walker rattcrson of Juniata county,
Pa. and Miss Maggie J. Lyon of Fulton couu.
ty. Pit- .....
On the 4th, insl., by Rev. M. Allison, Mr.
Thomas Farrel! and Miss Mary Zeik both of
Miltlin county, J"a.
On the 25th, inst., by H. G. Dressier Ki.
Mr. Peter Cluck of Steuben couuty, ind., and
Mrs. Nalcua Rrown of Juniata county, Pa.
"'i. liirc 19 HU uutl'iric H iU'H tear. JliC.3. Cl ;n
A . it. i -. .. t-..F. o .u
On the nth, Inst., whiie on a visit, at West
Chester, P., Flora Jane, daughter of Wm. II.
p e l.,st bcr, God won her. her pure soullo keep
Yes , she was our idol, our darling, our pat:
j c mti-w ne s an nr.pet ir.a tinrpy. put yot
j eir Uenrt arc still blec jing, aiiho' we can .?
i Thy will ha been "!!, i,rvl, wc can't sa v d iv
i i "
Methodist Sunday Seliool C onvention.
td adjournment at Diincaunon 1
, ,z a 01 , '.
r go, the Simrfaay School Couven-
. a., ...... go, ,ue ounnaay .-.cnooi uouven-
Uuu vauncuuui'.i, eisi iMiuaiure ka)u-
feieiiw, M. E. Church, cbmatenced its f 'oof.h
Annual Session at Miffljiitown, at 4 p. von
Tuesday June 8, 18W. . . "
Bev. J. S.Mc3Irnnv, the President, ex
ojfttio, being absent, Rev. ft D. Clienowclli', on
motion, took Ihb chair, pro tan.' ' Henry S.
Mendonhill was chescu Secretary, pro km.
The roll being caliedj, the following mem
bers and Delegates Hn?Vercd ''
Cmiiuli District. 3. S. HrcMrRR.it. P. E.
Carlisle, (First Churdi)-T. Sherlock.
" Emory G. 1. Chenowelh.
" Circuit. vrte.. Waging
ton Kirk, John Balslev. J. Sh illito:
Mr:CHAsicsm:Ro.--Ilirt'miT John Ktine.
TilT. Hoixt Svnisc.t.--trembtr O. T. Gray.
SmprEssiiflio. Member II. S. Meiulen
haU. Zvofr-Pcter II. Tritt. : '
SuipriiSsuuKo CintLiT. Member 3. C.
CnAMnEKsr.rlio MinJyrn S. IT. C. Smith,
F. D-on. -Delegate William Haslett.
York: Vtkgittet J. W. Buckingham, O.
P. Wciser.
York Chai-eu Member W. W. Evans...
. WitioirrsviUK. Member E. Buhrman.
liustAXSoJ.. He'iiilr'r Ja. Brads, lk'c
tj,ttrs,VQanrc Bm.ner. Uarid McCoy.
ITEwiwu CUttxiT. Member 3. V. Clea
ver, J. Donahue. DiUyatea Henry Comp,
Benj. Ilimes, N. B. Holman, Wm. Jackson.
3S'kw Bloomfield CiitrviT. M'ti-'xrn F.
B. Kiddle, F. Talmagc. Ddegaie Jos. Frv,
J. II. CamplieB.
Mu-jais. Vtinlxr E. Wr. Kirliy. De'e
qtitesfr. 3. Oreer, Simon Basoin, Amos II.
'.Martin, -.1. W. Sneddy. -
MiKFi-tN Circuit MtmhemG. W. Bouse,
William Soluiber. lfclgiteJot'yi Ard. .
Hours inceting Were fixed at 8 A. M.
2 and 7 P. M."
J. Brads, T. Sherlock and W. Kirk were
appointed Business Committee who suhse
quently reported the following qiicstums
which were discussed with much benefit as
well as interest :
1. What is the best method of managing
a Subbata School Library ?
2. 1ow shall we retain our larger scholars
in the Sabbath School
3. Should children lie encouraged to com
mit scripture icssons, hymns and catechisms
by the nler of rewards ? '
4. How can we enlist our members more
generally in the labors of our Sunday Schools?
5. How can we best educate bur oldest
scholars for teachers, and secure their services
in our Sabbat b Schools
The following was adiTbd t'j the aVorc list:
What is flic best method tt' conducting a
: Salibath Seliool ?
! Pending the dHcvsston of the first fp'rs-
. lion, G. I). Clienowclli offered the following
1 which was adoi'ted :
Jl'!ct?. That it is the senie of this con
vention that the svstem of Cherks published
i bv the Am-ric;ui Sunday School Union is the
: mho.I
1 """"":"" ,,"'" "."
I The President having arrived, t.K.k the'
1 i,.,!e
He nnnnuneed as In test, .Mattliew,1! -,s,
Go, work trt-day in my vineyard.'
i The speaker said :
j No man has a charter to be idle. Labor is
made the condition of our improvement, and
j God require? that our efforts be commensurate
l with our ability and opportunity.
I I. We direct attention to" but one depart
ment of labor in Ood'S tincytfrd: viz: Tnn
S.iin.?rn Scnoo:. We arsue the duty pf all
I Christians to engrtgc in this delightful, prolit
i aide and OiM-approTed Wotlc,
1. t'ro'iK 'lieiii' nattinrity. rMitl the S:"vi-Tr
j to the church, '"Take heed tliot ye despise not
I onccf these little ones.'' T hat i thi but a
i mo-t solemn warning to the church, tii i's ofl!-
cers and members to receive as a legitimate
1 part of Christ's tloek, family, cimiiiunity or
j church, the little children; "and to so adapt
! church inllucnccs, public and private ius'rm:
1 t ion. that these little ones shall be trained up
for Oud ? And wherf can Ibis he done better
.titan in the Sabbath School? The Sabhaih
' School is not only an auxiliary of the church.
; bin it if. the church coming to the s.ii of pn
; rents and a-Jsistini; them to iuin up Hie chil-
ifrcn in the nurture snrd fidmi.'aiiio:: of the
bord. . : ' -. . .. -j
3. Wc argue the duty of all Christians to
1 laljor m the Sabbath School, niri;" U'prif-
tteal nt Mif at ecn in M ocuencir! remit UiJie
ntoacl s
chiblrcn. the chinxh uikI the trvi ':.
Sabbath School babiluiitcsthe children
! ol (.evotioii, anu mis nao;i oi pr-iyer cannot
i be foriiioi tooearlv. (2.) Asiu: I t cult
, a taste for music. Here the children are
! laught not only to pny, but to sing t he praises
...i',i r i...i;..,- i...r.. i- l-,,.
:iiiciii. I 'Jl ,u wiiu t-- u" illll llHUil- 1
, .1. i M I .1 . .1 i- . , :.
icaeu i ue ciiiKiieu ine iruiiis oi our uoiy reli-1
gion than to teach them to sing our Hyulits. !
f rom tlie Beginning lite uospel lias sung its
way into thousands ot hearts th:It coul j not
have been otherwise reached.
S. Attain: Wc argue the duty of ait Cbris';
tians to labor in the Sublmth School. Ixvamec
nt iti ainiiih'iiiig imicer on the youthful htiml
mill heart. What is intended by the Sai
by the Sabbath
School ?
M hy simply to make the children
Christians: Therefore, if it be christian char-
at-ier that is presented to the yotithtul mind
i S t imitation, and the persons or associations
presenting this character be themselves Chris
tians, may we not reasonably expect the chil
dren to gioiv up such. We do not mean a
mere nominal christian, but a real, a true, a
genuine character, that the child, under the
as-imilatinr process of the Sabbath. School,
may never forfeit its infantile state of grace,
but untold, ucveiop ami oiossom out a child
of God
.a PlirialttiO Let. no one hnrpnnlWt
j from this trntIl ',,y tllc otjCr j-a0; that piety is
ifndmnst be a ninttcr-of individual choice.
The same i? true of sin as well as pietv. It
ref(mrC3 the self active pmverto be jiK as far
devplfmnd to eontinit. cin ,ta if i1iw ti, rl,rivji
joliedience. This individual eapnei'y of will
ani choice, is one that matures at no particu
lar tick of clock, but it comes along out
ot mcipicncies, grows by imperceptible incre-
memo nn.l FLtj An ti fhiir;ir.fir i ererA r I
yi, w vm w ,,.,v,v. ... .,,yii ...
nn, impcrctpiioiy ana grauuuuv, neing pre-1
fashioned bv the nurture or training commit-
ntcatiul Vn.t tliis tllirisiian nhnmeter h not
dependent upon the.-ipiitndcof naturefwlrich i
is depraved.) for its development and trrowtfi, j
but upon grace antecedently be,tnwed". and if
the grace of c hildhood never comes forth to
rcrfection. let the church and the parent to
whom lVloits tho pruning1, the watering, the
training, well consider it. God gives itain-
i. ri . . . , , i .1 i '.'i f
I lirt,, 11, of Mn i,Iom loci in II, e limw. of lhi
T-rd shall Cmjrish in the courts of onr God." .
J Zn conciiiEton, let its say to the Sabbath
I School Teacher, ye thai! h!l laBor in vain.i-
i ul "".rpSh cold aadiieHt, moist ad dry,
aheS "ill nurture aid aaature tLe gram wr
in the ak TheWtherin time will
; arncrs in the sky.
come atter awliilc.
Yes, my fellow-Iidwrers
in tliis vineyard of my Master, your daily in
strutlion, your anxious endeavors, your fer
vent, prayers; are the seeds of an immortal
harvest. You are working upon the roost
Valuable material in God's uniTerae. It is not
marble, tliat will crumble. It is not material
meeUatiis.m that will one day stop. Its action
w ill never ceaso. Its value will increase with
the advance of the ages. Mould and euidc it
aright, and 'here is before it a sublime and
glorhiuR destiny., t Ye shall not )ooc your re'
ward if you "labor faithfully. "Write rour
name and impress the truth as it is in Jesus
iqion that youlhlul heart; nrtd you will have
a moiinmcrtt that will stand the test of time
and live throughout eternity. ; - :
Thanks were tendered with a rising, vole
(the whole congregation participating) to the
spt-akcr for his excellent, earnest,, practical
The Convention of ISC t had addi c.-scd i
circular epitomizing its action, announcing a bunciit. Men were in atttndaiu wlu, fii
programme for the present session and c;u- j ),ve to tlie cause, had rot some time previous
bracing thirty-five questions to Supurinten- j -yo-kej juorc or less ly night as well Iiy
dents in the Pietrict for informal ion concern-: j., .,m0;' unceasingh-, and h:i'i bebi ar-j
ing the working and success if their respec ! ra'nlm.r ij,t.rhonic affJrs so that liicy.tuyit:
LV i ahlc to leave and get to ll.c Convention.
read and referred to Win. Scholar from Thce men have been r. itlius before, my.
w hose excellent tabular summary of the
same, sultscquently presented, the Secretary is
crmbled to give the following partial aljstrct
report etl Nc
i and Newport
Out of CI schools, 37
Bloomfleld sent more reports and Newport
mdre men. than anv other cuarire..- Several
circuits repoi ted only in pan. York Springs.
Gettysburg and Concord circuits did not re-
uort iu any torm.
York Sabbath School now anpears the old-
est, dating its organization 1H17. It is the '
only school holding two ses.-ions in the day.
Schools continuing dnring winter r'
' romplammsof wantol mtere-Uon ,
part t t parents 2:)
: on the part of teachers . 10
' ' v " " pastors
" in which pastors do not tatodlyw
examine the scholars 03 the catc-" .':
School, in w hich it is not taught 13
in w hich scriptures or hymns are ;
iri. which si'eciitl aiteuiicii 1A paid '
to : aered music; 2
There seen..- to be a growing interest on this
sut'ject. Schools reporting "V;uiiu- reforms
since last convention, VI. Among these are
the visiting ol. absentees ; lelterehtsil:eat:o:i ;
memorizing scripture: aueiuioii u s.uiiij;;
imnroved finances, etc. Various chTuches
have gathered neaHy all the children into their
schools .lic Methodist chcrch having from
one-Uvtntieth to three-fourths ol then:. Jo
He Closes- pn-motions, when worthy, ami
other I.'.iidubie etriirt' iirem'k;"jinyn3C.iiooUt
to retain the older scholars,
"chools rewarding scholars variously fur -
meritorious conduct ......
" p.s such attending ch'trcli
holding teachers' meetings. .
. 1
. 10
. !)
huVnur Teachers Libraries. .
1 New scholars reefcivw!
1 Scholars who have left
..v...,-... ..... .,
. , leave them. .. . .
1 ":. r r
with our schools called into liie service
of their country; and whoc'diipare most '
lV.vpral'ly with oilier soldiers "17
uniiier "f teachers 3-i
Of whom are foairlle leacliers 3"!3
... ii.i
Ilemirtctl as converted unuerlJ ye.irsa.'C tj
it was oeemco w ry,,..i
raised by Sabbath. Schools: nccor.uiig to Uie
sense of our Conference Staiis'lie, distinguish-,
ing between '"expenses" and "benevolent con
Aj5 usual the Children's Meeting was held
on the second day (Weoilcktayt of the Con-i
. ..
vent on. at 10 a. f. I he larire audience was
composed of the Presbvterinn Sabbath School
. : ,. ,
of Minim ; of the Methodist Sabbath Schools
connected with Mifflin Station; and Vic fril-nds
of tl.'b cause generally: The exercises were
Opened with singing
'Ilenrthelioyal Wn-ta-
raation." by the 71. H Sfibbatli SehooN of
Mittlin, and with prayer Iiy l. t neiiinr eio
Then foilowf-.l addresFCS by T. Sherlock. J.
W. Kuckiugham, W. W. Evans, W. Kirk ai:d .
F. Hyson, alternated with ainiiiiig by the
Schno!s. with mclndcoc accon-pnnimcnt per
formed by Miss 3I.M!Ti?T. The music was
Inghly creditable. The speakers were cvi
dftit'y not f'.arful of making the little f ices
somewhat shorter by provoking a smile. I:i
some cases they were highly ingenious aiM
mostly tucccsstul iu their attempts to get the 1
youthful cars and eyes, and when attention
tt-nsthns qpenred. onnorlunilv w:n not nii-li-r-
----- ii j --
n,ifncn.ii,r,,i.j..,L;,r,i;fio.i rr,,...t trt-n.
IH1 LJ LJ It IIUIIIV. "114 OllirOlll'l . 'Jl'l I VI lllll,
The addresses were brief, simple, earnest and
il'ited. "The Angel which redeemed us from
ail evil, iticss tlie laus.
,r ,, , :. j .... ,-,, , i . ... ,
" '" " i "'- -
most iirenous season of the t onvention.
i T-. , , , . . , ,
l.rotheis Dvson, Kirbv.-Douahuc, Sherlock,
, , ' . . , ' , .... ' , ... , j
lalntne, Lu'-kimrham, Sliilhtrt and Kirk,'
001 '
arose and testified t0' the incalculable benelils
of the Sabbath Sclioolin thoir religious expe
riencc, liow kind, ofiioers had influenced.
them, how kind teachers had b'Oi"ht th'mi !
to Christ, aud how even young scholars (a ;
beloved daughter in one case) had illustrated i wl,, keeps a confecuou.ir-y in Patterson
the prophet's bright anticipation, "A little 1 was entered some ten Java ago bv soldiers
child shall lead them." That wc should be 1 0f the 102nd Regiment." Paf Vol. under
the ripe sheaves in glory, borne with joy Iiy Col. Putehett, of Pittsbursr. and gutted
these spiritual husbandmen naturally suggest-1 of all eatables and ver S I 00 in inoncv
ed a happy recognition in heaven, and ! which they took from the drawer. They
-Slnll -e.no each othr there f f wcrc fdliiwed to Pittsburg but the CoJo-
was sung with a holy furor that touched noi manifested w interest in his repu'ta
many hearts. To Our surprise, a iafe hour j (;oa or 0( t.is rcKiu,CIjt) S(J ticj wcrc
wnsannounccd and the Convention adjourned tot identified. ' '
in the usual manner to close on Thursday ! -r
morning. :. j ' I Permon."- On our first pajre will I hi
The following resolution was passed : I found an able and interesting - sermon by
Iiemlred, That we urge every school in the ; cv. M. h. Shindcl oh the death of Prcs
District to elect both a delegate and alternate, i ideof Lincoln. Mr. Shitidel is one of our
The following was re-adoptcd : . i best, most successful, most fearless, most
Where?, The supcrintcmlents of many of, humble and devoter ministers. Do not
the Sunday Schools within the District liave : neglect reading his discourse.
,.u......t ..... ,
wini, i am ira i reiitm-u w urei ,
charges be nrgently requested to give their j
no.rsnnl attention to this niatter and collect .
tiie circulars sent to their schools, aud see that
they are lorwurded to the next convention iu
time for its action. . - - ' '
Tj0 middle of April was deemed the most i
favoraWa Unvc t0 aiatributc the circulars to the ,
! circuits and stations.
It b hnl Wr to ute bat !f te btr-t1iee
. .. .. . ... ... - .
tTA - !.BSTni. '
A collection for espece of printing waa
postponed tillncit CosTeatics. . : '.
A communication was read from J. H. C.
t)osh, chairman ol tha committee to publish
circulaf last year, showing the balance of our
indebtedness for pf iatiig, kindly canceled by
himself. . : " ::
r The loliowing appointments were aain
made a3 a partial programme for next yes.-:
Tuesday uiglit of the Convention for the An-
j n,laI SuujHy gcho(,i Sermon, aud Weinendiy
' r , ' . n. .. . ,
i 10 " r"r 0, Children a Meetmg. . . ..
j The following was again adopted:
J JfttAttt, That each preacher in chargp bf
j requested to report to our ne t Convention
j the number aud success of the "ChiMrenVi a
Classes" in his charge, as rccotnrhcntlcd by
: the late Central Conference.
And now the Fourth Annual Session of our :
' Hunday Schoil Convention was ncaring jfct
;cloae, having been decided aucccs in t.otU
! real pleasure and pront.' If people knew what.!
1 l!ii rmi in Oirir -Imnr-frnin lliiwkaliira
1 .pp" WpUi,! seldom deprive them? Ives ifi'-t-h '
would have considered it a sore . deprivation
' jj they i-ecn pfevented this time. Thcaa--.
wmmiiisJins of the pwavhcH ; the plea,, ,
' all ac(paint:ince formed with the I?elega!j'f
, and with the citizens WI1030 kindly entertain-
cj tiiwa; :ill heightened by the elevating c -si-.
sciousMes3 f lulling f.,r the good f tU.f',
. , , , ., . , .
yW"" la:ui' n,:lIc ,hiS :m,lxal ;
gathering a decided tea.t. The lnnsic it t lt
,vas quite a delicious, item in the bill of fare,'
a ;l).cted great credit on the ichouls. TUd
. . ,. ,, , . . ,
Juniata 7 rue jMm.ti-u, ol June lj.says :.
"Wc commend these Conventions lo ::
cnnsidt'Mtion of every Sunday School in ttsn
District, and hope that each ne will have-
delrtrate to the Fifth Annual L-M.-s.sior.. Tim
school t'nat fails to be represeutetl will be h-
prived of much that is eab ulateil to iiiiprovt;'
it and enhance ils genera! pro-perily.'
' -phc ieccdings were ordered to be prcpnr-'
a , . tU7ccrctiirv fljr the JuiiiaUi Tni' l '
- -
uwrat and WwJnnwt fynUnd especially ,. at
the scat 01" the convention : als for. other
jKipcrs in the District at. his diricretio;:, and
fullv. for ctncral circttiaii.w on'
; - - .
-sb-i. among the schinils; by J.
H. C. D-i'i
ami O. 1. Weiscr fr Hie Conference. Sunday
School Ceniniittee with rciuc-t for a r-.iiiii!;
in open Conference, and fr tiic A'tr-'ctf-mid
Jniri.;i'. by C, T, Gray. . ..
Tli following by E. W. Kirby and G. T.
Grey passed : ' : !
R W, Thtit we tender our 'hearty thanki
to P. R K and C. V. K It for their kindness
iu farm-him: return ti:!'tt- r merr.l er.s und
ikli-Sjates to the S. S. Co;! W nlion held at M:t!l
intoiyu, June (JlU. 15.1:
'1 he Secretary was rrqttestctl t' furni .U
copies to the partie-v , .1
Timiiks were uni'.nimously tendered, with
a rising vote, to thc.citir'-ns whoso hospitably
enti'i'tuined the convention. . ' " .
1 he Secretary was kindly excused, ffiia
iviiiiiiig the miiiulea from I
and Ihey v.erc "approved:
Li E-iugH ouiliue.
fiual'v vhh the Doxoli-v and i;e:;e'dr!K.n
- .. .
bv the President to meet at Ciiati:berb'ur.
at Gi M. j;a Tnesdnr; June lSt.
. " .. V . ' .-
Thc.Sccwtnry would again cidl your speji?!
n'ter.tion to the -following resolutions pusinl
at the Third Convention :
7.'Wir7. Thai the judgment of ilifccnnvrn-
' . :.. ...... ,...it,..: ...I I. ..
uon is, turn i:om-cu.ui w in i -cravn
"ly "JK
of each session, is the n
urg fu,is Tor Siihdaj
the close of the school
nmt .'iccessful pl:m to
y SclnKils and Jlission-
arv purposes.
W'"', That rc earnestly recomraena Ui
ia,slT 'Tu "T ,".T ",. !T.7
a,k cach'N'ncher the (p;esti..in. ;I)id you'ipC:.!.
iicmii-s !'l li:u "iaimv ieeiici .in-Liiu in
to each ciiii.l in j-iur rh'ss lii.-t saliljath on th
subject of his soul's salvation?'
n t. That we rocommerid to all our
schools the oigauiiiitiou of clirses for the
study of the Ciiilo. - : '
He would also express a hope, Hist fhnsn
trentjscreu schools not represented tbi-i year
will trivc us the plca.-.urc "f lieitr'uu frofn tlicm
next' year. II ft. M.
Poti'iKits llHTt'ii.Nru. Since our last
issue quite a number of soldiers hare re
turned. M'ClclIan's and Musscr's- com
panies arc now at llarrisburir cxiectiiir-
, ., , , .,
"tally totic paid ot:
!!'. The tc-n of th.;
, UO'JnJ will cxt'iie next month. Soius of
- .
. W"LI"-C "c
' 1 1 1 ".0I.nC Ca. rur.1,,u;?,
'J'hev arc
till hold iff the coal region;-,. CV.pt. Vail-
ormer's formerly (!ajt. Diuim's Com-
pany, (Co. 1 . Uord, has aLso been us
t.,ar,0.l acd are at home., tjujlc a num
. p . . . " .
I'll Ul l'0J MjaLlUiUU lll.O
I K ........ II... ... I I.
, a i . t,-. , .
menh have also returned. e extend t
. , . ...
n I ;i hi-irlu welioniA nmnn r.ml rn,.,,...
that that they did all they caKstod to do,
, viz : to put ilurti the rb-.-l'ioa 1-y " TjM-c
.of anus.
rraSERT.-Tr?e- store of Mr Kelly
CROwPEDiAK r. we nave an intcicsr-
. . j, ... .
"'o ?tter irom i. u . rvnou. c,
.Uocks, a., Iijrr which we can find
this week. We had intended also to have
ari article on on Tisif to Gettysburg on
the Fourth but we arc too mcch crowded.
, .
I el (era on RnainTSB. CnmrauniVatiors for 'li
apcr, an i Kemi'tan xs shouU be ad lrc?sed
A. L. tu.-s, Seauncl Office, jutfimtown, i ...