Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 21, 1865, Image 4

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    Jh hs llvwfty Syir.ptaui
1st. A constant. jiiu oc nu46iucM t the
fH of the Ktoruat-ti.
"1. l'latulciiie ami Aci Uty.
C;l. ' Costivcuess ami I.oS of Appetite.
lib. (i!i.j:u ami lb'-prcs.-ion of Spirits.
fjtli. Di:m!n!H. wiili griping.
Kth. I'aiii in all parts of the system. '
7th'. Ciinsilinptivc Symptoms and Palpita
tion or the Heart.
tvh. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat.
?'ili. Nervous Affection, and wautot Sleep
at night.
Uttli. l.r.iS .Appetite and omiting
!lth.' Pisrincss, Dimness of Visic
jnd I
lior- of S';.'i't.
ltb. Ileaduohe nJ Staggering in watkhig,
with grvat Weakness.
Out. of thi tbuustmUof csft-i of Dyspepsia
lmt have uwotl Dr. Wishart's (treat American
Vyspcpsja Pilis, not one of them lias failed of
,-perfcvl cure. We warrant a cure in every
fate, no matter if of twenty years standing.
5tn!d bv .ill ilrHfist a rrrrt wlttr and at Dr.
A ialiHrt's iftici".'o. 10 N. Second street, I'il- i
aletphiii 1'a.
U esiiifiiiiatioii! and coiisulta i
nous free of charge. (-end tor a circular
Price $1 per box. Seiit by mail, free of charge
ou receipt of money.
Dyspepsia, lp-pin, Dysprpsia. i
I, Kmzxcvtii llBASKix.of Itrsdywinc, Del. !
formerly of old Chester, Del., do ccrtir Mini; I
for one year and a half I suflercd everything
but death from that awful disease called l'ys-j
pepsia. My whole system was prostrate with
weakness and nervoui debility 1 could not I
ie?t my food : if 1 ate even a cracker or the :
smallest amount of food, it would return
k 1 swallowed it ; I hecauic so costive in my
IxiweN that 1 would nut have a passage in les
than from fmir and often eight days ; under 1
this immense suffering, my mind seemed en- I
tire'y to give way. 1 had dreadful horror and j
evil fortiodings. 1 thought everybody nated
rue. and I hated everybody : 1 cmld not beai .
my husband tir my own ciiildron. everything i
appeared to be hurroi stricken to me: I had ,
no auibii iun to do anything: 1 lost all my love
of family and home ; I would l amble and wan-'
der fr:u place to place, but could not W con. j
tetited; 1 felt that 1 wis doomed to hell, and
that there was no heavetif orme, and was often ;
tempted to commit suiciuo, so near was my ;
whoic urvous system destroyed, and also my !
mind, lrom that awful complaint. Dyspepsia, i
that my friends thought best to have me placed j
ni Dr. Kirkbride'a Hospital, West I"::laHcl-,
phia; I remained there nine weeks, aud ;
thotipht I was a little better, hut in a few days
my dreadful complaint was raging as bad as .
ever. Hearing of the wouderlul cures per- I
formed by Dr. Wishart's Gieat American Dys-
pepsia l'ills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, ,
my husbaud culled on Dr. Wishan aud staled
my case to him. lie said he had no doubt he ,
aould cure me. So in three days after I called
and placed myself under the Doctor s. treat-
ment, and m two weeks 1 began to digest try
food, and felt that my disease w as giving way,
and continued to rt cover for about three
months aud at the present tiuit I cnjby per ,
feet health of body and mind, and I musi in
cerely return my thanks to a nieieitul ilod
and Dr. Wish art, and to his great American
Dyspepsia l'ills aud Piue Tree Tar Cordial
that ived me from aa Insana Asylum and a ;
premature grave. All person sutlering with
Dyspepsia arc at liberty to call ou me or to
write, as lam willing to do all the good I can
for suffering humanity. Emzaiiktii I'.rasson,
Krandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester,
Delaware county, Pa.
Dr. Wishart's othec, . 10 North ?ccoud
trcct, Philadelphia.
Dyspepsia !
Tit, Wiun.n'r I lmv. Ken -jr.in.-lRDf :tf.
T'-rcr with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen
.years, during which time I cannot say lliat 1 i i
ever etijovcd a perfeslly Vfell dav. There'"11 "ilJHl
were times when the symptoms were more ag- ,Iu Laa Rho m a , slock of v.on,
gravated than at others, and ihen it seemed Co, au,, R c 0a cloths, Mattings,
Tould be k great re ,cf to die; 1 had at ad . a, f - K
times an unr!?Tcnt feeling in my head, but ' .
latterly niv sufferings s inuch increased that' (ouutry Produce taken in cxcbntige-f"?
1 became almost unfit f. ri.usiness of unv kind: P"'"'. for which the highest market prices
e-y mmd was conliiT-ially filled with gloomy wiUbepaidby
In jtights aud torbodirgs, and if I attempted to I J-' .'I. IjKLIOUI'.
(hinge their current by reading, at once a' i: ;sn,,v:" I I . fp "C"l
eusation of icy col-iaess in connection v. ith a 1 JllSfctJlli L L3 llll. IOf Oilll .
leatl weight, as it were, resisted upon my VA'AV'AIV'.
orain; also, a feeling of sickness would occur ! rp HE UNDERSIGNED' informs the people
at the st3t.iach, and great p:iiu to my eyes, j JL of Juniata County that there are nu
accouipaided with which was the continua j iucrous residents of Noiihern Missouri who
fear of losing my reason. I also experienced j on account of their well known character as
great lassitude, debility and ncrvouMicss, "rel'id sympathizers' are now glad to g,et ritl
which made it difficult to walk by Jay orsleep , cf iticjr iau,;s at a very low price aud leave n
at night. I became averse to society, aiil . Slule rliose loj-ailiy rult:rs it na iimlvsiralilc
disposed only to seclusion, and having tried home-that he lias lived in the State sevenycars
the skill of a number of eminent physicians ani) H3 t'0i0et of the 70th Slate ililitia has
of various (schools, finally came to the thecon- 'traversed and is familiar with most of the
elusion that, for this disease al my present j country Nor: h of the Missiouri river, where
age (4i years) there was no cure in existence j pod improved lands may now be had at S6
But, through the intcrfenence of Divine 1're.v , lo sis per acre, with good western iirrprovc
i Jence, to whom 1 devoutly eScr my thanks, i rcents lands that will double their price in a
I at last found a sovereign remedy in yo-ir 1 ycar auj re. well caculaleil for raising stock,
Dyspepsia Pills aud Tar Curdial. which seem , which a most jirofitablc business in thatcoun
to have effectually removed almo-d the last ; trv that he will act as Agent for-any person
trace of my long li-t of ailments and bad feel- : wishing to invest in any such lauds. " Moncy
iugs, and in their place health, pleasure and . ,n.lv j,P s.,fely sent to him by Express. Any
contentment are my everyday Companions. i further information given by addressing him
Jami:s M. Sakiihrs.
No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia;
Formerly of Woodbury N. J.
Dr. Hisliart's ircat American Dyspep- ;
sia Tills.
This is to certify that I have suffered for ten
years thai dreadful complaint called dyspep-
eia. 1 suScred niacli pain and distress, with i
gloom and depression of spirits ; 1 was treated j
by eight different physicians for my complaints ',
and at times was much better, but then the t-M :
disease, dyspepsia, wordd return with all its ;
dreaoful realities, and mv whole system was ; the prescription used, (free of charge,) with
fa-i wasting awnv. In this sick and ilebilila-; the directions for preparing and using the
ted state, Twas handed a circular of W ishart's j same, which they will find a mrr enri for Cos
great American Dyspepsia Pills, and Pine Tree bcsptiox. Asthma, Rronciiitis, Corous.
Tar Cot dial, which gave a correct description 1
of mv sufferings, and determined to place !
myself under the Doctor's care, and take his
As soon as I commenced fhe n?e r-f thetcd
itinc, I began to get better, and so 1 confined
three months, at which time I was perfectly
restored to health , I am to-day a well man.
Dr. Wishart, 1 give you this certificate with a
trralcful heart l r the benefit 1 have received
from the use of your truly woudeTftfimcdicines. j
May God bless you au't preserve your irnty
uscfui life for many years. I would say to
every sick person who is suffering as 1 was,
that'rr.y residence is No. 13'J Richmond street
Philadelphia, where I will take great delight
in giving testimony to the great power of Dr,
iVithan's medicines to cure.
F. Ii: Alies.
The above arc a few among the thousands
which this groat remedy has saved from an jo
timely grave. -
We have thousands of letters from physi
cians and druggists, who have prescribed 2nd
sold these medicine, saying that they have nev
er ttstd or sold a medicine which gave 8Uc
universal satisfaction.
Prepared only by the proprietor,
Vtt. t. lVisharl.
Njvl orth Second Street,
rhiladeli bia Tcna'a
i'M by a jrM jgii-'.s
Mifflintown Chair' Manufactory !
ClUAKLES W. WEITZEL would inform the
J tfti'.ens of .Irmiata county, that he con-
linucstlitH'bairMaiiufactory at thewellknowu
old stand in ater street, where he is at all
times prepared to receive orders for Windsor
Chairs of every description, including Settees,
Large Bockin(cVliir, Sewing KocKiifr'uairs,
Childrcns' Chairs, Counting House JStools, Cain
Seat Chairs, liar Uooai AruiChairs,and every
thing pertaining to his business, all of which
he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He
is now prepared to wholesale worlc alcity pri.
ces. Prompt ttcniiun will be given to Kcpa-
All work done cheap and expeditiously.
Sawed Poplar Plan's and Scantling taken in
exchange for furniture.
Jy Kuriiiturc Room on Main street; oppo
site the Post Office.
S plc-uhcr HOiI-if.
i?S3d1S AKftHMIL
The undersigned would respectfully invite
the public to call and examine his stock before
purchasing elsewhere. He has bought his
assortment at such prices that be r,iiumt be
undersold by any in the country. Special at
tention paid to purchasing goodsin the city per
order at the shortest notice.
Every effort will be made by him to give sat
isfaction to those w ho may favor him with a call.
P.!ack and Fancy Silks,
Morie Amiitie,
Pure Cb ilii. l'rilliantes,
Cashmcrts, Pcplins.
Herges Lawns,
G-cnadines, Dticals,
Gingham Lawns,
All wool d' Laities,
Alpacas. &c.
A full assortment of White lire"S Good
litis, lirocha and other Shawls, llonne
ret Sn'ips, Ribbons, Flowers. c. Also, Col
lars, Cndcrslccves, Handkerchiefs in great ra
c v.
A larcc qiiitntity tf )rurs, also
l'roscriplioiis rilk'ti.
i as follows
Hassipak, M;
J CflwSaJAal lit JLS.
rpiIE undersigned having been restore? to
health in a few weeks, by a very simjde
remedy, after having suffered several years,
with a severe lung affection, nnd that dread
disease, Consumption is anxious to make
known to his ftlltrw sufferers the means of
lo all who desire if, he will send a copy of
aoi.os, c-i;. me oniy onjeci oi tneaavertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the
afiictci, and spreailinfermation which he con
eei7cs to be invaluable ; and he hopes every
srrfferer will try his remedy, as it will cost
them nothing, and may prove a Hcssin".
Panics wishing the prescription win please
' WHliamsburg, Kings Co.. N. V.
Fob. 15. 1805-in.
THE ttfidtTsigned residing in Greenwood
township, Juniata county, having taken
eut a license as Auctioneer, respectfully "of
fers his services to the public. All letters "ad
dressed to him at Liverpool, Perry county, or
.uiiicrsiown, i ':rry county, win he promptly
attended to. , JAMES COX.
Greenwood, May 12. r
, HomeopaiJdc Fhysician, -. ,
Oilice in Thompsoniown, Juniata Co. Ta.
' lr- Sorg practices the Homeopathic
System of Medicine, which has so often proven
its superiority to the common 1'rug Practice.
' He respectfully offers bis services to the cit.
j hens of this county. Charges moderate
mmxFJ$raii?Jjv&sVi- at:,cwrftV-&-':." zxrmri -tv m wg f-w? jump.- m.n.
Fisk-'sFatent Metalie Burial Cases.
FOR ordiuary Interments, depositing in
Vaulis and uansj.ortujioii they have no rival.
They are made uT the most imperishable ma
terials, and are enameled inside and . out , to
prevent rust and the exterior has a . FIXB
UOSEWUOD FINISH. When properly cement
ed, the remains of the deceased, ere free front
irmmtinn of witter, or ilem-iil.it!nn4 nf vimit
They may without oifensivo odor be kept as
long as desiredr thus obviating the necessity
of hasty burials. Their long and successful
use and the approbation given them renders
unnecessry.auy extended noticot tfairrlK-
able advantages.
tiHicrtakers antl'Cablnet Ware
Keep constantly on hand an assortment o
the above cases.
Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4lli 18H5.-ly ;
rpEKTII inserted upon an entirely ncT style
J- of base, which is a combination ef Hold
and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite. whi.:n for
lfeamy, Durability, Cleanliess and tie res-j
toration of the natural contour of the ftce,
cannot be surpassed. Either of the above I
j liases I warrant for ten years. Teeth also j
i mounted upon j
i ioIl, l'latlna and Silver.
C'oralite and Amber, with or without artificial
gums. Special attention will be paid to di-
j easd gums and a cure warranted or no charge
untile, leetli tilled lor lile.
The extraction of teeth upon the latest im
proved priucipleSa.causiiig the least possiLle
ttfis. Having located permanently in Mifflin
town ami being in possession of all the latest '
improved instrument and machinery. I war
rant entire satisfaction in all cases or tin
money reftiniled.
Stir-Will visit McAlislcrville the last week
of October, January and May, the balance ef
my time I can be found at my ollice on llridge
Street three doors east of Snyder's Hotel,
Milllintowu, Juuiata county. Pa.
G. T,. PEP.li,
janJy rcnV. Daitist.
Giod yews am? True.
At the Towr.u Hai.l Clothing Store.
At the renowned U vzavb or Fashion.
Corner, Bridge & 'Water Streets
THEY has just npeued another large as -
sort ment of New Good??, such !s
Clothing of all kinds. Shoes.
Roots, Hats, Cans, Carpets. Fan
ey Goods, Sc., all of which they
Avill sell at low rates, as their motto is '-Quick
sales ami small profits."
Coats Cloth and Cassimcrc C-nts.
Fine ami Coarse ('"ata.
Frock and Riisiness Coals. '
Sunday and Everyday Coats.
Par's Cloth mi l Cassimcrc Prims.
Plain and Figured Pants.
Fine and Coarse Pans.
Wcll-fittingftnd Long-wearing Pant?, i
-Cloth and Cassimere Vests. -
Silk and Satin Vesis. j
Light and Heavy Vests,
l'lain aud Fancy Vests.
Trunks, Valieses, Carpel Sacks, Canes, Um
brellas, Shaw Is, tiloves. Suspenders, Stockings
Cravats. Shirts. Drawers, Collars. Handker
chiefs, Combs, lirushes, Soaps, Pocket Knives,
Chewing Tobacco. Segars, and utmost every
descripion el uoticua net found in any oth
er sH'ic.
Cjipt'all and examine our stock boforc pur-
f chasing esc where, as we fecZ satisfied that
j we can pcase a.
DUA 1 l-llliljl-.i 1'L.lLt.
Corner of bridge and water streets:
ir.vi lire it r
New Firm in
Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium !
Just opened intho newl'.rick Building, Main
Street, Patterson by Levi llccht and San.ucl
Mrayer, a largo and elegant assortment of
.Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of
OrarroiiJ, Frm-k Coats,
Drrsx Cot'tr, l'ttntnt'jom,
Tctt, 'rnrrrrs, CoJhir.
C'ltih-mhirts, If,i)id.-rrhiifi,
lint and Cnjis, Boot) It Shoe,
And everything usually found in a first class
Gentlemen's Furnishing Storj.
Also a larj-c and carefully selected assort
ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and
qualities, all of which will be sold ai the few
est possible living price;'.
l.aaies' Gaitort aud Short.
They also invites the attention of the Indies
to his liue stock of GAITORS AND SHOES,
which he wiil sell at prices defying competi
Thty have on hand a beautiful assortment of
Ctrrpcts, Oil Cloths, 4c , which arc of a good
quality, and well worth the inspection of the
Gold 3nd Silvrr Wntehm,
dock, Ear Tiny,
l'lain ani 1'anqi rinyt.
Watch Keys. Ladies' and GcnU' Rreast Pins,
Gold Pens and Tcncils, &c, which at this time
form the largest and best assortment in the
county. .
63A11 the above goods will be sold cheap
er than any other store in the United States.
If you don't believe it, just give us a call
and be convinced of the trvith of the assertion.
Tatterson, April 12, 180j-tf.
JAM28 II. SIMONS, who has now on
nann tne largest slock of ready mads
and HARNESS ill thef
county, which he is selling at rrcatlv
. v..vo iie is now manufacturing hi
Saddles and Harness with such perfect sy(era
that he is eirabled to sell a superior article of
everything ia his line, CHEAPER than anr
other establishment in the conhly. He invites
purchasers to call and exanitifls his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
James H Simons' Saddles nrnf Harness
acknowledged to surpass in point of lightness
elegance and cnlhfure, as well as real value and
dmaoility.nll others manufactured in the coun
ty. Ucmeiuber his Shop is orr Rridgc street
m Ue rooms formerly occupied by D. W '
Uelfovd, as a Tailor Sdiop. ' I
B-AU kinds of repairing neatlv executed
and all work warranted. jar i
pn.l n.n.l it - - .
CALX aud see tne New StocK of Spring
and Bummer Uoods-ac
Jift received a new and complete assortment
lidtBkV.La.tcst Stylo Press fiootis,.,
o l'lain aud Fancy French Jlcriuo,
j, l'aid and.Faacy French Reps,
Hluck aud Colored A lapaca, . .
..IJlack and Fancy CxshmCH.
large assortment of
! Jlotiruiug ijoods,
1 1 JJalmoral Skirts,
;l- Brooch Square and Lonz Shawls,
L Sfrir,! atiJ lJarreil Woolen Shawls
Our stock of Domestic Goods has been largely
increased by the purchase of a complete lot of
Choice I'riuta, : - '
Bleached and Uu-51eathed 3Iuslins,
Tit-kings, Denims, Wool Shirtings,
. Kcutucky Jeang,
Twilled and l'lain Flaunels,
Also a large assortment of Cussimcra nnd
Cassinetts, all of which We ofl'cr to Purchas
ers at town prion for Cash or Country pro
Patterson, Pa.
T. S. Also, you will find a large stock of
Ouccusware, '
Hoot" and Shoes.
Wall and vVindow Paper.
Janl-tf MICKEY & PENNKI.L. .
THE tiltEAT TON10 j
tor Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
for Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
iur Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Weak Stomachs nnd General Debility.
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility.
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility.
For Weiik Stomachs and General Debility.
Reliable and Sure to do Good,
Reliable ami Sure to do Good,
Reliable and Sure to do Good,
lie'.iable aud Sure to do Good.
And Cannot do Harm. 1
And Cnnot do Harm.
And Cannot di Harm.
Ami I'uiinot do Harm.
I It costs but Little nnd Purifies the I'dnod.
I It costs but Little aud Purities the Rlood.
1 It costs but Little and Purities the Rlood.
! It costs but Little aud Purifies the Hlood.
I I Now Oi-.ly Ask a Trial
Now Only Ask a Trial
1 Now Only Ask a TrUl
i, 1 Now Only Ask a Trial
Of this Valuable Medicine.
Of this Valuable Medicine.
I Of this Valuable Mcdi.iine.
Of this Valuable Medicine.
Only Seventy-five & One Dollnr'per P.ottle.
Only Scrcnry-fivc & One Dollar per liottle.
j Only Seventy-five JcOuc Dollar ier liottle.
Only fcvcu!y-fivc (jiic Dollar jier liottle
S. A. K i:KLK & 15KO.
n ... 1 T . iq i....i. ii i
I yLiiu.u i'cjiu ii1' .'i.iiKei si., iiarrisourg i a.
I For sale by P. F. Kepner, Miiliiutown, and
i respectable dealers everywhere,
j julylS CI -Cm
rmSYLYAMA iiorsE.
At Itnllroad Krpol, PallerHon, Pa
fpiIE above named having taken charge of
JL tins large and convenient hotel where he
is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners
or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take
the trains east or west will find this the most
convenient stopping place as they will be
waked up af any hour desired- The loca'io
is most favorable and the accoinniodationsrc
of Ihe best kind. The stabling is excellent
and hostlers attentive. The Table and liar
will alsobc well provolcd.
iijlf He has, in connection with the Hotel,
a e;ood LIVERY STAHLE. Hoise. Carriages,
liturgies, &c, always to be had. Persons
conveyed to any part of the country.
fl3ul!y strict attention to business and a
desire 10 please, he hopes to merit public pat
ronage, and render Ihe sojourn ef his guests
both comfortadle and pleasant.
Patterson June S, if
W'M. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave
to inform his friends and the public generally
that he has just opened out a large and fashion
able assortment of
which he is ready to make to order promptly
and on the most reasonable terms. The
pablic generally will fi-ii it to their imerest to
call at his room abore
fasick's tin siior,
on llridge street, Mifflmtown, Ta., and inspect
my Goods and workmanship before purchas
ing elsewhere. I wartact all clothes to fit or
no sale.
SftAH persons desirous of purchasing any
of Sinukr's Skwiso MaCiiixcs will obtain all
necessary information on the subject and see
them in operation i.t my establishment. If
favored with their orders I will fit them np a
better machine thirty ptrcrnt. rheaper than ever
hitbe rto done in this county. No family should
be vithout a machine jan 1, 61-tf
HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheei Iron
Store, located on Bridge Stteef, Mifflin
Hjwn, I wowid resMot fully inform the puhlio
.at I intend to keep constantly on hand a
general assortment of
Tin and Japan ware, the largest , and best in
the county, and as to quality and workman
ship cannot be surpassed.
Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at
tended to either in town or country. Brass
Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket
tles, Dippers, Brass,. Copper, French Tinned.
Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waffle Irons Coal
Shovels, Fruit Cansboth common and Patent,
and of various neasurcs, always on hand and
for sale- ' ,r ' '
Persons in want' of anything in the above
line arc requested to give him a call before
purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident
that he can suit tbem cither as regards the
article or the price. .
Jtr Old copper, Brasj and Pewter bought
and tne Uigurs, price pam in casn or goocts.
For Cough , Cokh, Croup, M'ioojltJ
Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sp'itiwj
Blood, Pain and IWakncssnf the Breast,
Difficulty of Breathing, ive.
This Syrup is a purely V'tyetabc Ccmposnd .
It is pleasant to take, and never does injury ;
but, owing to its purifying qualities, musi do
good under any circumstances. Its effect is
truly wonderful soothing, calming end allay
ing the most violent Coughs ; Purifying,
Strcngtneniag and Invigorating the whole sys
tem ; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding
and facilitating Expecoration, and healing th j
DISEASED LUNOH, thus striking at the root
of DISEASE, and driving it from the system.
No child heed die of Croup, if thin Syrup is
properly used and used la time. Mpthers hav
ing croupy children should watsli the first
show of the Disease, and alwaVi keep this
Kcnr.edy at hand.
For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is
most excellent. Experience has proven that
it is equalled by no other preparation.
Price 50 ceuts per. Hot tie. ' ,
Prepared by S. A. KOL'TZ S & T.RO., At
their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No.
110, Franklin St.-DaUiiuore, Md. Sold by all
Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the
United States.
guts and tfattfc gmiiwi
These Powders
will strength
en the Stomach
and Intestines,
cleanse them
from offensive
matter, and
bring them to
a healthy state.
Thev are a
lure preventive of Lung Fevw, and a certain
remedy for all Diseased incident to the Hurcc,
lucn as Ulan
derg, Yellow
Water, Dis
temper, Founder,
Coughs, Fe
vers, Loss of
Appetite and
, Vital Ener
trv, Ac.
In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the
most beneficial effect.
The use of tbem improves the wind, strength
ens the Appetite, aud gives to the Horse a
fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv
ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this
oble animal.
Tne property this Powder possejses in in
creasing the quantity of Slilk in Cows, gives
it an importance and value which should
place it in the hands of every person keeping
a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven
that it will increase the quantity of Milk and
Cream twenty per cent., and make the Better
firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives
them an appetite, loosen3 their hide and
makes them thrive much faster.
H O O S.
T .ii ni.s -r
Coughs, TJleers in
the Lungs, Liver,
Ac. By putting
from balf a paper
to a paper of theso
Powders in a bar
rel of Swill, the Kf'jfi.
above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre
vented. By using tbeso Powders the Hog
Cholera can be prevented.
Price 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1.
S. A. POUTZ & BliO.,
at nrcrtt
No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Sale by Druggists and Slorjveepeit
throughsrjt the United States.
27ie best Liniment fur Jinn and trust
note in use.
Is a safe and reliable Remedy for Iht cure
of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous nffeelions.
Sprains, Burns, Swellings, and all diseases
requiring au external application on Man.
On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll
Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney
if properly applied. For Spraius, Bruises
Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle " o
Colar tiall, Cms or Wounds, iis an Infallible
Remedy. Try it, andibe couviueed of its ef
Persons afflicted with this Uiscasp, no mat
ter of how long standing, can be promptly and
effectually cured by the use of this Mixture
ihere s nothing in the world so sure and i
gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fro
Lites, as this preparation,
Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price "5anJ
lo cents a Bottle. Prepared by
S. A. FOt'T S & l;Ro.,
At neir Wholesale Drug and Medicine De
pot, So. llti. Franklin St. Baltimore Md.
Sold by B. F. Kepner, Mifilintovrn Pa., and all
tore-keepers throughout the United Slates.
The above .Medicine can be had at manu
clor's Prices of Johnson Halloway & Cow
fr, N'o' 2? North f.ih St Philadelphia.
Just pu' lishcT a new edition ef Pr. Cul
verve t fjtlthratm jt.mai on the racical enre
(without mcdiciae) of Spermatorrhra, of
Seminal Weakness, In roluritizry Seminal Losar
cs, Impotcncy, Mental and Physical Incapa
city, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; a!so
Coiisnmption, Kpilepsy, and Fits, induced by,
self-indulgence or sexual extravagance.
Price, in a sealed envelope, otily C cts.
The celebrated author in this admirable es
say clearly demonstrates from a thirty years
successful practice, that the, alarming conse
quences of BcJf-abuse may be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal medi
cine of the application of the knife pointing
out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain
and effectual, by mear.s of which every suf
ferer, no mailer wilat his condidion may be,
may cure himself cheaply, . privately, and
tSf This lecture should be in the hr nds
of every youth and every man in the larfd
Scirt, nndor seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, post-paid, on receipt of six coi ts
or two post stamps. Address the publishers.
C1IAS. J. C. KL1.MS U C'..
12 - Bowcry yeff v,.rv l'.,2t Offise bos 15
,rr ill ly
Sorofula and BorotbJoua Cicoces.
Fror i'wry dtty a i ti '.wen merchant cf 0t
I bave'eoM qnantiti of your S-ikspa-
Kii.la, but never vet one bottle whivii fni'ted of tho
dejtiretl eff-.Tt mnd rhll Mtifaction tothopa who tooic
it. Ad fAAt an our plil"? try it, Ihoy aprre ther h
been uo mt-diuinc fiUutf Kfer la our vmmuuity."
Eruption s Fxmples, Blotches. Pustulos. UV
oora, Sores, and all DUoaaes of the Skin
From 'ft. Hobt. Strnttfm, Brittnt, F.nglmxd.
' " I only do my duty to you and tho public, hm
I add my testimony to that you publish of the m-di.-inal
virtues of your S.i;sArAKii-L. My daugh
ter, a-d ten, bad an aflliethij humor iu Inr ram,
eyes, and hair for yean- wrKiru we wmt uuabl o
tan until we tried your S.k.?apakilla. Saa haft
ven well ior onie months."
Jrrpm Mrs. Jan A'. Iticty a 1l-tnfcn and mttfK
. 9termd tarty nfjto-nniirilt Cape Afay Ct N. J.
- . Mf daughUY has snftrti for a year part with a
rrofulouB erupt iou, whirh was Tefy trouUleitoracv
Nothinx afTorucd any relk-f until w tried your
SAKaArAttiLLA, which soon completely cured her.
Fmm Chnrlet . Gagt, F.7., of the tcidthf-l-notcn
Gay, M'trruy tf o., manufacturers of eiuimtUtd
pmtrrs in Xahn X, Si.
M I had for aeTeral yearn a very troublesome
humor in my fare, which grew conwtaatly won
until it disflyured my feature and became an intol
erable affliction. I tried almost every thimj a ma
eould of both adviee and medicine, but without anf
f'h:f whatever, until I took your gARMMKtl.L.u
t immediately made my face worse, as yoo told me
It mi '-lit form time; but iu a &w weeks the. neve
skin beau to form under tho blotehea, and con
tinued until my fare i a.- smooth as aay body's,
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that
1 know of. I enjoy prrftct health, and without,
doubt owe it to your ausapakiila.'
Erysipelas General Debility Purify tho
From rr. Kobt. ftatrtny Wwtton St., X York.
" Iu. Atkk. I seldom fail to rvruove FritvtionS
nd Scrttfulous Sor $ by the ierrrring nwof your
pAR.AiAr.n.i.A,!id I have just now eurel an nttnrk,
of Malionant klryttlaB with it. No alterative wa
powers wmuts the Saksai-akim.a tou have pnfH
plied to the profe.osiou as well as to the people.'
From J. R. Joint it rm Fiq., JTitlrmttth Ohio.
r or twelve year, I bad the yellow Erysipelas
on my riht arm, during wliieh time I tried all ihe
celebnited physicians 1 rould r u h, and took hun
dreds of dollars worth of tnt-dieim. The ulcem
were so bad th:it the cnnls f Tame visible and tb
dmdnrs dialed tint my arm m.t be amputated, t
liran taking your riAKrAii.i.. Twk two hot
llrs. and some of your Pi mi. To-ther they have
eured me. 1 am now as well and sound an any body.
Being in a publie pluee, my e.is In known to every
bodv iu this coDtmunity, and excites the wonder of
ironi Tim. Hmry .1bnro. M. P. ., of Xetrottstfci
C. if., a leading member of th CunuUian I'mrliur
ment. I have urd your Sak 1-arii.i.a in my familr,
for general and for purifying Itur Ud1
witlt very ben tirial rmults, and fuel tuuiidt ucc iu
cumineuuiD it to the aliUcted."
Et. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Kheum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes.
From TTarrey Si-khrn Usq,, th r'tV c-titor of tk
Tnttkhtninirrk ea-cru?, I't n-ylntnut.
"Our only child, about three y ars of ji
attacked bv pimples on hi lbrvh.td. Th y rupittly
spread until tht y funned a hj;ilhstn? mtd viruHit
mre, whic h coren-d his fan and wtunlly blindol
liirt .) for some ibtys. A sktllul pbykit-iait :tppliel
ntr.;l-! of silver ami other reuic-ii.-s, without myr
jmrMiit eflVet. Kor lirtet-n duya we juardel ht-i
h a:m in, lent with theiu he should tear oih-o the l v
t'Tiug and eurnit wound whi h t oven d his whole
fi. llavinfr tru-t every tiling el we had any
hope from, we beg:ui trivm' your 5a:haiauii.lj.
nd applvin the ioilide of potafh lotion, an yo
dinet. 'fhe sore began to hen! whni we h:ul (ien
the fir!t lotlli, and was well when We b;td lin!htd
the second. The rhild's ej-elasrwii- whfch had rom
ut, gn w uaiu, and he is now as healthy and fh:r
ns nnv otTiv-r. The whole neighborhood prvdictid
that tie child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial Disc.no.
From tr. JUram Slmt,oft. loui;r nnuri.
"I find vour Sai:saimi:ii.i.. a more firertu?il
remedv for the sreondary symptouis of yiJ
and lor vphihtir ilinej-c ih.ui any nt! r we po"c?
Th protesiin are indebted to you fur sonic of tin
liest medieines we hr
"From A. J. Vru, J'. P. 'min'tt jjAisj rf
.(iirrtrtre .V-wi., r'ro i a premium t in'.mOcr of
the Leqhlatnre rt' MiuMrhii. fttx.
li;.AYtt:. My dear Mr: 1 bavtf found ynf
9 i:.sAtAt:iLr.A an rxet llt-ut remedy for Smhiti9
ith of the primary aiwl sf'-omfirv tye, ami clK-v-atml
In some ea.-s that wt too b-iiiiatc to yi IJ
to olhiT remetlk'S. I do not know what we can m
ploy with mare crhiinfy f auecvs-s where a powtr
iul alter.it ivc is requireil."
Mr. Cha. S. Van t.inr, nf Xrvr Jrntnrt, X.J.f
had dreadful ulcers on his h s, eaiiMil by the abiiM
of mercury, or merrrtrinl which rew mmf
hnl more lur-fTrav.ited for yenr-, in spite of evt-ry
rem dy or tre.itinert that eouM ( applied, until UeJ
iTSt'erin use of Aykr?- Saksatakilla ndievt-d
in;n. Few easiea rau be found mir; inveterate aud
tr rosn t!i:m this, aud it took several doieil
bottles to euro liim
lieucprrhtTft, Whiter, Female Woakness,
are ptnera! prolueed by intemnl Strfifutma 11
errtituat, and are very oft-n eurctl by the alt-mtivo
fT.-et of this SAirKAPAUlu.A. Someone re'iirf ,
however, m aid of the s.i:-iAPAKii.LA, tlw skilful
application uf hal remetlie.
From tht vrtl-kxrttrn tintt trtJrfy-ceTrbrated Xr.
Jorob MvrrilUof I'itirinnati.
" t have formd your Saksaimhiu.4 an excellent
altemrive in iliseast-s of f'm:ils. Miuiy caiea of
lrrejpdarity, I-eueorrhoM, Intenwl l let-ration, ant
bienltWrtlitv, itruing tri'm tle serofubms diath'ai
have yfrddt'd to it, aiid tlw re are few thnt do nof.
whMi'iUclTW-t iitpniierly aided by local trLHtmem.
A iWy, unirilUnff to nttotb the pnVliratioH of htr
mime trt itr:
" My diitihfer aihl myself Itave been cunxl of a
very dbiliiiif in? Ineitrrhtra of hu btAmliiig, by
two bottles of your SAKSAl'ARlLLA.'
Kheumatism, Oout, Xiiver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Discaso, Neuralgia,
when culled bv SwfitTa iu the svfttcm, are tupidlf
eared by this Ext. tiABs.trARiLUA.
rKMiRe.. fo many ailvanhifro ovr tJie otlior
purpatlTcs inutlic niarki t. anil llu ir snpi-riur
yirtiH-s are o universally known, that t nrvd
nnt ilu mure than to assurL the public tht-ir
iiualitr is maintains! equal to tUc lict it err
ha tieen, anil that they may !. ilcpendt-U en
to ilo all that they have ever ilune.
J'nparea by J. C. AVEK, M. V., &. t.,
I.ywcll, M;bs., ami sold by
628. HOPKINS' 628.
No. fiJS Arch Street, above Cth 1'hilinlelpliia.'
Wholesale and Retail.
The most complete assortment anil best
Cynlity anil styles of Lailiea', Misses ami.
uolililren's Ilonp Skirts, in the City. Those
It "Oik Ows Make," are gotten up expreaa
lo meet the wants of lirtt Clms liiiaii
md', embracing all Ihe new ami desirable
hylcs, sizes, leneths ami size waists, in trrvil
and plain SKIKTS, from 10 to 5f spring",
from M toll inches loDg, ami 2, 'IX, L'j, 8,
3i( o and 31 ynrds- round the bottom : niak-.
ing more than a hundred varieties for La-,
dies ; in Misses' and ('hildren' a ikirts we are
feyond all competition ; all that are made by
as have STAMPrn on t!ie kid pads "Hopkins'
Hoop i?kirt Manufactory, No. 68 Arch St.,
Philadelphia and are warranted 14 give satis
action B. Agents for the "KKW FI.EXIBL F...
KIKT. the most pliable Hoop skirt m dea
equal Is Itradley's Duplex K'.iptic" ekir
and at much lower prices.
bcAlso, constantly in receipt of a fu.l assort-
anent of good Eastern made skirts which are
spins sold at very low trices. Kid padded
$1 d metaiic fastened 15 sbrings K) cents, 110
omriiigs SI i'O, -5 sprine 31 15. 30 spring
rd 2'j and 411 springs SI 60 SKMUTt! made ti
Prt'cr, altered and repairea lernu tatlt Vne
Pg re On!. for I ircnirr containing Lata-
toue or styles, lengms. Jizes ami i rices, can
or address by mail, '
a stage.
CfTY ROTELi Co -nerof Marltet ami Rail
nad Streets, opposite the Kailreatl Depot
If A Rlsnrni7. PA
SrtJTertns as KOiIerate as those of any Ho
tel in -he Cit;