Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 21, 1865, Image 2

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1 union of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no poicer shall seeer;
A union of hearts, and a union of hands,
And the Amtrican Union forever!
WcduCsdny Morning, Jnnc 21, 1865
A. L. (il SS, Editor.
Lev. 25 : lo.
Jfd- Proclaim Liberty jjj'
Tlironshont the l.:tud
jt'T- t. ALL the rtf
Jt Inhabitants Thereof,
has I ho .tiryat Circulation of liny paper pub
lished iii this Count. It is therefore llic
hnt aJrertitiny medium. It is a 1'apcr, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a fir3t class Localist,
arid well worthy of the patronage of every
leyal citizen iu tlic County.
The Jixiat Sextinki is Published on
Main Street, nest door lo the Post Office,
Milllintowu, Juuiata County, Pa., on every
Wednesday ai lie rale of 2.00 per year in
advance and $2.oi) if nut paid within the
year. We wi.h to do a cash business as
near'y as possible. We wish to deal honest
ly and alike with all, and therefore need not
be asked to vary from our terms by nny ouc.
Thankful fur past favors we ask the continued
upport ami efforts of our friends.
tU " Treason must be made odious;
Traitor must be punish cd and imporer
ithed. They must not only be punished,
but thfir social porcr, must be destroyed;
Ani after mahin-j treason odious, terry
I nion men ami the Government should
be remunerated out of the jtoeh ts of
Unite who hare in flirted litis yre ft suffer'
inj upon the country.'' President John
son, April 21. lfrG5. "
Notes of Third Series of ?30s now
The demand for the Second Series of
the 7-o0 Notes was so great that the
Treasury Ierartuient was unable to j.riut
them with sufficient rapidity to fill the
orders. It will be remembered that a
hundred millions were subscribed aud
paid for in a single week. The printing
presses have finally suruiounted the diffi
rulty, and on Wednesday, J uuc . 7th, the
deliveries of the Third Scries commenced
aud will be continued with the same
promptness that marked the supply of
the notes, of the first aud second series.
It has been this iutcrruption of delivery
at the time of subscription which ' has
given au appearance of falling off in the
popular taking of the loan, the great
body of small takers being unwilling to
pay their money unless they receive their
notes right in hand, to carry them home.
It is expected that after this week the
daily subscriptions to the Seven-Thirties
will run up iuto millions, as they will uu-
doubtly be stimulated by the opening of
the farmers' wool markets East aud West.
It is not at all likely that the Government
will ever again offer so desirable a secu
rity as these notes, and about two hundred
millions only remain to be taken.
With the close of the war the national
expenses will be vastly reduced, and in
vestors must look for a sharp reduction
:n the rate of interest as soon as the pres
ent loans become due and can be paid off.
There is no reason why the United States
credit for Money should ever again fall
below its credit for eouraje. The same
t-pirit that preserved the geographical in
tegrity of the country will place its pe
cuniary integrity on a par with that ol
the most favored nations und that will
represent a rate of interest under rather
than over four per cent.
The Gettysburg Celebration. "
There will be a grand Fourth of July
celebration at Gettysburg. Gen. Howard
is to deliver au Address and Geu. Gcaiy
is to be chief marshal of the day and has
gone there to complele arrangements for
laying the Corner-stone of the Monument
on the Fourth ol July. He has obtain
ed from General Grant permission for
two bands of music, one regiment of in
fantry, one battvry of artillery and one
Mjuadron of cavalry, of the army, to be
present at the celebration. The regi
ments have not yet leen designated.
.llftYl'V .Arj, nrn'.t ,. t - 7 I
money. Thotc indebted to u. (i,r l,n .... !
per for a year or more and all owini? uy"JC" of American Iwepublicaniim, aud
for job work or advertising will please I the fiucst illustrations now' .before the
jif'icc that we -rant our nionv. " ' worll: '
The action of Tennessee in all matters
relating to reconstruction is of unusual
interest, not only because she occupies a,
a leading position just now among the
Southern States, but because she may b e
supposed to indicate in some degree the
policy of President Johnson, whoso in
fluence has been potential there for the
last four years, and probably 13 so still,
if he choose to exert it. It is well
known that the Legislature has denied
the right of suffrage, for the present, to
men of color. The Senate, by a large
majority, has now passed another suffrage
bill of a novel character. It confines
the right of voting to those white men,
otherwise qualified, who are "publicly
known to have entertained unconditional
Union scutimcnts from the breaking out
ol the rebellion until the present time.''
Provisions arc made for proving tho fact
of loyalty beyond question. All other
persona are excluded for six years after
the passage of the act, and may then be
readmitted to franchise by petition to the
Circuit or Chancery Court, on proof of
loyalty to the United States, in open
court, upon testimony of two or more
good loyal citizens. .
If the loyal citizens of North Carolina
for instance, wi'l take such action as this
and inflexibly aply it at the polls, the peo
ple would be better reconciled to the with
holding of suffrago from the negro, be
cause there would then be a better chance
of ending-that crass legislation which
was the the offspring of slavery and is
still our greatest (lunger. Hut there is
a more excellent way" yet, and that is
both to disfranchise the disloyal men so
long as he remains so, and enfranchise
the the loyal man without any recard to
color. That is safe, that is right, that
the principle of our institutions, that
the point to which, in the order of a
wonderful Providence, we have been
brought, and we ought to evade it.
One thing is very ckitr to our minds.
No State can be safely recognized in
the South which excludes colored men
from the suffrage. It may, under mili
tary duress, have the forms of govern
ment, as in Louisiana ; but few now wish
this humiliating spectacle repeated. It
will be much more likely to demonstrate
tho impotency of the white Union men
to control, as in the election just held iu
Virginia. The ' alternative of gov
ernments in which colored men partici
pate or no government at all by the peo
ple, will soon be made apparent, and per
haps in view of it politicians may be
compelled to do justice which other eon-:
sidcrations have failed to grtin at their
hands, '::
General Graut in Patterson.
On Wednesday last, at noon, quite a
number of our Citizens were favored
with a view of the illustrious Grant.
Tie passed eastward on the train accoin
panicd by Mrs. Grant, Col. Parker (a
famous Iudiaa warrior, chief of seven
Western tribes of Indians, and chief, also,
of scouts on Gen. Grant's staff.) Colonel
Dowers, Col. Babcock and Mr. Dcckwith.
The report of his coining was circulat
ed aud a crowd gathered. Had it been
positively known, there would have been
an immense assemblage. ' The General
came out on the veranda of the rear car
to give the people an opportunity to see
him. Immediately th crowd began
cheering for Gen. Grant, and cxpressiue
to each other their gratification at having
seen the man who whipped the traitor
Lee, and the great soldier who has made
the name of his country forever immor
tal iu history. . We looked around for
the chaps who bawled at Train, but they
were orderly or absent. They are cither
lowly learning sense or are well cooled
off by the drubbing given to their friends
McClclIan and Lee. A t all event they
knew their places this time.
Gen. Graut makes no speeches. He
docs not appear to know his fame. The
whole appearance of the man, as he ' pre
sented himself to our observation, was
that of rigid plainness. His countenance
denotes deep thought, truthfulness and
determination, without a single trace of
ambition visible in its expression. lie
iuokcu to us iikc a man wno baa ever
pressing on him some stern duty, some
labor which engaged the attention of all
his energies'. About his Derson there is
nothing which the world would recog
nize as distinguished. . He neither bears
hiuiielf with or conducts himself towards
others, with that superiorly so peculiar
to men of rank, and which he of all oth
er men to-day in this country would have
a just right to feel. If we ; dare take
! him as he presented himself to our vis-
",n 1 h- nra,lt la
the best speci-
Suffrage in Tennessee and Negro
frage in the South.
Vallandigham on Democracy.
In a letter from this arch tra:toi ad
dressed to a Democratic Comniitte ' of
Lancaster, V.i., he speaks as follows 0 the
present couditiuu of tho Dcuiocatio
part?. . ;
"Without more of courage, more Igor
more audacity, if you please in grapling
with great questions as in former prs,
the democratic party cannot, ought not
to survive, and must give way to a yorager
and more vital organization. If it is to
remain in its present comatose sttei
now tho beginning of a new eph in
public affairs, it were better that it Wild
be buried out of sight at once."
, As Vallandigham says, so let all the
people respond. Let the rottonr treasona
ble Democracy of tho last four years "le
buried out of sight !" It is "dead and
stinketh," and who desires any longer to
smell its putrid rpmains ? .
John Mitchell has eome to grief
in New York. Gen. Dix put a quietus
on this imported traitor's ptn, and it is
not likely that Mitchell will have an op-
ortunny to disgust loyal men or dclisrit
Democratic friends by an exhibition of
his hatred for a government which saved
his neck from an English halter. Crime
will not have received its just duo until
all such men as Mitchell have been sum
marily dealt with. Our Government
should offer to exchange Mitchell with
England, for some of the rascals who
have taken refuge in that land from jus
tice in this country. The exchange would
be perfectly fair.
liar The Democratic papers in this md
other states are claiming the majorities
given by the main aid ot rebel Wp in 1
the recent election in Virginia, as -g!o-
nous Democratic victories." Nnr-
could be more consistent fhnn .nl,
claim, because it is true that of late roars 1
as now all Democratic victories km :
is I bcllious against the government, and all ! thaf' nearl' a3 fi,r from this a,fcr to Jon
is that has been and is rebellious, can onlv!.11 lh,S 5f a" i!ver min-',eJ with
be accounted as Democratic.
Oini;r, vui more suvcr in weight tnan
c?- The Richmond lie public says: It gold. The Company have only two hun
is stated that 75 pieces of property in ( dred feet working, and ont of that they
Richmond have been already libeled for ' are now realizing about ten thousand dol
coofiscation, which is only a beginning. ', lars a day. There is this peculiarity
The proceeding is in rem,, that is to say, about it, that the deeper the mine ex
agaiust the property itself the owner ( teods the richer and more profitable it
not being made a party to the cause. The becomes."
term of tho Federal court at which the1 '
libels will be produced and acted upon! IIow ,hc Johni" are S"iB8 H,nc-
Ml t. 1 .11 ,i n ii ""
win uc iiciam tiiei au.
General Howaid vestcrdav tnaninJ
rcceivod a letter from South ' Camlir.a j oaths of allcSiaDCC as a passport for trav
which gives a gratifying account oftnc iC,in fare anJ good character. To this
colored population totally different from cou,I'kxion has it come. The defenders
the statcmcat of The Richmond R.-pub. ' c,livaIrT. e vaunted ISersckcrs of the
lie . Forty thousand fieednien iu South ! nIne,ecB,h century, one of whom was to
Carolina are now industriously at work ! ?cvo"rfh'e Yankees in 1?61, slinks home
cultivating tho. soil an,! O nnn n,.T..i I in 18Gr beaten, unarmed, beggared, shcl-
children arc attending school' regnlurly.
m. It is said that the only joke Gen. ;
Sherman ever perpetrated was on cn-J
teiing the capitol of North Caroliua. I
Turning to a regiment of veterans who J
where marching by the State House, he j
called out: "lon t you tlunt this is a
good place to sing Kalcigh round the flag,
boys ?"
BQi, A large fire occurred in Ilarris
burg on Wednesday morning last it
was in the heart of town and doubtless
the work of an incendiary. The upper
stories of the Telegraph printing office
were destroyed and the loss ii about
$6000 one half of it covrrcd by insu
rance. We picked up a few specimens
of the melted type.
Washington, June Sth, Gen. Can
by has, by orders from Secretary Stanton
hunted out and arrested the man who of
fercd last winter, in an Alabama paper,
to be one of a certain number of persons
to pay a million dollars for the murder of
Mr Lincoln, "and he is on his way, under
guard, to this section of the country.
t,Judgo Underwood of Eastern
Virginia, has taken to Washington the
papers relative to the indictment of Gen
erals It. E. Lee, Corse, Ecll and Long
street ; and Lilly Smith, Letcher, Case-
nova, McVeigh, ' and somc forty othcr
civilians, indicted for treason. ' j
6T The work upon the Capitol exten
ion at Harrisburg is going on, and the
foundation walls aic already vp. The
extension ia made iu the rear-of the 'pres
ent edifice, and is intended for committeo
rooms on the first floor and for the . State
Library on the second.
Less than four years ao Gov
Magrath of South Carolina declared that
rather than be taken by the Yankees he
would blow hid brains out 11a has been
taken, but he still survives, from a cause
which every one must imagine, to wit,
that he has no brains to blow out.
Governor Ilolden of North Carolina
ha-! invited the leading Union men of the
State to meet him in conference at Ilul
eigh before tho promulgation of his
forthcoming proclamation. ' ' ' t'.
Geld and Silver .Vines of Nevada.
During the past year additional discov
coveries of gold and silver have been
made in the region flanking, on the east
ward, the mountain ranges of the Sierra
Nevada, which renders it probable that
Nevada, with its immcasc treasures of pre
cious metals, is destined to exert an influ
ence hitherto having no parclle! in the
history of States.
Of this legion, Bishop Simpson, of
Philadelphia, says, in a discourse deliver
ed in Music Hall, in the city of New
York, a few days since, while speaking of
his late visit to Nevada :
"That wealth comprises that which the
nations of the world have never yet con
tended for. Were the debt ot our na
tion to amount to 20,000,000,000 of dol
lars, there is wealth enough there, when
the debt is paid off, to give every who re
turns from our battle-fields, muskets of
silver in place of iron ; and when our
iron clads come back into the harbor,
j there shall be silver enough left to plate
tnoso boats more heavily than they arc
dow plated with iron. I do not speak
from idle speculation, but I speak of 'hat
wealth from observation and actual
calculation. When in California I visit
ed the mines, and I thought the time
might como when they would be exhaust
cd, but in the mines of Nevada there are
no sucn indications visible. Xne more
the mines arc worked the richer they
yield. The extent of the ledges, contain
ing the precious metals, no man has yet
been able to measure. I will mention
S'DS'C ,nsWHCe. gre you some idea of
th inexhaustib!c supply. In what is
tcrnQeJ the Pl ir mice. a s'nSIe wi, as
h cal,ed tLcre. s fiftj-five feet in
tbickne9a Uncs only at an angle of
fivc dcZTes- Think of tho extent of
gold. There is more gold in value than
I :i . '. -i .....
Thousands of rebels
arc now going
copies of their
tcrin I,is chivalric Pf behind a ccr-
tificatc of fctilty to the Government he
was goihg to destroy in tho wantonness
of his strength and bravery. And the
most persistent of these loud-mouthed
traitors, now in the valley of humiliation,
whine about being overpowered two to
one, forgetting that they had threatened
to drub us soundly, and teach us our place,
one to five.
Letter from Fortress Monroe.
Fortress Monroe,
June 9th 1SG5. j
Friends in Juniata,
After a silence
of upwards of tw years, I again, resort
to the pen to iuform you, concerning
things in and around this place
Well I suppose the first thing you want
to know, it concerning the welfare of Jeff
Davis, fomcrly President ot the would-be
Southern Confederacy. We have him
here safe enough; notwithstanding, the
papers have him in Washington, and had
him in before he was in. But I dispute
that for I came off that guard this morn
ing, ne and C. C. Clay were brought
in on the 22nd of May, and placed iu
separate casemates, where chances of es
cape are not Iikc angels visits, "few and
far between," for they are none at all.
I will tell you how they are . caged and
guarded and let you judge for yourselves,
whether they have any chance to escape
in any way whatever.- Their prisons arc
casemates (arched rooms running through
the walls from the inside to the outside of
the fort), built of stone, brick and ce
ment, and has a heavy stone wall dividing
the casemates into two' apartments with
iron grated doors, locked. The front or
inside has two windows with : iron bars
over, and a heavy door locked. The rear
or outside of the walls has nothing but a
port hole for a casemate howkzer,' with
iron bar3 in it too. The floor is of brick
wi:h a board floor on top. The room is
about ten feet high, and the ' walls about
twenty-five outside. The wall is a moat
about eighty or ninety feet wide, and
from eight to twelve feet deep with water,
which rises aud falls with the tide. That
is the prison. Now for the guard. There
is a special guard of two officers of the
guard, one sergeant of the guard, four
corporals and seventy-two privates, inde-
pendent of the main guard for the fort
and water battery, and mount with knap
sacks packed, canteens and haversacks on,
undress uniform. Four guards are put
outside of tie moat to allow no one to con
gregate orj look with glasses or make
signs or signals, four sentinels on top of
the ramparts and parapets, four in front
of the casemates, four about fifty feet out
around the casemates to r.llow no one to
come near, two and an ofacer of the guard
in the first part of the casemate and two
in the back part with Jeff. The Fame
with Clay. When relief time comes, the
officer of the day relieves the guard in
side the casemates, and keeps the keys.
At first the officer of the guard stayed in
the whole twenty-four hours without re
lief, but now four are detailed and reliev
ed every six hours. The guards are not
allowed to talk to Jeff. A casemate to
the right and one to the left and one be
tween the prisoners is occupied by the
guards when they are off of post. The
rooms aro nice and hare thade trees in
front of them. No one but Gen. Miles,
Gen. Ord and General llaileck has per
mission to cuter the fort now without a
pass from Gen. Miles, who has charge of
the prisoners, aud whose duty it is to see
that he is properly guarded, not even a
Major General can pass without a pass.
Wc stopped Howard, Srlioficld and
others. Persons inside the garrison can
pas in and out, and Jeff and Clay's
families arc not allowed to enter. Jeffs
baggage was one hand trunk, which was
taken c.tre of ly live assistant Adjutant
General for examination. One of the
men who helped to bring oB the trunk,
heard Mrs. Davis say she "didnt want to
go south, she had uo place lo go and noth
ing to on live and would starve. She want
ed to go North." She had four children
two girls and two boys. Ouc of the boys
is cailcd Jeff. Old Jed's a little uneasy
uow. The sentry walking on the floor dis
turbs him. Hi sai 1 to tho oJwer of the
guard " Your men at Andersonvillc got bad
treatment. I believe they could not eat
the corn bread. It did not agtce with
them, give them Durhoua, &c," as if he
only found it out a lhrt time ago and
was surprised to hear it. lie said it in
such au innocent S;iv. Conimi-nt ein ihU
V - " -
I leave with you about how they were
treated. I see some of the boys have
buttons they cut oil of - his coat while
Wo have five fifteen inch smooth bore
guns mounted ou the ramparts, each of
which throws a round uall of" four hun
dred and thirty to four hundred anJ thirty-five
pounds as to density of metal.
The Liueoln guu is one. They are now
mounting a class of thirteen inch "una,
eleven or twelve of them. Tho I'uion
un is still mounted ou the beach outside
of the tort- It is a thirteen inch rifle.
There are nbout one hundred aud sixty
guns, mounted on the terraplein or ram
parti, besides about eighteen mortars.
The water battery consists of forty-two
forty two pounders which i outside the
fort. There are being shipped to this
place a lot of old guns from Richmond
and some odd hioking ones anion:? them.
Travel between llichmond aud the Xorth
is brisk, every boat is loaded with ladies
and gentlemen going to see friends and
curiosities. They carry to the North all
sorts of momentocs. The trip from Dal-
more here is made in one night, from
here iu the day time, thus affording an
apportunity to see the sights along the
river. The fare from Baltimore to llich
mond is S7 or $7,50 to here about
$3,50. The boats are of the first class
and two or three lines running thremrh.
As my letter is already Ions I will
IST The opposition papers, says the
Lebanon Courier, are now greatly agitated
about the Union party bciug broken up by
internal dissensions. We recollect that
they were similarly distressed last fall,
and made similiar representations, but the
election showed the truthfulness of their
statcnic nt by running up something like
half a million majority for the Unionists.
As the gicat head of tnq Democratic par
ty is now ia immincut danger of having
his neck dislocated, and as the body of
the party is now about caving in from
galloping consumption, we suggest that
a decent respect for public sentiment
should induce these Copperhead editors
to dry ap. .
B"th England and France appear
to fell considerable uneasiness concerning
the disposition toward them of the Amer
ican Government, aud the American peo
ple. The language of the two govern
ments is anything but defiant. Both arc
now paying u? more compliments during
one month than they have done during
the whole four years of the war. Both
represent their relations to the Govern
ment of the United States as most ami
cable, but endeavor in vain to calm tho
apprehensions of the public.
IN CA STS-Tbe following resolution was
parsed by ibe Board of Kelief June 13, 1865.
and ordered to be published in the papers of
the County, to wit :
RuolrtJ, TLat as the exigencies of the
General Oovcrnmettt bare passed awaj with
the enl of the rebellion, the duties of the
Board of Kelief have also tome t4 an end.
Notice is hereby given to all persons inter-
ested that there will be no more tncltings of
said board held.
liy order of the' Board,
Attest A. J. GREEK, CVk.
June 13, 180.-U
TVrOTlCE. The School board of Fertnan--LN
ugh Mliool district will meet on Saturday,
June. iMth 180-',, at 2 o'clock at Jacob Wills
in MitHintown, for the purpose of meeting all
those who may hold receipts for aoncy, ad
vanced to the bounty fund of said Township,
fur the purpose of exempting said towonhip
from drift. Said receipts to 'line frtra Feb
ruary 18ti I, and to receive Touchers or said
By order of the Board.
JuneGtu'Ci. WM. GIVEN', Srcy.
A Kilatr of Abraham Halttman dee'J.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin
isation on the estate of Abraham Ilalteman.
late of Monroe township, deceased, have been
granted lo the undersigned roiding in tha
same township. All persons knowing thenr
selves indebted to said cstae are revested id
make to immediate payment and those hav
ing claims will plc.ise present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
June III S0j-i'it.
Ran Away Six Cents Reward.
Iy AN away from tho subscriber in Spruce;
Vllill township Juniata county on the 1-th
of June John VV. Crawford an appren
tice to the farming business. Said boy i
ationt K years old, somewhat stoop vhoul
dered ami about five feet high.
AH persons arc noiilied not to harbor or
:rut him un my account aal will pay no debts
of his ontrucling.
The above reward will be paid for his re
turn but no (hanks.
J. F. G. LONG.
June 1 1;u. ut
1 XU COI.LEC roll. Hy the 7th
icetton of the Act of Assembly, ISfil, it ia
nwlc obligatory upon the Treasurers of the
several counties nt t'onimnnweallh to pay over,
annually, to the State Treasurer, the whole
amount of Stale taxes due, by the FIKST
Il.VY OF AL'GI'ST. under a penalty to tax
payers of having FIVE PER CENT, added lo
am. Mint chnrged auint them in tho
Duplicates. The collectors are hereby requir
ed to proceed immediately in the collection of
TAXES, nnd demand from each tax-payer ia
hij duplicate th amount so charged
arainst him. so that the Treasurer may com
ply with the law. All persons who fail to pay
over their Stale taxes, by the FIKST OF
ALGL'ST NEXT, the Collectors are authori
zed to add FIVE FEU CKNT. to the taxes of
all delinquents.
Payments must be ma le by Col!ccors to
the Conniy Treasurer or before the 51st of
July next.
By order of the Commissioner?.
June 1 td A- J. GREEK, fieri.
I"' of Rundell s
Konsr. roniirs
and PCI.I.EV'S complete. They are of the
teit style and will lift from
I ai fne draught.
I ir. Patterson by
For sale at the cheap store
THE undersigned Administrator of Estate
of Jshn Luntz, will offer for sale at pub
lic outcry by order of the Orphans' Court, on
the premises in Delaware township, Juniata
County. Pa., about two and one half miles
North West of Thompsontown. on
A tract of laud situated as above stated and
bounded by lands of S. O. Evans. David
Walker's Heirs. Margaret Stinson and others
containing about
About 65 acres of which are cleared and un
der cultivation, the balance being tiinheituud.
There is on the premises LOG HOUSE and
LOG BARN, an Apple Orchard and fino
Spring of Water,
TERMS: One-half of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmation of the sale by
tne Court and the other half on the first of
April next to be secured by judgment.
S W.K to commence at 1 o'clock, P. of
said day when attendance will be given by
the undersigned, from whom any additional
information may be obtained priur t the
May Cist 'Co-Is.
THE subscriber residing in Fayette town
ship, Juniata County, Pa,, offers at pri
vate sale the large and valuable farm known
as Thomas Kimcr's, dee'd, situated one mile
east of MoAUUtenrille, nine east of Mifflin,
five miles north of Thompsonstown, contain
ing IH7 acres, 140 cleared, the balance well
timbered. Adjoining lands of Joseph Lon,g
and others, and having thereon erected a largo
Stone Spring House, the water running in
the Spring House and thence in the barn yard,
never failing water, new hog house and two
brick ovens and other necessary buildings, a
good apple orchard of grafted fruit in good
bearing condition, cherries, pears and other
fruit : also s good lime stone quarry well
opened. The laud has been well limed and in,
good order. For further information call on
the undersigneds
May 24th . residing on the farm.
TUB undersigned offers for sale a valuable
house and lot in Thompsontown, Juniata
County Pa. The House is a good Frame wU
a good Kitchen attached and having on the
Lot a good Stable, with carriage shed, and
othcr out buildings. There is also a well "f
water at the dour.