Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 17, 1865, Image 2

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i chzkts, atitf a it -non cIktirs,
A jit-vn t ?'fa rf-h c;:;' c t-"""-:0:I 0 ,
vl-ui ;.'te .American iVstea fcrcrer!
v edie.tiY JJorairp. :.i.&y 17, lBft
m FREE."
A. I,. UUSS, Editor.
Lrv. 0 : la.
. Vroclaho. t-ibcvty n-S
' jST" ThroaUotil the Land .rr"
jftr to A I.I. the rif
In!iatiitan,. Ibcreci".
rav: jua'is. ta suzs'Siskl
&m ta L"?ts: Cve-Zasvi a) esy p -pei pah
lithed in this C2u1.iT. It ;a t'-iros'.'-rs C;.
fii: tfa-::;:.r.'::i-;. j. ii a If.-:
mil, o:ycsnaur-.i. . ant c.b i.oca-:.
.r.i e!i Tfjj'tuv ci' the vi'.rcr.c.a ol evcrv
Mai ciliia iii tie Cnutt
:sts it Tc'vVtsl'-l cai
I-Uta Strest, ucit di-.r t the Post Oieo. !
K;2iotaa, Jamau ceurt.r. Fa., on ew-ry j
, A, .. .. j
advar-ii. aud $2 vj :: act paiu w:iis te
er. We wish to da a ctah baitatss sj
a-i&ry &a psssiKe. V."c w:a ta deo! hsaest-,
-j v , , - -
baasksi to vary froas our trxs by ary cae.
baakftt! fcr 5; tit f.vvcrs & thcat;auvd
spjrt aai en of car fjeads.
Trailer; mvit bt pur.-Wiet
htd ' Th.n tvst r.ct enh bt pm-shid,
bU tkiir iCc:a!poKcrt. tniM be dec:
j, -try j
Union run ar.d the Gotenixicr.
C( rcv.vncra;ta eta vj j-t-tAt. v
:kaevo have iJlicil tku prtat
. -1 - - .1 7. ...
IV fcpsa ra country. x roiueaw ,
aoa, Apr.i
- - . 1
11, 13G5.
Bi.tcHl?. at Sumftee. We devote a
good part cur graJC this week to the gr.-at
Address of Ileury Ward Beecher at Pi.
Banter. Sjrce boar told as that it was
too lor.r, -'-at so bjd"
w;r.i rcaa it. ;
Yes it U leas, lut :: wiU rieL'y repay it
0 cx.r j ti.-.s ;
".re cor teasers
aad we not '"-s'v l-ev-aak t-r it a er-.t.al, i
bat we csaort eir::?;.t v every sabiorir.tr
iSTISSItj f.i'.e"
ireful T-e- j
rajii. i,very loan CifaMe 0
ias: a ccud i.hcir wil thact tj . j. p.ac.;
:t ia their hand
Coax. Oil vr Liok3 Cifk,- j
rrernfjta'otis Lxciuraeni Vtv, He, .i'e I :
Quite an escttea.sri
is Tap'.-.:' ;a thtsfe
parte oa the ha
ad cf rep .
avraptoras c: o:i up xacitia-j
J-lilford Township. Uavi-g ccowlt.n .to j
o-n th vn'.lev the cti.cr dav ve a'ae I
i'. suit to call and caaratue the "ByaiptoarS
and found tlata aoaie-aha
.larrai:..' '
The xpot we exaiii'cd wa ca ti;e iaa-i cf
David partner, blacksmith, about three
ratios ircai town. 1 i.ere can c? no noirt i
that there are ttrocg i:7'Xptodi3 cf oil
The water of the v.et weuher errincs i
covered with a bluish, purpled, grea'.y
cara some of which ha been gathered
which eraella icrrUh.. We can net so into j
dctai'.s as to all the evidences, but we paw I
ad araelt csot:gh to convince us that
there is eoraethiug pp there Tiate and
exteritrients fill doahtlesa soon reveal i
rtvere ir. regard to its nature and origin.
Thee Eyrat.ihoraB ve believe a'so tx'st
'oa other lar.u- along theCrek oWLed by
George McDonald, . Abral.au Gu.;:s, jr..
Spiece'a Heirs, Greer's Heirs, and ethers.
It ia a well known fact that eak wit-r is
toaad ia the oil regioos-
ind Licklrs
Cresk took its r.au:c iron t;;a "zah hcka'
forraeriy found along its backs. One of
the saost fauioas ot these '"iioks" wa
juet below tha bridge near by the resi
dence of Ahrabam Guss. jr. Wp re-
dcsber jel of serng soate of the scaf
tag on the trees, near by, from which the
Lacters shot dear whtch frequented the)
vCMaTA uil- COMPANY. iy reter-
. , .
er.ee to our ?.dvertls.'ng coiuran tae readei
will see this oomrany ia going on to pres.
pct for oil. Yf'e learn thai $2500 worth 1
of etook has been takre. Let 'em pitch
ia and get their cam's up- We think it
a worthy undertaking .
I'aere are three committees appointed
to Ieaee iamia and report r.ext Saturday
"o particular spot has yat Isn wlectei
-T&sl lis. vvW-k
sa"aVta;;i r:t. le vi-.i'ie cd:os ; j'oruittd, ar.iit is ::n
a';J t.7;r"-iV'r- i sraa liservc
Capture cf Jeff. i)Aris. The csp'
tore of- tb grand, high, cockoloraai of
''cur Southern brethren" has created Soars
feeling and en-z.Tz.evtt ia out towa. s-Tbe
Union msn end the decent Democrats re
joice u ft matter of course, but ihe-Ebr-
purheaJi are as'rr.ad 'aa forty" ducking:
hen? abctH 4t, TWlfrj--hj!i ihftt .h -
,:atern etateansaa" would escape, but now i
0 hang euch a man. One n-,n declared j
that "arty body w b raid he ought to be
hung was no better tun Davis himself."
We ret'- that Jeff. Davis is a rascal a
taiisf, a. -j-.r, a traitor, a rnurdsrcr, a
iucarnkto, aud any laau who cava he ought!
I (t U hung, la either and meaner ;
than Pavia or hus ts&t wit enough to
kne w vhit he i'e tu'.kirg about. " I
. After all, u it not th.J richest thing (
t'.sat has ever hapoued 9:r.ce time began j
or the dev.i firrt rot up & fceeewsoa move- j aj-eaient naa auordea jut a living evea u- ? joc aa pcMt.:. , V0 bear the -Ccn-ttcut
? Jeff. IK vis tc-;ht dre?wd in j ring the "ham tixea"- aad enabieii iK.K;0U0r3 have "cacsed the arrest cf pcr-wotoe-u'a
cl-jtbes ! And discovered by his j to keep out cf debi. . ' Can the Tribune , &higti it-a bn.-alng da the"o3
W-igyJVLU. .Ov'T, VUJ.. iava.,w-JV ;vui t
'soar a;-pe tree I" Let hiai awing heuip,
and let ten. Bur'jr te at the head of his
Court Jlartial. and then let his cureed !
carcii like that cf Booth he coas?gatd
t- ublivica, let fcU rcsu.ory have a wind-j
ir.g sheet :f eteraKl icfamy. and ia the
words of Mr. IluunicuU let the devil!
hare Thai is !cft 'A h:a. ' "
. j c:,e.
CieriCan a re eii-euLeu n t. aM.ioii-
I ton in a le v cavs.
..1 ... .t -.it 1-- --
! grjai review tf the force by G'-if: Grant.
! It wiii bo a aianiSepnt fpecfacle, aul a?
tbeEi iriea wi:l sooa be disbinde-l or
tC!i;tored. it tw";l be the Lst op'porlaairy
tee a deiaunstruticn on so large j
a s--i e lor several canerttoas at le.tst. ,
. " . ,.
Alter review, iue iroopa wtu oe grauuai.y
n.arcbei tvi:
aiid .a.'ttrsd oat cf 4-r-
. .
a .fropg forca to Tcxa3. A'ae r eg: rat ate ;
i t.f the regaiar arcsy. force vt v.iiieu are !
in s'ver-.fti. w;-J- he re-;
ed that the Vrt-
C-.r.; is to be retair-cd tor
rvoo;-t dtuy
! fiR. i.iscoLf a .Last asauolrai.
3aat iaaugeral.addreaa of Mr. Lin-
, . d -xvfc n;)r S'-'tdard sresks-
it iB t:e nut rtIMikab!e ' thin- 6f th
a P-,..:.'
soil ever procoat-CLd ry ar? PresiJent
i tiia Uiji-evi bt-itiiii ixoza . tha firat ,d
until aow. - Ia A'.cha and Oraega i'
KM? C.-i, the
:! 0
e ;
thtr cf a'.crc'e.M, wha s m orkir.i
oa: th pu rpve of hu love. I: ia invest- j
ea vnt.i a u.arv a patae-j aion
Vi-'-i ,-ivfi prr-rrihini' cf the klad.ic -
,ove erc-rri!i!3; c?
aetr.er ;n ...e v.a . i-:.u -,r : n-w.
. r ti- . . .i . T
A;:v w.ti. t:;.-;g pat as sn ruaa u ti.e
best a.'-o of ti.e Eu;i:h Coritaoswcaith j
;.. ia fhct. nsch of the tod propht
1'AtTi C8. We think it about t'ate
w;o!-J cc-eo an oil io '
M.-itai iosrt.r.1
or it w:il 02
1 .
it 13 a n.aa ol ht-out trty
lueis ,:cv.
tae towr-flup,' ana :s a
haore all ovar irorae tui
-- r o 1
1. ..1
of deeided the tcwcAip, ca tae tow:!;. p. it 1
Creek, irJanoiicilJeVaoi that few of these case?
are W! resa.: ct the i? or c. rut.-.a. v
lir;vidc'ic:s tbey a- ir.s:t.5 oi prc-ct.la-
as aad o.??ip'itioc. a iaraentas
.e re
for a christian laud !
Ov?- 1'AUT. V.'e r?;aarke I tbft other
d.ty that the rebellion vat put a ova r.ot
wilhctanding certain sage persons said it
j n'erer could be done and we were . tela
that if it was we had not fired any gaits
t'v effect it. We replied that judging
from the amount of squealing done ih
certain quarters tve must. hve Lit some
hedy tl ail events we could not be charg
ed with liriog into the rear of those that
3 id shoot at the rebels which was more
than sonic folks cou'id say.
" r ' ". ; iT.i
Visit. Quarter ..1 aster i'unn of tae
, 7 , . ... ...
". , , - ... . , .
vtiit t'se other evening iia locits r.ae
.... ... .
aid hearlv eviseotiv he provides weh
i Vi. i'u V f.1l.Taa-o r.-.i'l fi'jr 13 Wit
j for number one.
A ?i,tMIt OJUJ." "VJ .uiaajy.
!t.j'. wa wera male the recipient of a
haassoatc bocuot prepared by Mrs G. W
1- rr iVia nt:,f Tn hpr.IV. t&Zt. i
v " -'t
! and skillful amassment it can not be
i ... . , . , .
L.t'. 't,r'iha r-f, Ktf,r f.h ecomcaav-
p7ce led. 1 ne donor has our taansa not
' atV ti'0M CVr he neW8 t
(, r., r . , v i,
j-eu. 6 .
I captured." We have a protouna respect
) 1 , .!... 1 . 1
fcr anytniCj ciutuea in letnue awre un
charactenned by tha principles of true
womanhood, and we send greeting to Mrs
F aad all other true and loyal ladies, that
although he was caught in womaa's.cloth-
iog. yet be can not disgrace tha sex. A
Ladt is known act only by her drees
arid the absence of boots, but by br
eweetces aad raiJdrers cf manner aad
her tLc-csaiil acts -A respect aad kind-
AtiooN-v-ov Joes. The jijar cf
tha Altconiy3r:Ly.K ;yho publtsbes tLe
till road -gaa ii tliat city of enterprise,
if la h&i a rovtr prnDSjCai no opposition
hit town, w?-.euj-jje k 'mrftop.cf jjt-
jobs from the E&il Roai Company by
spieial agreement, and pnblisles a japar
bata - titt'a wbpn nar toa thronenear-.
j lost bis gravity because h? Siy.nl &
fUri'atthe ipereTd of this coV.-
one waos. , do notntenl 'to Ita r6?ort(!ti Jbat a Netr York firm have
me Coniparaiif iaouuios ua patronage,, , t .... ... ,.. .
. . r -,, ,. ! oougtt the "Irw.n F;(rai lor SOC.OCtJ,
of the tiro oSes, , But we will say tbi3 , . ; , . .,
.... , . and are soins sn to rore for oil.
teal vre navs tiooe more jod wont Qn
the ErstSga.dars of f-Isy thaii i-C V
buna man did durior; the su:ue frloXany'
year, when bo lived iti this town andub-
Iwhed tha Sentinel. .. And siaco tha Tri-'
buye man s j;ot at this job we w:li
s:.y another th;Yg, v:s : . The patrooige
-f V.ii.i oS ;e in this town'uaJer otr ibau-
j "jK I
wsiohtne .a.s.the chaik" Itasaad
then talk cf "your big lot. of jobs?'
We caa't help it tbat.MiiBia. w so email
" dM not make it if we had, we
would have oiadu it as big as ;Alto?fla
and Lai f.uth big people in it, too ! ! '. . It
is a matter of .lamentation and wgrat
that the big people who oa'je swailtd out
our lit'.:e town ha quit the;r "sraa'l
rujit:es.-i. it.
rated to Alt'oona to' do big!
f 1 . 1 e .
i e h;;ve no 01 - inea tiie 3;ocit
, , j , i ,
"w ; T
nc.neo w ar.i .-rtint to no oaaaKj
per we?k, n-.ake loth entU mft ana" feel
-.1, ;
Oii.-r-Oil. up Liokiag Creek.- oil at
Ovnoord. oil at Todi's 'Store, oil on the
brain, oil ail over the county! Ve ad
v!.te tat.u a wail across tte vaiicv near;
th rai tread, f.itik 'a few wci'.!1, then bti
the count? run
bave csrb n:ad-j with grait hogsheads oa 1
theia, hv. sp'.;;a'B ia the -'.Tail every
ien;:th fr.ai Biack Lo.r to Tmciror "5ta-
tirn. Lave a ciai'y ''..il train" to carry ctT
the cii, and aj there "prcAt ia hack
luA-iiag" let thesa bring us "load? of grscc-
r-ucKS an
children. Lftt th; psorle ud
Ui0""e to .'i:l:::n a'
vi.e :a oace atrack
to iret ia the Axkj
for when-
,,-.J I
IliLLisxi Maliomit. A Dr. Black-
Lurn Wily 8. --. a
Canada, eadaa-area to wtr jdaca t..-; lei-1
low Fever at the North "i-j sending old j
clothes, taken irora dead pctscna who hid J
died of the da-saw, to IV-v Ycrk City, j
iu.v.t uc a tcm; .i..--.-
;n tnat tue i.evi' aavicg otea caaiu-1
a thcv.fa!id rears, is now unbesed to!
ht lart-e.
;;tr tuz Bitiuoi;. One would
i rr'SM:;:e
f iCfe
the Mii-iin.
ar..oa its rates ct
k-cp up a ii'ght iu
tae i.riao. ia tuo evemcg
tee 02s at
the gate is ot little coucqv.encp there
0'ight ta he oae in the middle. The :'re-
. . i . i-
ut i:r?.f'rit'. oetwcea our tv-n ocr-
1 fia
es-ot.tiallv the ladies demand that
ti.e Uridro I e hef.et
tha eviL:i!p;i.
rcr.:;in"hi;. A
lighted up during
i.'j .oi txcite.
nicut wa? occasioned ia tho ijaiet toa cf
l'at:--:aoa th other day whoa it irtiar2e
kn:)v,a that Hccht nod Strays: had
optned eat' their furc'tura room. Af
sicn the n-:-WH lea-.'t.cd 4.l:fil'.a we w
ever and f;-un-i the rc-om opposite - their
with Ohatra, .Tabk-s, Sofas.
T.incpc K -.-i. .;i .T.n,tis rd i..tf
thinea r;e ro't retueiabor, but even-body
ueod.3 them at'yhow, and ntay aa well call
and get them iirjt as last,
Jtop Wint'tE ? TLe States Union
Kotei once was a fovonto slopping place
i for Juniata fu'.fcs, bat since ilr. Alaiond
left it our people have scattered. Oar
city rttirtsj readers will te irahl to read the
, 0 ,
card cf Mr. Airaond tn another column
i that he has set up oa Chestnut Street.
j t . r
Ve know t hereof wo speak wliPt we ag
sure our readers that c" better stepping
ice can he found in Phiiadeip h'u.. Bead
.us card.
j H-j::o.itiAN GF.A3S Sr.EZ. BL;rcr.ty
1 Bushela of Prime Ilantrariaa Grjci Soe-d
r 1- i... av...' r .... s,p...
Tcwn.rhm. Jottr mum Wet of th. nam.
1 1 t
TUS Cra?s " Tni and makes
! b?5t f1': Tbe ed also makes
! od feed. It is the interest cf every
! farmer to sow it.
. :
T ,,i. f !.:., k 1. - c ...
; ctr.uugn co ouuoay
j iiay 1 th probaciy in tae neighborhood
j of the M E. Church a pair of gold
spectacles in a morocco ease. Tha finder
wi'i b rewarded by Itarlng thcra at this
' I.-ost. In this towa eeverl wseka ago
a Latheral Ilvmn Bock, gilt ed-e. bound
in a purple imitation of tufkry raoroeco.
The Snd.-r w:K rlea--; leave -v. a. tn.'o c-f
""Oik NotiohI Notice is ior-cby 'given
to t'b -Stockfroioera of "the 'Iadep'eiide.:it
JaniaU Oil Company, that cae half of
stocks wilt be required to be" pal J ia;,o
the Treasurer, .: (John P. Wharton), oa
or before the Si-'sl day of June r.ert.
By order of Board of Directors.
tfcere are stroa; sign of oil neap Con
Oil. AT'-ilnxtco.- Our county seema
'perfedtly lOTttiy'' with oil. A csa-pauy
is being gotten up ia Mei'c'o to 'hore' af
ter oil whioh ia 'lying around Iocsj" ia
that alice.
Ltr. The bai'.iiiig of 'the new
at Brj'nur's hai! bean let to .Mi3:5 Sher
Tattj&sos 'VaiKo. Are the retail
ers of ' hoops," caliao and shoes ,ia Fatter
son interested in the peculiar pavements
of that town ? The diiawdate-d Board
Wa'ka and prptrcdiag naila ciuz 03 to
make tha inquiry.
1 ha toarrrloas low rates at which Todd
l,:s groceries and gooda in Patter-
I Sua -. causes crowas ot reop.e
11 at
"- 'ui-
for goods . . Si.-a his
if The largo shew eiephaat named
KiELlba! died tha other day zt Oentcr
ville, Bedford Co-mtT.-Pa.
oak'en ths ttr.-t coiurjia cf car
ro'.i.t'i pr.jie
tor ti-.-ii h.stat'j hJre
81. The wi-ik'ii:
.-e rii. ii
n ig oalv ejaa'kd cr their tM-scitos..
la the wareh-.-asi c;' liaxali i Co., It.ch
cioud. was d"scov.-r .--.i a .l c:' b'.aaketa,
fi-ora GC to.lO-JJ. a:a:sed U. S., waic'
it ifae con tct a wets t'.u.'tU frcra cur
isten icipriaoaed there, n.t -re cf whom
last winter had a bhu.htt.
A i.' IiAi.L.-
-Do our
j tOVB aud VGUTiC- Wea tCCV lUit Wat
I tcariae doa or d-jiaoisir ro.tcra
fciauUiy ai a r-eaal ,'.; a ca ( I tie nai-
tjnee" has became coa-iOtoa that scarce-
jj: in adTertietrient of av kind is Jeft
atitaaieatd a "dav after it has fceea poict-'
ea up. 'fake a fr:ad:y aJvico. boys, !
acd ttcp thio ruiachicf. " The fires Jae !
detected ia this rnscaaty. wilt sd Liai-
feii u 5'ji,:.v
a.. M a . itaate
el tae re
was c '."'. arta at t
-j - 1
v-;t "hi
. cei -iii
leg dir.tKr at tho
ho as e
It i" f..E ; n.i
e l.jj..- co
euirriee at his cartart
cautors without re-is-tar.ee. lit was ta-
ken Richmond aa-J placed ca a gun-
0 .'5 t .
Loa:j. Ol lus-aay th St'a over
15.000.eyO doJars of the 7-cd Loaa
were tasen oy tuo paop.o a-iU
last it reached ovi r SO.C'CO.OOO,
nearly lv.!t',UC'0,C;;?v were takeu
:he week.
There is Simeihii.g ladieroas in
tub petticoat ecdiag to the rebel gov-
crnrnt-ni, watoa c-egan witn sac;, a a jur-,
tjisu ii tra:apo;s, aai i.
a career cf
mucii despotic 6L0r.;7.' .
Like the ass clothed in a ilea's skin he
I wa tsmote, out as ae movei. mere ran-
ii'7 his boots a. well as hu eaM stuck
out and he is known and will be hung
It 13 a Ci, end to the war.
folWtng persons are now oa trial, at
Washington fcefvfe a military Court Jlar
tiai for wilfully maliciously and traitor
ously combining aid ctispirirg with
Jeff. L'avw Sarratt, Booth, Sanders,
Tucker, Thompaca, Clay, and ethers in
aid of the rebellion, to Itiil Pre3ideut
Lincoln, Andiew -Johnson, Secretary
Seward Gcu. Grant and others. 'u
David E. Ilarro'd, Gct-rije A. Atzerot,
r t. t ji: .1...'. r,'i V!:.. Ti...:.. ' " r" J
ueiwic j. aiuc, ,.aci.. j j.iju, ou.'i
rl. Suiratt, Edward Sf-aagler, b'aiaael
Arnold, Mary 3. Surratt.'sad Sainnel. A.
. Snafi-er Bovp. Last evening neigh
bor Snyder of the Hotel says l;Gus3
come dowa after while ?.ud fake soma
snapper soup with as." We aid so aad
enjoyed it hugely a3 every body knows
iwhea Snyder gets at a s"u; psr there "a
nothing lacking to make one cnjiy it.
3U Jeff. Pavia is being brought to!
Washington as fast as steam can bring
e will prcbaily arrive by Sitar -
It is said he will be triad as aa acom-!
" '
piifc of- i'o'h and th other assass.
I'.rown, nf Gh:
' in "a' few ' .ia;
Fe Jtt'-iEttst' Fs-iapo la His Wife's
Clothes ! .
Ki ' 3oet Beirur Iliru Vhi.e He I
Ituanjcg? '
;-"3 -dots ' 2?.r:s Hi:
TJ ;
JTeST Proitos A "SoM'i Erif? ---2-i
Siiov.'.i S'iSit i
t-r'.-i'' - r.'-vr
flis Wife Atfvk-'s tier ?!c?i to w Urfiu! or;. '
Mr Micht Eur; -era. !to .
; ! U. B. ff-?0 Si-i per ce:t.
EIEM i"Co:M.TB-GE:-i:?.ir. Ia?::; i ! GOLD-BEARllN'G BONDS
irtcktcrige aal Bpnjjjiin Ai n'iii it
vn.ia-s kks Ai rrrt this t
J?T Div:., faia'ty aal Ccarasy mra
caotared th? -I: U Mi'ch:Haa C-iv-j-rv,
;a-i- Go
'.ra ,
oa t;if i'j' s.
At ,'witgtt the grc.t fait :r. -i.ajasira;
w:iia l:rti;'.a t.ov-.irrirt:t.at a Jit
to before thy cau. be cop
.'t -.0.
our iasa.-.-e:f.ca :z -ju.::e-i. -potatate
a l.o for :La L&t tour
fctaa as-uci by art.ioii n
at the h'.ai iii i- nt-A J-ji
years r-sa
: ci to he
w:.s dt-5liaed f to Cue of"!
:. t..e w -r;
:ta3 t-eca cat.-
vta c-v i.y.-
r.f tht. GiTcraaiet:
whua i.e ctha. ii.ieu as a i-tiLtve,
.1: '.J ov.a.'U ....
et.i "which
re C:S7.-u arjuid
. 1 .
"..- T-r.11.au 6 C.'.u'.-S i
Jas ti.'C oaiv :n?a::s oi av;.'
. hits? and to;
ti::tii.: have b
t Ow.ac:K
,,, .r.,,
1 ;a issg
oi ie::H v
1 S j 1
j the
- v..:
ot !
. i
i -ij.i-.i
i'ia :.u-t
retgas it: Europe ; aft.-.r b
..! hl.3
j power' t
kZI aa rtao i-: own revti-jn 1
cm d'wu i'-oru his hih
I no a as
- rc
felled to sek th
e r-.-tage ot toe mcaatatas 1
and the WO02.-1, a:
run- i
atag ie.t io r.1.1 eue
;. . .1
13 citut'a iiw
:aft. -iiir. s:;rce!y
a rtiisaJ ; al-.tl Joued
, . , . , , .
- cy ii-.s tegions, wtta no esctrt fit icgi
! ttvca like hinaseif traveliic oa bv-rcada.
aud ao.acg to e.'fute to tbs eea c.at,
j and by wad.?. ;L Lhckad-J, aid s. ref-
v,-.r. jjpt in some t.re
e'p-tf country.
k'.w..t.rjwa, iste atel.e. Uo"crno
of Georgia, has been ' en tered aad
brought to NasIiTille
'. . r "
EOT Jefc. Davis a under 1 strong guard
and will arrivo at Kashv.lle en Iharr-dtT.
J AUlua A.I) '.u... i'L.iIit.. : ;: yi tcish
. J to marry you eaa da by adii-essia
rao. I w;d scad vo.:, w.thent uicrov audi
rithcut t rice, vhliab:? ir.r'o.nuatirn,' that will
nabi? yruto r.arry tanoiJy aai si-iea'.y, ir-
r-.tii or te.iuty.. This
j TfcU iafcraiatioa wilt c-jet you n-itbing aaa if
resreotive 01 t
. j ...
desired i'nf jrmution sent fcy ri,nra mail, and
no rexara asked. Vltk initioae ' ucsta?a or
i ACareaa.
m"ayJ7 os
Kingn to., Kawr York.
havs opened the "arje F.oom just oppis-
,Uour Store-, ia Patterson wn.ra we off..T ;J ;,r.e No 2 Ma,fc.rU .p.- ba Pre,' $19 . 2o '
for iale low pnaes a fe.aara: taaovuatnt ol , Kltra Hrrin? pe.. 8 .; ;
?rv ? " w- i Extra Labadcrs. per barrel. Sll To $18.
1 Gules Una irs ",ff,Aa per .
" Coa.1 Oil, tfo cea'.s per giUoa.
Softie, liilH.aeS5!, ..OMraCaahrnceaorfcr Co?atrr
H-ed st ati s
i n . .3 c- ti a:'
! Aal - xTJl v."5au.j
I Trtmks ZJarpets
ffii . 5, "H,,,S,.. S
! icliKlSa ltlCKa
j , 7 ,
tf .iv .. -
II. S. Mi 1M
.1 . . .
V'TieVla of the erat aartsa cf SJGO.COO.OM
of tha 7-33 Lean was completed cn tha 31st f
Mur Jb, IS5S. Tbas&lacf the seond eriM
of Tarea Uundrci MiHions, payabls thraa
yeifTfrcSTTtr-Ktirtriy of aas, 18S5, wm
v.A- in r.i ' 1st of Apr:L " tie .Iar jpac
0,' :AiVry dzys, cutr Cr.t Hw-.drei Hil'.ionM cf
iii UTft Xiyt ii.jj.V7 '.ca'ing this, i7 jess .
thin Twj Sasdred Millior.a t fas rtispascd of.
7ii interest is f aya'cls eerarjianaiillj fn ur.- :
rtary "by coTjpens attached to e&chaots, wiiaa
ara readily e'anbid tiywbwa. It kmonnts to "
One cent per day oa a C50 acta
Two ctuti it0
Tea " " ' Caoa
81 JOuOO '
' Kof taJ ilcre Bcsirail -The
rabelllaa ia suf.preasei, . a.si the 5;t
ernissnt has already adoptid cjur to r-
j l-s excei;tcrea as raj!y, as pMs:b! ta
r.eucB f;orir.p, thus w::hdraw:ng fr ;x xark
t aj fcorriwer and purchaser.
-his ia tie 0A:r ?AV AY XA&KST
! aow ;5red ry the.G jTCt-atnent. aad esaatita
Gt'jS irs C3ZTe:tii. 3a
Which are a2w?,ya orta 4 preniira
Free frert Tioation.
Th? 7-33 I:.!c3 cf.3ict be taztd by Zwzt.
C'i-S, Cou-t.'ja tr :a!es. and ths irttres: !
r.cttuicd uaiflss 0. a s::rr:uj cf :-e ewan
;ico:;(! fi::td:r.g t'.i hundred d;"u.rs & yei.
Thb fic ii j-'Oft-iCb thtir v;.iu frc cs !3
:hvi. per oer.t. p.;r arjiurs. ii-strdia to ta
rati tjv:ca ca t:hr yrcprfy.
Ln fata iiOS.-xCiw cf tha Lsia authcr.
'.z'il hy ta last vcrrejs i
1. ;;s fciv.cv.r.;, at tr.t rate at- vaici it i
bilr.g alccrce.l, a'l b .'-;b3:-it?'i fir with
in t.yc c-cr.thj, whr.i the t:tr. wll! uiiabti
!; coraraasd a r.rcrt.iara, as ha3 MsZ.'cTZ-'.yz:-
the CLfs c'.cii: j the fui;;r,!:(..-J3 ( cthar
xjerti ti '-is sialic -
In'or 'er that c.'ii ai if T?ry toi r.3
I 3-?t;'-a cf :jc caatr.4 a.v bs aJardei fault
1 tiea Mr taiias tha baa, ts 'iatijaa! twka.
! S-jito Eir.ks, ar.i r.-lv.u- Eaik-rj throuchout
the cas'ry, ba-re gon-rr.Uy 6(;r;ed ta rc.iT
si.:lr..-r:p,ta at rr. Subsc-ib ra ss'.aet
' -'-c fca fao are cn.y t? be rpttsib'.s
d.livcry rf :h? :
arj th-r
JAY C.vR?.
rsvs.ica:ir:t.y Aossr. PhilsJiJr'
bfssi'ttrrtos till is asenvrs ty th
-' i . t iot-.i! B'ir.k "t" '""r.a.
Vi'ti !tt:nal lttn' cf 1-.-t'.ji'.e.
Fi.-at ;a:on-.i Bn'ik cf H'ir.-is'nurc
iJii-rifburs Na:
cf ilar.a
Tits'. NVioc&i l;..n of Htft:.-.Rdrc
i 'y.fi a'ior.i; i' -.r.k of f a',:na.;reT.
Aid by Uafy. Parker, t Cj.. P-anTfir.'.
Mifi-atawr. r.i
1 9 .
it .9V.1111"
i snh fcr Sals
! ' ilb -!-al:.-..wa :a;crs tht rt-:j:
..custv taat t-urt .- t-i
-roa. re;d"-r.ts tf N .rthcra Xlsiftri l.tl
or. uc.-cz. ct tr.-rir w
town cbaneier as
j t-. syap-fctBlMrs" are a-.x j'-cd ta f-..t ril
j of th:r leads a: a rv low criss "-ad a
j S't wo'xe !iytty -trt.rra'it an caJcstra..
1 horae-tiiat be a a? l.rci it t-.c Suit a.-v-;.- 'vairs
I and is 4:-i(il r.f 7 '. "i.'-'-.r v..
. e 1 . ta
e: int.-v North -.f ."-. 'i .-t.ii-.j.-i r'v,r -h.Z.
".a ia i!i!ii-.'
j good iiifroveJ U.zis v.:j.niw be bsd at $5
" ..;"
lianas -a..as timt ia Cvac;.ti;r price a s
j jer aa-i are weit cicutatta f:r raisi'aj atsik,
I waich a ta?et prcfitas'.e busintis in thatecur.
I t!"-y"'-1'" h Wli! a Ajsat i-yr any praa
wisnii-g to lnv-ist iu any such lands. Motsev
' j rtiay t-t daMy scit t Lira by Zxtre.-s As?
j fui.'or mfcrxttiaa givsa by adarcaaisg lia.
I " " "
! Tj;
i Jr."
j a ;' J J caaass ta sarj 3)3ei by cailir.g a;
! ."'i ' - J' Store in Paiteraca as he
r"- -- IUi- M9rtaeat cf :.ew
: Q'c-d. boB,j&t at Rdjcsi Price ia tha city.
; t,n,.iatll,u.u Ul U o. 'J'.'SCi 7J.
f l'ro-wn Mu?!:n from 1':, If- 18 to 40 cts yd.
Iil".ched ' from 1?. M. IS a i 1 a )?
Ht ' ' v.-i. w i
cj Lrcsd Goads from Go to SO cer.ts S vd
I Skin Bl ades, J3 ceal per yard
?cs.-l Cr.toa, 10 ceata per aaoaL
Syrup Mb'awe HO e?at per gallon.
K.xtra Syrep frora l to S1.2S per GaKoa
Oad Browa Sugur from 13, 15 to 18 c:s !fc
Gioi Graia Coee.'S5 cen'a per pcuud
r. : f . r J . . , '
. . 1 1 ...... - .. . A
A : i.
. Aa Apprentice Vanted.
TH. undei-si-sed dtairis to get a lad bs
twsea the agoi or 17 and 19 to lestn ti
CUsiraaakia cr tha Paintiuir aad Orniaeo
I'.as aitainesa, or boti. lnqaira imraedial
i 3t Lvi Ri: K'e 'd aeceasaxr
.fifaauca t -U M;"yt:s Cia-rfacp ""
I ing businesa, or both: Inqairs imraediataiv
iU'.'!tT .1 AVE?,