Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 17, 1865, Image 1

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. . .. -a. . . ' ' i
t: ?
A L A Co.
Jill!' lLi r ii AU Al iUi)Uitli i
li;iilL!J.'; ORATION
12 V
..-.TE On the Hih Iny f April, 1861 tlie j
c i . . i . 14,1. : .. r . ' ihi.K
tW- yH,n Oieremter Mujor Anderson 1
MifWi'r.':: l.-!cd tfc isr.e Fitur ctf:- tLc raim cf
iiVi:i', l'kr waa lrp party tt tt: '
. vUrs'io!!, nut! Henry jircl ueuer Ciifer-1
u i. luuuw.ig r...in5 V , ' 7 i
I'-s'.in.;.! :n lire an i.-e rranloat nni grcij! J
i-n e.xrff.Uy read usii j.rctrc it. j
. '
Oa cn soleiua aul joyfal day, we j
3o lift 'o the breeze, onr lathers' fl.n?,
now, agam, the b4tner cf tl.c Viut.-.d
S''i.Vo, with the fervent prayer th;:t Go'i
Tould erown it vuh rot'or, protect it
trou trcj..jo. an 1 send it do-rn to our
children, with ail the Llwsio. of civili
itii)U. liberty, a-j 1 re'.iiou. T'"rrib!s i:
battle, may it hi luiiCucent in peace.
Happily, no bird or beast of prey has
tioeu iusciibeJ ap:iu it The e'ars tLat
reJecuj tie night from clarkcess. ar.d the
earns oi red light that beautify the
taoruiuir. hive b? ri united upon its iulds.
r:i- n; :i s in CLiiurCi or t
Iiir. nr .ia ay
rsav it wave v;r ' a ra.:ca
licit her
vnslaved fr. cr.a!a.-lr.jr. 0?:ce, aud
hut oujv. hiH trotioa Jiahouored it.
Lu that icsaae botir when the guiltiest
ud bio'.'uiest rebellion ot the time hurl
ed 'heir fires upoo t!iis fort, you, ir,
J frwini to Gcucrtd Alderrf and a
heroic uod. slo'-iJ vithiu .!.o pn"v j
'rumljled wsV., aod did jj-dlast v.J just
j'att.e in - the hi;or i'".d.dcf?u:e of the
tiatiuii's banner.
. iu tt.a Cope I lire tins siori.u u
' ' i , i : , ,Z
i-eat ii y waved to the breeie above vour
' . ' , ,i , , l
ic-.d, mioooseious ol harm as the Stats-
... i - r i
.L I
;;aa i-tics iiuuu un. i
d-jwu. ' .V rjlliut hat!, i:i wh i e cue '
.t . :.. .., t ' , .1... I
:r.H U2V U J.:iS C.l. :'.-vkCa ., .......
irrounj, :iuu reiiiin n ("i
r ' , ... ...
r . .. .... ..i.s I
nt n.-. d. wroved. At:r a V3ISJ rlS
i i .i i ... t
: ..u.u....i. - - " -. (
von withdrvw it from its hijrht, ctcscd
w;o..j aii'l O ire it lar :t-"aj. a.ci uit
to I
flc.n ntnid tho tmr.:ti
he thur-'tr c'
The Hrt not
warlii.d bsun. AiieUmg msjhfc- Ot tour j
.ears had t in. : 'A hile the uldy trai-orl-.iilo.i
in a m.-s of oshilarutt-'ii.
iiu. h -.nors wetr alvoaly s.-jvaaci eg. that j
.vcrc v-re to SU ths ' hiud with
!. I
T.'-d.-iV vou are returiied agnin
-'-. vuiitlv j iu with V'.'U in thniik
.iviu" to !
" ; - (J...! that tc has sratel vour
A vf,,lr :
lite ad vouc
Lsaici to you toe g.ory of
thjjday. Tha Heaven over you are the
.me ; "the s'.t.:e j-horcs are here; moin
ii.ir eou.i., atid tvening, as they did
i!i t '.-e
'.n how fhn-i
What i-'mi h
Lrics crowd the l-ardetic. shore . I--;t
ociu-.s have filled this :::r ao I dLsftrbi 1
rhr-e w:f-i
These shattero-1 tieaps ol
uj.eless stone are ail
t !;a'. is ! it ot I .1 .
-ad ..yi'y M-h-wu t'e'i ir..t'-i.-i
aveasv! -or .Uhoturi-l lon.n.r
. e'e-mr: back wi'ii honor, who
fi hence four vears agu 'leaving
hath j
'. You!
the air
foitiy ith i'an;.tici.-iu. 1 he surp'.'ig j '-vil of discord; that it p.ay n-.stoi law
. row'l-t thatr''h.'d up 'icir freii'Icd shoafs : f'al gC'Verr.mf-nt. and a prosperity purer
as :i.e
; came -.1
silent :
vr.. r:-2 ucau, or scat-
t,;, ,.,
t.TC desolate. Rain sus in t :a cra'lic j
, -f treason. Kelxdiiia has persshed. ltif,
ihere iiics the same , lug that was m.-uitcJ.
With starry eyes it iocks all ocr tins bay
tor that banner that sapp'auicd it, ::r.d I
it net. Y'ott that th.cr, for the day. J
ere tumbled, are
here again, to t nan: pa
oaco aii'l forever. In the storm ot tnat tiotis, ftnd muke this pcnp.e reat ar. l
:-y4iilt thii. giorious ensign was cftea j .stn iil, not for aggressioa nnd quarrel
truek ; but, ui'vuoraole taet. not one "f somiiess. but for thn pr.-w of tk irorld.
lt, ,., fras toru oiit l.y shot or she 11 It j ffiving to us the glorious prerogative of
wa s pro-.hi-ey. loading policies, to sorcerer friendship, to
Ik taid i No one Stat s sha'd be struck ' rational, instituted cvil liberty and to
jrom this nation by treason '." The ful-1 -jni versa! Christian brothcrh-vid.
linir -t is at hand." Lifted to the air, to- j Tteverently. pions'y. in hopflful patriot
lay, it r: ''-hoots, that after four years of j isro, we ppre.ad this fianncr on the sky, ai
j,XT ,0t a itati is hkttcd out I" I of old the bow was p'aned on the cl-m-l.
Ha.il to fha fiag c! cur fathers, and our and, with so'emti fervor, beseech God to
' t'h-.rv fo the lancer that has goue
that has goue
dth tempests
1 ron-h four years black, wl
r, . ... -
peace !
Wherefore have we come hither, pil-
ims Irom distant tdaces ? Are wo corns
to cault that Northern haads are strong-
tr tlau Southern ? NTo; hut to rejoice
that i he hands of those who de-1
fend a just and beneSceot government
are mightier than the bauds that assault-
.lit! Co wo cult over fulieu cities ?
We ttult that 4 nation has not fallen.
'e sorrow with the sorrowful. V. e sym-
iie with the desolate. c loot upon
Hi shattered fort, and yonder dilapidated
nitv with sad Jvrs, crhved that mea
should have committed treason, and plai
that God hath set such a mark upon trea-
on that aL'es shall drcaJ ana atoior it.
We exult, nofS,r a passion gratifieJ,
but for a 6t-utimer.t victorious; tot 'i'r
temper, but for conscience : not as vre dc-!
youtly believe that our will is done, bat
that God's will hath been done We
should be unworthy of that liberty ia-tr-jstfl
to our car?. rf, on such a dsy as
if war, to pilot them ou tuicn tc peace nevrr nga-n on tins tair lar.ct snail a ac
ivithout dismemberment 1 Acd rlory be ,:sc ,f blood prevail,
to Goi, who, above a'.l hosts and .-acts,) Vhy need any eye turn from this
h;.th ordained victory, aud shall orduia jSr.'acle? Are there not associations
":r-j --1 1. . r.r.': .. r
. aimress vyn.'eauce : ar.d e?iiiiiUy j:awfr-'
j thy-if w did h ot .dcTouUy.tWskllitit
J trho Lath suid, I cHf -:;:cc mi- W
aims ver..-eauce: r.d ,n9v awrr-'
:-pny, faj'tV Me it-r. that lie hath set a
j:si-k vpon arrnpait KebeUion, lnenacabie
i w hiis time lasts !
Since this fia? went down ou that dark
i Jav. who shall le'.i the mishtv wees that
have made this laud a spectacle to t!ie!s
--'ami mo.ti ' Th soil hucr-rt -nt.& ml
J-'lutted. -Jiilliccs mourn for millions
!ain. or, civi:!'' the dead. rra7 for ob-
iivba. Towns aud villages have beeu
-aleJ. yr.a;ifJ Eelds have turned back i
wilderness. It
. ,
came to pass, s the
sun wan turned to
Atrkntu, and the- vioct to lloud. The
cour?3 cf la was ended. The Fword rat
ttUief maistrate in halt the r.p.tir-n ; o-
iaastry w9J paralysed; moiais corrupted ;
UlS ( ub:io weal iivaded r rrptnn and
j auarcbv ; whole sta'cf ra'.ae by aventr-
lag armts. . due v.orla w:is amazed. I he
tarta rc;l;d. Vhsn the asr soak here.
:t rail r.s if politi'.'al ni.aht had ciiiie,- and
a'.l leasts cf prey hid coo:e forth to de
vour. Ti-iit Ions night U coded! And for
nvurriin:; day w haye come froin afi;r, tc
ro.ici' ;.-A i;ive tbaiikf. No i,ifre war.
lr more acjursod secession ! No mere
slavsry. that spawned thrm bcth 1
Let no man lu're-id the ir.ennin! of
this U'lf'.'hr.tic; f.(r ! It suv. "Govern
ment linth return ii hither." It pro
t!.'iia'.!, in the name cf vindicated overn
r;:er?. pi-atie and prcteetion to lcyny ;
hqniiliation and j i.i;. to traitors. TLi?
is 'he f.m cf poverciu'iity. The nation,
j l.ot tne sisle". is sovereign. RcstKril . to
authority, this Sag commands, Lot . sup
pl'ca'es. There may be pardoq. but no eaofes
ti ." . i .n.1..
.-.inn. i ner: r,;av ie r.ianPT. a:"i uimi-
. , , - , - . .rL,
ion, bnt no ho-ired comr'-orrscs. The
. , . , , ,
n--.!iOij to d v has.veaee for lio peaceln!,
, , ., T, ' .
.'ii:i wi.r .
..I'ion rr. 'iiiii.ii-ion,
the Con?iru'i'n,
is, to st7'tn't ! There
th?ra r.re the laws.
. T,,. . ,;l.0
'"r'l .... .....h'.i-..k.mi "i-
, - e . .1. . . .1. n . . v.
:r.-.u!itar.i? of strenrr'h tnt f'la'l tiot he
1. 7cv rr i'h- i-imdi'tion t'f ixnc-.
f...V.ji 1,-tiuVr oic tifrnm?tt
irifho'.'t thn-rru has been criained, and
,iv-t.f.I! c-i!..l TI)..ra .nil bo T-flrA ftn t.ft
' . t V ... . 1
orner pasts. io mis cas.s miiusn uo-
Without this basis no en-
. '.'iner or iirehit?t shaii ever reiftistruct
those rvd'fdiio'i' s.-.tes.
e do r.i.f vant vt:r cities or vour
' r. .11. w . j . .,..,. r.-.. !;!
j Uf'll.-. .v I. ii. ijim CHV .'ill T.i'H t..'.im
'"', nor. heavprs fiiil ot pr-rt.rfti ai snm-.
f.cr. l.cr asrt..:-.i:uroi rsre: iicre: ici
ui3riut;i",iurts make every stream tw:ce
m'uic.l : bu"!l Meets iii every port; in
.-ii;-e the arts ot .revce with genttis str'Wri I '. in t!n uiormits cu-!g-i
oiid i.uiv to that of Athens ;nno ve sl ali with iniii.trtiiil.love over small
he. s's'l iu .cur '-hniis,-, pnti rich in your'
vcahh j t r.
All fhft w ask is unswr.rvics loyalty, Ja this solciiio hour, Lt its pray for the
nn 1 universal liberty. And that, o iiclt o. :ui:ig of leconciiiatiou and hi.
in" the name of toi hi;h snv.reintij pin-s; under this Coiiiiiiou ilag.
f th' I'm'uA Sttil of A nttnea, we de- j
-1 that, with the blessing cf Al-
toijhty Ood. :tf ir.'V cite jt.
We raise our -father'. banner that it
jiiav bnntr bnk better blessing than
tho-c of old ;' that it inav cat otthe
and more eitiiirm thnn that which u
j-ictected hef -re; that it may "in rnrtcu
fi ien..3 irom their aiicnntioii ; tint it may
inspire hope and nv t- tbs sword. " R
tr to th, .tth. ' and to the plow ami
Cle. "6'o forth :" that, it mav heal all !
jealousies, unite all policies, inspire n new
a .tional life, compact our strength, purify
,c;r princii.lcs. ennoble our natiom' amhi-
' )0ck uron it. and make it the ciMiierhd of
' lock upon it, and make it the cnni'Titl of
: aT) everlasting ennvenaaf, and decree that
: . ..... . t ,i .
w-b. c.-cvlcapintr 'e recent past, carry
U' back to times when, over orth an-1
ftouth. this fla.ir was honored alike by an:
In all onr colonhal (struggle, and in the
scores of prosp-ons years puceeeJinrr wa
or united. When the passage of the
; stlnp act of 17t?5aroul the colonic?, it
j wjM Gadsden, of South Carolina, that
-cried with rreci?nt enthusiasm; " We
' sfiwdon the hcad common tjround. of
tnss nn'iirnl rijh's that ;? all J el and
. knnin n m'.n. There ought to lie no
1 yew Englani man, no New Torter,
; known on this continent, but all of us,"
j suid he. "Americans." That teat the
voieo of South. Carolina. That tha'l le
the voice ot hcuta Uaro'ina. faint is
the echo ; hut it is coming. We now
bear it sighing sadly through the pine;
but it shall yet break in thunder upon the
'a. ore No North, no vTcst, ro South,
but, the United States of America.
There is scarcely a man bora in the
South who h9 lifted bis hand against this
-'. t .. 0 . e..,u u 1
died for it. ' I memory dead 7 Is there
:' historic pride? Has a L.tal fury struck
lliBdues or hate into eyes that used to
died for it. ' I memory dead 7 Is there
: lok kiuJly toward each other; that read
the same BiUie j tnat riung over the rns-
torie raises of cur' caticna! ' r'cry : that
studied the same Uccs'.ituticn ?
Let this uvliifW brinr back bll of the
past that was good, but leave in darkne?3
ail that was bad. .
It was never before so wholly unspot
ted ; to clear of all wrong ; 'so purely and
siop!y the sign of Justice and Liberty.
V'U say '8 brought back the same ban
ncr t,,at "uu hore away, noblo and heroic
Kir 7 I 18 c0 satuc. It purer aod
better ttaa it was. he laud is tree Irotu
aiivery, since that bauuer fell.-
When God would prepare Mosea for
emancipation, he overthrew his first stepy,
aod drove him lor forty years to brood in
the wilderness. When our flag came
down, fjur years it lay brooding in dark
ness. It cried to tbe Lord, " VVIierefore
am I depose1. V Th;a ro3 before it a
vision ot its sin. It had strengthened
the stroeg", and forgotten the weak. It
proclaimed liberty, bat trod upon slaves.
ti t'ciS. seclusi'in it dedicated itself to
liirorty. 13ehoid, to day, it i'uifiils its
vows I Vt'heu i: weut dowu four million
people hsd no flag. To day it rites, and
tour million people cry out. ''Behold our
flag '." Ilaik ! they murmur. It is the
Gopelj hit they reciw tsvrcd words:
" It is a Gospel to the poor, it heals our
brokea hearts, it preaches deliverance tc
caotiv.'i. it gives siidit to the blind, it sets
at !-l :rty them that are trtii.-ed." Rise
up, then, glorious Gospel lian-.ier, and roll
oi.t the'u messages ol God. Tell the air
that iiot a tput now sullies thy whiteness.
Thy red is nut the biu.sk of shame, tut
the flash of j-.-y. Tell the dews that wash
thee that thou art. pure as they. Say to
the night, that thy stars lead toward the
morning: and to the moraing, that a
Drighrjr day arises with healir!" in it
rings. A::d then, ch glowing flag, bid
the sun pour light on all thy Holds with
double brightness while thou art bearing
round and round the world the solt-mu
joy a race set free ! a uaii' n redeemed 1
The mighty hand of lioverameot ,made
strong iu war, by the favor of God of
Catties, spreads wide to-day the bannsrof
iil.ert-t that fert down ,j darknaa-f, ft-.nt
arose iu iigutfiad there it streams, like
the sun above it, neither parceled out nor
monopolized, but Hooding tha air with
lijiht tor all mankind. Ye s-jf'tered and
t'rokeii. ye v-ouaded and d'ir.g, Littea by
! jiCM'.S
tie v:
u: resiou, every-i
'.1. ioc'i upon tir.s
sign, ii.reu up
ye home-1
!es aud imu.se
ss slaves, look, and ye are 1
At leou'li yitity tio, 1
mve i .art
hat broods
and great,
ti,e j 0.,v uu.; the ftrou. the bund tied t-e
But, we must build agiiiu from th
foupoation, in a," there now irea houtti
cm States. No chctip exhortations " to
forgeti'uluess of the pat, to re.-tor-: all
LIIIL..- i..'. tv. J-
i..'.. ... .... .-tr.. . ' .in ( .-.... .'
as they 7ere.
uot s
:teh oet his hand, as he has for
four dreadful years, that men may easily
forget the might of this tertihie acts.
Restore things as they were ? What, the
alienations and jealous the discordsan J
contentions, and the causes of them
No. Iu that solemn sacrifice on which a
uation tias onerea up lor us ems so m-nj
precious victims, lovua aim Mme u.eu, ict
oar sins and mtstaies be coatumcd utter
ly aiid forever.
No, never again shall things be restor
ed as before the war. it is written in
God's decree vi events lultilled, 'Oid
things are passed away." That new
earth, iu which dwollelh righteousness,
draws near.
Things as thpy were? Who has an
omnipotent hand to restore a million dead
slaiu iu battle, or wasted by sickness, or
dying of gnet, broken-hearted ? Who
has omuisjcceo to seareh tor the scatter
ed cues ? Who shall restore the lost to
brokea mmiii-s ? Who shall bring back
the aijuaodered treasures, the years of in
dustry waited, and coaviuce you that four
yeais of guiity rebellion, aud cruel war,
are no more than dirt upon the fraud,
which a student's washing removes, aud
leaves the hand clean as before '( Such a
war readies down to the very vitals of
society. ' "
Emerging from such a prolonged rebel
lion, he is bliud who tells you that the
state, by a mere amuesty and benevolence
ot Government, can be put ' again by a
mere decree, iu its old place. It would
uot be honest, l would not be kind or
fraternal, for mo to pieteud that South
ern revolution agaiust the Union has not
reacted, aad wrought revolution in the
Southeru states themselves, aud inaugu
ted a new dispensation.
Society hero is like a broken loom, and
tho piece which rebellion put in, and was
weaving, baa been mt, and every thread
broken. Yoa must put in new warp aud
new woof, and, weaving anew, as the "fab
ric slowly unwinds, wc shall sec in it no
Gorgon figures, no bida'ms grotesques cf
the old LarbariajB, but the figures of lib-
ie, erty, vines and golden graiaa, framiag in
is' the heads of J1wt.ice. L0v2 and Liberty!
I 'n.o .t,.,.' nnwn;n 1787
Jed tlg'pristitLtioD; with this 'memorable ernment of thj boush, acd had
, pi!v'0-"We tYe people of uyiiiurfr:'-srnd the s-.ijntrj. , i
I td sSWai. ya order to lurm a wctc per- TJdod this poiished cultured, h
ed tljCpnstitLtioD; with this 'n.murabl
j feet Uuion, establish justice, insure rio-
mesuirTinamuty, proviae :or mo com
Imon djfeose, prowote the general welfare,
and secure the blessio:s of liberty to our
i selves and our posterity, do or'daia this
i Constitution for the United States of
' Agrti, ia the awful convection of war,
the pe-ple of the United States, for the
very euds just received, have debated,
scttiedT&ud ordained certain facdamectal
truths', which must henceforth be aout.pt
ed attd.obeyed. ' 2or is any state, cr acy
ir.diviull, wiso who shall disregard them.
They are to civil affairs what the natural
laws a-e p health --indi.speusablt. condi
tions ofc peace aud happiness.
Waatpre tha ordinances given by the
people ' upakiug otit of tiro and darkness
of war; With authority inspired by that
same Gad who gave the law from Sinai
amid thunders and trumpet voices?
1. That these United States shall be
one and indivisible.
2. That !;at:s have not absolute sov
ereigt:tV, aad have uo right to dismember
thf rfflpAij -r -,
3 -i'iat universal liberty is indispensa
ble to Republican Government, and that
idaverv shall be utterly aud for ever abol
ished V
Such are the rcral's of war ! Those
arc the test fruits of the war. They are
worth all they have. cost. Tfcsy are foun
dations of peace. They will seouro beae
to all nations as weli as to cars.
Our highest wisdom and duty is to ac
cepttbe tacts an the decrees of God. j
iv. t r..,. ..'I tl.t I
hapfeoed. Yes, the wrath, the coufiiot,
the ctuelty, but not those overruling de
crees of God which this wur hasprououu
eed. . As solemly as on Moaot Sinai,
God says, "llsmeiiiberl rentembT !
Here it to-day. Under this sun, umier
that bright child of the sun, oar baOnar,
with. the eyes of this cation acd cf the
world upon us, we repeat the syllables of
God's Providence acd recite the solemn
decrees :
No more Disunion !
No oak Secession 1 ; ;
aivfrr1'1 "s
We do not woeder tuat Kuropeao
statestaea failed to comprehend this con
flict, and that foreign philanthropists
v;ere suoc.;ed at a murderous war that i
sceaioJ to have had no moral origin, but,
like the brutal firhts of leasts ot pio'v,
to have sprung from ferocious a ui mi I ism.
Phis L-reat nation Ulluig ail prolitabie
it'.tuocs. cra'-leu between two oecaos,
: -.vur. inesPaitjtatte resrerces, wilt: ricliis
incieasing in an ui.iie.:.i'.ielcd ratinn, by
agi icuit'iie. by aianuiaotiircs, by coia-
lueicc, with setio,:s. and churci -Ci, Wit.'i
books aud iiewoaors thick as leaves m
our own forests, with institutions sprung!
from the people, and peculiarly adapted
to their ticntos;' a nation not sluggish,
hut active. Uied to exoitement. practiced
in political wisdom, and accustomed to
sell'-govei smeut, and all its vast outlying
iaits held together by a federal govcrr.-
ee.r-t !
:iid iii temper, gentle in adriiiui.s-
.ration ami p.iur.ii.tit in rncu t nwii.!
to have been formed tor i.eacov
All at oucb, in this tic-ii- i-l er-! of hap-
r-Ip.-.Qq ..t.l hn,i f-io-fl fr.....ii...
ctouda-with Cry bolts, full of death and
desolation. At a caunou shot ltpou tins
fort, ail the nation, as if it had been a
trained af u;y lyiug on its oars, awai'.iug a
signal, ro,e up and began a war which,
for swi'ulness, rises into the first rank of
bud eminence. The front of battle,
going with the sun, was twelve hun.ired
miles long ; aud tho depth, measured a'ong
a ruerodiati, waj a thousand miles. in
this vast area more than two millions
ucu, first and last, for tHur years, have,
:u skirmish, fight, and tattle, met in
mere than a thousand conflicts; while a
t zvA river Hue, not le-s than four
thousand miles in lr.m'th. has swarmed
witu ueets, Irctghted with artillery. The;
llllf i'lal J imciio nam d fi.i ttfrin
., :. 1.1 c !
UAki.v,..iMTjs Ul ffilf II'JlHJMU.
And so ia a nation of peaceful tabits.
-.i 1 ' . 1
without exteraal provocations there ar,.e !
..,u .. ......... ....t.-t. 1
train had long been laid. We mu-t con
sidcr .lie condition ot southern society
if wc Wonhl i!nr)..rtfii..l tho. mvstorv of
tbU ir.'f-nit.. ; tti sJn.ih rp. l
solves itself into thrns divisions, more .'
rl 1.1.1 .1 :n Anw Vr.i
,..t rf m., A..v,. tho
: . , . n , k
Utooringciass, made up ot .laves
mro in. ., - r.,-l ... f.'.-.ri,.t,ir of tn. .rfMt K. iii: i a 2.;..S .IT tl.uir .Sull.c.U. U"k .'
! 1 1 . . . " . . i.- . 1 . . ; .. 'i'... ;. !,. . l,i..t. 5- .l....'j 'ki'r r.atiiin hai sutlered . iad 0
uave ncun timeiicu oy .some internal wana, ; iae i-'ya: suLua. .10. iuui.5.j '"" ,- '
and wkli sn.l l..n uri.nr.1 flim-,l i's tVii-t i tl'.rt I'llllldaLloIl uf ill jefKU'l' ifCP, Ali i SO ' IS Strong.
from peace to war. The anvils of the 1 equity, tooy stigmatized a stupid drudg-1 Tr.e sentiment of loya.ty and F-r'ot'
land btat like drums. As out of the ery, or ai mean avarice. That gU..eral j ism, neit 10 .a-pemuce .0 reUomn pas
usee emerge monsters, so from our mines intelligence aod inJepcndenc? of thooght: been rooted aa4 groutiacu. ne i
and foiudi ies unross new sod stranm- which schools for the common people and s wllii.ie to oe proud ot, an., pti-o i-eics
horizon ' and hemisphere. What1 tho profound ittm-ut o. .oyaity ; i.ae , in uis iov . ..,,. j, ... -e- f .
1 forsie-u overseers stood amazed doe,, love of country winch prevadoi the ct our owa Country ai.uos. .-... -
this fanatical fury, that seemed without . common people. If 'hose who ihm best , w.V.ch wo have pro-eo wit., tuc. u.;..uct.
1 guidance: but inspired wholly with had never suspected tne depth an-i power , nave" f ever p-'--see -
ernal frenzy? ' . ' i of that love of country which threw it , a l-.tiudrc-t years atvanoeo wu..
The plioa wa, suCJen, but the into an ager-y of grief whea the Eag; Ae Mo. 7LI !Tt
is tne tataa o class, made up 01 traaers siatipi i ior nvun.. ..." ...
small farmers, auVpoor men.P The lower iug stream plunges ihrough with head
edgeol this class touches the slave, and long course. There they calated, an J
ZZlSr UP 15 lZY1 titan all, they miscalculated
ThLKas a small minority iu numhe bravery of
here, bt. in practiced ability they hzi ' cd under law, who tie ctv.lued aad bate
' ion trrl i'A' ifceiihnnrl!".- the whcle eov-:
ernnent of tha South, aod had .inaialy
ingly capable sttd wholly unprir.oipled .
class, rests the whole bai-len ol this ar. : witu Chinese varuty CetievcJ that they
Forced up by the bottom-heat of slavery ;cauld 1t away these seif resjctiae ci
the ruliii" cSiiss. in all the dislcval states, iicus as ch:iff froas the tattle eM. Few
arrogated to themselves & supcrioy act
couiDatibto with rerublicaa eauulitT. tcr ;
with" just mortals. They claimed a right Ltere, then, are the roots cf. this civil
of pre-cYaineuce. An evil prophet arose i war. It was hot a qaarrel of wild beasts,
who trained thele .wdd and lasuriant ir was au iuection uf the strife of ages,
shoots of ambition to the shapely form of between power and right between auici
a political philosophy. I tion and equity Aa armed bai.d of pes-
By its re-agci.ta they precipitated ; tilect conspirattr sodlit the na.ior.'a life,
drudyrv to the bc'.t.im cf society, aud i Her coi'.dreu rose op and fought at every
left at the top what they thought to be a j door, arc room, and hall to t'rast Oct
clariued flui.;. io their political ccoii-' the murderers, and sa-e the hca-j'! acd
ouiy. labor was to be owned by capital. . household. It was not leuitimately a war
Iu their theory of government, a few i bctxvM thervmmin ftyU ot the North
were to rule the many.' They boldly I and South. They suborned the cemmoo
avowedrnot lo the faet al.me, that, uudcr ! people with lies, with soph s-k wi-sh
all forms of govcraioeat, the fe-v rule ! cruol deceits ad s'mtider-s, to tight f.,r s
ths maiiv, Lnt their right ttid datv to dj! tiL chjc-ctiocswhieb they abhorred aad
so. Set tree irom the l.ocessiry of labor, j against interests as dear to ihera as their
jhey conceived a contempt fVr th'je who I oWn lives.
felt its' wholescmo.' regimen. Belibv.&g I charge the whole p-i'.i of this vrtT
themselves foreordaiutd to supremacy, i upon the auibitioiu, cdu jalec, J-Ici'ing,
they re.' irded the popular vote, when it ! political leaders of the South. They
t'aiiud to rciistsir thoir wiailM.ia'i ii-tri;- i huve shed this ot,-wu ct bi.ol. They
li..n aad a'nuisaucs. They tvcTo bm tn a Hw drr!ate4; thy t?o-ita. " Tt.cy" have
garden, aod popular liberty,' like fres lets : poured poverty through sir her towca
ovorswelii i;- tbcii- lonks, but covered aud oities. They have leri'irei t!a
their daiuiy v ilks and flowers with slime j iuiagicatien cf the people with ptaa
aa lmud of ucstocratio voters. ' ' i lasres, tr.d kd them to leiieve that they
.When, with shrewd observation, they i were Lhtiog for the.r haaieani liberty,
saw the growth cf the popular elemout I whose hon.es v.cre unthreaded, and trhosa
iu the Northern stS, they instinctively j liberty was ia no jeopardy - - '
took in the inevitable events. It must j T.W arrogant instigators cf civil war
be controlled or cut otf from a nation ! h&- renewed the r.leyues cf Egypt. r.cS
governed by gentlemen !- fjcctrcllod, less
and lesj. couhi it be. in every decade
aH'i uiey p.tpareu seereity. e.trcesi.y, ana , tou.r ..mu ic.wi ju-.;.cu,
with wide coufe-.ence and ' muta il conai- land arra;g.i at his tar these mighty mis
vauoe to tnara'.e the Sou;h from the'ereaars: aud thea, ever,- rsrV-an t'wt
We are to distinguish betwsea the pre-' widow thatair Nor'-oTrinz.and every isa'm-.
toiwes and aieius, and the reai causes of j ed and wounded 3uttrer. and every bireav
tuis war. ' ed heart iu all tha wide regions of this
To iuiiame and initc the great m-.d.lie j land, will rise p sad c:re before the
class of South, wh?, had no interest ia 1 Lird to lay upon these chief culprits of
separati-m aud no buMuess with war, they j modem history their awful witness.
alleged grievances that never existed, Aod from a thoukiad battieSeids shall t
alid employed arguments which they, bet- j rise up armies of airy witnesses, who,
ter'tr.ac all other mm. knew to be spec- ; with the memory of their awful saffor
iocs and false. Slavery itself was cared iogs, shali confront these, miscreants with
ly aa- iiuUuuuua -at power j fw .of
excitement. 1 by had uaalter-iDly ln 1
thoir eye Lpou empire, and all was good
vhich'v.ould secure thr.t, aad tad wnich
hiadered it. .
Thus the ralir r cLfis cf the Sonth
at: rri- tceraey as intense, proud, and ia?
Sex.b e as ever exis'ed not limited ei
ther by customs or iustitutious, n it rco
otiiioi and adiusrpd iu the re-rn! ir order
of society, tlavhig
rorirroca! "jiart m
it- maehir.orv. hut secret. dK filing its
own e.V.ftCnee, "baptized V:lh oSientaiio.is ' t
cau' a i.f 4em icr iey. cipno
tiei-nlc for the sak r cviTn'i-.i' tc.sm ;
this oamaicss. luikiag aristocra-e-y, that
; rn in ihe blo i l of soo'ety like a rash.
t not y.t come to the skin ; this political
tapeworm, that produced nothing, b-ii
iay coile.l io thy b-, feeding on its an-
trnueat. and holding the whole structure
to co a servant se: up to nou'is.1. it ttr.s
irv cf thrf r.iit:it:tti.itt. with firm
: aail coi'tcrate rcs i!-e. croilnt on ki.e
I .ir, tout thty might cat the iaonTj tv.i,
ta-ni, c!eirig themselves from incorrig;
I l.'e I ri-p. ..-r.iot u set. o;'i a sterner. Ktatoiicr
empire, v.heve slaves worked rhat gettilo -
men luigct live at cni. jor can tli-re
Lo any doubt that though, at first, ih.-y
meant io erect the form of rep'tblicati
government, this was but a devio: ; a step
necessary to the scouring cf that power
hv which thev should be able to chauga
the whole eom-mv of seeietw
That th-y never dreamed of such a
war we may well believe. That thev.t
womJ r.M-.1
ccepted it. ihj'tg
bloody, it only thus they could rule.
:oue can doubt that knows the temper ..f
these worst men ot mooem society. Uut
j they mtscalctilated. Thay uu-.lcrstood
the ueoide of the South; but they were
totally ;uca;.ai:e c; unuersiau'i.ug m
, , t..Ai tt-w r.-:'..d tha in-
"U ITifMf.'ii.i u v. - j - - i
citemettt of unsettled zeul, ruaniog esiiy ;
. .- 1
into laoaiicisui. j
ti.... .i,,...1!v mMunt'f.rstr.).! !
- i was here htmbled, how should thy con- i principles bet.,r- ; out now we A. r
.jeeive of it, who were wholly disjoined i power. It is .me thing to 1 pon a -f!
from th 01a ia sympathy ? The whole 1 tillcry. and to oe sure that is K'ied,it
J . -1 . ... .-1 tt; r.i.wer ill
land roe no. vou renemhcr. wbert .b'
fiatf came down, as if inspired uncon
soi.-.wv l.w r.Uo hrpatli ot the Aim! '.ret 7,
.in.lr.ower of omi.inotcr.co. It was as
i .. ,u v mVi nC ttin Mi.
tV. -w- Z.
oersoaaf brawls. who ars S3 croteeted b
wcittj a to have d.sxiwed all .tousit
oi seitieteace. tas wtni
furce of whose
iiirf tmaimi to peaaji-
itita.-' These
arrnsar.t conptratnrs Jnst goferoment,
cf them are left alirs to pcadr their mis-
take 1
; that tr.e c?rrc-d might go Tee. out thai
the free m'-'ht be opr.ress-?d A dav wili '
: thtr .-!.DJy game has made, aad every
i shrieks of mireo aososatioq ; acA ' every
, pu.c an i starvj pns.uer saau raise nis
I skii.uy hand iu judgment. Blood sba.l
I eal! out lor veagcanoe. aal tears shall
j p'ead for jii.nic, .ted grief Khali si.catly
beck.m, and love, tcar-smutcc, sha.l wail
lor justice. Goctl mea and aagels will
cry out, "How Icrg. ch Lord, how len?,
wilt t-ur. nctavc-age ?"
Aod then, these gtriiticet aud most re
tuorsele": "litjrs. th-jse high aud caltur
cl reeo witii might and wisdom, used for
'..o destruction, of their c oua'ry ; these
in,'-. ii'Tii'sc I au.l d.'-estea ct at: er.mt-
n.i!.s. tint hiv.! drc-ieh.-d a O'Uiivieut ia
rc:dio--s tloo ! and restored the touada-
; tions cf iheir tm.o with black cowls,
; fall of voh-es of veageance and land
; Willi puurmm-snt. stia.i ..e wuir eu a.u.t
Jau-1 plusg-:-.! downward for ever and ever
; in i cod less rotribction ; whilo God
shall ay, 'Thus shall it be .o all who le-
' law their country : ami all in ceaven
i a i.i
if;n tr-e eartn wi.i say -.-oieii .
. , l : -.I ..... !
! i
t.iif lor the peopla nnIeJ, lor t.ie mui-tiaotii-a
drafted aid driven into this civil
ret etrnec o' aaims'ly retnata.
1 'I U t..omc::t tho'.r wiliing han-l dro;;s tjia
musket, anu ttif-v Te'uru to uieir aue
gianw, then utretch cut y..ur own hoo-st
right band to greet them. Recall U
them the oli days of kinda'.ss. Our
hear- wait for their redemption. All tha
: resources of a renovated natics shall be
i applied to rebuild their prosperity, aad
smooth oowa tne t'irrows u
H is" this long and wr.ary pcitod cf
r , tiu-s .-,:stnte Been aa naawugwi c... .
'nothing been gained ? les, tauco. i.Ui
j nation Oa? attained to :f. KAntioo...
Airotsg t:u:a .-. s '
j ."droits yo 1
cr. to tno r.:.s "i ""
severe trials of. hunger,
enduviuce. They reach
riors ouiv a!
: ,
1.75, out or-
i love. Never to much as now ow
our country,
.. it cow st-eu vca's cf e-irtcattcn in
uai.ou. s..u , .
ideas, in tae oowi-Jgs i pontic... t.atn,
, ...,. Lor to r.rove tts power in
battle. We believe in tne hiodon power
; stored in oer iinlitufiotis ; we Mad never
before 'eon th i na .ion 1
udencg nit
... .... .:..J
1 -Mornr
rai at ail fnoso inai wursuijiov
1 rh calf at the ba.e of the mourtaiu.
- ,
j A opl
p eat to a. the ec.e
c-owo." e have proved it. A P?J'
Continue on 1 m rag
wa :eve