Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 03, 1865, Image 4

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    ' DYSPEPSIA. ;
" VWfitt at ihejMtoKTt-f Symptom:
. 1st. A sonstaut pain cr uneasiness at the
pit of the stomach.
-2d. Fla'oUnee aad Acidity. ;
. 3d. Ccs'iveuess aud Losof Appctit.
,4th. Oloora and Depression of Spirits.
Oth. Diarrh.ea, wkh gTiping. ' ; '-
Bth. Pain in all parti of the system.
7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita
tion of the Heart.
6th. Cough, with Phlcgra in the Throat.
9th. -Ssrvous Aifejeiou, 'iJ waut ot Sleep
t night, . . (
J in o. "Los of Appetite and Vomiting
11th. Dizziness, Dimness of V.su and
loio of sight. .
12th. Iiadsehe and Staggering in walking,
With great Weakness.
Out ot the thousands of easel of Dyspepsia
that have used Dr. Wishart'a Great American
yspcnme Pills, not one of them has fulled vt'
perfect ours. We warrant a cure in ev iy
, no matter if of twenty years' standing,
old by ail drorgit every where, and at Lr.
Wislian'i Otfcce, vo. Id X. Second :reet, Pil
adslpbia Pa. Allcxaminntinns and consults
lions free of charge. Send for a circular i
Price $ 1 per box. Sent by mail, free ol charge j
on reeetpt of nwney.
Dyspepsia, LHspcpsia, Dyspepsia.
' I, Elizabeth BitAXsos.of Kradywinc. Del.
formerly of Old Chester. "Del., do certify tlmt.
for one year aud a half I su deled everything
but destn from that awful diseae called Dys
pepsia. ' -My WliolJ'syme was pruetra.e with
wetkne-s and nervous debility I cutd not
digest my friod ; if 1. ate even crackoror the
mailed amount r,f f.'od. it would re'urn just
as I swallowed it ; I became so c-istivs in my
bo we'? that I would not have a passage inlets
than from four and oil ;n etfrlit days: under
this mraenie suStriji, my tTjin l seemed en
t:ro'y to firs way. I had dre ifnl horror and
evil f')rbod ::ps. I tlionitlit. evrybody na'ed
jhe, nJ f luted everybody : I c uld not bv ii
my husSand n r my own ciiiblren. everyth'ng
j'p-.-red ?0 "c liorryt tiricken to mc; 1 l'd
rb aioMrio'r to do atiy-.S-.n": I loft 1! ty lot
of family ud hutue : 1 would isnibleand won
der fro.a j,mce to place, but. could UM be coll.
tented; 1 felt that I ws doomed to hell, ard
that tt.cro wus n j hcavca' or i:ie, and was often
teiup'.ed to Curnr.ih sui',,. eo t:Cr vasiny
whole nrvoij. v-te;u dosircVed, and nlso try
min i, from tint awful complaint, liysppsii,
t':iit ;y ineti iJ thyuirii! b.-si to bave me placed
n: Dr. ' !i.rxlri.;'s !i,ipi;nl. West 1'hiiidel
phi: I rfnain.-d tli"re nine weeks, and
llioug:!." wts a little bct'or, iut in :i t'w hiya
my drevtfu' complain was rsjtrg a Had as
ir li.-ir;nir at the w..n.ior!ul cures per
f jr'-ic i by ir. iaiiart's tiieat .7uricin Hys
pytia Villi mid Lis tp.a.'ii.eni fr Lys.;..p.-;.
my ltiisbas'l :ai:ed on br. Wiliri aud stated
my o&c to ii'ia. Vi ?ai 1 l;c h'vd no d J'tt L
Coi'ld Cii.v t.i.v So in liueedys alter 1 tilled
en.l n ij:-1 r,i-c'.r indtr tlie liocor'a treat-
tnt'ut. and in io weeks tbeHii to digc.-t my :
food, mid fIt that my jtiving wiy.
aui cotiMinii-d to recovej tor about tin ft
tnonth". and at the prmt time I enjoy per
fft ue.tlib ot' body and mind, and 1 most in
tere'y reitirn my thank to a tneiciful God
and 1'r. Wi-hirt. aud to hi pre.it American
Djsjepi'ia ril'm and Tine Tree Tar t'.'ordial
that fav;d me from an Insane A'vl i n aid a
jm-iaAiu-e -rnve. A'l vers'ti su'.rerin-; with
lij spi'f.si are at lilnity to ri!l m me T to
write, as 1 am wiHIm; to di r.ll tbe p o 1 I can
for suttering huinuii'y. Ei.t n !:hnhv.
E:-ai. iywine. Del., foruietly of Old Cheat sr,
Dilsw.irc county. I'a.
It. w i.-han i iniice, H . 10 Morth Second
tract, I'hiiadelphia.
Dyspepsia ! Dyepepsia I
Da. Wishmit.- I have been aeonstsnt suf
ferer with l'jspt-p-ia for the last eighteen
years, during whith li-xe I cannot s.-.y that I
ver enjoyed a perfectly well day. There
Were time when th syiapfonts -were more ag
gravated than at others, aud llun it seomcd
would be a great reii"f to die I had at ad
tioi3s au iit!plene:it feeling in ray head, but
laticr'.y. niy sufferings a much increased that
1 became a'.uio.-t utitit for business of any kind;
my nnud was continually filled with gloomy
thoti-hts and forbodings, and if I attempted to
iiange their current by reading, at onee a
Miation of icv coldness in connection wi:b a
ditd weight, as it were, resis.e.l upon my
bra n; also, a feeling of sickness would occur
w.u, - a
at th. stomach, and great p un to L.y eyes.
aecotnpamea with which was the contin':a
fear or losing my reason. 1 also experienced
great laSSilUUe. Ilfnunv Bil l nnnramro,
which cade it dilicult to walk by day orslei p :
at n-.arht. I liecame averse to society, and ! ,
j:.:-.lW . ..,.Inir. a...l h.vlnw tried
- - - ----
the skill of a no tiber of eminent physicians
, . Tic ! - ,,.L.
of vanoi'S schools, nnady came to the the con -
iusioa that, for thin disease at tny present i
age (do years) there was no cure in existence
lint, through the intertenence t liivme I ro?
in u-linni I flfi,ut iv ottfr mv thanks.
1 ai lil!:i louoii eovvici.u n-m'.j 111 jvn
Dyapepsta Pills and 1 ir Coidiil, wlucn seem
to have effectually removed almost the last
trace of my long list of ailments and bad feel
ing!, and in their place health, pleasure and
sutentmcut are my everyday con ps.iions.
No. 433 North Second sireet, Philadelphia,
Fortnetly of Woodbury . J.
Dr. IVsihart's Great Aneriau Dyspcp
sia !'ill;1 j
This is to certify that I have suffered for ten
riars that dreadful comp'aiiit called dy.-p'p-I
suffered much pain niid disi.ri.ss, with
gloom and depressiun of spirits; I w.islreatcd
by eight diftcient physicians for my complaints
Slid at t'uucS was much better, hut tl;en iheold
disease, dyspepsia, wold return with all its
dren fill rca'.iiiei. and mv wmle system was
fast v as ing away. In this s .k fnd dcbiliia
ted siuto I was handed a circular of WUbart's
great African Dyspepsia Tills, an 1 PineTree
Tar Cmdial, woirh gave a correct description
.of my saSoricgs,' mid Jetei.ii:ned lo place
myself uuder the Doctor's care, aud tAc nis(
A s"ou a I e;m-oenced the use of ti'c med
'liiuei I b,'gsn to get belter, and so I coiuiued
three months, at which lime l'was perfectly '
restored to health . I am to-day a well man.
Dr. Vt ishart. I give you fhis certificate with S
grateful heart lor the benefit I have received,
Tr.Tm then" of ynur truly trouderftil medicines.
"M:y .iod b'ess'you and preserve your fruiy
ti"ful life for many y.ars I would say to
'evrr sick person who is uffrin;r as I was,
IhM niv residi'nc is No Kl't Hichmond 6tc;'t
Pl.iKni)!itiia. vrherc I vi.l uVe. crc it dciiit'it
.in'ivinc testimony to the great power of Dr,
isiiart's niedicinoa to cure.
r. n. ALtr. .
Theaboveirre a few among the thousands
which this grratrea.edy hxi pave'i.from an un
hnieiy gravf." ' " ' "
YYe" have ihout nds vf ltter from p.hysi
tians n!diiics:is?. who hive prescribed ad
sold these i.iedic.ue. My'nihat they hnv; net'
' vt used or sold a medicine which gave sacV
universal satiBfaetioii.
' Prepared only by the proprietor,
" Or. L.Q. C. Wishart,
No. 1 North Second Street,
Philadelphia Peon's
bj W dregirf
v . ...i .. .
. v " ..
AT THE STOl'.K OF ' . ,.'
The tin lordgned. would respectfully invite
tlie public ra Call an I cxtminr his st.'k tcl'ore :
' riircliitHip. tNewiiTC. lie h:s bonglit Lid'
artment :il tich prii.'S that he r-rwt t e
undersold bv ativ in the eounfv. foeoial l- J
tention paid toporchtisinp goodsin theciiyper
ordcrat the shortest notice.
Every effort will l made by him to rive sat
isfaction to those who tuny favor him with a call.
, Ttlscl and Fancy Silks,' Tierces Lawns,
.done Antique. Orenauines. Dueala,
Pure rinlii. lirilliantes, Gingliatn Lawns,
l:..r..!miir.els, , Aii nooi d'Laines,
Caslimerts. Pcplitis, A'pacas, &e.
A full assortment ofn'hitc Press Goods, Mus
lin.. Urocha and other Shawls, Duuncts, Iipn
uel fatins. rtitibons. Flowers. Sc. Also, Col
lars, I nderslecves, Handkerchiefs in great va
ey. i ,r v-v
A large quantity of DrUSC. als0
on hand. J rcsCTiptitins in led.
lie has s?i ts! . .ri a l".ri:e stock of Wool,
Cotton end Hr-z Carpets. Oil Cloths, Mattings,
&c, at the lowest prie-.".
Country P'roduce taken in exchange for
fools, fur which the highest market prices
will b paid by ' ' ' -' ' '
T0 1H3
inox in the j;u)oi.
It is well known to the medical profession
i that IliON ithe viial Principle l Life Kh men
' of the blood. This is derived chiotlv friuuthe
i food we eat ; Itit it the food is not prop'i 'y di- j
pesied, or if, from any Cause .whatever, thff 1
t necessary 'JUii'itily of iron is n ' lettp tuiol'ie j
: circulnl'nn. or h(mes redH?ed. the whotoys-
ico; sitS The In I Ii...t wil! itn.Mc the j
bean, will cloTitp the lnnx;. will siuptfy t.e '
' brf.iu. will opstruct the Itver, and will send'
' its disease producing f lempnts to r.ll parrs of
! the system, slid everv one will SLtTer in what
ever uren may W prffliposrd to disease.
The great value of
Iron as a ISIedicin
Is wrll kn-an and acknowledged brail med
icsl nurn. The ditpculty has been to optain
su")! a prepiratiii of ii as will enter the cir
culation and assimilate at once with he blood.
Thi point, sf.y s Vr. Hayes. Massachusetts State
Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian
.yrup, by coiubinatiou iu a way before un
I a Pt.OIKAOM) solution of ihe PPO
IX MKldCIXE that strikes at the ooi of Dis-
; ease by supplying the blood wi
' Principle or fjte lilcr.ient rcn.
h its Vital
! r" L.i sp.-ps'tt. Liver Co.npia.ii. i'ror'.T,
! Fever an c,ie l.oJ v-piril s.
i Infuses sticnatu, vigor, ntni new nuintj the
,VSICI1). ,, tlli., lin ..lr,m ,
cre Xervous AUeciions. r enoue Complaints,
, auJ u;
diseases of the Ridueya and liiadder.
."' - or ur-a-r- o, ,gIa, ,n
1 T - c 1 1 1.'.-' i cii t fr.- ..ii 1
iAUMAl K OF T IK Jl .OtlU. or acenmpa-
... ., ..... , ... , . 1
tiled by jJebiiity or a Low Mate of thefryslem.
; J J '
Patrphlets containing certiftcateii of cures
and TecomTncnd.ii ions rroni some of the ntp't
i : . ti ;r n i .i
' -
sent l'KI'.K to nny audre
i W jeWf a few of i he names to show the
character of testimonials. ....
John E. Williams, Esq, ,
President otihe Metropolitan tJank, ji. V. ,'
Rev. Atel SieveiiS,
Late Editor Chris. ion Advocate Journal.
Eev. P. Chnrch,
Editor New Vork Chronicle.
Rev. John I'ierpont, Lewis) Jolm-on, M. D.
l!i v. '.Vhitiu liiirion, Kosnell Kinnev. M. I.
Il. v. Arthur K. Fuller, S. K. Ki ridafl, M. D.
Rrv. Curd oi I'.obbim, W it. Chishnlm, .M. l.
Kev. Sylvaiiiis Cobb, Francis D.-.nt.a, M. D.
Kev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stuue, M. Ii
Kev. Eph. Nute. Jr. Jose Ant. Sanches. M. I
Pev. Josiph II. Clinch. A. A. Hayes, Jl. D
Rev. Henri I'pham, Ahikham Wendell, M. V
Rev. P. 0. Headlev, .1. R. Chilton, Jl. D.
R.-t. J. TV. Oltnstcad, II. E. Kinney, M. 1).
Prepared by N. L. lark & Co.. exclusively for
J. P: Dinsm-re, No. ),;! llroadway.Fcw York.
Sold by u!i Druggists.
flvthlijis's KliiKMin salve
If. IS tUiiv e-l.ibiistieJ tue tuierifiritr nf
REDDlHC'S ' RUSSIA ' SALVE! t'tluth,'je i;i'r M:iaut':ictorjr nt the well known
e.verall other henitng p.e-parat .i "Id s.and in Vater street, where be is at all
Itcaresll kiuds ot-S )lt ts, CL VS. S:a l.i)S, : Prepared to receive oiders f..r H indsor
BUItXS, I'.OILS. tLi'FKS. SILT RliKCM V '""rs of Tery description, inclndtii t?.Mees,
ER .Vl i'ELAS. S rii:; PILES.'co:: VS. SOUK 1"W l"y "V'W1"? IWcTimgCha.ra.
LIPS. SOKE EVKS. ,to. KEMOVIXG i ""1 , 0JU'';, t'oodt-.tain
J UK PAI.V AT ONl'fV. A l P. KDt't'l fl THE .''" hairs, Idar Upom Arm Chairs, and every
MOST AXCkV LfiKl.StiSWKI.I.l.NGixdN- ''"6 Pe-'aui.tig lo hn b:;ncks, all OS v.birh
tLAMAlioV .S IF BV M VfilC ,. he is prepared to sell chen or than ever. He
.. Only XS cents Uos.' . l now prepared to holcsie work at city pri-
lor, HAt.t m ces. Prompt attention wild be. given to llepa-
J. P. PINTS-MORE. So. 4fi ProadwavrS. V. irir;' fork, .lone cheap and expeiHtiously.
S. W. i'OSVLE, i CO..-N0. lb Tremoat si. IJosioa 1
Aud by alt dirngg.cts.
) PIIILAlJfJT.rniA f
Cotter TOrfiTU and , MAKKET Stree
N. B. A fine stock of LINEN EIIADE3
i eosWiOy endito" ' " F?b.d5,lSg5 -3a "
'.Fisk'sPatpntMclaJic Burial Cases.
FOIl ordinary Interments, depositing in
Vaults aud transportation they have an rivah
They are made of the most imperishable ma
terials, and are enameled inside and cut to
! prevent rust sad the exterior ban a 'FINE
' KOSEWOOl) FINISH. When properly cement
ed, tlie remains of the decease J. are free from
Irruption of water, or depredations of vermin.
They may without eifonsive odur-be' kept ng
long aelesir.id thus obviating I lie neceasitj
of hasty bnnV.s. Their Ion;; and successful
use aud the approbatien given them renders
uimecsry any extended notice of their valu
able advantages. ' ' ...
C'DiIerfukfrK ttul (tihiitet li'arc
.. Ma ' fact uror, 7
Keop constantly ou hand an assortment o
the above cases. .
Mitfliutown I'a. Jan' 4th ISCj.-ly ....... .
'1 t.h 1 11 inserted upon 3 a entirely new style
X ot Life, which is a eombinilioii of 0ld
aud Vulcabite, also Vulcanite, which for
Ueau'y. I'urabi'iiy. Clcnnliess nd the res
toration of the naiura! contour of the face,
caunot be surpassed. Ki:her of the above.
Iinsvs I warrant, for ten years.'' Teeth also
Ciuiinted upon
(ioltl, IMafina and Oliver. -
Coralite ami Aiuixiiv with or without artiiiciad
gums. pr ml atl nil ion will he paid to di
tasd giim.s and a cure wnrrunttd-er no cLarge
made. Teeth filled tor life.
Theexf!pf1'of tcatlmpon !b latect im
proved principle;, causing the least possible
pain. '
Havint; located permanently in Miffiin
town and being in possession of all the latest
improved instrnniont and machinery. " I war
rum entire satisfaction in all cases or the
money refunded.
) " it MOAlisterviiie tlie last we
, of October. January Hud M.y. the balaaca ff
my time I can be fouud at my nliice on Lridge
street i!irc-u doors "ast of Snyder's Hoiel.
Mi!:'.iuto ii, Juaiattt Cuim:7. Pa.
(i. L. PEKR,
jnn2y rttitlen'. Demiit.
Gwil Xcm avil True.
At the Tiiwr.B Hill riothini Store. ' '
At the r iw:td BmATr rf ?ituiim.'
At .MAXSii.VCH o: VA.NOikMtKS Cheap
Coi nor. .
Corner. Hride & AVater Stteels
SrIZrP2.Ii.70VIJ, PA.
TilEY has jtt.'l ppcind nioihr large as
sort tiient of New Goods, stichas
. Cioibing of all kinds. Shoes.
r.oots. Hals, Cars. Carpels. Fun-
cy tioods, ha . all of which they
Will sell at low r;ttr, s their n;ot;o is Quick
sales aud sun'! pmiit."
Coats Cloth a,jd Ci'fiincre Coafs.
Fib-; and ":.! Ctats.'' '
Frock and Ft. Coats. '
Snnday sod Kvirydir .
I'iints I'lotli rod ' as:'..f -c P.niis.
1 lam it id Fir.'i'vl Pants.
' f ine ar.d (V,:ra 1'ttHtp.
ell-tittiDiTHod Lor.g-Wcaring Pants.
Vests Cloth mid ("ussimere Vests.
-'.Ik and Satin Vetts.
Liul aud ili-avy Vesta.
Piaiu and F.ncy . Vivts.
Trunks. Valiesos, Cnrtiet Sacks, Canes, I m-
lue'.Ias, shawls, tiloves. Suspenders, Stockings
Cravats. Shirts. Drawers. (Miliars. Handker
j chiefs, Combs, l.rushoH, Soaps, Pocket Knives
I Chewing Tohacco, ifegars, and almost every
i d'-scripion of uotions not fouud iu auy oth
' er store. , 't
tmf Call and examine our stock bofore pur
chas ng ese wl. ', as v.e fee satisfied that
: we can p'ese ii.
Corner ol briogTind n iter streets;
. i l .VHP. ll VM MAN'S? At'H
JAMliS H. SIMONS, who has now on
I hand the largest stock of ready made
: SADDLES ar.d HARNESS in tin
: count t. which he i silling at gre ttly
i reduced prices. I!..- is now manufacturing hi
; Saddle and Harness wnh such perfect pyMen!
j tLat Le is rabl'il to sell a snpeiior atti'jle of
everything ia Lis l;ne. Cl'SAI't'll tbin any
oiher esiablishmrut in the county. lie invite!
purchasers to call and examine Lis stock be
I fore purcha-ing el.-ewlu-ie.
I Jail's II ?,n:ous' Si.ddlcs and Harness are
j acknowledged tusurpasa in point of lightness
! atA.r.1 ...... nml o.t.i.lnr' u -.. .1 a ...I c .1 1 .... 1 ..!
datability.allothcrs manufactured in tliecoiiu
ty. Kttui'Uiber his Shop is en l'ride street,
in the rooi.io formerly vcupicJ by D. W. A.
Uell'ir.l. us a Tail.r Sin p.
BJi.Vtl iriinls of repairing neatly executed
and ail work warranted. jan 1 Cd-y
Slifflintown Chair Jlaniifadorr !
CITIARLES W. EITZEL would inform the
J citizens of Juniata countv, that be con-
&','e'1 1 "P'r 1 lal" fini? Sntting uken ia
exchange for furniture.
Cray-Furniture Room on Main street; oppo
s.te tie d'oai Otdicff.' 1 ' . . 'o
SepteniHr 8,. loo-tf. o s -:
-77- v.- ,: r
Qrobefies !
'' Prime Rio ColTeef Prepared -CofTie", Tnlver
ised Sugar. Crnshed Sugar, S-'0.Kurar.
LS. II. Siuar, N-0. Molassei S. JI. JUIasrcs.
Loverirj,Syrup Chocolate, Jlnstarl, J::ce,
S.'areh, .Vu.meis, ClovcsT, Cassia, Ginger, Corn
Starelr, Fish, Sail, tit., for sale chep'4
the Nw SfiHtB ia Pattersan. -
Jaod-tf -: T0D ft JOEDAX
aud see tne Ator
stoctc of spring
Summer Hoods at
mCSSrt A'PEHHEll'S, " '
, 1 . -in TATTERSUX.
Jast raceived a now and complete assortient
of I U'-". .vj-- ' "; i '' o ''
Lalics"Jiatejt1Stye Drefs GoO'Js, .
Plain snd Fancy' French Merino, ,
' : Ptti'I ami Fancy French Reps, . " '
'' l' Black and Colored AUtpac,-;"
...'!!! - ' Black and faucy Cashaicrs.
A larg asjortmcjit of , t ; , . -.Mourning
Goods, ,
' Balmoral Skirts, ' " ' ' "
'- ' Brooch Square and fjonir Fhawls,-:
t" ! 8trtrieliiiie5 Biirreil Wooleu hawl.-i
Onr slwk of domestic Goods bits been largely
increased by the 'purchase of a complete lot est
Choice lYints, V - ' '
JJk-aid'.ti'i end ITn-BlcnoV.fi Mnaiinn, .
. TUtkint-'V Dcnima, Wool Sbirtiags, .
Keutitfky Jejans.
'J'wiil'id.anJ riaitt rianncls, i
Also a large assortment .of Cassimers and !
Crisine!t.s, all of which we offer to Pnrchas- :
era at town prices; for tain or Country pro
duce. . MtCKEV'i- rEN'XF.LIi,
..- ! , . ; Paf.teison, Pa.
r. fi. Also, you will Cod a larga block of
Groceries, .
Hardware, '
' '" QuecnsTrare,
-' .. .i Boots and Shoe,
. , -. Wall and tV Widow Paper.
Jan 1-tf . .. v MI.CKEV A PENNT.LU .
2D3?-y C3r o o d
Lavel.ns, '
Mohairs, . -. ...
. Plaids, . ,
faiineis, -;
' Flannels), - '
Tickings. i ,
PeT.aines,' ;'
'. Prints.
; Cambric,
Victoria Lawns,
TilaeV Crehe, (
Lalglisdi Ciebe,
Heat Crehe,
Pontirt Milrin.?,
Tabby Vcivita,
Flging. ' "
Dress Trimming,
iManiua liibbnns, etc., c.
All of whicn will be sold cheap for cash, at
Ihe Sew Store in Patterson.
4t Kallrond IVpt. 1:tt r-ni. Pa
THE above named having lojtva. charge of
this large aud coi.veuicnt hoiel wh-ie he
is ire pared to e:itert:i:n trav.;-rs. soio'irncrs
or rec.ioar bo?rdi'rs. P-rs..i.? aj-hin.i to t;.J;e
r!ie trains e esl r west w:il fin I this ttt.j m ici
c fvenicnt sujpug j.Ijc.: as llty vili be
v-.".vl i ji at fi.v h-.or i. ?iro I- The i? ;io!i
ii'"l favorable uifd the :;eonried tlions ure
of bait k'ud, T':e- mabiteg U cicjiii.nt
ai-ii h -sili.r.s atf ntive. The labia and liur
ai'i i licbc w-!l provided.
Be.T "e bits. ii ennnertion with the Hotel,
kvoiI L1VEI.V TA!tl.E. lloise. Carriages,
i'.uggies. i.e.. always 10 lie had. Persons
ei-r veyi-d to my psvi of t'?e ci it-.try.
ti, Iy strict aiteutiou to ui,::i..sa acj a
desire lo please, he hopes lo merit public put
roaage. and render tl.e sojourn of his guests
both eumfortatlle and leabaut. .
Patterson June f. If
.ti 709 Chestnut Slritt akve 7ih, riiiliielf!p!iia
niilS old and popular Hotel is located in
X the immediate centre of business, nnd lo
person visiting the City on manors ol trade or
p easuie, it is one of the most desirable Ho
tels in Philadelphia- It is conv nil ni 'to all
t!ie Hail ltoad liepots, an,, easily sccesribW
by city cam from nil p:;rls of the fit v. Its
ToiUns are airy and spaoinirs, and the Larder
will b unexceptliciiablo in every rcrpeel
The Manager assures the public ihat no effort
will be spared on his part to n akc the WASH
INGTON HOl'SE. iu all reoeefs, plTisant
and agreeable to his guetds, and he will be ;
pleased to see his old friends and formtr pa'- j
rons of the "Slates Union," Philadelphia, mid
to welcome aiany new ones. Mr. L rf. Neg-j
Hy, the toimer oiiive clerk at the Steles Union,
will b chol to sc. bla old friends at the i
WASHIXtiTOX IlorfE. .. I
Bi-st While Lead ! Zi
Cnsurparsed for Whitere-.s. Fine fi'.oss, dura
bility.' Firmiiess and Evenness of Surface"
PEUE LI R EU TV Hr.l Warranteil Jo
cover more surface fur-snote weight than any
other Lead : ' -
. Try It nwt you is Jinra no other !
Selec'cd 5fl'. ground in refined Linseed
Oil, iiue(tmled in (jitaliiy always the same, j
' ' l'l'm-' I IPVHTV 7IVf'"
Warranted to do more and hetfer work at a
given cost than any other- -
' Cit the Jst!
' Manufacoired ai PHNVSVLVANIA TAINT
& COLOR WOilKS. Oru.-j executed procij.it-
'J' oy
iri. i.L .i- ri n.r.s t. .n,..7...
,i"(fl-e is 1 y, J nun t, lew t'ti.e io.
fi-TtjStori'nnd office. XO. I3T North Srj,
rJtreet PlilLADELPlllA.
farch ,b lbbi-I y.
WM...1VISE. SIcrcbaU Tailor, begs leave
to inform his friends and the public generally ;
lliai ue tttis jusi tijieueu uiii utigv ims msmua- j
br "'Minu iii of " - - '-x i
which he is rta ty to make io order promptly i
iwi'j ,vu . , v-i.-.yii-.-f. .
puulic generally wil! rnd u to tneir interest to
cail at his room above
' F A S I C K S T.I S . S II O P,
cn r.ridge street, MihTinfown, Ta., and inpc'd
iny Ooo'ds' and worki.iaaship fiefore puretas.
iug elsewhere. I warrunl all clothes to fit or
no atrle,. r . ., . t . . , .
ifgUAU peroiiSAlcirouK of purchaiing any '
of Sixots's HtwiN-o. .Machines kill obtain all ; n-ture gjnemlly.'.a Ala. Bed Knout Seta Com- J'
neccsssrr1 irfcrriiaf in on the1 subject and see.plete. weth Bureaiis, Tables. Chairs. Look in 3 '
theni in cneralioir .t my. .cstabiisljnont. If ' CiTaiaes. K.jJh. Mntresses. c., and a full Ta- i .
r. 1 :.u 1 A 1 f v .11 ft . i..i- - .
Tiefter machine ftfrr.wceBi. eiiy.T than ever r
i.ivore-i woo ii.eii ui.icib a. nm ... imiui ur--
kttHrA .l.vh in thlsfnlill V ' rvi Itlm 1 R'ilifl
bithertod.Hie in thlscounty
be without a mMbme
js 1, 64-tf
BALSAM it . lUHlii 5YKl IV
lrr t'fu!i,- tVs, t'rovpr Whuffing
Cmujh, . Astltmi, Broiiehiti, Sj.ttint
lVoi.d. I'a'n anil Weoknrss i,f the Lr:ost
fiiri'iruliu tjj" Brenthiii.f, tlv. '
- 'JhiaSyrup is s purely Y'.jetulr Cvtupftwl
It is pleasi.i.t to take, and never dees injury ;
lint, owing to Its purifying iiualiiies; irmsi lie
riutd unJir &iiv cli'cnmatai.ces. Irs tTeet ie
truly wonderful sjoihiiig. cnlmir.g snd allay- i
Jng the most VioL-nt t.t.:;gl.s;
I'l .ttlllg,
, .
he whole sys-
. i-
StrengineDing and Invigorating
tern : ealminji aud soothing the iirve: aiding
scd facilitatinr Uxpeocnition, nad healing the
DiSK ?h.J' LLXus, thub striking at the root
of .DISEASE, an d d'ivinc i from thcsvstm.
' moip. , ..:, -.
No child need die of Croup, if iU Syrup is
properly used and used in time. Mothers bars
ing cienpy children should, Wfleu the hrst
s'icx f the Disease, i.tii alaajs keep this
h'tT.cdy at hind.
For Cocg'ns arier Jleasles, this FyrUT ia
mosi exceileiil. Experience has proven that
it is equalled by no otiier preparation.
Pfic0) ecu ;s per bottle. .
Prepared by S. A. cO FTZ'S i r.TO., At
their holrsa'.e l-rug and Jli-dielae I( not. ?'o.
Franklin Sr. Balilm.,rl VA. Sold" br all
Druggist Snl Store -keepers lluonjhout the
L'uited. Sti-.i -s ... ,. .
These Powders
aiU tiu.jr th
en tlicSton'ti h
sr'I InUstipes,
eitaAse tliein
fiom cfiecsve
n.ntter, and
bring them to
1 !it are a
sura preventive of Lung Fevrr. anil n certain .
remedy for ail Discaaea incident to tLe IIokc,
lucn aslilan-d.-ra,
Water, Dis
temper, Founder,
Coughs, Fe
vers. Lois of
, Appetite ar.d
V it,a! Lner-
gy. Ac.
In 'or, low-spirited ariro.ds, it has the
most ben-fi id elfe.-t.
T.icuseuf them improves the wicd. f'rctiefh
ens the Appetite, and gUes to 'be I'ors" a
fine, sraaoih and g:o-jv jk!n .tie. in.prov
iu ' tilt appearance, vigor acd spirit of this
BoLle auimal.
Tne property this Powe -r po---f--sr In in
freaiirag the quantity of JMilk in Cows, givia
it an ini;K.rtuuce and value nhi' li shin. Id
pi ice it in the hands of every pcrsrn keeping
a Cow. Bv actual experiment it has pti.voo
that it will inrre.m the quantity cf Milk ar.d
Cream twenty jier cent., an.! nnke the- Ba'ter
firm and sweet. Ia tutttning Cattle, it gives
them an apjviite, 1.ks-!,s their hida tad
makes them thrive ir.oih tirstcr.
In aU Biseafs of
the.Snir.e such ni
Conjhs. t'irers in
the Lings, Livir,
c. Br puttinj
from half a paper
to a paper ot tle
Powders in a bs
shove Diseases cm le ti.ri-.1 or entirely pre
Tf'ited. By using these Powders tlie Hog
Cliotera can be prevenuu.
Price 25 ota. pr Pap:r, or 5 Papers for $L
rrcri'.. r:i) by
a'l FOUTZ & BEO.,
at Tnr'H
"So. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, lid.
For Sale by Drugcis's and Ktorjl'.tptil
throughout tlie Cnitcd Statu.
j The , fff Xiiuittwv.t fur MuihihJ Pcatt
I Is a Sfif.' and relinbie Rem" iy for the cii'e .'
! of i:u"Uii.ali.-m, Painful Kervoti. atii eiii.n. '
. Spruiue, il.ircs. Swellings, and m'.I Dieisus
rcuiilring an exteirn i! applicnt'.'u on Van.
'- On Horse it will ne'er fail to nr Poll
j livil. FiMula, tdd liuunii.g Soros, or Bweeucy
if properly i.pplicd. F..r Sprains, liruises
' Scrat'-hes." Crooked I!o .fs. Chafes 8 !.!. o j
Coi.ar v! til. ''ms cr iVoiinds. ii is an ly'.iilibie
Remedy. T.y it, aud be celiviue? d e.1 its cf- ;
fioacy. . I
i! i! FV.M ATT'!. .
Persin? sTiie'tei! snh ibis li"ss. no mat
ter of how !wt: standing, eanbn irouuuTy snd '
cil'?c!ualiv cured bv the usj of th's Jl. xn.ro'
There a nothing in the world so tii a snd ii
goat io take away cad Millie ana cure r ros
liifs, as t!i;s preparation.
Try it ai'd s'ltisTv vourselves.
rrice Co and:
7i eent3 a Uottle. Prepared br
' S. A. Fol'TZ'S et;0.,
At neir V,"hole:ile IH-iiir aud Medicine fie-
pot. NojJ!t. i-Mnai.iiM. Baltimore .M-L ;
S"M by it. F. Kepucr. ViniiEtown Pa.'.an i all
' rj.uii -Ki'cper mi oni:.nnt me i,niten sttog.
! Tl. ..i. .. . i. '.... 1... : .. i -
. ,: . ., ' r.
i in-jii.rs 1 r e-s im .i.oinsoii iiaio'irav COW
!"r.' 2 North tith gt Pbiadt !rbi i.
T A.KK , O XICE.! ,
That we have : rcdueedthe t-'ices erf onr
stock of grinds since the late t!e.i.ne in eold r
and are wliine-' gom.' cheaper thh thev e.Vn be .
purahabed in PbiladeUihU at wholesale rri
We are Si'Uing Print, trora 20 to 40cU..
-- Detains, from -Id to Sdbis,
! Alaace. f roredi, rint fc and reT-r
wii iau y rices. . eau ana esunune nvioie you
purch isc cbctrhere. , i
Oct. 6-t.
TM'D'ft' JCF.t-AX.
424 fc 4'1Ck North 2nii Stx ot. Price Only. For Cirenlrr.cantainin; Cala
pSTiBLlSHEtf 't.XGTtTtW VKASS legueof styles. Je cghis. sixcorM Price, call
L-lul bnviug a. Tery fcirge iioat of the best
I made FiirniMire on l.nml n. o ii K,-.rid s.iiT
8eat Cbatn. Booking Chair-, and Part .r Fur
n . .1 r .
iitjicir e.r wu ku iu Di vurniriir ffirM. - 1
I warrant all arucles soid and wild eel
17117 l P r.,fVal,
CnSAP for Cash.
3. i:
cfTTytT.f v
, Ttts feetilinr rriat cf
; btfcctKa whicU-' wa
v-acit BcanwULa lurka-s
ruultjtutlcs of men. It
citlT produces, er ia "
pvjelnced br an en- --
l'eebleil, 'vitiated statu
" jof theloorfrwhererir
iCthat fluid betxHiies in-
: tV??
1 wjfW-:
tttcompttcnt to sustain
y fcyfiSssjw-' v,tiU 1,jn'? Ulc,r
?i(-'fS;vi(.rjus atti.in, ar.J
J"li aves the sy;em to
Sr- . - i TvTir. - i, . .
I -v- till into dis
, . , , . .
i decsv". The scrofulous conU.:.;n.i
soide-r anil
ition is va-
riou.-ly cause'.! Iy mercurial eiitae, low
living, (li-or.L'rtd tlife-stiin from unbeaithw
f.Ml, impure air, tilth ami filthy habits,
the depres.-in; vivand. afc-jve ell, by
the- venereal infection. . Whatever be ita '
origin, it u iicri.-eLUry in the coostitutiua...
diisrt'n'linjr "from fsvnu to ibit'lren unii
the iU:-d and f-ninhve aeration j" tnrl.ant, it
seems to io t!inra.l ef Mini vrha siy, "1 will
vi. it tl:o iu'ijiii-rs ui tlie .l!ii.rs uiion thoir
chili'rcn."' The tiijeasos it originates take
various t.'.n.cs, aoeriin to the oreatis it
atiacus. In the iunaa. Scrofula, proiluct-s
tubirclc, and finr.lly Consumption! in ths
ghiiids, swellings which mppisrate amt he
conie ulcerous sores ; in ti.e stomach and
Loweii, eierangci::cui3 winch pnxhice ineii
fr?.:aT', elysprpsiii, end liver Complaint - on
the skin, en:; tr.'e and cutnn.o:n ngt ttionj. j
These, e.l h.avirnf th" sarno oiiin, require tb
sr.n.e tmf!)'. v:i., purilieation and imigora
tion of t!;e ll.Hv.t. purily the bh-;.d. anl
the sO'dnntrc reus ili-tcn-pi is It are y..u. Willi
fitlle, fund, cr o.rrpU-l Lhajel. yo'J caniioS .
have her.!th; with, that "lifo o; t'no i'.e-li"
luaiithy, yoa cannot Live scrofii'.rus iliscie.
is cfimpr'tine-! from the me t ;?cct::al srtl
lote Utiit liieincal fch r.ee ics rlitan ereJ tor
this p Hlir tiiiji d:rtoniK.'r, a:ui for t:.o euro -'f
ti e disorders it cnt.ii. Ttt.it it 5 f ir f:r.?. '
rior t. any o'T.cr remedy y, t i!'. w.-er. is
kno-vn by ill h have giu a iiaHal. That
it tl.'cs toijil.iiie.' iirrue'3 tiu! e.-iirsonlinary ..
in their tSect upon ti.is ci.;.-s of ioir.pi'in:,
is ir.dipt.raMy p.rovcn by tde frci't nuiitilnla '
of puiliily hmiwn aud rcuutrktii.'.f. trrcs it.
l a wade of the f'.if.w.n; li m-sscs : Kine'a
ii-.il, -r Chndiicr Sy.ciuno-j, Tieiois, 1
Frnption3, Pintples, Blut ;!.r.b and Sores,
jErysirehs licsa or fct Aiitbony's Fire,
i Salt Kheum, Scald Keid, Cosgh from.
: tuberculous deposit in ilia lcsg3, Wr-ito
: Fwddrtt, L'Coiicy, Drcpsv. JTrnraisis.
Epppdi cr L'liig'ftisri, 57philia ?ii
STph'feo Tjfectbns, Xercurii! Iie,'t
F.:iA'ilsVe'eiC.:C2aO, nd. imi !. the wltole
t r es of eon pioiuis u.iit urise from iiutatrit
of t':;e LiiK.d. Jiir.nte r?j-orf of ii!ir.it'.ul
e .ses Tr.ay i o t -und in Ari.u' Am!
Af.MAS". which is t'lmisl td to lbs ur."."iia
for irratuitcus tU-.tubut'i.tt. v. ::,re:.: may ! .
lenrned the uireitions l'ir it? u.e. r.r.d son
f the t' ir.nrkabio cures wi '.ch it has Z Mla
when all oilier re tiitdics l.:id tailed to al'ord
I relief. Those can-a are purwvly tkea
from a!l sivtior.s of tlie coiir.t y. in order
tiiat every reader nisy have' area .s f scree
i one. who can tpe-nk to i.ir.) of its Le n. fits fnu 1
; l e rsoni.1 i.pcrn n ev S.-re fula ii prv.i-s the
; vital energies, snd thus lea re its vi:tin:s far
I more sulijiet t.T di-ea--e' and its .D.I res'ills
tl.uti ere Letitl y ct r. '.itur: .'lis. ii-nce it
: tends to !'rrti-i. rd !..( gri itly fchorten,
t:ie avertg; durut;t.n if 1 i.in i. life. Tht
vi.rt i:i ! ort.ii.ee 1 1 tl.eso c.n i.'i rr.t'i n i:r,s
ltd s to spi!'.t ytttis in tTi't r:':c? a rer:-4y
which is miiqn-tf t its eurc. This wc now
dle-r lo the puLiie- limier tiie' npinc of Aikk
S ti.p.i;;LLj, rit'.a.iigli it is eon. pond pf
i:..ie't'iients. nuoi' of w hit h i-M teei the best
d" irtvpnritia In el'.eratiee pewcr. Py its
o:d you n ry prt icct yotrrr : '.f 1': oin the SEtler
ir end ttni-i-er cf tlo.-e disorders, d'uige
out tho f..nl eoriuptit r.s ib-.t rot snl fester
in l! c Llood, pure out ti e ranses of direr.se,
er. l vigi-rt'its 1'er.i'h wiil follow. Uy its pe. u
li..r liiities tbi-i rcti.tdy spiinij.tte tin- viisl
fitrrtions. and 1hus v ::p U v.u. el... a.ptrs
v hie'i :i::k within the fy-icm or burst out
on any .tit of it.
Vve l.ti .w t'io public fare Vt-n d.rcive.i
Iy niar.y lain pounds t f -:r-ej iriila, that
pror.ii.-od iiuch i.nd uii! nothing; bi.t tl.ty
will neithe r be' deceived m.r tii. 1 iviiti"d u"
this. Its irtucs hav.' I con proven Iy abun-th-.i.t
trii'.I, and thrie remains no i;u'-'.ion of
lis 1 np:-sii'.'r exulienev tor tt:e cure of tl.a
nlfli.tio;; di.-ci.;.. it is intended ti reach.
Aiti.ouvii ii'.'d' r the saiiic t:.m:e-, it is a ry
e'.iiiert nt t :e"I:eine' from ary eft' r which has
teen 1 e '.'ore the p.oj.l . r.rel i- far n ore vt
fi'.tua! t!i::n sny otner ahieli has vvtr lAetb
aviLi'uli: ta tr.eU).
j A"S"TER'3
j Tho World's Grctt Ecrnedy for
Ceo giis. Colds, Infiipiciit Ccn
j suiription, and for liit relief
) caC'cTi&iiirpuve p.ptfits
I ia mtvaiierct bcigeid
Cf tllO elliiCUtti.
; Tlits Its'. h.'n so ler;; n .1 .T.il so nni
vrrvul!y Lncwn, tliat we peed t'i no more
than sarnre tiie pitlovj that its ijintlity is kept
13 to the bc.-t ii ever I ns been, and that it
liixy t-e relied nil to thv all it has ev;-r done.
; l'repurtiJ by I)r. .!. t:. Avmi: iSL Co.,
I Prarticai mwt AnrJ':'i.-:l ( J mittt,
, I.'we!!, i:ss.
EnlJ ly all ilraggists every w iit-re.
No. Gi8 Arch M.eer. nbove tlto Philadelphia.
Whslesalc and Betail.
The most complete assor.meul snJ best
quality r.r.l styies of Ladies'. Mit.st.s r.rd'
Ci:it-lren"s l'o.:f Ssravs, in the '"iiy. Those
c.l'.'Hinliws Mas.-..' are g .u. n up e-fr.re.-it-
ly tji.nieet the -av.t.l.s of t'l.it Oat h'dr,l
Trt.-i. eri'irecing aii the new end- dfffirable
8! Vers, rises. If ngihi HMei aire wrtis.s, in trail
ml . ir.iu SKIUTS, tr. ni 1'..' to .'n srrlrS,
; fern '. to 15 iii..l.s . r.g. aitl :. '.;, :'J. ,
! 3i. d J end vanis i-oua-l the bo'ieij; u.k
; ing mere than a hundred, vsrie'i'-s lor La
liPcs ; in Mi-'es' and CLiblrcn' s ttirrt v an
i ky or-etall cnn!peliuui : all :hat are made by
( n.s Lave- -TAMrro on the kid fmtw -ltvj k'ns
Hi.nn Skirt Mar.ufae'orv . No. t'.lH Arrli Pt..
Phiisdelchia and are warranted to r!n mii-
C.ction-. , , .-
S:-3- A -eats for" tbi' "ZZVr V J TSimX"
FKlnT. tlira.' plisb'e Keop tkirt made,
e.MI; ;to Dr lley's ,' lHiplea iiiplic'' skirt,
awl at much !uer prices.
ANo. const-ittlv ia receipt of a fi'Tl sssort-
men' cr e?u t:sjc'u lucae .Kns wiiu n ars
bein; si '-l at vtty low prices. Kid pi- 1!I
afnl mct flic fastei:?,! f-
eeae. K'J
S'l fti.rrnTa
; springs Si e.t'. i'5 springs' jl . Io.
a' "r address by mail, iuclo ing Stamp for
Pestiffe. 1 '-:--!' '
c. -ib AliCIi Street, I'DiLA'A '
3J.TT. 83mv v - ' '! v. ! . .' r
ClTT HOTEL. Corner of Mariet ar,d Rafl
rad Strceis. onrosits Cm H..-1. i
! rntt tTre ".opposite tie Kaiirsad Depot
HARI Sli V Ii O. TA.
J ,s.rKiM as mcttersta as those
I MM ,