Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 03, 1865, Image 1

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, 3 1 i ! I I , , i ! I 4 4 1 1 J
bh ooiiaTrrotio!. TOTibly'0HCS'tE&0, Ta' LAWg-3
J VI II f I II I - III II ' J 1 1 ' ;
f Ai Vril Ui
t : ' . , . . . - -J J ,!- i .u.; t,,- :j trr
VA I. CISS & Co. ..! UL..'li ' '"-u ",
,' -x- ........ 1 -
,: -,; ... - - EDITORS. ; .
- . !...' I-.: . .... . ...
DR. P. C. UCXDIO, or Pattcrsou,
P.. wishes to infona his friends and p-
Bridge S.Mt opposite loua Jru.u.,.u..
Prti-tf :
r of Tomb
iEUEEX CATENET, Manufacturer of Tomb
Slones. McAlistenrilie and Mifflintowo. All
work put up in the most tasteful and sub-
tanti.il manner. Oire nin- call,
april 13-C4tf.
Pa.teron. Ta.
i:. C. STEWET, ;
XifUnlown, Juniata Co., I'a.,
Offers hio professional services lo the pub
lic. Colluciions and all clher business will
receive prompt attention. Office 8rst door
Jrtli of Bclford's ?iore. (ufstairs.)
,MiS!':ntown. Jwaiata County.
Pa.. - OiEce
fa Main Gtreel
Soat'j of Bridge str ct.
-rrriLLuii m. alliaon,
. Atfomey pt Law,
ZiALL AND EXAMINE I 6iAir. -uuth, 4 e were very much struck with tie similitude ; Klijabeh itiver, past Portsmouth, where We areairain on the rapine canal but lev. ' dwellin-s of the white natives.
V eur Stock of Ready JlsrfetloHiinp nciare , i.tau of.Jshn y ll.ttle. Att'i. . .ss.in.t5T. mA vt tiv .... .... . . .. ". .. ... .t.;. ,. - . ic
TouP'irchae K'?rhere, yon will find on , Notice is herufcy gWen that of Adn.in- ' v , , . we MUU Will see some or tne rams, ot ; ei wttti tlie weean or at least j n line wa- ; part we loiuw mat, 11 mey eonunua 10
kaad a geod swrtmeni for M n aad Rjvs ' is.ration on iue ertiu of John N Hittle. late ' l."0. ston,',ed t0 'oe how most uP,TeaI-J tlie g- yar( e bu totaly destroved ; ter. We travel a few miles and wo enter improve and adv-.nce at tbe same rate ani
ware, waich Ui be sold cheap for eafh or ! of 'jte township,' deci..l - bare .,-' Ministers, E l t rs. letter writers aad public i , r ! , . . , , . A ' ... ' i - 1
."V.i.,;. y i, ranted to the nude?,,....! 7'! .i:";.. . .1,.,. .i,.,it.n.,ui. t.; ,s , '! bv tbe Itebels four years ago. After we ; the N ortb as it is called, but. tor our with the same prcseverence, which ap-
Jlfllril i'nlilif ssta:e are rciutsted 10 make immediate pay
i? -.rtv. , i,,;n .!;. -ill t!aie
7:11 attend lo ail business enlrusted to his
tite. OHice on Main Street, MiiSintowa, Fa.
fpiIE undesigned will promptly aend to
L thf rnllsetinn of c'.ain:S acuinst citb'T the
K.ii. nr minnnl GiiTermr.ent. Pecsions. Hack
I'st. Uountv. Extra Pav, and ail oiher eliims
,-.Mng out of tiic present or any other war,
. 1
attended to.
Greenwood. My 12.
Homeopathic Vhysldan.
Office in Thompsnnlown, Juaiata Ct). Ta.
fja Dr. Sorg pnic'ices the Homeopathic
Pysiem of Med-.iiie. whih bas sooften proTen
its superiority io the cnnraoii lrug Practice.
He respcetfuUy offers his services tolbe cit- I
lie as of this county. Charges UiO.iemte.
I b. 25, 'G3-tf
Tensions !
Pensions !
. i t. prr.-in.vs who I'Avr. t.r.r.N mt
sons who intend applying for Tension must
oatt on tbe Ex-imining Surgeon it. know weth
er their Diiubiiity is ruffieient to entitle them
o a Pension. All dtsabieJ Soldiers will eali
oa the undersigned who Las been appointed
l'eutioa Examining Surgeon for Juniata and
djoia.ng Cuuaiie.
P. C. RUN om, M. I..
'- Patterson, Pa.
Sec. ?. lSr,3.-tf : ' . : ' ' '
OrricR or ih Jcmava CorsTT
t'STT 1
Perrveviile, Oel. 10, 10,
.WE do hereby certify that the Committee
on Manufactured Articles has awarded to
Cti.'.HLrs Vi. Wehikl tbe First Preiuium for
tbe most ;ub?UBtittl. neatest made, and best
taisaed sett of C'b.iirs.
G. W. JACOBS, r.-foj'r.
William Hexch. Secy. j-tnlS
afler Monday, December 20, lfit4, l'.is
eeer Trains will leave rditHia Station vis;
Philadelphia Express.. 12.43, A. M.
fFast Line 5.41, A. 31.
Fast Mail.. 11.21. A. M
Pittsbg. &; Eric Exp.... 11.12, P. M
Uarrisbg. Accmtnod.... 4.15, P. M.
Pittsbg. k. Erie Exp.... 3 27, A. M J
fBa'timore Express 4.5!, A. M.
I'hilaJelphia Express.. : 0.3, A. M.
Fast Line 5..W, P. M.
Mail Train 3.5. P. M.tl
tEiafgrantTrain....:.... 10.07. A M fi
9aily except Sunday. Daily exoept Monday.
J Slop at Perrysville at, 11:23 (if fl iged)
11 .204:59-. ' Stop at Thompsontown al
i:.4. 4:4).-
J Stop at rerrysrille at 3.19 (if flaged)
8:4a .3t. Thompsontown' at - 8.23 9:00
K flaged )
Tlie Patrsns of the8KNTiHiLwho may visit
Harrisburg, or desire a f class Picture
should by all means go where tbey take the
most sp lee lid tutenetist ever gouen up .any-
wiyro, waieh is at
, JEREMIAH Ll'ONS, ette township. AU persons knowing them- j tired of Uarrisburg, end anxious to get j fust in the mud or sand, oa which there j ready , g, I c.we after making a tew j pure and delightful sea breeze, and we
f Attorney-at-Uw selves ind.i led tw Bru,c.4 .f'.way, so yon may j.idge we enjoyed U very ; are several companies destined for the ; era, wm,rk, in rerefcnce to the rou'e I r t",d ' " d Pi:u!cr. tow-'
iI:;otown. Juaia'a Co., Pa. fellO imuiediate payment and tlioi'e liaTin claims; . . - . . . i r tt ; -c . r
I will please present them duly authenticated ; much. e had two pas-seDgcr cats espoc- j same point and which started nom H-ir-, pr0I1 .Jlorfiik, -the crantry, kc. The evr lf w remain here a few m.-ibths we
OV-EZ! OV-EZ I r.irseiilenicui. . . j ially for ourselves, so you may culculate, ri&barg about a week ahead of us, and as j wj10je rnte js c lled bV enm th Chesa- I li'-H'' k"" for ourselves. The greatest
T"LnP.utnmr,tv1'7'iaen r;Ct "ght good accomodations, for we pass 'hetu there is gteat excitement j pk , A)Un C-mt,l, but there at- Jiotis wo have to the P!abe is ihe pre-
eut a licence as Avtiooeer, rcspccttu'.iy , f- J I? sl A' 1ICE f j mn Kdd it'd diers travelicg by Railway, as tliey arc outward. Our boys feel very jubilant , j,ut twrt arti5,.;ai euts 0r nnals and but i valence of mu:aetoc, and io damp or
f.r his services to tbe public. AU tetters ad-1 A htMt . Tt-i'men-1 generally put into Stock Cars." Tbe foul"tov'ef ou "belter" luck. So we pa ou and ,wk ot- abnut t,,w A. foar lh ! rainy weather . they are very much like '
tlresficil to him at Liverpool. PenT eounty, or Notice is berel.v giv-u thfit LoMts Tet-tamen- t- s , . , . . . . . , noe ires k isnut mrw r mjr im, tnc . . , . , .
Hiilcre-ttfwn, P ;rrv counts, will be promptly i t:..ry oa the Ksiaie of James Kild. late of; between Harrisburg and Ualtimore nearly iq a tew minutes enter the Loinjoc tut, Lai:inee 0f tjje rout a;i sr,tre's ravi- P. manJ" ct our Jnn.nta b'ljs who are
: 1 3
1 & ttatt Qf ia
jfotije j, hereby KjTen .
aron P JSentlev. dre'd. .
,ale of FaJcltc townshJo, deceased have Veen
gwntcd to the undersigned rcsid;nK in ibe
i II1WIIMJI1'. AIT I - - .t .
IZVIZH i1! rson knoin8 ,b'-
"c'"' "d''),e;o said estnte are req-icsted to1 ,
I r,etoimmed '""5''!?
ig claims win pT.i;BlB.;;:iwott,d v iisflfi'(r,n' p-j
thenticaied fur settlement
f ?0 . tit
, Tk,'i. A".Pw" knowmp tli.nv
selves indebted to said estate are rt. nested in
ilte immediate paynwnt and thco tavinel
claims will pirS present tbcm duly auihcu
tieated f"r tetllemeiit.
Feb-J-tt sAMCGL LEONARD, Adm'r.
J Estate of Robert Karri, dre'd.
Notice is Leteby given hnt letters of Admin
istration on the eotaie of Robert Harris, late
of Bcale township, daceascd, have baen prr.nt
ed to the undersigned residing 13 the sams
toanship. - All psreus knowing tbemseives
indrbicd 10 taid esime will make immediate
Hj ncnt and tlios hnvng claims will please
present tliera July authenticated far sett 1 -men
Feb Ti-ii JOUJi COFFMAS, AamV.
F:f.' I'l'rr IV?'r,
N'oliceis bercbv civo.n that Letters of Ad-
! n:ini!:r;.ti.n on the Estate f l'eter Yolcr lai
' uf l"el.:ai e township. dec'J, iiaTe teen giant
j ed 10 the undersigned of said towutdiip. All
I rersucs knowing tlienjfelves indcbid 10 said
j ,'ut ,hemduly auihcllticatcd for settle-
Mar 20-6t
Etta re if Jmcs Crater.
! N'o'ice is hcrebv riven that letters of Admin
; istration ou the Estate of Lewis Cmler, late
; of Menroe township, deceased, hare Jf1
i.ri.mo.1 m tSe iin.lnrsivced rcsidios in r V
lu?-arora t jwnsinp. doc d.. have been gra u-
ed t the undcrs:gned residing in the earn-
tewn-bip. All persona knowing themselves
lebtcl to fail estate are rejnr-iri ";
immediate paymfn", and these tavini claims
thereon will pW present them duly authen-;
ticated for se'ilement.
MariSGl ; JAMES K1I1. " '
AT.PTTON .'.hil .
The u-idersigncd offers J0 Vie
ins had. very 1ar7e"expence. and feels '
Vbo 'ma' 'em 'o "'"le'ma ? t'e addie.-ed
at MiSiutorZ found aJtuVmeTia Fer-
who .niaJ fmV"y him
manngh towm-hip. Urdurs may also be left
: '
II. F. Ralpcr with O. W, Itecil, iCo-
8 LOT H' 2.52 8, '.
Also, Jobbers ia
North ide, between Fourth and Fifth,
' ; ) t&ua
No. ;20 ARCil Street, above ii.'th.
PHll.ArF.LPin A. ;
JlariBfucfurer. and Dealer In
ATtCllGS ,
F INK J E"W E L 111, .
And superior Sliver Plated Ware.
March 23, 1305, 3mos.
Na-14 Nonh rsKfOND .Stnlt. Corner
Aa assortment of
.-Watches, f ? '! -;i ' j ! '
- i ' Jewelry. '
Silver Sr.
Plated Ware, f
i n. -..vi. . . f.W If. 41'
constantly on nana, cuuauie itr
iaf itepirirg of Welches and Jewelry
prouiptly a: leu le i to
Children to Bind Oat
of Milford !
rpHE : Os-erseers of the Poor
X townohip have twelve Orphan Uuidna-;
lSnvs aud rir'is from 7 15 vearsail ate
a tiiildrta
for, wsoin they "dt-sh-etoiJrocure. smtnlewe, arrivea in aoout aa hour or so, alter
homes, either for tticir oaramg.nuu ciotuct i
0' will Dinu tnem ior a certain numucr ui
years. For pariiculars apply to
t - a AlLXOLli A Att3 I l
Milford, tp. 1
IWpri'iFI I
Jan 18 joi ,
j'j -M w. a.;levehing,;;. , , ;
Lmubir & fcommlMfon Merchant
"1 r. CaHoWhill Street Wharf, ' " f
x 41 " - ' Philadelphia, Pai '
' Supplies of titaer, Staves, Locast PinS,
Tlnnn Pofea. ks kt and Lnmber rfceralyl.
! will bo purchased, contracted for,-orreoeived
f.B commisr.o-B. rt t ef he shipp
. Feblo
iM't fffct 'IflrfriT- '" '!toti?erc:int''e 0ness' The Build -
: - 7 - ' ' - : -os prettj much all have a'Very dilar.t -
. THOUGHT OF- . ...
When we a few weeVs ago compared th ea-
nt of I,e5!le8., tL,,ci,: f.-ibM ot Mo8M'
. W,U,!8 'Aouht tow his JcJ
ntry bring us' editorials,!'11 tke eveaing until about 10 o'clock the
tters, &Q.,' all speaking ; nest morning. Whea we started on out
pers all over the count:
speeches, sermons, letters, &c, all peaki ne :
of tho Great Emancipator as a scoud Moses.
ids, In one of oar exchange we Sud tho
' ..
Cg: " ...
The nation has lost a father ;
Tbe people kave lost a friend."
When tempests round lis gathered
lie did our rights defend , " 1
. , - i , '
Like Moses, on Mount Pisgah, '
lie vittwjd tho priaiised land ; 1
Bui uot peiaii.tjd To enler,
Thou(a peace so uear at hand.
Cut now wo loan oa Joanaon, '
. V.'ho wilt a stftdyii:.oi.
TCill lei.d us safe, like JoJ.ue. .
Tii! peace shiaet on ear huid.
. , : B.OASOKE IsLAXD, N. C )
April 10, 18G5.; J .;
Fhiend Gi'ss
I thought I would write
a few lines aud give you a description of
our Journey to this place. I do assure
you a jolly trip it was we left Ilar'risburg
on Mouday morning the' 3d iust., 'and
1 went UUtimore. We all appeared
i 111
; ,j (,ie a)OU ,(B;ntown are faBJIl
( ,
;iar With. So I will pass by it. , .
Vi c arrived at lialtimore in the alter
noon, formed in line, and marched
through the City to the Soldiers Ket
where we reuiaiued until Wednesday af-
ternooa. When we came to Baltimore
ou :doudty there appeared to bo great re -
' joicing over the lail of the rebel Capitol,
"Iliere was vreat dmriav ci Afi.etirati
; j "
! Cas fr"m ahuost tuildio--the
emblem of our Nationality and the pride
ot our g!orious couutry tho land of the
fre d 'he Lome of the brave. We
: were greeted-with applause i and . the
wa'v'nn haudkerchiefs by many of the
. . 1 n i. .u T . j:
citizens, and especially by the Ladiea, -as
we.mqrenert through the city. ; Uur tnys
appeared to Ik) highly pleased with Bal-
iiuiorc. e g..i a mi.c-i,c( ' '"c
at the bauds of I'ucle Sam than we had
Leon getting at Harrisburg, and we had
considerably mere liberties and better ac-
f commodations al! of which was ccrtaintly
. very agreeable to the whole company. ' I
j Ualtimore accordiug to our opinion is a
Tery agteeable, enterprising and . business
. place, but is a very iil contrived, irregular
land badly laid out City -ti and in point
t,f beau'y and clcauliueis, tnd taste is
j far behind Philadelphia. We uow leave
i alt imore on eduesday , altcrnoou for
Fortress Monroe, by -Steam Boat dowa
thc Chesapeak Biy, and travel all , night,
3& i and arive at Fortre 3Ioeroe about joou!our blankets aud take li good oil snooze, opposed to a life of indolence uuwilling to i try aguiust iu nuiuerotw f.jes,- both at -'ylThureday,
the Cth, and we stayed ; there 1 8ppareot!y quite unconcerned after ail, ' allow our.selves to rnst.. we . thought w ' hotne acd abroad, and had so widely con-'
three or lour nours ana.aau me pleasure Dut before Urea nature s sweet rcstoter : wnuld write yon a. few lines and. artfmpt ' dux-ten ins loverereertt, his country ande
of takicg our old friends Weimer. Notes-, has rendered much sutisfaction or lenellt, a brief descrirwioa of the Tilan-L .inhabi- (its interests, through the dreadfu! ordeal ;
tine Brown, &c.," by the hand. Our j wo are suddenly waked up by' great tu-j t.mts'. &c. First. I wenM state that there f of a gigantic insurrection ami internal
Mifflin Boys, who are at the Fort are all . mult io our little , camp,., occasioned by ; are nearly two futl reciments ii volun- i war,- unto a svecessfVil issue when we
hale and hearty. Fortress Monroe is a j considerable stoim und rain,: some of -the j fcers cm the Island. ... The Colonel 'of the look uj-m those "glon'oa' emblema
delightful sitnatii n aud we were all very , i,.gU blowing over aud pivrng tfs a small ! lO.ld Usio-t:t is eomma-idor of the Post-1 draped iu warning it 61lcJ the.' hearts '
favorai.ly impressed witb' every thitrg tast of no April shoer iu North Caroli-! 1"e of the 10st Lsve no commander, or land souls of the men (with a few eitp.
al odtj the place ; but ye were. hJt perm ft-
cd to tetunu there long emotgn to esatu-:
iic 'be place aud Fort thoroughly; aS' we.
laj 0 take .'the Boat for Norfolk, where
had to lake, the Boat for JNorJolk, where ;
.' : '.. :i -.. ' :' "a . ".I
we lett the jtort. nn naj lorraeu onr
r.' ..: . i a.. .J I...t ..:! :i,l ' .
opinion froui what we tad heard and read
ot iNoTioiK that it was i an uneoutn as wen
.' i.i- i i? 1
as a filthy, and of course r. aa unhealthy
" V ' www ww . . " ""J
p'aeej and we were not at all dwappom ted
as we found on taking a Ft rod i through
the town that there waa . very little ym
metry, .indeed I may safely say, there jsj
not the leabt exhibition of form. pr Listo jbe prtfor ible At length the storm abates
about the town, with, the exception ;of aaud daylight appears aod n use feels
fow Stores which are kept , by Yankees, ,mncb hurt and the' whole Camp again
who have gone there suicev the , war, and
are bugiasia to introduce soma Uste in
datel and filthy appearance 'Srid on ma-'i
king inquiry, I was told by old rcsiden ts
tliat it was far worse before the war. In
liV.C,!b rm n VrMi. -r,A IT TT.Tct
tie bovs all not verv tired of Ncrklic,
0kuK nV. -t.. ,W fr.,m five
1 way towards lloanoke, we started up the
left Po tsmouth w had a lonely travel of
many kiiles through the Great linial
Swaiup of Virginia.:, After we travel
about tta miles .through the Klizibeih . which the North river euters. We pass ! tablLhei for theui whicn are well C'ci
liiver, a enter the Dismal Swamp Canal j about tweuty miles through this aiid we j ducted and which are well attended, and
or Virginia Cut, which is about eight or j reach - the entraace to the Albemarle ' which hue already greatly improved the
uiae wiles long, and conoeets the Eliza- j Sound. Th ;re we cat anchoT aod spend j race. ' For our part we think the Island
beth Hiver which npnears to be at least so j another uighi on the surging waves, it not j might be made a very agreeable p'ice of
far as w mvch-d it mjre back v.ater beiosi Bafe to enter tho sotirid aftr eight j residence, if brought under the inPu
ftota the ClieMSjeako Bay with the lldck-j Under the circumstances "f end a ! euee of a few years of .Yankee caterprise.
wter t'latv-which i very well uatut i, .rex..,narlT -p'.cissnt tigr.C on the ' I- is very 3::t. 'tis true, Lut pool water
as.the water is as much the color ;i pale boat, when Sabbath morning . ajiiiears U esily obtniued and w'lere it has oot
black iak as. any thing else you cou'd bright and delightful, so wa haul up tho i besa much farmed the soil U g-wik It is
compare it to, atid a very flat water with i anchor and etart down the Snuna to our naturally a rich sandy loam, but the na
apparently no current at all, the Stream 1 present Haven, after making about twen-1 life farmers know nothing of, or at least
if it can be called a stream-, I don't think ty-five miles, we arrived at this Island cf ' make no cHurt at, retainiug the soil, but
would average oae-half mjle iu width aud 6and. huckelberry bin-he?, pilch pine, ic., continue to skin it from yenr to year,, ua-.'
is v'ery'crooked and is about tweufy miles , marched across to the Island to the wrnn j ti! the soil h all gone, , and there is nuth
Iou2 and i: uaviuable for ordinary fteam-1 are irreetei with a hearty welcrme bv ' 'n '"-ft reuiiiuiiia . but a fine sand. The
boats. : This water opens out into what is'
I c-slei the Kertuck Sound, which is a
much larger water than the Flats.
We pass, through this abouttweoty
miles when enter a small Bay called Coin-
jock Bay four and a half miles through
iu which we fiud several vessels stuck
which is a cut or canal five or six miles
long and within the water of the Bay
with those of the North river. But here,
I aud before we get through this cut. we j pnrt. and you have tide wiier on the
find the most important point ia the;n()rt1l ,nJ aNo on south of said l.?k.
r whole route from Ilarrishurg to Baanoke, j Cllno?rT nn both fides of the waters
j or at least is rendered to to us, by the j tv,ronn wh;ch- we lapsed is ninr; mra'-s
; slight initiation we received hero into
' the realties of a suldier's life. A e ar'ued
lu.i .-.hunt ilait and ut e lold Lv the (,jn -
i - : '
uiu of the small stemer that we iaut
! st0p here and wait for the Mail Steamer
j wbich world be along on Sunday, so we
got off and mareli out a little distance
Unto a sandy cmnmon, oppisite tLe. tort,
which is garisoned by a New Yotk But -
i . . .
! tery, and uwtong' iireks and fell to
. work at pitching our tears m the dark.
j Some go theirs up 'right good, so :hey had
. a ooa oomir.ahie ener.ef agaitist tne iui-
dending storm, but before we dare retire
I to rest for the night we are called upas'
0 rut out nickets as there mii:ht. i as we
were toltl be some dauber Iroiu rebel guer-
ilias, Here "us Rreeuies" get our first
l(le2re8. Some efour most precautionary
;anj peacefal boys' cosclude it best to
adoi,. old Abe's plan, or www reported
j to j. ylA slJ!c nfter ,1 crst baule of Bull
(Run. luaniir to'slecn with, his boots Oa.
j Some thought We would be ready then at
ja motuects1 warning to pitch into the Rebs '
!or 'anyihicg else, as cir.-'uuis'tan'ces Flight '
dictato, . Howevere lay dowa. between j
ni. Oafowirteut wh'di is occupi-jl , by
jj. Fi-sick, Charles Weitzel aud my- i
if, giviug i..y .at ; oue ;;side,. we !
; crawled' out, and secure
crawled' out, and secure the' canvass to'mcnt- but will soon bo mustered out
- ' ' ' ' . - .
terra ' firma ' and '.crawl i hack again !
. without receivin"
ivin 'moch dima?3-r-uk.e
a laugh over the remarks inda'ge l in bv j
.gome ot ouBoys., as one curses Jeij. Ua -
j vis, the Souihetn Confederacy, or souae j.
.. .
Hv UUUIICBU lU. V'J wk a.. ) VI CVUIW. .
. body else, for bringing upon i thtso direi
troubles. ''One thinks ' his' pig ' pen at
York would be abeTter place i to lodge jo',
another, tliiuks his Pprch at Mifflio, would:
.assumes iu usual happy appearance
. .We'aU 'fiMi" t?' tt ;n9'.'W;!:Tcnt1
jnjoro firmlj, witlj the eipectatioa of at
1 Jeast cnttinir in another Bight here.
But by the lime W6 are fairlv done fixin
the Boats which we passed tip in the
Bay came along being towed by two
! QiL. ..UI,. ,i.;La T ..
! buckle on our trat and eet aboard, bid
' r.iv r.t v. v.,V ..!
; tcry, Shaving Suttler, intelligent native,
j colored folk3, and every body else, and
' cast a a wishful eye to distant Iloanoke.
life we could not fee where the river was.
j It is merely at le.wt the pari we passed f
through jsai arm of the Albemarle iuio!
Cantain Musser's bovs. af'er trh'ah ve
stacked anus, pitched our tent and put
a vpry pleasant night, and are very fa -
j Torab, jm reilse(i w;,h the Mtuation . hav-
j reasonao y cooa water, enough to
j eatj antj not very ,ar(j joty l0 rerfrm-
j j fear j ave wear-ej Tour patience al-
at;on tj.;s jg :n Vir-uia Cut or
j j);,,, Swawp Cena!, the Northern
j Mrt ;n jrtwer tj,a the Southern
n):irv1j !ir,, rec,j q its.ji4mtl re-
, tj) j tj,ere
a tiu:-cra
: . .. . ... .
) loosaig pover'y stricunn bno!raMjn, soiie ,
of .hc brt?) tht ws wc,r4 vrr 0Tv'f
! fjr thc Mifirej we W(,re m!ik;"n? t"a I
j r;n . pnsse,s!nn of sac! a ca-ry.
j W"h:u T am wrifinir I see onr' ctttp arP I
. jj ; at W(yrk - b:i;Id!a" darihle ltd-ing
; hr : r , .p t
1 J
Cn t.jam br Ki 1 w:th 1.,z and tW9
ut l.n.-1,!,njf, W1ik:r? a.'rer. "
j Bf-a1 p,e3,c i,, onr'- Comntn -
; j nffir, .,i nnr RiMnti ,n n-en-r.!!
We arc all in toWolyWnd health a!!abl3.:aBi jbe pfre is the we Ves
to stand erect, F"me Jet! ;'ng fat. ' 1 terd.ry evening the two P.eg-monls were
- Yours Truly matched w thefront of the Color.c's IIeai-r
' ''. - II. D. W. q't irters to have read to u the good
news of the surreuilcr f th'S rehe! ar-
ANOTHER LETTER .HTLEllATS t mies attd the cessation of hostil t
xOANOKF Tst 4VT. X. C. )
... April 21st, 1835. j
Fqiexd Guss,
After bavin? redded
on this Island of m-viii toe ; w-od licks.
snakes nnd-sand. for newiy tw weeks,
anl not be-ns nartinnlarly ensased. boins
'Colonel ye not being .organiwd yet,
and the
the ir&neral impression Is that we '
re will
have no Colonel appointed for the . Real -
again. . . For my part I;buiM ot- nothing
t'of the kind, and if I should have stay
the entire year,- I shall not be disappoint-i"C
.e - i - ,'lheonly. Uegimeptal sjihoers we
v . --vf- i.l: 1. rr-
have are a 3aj'r apd aa Adjutant. .
" . w u ... I .... a. - - J -
Island rues from the North to the. SimHi
and is frunu six, to eight miles in .leajth
'and from two to ..three in breadth. . The
old inhabitants appear to have bo idea of
tue Biie oi ure tsiami. iuct are ccriumiy
very far behind ! the'aje In -ereryihtffg,
in steoeral informatioa, as well sa ia tgri-1
cultural science, thrift,, frugality, aud
geaenl enterprize. , Tter? aro about
! 250 or 800 wiuto inWnitant ami Lout
S0C0 colored. A'sircat maioritT ' of the
latfer are refuzees front alaverv and hare
j heen here nnilar the protection ,of the
i Government.1: All who are able are tuaJe
I to earn their own livini. ITnple Sam lit
appropriated several hundred acres "for
the benefit of the clored refu?ee3. ta be
) used by them as home stead, and oa
i which they have ereeted bouses aome of
which compare quite favorably with thft
For our
; pears to ch-A.-acle-iK then at present,
they will soob La advaucs oi their- w
uelhbors. There have been schoo'a
! Kteatcr portion of the Ldani is still oov- '
i with timber, brn.ihes, &c, tHc principle
! tiailer Tseing pitch piue. The climate is
i deli-htful, the sans ravs are strong and
j be "ppressive, were it not for the coustant
j breeze but as it is cue scarcely fee's the
j effects of the sun, there neing a constant
! vorJ Ki'tonous aud are not at all satiaGed
'iL1 haviuo tfie W3C na'ure supplied,
! are ',c0' oa drawing double rations.
' u"t CT tucrely st-ne out ofjut-f
' 'eo tl' t!,e Government and to ourselves
i tllat at Srst'and for a while after we hal
1 "'"V'ii -re the ration) were i j'Lrile short.
( wwio'g t j o nuay taeu coming rath.er uu-
: espeetediy, and there being but a uraal! -
. iimnlg nn ....! .nrt v,.:. '
"i.-J '"""""!" p -na". kciiisj eo
-r away froru any eomrr.isry depo so
that the luea were dep.i.ed 0f ,,jae
thtuss that they would .otLcrw;.e have
had, hut we thiak there w-.s i.o caae for
j cwp'amt,
jedthat so
i . . .
although we Lsve h!'a inf rm-'
some correspondent rf .'nniata
! Kw'r has clwrjrtd tbe R-putKea?
i r n"d to he Tttion tail an J
1 lpo"r of the ' admintVrattoe . la
I u cm'.iaoatits. lb,i an untruth
wn.ca thrcs rousic cheers were given by
the boys. But when we tyrnei to fooi :
agaia upon thestars and the stripe which "
I were siiently and gently 5 jatiag in "the '
: hreere abuvc u drauel in monroinr for "
! the oeat h of our lata and most c-ce"!cnt '
! Preditlcot, Tdr.' Lincoln, who ' 'iri gty
; Criuly and so ierit!'y rtood by his couu-
i tion) with feelings of tie deet for-
i row, that ibs father of freedoel himself
i had at lr,st to suffer marterdon for the
tCreat cause of freedom at the hod of-
1 . ....
trutors dved m'buuio gore.; -But 3 are"
i willLeg to trust to the wisdom in. I honestT
Auiy Jufcooott look:g to lWidraea
ior a-.u, guttenpe au-J protection,, hopmir
,.i..l 11 ...t .i , .
. ' ' ' - VI'"-, Un.ll 9KVU '
lor the ciuse of ? rce Governioeut and -
Free Institutions will luiv'e a tsndeucy to
I make them the laore beloved and appre-'
,c'uted by tbnee wh are permitted to ea- "
joy lueui. i can not wrua more at pres-
ent or else I might weary you so I sub
seribe myself .. -.' . l -
. , ... Your Frieud, " '
n . d. w.