Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 11, 1865, Image 3

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Jfanhta Srntiutl.
"IXTtHK, Caw wl tf !!'
. '
ilthf PrlM of Lihtrtj" !
Ittul llgUnntt
J. after Moudav. December 26. 1804. I'a.
t(r Train, will lea Mifflin Slalica t:i:
Philadelphia Express.. 12.4S, A. M.
-fast Line r 5-41, A. M.
IrutMmil 11.21, A. M.$-
Pitttbff.A.KrieKip..- 11.12. V. M.5
Harrisbg. Aeeinmod.... 4.15,1'.
..... . ". t v "7 A M
rilUDi!.. rnu -'
vPaltimore Kxpresv...
Philadelphia Kxprest.
Fast Line
Mail Train
ilaiiraut Train.:
4.5a. A. M
a nst. a. m. i
5.5. P. M.
3.53. P. M.tJ!
10.07. A MJii
i;y eneplSnndav. t Daily nJ' Monday.
I 8iop at P.rrvsvill. at. lltUH-if red)
H.2C 419- ' Thompijulown at
V.. 45.
; Sfon at Parr.a.UI at .19 (if flaged)
. 43 9:34. (I Thumps alowa at I.2S ifiO'J
f flf.d.)
History of Juniata. Soldiers.
Tit .uiiis-ine.I, h.ag dsiioua s.'aur.eet- j mouths 5ervice in the punurtr cf 1M-, j i:e
ia( ih -1t for a .orepict. liieior j of aU ihe wcnt B ,Iinn y,l0 Ici't a wife aud small ji1'1'' -1'iiiiatia
Janita'.unty. who fcat arvd Jawj, la the Wo.)dj Seltl of Antietam he uu.
im tha Vainn Araiv d'.irinn tb uwiuiii.
Ptfun; solicit from !h. th.mU.v ,
and froai iheir fnend, tl;e folbiwing. amen; j
agt othr i:itere?iir,g -uiv .
. . .......... .,1 with
.h. .ervic. cf e.eh ,f ,.ur CUUon S,ldUr:
lit 8olJir uauie, his rank. Un enlisted. ;
ia what otrpanv, reeiment. wt-re ueresun , ;
.'ora If e.'ilistet, if w.aiul.il, or Vi"el or j
:.! ..;nc naruiiuiars inemh a?. tlic Vat-
ties ia which ha was. how Vng he served. ;f i
.....t:i.4 la .K-l.aread. OSicew or;
Cjmpaiues art rtvieste.1 i- i""i.ii-j
. . i r ,r
e;r oriK:l muster iciis, i a namts. s-c, ;
fall audi :; as aerval ia cfie
tti regiment, n.t here enuma.el '.r. j
wpecialiy -ilicitt l: Cynfaiiy . I a. .
taralry, Co. I 4?.h, , .V V. r I
47th. Co. P lKihCo. y -''.' J. !
la t.av., to. u u. i
. 1! 17 1st. I
a. 2'au.L
r.i I'a. An ,
It is d-ign-id to
. t !-.'
iuttresting materia! wit.i a vitw
,,.vi;. ;t noiiitf dflv v.hen ctuiip
f p.-s.ii.!y I
(-'. So!-:
J.art in the army. crthos l home disvl.arg
od. and Iheir frinndt will please
viitin.;6t in the pr.jt " ') .-X'nl- f r
ir.ik'r.i: wish th J.ia indtca ed aho,v.
a. I., r.rss.
larTl.e !tm!mry c-tleetl'-'n '
. 1
kl. K. ("fturili or th'ia l-orou-.
anniverssry wn5 he'd o t lat
mourned, to Si'iO.
, vv I. uic -
"noJav j
' ;
Viw I'ost Master lro "'ait,
1.?vi Myers 13 to , rf ThoiiiptU'itfowir has
Uen appoiuted Post Master at that .laie,
and has entered rtpon the dnti-s d' the
OTsrrpn. 'e tnte pleasure in in
furmin? our readers that Ja?oh Iln'n-
t hrew a man who from ae and luifliTiune :
ns-fiTl lsrui
i titir.hie to make a livintr a hard LI-t, ;
i-talflccn an intetct in the Oyster S-ah...nScarerulin their correspondence; for the
... C 1 . II... 1 i i. t .,.! uiir.rin.r ..pf1:!.
ti tfie eorner, -rim ctuci a num.
he ni.iv he fuund ready to deal out
Tsters. candies, uu!s .cakea, ko., ie., to
all who eit itive him a call. There are f
I'ew with whom we would sooner ppend n j
;.i'r thru vitu old Jucuh Humphrey.
Tr.e Ladies' Soldier's aid. ?.ciety of
MifHin, IVterc-on, and Vicinity, acknowl
tdpe the folluwing Contrihutii-us, from
Lack twp. Juniata Co. I'a. collected ly
iliss Elir. McV,'i!!iam.
fasli S.S.") 1 pk, dried Aj.pk-t, pk,
Rlderlerries, J pk, Waclbcrrie, pk,
White Beant, 1 dried Corn, 2 Toli 1 pr,
Tillow CV5. 2 pr. Stockings.
E. C. Stamhaugh Sat'.
' '
The LkgisLatu be. The Legislature
f this State met on Tuesday Ixst and or-
L-Bniiediv e eetint? A m. J. Turrell, cr -
K?u , ' . !er was ahscut from home, and the fire was
Susquehanna county, speaker, andtteo.. ,
, ;,, , - . c ,1 d'oeotored by his wife about three o clock
W II.B.ctrty.. Uerk of the henato , , in a
and A. G O mstead, of rater Speaker , 8
and A. V. Benedict, Clerk of the t Hoe. . P J -
On Wednesday the Governor a Messsgo ' . , i l j
was read ' fiamcs. They however succeeded in
. .. ' . saving a good portion of the clothing and
PAttTiEs'ro a Slit as Witnessed, .me of 1C i urniture. Mrs. Stoner was
Within a very short tiae it baa been
' 1 . , i - IP!
diseoviired that in an appropriation bill
pasfed by Congress on the -I ol July,
IgrJt, there occurs the following" proviso
:i the third section : ' Provided that in
the courts of the United States there
lialli e no exclusion of any witness on
wnnnt r.f rulfir. nor. in civil actions, be-
cause he is a party to or LI)aui to keep us warm in winter; but i.
hsuc tried. 1 Lis introduces into tuc "" lu ""t. . - . -
U.ited States courts the practice now 1,. j very dgenms . and destruettve when in
foee io Eu'-land, where plaintiff and de- controlled, , TuP. people can not too .arc
iendauteau be examine! in their own guard, against gangers ar.smg . from
esses. wh.nr m trial: -The innovation j its use. Uirty chimneys, live coals in ro
.... . ,i . " ... r fne BshM H'arks and matches falling
. i . j :
crtra in navf rrai'tu , i ur hvi.c
. z ; . i
nearly 1
the mcrabera f rfhe br until a
A Stort. Wc ar indebted to Cyrus
' Morrison for a copy of the Palmetto Iletaht
published in Port Royal, S. CY, for whicn
we have takeu the interesting 6tory putr
' lighed on our fiftt page. ' '
' Home. We were pleased to see the
frieudly countenance and patriotic face of
') Ferdinand Rohm, of Co. F 16th Cavalry
io our sanctum the other day. We wish
. hitu lota ul enjoyment, during his brief fur
i loujjh.
Couiiacr tub EsaoixMixr. Theea
roilmeut iu'uiuy towa is by far too
I. i .t. . .. ...:c.i
large, aui iuo ur.it win uj ulujiiuui
unless t'jrrucaoni are uiido. The follow -tu
classcss should be stricken oQ :
Dead men,
Men in the service,
Non-residents, -
Thoe who have served two years,
All drafted in 1SG3 who paid :100,
Those under '20 year? of are,
Those over 45,
Aliens, .,
Those having manifest disability.
Many are enrolled twice or more,
some are not enrolled at all
l nesc
lit ti be corrected. Every town
should hve public meetings to examine
its list of the names enrolled, to detect ;
the errora and frauds. i
- P... ' Tl,n lit. -..in a T.il.i.lie
.v Ltr.ri i.A.if- -
s.ivs it bus tne nam:" ani reliable au.n on ;
iv for the following :
It altars that with ne of the com pjn. ;
fell, was buried, and his wile afterwards
... ii t . i .
erred, bronsrht home
uiiu ic-imt-mu lu t " "-
1 . .1 ... T IT. .. I... ,
Cemetery. - A year (iiicrwiras sue -
aptin, nt.J iu d'K- time a child was
iiirUC, II. V .Ul.l l-l
W hen the call for 500,000 troops was be-
: filled up.-last fall, the reond hnsbwid .
is;d and is uw in the army. A short
.... rii.a nnr fiiiftiiiii n-i i
. " . .
a!ivtf aud nav ins; t.e.'n i.taeii pi iti-nei .
at ,.;,.,,. it-ciesd ..f I -cine killed, lie
- tl.ds until the
, t .Savannah. Of courte
c i . 1! Ml '
the irt.c re . 'l'u-pr 6 5 1 "
,.. t5i. -iUhr lio was orn-c kinod
;wieo burie 1,
v'i-vfd two vents ii Kebe
L.::-vii. ntid yet rtiue
home Mine, is ,
cci tuinilv cntii'v-d to l is wife.
'Truth is
str-ur tbso fiction." The q-fry is,
' -who w.i l.uried in the I'einetery ? ' :
CAUaLksu WKITISS. ' e note ivoiil
VAi.ue---T '"' -
.i .. ,,i ,.f l'.n,Mt,.r (Jen-
iiu- i.-v-j'n ivjwi. . ... . .....
. .. ,.1...i;,rr ,,,m,t of cvelcss-
'"' - '
ness llic 1-art of tlie Idler' writing,
t-..T..v,i-.1i(V ll"-ce million live hundred
u.r.iiiuii. ,
: t.n.i CiL'lil tuuusanu wi-ru n-it-ncu ui
'.iters Uaria tlu
all.-h contained niono,
.'.,.: , il, lt voir; many ol
voir; many
deeds, cheek?-
ir of
r jewoirj- an
, them .vl-O
lei at t:i:
..nly r-'1"1'
i t!:r..' vrjra
I o:
iiiis lire'. !.ad, others uortdireet-ih.r-
uti-:t;n.ped and others,
ii' v dirocieJ. Thousands
. i
returned to the writer.?, but
;:,e jjreat major-ij were ueb.ro
ed. These
should teach the j uhhe to be more
auioi'.ui ui . eu,.n.-.i. ..,...,.....,....,-.
.. - ionelhv these lostletterj is mealculab.e :
and uflicia's are oensuved where the iau'tt
rests with the authors.
T We agaiu solieil our fricodi to fur
uih li.cal cttrs fWiur columns frt iu nil
mrtit.f the county. Those who have kind
ly favored tts in this particular have our
thatA. Ifipe they will continue to do
so. I.U i-tbcr3 & j likewise." : Those io.
torched iu rcadipg local items can greatly
aid us in this departtuett 'by taking a
Iittie pains. I
Housf. Dursbd. A"e regret to learu
that the dwelling house of Michael Ston
cr of rcrnmnagh township about . one
mile from town was totally consumed by
. RrA r.n TlinrcnjV lllrmn? I:IHt. ,M r. C'tOn-
bad; inj,jred during the efforts to save
' . .... ...
souic of the goods. The los.s 13 heavy
amounting to about 82.000 and no in
surance. How the fire originated is iu
rolved iu mystery. Wc sympathize with
Mr. Stoner and his lady in the sudden
loss oCtha earnings of years. Fire is
very eood to burn brush, cook dinner,
matter ijoitable should, all be.!
eavfully w.ttehfd.
Tub duty on Whiskey since the 1st in.
stant, is two dollars per gallon. At this
price, whiskey drinking must be , au ex
pensive luxury, but stilly something will
be old that is called W luskey, though it
be not bin cr less than liquid poison, even
1 '
in comparison with the old stuff that wx
known by that name.
; ' IdKMriUS, Jan 3," '
.... 1 . . .-. t r. -j
via. v;Aiau. uau. u. t-t
' .
Gen. l'aua has Teceived information
from his cavalry furce, sent out from her . marry happy and speedily, IrrefipcetiTo
rr - , . fcf, wtaltn or beauty. This information
on the 12'.h of December, that Tbat you nothing, and if you wish to
struck the Mobile -aud Ohio Railroad' t 1 cheerfully assist you. All let
.... , Tk-T!C'ly nonfidBUtud. Tha de?irel lnror-
niilcs below Corinth, and had, fm ""0 sentl,y return mail, and no question
27th, utterly destroyed it to below Oko-ked, addresa SARAH C. LAMBEKT, t
, fe Grecnioint, Kins Co., New York.
! i
Ion a.
j Twenty-nine bridges, a great d
deal of
j trestle work, ' railroad cars, ol0 army
I wsgons and 4,000 carbines, were destroy.
.. . r , j -i
I Korrests camp or uismountcu men at;"
' Evexona was dispersed, six officers and 20. ( Vrle of chaiie ,) the recipe and diroiti.ns
, men were captured. -0'r making the simple retnoilynsed ill his eaie.
j The expedition did not lose a man. ; I usurers wishing to profit by the advertisers
General Griersun has ordeis to flebtroy i md experience, and posses a sure and viiua
and: the road as tar as Meridan, and relcasa Ue remedy .can do so by ;addrefs.r,? him at
t . T I
... ..;.nAN t ( .'it.iM.-hA if T.nsRlhlO.
UUI j"i.uiii-'j v -- i
.itoer, V bhl. $0 .'.0 Butter, prime fl lb S")
Kiira.-..'.- IO ( Butter, 'Jo rate . 30
12 W Laid, 1'J
! cwt. 3 00 ; Tallow !)
It-.ii-kwheat 4 OO I Eccs. H floi Jo
(Virn Mi-al 2 M iMRK.
;i,.AlN, illog. Jcwt 1100
iiC'l !te:i: : I.MI - ' l.uin, ( iif J
i Ot ISi.'.ns - Shoulders -U
1 60 j DEKF.
1 24 Fore qr, cwt o
1 45 'Hind .,r 10 00
. 1 fiO 1 POULTRY,
lri,:nl.-,.t.a ''-I nmr Si
I'lovcr. "rt bus
. r
: .,;
Trevnlon stove 8
.1 do Epg 8 5-1
,0 l.Sunburv stove 8 00
.vppi.-s, fi l' -
qt J
wj do. Lgg
il2 Chestnut, ......
. 10 IVa,
10 Miied...:
6 I W ttOD. '
8 o' l
7 63
a :
2 SO
3 00
j-( it.,.),,;.
SVw Irish "tJ bu 1 00 Hickory
SwMt 3 00 j H AY,
VARIETIES, jTimolhy, 18 -
I W '''''BeUilcd XrdeUs.
White Bcana... 3 0 .Coal Oil gal I 03
Uec-wax. lb f-0 S:ilt, 'r sack 4 5-)
'p. a ' 1 ; ; W iP,M,eV, ton 10 00
r.n.11.1 20 :
. .. . i a tirfi in I Ol'VTIVT!
wttanea...-i oo uxiata "'IV; ""!
. 5 1 In advanee J O'J
Co '.j wecUr bv Tono & Joar-iic.
' -
It it nztjool that manthouUi it aIot.-(7a.2.18
' On ihef.th inst . by Rov. 11. 11. 1 letclier,
. Mr E. C. Kcnrns. of the vicinity cr i,ewis-
,,",n' Miai Kancjr J. Seiber. of Wa.ker
twp., Juniata Co.
,Ju Ihe above interesting occasion the Sea -
ior Editor andhis Lady were prceut. together
i;'a a large collection of friends, to witness
,...,.;,.. ,i In ih- f,.iivi.
t-.cs for wliicli we return our tnitntisnna pro -
itinco the parties blessing The printers
wish,. a aure f.ire-roanor of fortune, goes with
them in their new relation, invoking upon
them allthjovs. happiness and prosperity
that can fall to'thc lot of m.trlnls. Mav their
... ..
nra!n he fillwl with Measures, their noon
dav abound in prospcsiiy, and their evening
,-i:.. . .,. . :. I 1 I
Ol i:ir ui titu u;f;nu-.-v. u.:vimun evicih-,
wi(U pk.as:int recoUections a! happy
amioipatiotis or ruture rewar ts in a Drigatcr
, h i i .u. .
: , . -
' UcnrT c I)t;1.r uf Lcwisbu.g, I'uion C.. la1
: ...... .......... ' '
saaie ft. iionratt or tuts norougn.
Perry p:ipers please copy.
(in the 5th inst.. by the same, Mr. Jcl.u N.
Howe. Io Mrs. Priscilis Leator all of Ihis bor-
On the oiii inst., by Rev. R. II. Fletcher, Mr
S..lomonErnbaUrtoMUs Catharine Auker
all cf Juniala Co.
On the 3rd inst., by Kev. M. AlliBon. Mr.
Daniel Wtstfall of Delaware twp., to Miss
, h, . , ..... , ,
i.h,abcth T. McAUster.of Fayette twp.
' . M-.in.Mi1.;rmr rivn-ini)"
o '
That well known Tavkbm- Staxo the Jcsi-
- ata HOTEL, situated on Main street, MitSin-
, town, now in the occupancy ol Joseph Watts,
is offered for rent from the 1st day of April
next. It is a large Two Story House, with a
largo Stable and other necessary outbuilidg
connected therewith ; and is one of the best
Stands in the county. For terms &e. call on
A. II. IVeidman or James Kirk, Mifllinlown.
Dee. H.h, 1854.
No. 520 ARC1I Street,
Ha a large stock or
soi 'in sir vVrt w im
superior : plated '
Ut.6-f4, 4 AOS.
l FOR STOCK : ' s
Pc iiii s yl v a n i a
.. . j v..ut.i, i- - - , l:VE in EAR. Prsre;or J. IdA.Vt I am eni.bted to dispose of them at very reas-
ii'ne4'! M. D., Oorusr ami Ait.ist, f-irmcrly cf Ley- ! onahle prices, and I would therefore solicit a
SOfl fJeese, ' den, li .iland, U now located at No 61 9 PlEd I ctt;i from friends of Juniata County and
4 If jTurkeys J UJ . gItfcii PuiLiUKLPHl v, wucrc persons alHicte j vicinity. fcMr.cmcmbcr the Name, Number
3 00 ; COAL. "i ton j ,:,... ,.f ,i, y-c .n,i viit l.e ... i i
i jL Harrisburg, or desire a irtt class Picture
; SBOul,i V all means go where they take the
i. most rt,U,i;,j i.-r. - ......
wnicn is t
110 Market St., Harrisburg, Ta.
if ,
!V,oh wish to marry, ad Jressthe undersigned,
' T.l! send vo
..! send you without money and without
' 4, valuable iuforr-iation that will enable
Mifflintowu, Dee. 21, 18Ut-
A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Dobili
t Iiieomoetencv. Preinuurc Decay, and Youth
I (.1 i'a ni-iimtpil hv a desire to benefit oih-
- ;.;, ,,
. a at U1S rt'Ce C oHlIir?., me t.rcil'U uu
' V 1 . . . . ... ,
li U iiiforruation of vital importance win De
i ubecrf""vscnt J return mail.
! AdJvs. joiin it. ogdi::;.
j . 60 Nassau Street, New York,
f ! p. s. Sorvons Suff. .nrs of both scxea will
Ind this information invaluable.
rnm: foNFESrfioNS and experience
j.J. of an invalid. Published for the beueSl
and as a caution to young men and others.
who sulfer from Nervous Debility. Premature
Decay of Manhood, &r.., supplying at the
.s.ime time the Means of Pelf-curc. 'y one
1 who has cured himself aftnrundcrgoiug con
! sidi-rable quackery. By enclosing apost-paid
lrM enveloped fcitiple copies mty be had of
: lie author. KAT1IAN1KL MAYFAIlt, Kuq..
j Juncl v Urooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y
scieuiitically treated and cute-J, if curabl.
! Artificial Eyc-s inserted wiihout pain.
! N. B. No charges xnnde for Exaniinution.
: The Medical facility is invited, as he has uo
: seenrts in his mode of treatment. .
I Jilyl8l. ly.
Ka.iy jj9r,h SEOOND Street, Carntr of
' - -' 'Trrj. rUILADELVltlA.. .
An aSSCrtnent of
, Watcvhej
i J-welrr.
1 . - (tiltrtv A
. w
- 1'latStt Ware,
jtonstently on hnnd, Suitable fur HOLIDAY
' rrfysExrs'.
I jL 1 Repairing of Watches and Jiiwtilr
I ponfjrt
Uy attended to
Df 6. 1804-1 yr.
atAtHTrtTl ATI T-Vm TT-T'O
ir;-. ,.t l.,i. 1. ..ins '.ate of
t " ""r." j
i Monroe townsnip, iidih,u uuii.j, .ic u.
, H-,w,,t an 0rphnn9. Court, he.d .tM:iT-
. hnlown, in an 1 for said comity o: Juniata, on
1 the !th day of December. A. D. 181 f. before
the Judges of the same lrart. AnEAtus II.
Lims, of Monroe township, presented his pe-
I tition to the said t ourt. statute t.'i;u rturaiia.n
: i l... p... ;.i t.irn.nm.nil iiiimrv (it I'a
1 huj.. it o .unu..-. ........ ,
on or about the 8th of Augttst. iKP I. intestate ;
I And Whereas, in pursuance of said partition,
. a Writ of partition &c. has been issued out of
! said Cuurt and to me directed, NUlD-o is
hereby given to all the Heirs and legal reyrc-
; sentatiTcs of said deceaseu. mat 1 wui uo.u an
1 inquest Cn said property, upon tne premises,
; nn T-5.-lT Till! lOlll DaV or jAStTAKt lt"0 .
. ..- -
at U oclock, A. M. when and where all mter-
; ireiuiie
! S. B. LOLDEN, Shmfr.
; .., Sheriff's Ofiica, Mttllmtown.
. . 1 Ve,!ab" 1M- '
. . -
, Yalllftni'' I'f&ri!! .si E i'iie
Tlia nnilrrsirncd offers at-private salo his
valuable i'arm, on which he resides, eituatea
: in Kenaanagh township, Juniata county, five
-" rtk. -rm
j ifcJL J.C1
Adjoining lands of John Christy, Abram Book.
Joshua Poffenbereer aud John odcr, nenrly
I n of whicU undw good cuUi.
valioa, having thareon erected a two story
weather boarded LOG HuCSE, a new large
' BANK UAUN, Wago'nshed, and other out-
i i,.,;t,nnu ironil -tr at the door and runuintr
I .. .1.. f n-. i. . TI N:.
the Fatm. There is also, a TLN-
ANT HOUSE on the premises. There is
also a good apple ORCHARD on the premises.
Tracts of Woodland near by will be disposed
of also if desired.
The land is of the best quality, the situa
tion convenient, and the neighborhood good
making it a very desirable residence for any
person wishing a fine farm.
Deo. 21-Ct. - JACOB BESHOAR,
Pianos I
i. Maaicnl Instruments of all descriptions
rJfly Pianos and Melodeons w.ll be care
elected for all who wish to obtain a
"hf substantial Instrument of superior tone
J,nalitv bv addressing the undersigned
r ten 7nn experiance as teacher
V 8 to his extensive dealings with the
I i. enabled to buv for his castomers first class
fBStrnments at much reduced prices.
. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Academia, Juniata Co. iV
Miffliatewn Nov , 1864.
i rvr.I.TSll 9PFPIFIG PILtS cure, in less
I than 30 days, the worst cases of ERVOPS-
NESS, lmpotcncy, rremature uecay, cem'"
Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual
and Nervous Affections, no matter from what
cause produced. Price, One Dollar per liqx.-
! Sent, nost-naid. hv mail.' on receipt of an er-
' dr. One Box will perfect the cure tn.most i
... ... o .I.--,, rn !
cases. address. e. di,ii.i.i.
ncralAgeni. 7 Bjoadway, New 1 oik.
tt m.
- Home on a Farlongh:
" This beautiful Steel Engraving, painted by
Sohussele and engraved by Sartain ia having
an rmmens sale, and ia considered by all who
have seen it as one of the finest specimens of
engravings ever gjiten out in this coumry.
EweryJi Soldier's Fa iuljr should
bat e a copy.
Every Loyal House hoi" should
have have a copy.
In faat, every family who has a father, bus-,
bn'ndj or son battling for his country, will ap-
pvecia.rand should possess
110.U& ox a rt ftLoraii.
It will always be a beautiful memorial of
these anxious days and years of rebellion end
This engraving is sold exclusively by
and hers will find this the most pleasant
and rfiotable agency they can undertake.
We ive exelus ive tcrritoryi and will give par
ticulars of agency on application.
We print this plate on a l'J by 21 sheet,
suitable for framing, and will send a speci
men copy by mail, free, on recipt of the price
$'JiO, which is about one-half the jirice
usually charged for engravings of this char
acter. For particulars ddre BRADLEY &
Co. Publisher;, No. ti"5 North Fourth Street,
l-c. o. 1SC5. ,
Old KstublKhcd
No. 718 Arch Street,
above 7th., Phila.,
I havanow in store
gof my own Iiupor-
"M IS station anu .imnu-
k l&l.x IMKST and mos
tiuus.of -
City. Also, a fine assort Jtent of Gent-'a Fur
Gloves i: Collars.
my Furs were all purchased when GuU
was at a much lower premium than at present,
718 AKC1I Street, ahove 7th.. Sonth side.
ADELPHIA! Sept. Jlst, 18U4. 5 dips.
rrench Burr Mill Stones.
Mumiuttcry Liberty ttrc't, near ih Cot
ton Factory.
rpH3 undersigned announces o the trade
X tht he eorit'.tiues to manufacture and im
port direct from the most celebrated quarries
in France, the best qualities of '
Ireut:u Burr .Mill Stones, .
which he offers at reasonable rates, and guar
antees satisfaction to the purchaser. Also,
every number in ue, of the celebrated
Orders by mail promptly attended to, and
goods forwarded by railroi Js, canal, or Ci
pro if desired.
Ko. 10 West State strael, Harrisburg Ta.
Not. 23, 3 mo.
0$u 133 S-ju h Fifth Sine: I'uladclphi.
CAPITAL :.fi00,nV. 210,000. SHARES AT
President, AIexauc!erK. JicCJur?.
A K McCuai, r , J C BoMnKitOEP.,
Tntisia" A Scorr, Jons' M I'omkrov,
DKJackmax, - Elisua W Davis,
PiTan 3 Smail.
.- Secretary, Jaro.es H. Sellers. ' .
" Treasurer, Kl:fta YV. Davis.
This Company has 120 acres of land, ia fee.
on Allgher.y river, immediately opposite Oil
City, nml adjoining Laytouia, with. 110 rods
front on the river, and Ti rods front on Lay's
Run. lion. C. P. ltamsdcll, editor of the Oil
City .Vonimr and agent for this land, assures
the Company that it wiil sell in lots for S1U0,
0iO, reserving the oil right which is worth
S l'JO, Wt) additional. Immediate revtnue Kii. be
derived for the Company from the iiiU oflhcsc lot) :
and the Company have two good engines with
complete fixtures to operate immediately for
oil. The territory in this immediate locality
has never failed to produce profitably.
Also, one Imn lrc 1 acres, in fee simple, in
the celebrated Cherry Ituu District, immedi
ately adjoiuiug Cherry Run Petroleum Compa
ny, whose stock is now worth $30 per thare
The Company now have offers, which will be
accepted, for sinking wells on lease, without
any cost to the corporation and one-half the
proceeds to go to the Company. The Curtin
and St.Nicholns Companies are in this imme
diatc locality, and their stoci is now com
manding a large premium. In addition, the
Company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry
Tree Ruu, which empties into Oil Creek, and
in the best producing Oil Territojy, and 1 10
acres, in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five
miles above the mouth cf Oil Creek, and not
over two miles from the celebrated Reed well,
now producing over 200 barrels per day.
Also, the lease of .three tract of land, two
on Oil Creek, each producing over ten barrels
per day, and one on Allegheny River, produc
ing tea barrels per day of heavy oS, worth
now $21 per barrel. The Company now re
ceives three-fourths of the proceeds of the last
named well, and one-half of the other two.
Each of these tracts will be developed by the
Company by sinking additional wells, and the
engines and fixtures are now on hand to do it.
.The officers of this Company mean to pros
ecute the devclopement of these lands most
energetically, and they have entire tonfidenre
that they will yeild very large dividends of
the capital stock.
Bt Subscriptions mnst be made promptly,
as more than oue-half of the stock is already
Subscriptions wiil be received by
W. M.AX.LISOA' and E. f). PARKER,
. - Mifflintown Pcua.
Oec. 14-3t.
Owing to the high price of all neat cattle
the undersigned gives notice thatoa and after
tha 1st -day -of tie oe tuber next he win sell
Moat only for CASH. These terms most be
strictly enforced without rospec' to persons.
Persons -knowing themselves .indebted will
please call and settle immediately
v -
Dysptpua hat the following Symplomi:
. 1st. A constant pain or uneaeiuasa at lla
pit cf the Btomacb. r j
. id. Flatulence and Acidity. it
;sl. Coetiveness and Loss of Appetite.
4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits.
6th. Diarrhoea, with griping.
6th. Pain in all parts of the system.
7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita
tion of the Heart.
bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat.
0th. Nervous Affc:tion, and wantot Sleep
at night.
10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. .
11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and
Loss of s'ght.
lth. Headache and Staggering in walking,
with great Weakness. '
Out of the thousands of cases cf Dyspepsia
that nave t lr.- V i,ti.tt'i Ureal American
Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of
a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in ever
case, no matter if of twenty years' standing.
Sold by all druggists everywhere, ami at Dr.
Wishari's OEcc,No. 10 N. Second street, Pil
adelpliia Pa. Ail examinations and coimulia
tions free of charge. Send fr a circular
Price $1 per box. Sent ly mail, fret of aharga
on receipt of money. .
Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia.
I, Elizabeth Bb.issos, of Brady wine, Del.
formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that,
for one year and a hnlf I suffered everything
but death from that awful disease called Dys
pepsia. My whole system was prostrate with
weakness and nervous debility - I could not
digest, my food ; if I ate even a cracker or tha
smallest amount of food, it would return just
as I swallowed it ; I became so costive in try
bowels that I would not have a passage inle-a
than from four and often eight days; under
this immene suffering, my mind seemed en
tirely to give way. I had dreadful horror and
evil lorbodings. I thought everybody hated
me, and I hated everybody ; I could not bear
my husband nor my own children, everything
appeared to be horror stricken to me; I had
no ambition to do anything; 1 lost all my at
of family and home ; 1 would l amble and wan
tier from place to place, but could not be con.
tented ; 1 felt that i wa3 doomed to hell, a& J
lhal there was no heavenf or me, and was ofteu
tempted to commit ruictuj, so near was my
whole nervous system destroyed, and also Eiy
mind, from that awful complaint. Dyspepsia,
that my frien js thought best to have me placed
in Dr. Kirkbrido's Hospital, West Philadel
phia ; I remained there nine weeks, and
thought I was a little better, but in a few days
my dreadful complaint was r.ijfing as bad as
ever. Hearing of the wonderial cures per
formed by Dr. Wishari"a Oieat American Dys
pepsia PiiN and his treatment for Dyspepsia,
my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated
my case to him. He said he had no doubt ha
could cure me. So in three days after I tailed
nud placed myseif under the Doctor's treat
ment, and in two weeks Ib?gan to digest sty
food, an l fell that my disease was givingway,
and continued to recover for ubuiit ihrea
months, and at the present lime I enjoy per
feet hc'l'h of body and mind, and I most sin
cerely return my thanks to a niciciful God
and Dr. Wishart, and to his great American
Dyspepsia Pills end Pino Tree Tar Cordial
that saved me from aa Insana Asylum and a
premature grave. All persons suffering with
Dyspepsia are a' liberty to call on me cr to
wr::c, as I am willing to do all the good I can
for suffering huuiauity. Kliabetu Bbanso.
Brandy wine, Del., formerly of Old Chester,
Delaware county. Pa.
Dr. Wishari's Office, Jf . 10 North Second
street, Philadelphia. ,
Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia t
Da. Wishart. I have been a constant suf
ferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen
vears, during which time I cannot say thut I
eviT enjoyed a perfectly well day. There
wore times when the symptoms were more ag
gravated than ut others, and then it seemed
would be a great relief to die- lhad at atl
times an uupleasent feeling in niyhead, but
latterly, my sufferings N much increased that
1 became almost unfit for business of any kind;
my nimd was continually filled with gloomy
thotig'-ts and forbodings, and if I attempted t
change their current by reading, at onca a
sensation of icy colduess in connection with a
dead weight, as it were, resisted upon my
brain ; also, a feeling of sickness would occur
at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes,
accompanied with which was the continua
fear of losing my reason. I also experienced
great lassitude, !"bUity and nervousness, ,
which made it diff icult to walk by day or sleep
at night. I became averse to society, and
disposed only to seclusion, and having tried
the skill of a number of eminent physicians
of various schools, finally came to the the con
clusion that, for this disease at my present
age J-b years) there was no cure in existence
But, through the interfenence of Divine Pro
idenee, to whom I devoutly offer my thanki.
I at last found a sovereign remedy in your
Dyjpejsia PiEa and Tar Cordial, which seem
to Lave effectually removed almost the law
trace of uy long list of ailments and bad feel
ings, and in their place health, pleasure an
contentment are my everyday companion.-
James M. Sanoekb,
No. 4C3 North Second street, Philadelphia,
Formeily cf Wcodhury N. J.
Dr. Wishart's Great Amerieon Dyspep-
am Pills.
This is to certify that I have suffered for tea
yetvrs that dreadful complaint called dyspep
sia. I suffered much pain and distress, with
gloom aud depression of spirit s ; I was treated
by eight different physicians for my complaint
and at times was much better, but then the old
disease, dyspepsia, wov.'.d return with all its
drem ful realitio', and my whole system was
fast wasting away. In this sick and debilita
ted siate, 1 was banded a circular of Wishart'a
great American Dyspepsia Pills, nadl'inaTrea
Tar Cordial, which gave a cotTeet dvscription
of my sufferings, and determined to place
myself ucdcT the Doctor's careaad take hit
medicines. ' ;
A3 soon as I commenced the use of themed
ine, I began to get better, and ao I eontinaj
three months, at which time I was perfectly
restored to health , 1 am to-day a well man.
Dr. Wishart, I give you this certificate with a
grateful heart tor the benefit I have receive!
from the ue of your truly wouderful medicines.
May God bless you and preserve : jour truly
useful life for many years. 1 would say to
every tick person who is sufftring as I was,
that my residence is No. 139 Richmond street,
Philadelphia, where I will lake great delight
ia giving testimony to the great power of Df
Wishart'a medisioas to cure.
F. II. Aum.
The above are a few among the thousand
whiah this great remedy baa saved from an un
timely grave. j - ' -
' We have thousands of letters from phjai
cims and druggists, who have prescribed and
sold these nicdictne, saying that they hava nev
er UEed or sold a medicine which giT9 stab
universal eatisfueticn. . .
Prepared only by Uia proprietor, r , ,
" ,: Or. !.". v. n Uliarl.T
" ' No. 10 ortt becond Sir'r.
Pbi'scelpai a r a
f'i'T1. tiaif fine;
. Fhi'-i.