Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 11, 1865, Image 2

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    imtata; Sentinel.
-"Kavi- k7h. "OJrfr
The Altoona Trtbonc jn Trouble.
J atnVj of like, and a union of land;
A ithioH tin yxurer tlmfl teeer;
A wtiuit ofheurtt, and a vnion ofhamdt.
And the America Union f ureter!
Wednesday Morning, January, II, 2863
. I.. UVSS W.W.O.VT1S, Editors.
7 Lev. 23 : 10.
fst Vroilnim Liberty 3
Throughout tho Land
r- to ALL the -frV
JK- Inhabitant! Thereof, -g
pa- TUBJl'XIA r.l SS.VTJXXI. Tjjf.
ket Larfttl Circulation of any paper pub
lished in this County. It is therefor the
tut vivtriirint mfifum. If is Taper, truly
lys, iMy eor.du.fied. a first elsss Loealist,
sad wail worthy cf the patronage of every
tl eilitcn in the County..
Our attention has been . called by
friend to no articlo in the Democrat cop.
ied from tli6 Altoona Tribune a little pa
per published occasionally when not cm-
J plowed at work by the Pa. Kail Road
Hlnmrtfinv nv Pnhralm ll.mlta MrtVnm
--t j -v r- - -
and company and baring a celebrity near
ly as large aa the Xite York Tribune.
Said article states that the piety of un
turned eake Ephraim, was shocked at the
copperhead prayer we published a few
weeks. ago, thinks.. its sacrcligious and
hopes he may never see the like again ;
and all this is introduced by the lying
Democrat as coming from a '.'radical Re
publican paper." Ve have thesa remark!
to make. . , - . .
1. That when wc notice our cotenipo-
raries wo are never guilty of the meau
ncss ef refusing to send a copy to t-he pa
per noticed. No Tribune with such no
tice ever came to this office reason, he
folt to nicr.n to tend so mean a notice to a
1. The Ttibunc if neither a radial Re
j.u'ii'.CiiO paper, uor even tt L''-j,Lli un pa
per, ?ul be who auyutheiuic i uows he is
telltug au un'ruih. It is a wish' washy
thing trying to c.ary water on two bh juldcis
"Birds o( o Feather flock togetaar."
or future peace, prosperitydo hot con-
tect yourseii wim ine low ana degraded
crowd. Do not let it bo said ofyou that
jour cuaracier in ins nanus oi sucn as
till most assuredly ruin it,- But ever let
our own convictions of right and wrong
3w aci'crtisctafats.
That star" ef American Literature
Doctor Franklin, has given many wise
savincs to the World. In his anlpnJi
- -r hmvui - . a f " ---." "i -----
production, entitled "Poor Richard a AL. . 6 C1UMCC- AlJ3 bear i SnyJer'a Hotel, Mifflintown, Jan.
manac " we can find more Bnin 4 d that man's character is to be McAUwtervillj oai the "7; nt Tbon
manac, we can nna more meaning. aaj f , I on the 28 : at l'oineroy's Stor, in Bi
a greater volume of common senaff,' thanL9 3 -uu,PauJ uo etPs nu
upon hundreds of pages of the popular l?oiJ-that whick would tend to bnng
authors of the day. Yet it is imDosiT,h.f XB Tour noor n tliecyes of the world.
to attend to all these different themes a -jib7 tbservDS tn?. J will not only
once, and to drink; largely of. the "ne've' h Wmiratton oftthose around you,
failine stream of knowledge flowing rh1"180 the approbation of Him, whocaa
from. , I will therefore confine myself P,casurc in teholding the works
one which contains an important monJiL-i,5u'ty
Rough as ttio sliDple maxliu, nntlS Cr.JhTT.
t . '
vl:j ' iiro?.TAST to
1W lW
Tiic Ca:Ktl;sn cf ih: Es
reamer noes together, . may appear;
nevertheless, within the unseemly exte
rior, you may find such a volume of mean
ing as may at first surprise you. Polish
ed statues stand within the rough bWek of
marble, and glittering gems lie hidde be
neath the black crust of the earth. Even
so pearls of. wisdom are hidden within
the roughest exterior; Many flocks of
birds daily pass through the bright heav
ens above us, without calling to our minds
the all-important truth connected with the
Yet tho largest flock of
Moiling at
- Church.
the Ltilhrran.
The meeting at tlii church . ooi
fiiiues every evouing, and seems to bo
prowing greatly iu interest. Quite a
number have already sought an interest
iu the blood of their Redeen.er, and if we
and gel favors of both partie- proiejs- j t"rJ3 jou ever saw, bad only one kind iu
iug ueutialiy, it is a sluve to no utter -want j !t- On le other baud, did you ever sec
of principles. Krciy lew weeks it dis-; nV'k of birds composed of a motley col
claims being a (lieptiblican) party paper, j lection of pigeons, black-birds, wild-ducks)
and its rraeiti attack on us is but a ! crows asd othors, all mixed up in a heto-
cho:in tlTori to please its copperhead pat- rogeucouj maimer, each bird uttenug its Ltoi liberal with an auvertarv :' another
Jo f;ir from being radical, Mr. j own peculiar cry, making the air ring for desais your course "not half hard enough
Essny'read at tha Teacher's Aeeoeiatlon
iaMiffluitown, Fa. De. 21t 160L
i Terrysville, Pa.
Can't Please Evciybodr.
The Lewisburg Chronicle comes to us
ith the valedictory of O. N. Wordcn,
iis Editor for over 30 years. He sums np
lis experience on the different tastes -of
pople, as follows :
jAs Ion? as there are ''many men of
nnny minds," so long it will be impossi
Ue to please all. . Oue thinks you arc too
sjrious, and didactic ; another thinks you
lave too much fun, and never realizes
'life is real, life is earnest." :. One thinks
yva have too much fact, and argumeut;
aiother wants its all solid, and . food fur
pibfouud thought,'' One thinks you are
JUNIATA COCSTT will be attended to by
John JIcLauzulin, Deputy, will collect at
Z; at
Phip on the SOth at PerrysviUa on the lt, ind, V?"
ad and 4th of February,
Will be issued, for which the law prorides
a fee of 20 cents, and four cents per mile, and
10 per cent, penalty atcr that to lte colluded
by distraint. All taxos must be puid in Gov
ernment funds.
Collector 14ih District I'enn.a,
THE eorrtctTon of the National Earo '.aeat
is of the first importance. Where it ia
excessive, quotas are increased and unjust
burdens imposed. Tbelioarlof Enrollment
desire the co-operation of all citizens thosa
who are not liable to draft us well as those wba
are in an effort to tecur its reduotion to tha
x u
The undersigned will offer at Public Sale
on the premises in the Uorongh of rcrryevillj,
Juniata County Pa., on :
FRIDAY, JANUARY -0th, 1365.
The following property to wit :
A lot of frroundon the corner'of Market and
Third 8t reels Known as the property farmer
In a matter of this kind, organization ia
what ifi wanted to insure success. Every Towa
or Townehip should at once constitute a few of
its citizens a Committee to atte id io its inter
ests. That Committee should ba required t
see the preparation of eridenee with a view of
B'.rikin from J.ke lista the names of men ia
the service, those who have remored from tha
District permanently and jn good faith, and
those that are deceased, as welt as adding tha
tia of pat-oEs coming into the District Ut
reside, such as have arrived at twaaty years
of age, and any that may har escaped aa
rolliueut heretofore- -
These will ba stricken o? on tha eertiSeata
of the proper enrolling oihoer on the aSdarit
of two citizens stating the lime of death as
nearly as possible." '
Committees will please confine their attss-
Mi Cruitt as e.jiitiuually rredicting the j n'es around with tue harsh discord ?
j rev. '(Jim defeat vf Mr.. LitiO'ln before the Never since the days of Noah did such
cWerioa. i. - , . j . : ! a collection exit. Nature would no
As t.t ihe prsy.- there may be a differ- ,0 shc woulJ CTJ out S,'Dst the
enee of opinion. It came- from Parson j outrage upon ncr wonted symmetry and
Hiownl'iw's pen except a tew local addi- W0UJ Unve 11,0 commiuglca strangers
Itioosaiid alterations, it was an awful 1 MCS- 10 luC,r respective homes. ; Jiut the
mistake not the evident indications many thing if wmte if,"'. but if Ikowu- words ot our maxim are here used figu
kthors may yet do so. IVe wish it sue- j low wn.U it "i;' jnt-t like him, he's a rtely, the word bird meaning mou and
n. i ! !. .1..' . iii-'l tl T . urnt .1 A,i?Lr ilrnnto' rtr ,tT.:rw-Miitin
c5.". 1 o feea religion is veitaiuiiy u;c ; treat in ivti w aniiuvr. 11 was sui to , " ' , v .wuivu
p!:iin duty of all men.
To enjoy religion is eurely
To te religious is to have tha ahoiee st ed to v.
premises cf this life.
To die iu religious faith is to receive
tli tlesitigH of Eternal life.
on the blamedfuIIows," One wants you
to fight .every siu and every rascal, by j 1
nsmo mui locality, in this and the nc
boring counties: another tells you
ly occujiieu by J. U. l.inn, and at present by
J. W. Lmighlin, and located two squares : tion to s ieh as hare entered the service othsr-
Vicstof the 1 enn a Kinl"l.o;d, having there- wise tnnn (Urocirh this ointe. Drafted men
uu erected a two story brick building, thirty-! in service, sahr-titutes ai:d volunteers n!ists4
three feet square, with five rouins up atair-i, j here are taken from the euruliineat as a uiil
and a STORE ROOM and two dwelling rooms i ter of coarse. The Bosrd will striie off tha
on first floor, with Ware rootn and Kitchen nanius cf enrolled persons s!iegd to be ta tha
altnched ; also, outbuildings, good Sttible, I service upon the sworn statement of two sit!
fruit trees. Cistern. The property is in good ' sens, giving the coicpnuy and regiment ia
condition, and the tejt Store titan 1 iu lh ' which iU parties uiy be serving, the da:
town. - and place of nmoier.. afll other faeis as
Terms reasonable. Persons ni'hlug to see i may suggest themselves. A apeciQeation of at
the properly can ciil at any time. If nut sold lean the regimeut and the time of muster, aa
on sa:d day, it'vitl be for rent. j nearly as eaa be ascertained, is essential.
Sale to commence at 1 o"clock, P. M. of said ! PERSONS REMOVED
day when terms will be known bv i removed r.'erm.r.nrl.
and in good fsiih from the District, or frvia
' one town or township in the Ditr.T:t toauutliar
Sjsrsswr item CSJ. , will ba ricken off en the arr,? c-v.:0u of
Jan. 11, 1?05.
..uu or tw
NOTICE is hereby given that I have np- j ei'ins sworn s.ate:r;eiii ortue time au4
.oint.-d IlifiiAKO Doris, Etg. Assistant : i"anr of removal, togniher with the present
r4'iuu OI Hi jiriT, tl auunntsncam OS DtC
'TWO YEA KM' . SlRVtCE..- :
luose wno have served two rears in the
Assessor or the iln Division or tlie 1-ltu i. 01
" Ifction Distriat of Vcnna lvnni. coasiatints
to i 0f the Boroughs of Patterson ari l Perrvvilin.
"mind your own business, and let other j ".d,the township, of Milforl. Turbstt. Spruce prcg,l:l wmr ,r ,a:i,,,d Xo b. ,;rick,n ff
folks alone." If you run around to visit of ,uni;l!o. k c Stewart. Kao. rosltrued. ! :. ',"",s.h ,n "h of :d'.'
and chat, you are neglecting your paper ; aRd ha will be rejected and obey! accord-! ,:b:. lT UZZtlu, Ts
nad if you don't do so you are a morose, j '"S'J"-
unsociable, crabbed sort of a chap. Oue
would have you "pitch into" every ques-
j us by a gsntler.cn in Tu?f arora, through j 1 SCDsa we would read it, men of the j tion of metaphysics, polities, and religion ;
'a -entleman in this town whoe piety is! Banle character associate with each other, another wants the paper simply a record
, gees. 1 he Oli.y .,e number ye, baci fop th(J 7KnJ. is,A f. age m.t.t br.ng the.rown affidavit, stating tha
hear all respect j pecially cf cattle, hogs and sheep slaughtered ! . , '."e"L h1lr:h- Ufrt rrt r !iv
; n in I rmei.t 1 U persons are urged to make th.m iuimedi- J '"e"' f require 1. Iu case
IS em judgment . the parents are let I. the S lvit of tha sp
an J conscience dictate.
most ia gentleman m this town, wfcoe riot?
as srood as the Tribune's, and who remark-1 It exactly ilia same thing with men snd ot passing news
that it was "a first rate thin"." ' wu" birds, n e can find buds of aluios: way for an hditor is to h
tr . i.;.. i- tv, everv color imaginable. The niseon and all, and then. ..do as h
i """"" i .. D- - "
(and intoitfTiiWc prtidices of some few msui other birds arc white, (jrows sre
miserable t reatures" in Cur midst. "We J lktk- The parrot is green. The Une-
To be a C'hrihtLin ia lobe a man aa do not wi-h tote person!, but if Mr. 1 o:ra Uenves us name from its colon ihc
angel blest. j Tribune wishc t curt a little copper fa-j canary-bird is yellow. And t,o .wo might
Ul not the people neglect these g .Menj.or at our expense, we can poitit it to ' proceed ad ii'fmtuux. Just so it is with
..psortunitiM. nor r?o Lnnr in the road to 1 some oti.cr thin.., iut r.s- likely to ralsy i n'a- 1 "clr -uaracicrs timer as wiudy
,;.,. ahead as a Ucd. A word the wise is!as P'u,naS9 of different birds
Religion will teach ui our duty in , su!?..:e;it. '
evrry roKtiun ot lite, make us happv be !
our only comfort iu death, and onr-glory
V 5 Assessor of Uth Diet. Pa.
. UNTIL further notice my olee will to with
W W Davis Eq. in Mifflintown, oue door
North of llelford's Store, its stairs. All re
turns arc to be made to nie, and as there are
; out clearly tea fact of serries fur that pj.-iod
or tune will be received. Tha organuatien
and dates cf iaui:r in and out should not bs
omit; si.
Tersons who claim to bs ffricken off on ae-
eouut of b-jing over 45 or under al years t.t
I'nj-ulur Vote for lrfi!t ut.
hen time v.vii?l:es. and Kternity ' ..peus : Tin. 'I'rVi M.i Almanac fjr 1865, which '
upon us with its awful realities.
Iluw They Io in Vcrry
ii t . vi i. . i - r. ,i ;n .
will L'C pu t'lissiicu in a lew u,lJ.) i.i - j fc , . f h;, t ; fc .
! too mean for him to do ; no den too low
1 df nval Electors jrom cotinv every citue
TlVi r'ultun If ifHih ticu it in si eakiug of
in tl.e l.niott. In - censi-'n tiettce C'f the i
t&"We cut t!e following from the
Reading' Journal There arc fw men
qualified to be jurors who would be dis
posed to vindicate their right, for to them
' 1 service m mat cauaciiv is a ourueu. ine
VDublic interests and the duo administra-
j may be made plaiuer to us, by a few lami 4on cf jastlcej however, require that
j iar illustrations. The crow yoi are jvfQsW: uch measure as is propped be
aware, is black, has no pleasant song, anil aj anJ nQ wbere u . wore necc3
uvea upon canton, it is tue same wan S3r- ,s ,j ai,..aaintei :,h tll0 m!lt(or
must confess, than in this couuty of Ad
ams ; . .
otice is hereby given to the taxable Ichab-
pltcant n utt stHte this fact, and ihen tho atL-
Jivit orany two rep itWe oitirvns, steting that
tb.nj know the man and believe his stai.eme.it
! I'e true, will be received. Iu supoort of tha
rnrairoit'i? evja"--9 tnv nflw, m.
Hants of Juniata County that the t.omtiits-. i;- v ' ' ,
sioncm of said t ouatv will hold thctr men-! ; -!..,. i
. , ... - , .. j prv'tuct i. n here tuore is no record evidence
ii'.al appeals for the seven-.! Townsctps aad ! ,i..,.ti , ,. , .' .. , , ,.
,. , ,o.-c . . . i ie aji isv.i sauula set Krlh the fact of thmr
liorouths tcr the year IHbS. as follow. I ' "
some men. Select one from a number,
i . .-ii-i . :.. :
F (if tl: ,11 r.iect'.TS jrom ue.uiv eer1. ".olc ; .. , . ... , .
1.1 u ' - ! fur him to visit; no class of society too
the decrease, kz., in the I'uion vote and : ea,;v ti.eetine: C? the .Electoral Colleges,
corresponding increase iu that of the
Copperhead in svtue counties says: '-Io
nine eases out of ten the changes that
I'.avo been ialiug place :n t'noe counties,
rsn Le trt.cel t'J 'iissati-.factioa in the
Criidti ranks ca- account of some local
jealousy, a jine inju Jici a appoititmeut or
other bad mansgement."
The Kepujitctu goes ' OH t-show how
tiling are d. me uji in Ferry and gUes
the following samples among others : '
The Cfjipcrhead- 5rove, whom our
readers are ws,rc, was lately indicated for
euUing the throat of a , Unionist by the
......... . f I. . it ( 1 W nn.l n ..I -1 If 1.,1 itt
now reeeivicz the emoIuiueHt-s of an of- Majority for L-ineolii... 40i,oU-
fica with l'royi fl-'JO to ilS'.'U near; Taking the entire popular vote in all ! hold a flock of pigeons rising and soaring
T ttahtnejon. ' ; ' " , the States entitled to a voice, wc moy put j away, seemingly as light as a pleasant
The Cha nnan of I he Soldiers' (Jrph-1 , . , , , . . ' . ' . J,. , , .1
. c . , .. n ; l.tnco u s clear mcjonty at luiu II i n- thought, which wanders away amid the
sos .iirieiititendiug Cet-imittee is Da vin J ! .
I.. Tbessi.ek. 1-Isj.. another blatant Cop-1 1"11,1' Ayv Vn'TY Thousand. The vote . stars. Its food is not the filthy carrion, bat
perhead who was tme of the speakers ', in detail (estimating Oregon) is as follows j tha wholesome grain and fruits of the
J nst so with another class of men.
ow for a moment , one of these, and
"it vns ii:ij ossible fc cct iii til the returns
in tone ' the large Westirti ?t-tos. sulIi
as Misuuri. luva, tlie Jlibhigau I'euin.
sula, Minnesota, ie., but these deficien
cies r.ic tilyii', hi.'" mttke DO difference in
the reVtive prrttor'ioti if the vote. Tiie
airgrcnate vote, as actually retumed, is
3J57.702 sty. VOOO.O'iO, including such
as were excluded by being too hits. . Of
ths.e duly returned the respective candi
dates had: -: ;
Abraham Lincoln..... ......2,182,502
George 1M Mctjlelian l,77a,20O
degraded for hiui to mingle with. lie
carefully avoids the pious aud well-mean
iug man, leat the Liter tihou'.d by chanfrs
take occasion to oiTurhiiu a slight reproof.
His companions arc all like hitn. ltin
tiiug the same downward path, rushing
onward in. their headlong course to ruin,
like ti c impetuous torrent of a mighty
river, their velocity accelerating as they
advance. They a.'sociate with none but
I such whose cliaraeters are Jus black as their
I owu,or whom they.iutcud to make such.
' They flock together, so that as a body,
i they may do the mors ovil. They have
! more enjoyment in each other's society,
! than they would have in a whole world of
! miuiilcrs mid vhilosophcvs. Again Le-
apaiust the Tnion -urnuinees last fall. ! comparing with the same States in 1SG0: earth,
lie was appointed, we understand, at the j ,J. .-l. Follow
TS v. ts V... 1 . t - lHCll. lSfcO.
libuiicc w Jiott. j. i.'rfiJKi, wno, . . .-r;ii.i,!,K;i;s;,.,n
Lincoln M'Cltllan. Lincoln All others. 1 '
tand upward toward the pinnacle ot fame,
.ice represented the loyal people of the
Hjstrirt in Congress. Y hy he was select
ed. Jod Ai.MiOilTT and Mr. Jv.nki.v
euly knpw.
There must be ;:souiehing roiteu" iu
I'eiry ' . . .
A WoxDinruL ll'tii. For some
time past, in Chicago, parties have been
boring fjr oil, and recently, at a depth of
703 feet a vat reservoir of water was
struck, which at once filled the well to
overflowing, and the discharge of water
has since eohliuued at the enormous rate
of 24.0'.'0 gallons per hour. It ia affirm
ed that this well, in the amonnt of water
discharged, is uucqualcd by tiny in the
world the, only one approaching it being
ue at Greoelle, 1'aris, whieh discharges
20.000 gallons per hour. ' It is thought
that this well rot.y turnvii wter enough
for the city. '
Stjr During the past week l?e weather
h .been cutting' np 'muchly." -bare
hsd ,ld arid rieardiys, rainy days,
vA snowy sJ-ys, se:elung and slush, a. ip
8,ir,.-. ,
Mass. 126,742
Mich. 85,202
Miuu. 2o,0li
Mo. "1,1''2
Xcv. -.10,217
X. II. 34.W2 .
N. J. 0(1,723
N. T. 8BS,7-,5
Ohio 2G4,!I75 .
Ogn. 8,!0O
Pn. 2W..891
K. I. 13.CU2
Vt. 42,410
W. Va. 28,loi
Wis.. 80,082
4L211.. C2.S1
.12,73'J ,
; !7.370
36I.98A '
'43 it ij4 boldly encountering all the innumerable
S.Vl.'i obstacles that beset his pathway, and care-
1W033 1341101 'u'"-? nvoll-'no a" t'!C low-minded rablc,
70409 ' . 57!22 i which 'he sees en every side. On ; the
' I enntrnrv. while he so studiously avoided
2i!l07 ' the 'companionship of that degraded crew,
O'.i.lw j ne geeks the company of those, who like
66 297 h'mself are traveling on the road to hon.
12,870 lor and distinction ; who are strivintr to
1 8, S J J J i iratttrtW.il unnin nm) ' , ,liia
Tackino Juries. Montgomery coun
ty, Pa., is a Democratic cuuniy, in
which the practice of packing juries, or
filling the panncls with members cf the
ruling political pirty, has become so intol
erable that steps arc about being taken to
obtain a Legislative remedy for the evil.
The juries in that county are almost
exclusively made np cf Democrats, imd
they principally local politicians thns de
feating a representation of the respect
able intelligent men of ail parties in the
jury box, and rendering the trial by jury
a mere farce in all cases having a politi
cal complexion. . .
Montgomery county is not the only
one which requires i legislative action to
correct the evil threatening the rights aud
safetyof a large class of citizens. Me
morials should Lc sent to the Legislature
from Uerks countyasking fur an enact
ment whieh would secure the rig':t of j
,K..1.1a nitlviinc f . f ill ri'irMiio i j !
j urors.
IlECOiiD your. Deeus. The attention
rouelis tcr the year
At Caleb Parker s Hotel, in I'miersoii Kor
ough, January 2-3, le'i-j.
At the Locust drove School, House iu Mil
ford township, January 24 and 27 18d5.
At C. It. Kepner's Hotel, in I'stry'vills Bor
ough, January 28, 1K05.
At Win. Leecher's Hotel, in Walker Kin
ship, January 30 and 31, l?to.
At Daniel i'.astress' Hotel, in De'amare
tcvnship, Fehruary 1 and 2, Witt.
At John North's Hotel, in I'ayotte township,
February 3 anl -1,
At Thomas Cox's Ifo'vl, ia Greenwood town
ship, February 14, 1805.
At Joseph Darner's 11 at el. ia' Susue'uaana
township. February 15. li'io.
At Johu Garraan's Hotel, in Mcnrua town
ship, February 16 and 17, 13C5. '
At the Liek School House, in Lask town
ship, February 21 and 22,
At Mct'uiloch s MilLs. in Tuscsrora town
ship, February 23 and 21. W.
At the School House, near James W. Allen's,
These mitet 3!e an affi lavit setting frth tie
dato and place of hirth; the port at whieH
they were leaded as well as the time; tkeir
veiil filaces of resnlenca sincj io this
..uutry, wiih the leitgti of time that as ok
and thai they have never filed a dac!rati.ei
of ititgntiou to become eititens, nor havw
voted or a::eai;ue 1 to vote at any eleoii ia ia
any state. In addition the affidavit of twa
rtspectah!; cifiiens, not tiieuiselvea aliens,
must b9 fnrnishe-1 whir certify fhat thsr know
the applicant to be a man entitled to'eredit,
and believe iiii statement to bo true.
! PIfi'SICAr. DISABlLirr. " H
j The Bjirl is a"owed to strike o!T. for mat
' i.'-jf pfrwi'Ht jrhytieii Ji ait'i.'y. It is iaipos -I
lMe lir inak j fhi terra nny plvuer. The
; infirmities f ir which the Ituard are p.iruiiitel
I ' strike of, raesl fc both manifct and pr
; rr. ;n'rt. Those desiring to be stricken off ua-
iu Pcale township. Februnry 2', lt5. 1 r this hod sjould come in fr,t. Tha
At the Spruce Hill School House, iu Sprnoe Surgeon muit tii the trouble complained at
Ililltownsliib, February 27, l'ij'. ,' l"-fore reporting au opinion to the Uoird. . .
At the Church Hill School Howe, in Tjr-1 PERSONAL APPKAKAXCU.'
belt township, ternary -Ato . Those claiming exemption f..r twa years'
ouj-h of lltfiiiutonn, March 1. I-'-j. . j Ti--.-ici disabilit shouM i,
: !ut a eursorr ezvuiantijn will he irirev
1 thrt lA.t rtAA. Thmalli.l J., nA fnu1 .1......
, , , . i , . - . -. .h..v " uu. i.ui iiieuf-
.s.:iu. also, at l.ie sarne ur.es a:m finu
At the sam place, fur Fermanagh township,
Marci 2, 1 StiL.
t:ie same tir.es ana riaecs w..i i i. .... t .
et tuo-tf ciairnm exemption from he M-U-, .fcouU1 ,. ... -nr, ,,,. :,. .. .
. ........ .. - ... ai en i.R.n i ppnuiku t . ...... n . n .
.. - - - - IIUIIII.11 i . .
i pr.-vciic.tt.li for a pany claiming exempt ion-far
; any causa to appev. he shoal I eonie. An
i spplics'.i'jn in his absence, without rutea
j able ei-nse fur non-attendance, is cos
Jslrued anint h im.
A copy of the enro'.Iia.'n: msy often fasili-
of W a. m. and 4 r. v.
JAMF.P P- rox.
Jous HllZAKD, Clerk.
rVolite of Election
THE Annual tlection for Mtnagers andjl.ite aud curtail the work iT cotnuiittees.
Officers of the Juniata County Agriculiu-1 This will be f-.trnlshed the Townships in tba
. I rai orieiv, l"r uic ensuing vear, wi.i- ' Js t i-vnui-ra vimiru::cntuii. "inly ".or-
Ol parties holdmg unrecorded Deeds IS hcM .- ,h(J Bor h of VerrysTilte. mittees. not Individuals, need arplr. This
directed to the provisions of the Act of i FRIDAY THE 13TII DAY OK JANUARY, i or.-.'e has not the. help to furnish more the.
moo, at ine iu urug otore oi u. . jacoos,
between tho hours of and 4 o clock 1 . M.
' 17,028
, 7,707
Total 2,182.502 1,775.290 1,861.523 2,901,073
Percent 5.15 44.85 48.20 51.80
Lincoln's majority in 1804, . . 407.302-Anti-Lincoln
maj. in 1800, 139,570 .
Vholc rote iu I860, 3.868,610, in
1854 (cs timadog tha: not counted) 4,000
000, in-crcase, 131,384. The entire', vote
for", President in lS60,:iuc-litding all the'ttuous men, iu the company of the wick-
Assembly, which requires that
"All deeds and conveyances for real
estate in this- Commonwealth, shall be
recorded in the office for recording Deeds
in the county where the lands lie, within
six month after the execution of such
deeds and conveyance ; not recorded as
aforesaid,, ihall be adjudged fraudulent
and , voil against any subsequent pur
chaser for a valuable consideration, unless
such deeds be recorded before the record-
their mark iu auch a position that it maying of the deed er ,convcyance under
hereafter be seen by men. By thisf hich such subsequent purchaser or mort
men ia taking advantage of the ' maxim e shall claim."
"In union there is strength," are indueeciL is Ter ;u-Portant notice, and
to unite themselves with such ns are theirf? - wolding unrecorded deeds will see
equals, those of upright disposition, .ndpii-iportance of having them recorded
a God-like sincerity of heart, throwing
themselves into a body, and by uniting
their efforts to do good, produce ft greater
effect ; while those whose characters are
impure, and their intentions evil, unite, in
their effbr ts io accomplish their base de
sign. - Evil men have no enjoyment in
the society of the virtuous, and much less
t in? and slush, llow long we are to
i'.vored with.uoh arca'her cannot be t0- f Southern States, was'i,680.193.-inrt6nn6. j ed. Well did Milton says i ; rt , -
with any . .dctae-ol certainty, Dm one . ".ttnong uuequai,. wuatsoctcty ,:,.,. f t"' . u.icu o.aa- , u.cu a-)a,reClions.(frM-jfi0rc:. rrr.cndiT,5 tkeir i
thicis certaiuUcwcv-cr. and that .ii.ire.j-- JBsT .Owing to ih abreast of - tlie- Srj .Cnnsvn, what horniny or "true delight T7;j his residence in JfntlaffelphM at 9 o ciock , -riress i hv. kWAitl A. WILSON. ' - A
ve'bsuridio LaWsotue kind cf w?a'lr..-f)dtf'?r, -the B5jc'rirr will hare io :b-k- . And now. at you value your, honor, as
Tfuout further delay.
Impoxtant amendments to the Con
scription Act are being prepared by Con
gress.' The law will be so amended as to
disfranchise and outlaw all "skedaddlers"
Iwho io not report within a specified time,
Include the last boW men- and confine all
credits to the districts where the recruits
are enrolled. . These amendments are just
and proper and should be speedily passed.
t& Hon. George 31. Dallas, ex-Vice:.
President f the. United States, died at
Jan. 2, 19C3 -2I.
G. W. GRAHAM, m..
a singh copy to a Tornihin.
Po soon as the present draft completed the
Por.rd of Enrolment "or a Tart nf it. will
I visit the several County scats of the Dis'.riot.
. ! iur me purpose oi correcuug tue ir-ts. l'.ia
Fisk's PatPIit Mrfnllf li'mal ('.ISPS IP",)!ic uolice of iheime of .visiting each
il b IdltUljitlilHC DJ.ldl County wiU be eriven. The eitiiens are urce-1
to hold thimvlvs in readiness to attend.
Persons -cf unsuitable age, thoso afflieU4
with permanent ailments, those that l ave seen
tw years' service, aliens and all othors wh
can attend shonM be urged to' do en. This
is afuiihfitl (flortou the part tif the Board of
rru n.tna-n inin.if,ii rl.itit.. t ' tnToll met I to cMtllil BccurHln li-t. anil
Vaults and transportation they have no rivnl. J should be met with a 'corresponding spirit by
Thu M mntlanf ttiamiMl imfiiVT-itihaLHt A m ; CitlXCUS. r
teriuls, aud are enameled inside and out to
prevent rust and the exterior has a FIXE
ROSEWOOD F1XISH. When properly cement
ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from
irruption of water, or depred.it tons of vermin.
They may without offensive odor be kept as
long as desired thus obviating the necessity
of hasty burials. Their long and succes-ful
use and the approbation given them renders
unnecessry any extended notice of their vain
able advantages, i .
Committers need not wait nnlil the Boar4 1
visits Comities, but can Visit the Board here
at once if they see proper. -'
Where it is desired to have ajperson cnroll4
who has escaped enrollment, moved into tha
Township, or become tweutv-oue years of age
application in writing should be made by ona
or more citizens.- Tha statement submitted
by them should give the full name, age, oocu
patioti ajid place of birth of the man to be
curollcM, as we'd as the place of residence of
the informant. . - .-.
The a; ; r. priatc covernuieat s'.amra must ba
Cnclertakers and Cabinet Ware r affixed to &:i affidavits:'" - -
9Ianufactlirora, . r , , . j- The Boasd is insiructcd to say that if tha :
Keep eotisfantly on hand an asacrtment of opporf unity now offered ,to correct . enroll-,
the above easee. ' -'; - - jmats is neglected, no alteHtion'will in futara
Milllintown Pa. Jan. 4th 1865.-1 t Sivn to aoiupUinta about aicassiva quotas.
- j W. II.
Consumptive sufferers will receive a va'ua- !
We preserintiou for the cure of. t'onsuniptiou, t.
A-ihma, Bronchitis, and all. throat and Liuk r
on Saturday morning. Mr. Dallas " wa :
-'a lav
V!J-r-ir. thi wk'.
1 -i . r.fll.v
. j Jiju valu your hsppinrpv !; .Riat t
ell en?'vif.li:t3 be abroad h-the prviu '
Caplaia and Provost Marshiil.
. - CHARLES aOWK. - .
- - -',. Comaiissiouor.
; H ssurA-fias, Ps'cvovr Miiiisn.tr., ; rl
; flaicisaj. Iie. .ru.1tj.. - A--.-
x .ICll.glCvf -.V-w
0 '