Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 11, 1865, Image 1

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A. fc. C5CS8 Jt Vf. W. DATIS,
n ooaTircTio tbb vnamrf MromcmiiiT o raa uu
groffSSional Card.
DR. P. C RCSDIO, orrattenw,
fa.. Irishes to inform bis friends ud pa
trons that he has removed to
Bridge Street opposite .Todd & Jordan's Store
fcECBZN CAVESEY, Manufacturer of Tomb
Stones, MeAlisterville and Mifflintown. All
Work put up in the most tasteful and sub
stantial manner. Utve mm a eau.
pril 13-64tf.
J our St
' Stock of Ready Made Clothing before
on Purchase Elsewhere, you will find on
hand a good assortment for Men and Boys
ware, which wiil be sold cheap for eaph or
Sountry prodnee.
an 1-tf Patterson, Pa.
ir-.- . r . f - rj
Offers his professional services to the pub
lic. Collections and all other business will
eeelve prompt attenticn. Office first door
Perth of Bo'.ford's Store, (upstairs.)
Mifflintown. Juniata Connty. Pa., Office
a Mala street South of Bridge str et.
Attorney el Law,
Wttl attend to all business entrusted te his
. OlBoe ea Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa.
'T'irS undersigned will promptly attend to
L the collection of claims against cither the
Ptate or Kalioual Government, Tensions, Back
Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims
erUing oat of the present or any other war,
KimtowB, Juniata Co., Pa. feblO
VIARB BBderaigned residing in Orecnwood
L township, Juniata county, baring taken
a a license ae Auctioneer, respectfully of
fers his servioee to the public. All letters ad
dressed to bim at Liverpool, Perry county, or
leaVurslowa, Prry scanty, will be promptly
extended to. JAMES COX.
renwood, May 12.
'pve CHEAPEST and BEST place to get
m Indies'. Misses', and Children's Boots,
bees, Blippors and Oaitora is at
11. D. WELLER's,
Wain Street, above Cherry Street, Mifflintown.
fcf. A good assortment always on band.
jan 1-tf
Homeopathic Fhytician.
SXftee ia Thompsontown, Juniata Co. Pa.
tg Pr. Sorg practices the Homeopathic
tystem of Medicine, which has so often proTen
f e apsrieriiy to the common Drug Practice.
Be respectfully offers his services to the eit.
r of this county. Charges moderate.
Kb. 25, 'C3-tf '
Pensions !
Tensions !
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
all on the Examining Surgeon to know welh
e their Disability is sufficient to entitle them
to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call
en the undersigned who has been appointed
tension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and
"iieln.DZ Ceootiee.
P. C. HUNDIO. M. D..
Fatteraon, Pa.
Bee. , 18V3.-tf
Omci or tub Jcfiata Contrt
Agkiccltcbai. Socistt,
rcrrysTille, Oct. 16, 1868. )
WB do hereby certify that the Committee
en Manufactured Articles has awarded to
Cbauxbs W. Wbitesl the First Premium for
the most substantial, neatest made, and best
takehed sett of Chairs.
G. W. JACOBS, Trtat'r.
fnuta Hsircn. Sc'y. janlS
(Late Paymaster, U- 8. A.)
5o Charge anless Successful.
Applications by Mail attended to as
promptly as if maae in person
ef references given.
The best
raV-A .CfoMfl M.at ftalAwlythy sorrow; in the quiet hush
M. aw ' " " ;
the BEST advertising medium ;
Choice tyattq.
Tes, dear one, I am dying. Hope at timt
lias whispered to me, in ber syren tones,. .
But now, alas ! I feel the tide of life
Fast ebbing from my heart. I know that soon
The green and flowery curtain of the grate
Will close as softly round my fading form .
As the calm shadows of the evening boor .
Close o'er the fading stream.
Oh ! there are time
When my heart's tears gush wildly at the
That, in the fresh, young morning-tide of life,
I must resign my breath. To me the earth
I rery beautiful. I love its flowers,
It birds, its dews, it rainbows, its glad
Its Tales, its mountains, its green-wooing
woods, .
Its moonlight clouds, its sunsets, and its soft
And dewy twilights ; and I r.cedg mast mourn
To think thnt I shall pass away
And see them nevermore.
But thou, the lored
And fondly cherirhed idol of my life,
Thou dear twin-spirit of my deathless soul,
'Twill be the keenest anguish of my heart
To part from thee. True we hare never loved
With the wild passion that fills heart and brain
With flame and madness, yet my love for thee
Is my life's life A deeper, holier love
Has never sighed and wept beneath the stars,
Or glowid within the breasts of saiats in
It does not seem a passion of my heart,
It is a portion of my soul. I feel
That I am but a softened shade of thee,
And that my spirit, parted from thine own,
Might fade and porisa from the universe
Like a star-shadow when the star itself
Is hidden by the storm-cloud. Ay, I fear
That heaven itself, tbo' filled with love andGed
Will be to me all desolate, if thou,
Dear spirit, art not there. I've often prayed
That I might die before thee, for I fell
I could not dwell without thee on the earth,
And now my heart is breaking at the thoug
Of dying while thou livest, for I feel.
My life's dear idol, that I cannot dwell
Without thee in the sky. Tel well I know
That love like ours, so holy, pure and high.
So far above the passions of the earth,
Can perish not with mortal life. Ia heaven
'Twill brighten to a lovely star, and glow
In the far ages of eternity,
More beautiful and radiant than when first
'Twas kindled into glory. Oh ! I love,
I dearly love thee these will be my last,
My dying words upon the earth, and they
Will be my first when we shall meet in heaven
And when ten thousand myriads of year
Shall fade Into the past eternity,
My soul will breathe the same dear words to
thine :
I love Ihee, oh ! I love thee 1
Weak and low
My pulse of life Is fluttering at my heart,
And ssan 'twill cease forever. These faint
Are the last echoes of the spirit's chords,
Stirred by the treath of memory. Bear me,
I pray thee, to yon open window now.
That I may look onee more on Nature's face,
And listen to her gentle music-tone,
Her holy voice of love. How beautiful.
How very beautiful are earth and sea.
And the o'erarching sky to one whose eyes
Are soon to close upon the scenes of time !
Yon blue lake sleeps beneath the flower-
crowned hill
With his sweet picture, on her breast; the whit
And rosy clouds are floating through the air
Like cars of happy spirits ; every leaf
And flower are colored by the crimson hues
Of the rich sunset, as the heart is tinged
By thoughts of Paradise ; aud the far tree
Seem as if leaning like departed souls.
Upon the holy heavens. And look t oh, look !
Ton lovely star, the glorious evening star,
Is shining there, far, far above the mists
And dews of earth, like the bright star ef faith,
Above our mortal tears I I ne'er before
Beheld the earth so green, the sky so blue.
The sunset and the star of eve so bright, "
And soft, and beautiful ; I never felt
The dewy twilight breeze so calm and fresh
Upon my cheek and brow ; I never heard
The melodies of wind, and bird, and wave,
Fall with such sweetness on the ear. I know
That heaven is full of glory, but a God
Of love and mercy will forgive the tears.
Wrung from the fountain of my frail, young
By the sad thought of parting with the bright
And lovely thing of earth.
And, dear ene, bow
I feel that my poor heart must bid farewell
To thine. Oh 1 no, ao, dearest I not farewell,
For oft I will Be with thee on (he earth,
Although my home be heaven. At eventide.
When thou art wandering by the silent stream,
To muse npon the sweet and mournful past,
I walk with thee, hand in hand, and share
Thy gen tlet noughts and fancies; in thy grief,
When all seems dark and desolate around
Thy bleak and lonely-pathway, I will glide
1 Like a brisht shadow o'ar thr until and nkirn
Of theadeep night, when t
i thy dear head is laid
rpeartj Rn:o:.ad thy .fit
Communion with my spirit, I will
To nerve thy heart with strength
'7 ' 'Jmtv.
" f.j .?yy?TSbt lite the idea, of accommodating a
T.ika the unit kimcs of the southern
cm Dim
Stealing o'er bowers of roses ; when the wild.
Dark storm of life beats fiercely on thy hid.
Thou-wilt behold my semblance on the elotd,
A rainbow to tby spirit ; I will bend 't
At times above the fount within thy soul, ';
And thou wilt see my image in its depths,
.Gazing into thy dark eyes with a emile
As I have gazed in life. And I will come
To thee in dreams, my spirit-mate, and we,
With clasping hands and intertwining winji,
Will nightly wander o'er the starry deep.
And by the blessed streams of Paradise, . .
Loving in Heaven a w have loved on each.
- - ,
Aa Interesting Itorr.
One evening, about an hour after the
Sun had gone down, a couple of stout sen
dressed in soiled rebel uniforms, and tach
holding in his hand a good Austrian rifle,
rapped at the door of a small frame bailJ
ing, near the C road, in Virginia.
The knock was answered by an old wo.
a a
man whose face was almost concealed by
the tacgled mastics of her grey, uncombed
and disheveled hair.
"And what may ye wanl, heih J" she
exclaimed, ae ber deep-set eyes flashed on
the two men. "I haven't the smallest hit
of Johnny cake in the house, to offer yet
for it was all "
No, no," interrupted one of the soldiers,
"we don't want anything to eat ; but we
want you to tell us, and that in quick time,
too, whether or not you've seen a slight
but strong looking slip of a man go by
here of hte."
'Dressed in blue and carrying a double
barrelled rifle," added the other.
"Iley ! hey !" cried the hag, lifting her
hands, and speaking in a sharp, angry
voice, "If ve hadn t interrupted me A
reckon you a a ncara me speas oi mm dm,
lore now, as mat waa me vary man w
came here and bought all toy cakes.
was about two honrs ago, and
"Which way did he go after he left
you V inquired both men, eagerly.
"Before I answer that question you
must tell me who he is," said the old wo
man, with the curiosity natural to her sex.
"lie's a celebrated Union scout whom
we call the "Federal Chameleon" because
he changes his uniform so often. Some
times it is blue, other times gray, and he
has even been seen wearing the. disguise
of an old farmer. lie has shot more oi
our men than is pleasant, and we have
a roving commission from our colonel to
go on a hunt after him and capture him,
if we can, either dead or live. And now
as we have replied to you," continued the
speaker a little impatiently, "we demand
that you answer our question, and "
"Demand!" interrupted the hag in
shrill, piereing tones. "Is that the proper
way to speak to a woman, and an old wo
man at that ?"
Come, come, answer us if you please,"
cried the soldier in a milder tone. "I
meant no harm it is only my way of
"Well, perhaps I may forgive and per
haps not." said the old woman, shaking
her head.
" How far is your camp from here 1"
"What is that to you? What las
that to do"
" There yon go again with your accur
sed incivility ?" shrieked the hag, fierce
ly; "but yu shall answer my question
before you get a single word out of me.
Now, then, how far is your camp from
here, and how many men have you in
and around it ? Ilntend to carry yoar
fntlAWM wnA 4-VTk stir Am A Wfi naA nil T
want to know the number of mouthithaW?" head m? S00 womi, unttl yott
I have to cook for." an "J
"Oh, in that case," said the rebel, fJ bl i"e answered one of
donotseeany reason why I - 5 " good aoldter alway. on las
satisfy you. Our camps, then are aboL c ," ', ,. , A. ' ,'. r
e , v t. n .f-. Aye, aye 1" replied the old woman but
five miles from here, near the Croel. ' ' . ,. ...
, , . vvi he should know how to distinguish be
roads, and our number may be about fiveJ .. . ,
thousand." -
"That will do," cried the old woman
with a grin of satisfaction " yes, that
will do. And now you are sure that -the
man who came here to buy a supper is the'
one you are after?"
"We are sure of it, for although we
have never seen the man's face, we'd
know him by his double-barreled rifle
as nobody else in the Yankee army car-
Iries a weapon of that kind."
" Ay, ay, it's the right one, tbeo," said
the hag. 'Aftr ht had finished and
paid for hi meal, 'he Bay to me, "Friend I
jahonld like to pat np here for the night if
'.-.n liave no ol)fftoBm.Hii mm 1 MA
Vjjg! have no otJeflfloa.7"jBjt as X ' eJMWe? at
i i t
Yankee any more than I could help, I
told him there waa no room for him as I
expected visitors before many hours.
Well, then says he, 'can you tell me of
any place where I can pass the night a
little comfortably. 'You see,' he added,
looking toward his big double-barreled
rifle 'I don't like to camp out, as it looks
like rain, and this piece might be hurt
by it. I know of no placo, I answered,
'short of four miles from hero an old
barn which is tight enough, 1 think, to
keep off the rain.' 'Four miles is a
pretty long distance,' said he, 'and as IJ
have been tramping about considerably
to-day, I don't feel much like carrying
this heavy load so far,' pointing to his
knapsack as he spoke. 'Will yon be kind
enough to let it remain till morning V
'Well yes,' said I, hesitating a little and
throwing a significant glance at the well
tilled pocket book in his hand. lie un
4ratood the look and gave me a green
back dollar. 'All right, 'said I, and he
then departed, saying he'd call for his
luggage in the morning, after he should
waken from his sleep in the barn. 'Now
then, continued the woman 'which will
ye do go after him at once, or wait in
ambush for him until morning?'
The two 6oldiers drew back a few paces
and held a short consultation, after which
they again advanced to the side of the old
"We will go now," said the one who
had spoken first, "that is if you ean de
scribe to ns the exact position of the barn."
"I don't think I could describe it so that
you eould find it in the dark," replied the
hag, "but as I am willin' to do everything
in my powet for the eonfederaey, I will go
with you to ehow you the place
That ig right ,niWered the rebel lnd
- . ,j..t oa rcwtrded for vonr
' "I don't want any reward for helping
my eountrymen," replied the other. "I
am always ready to help along the causa.'
With these words she disappeared into
an inner room, but came forth in a fe
minutes with a gray blanket thrown over
her shoulders.
"I took this out of the Yank's knap
sack," said sho, with a short, dry laugh ;
don't you thinks it becomes me 7"
"Aye, aye, my good women, very much
But lead on if you please, for we have no
time to loose
The hag then closed the door of the
"Forward march !" she exclaimed, im
listing the voice of a man with strong
lungs. "Forward march ! Close np I
close no I" And she moved alone; the
road at the following tottering pace natur
al to a person ot her age.
The night by this time had become
very dark. The sky was obscured with
thick driving clouds, and the wind
screamed and roared among the tall
pines that towered upon each side of the
road. Occasionally a heavy branch
wrenched from its native trunk, would
fall into the road with a terrific
crash, and more than once the reb
els started back and cocked their pieces in
the belief that the din was caused by the
discharge of some Yankee rifle'.
"-"Hal hal hal laughed the old hag
upon one of these occasions, "it seems to
me that you are easily startled. Don't
you think your commander might have
picked out a pair of bolder hearts than
yours for this expedition ?"
"You'd better keep a silent tongue in
inns uic cfaeuiug v& vicwvu . u
ring of a rifled musket."
The rebel did not relish the noise made
by the load, sharp tones of the female
'guide, and, in order to put an end to the
conversation, he controlled . himself suffi
ciently not to reply to her last remark.
The narty then continued their way in si
lence which was not broken by either of
them until the7 had gone about three
miles, and aloud clear challenge suddenly
startled the rebels.
"Halt! Who come there ?"
"Friend I" answered the old woman, in
a ringing voice; "friend with prisoner V
MW Tjrtfaywd yHe4 he eonrpem-
lou, and, even as the words passed their
lips they were surrounded by a dosen Fed
eral soldiers, one of whom carried a lan
tern. ;
As the rays of the light flashed upon
the hag, the rebels saw the gray hair, the
blanket, and the female apparel drop to
the ground, revealing the slight but iron
like frame of a Union soldier in the prime
of lifel
"It is he, by I" exclaimed the pris
oners, simultaneously, as their glances
wandered to the long double barrelled
rifle which he now held in hand; "it ia
ie the scout -.the -Federal Chameleon I"
- "Aye, aye 1" answered the latter, as he
leaned upon his weapon, with quiet smile
"You are trapped, sure enough, thanks
to my disguise, which is only one of the
many that I carry in my knapsack. Al
low me to express my thanks to you for
the imformation you gave me regarding
the position of your camp and the num
ber of your men. I have already swot a
message to my Colonel in relation to the
matter, and I perceive that he has com
menced to act upon it
And as he spoke he pointed down the
road where the dark outline of troops
forming into line might be faintly extin
guished. They were soon in motion, and in the
course of half an hour the booming of
cannon, the rattling of musketry, and the
cheers of the Federal troops proclaimed
that the combat had commenced. The
din continued tor about an hour, when
the prisoners learned from others who
were brought to share their quarters, that
the Southern troops had been surprised
and totally routed.
freemen, cheer the LIXCOLX TREE,
In storms it boughs still shelter thee ;
In glory let its branches wave
'Tis planted on the REBEL'S grave I"
Pyramid of Little Mnckerala.
A right-down eynic, named Writencr,
from Wrightstown, Write county (out-
West,) a millwright by trade, is perhaps
upright enough by nature, but is most
unrighteously wry-necked about women.
Writing about woman's rights and the
rite of matrimony, he writeth thus : "It
is so seldom ladies do write what is right
about that rite, that it may be written as
never rightly done. If this writing be
not right, then Writener is all wrong.
rARSo.f urownlow thus compares
his family record with that of Prentice,
of The Louisville Journal'.
'.' My two sons entered the Federal army,
and one of them is now at home on
crutches, because of wound received in
leadine his reeiment of cavalry in a
charge upon Wheeler's forces, in Middle
Tennessee. My other son ia in General
Gillem's command, and waa in the figat
when the great Kentucky horse thief,
Morgan, was killed, under whom and icith
whom your ton hate been fighting against
the Government upon tchoie bounty their
rebel mother and contract-hunting father
are living. One of your sons waa killed
in Kentucky, while on a hone-stealing
expedition under rebel officers. Your
other son ia now on trial in Virginia, for
the murder of a brother rebel by the
name of White. Your wife is an avowed
rebel, and ought to be sent South by the
Federal authorities ; and you are out one
degree removed from a rebel and a trai
tor, having completely played onr.
- . . a snnSnaaSnhwsBsiai mm m
or t tO. 3erm, rdU9.
Frederick Cramer; Susquehaasa,
Jacob Koons, Turbett,
John McLaughlin, Turbett,
Jacob Hlbbe, Milford,
Daniel Kloss, Walker, .
Alex. McClure, Sr., Tuscarora,
Wm. Bratton, Walker,
Elijah Clair, Deleware,
Samuel Stroup, Greenwood,
Enoch L. Anderson, T as oar or a,
Joseph Marks, Monroe,
Samuel Files, Lack,
Wm. Robinson, Turbett,
Daniel Con, Spruce Hill,
J. J. Rhine, Fayette,
Wm. Okeson, Beale.
Feter Swarti, Monroe,
Daniel Beshoar, Fermanagh,
Samuel Buck, Perrysville,
Samuel Adams, Walker,
John Sherlock, Beale,
Thomas Harris.
John Miller, Monroe,
Hugh Hamilton, Walker,
Benjamin Walla, Lack,
James Kerlm, Patterson,
Abraham Whitmer, Susquehanna,
David Sellers, Delaware
David Miser, Susquehanna,
Lewis E. Rapp, Delaware,
George W. Snyder, Lack,
J. R. Wirt, Walker,
George Speakman, Delaware,
Joseph Dysinger, Walker,
Ierael Wetxler, M
G. 51. Graham, Perrysville.
John Thompson, Spruce Hill,
Cyrus Hench, Turbett,
Alexander Wallace, Tuscarora,
. Lemuel Ramsey, Lack,
James H. Simons, Mifflintown,
Uriah Guss, Walker,
Andrew WiiJoughby, Beale,
Daniel Hostler, "
John Hummel, Susquehanna,
Amos Stoufier, Walker,
John Detrick, Delaware,
Henry Wynn, Tuscarora,
Peter Mingle, Fermanagh,
George Hart Tuscarora,
Samuel McMeen, Turbett,
Wm. Deluck, Walker,
Samuel Buck, Fermanagh,
James Fitigerald, Spruce Hill,
S. R. Notestiac, Patterson,
John Robinson Sr, Milford,
N. A. Elder, Mifflintown,
John Anderson, Pattcnon,
Isaao Kurts, Fermanagh,
John Patterson, Beale,
G. W. McAllister, Fayette,
Charles Marley, Milford,
Hugh Palm, Tuscarora,
Samuel McMeen, Walker,
John Sieber Sr, Fayette,
Elias Tilton, Mifflintown,
Hecry Stouffer, Fermanagh,
K. J. Nangle, Patterson,
James Kirk, Mifflintown,
Robert Robison, Lack.
John Hench Jr, Turbett,
Jacob Smith, Fayette.
Ioxorance. A Union Chaplain in
Arkansas asked the woman of the heuty
if there were any Pretbyteriant in those
parts ? Hesitating a while, finally "aha
guessed not her husband hadn t killed
any since they lived there." She thought
them some sort of game.
Eld. David Jones, near one hundred
years ago, inquired of an old New Yorker
where he could find some Baptittt f The
aged citizen shook his head "he'd lived
there ail his bornd days, but never heare
of any body following that occupation."
When the cholera was raging along the '
Mississippi, a colporteur inquired of a
poor white family if they ever had the
Gospel there? The head of the house
said " he 'lowed not but they had it
atcutty down at New Orleana 1"
Tbk President's enviable faculty of
statement was happily illustrated in his re
mark to the wife of a rebel prisoner on
Johnson's Island. In answer to her last
appeal, to liberate her husband because
he waa a religious man, he said :
"You say your husband is a religious
man ; tell him, when you meet him, that
I say I am not much of a judge of reli
gion, but that, in my opinion, the religion
that seta men to rebel and fight againat
their government, because as they think ,
that government does not sufficiently help
some men to eat their bread in the sweat
of other men's faces, ia not the sort of
religion upon which people can get to
heaven." J9An old criminal waa asked what
was the first step that led him to ruin.
He answered : "The first step was cheating
the printer out of two yeara' snbscrip tins.
The devil bald him after that."