Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 09, 1864, Image 2

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    Juniata Jlfittiitcl.
( PF I
A of tale, a.,,1 a vuiun oflamh, j
A ...'..a oMrrf,,a),.( ,u:n
A ! the Am.ri- .in Vml.n furevrrl
r.e,.y M.t.t.t. X.,r,bVr 7, 161.
r--r- . -
- ' " " r.
A. I., t'.l s ic W. H. 1 l is, Fditors.
v. 10 : ?i.
rrerlaiia Liberty -RT
Ttirnn:hnt thr l.aad "TVt
t ALL the uyz
7-C Ibkitl.itants Thrriof. -rij
fr tva: y i ma ta sextixei. -
liaj liic Lmjft C.icaUIi- of nv paper ub-li.-lied
in tliU C'uiidijt. I! in therefore tbe
t...vl, ai.iy e-inJucietl, a fir.u ci toealist.
aul well wirtlir of the :ronage of every;
i-Vir.r Heaps. The Copj rhesds have
ali joincii the src liea'.'. A sicker trt of
bur you never saw.
II"W ARK V'V lt Tr? .V tliTehailt
iii this tou 'ire a man a J air of b'M'ts,
ju .-l"rn, bau Jkfi '1 i and hat to vote
i'.r Met'klljB 1 ik u l-ue intox
icated auj told I- . tenant iuvrstaicnt
to flink ..f?
!..T Oi. Tii-lv evenin? at 7 o'-
rl.iek "old JjVe's ehance Tr the Toxt Of- ' vote of five persons, all Uuion men,
fi-'n ' ' Any iufornutjnn io regard tostorc ! were rejected. They were all good citi
ik1i boxci, f. uiuleirt votes, false and de- reus their only crime was that they were
ticicnt a-wssincnti, or other effieieut dem
tieratiu measures which would revive the
above rhancos will be gratefully received
l y the chairman of ye verdigris kounty
komuiiUec. ... . ,
r!ii..li lVe W li'wtun Irt i...rfrvut ntfi 0
a few poor creatures v-ho lately went wcr
to the Copperheads. We hope they are
xnntcntcd with thc:r new companions.
They are known aad spotted in their sev
eral districts, just as all who desert in the
trying hour ought to be marked and re
membered. They went out from us be
cause they were not ' of us. Let them
tay. They "waited to sec a change," bul
they changed uothing but themselves".
Wreaths. On Saturday sonic Union
boys in a wagon going to rerrysville pul
led down a wrcaih of spruce and flowers
stretched from tae house of Lieut. Wm.
llecs to that of Gou. George B. McJordan,
in Patterson. AVe have bceu asked what
we thought of that. We auswer freely
thnt it was wrong and ought not to have
been done. At the same time the wreath
had subserved its purpose and ought to
have been take 1 down by its owners.
In I'attcrsca they falsely charged Uni
on girls with stealing their copper polluted
wreath?, which resulted in inyal lady chas
ing three verdegris women across the
The Last Arou.ment On Tuesday
a wouuded democrat soldier who wanted
to vote for Lincoln, was taken by his
vrFE(?) who was hired by well known
democrats in town, and furnished with a
buggy, whiskey and 55,00 in money, to
take her husband and prepare him to
wtcfortbe Gun Boat General. When
they returned he was forced up to the polls,
and against his wishes and repeated cheers
for LINCOLN, Mechanically voted for
McClellan, his wife standing by aud be
fore a large crowd declaring that if he vo.
tod for Lincoln he should never come In
ber house, and, ilic irvuM ncrer ?rl htm
rkrp with Iter again..' Truly oar demo,
crats have novel arguments. .
Still another Argument. A dem
ocrat adjoining town told hitcnaut, "I'll
heG d d d if you can't 'rote as
T.do,1-you must 'leave my place. We
ticar of several other such threats.
TIiun-iiAXDED Game. We arc told
that a certain Knight of the Golden Cir
cle and retailer - of treason and liquid
damnation at the Lock in Mexico, got up
subscription, on eloction day to raise mon
'iry to free. Walker township from the next
oral I. which he said was to come off soon.
Tbe pseudo-subscription was freely sign-r-d
by dc-mwats and presented na a fare
to thc"wflvrring young men subject to
liniTr. '.We do tint suppose the devil ever
a(tr a uit-nn, d'rty plot which ho rould
in.t.p,l ti'ppe.rLc.'id.). 'tu carry cut .for
Great Excitement in McAlisteraville:
A Soldier Attacked bv the Enemy
The Soldier Charge Face Spoiled
liar Ieraolihed Stove I pset Mas
terly Retreat, dee. dec.
. ,
At the election yesterday in McAlister-
vilie is Gen. David Dunn stopped upon
I :ortns pon n, ne was assaulted oy a
; Cotniuwioner and Knight of the Co! Jet)
Circle and thrust off the porch. Here
upon followed a scene of the richest char-
! actcr since the war began. Gen. Dunn
charged upon his assailant, who retreated
into th bar-room in a most precipitous
manner. Gen. Dunn then ordered his
right and left to advance which they im
mediately did, takiDg the enemy over the
tinder the cya which promptly
checked hiui.
f ..,,
The copperheads tried to
nut nff the tlrijrral's retreat hv loekiner
. , . . - . . . . .
" liini;ir, .'though t.uly hnlf thcjwe.ght
of hi. antagonist. Gen. Dunn then flank-
led the cnomy, pouring in an enfilading
j fire tmaahin- np the bar, upsetting the
st0ve, spreading consternation among the
! enemy generally. Gen. Dunn next, ad-
I rancc l his foot force titling him in the
rcar C4U.siug d d.im.;. and causing dis
astrous rr'rusi. i'J uus unit: iuc uuiuu
. force outride had penetrated the door in
' a manner which left it look ubont as well
!pliuterrj as McCIcllau's party. They
found the battle over, the victory won,
and the enemy leaving in a southerly di-
I rcction. Although no whiped JKnouse
vet cjuM 1 not withstand the gallant Gen.
l)uu0. The w.ion reinforcements cheered
and the General held the camp of the
; enemy. A nanason c reward ns ieen
1 raUcd fur Gen. Dunn by the Union forces
ctieamjicJ iu tba.t section.
FitAt l ANI DKI'RAUIilNit jn Mii.
ii!'.D. t)ne of the most high handed
gauici of fraud nnd dishonesty was prac
ticed at the election in Milford yesterd.iy.
It was decided that the old assessor's time
expired with the last State election and
that the new assessor did not come into
! office until after thin election. Thus the
assessed between the elcctious and hence
could not vote. These copperheads well
knew who was the assessor, snd it can
' only be looked upon as a regnlnr plot to
', defraud legal voters. In fact the dcnio-
crats have for years practiced cheating
' . . ... ..... .
, i mon vt)tcrs lD tins towuslnpl'y detective
assessments. It is nowust high time
that our people kno their rights and
knowing dare to maintain. - Wn call m
the Union men iar 5!iWwd and elsewhere
to bring the guil'.y scoundrels to justice.
If we can not have justice ina de'jiocrstic
court lot Ui show that wc have te tiorex
now to set one on the judicial throne who
will give us justice. Forbesrancc is no
longer a virtue with our Union citizens.
Besides this the board refused the proxy
vote of J. Wcstley Jones, a soldier, ; in
plain violation of law. And to top the
climax there were two more votes in the
bos than voters. And there arc just as
many men in Milford who are willing to
testify th.-t they voted for Lincoln aa Lin
coln had votes, thus proving that d Mc
Clellan defiaudcrs also stuffed the ballot
box- Now let the law be enforced, and
show that it is ordained of God to be a
terror to evil doers. -
The old "unjust judge'' and his click
ought ta blow about gaining five in face
of the above record. They were mean
and dishonest to no purpose. -
Another Soldier Gone. Wc regret
to learn that Mohts Dhessler of Sus
quehanna township aged 17 years, 9
mouth, and 25 days, diod at General Hos
pital, Little Bock, Arkansas., S'cptcmLer
29th, 18G4.
lie eulibted last fall in Company C.
3rd U. S. Cavalry for the term of 5 years
years; but it pleased the Great Kulcr of
the universe to iciuovc him from time to
eternity. Ilc.aicd of lever. Thus
another of our citizens has ufferod up his
life a sacrifice, on the alters of hi coun
try. Two of bis brothers arc out for three
years," one fur one year, one bus served
nine months, and one was drafted and
paid commutation. Truly thi family has
done something for the. country.
.. Wc understand that S. G. Dressier,
Esq., intends to leave for Little Boek iu
a few days to recover the remains of his
brother and bring his body home.
Deserved PROiroTiof? -It gives us
great pleasure to announce that T. T. Da
vis, late a" Sergeant in Co.' I." 53rd Begt-
Pa. Vol.. and a brother of the Tunior of
this paper, and who has been in the ser
vice since the outbreak' of the rebellion,
longer than any man in the county', "has
been appointed Quarter Master of the
53rd with the rank of 1st Lieutenant.
No promotion" cotild' have been more dC'
bcrvcd. i'
Three tnings tbj Democrats don't
ke Trails SnrV.'WtrAtR'g rircu
iKivftiKf the m'-f "-s h Klpvti-ntr '
THE TRAIN STOPS. ,!e importance ofthegreat political strug-
. . - Lfe in which we were involved, asd then
The f'om.erlen.l nf 1fiW; .J r ... ....... . . . . . .
-f' y Ulier'
ton JliUitrate whut they mean lu
"Free Sptcch.". ?
.They Prevent Him from Speaking by
Dvllowing Bqwliujr and Cheers for 4
MOST OI'TRAOr.Or Alt ujftp
Mun s ai-u isiii U.Ml XT. ,
On laRt Monday it was announced t'
George Francis Train, ' the great spt
maker for the Union in England and '
cently a oerefiate to the . Vy f?-.
tion. wonl.l n.k f,r I.;n.l .n.l ,1,.
Union while the Mail Train Eastward
stopped in Patterson. Accordingly a
large lot of people gathered at tie depot.
Everybody was anxious to hear t man who
had a world wide ropntation. In the
crowd there were 'juite a numher of our
leading copjerhcau3. We heud it whis
pered beforehand that a certain person
was raising a crowd to go over and disturb
the meeting, but we read in the Chicago
Platform that the supprci-sion of freedom
of speech was calculated to prevent a res
toration of the Union, and wo then felt
sure these 'hum men (?) would not thus
destroy the cause they love. However,
as the crowd returned we learned to our as
toniehmcut that the copperheads bellowed
blowed, suorted, cheered, rarcd, and bawl
ed in such a demoniacal style tn to prevent
the speaker from talking to the trowd. A
persou can hardly realize that these men
would have engaged in such a thins
Yet it is so and they were onr leading
copperheads. Prominent among whom
was seen the man who fathered the lies
agniost Mr. Lyons, who also wants the
Post Office, w ho kept bawling ''bah ! bah !
bah ! bidi !'' uulil his moiilh was etrctched
opeu as wide as the ears of a jackass arc
long. And there was the smooth-tongued
lawyer, differing from the above only be
cause if possible he is a more arrant and
consuinutc hypocrite, whose snorting
showed that be is as much opposed to Re
publicans using freedom of speech as he
is to that of the press. The infernal,
damning malignity anil hypocracy of this
wretch no pen can depict or words do
suribc. Aud there was the old spluttering
doctor blowing snd yelling until the slob
bers ran down from both corners of his
mouth. And there was the man who
traveled GG luilcs during the battle of
Crosn Keys, who of course proposed tbe
ropat44 ehera lor- MoOlellawf ai2 W
was only dried up when Mr. Train asked
him if he had not been dishonorably dis
charged from the army. . Tbeisauwho
i sjwouiuUid
oh tl.e fund.v of the county
was there, the man who perjured his soul
to criminate a man was there, the man
who is going to march on Washintnn to
hurl old Abe from his scat was there with
bia big month stretched from ear to ear j
tho shave shop was present, also, and had
his mouth slapt fso it is reported) by a
loyal lady for hollowing 'McClellan in her
face snd scattering his spittle on her per
son the monkeys and bed bugs were there
in short every dirty loud mouthed cop
perhead that could be raked up was there
aud they were all engaged in the same
itngenllimanh bvtiaexs rf bellowing
in onlcr to prevent the tpeaker from
being iieartl. . Now talk to as about
freedom of speech, will you ? You dis
turbers of good order aud common decen
cy, will you have the impudence again to
charge us with your crimes. Oh you,
dirty, hypocritical, hollow, canting, Phar
isaical, unfair, dishonest, uncandid, unhal
owed, bigoted, unsanctificd, . ill-begotten,
ill-natured, untelcnting, cold-hearted, trea
sonable, malignant, cheating, diabolical,
infernal, devilish, mob-and-riot, soklier-
def rauding, traitor-sympathizing, hell-born
hell-bound copperhead party, with the cor
ruption, perjury, murder, destruction and
blood of this war on your backs, with
heads full of evil and hearts black as Tar
tarus, what language can portray your
scandalous damning record, or what good
or noble emotion ever warn Ruch a genera
tion of vipers and copperheads to flee from
the wrath to come. What a humiliating
spectacle ! Here were the Ministry of our
town who with commendable curiosity had
gone to hear and see the renowned orator
of two hemispheres, compelled to sec t
cuurcn memoers 10 wuora uey naa been
preaching religion, good manners, urbani
ty and common decency for years, behave
more like mad men and 'drunkards thao'
followers of Jesus Christ. . Is it any won-,
tier that whoa men behave in this way and i
then attempt to justify it, that gentlemes
can not respect them more than if they
were dogs. Oh shame, - shame is - this
Democracy 1 "lay God in mercy ever
ikliyer us from' its power.
Let our pco-
pie remoaiber "free speech" in 1'aUc.rsoB
Ion the 7th of November. ....
Since the above was iu type wc fiud
the following iu tbe Teh-graph; , .
"Colonel John J. l'atterson introduced
'r. Traiu fa the people' T?e rrrakpr
A ha hul no tim to indulge in extended
f p.. --- O
i.. i .1 r e.A i
pked all those who were in favor of hav
ting a President who would be control ed
it American influence to say Yes after
Ue first vote had been taken, those in
tovor of a Chief Mssristrate to be controled
W Brituh influence could also say Ye.
31,18 excited 'm of the copperheads
ifho were present, and they at once set up
fierce howl for McClellan. These men
psrtaintly gathered at the depot resolved
x insult Mr. Train. An Ex-District At-
d a soldior who ws dishonor
.hvtv-..vrr; V- . ....
!oy nscjiargea trom tne army lea ina
dbturWcc; whi,e hoary-Loaded 0,J
copteibeail, wlio naa Kneit at me i?ac
ment Table last Sunday thus professing
love foi all mankind, exhibited in his vio
lence tovards Mr. Train, tbe utter hypoc
risy of h's cant ns well as the foulness of i
treason.' From all we have heard of the 1
tiffair, it vas the mos.t brutal exhibition
of bIackg'-ardisin"on "record against the
Democratic leaders and their ignoraut fol
lowers." It is worthy of remark that every word
that Mr. Train did get to say, made the
fur fly. That was what's the matter !
WTlie Lowbtown Gazette says, that
it learns that some of the codfish or more
properly herring aristocracy of Mitiliu,
were in lead as disturbers of Jr. Train,
in his speech at that station on Monday
last, and that their blackguardism must
have given the passengers on the train a
high idea of thair breeding.
Incideats of the Battle.
The battle isJnow over, and it is Scrip
tural to let the dead bury the dead, yet '
there arc incidents of couflict which
ought not be passed over in silence. i
1. Olr Meetings. The meeting we '
held over the county were tolerably wel' '
attended they were good, but not what i
they to ought to have been. We were
not furuwbed with lists of the officers aud j
con3cqnently can not publish them.
They were addressed as follows : Rich
field, Davis and Guss; Mexico, Patterson
and Wilson; Oakland, G us.! and Porter;
Johnstown, Davis and Lyons; Thomp- j
sontown, Davis and Guss; Vanwcrt, Ly
ons and We'dman ; Spruce Hill, Lyons
aud Davis; McCnysville,' Patterson; Mc
Alitersville, Lyons and Davis : Wateili,
Tattcrson ; Pcrrjsville, Taitcrton and
at Bed Bank. Wilson ; MifHiutowu, :
a general conference. We close these rc- j
marks by asking the members of the 1'ni- j
on Farty why It !s that the copperhead. !
can get out to their mectiugs, twioc the !
crowd with half the trouble arc the !
children of the world who love flavry ;
aud treason, wiser iu their day and guuer- i
atiou than the children of light who luve -Liberty,
Government aud Law '.
2. f iiKta Mbeti.nos. Tho Copj hull
a few open msctings in the county 'and l
jnitc a number of secret oucs,
On Fri-
day last they made their bir cfTrt. They :
came to town from the country iu whii h '
they called delegations, with banners, flairs, i
Ac. Thoygot up their proeeion and Father Abraham ami Fntlc
wound around our streets uutil they passed ! ' Andy Fleeted.
our office some half dozen times, yelling T . ,r n 1 t t
and hallooing for "Mac" like forty mad . C oHiprOSUtSC U ltil RcllCh !
bears with their tongues wine open ndiI0,are YoH ..jc jiaCVrals!
tnoutbj banging out. . Thej had aft r all
was told only 140 voter in tbe pros.. , -on, The Clilekalionioiiy Scfoll asaln
, . . -be worst licked man ever was),
and yet finally after stretching out their I
teams and marching and countcr-marthing. j ?E?.r3SYlVAT. JA
the man who speculated on the county j
funds rode' to the bcaJfor tbe procwioa TliC Keystone or th Areh!
and declared amid the most -horrible 1 . , ,
, , . , . ., S II h N h V It U r A I. 1 fi 1' o
oaths that they must disperse as thcyj
could not find room t-v streit h out. j Vv'c 6nd it uiinccts.-ary to rxtsai t'-e
The Union citizens irfood alougihcst.tiets! pUbIicatiou of the returns as t!. are re-
and laughed heartily at their silly foolibh-, ec;vc from tiC dillvrent cautie!, It is
ness in parading a lot of women audooun- ! gufi.;tt to say that the majority for the
try babies through the rain and mud. j t'nion ;s overwhelming and may reach
The man who wants the Post Office in thia ( f fl (
town kept Pacini: up and don the stret, ! V V V V
instead of attending his Church. This is 1
not strange, for it is now, one of the first
principles of rfemon-ocracy to forsake pas
tor, church, country, and God, rather
than their party. The old cubs daughter
was in a wagon and showed how uriuU of
a lady sic was by proposing three groans
for Guss every time they past our house.
Had f be taken sctp and washed her mouth
it would have been more to . ber credit.
Their great man Nortrrop did not come,
so tley had no stranger but Kob. Lambcr-.
ton, a poor creature from Harrisburg.
3. The.Fmai.b Pbocssio.-AVci
understand some of tbe Patterson women
are threatening cowhides, because wc al
luded to their marching our streets at ad
unseasonable hour and in bad company.
We did not give them half their dues.
A set of things in crinoline who behave
ai they did ought to get Jits. Several gentle
men were standing in front of Mr. Wills
Hotel as they passed, not sayiug a word,
when these wodld-bc ladies kept saying
"look at tho niggers. ' ' '
BgwSmall favors thankfully received
th? rejoicing" of the Democrats over email
s-sisE iu a few townshirv 1
,TlSl!. Yankee Doodle.
TW copperheads of MifHintowtt -
As welt as oiber places,
IUre showed to us our forked tongue s
By many different faces.
" ' Lincoln is the mu we need ;
Johnsnu, too, is tnly ;
Yankee Doodle ! boyn, hurrah
For Uncle Abe snd Andy ! .
They howled at Tbais in fattersoa
And showed themselves completely,
Jlut the election dny has pased around
And dried them up so neatly.
We've got a Grant frora Abraham,
To beat the rebels hollow ;
And when we have a man to lead.
Why, we're (he buys to follow.
Old Butler IhlnliS tbe wy to fight
Is witiitbe gun and s.ibre;
And doesn't see that Contrabands'
Are "fugitives from labor '."
The copperheids begin to squirm,
The rebs are looking surly.
Since Sheridan has made them run,
lty fighting late and Early.
An t of our gallant Sherman now
We feel a little prouder,
BecnuiC he's made a lively-Hood,
By stirring rcbs with powder.
Our country in the Navy, too,
Hug many a brave defender ;
There's Farragut knows how to shoot,
And wake the foe surrender.
Poor little Mac hn&Unglit us this
And for hiiu then let none vole,
His "Napoleonic strategy'' '
In hiding on a Oun Boat.
We have a nan for president
Vthose courage never fail him.
That common sene which built the fmcc
Is just the thing that ails him !
Lincoln is the man we ned,
Johnson, too, it handy,
Vfnkt e Poodle ! bosjiiirrah
fr'or Uncle- Abe and Andy I
r. -v
Chicago, Nov. 9. j
Niac wards in Chicago give 2,50.1 Rc-1
publicau majority; six wards to r
from. Y - - '- ' .." " 1
Chicago, Nov. -9. (Jo county gives .
about 4,000 Union majority.' The wires !
arc Working badly, aud tbe returns come ;
in slowly. Those received so far show i
gins over Lincoln's majority io X9G0, j
leading the Republicans to claim a major- j
ity of 20,000, ' . , .
' Chicago, Nov. 8. Eleven wards of
this city gives Lincoln 2,577 majority.
Tbe other waids reduce this majority to
.'? n . f '"' m s.f .11 . t
Chicago j Nov. 9, midnight.Commu
nication with Iowa is interrupted by a
storm, but the leading Republicans and"
Democrat adtaii that it Las goue for Liu
colu by 5,00tl majority.
Chicago, Nov. S. Complete returns
from this city thow 1,7 id majority for
Lincoln. -
.A Rcpublicau Senator and UuiOn'meiii
bers to the' Asjediblr have been elected.
Ratifies Freedom. '
. ". " Ualtimoue, Not. 9.
The official vote of the city is as fol
lows .. ..
Liucoln ? 14,826
McClellan 2,8'.0
' 11,930
Baltimore county gives a I'cion gain of
some 200.
Proclaims ber adberanee by a rc?pecta-"
Die majority for the Union. ..-.; ;
Mamso, Nov, 8.
Scattering returns show a Union Iobs on
the vote of lat fall, when lhs Union may.
was 16,000. It is' estimated by the Re
publicans, that tbe has State tiven 10,00(1
Union maioritv iho home vote, which will
be largely increased by the soldier's vote.
Boston, Nov. ?.
Union majority nearly 73,000. This
j city gives Lincoln about 5,000 majority.
Rice's nnjority in the Third District is
I 3 S :" lliu.npr in the Fourth Dittrier.
. ' : -J ' - ' '- J .
has nearly .1.000 majority.
Returns from the State indicate that
Lincoln's majority will be nearly 75,"W
in the State. In ISt'.J it w:i about
4.'i.r00. Minrs. lliee an I II .wper h iw
been re-elected ti ('-itiresR in the Third
I and Fourth listrict-. 'fb.-y will ni:
! their cotufifurnr t;i rtceivfl tlniirc mgr:tt
hilatiuiis iu b'anenil Hall tliieveiiin.
I The H"pttl)!iiMiis h ivt carried ail th-;
I (Congressional districts.
I Boston, Nov. 8, 10 oVioi-k. Return
; from 1 11 t.viu in M liMch'KiitL; f it u;
i r. 1 .;-..! t.t jr.4- f..r M..firtii:in a ?
Lincoln's majority will reach over J0,iKO,
Tbe Unionists have elected every mem
ber of Congress by a heavy mtijoritj; a!s.
the enlirt: State tk-fcet, atil probably
every State Senator and uc.r!y the entira
IVwtnn, No.'. 811.:;.) p. M. Uiw
hundred and ?sveury-sia tv,s'us in Ma.-
1 cbnsetts fui.t up:
i l'.r ineolii..... ?;l.(t(lt
Tor M'CIellan JJii.tvil
T A grand Union jubilee was hrld in
t Faneilit llnli fn-nij;bt. Among thi?
i speakers were Kdward liverett. St'nntiir
j Wilson, Rfprestntative. Hooper ami l'icir
I Dr. Luring, Rev. Dr. Kirk and other.
Fernando Wood overboard-
.. . New Yiirk, Nor. 9.
1 The press of this cit-agree-that Abra-
ham Lincoln bus carried the State by :t
; uiMjority ranging froii: I,Wt0 to " l.j.UOV
j ' Un. Beyuiour isiii-e:tted.
I Tift Jl.rttlil reports ihiit the indication.1
arc that New York has gouc for Liucoln
by from 1'.000 so l.j.ixiij.
1 vehmoxtI
I Mn.NTI KI.lKK, Vt., Nur. a.
1 A heavy vote has been polled in this
! State to-day. Lincoln is good for oL!0W.
! Dltkoit, Nov., S-10 r. v.
The Republicans t-l:iim t hae earric-I
; tb Mats- by 1..H0.I nnjority. Tho r
I turus ulc iiicairro.
VjEST VJBfi.3.1A,
Al5 Her rise Ucetorat Xmttr.
Wheeling, Ya. Nov. 8.
Returns from nine counties how hup
Union pains. It is believed Linroln wiH
carry the States by large ' majorities .iu
every county.
i , . . . . i 1 m
llrtr Congressional District OtAr rat.
The following is the ofGciar result of
this district ;
C. V. Miller,
iftinphiq .. 4!'.-7
Juniata . J,.U
Northumberland 2,tl'i
fuyder ' lrf"7 '
Uuion -
H. 3'iUer.
I 6. F. Miller's nwj oil
Tbe Vot tor Asscmblr.
tjwop..J5lebch. Kearas Afrie.
Mifflin . 1570. 156S "1617 1611
.Tuuiata 1211 1230 1503 160
Huntia5,n'2580 ''.523 ' 20'jy ' 21U
.V 5577 .5625 5t5
Swoope's "majority over Africa
Kros ' 72:
balsbacns utaj. over Africa 287
j " " " Keams . U20
! Ja The latest war newai3. that-en..
George tt McClellan,- lias rcsigetebl bis "
commi&siou as Major Gcueral. . This chap
reeefctly f tru ags'!;t a rail ; tcrr v to telf.'