t- gnniato Sentinel. 53 - A union oflak,,. ami a u,uo rW.jc. ."v.r?,,,V. "ffc-'."" ' .1 ' iu.iyr b.,U ftvir-K j . . if w, exct to Its victorious, J uMt heart. enJ ,t hands, ' ' ' ' " AJdliL. : - -r j,- rL- riSrlf.:! f.. tl'SS .V W. t A I.c. 10 : "5. 7 I'roclaim Liberty -ft.: Tlirutib.mJ tlic I.nml -v C- ' ALL t!i- 11 iiihaliitiinls Tbrrrnf,- -flp 7VP ;; vfi7 i rn in Ui iUc l.ar3.n tycuj oi ey rir jiiib- ii'hrJ in liiii t.'o.miy. , tt is iBrrriore the , i. :. I rm luciod. a firrt c!.'."" I ,"alit, nr.i 'U :t!iy .i. fa'rpmff of tr-rt OUR NOMINEES. i on i-KtsirvK-.T. - ABRAHAM 'LINCOLN'. HON' f.U"!V iifiN. .'.ANDKLW JOUNSON. i ; tr YuNXLBSf E.' '' I niun -State Electoral Tickrl CKNATORIAL. '1 "fn M Micbael,' Pbilad-'ipliia. i I -au.ughivni, i-jaT,r couiii v. , KCI:Rtai:NTATlV- ' 1 K'4,rt 1 Kin, " ;orge M Coaics, li Hpnrv luiioii, t illiam H Kir-n. r.srtotl II. Jfnkf. i t'Larlca M. Rui.k. 7 Robert I'arko, S Wnliam Taylor, : John A. HiciiJ. Hi Kieba',1 11. Corvclt 13 Ellas V lUic-i-l ("barlei H Sliriurr. J5 John W'jotor. : I'. Pnrid M (tunwiijliT i; Dai.i w woodV 1H lsan; Beufon, l'.t JoUu TattonJ 2 ' Samuel B. Wck! 21 " Fvcrsrd TrfipTi-r, rrJobn P. l't nar. II Edward Uliday. 2S EbeneirrJtinkiu. U t. Larlea t KeeO. 24 Jo.Ua W UlniuUari. t. ninn Standing County Committee i Mifflintown, .Toremiaii Lyonii."W W -Davis, !rmanh, C K Uomintt. IS V -Schwtii r, Foj-etle, doba Iion'man. Jaaifa lais, M-nr-oe, A. C. Sbcllenberpr, U P BT. cr: f-iqaebaima. L.vi Ligbt, Sol Vp'lcgroM:. iroenwood. Jnmcs A Si'et'. Vim Tbnina- 1'elawarc. ' Shiprr-n Yhompon. ,T-.n Erey. . Waiaer, Col J-ihn r Moore. John Motzur, iVttrstn, R U Walters, H M Or-ningpr, MiUurd, R A Robinson, Arnold arm.i,. Turbvlt, Wui M RobiuHOii, W Flicsinger. ' l'vrrysville.'J WLauglilin, TM WaecnsclTcr Sfcrme JtiH, 3 K Patiercon. James S Tatton ' Knalc, Wai. Voiin?. Jonathan V Dayle, Tujcaior. It I .Bcbtel, Tltomag Morrow, I.ek., John l'ii.er,n. EpUraini Vuuniri - .TERliM I A IT -LYON'H. Ckiiimnn "i "fc ' ' w 1 io5- hvl. ii lv authorlrv of the Chairmiin of the L'Jautv Coiuuiittee, we are enirl ( an-'" t,.unco the ftlloirin? M-ties of iowiitiL','- wteretherrineipleloftheGreUriiMa i. . tu -v ...J'. i -Ti F'ifty will be discussed, end us Claims , tKaci'titwn ibe lVmle. Thc-frieudaiU'eLw.-am .luaiata county, again and . . a. . i,wit..A' ii ... ' hi bl.MUi.J anu t(uiiio'..' win pieiioe i .1 ti . ' :. .'...,! . u. ; w an iieeessni r ai iaip;nmtuw .uu. .-n:- : ta: a'good attendance. .eir.-M.e. , Uu.,o, vhu.o, Lyons aua Davis. i ii:.. !ii. m i.... v.... i - ... ., . ! 'let ovyville, t-aiue ntgul i attcrou atu . Wilson.' ... .; "';.." - j Waterford, Friilay . eveiiin'g, Nov. 4th j l'Je"on and Wilson., Sjirucc Ilillsauic uigbt Gas.' i Lyon?. I Perry sville, Saturday after noou, Nof. 5th A Grand Mass Meeting. ," " Ked Bank. Milfirl .Monday evening, Nov. 7th' , i .;.., , Vbou aud Guss. Mitflintown. Rime nitrhti' ". These be 6reat Truths! 5"' " gRV The contpirary is now J: town ' rmici fcnee fceci raineif. mar lerieel to o complLh it. . There are' atdjf hro"'idr't to the question.. Eva y man mutt he. for the United States, or against it. j . There can be no ntutrals in, this tear pity patriots of the Unioiia'ud'thcre can be no'doubt or iraUor$.-Sjrrucx.'A. Pto. t!1,..io.tbew"ult. .'..t-' V,V : Chicag J, AprH 11,. Ib01. j. What ri'jtfhzi iht&oHh aitaiM t VChctt jttttice Itysbccn Jezkd ? 'And tha4 rlaim, founded "in Just'ctuJ)na ryhtthaJ bee vithhtldf. Caniilher ofyou tv-day name one t'ngh off afroity, jleliberutc I if aud purposely dvpelylht Government ut WashitvtQH, of uhkh the South hat a right to contjda 7 I cltallcnye the einstrer. -Alex. H. Stepueks, "'18G1. i ut for EofUb Tiekets. "fed I rJTO rana I) I .III I Q rfH 11 ! f -f,M fV OF JUNIATA ! For tlieccntcettoeomrof on-THESDAY, 8th ay of iJovetuber neJ.Tir not, we would mjt ourlt-uaoitiieXuiuit ia. ty.that in order to be weWul : we must Wc Must ' Workli : crn.j-.Mit.im with cur iriuciilc8 Or lltiw victor v must be secureu; ; JloiorC lLi faction, before the hoTir of ; vitiate by a cl).-e, iuIar tlvw of ur-i i j:atjirt;"n. though the operation of which icverv urun vixe mav favor t' the true. rriocip'.cS of Freedom, i -d Ctw I .uv ruiut-nt. ! KM'W thai tlu-v Lave 3 J The Vaa f t ! LARGE MAJORITYj Tu tl.i taU. an-1 knowia this they j tuow aul oiiii t- ic.utueir. respooaiuiu- nes. 1 lie m-ikii'I ol suotes iu linn futuily wa never-more bright and clit-er-' A lull vote will injure u' i A GLORIOUS VICTORY Ai:d it the d;ttv, and" we li'ipe every iVi,iTMi jl' the I'uion msy estciniiit a priv-: ni'Se, not only U Vote hili:ttlt, bo' loo KCe .hat h's Neighbor Vo(cs. On all the issuer, now probated to the ; pjiiile, the Uuiou party occupies the pobi- j tti.-u which inut and d,es couiuicud it to; the j;i,d '.jiousi: and iutelligeiiec of the j maSM'.-". ; r ; I LET' EVERY MAN! Calculate to do bis own duty we:'. y not upon ; townslup n.eetiugs vr atuoip ."peaVinir. ' Thec things are well enough, but should u,:t be depeuded .upon as aa ultiuiatum: llatlier rely upon quiet, bu sy, persevering effort rely preeminently upi,u r : ' INDIVIDUAL cFF0HT ! j J.cf every nuu-'iVUKK whew l.e lives1 in his urtiahborhonJ, iu Jiis School T')S- j trict. in hw lownslnp. nave T I i: .VA M LW 1' FJO ISTER EL , - . 1 Q'f 0 C'X 77 VOTES S. . " ' j Our opponuls sw v ignwu?!?'! a'l lively aw.rl. Tlicy wilf bring every I nnn t,i the noli.?. TIieY.cxyect to roduce . . J .i . I thT aa3 idlcnei thereby carry liia 3tat3. i Shall wc permit litem' to it J : We truit not. It ns iOT. sleep at enr itirwf Itns'' ' J ' T --- ' B V la-.tbiulty and diligently. e have af S AVe cet.Gd.-ntlv at.oeal to the ; friend of ' - cubuptiy appeal to tbe lucno : .. .-ii,.. 'r .!, it,. ti,; .,...;.J. i ""i " vw j wf.-. , 'It will At von out lilt!,!, tinm. and vou - j : : , j ; - will be better eatUQed with the results. la . x 1 . . . r j j, Q 0r t OHiS ... JL Uli OI J Olir V?tlS j The.n . and l..t n .thine- d.-fir von from th i ' . . . , great work. . .. ITNION MEJS ,-r ..: rnr 'piTTi TJliT T C Be. there ONE and ALL."C No niatter whether it rain, hail or soow-r-'be on the ground iu .good 6e'ason. Bring' your friends. See the doubtful." Expostulate with them about selling their liberties aud the control of the government to corrupt ami, fc-lave extending party who are trj-j iug to get jrou to votejainst the Admin istration. . Many - a true . hearted , Demo crat throigh mistaken motives may vote with the pretended Union Democrats. jToll tliem fn what COu8:8ta a trne frUd BE VIGILANT.? All Ihe'" tiuia. "Arc 'your committees your captaiqs and leaders all appoinUid ? Again .wc say, see that the friends of the ''Union, the Constitution, aud the Laws" be , .. . .. ... - -. t THOROUGHLY ORGANIZED!: . ' ",. iat In every Townsuip and School z-. t v . , . , .-. . -,. jmtneb, auu.uty iyr. niwm j 1 X on son. what-wasdoax: i.V,, ., im .' . I-i he. October r.lecUnrts,s1,j.7i.y.W. i v . j i ? - - Tjrr" ' ' - T Home vote, msj. :1 Soldiers' vote IM9 Totals 1 1 ,772 majority for the Union aide.!rThe Home ve j " .1 .1 i I ffit . 1 ..... . Mil oi:e third IcliiuJ. Tliouaatla jousaada more Yute fo?Prcideut" : . w -a4. ior IlI10ll cerhiiD, anil every ehatjctj' IAwiS"2 nval"th three' do'flur g - w we Lava 25 n.aioritv on Wut 'wkm .u i:.. ,.r hlt..viol - . ... v uere naa dui y isl year. '" ME !f Jt S Y fiT.V ! IA COXGltrSSi 1, - Samuel J. Kuudall, Iein. 2, CharleH O'Neil, UuiotK 3., Lcouurd Myers, I'uion. 4, U'ui., I). Kejley, Union.. ;,; 6, M. lluscd 'Lliavcr, L'tiiou.;. ; G, V.. 31. Hoytr. i'cm. , j 7, 8. M. Jiruui(i!j ITuloit. . j 8, 1).- Anc-jua, Tem. f j; ; yThad. uvee; UuUin. ; . V, 3Iyer5rou,c, (prob. Pern 11, l'hiliji dohnsou, Iev- c 12. Cli;s. Dcuuirn, tprvb) Deiii. I'Hts-cs Mercur. L'aiou. , ." 14.. deorge r. Jli.icr, L-uiun. 15, A. .1. Globsbrenucr, IVtn. 16, Win. H. Kot'Dis. Lirion 17, Ab. A. liarl-cr I'stt'D- L l5.-SJtcplicu I". WiLsouy L oiuQ l'J& W. ISoLofield, Uoion. . 2l" t.'Iiaa. V". Culver, Upion. Jl' rMnitt; Fu.'r. (prob.) Luioa 22. Ja8. K. AIuiel.MdV t'uioti. &xnl ..-.in ' 23, Thos. WillguS Ltiiori. - J t (...,. l.mr.n Lliloll. Kami V Union jr.iio, 5, a chai.Cl of j.:.. i. ... l....... .'.'.vf liv T2iH) of a "ruijoriiy and LJ Aliic; ' TVEI.Y K ruttubers of Cuusiros. fHIO COXCKLSS-MKN". r 1. Ienj. K,:gIeeton. 2; K. It. llays, Union li, 11. C. Scheuek, Uciun. 4, Win. Lawieuce, Union. gain L"-1'" 1 'Mill I i, F. C. LeBlond, Democrat. G, 11. Yv Clark, Union. 7, Saui'l Shellabarper, Union. ,y 8. Jas. E. JIubbcl, Union. K:,,n 9. Kalth I'. liaokland. T uion. fc . T 10. Jas. 31. Ashley. Union. - i 10. Henry S. Uuudy, Un'un. 8 ga.u gain gain 12, iu. K. J ink, Uciu. , 12, Colun:bus Delano, Union. J I, Martin We'ker, Union. 15, T. A. Plcnt3, Union. IS, John A. Bingham, Union. 17, E. K. Eckley, Union' 18, R. P. Spauldiug, Uuiou, 19, Jas. A. Garfield, Uniou. . gaia 3'aIa. I1 The four districts fnrmarlr rprMatadJ uy luvzv uiwctt uuiui .una Cox, Vallandighatn, Long and Fendfe. . f!i1(,tJ anj fecurity of personal'and na-j o did not re-enlist, haviug servel throe t'-n have now elected friends of Jju-;'i 'tibial liberty depend upon ita absolute years, have teen mw-tsre-d out of. the rr cofp. ' . 'and ntteii extinction ; tnerefur . vice to-dayand start for hfine to-niorrow. Judu'na gives Governor Morton 21,000 R "KatJved. That it ia the political, civil j Many of the brave ! whfi Started out majority we gain the ter.Muturc ly a' i ir..', r,Tilv 1SHIASA CONOKESSME.V .1, Ww. E. Niblack, Detn. . t:.u.i i n- Tl.. .! f uni it.ia.. t - '"f ..; 4, John H. Farquar. E.TJuitn. gain ! (rco. " . Julian, i-mon-.- fi. Kbeuezcr Dtiniout.Tnion I. J.'dll 1 l UrUtXS. L't'IU IVUULC31CU.I .t Godlave S. itb, tuion. ' - ! .tty'0i wiJiT-i' gain ; j tuoim m S'iJwell Union- train 1 ! - :. '.. r.'... ..i :. : . x. ioveBtigation,'1 Vornees1 will bd Wed: i llarytaml u traforuled froiu a' Slave i iuto ft Free .Sute. : ! ,.-.,'. I II 1 1 MI un.il 1 17 Li 1 . aUU II IO IJt, I VU Ji'ibrat&a .Territorv elected a Union - -. - , - ,, , --wbat "f Thus have vfe won' another State taU had not Betually happened, inereuible . , r. ., :f'Vniv- tranpmrin - r rcouom-rarricu state iickela sccutud a r Lesislaturc . . Rained over 20 Congreatiiiicu and-lort nothing in the aggregate. : . c"? vmgio. """.": int to a chauge of 4?," aud' .insures- us" 'ov.er,j'wl.. t and Con8titutional,' Bah ! i to change' of 4?, aud insures, us J over1 . ' , . - '. v ' - two thirds ol tne Aatlonat legislature. - Sqp-.A victory like that, tells strongly upon the coming November contest . ; - (And yet,' reckless sMcCIel!anitCB ire trying to imposejupon people the abomin able lie that the above elections are favor able to them, simply, because the Union majorities on Congressmen, in Pennylvai much as on last f car's "larger tote for uojeruoi .jt, . ,.j 6- : TO BE PONE. .ilaa.-'-i." . -,7'I8te Ve hst wry'vclic'rc", ly ium Cu2 ire tost everywhere, oy vttw , .. . - - . In . F JmluhedT "The event was celebrated in "r-rrAirr-i, h.m..-rv other cities Wti Brfaa of ticify again, in Chester, Lancaster, .Allegheny osfjjc. '.The wortdrooyes! &c, thousands of oiir men - did not votei i. ' " TTf I j . The State of Nevada. " ' because they thought kberr candidates -asilr' .-.T'":-' " " ? '.-..'. h j f afe. Therein it out only datgerl WjLv!Th people of 'Nevada having formed a .President Lincoln but; if they remain at- home on the 8th of Nov., and da not labor to 'make assurauco. doubly tare,", we Eiay lose lhe day, as we did in 1862 ' The closeness of the home . rote inspires our opponents with activity. Thtiy are mnch fetter marshalled than we their orgauization L secret and unseen, but it . b . ... . , is powerful, and. brought out nearly.every voto u, had in October. Our 'side ram arouse, and, by systematic, all-in tr-Tri :r''g'ncit(, Muflucnec every niau lilc, aud bring all to tha poll on " H.p n V . , , i eVctii ay- ' lalk to-' your neighbors, !-....,i;Jad carncsflv- let tlio.iif to rend wuv and l.iem ' W; Mtingsr Think of 4lii jMcrtst t stake, end labor aeeaCa,S'y tn every district iu ijifB5ii!toint3' our vote Call and should 54,5.8'43.si5(jLlin2riscd.' Every vote i tells! .Wc H Al: W - K V ; r L -.The JLody's friend " f- -- , .i f -u rah . xnmo in mo t z-- ijffea'wc'.f 'the 7uafity. The loftg " Siry Mag zine of FAsfilox Sii'ott continand of the K :I arniyjaud a.- ' ' 'id PoutCIIts.1 Thus ft has given COriDg OI ll.e oaruor in. uiu oca. la.iuou.u,..,, , ..... T-c" y ur "V 00 vuiirri- re?.-'- '.L niiii.hcr a fiue- told linn that bomethiug waa wrontf in: .i'Mf,v rixntwrr 2 " i' xi-ravei and Colored J& -'rout, and he started imwedially for '.he , Not. '1, 1364.-3t. lr- J - t.:i t,- rf..'.r .numrois- Mprav-i of action, arriving there u tinsc ttf i . unri m i-c. , ' tu.;r , i.itw - ' iii i- .' " .1 . Utr-iiir.. inn- . rou'tid. It alftars the J.clili ICOK luc ; rea.ier or me mi that n i m the Bittr H'liid brilliant arrayof the literature ion-; rl . ..... . trJn B:1,5r,CM ,, ,.;n j,, ,v f, J-IWw fieW ViVnA;-nearly .S'th corps by fcurpr, catuangtacm to J s vis r,4M-e . frt. of K . tl a , . , i- l.i,. -vra-.i;!- Me w U:e la-razuiCa auti aio io ine t - yim - I - i .... t Prv. a thowiu- holare auJ euUvvatcd clan of lady writtn it powers. Man, ,ar wonder how any inaKnane cad be pot Bp iu so baud.(ou ad M i a:.i. . . 7VlrtU It L-JalllUA-l 'I ..r ... .i. i ;..JJ S- an 'snvin-- . . ' 1 , , - , irainjVitbiug ol tbc reUucea ratCo 10 tmu. ITM 1 1- I U .. .a. a niilu rtiinn lW w . . . it i having n very htrge dreulatiot, iw-money iould certainly b? lofct on ti waall cJj. . ': . ! tl03. . . , . tr. Iiim !Mr r Mt rmrft: ve& rotm ' . . . , ... .i .K, l" t ... V J ' I io ?pra& oi me ioveuioer uumuei. ,..-.,,.. ,w tllCri.sa beautiful .' . d toachin-.-teel enpravlng, calfcd " Tf : . ,.. . .,, .. ' t i..w. ....A. (J.Jv,ed Fashion-' Flate a quantity of f ,,-ijfr eucravinga wme of -thetu very pret i . 1 il vre iivpf'nT to the ladiefi a IV, ai! "J r : prC? 0f hjuml', and me ueai uoi iuicul I .. :....M;n.Ttire5. rtoetrv. ic. i S 16.00: Stcomefi $35.0 r,t; or,,.;,. nO. Siutfe uura- hers scut ' mi fsrtttitt ireter: 13 Walnut Btreet, Philadel- ' hia 1 i i j. . . t7u6 tor i3. " ' A Pt'UI.KTO. Ja .Taniiary.. ISfh laet, ori. Grceui Clay Smith, e lat, in Coujivessi of Ky., .offered. ft? following preamble ana resolution uercas, A most desperate, wicked, and loody rebellion exists within the juris diction o! t;:s Lnited states, au-r tne moral and faered duty of the people td IO . ;...0. ' Firoy ii. : - -.i;.l ...t ith M.! . -iill... .1.- nu: .J I ' airainut this resoluuon iu coiupauy . wun . fifteen others of his party. ( ... 3 "The Chicago Platform is quite as 'gbodasulffMvStieeu epcfca."-io-f I He Rcifistr.r." 'We seceded ""io rid "ourselves of the rule ol tlie awjority.-; J.o. !: - tfir Jnat think, flf itl a uoUcal nailv i. I irpeai;g in lhalf of its candidates and . i principles; to the cmeardk of the j America people.'!,' What an tioendura- j ble insult to tbe bravest race o-a mis earwi. ".p-v;, . r, . , '. The wav the i3orrrncad3 exrjftin i '; tljc ru;trafy arrest W the Maryland Lej ' ; islaturemade' by their ''Little' Man," is , . - . - - , i ' 1 . f ....".i"5 that h . enunir and did not understand ,,.. . i .Wc fear he is too young by a number..! ; years for the Presidency. aft. A hrave young officer with. Gen eral Sheridan," writing from Winchester, reports that one of our General?, w-ben he saw the rebel lines break arid l nti at Fiaher's IiiU, exclaimed, "There goes' an-, Dptner plaax ont or me v.nicago rianorm ; MAKYLAN4. JFKUEtp , i The new Constitution of Marylan j "has! ttoae into pparatiOB: Under tt fclavery i formity with, the Enabling Act passea, by Coegres on the 21st of Maroh, last, the President has Issued bis Proclamation de claring that "the State1 of "Nevada is -ad-fmitted Intohe tlnjpn on'an ! eqciaf 6i "ing Vith Uie original States? Thus the Thirty-sixth Star is added to the constel lation oir our National flag. ;i J '. : . .. This ltate' will lave three electors to elect for )f resident " They are of course good for Old ABE.V: - ; r . V I -, -. : Iiosmta s as 'mirnteriii2r an'-eis. ".- Iherc "!8 memos. io:eni twiiiu; i :iri:x m , postage, pain, lor .w n. s . . , , , ... ... . Strengtnai.n.t and Inviiroratinjtte whole Machine Premium is eUc ffittn ! , however. ion.S loyal fanuls. hving tJ1 , rrainau.lSoo.uint- tUcT,crvr: Uu r ' "... t: . .. f- ! hiTfl. !,t i.5pt are "l.Le Ariel's viiila l aud faeililatms Eseeeeratinn. t4 k.il:n t'i trrms. AUdresi leacau - --j - --".- ,lT , , ,-, ::K ., ., , . ' , Letter From the 40th. VlSfnLSTIl. T. 1 Oct. 22nd, 3lES6r.U3 EWTOKS; . . , . , , .Sti -v.f, .v Kcfo tL'-wiH I live reached jtju, I naveno doubt,, yop will live Icroefl thl fcewiof ajnior great viutorfr or tM. Bcfcllrf tfii 'Sh'Sifarftlo: ah Valley. - Sheridau has again won fresh .....1 lnutiftrr Ifiiir, (In the 1 6th dav of , , .1 f. - .ii, - Scj.tomler, he eiicouutered Geo. harl., , -iod completely .dtiriorahiedi hisarwy. t a. , 1. ...l T?..lwT irn1tf mill a T- I October, attacked otiK t j; Gen. Slsf - Wn Wlnches-trf-oii Hiis way frvti AHwom indited t the ondrniirttrff W.Shintou. t., the fr,,,., on the ii-sL'tt.": VXrJJl .... . . ,. J w.bnt our aru.y tfom Lemg CmipleUlyj Ecaitcr Over tfrc entrjr iu gr.it cunia- 1 o - - - a 1..-.- ntlt.,.. it. a. 1I Ai-n. Uf'id frrtmirht lltfil . "-''J . " T r"k" w " ' ""' , ' "Jl" Vi"" 'V"'1.' 'i ' j ; , -" v 1 - ' riebei vriiivr. ueiwwu at. u : thousand pnsouers, aud a large Uttiniierot ! ttriti'itiis. aiiibn aiicc?-aL L , , ' , J ff. i tirsr ( - , ? all bcooiftpclled ,t.. ;1 Iron i the : ta!lj-. aad, 5-vldcd, the citizens of in- - i - . .... . ... . .1 ? 1 r .. ..,t...r.-.i. i in. rin-, f 'i;ii iiiv :ir rti nii'ii i.i ua !"'"- j j - , . . ft , . I . uaviusr to evacuate lait Mace, l;ut ti.cu haviuif to evacuate this rlacc, but ! L" a 1 !'uu ' " - i i .i -i l: ... l.. . a-"-,- . . ! ii cwn cijondcu: wntia? 15 tbe laui- more Jif ("( i would have tl,e jople to i. : t-eiieve tL.it tLo female of WfueLester are perfect 'aoaiic6 aud Ilacbela. YWiting , the dospitals of otir &iek and wounded M-iiiieis, auu auuiiuiciciiu- iuii:tn n.uiLo. , ouiy visii me iwwm priscaers an,, m-tei ' "d r ,b9t,rMfi 1. Out armyLai eoBirdeteiv ejjaue,. tMa i ..ii u.11 kinds of io'cl for bc-th i iiiail ! aLd heast' an'1 iudfced !s f.,wJstevy fo i nie to Know now me luuauiraarn arc io ' j live here this Winter; for Wjiiier i nov.- i here hnd many of theui are already out of; . ., . 1 . , m Htores keep nothing for' -ale food. T The but tobacco, -aud that is of a very inferior quality. , The Juniata boys of old uourpany I. ! witli fl.om cb..n flu 'r List tlpr'i l).r.p:o1i j uli tl itheaodofoia lriuia, . nd tboe V .I'J i - . ! ,iave been permitted t return. nome, de- : wno jrcas uremi rjr u,cuiuini m i"vu , ., . , , p i i . LU.W li.nrrlir 111 fllill!!!!-? (,I Ilie:r COUUtl. 1 Yesterday evening 1 WiUced eleven hundred Kcbe prwoners who Lad jut eume iu from the front. They look about trkfrl!T-fl played lent. We had au election" on tueJltu iu.. i and the vote ctoed lbl Bepnnltcan to ol Democrat We intend-holding another one, and the result will be lbund by read, j iug ihe above figures laukwarda. Nearly j everyman ht.re is fur t:01d A15y,M and Ij iruryoa.al non.e are tne same. , 1 our i nend, . " E. W: II. KRIEDEl.. a UesttrWens from the Enemy. - The following i w extract from a. pri- vito' aoUio'r'n letter,. dated , Army of .ths Potomac, Ote.'-22.' ,:.: itr i i .. t.. a..- e-.. . late with the exception of shotted .salutes iur victories, auu vuo ikkiuuu, . M . ,,- ho- , M . .. ' days, and they say if Lincoln is elected i thev will desert by bnaa'ies. lhev say to p reveut detertioas, that every man who will shoot a, deserter shall have a furlough' si) that every oue who deserts bas te run the risk of being shot," and some are shot There was overSOO shots, fired in our front last night and night before at desert ers. These dark nights favor desertions.,, "VB"ff'B"SB"P'.!aJA'aT!: Tlic Copperfccads " FrozcQ1 Stiff. ' - " Halt - Harnee Blair, 3 '198- o 2849 ITiiBtingdun, 2929 -:. 2810 Centre, , . 2413 - 2M5 Mifflin, :: .1539 r, 1559 Juniata. ' .- 1251 ' 1250' Walters? Cbrialy 21S9,, .2247 . 2ISl,t 2112 , al41.A3Ml 1CC3 1615 ' i r.ai - - ' i nn o Perry, a 'ilSZ 4ir a 2213 2220- : '1 ci' JWs'v.1:. 3.3,891, .,12,'JU Halt over . Walters.. ; 287. . Ua over Christy, ' 235 Daines over Christy, lot'"'" ' " ' Haines over TTaltersi ' "31 '- " ' " ' - Thie Democratic papers of this and other counties iu'the district have bee n, since the election, stuffing their, readers with the idea tha'tMey had carrUd the dis trict, but i CLOTHS CASSIMERES, SATIXEIS . r vl, No 423,WAR,KET-STr.EET,.?r : now, the official returns bears too much K0rthde.l4tea Fonrth and tlaii truth aud hence, their silence.- 'et atfrfrtismrnts. VALUABLE PBOPHBTY At Private r t Ttie' rnJarsignd,t offers at PriTate Sale, a Uemsb I1W two Lws'eitualein Ihonipaoniown, Juniata counlj, buiinJ nil fust bjr lot of Rob-. ert lbrmpson. Nor lb ami Wet br alivs, and j. -. , -i . . r . . tStern'tI'by30 feet, with a good baoie Sublc by 3(. fect) AW-M;iej A Smuke. i hooseraod other out fc ut ouiiamgi. alio, a n eit or bck yard. - Mjgimoirni j;0. 2l. I86t. ( &:aaf - n J ... , JXi OUCO , f : 2 . . - " - -J' u Tb. uer-ie.1 annn-e, .o the m.r.y . nil Beyond McAiufeiVril., Juniata o. r. mi'Sii". pami tL .. sin 11. V- !-. I t suit - - ACU1T9US. NOTICE. Tbe iindorsijrtied U-vin been aj'poifttcl Antirorby tbeOrpbao Court of Juniata t."ouo- j in Ibe band of Unrv 8. Botr. admi..is- Urafor if 1. 11. Ingram, kite of Jlonrac tofrn- i nbi Jnniat:: uaty, flecratl, -Rill meet tor ! thr p'nsoee of b appoiutment, at bis office Ueoibcr, A. It. I jot Wbcrc d pe.iot4 ar- j aga;u,t Sll:d pwin, ,,resi:it ; ihem properly autii-nticattl or e!i be barred ' f,,.,,, llin r.K.ivvr. t.f ,1, Mmn . . - JEKE.M1AII 1.VONS. ;uf. 10. 4;-l-f. M if' Auditor. SHRINERS r iC' COLGU ' SVRUr. i'or Copffhs, Ca-'dt, . C'.-5:'l'.- H'Auf fii-'J Cinvjk, Anilimrt, Urcmtitis. Sfiit'iif' Di 'hcul't "J hteathutri, d-n. 1 hie ijruj a a purely : f'-, n is pieaauut to laKe, aaa never iioca injury ; But, oniiig to in puntyiug (jualitirii, nia..i u ooil under any eiraumvtanec.. '- lt ertett ,j i Ir T;ly wouuerfnl ftoiIwh, calming suuullji., - of DISEASE, and dririuj it liom ibt ?vsiri4i "Jo cliiKt Dclii die of t'r,'tjr,, if f!iis S-.Te-l Sront-ri Heed ndu?d inffme. .".Tsft tt lw crctipy children abonid w'c'i tae tii-t h of thet Ditae, aal always ti,:j j For coughs after . .Voiles, tL:.- rjrup" i- Ui-meav at hand. : J" ejcrilcnt. Experienee il ia equallei'iVy ti nh jr in- ,. priJB M ceni's r '.0 ha- proven tl,. epumiioii. : l'reoarcd by S. A. -I'bUi'Z'S . LfiO, Hi thir Hbolcsile Drug and Mt-Jiin Iiexii, ll'S, 1'i ank'in Sr. Ualiiiwe, M.i. bold by I "rugiau and tore-korpiri tliTOiiU'ioi tl;e VuUed plates, ...,,. .. i-.fjj.i-niyuut m . Mu,iu, ' :.!.(. I', a jafj ul rul:s.b!r lUoic iy fo i!'C cuii f KletTKiathui, l'ii!iiful Xcrou a.T.-.t'iuin. Hp.viaH.'Burts; S .telling, and stl liae rui'Jii iiis ia cxicrinl a(.!:viiiiu'.ii ! in. ' On if jrs4 i wiljcexe fifi to cave Poll Ei-Sula, Ukl BuuniL Sores, ov Swiiey iperly applied. Eor. crxm-j. Bruiis.,.- .ii nrotjcr.v - c ir OaE, Cats or Waad. it is la.UUih! i Try it, and bs ejavlus uf it ,r- v.r:i : i-ii rn ii.iii t .ta. s-i, i ,., RHECMATI3M. Ji3ons cSiotd wiititfiis 0:satA n j m t i-.- of how Ions standing. cwHj prin)ilrai 1 e:TuL'tually euril by .tie uc of this Mimiri. There i Dothinjr in the wnrll aaro ai t i- good to take ftwaj tad CUit3 ind care 1 cat. Diiep, aa this piTjparsTion, " ' Trr it aud saiTsfy y mrs-l?. Pr;Ci35a"- i i 75 cents a Bouli. Prepared bv ' 8. A. EOCTZ S A BSO ... At re'.r Wholesale Dru aud Medioiac p t, Xo. 116, Franklin St. B. It i-n-r.-e .MI. $Oix by B. F. liepner, MiSintown r., aad nil S:ore-keepcri thiooghout the United Siatti. The above Medio ine " '-rt in.nn taoto.'s Prices of Job sonHaUoway & ;otv d. No 2'ortU 6th j). x u.. .-nV-.a. PKOTOQRAPHsT The Patrons of tbe SlmisfiwIio rn'iy vlrrt liirrieburg. or dcsire-s tint class Pirt.-, ehon'.u byiill uieans go where they take lb most splendid hkenetsr ever gotten itj, au wbere, which is.at ': . i BCKMTE & WELPO-N S ;r '' 'll'i Market St., H irrifbur. I'i. -THREE -YALUAPLK tPARSr'Z I OFFER at -private sale, en r'asuiwotij terms, mythree farm, mtuaie in dranvifia township, Mifflin county. Pa. la wit : No. 1. situate en the old Huntingdon pik, about miles from Lew istovru, adjoiuint; Juan Brought, containing , " V 170 Acars,' : .' with a two st'orv BRICK HoTSE, Bank Barn. Teaent House, Orchard, &e., with water... . , .,'u- ' ' - So.. 2, a tract Tbf about a o o acres knon as the Comfort farm, three miles I'ruiu MLewistown, wbich will be divided into two farms. One bag a good House, Barn. Outhenses. young Orchard, Ac. the other a good Hoa-ie, Tenant House. Barn, two Orcbar-Js, with running water, Le. The above lands are in good order, with suf ficient timber, wnd deairable residences. Persons desimtu, ef purchasing are request ed to examine the property, and forfurfher in otrmation eH on or address the undersigned at I.ewistown, Pa. ' B.' S.' WOODS. JliffliitowB. Oet.12, J664-2S .. ;. '- "I r-- F. II. Saigcr wi G. W. need. & Co Also", Jobbers in :.-r rim.Mr.i.r-ti , ...... i L. w .xic, nus eir;.:nz idti ) t P i