Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 26, 1864, Image 3

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"tirrmu Gnar well roar Pout!"
They trie to' decteye.the Are they
' "any"- Better now? ? .
" .; :i )
After, the President gave notice that he
would sue his Emancipation Proclama-
' tion, the Democrats all declared that if he
' diJ the North would be overrun with no--'
-;roes. white mcu con'.J get rid work, ' Ac.
Ac. T hey lied then-jptUC they any inorc
: truthful now ? 'n.x .
i before the cleciida on the 2ud of Au-.
gtrst lasTU PeiAocrateall declared luYat
it the first Auicndnutat wnj tdoptijf the
j negroes in tl9Artoy would TOte.-.Thc
Auicudtoent was adopted and the negroes
A aud mi Dors can not vote. The fW "triad
' V nni. rvl : j ... 1 :..j ., Itn iUrji'Ttl mMnMMnriBT
XI1V X lUVUk uhb I't'V'" nn. - - j . - J J
Ut Thtirsihfe of November. as a da of : hotter tow ? 'v V J -.. .
Thanksgiving aud Praise. j ' " n''Sl"- go anJ sI,w vy
; poriilon and howling try which ho Dcm-
' Iw ack Cow MilIcr hM ,omc j ociats hive Uikeu siacc the war legah was
c.W.atiou he fa", tut has company. yu)!,-amj 9tffg,uca np to deeievc. Af-
he -failure" u.cu failed, and the "luouru Wyears of failWcbrcak up the
"is goabxmt the street,.." : lv.ou i.arty by tlt experiment of lyins,
.. . . ' tuticc. hiimanitv. lihcrtv aud public ffCal
ci c'eitinir i .
., . . ' demand au immediate cessation ot hostil-
returu to comtiioa
"Etfrnat VigilnreJj fte Pri bf Litarty.
' -y. , - -
Super,, nM. 60 Butter, prime ? lb 3
Kxtra...w... 10 00 Butter, in, rate : ' 25
Fany........ II 00 iLard, . . , 21
Ryr -V r3 00 iTaUow,.'..fc.7..... 16
Buckwheat,.".... 4 H' Epg. , 28
Corii 3tenl. ' ' .ill h VliIlV - -W S
' ' T . i
UKA13,. . nogs, ttewt JH ,
, , , Old Etablih(jl
I '.7 ;Uo. 718 Arch Street', 1
u.. i- - Iks ' ? F a a mm m M
1 ' above "lb.-, Philn.,
e 1 ES vena in store
pi Rij own irpt-
w'.iarrtetur.. an of the
tAD?E3' und Cnil.TjaEN SWEARinlhe
Abo, flne assortment of Gent's Far
' WRMKPIE 1 Tn WOR1.I1 ?' '
Coaftbs, Clil,Wbeopiiigroagh Bron
ckitiK, ViUieaHy of Brenttfrne;, Anthma,
MnrshBcas,.8oFe ' Tbro, Crun wt
every Afftion of
: consuMTBOf.
eo yertral htitthfrofuTTMfdir,etfmt, cmd
to pnpula. t irit tverytthm, that it is unntemary
at mount it virtnt. Itn icorh, tpeidu for it, imd
find littrar& in the abundant and voluntary tr;T.
imonu of the mar.'j !rto' from lorn tutferino en-
xttltd kiteatt have by 'Ut me te'nrettoreH to pri-it
Sis'" Tue I e'uiocrat t-on-t
iheir euunty '.irktl. 'A ell, it im
li'ftr' lli:t usiml.
, it-i ' iv .i truth at:d coinmoii decency. . .
inen, fcr iliose tiio like Midi I'tiiecr!" t:it.y J -
. , . i . .t nits wun a view to a
.uu in rr;!ru id ii.e i
are jut tlie k'.uu ci omccrs
"! like.
-1 DRIED FRL.'ii ,
Lluorbrrrie., G
New Iriili, bu 1 .10
Sweet 3 (K)
Apples, b'u T3
Onions, 2 (Kt
White Ileans.-. 2 00
I fine viaor ana health.
1st. A eontsnt or. t:t:Kii".ni7i at the
pit of the sK'Uiach. .;, ;fc
2J. Flatulence anl Aciuity.
iM. stiVPBCS RB'I I.l.3 nf Apr .""I'lt-V
. 4iU. filnom rbJ Drpresion of Jpijit ;
"lit; Diurrhif s. with griping.
Cih. i'Mii !i all pnjfg nf the ytm. '
iiZZiTion of the Heart.
8th. Couk)i. with rlupgm "n H,eThr.vtf:
Oih. Nervous AH':tin, an 1 w-nt ai fcieop
at nibf. ,
Kith. I.o. of Appetite nU Vomii n.
11th. birzines?, Dmiue?; nf V.sion, jn.l
' f aiirl.1 .
lUilil liristy and the Figures,
Elixfc'l the entire Democratic countv ticket
1 1 j' :uorr.isc 1 ui;ij-.nni'3 uvcr former years "
tittuTlic next time ould Kristy writes j At the hut election for Cetigres lilaek
eti address we commend this (home Cow Jli'.lcr had 755 majnriLy in Juniata
-S'uri'hin vii '(Vui-.s " Go it oil tfci?-.year he ha only 3o8. CoJprVhcad
Jake. , ' j increase twkwanl,.ol'7. r '
"""" . " - i At the same icioe'.ji'.y Klik iraincs fr.ir.
oT M r. Stephen, the rebel Vice Proa- j lic.lk.u 4 , .XT pu!y : Cop.,cr.
idont, greets tho I'latfonu in the "'-1 itfad i.uwasebaekwal-d-, Go.
in- poetic strain of eiiiali'C joy-" !' I T,(J a.jUkl.s ,.lte , waj.jlW n i;)e fo
LJji. n6'Jrlf if JliJ" -XatttnJly , thbl . Hkt--,
vnongh for a rebel ehkf thus to Ko w?M ; Aa j s0 oft t5ll.ougll0ut tlie (k.kct ,liey
With delight over the work of tlemcnt C. ! have hal hry.or maj()ritic. This proves
i allaUdtIiaUl. . i t!..l ll,l..r k'l. ia n ti r-Ktli- .; t,i !
fhm i with great eatuiss.
...en iii fur.. tfi. ndeli towir iimwn man at preseu.? , , uu viiuni.ui.u. , , .
e-S-fc r.nH. r . ., .. - jtbnttave n-l Dr. Wi-harfs GreatAnnriinn
uu - - i.vt pn iHi . k r i ui uisnmnt; . - j . . .. - i , ...... .
tr,r.i;. iilcli ,V v . x1 11 trafnro .i!iU a 1 The Rer, JAoh Stlklcf UVMpPFu? rt!, n-t ont 01 them Latt tsaUd vZ
Peaches, ,qt 5 CO '6 E- iSlclU from mV friends of Juniati County and H known and much respected among i he perlect .. V e warrant a cure ia v. ty
Cherries....... 10 Wetuui, Jt .? '0Wty. ' Remember the Name', mber : Oemto populatmn w this eountry. mak-s the csc no ma- .-r ,f of twenty year, .raadtn-,.
Currents...;. ' 10 IVa, a4 Street? ' . ' ' . ?S- foP . e benefit of. the j .M by all .ivuggtsveryiihfrc. aiid.at li.
- , - ,t - - ..........t--. .1 1 M I . - I . i VT.Ma. OH C lfir.ll I .i..tki.: T . . V.I ; : 1 - l..
Oak N" " iiOr lS ARCH Bkeet, above 7th., South side. Dear Sir: Having aliid in in family tlii free of tharc. S. n l f.r eimilar.
niw'J"" ' " aem s -" PHILADELPHIA. iuit,orant benefits from the u of yourvaluT-TPriceSl per box.' Sent Vy-iai!, fr.-efi:hari ,
Tiiaothv 19 frT' ri)S WITH AJi OTIIiill STtlKC IN rilllr- Cnaaal-'n .Niorua me pnaanre rorccoir.7nel'f . - ..M -
. . " 1, J? ihrr im t t ' .. "i.i ii.t s !. : . h. ,.v.i. Some eicht Tears aco one of ' L. ' r.. '.
m; nVhtir- t in a decline, an.l j ft
Tn p ti m i little hopes 01 Br recover-were en lenameit i , lmuihhi u.ijjh,oi ii.jiiyi"-, wi.
Illttiii 1 1 then procured a bottle of your excellent Bal-' formerly of Old Chester, Pel., hi et f i'v th. ,
sain, and before she had taken Inewlioleol the i '"rone yearanu anaii i smiece.l everorwoj;
contentsof theboitle tt-re was agreat improve-1 but f" tbat awful disease cllcl l'y
ment in her health. I havfl. in my individual repsia. My whole system was prostrtic il.
. . ' m..,l fr.mu.nt ne nr vnn valuable med- weakness antf nervous ilcbilit? I cont.I r.. .
on reasonable j . , .... . i K ; ditrest ir.v food : if I ate even a enckeror fbo
aie in tiranvuio ,,n,, ,,.;i r
ivniisuijf, ..iiiiuu mmiii v, in., to wil ;
Clover, 15
lietailed Articles.
Coal Oil -r sal 1 2i
Beeswax, "(J It) 5." iSall, "gt sack i ill!
Stapidrj . . .riastejr, on 10 W
Candles .-. . 20 I j
Wool, washcd..'.l ,00 ,'JCNIATA FE'TINH.
Hags ..; 6 I In advance 001
Corrected weekly by . Todb & Johdas.
It it not yood that :nan shouldbe alone.htn.0.
On the 20th inst., by Rev. D J. Dealc, Er. "
Sannie! Lauvcr and Miss Mirgnret M: Kiri
all Tucartra twp. j
On the C?th of August, by William E. Row
ers, Ksij., Ml. Pplemnn T. KauQ'oiau and Miss
i "atwline .H'j Haee till ef this borough.'
'ALUAi3LE FAll.t8 ',i
POr Sa1
IOFFBIl at frivate Bale,'
terms, ii.yfhree farmavitna
f'rom Ji-ssie Smith. Kiq.t
smallest amount of food, it wou'.d return in-.
as I swallowed it ; I became so costive in lny
No 1 s.tuataon the old H.mt.ngJot; P-ke. r.t:lillial ( ,he jMon. CouBf- Bank, Morris-,' 'twls that I would not have a .:;-afi,inlt
afciut 1J miles from Lcwistoii, idjoiniiiK j
John Brought, conlaininj
l7'C ACRES, '
oish. New ;trrev.
'Having used Df. Wistkb's Balsim or
H ti n CiiERRY for abort fifteen years, andhsv
is j w tya two sinry duu. iv aaiiK nig reatiteu us neiiviioiai rcsttits in my lamiiy.
jFA Kara, lencnt I louse, tlrchara, ., witn . it i-rMs mp preat plensu
aL water. i it tliS pu.ilic as a rattt
i- . ..r J
.No. a tract of a jout.
300 AOBES.
jlnown as tlte Comfort farma. three 'iiiles !in
al.ewistown,' hich will be divided into
two farms. Ofte has a rood Ilouso, IIa-n,
Out houses, young Orchard, Sc.
re in recommending
thatl from four and often eijthl days; under
this imaieEse aufferinjt, my mind seemed en
tirely to give way. I had dreadful hoi tor an I
evil Vorbodings. I thought evcrjo jy i::ih-.
me, and I hated everybody : I emiM not bear
t..v.lA In . aA '. Hiv litiahaivl ii ui in v nwn ehililreif pvervtltiii"
ill JlJfttl'tlV.,- , lIKIILt, ltlUl,IJ .U J - ..... '"J .
lif weak lungs, colils, coughs, Ac., and a remc- appeared to be horror stricken to me ; I bad
dy which I consider entirely innocent, aud may ' no ambition to do anything; 1 lot all try love
j be taken with perfect safety by the most deli- j "f family and hme ; I would landdeand wan-
.uc in LcaltV 1 uer rroni piacc io piace, uai count not re con.
Prom lion, jvh'i t.. oii''i,
1 t'l. ! Tell thai 1 was doomed lo bell, and
Ji.r'iiday last was the Jay
t U .. ..... n
".iJl?rr.l.' '.''ir.' "'.. f -:r.'!"'V'.!r'f"!S ! P'1 !,0U3 Tenant Hou-c', Barn, two
. tt-t Khler K rtsy is a Imn vastly jtiveu to j o the 2, il, mst,. in Patterson, Mary Ma- n,e above lan.ls are in goo.lord.-i. with suf-
. e ; tclnnc; the truth ? " Jk'ttcr try y;r haudjtilda, wife ol Dtivid A. Dough man, and j tecnt tunber, and desirable resiliences. .
:1 i o'.- , ,i,,,,i.,., Kr ?.,-,,), t?,., ,,. m ..,' a 1 Persons desirous of mirchasiiif arercmieBt-
-( lie meeting ol the cllOol I'iret.urs nt tile j ... . juioatus aud 7 days. i, ,
v iuatr, at the Court llouss id this The Heme Vote. j Ou the l-.th inst... at the reaiJcnee - of h
tKiioiigh, for the purtwe of niio- -iio ' Af another evideneo of dcaeon Krwty's ,,!,,. ; v:,iicr toWnhi n, David ;'Laadii
... .. " .. ... 1 i....:... ..iii.it.i. .k.. .....I r. ., .. . i .... .. .. . . ,f.
alaty ot the Luunty .iiperintoii teiil. I ' " "'Ii"-,,J' H"1'"-" lnt "s-"' j teei yeam, njuonina amj b Uay. ;
There were but twenty .six lireetow i.rr-.;i-i """' 1Ij ey have carried
Iisiiiig,iishe-t wr in Wstt.ii,ij'er, Md. ,hat ""- no heaven forme, and waaeOen
Vtiit. The proposition to increase tin' y'nry ' 'he State:
vas votci djwu and, thcrefoie, the salary ''r ',' ,;"i',n Omvr.cH
' . i tor the Coj rcrbea.l LingivKuiea
tL-uiri-n -as lit .eiotoic, i. cui1;. j 1. 1
ictuuUM. ! Vni.-n riaj;i'j , 3'.tl
The soldiers' vid'j "ill inercasc the Uni-
Tue following little fable ei'iifaiii? a Hi: majority iu the Sv.ti tt) (JVer 15,000.
yrcat deal of truth, -aud peculiai iy , i.i lin y eiioiigh for i'ue il.'.j. " '
hjptd j p'vsent li'sit i
A blviitii ojee clialleu'cd a lion to i
, , .. i i JUoa-aa tried to pun
vintfle eomoa. J lie lion prottititly ue- . , . . ,. '
..... , ' fa li'-lit . iiwcc touValTcd,
vliiieJ the honor ol saeli a meeting.
'-How "s id the skunk, -arc you afraid V
-l" i- n nli the Hon -for you
Hnuid only :aiu fauiaUy auiilw j
lo fiht a lion, while every one who met
lue tor a mouth to come would know that
1 haJ been itt Mnipany with a ?kuuk.
Dearest orothcr ihouhast left us,
I Here thy loss we deeply feu ;
But 'tis God that east bereft ua,
JTe can all our sorrows heal.
Al have on tieverul occasions used Da. Wia
tar's Balsam of Wii.h t'lirnsv for severe
ctilus, aud alwnys villi dciiittd b-.-nrfit. I
know of no preparation that i3!wreehcaeio'is
or more dcservi'e of Er!b"ftl use.
The Iial.!!"i na.i also l.-en used with ei!-
Il'eet !, y .1. P.. Ki.i.tor, Merchants, iTtdl'a
ross Roads, ld
ross Ivoaus, ,-M't. . i "v "
rViStar a Bal?aM of iW fclierrr. i
None genuine ualcsS sienei ! l)UTItf,- mm?1?.
S'.u'rina.i and HooK; . ' ,
t Jlood -uas tried to put lien. Mier'lian in
a tight puce tutancd, . The Wllroaibi
live been tm up by the rebels.-. SMfc
matt instantly repaired thcia. The twifti
of IWto-j aud lion iim
the rob"!:!. Shcrinau reto them. . flood
showed fight; ihc;tuan macbed out in
! full force to west hini, aud Hood ran away.'
At. last aecoUilis, the rebel arjy was wov-
t.'en. .Sinneiuan has trcu cxeh.m-cd.... ! "P''y towartl the Montgomery rail
Cul. J. T. Si.iid'v-sMi. e? tt.i ?tito died i herm ni was at his hecht.
r,-; ....... ... i . i iieaurc.trd ha.takc'tl Command of
r.t fct. I.our?.. ...A ffiy ol a:;i:cd men 1 3 v .. ..
iron. Canada robbed three Hanks in St. 11 "5 aTmJ- ;
Albans. Vt. on the llth The Rebels ; Thce be t.reat TrnllisS
reel uited about ism MeClcllan lhinio- : isb. Tin: . ouspr-.-. i uw k-,ci
!, lour. Ot m iifsiit, iC'jr ttl'it'l fo ""-
jiU'.'h ,
, Yet again we hope lo rileel thee,
yhen the day of life is lied ;
THsn iu heaven with joy to gre'jt the,
Wbr'rt rl3 farewell tear ia shed.
On tho 2ith of August, in East .Waicrfortl,
Franciv Agnes McCliirc, consort of Coi $J
David A. JleCIure, of the 14'Jih Reg.TTi 4
ifed 2t yoar's,-li atetitha and 2A day .-'je
On the 4lu inst.; pear East Waierforot
ry ElUal'clh, diagbter ef Ileurr' mip '
I IV) '. - . I ' . fit 1 1 . -
TTrft-TneTi.rn Tnjt.riuT Sia'k cnvTJ"
Mrs. Anna Moyer, vile ot'ibi! latelk'tloTQi
er, aged 30 Jeers, 2 ronth aSl 2S dayj ( ,
l " .. ' - -wy'.'" .I
iPtiin piniHinn iiih mrti rtfn v . nn i iiir rurinpr in-
:.L..Ti - :'...?.' ... . . . ' lent
(ilimiii inn mil vu vr flunks mo iiituersiy ueu
at towistown, Pa, S. 5". WOODS. ;
iliitliutowu, OcU J2, 18ii 1 -3t , I
' POUTZ'S i " ForSpiebr
CELEBRATED ;- J. P. DIN'SMORK. Xo. I'.'l Broad'..sy, ?T. Toik.
$okm aua cattle foirtf i 8-w- ro;VLa;rs,!' Vifi-
ThrsePowdeta Keaumg 9 JaiVC
... -'a pr-- ; ! continued
mwi uiiia 9 ikiiu
will rtrengtb
en tbe5tomaeh
and Intestines,
cleanse them
from oBetuave
matur, and
bring them to
Thev are a
' preventive of Lnnif Fever, and a certain
4y for all Diseases inridi nt to the Horse,
as uian
fYeliow , Dis-
V e s.
lw, Fe
, , Loss of
0k !
Cures Burns. Hcalds, Cuts.
Rctliliug'tsi JKiittsia S.tltc
Cures VVnumls, tfruises, Sprains,
Cures Roils,"" incera. Cancers. -KEDOIXCr.?
Ki;.SIi 8.LVE
Cures ialt Rbeum. Piles- Erysipelas.
Redding'!- Kiissla alc
Cures Ringworm, Corns, &., &r...
Xf.0n'y 25 Oar? a JSeiSl
JUP. DIXSM0RE. No. 41 Breadway, N. Y.
9 -T "WI,E 4 CO. No- l'J Trcmont St.. Boston
Aci by all Druggist and Country Sntkpt'ra.
.m.s l;jr their army ill MisoMri.. .. ..There :
ore no news from (Iraut. t'licriilhti's
.N'OTICE" ; ' ,i w,r henefi.iat fret:
The undersigned having been appointed;! The use of them improves Ihewihrl. strenefh-
Auditor by the Oi-phnns Court I'fJiitiiata Conn-j n the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a
iy to meke uustrihiition of the assets remain
ing in the bauds of Henry S. Buyer, adminis
trator of D. Jt. Inp-ani. late of Monf Ke town- j
ship. Juniata County, deceased, will meet for j
toe purpose of bt( appointment, at his oliice
lfl Mitilintown, on Friday, tbc'-olh day ofNo
vemt'cr. A. D 18lil Where all neraons hav-
Tkuc itrf. only itr-j iufi, to ciilims agsinst said estate will present
Dvtpt'psia t Dysprpsiii !
Dr. W'siiiar. h.tve Lee"i iicousiaul suf.
ferer with Dyfpepsia for the last e;gliteen
v.ur, a 1 1 T, whif.fi f i II' o I fnnnrtt a t - tl.a I
j action ! No change of diet'rf anired I DouoticeJaBjoyed a perfectly well day. There
u.i-iicrc uu ouiius!. pursiiiia : un u useo ore tini"" when the sympt
IT all Casks. Can be relied on ! Never Jail
tbhnre! Do not nauseate ! 'Are aneerfr-vin
witHoht detetttion t Up-vnHs of 200 cures the
past montP-i-iOric bf theik very Fe-rere tases.
fna.eraowth and glossy rkili thus improv
ing ine appearance, vigor ana spirit ot this
Boule animal.
tcmrtc'l to commit suicide, so near was n-.y
nholc nerviois pysfeni destr . ve t, f!!id a.so my
mind, trom that awful complaint, Tspcpi.i,
lhat my friends thought best to have me placed
in Dr. Kirkliride's Hospital, -Wc:t ritilaJel
phia ; 1 rcreerned there nine week, end
thought I was a little better, but ina 1'eW ds
my Urcaittcl romplauit was raging as bad as
Iiearing fifth": won lert.il cures rc-r-
l'r. Wi.-han's Oieat Amfrifah Drr-
pepsia Puis ami his treatment fir llvrpepsis.
my hurhnnd cr.llt J on Dr. V. ishail and stattd
my ense to him. He said he had lio diubt be
e.iiild eue me. in three davs after I tilled
j .111 '.laved myself under the Doctor's treat
ment, ana m two weeds' I began to digest my
foo.L, and felt that my disease was giving way.
to recover for' about ihrci
f"iuiiths. an i at the present lime I cuioy per
fect health of bmry and mini, and I most sin
cerely retnri ihan'ts to a meieifiil Oed
A Sail lit. -Wis hart, and lo his great American
Dyspepsia Pills and P:ne Tree Tar t prdi-tl
that saved me from an Insane Asylt-n and a
premature grave. AH persons auffc lag witu
Dyspepsia are a'. li'.":rt7 to f ill oh hie er to
Write, Aa I an -lline; to irb all the good I
for siifieribfj iiulnatiity. ELuaretii. Bti!soN.
Brandy wine, DeLx fjrmeriy of 1J t hestcr,
.Delaware eouaay Pa.
Li. Wisbart's Ofiice, No. 10 Nor;h Frcood
street, Philadelphia.
oris were more a v.
gravariM Iiiari at others, and then it seemed
would be a great relief to die- 1 had at alt
victory at CVJar Creek has been most ; L, Ec ru nuui must heor the. hen Vy authenticated bt-ejse be barred
vempletc. f ilt, eauuon (ioeluUiS V ri,cl or a-tait it, ni''SS Lvk
reeaptttrttd) prisoners, mg, am- j llf KJ JK.:fiVs thi ,rroh patriots -Vov- Audit or. .
,1 .1 't A . i l I
bulatices, 10 battle Eags, a gKat 'juautity
d" stiia!' aras, Ac. arc awoug the resul?.
They wetr; drivrra H niilvsauJ utterly de-
w t,-'iitors. SlKI'livN A. UL'ULAS, at
Cbieagj, April 11,
The bad Kftett? of tixmjt Thiaf
For once the Hiehtnoud editors have
promptly adiailtcd a Jcfeafi ilad (her
beu a shado' of a chance for t!cuy!l)g
KAnLi'shtst overthrow, they would hare
held out until the cra k of doom, but it
ramo upon them with sueh overwhehiiinp; ( jj arFPiJE.v 1801
conclusiveness mate iney were lorccil inio
an uucouJitioual confession of defeat. They !
nre now at Work accounting for it. The pre-1
i ru U hut rijh't K jx the Xurth axiHi-J?
i 1! h'ttjiufiix (its lct:mt:iiial ? Amltchat
claim. Jo'iiidrtl iu jnstirr. ar.rl rlijht, hits
Ite- n trithlnltl? Can either oj'.tritt t--!ay
iiififp i':ir fi'tglc art of cromj, dciibtfxitc
l;i mitl pitpiifi fy duncby the (loremwi
at W-tf!iiKr;f,it, t:f' uhii li the Huulk Aim tt
jftt to ev?ttpft( f I chitl'ttije the rcr.
y.ttate iff Ki: S. Shtttvan dcr'tl.
I Notice is hereby given tliit Letters Testamen
tary on Hie Estate of O. S. "human, late of
Perry sville. dc-J'd., have beeti gFaBted to the
undersieiied rcsu-'ine in the Safto pf'lcc. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said j
csiaic are refucstea i i-i- uumcuinij
UNIOjN 31EN of
vailing opinion i-, that this dicier. ell! 11111111. 5)Ut a IGW
, It . !. I,. 1 .1. T II .. i J
.in luiiers iiicy ;-i-j suiicrcu iu toe alley ; B j
luring the present campaign, is the result j , ..1 . , lO
nf EAKf.y'sattliment to "apple whisky." j I) ( HJ fOI tll6
This epinion, however, is not unanimous, j ,
Another pjr neconnts for the disa'tcr jljrrCil t S UtlOIlcll
by saying that after Early, victory he r,,,ro.gl ' 'f Wlfll
fried to get his Captured gdns through th. j s t-lwyl- - " UU
streets of Strasbiirg. bat in cotisc felled i J l0S. Wll-prO-of
fbo extreme narrowness of said streets.!. -" 's . . V' '.,-a-'' - "
-he cipture 1 artillery got tnixeJ up with noimcc tfie war a
Early's own artillery, and h. had o 6 6 IV, 5ii ! .lil -l
"There's wisdor-yott.'' But J HUlllU ii . Uat fUi
yver one nunarca pnysicians nave use.i them , ,ioi an llne,0nt feeling in my head, but
in their praciice, and i U -r,ei well cf It-bir j .;tetif my sii.Terings so much increased that
. "I'f7" " composiTiun, ...- P alinpst unfit for business of any kind:
Which is entirely vegetable, ahd harmless on
tec system. Hundreds ol ccrtificftts clin be
Bell's PpEcirie PiLta il-e ihc original 5.H1
hnlv genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted
for male and female, old or young, and the
bnly reliable remedy fer eTecti'i A f rrmanent
and speedy e-.'.re in ail cas5bf Sperms torrhea.
br Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils,
such as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges,
Meet, the Whites. Nightly or Invo!un!rs
Emissions. Iticomif,.n::. P-ttlMI Deb'i'itJ.and
Irritability, Impotence, Wtnkiess hr Loss of
! nr, Ner-mts
my r-nt was coniinuaiiy titiea witn gioomy
Mii."glits and forbodiiigs, and if I attempted to
chafpe ihsir 'current by Teadihg, at once a
sensation rf icy coldness in connc.'ion with a
dead weicM', as it were, resisted lif'rih my
brain; ft!st; a feeling of sickf.ess would occur
at the s'omach, and great ji.iin to my eyes,
accompanied with which was the cemihunl
ftar of losing m ret",e'i. 1 also experienced
reat lassitude, I'tbiiity aa-l nerTo.isncfj,
which mv' it diTicult to walk by day er sleep -tit
m!t'. 1 came averse to so'ietv, anil
j disposed only to seclusion, and having irie l
Tae property this Powder possesses in in
creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives
it an imoortanoe and value which . should
plMarit in tlie hands of every person keeping
men--and those having claims -thereon will "."T- "J. nc" experiment mis provw,
- . j , ..,, ,.i that it will increase tho qnantitv of Milk and
ment, and incapacitates the sufferer from ful
filling the duties of married In all sex
ual diseases, us Oenorr'nPt, H'crl.; ilhd ftfric
tnres. anil in Iiislstf of ih n Tt'fMn .n.f ITlrl
, ... . , .,,l-.;.( ..i uh n win increase ino qnaniiiv oi .-una aii'i ' - --
please present hem d! V uthen, eaUd for My ,he nryq, ,bey nct ag , char- , B.,irf is per;.
, oiiccu oy uiauig a single nox.
j Sold by all the principal drnggi?ts. Price!.
! They will he sent by mail, securely se?leJ,
j and coufidcntiaSly, on receipt of the money,
settlement. REBECCA J. SHU MAN,
Sept.. 28th-3t. Adiiiinistratit.
A lot of O.
A. Bait fowTale. chen.
"Sf'ts- A lot of Turc Cider Vinegar jusijJW
CeircJ acd fur talc, by ....,. ; -
firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives
itietn an appetite, loofens tbejr bide and
aiaker tfenr thrive much fester.
n O O S .
In alt Distflsetof '
ilid JtBALabanaoa anj of the artillery,
captured or otherwtseNAh) why, in-
, . m - h '
IPO, One of the darkest and roert 1m-j
nsrtg tricks of the Copperheaa uemoeracy
has just oonie to light. Thiesm ls of
v'cs of Xew York soldiers have been
..'r-sieJ and ehnnged for I'lv'Clel.an.
Whole boxes of fraudulent vctta have i
leen discovered. Truly Uiey are the Ic-
Some startling develspuictits have also
just come to light eonecrniDt'-tlte conspi
racy of the K. G. C's; to resist' the' draft
in Columbia County. Of course it'was a
Democratic arrangement altogether.
the Swine, siieh aa .
v t-i
v.uiiib, uii.i:ii in
he Langs, Liver,
ke. By putting
i-om half paper
to a never of these
Powders in a bar
rel ef Swi.'L the
.i-Lmi&iZL i I
Consumptive -BtiffasieM'wUI rrceive valua-
nlp nria:rini.Irtn iha mm t r - a
, E K.-a.aawj v'Jic Ul -uUUinil PI IOIJ, ' " VI o"t -aaaa aj
Asthma, Bronchitis, and !! throat and Litne! above Diseases ran bo cured or entirely pre
' ' . . . .. . .o i . , .. l.rt- Tn..l.M, II... II. .
uuuus, (iree oi enarge,) tv aemline their
addrts to Rev. KD YA R D A . f I LSON. -
- " - Wiliiamsburg,
' '. ' '' ' " Kings Co., '' '
,.-!!. .... r..n.. A-cw york.-
victorious arc:a,23
should be arrest
ed to gfcrcia ffcec
satr&ii of hostili
ties" to exlmusf-
etl traitors.
vented. , By nsinjf these' Powders the Hog
t noieraotn Be p even to.
bio 25 cta.per Psjer, or 5 Papers for$l
(Successor- to Statifftr id liar.
let,) jNov Gi'l JIarket street,,
Dealer ia Fine Gold and Pllver iVATCrfESt t , P"
r i nr , 1 1 in i jewilii I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. v v h n m m m r- a . 1 1
and the beat r?ake et fifa PjaTijtk i j-: li ; ! ! ESTATE'
Constantly on hand i !af . awmentof lhi " r .- -
it Twr.ia
Boxr Vrmnlrlin Rt . Vulrimnra VS. M L Pills have never vet failed in removing
bv Drareuts ami Storekeepers "! ditbcultics arising from obstruction, or stop-
tb -v nt- tbe rnited States. - - . jiAge of nature, or ia restoring the system to
rs - ' ' ... ...
e":ti 7, vzn ., sr.. all ot ' .i.,n e . k r.e m;ni i.:...
' wmJ;h .'J0 PrineiI!,Iy from ' K-fc.se- n Ta;ioe, schools, finally b IQ ihcthe eon
j or Self Abuse, or some constitutional derange, j cluion that, for this tfsease at my present
mp (45 yesrs) thtr Was no cure in existence.
But; thrba-h tbe 'nterfenence of Divioe Prov-i'l-hee,
to whou I devontly offer my thank.'.
I at last faund a sovereign remedy in your
DysrepEi.a Pills and Ta.r Cor J:I, which seem
to have effeistuslly removed alm'S'st the last
trace of my long Vint of ailnier'ts and bad reel-'
ings, and in Citir place health, jilcasitre and
contentment are my everyday companions.
Jmfcs M: S.t.iHEai,
So. 4.5 " Ptenh 1 'ree, Philadelphia,
Fortueily of Woodbury S. J.
Or. rt ishart Great American Dyspep
sia Pills.
This is 1 Hcrtify that I hnri suffered lor ion'
years that dreadf'a! cornrilaiht ca!led dyspep
sia. I suffered wjH'a J.ain and distress, with,
gloom and ilepr-'non of spirits ; I was treated, .
by eight tIiTt tent physicians for my complaints
and at ti'ncs was much betterbut then the old
di-ie-.r.e, dyspepsia, would return with a '.I its -
staniiequired ta wasting 1ntJ , si,.k an, ,Ub;,ifa.
tfiav i viv,"i, ,c'' 8,a,e' 1 w,s ba'! a circular of Wisbart's ,
ret faiieJ Y!.; great Ariei, frjipepsia PiEs, and Pin. Tree :
' f-BR t AN, M. D..
Ifo; 7C Cedar street. New York.
jCfilsuiting Physician for the treatment of
?cminal, Urinary, Sexnal and Nervous
I'isenses, who will send, free to all, the fol
lowing valuable work, in sealed envelope
Tna FmxtKTH THorsaWD D. BELL'S
TREATISE oa Self Abuse, P-imiif nre Decay,
Impotence and Loss of r ov er, Selual P?seaseS,
Seminal Weakness. Nightly Emissions. Gen
ital DebilitJ-; &e'., ie., a pamphlet bf 64 rages,
containing i& orlaht. advice to the aillicted,
and which should be read by every sufferer,
as the ffigiiSs of cittp ih tliS severest stages is
I'twiuij bcv iui.li, xitu Biam
pay postage.
. -r, : r - . . .... 'ft
periript b?altb when suffering from Spinal Af
fections, j?ro!apstts, Uteri, . the Whites, or
other weakness if. ?ke Uterine Org us. The
r:n. ... .-s.n.. I mli n ni.n ti-. ..,.r..-itii
asnr-.a val-r'un and may be taken, .by the most delicate
. i . .. j.. . . . .is,. I fanittln willimif rm . n r. 1 f w llm oam.
W.i - 7? Bituatcu in .uexico, jniaLa CO. ; " o " - w
uu luiinn icn well Linen, inn , -- ... r. r-i
ttrvat dwelUng and aU ether dm-i ,n,Somu,g fna restoring the system to a jt.
r cAUTion. yzm
AU toroo. are herebv cairtione? idjMM(!
t treSDftffffVIl'r nil Hi Innlal nf t haa v4 . nm I w. 1 taa
i T ' uuuvtoiuini 10
fll 1-a a Walker township, either by shootitfjj. hnntinfr
JL 1113 cutting timber or throwing down fences; c'r
jm m. mt -1 otherwise injuring property. - AH persdns ar
iJtiie I& iSllOl't- I lie otHiadnew,taMirt,orthc extreme farts,
ioi 'ne taw win hereafter be c
ii i n m a il f & ff ft I i 1 fii -1 re:5'c, L pi. ,
"""" J n ---7
the issue vital.
Work ! Work !
skill I ul w . - ,j J4 aj.
C...;t anil .11 tl . . if - A'" w
TTr ' mtnus H. . iTbnildinirs. includimr
t snort nonce. t-- . i i
ST . . . A' &iiniAC YattT trajle.Kman. All
C,.?1??! , efabove will be nronmllv s'tcnii'ci -if hat causea the obstruction wt ariaw-t
ivDAoi.,i-Biiaaeirnia.. . y Vs. SAI.T.1R Ttrritirw ai.tei
irffJ Millerstowo, Perry Co.' Pa.
;a g-Bodsno;a,tBy condition, and by bringing on the Uf G(3j bk.
I leucrj con- monthly period with reguUrity, nomattcr )if (;
Tar Cordial, h?ch gave a correct de-rii:ion
of my sufferings, aud I determined f plco
myself iad'ST the Doctor's caro, an-i -"ake hi
me.licirfes. . e-
As fi'on as I commenced tae tfso of the med
icine, I began to get better, and so I coniincd
three months, at which, time I wis pcil'ceily
restored to health ,' I am to-Jay a wetl man.
Dr. Vr'ishart, I givu yon thU certificate with a
grateful heart for . the benefit I have received
uon the us.! Jwy our truly wouderful medicine.
yservei .your truly
I. t woad say !
ss tou ar.d r
r nany vcars.
april 20,3m.Ang.l5,3m.
Wm. Curran,
Joel Kinser,
Henry .Seiber,
Samuel lines,
David Bashore,
Sept. 2!st, WA tf.
i enforced without
JS. A. W. II. Moore,
. Joe. K. Kaufiaiau,
JJenj. Ti'tlflaaaaJ
Jacob Zendt, f
Jiibn McMinn. Vr
Ihcy should, howeverr KOI JwMWre. Jo tin i TeVr 7 T." v i " 1 1 TS i , '
v . .. . .' .. . . -f 1 1 haiJsauTSiilence is No. 1.! Kichmoml street.
Aa 6"8 A". SermttlSStnet Phi!nrl,lh,
' .ManifAciure elf Cubical Block Puules
Alphabet Blocks, Disetted Jlaps and Picture , Nata?B. and emphatically the Ladies' Private
.TU .. C a il - Af it. 1 1 I II
, T . 7 . 7i TT V"'?' Pbila-lelphia. where 1 will take great delight
ftfntieh Mairjca of mrrm ni hop tna a u micz-aiTi n w ' '
- . i in iMvuifr A-inniinv Id Ihc frro.it n.nt-tr i.f llr
- r n , , : . - v i.
finr! highest Cssh Trices will always
X gheri fur ah kinds of Grain and SeeAi
Sell to
- ratteraoa. Pa
4n(0l K. lh. ..!( .
Each box contains 60 Pills.. Trice' $1.
6'f rtmalea. Pregnancy, Miiwtrriagc, Sscre?-
ness, Sterility, Reproduction, and Abuses cf
' nnil u'nk.ii.ll. th. I ..Ii..'
Medical Adviser, a paupblet of H4 caces.sent
free Ut any address. Sia cents required to
pay postage.
9Uotoi heavy jrain Boots for alc
cheap, froar 4 to dolbrb. Call and gia-B-iBetbeu.
W'tli'ilf'u iita''ll.il'. (rttlirsa.
. .. . .. II- AttEJI.
Tcalio--d arc a few a ping the. thousands
which thij a71, reniedy Bas saved from aa un
timely grave. . '
We have thousands, of k-lters from physi
cians and, druggie' who have pretcribrd and
sxiio tne.se iiH-ir-iuc, sayingiat ihey have nev-
- ThcPitlsand book will be sent, bv mail erased er sold a medicine, which gave sticti
hen desired, securely sealed, and prepaid; i universal satisfaotion.
J. BRYAN, M. V.. General Aceu.
No. T Ce-lar.!,, New York.
Sold bv all tie principle .bugiefs.
Preparcl.onlv by Hie proprietor,
, Wr. I . tt Khart.
No. 10 North Second i-'rerf.
' !bib-l-'bia Tenn a.
Sold by aE druggists.