Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 26, 1864, Image 1

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    .,' ill i J 1 1.. i J. L-ni.uvl -ste v.ol .ifii! y.'iU . ;a cr i " '"" ". r ..en ,, yAuj i t
,PmN.0CT0BER.26, 1864,
V- -V (--
T)R. t. C R, lIO. It'MienM
wlufctj toTmiirTIrtrslrUudit and jm-
ininlhal Uo lias removed to the house on
Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store.
dpHi-tf -
ArcUBKX CAVENEV, Manufacturer of Tomb
J(Otm!, McAIislerville and Mfflliutown. All
,work put tip 'U the most tasteful atid-ub-..
-r.ial manner. Hive bin. a call.
Vuril 1-G4tf.
nur i;si.k of Ready Malf ltbiii before
you Purchase Ll.-cwlicre. you will liud (-U
h md a good a-orn-.rn for Men mid Roys
vr;rc. which t-u ..c sold cheap for cash or
vuiitrv produce.
yu kfV & texxeij..
an 1 -if Piiitermn. P.
K. r. SfTllWAtiT,
yiijl'liit'itun. Jtttiittt'i f'u.,
crs profria-ionnl service to me pub
ColWtions and all oilivr Imvities will
r.f-iT" pioitipr iiticmion. 4 tti.-; t:rt
.iuli(' tVilord'S Store, ntp-tairs.)
i i.i.i
. W.i.In.
.t('H'il ' 'J
A ti
L". ir
!V:'.l al'rt ud !
'.i re. I rtie- il
I nil M
'' "IS
, i-.-.-i
promptly mii. vi.I to
Irjc.jt'' l cliiuif liaiiisi eitue" tbe
. : N tiioti .: .Jo vrmi.fi!'. Faisio!:-.. Back '
B-.uii'v, Pay. siM -ill otoer cUtuis
' '' ..r. ,il sue i-r'.-ivi" or -'t oilier n ir.
.ii:r,;:.Mf ui
ri.it.' - f '-. . I-.
,,.. -"ie-l iv'dUis; in Greenwood j
i..,, :,... ,,i..i
L t.,
jtv -oneer, rn-fcetiuKy o:-t.-r
Li services to the ).."'WC- Ail !r'frs ad
i. t.Ked l t;.,X rr '"rr ccunt.". "r
iiliersion, !" irrV couatv. wi.'1 l"' prcmpMy
sunilw. " " . " J 'iV-S COX.
":rto1, May !i
- i
' . v I
gg-fcE. rig. V-
.. ff.'-MPEST ind i;r.ST plate ffc'i
i. Ladii-s-.' .Mi tecs', l tl.iiJ.e4i s Boors,
.!fM, Slijipern r.ftd .Jaiirs is at
ii. i. tyi.R's.
hi .f""ec. aiiTTc rl.en y Slieei, MiSiint-vwn.
A g0'.d assrimct;t iwaybtT: Uaud.
-.. rutxs en
1 '-l-' -;1.-in Tli'ioi".1!", t.i'r.a t'o. r.-i.-
fO I Sot? piMCii- ei tbe llumeiipalbio
-teui Viedicin'-. i b.' U baa foof'en pr..veu
i i.pei-i.jriiy to 'he c-inon l'ru-r rraetioe.
I.. rVe'Mf:.'.y oifers hiserTicer to tbe oil
i (.Hi of tiiii enmity. Clurgcs moleiatc.
f e-h. 2."i. '-tf
t rk
1,1, l'Ki;st.VS t-M. HAVE .nVYr.x
hiin who intend applying for a I'ension niu.-'t
tall on tbe Examining S'jrgeeti ioknow weth
er their Disability is srtff.cient to entitle ibem
fo a l'cuion. All disabled Soldiers will call
u tbe undersigned who has been a pointed
Veniou Examining Stugcon for Juniata aud
adjoining Counties'. '
V. C. RUNMr M. P..
rAHcrica,. Pa. . .
Dec. lS0J.-tf
Vcmsvillc, 10. TSi;.t.
WE d j hereby certify that the .Committee
u Manufactured ArtiBles htt awardc to
. uahi.i W. Weiihti. the Eirsi Premium for
tbe most substantial, nearest made, aud best
tinihetl sett of Chairs.
O. V. JACOBS, Ttfoir. ,
Wiu.ua Itr-si-H. .S"f'y. janl3
. (Late raylnasicr,' V- S. A.) r - ',
AMI M:t;oTIATEI. . (. .
missions, boxjmtt- '- '
' ' Chatse unless Successful.
a Applications by Mail attended to as
protupily as if made in person. The best
.f reference given. -
The Sentinel is
; .Tivanta'e. iniportea ami soft in me vaitca persons intcrcslcd are requested to 6all inmc-
IIXfimi I l ilVC l Suica only by J S. f. 1ICTLF.R I diatcly And sav further trouble.
- r giov-uetit rorthel'nlK-M stales. T i - i
Lfi ffrt Utt rl ai'ltk i P. S. A Box of (be Pills, securely packed. . I1CRV IIABPER,
,-AUWI ilk (I lv I '-'c "u'i'c' to any address on receipt of ; 27V q 520 Altfll Street J
.Mifilinlown, Juniata rW'-. 'a . i in; ' ,ct"iey refunded by the Agent if entire sat
..i .Main .rl, i Brid'e ,r et. ! isfaction w not given.
ria Si. Witk yolr ptrrtttscioti. 1
wisli lo say to tbe readers of yor paper that
I will semi, by return mail, to all who wish it
(free), a Recipe, Willi full direction 'for ma
king and iiaiug a simple Vegetable Balui, that
will enccraally remove in fen days, dimples,
BloK-liWraa, Freckles, anl all Iinpurieties
f tbe skin, .KxiAIhe same soft, clear,
smooth mill beautiful. '
1 ill also mail free tP 'Lose having EaM
Ihvuls, or Hi:r Faces,. siijirJe directions and
information that will c Wblc :hcm to taU a full
rrowth of Luxuriant Hair, Whteters, or Mou
stacb, in less tbaii thirty days. 1
diMppiH-atmiis answered ny returnj niai;
Without cbarpe. P.cspeefiitlT yoUr. '-t
july iTirt Broadway, New York.
A Card to the Suffering.
Stt'All.OW twoor three hogsheads of "Cuc
hu," "Saisaparilla," '-Nervous Antidotes,"
I Sc., &c, &.. aud after you are satisfied with
tlv: result, then try one wx of OLD DOt'TOll
and be rES'ore'l to health and vigor in less
tlian thirty dav-. They are purely vegetable
j pleasant to tsUc, pi-o-''''. snd snliitnry in their!
j cHetf on the brokeu-iiuT.ii and shattered con-
xiiiiition. Old and .vount; can rtie them villi
1 To VOt WISH TO hi;
i.MM.IMl M'EUIii: TILLS cure. , c9
; X ESS. Impotvney, Premature Orcay, Seminal
man ' s, uic worst cases oi ..Laiuta -
, and Nrvo;.s . fleet ions, no irtai'er from wbat
1 ...,, r-,.,l, I tVi.,, flp l!..lU-- ..... r
I 1 1 i ;
Sent, po't-paid, by inail, on reccrbof a j or-
I der. line Box will perfect tbe cire in most
! cas.es. Addn-s?. .IAS. ft. BPTI.i:n.
; I.Jeneril Ajenl, -127 l!fMidwuy. New Toric,
i . . , ,
JL of an invalid.
Published for tVs bcnc6.
and . n a caution to voimg men ami others,
v. im fiiil'.-r friini Nerrons DeVilitj-, l"rcmaturc
Decay of Manhood, Ac., supplying at the
smiic time the Means of Sell-cure. By one
Im li.n cured himself at'tcruu !rgatug coa
sitiri ;i,'lr ,'macfcury."" llv enulosir:: a post-paid
aiWrSfViiivelupcd sin pit) copies may be bad of
tlk .illgr. XATIIAXIEl. MAYFAIR, E.)..
t..r.a i 1:1 ,ni v., : ci.n,' v r'
F.I B A.n E4R. Professor Jlrr
W. ii. 0."i-t .AwaTC; rwvt.ifWyT?f
dra. HoV.a'-d, U.noTt located at Xo. oi l PLXE
Street. Pttti. it-r.i.pirn, vhere.
s.-itb diseases of the EVE and SAB. willvbe
scicn:. fieally treated and cured, if curable.
JhBTAjrtiScial Eyes ios.ertjrd. without pain
'ii1i.-A. chargmrtc..fvr. Ex.
: V Medical faculty is ii.vitci, t3 4
sti-re' ""dc of treatment. '
Jitij't V; j'- ' '
ho has no
3JANliooi): how Lost,
i;rtV J1KST0RED.. . .
1 ..I. -I l,l..ll-nc'i. u , .
f.i,l.,.,.l ..-.." "Ui be ractcal
,:..i.. i a -icw tuition -oi .vn.
M:ii.uu mcliciacl f -f.--uitorrhH-a, or
Seminal Weakness, liivolunfary SJ'umal Loss-
I . . , ,i ; ..I ltienTin-
I es, Uimciicv. .vi entai aii'i i i.jmi. -i
I eitr, li'-pcdinifli's to .damage.
Ip-pediinents to Marriage, etc: .!',
foiisumt-tion. hpilep-.y, ana rns. luuuctn i-.- j
c'.f indtilu'cnce or sexual extravagance.
rr, Erir;., iu a scaled unvelope. only G ct?.
The celebrated auitt-sr in this admirable e - j
sav clearlv deti'"ntratcs from a thirty years j
-ucccssr.il practice, that the alarming conse- j
.Unices of self-abuse may be radically cured .
without wSe df.nttcro" uic W internal medi-
cine or the application of the knife pointing j
out a wo'ic cf tfit'i, at once fiuiflc, certain
aud effectual, bv means of which every suf
ferer, no matter w.t his condidion may be j
may cure himself cheaply, privately, ana
radically. i
This lecture, should Tc i the hands:
of every youth an-l every man in the k'rd. j
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to 1
any au'lri-ss. poi-pani rwt-.f i
or two VOit stamp A.tctress uie pmiueia.
17 Bowery, Nc Vork, Tost CflSce box 4580,
June 1 ly
... i . .i , : t
! if von wihh tomarTy.auuressiiieun'icrsigiiwi,
I iio will send yon without money and without
I . ii. - r . .. . 1. . . 11 AnK1
l.rice, vaiuaoie nimi u.m.v.. -
vou to marry happy and speedily; trrespeotiv
..f age, wcaltn or beauty. This information
will cost you nothinr. aad if you wish to
marry, I will chccrfuilj. assist you. All lct
ir atrictlr confidential. ' Tho desired infor
mation sent by return mail, and no questions
asked, address- SAKAIl 1. HMMKi, ,
Cirecutwintv.Kings l,o., -ew loiBi .
luSlntowii, Oct. 127-iCi-2mo., .
That we hav reduced 4he price of our
. . . i. i I . m i i Mm J in in. lil
and are sim-gW pukrSVCi
purchased in Plul-L, jrtjicsa le pri
We are selling Prints, trem 20 tdlOcts.
DcLaifis, from 40 to flOcts.' i . V ''. V"
. Alapaccas, Lyenese Cloths and DeRnzes, at
I..st fall nrleae. .Call and eiamiae before vou
iiarwMse clsewhorie.' r 1
IIS tf-yi, -. luvv a. rfvivi.l.!.
F. II. Salger 'with (i. W, Reed. &. Co
J Also. Jobber in '
N'orthi ide, between Fourth and Fifth.
; rHILADELrillA.
Tnscarora Female Seminary,
Commences its Summer Term May 4th, iSGl
For circulars address
Mrs. O. J. FRENCH. Principal, or
-!--r. - ...
J- ncrger or i'errysTiile, to coMo 1 A-
"''img Bteuums, uoiea, &c..wJiaeepron
the West side of the river .on the "lrttinio
Tcniber next, at the offierco tl. Ihaol im
PerrTsJ-ille : and those on the'tast sm tola
find liim at his ofiic? in OaklandT on aif flat
ttrday up to tbet tif-e. ' A4le""i' paid
at uie expiration ot ttna time wiu.b snedt'
i yne
atcly pjit into the 4ands of . justicChe
1 eaee tor culleet on. . . Win. 1U.
Mifflintown, Oct. 12, iSGl-Ut
Nonce; i
!l otiee is hereby eivrn . that the ViiDLE
XT' BOTES given ic William Pcffer ol'nsca
roTii township are left with the undiieeod
in Mifflintown, l'a.. . All. persona iif rested
arr- fequested to c'ill immediately or t notes
will be put into tbe bauds of s 'Jusiee for
collection. -JOHN WRIHT-
sept 7 3t -
- Notice is hereby civen that, the Mik and
accounts of Feiglitly iS( raver, of 5lAliaie-
yille. Jnnisi
bands of the
iMtato. I a. nave neon piucn in tne
he undersigned, rcsidutglcar Oak
iaml Mill-, for collection and sc. lenent. All
l ii 1 1 1' I I-.t-i nnr i
j i niijt;n!,i iti.i,
: Has a large stock cf ,
Superior platcl
i p.iilv .
IfiT'j '
The Patrons of tLeStsnsKLwho may visit
Hitrrisburg, or desire a first class I'iemre
slionld by all means go where they take the
most splendid likaictttt ever gotten up any
where, which is at- i .
, 1 10 Market sL, Harrisburg.'Pa.
. UXi: CENT BEtlARD. 4
Ran away from the residence, of tire inl)-fit
bcr in Mifllintown, on the night .ftfJhils,
13C.. Daniel Homing, an iadeBMitWjixear
!'cb to the printing businesaJr t
commonly Weown-as ?!??' 4tt'
about 1 1 yearn olu smout five fecv
cn eigUth inches b'
j 0f grapes in his baud
be in-. id fir his apprehension and
no thanks. ' ' -JKlL.
All persons are hereby ndM8ed4h
Lor. trust, or employ laid licriiinVor
count as we will pay no debt of his contract
ing, neither individually nor a a nrraiiH .
Unparalled in the History of Sewing 3a
.rx - "SU WWW ' ""J
r tiii 1-
XcTcr fail to eatisfy those p1m give them a
borough trial, and wherever introduced are
Vapidly superceding all.rhere. - ,: '
They use Ace threads with a ttraigkt needle
and uliuttle, making the Lock Stitch, which
is alike on both sides, and for tcontmy, dura
bility, cUuticity aud beauty, is the i.enly sttfrh
tnrthj f Tbey are propelled by Cams,
whitrh produce better timed motion! for sew
ing than Can possibly be obtained byeronijor
links. They work like a "thing of ijfe," tie
needle throwing out its loop, and thin ttund
tng ttill until the shuttle passes throng, when
both draw upon the threads together, iaking
the stitch tight and ttrong. .Tdiey nre-ipahle
of running at very high speed, being smooth
ly finished, add making tttteke Ufrvnty
revolution of the ballance wbeeV4 speM -tgRitlled
by any shuttle trachim,fXjT
' For these reasona the ' YVfeo" w v
edged. whcTever known, tone tlHt, r"T
lea .a jf MiKctifsi eomtrucimi, wmK
f Al-S"',UAWtJt.-
Eyery . Maa
All orders or companies..
Taiiors, . Seatustrcal . OI
Makers, &e., iu 111 countrV
Fend for Descriptifc CiroularMlia' i&ajjes
of Work. '
' AGENTS WAXTE in ever j loc jify.
Address 500 BRiMDWAT, New Vork."
Y, P. Box 2.U1. ....
TI.A ImmiuH A it.ptuinff lAhrv will TO-
; ccive orders tor the above named Machines. .
Business Department E. A Word
j rphe und?gHed,poiuted by bjifc'
m fa .V
Corresp.'Dept. Fewlcr & Wells. '
. - .- mar2-tf
One of these Wc4 Machines may he
seen and examined at" the residence of
A. L. fius.i in Mitllintowtfj, Pa.
iTMFj'AvfAAJ .'."'I .'
Air-i- Yankee Dtodte
Come, fling your 'banners forth my boys,
-V And-stir about rigit nandy !
Old Abe is in the field again, ir!, r. ,:T
. Aair-with him Uncle Andy. '
f aing vuau uolumDia," witn a win -"
And "Yankee Doodle Dandy," v
The Stars and Stripes shall win the day ;
Hurrah for Abe and Andy !
Although the Jersey Iraek, my boys,
Is heavy like and sandy-. , : "
' We'll beat the Copperhead nag
. .With Uncle Abe and Andy !
' u - '
- ,.
-. Then grve them "Hail Columbia."
, And "Yankee Doodle Dandy,"!
'Ibe Stars and. Stripes shall win the wt
VTith Uncle .'be and Andy !
1'uq pond ill (he meadow was frozen tight,
Tbe frogs bciiralh in a..dolcful blight,
Could no mors leap as they had done
. Their gaiiibols slopped, aud all their fun.
Half numb,, they niunnured dreamily ;
What they woiild -.It! when they were free.
Once clear of winter's ky yoke,
They promised never piprc to cr rn :
Kp more in conceit Ttould;fcey rail
Bui each should sing like r.'iSh-.g.'i.
. The outli viiud blew, tua ice gave tr-y.
The frogs once morccoirld friik and piy ;
They slretcBHtuthew limbs, and leaped E-Ho.
Arid they croaked s dre:t;"iy as before
. i I
1st. When the school is caillJ, the
teacher should sec that the pupils all come
in immediately,, that none buicr about and
wait to bee their own time to come id ;
they should come in orderly'- and tjuictly,
not running, tumbling, yelling aud inak
ing U the noi: they can as the custom
is iu soui-j school, . they should, if the
room be c-juifi't'wtldy, proceed at oucc to
HI .'ii iiil"'! ii W qul. Tncy aluxitil
not b pcrniittcdd to' bring balls of slwiw j
into the school room with vtbich to ainjisc
themselves, dariug school hours, neither
should they bring branches of birch or
sassafras into the room. ' This is dune in
too many schools. . School is a place for
study aud uot for amiucuicnt.
2nd. Pcruiit no boots of any kiLd in
school but those only used Tor iudtruction.
Iu some schools are- to be fouud no7cIs
song; hoof s of all kinds cotiiio almanancs,
&.O., and not fluently books of an ob
scene character. Any teacher knows that
such things should ' not be yet we fre
quently find"ihcm. Pupilt should not
read newspapers or letters during school
hours, neither should letters be at all
written iu school except by permission cb-
taiced from tho teache.
Srd. T'se the cards if you have them
in teaching the primary classes, some teach
ers teli rue they cannot succeed with them.
Thi3 is A plain confession that they do not
know how to ttiS the m ; the manner of
using them ruuit be understoad, or t.icy
will he of little use. The proper way to
under such circumstances, is, to visit some
school where they are in use, and learn
the art orusing them. r
1 4th. Teaicn the different sounds of the
letters at the proper time. In some schools
this is entirely neglected"; call the attea '
tian of the pupils to these sounds both iu
spelling and reading.
5th. Require tho pupils in spelling or
ally, to pronounce the syllables separately,
and especially the last syllable, before pro
nouncing the word.
. '; 6th. When a pupil commits an error
in spelling or reading, require him or her
to try it again.' Do dot correct errors for
pupils unless they cannot correct them
themselves; but lot no error pass unno-
jiced call their attention' to it.. and, if af-
terSpropcr effort they cannot succeca,
1 then it becomes tlie duty of the teacher to
correct it for them.'
L 7th. It is a good plaa to require begiu-
ncrs to spell each word twice, when spell
ing on the book. This method is adopted
in mairiy . of, our hest schools.
8th. Reqilirc the pupils in reading ex
ercise to criticise each other in a polite and
becoming manner; never pronounce a
word for a pupil until he or she has tried
aud failed, aud after all the rest in the
class have tried and failed, thcu it is time
enough to pronounce it for thorn. When
a pupil has not read his sentence or para
graph in a becoming manner, require him
to rc-rewf it, and if he faite again to Xbdd
it Sgairi,' and ' thus on fell' Tie has read
-JOUUl .oiiW;;wuj-sr the class
rcadf it, and when read right, then require
all Vl?p triad to read it apd felled to read
it again. Should io one in the elass suc
ceed ip reading it correctly, you may then
read it forero, afief wWctgrequire-each
one to read ay6u"Cid.j.lJy atiboi'- 6i
exertions oo the part of tie pupils, their
curiosity will become exerted, they will
become apxfttlsto know how it should be
rcadj and when pupils bcoma desirous
of. knowledge, l. ia proper to let them
i'la've it: they will then remember what is
said." , ; ,
9;a. Iu speluug off tho book, call est a
word but once aud be careful to pronounce '
it correctly. Should the first fail to spell ,
it, lot the next try.it, always pronouncing
it before spelling; should the second, fail
pass it on to the third, and thus on until
it is spelled, after which require all to
spell it who failed. This may be done in
concert. .
IOth. Io not teach the. capital letters
first as some do; neither take a child
over the whole alphabet at ouc time.
1 I ill P.iemit l.tif litflff froinrv r.llt lip.
'. . . .
ftireen l.f.ina irhnn inerA 14 ft rrpes n-l vpn
each half-day. .
Vila. Kequire the pupils in rucntal
arithmetic to reproduce the question, then
! give a clear solution thereof, and after
wards correct conclusion. Iu the solution
1 rc'juirc tho pupil always to give the de
? ""UMfc,V
!"': JjC.0M suoula 6c 01 rroPcr
gth, neither, to long nor too short. In
nomination of concrete numher?.
... - "'. jt,
but in assiguiug lesaons, to a class, respect
must be had to the capacity of the pnpt!s,
the matter contained iu the IcssmC aud
ths epportuuitjri3ffuIyiag.
,14th. (Jive the pre'tct
r" ii 'r
prepe aocr o- lestv-
ons to tbe ni imary clashes in a driTj Same
give but one wliilo other givo ,evcn or
eight; both of which are wrong. , Vet in
tKia wuk 4b Uttt, tha tqpehor mus be the I
j'udgi. It would be well.it. the teacher !
would observe the broad rule so often iritcn
topnpils t Dn 'right,
15th. Teachers should not neglect any
of the branches ia school as too many do j !
but give to" caefi. brane'b.' Iff "tTuu, share of!
attention. Ride no hobbies in sell
16th. Do not depend too liiuch on defi
nitions in granimcr; and arithmetic; but
give the pupils ample practice in parsing
in the former, aud iu solviug problems in
the latter. A'ct do not neglect the defii
nitious. 17th. Io cot permit pupils to have any
trifling plaything iu their hands during
school hours, and especially during recita
tion that will tend to divert their minds
from study and attention.
18th, Do not permit the pupils to count
their fingers, or make marks when engag-j
en in calculation. -
Tilth, In spelling off the book, it is a
good plan torcquirS the pupil to pronounce
the word bctorc spelling it ; this method
is adopted in Sost cf our bes-t schools.
20, Do not permit males and females to
sit together in school as some teachcts do.
21st, It is not a good plan to permit
scholars to call you master; this term ap
plied to teachers has become obsolete. It
is no more than good manners to requite
the scholars to address you by your came,
03 Jlr, A. or Mr. Ii.
22di Do not at any time use hanh lan
guage toward your pupils, or unbecoming
epithets; neither make use cf nngramat
ical.cxpTessions in th.eii hcairng, for they
will imitate you, thinking what you s?y is
right jr?, Syr
23rd. Bo not too "Iretj lBi&e nse of the
rod ; use it only when it is absolutely nee
essary, and never in a passion. Never
tell the pupils that you will not nsc it at
all: If you do not mean to use it say
24th. .Keepliooks oi yourowa, and de
pend not' on borrowing from tho pupils.
This is' in many ways a great evil and
highly injurious.. .
i 25th. Review as incli, a Mccssary hut
do not kecpcpupiJsall the timfriw'tric
beginning of the book; neither hurry
them on too fast.'1 j-7
. 2Gth. In writing have a pet time ; rc-
quiiS all to wnte at the same time aud no
oincr, require tnem tbsit in a proper posi-j
lion, to hold their peu in a proper manner,
and to form the letters correctly. I
2th. Permit no loud talking in school,1,
. ,. ' I
U31Il.nD,vAflfr0D, beatt0 8eat- i
&th. Whenever you see a class takinfi
no interest ia a certain ,tudy, al'ay9 sat-1
pect tliat the falt t ih jou wad not in
charge of (ha school. Wiea such is the
case, double your diligence in that branch.
29th. Do not spcalc in School as' tho
you we're commanding a lrje army ; re
metnber the pupik arc not deaf. Avoid
stamping oa the floor, : thumping on the
desk with a ruler.; in short do- not try t-
be tha most poi.-y one in the foohit
SO. Nevot call school cue minute after
the time. Be very, rcyy punctual in
everything and require the same of your
j pupils.- .-
' A TEACIlFlt.
TnE Wiiat-IS-i.t. The X'irth Aiiur.
an Review calla tLe Chicago nominatiun
, ; aijd so-forth the political 'A'h-tt-is-ir, and
adds, !'votfr3 arc especteJ, without ask
ing iinpei timent questiun, to pay their
money and make their own choice as to
the-natflsal history of the animal. Looked
at from thi o'b'ern side, it :s a' ravin.
I the bird or carriage to be 8urc, b.it white
washed, :md !o..ki:ig as decorioyiily dovi:.
like as it cad ; f'crhi the S'oufhcru' it U :i
dove, blaekcoud over for the uoiice. but
i letting the olive branch t etri. out under
'h' '
S3T C;:aada hitherto bus been tho fn
Vjritc assylilra for drifted nn wbc.-o vow
ardi'.'e has got the better rf thoir hour.
But we think that its popularity, ii!
I henceforth be scriou--ly i2'!'airC'J,' By an
j ucr just pupnsiieu, an Aacncro rem-
ecs who have arrived in Canada aiuec
' ,.Ugust 1st. must enrol thcms-clves ia.tbn
colonial military scrvt.--e umier penalty 01
; :.iie and ijeprwonmcnt. The majority of
j gLcd-iaddlers witl .L)ubt!es wish they
i,;i,i stHi.T nt "lmmc f.r tf.c ..in.lit..in f
."thh private soldier n amonij the myt
j j,qrccablc that can be unarmed.
me I'avcnpurt Uazette sayi.
about 1500 rebel prisoners confined on
Rock Island Prison Uavo recently enlist
ed in the service ot the T'nited States"
They arc to be KK to the Xorthwestrn
Territories to ?ukc part in operations
against the hostile Indians. At present
'hey are separated for per.ocaI safety from
'heir fdlow prisoiiec?, some cf whom man"
nest much hatred toward them because
. ey have volunteered.
a? A c;:tfentct who was alwav? prog
nosticating evil to himself was one day
upon the roof of a five stcry building,
upon which had fallen s fain. The roof
bctCg slippery, hb hM his footing, and a-i
he was descending towards tbe eaves, he
exclaimed "Just as I told I" Catching,
however, in the tin spout, he kicked off
his shoes and regained a place of safety,
from which he thus delivered himself
" I know'd it; there is a pair of shoes
gone to thunder!".
Co.it Gas. When the application of '
' coal pas to the fighting of streets was first
suggested, Sir Walter Scott said "It
can't be done ; it is only the dream of a
lunatic." And Sir Humphrey Davis, on
being tcld that the time would come wheu
c'i London would be lighted with gas,
cat:!, "It is all nonsense; you might as
well talk of lighting London with a slice
'of the moon as to talk of lighting London
' vith gas."
A iiG Apple. An old lady in the
country had a dandy from town to dino
with her on a certain occasion ; and on th?
tabic was on cnorriiovls applic pic.
"La' ma'am," said the exquisite," not
do you manage to make such a pie V
. "Easy enough," was the quiet reply ;
''we make the cru-;i in a whclbarrow,
wheel it under the apple tree, and bbaks
the fruit down into it."
From the 1st of August ISG! t
the SOthof September IS6 4, fifty vc
scLs engaged in blockade runniug were
cither captured or destroyed by our block
ading fleet. Most of the vessels vfcre Eng
lish build. . ' i
Over six hundred Janadian rifle
men aud four cannon have been sent from'
Montreal to Windsor, to prevent any fur
ther rebel raid cri lal'e commerce.
tag' The number . of t'nion prisoners
who died at Anderi-ocvillc, Georgia, in
Juiy anj August, was about 8,i00 ac-
cording to a KicLmond paper.
. iT-i ? r .
KB Holm.. attor telhug that a mo
ot for bitting a woman's kg. t-aid
jt i5 s pj- t,. LiL' iia fcr tu.h s 5a--
U:ts. "
ntj jf anothr teachei" should takt':