- • IN THE .WORLD SO. WIDE. From out the corner, safe and sniti) l l,l Thati'hy the name of 'Heine! we We leou som . btitnes'ivith 'wondering eyes, /: On the luring scene that before 1)8 The Mutely pomp and the gilded shoW . Eneliamingly pass 10 - and fm, - t And'a longing comes to step-outside.; Of the Old, worn pathi.Juto those uutrOd.:, • Our eyes, unuselit() glaie; Are dazzled, ani4 all se.ents stritngeli . Though-home.is sti11:01 - ei titfo sweet slim, -, We wonder that e'er spat' aJtunnit•unt lot - c o uld have-field us they/4, tantipfied; • _ • Wjten, awaiting ns, t4e - world willd,, thme'and honor! att l d 'greafil y 6l4. lie, If to posses - them we Would hut . Hope takes the sting from the A • l• • 'That tire said to friends and yout ul ties, ,And •When she leads, in faith we g She ivhispers - of trees, whose bon ifs bill Laden with Fortune's golden fnu .; , And we follow-Fame in hot pars it • .Till we louse-.our way, as withou wander at in the .World s i.wide. '• And soma ,have., found that w _tett they • son • But it breught 'not all The . Itss they thought,, - - And are stranded, seeking vaM The coast of plenty tney wished t WAry, discouraged, thFy.all lon :bilk' Over their zigzag, wearisome tra ~ ' - -- To thecare-free days in the tlear ipnr nest Anaogh that thtiy. went from t e W01:1(VS "- real best, • - When they yentured tO follow t ose paths untried ' 9 I That stretch away in the world so wide. ' •SI LL I GO TO CITY ? Countr' ' girlsfit . --7-- f iL- 't y o Liky earn , ori the .e.N.ci. emen al life in the city. * Association' with,"suinni toarders," and the reading - of the -I 'story -,pap er the sensational novel:have. made them,. di contented with the country; They fret,! again 1 the restraints; and detest, the dfudgerY. of i $. , ~oarrow, herd life. -• ! l'• ' The hope of improving the ti easnditi9n s c,, stimulated by exaggerated storiesof the succ s f'f a . few girls,' who have left i their country tomes and done well' in; the city. ' I'll 4 itn 'w 3othixig of the many failures. They , are ign r , ant of the trials and tempiationsi incidept to 'life in 'a,great city: But they know ti6t, its 'wages tire higher than those paid in thetcoun-. • 'Dv ; thilt,itslife is ,more exciting, and they are deterinind to go to tho s ci'T whenever the first opportunity offers tli, - 3u the way to do $.9. 1 Be lire, however, the ,trunk .is packed, we t would dell t he m what to expect . • r • 1 1 , . There iir many .young wmenoin a large, city who support . themselves, live eornforta.bly; and perhaps lay tip a little money: As a ruic, they. are city-tired girls, who are prudent, smart, and educated to their, work.. GenerallY:theseSne-,, assful girls have parents- or friends with whom they reside, and who aid theinito find emrloy silents to pay good wages; I . ' ' - '-* I , With siiih young :women a ,country girl'Fan zot compete. She must serve iiii..4prelice- i -ship beforeshe can. acquire similatltialuil g.— ri She must make serviCeable,..frienda,ll.9 het' titer' ID , obtain accepiable eliplOymirit;!ere sh Can we them. . • • • - .l; • ' -,. - It .the unaided country ~girll. . should On. a situation; " it would probably he one •Oire ;here was .plenty. of inugh. work-::thatid liiing but;littie pay: She • would 'be ' 'frie dto at and - to , lodge in ,a cheap boarding - hottie Its Inneiyiginial boarders,-the small attic 'Teem -4-'everleoltitil smoking Chiinneys, and 10,irty kek yards =than She mast 'sleep`in, would smaother any. idea of;calling it home.. , I` .` t. The; interests of the landladywoald' be *it ed to steing‘thatshe punctually paid her board. liter' employer 'would: cerisider his dutyl done, - when he paid bet weekly wages,. If ,she Should be sick, - what then i . Charity—or a publi'c hos pital I We haveonly - , outlined the picture.— • Youth 6 s' opcintm: ',. '/ ' •' " i-, '' 1-. -41 " ----- , , 1 PREMIUMS FOR SKILLED 'LATitOR How often do .we see persocs enjoying a good degree of success inlife, who in ; Il i ont,- t ward exhibitiOna of natur &l iihility.; , are rather below mediocrity, while many, to app nee endowed with afar , higher order 01 tal a are 110 t prosperous. - Two men ; equil lia,. native ability are kuown fox exactly opposi . ibndi- VOUS of 'life. Of two laborers ! one hi nlivaYs out of eMployment. the ;other',Al.. ays p ; the ti°' .- whole tie result of skilj,\Or wintof it, in the pursuit of each One mity,i thrOugh li - ,ojwri', is socdaenso or 'Die advice f friinds or ladom of guardians, have acquired a perlect astery of his wo!,k and he succeeds accordingl , while the`other. relying upot lils natural tact, s found • 1 lo fail, ,pr one, may have Chosen a , punmit stove lu s ability, and must, theref re„ f 11,while lie other,More. tiodest , seek ll ca eel: rOted to 1111 powers andsucceeds. , 1 pI , , la every department - we find the i saine,con linusts oc;:tiling: , TbOse out Tor I pulp OYOent titre the poorest * w'orkraen ; those who A) and save_done the least for shemselves, eke those who have done and are doing the Ipait I for ) their employer& 'Poor labor is orilY empl4yed when iabor is scarce. This tOillitrY iSilernin with i`Jacks"—men of little benefit tO Ithem selves or the wOrld, for want, not of tai.li,it, iTt a proper applicatinn ; a car4ul , patienice' in an apprantieeship, vvithout which inacces4 is hard ty. poisible. I ''' F , • In the great Najcwity of Cases the n t thirty years of a man's life is of no .value:? Obd thr ,t,igif,.. of knowledge of himself F iend the rs puuit be is to follow. If be has init one 0 neither of.these at this • age, there iis , ,still th greater, Absolute necessity' of hrunedhite:appli ;ration to some pursuit until skill Ise .assured.' Ilt i l is also better to ,go up than he CoMpelled to wave down., It is better to to, it , illefessitit blacksmith, or carpenter, . or bricklaVer), than t9;' be an tnisnecossful lawyer s - doctOr or elergy , . Pl. man. 'A ':man below his properstial OlgOili ul) 1 c j) 14 Yea, wit , b grace4livflilP 4- 1 1 1 ftV 4 - i_littAlo> ill # 4 9 i ' Dotuitth a sore . head.—,Weic Xo4 .ilfermufge.f?Y 47 and 1t ' I,I9RTGAGE. !• , , In the ' hole range of sacred and piofitne lit eratnre, p trhaps there is nothing recorded whfch has 5116 staying properties as digood healthy mortgage. • - moitgve 'can be depended on to stick' ;deer =titan a brother., It has a mission to Per .fottn which Ttevei Aay atter day it is, .1 . 11tt: there, %tor does the slig,hteSt tendency to alt rnhei ; imp it its vigor •in the night ita day 'vii the 6abbath and ,t'it holiday times, without itmOment s rest -for siekness or re,crea 04n,the: aiT-spring of its existence, in- • tqest, goei on ~`, • The st.4S4nS' niay {iNtige„ (lays run into "weeks *cels into . months, and months be ,sSallolvoq tip int 9 the gray man of advdneit g yiars, mit that mortgage . ..stands tip iu vigilance; wilth the intercst, a perennial stream ,ceaselessly running_ on. Y t good- Like alitige nightmare eating• out the bleep of sonic restle SF, Sill mberer, tue Unpaid 'mort gage. rears tap its gatuxt front in perpetual tor ment to th‘ miserable wigitt who is held witti ip its pitik'ss clutch. It, holds the poor victin with the relentless grasp of a giant`; nod on lour of re ercation ; not a moment's evasior - of •It'hideouspresence. A genial savage 'of inbl: lilying tuppet while the interest is paid; a .very '116 , 11 of 'hOpeless destruction when the pay= ::.ter: __ . ,.. -- 3ite - .7;. --- 7 - •• `:__,...,--- -_:,-:,'.•- ' . 6' 1. bill' - 1 ' r ' smoothed „, 00, , i l , i les may=be evace cf . aside' but a mortgage hand on With-the per timid_ : 1 3- oi nbUll dog- or. Inc c , grip of black smitho vie, If - the' interest is not paid it is added : to siWell its grid parent, the priilei s pal, `ataliblds \ up' its., horrible front with a kaider seeming than baron. It will have the 'pound of, flesh,W,hicli ii, nominated in be bond ; and more terrible than the fearful witclies in Mac beth,.the i threatening' fiend, Foreelgsure, rears • up, its chieaded menace with . ;the, crushing weinlit of hopeles despair, ' • - - • P Pity fo the poor :man who has' this grim fiend l iti Iffi ho i usehold: Every hour of his life is fra i tighl with one intact encluratice of misery and t areq - , embittered with a grieVous load he lis poiverlCss to shalce'away.' ' ' • ~ i! 1 . i ------,460.-" , ...----------- • TRAVELER'S TALES OF FLORIDA.. - . • Therel•ts but one civilized spot in Flooida,and o • . t bati! is Jsto •onville. ~,.... TilerOs but one civilized 'spot in Florida and ‘ , _ tliKis- St. Augustine'. , , _• - . • There' is but one spot a any kind- in Florikla `andiltha.t is Entorprise. • -,, f Ii it t . - IT er - els 6 ive do; we must avoid the riv er 'r dear life's - sake, ~, ', 'CI- hateter el s e lA.. dO, We must settle . mi the riyir iiiimediately. ,• • • - 2 I -•- "sorthernersi 'Cannot be out after , sunset, ~. ,L l 4fortbern r erSean be out all night if they like. j ye tieed•not carry rubbers, because when it . 'rains. iii i t iOrithi the. sandy soil soaks the 'Water • - 2.- &WM- 1 ' , -:.; ,- •• _ - We May leave our-rubbers t home,liecause it •nevicir rains in-Florida: '! - .11i !lickter on - tbe river that it is by the It P3ldoit as hot on this coast as it is fitter. ! r ' - : : • ~. LiTheilierniatheter has been,known to one hiindred , ciegrees inDeceraber., the therntsonieter never rises- above 1 • degre4 in fitly. •' ' . -, Ice i,ometimes forras_ln_ Ficirida about, Chris - n i ,fts . • ~, ; ;-, ....;? . '- '.I . T ' , ,' , ' • Ace' 'ever ferias inFloridi at any tune;' I :Tii' eii riothin ic;'.eat . in FlOrida. - ' •-•- 1 !irrh . re is as much , to eat hail:Oda ail: there ; is ' Lithe' e.1,..-; . ••••• :: ,t, ,-: —it'.. •,- s ; -, ~.: , 'Sro, don't want anything to` s:. in Florida, ~ 'Carfry 1 yo,uf. incfsAin • dresses - it you wish' At. avoid immediate 'dissOlution, ; , , At your peril go without your ftirs. . I . - yOu;wfll Surf it ditlicult to sleep, becatiSe Of the i#rltlng Of the idogs in ; which ~the.SOuth abut - Inds. • ' ~ I ,•-• , , • '_ . Never heard a dog barkin-Florida. . ; ' Toz l / 2 1 may, _ e' annoyed bY the sound ' a •fiiitsi ing4n the, hard, shell roads of St. Augustine.. .' It4tikeilfourdayato go to Florida. It'takesr two days and three nights to go' to IlOrida. It - takesa Week to go to Florid S...: ; There is Malaria in Florida in 4arCh. _ There is 'malaria in Florida all the-year 1, Tikqe is never any .1r 1 4 1 . 0 *, in Vloridiit: 'MI. THE UPS AND DOWNI3 or LIFE. 'A'ft,:Lonts philosopher talks as follows o the gps anitdoWni of 'like absence ..of ;the law of primogeniture causes a frequent changaotownership in the Privalf, resitlenpes, which contribute aolnuh`, to ,the as),orument of our Cities., -,While the , head tift4e family liveil,phe home may retained— thougb:very often a reverse of fortune cOmpels %hi to 'seek liiittibler:Apiarters— but' when he „ihe r heiritiirti • 0'1;40: of .the - expensivef How many of the''honses built twontryears ago are now, own e d ,V - tbe ,men who erected thein, or their' desceidinti .nuoy,or later date, now occupied by theh. builders, will. bein PoSse" l o ll ; o f,lieir Pre4eal Pniints , at tbeir,descelidanta tiveniy, iesrs,~heno?,,, 'Other influencES bejide tile lack of primogeniture con tribute td . this, in some • respects, tinfortimate 'there are,o3,ore ups snr,l Ao7ns in-the new world :in , the old. riiptuefs are 'Made flinch more' lniekly!, and. disaßpear much more Wealth ii seldom transmitted beyond he second genCratiun, iii 'truly -instances does not last through= the first. The:hoy tibra wtth,a silier sphonin-his month freqUently has pewter heiore his -PPgritilage Is over, avid he . MaY,baYe - the .pleasure of:being splash gd . with mud thin.the'. carriage • whegis of the hnin once .Itts 4thers pqrter;." The r - litO doUbt the • truth f b ) . • - C (USe°4lley, VIZ had BO ChrisLianii ,wito-wsper- Wi, might 41w :well denyf the' 4181.016 U of the, • '4 ii i i , i .1),6440 - wid 'no, s sdo p y n u 4y. You should forglye arititny • - d": 04 . but'Uothinglu your4elf:— ENE FOR PNEUMONIA. .'• Pneumonia has dealtl fatally ~ with a dumber. _ . .. ~. of . New Yorkers within the, -. pastthree - Weeka and the physicians are :f as, - tol the hest 1 . . .. . . and surest Way Oil treatingthe'direae , l One . Of the simplest meats of .dealing ;. .with it; and One. Wiiieb, - in 'the' experence of _the writer,Nas. teen eniinently. stiecesOl; is: directly' ""upon it. . .dertitude: being . obtainect - that pneiiiiciuiiiis present,, to .lity - the. patteng .On - his face and .ap , - . ply, in 'cittir....k 'saccession - , fiatintila 'steeped id - witt-.. er at the'g:reatest poss Ol e -.-heat. The flaphels : Must be well Wrung: ont and applied so es to .aetually scald the patient: J'hcy Will bring , ahout: a. prOtuse prespop thin,- and if tae disease Pft9 not cone - too tar, the patient will breathe 'liecr. immediatclY. after 'thiS, small - deses....ef. . antimonty wine (abntitl,- ten grains)sO as to - re • 14.x' the . iystem as much :S.. possible land.. pre. duce. vomiting. , ' Under treatment .the - priest monia.may be drawn ,Oilt Of : the system. in, a .. day; always . , allowing, of. - course, that the ilia-. ladY hai not, takentop firm a- hold. - - '. FLOATIXO. - . . . • Nen are drowLed by raising their a . above the water,. the unbtioyed- Weight 01,Fivhich ,de presses--the head. Other aninials hive ieither Motiortfor-. ab lity to ,act, in a similar manueri and ,SWitn. aturally.: . When ... a . ma i ii ~ falls. into deep ova l er, he-will:rise to the stria:Fe,. and will continue! there if he 'does! not. !plevate Lis hand.-:,..Ttlie Moves his Irindslund4'W.atcr, in . I any way: he pleases,, his head rtsili_iiie.io high as to give bini ; free liberty to i breathe .' and if ! lie wiliTuSel his . leg - s, as if-in the act of -.walking (or ratlieriwalking up ; stairs) his khOul, ers Will rise . ab.opi-the water, so that he - Mafusa loss exertion - with his_ liands,:or apPly the* to Oth .er purposes.. These plain directions artii.recom- Imended to the recollection - of those WSW have not learned .to• switn . in - their youth,:Fts !they . 1 may be-, ; found highly advantageous- in many 1 eases, ~- . - ' -- ' 1 . s t We. Would call the attention of the Pnblia wanting ANYTHING. IN THE MARIO LINE' SIISOJERAN NA. -,DEPS4, rirpelng,' the only MarbleVorks `in tan.Connty..lo All Work Warranted as pre s ented 1, by the run to, ',YOU ,CAN SAVE MOSEY ninety DepCot, lipitt 14, 1S 5-17 Ladies' Beaver Cloaks at Cheap John's. .SAINTS AND 'ATM STOCK AT: . • , , , B. B. LYONS it O m s: MontroseAly 14,1878. CiMPE7O.I- c;; • :•., .'• of ; '11'; '6...T.. CARPETS, AT , 80 'WRITS AEVPPWARDS, Leis 'than*, f P 664—' iill/01 0 1S Co& • S UG A R* T E A,: COFFE E ,, ,-.i....., 1: • - itid, othet --;. ir . 40, 1 . ` 1 1 CO.CPre .•-.• , ' ' "_ i4 s", S ; ' : io s CO . 'S s' .RA . xti ,t• ''; ' l ,) -4 2 - .; ' it. ,! -:_; =: • . ' I W ALL Atin , WINDOW PAPERS. •--. .. -.;; : '-,Ac.Large Stocki• • • -. , '.• An New Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the ~• llifintufactnryi.: - , , ' '-' '' ' ' • ' , 0.-R . L YON S lic, Co.. tPcoatil_ That° COat.'Es. • l':-Clatk'e , O. N. T.. , . andlotia Clarks Stiooi Thread. White. Black, and polored—from .;kio. Bto No. 180, at conta per doiob; or ta l e by' - , B. B. LIVOICIVik • NOLltrose.,Naiit 14. 1p73.--t, • • , For- 411.,kindg of ,Milliuefy Gpoclii_go tp Jtilfale• . rto $2O per - nay Affeqtttwaxitell f Alloin-se. ' , elfol work tag peclde of troth saxe s , young and oki;nuiVe• :Morn inoney ; at;work for ne t la theft wniocalitiee; during their spars tamilents: or all thagrao, than ay, gong iVrt,offer , M, pplo meet that win pay handsomely Ifor Oct:) , hones work.. irttilPlittitolo63erteis. &e.d 1100;' ' 110114 , 11 e lode aagree..4tOrlge..-P*4 3 %Oa. Pea l t: look or'busineee. lOU' halite learned what we offer: 0, ST.IN'Sqq-da Maine. • , n 2.31 ' ?~~i'n#~;' •ti~;~~~.y~ 1~... _,. Miscellaneous.. , o OUR WORKS at Q$ NO. SA.LE. : callitig on no t. 4 "-'-'• , z , I)eisOlit• Ait• At L9w `Figures etl FALL, E7ll STAP4 BO Dress Doeft and faller great varket BLEASJ Six TOWE ' • The lar es • - m priceskt • ip I can b • place. -„ • - ,I. •-" • all 'the 14teat, „styl REIA.D . - ! a frill line ,land ge l !I Call an 4 Nxton, -where. i.l 1111 no goads, [ i nY on Butter s pped net- prl e cjiales kcived.New ittglierd,,- •.• •• • • VI • 2 . I • • • • 4•• Y GOODS 9 . T - ,• . - FANCY . d GOCDS ' ,= CLOTING, •••. • • - • 1. • . -; ••- • •`• -; • • • • 1. • • • „ 1 • . S Ldgh.. or ss .x!k..l\7'.3:k 0 .46 x=s et, • • ' • •"•••,• •" • • •6 • • ••• to_ • 1... ••.• • • • 'IP , ••• •. •• • !• p . O 1" ST ': : FOR t DASH rOR ., READY' .PAY • , , ; - • • , • . • Wl:l.h thanks to ,the public 'for past favorip, I agatti ark a renewal' ,of 'confidence and patronage.; pledgin; fidelity to you in all our intercourite. I Eira now receiving a lame ritocit of all goodi in our line,bought to the mos t favorable time and at theloweet tigurCs. Please cal, and inspect ctur goods and prices. • 1 •1 . .oy's - .Clothipg—cheap4-at% 1 Cheap Joh'ife. Al NO;.' , -33 ' Court' Street :`~• _ .fF 76. _ 118 - - TY . GO . WINTER' GelbS ust Receiv . -BY-: m':--;..Ei...yiß:g.:.N•it: i.A140 - Y DRY , SIIQES, REA,DY- E OLoTRING, TS. It C4PS; SiC.. aiecirtment. • Prints; in the. market. Wh, goo er at f ansi AND UNIITZAMIED G-, I TTON-ApES, j NIMS, IIOKS, - STRIPE. • TING LINEN. s RTI D 'OAR TB' a BO stock ;'n 'town bought —MADE:: CLOTHING. od goods well.made and tritanied.. 3. • 1:1 I b ne my stoex c ere lire astng e.se be'undersold.' for. the same quality-of in or ont of town. Prompt,retnrmk at the highest mar , ranteed, bills .cashed; as 50061'15're-, une 2d, 1875.-4 f. 22 " • el ivte.„l{iiiNZTE, . 5 ... ~: • • •.* • 000000 0 O z,:- OO ... D.EALE4.IIkI. •A • o o ;ee ' 4l '' o l . .1 . 0 ' • • - 11 ;• • •10 '4 _ _ .. . ; 111, S. • •.• • • * ; ''' ' e, • '• 1 1.... ; 1 .• • • • Montrose, .Ifav 10,1875. V:. -I inIMIEZAPITON, 1;W GOODS, EW . GOODS; '') : ~ . ..::':i-, ,1 '- 1; - .. - ' ' '' -- ' : , ,i.„ . .- ,-', - - : ', l ' i ' ".."' " E' • Vir - GOODS. ' .. .. r d ) t,. , - J`!". ' ' I 1 A . . ''''' AP We havo ,likatzeturned, troll „tho,(lty , of. NVO 44: 'I,OIIAVOICSAIL.. ,;44•ND, _ init u d , I ,Iktrough , of - Movitrocifie l 344 , 4 4 IP , : r, Irtootr i r - vo nth* rPr MU a n, al r"ttlttr S*t October 113 . 0 o ntswa, . iii ,TILED ' ' • 2.1 . 14 1 . ai' ta i" il • ...r 2, • : . r i r 1. 9 ••• .• i ••• 9 •' . • • •• . • • I • • l' VV 3- A * ‘ t • • - - i .. l i, 10 1 MIMI R. - 11. - WEBB. FLOUR. ,': it J. WEBB. 11. J. ylllOll. 128 CoNCL,Street. Binghamton, K. , - en U MI „ • • ;71