Grant, and the Public iSctiont 'The Cindlnnaii Enquirer gives th 1 lowing reasons why Grant is justv man-to save the public schools:;li p 11 7 ,SOMPtiilfig must be_done: „. tat aome-: thing is to vote fu the ,Scho(as and against the Pipe. Allier the e yoriuif we , are CO illp:iiilt i vely safe.; l 'The con ntry lilac been frequently savedfrom the, encroac il 4i:wilts of . the jesuita in this manner.' Repnblicattlictory 'always diminilieii h#l li swelling of the Pope's: 'toe. „lt actii ike an oin I men t,', ail Mistered -to it. l VT i ese Republican politictails, who al.e 'so Vi'ffill ant in behalf of tne! Bible and pub lie sehools, are theinSelves dot christiiins, Their knowledge, of ~the ScriPtureS is chiefly defined from wnat they Ideas of them' rather than e actaal• reading. ''. tut this doesn't make any difference. ' It is easy to .i+e, religious aad not pioui.; 4ow much easier, to'be'concertied for the cause of religion and yet have no religionll But in this class_ of pOliticians, we begllleave to, be under Steed, we don't include Gen eral Grant. It 'is but fitting Itha ,1,. he should, be theahoiqe Of, the ClergyL i ' I He has always' led,a 'pure:and gOdly life: ;1 his habits are known to be irreproacha le ; he never drank or' uSed i tobaeco . in• 'ny form ; his lips are never profaned b an oath ; he has a horror of, a horise-raier ; he is regular in his attendance ;it chn. ch;\ his leisure hours tare devoted .to earnest religious discussion with 2eininent bish bps, doctors of divinity. There is a' qo priety in calling . upon Grua , t,td- fl, VCO ur religion A'lld 6ur schools. I -I.e inisAr e dy ; I saved our Uniorvi We. know, thcre,bre, that he is capable of_great .things.' . ;:• patriotism stands out as brriaotly iii : Oita piety. He has always, ben - 4evOt 41y: • attached to the American eagle. pie initials of : his name, by a singuli,it Coinci. deuce, Stands for _thol United StOci. ~r- Ile is eageilorthe contest .to "COMillOiloi with the. Pope Jesuits;-, -He threw*doWn the i gauntlet ,to , them in Ilia powerful Deg Moms 'speech. We neinir, saW t',,1.:6" - PO - Pe'S big toe so largely swelled as it was by him in his annual ,niessfige.l There may pos.. "tibly be other inepTw o can , gavel the country and preserve 'th " Bible .land "the _schools. Noae, howev, r, can 1 dol,it 'as well as . Grant., _ - ' ,I , 1: • A Ceteran: Illtmtr!.. l •.: i 'Jackson Frailey with 'killed in a contest With a catamount near'iTamaraok Swamp .-,an" -- Welch Mountains' in north :eastern Pennsylvania, on, Wednesday, Dec., dd.: His body was foiind!Lki FridaP He- had followed•the trail of a bear and came in to 'conflict', with a witaininia„ I . When found 'his clothing . was torn off from hjs ' throat to his knees, and his, face,llinecic, - breast and abdomen were , terriblYilacer ited, seemingly by the teeth; of a wild animal. As there were no egiiitlencea of a , ~ . struggle near, nor tra the shoW, it i, was inferred, that - after the !fatal strni"-, gle in some other prt 01 thew • od.,be , fore the silq/ storm, I hi bad % n - i de "his iiiij thus far id , seircri' of aid and !h at he ;ilitOperished in tlie,.'dold. 'FOibei inia hollow was the bodY of - an enornious 'cat',: amount. lt was covered ; ,:with Wounds, one being made by a , rifle ball. and - the ~;zest plainly ,by gs,_' . kilifet , , The 1110* - ,hair.. ing been% ,scrapet a*aritiof.)uti the,,,yee against' which the rifle stood.' th4untei b s knife--a long clasp. knife 'with k -buc, horn handle—andpieces of liii clothin ' were found;Y le , was ' 3 evideiii--14hactlie ' had. been a fearful ,Struggle,: for ,th ground was covered w!ili blood for seiva feet ,- aroun d , and thial underbrush Wa 1 bloody and - broken. 11 Frailey ' lesves , - --large family. 10 bad i - followed , hunting , and trapping for thirty years, begiaing ,before be was ten. yearst old. In those thirty years be - killed over 2,000 deer, ,43 bearsi , 2s•catamounts, 3,pantberaand - .iin., .:numbered wolves . and fox4. l l s. lie was known throughout the, states flai , die • Nimrod of the QonawagO and the tqfr Slayer.— ___ 1 , . • ... , ~Gikt IQ Jim: ; ll? r enominated d , He. c, ~-::1 1.,, ,- ~-::. . .:z.)eleetegg' ; . -;!.' i ', .• ' . , , , A ,thoughtful afid nutually e ireful frrend Write s tQ...."uie: 'fr in ,P, hilade' tpliia under date Nov. 23, as ollOws: 'iNow. I am going to startle yOu ;:. 'Grant i . to be -, renominated and re-elected 1" an as if ';•- - ,tifronii . d.';'04 - the one prciphecy,:: h . sup , l 'i plements it with another : "Mara L ! 'i'lle one-huralredth anniVersary 44 the repti4• ' lie will also - be,its.end."N , And by,,,te mail, which reaches ice this: inornintr, i I have ,two more letters' trornl.Philadelphi ,dated Nov. 25 ofic of "Which saytk : Otltel , tit)on it, Gen.:Grant is iworking 'for,.thOhird term, and will enforce his reubm nation ' 2 teoti iiiiraityl- - - and the o her 'ft. rks : ti,v 'l'heideOtionatave been f pribi l to the' IkplAi9Ana l pfit 4 do; noc‘ , ..„),iketih,e ezi deuces sqnintine,io a thiid IterEnc.t l -1 . ..w... ‘ Forney'B Lort - clon, Letter to. the . I),Oessi 1 , There were exported from the; port of Philadelphia fo,r the week eridiugjork Sat. iittlay noon l'Ast,.t 0,998 bitShels of wheat And 129,008, bushels of corn, ,making ana, x.s aggregate for the year . of .7,56 . 4295\bu5b .1 els of grain. Thero — are, no* ,in To t loading grain _.forl foreign, pOrts ) :-tessel chartered to carry 225,200 bushels. 1 The population of . .Miebigan, a.eordj ing to the census just. tak.en, 133.',031p In 1800' it was . 551. The male ppulai . lion is more, than 60,000 i excess of tiii3 female, and the' tiispropor ion is Said: be increasing. '',,,' The protest, -oltAmerican !citizens in Berlin 'against the strieturei of the t ct 4, , man preswin assocng Aineiiean jlization" 'with the 13rerneehavi d.ria , mite horror, hoi •thoroughly 'at :inedlits (Meet., • • - • '; =NE A TELEGRAPHIC. 1 - - for= the :. . '' t , --• :: Thiii--"diant i Doctrine." Iv - A. 1 i fir: ,11 111 Nor _ -. To •_ NI. • [ - . ' . • i January - 2.—The.secret is 6 the,:: `mysterious correspondence : be-• tAkieif this :gov*r ctiffentand . ,-f fiat of Spai la ~ is iit last, explained. In. his message!in j ~- ,Bd9 :-President Grant • enunciated: his' ':fblior.:lith - .:riTard thXdiropeau dependen .„' leti id "VireStern; waters, viz : . That they trgilt..'Oentnally.. to .become free and. in ,.eneadent.; . I :ReCently . he: has . notified :. pain that, ;the Cuban, policy of 'that gov- i ; *n tiielit *ids t be . changed ; that the time 448 ;'ci - ) fne:: When ,for. various. reasons the ' etibiitia nitnit ;be. perinittato.cliouse. their )iiwn,;,goveruLtnent.. - iO. OrrespondenC, ; -. on' this *int •hts ' beerv,Acarrieti oli I for some' .clime. ', Spain . .. has l' finally, .but ';aceeded)td the President's demand, and .. 4oVellari will - ,..npon :`assuining command,. ,iSsiie,a,proclaniatien - notifying; - the -- ; 101.1. ]bans, that soo n .as peace - is restored in thefisland they .Will be - . permitted to netiii, natethefortn - of government under which they desire :t6 live. The proclamation :Will 'also-offer:amnesty; • the:. restoration . of r estates,.etc.. The President ; WaS-_det4ru ! ': A ricia ‘ , that,hti ; ' admi histratiud : should- Trot piss away . a beginning:Was Made in the. directionmf; carrying out policyhis, - , . -1, - .. Which .be•is-arobitious. shall be knOwtr, - as ~ . Ithe - Grant doctrine."'' , It -Ivas i to'snOttin 'his . demand - in -; behalf of Cuba thati.he navy . - weti reiit-qiupped and:. placed iii readi: ness:ior immediate active' service. • ...., ~ ,- ~ 'I. .L" : .- __......... ........:.. .• ~. • . • i- • S4o4ing AiEr#-Idero . Trouille in Clinton, :WO. .1.. . • • c . ; .A4milm - ,,- Tenn., .Dec. 31.—A . special from Vicksburg to the. Appeal says : . 4 .Anotherj.ditricully:...arase..yeaterday . ,at ; Clinton between . - . the: .blacks! and !the 'White„s. - 'The,fro; QaldWell-brothers (col-, Orell)-,Wen t .Od tbe street_ intoxeiafed and cliallepered the whole' fight them l and !; finilli! retired . unmolested.: About. :Sundown ; - . (lharlirs - , Cal6vell, an' ex.tate §etiatollp4 4 appeared ; oh - - the . 'street much iirtoicatedi'aud declared - himsel• afraid - a' no' man. A - .pis:.Ol . was ; aecideatally oared in-. the l'rear - of. It • 'store' which Cald . • Well entered, a'.ul he ran into '; ; tlie cellar. .As Ilthe ' citizens rushed into the store fAidwoll. - commenced : firing, and _,at the second' fire Dr. E. G. Banks fell seriously .Woiin.ded . .iti -the knee. The Citizens're turned:the i'fire ' 'mortally wounding- Cald well.h . , • ; . Fearing further , trouble: the May- Or .telegrapheri, to the - Mayor . pf Vicksburg . ,rl foasaistadce, • and at nine o'clock last ,night one linidred, 4ien left - that city by ,a, 'special . ; train : I No - ; further trouble, ',ll , .is is now aehended. • l. I ,. • apprehended..;. 1 : . . . , 144:kat Departmental Changes. W.isiii*ToN,N,Dec. 31.—The second Comptroller of. the irreasurv, .Deputy Second CoMptroller and. Third Auditor 'have sent their resignations to the Presi dent, and the positions thereby made va - cant have been ,o Bred , to' other parties, 4 -whose nan'ies will , e made pUblic as soon as the President ,is : advised of their ac• ce.ptanteS'of the places tendered them.= Several zhanges were made to-day in the :1:1'n ited,f, States Tretufu ter's I office. Mr. JerotneC. lintnett.6f Indiailopalis, who 'has been for some mouths a clerk in that ;office, has been appointed , Chief ot the Division„of National Beaks. ot the iTreastiryO illee,viee , 4l.At laton resign -1 tedy and Chatlea 11. pavidge also rf In dinnaPolis, is appointed Chi fof he Di irisiOil Of Issues, vice U. q. Ro. It is undeptood.-.that ,other. Oa geti ill be Mad ,e among them bait r . hat ' Chief 1( Clerk - Of . the Treasurer'sio, ce, to . which Mr. .3. W, Farrington, fora long time a clerk” in'' the PaSh' i Piv \ iSiOn, will te-lip 'pOinted. I_ ' • ~. 1, .., i ;." Extortionate Fossi l , 1 1 4A.xcl8rFat, Jan nary .I.f—The mein bers of the Lancaster bar held a meeting thisi'morning, in view ' of the,installation of a new set of county . officials on Mon day, for the,. purpose'. of adopting, meas ures enforcing a strict cOmplianne with the legal fee bill in future.E Hon. Thom as E. Franklin 4 wasoseurpresident e llon. H. G. Long vice prsident, and George Naretnan, Esq., secretary. All Present agreed that the system of enorinotis.over coarging must be broken up, and a com mittee was appointed, land the meetirg pledgeo to co-operation iiit.l- support in all legOl, proceedings ,agairist public offi ,cers fori violation oh We law iit regard:to official 'fees. If the Members of the bar are in e i arnest, the several. offices •will be worth prooably lets.' than half as much as thejncumbenta elect expected .and if So there may' be in the near future sev eral c4es of difficulty in _ineeting certain ( obligations enteredinto With the central ring during the-primary,election cam paign..l .\ \ ~ ill e , ,:: ' 1 ' '.- ,t 1 1 ii l ‘ *Thousand Dellar - Liiiel 'Verdict Bet Aside: - 1 PITTBITAG, Pee. 31. The verdict in the'Po# - -libel 'case, of: lila city,'gising 810,000 damhges tp, ?,,fr. koore, late chair pan of; they'liernocraficl. cotinty commit. !ee, WAS ' set aside' this Morning by the court. in.4eciding tifotientfoi if new trial, land another trial granted. The Post hand welcome the decieon as '.a faithful New rear's offering, fro the judiciary ; 3. 1' to the press. , .i , . . Internal Revenue eud s Cuitom Receipts. WASHINGTON / Dec. 31,--Internal . rev- , enue receipts to-day '5482,760.17. 1 Cus tom receipts to-day $257;073.32.. Inter- : nal.Revenue receipts for the .toonthl9,.. 59?,663;88. , Internal. 'Revenue receipts for the cal :year to date, $47,196,143.25. 'Custoin receipts for the- , month, $7,976,- -832,.66. CuStom receipts 'for the fiscal call Year . , f 576,023,477,85. ,i The Secubd CvmPtroller of the Tress `,Derplity§edood Cornroller and Third Auditor; . have not t heir redigps tion,to the Preeideot.-: .. . . . . . • . . . .. • -.'-'" . '-'"-''' _i -; - '-'-'. '.....= .r. - . ,". ., 4*A ' "" - - , r',..,....- - ...- , ..,...,_............„,......„,_...........„..„.„.....„..„,..„...._,„.......„,„..,..,..„.....„......,....,_0,„...,...,..,...,..„.„...„:„..„.„„„ . THE. MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, I _. .. , . . . -.. . JAN. .. • . . .. . . . . . . . General News Summary.' • , Bishop of Posen has , been sent,to prisen to Serve otit. the term of his seri months. . • The 'Centennial ight jubilee: was participated in by many cities and towns, througnoit. the country, , It 1 has been agreed !that the,Plymouth Church councildernanded by. Mrs. Afoul= Su-shall convene Ttiesday, January 18. , Another colision between whites, and blacks is reported to have:take q place at Clirrtori iss.l the'itnilitar \ have been ledft l ey ft. 0,. i Negotiations are pending with.Anstria !with retard to, thw oolitruction of a di 'rect railway betweeri Vienna and Con stantinople... - • '' . , . . Of the. receiver of Ithe . Erie Rai !Ways: for Noveni her ,4hows the 'receipt& to .have been42,sB4;B2s.47l'enk4ditiires $2,066;653.85, leaving a halaticof $518;- . 171.62. - ' • • i. • - : . • . 1 C. C. Carpenter; of .:' lowa,. hose terns .: 1 - -1 - •tis 'goviernor expir s thi4 Week, !has- been appointed Spoon .-Oomptroller of . .the Treasury, to succ ed . Broadhead, iiho_re signed. l i . .. , . The recent . "Lahor. Rtforth Conven tion" at Tyne orns out to have been , a fraud. Ouly about imenty-Ove delegates were in attemlatice , The citizens of i4tiebec celebrated the anniversary of the 'repulse .of: the Ameri can troops before that city. December 31, 1875. TheiPresident Statls-that, an the die ailed ,soldiers whO haie- been: : removed from positions under the House of Rep resentatiVes have been supplied-lyith otil er places. ; Sir Edward, Th4rtitonl;, the United StateS Mexican Commi ssion; has Awarped! .8653,000 Mexican gold to \the Abra Sillier • Minning. 'Com pany of:New :York, ,to. he paid 14 PONLE4T..I - 451;?,..CA1 No. 48 &. 50 iashinOoli BINGHA,MTON, N..Y.1 Of Would respectfully call attention to. theiil , , we 1:r rt. x Er rt. which they are selling at from 15 to 20 pe than heretofore. A full assortment of PARLOR, DINING ROOM and .F.Prc iTURE. . • Parlot'Setts, horn $6O upward. , Chamber 'Setts front $4O upward. Ifattresseit front $4 upward. 1 Pare Wool Mattresses from $lO to $l5. \ Oak, Ash and Walnut Extension Tables from $6 to $lB. . - ff Yon can do better by purchasing your goods of us than of any dealers in this section of the counts' y. We will not be undersold by any one east of New Yorli Qty.— No extra charge fur packing • or delivering goods at the depot. NNDER , 17.7:'• We desire to:say a word. In this line we Patent Catket, and a va riety of • other sty 'Robes, Shrouds, etc. . • The hearse and Carriage attached to our establish. meat cannot be:iturpdssed in this section. These will be furnished to those who require; at a reisonabla fig ure, anywhere within a radius of twentyl miles from this city. Give us a call. • DONLIIIr Binghamton. May 12th. 1875.=-if The Place DRUGS ~:&:. M. A. LyCon' Where yOu willfind a, lUD assortment or Pure Drugs & Me.dicirtei, , Chemicals; Dye Stuffs; Jewelry . Per fumery. Violins and Violin Strings, Fancy eoods, Yankee Notions, Pocket Books, Cigars Tobacco. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Table Cattlery.l Solid Silver Spoons. Plated Spoons, Selves and Forks, Guns, Pis tols, Amuirition, Shoulder Braces. Tglit i lleas , medical ipstrnments, Dental Materials, Lamps and, Lamp .Chimneys, Teas, Spices,-- Baking Powder; Sea Moss Feriae, Gelatine, Tapioca, etc., etc. - • A full auiortment of Machine. 0110 . 4nd all kinds o 'Varnish; kept; constantly - son' hand. We are selling our Wail Paper at cost,jind are also ' • • Cioslrg out our GlatlnVirAt ' ' Very Low Figure. 4, - Get al can of our' Mixed Chemical raint, ready for use, and do your 'own painting. , ..l With bur large stoci _goods; we filial con fi dent that everyone visiting Montrose. will for,teix interr est to maraud eXiIMIII I 43 for 'themselves 'before purefuw Ing l elsewhers. , Meares. Juu• 9.1871, CARTER, ABBOTT & JOHNSON, • Wholesale and Retail 'Dealers in HARDWARE, , IRON, StERL, NAILS, BLACK . S. VL E S Ml i ti P AVett "48' OLS. ES weeVas 'Steed, 42/e4Dioclat 1 ' , 1 , • SEAT siirtigas,STEgL ittftg, , TOE VALES 4nd CALE 20TELI. —‘l.l— BURRETT ; S CORN •SHELLER AN THE IMPROVED BURDiCK. • F.EEI;) CUTTER. CALL AND Sx Ip3. ; 87 wiel4ngton , Stif f. I' UINGHANITONVN• X. Oct. 14th. 1 For gdod - aterproofa,'4o -- i6 Cheap JOhn OF OUR fIING 1.. Ye Stein's to Got Ito' IS AT I 1 > 'Agents for I • Tbck OF FRENCH, GERMAN AND FINE DOMESTIC GOODS, IS VERY EXTENSIVE, MAKING BY FAR ‘TtIE LARGEST'AND ,FINEST SOCK' TO , SELECY FROM IN,SOUTH .ERN NEW YORK. • , I 14 4 'is riortlngi my owilgooda I have the advantage of confined styNa, and aavp nne 'prix fi t ; lam thus , . Sell a s ][out , as Retail Dealers Can Puy," • enabled Iltr. ppintie gnsiantees all work from his Department to be • thq - best in the city, both b in Style, Fit'and. Finisho I CALL AND ESA INS. • , 1 ' ' .\ • . • . ' W N. WILSON, , - • W. . HAGAMAN: BLOC/ 1: inghamtq,n, Dec. 15, 1875. EY, • New Advertisements. ragE•ARE: FOR TER . . rge sto :• cent. e 1 141,6 WINTER GQOD3! FURNI llopterir, Rosahaom & Co's. WO6 LEN 'S'HAWLS, CLOAKING, CASSIMERXS, BEAVERS : :, :‘, AND CLOTHS ; In greit variety; - • 'At G:. 'do . PLAID AND . PLAIN .WOOL: MOHAIR DRESS 'GOODS; SILKS, , ', .1 POPLINS, .. . 'DRAB .T.E•DES , •1 OAS,.BLACK COLORED, CABBY. FLANNELS; • ROSE: BLANKETS "WOOLBED . SPREA D *, "WOOL TABLE SPREADS TABLE LINENS, TOW-• 1 El.B, NAPKINS and bonsehold - Furnisqing Goods', A laic, asbortinet, and cheap, INES • , LD_ I•4lDiZe-Alip 01114IItgssi,MERIN-AIINDUGAII, DENTS; MERINO AND WOOL H6SE. FELT 1 ' SKIRTS, GLOVES. &c.; Ark. ALL SIZES ' ...., ' ' " - .A 2 D , RT.I.A.LITLES, . , , ,At G. B. &Vole, Prices to spit, )11111: 11 7 4 ERI 7 G r o t o ri Ds i l so n) :L i a at, 'FLOW ERS S iIi IL ,G X S A ILK Ne s Crd:: A fine Variety, • • • At' G. B. & CO'S 4 , DRESS AND CLOAK TRIIIIMIN6S,. LACE§%FEIN ORS. BUTTONS. SILK ITIES, CORSBTS:RAI t= BROIDERTBS'yIZEPHYR, - WORSTI4D AND FANCY.. YARNS. CAN ,yASI34 NOTIONS. AND STAMPED PAT- i Always in great variety, ! ' ° DOMESTIC GOODS. BLEACHED A ' ROWN SHEETINGS AND,SHIRTINGS, , CANT N , ELS, _ CALLICOES, DENIMS. T NGS AN' D, CHEVOTT SHIRTING AL-, WA.YB A, MOT POPULAR T ~ i THE MOST POPULAR, i - 1 BRANDS, . . Andlptices to . snit the times , : : At . G, R. l obColi. ; at 1 CARPETS , ctorns. MATE DRU436ETP4G • F13R13, BTFFALO ROBBISMORSE BLApiSETS, LAP ROBES ? 4c.c. Obeip• • At, G. 11.3ds • eadv-pade:46lotittno; Menand . isoyo ready-madeenite,, a large atockjleont plete aesortment'of best goods; warranted to give sat ief4tion. Prima to suit the times it (Lit. co's.- r.-... rte J ~ ~ I oiTEROOATS orl - Rook'q . Forißoys', Youths' and Men. All gorto.,l Qualities and ea from $8 to PO. Supply your wituts at O. & CO Out Custom Department. - ;•, • r Large stocker flue cassimeres. Cloths and Beavers. Meinsures taken, good - fitting and workmanship guar an eed. Prices fully 20 per cent. less than put pf town. C sop leaviryour rneasnre at G. R. it Colt,; PUBNIMINO GOODS. 1. s ' l ents furnishing goods, White and colored cettoh Sh rte, Wool, and - Merino Wrap_pers and Drawers, Fl nnel and me:Maltose, _Hiatt Jackets , ' (3miforters, Tics) Bows, Maniere, Oloyee„ •Trunks,. SatchAlef &c., 4, the largest variety in town, at G. it. keole, at TB! HATS! gAPS ! ,174.1* At G. E. ' - ' OUTTEXBERG, ROgENBA - trg CO i. o. , DossAtia* )4g , lgiog Oi t rtnor, liOntiOaft s ,l4olMber 29th, laig. artzet •IPI R DIRECt FIVE, OASES ._.:,,..... , , I -far 1 ....--.„... . . , ~ • • -.A -. • , or my Merchant, Embracing the.La!,est and Choicest Styles of TINGS, ALSO A LARGELINE OF 'ND EL STAN BEAVERS . - a.ii,d n , L4die§7 : ,Sap,queE; IN 'NEW AND. RARE DESIGNS. • NEW STOCK OF New Advertigementi. -PER--- FROM Tailorink . Department, &c. 1 '=FO.~-- At 0, R. dt, Co's A t G, 8. , 4t, Co's 44:)0.E'.:0:1,..4 LONDON, THE FINEST, t 'it -.e 9 CATVITIMC f I4 I . e Ze P Or, I 274 :n anrf GENTS 21 e , egant on, cnesios,inonnted, size °all for $4. 120 for t 6 it ; for Hohdti? Presents. 48 NATIONAL CUROMQ CU Yhils..PA. F B f e o u r 4 4V ata s i nT ile a Ma a r Vi 3nd M j. ' - F t3l . 2 ' fflr i tta ll , 6llB 3 Free Maps of Delaware. Delaware. -1 HENRY, WiILSON 1111 Life anCPublie Services. The - Nation mourns his loss. Agefits wasted. Apply for choice of TerritOry to Quaker City Pub: CO:, Phl ,la , Pa; 50 . AGENTS NV/ TED the selling book ever published. Send for circulars and our extta terms. to Agents. National : Publishing Company, Phils-delphia, Pa. ' .'. I' , .. 43 SHORT ' CUT C m h a a l n e ce j : f o o l : 1 :11 11 1 d lj a a n le va ng rs Fe- TO WEALTH Free information and free Sam ie very order.. 48 HILTON' & CO., 152 Worth St., N,1., P. Box 5869 SYCHOMANCY, or SOULCII.AR*ING. • • eith .err sex may fascinate and gain'the love awl a I ectionl of any person they chi:xi:is instantly.,Thts 81111*m:tea ts] nequirment alitsin possess; free, by mail, for 25e,t0• gether with a =Maga guide, Egyptian Otacie,preams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, lte. A queer. book. ' ddrese Pabs. , l hits. '1 MIND.,tEADIND, , PSYCHDMANCY, FASCl natiorc oul Charsaing. Mesmerism, and. Marriage. Guide, showing-hew 'either sex may fascinate and gain the Tore and affection ,or any person they:choose in stantly. 400 pages. BY mail 50 cents. & 'CO., 138 Sontiklth St,, PtuladelpVa. Pa. t • .1 F" • COUGHS: COL D S, noAtEsENiss, nutoAr DISEAEBS f -118 - WELL'S ,CARBOLO .TiBLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLVE BOES: A TRIED AND'EI7RE REMEDY..' Hold by,Hrueglinggenerally. and . 48 & F rohnston, Holloway Co. . Philadelphia, Pa. (NEW - BOOK FOB THEE = -1,000.000. U‘VIS WESTERN . 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Urge fin.. hated Psuip_hk_t i • Specimen Pirelli ondjull particulars typo . Martes'A. D . w bun ixo T oN * Co.. idearrOltD. Co .----•— "NIP '' 4N D TUCK!' . .... Ichromcia . . I The, Great American . ' Tea, Oompany ~. , Ot 31 and 331Vey Street, N.Y. TEAS DISTRIBUTED TO CIATBS.A.T iNPORTIEUS t PRICES. yl Beautiful. Oil . Chromos, of different, sizes, promoted t , r ' . .2. rieha sere of 1,2, 8, 4 orb pounds of Tee, iu clubs V 30 and upwaras. The Company has now ready for :el very a. spiendie Chrome, entitled tiNlpoild Tuck" a ; mew (three pound) picture, .showing a lively skirmish between baby and a pet doll for the possessidn' of a thdl. It lisp cal% of roar t• . ea fun that no descriptiontt tell the story so well as e simple title of the a rtist. The battle is just Ni and Tuck, and must, be , seen to be . appreciated. , fiend for cirpular of prices,' termri Akc." ,The Great A.merican. Tea Compaw, Sr and 83 Vesey Street, . •._4 8 8.0. soi 6643. . . • NEW YOU Ml' ' TARULL, 40IISE0 orrositz salt count. *PIIIIII, • -11ONTROBB;PENTA 4=.s~. :.r ~ JOHN S. TAIIBELL, PRoxon. . ..`) Nina Stages *ad Hacks leave this' 110110.4*. neetior with the Montrose Railway, the LOW, liMaY Railroad. and the , D.-11.-40V4Rstlroad , • • • • *Fri' 114. 1,873.-tr JOBTRINTINq I • TaitannOß 0 ~ I i i-i - •