The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 05, 1876, Image 2

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. •.
Is -•Puntlettun EVERT. W nimuile r•-. Mont ~. •
. .AT 'MONTROSP) ?clove A -09. 1 P.A., nvi f .:-. I--, •
13 A.1A7.1.43 5375 r 46. c. ; G.IIT-7 It
. .
umoitt.4 4,t PROPRIETORS,, - 4 . •••• 1
' . .At two:Dollars per Year in Advance. , ri , .
. _
TO 4, DV . EUTISERS :—.T.ut_DEMO9RA I' 'as. aeilvei.-
tisint . medium , is., unturpq , Ssed in Atils - , sect t
on.. . It
reaches the Farmer, Methanic; and linainesa.ra n. , :Its
circulation is constantly increasing.
and its adVertisitg
rates reasonable; - Rates will be given at otir office or
by mail. ' , I- r .
'JOB -PRINTING:- - Our office is supplied with] fOur.
printing - prieses.together with, ;I. large variety of type,
borders, - laney Inks,- etc:. with which we are prepared
•to dci,„wmk in the best. style and at' prices, lower' thin
any competitors in any- section. So.amples l shown; and
estimates 'cheerfully given at our office.: Work Orderl.
ed by mail, will receive prompt attention. ''l : .
~... .
, 1
I . 1
W. C. eittSER.
• Goirl closed in New York; 04 N.
at 1121. „ - •
Washingtmi Thug justice has ,beei
again exemplified in the acanittaV ( j
Green, the'bogus bail nian. This wi
letthe rest of the .It , ngsters out.
Tile wealth: of, the entire . RotUchild
family combined is $3,409,90000;
They could tisih
, pay off our naa d
l , debt
and have a comfortable competence left.
The 4nnuul meeting of the hleinbers
- -
of the Peibuszlvania coat coinoinapoti
took plaee on . Saturday. Itis not it-tirtici
pated that there well be any 'Speci.J.l
change in.prices of coal or the rate of
mining wages for the ensuing year'..
• 'this: time . it is Spain-.that is about to
• address a circular to - tho'powers .upon the
Cuban queStfon; •' It is,to 'ISe hope:di
. o.'at
before the end: . of another year 'some
' bOdy will. ba : able to. tviti o tt.wha: all the:
friss l li about. The: Man, whO hae. seen
any 'of tlieSeArtiportant oirculars that we
hear of every.,l4 would . b \ es*elcto*(l in
any ne . w - §paper,Offiee in : Earope Or Ameti,-
tilitors bave Jklitiepvrtcl Iy i loug acid'
earetul observation :that , ,the;best'way. , o
save a man's life when be is sick, is to ek-
Tend a good' deal of labot in the kepara
tiou of an elaborate bioarapliical sketch
to be used in case of, death.`, T lazietirn
always gets well. '..Mr. - : Q l Cono L i l
r thoua
. .
not, in his future career, reftss to- rp : -
1 3,
member - that b is Under Some o ligations
t to tiie newspapers, it life is dear to Iltik.
---Chkago Tribune, -.:# , i -
. _
The Wa:sningtOn 'Ckroniele, in a double
leaded 'of two` coluinns t length
readi a plain. siarning to Secr4tary
tow that a 'llan *ho commended by the
inch pendent newspaprs 'cannot be trn6t-),
ed in the counciis' of the_ adtnitlistration;
and-‘42hofie 'know. the liesitle - .1i, 1 0r
the - ifilitt:dtates;" 'need[ not, be'
tola that ; never. lie*ftates -4 ) clitcillarge
atly.pnblie .duty',' The plot k‘hiekens.
The,State T r easure r' .. of. Kansas was .
* good
. Radical, - true to the faith d, the
unwmpromiSiug Comn-iOu
schools. Now he is Utideti:arieit eharged
with aiding , inthe issue t of.fraud-_
Ulent - school bonds, whereby be cheated
the State out of a vast Sum 4:1 mohey.---- ‘
But out :Radical - coriterpil . )rary 'has too'
great. 4 lose for the' Otioots Us: say any
thing about -
. . , ... ,
CENI'ENNtAL FOußTß:qp,tiuly.
' The United States~ce.ntenniak Coin
mit4ee ~ ends out the, folitiwing •-'
' '
"it gems proper that the local.celebra- -
tion of , thp:Fourth of - JU l ly; 1876;whicb
will be held through the! ‘land, s ili 'uld'be
made to conti•ibUte to .a perman ntibis
. ,
tofical memorial - of the Centenu al.' ' I
ebratiou.- in each '',county;. -provision,
• shOuld he Made for the , dqiver ) 14 a' I
adilress triteinge , the history of 't *ail
tichlarcomittunity, for the pa l st, ntliii , ;l
or rom,the_ time of its. Se ticineut, and!
-..includiaga,' sketch ,of its 'ggrowth Its reJ I
saltines? 41dustries, - igospea
,'etc - . : Thessi
addresses, should be
- pais ed
,„ In a.Upti
n eze—that of, the CcngressiOnafpt' ,
—iider: -tha
documenta,-for instance,nll lli
lhey uniy
be bound , together:4 State 4
Tn'aoixfpettnii.persOns; the preparation cl'
Bach dresses- wouldj not, be an',nti
duly.' liarleusonle „ tailk i, but in_ l the lig
&agate' they would cOnsti to te 'an' inval.4.'
'abiel3istorieal Tephsitory such as 10 - ;tfiil'
tiott has ever bad the opportg ity. to co
lidt:, I, .. ' ; -,. • ‘
.1) - - at' • ' \. 't
!ik eskgb. tonssof the historops ou ght
e i
te - bC made ,',withoutY - sdelai,lii\ - ',order• - th ' t,
thoislay:have time ;to' aoCeiniplieli - the r:
work., , ; „1,,t-: ; is to be; hoped ;that : thp :IF ; i
iv; efFouiation. to th , su
41.116}1 AMID:IO., qiit see .tp , .#43
- ,
consummation „iv. .tits:.. own joe.ality*d -,
thit'the.Shglat , eltpet tses' involved :4..ieift;
44_ Pr' t i §:lii4:`o4Pti -1 ::
, : - -.:1
; I
' '.:' If talioloolegi 46.44.-,110::000,44 ~4*. t .#
' i*Oild.,be fp -, 4131#vistitigcle4iknie . a:-. e.
teiiiialiimill':wchild fida - a-- *Sti - mii V
'iens'iii.Atre''l;:iiiitkiie..,Ed -igeO ,ds
I "
. . ,
0 , 14 , ,
~ : i „ - ,!- . v.c.:lZVP',!i ,';'-' .. - •f -2 ' .. .1q : .... ) .: ':::::. '.-' 7 ,",;;` ,- ;•0.
' :7 1 : - .Y . ,, — .11y.::::',...'f'.. 1'i'.:;:'•.;.:.1.-.1,
1 1 I
, Ile .I)Eifocit4T at thiP, the beginning
of- the Ceiitennial year' of our national
erty puts bn arnew f rm And appears
PamOngthe many journals of Our coun
try, we thln , ki greatly improved, else we
should not . have decided to make the
change. . F i ver sits:oe we have bad charge
of .OE. D.E - moct4T, improvemint has been .
our motto andl r yve are told,l_ both by our
contemporariesof the press acid cur pat-,
rol'i;sl a lso, 1 that 1 1 grei,t itiaproVi'litell t and
. inilue ice lave been,' c3ustantty
1 .
developing. 'the : best eviden,ce is the
fact .that] since Nye. took charge of tf„,t ,
DEbc4,,T,, August 4th 1869, the 611;-
6 ri 1
ticni list his 'well nigh -tripled, and
; l c Ustantl'il pit the
. ikrease,Ja sufficitht
edmplimnt of itself without , o,ny. corn.
meat. • i ' ' . . I
I'inn. 11 , i n E
, .oarpast Coarse is befole the people
and . of the fittne we have but a word to
say.- The bo l 4, tO.uS, is yet unsealed bni
'we are etiPEati in this declaration,' that
,the DO:100T Will not Swerve. from its
'past motto'St,.d by the ;.right though.
! the Hea;reas fall." iin other words, lin:
politias, it will: advoCate true Democraey,
not ill the interest of any'sect or individ
ual,' but in. that 'cosmopolitan idea of
i "equal and. , xii.ct.• justice to alt . men."
In 'its. 'general and local department tt
will be fonntl, in \ the future: as in the
, En
palt,svertid'by the game motto. 11 t
never will truckle to corporate or indi-
Vidnal. Wealth, for power or pelf, nor bow
E .
: to,;giltE trappings, . that
~popularity; or
"thrift May', follow fawning." .We shall
always`speak,vf subjects th mat deand our
opinion or upon 'which. we may deeth. it
our duty so to speak, and the indwid'aals
connected With them, as they seem to ; be,
nuabased by . wealth Or station 'and un
prejndie,ed by p4vertv or le Var degree: if. we
have one principle more firmly fixed than
another,this is that one. In a wordove do
. ,
notintend'. to sell our opinion, either good
or 16ad, fir money or sustenance. A
ufr' , or . a criticism, editorially, in the
I • , rE .
Dr uocnAl, always has nevi and a4ways
will be an r` honest expression of otrr'sen
timerds so long as our name shall appear
• l
nit th ll e mast--head: , 1 .
' ld - -
.'A feiv A rds about our new form. The
-sole and only object of -our change is for
the betlefit of all our patrons, both read
ers and advertisers. We shall thus, be
able i
to.lgiVe our su'oseribers - more reading
tnatteri elasified into se rate depart- ,
`Men tS., nig,' also bring oar advlt i rtisers!
more. "4ir c ibtly . .before: the readers every
wee . .k. ! These a‘'e, the two mb,importantl
'ilnpro‘jeinents that any paper. can. Make
nd .wi need only -call attention: to this,:
s the i paper i for 'itself as it comes to youl
' his W.'elc,-is an axioin upon this point.--E
• 1
tiother , -ad V/113 tage is . Oht.ained-• by thil
, V
forns - iii the greater ease of pernsaan
last oti all, but -not least, its shape. for
binding and.
_convenienee afterWarcl for
those .imho may *desire' to keep a file. ;
IThesel facts among 'many others which:
I rruglH be mentioned, require lid argil ;
iiienttolerify. We now cast our"breadt'
i : of linprovenient "uptin the waters" of
latir National ,Centennial year, it, the full
',faith 't hat it.will again return to' s after
.1 0 1 u ,
a few, days. - This will:be but the begin
nitigtof 'what,Wepropose to do •as soon'
aSo4 patronage will. enable ifs. ."The
labor r is worthy of his hire" and, upon
this asfs we present ,this, our first num
ber '18'76. ,We do iti in\ no begging
or trackling manner, the full coii
scionsness of heing prepared to givevalue
re:ceio , ed. ' i . -. E . . 1
he Philidelphia Times of IMonttav
say s 3 -
Our - Harrisburg dispatches indicate
1110 the Democrati ` Legislative caucus
• to this evening will decide, with-i'
out, oerions diiistou ,of sentiment 'that , it'
is expedient to begin all.legislation aneW
tbul, harmonizing with the unanim ous ,
ote Of both partiesin the. Senate. On
thellueOtion of orgapiiation, it is proba=
bly that ,the officer's Of last se sitoil 1;4.i will
conitinue,4 either by. ~virtue - of, their elec.
I .tion in 1875, 'or by resolution affirming
0.011 in tbeir .'plac , qs. • A strong -Senti
ment prevails in
,favor °t i lt general sweep
of ihe officeris ..of, the Honee from Speaker
,down,bUt most of t e methbera are averse
to -che , vexatious - contest that would be
thrown upon them-if new officers were`-to
, - ifip . :sici,to
ti 'l, : e u '
s la s ' i t o u n re l o i4 o s, ny a e ,r tl i e s d en ye i e us. t , e i l, < l
' Some' ' . -r au ad-
daY-- ew Legislature ° .
Avl l itether • it ;is a n ,
of th bid One . if - a . , n'Ti
i t - ~'' a session - e take ,. dace_
j 9 tp.e.....,
o ,4y i : s. ,,i* , , , gtga ruzatiO fli ,fi e:, testi r l s...,we,:ii r oi . ,46l.,
4-04-1 'ation of• - P•
9 . v tie
. isi .1. ) a ttOw 9 -
~.; n u tr , whet F. 1
of itc,„
:imvptu,x.... .f . hikA a lie*f Style, ~ ,
1 " 0 I. --- 1 adift
ksl.l.:Eii)., on Y 8 T he ilfecp,e .
, •
A w n, f ro p:,,, t 4st.,w,ip , te , r,, ,
~ .ip- ~ ,
~ •
' - r the 'lailiboree of
''' l)etitioh' of ,
xv4ii, a. te ,
.. 1 1:
~ ..
itigt ,„,8016 19 , ftti•; , , , , ,, ,, , ,•?;,•..
i' , 1'..irri..3. 4 2,.. , ',1' ,
:•- ,7 1 ,. '41,44,1P:
I 13rother traot with _ Jay'
064e•&Co.'to devote the Titti_ej4en4cia to
the sale of Northern . Pacific bonds, stipu ,
lateaAhat - Bowep . :sho l uld
sive...interest and . ...infihe*e . of your(his)
moneTcolumns and editoi4l colnUns. to
the enterprise and borids of the NOthern
Pacific Railroaa.".lu 'oOusideratiOnlof the o.f the Indepoido4;.. for the exOlusive
commendation of the • securities;
Bon was to receive sia ps,:r •
and-ten per cent. stook : eonitnissions on •
all 8310 made by 1 str timer. tal tY. Such
coirtacts may do for-` religio4 journals;
Gothain, but if with r nal no
tionsshould cease tg.•believe - tnuai . in
whiat• such . a paper says thereafter,
Mr.l3owen grow revenkeful and.proClaim
".lie!t no guilty'man escape?'
• • . ,
J . esse L. Williams,,ot Fort ; Vayn '
e In
`di7ina, formerly : Gl:oierornent Inspe4ter of
Pacific.' Railroads ,, ha
, 604 appointed
Deputy Second Oimptioller, vice . Ourtis.
c). IL Irish is to succeed 'General Ruth.
.erlOrd as Tntrd Auditor.'
„Schesiclo Imptficretion.
i I •
Thelion. Reverdy IJiihnson has Writ,
ten all Mewhat • iemarku,ble -letter &Om
L 6401140 the Baltiniore 'American, in
whi4 be endeavors- tO' 'establish the in
nocenee of the - Perfect Poker' • Player,
Minister Schenck, thoti,gli'' With
. no'cither
result than to prove that if not a knave
he inusCbe a fooL Th4:correspondetice
is: mainly occupied with an; account of
the or igin, - rise and jdeeline of. the Enirna
Mine swindle, but among the • details
afforded we are able. t§ f discover nothing
that 'hack . not 'already. :been published.
The plain' counts the indictment
against`Schenck 'have! been from. the first
these i • That he went! into the scheme 'oh
the strength of Money borrowed from-its
projector, and without. - any -consideratiOn
except the use of his: frame; that he took
'a guarantee of intereat.'o•n'• 'his 'shares
'lwhich he knew neither Mr. :'Park nor the
,compality had a right} to:give; •atid that
later in accepting a directorship; he Old
to the company which
was the Sole property of -his country,' and
therefore not tranifetable to any Corperl
ation.- Mr---Johnsonl Confuties . Mine. of
'these :charges.. He says indeed, that-, Mr.
.SaiTenck resigned his directorship When'
the stock of the company was at Hi'
highest.; that him AliiidendS ceased' when
the rest did ;'that hei never' sold his , stock:
*lint still- hOlds thlati atit' ,. great' peon- .
niary sacrifice herepaid lottn•t§ - Park,
and that When a -,eoltirrtisSion was called
to take eValetice i llielreriirtied • frOm 'the
Continent purposely:. to. '
th :testifY
:Which:Mr. Johnebn iarz p
ne s at h e nok
is guilty Of nothing; IworSe' than:a pardoit
able indiscretion. Tf . Mr. :Schenck Were
an Innocent Abroad; this deduction Might
possiblebe Plausible; licit the General: is
'man who has seen! •-the World; - ,and . 'ha
had experience sorts of:SpeenlationS
—the last:man whom tt-' confideOceinitin
Would pick out ford victim. It iii a .- 7surd
to ose when. - Park, - .whom '•. he'-had
nown - but a few
,days :'Offe•red to lOan
him money to hay stook in ..Park's -Mine;
without -eXiti.:;tingi 'interest, •Ithat:;••
!liotircht him actuated •bv:thotiVi43 - of
or' whelp, .scioit after, hi' WIIS
poll iced to beeome: a director the
tei4e that. it would 'help . his - ,own inter
lests,-thatlie did no i 't know perfectlyi well
the real object qEisired - fill
_his C,Ohneetioil:;
If it is difficult
knave, It is simiqjinposSible, to •think:
him •.a tool: letting That qttestion
pass, it' isquite enough to \knoW that the I
M mister' of the: . 'o . sited States, at- the
'most' in fl nen fig dourt. -in the world, sO;
Tightly values:th , i,lrespotisibilities 'elf ! his
station as to regard* a- mere mistake an
act - which involved 'the financialaninOf
many ,British citizens Mid has humiliated`
ane, dhigraced. his Country, „WhateVer the
`Confillenceof Mr.l . jcilinsOre' in - C the' per
i3omil-integrity 'of' Minister Schenck' the
4tain his Official reputation' is
effaceable, and it becomes a government
Which. values the character.' far
above individual ;distinction to recall itt
9nce a representative -'who heai
tate to hazard the, -former for the sake of
the latter.' - 'The i')eople -demand fori their
ministers - men • w IM* . 'Mori
for Country be I ,,satitified ! with
none jitif:':..iiatriEit4l.4r-Phga:i ‘ •• .
,Chiengo 1/Fhisitey Btng
From the best authority it is stated`th
the head and 'front- of the offense: witl
which ilesing,Rehm and MlPei - are charg•
ed is that they formed .a kind of triatnvi
rate, which controlled the .politics and at
the same tune the distillerit:s Of ;ChicagO
Miller, ' more. i especially, bought s up the
gaugers and storekeepers for the "brooked
distilleries; so 'that they should. connive
at their frauds, j and flesing - and - Rehm
4signed their officials, - through their in
:finances`, to what;ever distilleries, they
pleased. According to this, inforrnaiit,
wh(4 - word Idoinot dontitt Was generally
understXod i thal no distiller could run hts
,establislament if he did not 'pay 'a heavy
tax to liesing Old 'Rehm, s.nd.,they would
goon worrleio 'l:tiniest 'dealers into re
cognition of their power bynu s ikini trouble
• for them. Thus. care ' finallv to be
;. •
recdgnized by -jail the .AS the
leaden of the ring, who I distrtburwl the
money among the storekeeper mongers
'and turli'afroicled .
- ,thenl pOlitiCaliirotection;l . The - ,etringeat
thing IS, that,' Billa Ahern ;. is;
IT.eitngt! iiaid -1 0 be very but le• - is
Said : tolaye been,unfortunate in
wittihe-Idst for'
COunty Treasiarer and was defeated, is
F 1876.
!said to .have . oosti:liinva vast-deaVig
ley:.- . A*ong _the
ins,aiii . w
be - is very populai,%M.r. 4
fiku'maptfriends and sympathizers
t ili •
complicitb ,. until it is clearly' pi oven:
Adveriisemeas New This Week.
B• Law,:Montrose, Pa. Office over Wm. 11. C
& Co.'s Bank.
Montrose, l Pa., Jan. 6th, 1876--lys
• •
1 offer ,fori sale six original town lots, Nos, 25.25,1
27, 29, Si), 31'. on the southwest side of Turnpikei
streett(near the Baptist churcri--4ann squire from the
Public Avenue. • •
Montrose, iJart- I t, 1.876-4 w
punit SALE.
' J -
Notice,in hereby g iven that I will expose to sale, to
the highest bidder, at my shop in Ilarford, Susquehan
na County, a certain two horse. market 'w n, the
property of Thomas Carr or \ Washington ennaut,
for the payment of $lB, the lien I have ag net it for
repairs and charges. Sale will be on Satur , y, Janu
ary. 22d, at 2 'o'clock, p, m. .
• '01:IT:' •
Barford, Jan. 5,1876.-4w*
Lu.NOs .sTßoup,
TVE ciza t cs as e•
i Represented, 9)100,0663000
1 •
sl• •
ioc i Ltilop of Phil., Cariital,t l. l4LL.. eta, $ 3,500,00 f
Aituranut of.N. :4 ~ " )?' • 5,000.000
Fire„ 1'h11:, " :". 1,100000
Ina. Co. of Ph.. Ph:lh., 4 * " 7(0.0(10
Lycothing- o Maguey, Pa.: " . 6,000,000
Lanes t;ter 4xf Lanea:tter, " • t• 400.060
Newton of Newton,- • • 150.010
Home Ins. (AL, N.. y.,• : 6,000,000
National " 4 , 450,000
Coo , nlevelal Fire .. • /
• • '450,0001
Hartford Fi est of Llartford et.'" .". 4,000,000.
" 500 , 000
Atlas t• •
Royal Calla( 14114 td Montreal, •
"Liverpool. London ktiGlobe,
• of - LiOrpoo4 Eng., , ,t 6
Provideixej waelliagton; of
Provitieni;iN • "':
• • •
Conn. Mutr.,Al Idle Ips.c ASett 8,
American Life, Phira. ' "
i - it CC iDENT. ' ' -, ' 1
t 1
frareterslni. Co.,Hart.,tapital andSnrp as $3,000,t
Railway Pas l sengers 1 " 000,(X10
•„: 4
- •
The anderaigned haabee l n wellinow,n thiaCoithiifOt
the past 17 years, as an I,llgurance"Agent.: - Lossee fin? ,
twined by tits Como ainies have always been promptly
WOl3l eup stairs, in. building east from itienkAng
Office of Vim. H. cloper &Co.„ Turnpike iitrpet!
CLIAIiLES,II. 011141, Office Manager.•
' • - ,S. LANGDO;4, Solicitor!,
liontro+,.Aa : n 5 , 1876. ; • .1 - r .
1 :64.13.;9'iE:TT'S.
~ • . ,
GRAND TEMPLE 0F_..,'.M105,.1.
Two tiores - in one—the finest store and the twit dis
bought in job lots for cash. at less than mannfaOtnters
prices, and I will sell them lower\ thtu any other:house
• 1 • ••••• , . •I ;
Go to Barrette for Holiday Presenti, and save money
• t. •
• I.
Audi have also the celebrated WEBER PSAI OS.and
MASON & HAMLIN ORGAMI, i lutich.'have gained
great inotoriety. ! ;
Also; Horace Walters & Solis Concerto, Orchesural
and Cimbrella Organs, aad Ate Binghamton. Piano, a .
7,4,1 octave finely trashed instrtimeit, made expressly
forMy trade, which I shall sell at .sBto,eath, ten per
cent. added if sold on time, Don't buy or`think of do
ing, so until you have examined stock'. they° the
largest stock of Sheet Music., Books and small instru
-mengs of all kinds to be found ITV Southern New York
Come one come all to the Neu" Temple of Mutic, 2 and
4 Court Street, next , to the Chenanguriver. .;, '
I S. w BAriitirr
gliamton, December 15, 1E451
~ ' - . •.. - .• . ,
~ . . ,
.--', - . - :'-,1 , ': ... ;.. r ,
;L:t) -MB' Eit''"' 'AO Ist .- $ -
i'ilannfacink; on exitliojilkin, and foriiinin'at" •
- ..1, • =
" •
spRINGvu4,BA)IX*ENTROSit; ,;=) .11 - ;
liontrie,,March 10, 'PM
i.l=' z~~
r ~'
Alr'A ~,:
writs issued by the Court or ,common : Pleas
I will exposas of '
tiehanna! County and to me directed, e
I hit c vendue, at the Court • Molise i ti lldontrose, on •
3., Jimuaryl4,lBl l l, at 1 O'clock p. ~- t he follow
feces or parcels of land. to Wit : - .1 ,
those three lots of land situate in•the Borough of
nehanna Depot ,in the County of Susgaeharins and •
A - of Pennsylvania, the first .piece bounded and des; '
id as follows, to. wit : Beginning and 'known sta
No. 882 lying west of Drinker creek, as laid down
;he map of a part of saki Village, a* surveyed by 4:
' Weuts; for the late New York and. Brie Itallway
zany and resurveyed and allotted by , Timothy
te,-to g t ther with the appurtenances, and all im
ed. The second and third p ieces situate as above -
bounded and described as follows: Reciwn as lots
249 and 283 lying west 01 "Drinker creek as la
31 on thd map at; surveyed by Timothy ,Boyle,
4 New York &Brie Railway Company,and theparty 0
'7.•et,,ond plirt is to have the priv tiege of theater back
feet for the purpose oflaying pipe or,loge to convey
, air from a spring, together with the appurtenan
all urn roved. [,`Laken in, execution •at' the snit of
0. Filmier vs. Mary Tierny mid Jobb. Barry. •
iLSO—AII that certain ene and .a half story. plank
age containing in front 21. feet and in feet,
' havng an addition on the back aidecon t a in ing 11
in width and 14 feet inlength, and' one story high.
io, ad that certain barn
feetnd a half stories in
gilt, containing in front 20 . and in depth 44 feet.
o all that certain blacksmith shop, one story high.
i haVing;a front , of 18 feet, and' u,depth of 30 feet,
1 4 the curtilage appurtenant thereto, and the lot or
i,zeof ground on which said buildings stand erected
. i ntled - arid described as ,follows. to wit : • Bounded on
tiortli by other lauds of defendant, east by_laudil
;1. Jones south by the turnpike and west by other'
ale 151' defendant, situate in Derrick township, Conn
pf Susqeehanna and State of Pennsylvania. Taken
i mecution at the suit of C. C. Walker Ye. James
lore.] 1
LSO—AII that certain piece or parcetof land site
,1 in theltownship of Herrick; in the County of Sue=
aanna and State of. Pennsylvania , bounded and deo-
hed as follows, to wit : On the north by lands cif
1. MeYers. on the south by the old Newburgh Tura.
.e road;lou the east by lands of 3: M. Aleyres, and on
,west tsy the Jefferson branch of the BM RililweY.
'veining one half acre of hied more or lose having
one large frame two story building 20x40 feet
0. frame Ished, 2JXSO feet and all improved. [Taken
emecutir at the suit of Philo C. Spencer vs. (-harks
.me — e .
—d l
that certain piece or parcel of land situa
-3 the township of Clifford, in the County of Samoa
n and State of Pennsylvania,botmded and describ
'is follews, to wit: Northerly_ by lands of J. B, Ste. '
~ easterly by lands of Wm. fitiebrook,,southerly by
end Milford and Owego Turnpike, and westerly by
/11. chard road, so called, containing aboutlenaierca,
, steam saw mill with engine and fixtures, one barn•l
call improved, being the same land conveyed by J. i
itevenia to Win. James. [Taken in execution at the
11::of John. Lee vs. William James.]
7, f .. , 0-lAll th at certain piece or parcel of land situate
li ae township of Aubure, in the Court) , of Susque
tioft and State of Pennsylvania, bounded arid 'dela
•ed as follows, to wit : On the , north by -lauds of ti.
ove, On the south by lands of Charles Marshall,
braes Marshall. Charles Winans. and 8.-Bowman, on
. totet by laanuds of 'S. G. Delin - d F M Vaughn. and '
Fe west by lands of S N Love, and Samuel Thula
r, eottaturug about three hundred and twenty acres,
Vor 1e.., with ' the appurtenances, two dwelling
wes, tkce borne. luta other outouildings, and two
i-,truel and about three hundred acres )raproved. rre IL - '
it In execution al the suit el Sterlitiges Son vs.
,;eortils.] t'otice.- All bids areal' BE AMLANGED on the
) if sale. M. 8.11181.31 E. Sheriff.
.eLiill's pace, Montrose, Dec: 22.1873 , • '
_ _-----------------
- 3E 11. STEWS .NOTiCE.--Ptiblio
`t ti eis hereby' given ' to ail persona concerned in
`.';'ohoring Estates. to wit t.
t.te of George W. Park, late of Franklin, dec'a; W.
„A • W
em tit. EeCiltOr. ' • ' •
. 1 ie of Joseph E, hitney. late of Gibs'on, deed
'',• ,
l i
'.' •za•A. Whitney•aridJ.tcob L. Gillet . , Acitters.
t.te of Alonzo \Volker, late of Gibson; dec'd ; W. W
i. slums.; Administrator. • , -• ', .
...,:,..' tr.e oa John Gard inte of Gibson, deed ; ;G eorg*'
. Cenrad, Administrator. , \
„. L . - ~., j•
.1 , eof Charles C„.Chamberlln.latecti arford, dec'd;
g :tales Tingley, Administrator . ` '', •
..` .
iv' eof GUI i'eck, tate cf I New Milford , dee'd. ; Z / ad„,
[I .Peck, Executrix . -- -t • . '. ‘• • •-'
t).' ae of . Sarah M.. Waikor. late . ',pf ',Dirpock, dee*
.- 9„ Walker, Administrator. • •
1 'tete!' Sheldon lifecharn; : late of Jeastip deed , ' el.
t 1-
,Read and Margaret Meacham, Execntor.--, • , ' ~, 1 :
E .e of J' Backus , lace. of l'oresttake, deo ot ;
O ,P. Read, Executoi,arid.Trastee, .: ,' ,I ;,
E ,:•c of :t.rmon, Peter, Henry, and Franc4D. Philli%ll
; tiors'• Hosea Phillips, Guardian,__ •
_, , .. •
E.-... 13 of 'Mary K. Nieholl,. minor ; licalith C., Smiley,,,
•Ilrtlian.. • ' 1
at the accorintants have settled -their accountala
ther.legister's Oflice fn and for the, county of Suenne-
how:l e :m(1 that the same will be presenterito the Judies
of,itte Orphans' Cotirt, On . ,Thursday , January 13, 110,,
fot:cmtirmation,and-silowance,.. -., , .. '',l I
11.1 . N. TIFFANY , Register;
Sister'.B Oil Ice - N'OntrOse, 'Dec. 15,1875. ,
1 ' .
,140,000,00 ti
- .
J I.CESS 10 . P . E . Ir '1110 1 8'.4::•:--...1M - oiiee, .1 ' . .3'
- ' hereby : giventliat, in pnrauanCO of - an' 4dt,'
'ef''.lserably,tiiefollo*lnc,o named persOns have
1; fil 'il their potitiOns :with". ;the clir4..of 'Quaver.
il S‘dOns of i tliel'!eace,- for thn County. of • Sin- .
l ig .11anna, for
.license to. keep .tiviet us, and for
1 i - A Iles* dealqrs . in; 04E1' • Caiiiityi fOf :which
iflt,t 'p• ivillaiiplv - at January S6ssitint; 1137 . 0. -.-
1 . 3 •• • .1% sfle'keit,36ikanlng lionite, -in Bceto. of dt. Bend.
•11:, lianq! ."- • 4 , -.. . ."• • .
.1 ..tph Allen. . ' 4 ' l . • "... . .".' . Stisqu'a, Depot:
'iR alit Van Alketil.-I'!4. :': ' 44, . • 'St.' • h, ., •, •
: -, DAVID, SIIgitERS, Clergy..
• I
ecembei 22; 1875'
3 EGISTER'S ',' NOTICE, --Public io
' tieelti hereby *icon. to, all persons ,concerne4 In
tt4e folkiwing eetates, 4::. Iv it : - '.' . 1
, ...
'time of Juno . % Kenyon,' lat'of LibertY, dec'a; P. A.
William*, .A.dministrator, . . . 1
Eitite of.Sinma Blasde.l, Minot ; U.K. Shernian,lnar
Itsute of Enoch Rodman, Minor ; , '
X K. Wilh t ams,
A,nardian. . • .-
.- i
.. .. .. . its inr
• ' , Abet: the accountants haver settlid their aceoun
tlitnegisier's 011 lee in and for the. county of Susque
liana; and that' the earn° 'will he presented to the
trilizes of the Orphans' Court, on; Thursday; •Jaiivary
*1876, for condrmatiOn and allowance.
s.f- . H.' N. lIIFEANY,
t ;legister s Office, Ileeeinher.
c .TICE.-:--All Fiersotita:are hereby pint!
, .
, • ' tioued not! o parehase a note alleged to i . have.
su given by 'lhoniati Collard, ;Itliutit four years ago
sable to. A nastiitioMo'ddock;as the same is betoyed
iei 0 fraud , ' a nd will -. not be 'paid .nrdess cow ailed
iilw. Said utita is tirdvin for flt'e hundred - dol ar*.
t ip
DMINIStRATTUrS.NOTIdE.—Iu tile est. of WM.
VatiCampen; bite of Dirnotk township. Lettersof
. aintstration in the said estate „baying been granted
t , 4e undin3lgned, - all 'perions owing said estate are
:r wake imtnediate payment, and aU persona_
b claims against said estate are reques.ed to pres
,e theta Without delay.':.' L.,
dURISTIANA VAN0.A.81P.1 6 . 174 . ,
')1 ember 11. 1875. `v i t. Adiniuisfp.strix.
the estate of John Conley, late of Choconet
d, Letters of Administration in the a:gestate
ug.been granted. 10 the undersigned, ell perehh,
k , ug said estate are requested to make itateetlime
4 ment. and ail persona laving elanua again . t _said.
e are rtquesteu to preselit them without de ay.
sic. 15, 11375.--6 w. Adnatil *UAW!
Boy's Boots,_ _at _QhFapJohn's.
v.i.E4.4 ; ip•w...i.
r 111 E, IIEAD, OF . ICT A.V. IGA't I N,
11,p44.'S . Virp- -- .:WOVJAT, CILOyEI;
' : 1 4:N. , 1),.':17'010713,y , i5ED,! • . , :.' -..
I ardeh Seek of lilt klichi,the 'very . beet Flour,'Saier •
Tex, Coffee, Plah,lta me, )laird, etc., etc.,'
:.t_..>; 'l , ...- ifil.Bo: , . 1 '
i ; •
rty ceiresof chute. cattail geoctlg. coneisting iri pert
Pia hod, Fears, Plums.. Cherries, gnipeeo, tittaxtber
1, line APPIce. (jorp:Beete, Tomatoes, Peas, Puck,
'they, toliatervfirteceltaitl, Pekb. Quince apd Apple
titer, ticvflcd klatnotud lots of other Oltigi quite too
traerout to
t,+±.'ll4)maitkot. k
ell of - which will be- soul tt all
aor , ''Ndir, m' res 47 pay at prices that ',NW
, . , , - - ,
riety Ctazilopetiticiaa... ,
'-d trietlY _epee the PrieelPlS or' live 00 lPt 1 1 1Y0• • ' •
tal'and i apa at e .., t I . ,A; li.syta4up:o.
V' ' trooo,Apier;rore. , ' • , '. ' , - ,
. . irl---;-,'-,•-..,44-7.7.11r.itt:-•",.-:4-44.-'2---- rr- - . 7" — ^ l " - '" ---'. I
013. *tonic • - - -
~,. . AT Tata ,ciirrlcz,euw' I ,
to get s'otio-
'V 4