• •,‘ • Vol( . • ` n 6, .. 3Z,:J.- rmottai--toral. VOW *AdVenial:ollollU. sutice—T4otniu; ttilford. • ' )3081NItsi LOCALS. oysters—Keyetaho Sa loon. licAl Meeting. Conicrente 31etting. New Yank Obirver. THE 11111Q04fi-f0R:=1878.,.. Wedesire to express our. obligations for the large and increased patronage the DnatoertiT has received for the • year 175 . , • We believe it has not been'without ,its goottetlects upon the, best interests oi,the ..Conety ati well aitmOnlts' proprietors. Knowing that an increase of its circulatiosvoill bring a more, than e ornitxmd . t ini, increasqof its. i n nce, we. proposi to send out et. cat - is:mei ic . 03 'IOW devote hist info in increasing Its stthseribers, together with.oth er lotsin . ftss In its interest, , This Costs tta money and thinking that there may:be others who would be glad to extend" its direttlation in' their neighhorhood, and also receive a remuneration tar so doing, we will make the follOwingPrOpo• s ition. t" To any one• collecting a list Of sub- scribers and sending) .the .cash with the names we will allow them 25 cents tor each such sub- scriber. This is 12% per - Cent. or *bent what it will cost.to do it by an agent We do this in the interest ot ourselves - and alai) in the In terest of our subscribers.. The larger our pat the better we can afhird 'to make , our paper. We know that none our subscribers mill fbel at all aggrieyed by the abOve proposi tion for we have had many of theM, who have not only paid for their own paper promptly, "but who have subscribed and seat it to - their friends and thus-have aided us in making such improvements as we have since we took charge of the paper. As we have said before;lt is not only us, hut all others of our peiitical faith that are equally interested in the success of the Democusv,and we are free to acknowledge the many favors we have received, 'Nee he& we have merited the continuance of the same good will in the - future, and if our friends will assist' us in still farther extending our in fluence and power for good, we hope toimerit the same good will in a .correspondingly in creased degr ee. Ilawfxv Cuusan. lottings About Town. • • . . . • Woman's Temperance Prayer-meeting at the residence . of 91ra. d.:B. .Eldred, Thursday at 3p. m. , • , The pews and sheds of the Baptist church, Will he let for the next ensuing year on Satur day next (New Year Day) commencing at one o'clock. • ; Gray is building a new i nssid t ence on Depot street, near where' the depot of the Montrose Railway should be if the Company bacttulfilled,,thelr contract with our citizens. . • . , • A Sunday School .thtt Tree la shed Its re eons:fruit ' at, the .Preshyterian 'church on Fri (ley etching next (New Year's eve) December 6 . 15t,.:187,4, for.. the 'benefit, of l the Sunday &heel. ' . Le e , B. O. Ptimp, igsq:, of, our; borough deAmped, laufferingjn aingle-blessedness, but 4t „ervecon.tixt,l=hil week .in -the sweet ofilyinetealbutida. ; . afiss'Flla L. Bliss, of Wltyctrilti., haft' taken full Charge of the camp and recruits are now in order. • SOntercineuught ' to secure one of thoSe $2O, toewr att'ret, : tarniusi -4:OfiCAliellast- one. is tonushed.in plecatiel carefully preserve it . menientel for the .11•eift generation . to remein her tont' ."-city, fathers" by. „This generation tali remember them 'without any 'ouch token for they lucre been. presented with' $6OO cilecket 7 • heard of privatn . Wallts upon, the Public Square, which can be seen and remembered. by'them, be 'When the tuxes are collected to pay rotthem... . ' • ' . •: '• - he "week of Prayer," WhiCh I has been seriied for a number of years'.bir the Christian_ chureheii)f. the world in response to the sui gestitins of the "Rvangelical Alliance," will be observed by the . Methodist Eplioopal, Presby terian. and Ilaptist churches of this Rorciughin We/following orders Union Meetings will be held - cacti:elk/noon commencing at 23; o'clock tak'ing the 'chill tsin successiOn, : •holding 'tbe Mitt next . Monday afternoon in . the M.E.ch arch kcindLy evening Union Prayer and .Confer ence nibeling in , the. Presb3,, , ierian church.- The remaking evenings of the' week each church will hold. service in, their, respect/ye churchtof. The elecition of President :and Directors ot the Mon insp. Rail way Company will talte_place Monday ,'Jnn:lo;lt3fi(i.' .We have . criticised the present nianagem,ent fur not fulfilling their con traccvtith our Citketis When ,their money was pledgell,by cempleting the rcutd!to its terminus and tor leaving .in a- locillitY detrimental to the best Interests of the company us as .the. town.' We are waiting forua change" on January Will, either' in' officisla or administra tion:And we will . hold nur-"viali Of wrath" un-, til subsequent events devtlop. We have the tif the Railway Company in "_view as n sit its that of oar', citizens ~aud have Always acted trom.thia'stand point. ' - V, f, • Do nut laugh at that drunken man reeling through the street. However; ludicrous the sight may he, just -pause and think. He is go ing home to some tender heart!that will throb with intense agony ; Benue doting mother per haps, who will grieve over the doaintall of ham who who once her-sinless buy ; ;or it may be a fond wile, whose hear! will altuvii hut*, with grief as f,.be views the destruction of ber idol or maybe a loviog *doter, who will shed bitter tears over the degradati7m.of lier brother, shorn of his manliness.and self-respect. • Rather drop a tearin'inlent sympathy with :those !marts so keenly- sensible and. tender, yet: so proud - and loyal that they cannot • accept sympathy tend ,- tred them' tither in word, look or act, although it might fall open ,their crushed arid wounded hearts retr summer devi Upon the withering - *". - Christmas es were held at St. Paul's • churyit at the tomtit hour- The church was very . tastefully andappropliately triunned with evergreen. wreaths ,and Bible precepts. The chancel was so arranged as to be simarked fee tare in the display. , We hail excellent ser anon by tile Iteetor, Rev. E. A. IVarriner,whichi not,uncommon from him, es, such is the gen eral rule And not the exception. i We were also very much inspired In our Christmas worshigt by the *introduction of „new amine to , clue “re Deura'',hy the 'Choir. Our choir r.onSitits of S. Tracy fiwt*t", :tenor, E. R. AuStiu end, Fred Lyon, bhNisio,J,4o, Helme, - .Sopratio, and Hiss Ella Ciiiiiimart;Aßitod (limner, or-- - genial:. Tile, dlttlikkif-;an , Orpuist and ti,obureli choir in a /like .ours ~are ve4 irk ''• r • sOrse, indeetlP' ;0 Bt. aul s deserve ireaC:inidit;inr iii4i,;etticlency, and /lir:.Coo„p4r , : na 1 expert eA 'sillily pearl now in its I indeed, we are worth 1 the piper. pictures:at did family newspaper noutaining all the deal secular, and, an, endl young and old, all of Every family,afoul copies, address Deg. 28,1875. and testily coo- me. Sim testified %%icbael Far rel,her an, and buried him 1, and she was her murder her. sent in thellnUSe of to gly§Ovidenee swindled him oat ;of was in that city Jug*/Leer: Th and Traverse ,ju Court to commun. January 10,1876 : Bridgewater— Newell Hanisoi Clineonut-4-TI Dinioek-41et Fritnd Milli Forest Lakr Reator. , Franklin-4 Great Bend Greati Bon; Harmony, Jessup—Si Jackson— Liberty-1i Montrose .New Doud, Oakland An t ral Apt* Bridg gkencer Brous Cliff Such eventai are' peculiarly . iateresti 311111311388 Locals. Forty, 50 and SO cents per quart, 52t1' • Jim-am VEUU.r VEIUCLIN Isay.to pt to yo eystone Saloon and get a good Dec. 28. 1875.—tf. CALVIN O. Montrose, Dec. 187505 t splek se largest dimension* de news, religions and variety of reading for itch is pure and good: Lave it. For specimen PitnitEL4')., N. Y. owing' Is s list of Grand drawn - f9r Montrofda on Isloaday, nd Jurors. Bush, Rtigir Ha r p er , aniVewitt. W Allen, Hiram 41 Conklin; d ward _FatFlarother,•baltsb: larnie Yam:. -Richard T Gillespie. fro—Michael Kiirow. . mid 13 Cook., -.• CDiniert. , lase (; Nor& ' harlot Ist eraidei •-• berci-4otta triplesta-_44Aut, reryuy 0 Mee4er , J. ". • . - I.—Justus mat. - • . - *ask " • ' frere . tuan ''• ; • Obadiah B Hsi Frunkpoodivin,zeiAtiaol . ;routa tUF. - ' • I - ' Williams, Edwin. P - = 3 gt# lA* P i 9 l Y4* rObi BM"; Rush— t3ilvpr ~. E'~ c~ ..,. ... , 4 .:.: ~~__.'~. Great Bend hora--Santitiyat Buck. -1 - Greatßead twp—Dhenezer GIL " -Gibion—Samuel A. Holates;Ohas ,Res gut. Harliird—Henry Grant:, •i• i -• Jaellson--OrvilleGritile.. • Jetsiap—David Robertsett,Byron GrPan; lel Bolle — s. • ' ' LenbxAia Titus, Thoinas•Helstemi, it Little Meadows . —lrviti R Beaßisleel ; Lathrop—George IC Eastman. ~ lilddletuen--Richard .O'Donnell, j ..tibijali SpNe ell*. I w ktiliord bpro---Theodpre Hale ~Chas Oakland-Joshua L .touicll ; Leroy . Whittirker. ' - Rush—George B Gray. 1 . i ' _ Silver Lake—Clisrhsa De hardy. Sprippitle—Marvin'Bl wan, firer B Ms , : ley. , . .„'! . .. i • Thomson --Giles L Lewis. i Traierse juiors--&cond reFk. Auburn—George tiool,'MiltortLott, George W Stebbins, Marshall Van Scutcg. • ' Brooklyn--Charlea ii . Eerrig' 'Home P Tit , tany,Georger Tiffany.. '... , Olitier&-James (I Decker, Q n Morgan. . Diniock—Joel Compton, Clis 4e a Risley. - Itundaft—Thornas Halste• 4 ortimer White. . : Pranklin—Omer Summers, ', • nklin 8. Ting ley. 1 Priendeville—Stephen Sa • ' r.: PorcstLa.ke—lsaac Strin 4delbrt Warn er. ; 4 ' Herirck-r-Brujamin BOO( .‘..yd. , Ilarinony--Charit% E 31 # y. . •• • Jeashp—Wra Wheelock. . Lenox-Joseph T Bern ' , Holloway Robin- son. I - ' Lathrop7--J4.Blrua,l). 31 ~ fey. . ' , 11110:etown—Ithrimer C ntield. Rorktrose—SoloMon L. ,, ,rilott, Milton J Rob ertion: 1 - :. - New •bliifir rd—W in T Oxley. • _ Oakland"—Benjamin f , ellune. LRusli--Henry R Mere George 8 Shoemaker. Susquehanna Depot—, M D Hetchum,Jamoai Van Isc,ostrand. . Spripgyiile—Aso M .lAm.' SilverLake—Edwa ' W Rose. " Thoreson— George .. Blandin. Ba 4 Tickets prin , b in; first -claw styleand at cheep rates at thisiftlee. • I / s BOSti TWEED cap N. A. Lyon's Drug ti itt, yourself Montrose, Dec. red and , on-exhibition at store. calf and see how Prtaroonarns.—; jefures taken in all the lat est styles. Old pitturm copied and enlarged. Also a l spleralkt,l4 of fmtnes for sale cheap, at G W. DociuTTLE's. Moittmee, Juur s ,io, "74.—tf. • f WOcires, Cbelis and .Jewelry repaired on short notice a warranted , at F. D. Melba- Jewelry gore. , formerly libel! & Melhn. . ' Montrose, Jily 28, 1875.- 7 t( • P . , Naw YEA ; P TY. ~ &New Ye Party will be held at the Eagle lintel, New Word, Pa., , :en' 'Friday evening. .Deeetnher 31, ,187.5. Ilasie by Tiffany's Band. 8111-11A50. . . .I ) ;:,Pitzxnair. Prop'r. Dee. ; s3, ltr, I .., Lzt-rtg. ; ; - 1 -• ' ' i f litty:f G p oL . Willinm• vii a l t de t li e ver a llp f t r is ee t lecturei il Odd.Fellowship' .the B • cburcti In ntrigervillet, on Yeduesday, Janu ary' 12th, 76. ' ' I ' Qom:.-' Gni4g lilt:, Dec: 15, 1875. . t :NoTrcF..- 1 • a t _ f• _ . An . al election will lie held by the stock , holderS the Montrose 11.411wity, .Company, on the seta Monday, or the lath Any•of Janu ary,pl. 1 ; .at the "Packer House, " in the bor ough . Tunlitinnock, ; between , ,the. hours of one a .two o'clock , p. m:, for the elmtion of 'one n for President -iind:tweive persons . . , .CISII. 0 X PARTY. ..-D4 Snyder, of RO4b,viill give a .cotillion iAtty, On Friday night, Dec. 81at, 1875. 'Good I4ine will be in atteudanee and a good, time 4y be expected. • uslF Dec. 22.1875. • _,. . 0 Tim dm . mial 3lee i thig oil the members of the ) 1; ,Pdtl Fellows' AlutnallAte Insurance Company, 11l htl held at . Odd Fellows' Hall, blunday veiling, January Bd s 1876, et 7 o'clock. I -- ' CILARLE:s IL Edll7ll, E&y. f 1 Munerose;Dec.V.).,, - le. 70. ' . 51w2 i . 1 'Dr PnicEs Low. I - • At P. D. Melhuish's Jewelry and Music Store you %id find a large stock of Holiday Goods, Solid silver and Plated, Ware, Walnut Clocks,! ltit.t styles. Jewelry, &c. Examine my primes and goods before purchasing the where. GUtids engraved free of charge. ' Montrose, Dcc. lb, 1875. sowB -- 1 A. "limb!' CURISTIIIIB 9 End "Happy New Year to all ! If you feel :doubtful. about the truth of tbisjuSt step into M. A. Lyon's Drug Store and get some of those nice Holiday Goods he bus just !purchased, and take home to your, family and see if you are not madethe happiest mortal alive. Moutorse, Den. 15, 1875. 6,0 w 3 . r , foir ness. urthy We have just received a very large stock of plain and fabcy envelopes, letter and note pa per,, plain snd fancy bill bead papers, cards of ull sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc. all of Which wo Lim -afford to print cheaper than any office in this or neighboring counties, and in as good style. sWork done in black and cotorecA inks. It yOu think, there is. any that can beak us, ghe us a trial, and we will sliciw you whit we can do. - All kinds of blanks on Lend or; printed to 'order. MUTUAL A. B.;Burms, at the Eagle Drag Store, keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of, pure Drugs and' Medicines, Paints,olls and Vatinish. also a very large assortment of Port Mbnnaies, Comps, Brushes. Perfumery, and Toilet Soaps. Physicians proscriptions earefullY compounded at all hours'ot the day and night. Give him a call. Sign of the Gol den Eagle and fortar. • - Morittose, June 0 1875.-tE Go to the ter Stew. Itll The sno' flinty 'Medi • of the See ay, Jan. Lth, will be, held. dially invited I'6ti,z PouLic.—As a guarantee that Tay lor's Fatally Medicines are the best in market, of their hind, and that-the quality of the goods shall hereafter be maintainedj would say to all : ";1' alter using them you are not satisfied you I.lBlt received benefit m proportion to the price paid, return the erupt} , bottle or package, and t,retlyoar.money back, as want no man's money Unless lie is satisfied he has received Its equivalent. - Respectfully, • !! H. BROWNLNG TAYLOR, Prop'r. October 6 1875. SEY, Bec'y. lugs' held In the acing Monday, o commence at eninit, and close Sermons will be abroad. Much the mectings.pro- w NT TO MOVE IT. - ' will Offer .my large stock of Flour and Salt, and general line of grocery ;goods veovlow for a short time for mat, as 1. exptvt toiMove in a few dayi into a new store building ,opposite Ckmper * Co's. Bank, and do not want to be at the expense of moving is htrge stock Of heavy goods. Now is a good time, to buy your Flour and SAW ''l -hare never hcts better stock of "good Fltiur, frch ground - than at the present Jlme. E. P. STAMP. '" Montrose. Oct. 20, 1875 tf., best of westing, we; and alone twice of re►nluma , • _ _ . t,atuv l orarrr r.as_utsraTto'ss FREE. There !is no subject that' requls so much study and eiperience as the treaun nt 4f chron ic diseaks. The astonishing success and re marhablel cures performed by Dr: Butterfield, are duett,4 the gift olclairvoyance. to the life long study or the constitution or matt, and the curing o4diwases from natural remedies. Curee the worst, forms of Scrofula. Catarrh, Piles, Fe male Weak, ems, Asthma. Kidneys or'Biadder Will be t the Cafferty House, Binghamton Friday, and Saturday, Janutor 7th and Bth. ".Euzzite is the sentiment of countless suf. friers, who find the balm .of relief, and the kmotaiu ' f or - their health and - streigth in Ayer' arkaParilla. It is the:most potent of all the alterstivesto purify - the aystetriand cleanse) the blood; lt ipossesees invigorating qualities, so ; that itatiMulates the faded .vitallties arid pur ges out the? corruptions Which mingle with the Monti. Prioriloting derangement and decay. We arolaSt4red by many intelligent physicians Ctilhilmedicine cures beyond all others of and we can tolli• Ibis stateinent iqta - psperience.-4th (Mass)) Whits F7.4g* 'Mira that thp people of Montrose and nelalty are finding out where the, most popn lar:DrySloods House ii )3ippamtun is located tor 0, -rißisson & inform .us that their iOule, from this section, is_ very ;Jsrge and am *tautly increasing. In chub . Stock may nots.he ro,„sadi c„ : t re earl carefully, jieteeted stock' o r Dry: suitable tuibe WAl,l3llot everybody': They mnim - Speligt7 tif;t4ACk - 81110, Black al/wittier* Black ifollal*Alaa 4 1 1/kWa t and the thiari - -gredes of Drees :GOO* and Am this llue-karejarepared to Eive::fikOlne fletidedharr' PAWL We suppcwo that nearly ilverytOdy is aware : Unit atom 15,100144 at 81 CPdtt Btre . o4initttlolthitimnil, • . 11A - tisspitton Sept 29418744 ketors, to serve thfr.tripttoy fortheffln r Cu/Luta L. ItnowN, Beep. 15,1875. •; 51)Nr4 and Lidiea' under ware at Cheap . . The Latest neicain.. Binghamton is - that Rine SholeS, of ISEI Court Street, have just received their third Fall and Whiter stook of.Thr_Goods which IS now Omplete in all'dePartuleatx The hest Bilk., ;The best Black. s.hineres.—‘.: The best Alpliea. `The bM2derines:;•;-Empreast —Plaids of all descriptions, The beat: Shawls, - Kid Gtoves;-Binbroideries Ribhons, Tics, &c.; fact everything : that. is knpt too trevetass. Dry. Goods Bunn at bottom figures., Another .impertint iteui,;whlch if knewil may b essential' to, the ;peoplo.of Montrose, New Milford and surromidirig 'eOuntry, that Gee. and C. C. Fearet would be inostbappyho see ail oUtheir acquaintances and 'show them the brirgairis that Bine & 6401 tit .are now prepared - ,- • ' " • 'HusidsBll9l.F.S. • BlngiMntoli, Dec. 1,1875. .--• . Cut this out' and bring It with you to the Store of CHEAP SOHN, where by buying - $lO worth in more of the following or other goods you_will redeye upon presenting - this notice 'A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS PRESENT, . Good yard wide sheeting from 8 o to ge. thiod calicoes, light colors, 6 c Best calicoctt,dark and medium 7 e: Good titatonffitutels ' - - ' '- -: ' 'l,4(c. Better; " - ! 4 3 - , - ' "'• Se - . Oest i ". 1 ".. '7 ' 18c. Goad black alpabas • - ' " .- - :45c. 'Better l " 1-. " ~. , e e f . ~ ~.,. e . 85e. Best ; " '7 " '- / .''' 40c. gxtra fine black alpacas andlnolialis'' 50c. I Boys .-4-,-_, t-eady-tneuleTull its from $l3 50 to $9 00 islen4 t " I /" 9 to 12 50 'Mena tap sole izood:kip,boots - -•=8 50 Boys tO stile Boyd kip boiit# , -.- 225 tadiesbeaver lake from -4460t0 $6 00 Ladies felteikirts from - • •75 to, 125 11”14nder shirts mid Alrawort from 50 415 c. LOtes., - ,and childrPn, handsome trimmed !Elate And BOnnets in telt, strew and velvet tram $2 to $4, '.• L - - . ' Our .:reasons tor - tbe•above extraordinary re duction in pricti you Will find by reading our general advertiiemelit which welequest you to do and, give us a call when you *ant to make a purchase. I , 8. PrLutax & Co. 'D.e.-15, (Poet's bullding.)A. ZaA...1Ei.X1.X.49613rZ113. Psitsr)li—Lximitf—ln Lenox, at the reithienee 'of 317; Sydney Loomis, on -the 20thInst-,;by .:Rev. A., M. Frank 'Perkins of Brook lyn, Simi Ansi Ella A. Loonila of Li..nox.' Mitamti--Wohoss•—fly Rev. P. - R. Tower, Dee. l`). Mr. K. S. 1 31111er of Pittston and Miss !- DellpA. Warden, at the home of - the bride's mother in Nieloolson. . . , • .Biowii4-Stravir--At the. M. t•lturch.;' . East LemOri, Sabbath - morning, Dec. 19th, by Rev. P. W 4 Tower; Mr. Benj. W: Brown and Mies Bell E. Shaw; both of Lemon. • : • CAALP-4-Stass--4n Waverly, Litierne co.,- on Dee,l9sth,bi Rev.'ll: H. Wells, - B. 0. Camp., Montrose; and Ella L,eldest daugh,' ter of:M. W. l , Bliss of Waverly .:. '- • • . • -WAN - Dgit-STAN766II--At.Brackneyville,Dec. ' 26. by. Rev. S. W. Simneer„.‘y:"D Wandell and Miss Hannal.t E. Stanford,`all - Or Liberty, Pa. . , • - 384.11. 11 1 1 13 C 63 ► bia resitlence in New :Milford, Dec. 4, of npoplexv, Oliver Lathrop in ; the '6oth year of his age. - • . "Blessed are the dead which diiin the Lord!" 'Otote..*:- —ln' Jessup, Dec. 16, Phebe,. daughter of Edgar E. and Ella Green, aged 1 year,B • months and 13 days. Nociirrattoes—ln Liberty, Dec. '9th, of heait isease, Mrs. Louisa Northrope, wile`of Har• I ry Northrope, in her 49th year. The Markets. • ' New ;York Produc e liarket. , . Reported Every Week Expresslrfor Tag MOIIIIIOSE Dr-meowL. by Rhodes & Server, Produce Commie.. .. axon Merchants, 36 Whi ta hall Etreet o irew York. • New York,Fridtty, Dec. 24, 1875. . istrEba. Receipts last six days , 22,459 pkgs. The general. market continues quiet, and with out neW features of interest. The loCal de wand is still ,lireited. to 'selections of the - finest quality, and as the seripiy of such is' rather moderate, holders of such are tuclined to,",be steady in their views..l • State Dairies, 30 State Dairies, good tb priree....27 et 28c State Pails, dairy,.ctioico 38 la 84c State Pails,dairy,.good to prime 30. , t 82c State Paila • common to fair.... 25 4a 28c CHEESE. ReiniPts last six days boxes. Christman coining on' ikturday of this week, the sailing of the majority of the European steamers "will be postponed until early next week,consequently it will be imposed* to give the amount of• cheese puretuuied for loreign trade. • ` I ' . . . r . State Factory, fancy 18 .6 1331 c State Factory, fine' .... . ' 11 31(P) 'l2Ne State Factory, fair togood.. 93i( 1030 . qtate Dairies, fait to g00d.... 8 3 I 1034 c EGGS. , Receipts last six 'days. .6,081 pkga. There is a fair enquiry for fresh eggs, and with light arrivals; prices are held ahem steady: . _ State and Penn. 80 @ -81 c Western choke brands 293 w 80c POULTRY. There are but feW dealers in poultry,whether shippers. receivers, 'or retailvrs. who will _not long remember this as one of the hardest Christmas markets. The reeeipts have been large, the weather warm , and unfavorable, and prices have" ruled lower than at any holiday market for a good, many years. Turkeys, State prime, 13 to .15c_ . Chickens, State, prime... 13. to 14c Ducks lec - Geese 12 Qt MEATS AlttD STOCK. Trade is light to-day in all kinds of meat and . ar iletoki Piece, though quotably about the. same, arebarely steady. .. -,,,,_ ..), ..., •,..,-.•.....-; ' ' Lire Sheep, veatbers • .7 Si) ' -• Live Calves, State prime.— 9 to 9VI , Rog Dressed Calves fine 'l2 to• 1230, DRIED F111:11T8. _ Apples Rntinue dull. Pialed pc:aches quiet, 111ackberrles dull grid weak. State AppkisoluAtere . . . . . De Peeelies,Reeled,sttta .......18 to . 20e- , Bliekbetries. 1G to 1030 RaApbeOles, new • .. . .29 to POD poor men's. friesid --- Chesii ~ • . Centaur Liniment. -Liniment le no pain which the Centaur • - Liniment will not relleveoto swelling - they will not 'Oda.. aid no butierteim * which they will not care; This la itreng language, but it l true. 'TheT have produced more cans of ditirnattlial . nags. caked breatta, scalds. puma. eat; rheum. araebe. ilPork the linuarl lad of strains, spayln49ls, etc.. upon animals in one year than have all other pretended remedies since the 'drill began,- They ere counter-Irritant, alkbeallpg.pala. re lievers.' Cripples ,throw throw awaytheir cratehes, the lame. • walk, poisonous"bitss are rendered hanniess, and the wounded are healed without a scar. -The ravine t Pub lished around, each bottle, They sellaa sio article, ever sold before, because they dO jest what they pretead to do. Thos e who now suffer front rheatnatism. liedtki* swell] tie deserve to suffer if they will,Pot use Ceiftlthr • Liniment, white wrapper. _More then 1000 cartitleatail of remarkable cures. including pollen limbs. StirePid, • rheninatiam, goat, running tamometc.4 hive bead: re.' ceired. We will send a Circulargontainiog ee the recipe', t'4. gnuis, to any one requeetibit, bottle of th e yellow.wrapper CetittarLittfatstitiriPOrth one hundred dpfigni 'for *perinea 'or' evreenlinthoraria cod mules, or odor screw-worak swek-frram ;•--theseliniiaentr are worth youf attitoyea. tl'o family .01201114 bentithent them: **Whit. 'ittlikpilOtstaiiii ase Yellow WrapPeribio4l4;44,-'',*o4/460 lOcanu per V4o.,fiariti lOttlek."344* - 4.11.1A0rt :co Breedwity,ltewTorir: - = , • _ . i • -it ''Brkk Sio " icAr befog built not door to the NEW' limy,. 844 we . 'AN $ TARN N el I F " 4 " 1 do not want to move any snore goedattcan we on bal C " leffill tin " rs "1 " . 4 lill i ttlbStAV lair elia° ° °"` Allard Avo want tog , tesittn for th e Man etitt the oe i 1 - ' It le the onlyagfsertfela la- ellatontewhima ta iattaja Way fOrtia to gm g as 4 retail the sento_, _II t 4 ), ennetace '.. : 11( . 61 f/ 114 qt Privit paid In cHastbr ' Coes 2 4 l KlaigtathAt topfl, MVP, Lie. tbs. b 34 6 44 14 tate *hut 1 - Ci t z t g rs i is W Togy" " ropmftl, . -1111413 t tjArun p"' " -5 4,11 - 115 . 44 • j ' dORN - RYR AND OATS. card profetai tottatel eicoth It , sclkisini 1 4 4 4 1 0 , - ..:- _" " - Lk .e'• ,_ _' - • , , ° '• .? i Denis vloMbbletonikOrtiklk l44 l4l.l ll l44o4lollter ~- :'•' 1 , "; 'ir•TILIWEIRVV. 414 CO., ' ' '. sitha'moutforka*m_ tidteimeos4,4crosid a sou nis i a s 4,4 4 ..' t - -- ',... ‘.. '- ,' . ' Nakeelp 4104 ., ''''' ''''. 4 : . 1: IrjA4 E 401 1 111 1 ,01 4 11 00 00 1 OIL --;- , 1 ..' ' I _ '' iiialtrilitOkeibliikrt. - -,o [4 ,''•:`,Z:-;t:'", •' X 011 1r 0 Ot 4 1* 1 .4 0 nlit'lL , . . - - " " - - - - - : 7 - •-'' - - •; - ,r;s-;-': , , /, , - - ;r ‘• ''' 1 1 1.1;t11..} ' ''.. .' :.: .P1,71.1:.,f1-,,;'' 1 .I n =,-,i , --,--,1- z . a • • Nufrnkber_ 50. m:rmdt anwnart sTobr or PALL dIVINTRR GUNS! Gottodero:, Roseltim & Co's, WOOLEN' SItAWLS, 'CLOAEIN4S,' CASSIMERES e . BEAVERS- - raiiatyi • . At o...Telb.cfs- In ET It PLAID AND : PLAIN WOOL AND / MOHAIR DRESS GOODS. SILKS, . POPLINS, CASHI3IERES, • DRAB' TB DES 'A r.a , A • CAS, BLACK AlsID COLORED, • . , . FLANNELS, - ROSE BLANliturs MARCEILES BED SPREADS, WOOL TABLE SPREADS, .TABLE LINENS, TOW ELS,, NAPKINS andliougehold • - - Furnishing • • • , Gooos, .A Urge assartznant. and cheap, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS'• MERINO DHARWAR. YENTB.• MERINO AN D; WOOL HOSE. FELT SKIRTS, GLOVES, 4c.. de. ALL SIZES . AND gIg&4TIES, • • ,• • Af 0• ,IL Coli. 3 Prices to gait MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATS en, BLACK AND COLORED, SILK AND COT TON VELVETS. TRIMMING SILKS. '1 At G.E. do Co.. A Ana variety,. I)I3ESR AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. LACKS, Vl= GES. RUTTOM. SILK ITIES, CORSETS EM. BROIDERIRS..-ZEPLIYR, woarersb AND FANCY YARNS. CAN VASA. NOTIONS Paw • STAMPED PAT- . r, • TERNS, • ‘. Alvrtrys In great variety, At 0.1%., Co's DOMESTIC GOODS, BLS CLIED ' AND BROWN SIIRETINOs AND RH IRTLNGS., CANTON FLAN NELS. CALLICuItS, DENIMS. TICEINOS,, AND CIIEVoTT SHIRTING% AL- \ WAYS A FUT,I, ASsORTMENT THE 'MOST POPULAR, BRANDS,, And prieee to silt the time* . CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. MATS. DRUGGETING FURS, PURS.-FURS, RTPFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS. LAP: R08E5,..4. _ fadg-pade Olothing. Yen and Boyo readpiaide melts, a large stock. , Corn plate aasortvent of best geode. ,warranted to give sat. staetlon. • _Prices to salt the times at 0. R. & co.. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS ::!:I For Boyle, Youths' suet Neu. All torts. , Qualities anti prices front $3 to PC. 'Supply your irsunsat Q.U., Our Custom Departinent' • Lame stock of . fate atialusree, Cloths ond Bearers. Massaro taken,. pod - fitting and ercirkadithdp guar anteed. Prieto fully 20 per cent. tom than. oak of town. Call an4leava lour measure at G. R. & Co.. , • 'PURN,SHING GOODS. j • Gents furntsbtrm Roods. White and colored cetton Starts, Wool . and )(trip* Wrappers and Drawers. Flannel and merino Dose, Knitt Jackets, Comforters. Ties:Bows. !duelers, (Agee*. Trunks. Satchels, ie.. itc., the largest, variety In town. at G. 8.1 Co's. MATBI Hess e CAPS! c 41 1 ,8 At G. R. & Co'.. GIITTENBERG,BOSENBAPI, & cO 1128.imssAtrici, ![iiis ii Partner. Xontrose, Selitenaber 29th. WA AT Alt THE OLD STAND. The Undersigned would respectrally tantalite to the eitizesui of Montrose and. Vicinity that hey tivas adbed to their establistimeat s Arst-aaea iuLim REnwrwir owlet the direction of J. GEO. BRIO ••fiIIIMBLR,or lierw York City. We will keep constantly on hand • FRESH BREAD, BISCUIT, KOK. CAKES, COOKIES, PIES, ETC At Wholesale or Retail. loissilea Supplied Reasonably =3=l ALSO—a large and attractive smataiest of CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc,, Etc., ea aims.. TOYS 1 . .TOYS • TOYS . ==l SPLENDID DYSTBR DM/NG : ROOMS 'rep stairs. Yon nespeetrany. • • - - ssapsra sox. montro.e. Sept: 15.48454 f. TO TIIE ;PEOPLE 1F SUSQUEHANNA CO. Lanza aalD 9wrezns :—The question of • WHO:, WILL (11E's OUR NUT PRESIDENT, Is not of as mach paportitocto to you ait 04 het Wm .'filEA,;ll' . !- : , : - . 40.11-8 - , al Ifeustrose,la selling nle entlns stock of goods can *hall% 1n Plalof 41o.gs' Rend,v-iiinle°` Clothing._ - Boota 'and Shoea r ‘‘ " ' Hato :and Caps, clocam; Nanows MW acistiorr, I:6IDREIVRAII II ZADTLI' CLOAKs.iVILT- exurrs, Tian:JlM) , itATE) • ANDJIIIO3II,, WATNR4I.9O)II3. ittnr4 4494 :•- - • iltioer cent tecithinthitcoet, (the pivoTlelittePud il the Olga , , tbeetet.4 far yost nin ,ned out the of tote by /lying Was s aka 04 ht. !t'9r l - 114 P°4 ll , .; • • - . . onorawoui rigivOkin ire levendilst;nar iliat44 a** want.... lillciUi%ll6)3lll.llll4r4Sl4llWWW,l4Pialeto4lo At No. 33 Court Street spiasauuxmw, NEW. GOODS, As we huejust retuned iron the.4 l lo of New Turk "her pattnaelng a bare and well seismal stela ot . , P,,kl ? L AND WINTER GOODS • of all Made bought froiti Art hands, sirs ate saw pre pared to offer goods at pittei that satisfy the aloe. eat'hoyer: • We have also added to j our largo stock. • I Dry uoose. n Itasteuee atouk of 4 " . CLOTEMCASSIXERBS, £I L giutlTZB2l, for Kell sad Boy's wear. We aow. yesprod Jr make , SIIITS FOR ALL At gat. I Co's who - win eUS allca al Wi have aril ease ember. engaged for t h e eraron. Wiwi and gentlemen. you mill please nall and exam ine oar stoek.before you parttime Wrexham Thankful for part favors. we hope tar s eentinsatles of the same. We renuun. . • Your* Be Vnrr. coirrarr. Binghamton. April 28. 18 . 3. ; —tt. ' 8,43-14. Lad Beaver'Cloalca at Cheap Joh WS. Es• c. It Is a - liquid itnameni for Home sail stable nee. A vain able combination, dletnvered by a celebrated lin}t ehehemir t and horse-farrier. 'Was introdtmed le the United Hates to the year IPISO, and sines that time, b 7 Its great mimes& In the cure of Mange,. It hoe woes for - itself that world wide reputation It ro riebiy dee• erre., end now Mande at the head of allilisutmente ler rivalled At O; E. a Co's. AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. ,4) . It tuts already gained the confidence andadialatfas of thousands of households for its many mares et di♦ me* were external seplicatione are of an much Raper. Lance. It la especially admired as afitatily remedy foe its peculiar eitamkal combination. peains no hank Ingredients. [like tincture of Cayenne or red-. which cheap and rainless Liniments are Miro cam. posed.] which increase Instead of diminish the lamb Lion, making It ey nature a speedy cure tor RHEUMATISM, HEADACMI. SORE • THROAT, COLIC, COUGHS, CHOLERA, TOOTHACHE, BRUISES, SPRAINS. LUMBAGO, CRAMPS. COLDS, CHILLS. PILOST, TIC DOLOR. SUE. BURNS. CUTS. BITES 0)' POISONOUS INSECTS. Le. At G. it., & Co's. Teistimonials and directions accompany each bottle. 'Buy one—only 25 emits. 60 centm or ill.o9—and tt t 5 does not give good malefaction ratan the bottle half fall and your money will be refunded.; Call for Q. IL 8.-S" and take no other. , FOR BALI BY. A. B. BURNS and 11: A. L' ON, Druggists. Montrose. Pa, " . .; Purchasable at all Wholesale and retailstores b tias . County. \ i lit cnibrose . Bay sth. 1815. no4d, .' Go to Cheap John's f9l. Canton Flannels.' Debtor - • S i g . - ' SAYRE. . . ,ttait their: ACCOUNTS MI4T BE . :SETTLED XrumeocliAbltekr, or they will be colleelad by law • • ber CollaTt/CIC. Beptem, 18:5. , astlipsims. Fine easynerea at 75 cents, at Cheap NEW STOCK OP , CO 033.0 1W jut mitred strut for sale by sums= For sale by A m% exti KINDS OP - -• • GROCER §; !" At the store of • U. J . ,, , WX101 • r ' NProiels COrlikata,aiet. For iude , Z. "1111 C. „. Kontroso, Aprllll. itrM 1 , •,? • • 1117 N , Fos Ladirs' f!elt Skirts, at CheiipPehn's, THE INDEPENDENI Sewing Machine ! TER ORRATOT AVIIIRVEMSNT QF TOR Lai I . Sews tram but One Spool .of Thiest" morn bi r 4 4,llllPasr:', l 47=tritritlgi a4dsue Has g Straight ltreed4,' -A It Combines Rarebit* wittileiatssaditlmpllelt s fAx4' his all the Modern litsauseukeits. W i lSirr i ailfi L a ".°IIIN OR A DUOS BEND FOR OIRCITUR.: Address, t TUB INORPRNORNT SEWING IsACTERSIICO • Dee. 24 irn Btaxitimt TI • Yard wide eiteetinge, e 4 et Cheep Johtee.• Bay your Boots st, Obesp •t 5 to 1120 'o'. Ilk tes OM* er o . r'. _1 it 11 = t of bailie's* y at and id, make , mote itiOneyst wore for se, la their oront localities. during their,tost_m moments. or all the time; than at any thing else. we Whir em_pler, meat that will *jl handoomety rimr evisT.Ac'er s a Win. Ful l outlasting, terms. die, tens free: mend se &Admit at oven. • Don't delay. ItoW tithe time. Dee{ look for :work or beetles; elsewhere argil yes hoe learned what we otter. U. STINSON & !1X1.4 Milne. Mill .jj DVERTIBINO; baser: Good: Spitassettoe. ,l 4 LW. Demme who contemplate making tont/tete newspapers for tho latettlon of adverthemests. stimitt send 56 mutts to Geo. P, Nowell & Co_ , 41 park Raw New -York for their . PARPIILET-BOOK faWittraits. esth ettltkm.) otintalntag lints of over 11000 tut *ld estJetittasi. sitowing the east, Mire plea 4gt pll. ea kr leading papers to may • States at_4,,,_triette edecttila 'tram pobtleberverattek • (kW the ) wow; /41 --- • SAVE MONEY -6,..texhisi UM for mit trap ar.ris y rke Vaal it • VlO a M 21(111 1 0 $ 0 0, 3. : ---"dftsfe. =EI NEW GOODS, 21BW 'GOODS. D. 0. CART, it Co., Proprietor*, Middletpwa. Mango Co., N. I FLOUR. 7r l U. J. WO& 8. J. mum