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Vatican and other placeo, over which he , hsti control..' A letter Itnit - reeeive,4 front him expreistia the warmeat ftiet&hip for the United, &mei.' 'J ' . .Itw Is thatlgh: that Grant would ,git • along better in the Third .Term business if he,-farould put:the etitini tnaiiagemcnt of the sehente_in • the ' bander of Gtierilia more dash 'ntid th'int linven, and better judgettient also. . I;ttliis : iottud,'Ant ereqkedwilikkey, and tick • soin;o1 gnestion, punt' understands taid. night. riding- • a - TheY,hn*Al4.itAy, ieorolied the. White atiorneys use ill evidenee t6ilt, will, be tiouglg to them in, the Bffibeol,k trial , they will play 44 , -. with, every max' in the Exeontive A. Joyce, Alt,sOitri Pent tentiiin* This is strong linguao, which only the truth =would. warrant.. It ~we rightly construelitm; Joyce, tneons to`say that Groat .himself is *eotit;Seted with the whisky `tivig—ot conclusion to wh:Ch we shonld not "silent .witboat the 'abesolute piwt, Sc?, much cannot be said,for Bah. Cock s Winlattr. character Asa already been badly tiartiagrd, •by‘ his 'connection with BOSS Sneption'e "ring - methods; and- tho' iu advalice'ef hii'trial it wotthi be in fair to firOnnuricedediiitely ,open 'his guilt or iumocekice,,,the weight of argument is rather against- than for him. A go,qd deal of allowance, too,'should be Made tor -the circumstances tinder' whieh 4oyee fr;triiiii this 'personal indiettnent: lie rollYbe'as tinscinpnlolis in hie thirsC fur veugance as he , wits in his levies uper , th,e. n, ,Wo ` hope, however, that. the , prosecuttnif attorneys will, use, as Joytd -suggests- they should, "all the, evi: deide that' be brought' to them in We want the truth, th,e; Wnole• truth, and. nothing . but the truth, at any. ost.--PhiTa Times. ° - Gov. Vhamberlain hde dude; qt. bolo , move in fiii~ 'WhifiLio With Ale Ilagiin'tious b or 'Son ti; bite ofiign koseia, who been 'elected to H . ,, tbe.'infirernii bench' of..tive , ettte; . '' the . -gfoh bbt.) . Bl jha gee : tit7ours. to Vie ikext.leizibliiture which wig 'be' elec t.cd i)efs?le, tip prose — ht terms,. expire. Thise jurists, Whippei. an& 3li have thus been rudely 'awakened to.the apprehension that their Cheap hooori may prove too dearly pur chase(' atter'all. 'this action of Govern . or Oti:ainherlaiti wit' throW the gticsLion bt fore the poopled 4/34h..Ctuulisia,,in election. of • a newlegislature and it is pos. Bible that - such a cOufbination` of the lion est*eti bfail Parties'ean made as wil4 preient:t e he'dieti Shaine 'of the elevation of Moses and_ Whipper-to the judiciary 'of the state. ;:liuttue ringnf which John J. Patterson and his associates are the Ithalira, has hi,f+heqtrirentoi , LtioieTful the liolities,of,ScilttU:Catiolina. ,itlese def.pprate meik.ure in complete control of the tieglves,wbo oonstb ti to 11 , ,.111rge Ingi joriti:of the voters.- 'Brit, whate'ier XrEty be 016 , ipeoetd the' oobflidt. - Gov. Chain- berlin• has earned the,ennfideilee ,of the. honelt'eitizEtni of SotC - 'f a. •II • is Sitipikreiye,iaaroring "reedern hip pledges, and be siionid be heartily sus tained in iris efforts . wrest South Car ulina from the grasip , of tilt. soldier& The ltlennnesso or the Aators. it'enerosity of the Actors is shown in some fac'ts contributed by catTtspon den tof - the ~ SOhttlectady "Star t: 1 , • Sortie forty or ,fifty.,. yesra. itice that idiot soli of .30,1 in Jacob was placed iffi der.the charge of ayoung student of. D:. Champlin of L'arnbridge. Mass. , named Dickinson.' One tier wh il e "diekitteet , 'sitting at: his - desk and• his cluir2e lying upon his ,bed latter raised a cudgel,and hurling itat the , former,strnek him in the'eye, - utterly dest ruying .111)6 'candor a. wearisotne "Icontinement' .of many weeks.. ; Intelligence Of this. sad 'uffittr., was forthwith. communicated tit " the Astors, and the brother, the -late Win. 8., made a journey to Cambridge. Ile galeyoung Dickinson a • trifling .sum of money. lie told Dickinson, honver; to mill at•tlie lostor.place of business 'when lie mine tolgewNork. In the csittrse of year itr two young Dickinson, having ,flotOod hie fortunes in t hat IStaterulled ns requeste , At - first WM. 8. - failed to rt:vognii. - wati::natit.ral 0w '41414Y 4,*4,1 1 4 446 • evehilt..eueleo o 1 th e efe. Itit 3.,however, the talh-i' it•as hati 4 4 ii* l 4o 4 l ) er. -Wm. B. departed And did 'lint return. Di , Ort:,.4 l 7.o#4o7*o2 l l l 4iPdy.7,Pititintibti weitt White - be isee iC,, l 4 e 63lll e 64 - 41 ' 4 i44mPe • protigi* , '&lo,'hoWeter„ the cootsegnety cea a his wound, laid him . ; = prostrate.-- hungry recetering, - his Physician told him a 'trip to CillatiV was the only,means of aavint'hia lifa. e; had tinnily and scant - UW*lll4 "The bite John Knick, , r• blacker helped' t±ut of , ins litiatiCia andlies,6At to New York. There he met the writer or the comu nication to 'the , 45:tar, pai m d tohl tiw eircuinstiinceit4toCe tiat•tated. Together • the two`calledon tdd John Jacob, and Lill the saiifietion the . old Man veucluutfisi caine in 'the - .4othing about it ;'• ninu it .' , settled all dat." , ' - "PoorbiekinitOn," condludes; : the 'writer; "never Ottielied—he died in Cuba leavitiga:belplesiti twit Aestitute wife:and ChildreM° ' '" . e. for yet:To otood.ah 'the front. rui* of ,AknAertoori t lawyers., Hitt, 6411 einignOd :rota! ilAnna.lotito ..tkounty ; early in the. ; etitand' their , 00n , woo-biiro.iii Nei/ A rprk-4,.j11, 1,504. in 1,816, "lii4 tire i;calkitif Ana odviteti,te,it;6eiveli:-ortii ; cow tom .4 . 064 etioeotititt.; nit; et, n nr,t attr. grt nit !‘ n i) 00€1 lit Lit. ;aught, iniaiig i 444; -sod' - gopo„ T . ,,PORO* 110,1116011 ffMOMMI our Northeni•Reighbors 44.1 heir • `ol7Awac Dee .2.5. 7 .-When..; the ;British troopa we L re - ,WithdrnWn from Cantos in 1870;ian agreement Wa's entered into by the dOminion ,dovernment with the lin- Government to spend -one million dollnre annually in keeping up the Men t'-ive (One of the dthilitia' for five years.— As that time .expires with the present month, the Dominion :Parliament' will consider the malitia question..at, the ap. proaChing. session and. •it is said, that :the gpvernment. : will largely., reduce ex - peudlture~a . - 31}Ni.crts, Dec. , 23.--Abotit'noen While a party of boys were firing a toy-cannon` in Iron t of Specht's - confectionary.. it .C.x ploded and - portions of struck . Wiley GalloWay,.aged 18, a nephew of Color,el GallOWity, editor of .the 'Apppat, in the face, 'destroying .the right .ese; breaking his nose and inflicting wounds which will ttoubtlss prove fatal, Another portion struck a negro,- who was passing: by, on the. wrist, -lacerating it , horribly. Another piece ,struck- Captain.. Walter Gondman, oseeretary. 'of the -, Planters' = ~ :Itsurance Ccimpany, on the leg, inflicting a slight iti*LITAPOLIII, Dec. 25.—The United iitotes grand, jury to: 7 day retttrnedun in ti,ictrtien t agaidst Harry lialloway, super intetident of tile postoffice, charging, him witli receiving $2,000- from W. FL Mason in consideration of securing for Mason a tuntnict for ;_repairing mail bags, sacks; &c. As soon' as. Mr. litiltowav learned ut his inUictment,'he tendered "his . ietactia lion as superintendent if, the' postollke. and in company with' his attorney pre -ented himself at the rinited_States mar : liars: office for arrest, and gave bonds for +2.000:- liin'llolloway'dematided an im mediate trial, and is Vanguine of an lic:' Bermuda,- _December 22. A fearful ,tornado vassed- over . Tacker, 'and.Sr.Pav id's Island on . the even ing of l the,l7.th inst. The house of Smith. - .a well known pilat,in Tug!. prStoWn,, waS :blown into:: the-harbor with all ita inmates. Captain Smith was-burl od into : a tree and- .saved. wife,Was carried auri?ss,thez,itiarbor, where she was round elinging.to aplank. .She was so inured, that she,died ',a few hours Their:- . lour.children Were.drowped. •Sev •-ral n i ,ther buildings wen! demolished, tint 1. here:was no.,furtlier loss or life. T 4 - cooking school,nt te as a icapit a affair.' It: is under the -minigement of . a i`fintpin of ladies, who hire the ,rooms and see that the cook teacher is cumpe terit. ' Then. lesions of two;hottre, Paz', are git,en to classes of two, :three or•four. trtto,a single pupil, as the learners prefr. The terms ate 814 for ten lessons, I be tieve.! The pupils'do the cooktvg them selvcslutider the direction or the toticlntr and may, If they like, eat what'they cook.. Manylul the -classes are coMposed of niicL Ale ! anted ladies who tire excellent bons-. keepers, lint go to the cooking-school to *icon, Ito make certain delicious or anti mental disoes, ill which the 'teacher ex cels. !I :be sebool Kis no publicity, and its chisses ate formed itod wititit,g long tieforti they ..have the oppo,rtunity to •go. The res.ults are excellent, and I think every City would find Web 11601001 would be well supported. Btrwa items. , The Climate or Florida .has improved the health a ex-Senator/Fenton. PrPsident Grartt's message' not ivel receivti .11,the English' jo na a le. Portions of Western Pennsylvania were •:...fiveretl With 'a 'foot' of stiow - itot 'week. Over $43,000 have bt.eti paid in many' t) the Ili! ton u ffe rers by the Int( • • ttie prce a ttire. ei)u tity t ' • .mill • ' • It can't,be. ',Pinelibsck is report6d i o expressed a detertainatiou to with xi aw trout the senatorial contest. Tht; Pope :has accepted the !.; n i the , centennial commission to contrib -Lac workiiof .iirt tolbe exhibition, Iletinhold, "who was `dismissed from a lit natio. asylurn "recently,: is %Lek aga, his condition beivitig bet me worse.w If grant wt re, only musical, with what ;),Ayreoemeni,he could slug .lae'•Siifl bo mostealiugr Nil' World Pun xsu tawnec, Jefferson - noun ty, has ehuitruaker, tionla,s lir-Kee; who has worke4 at his Crude fortfty-seven years. here la a fellow Hi Lebanon who has arraign,ed twepty-one Ames duritig Ha Jury years' exiatene.e, ;and yet:never, emrcicted: , • • - The orthquake :seared . the'-people of itiohmond.worso. than , - whir Grant was thundering ~,at -ftheir ' gates during the war. The'NeArbililin* pef?ptf our.olairi 'bat the fabtiinitili'get:tbeir Att behind t Le 60,11 i40k tluke 1 9 1 t h, 'siQw Omurni4iotor Prim , 4.l4ties to ,tae a -eau,iltrte veryui• ifliart *level head .he =ties, lIMIIMIt3 40teducatel. tie studied, law 'dud ~was iitlnitted tn - Jaw'. barin —lB2l, For more t,1441 foitr - vear's-.lle:labored :assiduously, ;but iti: - 1829 he attracted censiderable Attedtion `'by his argutnent before the; etipreMe &Art'', i n th O n ease of Divver vs Me Pa.pglilan. In 1635 - he::agiiiii placed, fihnself prominently before the public in the tilave Jack case, in 1813 in the Lis penard will ease,:and iu 1851 he earned -a national reputation - by his - argument in the, Forost d ivorce ease: his other great `cases werc'thc Alason. will Caat the Lent. litoti'Astve'fase # - the '3liiiol ( esiate'litiga tipti.l In 1873 it, appeared. prominently. 's;a- the limier - Aion o f -tne• New York Aicials. lle served for fifteen months as the 4 tTiiited States district attorney Or New. York under President Pie ce, i aod,was a member of the New -Yorksstate ot - 1848and 1861: Ile' •tis linmitated _for the presidency by the labor, reforin convention 'on Aug.,32 . 1872, but he Ateclined - the _nomination,' as he did al l fo that of the party known as, the "?itraielit ont.*'- tfttuticrata in Louisville, KY., , int the 3d of September of, the acme year.i-frle, devertfitless; received 21;559 • Ice Chirp is the r 812100166 a: WtASEstia.nnt; Pa.; . 2 Dee. ---. 24.- - -`=The mild ;we:Abet:of the fiat few.d4s started the tee in 'the tlier to-day: - The detach ed icy became 'gorged about two miles be low Wilketbarre'and the Water has risen rapiclly, -It is now seventeen feet above .lOw water mark .and .has overflown the rightlbank.', The flats between here and K.ingSton are .partially. stibtneratd, and s tree u .ear faVel, has been Sto ppeebetween the. two places. The.weather is 'pow enider with astorm raging .find the ricer at aetan d still, , • . T6r tinitton Eniosion ai Nateiphis Indictment of a Prominent Radical in Indiana. 1, TerTM Torhado In Bermuda. I The'BostOn • Coiri6ig SohooL rut - 4 . , . isucoaanct.aatjaeiritw. ' itarotitelaid soiop taniiorß , & , -Ciet. - stxtre, Vabtic Avextue, witerr rta;ly 410441 kincLevf rk in bus Oft, 4.4' ,e - s3el\ lz sum *4,14 , and repair ttitii stoii!zaiss leipat_eh,i • - *oitter, 0436 , r ;144,161,4`3,-3mi.1., ,C DM t i NISTRATRIX'S NOTICE-10 the tat. 4WD:I. .111. . VattVornaert...late or Inragnlttoivaabtp. letiPrei or Adollraetrall(ko n the e cathte llutylapf -been graritrcd Tortlor onglitraignecr.. all pa-repos •Ow,log Alltlfatat6 aro ectioutott to xuakolotraaalattr urn - rat...aryl portiyrt /living titans 'against *aid estate are ratltlatted Ur pros gut. theta vettlaatt 00114%4 - g ' ,VAMA.AIPZ m ls4 telku*,,yo. =EMI r . „ . Gov:. Cu tin is tiominsfeklOr hytha St, eitnenpik(Oto) Oodte (4ettilocratio.) IL silys',; r lto' curry hio dSaUiia. 16. HOTaae :econ omist, • fiods of hiS.Stndies - gib* at he has a ' great- 'iesinletClori"Piiteriti) government." '; - i „ —.• , ; Samuel Boweri,*eoldier l ofititVwr of 1812, 'died in ft4sutitwney recently, aged eighty years.. ille resided in that borough ever since 1825. . ' I Edward Everson, :a .\Pittsburger. waS killed near Louisville with emit:Juts Wield ed by a fireman on it boat. 'The latter has peen arrested - for titurdel '',. _. ' -.-- r ~A , • , ...! :IA The treasury 'ilepiirttite'rte cannot grant free admission to c/rialti Fretici! army cloth,to bo - impirted f ,tr,itrit iniko ercorits tor the First, i regitnettt.„nal one' guard of Penusylvanta. ~ ; ,•.- . I '. . ,•., The receipts of ', anthraeite - ceal at Port Ilichtucird . - by. th. Philadelp4ia and Reading railroad' company,' last week, w. , re 3,soo'toris ; 'shipuients, 8,500 tints .: unbend, 164, - 000.tons. .: - The report 'that ek-Sanator Nye we/ recovering his mental, faculties. is contra• dieted, ttfe was removed front th...itry turn after his, recovery was protiounCed. hopeless, ' ~' t • r• . - !, • Governor liendrieks 'I ! i" Indiana,_ ha,,l :accepted the invila d ion to deliver the, .3 opening' address of the, onthern States' ~agricultural and industrial exposition, on the: 26th of February. t . -Eight, citizens of Liverpool, ' Who died recentl, :have opeued a ' lal:ge ' bank tic- . 1 count in the ether world. Their aggre gate legacies to . charitable kintututions .'xceed four,: mdlion-pounds sterling. The grand jury have ire tuned a true hill of indictment 'again': Edward A. I,Villiams and Jatntiii; K.' . oore for .lar o:.ny of papers friun the taterlial reSre-, nue bureau; and On ' whibb , they realiZed li‘rge sumsof mOney laboutii year. ago. , B,nue ve.y startliii 'di .l .sclos ores, respect .• ~ rug the pension frani.s , in the,west may be looked foi shoktly, th6-puiiimi (Alice being- nearly': reads to Make ,th e: arrests.-- The names and the ntimber ot the:par ties are withheld the Iliaitt ~ of evidence iS fully completed.. '. . ` In the.crtie of Ile 'ay Jones,lcolored, Whose corpse is still awaiting burial in. l sft. Moriah Jonietery, Where be paid for; ;.nd owned 4 let chili ig his life time, t,i: : . court has ' A i - Anted la, mutts atrids to cern- 1. el the cemetery coutpanY ;to admit the 1 dead mail without rt.gakit.tir hils,color.-1 An 'appeal will be Ckert to Vit`i ttpreme 1 ' .• I court. ." :' i ; - - • .On Thursday, of last week,. ,a.resideut of, Alyerstown Lehaltn county, walked to Reading, }M ni ug "tetained,longer that be expected and u: ving .no money' he concluded to stay al night at .a Itintekiin firm . Reading. ,'N - t . morumgi he was e i, ,f.,und dvad, hqving , been -suffowted by sulphur. Three; pert.ons havenow been suffocated at the same kiln. - . ' - Charles 0' Couor lapse but is better. a The Pall Mall G Berlil Thomas othi•rwise. •teMpted ' to - . irestroy, , the . steamer 31Osel with Dynamite, is 'a .', hative oi 'Oermany. He was . horn at Ito ikholi,,•iii. Prussian Westphal abut was ,sited . toy i Jiiiis , rica.at the . Age of two years, ~- ' - . i It is Mary .Muril'u,h' 1 *sou who di . - : vides 'her sex::u to t` , eltOsseS-- - -tli;4giddy .opiterfties . , the. but"- -;es ti nii I - the .woito. righters. - The first .'e pret i ty arid silly, , ihe s.- cond plitu an .- iiseful ? the third :viiiiinisli and: . odious. :' - ...The . :first wear , :iong,' , ^trailing dr- , sses' and•-sinite at, you ',while .viiii.tzing, the • Isecoud: Wear- \ aprons ; and give you dumplings, and the third waut-your manly prerogative, your-dress• toat, yourtuoney. and.your. v'M.' ! Info • . •': , rm .ation. ~. ' has .1v.••.,-._ ••;--.• .- 'been .fil ~ that, the Spanish,. Goverument . has iolateti, the Nriitrairfy-ilaive by Eill liaqng . ltli rough . its :rents, Italian .reuraits far piitilsh reg,- - Itrierits in 'Cuba. :-. ,'A :I.liiimilar Ivioiatipn • of the neutrality laws by Britisliat..nts dui., 1:g the.-dininitrattiin - ) • 4'rethdeot f l'ierue induced this: 'Governi iert/i6 gite , sl.r-John erainitton,- then - I3''loSi) Minis ter here,•hiti passport,ivith tlr4reqiii.st that - he would return home atones '. • • " ' .l .. • • ! ... 1 • ••''' • ' •-,,, :Mr. Clirtotian.K.. Ross, •tlie •fatber of , the iiiiasingr boy. reoeives . 194i,Ttrid ,lett,,Ti per day frt.4,n :thirerel,lt.. parts i,..if , till . etinn- Iry i a ob.* i nig Vision a. i;y -, I? , :elfemes i 4 refr r enee to'the case, ror. pri,tendiog .to give , Valuable cleave'" as. to, the child's •vhoerie *hoUts.' Mr: Ines . generally!, ttitstrc;r6 all letters received. iHe Ott,. getteraily- turns 'aver ill ihe • correspotnieoce to , Captain 'ft ,, ..‘ins. Nothing : new, has : iutned up of I;•ite - considered• - • ofbuiliciek N impor.t.ct • to' inxes.tigate. ~ .. ,i',. • ~ Hon. Jolfirdlasson, 1a• •soldie.r, of the wear Of 1812; died' in CentreLeounty ze oe o tin . De'leasril was ‘ , p,nn in . Lancaster eottiOy. where: he Ijotqed-- a -ilompany r.!.f 100' met, raiscd . when'. t' 0 :ri•piort pi:ached 14pin-that the- 'prltish II( t• - wii,s•tpi;ri - lit.g,ll-. ! i ;11 , • ;Baliiintire. - , Youli Ilassioi: . then 'OhlyieigHttee.h-y-aisr;olL ge,Aohie'll the _company, Of' Which' !the_ .-latxl ,- ..President, JanteB Buelliitian,..*iir talso•wpriva4., and tharChed to fthe'Lproieqtion , of' Balti uiere Mr'Hasson teraurecli tp - oep,tre•'-eounly,. WI, ere he was gleettil. Ito the . legislattire and afterward *Boo'4o judge.- : • • ' New ' • • ••VOTICE,—.4II pt-re4a,4 ari , herebT eau • rionril fo.purebNE&O iota. • to have .beeneven by' '1 bosom. Colloid;Iaboot roar ytors ago payable to t naststialdadtiocir t tas the Nam!: is believed to be a frvud, and'arilf i liot .Daiannieis:combelled by law; Enid note talilirsito Vt. lye btuidred dollars, .7tIO.Y.AS coL,Folb). . . , Dee. 21/, 1815.—liwf ~t • .. . IN - Sarrimi-aksci. .'• .1 ' •,-- . - ,In •the Western District: of 4 ,f entirylritula W. L. Voss • or flew totilford.',PA., a Bankrupt ender ahe4Antof Con f.aoss of March 2d, UK:,havin„- applied fora dise.bafgff !roman his debt S., and etli•er eliiitasigorable under said , Act, by order of- the court; Notice fa hereby given than reed itore whottive proved! their debts fire hereby notified to to present at maid meeting, on the 30t6, ristte =or December 1 .5, at fi.o'elockl a.'tn. beff,re Edward it. Willard. Reef er nt Ids office tu•lferantoti pa., and to show enure, if ny they , have;. why b pisehargo should not be"granted said ba nitro p t._ ' N. ifellANDLEßß,.Cierk.'-• Scranton, Dec. 22, 18:5. '' 1. 1 • - ~ 14 EGISTIMS N0T10R, , ,- , -P t u bl ie - , ur, A.., Licit Is hereby given to ull)fersusialeoneersied in the foliowing estates, to viit : •. • ~ - .•• • • , • ~ • • • • . - . . Estate of•JatnOt Kenyon, late of Liberty,. doc'd; P. A, Williams, • Aetainistrayor. -, _I - ',- : Esfts to of Items illitido,i,4ther ; 4 11: E. tifiennaft,Onar -Zstate of Enoch • Aorta:am, 241430,; ,NG .K.-'llllfiatot.. .ticiArdida. . . ..; -, ;,. - "rilid the accountants tiiiie 'settiett '; their .itoceunts iti -the BegiPltell Oftlettin and for the ' - i cou nt y. ;c4„Sick,que-/ haunt. dad that the I same will, be resented ,to -the. Judges of the Orpliene ;Courts 0 4, 1 `tlifredaYs 4: B4 flary• Itc, 2878 , for gontsmatjort'aud allewituee, - r , '• - . • : ' { ~ ' 11 : - .K.'1731fAlii s , oleAcifiter„,' . Reiglater'e Office, December iB, pifiti• w . '• ; - I- -,'' • ' ------- A . -STAV Ril/18ZI: . 7 ' -' ' I - •.as. , . as . , had .a dliglic J•e -.4litli ..• ette, Dec.. 24, bas .n,' i which Lays that ; ham' assen, Atho at_.- LES:--Br VIRTUE 40 lc/ t issued by the Court of Common Plea* of tin-nueharaut Comity and to me directed, I Will eipere to pantie vottaue. the Court /louse in Montrotteion L irlaY. January 44, 18m, at I o.ctock va.. t h efo l l ow . ILg pieces or parcel, of and to Wit: ' • , chumthroolota of laud situate In the Borough ut 'at - Aluthittat Depot,. in the Con, of 1it144.4141011ni. and State Of Peoutytvaakta, the filet piece bounded mid ties , mined los foltowe, to • wi t Bi%iianing and knownse kit -No. W. Iyinewrot of ;minket creek, a* laid down .on ibe ump.of a part ot *aid Vidage, as surveyed by Wouta, for put Tate New york and Brie Nasiway Colli,Pit-ItY told' rteurrtleil atuf,eltotted by Timothy Boyle. ttvther wait ¢ho appmrtentu.ete. and ill' tot. latieud. the wetted and gird place* iiitneNiter above two bonndedwnd; described as le:have: Known An tote No PA and AM lying went of Drivaer crstk `4 , 1 isto down ou.tho Inati 4B -surveyed by Timothy Boyle, for ter Newlfork grin Railway Cot:Tat:y.4W the party of the recoud part ips to hire t h e ;4'lr:toga of running back, A) font for the peep of laying pipe or togs to wave) water from a spring. ;ug c er.tritb ctio apportenauter a , , d ail tin roved!, airr - ft tu execution' aS the mat tit Otto. Frratter ye. gury 'flerby and aftaut Barry.' - - ALSQ—AII that. eettaip one and a bait story plank Imola contaialprin trona ';/ feat and in depth 19 feat, Ali R ETT'S tifnutoyND IVOS. 2 ND 4 :COURT STREET, C I ; , • - —is nut— EMPLE OF MU M E GRAND . . • -- , e—the finest etereend the beet d t0..-JUWALItY .. - JUWALItY AND tiItiVEIIIVAILE, .r terh. at leen Vile tnealtfactuil.te: plat of ~i 3TCl;k' nought in job lo,s vicop. and I will II theth lower thaa any other hone., ' r ' '•• Go to liarretta for 1 .11clay, Preto:ll4 and save money.. . . . c i K KRIN_ -SU PERiO R >SQUARE , D LIT , ; EeNEY'S UNRI, • - • ; OR iILLED • - PARLOR tN,S. • And have: also the toloh tdWE PTANOS;and MASON 6: HAMLIN ()lit; NS, which have &tiled - g a t notoriety. L , • - so, norace Walters & • e Concerto. Orrhom tat au C;mhrelht Orintue, gad e Binghatuto4 Plano, a 734 ruivc finelyTi mailed therm, made I expte4ly for It' trade, which el all II at f4CO, ea.lt, ten ,per coo added If sold pn time, buy or think of `dO: Itn; ro until )on ha% e m y ~t o c k .: 1 i n ~,,,the largest sto,!k, of Sheet NOW. POlO. and small lustre im;nte 01 all kin a t 0 1 )C ifuund n Southern New York Come one comenil the. New envie of Music,: cue 4 Court Street, nvs.t. to the Chen r)vor, . . S. W Binghamton,. pecember 15, ls. , . , . . 1 Xingtieshonahly:!the best tinstitinet . ark of the kind Iti - 1 - the World.• ...- . . ! . • HARPER'S' , 14A$AZ IN E , r • ...:. - . : i .2. :l o T ei L eu Ti .o fir t l o t. 4 ct,T pr ED o .l .... . .: • The ever-Increased elreulation of is exeellat men tidy proves ItF i Ceintinileir, 4114131) tatitsx t o p oi jbl. s i. der _ irea and needsi. indeed; i when we think into bow many homes It penetrates ;every mort ere m ut t con _ fritter it as rriie or the edueltor4 as 'W , .' ilk enieftAinap iof the publid,mind. —Bolan Glob?. , kThe eliaracterlwhicit thiS , Mut:nine seceses for as lety, enterprise; artistic! wealth, and . , - .nitry cult sre hat has kept pat:e wit ith, Ifhas no, l ed the times. Gould cause tn. , : conductors to reg. , ,rd it vitn .3notitti- Rile cornp!acenee The Mimazine hasnu good and not evii all the Ilaysof its lite.--lirootlya• 'agic . . • ~ % Some of the me t pannier. Of munerti,novets paw, tlrst - apt3cared aii serials ti e thia Mag,azint I. In all sea pert ~., it le an excellent ntriodic..l. and 411,y deserve r _tee great succeeS.'—nif'ts 1 Ledger. ,t ' . 4..... 1 1C 1 Cir 3Cltlqo : . POstagqree lo tali subscriber* in. the Ut ed States Ilatereit's BAZIII, One: YeNr ~ •.. •-• • • •• $1 NI , toil liaeludes payment pif U.' S. postage - the pub, ,s era.. tihstription to likill'Elt'S,lll AGA ZINE. NEELY, and BAZAR, to one address for one year. $lO ; or,t wo of harper's pCr4dleale. to one addreae for OEM ear,. $7; postage free. i - ; - • An extra 4 t)tiy Of ,4ltter the Magazine, W kb . , or Bazar. will be sUpplind 4;ratls for every Cjeli 'I,`IITE SUIrSCRIBEItB,at Sit* tnich, in one remit or, Six Cujnqf f0r4.211 00. Ik - talent extra copy: stage free. • t , Back numbers can be supplied at any time. .k ' ,a, complete Set of ilarper's Ning,izine, nowpris ing 51 Volumes, ha neat ;cloth bimilug, will be it by cl , cxeresa, freight. at expense of 'purchaser, for 2 per volume. Bing, , le vointnea, by mail, no..tuttid, $:: /"-- Cloth cases,.fo. , bindinz,4% cents, sty} mail. postpa . The Animal Volume of illtrper's Weekly in nt-atlioth binding, will be sent by express, free of clitimi 4 for 47 00 each. A. complete Set. comprising. Nineteenol-. ti *t, mes. sent. on receipt of earh at the rate of $.5 25 er vet„ freight at expense ter purrhlser. 1 Prominent. attention ill be given in ila.rper's Br r .to such illustrations o : the Centennial /ntematio 1. Expo:Men. , Newspapers a te not to:copy this stivertisement wi out, the exyrescorder or Harper & Brothers. • , Addrcti,:i ILuiru & BROTLIERS, N. Y. . 1 Why the Fit:livers Bloom in Winter - • Are you arrarb that yog can ohtsin Summer heat in January ?; That you can impart halmy air to your families ?last; !you can give spontaneous growth to • pistils, and PlOivers. and. that you can make :home a , little paradise by purchasing:One of B. C. Sayre's trot- I Air Partners 7 :'These , 'furnaces are' now con‘traeted with :V.tPoR PAN by %high the atmosphere is tem- pared to that reaegibimilSatutner heat. , ..1(11110.!ptOME'of,: - .F : Eatut. MORE : OftY HUSKY HEAT. • . . . HOT-AIR .A , . . . nd the timetuul tame when ennaumntives may re joice in COO ache. ' These curtraers'are Sold entirely op- On their ewn m6riie, and are now theleading Furnsew in this part of Jilae ciztumr ' All Furnaces are warrom, tat to give entire satisfaction or no sale. V I . • ‘3P ICI rira.W.4o‘. a m o • 7 .f ., i. • ~ 1 . • . I keep' ompetent men on thead who are Well ac quainted with rn the FM nut*: bar. arc a and they are con t r 4ltalltly putting hp these Furnaces. Their scorn is war ranted to penes. These Furnaces 'e now scattered in tho following toWtts and cities: ' :.. , ' - ttimclo4iton, ,t Scranton, , -Providqnce, ' Wilkes Barre, ElLgaton, Pittston, Elmira, ' WaVerly, Nritliamshort. Uret, . Pend, Suspueituma De po Um:leak. De;hi, Downsville, Andes, Rat garettlie Franklin, Unacillia, tiwego, Icon hamberlatal.,.and Ina other tonna. . • • . .. , . . • 21&441:1V11.traitt7 0 Sa. XIV' . . Any person silshlng irecnm rac.i4lattan - from any ntle y jiving 113 tne above named plac.es... ..t w,t! glanly co. rel.- -nond with them; giving - names o ;mules now using Mee Furnaccs.i ~ ~ , .. ..1 , ' • ' i 8. 1 0. SAYRE :: -• e\ 1 . - ' ' i .. ' , ~:, I. n rose!, Ra. • lic;ntruse, luiegmber ~'r'..d, lem.—tin, - ... , : ~ 1 3 1!.y YoutHCl,Othibg'at , . . . . . rpEGISTEWS NOTI(tE.--:-P . nblie! no -11- ll' lice ir. be:city given to _WI T persona concerned in . tbej following neate. to I , ' , ..D.stitte of Geurge W. Pe.rt, idle, of Franklin, deed ; W 0 Stettin y Executor. •;" -' Evele of Joseph:E. Wbilbey; 1 te of (fibron, dee'd ; i hilica A. StV ill ch i end Jac...S L °Wet, Acin'rpc =• Extate of Aloczio St'alker,:lato o f Gibson, deed ; if: W, Williams. Adinlitistrator. Estate oit John V..iarti, . tate. of Gibsoti, deed ; George W- Venni/1, Administrator. ~Ertate of Charles C, Ohamberlin!,late of R' arkird, fleed; Homer Tingley, ......dzoinistratori I ' Estate of Old ; Telt. :ato of New Milford,. deed . ; Zady F. Pesk, \Executrix. 1 Estate or Sarah! 3L ; Witik,r. late of Dlmock, deed l Geo. Walker, !Jitirtdrilet rater. I 1 • Estate of Sheldon Mecham, late of Jtisup. deed; C. F. Read and ?Alarm, ret Menem:b. Executor. Estate or Joseph Backus, late of Forest Lake. deed',; C. P.'; Read, Kiecntor and Trultee. . • _ ...Zetate of c.rmort, Peter. Henry, liatt FrancliD. FitilEpr minor. • Doren Phillips, Guarlitua. . ' 7.etate.of 'lliir,y E. Nichols, minor; It alai C. Sudlii. , That 3: Tt theiccoluttants have sett !ed ibelr aCCounts In 'the.ll..ghler'.s Office in atm for the county taishoulue. banieiar.dittflt. tile twine will be presented to the dnuges -cf tbefirphaneVourt, on Thurtday. January 18, 145, ' for 'confirmation and allowance •. - ~ 1 _". M. N. VFFANY,Regiater. . tieg • faterte Of:ace,' iontrose, ec.15,1878, • ' ---tt 'I -i sip ..1P icENETI i TAoss.—Notice . l, L.A hereby, Oren that, in 7itlrallanCe of au Act 4t Asseinbly,tht following, 'lamed persons li'we flied 'their petitilins with the Clerk of, 9,tiarter Sessinns of the_Peace, for the County of Sns quehanns, fox; licenses to keip +taverns find for wholesale deUlers in said - County, for which they will appllr at January Sessions, 1876.' .J. , ,1.5 . : Sackett. for ..u ! Eating House) in Duro. of Gt. Bend Frank Race t ' 0 . JOOO9l l Allen. I u 0 . ; ''' Siti'qu'ib l Depot, ,Everat. Vatvliktn• '" ; ; " •" • I . DAVID .131751)4.E1tii, oerk, Docember,22, 5875. 1 ' ; ; - \ ' • ~,- i ! ~ --'" • : A, LIMIN I STAATOR'S - .NOTICE.-12: ,zl.—the ,eriatc of Jobtit'on ley, late of Chocolat- twk deed, Lettere of Atiministratlon in the e:ld estate baying Moen granted to tite - underslgned;• ell itemize owing bald estate are requested to make immediate ,t4y)sent. , ,and ail persons; having claims ag‘tert said ursine are requedtet.io present them without delay. ' : Doc. 15, 1575 . 1-SW. ' ' -. ! \ ' Adirdnltinttof —.-.• • - . . - • . '• •-••, ' .• • • - L I'. • • - • • • . . 4 . MP•ELIZI "9 •18 "" o , 7. ---...-'.......-..... .1-.... - -.----.......-..... • ' .. -- 1 and bllYng an - addition OW the leitcli - aide contatathg 12, 1 dart ere itt width aod 1,4 feet tttiengt :Awl one story ,blgb,„ l ; lio, ad that Certain bent:one Alf 'a , half Antlekint right; Oeutetnibgliarentiff fee , stud ,lii tletdll.4.: f*.q.; l , ' costilthatcertsieldielestelitt lfoil,, ouestrd7 high .'., d having a tttit4 of 113 thee,. .' dt depth.of Va leak; ili.tbitcurtitekteuppertertent t ferete; en.? the lot: or: coot gronnumn which *obi blithilngte stxtld erect-di In eettand d etc:lliad ar, le fellotreCtowt,t; ' Bounded - on? north by other - uths of defellt.dent..eaet b y .. ds44o, of. .%. 1, doter south- by the . I,4repilte add itert by °flay at, a of cefendaut, cltuntelit ilairlek too uneln, cottn-, Y Surquelailna and State of j'con.y , %aole• Eaten n t ecutfou at the atilt of C. IC. , Weiket vs. Wahwa to A' ', 0 -AU tliet cattail% piece for parcel of land ill t, lit t the towlichip or H.:Trick, lin (Ito yeituty of tills.: ns and Siete of Penecylvehla,;boonale.,l an I &t- The as folfrawC, ro wit : Ou the nine by lands of .M. levers. on the entitle by Ma+ . . - old - Ada - her„Or l'urt.. , i tati a on OW 4,,..t by !duds ritl:7 M. Aeiree, and. Otl . li W. t by toe deffercen tonna; of the fide Railway,: chilli g out half malt of land! more or less having . , rtno ate large frame two story linilding ltilrid feet,. 1 Ira ,ei elted;:2. , xso reel and til ... Itiprovod. j Patron lint. ion at the suit of Philo n. Sper.cer vs. Charles . ALSO 1, 1 Net certainl . pft:ce Co parrot of lanil sltue• to in the A iirtlip of Chtlerd.jd the County' of tiestitie. e\ hivip34l,it Stst td, Peowylvantw,boanacct sod dclerih-; cd ef,k (OHO 4, td, wit: If ortherly:: by hotdo of .1. 11, $;,.. , vend, cart e ly by lande of .Wia-liudirobk, ioutherly". by th e old Ma ord and uwe,....) Turnpike. itod‘wt•PtntlY by the It•chatt mai, co called, cont, - ,,,'1n In- about ten acre*, •otto steam w null with engine pod ffr,d.urde, ahlrharn • and all Im ps ve.), bi - log the ellaud donveyud,hy-J. 11. Stevenr t Win..ltnes. • asks to execal4oo;42 the e soli of' didin ee'vr. NVillati Julio4_l . . .. AL -0 -Ail the: rertiin place C.plit•txtof teitedirituato I du. a e tows's, pet Mibuto, in the Vidor ry, of. sit,,que, bonhoishd St, e of l'e,uncylvante, hounded add tie?. teethed its 1 . 0110 F, to Wit. t' (ID the north' by land., of, S. N. Lone, ou•th math by !end? 14 Citsr.c:, Aurdad), homes March I. Charles Winanli. and k, it.,n man, on 1 e exat by hint, of 1.1.14. Dean add. P Si Vaitc,ltu. dud I tad he ne-t by odr or BN, LoviLead strn set Tewit, linty, containing . bout three hundidd anti twenty' tidied,' more or lees, wtt ' the 11 14:mm1o:iced •• .; to ..r., dwelling hences, three ba, r, and ether eut :l l lldingt, 4 / 4 two 1 oreh area, end ebo t three hundre4itivelnif.roved. [Ta ' keu In executteu a the suit of Starribiz and Sou ire. /1. - N. Loornic.) ' ' ' , . Teko Notice. ,- A' bide accedeift.kl/11.ANOLD oft: ilia day or sale. ht. . liiiLlth, Sheriff. shetlfre Office. ottroee, peed .1573; =., ~ ,_ . , - ,Z11.V.,R I FFB'. BALES:- 4-B Y 'VI RTC n' oi= NJ- - writs' isatutd - 1 i the Court, - .of Common Pleastd ''aatillvilatlaa ennuis - ot to mo4irected, 1 will elpthie. t o sale by ntlithe crldue, an the court [louse la ,3lontrose, on • Tittles y, thseeMber SO, 187.1. - a..-: one ; - - 'o , oltich, p.m., the follorg picas .or.pt scion of • laud, • 'to wit : . • -• ; All that certain piece r parcel ..of land'altuato in the . ' ..twp: ot. Itroohlyn in titcounty.lOf Susn'a, and.tate 'l5l Ponisylvaoll, tsin\tim, . and otiperitted an fotlows, to wit: On the citst by tbs. puhile!highWay;_ml Inn tVt:4l . 'O. MIMAOI the WitimiV fi »worth - omit:At north by bad s ot 1 erry 'Sweet. and on. ti ‘ sootli be.la t ,,i., e t ch ar t, v , 'Pitetley,eontainin4•ollY-li t arro!nd land, ad itnprovut on whleh Is situated (41 - 4 out , stOry lon.o and a three-story building. ft:nal tia aii strtre - and .dwelling 'tit's r . [beized. acs take!!o caseation at the suit of Marks & 1.1‘0.14 vs..L it. Ver .3 , ' •-, .ALSO—AII that cett ain - .ni .e or parcel of land situate lo the borough of '.us , :l4ltot e a !arid Nta;.. of Po:toss:1. • vania. bounced and tle..6 , :ribb e t ...ird),, w* „ fo w it : on 1 tw. north by. Malt) *treat, on het eatt. by Third Street, on - the - West by P. If. 'Clokyrc•• MIL on the ' , oath by tits. Morgan", nontaini ni.; 01 by , 120 lyt it, '. ii if' itrininvm , ,•With the tippdetcnuice., oue twii.m. it hair ....:t,. - y loon , e.am.i. basement. - [Vaneocin exeentVat the 40 - ,G'. - ti', e , ,,'s RtileV ye. Bill'Llil-M013113=111 r . •, ,, .!. • , 1ii....404-1,11. that eertann piece ; twr.saf o:' z.,so .. ,. ,Uirde in.,thetoWnship of:Auburn, it, , b., ts - ..1.0i - tyef- -it r - f, i ii.. , banna and 8 tate ,- -012 Peno,.,yiyt i• , tc t 1...,, , :ti 3i, tt ..,V.• ertbed as ( ollow.* • to wit :.. '4.M .e m‘ril." . try land; rat Johyrand DaliielJmie. and land 4. NYto.t'ooloy . eeftato, •on the south by ,J,itidp ~ .or ~.esii‘i I . mcmlOctlu and E.. Tian - Yr a, on the eapt by lands tli: t'etwell Metlb. h.:it, :: solos tn,s, w e st by Mr. , ,M, , of 1)34t, • Jaelt.om, o ,tr a M4 int- , ; - ,3 acres of land, more or le. . .lid eh e. 44.1 acrett,; improved,. with the i-p, part:linty: • cue hone , :„ 'tt‘.4 barns, and two otchatilic tTaithr. I, c*.N. , ,trution .41 , the : suit of Robert I)tiolap, use of r ifac 4 Doi:, vs. P ' AL_l \ Loomis and 11, N. L00mf..) . ..: ,i . - - , . . - - ~ ALSO—.ill that rertam piece lor reel el lard situ- , it ate in the r ownehlp of Jes-up the • cut,: or s tem i tt o.' harlot and State ot. retinylvallilt,: , ut,6l andjles , clibed•as follows, to WI , : .On 111 ,, 71. ti , '.2." 19111 if or 4 - - P. Corn well, 'on the Sout' by Adel - lot. feheeltv, Or. tint' wattle' lands or Ji, , bl) .- tian,Th .1 , 1i,te.%h I. 1111q0h ratty,: and of i tile weer by Rios: , rj 1.)., 1 .V . , IA 0] .".,. ld and. Dan to/ 114 containing 101.!-; acre , , ; retire , t ,i..... shout. 444 ; nese. Improved, With the appnr..inatare , tie larin.e.,Li44l.' harm: corn house, cud, a low: timit 'tri. CT.ten in eXectl tion. at, the 4.1111. 01. U. Acitliu!,t- :deli:hy..-Adutitils. I trarrlXof Solomon INlelieeby, shied, l'hurnattly. i Meeker.] • . . .. -•-, i . 1 .' - 1 ALSO—AII that certain aei - 4- 4)t,. pared , land pitttlitii I in' ite': township of 'Caltland in ;the Cots • ,r ::„„ i i,,. ; lmona and State of Pennsylvania, bun :1 a - mi de*-i- I Gritted as follows, to wit : tin tlit east by ^ , st fad live• line, on the s,oth, r.ortb,.aird wi-st by lam. or Marvin! T., WeA fail, bated a lot. of land. ponveye, by di : erl ol! .Seinen M. Weettall to Ilelen planneritqr. m.:l Votatiti 7,4td feet - of land, more ori.leetri- wfill th- a iercfaain-1 t!e l , one-two.story house, nod .nutd)titbilott.t.. tTatitnl in execution at t't '.:, -tilt of sirs; .ii , ha: it,rll.; vs.; ',V tihr,tharrt Vanterti;.] . . ' i'• -_, ) " • 'l ALtil.,--All that o'rinte lot or parrel of inatlilte,rtn ;111 , Ow township of-Iftrrh, I::: in the County Of •Sti tie ,ba u . na and State nf • reausytvania, !comprising 4- 01 notolui 2511 'in the. resnrvry and. all ottoent: 4 lie' Drinker's'', Turiltarannock Tract et0nta1nt , ..17... , in -n a. I t of land. lid to::, tereti. eleared,4lo4:o.it 'T; ea tla whic.'a Josoph D.. Dritilo.r. and Svik. 'and 11(11 ci;. and wife sold, to said Willlatal Williams by cdrt dated the tth day of October, :4. D, lts,), with. c a pnrleitanCeS, one loose: ''era, and a shrill thou.- IT ken in ,exec thou at the suit. of,Jtilin Tort ey vs. %,% to Williams:l .- . ' . • i ' . - AI.SO:-All that certain , plee4 Or pa'reel,of land to 1 1 , ate in the township of Siiver La '•, in the ( ion! • o !t. ,susquehatina and State Of Pear - atila,.,batintled to kdescribed as follows, to wit t .' Beni him; at' ai - pot u. ~" he New To.le fatale line the' nix,. (Met coruct 017.4 l' ormerlyectnyeyed to Jobb !dinkier. th . ....ncy hy. tiler 1:', 1 '. tate tine smith 87 tie:ores card - 147 cad .three , ten 4 • , * ! r t -b e s to a'porit, r eorber ~of 4 kit formetiy tot v 9 I ; Wm. Whipple, • .t.let , te south;' 81 '..•ettl ' seven tour relics t o S InT 4 tm vollir or, bsaiku y,, , (l.iigell iota - him, i. • tit six degrN west 2-17MIM i art:l,4oldb. , perebe. t it .7.k • c..-Dit..1.1) line, of John allnkbr's lot, ;thence n ,, rth f... 4 ere nine-Oantlis perches t'O the place of beg-114010g, con I lealtti„lt.scrio , . more or; leilA, :11ar iMprov,t, Otth the iY. , .taiti'ers'. 0n0.,barti.,..&,.ey 'lltepervine ' fri»ll 4:4 ~e A. v. ...of abbot lalitares, ,fornterl 'conveed to Tboni.t.4 ' .:',ft • e•hau, {taken in ex,eentlini, at toe silt of Philip P. t arpless,:nse of James E..Ctirmali 1 , P.: Jelin Slow,' t i . • : lain Att-411 the Defentant's fidereA in that curt alai lee, r parcel of land situate in the township of Ita:. l. Ford, the county of :-.o..quehatata - and state of Peon= • flit' ',hounded nod described 'lle '.follows., to wit .:_--, 'On ti east hy. lands of,S.. lArtinntri, deed' and O. ' Pi i and A 4. 4. W., WilmPrth. ou the • north by lands of C, C iticharbon. on the west by; lands of C. C. Richardson' and C...k. Deans, rie'etl, rtal on .1 ho south -by lauds of 7nd:on filwortia, contalningrOwatt 05.,aeres and 49 perch es. =Nor less, with the appurtenances, one cliveliMit Utilise 'lam an orchard, &a. LiPtherr In execution oil sundr; tarts. S. it 1.;011ers. 3otin O. Howell. • ... AIAO, 11 that certtin piece . td.pareel of - land sittit' atom tilt ' rough of Snsouchntnot Depot. In tho mut: 4 Artif Burt charms and state ofTetittsylvania, hounded . ' , rand dot er eti as follow, - .„ to wit t. On the north I),Y :Asia:Stitt, on.the east by Fourth Street, ore the Fffiaill icy lotrof 4 Fitzgerald. nod on. • lie . west' by lot of , r. lamb. co:toning 0 fee; I:tin Vain Street and PA) on rtourth Sit, with.tho :mermen abets, ore frame Louse. ni alt Ira ' ved. I.l)lkm' 10 , eat:hale/4n i:4 the suit Of. I 0. riutheriatA vs. Mary ..t: ftoney ann ~,'.„ ..,,:rfor.a,o r . L. l , • - Ali-o—Allhat vermin pjece'..,or mareel of land Mei' 'ate in the bnOtit. - rh of • i. , •upritichtinma .r.g.1 , 111, comity of Stmitieboniantarid State ot l'etin.ylV:ima, Imendmi at , ' r o i l o ,, 'v t. Ou Die north. by lam* o(:itell Gallawa. r. Ole the east by Pi ,treel., on the',YOnth by land of G.. 0.. Sweet. and on le writ by landimt E, f'. 'l,e, e..aitairi‘ lug GO IC) 190 f ot land., more tirless wl - h thelippor- i tenanees.tm4 rime hooto mid olt: traprevcd. • ri .tkek -in execution at Itte Ft711.-(4 Pil l / 1 1 CturcLill vs. 'Willis; ton . lielener.l ' . . ALbo—All Cat certain rites: dr Parcel of fetid Flt 111 ale at the tow,ehip ii 4. New. 'dittorti, county of ttlil4, ductal/rt nneiliade of 'Pennsylvania boundpd and fli % ~, c ribed as rt , llOw.;`,lo wit :, IM O nri :g -n at a beech tree ~n 'original corn% tbenet: by lands of Lancaster item. simile, north 41 il:irees west rail percher. to a poet snit ..,tot t es. thenea by anno.of Fmockriatio north :SI dojecea :: , 401;89 - antl line-tel/4 tier-elwe toin.p . det, theneo by tanda infreyeal to tiii , i,:q: ., ice i•orith fit negiet-a. east ttil ab: - .l' :dile-teeth perch,-., a Lerra,,,, , 4 ;Ham p i thence rout ti !file: degrees ea.t 9 ;4-11-cifea to a 4.opt; and north 4:' 1 4, , f.1e ; -1:rt..4.:6 to -t 11 sip d salitent it perefin. to a -Point in . 01V IlJg.hyr.ty itatlimtf.o,lCcew mitfi:4ll, to Jacc...0.,, thence: slozig told hi : zit itlty, , *th . V.4.3.1,,"dt-krees - Sat I 1.11" hod hi , ...) recto perclots to no ~,, h...tiery , Outu cladrtmci, tlitote b ,sill 'Vex lot mall; 4: tie , r4aat inlet, :',l and 111 e-temb perch is teat PO-I and .04i.-e, tlittoet4 'bv hlnd fortnail N. m po-ketotion ul the I . *: - Pvter.iPa;:e.ilee'd, south it , degrees tt.o.t 50 p mcM. tp 11 , ./Mat •• Mid F:i3Ds'l, .Irid FOLI I / 1 lit V..R,V,.....g.),061':1 p e.,1:W.3-101111: Instil rOati.thenet. :tlosiz l.tf.td road smith ii- sle,Txres,:eas. r: • sud 111 - a'.. tenth. percbe* ton pain( 'on ! ! bridZe tia:nee by . laud formerly in pot.,oLet,iun. ( c LnonArA, o rya, "both 411 rte.. "revs IUIFt !Id perehte to 4 :ornet,.llo,tbet:Ce,ArtnttlX;i6 ~ 1 ,egretti weld di p...rehe.? : a vos?t.M.iif stOtte - s thence - be: lands - formerly in to., 1, - ,:m ;Of the,tate Samna 14,3 Willhons,tierth 44 tiezrece. tent-ilOO ycro-,,,: , ,, to a ~ post and stoney. and thence tny ode! of Lantlo4ter Johnitms north 46 .- degreeP ea-t ;n1 4-4 ferertenth per , :aiea to Plane_ of beginning, coma warn; 1 tier :a Of 'Lino. more or less .ox uptioognnd reserving. ' retroru the foliowing tlei.;' 'veribelplsates of land- FL all that parcel coo tattilott about 441.0tit.heresofore g eill.tri Svpon Doll. • Ftee;• • sand tlftint.t:learcel torerin• ..140. mill pond and-mill protilette COM/fining, about- aeres eynceyed htdoett to Lenard Cores, and on t Otreel of bold coolant , : lag amour= acres conveyed 1 deed to .------ ' holor„ the soluelatid conveyed by tie, ' 0 rain C. S. Bemiett by. ..itutum Wallamith and. wife by lid .dat+.4 , line.- 17 1247:- ale , ' eAteirtink /UV reserving •' ;Our.- pi , ce or psyccl of lat e ptinveyed by .Jacob 'k'S ~,ye to William v4f appall. 're ' Wed In decd book to tt.l. p 414 coutainlnit about': . 50 ,tterett,with the ai.purtimaa one lar4ofrarne barn. Is :rite:44-.15 acres 40pr:ire:A.. : ktillyin p..itertittOtt-ikt-: 1 atitt Of tr... iv.-Ttuyie VS. J 410.-4 'tt.Yrnaa'..l-''.;. -. 1.430., - -, Vll...tbofe, two pitte4 Or rev- i.a - .1 ,- ' AIA - ,+:taMte - 1 . 14 eZnsenship Of - New:hlitfott4." allay_ o! - Iicinehall; 0.0. .:1 kitate-t,l - erallty:ruinizr,..) , tire iwno,l3.,andedl d' . 1 Aertnibed.tiirfollows.. to - .'wtt., 4tinning - at a.t:arr-' I 4t.,r of I.44intiel. 11, .Willitird.4 - d - Inc:aster Jhotliao .l , 144 dexretaiwyst lii perch!. 4 a post and stnnesi-.) ..'ett..l,Y.Jacidisitd , Enoet4-ritrili '-' to bideirrtna ea-01'j 1 alicillverteitthe perches to a ,' t. dive be land.sur.; .. ited 040setth Dire south ii do;,i, east :Z6 and ti in 4- , * pctith.** if o her:llo4 - , stomp, !mune South '71.... 1 / 4 ;-. .I•oo,` , erastulpittelles:tO a post ; line )rat, 433‘ degveal, Littt-li).and.toOr r tenthe rode tope z %In f i lm liii,:tra . Sr : -.. , Writ a i.itil v b - f:lff; 4') dgP„,:r 'l eeri - r 1 .3;1 I'a I • d t.. K t' o- t t ' e ' il fi r . P.A . stosnitrott driven to: , satd - r.. •troppnin - siiid.. 1 1 ,1 re :lea - ding train "tikw -41.11fort,L.to • - .,•riz. north 41t. lil 'tirJosoph 'Rice 01 degreee - 124.4t 4 6 rod4 tam? three Lb .tyk. :te Atilt *take Athil stototi - paralivl iirb ealdroad ird • rodi,'"pt„tko rind. otot.e* Dukaibit -, vim' - Illie•Alf ..141C,O;) , Wsylitsa Sind three-tenth. rank mirk' .of cold it.tml; thencowesterlyto Paid :rt.rotlaultilve tron;theuee . .190,nlanlotc:Cyrns Harlon's .nilli lot ' a stake-and a Wittft; tbMI m) easterly along said - Bari ir. flue al •rodal . tetiirldte and - *ton v 5,... t 4 ence , .o,otit li we,ly- paralied with the original bete •of -- plaeoli - Viityl/3: 14/ rats to stakefillgratonoo to lands of :&rillonel: 1%! mos 'd'i' 1 cl". 0: .'t-beteistitioritV4o degtei4 weat• 2110:Jolley b place of . Lt. :10-filaiticontaini,ol:lsl4aen.o - of latiti'more it less, 44 - Wk . the.dpktrfrittlit>bl VIM oreitaid. and'about.lll4 ere* 4.0., - - .Our ' :174eseix,114. piaciic di pateei of- isntrituate. air at '-battnood and d.e.scrlbed as , hatinwa, it ij: it :i CO tot ' Itstrid east . 11 - Janda Of:14%1 Tarot 4on thd 4O • tibile.b/glkwar. and ors tire - .Wertl land of _lusti et4.-witti tbe apporte,tpapte2 , . - 2. - frata oustat .1 - 1 taarkittrir bousti,lual twg,-hOtisat,' 1 :orobar;illtud eon tat itb(out all-acres more or letiSi.'tihoo t ilakres its: . pr ' ll ".'-'l-.Talren ill eSee2l.loll at the tali of 441 e li up.!' lnatt i/AlaeobfWaymoi.) - . i - ..' -. • Al: ''', An link( certain pier cor :pftial of lac. . DIM, in tho' -- ivaibig• ;of Br o oklyn , In the countsrt4 tqato r „. ( 111 4... 'henna' '..litiittri of ..-Pentitylvatifs; hounded sAtt ctes.... cri - viti;to wit ;:- , ..ilegicitillig , ln cheesatre of IL 'load:the eouttreset.:corne.i . thereof, the4Pe by 11r, ' 0k41, - ,D . ,..;i dant, • mirth' t.l%degny•rs west 4.suds go it. 4 4 ,44- by : lands of-. ti I.D. - ..irowntendborth 'llire ~ ktitkilegf,ties west lti tad* to port, - tinatett, bY -loft tytoit'd*ZatittatiOnCx.e3t . ilegreo , 4l - .4,4`4 rear's tiftett ' Ire pr , ffibad.3biguie along .g4utto tlit :said Sexed hortl6 4.4rtliguguitittiod*:- tiolide along , - - kaniu :north 1.-Sio -I.,,ree* settA4c,,w,./d* -10 point: therturi, - . thence by - 1 -. of Jariplitte - rttott south. erom, •la c.,, - 9344 ,w e.,.. 1. fit rod: emirs. ittOna Wadi, thelMe by'Jta*st rof . ht. 0. war „Bomb• ftitee4ourtati tleLlei - n; vati • i'..0.5h; rod to ceni.ic. I_ tate 'rots, thence tdolai talitti st - 41.11 -s9¢,ci,r,nkx,-* v. ~ at rodx,Szienct , - along eagne:Eloittif al . / &vett, , roils, toodtentalontstatne north 4 . l,4egreesi east .5:.34.r ' _ / to placeof lieleinskripti, ceptaiDiut:e.M acres and it.irts. - : inane Ot tei4 -ezavtin k r. Itoirot4,ll ! Dl' aor ta -one .1 i itinare rotia;to 8. U. TotvEsetin. a i rith the avgatteD4a, lies; -4.410 dwelling !tonic ; isn'ai , a 'inehard, - (3ct a10*t1 , .., ,itintroved.Aralcen itt.extteati, at 1130 - .C 1 41..0f it: `Port( V yt , : - 1.: V. Porter.) --- : , I - -.-- , bidt , mud bell imifigut on 11*/119itrosef - 04. ~r : • • • • '• • ...... .• . . ••4- fi i• .. • ••:.•-, .•lk • • • .••• • • '• • •:•.• Pit Y.1,-,:i0Q0.0,5; FA.l,g.i.qc§ . cliOTH . lNG\ t , . . .•••• • a, ********** MC AL • * *** .... . La~esl. ~ . . ... .. .. - ......... • 7_ ....; • ID ;11 •• • • ' ll . 00 0 • o • • STRICTLY- FOR'CASH . PAY; ,•. o • fir, !•••••••/ a, a • • • t . •• • - •t•• • • With thanks to the public fir tarot Rivera. I again ask a renewal or contlarace. and patfonage, plailgin; ildellty 'to you Mall our Intercourse. • . , I aln now receiving Alamo etock of all good 4 In one I Ine, bought ta.the mot , tivdrable trine eh &at the lowcft liwaree. Please cal. atal-Indtow.,,ourpoo and prices; •i McKEN • Montroee, NUT. V); MTh E. "••••• • ZIE r' NEW Afli AIiGE#EI%T2 t.•.. Tllo Pooplo's Slug. L N. IK!LLAit„D; .PROPRfttO.R. , t , •, t:. ICENY4o;liengtfot Apothoary . PATENT' • ILIEDIOitIE EitiPORIIIN t• • The ntideisigned wonld respectfully innOnnce to nit the peosOi: uv,rytchere, that tb. his already • extensir. tOC An'ellvart , -tY Aferch s atlla, In the Groczry. Pro. ilirdware:litte. lis • - • ht ,1.1,14 , d a - v ry choice uNkortment of.PUTIZ f/Rl 7 OSi J Tk:Nr MEDICINES, 1111C1411Es4. 141 &NY, . Srhieh he flatter. hims If he ctn alone. the pubte therlrlL ud it to thelr advantage to exam ine hefot'e put,- aa.lnd TualtPhysicians in this section of the ,contity. he; Would respectfully an nounce pi it h. hat seenred the. services of It. Kenyon an Druggit.t and Apothecary, n hose long experience and' acknowledged careand ability; entitle him to your en. lieuconadOire in the line of eon:wounding mettleinet. or prep prescriptions. and who would also esteem it an r.pecta! favor to receive p. 3110 from any of his old -ust. , mers or new °nett,. -Will make. the Pat A—t Medi /mesa F'peciatty; Also Donieet lc and Foreign Mineral Waters-4in extensive stork. Also fine Groceriet— - ) o P.lftfo 7 .l rxTRACT P 11F:Y. FIiFISTUSAI;MON PleritEry 1.• cANNEtn chAsis. LoBSTF.TS, P. la, CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS. loti ln tact, attyth Ina rind event/tit:4z that telortlinarilyn(Td ir)' ReapecLfully soliciting a pa11:1 =lain • • I. N. BULLARD rudlrl;. l nett f i l" ! I Pow4cr: irowdr.!.,Powiler Blatt SliOr, Powder; Shot. Load, don „Taboa. Capi. Pouches. Fidel:it: l letll,o, 'AC., - &C. &C. , , lor, talc by • ' •I. N: St 110:11D. Nontroee. Segt,•9o,s4 7 q. • . . We have: 4•edtitretVotir 37 'ef•tit and, 50, oast' fine'Dre'ss" Goods 'to Z 5. eenis, a tnii•ait Jobb's: ••. i • • LONE!. A LONE!! ! . , , . _ . . ' All atone am Ltraieling abroad, •-• " ''' '''''•: i ' . licavtlY loaded with Silver and Geld That always-keeps bright itnif nice, . Sold atgreat ba.qaisei at one litice.• - "'- . - •': : • . . . _ .. . . • . stock. which I now introduce.: MI; sts'of Ovid ant li t ver' Watches. tigitt. .Wal t bam - en.d.ilne, Salon to ' e.nts„solid - gold and Ill4ted Cliains;"a handsome , _as& utant ot. Sett, :Rai-rings, Pins. Sleeve. llnttono.. Flra els'. Charais, a yrtat vite:ety of go a dllituts. trt pl.tit haled or stt:ds., and I overythiur, to tho Jewelry ittslt mime., ou, to mentton. . A large steK•k of Solid Slice, V ure. from a Silt . Spoon to ayStiver Teo Sel,-. t574:144-ers, F.: tiro's. Waren tiveetnltty,, - All pattenis on. l'hErOrednecel. My prlecs its low ea poislble, that you may be' is to pnribaselibertilly - for the Holidays. and MON t Jul ilv,t, that. 1 may ~.'..ain -au honest; et-put:Ai Ca w - for 'Uhl! hsve leboted ri . st 'yee.rs ht this noinaty and -am hoot to iceresse it, Itisirtr- no resp?ot for may one --eirem '4' r own ..relaton--e; io acts • agoinat ;honesty, and pri le: I 'l. ' I- . • _........4.........•—_-__ -.• • ~ , . ,' . Eiamlna 4 following notlees ;and satiety yourselves: • • . Notiles of Importance 1 - . . _ ... Fivrt, pi t; bills due.me,_ trnsted - t0,...:(0ti while I was traveling:4e, or drains , the oet few ws that i had my brother wittily: as lilted - help.. Ally to -no buo butaiy l 'RI!, an otheratl.u. I will nut -Eutaw it tin account.• ‘,.„- . becond. Iniont ot 'those who are it presanilnu` their' goods equal waiinc,claimlng to-be partuers..or relattat to me; as' I ben no one connect-d fumy, busiTiesn. Third, purchase not of them that are selling cheap goods on toy t Ont.:thin, to spoll lt, alter toy laboring •in x Ye,11)5 to es4ll eh . It. ; ; . - . . • F.urtti,rectilt that I do. hot. taco:amend IRV one ',Tien thy Own bt er, on he. utter helping bum ell I pos 'slbly could,. has etl to 'collect • nay debts • I line to rtlmlte these reins s, still I lutist to save myseit and toy reputation. ' ~ l i ' : .1 _. '-thope you willslll pay - attention- this, as ills more fur your interest ~ Woo,. ' Remober .my name. gt you wish to buy g Jewelry. r • - , • •,. - .,.., .~., . . GEO} E LIDII.‘ I STEM ~ .. .; . • • -.: - I N*.w,,lnrizki'ouip, , .. p.a. - - ~tt..this .gagicliot. . Nov, 6,1875.--2na A ; ~ .... :.-.,:- .;-- --, •:; , : ' . Figures , o Not Lie ! ' FOR )VITIMELVES. OUR NE W Pi OE LIST' FOR SPRiNt.i A L StIIMAR Z$ • ittuay cutrovuder pissitv, • t. i t, • 1 • 09 Rota od wo-mi.:lA panto, 3to XGU 00041 wool {mutt. • 4.01 i S?•renel; caslAtuerrs pante. 5.0 u ileary ivorkinrnen't guild, 7.00 10 00 Scritrb cariiinwre +WU*, 5.61) 12.ixt careirauic mite.l.o.ou 17.te; Fury - churl: dud *tripe edits. -10.00 211.00 133atk froci; cuate, 4ltso 9 99 1014.cdri,..48 cuate. imported, 10 Ott 14.01 slitirk riot li redid, las 4.00 Whitelineh ve te, r. 1.4 1130, BOYS' SLI_TIS I ,3 It 9 year#. Buys' cott4in rtitia . $ 2.0 0 * 4 - 00 Boys' rnix.d antra. 4.00 00 tioyd' fancy n'oul tuft", 5.1,a) • 1040 BOYS' SUITS, 9 to 1 year 4. ItoYeachoni snits, "S' 4. 7.00 Isuyie fancy volt*, c : .ttfij 10,41. 1.14.ye' Surer rdeelinere snits,. , 8.1„511 1403 Youth' claire, ill etyles, ILW 21.1.60 cotton rhino, • liood overdile, to) Goad rabber eurpendera,.. 25 And alt other (Mode in prop 011.1 The above pleas ire "tor cash only. 4 are quoted' forcnitordere front diatance, Le r i VOitPEIT it the above pt *,;, 1 41,1 vs/ fulfilled; .which priced arc *ranted IS " - ptetitif. iovver than thWIES of any other • Wit , to ti" city or vicinity. , WEBSTER, Tim 13Inghiunton, 3111 bat 1ir15.--tf 3ii hirtipg'llatilskils itt: Cheap 'tt, — .-:, to .......,:„. ' -9CT,iCia.43.1eV4E1+33.1. aw tg, I - -!,--- '•.•i . :. 2. i:': - • .• ' • - • :.: • - ' ,- :,y . „ - - ...- - .•-' - .. ,-' ~.. Tli"411 / 3 der°/ g r .a:ir,..:4:43 , 1,:c , ;; -' ed it. xiithe , 116 4en!ski , '„ ,-- -•-: • 4 - 41 ,1 ' ,a S '414 -- -. in tttrp• - - -' --'• --' ' ' tnta e, .. .' _-, illei , e-dh l i thetr striticii• v,'ill - los pioittidfy a ded, tiatiafatti4?trgtutoutteeti...; . , . .. s•_ , :: • .. .: ...., • - , - - • - -- • '•• - ,P..-71,4-7111# Si—. - ;••Frfri!ueriLlo.'/' ...Awl 7.1 1 ' . 7 ''''''" .. f 4 * L i lli * ll ,ol'l'ol i -- S ., 4N 0.T1C4-7 , l)llf.T.tralf , - - - -derfigt4'.ti tuaithrg tietia lipjpolutvd ty pi Co; et. ..ciltulutr - u •iieit, ot hit...9;1/014144 C-9outy, ea Audit - o. Ajgrthute, the tuudoi lutto,tro.de Ut tie4iiitt.ltiit. ~, Stsiketi.te , f.t the ta.";IMII: At 'PI 4i , y zitei 'a ereiht .. Alt "Abietie., - It , latest *ad. *Oll taisga 4. 414' tr.:flit:o(d Pi ropur& Crotisoop,"l4 Nimtrvee, -. l4l.44yithvaitta '. a', 4515; at 'pito a:cy..car., , _ R. ra. • •. - -.- ~., •., .....--- -,- . ; - -,- .-.-.,,•• _-• ;,._. ti.,R.31 , 1114,111 1 , 7444%.1,E1k • ~ - Deceroher 8, Itilti,-41r.. ---..-, ', • • • • ~ -' - ' - 41niitol. , • • • - • - . . . ~ , . It•owo -,---- • • :.: _ ...- _ ...-.:. , _. Ai\ .•..t.„,,,, ALT:'$9lll. OPTICILAILIIA,r !' -• -' • • ' • : Yours truly, rrivr f. inmost. • ....a-. . 1? n - R • fr . E .4t 0 1 1 E, `, :: .:: `` DfRECT FROM LONDON, • ELITE CASES 0.13' F 1 :SP - MEE ) , .; . , 4.8 .. , ..,.... i . -IN • .O. ' • ' i'l . . J - ." . . a ~ • . j ' oit.' t )"*: . ' . • ..! 1.:, • • . .. . ---7 • city.:). , :- - ' For ray Merchant i - mbracing the Latest and Choicest Styles of SUITING • - -VERY LA.ROI: LINE OF: • • i BEY- BEAVERSS 4; PFereOatS Wad. Lathes', Sacq'tlee; .1 IN NEW AND R ARE :,DESION MY STOCK. OV.F.RENCII t. GERMAN AND FINE DOMESTIC 000DS, IS VERY' - E XTENSIVE, MAKING BY FAIL TUE I.tARGEsTgAN, D • -„, , i,4IIIiESIVSOCK To sELEcr PROM — IN 'SOUTII. .. ,„,4 , . . 1 , , , • ' Ellisl.M.Ni t YoRE.. . : - - importing my own goods I have that sdeauts4e . of condatd' Styles, and sore itOe'piotit ; I ani this onableti to. 't - t• ' • • Ere!l as , Low as - IletailDealers Can Puy, - Fin ltl i ...Spett§negrsole , es 3 1 '11 w , o ,t ric L frto cu bit r Dept:lt:zit, to be x the i best lo- the :city,: both in Style, Fit and • - ": • v7,-;,..m.'NtrgisoN. • . • Binghamton, Deci 15, 1875 11 1 1,1Ull.EkilUtOCK.S...AWLIIY.:'H'i111..- - SIINtI'6'ARB Be Sold in thol'ilazt 30 Days SANFORD'S, 56 COURT STREET, - - Binghamtot,lN: Y. • i , Them Goods will be 'Ac4d for CASH ONLY. And At Prier:4 toter hackie offered la Binghamton. Ahyon• 10 want of Anything !atlas tine will save from 20 to 15Q per cent. ' Binghamton,_ Deceinirr 1873. HAYDEN CLEMENTS, . pialers :STONES, TIN.. POPPER, 4 'SHEET • - IRON WA.RE " HOUSE FURN,- ISM:ger 1 ERs %X[4I.SPVIArtE, : - • .• 4 ~ A tenta 16r 1 - , 13LANCHAMTV,I CO., SAI Sii 1 LIB IS, D 00.118; -WIN: 7 ; (.!t )rtli ICE • AIOULD7 ,t: •!. - • which we will eel] at tilacchard, Bullet - 41 a. pritett NAILS, SORETILATCIIES,IIIITIz.I., SASII LIND FASTEN- 7 EPS AND i HOES, . . YORK 'SII;OV.ELS. -RAKES, , - WIRE i'qOODS, &Q.. --; ; Spedialtudacementa On Pans, Palls, Coolers, wad al: Da Bing Goods. IRON .CLAD, -apt .PRE3I.Ir.II M.I4K. PANS. al . Geuvr Agent) 01',SB1 O .COUNTY LUMBER. PLAN PDR.AI: SPRING AND BUG - GYI , WAGGONS.. Unsurpaased for Style- an Durability We we. recently nidid. to our ieleet . of. Starw TILE CA'lr ; 1 - .NYIAL QUQii' i 1' Valle by iiitlitiOne.slt s ril Albany Vii. Y.!. and tit* .:Irgand.B4we itarni4 , f Plater Stove, end Veu4rd Cook =tee. man keep :1 1 =1 1 =g Pe!rzir.C0.,.3.1bAr.,..?1.17., . 4 1 )1AKICI,10 ELT - RNINGI- AND Lr - F:oB.,NALESS:4IOOKINGI STOYES. ' liathtiirae..lesrutt !Minoan.; Bangei. Ciipper 'Rue' 4 ,4 r*Aid4 tackle Menu Linos of the latentlniprore. , patterns. Repairing . promptly done - end lirden , lx jobblzitiooliclted;-.1 , ' ' • i .1 . 11.AYDE11.4:CLEIdEns. Nevi )10tbrd.maylsth. 1815.—tt, .; Ws, OheOilt 'Jahies;' '• 1 "It 4 F O 4 • TTELOSIEI. t , . . .LUIVIBER YARD, To order ter toxttatitelete• Weintunite.' undermneetlnte tiste4blll4:ll.6 depot. ter , oda of 'La tulttr(Utiiteqed et L3ftot ty-tteettd ttitttlitis the Ottl_koe)ct tviloers t314e,#1141 , • ' • , - where e Na 4tfirpt . , estintly baud. 4114 144r , k if '. • . want AND yrcx.i)w oEmi t 9ek, . : OAK - , V44.114t Bliikt : AW; LIT LUBILIER; which'trttbtb&aid cif MO-lutist: linpro;vei multi 'net r , O eon/pets:to. workmen, islevortd to work lo to tokr ttrzuemt the iv:1114ot Ca twattro. • - • - 1Y LI, SEASONE,III IN A MILKIeJNCLnDINCI „1FL00A12541.. COMINLI- 11111116147:4r.N/k-. •• L%l}l' CONSTASTLY 11AAD. . _ • • I , llsnlog.- itimktingo. gilt/ ticrAl 1 14 Fizir =. . - :.7.,:'',": . .."- . :,__: . .. , i ".: 4 ,.:::,_.. -- . , ..? , ";:i:;...4".•37:1 - ;:,' : !--....' .., :.;,,': .::. --- -:,L7: .... ifotilki-:(larrkEe . - all ' ' 'IS 101E1 1- riztomtitaTciasr . la romibttian wlftt Ito 4 a iit Int tiblithllietit. nava ili , watotgarteatlit bI. r. . Itoste.lt.. .14.6minp oar creirij lb itvre zetyl,Nr .101 F, ' OrialVtt. rd. tteiting.4ol,.. tirt ? l'elnr4POYe ' •'_ - -t- ' ...:1 , - ...:i! A. I.A. iii4ol ) 4 :i , lf gairepot limploOla lith o strlii, •--• ~ - .%="4.-Iliop,4i EMI *iir:idyerlisem en to.' Tailoring Department, T Gs TRowsER B ~~~~~~ -OF -AT-- CALL AND SEE, PRICES. VALP4III!.E.:Fa mm „. For:Saler..`` The eobecrlbere offer- nir We the vaituible herrn In lei* . • melba Altar te the toamottiO l of Middletown. Ft:morn-vim co..' Pa . rontalittra 111, atm( moßtlY creek t1i.t.;16 acme Improved; 441 sere, or , very awl pine Um -molt trmreA,liiiretnd•lia; roWiLlf.itonittaall, and well watttrod, rHU be sold at a Ilarnitu,..q,lloqu)rtd:or ' =MEMO , • _ Algo..fsa etre, ot ltfootts 'eretk Bat, went f{rgreA and nnaer a. fond. ?Vote 'of cultivation. with ond liiildltrra and two'ito , 4 orclotrds and 11 rortuer•;on with the it'liWre would snake a Orst .elasa miry firm 4111 ro old with tt or retoratety to suit purclutsers. For farther particulars call upon or addscoo. • . L: A. 110WAPP, or EGBERT STEADWELL. i .11tddtotown Centre, Susquehanna Co,. Pa. ocoiier 13, 1675:-tt V ALV-41:!LZ The eribeurlbor"uffera for rale th• valuable farm known •Elizzinotam or 3Plexpea ?aid farm la one of- the most desirable Mitre to the county-and is beautifully situated in • the Villsge of `itimmsrsitille.'Si:qpit•hanna - county, Pa. ; there Is a »ow' store,' tiourio.l, mill, raw mill, plaster milt. and hlacksatith and - wuron shop in said villaue. The farm is•altu.ateti directly Uri tlma 1). L. t W_ IL lt., one Mile Anti a hth from the depot at New 3111 ford, and leer miles from'the depot nt (heat Bend 14. Y. it Erie It. It.; ' contains 19flatirei. of land. ISO, acres improved. I. well •vat.'sed. o '49.t*„ne , stream of wat‘ r running - hrntnlit It end wtter convt•ved In pipes to the ho i.e. harp and rattle, yard., it Is well fenced. and wider .modeultlvatitlyt ; It I.= well 'adapted to growinz .itul Is Acted for stock or dairy t' there is a lame and , oneenient.dwelliez and wn‘al.hott , e, well tainted, and - cantina ieieo. with :shrubbery .4 lar, , si.borsn barn. f1.12. , 0 bler.r4 Catlin barn. with two ,cattleyanla and.aheds -1,11 stahleaif tr factllne evict( or stalline cots. and two t.reharris9V graft•qa fruits. Terms of payment made suss .• • L. SITTPIII74. . . New Milford, Swett _ . . Co- Pa. Septembrr 187.1.-4 m zsm.l4lt;.F.- • - • .111011 S E. AND LOT. FOR SALE. . sin:La - eft In the Borough of folitrol.'e. A very de.- prop,:rty. Fine, tArge Mime, good Neu, tir.rdett, ,Pruit I mit, la avaritie, 13:004 4 ,we11. and other eon volleocita. P.ot partieulara. enquire ou.the,premlaea, ' . Wit G. ITA 1 LEY. . - ' • ctufloPe c Pa. Ottotr . ize, IST 139y'.1 I3llotg, at C'pealiJohnis. IlarAth ., rne• Trinaried Bats, at Cheap !'s Gerry. • Ayer's bry Pectoral , , PO r Ducar es or the Throat - 4'nd La nalvitleht MO COUghtd. CO/d1„, ti hooping• Cough, Brow etilits...,Attehnut, and Conemroptlon. .- 'he few eompoeltlone‘whlch' lye won the conflth,nce of tickled told become hortre• red avoids and, not only but fanny tuttionr, tuto-t • li•e. extraordinary Vitt nes,—, • •.• othapa no one .:vet et-cured wide a reputation, or main- • lard It ro ••Ayeris retry Peclorel. It Int* been, ' town to tire nubile about , rt,y yeara t by sicrur eto.tio ecrlee of ntervoie, g cures tit have won for it's rood race iti its • virtue*, never ailritre. It hall sunken the t•earls, btLr, tiyerttraptions, • itAl Cln Ire Mille by Medico/ aki4l.' ludwel the +Avant l'ec•rortra, ...ee really 411t , 114.4 these 'uret-roue gtior t error,. t.. a groat extent. end given a feebur of I,l,uinity from their feud effertot that. la well !Wooled .1 the roared, be rdittirf ea , on, • Etery faintly vtioohl itirettin their closer f,r the recutity and ptompt toilet ' lit, totivlrro, mifferfug, rin•s even 11:e 11l hy•thit, prort";, The vre :. teris rthoori oot begleet It, and the ti - 61::3 Kecp yon • • ••,r ri t e protection It atfonla brlta timely usti lu aufluen Winn:kit .• - • --- -• • ' . . 1 , 11 '.-Jr.' e.'illyer & Co.i Lowell Maw, - .Practical Jirsdlytical ,(iLD. Inftt'ii(llB UNALIIII4 IN MEDIcINF. 'Nov. 14 . ,15.11, u n - 16 6 u n 3* - 11 3111 Roatoring Gray trait to irs v u iamb rirAx.frr AND COLOR. titranclng yrorK. tickliese to. dllaißpolatnient. and, dittrypt.ofq.po.tiioo, nrtt tit(' hoot gettY th.r of Mein 14clisai it to itgl prematurely'. Ai en's drip Vicioa, by fig awl entimpir noir. loot •oakat that it stops, the Hog of the. hAir;min i dl. ay.4 often rantora tho ;will. and atarrea partly stores Ita color, *ben foo d or graylt„ Atimatatei to rintritfro organs to *lib, *city tjr owl prof- Anty. Thai weak . 00 ”I.,, pliAblo and airrof titatiett , rat hair reiruwe With 4cir expresalon. tilling Lair t. cliat..U.so,Tud atublizelliat ; thin lutirlttitliona• tumid. t of grAy 'hair mauls . the ir original cur Ito opt fa :Q. 2 IU liabi 4144 Apintlatralt. it curt{ 4111tiTtlit hadie ~umor., Auld korpottiv:reolpCookl. delis' atm oat• a ntler vLiau coi , gitoli.a,diaditaao of the adollearelurrtOttlitho. "4"'lk dftlringinf *tlio , ' hair. the yter , I. pra:al4 + . lrtit4Atod trol ond agreoahle perfaine, 460/1 latod for .ratt tit turd riflowal• of igtto It iniPatni. • rttrmuno itt • ;Pr. • 3 V.•AVEI2 & ce.,Lowerr. Nius*,, • - nAgie4t An 4 4nlaytleitl chkult , 4l,, - ° :D tkr 11,L, rtuu4eitsitv DRALOO I==l=E ~~_ i,~ ~r~;ss~r~s~ Numbet 62. UAGAMAN'OLOcJE \ Real - Estate for:Sale. Andtew.,:Cdyfield Fai+A . L. A. TIONVAIID MiddletownCentre Farm For. Sale. I=EZI _:.~„'"~ Kia' 4-1 &13 112==