The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 15, 1875, Image 3

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    Volurrie - i - : 32
p . 0 . q t ‘ f 4 t......1),0,..:4,4;.
• We desire to express oar obligations for, the
large and increased patronage the Dttirruz
has reeeived.for . the year lint We believe it
has not been without its good effectsytrion the'
best interests of the county as well as upon Its
proprietors. :, knotting that: an increase of Its
circulation will brlngitinorethan correspond
log increase: of its. Ittfluenee, we :Propose: to
send out s canvasser Who 'Will &Vote his time
in increasing its subscribers, together with oth
'et business in its interest. This-costs us money
and thinking that there may be others who
iewobld he glad to extendits circul'ation in their
neighhorgoetl. and also receive
,a sreteunerat lon .
. tor so doing, we' win. make the.following propo-
OW To, nor - Dee collating 'a list of sub 7.
scribeN and sendinge l the cash with the names
wewill sihiw ,thenttl3 cents tor each such sub
scriber. This is 12% per 'cult. or about what
it will cost to (10 it by an agent.. We do this
in the iutelv4 01 ourselves and also An the In 7
temst of our subscribers. - The larger.: . our pat.
!wave the better we can afford to Make our
paper. We know' ittat. Mine of, our subscribers
will feel at all Satiated• by the aboieProposi7;
tion for we have had many of them, Who have
not only 'paid . for 'OlVe Taper pmniptly,
but who have subskibed and sent it. teltheir
friends and thus have aided us in making such
improvements as we have since we took eherge
of the paper. . As we have said before; it is not'
only.: us, but all 'others of our political faith
that aro equally interested in the success of the
Dattociver,and we are free 'to acknowledge the
Many tapirs we have 'received. We hope we
have merited the continuance of the saine,golid
will in the future, tald if our friends will j ass i ist
us •in still farther extending . our; in
fluence and power fur good, We hope to merit
the same good . will in a correspondingly in
creased degree. HANMEY Cuusku.
. ,
thiew ddvertisemenis. • • - •
License Petitions. •
New Goods—Gbeap John. .
New Goods—W. N. IVilgad.. •
ant.i . JeWeiry- ! -S. V. Barr e tt,
. .
Register's Notices. • •
Professional Card—E. E. Mttchell v llt. D.
• Administrator's Notice—estate of John Con-
311SCellaileOUN - jD4lichy & Co.,
13us1Aass LOCA.LS.
. Boss Tweed on exhibition nt 31. A. Lynn's
1311,ins Opportunity.
Prices Low—F. D. Mclhuish. '
Election (;1' officers of Montrose Railway:
Holiday, Goods—M..A. Lyon.
'lliscellaneotts—Cheap; John: •
Lecture. •
Mata On. ' •
Dr. Alex S. Nye, Optician. • • •
. :
Jottings ;lent Town. •
.. . . ' ..- •
. Woinsit'S Temperance prayer 'meeting ein
Thursday, at 3 p. in., at the residence of S.' IL
- Say re. ' : ' " !
Dohation for Rev.: Abram Cole at4the A. M.
E. Zion.; church, Thursday . evening, December
.16th. -:,
,-,• . .. - • . ... • . .
~ . ,
Mr. `..N . : R. Cole reared an ear of corn, this
seasen,•freJUL.which ho shelled and counted 1,-
28G kernels. ' . I •
. Young Mcp's prayer-meeting "next Sunday
afternoon atfour o'clock 'at Mu, Presbyterian
church, - ; t . i : ~. • . .
The childreh of St.. Paul's church will enjoy
a Christmas•tree pt the chitrch on Christmas'
ore. Services to eminence at 6 o'clock.
Give Melhuisti a call for --Holiday Goods.—
Just'above.t be new ,Bank building on Public
Avenue . Sec local notice elsewhere.,
,t• •
' The, ladies or the M. E.',Snntlay Scipio) kill
give a dinner on Christmas day. Further no
tice will 'be given. , l'here will also be a Christ
mas tree hi the evening. • • • '
' W. N.lVilson, or Binghamton, says that be
eau give ' customers fits in elothing and mar- .
• chants "fits" oil prices. It will be call
on him when you go that way.
• S. W. Barrett, of Binghamton and formerly
from this County, annettnet* elsewhere that he
is prepared to meet the 7101(6 of customers in
musical instruments, jewelry, etc. Read what
• he has tomay. ,
... ~,
. , A feligions tevival is now in progress. The
Alethodist, Baptist and Presbyterians are hold-,
ing IJ;litqn. meetings once a tree!;, They are
largely attended and considerable interest is
mituittittsl. ,' .
We have beard of a girl 'only sixteen years Of
rigewho rises daily' at* m,in the summer sea
son, milks•Viteen cow tand prepares breakfast
for the family.. Her hair isn't "banged" and
she doesn't -Wear a onft-legged dress. . . .•
. Old Lady"Ntsbit" of, the, Montrose Republi•
con says: **The -Republican' is the.'best county
paper I evefsaw." Well, her opitiloti is !rased '
firstly, upon the fact that she writes for it, and
secondly, that she never saw.any other. A
*Nery sliniluundatlen. .. i•
B : .
. . , the
• Seest unt much snow lest n e tagging ;
.verily 'it-is' in froht of the, bOtise of the slothful
, man. ; Ile sitteth „ by the fire to keep himself
warm.: neither Will he 'depart tor. 'a scuttle . of
coal. When the housewife crieth aloud for a
hail of water, be bath not his 'boots on., In
the day when the storm falleth he socludeth
himself ; he saith to the. snow shovel, "Re, ha.
Let us rest In .peace:' So - las' sidewalk is an
abomination in . the , eyes . of the people and hts ..
tunnels in every rfian's month- ..::.-:'.•• , : '
• G. W. treadwell of the ,
, liinglianiton . Tirade,
Made us .a friendly mill on Friday evening last.
Bespeaks in 'glowing tertne Of-Abe:good pies
peels of the ,Tines. It has just
. entereilupon'
its fifth year and comparing it. now With. the
'little seven 'by pine sheet - which was first is
sued, shows a very, rapid and healthy, growth.
' Mr. T. Says that he. is up* the only a.ttuchee'
left. of the urginal regiine. Geo. a.Edwards Is -.
proprietor' acid inisiness mauager and M. L
'.Hawley, formerly - . principal.'lit-; the Graded '
Scheel at • Susquehanna Depot,- is editer-in,
chief. :. •-•- , ' • ... 1 -.' :
. .
' Mr. E. P. Stamp. h . taketrpossession of bits
•, \w,..
new store building - on Turnpike '
street, ' Mr.
Stamp is'worthy . of patronage. ' .111 i. enterprise
• , and 'ability as a successful" business- :Utah are
well deserVing of commendation as weans pat-
mottle Ile ' was a long' that, La bard working
mechanic, as an iten-sutith,in our borotigh, and •
would - undoubtedly italic; hi:mlli:that busbies; '
' tteday„ but fur isibTliet:ldeo: to thie . 4 . )f - 'his .eyes.
I.le.atterwnrd turned his attention:to the .gro
eery trade and -it has beetr.'oftenthesehjeet of
couitnent that 1101 ms been able tojustotitsaelis
fully, notiitmte with older. busitu‘s 'men ; who •
have .been long in the samehnolifeia. : • -.
. - .
Our. Graded Eubtiol seems:to bet/loving-along
foMeWhatgytietly,,yet tae bear' sinne . complaint
from the "basetuert”. story. . There .ate • Some
sixty or more children -Crowded L 104) : 11.,small
and unvenilluted room hi the "Cellar," as li . lB
Owns! propedy.lllll/60; With only onnteacher:
We have heen.ot the oPittlettinat fora Graded'
tiehool, --which - the - ,, - seboel, - ‘:-aystent ' - provides
should lie conducted. upon Pritteiplee toi.cesitto;,
yolitiste, Ours 4i . .., - tigi . Relict' in.... 14 itlipliiinticio,
and too•much-ot the time of tnaehereend Mon
ey of the treiniurieireexpended ;to ,Cottduct it
upon 'Abe Academy:, principle, ...:There 'it 'too
much of, an , ettfirt;er . has : !!sen a te ;provide - .a
classic or . 400iif,ItIc ebtirse of 6tudy Air Abe beh 7
cut ut a .feii- - :to the. great detriment of the
'l2laM,y, ' it,' is Aiciparalble .tu twablue -411. cow .
. .
mon . or Oradea School, with the A.ctidetny, and
make it a Free School, as-the law ih:tends,with
out a yety great outtay otraottey or dt . Ang in
justice to & Urge (leis or tax-paynrs, who ex
pect to pay taxes, not for those whp are abun
dantly able to give their -children an Aced ,
endc course, but to assist the Indigent to n
good comnion.Ectiool educationand, unless the
school is conducted strictly upon .'that princi
ple there is room for 'coMplaint. We shall al
lude to this subject further hereafter-,
Barg I,Fy In Por4t Lakth
Sometime . dttring the 'night of Stindayv,Hei
cember the residence 01 Tho Mas Me titan'
was broken into, a chest taken out and robbed
of $09.0 in money: The burglars affected their
entrance through a - back Window. % - The 'chid
Was in a • back bedroont. Mr. Meaban arose
Monday. morning And. went to the bedroom; fpr
something, when he found the ~ dooir fastened.
Thinking the catch might have 4cidentel
zurnothe went to another doorand found tb .t
fastened also. Ho then affected at entrap
anti' dispovered, the chest Walk 4131. , 4151.1r0ck
further iiianth . it was found:ln an orchard rte ~ r
by robed as above • 4vlcribed.. ' Theft!. mj4it
other. valuable pitnens in the chest, but were
not disturbed. Cash Only was what the thieves
accepted. • - • ; .
•.~.-.-~ w.v
Danicl Murphy's oldeit son died Tiiqsda
morning of this ute.k. ••* • ••
Little Minnie Warnerlas completed'A patch
work quilt containing 1774 pieces; .
0. Stanford is convalescent after, biiing
a severe *1110,0;1 with tlui b 111 1 .044 lever,. •
We were all pained by 'the sad news of Ira
colustock's•lllness tina,deeesse.. ,;.Icon true i(is
that "In - theinist of life we are in death." •
JThe Rev. Mr. Simpkins has . lost his dear . liji
tie curly headed ‘.eltarlie," whom ,
gee but to love, and heaven bas gained another
• .
The,lllethodist Society at Franklin Forks are
having a very ideres‘ting series of i meetings.—
Elder Fisk, the minister in.charge, is the main
worker. .
Mr. George Lindsley is buying and pressing
hay—delivering it. At the Scranton Market,—
He is 'making, we- understud; very' large
profits. -
Mrs. Louisa Northrop, who has tong been a
sufferer, died Thursday morning anthe funer
al services_ were held Friday afternoon at the
brick church.
There was a ripple in the earrerit.of affairs
last week made by .the happiest of happy.
events—a wedding. • Mr. S. Standfurd and Miss
E, lielaiid-{asfyou have already published) lean
ing ."Innebody to soil tbei!,.hootadanCing in the
Quite an accident. bliipened heti° last Satur-.
day eVening. : 34 I .'''.tflio'ss add EL i`oinpkins
with their families were returni from. A. Mil
- sot being very dark, they drove off the bank
upset tieg the wagon' and seriously injuring the
t wo :ladies. • r
It is getting to, be time to think
tion parties. The Baptist 'and Methodists are
always on time, but the little_ white church in.
the valley gave their hard working pastor last
year no such proof of kindly feeling, and how
will it be this year?. • 'Shall we fuTget.our -own
patient toiler while we enjoy the pirties made
lbr tue encouragement those Whose labors;
theirpimple:'apprcciatgw , shall we too show'
our estimate of our ..tniniter hy . makink an ef
fort to Isis advantage ? - _ • .
Liberty, Dec. 11,.1875.
Womani Temparauoillalinace.
• At the Second . Annuai Meeting of the Wo
at Cincinuali, 113th, and. the
following resolutions were adoptea ' ,
WILEILLAS; The survey of the work ; accorn:
plistted .thronsh Atm - Woman's Temperance
; Unions the past year, inspires our most' earnest
and devout thanksgiving to God—ouri deep s‘.M
aii.onient,that . we .I:Lye..not done. more, and,
.beta. deterinination .to • wOrtA and pray aut:ells'
iugiy fur the tihnup'u of dur holy cause, until
the itingtiums'ot. this earth shall heeuitie the,
kingdoms of ouil God . and his Christ; there
1i001.v.711, That the results of labor for : the re
eltitnVtiOn Of inebriates and the ilritilsiug
'es, convince us that a great work Lai:been:and
play'be dune iu this dneetiou, anal: hat nothing
td too Lard tor the Laird. this end we rec
ommend .Gospel . temperance prayer-weetings,
cheap lunch awl lodging houses,'lree reading
rcionis, W il LC! 11 jail homes, temperance re
form chubs, the circulation of 'the pledge, and;
at ove all, culitintuti iudivillual effort with intli- 1
A - unfair., applying 'the Gospel remedies, which
. -
cleanse:a from :distil. •
. . . .
• 14.4solval, " I ' hui, whereas prevention•is getter
than cure, abd the hope' of our country lies rm.
inently in the home training the children,
since teruPeratice is of the first Importance
us a conservation of ; the morals, strength, puri4
ty, and Integrity of our Republic, therefore we
urge the women of Atherica to train their sons,
and daughters in the cradle and Mound the
home altars, to forever übjiire ull,that can in
Rewired, That as the rum - power is the great- .
'est obstacle to the advancement of the Christ
ian religion, *e look .tb the ministry. and
churches of. the laild to aid us in the piosecu
tic.muf this great work. , • •I •
Itelokni..d, That it
° is the sense of 'this &inven
tion that the complicity of Christian 4itizens .
with the liquor truth; and.the lethargy and in
difiereuce.ot the Christian Church in the dese-,
oration bribe Lord's • Supper by the Use! of ter : -
:nettled and. intoxicating wine " inknemOrial of
ids :life-giving blood is one of the strongest: hul.
works - to the support of the oust* of social.
wine' drinking, and, conseqUOtly,iof drunketi
'less, which is the atlmost invariable rt.w.tit of
moderate drinking.
Resolved, That we recognize the existing tenv.
purance organizations of the 'hind as ft:nowt.
workers,aMi pledge them our Cordial sympathy
and co-operation. • i
:-Be.soleed;"'Tliat, realizing the nroCious reflex
blessings that Wive come to our hearts and
'humes trot engaging in thiii Work of 10'4, ioe
urge our sisters everywhere • to cO-operate with
our Women's 'Unions, and to uttite with •us.iii
banishing tram our social, circles sintculinary
preparations, everything that may etigen'der the
mate fur intoxicants. • "
• iiesnii•.4 That, Nit wo deem the circulation of
temperance literatnre. ok the, inmost import
-auce, we not only • disseminate our own .paper ;
. the Woman's Temperance truion t . but endeav
or to secure a place in the columns of ouriecu-,
lar nen spapers, find that. we recommend the
introduction of the publications of lite • Natiou,
al, Temperance Society into all iur public
schools and .publietitiraries 1• •
Rewire& That ate' recognize wiith devout
gratitude to A:mighty God; the [rawer iti every
good work, that Seeretary ,- Brtow bits so-sue
cmstully exposed.the corruptions of the. whisky
.. • .
tingle our country. -"
44frgved, That we recognize with gratitude
the true statesthafighip, of the l'osttintater;klen=
oral in removing from his dvpartment all assis
tants addicted to alcoholic beverages: . .
• •
itesolved., That we recommend each State to
mentorielize Congress upon the appoildmeht of
Zlational Committee of StirgerylO investigate
and report the effects of the - liquor'. traffic, awl
t hat it shall prohibit such traffic in the District'
:of ,Colurable and the territories. 13aid memo
rial. to be pr, seated by .a committee , of one
Sou . from each State, oti the Eirst•of March,
ghat, whereas the !object jtist
goiteristitent is in conserve the intereass : iif the
geierned ; .and, whereas the liquor truille is , not
only a crime againsCOod, bus. supl'ersive of ev
eryinterest of _society, therelory, in behalt of
bitinanittc; we calf for .aueb legislation n shall
*ectrre tlifs end ;'and while we!Will continue to
employ ail intirsil-agentleti as:indispensable, we
hold priihibstion to be. -eisentiiii to the full
tunpls of the reform. , . •
• Fina)ly; That,. whereas
,women are
the e,reatest sufferers:Troia - the liquor_trefilc;and'
;realizing that it is .to ilf!!*. it/ Itimutelv suppressed
:by-ineioss of the Hanoi; we, the'.•Chs Wien Wo
men of die lantl;l6 .conventic a *silibled, do
pray Alnpghty God and all golicLand true. men
that .the question - Pt. the, probibit,fem
.nor ritialc•stiouldba. tted All the adult.
citizens lot this eiitikitty ; iffespivilee'. of
.not as n ;meat& of enhfrging ourlsighos, norim
tagoilizilig'. the sexes, but as a! means of pro
,tectilig_tiorseivesi,ottrAihltdreii and homes, from
the ravegel of the rum power. ;.`
The report was conaidefed l ; •seriatim. anit!ev.
00thitigivent smoothly _enough until the ram-.
lotion relating to . the. :cOnsplicity Of Clirrstiaris
• ,
With.ooClsl Malang. turd44,4'60 , 0 lermentexd
. . . , .
. .
MITE' NIONS- 11c IOSE 17JE1VO i . , D . ECE ,. ,
* . 187
, • . .
wino at coinnuinion' was teacited, '-514 1 v01104 ,,
ti iiiscussinn.. - , , lauite. a . .numtier of
hOotrtiithed the
. ientitoentaiirtheCon , .
.t , m#loll . 'in kin matter miglif.tio . espreki4Witn
it trifle more of moderation, - while otherii:mi
.gud kit' as warmly in:favor of the monition
as - anbinitted. pi_the - heat of the, debate, when
AverO again•ershveuthitA ; 0 . )1 1f4. 01 42 .4i.340',1
amOodments and suhilltutt i s proposed, te Con.
ve4. hin again resorted to I . prayer unct sung tIU
all4ere perfectly comi)Osekaral the tronblO•
ienia.-114*Intieti liras •:reiTeOnimitted.•
makinkt et,thelrephrt'wei then "alliii;ted.
.11lie-followii*suhstituto for the resonition on
sitetatnentalwhieB4 adopted without tficas r -.
4• i •
Orieved4La we are<wittt -the, indifference and
lethargy if 'the,tin this• momentous
Aura,' and believing; its'we do, Witt the'use
,ternitinital seiner in '' - celebillting - the otorkri•
supper is the source of much trrnr-to , the cause
or.teiripemnce,; often ukl , In a moment the
pith tut wiirk moo ilia, we pledge Ourselves, to
do' all in. Mir pOwer to iuduce the'otlicers , of Our ,
churches to from a 'practice - that Wm:
bard so banettd.
Tti're ;6 — at's Moisige
. ,
(Continued frtim secontipage.)
.i • 1
. Tlie President then reviews the history of
,ocean cables,, and comments freely upoO the aC ! ,
tient of Govern tents. and :ettble cow imnies' in
relOgon to landing : cables On tiro shores •of
Prance; and the action of the! Attgla-Ametican
Company in, advancing rates opun the comple
tiorof the dirlicreahlm He further says that
in the absence of internittionn) conventions on,
the:sithject,%municiPal legislaliim may Secure
mink pouts which appear ioportant or indis•
Pensitide to the protection of the public against.
the! . extortions : resulting trorit a monopoly W.
the: tight of operating , cables; or from a cotnbi
riati n between, the several intes. lie suggests
Ilrs -
.tat - tio. line shiuthl - bet wed Wand in
the; ".11ited'8tates under a' edncessi on limn- :an
other power not admitting pie right of any
'otho hue or lineS to land on its territory and
operate in. connection %kith its land lines ; see
mid; -flint no line should be
.allowed on etr„
shores, which is •not; 1 treaty; with:the Gtify,
erntheut where it origt ales, prohibited from•
consolidation or amalgamninon. with any other
telegraph line, or cotithining therewith fur rep :
slating and maintaining the 'Com, of. telegraph
in .; third; that all lines should be bound to
giyo precedence to government business; fourth
that the Goverunient should haVe:pOwer to fix
a limit to charges for messag.m,lle-theuotys
that in the meantime.' until COngresS otherwise
direets. this Government shall oppose the hull
ingot any cable not conforniing to the points
indicated, and which \ will not giveltreeedenee•
to4GOyernnietit messages.
e. message . then: goes . on 1.91 state .11,iit
tune "g: the most important Subjects :deruatiding
:ILO attention of Congriss are thos of frahttn-.:
lintitaturalization and ; expatriation' ,:. • , Ir.,
•.: :The i.t)pprt of the Secretary.of Alie'Treainry,,
sinivinthe receipts from .eustenis -for:the fiscal
,Yettilentling : June . 80, 1874, to 'lave:been $1641,-
.103,814.00 ; arid-tor the fiscal year ending.T.upe
30,18755. to bare:been $157,157,722 3 3 ,a decreAtseT
of f 55,08,111,84. dining the, la'sfiScitlyear.t—
dire reevipts fbr-internsl :revenue fOr the yeitr
rilling \June SO, 18:4', - Were $102,400a84,011;
and for the year ending June' 80;1875, tllO,-
007,493.58; an i inereasei - of :$7,597,708.08: ' . .:. i :
The report also shows ~a very comprefe Mild !
ry o f the , WoKingtiof the„ . department -lot the
Matt, Year, and contaiiis:ivtonimelitlialtiiiir for re- :
total ; and for legislation which 1 concur in hut
cannot, connnent en s.n , fuity::as I shoat& iike !to. •
to if space would permit, bpi. will contliie tly
self to!n few suggestions"wttielt I look upon has
-vital to the beSt Interests of the whole people,;—
I mean specie! resumption: .: ! . . -1.,.
'Coo (n• ~* 'stress . - canndt- ha laid upon. tpi,
.."Oo!much 'sues. _ann., .... ... _ spot.
fitieitiOn 'and . ' hope - Congress may he intlueial
at the !earliest 0 4 , pnreticable to secure the On-.
surnation of the aht of . the last c oug iv a a,„at ps .
last seSsion, to biing about specie resumptiOn
orramti after the first day of January, 18 - 41,,tt
furthesL . it-would' b a great• blessing if this
i 6oaldlte coustimated cVen itt:tor earlier datel---..,,
4 al g *tents to be more_ certain than thal"?. - r
.full, permanent and permnt reaction cannot,
take 0 ace m luxor of the indnstrialutul finfin-
Mal AV • a
ith of the country until we return t.t-a ..
'irietni.n'etlif valueS:redognized -Wrought/at iliti.
eivtliz !A. - World., , :While: in ; use
,a, etirrencyMt
equivti'leut; to this standard—the worldls reopg
' /timed I,tauciard—specie becomes a commodity
like A. , moducts of the 'suit, the sin:plias' seek- '
iug.a tuarket wherever there is a demand furl it..
Undell - our :pre:tent sysiCtu ~ We shciuld f lvant
none; ilior )vould we have any, Were it tint that
custom dues must be paid in coin . , and becanSe
.of \ tileiPledge to pay itueriNt on the public di, br.
itt.coln. - AThe yield ot precious metals woitid
sdow tikit'lur the purpose of foreign Production ,
and lave the United States hewers of wood
and 1.1 aWers of Water, beCaUseor_wiseriegigia-,
lion o the , subject of flaance by the nations
with . hour We mive dealings.
.1., it ' not prepared_ to say that 1 earcsuggest,
the hint iegislitt ion to i.scle - tire: the •eliti- , a0450
iteartilyeOmmended; but it will be as slwree of 1
great, 'ENlatit'Alltill4u fete to be able to iipprOve
anY eastoe of Congress loohingyelTectiyely 5; o.: 1
ward - ecufing resnmptior. Unlimited intli4on
ri l
_wont ,Probably bring - About: _vecie pay.utimts
`rittera Speed'. ly Unlit- any' legislation' 166 king to
the repeniption of the legal tenders in edin,but
it WOlji ilk be ill .I.Lie:eilense. ot - honor. 1 , • 4 .
Re itheu recounneutis tire „reduetion. of zoy -. 1 ;
ernment expenses wherever practicable yiittr 7
o'lrt eiippli4g the function; 01 the government;
lie stvys - that a, reduction of the dirty on AO,
and coffee would increase the revenue itS;iii.)°,:? -
hod. , Thesubject of the tariff occupies conind:.
erablg space. . , . ;
.! Referring to the, 'Secretary of War's •• tog
_the PreSident reel , ininends the t 4 mpii/prhili,. ii.of
100000 for the Subsistence Department, t ' be
available before \the beginning of the next fSeal
stair; ltie repeal of the law abolishing. Mileage,
and a teturn tili he old Sycitein .; and an,exhaustt
•iv?." test of the torpedo service. •- ;" •--
: Re_sitys that policy retiuirei; that we should
have it-larger \ number of torpedo ships whil4
the .warlike situation tontinues. The condhi
[tug of the navy, howeverds un' the whole satisft,
factofT. He 'Ft:commends the inunediatetorn,
fileti at of the five double lurretted monitori-
now on the stoth.4.- ~ •'. _ 1
- Tbe.reportrf the Bistinnst Cr General-hi next
discuitsed, antvarious' recouuncu,datiiitii made,
in connectior therewith. „• -`• . ' !:
.- The."repor of the Interior
,Department . it
nest •re Wed. l'he of . .the General
band; Office - shows' that there were 2,4i9,601-
acres less dispiraed of during this year. than last.l
fie then says the . Method of' treittment of the!
Indians adopted at the beginning of his first'
tannitibstration have been steadily pursued-with'
satistictory results, and will be , c"Mitimied• as!
far .as possible.
• .
• He next reeOmMends that thc• . .Governmeut
contributions to the. Centennial Exhibition be'
is Character, tpjaiity and extent : In heaping:
With the 'dignity Man credit of,.. - , -
. The - reports of the several miter' departmentS :
are, briefly reterreil to. ' lie rectimMends that a -
joint Cl' mgressional conunittett be appointed on -
mitring Statea and territories next summer, and
report suet% laws tins may be best suited ..tor de-:
• veloping these territoAes., , • ,
lie closes as follows : 7 ‘:As :this -will , lie" the -
lasfannual afessaie which twill have .the bon- ".
or.or transmittin to,oCongress before my sue
:VeSsor is chosen,'l ill repeat, Or recapitulate
It the -questions' I. deem of- vital impoit t k* ,, ,— t
lie Alter) . enumerates,: as follows :.• First; • the -
Stateit:'shall be rciluired to afford an opportuni
-I;.ty Of obtaining It good . eitm.* ,-. Seltitol' educit
tion to every child .within 'Wlinaits t . second,'
!'no sectarian-dm:Ohl/4, shall. ever 'be tanght• in . .
any tielMol stipppik ed *holly . or partly by - State
-or Natior, r orJry the.. VroCecati-ulluitY-.4 1 upon
Jue. community_ i third,- a deellaration ,, that
Church ilknd Statei he; !forever `selierateAnd tits;
tinct, but each . .frpe •Wltitin 'its,-Proper sphere,.
and-all church prOper..y taxable, in tluoPropor
. t ion ; fourth, stathp •,o,tit) licensed . int mosality,
-:,Suett es polygaaty;-and the intp4tation of wo
; men for Illegi finial& ,pnrposest' lite seerind cen
tury of our uati4al•mtisteece.wauld• VP. a must
fatting tulle for-piese reforms,. - iillth,: -- enact .
such taws at; Will Ecii.4tire a' speeily ,. return to's.
sound currency, suck' ias : will commit d there=
spect of the world. 1 Believing that,llicse vieviti
will cputtuemi - thdintit'lyes to the great majority
of the right-thinking And patriotic eitizdris'of
the United 5tate1 . ,..1.• submit, the rest. lii,.Coa-
, nress.. -"- - ' -• i; - 1- . ' ' -'' -" - ..
(Signed) -. n ! . . IT. S. G RANT. 1 , 1
. . _ I
Bitinpas LocEtts.
13osa'rwti16D . * pi,unqi, and Cu ut
Lyon's Ltrqg litbre. Call and. aye how
it is * yourself. '
Montrcise, Dee.A
• Los.r..—The suOserper tWo'pitteatheys
'BOlll ‘1?-, I it;re, - het w 31ftt , ,Mar•
ket Jail. ' t Aitjr rme rebAreletr 'mine
tz) tile) or tty lolv o tag' that!). at the market
contttr a fivor awl - - Oszw4outrstrx.
mbut t .ose, Dee.44,187.7.'
Bustiria OProttutury,
Lets .tikau on ,hundred dollars a
pet.qtaacat. plea*int a6' RrOtitable' busibeau,
we'll established. P,Ftill retup of capital eau be
realized-1u • tourimoatits. Ile Owner guilt&
Vest Oast. ,'„-
[!, Foster, P. Q., Pa:,1674.4
gyn.. George L. Williams will. delivei alroo
lecture Upon OdiF„F,tiloyablitat. ,the
cbOrch ttx: GrafigUry,Uld, g th oloPYY
ark-12th; 4870.:;•; , '
Grangervipe, Dee. 15,1875._50w3..
DONATION.—The trim:a or Roy. N. F.l3r4nt
hall will give Lim kdonation vielt at the.iMuse
of 3lfiAlirttie - Sfittnar. Forest Lake, ra., - on
Thursday, Dee. 30th, 18Th, afternoon and eve ,
tang... A general invitation is extended.i
- By order of Committee,
Forest,Lake Dec.. 15, 18^‘,5
- 5
tirtPltlCES:l;olr. - '
At F. D. Melhuislt's Jewelry and numb
Store you will find a. large stock of -Holiday.
Goods, Solid Stive6 aud= Plated Ware, Walnut
Clocks, latest styles Jewelry, &c. x Exattline
my prices and gocids liefore purchasing 'iclse•
where. Goode engraved tree of charge. - :!• -•
.31ontrose,,Dee. 15. 1875. • DOW. 3
: :1,
A: "310 tot Cituisfitis ci and. "Happy New
Year" to alt ! If you met uoubtfut 'about the
truth of this, just step into M. A. Lyon's Drug
Store an,3l get seine of these hoods
Jur,liasjUst:punetuweksild . take homo t 6 your
iatnily aml see if YOU are not made the Ifapplest
MoiitrOse, Dee. IG, 1875.
_ . ,
' • •
An annual eleetlon will he held bv . the stocki
holders ot the Montrose ltailway'dnupiiiy; oti
the second Moutlayoltir,the 10th. day ut Juntv.
at the "Paclterlltitise,''''in the bor. ,
(igh of Tunkhannock, between -the hours at
one and two o'clock, p. far the election of
one pilrson for President and twelie, persons!
for Directors , . to eerie the Cotnpant fotthe en
suing year; - •
• - ..•
'Dee. 15, 1875: ' ilOw4 '
Go Kis D stmlirsri • ' • • • .r .
OUr old acquaintance; Dr. Ale= 84tTytt,Prac
deal Optician, front'bis establishment in Scrim
ion; has taken rooms at the Ditebange Hotel
here for a feW days, where we would advise all
our friendsAroubltierWith ilefeetlve , sight to call
and 'have him suit your eye to somoot his cel
ebrated crystal spectacles. Dr. Nye is An op
tician why understands his business thorough.
jud4hig by his refernneeS, Will give sat
isfitettonlostill who should - require his services.
,Go and see him..
.Miintrose, Dec. 15, 1875. •
_„. . ...,..
CM this 'ont: and :•britigAt7."Witlil 4 .o4.: to the
Store of Cilßaj' JOHN, where by buying $lO
worifh or more or the following or other goods
you will recieye upon presenting this notice, -
4..14 . .94N050NEcH RISTMAS sPRESE-..1T..
~. . • 4
'Ottil yard wide sheeting from, 8 4e to 1034 e:
.. ,
(41;iitl calicoes, light :Colors, 64c
Best ealicoes,daris and mettibm 7,.kic,
q,'6iitl tatiton ilannele 125ic
Betier 'L'e• " " - • 1.50.
. • _
Et t;s . ck . "
ot) , lu \ pacaa • - '
. 44 . • -35 c.
ik s i: • t: ~ , 40c. .
Extra' lbw blaciOlipacas and mobatra
80y.4 - ..reidy-niade Pill suits from, $0 50 to $14106
Mews " \ 0 to 12 50
:Bros MO sole good kip boots • - 350
Boys tap J3OlO good kip %loots 2 25
L - adies beliver cloi►ks from 50 to 16 00
Ltidies 'felt skirts frOni - - 75 to ;:1 25
, , ,
liens tattle- shirty and drawers front 50. to I . sai
.t iidit„i and ebiltlitiiis 'fittudsomo "trimmed Haat
and Iluitnets la felt, straw and velvet front 0
to $4. • ' • - • =
,'• ' ' -
, .
Qhr4 . easons. itm . the 444' ext ra . ordinary 're?.
duction in prices . Wilt . :tad by reading out
general advertisement which we request you to"
tlo alai give us, apall,lylien you want to make a
purchaqe. - !. • S. PILLLItAII & CO.
• .3Iontro:o De'c: 4 ls. 1, (Post's )
.in g ist -ct a!l°
at cl !
bita, - tricket§ V.; 11 rir e e • -
wip-rates ot tbis o
SPEC/AL. in Brilliantines, Pure Mix
Alpacas. Cashmeres, Drab trEte;
and all the. nexir sharks in Alpacas,
• '"
-.t.Blidearate, Dei3,43,
/ 3 110TiMR..4.Pris.—Pictures taken in all the lat,
"estityfea: • Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Also a splentll4.l9t- of fra Ines qor-- halorcbeap;,
coy. Dodi4l74tes.
Amt .- rose, June
.1 1 1"jacirEs, Clocks and Jewelry repaired of
sliori. Apticas gold, warracited,x ; ar-V.1)...,Me1bu;
_istes_Jeweliy:Store, tortairly Is tell & Dielhu
Alubkroee July.% 1875—tr - ,
firs Yr...Ap.PARTY.
A New Year .Party will be held at the Eagle
(itild,`3L ca ttirlity evening.
Dreember t115t,1875. Music by Tiffany's Ilan&
Bill VZ, '\ . PuzzoiEv, Prop'r.
Dee, 8,1875.
,tlnitilgb.ll . ,if zuy..
With nii.4lb!_mut4.4kivaaceit
on Insbrance, would settle the same betbre Jan;
1, ISVS, its I shall heell the funds. •
31nlitrose, Dec. 8,'1875: , 4ihv3
• Wilca,=N:nierenary.lauriniin,..)oß.
Toronto, Ontario, is now located at the Tarbelt
11011 Se, and tenders • ILis pi oil;asional services to
all who have diseased 'horses.
.31ontrose, Oct. 20,,1875.... '
Vi nx Low Piaci:B ! '• ,
1-have just returned from the city with a.:
new stock of. goods !which 1 will sell at very
One prices during the Holidays from this
Call' au d.'he Olivia - Ca before. bay lid ehi . erw here::
All goods bought at this ft.lorb engraved free of
charge. At 13robson's 2klusi6,and Jewelry,:
Store (Brick
Mon trose,- Dee.'l, 1875. '‘i 4814 "
- - We have just 'receivfil a very large stock
Plain and hiiicy-enyeltipeti, letter, and note pa-:
per, plain and fancy bill head — Papers; cards (Ai
all sizes and: colors, colored poster papers, ett...t.
all of which we • can ifliord to print cheaper ,,
than any otliee. in . tnisi or, neighboring tcoup tics;
and lb as-good style.,'.Worli„ dime:in--black And
colored inks. It you think there is any that*: .
can - befit us,
.gi% e us a *.rial, and we will show
you Utin do All if inda'of blinks on
nandor printednt to Order. •
A. B. Buittis, at the Eagle Drug, Store, keeps
constantly ou hand a large • and well selected
stock of:pure Amiga and MOieines,Pitintspils
and Varnish, also a very.: large assortment of
Port 31onudies; Combs, Brushes. Perfumery,
and Toilet Boaps. PhySicianV prescriptions
carefullycotupounded at all, hours of the day
and night. • give hire. a, (mil; :SIVA. ofthe Gol
den Eagle and Mortar,
Montrose, June 9 1875.-tf.
RUJIAL • NEW . Yongtat -Ciro.-.—For. $2 05
(Po blisheti :regular prim) : furl:Agleam
'Rural New 'Yorker tor • 1870,..antla.snicetitiirtil
seods Irani . otir catalogue . Itritonnting: to
IV,(Publishe:ns lowest' - elnblirice)
seed worth $1: or finral
send postal card. .for details„aiid list of other.
at Olio rates: •Addinsip •'. *..
• ' Faetoryville; Wyoming c 0.... . --
49w4 cow.' . -
To Ttti ror . mic.—es a +guarantee that:Tay;
lor'S . Vtiollly'ldedicines are, Abe": beg In Market
Of - their kind; and •that thettiuftlity'ot the goods
shall hereafter 'be r,maintained, would say 'to
all : "If altie:Usitig them y‘iu are;notintthided
you have received benefit lin
.proportion to the
price paid,iet Urn tinkintO r tylMilthixepackage,
and get your money Inick4, us I. Manes
-money unless he is satisfied.he: baa-receivedlts
.equivalent. Itesriectfully; • • - _ •
• ALl3nowvute:
October - 0, 1875. ' •
will otter my hirge stork of Flour and Salt, •
and general line of groz..e.ry 'god:ls - very low Tw
a short time fur „ttlitt, as:l expect to tun Vt 3 in 't
few days into a new store building opposite;
CoOltkr fri Co's.-Bank, anti do tun, want to be at
the ,expentia of intiving -.a .large stock Of heavy:
goods.. is alteott /line ta bey your Flour
and Salt. - :'.I nays - wirer bad a better stock Of
good Plourareall
. ground than at the prose:o
time. . • E. P. STAStr.....:
Montrose. Oct. 20,1875 tf.
lint#4,ll,C.Ai*iety, iti
m.t * e 040..ftt
41444iit o.,DitOno - -.**/41 1
Ttlesilay;'Deo.lf. 4— A clittle e Veld in' 'the
taittnuorti wMeh all , who desire may. he ex : ,
sonined and‘prescribed for .Or ,Ootitted.on foie
ut charge.. of. the ebarttr - Ot the:eCiees.
tic medical. asaucintion. of , Pennsylvaubti , .14411
b. pre senteti i 4 ib,e , meeting • Prof. 4. 'NOW
ton ut the - IC:a?, York' EtCiectic 8te11 64 11 'CO!
leg,e i Lis beeti:lntited and will probably attend
the meeting. The presence of every member
is dectired. All liberal practjopers Aril cordially.
invited. • 4
NVNr.: NV: Wiiishspw, Clt YEJAINOTON
• PrOlidellt; - ‘pBectetful:.
Doe. 8, 1876.10 . . •
clll:rEius Otirras:Ltichroloq II
o:Poti oysters cheap -at the
= - 1011rwroiiE Sil.OON.
CiAttivoyANT himiptATlONS'Fitrt: T
iThere - is no subject that • requires so inach,
study and experimeo l tts-the treatment of ctron
lc! tlWelises, Thu astonishing so' epus ;and
uittrkable, cures performed by Ur. D,utterfleid;
41'04.16e to the gilt of clairtiwattee, :the
. 10 )ag - ktudy of the constitution - of man, and the
2 ,44rng - bfdisegses from naturatremed - 0310
tije - worst forms at Scrofula, Catarrh, PileS; -
.fluhiVeakness;• Asthma, Kidneys or, Bladder
4slll'ttc"at V e Calrerty , House, Binghamton
F#ditk; and Sat urdai;";
• Jatilid". - y 7th and Bth;
; -
• ; ;
t"Eultylie is .11M.: - Sentiuteilt of countless suf
forers- who find the balm of relief, and the
Nuttutin of their health and - strength:in Ayer'.
Shreanaipla. it is the: most potent' Of all' the
ititimtiws In inlay. the Systemand"clearafe the
It posse:at - sm . : lnvigorating. qualities. so
that it'itlintilatetillic( faded pad'i►ur;
;the corruptions .which `ingle with the
tolooti;'promoting derangement and decay,
are assured by many, intelligent pllysiciane
that this: medicine cares .beyond 'all othera of
kind, and we can fortify:. this statement by ,
our own experience.—Athel (Masa)) White Flan;
WIC TlliNit that the people . ot -lontroSe, and
',vicinity are tinding . out where - the Most popti! ,
ler Dry Goods House in Bingmuntozi it} located
ter C. F. Sisson & Co.:inform uS that theit
trade, trout thief section, is very large end-com
bluntly jnereasing: - - In their.stockinay now be
tOtitid-tt large and caielbily,seleetek stock of
...Dry Goods, suitable to the wants ,ot. everybody.
They: make.. a specialty Of Black :Silks,.Bluck
gassimeres, Black Muhairs, Black Alpacas, and
,graties of Dress. *ods, and in this
Bait' - are prepared to Ore Sonic decided bar;
: We suppose. - that nearly everybody IS
nrwato that. -their Store is . located at 61-Court
`qtredc; #(.±k to the Canal. •
"Bin Intie ten, Sept, 22,1875 7. 1,, • „ •
Orf'TJATEST NEWS ISt Ism - at/arms. -
Tht latest . newslq . Binghamton is that Hine
ShOles, of v 9 Conit--s4reet, hale just received
their third Fall and Winter stook of Dry', Goods.
Whleti N now cc inplete tiepartments.4.
The best Silk. The best .Blaek
The best Alpaca. The best Illerinos—Empress
4- - Phutis of- all descriptions. The best Owls,
.tid, Gloves, F.mbroideries;,Elhbons, Ties, dz,c.,
n fact everything that: . is- ItPpt in a flept-eh 'tSs
Pry, Goods Store at - bottom figures.. Annther
iniportunt itetn.whielt if-known way be essential
to the. people of Montiose, New Milfo'rd and
fairrounding country, that Go. B. 31epolluni,
tind•C. C. Faurot would be uuost happy to see
:ill of their acquaintances and show, them-the
halgains that iliac & Shales are no w,vivpired
give... HIRE* SnimEs.
'Binghamton, gee, 1; 187& -;
The Mazkets.
lork Produce Illurket.
„ .
Reported Every Week Ripredely for To MOYerriOls
•=l•Dtatoeovr by Rhodee Server. Produce Commie-!
' • etow.litsreloto Le, 25 WMu Street. New
• New York, Friday; Dec. 10, 1875.
1.11.117 \ fi1t...
It:Receipts Piet six days.-... ..... .. 31,944 pkgs.
ttetleinand for really laney State butter con
thaueilair and holders its steady as herrtbfore.
Dsirieti , entire aretlifilcult' to sell above 80 and
even if very fifie ; buyers will take :the
e . obli'residily and pay full hilt they dnirnit
4ptastr-tbdwant thefirkins, - and 'as holders finil,
49 . much_ difficulty in: working oil
alone - they prefer An 14611 'entire - atld - , not break : .
Up the dairy.
State Dairies, fine• • - ,30 0 • 31e 7 , it
' Syite I)airieti,goi.l. - to prirne;: t .37 4 : 29e:,
1 'Stake Pail, deity, elOice •33 0. 34e i
i 8p. k te Pitils,iiiiiry,got4 is pritneBo • 0 --W„e-'
'`Ovate Pail , : enminon to Pair.- - 25 0 . 286,
i fest .42,006 boxes:';
• .
r.ltere, seems,. "tohe; - tt e little
~more stir :in' 140
41iiti - Ozilltrket' ? hent:i.t =IS :thought the shitinies
*Tr heinuai vice' k'.
• , •.. • ...-•
itutitb dioU'autt unidro:e. ,
State Factory, foncy • ••-!-; 13
stater4efory,l* 111440 12'gei
State_ Factory, thir to - good.f..
, 9 3 - 444 t. 10gel
Ditiries, lOW ; loy e ! •
._ • .4EfiGs. . .
' •
Receipts last •6,9074:p t.43: 1 ;
The eniptir)•'•.flr, .c , 'lrs:cOntinnes light,
hnd, the. tone is yejti l iOut , ap,parent:etrength,tnost
kioldeni are trying!. tp 'obtoin•2934c. for the best
inarks, fait saline ttiS Offeiing 8t 29c.7 , • •
l• state and .........30 (p 3
. 8014 e
lyeste!'m • chOlt;e'tinittils '• ! 29%e
I 1-;:•."•';: - ..` -4 • _ -
1 ,1 , 0,1ft.T4t., • - .
: The weatherhas cleared eft more 14i•orably.
I •
Halti With light l • ipp.y et. de irl4"
.. ) 0C 0 . 4'
I iworkii4 off Ann prices - thOu4h
senreely 41kYquotntle Adyouce con be noted.
Turkeys, State printea• -; to;•,-15C
. Chickens, State, j•ritne: 15 to 13d •
;Ducks l4 • ® Ict
Geese • ~.• . 13C
• • ‘..• • 4.-
' •
toir..4:titest aad . acm. -
Live Sheep, iveather4 ' .5114 to 430
Live Calves, Bute piitne. .. 9 to 9
g. D ~c
floresite*Villyttif fine -'• •• 13 to 12 2 40
DitlEb FRUITS. ,
I , Apples have arrived freely and prices still ide
ellitinitO sell. Raters of taiga lots ask idglt
r' ban we quote,•but a good many lota are Ur
'riving to be sold oa cprnwission and. fot such
our list is *eitierne. Peaches -
are iltiii3 i .. .bu t
I nominally steady. • ,
State li)ples,quarters . 9 to c : !,
Peaches, peoleil,state `
, - 13 to 20c 1.,
illacktkurnes.: - ::- -_,,- ---: i - - --,--.-.1 I/ ' ':'
0„to c
Raspberries,:n73 : w " ' . - ''''.. "''' ~ 29 to 80c
FurttEttp.p.tir—ln' Tunkhannock, Nov. 4th; of
- - consult/pi ion, Samuel 1.. numerfeit, itt the
Yi4 r : ?rn4i4!t.P!.. n
Tdir Wilibinshhrg..Vi.,on the fAt
Nanuie, w Jr? of
t. Thttle, in the B,lst
_yeltf_of lie Cage.
wtts6N- .1n WAt Sept. 4, milo,s.,
weir, child, of
,Cll.o„tieA , ll; and Flavitt 1A:.
Witiop,.o. , red'o , iiiits, 7 months and 5 clap!.
how vain is all beneath the skies,
How tranAent•trery.bliss,
How slCnder all 1.1,6 fondest ties
• That bind Usto a world like this
I •
But years are, movir.g.quieltly past_'-
And time Wilt soon, be o'er;
Death shall l swallowed up of
On the inuitortal shore, - •t ,
tkr clap that bar - d once more
Any smooth that golden hair.
.Thmahall,,arkiaa those lips again,
Wbeti _we tuer.t itiat there. F-
Buy your Oiottiiag , at .Cheap Johtnir
Centaur lAntuteitt.
There is no pain which the Centaur
k , Linimeutwill not relieve, no swelling
ir. - .:..- they will notsubdue, and no lameness
. ` • , which therigitiot estre. This la st timg
e , 4 ., language, but it is true. They have
... f 4.. produchd more cuter of rheumatism,
, ueUraiglc.lock•jaw,palsy,sprainr.ew
1 ei-
OtiAnar lings, caked breasts, scalds,. burns. sal t
rheum: er-ache, aka.. uptin the hokum fraMe, ar i d of
drains. alinilli, galls, etc, upon animals in One year
than have aft other pretended remodel" since the world
bet an:: They are conuterLizritent, all-healing, pain re
lievers. ertylptes thrOw ewastbi ir crutches; the lime
walk, poisonous bit Ult arc rendefed harmless, sod ' i the
' , Mended are healed without a sear. T,he.recipe lapels.
Hatted aroundeach h e patic. They soil as no articles ever
- Sold before, Vecause they do just What they'ptetend to
do. Thos' Whoyr, suffer from rheumatism, pain, or
stimiliur deaerve to stiffer if they will not use Centaur
flalme e nt, White wravper. More then 1000 certificatee
pryousyktqe . enzer,luelualug frozen I itch!, ,ehreelc
rheomatisra, gout, mooing tumors. etc., have been rir•
calved. We will sendjiciratilsolOutainingccrtitiCater,
the recipe, etc.. gratin, to any one requesting It. One
bittle'or mil yellSolatayiliippy Centaur Liniment 4 W,Prt 4
one ltnnrhed dollars dOr spavined or sweenied•totees
liuc! mulee, or frit : f•erivvviVertn to sbeeli. Stotk-oumers
--tbeeclinimeott aroverth your attention. No family
dboaid be wltboul theta. ,"White. wrapper family nze;"
Y.Pew wrapper for aninialti.:. , field-by ell Druggists.-
socce tz per hectic ; irte bottles. $1.00.. J. B. Roux I
C0..58 fireeftway. /stew York,
IC/Appetit 10 ran re"ttitlyi s robstl trite for VaatorlAiit.
Tills the oat s y ioft . article - In iiittetince:whiChlo oottain
to 4i,ohniitite - tfut toOttirtigidotelbe hdduls,gtfe hind
oOtioinot pOodafir-AUCtlina MON& It COD tabs 'Wither
ottootala,toorpktoo Or alcohol. an 4 Weitsaukto take.
Wltlrenneod nutty and tnotaiti may Mt. •
0t4.35, , •
. e ..,..2.,,,,,,•,,,...„;...,_:,...„ 4 „,........„,„,..,,,,,,..,.. . i .
r • ~,,..,... 5. • , 4, 00 ". - 1 .". :'; i -. l ' Ka, - ' 1 , ..: , -, i. I-'
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_1 41. ;...1-1. , ' ..- .N..,' ...?'; , :.•••11,'''....t.)i '..,
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cd ' • GO'4,
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0,•• .• • p . ~..,-.. 4; •, 0 ~:, , - , 1 I
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H' -:: ~---- 0 ... ai 1
- ia -• 1 , -
"A Complet} , Piciorlej tiOiory. of the Mirage." - , "The
bOst, c4apeat, itil mog ticcessittlYamlly Paper i la
• , . "Union.
• - '.. Notices ar as Press. -
;111 - a s rper'ii Maly Is the ablest Ana most powerful 11.
itistrated lien} ;teal published in thieconntry. its edi.
corrals arcnscholtuly and convincing, and carry math
weight. Its illustrations of current twents are all full
and treshond are prepa.ed broarbest designers: , With
keirculatitaa of 150,000, the ifetkly J 6 read 'by'elleast
half trmilhou persons, aml its.-induertee as. an organ of
'opinion is; simply tremendous. The Weekly Mil tutalos
apositlve position, and exprea,es decided vidwi 'on
political and social problems.—Lonterille Courier Jour"
red. . •
its articles iii•tp-models of high-toted' discuselob,' and
ffw pictorMl illustrations are often corroborative argu•
nients of no smell fore..—..V. Y. Examiner and Caron.
. •\
Ate papers upon existent , questions and rte
lid cartoons help to Mould tue ISCUtiSyleUtli of thd cenn- ,
If Y.—Pittsbarg Commercial.
~.Harßer'si stnads at the - hea d-of . illustr ated
jOilrnald id the United Mater, In circulation, ei itorial
abillty, and pictorial illustration ,.-- Ladies ` /i. tdrp,
' •
.- ' • ' "MtlfrrZEl.ste • ' •
flottuge !Oa to ail subscribe:re- in-the hulled plates'
BAZAR, one year ..... ... $lOO
tsloo incindes payment of U.: 4. Postage 14:ttio pnb
ilOhers. •
s - .o4abocripticnt to I.I.A.IIPER'S .111.4.G.a ZINEs • witxtr.
'and BAZAR, to one addressa for one yoar,slooo l : Prelwo
Ilierper'S perodicals, to one addrefelor one year, $7
iphstgae tree. . ' . •
I, ',Air eatrte'ilopy of either The Mauazine..W' or
!Osten wiikbe supplied gratis -for, every Club of, gry
!Sri:WOW - DEUS at $I 00 each, in one remittsbce , or,
I S Copies fur $2O 00. without ran copy Boltsite
*,flack !:ambers can be supplied at any time. ,
FCbt:Atmnnl Velem of flarper's Weekly In neat cloth
Nadine, will, be eta by express,. free of charge. for
.sti• op e a ch A:compiev, set, comprising Nineteen Vohs
4nes.sentein receipt of cash V: :the state of 153.23 per
Idol., freight at expense of puschuser.
- t,,rrominents attention will , be .glyen, in harper 4 kßasar
tA such tllestrutlaue of the Centennlal Inten4tlenal
Bapositi on.
:;;NewspaPera are Pot to eppy.this atleeritserrient with
oat the express order 01 harper & Brothers.
t- , •
P;lty . dour Boots at Olteali Mile&
Ayer's Cherry PeCtoral.'
4 or Dlsease,s of theyritrosil sad LP nitiginteh
as Coughs, collar. It stooping Co Ugh, !MU:
4iittor,.:Authma;' dna Consinuption: ,
_ _ Consumpflo - ii,
that cantle made by medical •sktil.• 'lndeed the Omni:
Pxerenan 4at , really rbbbetl:l;heser, doneerene.illeeaers:
of their terrors. tr, a extent. and given a feeling of
immunity from their fatal. erects, that well founded
If the remedy he taken In :waren. Every family should
have it In their closet fur the remedy and prompt relief
of he members. blektiese,.auffering, and even 11Ie
wed. by't his timely protection. . The IFuttent should
not neglect it. and the wire will not. Keep. it ny yea
'fur the prtiteetion it *fordo by iterime!y nee in sudden
pnreaium at ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer '&: Cs.; Lotrell
- • Practy.42l and A.114179cal C 4 eri ll o o .
OLD - BY ALL intu9taisrs. AND DEALERS_ IN
. • _ 3.IBDIONN.
II Ala
tor Restoring Gray' Hair •
Advancing years, Sickness
care. disappointment ; and
":ereditary predisposition.
',urn the hair gray. and
ier of them Incline It to
liAtlt Vioott4-by
ig and extensive use Lea
wen that It.slopi.the
lug of the hair .immedt
.• .often , renews the
iwth, and always'surely
hires Its color. when fed
ior gray. It stimulate: ,
'nutritlei Eirgand to
%Uhl , activAy and, prps
ity. Thu. Vastly; 'Weak
,liable and Watt:Menet]
regrows_iy ea - psi:sem • failing hair
is' hecked and Stablisheti •• thin hair thickens ; salad
ed irrey hair resume their otiginal colds. its °pile
floe to sure and harmless,- It - cures dandruff.:: heists' all
humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and soft-under
which conditions. ..diseases of the scalp are impossible.
Asa dressingfor ladies' hair. 'the:Vigor is praised
for Its grateful and agreeable perfume. end valued , for
the so ft lustre and richness of tone it mparts.; • '
i_, fi
Dr. '".l«e. AVER iic`Co:,'Loeil, Nags.,
- . ..i)rutleal end AnalyDat ettealide: i
. .. 1 . . KEDICINE.! . — -.•• t• , - ,'•
1(0v. !4,1373.-4tn , , , , to
. . . .. . , _. -
Gentle ;Ind underwary at:Cheap
Jo ' -• '
aerz 332.4:301‘ettAt r aiii,,, Mx;
, .
ar.i..l`o Mama 2314trillaX!Zil-A4l
'•, •
The olde tandmostrelU&6lrAnafnth Uzi kted thateui
They took the prize mectakierarded et the „
- MI Sites are warranted fi:eel . froia' dateptioii , iiad 4 eo
;voice. , •
Blehtroee. Maya - " • .
$5 -to s2o . :4r,,llAuTiiitg,el,l,`awll uoplotViaeleixesei
yowl and old. make more money et work form,: In
their evni lora Utica, duriug tbeir spare momenta. or el!
the time, than at any thlng Mee. We otter : ernPloY
meet that win nay handsomely for every hoprlctaura.
Full partteiglan6„ terma.-Ste, rent true.: 8 414 u. Y°l l
address et to,ee. Lou'l. delay. Now Is tbo Dun I
look for svcra'-or buelutas, elsewhere wan yen have
learned what . Wti‘orter. t 3. fIp.NSON & cf.r..,Nrttere
FttTltiO : d44:4l:.,ltysorpo t tige,...4
'Utftletio who Coutentiiiitto 'coutrtices with
newipatiere tot the I to.ert loO.otittirertliteinenh,' Wm:id
fiend 25 routs lo Geo. P. Itownii k Co,, 41 . Hoy
tivi* Yott, for ti ,or PitgpilLETAßWKl(ulpto-aev.
emit nut tee.) pentolotog lions or cmst woo-netvirpspeo
and.eFflroiVoi. thawing 'Om tott;:', o l4yortlielitillitivtakk
en flit leading papers in Mon" -8.14148 at trosnendotk,
cduption - froM publlthPre a tatesi. • vet the 110Oki
SAVE , :
hr• sending '4 M :or any St Naktelitle and Taft trEgigy ,
LY TRIOUNE, (regalia' price £e or 115.75 for tie alag.
azine - and the tiiiMl-Wtglq.l , l T1411111N,11: ItAlthlar
v o rm om ; Aitnreeo. •
P,TRAY..;---Csnie • il , . tbo . tiloliegto of
--Albert Chase,. Bridge r towed , * Nat Mb,
isle /op-keru cow, white on flank sea
lYq yeari 0W Any oue ci#e)rietpesty and mini
water, DM go 444: ; -
PMZP.Ml;4',li i ,r)*
i• '7
few compositions whteli
won the, eonddence of
.kitd'and become bouteZ
1 Words amoog- not ,cutly
bat many eaten*, mn , t,
extraordinary , virtdes,--t
taps no one ever 14 ecOreti
Ida u reputation, or Main.
ed It so long as !•Ayer'a
wry Pektoral. It hitibeen
inn_ to the publie.attont
y . arlt, by irlong.eontln
2.enea of marvelous cures
hare Won fdr 11;a 'toad
cc in its virtue*. 'never
-inc. It still makes the
1=,,10,43103 .
Au '-a:
.' t.
. ; • '
,; AT' • :
• 411 .
- • :114 .
. 04s§im ERE:4. BEAVERS --
! .." "ANDI,LorZIS,' • •
,'d'. great Tads!".
• • -
TE 'DZS'qt•LP.4 • ' •
•• - 1 ' COLORED; ' :• .
and bougotiold
• t i : 11 eFt/rAtidatig ,
Goods, • •
.4i Imo folort#4,t,Fid *AP. - t Atli. LANs
-" MAA R , 1 4 1 1: 4 01'it N . E Ae. W . "43
ALL 4 4 fi T
• , 1,;,„ - AND • QUALITI,IB,
Prices to suit. • , .At G. if. Co's.
. ,
A Sue , AI Co's:
• , .AND 'V - YARNS CAN- ,
•••:' •: 4 • - TERNS; • ' •
in great variety, At O. R. & Co's
- • Tnis .1105 T• POPULAR - • • •
And prices Windt the Omen . At 0. B t dt Co'e.
Cheap • - 'At G. Co't
rags-pade, Otothilig. *
Meo *lid boyi" , ready-made largi ettiek.• •Com•
piece assortment oVbest ¢+ode, warrnutea to glvq rat,
iefuttion. Pyiees to snit tits times at O. R. & Co's.
OVA'J COATS 1 •• 0 . 1 7 4 1 ,tW04TS
For Bop*. Youths' and Men..Alleorts.- . Qualities and
prices from to;s3o. Supply your wants at G. R. lk
Our Custom .Department.
Large !tack of Ann ratairneteik patio; and Nearer:
Measures taken. good dttin„- • and worlynanehlp guar
mated. *.• Met e flablipef tent: lees than sont!ol town
Call and leave your puso. tire at G. It. 41Ccrk.
-•:, ' . • •.'•• ~.; ' •
.FV4.41/7847.N0 * 64119.4•9 •
• Gents ftirntsblng Oode.. Wtitte :and ,mtlared•ectton
Shirts, r . ;Wiml - andc miner' Wrappers - and 'Drawers.
Flannel and merino Uwe, Suitt Jackets: {kiinforteiv.
Tien, Bows, Mulliers, Gloves, Trunks- batches, Sc_,
dtc., the largest varlets td towst..anG: WS.
HAM Jars! t OAPS t OAFS{ !
. ~ At G. IL & co'..
X. B. DESSAIIER; Managing Yartner.
Minitrose. 801:ember 19tfi. •
.Lar.l.kts'. Shots at. Cheap John's.
i:, ! .it: , ru. :', , -' - ;'- : , - -
:-. -- :, 1 ,;•: . r -- 1,,, :' ~ v• - 4.1.
. ,
Ta..,OO' , STAND.
1 • '
The Undersigned windd respectfully Israeli:re to ttn
citizens of Montrose and Vicinity that they bvaeadtec:
,to their eetabllehment a drat-care ' • ' •
RIME itelfirMENT
•. . •
nnd'ee the direction of J.OEO. BEI OniBEKER, of Nei
York City.:_•:We will keep constantly nfl hand
• .
•At Whplesale ,or
. •
• Joolarties Supplicaßeasonairly.
AIM)-4 large aid a ttrftilve a;iccUnuit of
Ea., Eta.? at us u...
• .
.. -`1
TOYS Call and ...... FU
. .~~i
qrpetitis. - •
.... Moot .lespectt4ii7,- • ,
• E: 1341.16011 & SON.
1873.4.1'. ' r- • .
„ ,
Xard, ylido sheetingaeBk eta.,. , at Cheap
Johiesc: ; ;
'toe.', - 5i1 . )10.11.....f. - :
*lini4N . c . E.,i? i 4o.!NT,'•,t :
OPlial- Represented,. *100,000,000
AND Acomurrissiniucz:
Llverpool.i.oneton Globe * it 0,000.000
Rayat,Canadtan. insurance CO.. of hitetttreet, Can
ads., Capital ' • 13.000,0,
*AS. CO.; of North Amulet • .- $3,5150,000
hedonist. Now York, • • . , Jot
tee: Co;, State of Penn'a " 00o,noe
Union mutual - .„ 11 , COAX
Lyunrting I+lr4 " $ .00(
Lancsiterlitra Ins: Co. • - • &stoic
Fire Assodettonot , *Ammon
Pentisilittnisi 1 ne.. Ca., pima, • Ataxono
co otnerata, Fire /op. Co.. N . Y.::: : • ,• t.500430^.
Farmlns. Co.. of , Plitta. 240,0)
Watertown Ina. Watertmtni - 60 0 j Ot
Uonie Ins. C 04.11. If_,Capttalnns Ourplanit.. $4,000,009
A Calle Ina. Co;, stattforat, Ct.
Usrtr Vire ma.;Co..Latittalandasephino4.U UU "Ai
"The tindinflined la SRSCIATJLOINNT torthe f u ltoq
In ompantea roe Northero Napa:tram, .
tire itafwebition ot,libiladetwbta: ; '
lAnneetefFtrst lusureqeeputo petty Linnitt v irti
The Interisland to. of' the pats! Yenney
' • -
. x was ,; •
Cone NnAml Ufa las. co„ knout. : .lnoto,noo
Antenna rite. • i:4 i40000
•:•!e! Ais, 0 C,10133102Wi1 . Pi; '- '
twATtar Pilikertre • • 1 " 43 5 0,000
ilutOrdorsigumibitioweirillulo s wath ie rtru
thepait Ilyeug,iis au luau nee/want. us ad
bs 4:lo44lwitnin Woe albums pita PirterPo7l 4ll d ' •
i;liar Mite up slain, I tintleng jou tarom, 41041sti
OM CO of Wm. ft. ) Coo#or dtp l . l'ltOPPlE ttht.
~94t o ut i ts!alma . ° l oco ar,vr.
, , • - ' 146240D0N;
tihirtiuOiatiak at'aloo hbalig
J3 1 .:Y1). 4-.c(b.4WIN
atc)34..A4A , Lcosa::
We would be More Maniac:lto one Nadal] who bow
'they have unsettled amount s with ba„ If they would ottU
and settle by the middle of Mach next. •
. .
' Feb. 4.18'11
At- No. 33 Court Street,
Were bare34o returned Wow Um Plt,i of New York
after purchasing a large Lad well Waded stook at
Of 'all lcitida bonglit from Ant hands, wo tkro wow
pared t 4,1 ore). goods at p:iees that will faddy timer:
+ntba We bare also added to our lugs stock o I
Dry Gooey, an immense stock of
for Din and Boy's wear. We • Oro now prowl I.
who will give e a Can as we have Aral class works's&
engaged for the season.
Ladles and gentlemen, you will please call sad atm
the our stock before • on purchase elsewhere.
Thankful for pa=t favors, we, hope for a continuation j
of the • We remsm.- • '
• •
Yours Respectfully
C. * A. boTerszT.
Blngtandau. April xi, lsT3.—tt
It la a Nold Llnament for House and stable use. A
vale ble comblnariou, discovered by a celebrated dna ,
ti At:herein and heraularrler. Was Introduced In the
.lltilted Sates In the year and since that time, by
its greet anceese. , ln the cure of, It has woo
for Itself that. , world wide reputation it PO Mthly des;
erves.endeow sttnds at the heed of all Ilisuisotoito tts
rtralled• "
, .
It ins already valued, the confidence and admiration •
of thousands of tioa Beholds forfits aunty cures adf
easels were external , pplication• are of so mut% impor
tance- It is etperially admired as • family remedy tor
it. peculiar chemical combination: posse:sing no hank
ingredients. pilte,tinctit re of COenna or red-pepper. of
which cheap and planless Liniments aro largely com.
posed; which increase instead of diminish the inflanaeu
dun, tasking it oy natere a speedy Cure for
• Testimonials and directions accompany each bolt*
DIY oue••••••anly 25 cents. CO centr, or 111.00—and if It
does not give good ratiofaction return the bottle ball
full and your money. will fro refunded. Call bt6.l.
B. S.. and take no otkee.
... D. 13, wan'. & Co.; Proprietors,
• Middletown, Orange CO., N.
• FOR Bala DT •
'A: ILBITitiNS and Si. A. LYON,
, M( qltr°"•'Pii-
Ptirthatubtft at al Wholeiale and retail stomas It. the
Mont/O;le. Mei sth. 1875.-
- •
Go to Cheep Jvlau'a , lor-Canton Flannel&
1 ..
An no Lied that their iv
r tier wilt bi eoneetal b 7 him •
... • • .1 ' •
COOPP:11, LiTanOt 440 "
September 19. leis -
to,, 75 Os, si Clbesp
A.NEW,• s, •
)apt recor!til!lTl tut Ws tri
Quiricarrnut :
rot was by
kr. all " 4114 " •
At SO 114000
arrl:lloll.ll74"ZakirlDies •
Pit 110):01 : - ji . 7annia,
April 1
• 4di. : . . 9 174. coiax4miri - '
Carpenter and Builder '
ctosTßAct s to oi . oet ottlicftres of an
$ wctiou and cont . p , te SAM 14 riot?
gilds: . 4
. ..._llll4.
spa Witt Ifitahml, Ta ll 11 mit' 8117Exp‘
Yuma, Damian:et t ...mei ,
tag pipet MO iptelllittith Se= t
owed firorjptteu, tlttos teat Po
11 4 9sigoimOsausqlgt/ 1 110e 4 17
-- . . , ,
. . .
iris wsam, 1
ooro of of Milo and
MAD 17X1
Builders' Hardware.
ifrllas, la3r *3llO iket.
Tlisoks to our Friend, tor Posaavors.
.Lac( Beaver Cloalca at Cheap John's;
"SKr 11EIC 9C" XSS
0 crt
r e>
/Atha? Felt Okixtfi,-$ Phettiqohtt's
U.' J. 1/1110.