The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 15, 1875, Image 2

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    V olwae '32.
To ate Senate and of Repreeenta
In . sittnitating mrseventli . annual tries.
• , sege•to Cengress, - an this ceu ten n nil year •
• of our, national existence' us- a free and
itidep:-iident people, it. tiffintis me great
to .recurto, the : . .advatteament•
_ thatitai been.nitote from . the time u{ the col
: on i,. one hundred, years' ago. , f?g.'W,e• were
tioiv n. -nut Itter . ,-.-rthire • than,forty
'Klit:ll inflow rieii_ were dotilined
itimo,t • exclusively to, the dilate of the •
the %bur *the .'ettrii:. try. , '
' ." ,Onr remain tittinipairf'!d; :Flo ,
Ipindsmeti been freed ! I rota shivery: .
.). We -hitve het:Utile . posvessed•of the respect,
-if- not, tile. frielidOltp of all ,eirdizett na
: tionS! kYt . tr_ progr,.s. has . lieiro, great in
agrioult pre. nem- .
ineree,:'oo.tgat ion; ( ' Ining, mechanics,
,late,,meiliettie;r,ete;,aiid in general eiluca•
lieu,. ill progretia • is likeWiee 'enc3urag
•. ,Ourtilirteen.tates have hecomelltirty
:eigt;.%-includint,Colorado,* 4 which "has ta
ken, tho initiatory.steps to'become'a State -,
-nod eightJerritories,•inclodiug thelndian
'Territory, 4inti .and exoludiag .
Colorado,. leaking a
. • - territury .extending
• from the Atiantio.te.the Pacific. -
On the south we have extended, to the
Virtf of 111exico; . and in. ' the r•west from
Nissitisipi& to the, Ontrhun
• 4ii;a: . ',f.Otiiiagp the cotton gin,' the steam
'fillip?, the, railroad, the telegraph, the, reap- ing.,•iiiiiting,„ 'and. modern "printing ai.
and •niittiernini other inventions
„ ,
Of ; scarcely . letis Value to tier. business
and' • luippitiesa;': ." were: • entirely . • tin—
' , •
1770 ..manfaCtoriea 'scarcely existed
e%kilitri name, in all this vast territory.—
, In 1870, more then:two
suns were employed in mantifactorieti,pro ;
• diming More thaw $2,100,000;000 of pro . -
duds tu itmetipt % annually----:nearly equal
. • td , ourliatinind debt. From nearly the
*hole Of the . ..population -of': 1870 being
engaged in -the' one occuration of agricol-
• lure, 111 tB7O tat numerous anddiversified
had belionie the -occupations' of our
pie then lees -than six million outof more
Oho' forty : millions were tio engaged.
-The x . trtnirdinary effect, produced iu ,
try by a resort to dlyerdifif'd Oc
oittsustuita UM-talk a. Market for the pro.:
dactiowlif, , lertile laud klietattt .from (he
seatiottec:***.the markets of- the world.
ffuv..4inerice#•system local log various •
and. ex tensiv e=
lsietig 94(1 . ;tbe . ': wistut•e, and - adding . con
ilecting.;:radroads steamboalS, has
t Laid oar distant interior country
mt reSnot.uoticealite by. ibe intelligent peo•
ph. Of, ail commercial' itatioas. k- •
The inizetinity and Skill of Athol:lead
haFe heen
..demonsin4ol„ tit
liniile ;1,4 ti manner mitt-8t
tentig Ode. • 13iit for'thetextra
. orJitutry genius end 'ability of :. our-nie-,
chati les, the achievements of our '4fieril.
. • to rists,.. ufactliirs :and .transporterii;
• thr,:inoloini the, odlintiv . 'would'have been
attainment- -.•
7 " The priigress Kit the Miner has also been
•''Of cad 'One production , mall
st,iiv`isiiusr.nitllihti Vii! tons tire mined an
with iron, w bleb formed
. • ,
tits half:a gen : wry ..ago; Ave now pr,ainee
'than the' world consii Med. at the be
gitnitog of our national existence. -
• I.rtad,zintand .citpper, 'item tieing ar
• tire- s unp - A•r, Ave. may e.i.oocti tolie
export erir of 'in' the bear future. The de
velopment of gold• and silver mines, in
the. United . States 'and territories has nut
otiry heen has • had :a
bushiess of all.
comineretal. nations.. •.• •• -• ...•
Our ..merchants • in: the last/ .litindred,
.- years, havehad a success and have estab- .
lished a:reputation 'for enterprise,
ity. prOgigall•;iina , integrity. unsurpassed
by the people of. other nationalities.—
• This good. name is not confined to their
• _lioniesi,,bat goes. out upon every-sea and
into everyport, where commerce enters.
equal pride, we can point to our.:
'Progreee in, 411 of the letetted - prOfesSioni,
• ,Att r; we'are now about to enter' titian
--.-our second centennial—oomMencing otir
mantioud,.alr nation- 7 U is, well to look
hack. , UPon the past and, study- what will
be best to preserve„ und.:advance our fu
;'tnre.g•reatues*,:.-Trom the tall of, -Adam .
for his trantgreSsion'to - the. - Present day,
no netioabas,.cier been free from threat
• ened-danger to its. prosperity
.and hap
. *raises. . • We shottlti look, to.the dangers
threatening . .mand remedy them, so far •
itkour,poyer.„. ,
•• We'ure republic whereof., one man to
assoTl uq. "another ; berme' the law. Un
• • 4-r.such- form.. of goieromht it is of
' • thel t, iniptirtance that all, should
bays, eli'Ough ,education and intelligence,
to ea right understanding
meaning:: A large assoCiation of
' Men cannot for a,corisidepable
oppose `, snecesSful ,. ..,resolitance of
• - tyranny and ' oppression froth t heleduca
, teed i:Oy 7 ,t4it will' inevitably, into
,qeleserrice . .to the will of
• whether dliented by. the . deinignktie
priesteraff:" Renee 'the f , ductition • of Ll*
ROSSI-E. .b:-copies of the first neceisity for
vatinii • ionr • titiot.s.--
becaitse•. they have
i-"Coreet - the greatest . goi.d . to the grown
• • it ottibil. of tiff' population. of uriv•
r,fgi •vez irtra , nt yet devised: All:the nth- .
fx-fornor gOverriment approach it • just
proportiow - lir the general - diffusion of
'education and deliend enee of thought
.awl adtlim.) Ai the •printrytap,'there.
'foire;•-tn.bbr . '.ativituceiren t. all 'that has
maikoll.Sour progress mu the past Ceritnry
t afOeSt foe'yopr rerneirconsideration, :
anti most.earriesitVreCorimientled it, that
cony titittini ; Lone d Men a u t
.ratification..niiilting it.
dins v , .vii each , <*-6i-. `severed States to es
andforaver-tuaititain: free . public.
fei t' le adequate to, tha.:edtication'of all
,- 1.4 q - vb tary. tirauchl.
is . , ,trittiitf . Oie.;respi:„-etiie 7 1i trik% irrespec
. • ,tive. *5.,,,,n414,4' .or, '-religion ;
fOrtoiddint the lesChitig ,iii7beals
-:6f : .religion;:atheitrti . ';:,Cr.pagen„tenets.,-and
ltrou;li~,titjg:..tile granting. of,:•any School
taxes. or any part th'ereof.
'44! tuei, legislative; 11)1111 icipal or
enefit," or aid
f • dirocti' .. - o•JuditecOy' of ,any-:::religtooa
• • RCA , aid Or for the
any other obiect of any oth,e
nature ..wfis**er.:
iii ,conatiOtiou this; important
question .1. Wonlit rtaill: Your utteutiou
to:the ',itaportaptie..correcting'. an evil
that,. if .potuittett - tia -nuotinhe i ;will .prob-.
ably le to ttivah , • trouble: in our land
•••• -.before the: close of the, nineteenth. cen
• tory, is ••-the ,accumulation' of vast
- ttinotiatikOf Churelt.:prcitierty.,,
, - .1u.185.01 believe
.the church property
Of ;the. Traitt.d . ,:'states, which paid .no. tax,.
- :'...lttintielpel'Or :state, 'ainottuted ; to about
• . • $83 4 .000;000.:"Iti..1800 the , amount bad
"!•,, de'ithied:: la:1875 it is about - one thoutt
', and' ..milliCalf:.,(8 1 10.0943 0 0•00 0 ,), and by
11)00 ,withottt,:a Check, it .. .'itreafe to to say,
thia' reach sottn:eineeding
$3; oii f • ' •:• j
OiciiiiititOZOneiving all the protee
: . deb land ':govern ment - without'
gearing to . iollB' !of • 'burdens and'.
the.expettiataAir the,'Asme,',' 'will not ti
30144 those who,
- , .
'f:•':• ,f . --. • - • .1•'• -•• ,•--' ' - "•'''.,, •.• ." -.1
i*ltiti!..,;•:'Whilre;- ISO:4 h4iy*oinega , isiw,
*idly : With ti me iiiii, n the Viiited - Stetki
4here to scarcely. a ItMit •to the wealth;
that may -!* acquired, by chrporations;',
: r,aigions or'citherwhpe.Aif alleWid' to.retain
real. estat64iitlimittaxatiOn. - •
The contemplation . of. so- whit a prop
erty as here alluded to without taiatiou,_
nus lead to Isequestration ' wi th out con
&m ;
otional a thwity.. and...through. hlood . .
I - uld- sug est the,taxation of all prop , '
city equally, whethernhurch,or Corpora
tion.. exempting only - the':•last "resting
place of the dead, - and •,TOssibly, with,,
proper restrictions, church edifices.
• Our relations with moat of the foreign
power& continue 'on . a satisfactory'and
'friendly ficiong . .- Increased intercourse,
the extension of commerce - and cultiva
tion of mutual interest's have Steadily im
proved our relatioia• with so large a ma
jority of •thelpowertiof the world, render.:
ing the . peaCeful • solution of . questions
w a ich from time to time necessarily arise,
leaving few. Which demand extended or
particular mitice:' The correspondence of
the Depa rtment of State '
with our diplo-'
mit ic mires ntatives abroad is transmit
ted herewith . .
1 am happy to announce the Pasiageof
an act by thSgeneral Cortes of Portugal,.
proclaimed since - the _adjournment of
Congress, for the abolition of servitude
in the" Purtugese 'colonies. It is to. be
hoped. that such legislation- may be an
other step -toward the great consomme--
tion :to bOtrached when no man shall be
permitted; directly 'or indirectly, under
any guise; excuse, or form of law, to hold
his fellow:Mau in bondage. - - -
I am also of the opinion that it •is the
ditty . of the United States, iii contributing,
toviard_ that end and required- .by the
spirit of the age in which we live, to pro
vide by suitable legislation that no citizen
of the United States shall hold shives'as
property in any other country, or be inter:
ested therein.
Chiiitaii to
the whale Ali
out stillicienit
lade reparation in the case of
p Good Return, seized witn
t cause, upwards tit' forty
*«.* * . *
itor in the Case of thc United
Montijo, '1 for the seizure
of which the Government
Sstates of Columbia was
able, as decided iu favor-of
yearn ago.
The arbitr.
States Otani:
and &genii()
of the Unites
held *nun
the elnim. • •
A reeipto.
The liawaiita,
*** 4 *
tc, treaty' with the King of
Islands waseouluded some
*• * *
• 111 - March
nude• throug
last, an arrangentent was
Mr. Cusitirig, vur Miuistet
lith the Spatiigh goverutuent.
erit bv the latter to the
tin• the pm..
sand dollars
relief of the
. : of the surrf , of eighty thou.
n Coln, for Vie purpose of the
;unifies or . ..persons'- of the
ly aihi certain,. passengers of
*6." 'The.stim was to • have
three metallinetts,. at:two
snipe comp'
cite "Virgini
Ike!, pii.l in
nonths ea&
Itis due tile Spanish government that
1 shwild stat that'the payments were
fulls anti.. sntaneously anticipated by
T f o
-t hat govein ent, and that . the whola
.Miint was paid within• but a few days
- wore than two months from the date of
the agreetnpht. - - - . .
The past Year 'has furnished no .evi
aence of an "'approaching - tertnii.ation • of
the rliinons conflict 'which lies been rag
jug for severl'years in the neighboring is
Ned Cnbsi. -The same disregard of the
laws of civilized warfare,. of 'the just de
mands of hilmanity, which have hereto-.
tore Called expressions of condetimation ,
from the' nations - of Cristendom, • hive
calculated tb blacken the sad scene.—•
tieSolation, itniti and 'pillage are pervad
ing the rich fields or - one-of the most fer
lite regions fit the earth,' the incendiar
tes'•torch. firing 'plantati o ns and valuable'
iactories ui3tlL buildings," is the agent
markingallonate advance or retreat of
the contend ng parties. - . '
- , The protTacted • cootinuence .of this
strife seriontly affects the interests of all.
e'iimmercial nations ; but those .61 the
United Stales more their . others, by rea- .
sin of its else proximity i ita , large trade
and interest roe with Cuba, and the Ire- ,
Inept and gliimate personal and 'social
-relations which. have grown' up between
•its citizens--and - those of , the Island,
Moreover, tie property. of our. citizens -
• iit Cuba, ithirge, and is rendered tuse
euie and dePreciated,in value and capac- •
ity . of produletien by T the continucauce of
the strife and the natural anode of its
conduct. The same •is . true, differing
i,fily iii degree, with, .respect -to the irate-.I
rests and people of other nation's; and '1
the absence of, any Teasonahle assurance
sof a near termination of the conflict, of
nectssity must soon -compel the States
thus suffering to - consider what-the inte
rests of their own people and theirduty
inward theMselves may demand. •
• I..have hoped that Spain' would been-abt'ed to eet blish Peace in their colony::
to afford se urity to the., property and
interests of. nr haling, and all6w legit
imute scope to the • trade. and commerce,
and to the l naturaly..prOductiobs of the
lidand.• Behause of this, hope and from
Lau extreme feluctinee iii,.ititeie:e . in the
most remote Manner in the- affairs ..of
another aud .friendly . .nation,Alpectally of
,one .whose ylopatily - and- friendship in.
. the stroggl lig infancy of, our- own ex
istence mat ever, be remembered with
F.' rat i t tid,i. -. il .have. patiently- . _ and' Una-.
ionsly ow iiii;ed •t he progress -of-eve tits.=- .
Our ownciil conflict is too recent fur
us not to c nsiderthe difficulties' which
surround ii
,11 ;e goveraMent, distracted by . .
dynastic 're fling aV home, at the same
rinse that itibas ti? cope , with a.severate
insurreetioti_in, a distant . .colOney. Nit'
whatever causes may : have produced the:
l iituation which im:gritiviouttly affects our
interests; it I exists with all its attendant,
e'vile,..operating directly upo - n this conu
'try and its people. Thus .fur - all 'effort.
.pt Spato have proved abortive and Aime
has marked no imprOveq*ut iii the.situ
4tion. The armed ban& .of -either side
now. occupy nearly. -the same ground as
in the,Past, with the ,diffetence from time
to time_ of_ More lives sacrificed and more
property destroyed, and a wider extent
of fertile-and produCtive fields and more ,
.and moic,.. - aluable property constantly
und wan to ly sacrificed to', the imiendia
ries..torch. 1 .. . ,
, • -
In Contents of this nature, , where - a
conitiderable body of people who have at
tempted to !fret themselves from the con ..
tool of the superior , governmenti4havi
reached ,such a -point in occupation of
territory s -ig power, and in general or
ganiiiition,i ao to . constitute, in fact, a
body polio having a government in Sub!,
stance as w 11- us iii uathe, 'possessed of .
' the 'eleinenlt's of stisbility; and equipped : :
with the'..luitchinery .for the' adtoinistra , l
tion of internal policy and . the execution;
of itslaWil,7, prepared. and able
ad min=,
hoer • - • jtiAieit .at home i • Well as
in its .. detilibgii with, otner -- powers;lt . ii
withig,the province" of those other pow-.
.ere to recogniie its existence .. as a new.
:and independent nation:" In such' cases
other riotous simply deal: with an actually
existing; condition of 'things, and reetig;
1 nisei as one of the 'powers. of the, 'earth
that 'body. politic which, - Possessing the .
necessary el e ments, has in'_feet become - o
new power—in a word the creation' cit T a
new state. --- ITo establish th4.condition Of
tit.-gc.itccetitiiil . toille recognition of thiii .
~frict, thet*.Must be 'a penple, occupying . a
known >; 'territory ',unt.etl ..:tinder - some
I :nosy . * find il dined .'forb' Of glivire neo, -
0 1. 10 . 1 44 • 0,aubject thee*
-z.;:tz: :: :::.=,.....-3 , -.H), , ....- , ~ _-..-4-...t., ,, , ,,,. ,..::,•..=....-..7:::- . ',...:- . ;.;.- . :,:. . „:„
. i
• ~.........'h...3
iti.,,whioiiti; , o -nfltovtrantelit
are*tliniiiiiterid 'by .. the ;:nstiiit . ruetheits ;
autntietent to.limte one Ustitie toiicitizens
Ault: strangers to ulna' - entedies , ut pub.
•litl- . and for private 1 Wrii rigs, - . to
ia.nine.trie 'a.irtelatiye 't iternatiepaf obit ,
1 ..
.gations, and-capable of: Performing the
corretipending . interns offal
.-:iliitia.. fe :
sulting4l>mi its acquisi ion of the rights
,spur i:a power should.
exist complete in its . or. 'animal - On .ready
to take and able to
among uamain • 4. place
the nations of the earth. At
While conscious' tha(the str ggle in
Cuba has shown B,.power and endurance
Which niakes it at letTtlieubtful whether
it be in the'power .of.Spain,tp - s Woe. it,
seems unqueetiocatileithat no s th . citil
organization exists whieh may,'he recog,
ilized us an independ4nt. _gorgrntri4ut,
capable of ; - perforniiiagrite.intirpatietial
obligatione;andentitiell to be*!'iteated us
one itif t.he!pnwere of th , earth; - ., A recog
nition, under 'such virciimatiince,4' would
-be ineinsiistent with thei feats, MA would
soon c.inliel thepovier granting‘i to sup
port by force the'goveittnent to: th'ichit
bad - -really girlot . ite ;'only . real \ a - ims' , to
.existence. In .my - judgment the United.
States shoUld adhere iji • the pa icy and
the principles' which have hereto. "re been.
its. sure bd : safe guide !in' ~
like ' et:citrate
bettveeti revolted, - ,colt)nies .. and - their
'mother 1 Ouritty, and' acting only upon
the clear st evidenc r e, *Should atloid any
possibility of snspidionUr of inip:Upstion.
A recognition of :the' independence of
Cabs being 'in my opinion impracticable
- and indefeneible,thtiqueetion wh'lch next
presents ijself is that of the recognition
of belligerent rights in the
. partits to the
• conteA: In 'a former .'message . ; o CoU-
Tress -I -had 'occasion•to consider - the
qlegion andreached the coriclti. ion that
Al e conflict,to Cuba, dreadful at d devae
t ting - ns were its' incidentsi: tliii not rise
tt;'the fearful dignity, of war: li gardiug
it now after this.lapee of time I ail unable
.tO see that:any itotatile ' success, or any
marked or real advance on thepttrt tit .the
insurgents has essentially' char'ged' the
chliratiter of t he contest. - ' Itj bite !acquired
'greater age bat not greater tor tare tor
rniitlable proportions.- It is ,pi - issrole that
the acts or f4icleu c pnwers'a,ll4 . 'PN'en acts
of Soli n betself,'•of this rery:l nature,
might b -pointed to in ik:felnee,:tif suck a
! recotntwindati - on but Jojw ; is cs)iits
.. r i is t
history, he' United i St!d,es..!: , ...hotild rare
fully itrt id false:lo4S !Which tniVtit lead
into the :hazes Of. (Rub:ol'l , N old queS
tioiiable propriety, - arid inth - fti rightly'
and' iterp ly. - to the •ruletwhiell in'ts licriz - i.
fore I.liei!: its guide —doi.4 only Old. whieh
18ifight4ild , honest, • iiiidsrf 'good ' i court.
Tile qtrtistion of accOr iling,!iir - 'i',.f witli•
itolding,lrights. of beiligerency \ juust be
judged ha every case itt . • view of r the Par-
Mutat. attending -facts . The etilitst, ie
&dely on land;' th,e!!•insurrec6oli!-:lias
not yosseseed 1 tse if ol i - al iiglq Seaport
whence it may-send!for_i
i hits:flagi nor has
it,' any Means of
,comnunicatt!tin • with
fureigit powers e'xcept through tl - .e„mili,
tail lines:cif its adirersary. Cons:demi .
as a question of expediency 4 retard the
accordance of belligerent rights still to he
:unwise and 'premature. i • t•- ' -
The ,eCognitiOn of independence or of
belligrreney th 1,111 my•judgetneht,
inadritissable, it rerrini. .8 to Consoler what
comise shall .he adopt d shbuld ;the con.
flirt not soon be bridu,lit . to an; end .by:
iactsof the parties tlionselves, and should
the evils that result" titereqUtn, 4X-citing
all natioull, and particularly - the .. United
States, coutinue. fit such; an 1 event,l
ani. of 'opinion , that ! the rviabias will be
con+elled to assurne the 4 2 4porisibiliti
which deiolves upon thenii and to' it•
rilusly 'consider theonlyrrepaiainingirueas
ur a possible mediation O4 in wrven
tia,n. At the••samer tone wbile".thne lin.
pressed, I do hot at this time ! I recummend
the adoption of 'any! Measure -4j interrela
tion: I shall at all, time 'and ;'as the
equal friend of\ boi . parties,Aie ready to
respond to the sug restion that The gbod
oflicesUf the • United - States . will. tie Au- .
ceptto aid in .br nging about . a *Cc
hentii . eble to' both. It is due: to Spain
so far as the gove rnment .is concerned;
'that the agency of third power,to. woich
I have averted, sh It be'idopted only as
a last . ex etilent. i .,., ~ .. ,
. ' .
The g versimen t i nf Spain has recently`
suhmittet to our-Minister tit'Aladrid cer
tain proposals wbulh it is lipped 'may be
found to he t 4 ,basis, if not . the . actual
submission) of stertoz - tu • : meet the revuire-,
. .
merits .of the pactidular, of
which thiCgt - terurnent•btis qe reel{ en
titled to co plain. i These proposals have
not yet i hed mein their full text: On
.their arrit i they will betalietiintu care
ful exituti Muni, bill,- !nay,. I :hope, lead, I
to azsittiJaciprY atijustrtient of the gees-. 1
tionsto which tlA i Irelrr, and remove' tl,e
possibiiity!of figitrlf actions garb as bevel
giveti rise -t,, our 'inst . cernplait . sit;••. - Lt's:
underett.ital also! tiqtt renkved efforts are
being made, to in tiuddce . reiiirini. in the 1
jute-real atiniltiistraflu`n"of,..thQ• 1i.4.4 no. 1
Pei suturingii,.k , vi,,ivet., chat, a .pr4er re-
.for .. .he ioteki.,Sts ii'-of.the :Liiiil4kil
l e St , ati, , , s , atad lose itiztio , s
. eu - tithlo it ,t , , 0 .-8 1 .•) ee. d . %:-,
reliet froth • the ittpuli : to! tliacti.. it. lots
been sit lij4fed'iby !the di tii oil tie:: pt. the
' quettiott, toil. (it the .Wroih.-,e and losSte ; , ,
winch aril front_ ye cflitiesi,iii Cnbuois ,
Well! as the in terestis -Or tirittcdrit}c il.self. ,
detnand that'i. the whole, islaittl . saall, hot.'
i)e laid-was',„e and larger 'eticrices of :life,'
be , made, 1•84811 fe4l: it'
,p),y diity, .shotild
illy ltopeB Oti a: halittabtOry •adjust went,
"and-of the.tie t rly rt4stotatiOn cif jietiCe,at:d
the retrieval tf fn. kire caus*cf complaint
be untiaPplyltliediipoiut4, tti sledge a itr:
:tire Collintanietil of , ,n to 'CoLtres4 at 'borne
point 'note Al .rkineie, dna...during the
presefit seSsitin,.re4Oinititiii,ding
,what 'may
then seelin.toime t o luteriecessary. •:- ' • •
Depredatidoe” lajTJ: 6 lirmed - , 4 . tida irem.
Mexico; On ille . pe - O hl' or Texas, near the.
frontier, continue.' ..110gli the . iiiiiiii',
object of - tbePe i4d,arsioniviS robbery,they'
frequently igsult .Ati the. ;murder. - of tin..
armed and, • peaceably' diepOsed Persoiiti :
aud:iu some litettitiCes even . ' the Utiiteci fr :
'States Postottice and - mail- commuiii,
tious bate been attacked Renewed ;.re.;:
monstrancei'upon!Oiit subject helve' been ,
ad 4ressed . ..o' tbel!;*exicitn . ..goaterntnent.:
without rmicia apparent erect.- The Link
itary brae jut this' i gnyerntnent, disposable
for service lo:, that! liQrder, is inadequate ,
• to guard the line Ut t ,those points Where the
incursions are generally- made. ' The ex-j
pertinent of an armed . 'vessel on the Rio
; Grande for that purpose to . on . trial; and
- it is hop. d ithat it !not: t. warted by the:
etiallOwneauf thelriver : nd other natti ,
rel alist4Cl 8, it unkr unitie hill} , contribute
'o the ' pr, tendon I of. ll e . herdsmen of
Texas. •-1 -..:-' 'i 1 • -,-. ' . 'i -.. : ... - --.
The preti i eedingS i ' of -- th . joint cetiiinis.
Isinner Under the.conventimi between the
United' Stalks and 41exi0.) ;: of - the :itth of
4fily,lBol3;on thei - sUbjeet!•Of
. chitinti will
Soon be brought - tti a c105e... - The - lresult
otr.those proceedings- Wi ,. , - be then reom
ui -
tinicat.ll to Congress. . , . • . .
1 1 1
The President thew, says T ho 'governiXtent, of
Venezuela will 'iipay : the ,'lstit,nd States !its_titie
-iihare 'of taeoe.aihrived for; the extinguishing
or foreign 'eliding: An exchange of treaty of
enanuerce'With 13elgiitorlbr a reciprocity treaty
„with thOilawailan . ...l4litads; and 'ea extradition
with the empire Of Ottonntal . He further says.
no. move, coininis*Aers ou. tliq--"Ala
barna" claims has .pr4secuted Its hapOrtlint du
ties 1 / 4 ery'astAtitiotisly awl' v. y satisfactoply:- -
Thirtati...bundred and' eight •twit. eltiinis have
been iiiesv,:ateit. Out 01 whic 68.8 had beendis
p os ed of at ''the data rid the' . opnit. I slits _ln-,
turined that 170-mgesl were decided during the
n t ort tbif ticovetnuer.l*. : '''. P': , I. ' •..
(40. t tad - on. 27iird. Paoe - i . .
• - i •
We copy elsewhere , whattho litonf,resel
DEMOCRAT has to - say upoulthe , question - A/
organization.: It agrees With 'Us , that a.!
reorganization of the narty . onr!state is
necessary, and approves in the Main.the
'plan Which. we have suggested.. It ob
jects,liowever folodging - in the hanOs:Of
the chairmen the power of removing
. ixtenthers *of 'the conimitteei,.. Our sitg;
gestion was ,ithat.. the .chairman sbOuld
have the.pewer te":einove members; for
cause, With . the consent of the donimittee,.
so that W i n' not differ greatly fromlcur
friend tifitlie nEttoon.A.T.'., It rwciuldi be
. better, vie mink, to -- ..pnt the responsibility
upon thelchairmen oftakint the itiitia
tivesi4 in the removal of inetllcient mem
bers.; forlthe simple reason that-itshOuld
.I,e.sorne Lone ',emu's • duty to do-thiti,
since we all know that what is - every;.,.
body's ibtisineas is m° body's business.---
Imanca;tei• lnleldigencer.
Grantl flit:mid ar4 oao by uno going
to` the pnitolitiary. It is, very eltul.=--.
C-ottr. Joitr. .
4egal Advertisements.
. _
SillEßliii'FS'.-SALES.-.By VIRTUE OP
- writs latied by the' Court of Common Pleas of
,Susquehanus County and to me directed, I will expose,
to . rale by I public vendee, at the Court Donee in
Montrose, en• Thtmelay. - December 30,. 1875, .ar one
o'clock, p. 4, the following pieces or parelea of land,
to wit: i
All that cehisin pece or parcel of *old ethyl 6 In the
twit. of lirohklyn in the County of tiumfa, and State
of Pentieylvarda, bounded and iieecribcd as follovre to
wit: On thiseast by the public highway, on the'weal
by lands of the Widow Ellswortleou the north by lands
of Ferry Sweet, and on the south by lands of Charles
Tingley, coatitining one-ball acre el land; all improved
on which is .eltuated one one-story bouse and a
three-story building Used as es store, anal dwelling
'mute. [Seized and taken in execution atlne soled(
Marks et, ilea, vs. J. 13. Very.)
ALSO-Ali that certain piece or parcel of land alteiste
in the bore ah of Suequehanna and Stete.of Peemoyi-
Y 4103, isAll: r
ed and described as tollow4, to wit : •On
the north by, Main Street. ou the east by.,Third Street,
on the west by P. B. Thayre,. and an the south by Cbs.
'Morgan, elteining 60 by 120 free ail improved, with
the apparte emcee, one two end a ball' ;Ivry house and
hese/neut. Fe:teen in execution ut the full, of Moines
Kelley vs. II nutry AleManatnan.] t. • -
ALSO -Ali that certain piece cepareel (Vend situate
in the townithip of Auguni, in the comity ef Sueque
intuna: mid state of Penneylveuiii, bottudedinnd deli.
1214bsd its inflows, to wit : On the north, 'by Lando-of
John and U-Inlet Jane, and laud of Wm. Cooley's estue,
on the -eoulti by lands of coiweo ienen and £,
liewscn, oie the eeeteby hold* of Colwell 3teMickeu,
and on the Ke st by lauds of. Daniel Jackson, enntaln
ing 'id titres of laud. more cif ;lees, and about tet acres
improved, with the appurtenances, one honse, two .
barns, arid two orchard', • i tsheu to execution at the
teat o * Pltoeert Duntep, nee of'; Jacob lied, vs, P. Al:
Lootni- mei H. N.- Loornbel , ,
ALSO-all that certain piece: or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Jessup the County Cl earque
e3i tin and state of Pennsylvania,
.botioded aim nee
embed 20 rearms, tiewi: : ere the north by lauds
s of N.
P. Cornwell, on the south by Arielme 31cItOebv, on,the
east It ~ laud/. of. Joins 1./.IIUOII e-late Anti .1. liomaiiiirallit.;
and or, the west by lands tit David Olmstead Ana Den
itd Hod, coulaiultig 10133. acres. more or Ats, about rid
acre: unproved. with the appurtenanee'.. one bouse,two
taints, corn house, and a new Unit trees. Cfaheiv in
execution at the stilt of ii. I ,Adeline aielieeby, Admitile
mane of Solomon clieeby, deed . , vs. Thomas P.
Mnt heir.) 1
iTi A l l, i, e, o o l. -;ll , l h i l li p a o t
i ce o r: . 1 1 1 . 1 Nec it e , o t r i : m p ,, a r e c o el
n o r f s la o n f d s titt qu it:
haute aid State of P iitelylvanla, bounded and cies
eribetPas follows, to wit: Ou tbeeast by Weetfail Ave
nue, on the et.dath, north, and west by lands of Marvin
J. it'eettalL being Al lot 'of land conveyed by deed of
Jamee Me - Wee:fall Id jielen Dltunieriug, containing
7,470 feet of laud, more tie less. with• the, appurtenan
ces, one-two story house and out•butldings. tTaken
in execution at the suit of 1 Mrs. Mercy laanneriug , vs.
Wilbraham Mannering.l :
ALSO-AlLthat certain lolor parcel of laud elf nate in
the to*nehip of Herrick, in the County of Susquehan
na and State of Pennsylvania, comprieing , mll of lot
:lumber - 256 in of,
resurvey and allotment de Henry
Drinker's , Tunkhannock Tract, containing 1211% acres
'of land, 20 to 25 acres cleared, being the same land
*hien JOseph• De Drinker and wife, and Ilenry Clark
and wife sold to said William Williams by contract
dated the sth day of October, A. D. 1869, with the ap e
purtenances, one house, barn, and a small shop. Mit
ken in .execution at the snit of John Torrey vs. William
WI Mains.) ~ . . '
ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land situ,
ate in the township of Silver Lake, in the County of
Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described arkfollows, to wit: Beginning at a post on
the el eyr Yo It ,State line the northeast corner of a to' t
lermetly conveyed-to John Minkler, tbence by thee:lld
State line south 87 degrees east 247 and three tenths
perches to a post, a corner of a lot formerly conveyed
to Wm. Wbipple, thence eolith .81 and seven-tenths
perches to a pones corner of Isaac V. OnageS lotAbence
north 87% degrees west 247 and three-tenths peOltes to
"flu; eardern line of John 31Inkler a lot, thence north 83
and nine-tenths perches to the place of beginning, cote
toning 118 acres. more or less, all imroved, wnh the
rippurtenences, oue barn, dye. I Reserving from sale a
piece of about 30 Acres, formerly conveyed to Thomns
Monaghan, [Taken in execution at Mesta of Phibe
I'. Sharplese,dereof James if. Carmalt, vs. John Mono
hem ] . . . -
ALSO-All the Defennant'a interest in chat certain
piece °rammed of laud situate lathe township of Bur
ford, in the county rif enequebanua and elate of Penn
syleenia, hoduded and deiscribed as follows,. to wit *'-
On the east by land, of S, .
Cooman, deed' and U. P.'
and vie. W. Wilmerth. on the north try lands Of C, L'.
Richardiein, on the west by -lands of C. C. Richardson
and C. W. Deans, de'cd, sod on the eontli bee lends of
Milton Alworth, containing arena CZ acres and 49 perch
es, more or less, with the appurtenances, one dwelling.
hbnee, barn un orchard, .ec. [Taken is execution on.,
eendry writs, S. B. Guile se. John D. Dowell.
ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of lend' situ
ate in the borough of Staquetinatia. Depot, in the coun
ty of Susreuehanna and erste of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as tollowe, to wit: On the north by
Main Street, on the east by, Fourth Street, on the south
by lot of It. Fitzgerald, and on the west by lot or I',
Lamb, eeetamlng 60 feet ion Main Street and 120 on
Fourth Street, with the appurtenances, one frame house
and all improved.. [Taken in execution at the suit of
0. Sutherland vs. Mary A.Money and et. Simonson.]
ALsO-All that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the borough of Suenuehanna Depot. county of
Susquehanna and. State pi Pennsylvanie, bounded as
follows: On the .north by lands of Bell tiallaway, on
the east by Pine street, on the south by land of G. to
Sweet, and on Abe west by hod of C, D. Ives contain
' MOO by 100 feet el land, more or less wish thecaippur
tenences. one frame boned and all - Improved, ,ken
1u execution at the oat of Charles Churchill vs. Villbe
ton lick:her.) 'C
ALSO-Al that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate 4 u that township of New Milford, county , of Sue
quelianua and-Stateof Pennsylvania bounded and dl,-
scribed an follows, to wit t: &Tit - ming at a beech true
an original corner, thence by lands of. Lancaster Jet-
Lint?. north - 44 degrtee west 54 perches to a post aryl
' Stoups,tbSSlCS by lands of Enoch Smift north:lo de , ,,,ritees
•teet. eiund flve-tenth perelit-e to it post, thence by lands ,
surveyed to Soseph race south 52 degree's vast 20 std
nine-truth perched to a tientl,ca • stump. thence ' , arta
.1% degrees east 9 perches to a post, and north 43%, de., gives rase 1.2 :yid PA r-teh th - pc.mhe,, to A.:point In tic
highway leszling, from New Nilfoni to Jneason, thence.
slung said bighwity sou: it r.:5.).-; ,Oxgroci , , na, , r.. .31 . and !Ivey
tem ii petehis fir an iron, drain in said to•td, thence li
-aid tiles tot norib, 46 d.o,rees. east 51 raid five-Lath
psyche- 14 a put•L and nodes, theme by tarot formerly
in p„. e eeson, of tar, lute Outer lee.% deed, south 44
ti.-;.treett ea-t sO perches to
. a post and stout-. anti -meth
4411/Celtes west 31 WV:l2ll'2f to a point in said rteul thence
elan' said rued youth feeM degtees cast 47 Intl five
tenth pi-relies to tipoliti ltel the - bridge. theuee" by !heft
fornierty•ill waro-ssion- ?•1' .Lkimnrd Corm rotated.; tie.
wee. west 9J perches to a tooter, and thence soutber%
tiegrtes . weet.til . Inlet:Cs ion I,oe , t And SLOTiel , .Ih, ace by
Jowls ineeriV in 1)01 , t1P1014/ of Atte late simnel B.
Williaros Cortlill degrees we=t 160 pereboe to a wt.
an d ,4,,t;e.,,, and thence by.lawis of Le:wester Jennings
north 46 degrees mist in and livedenth . perches to plate'
ot - beginning. containing Ito scree...of Lott. inure or Iris ex• enttotig and. regent:3y' therefiont. tat: following de
i•erlbeil piece* of laud- etre. MI test parcel , container ,
about 4 acres iteretbfdre gr,inted to' Anson Hell. Sec- -
ono radii:a parcel eon-ring saw mill pond and will
',revenge, emnaiuleg ebieit a 2 acres conveyed by deed
1,..i Leonard Omni. s cud elf that parcel of land contain
iiise :then: tet acres temveyed by deed to --... biting
the Same laud conveyed oy deed to said C. 8. Bennett by
rattan- WalsvorthnbeVrife by deed dated, Dee. 17 1517.
' ;deo excepting um: reserving all the piece or parcel of
, land conveyed byj'acob Wyman to William iCayinsti
recorded in deed book no, 59. page 419 containing about
.50 acres, with the aepartensocee one large frionelern
'end ablaut 75 'acres Improved. erukett in execution at
the snit of F, W. Boyle vs. Jacob Wityroan e j •
ALSO-All these two piece:6pr parcels of land situate
in the townetdp of New Milford, county of Susquehan
ha And State of Pennoylreall, the first Pieee'bounded
' and den: 'bed sr-follows, to , wit: Beginning at a,cor
tier of Samuel B. „ Williams • and Lancaster Jennings
north 41 d=reee westa64-perches to• a post and stones,
thence by lands of Enoch Smith north 46 degrees east
811 and flreetenihs perches to I post, thence by land sure
veyed to JoitephMce south 52 dee tees east •*aad °lee-
Wattle potties to a hemlock stump, . thenee south 71M
degrees teed 2 perches to a post, and north 43% de Mee,
cart 12 and four-tenths rods to a point In the highway
leading fiem New Milford to Jackson, thence along
said highway aerate 58% degrees east nil and Ilve-teuth
perches to an iron driven in said nand crossing said
road leading from New 3131fotd to Jackeor north; cel
line of Joseph Rico 46 degrees , cast 80 rods and three
tenth* to a etakeand stoned'parallel with mad road 29
- rods, otake and Stoats parallel with lands of Jacob
Witymen 8 and three-tentb rods, middle of said road,
thence westerly to laid 29 rods shove namediron,theme-e
19rods along Cynic Barlow', mill lot to a etaketeed
stoner, thence easterly along said Barlow's line 21 rods
to a stake and Wines, thence southwesterly parafed
with the original line of Jacob Waynian 141 rods to
stakie and Acmes to lande of Samuel Williams dedd,
tbeuce north 40 degrees 'wen 21 perches to place of re
.giuning, Containing 6 1 3acri shot land inure or keit, toe Le
toe npeartenances one orelis d and about 33 acres las
proecd: The oecend,pleceoe parcel of lend rituateas .
above:, brinuded and described as follows, to' wit On
the north and east by. Wed, ot Levi •Taaner, On . fie
I month by public highwity, and on the west by. iandof
Joseph Rice, with the uppurtenahtes 2 frame isoureee 1
1 harn,ceen bowie, and bag house, 1 orchard and cme
, tattling about 21 acres more or lees,Abon 17 acres in-
peeved, [Taken In execution at the suit of Jane Key
mauve. Jacob Wayturtne) , -
, ALSO-All that certain Meteor parcel Of land vaults
in the-township , of drookiyu in Inc county of leave.
banns arid State of Pennsylvania , bounded and drs
exiled as follows, to wit: lieginniog' in the ceatreof
th il len r e e d:e7o lo f te u J rth r . o D a s ti . '4:r.ideeene:ouw,theneasotartitbs"ner thereof ,
tea poet, them* by
last ibuned hind* eolith tiee degrees westls6, reds to cim
tre of mad, thence along antre of
degrees west 2ti rode, thenee along eanteiaertit at de
green west IS rods et° - petut therein. thence by lands
of Jamee•Sterling tooth bvg degree* Welt !111 rodato
centre of stone wall, tence,by Lind 'of B. 0. Wutrous
south three-fiturtlis deg re e dad O&M rods to may of
btet rued, them* slung mina) northStOf ;line' east
81 rode, thence along same north el 'degrees, —4. 48
rode, thence along tame north 87 degrees east romps
to place of beginuLtag s containing fly aeram and ed se
more or less, exce ptingtherefromlit - acres; -an 410
squaw: lends to S. D. Tioweusemi, with the apptutauua•
cad, one dwelling house, been , so orebard , sod taftUy
- improved: , iyaken in lieentlon at the salt.: of /. U.
Porter Y., L. F. P4dar , .) • . : • ~ i .
_ Taxa Korf.ct :-7411 ads iiiikri ba arraacia on ituidiy
- 11. /011.11.8,
r likwEr
aued• 001,c4tx?ritiOse i r Dcc.i 2,075.
. .
~ . , . ...
. ':iFtir •go94:l*orbofe, '. g o -to....c*iP
'l , .' - i-,1 'New ~.Alie!
*tie estate or John Conley late or Choconnt twp
deed, Utter* of Administration in the old estate'
baring been granted to the Undersigned, kit persona
owing said estate are requested to make Immediate
payment. and all persons taring claims against said
estate'sre requeeteu to presenttheln without delay.
t. • TIIOB. DOW.
Dec: 15, 1875.—nw. Administrator.
.DB. ELLEN 4j.4470116.LL,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ifieduate of the We
men's Medical College of the N. Y. Infirmary, then
resident physician fur a yearn the Woman'a Hospital
In N. Y.. after four years'i practice in Pon dm Lac;
Wlaconsin,bas located in Atoutrose. Special attention
given to diseases of women and children. Olitce at
the foot of Man Street, in the old David Poet home.
• stead. I
Ifontrose, Dec. 15,1815.--Ilmeatil
. T ICENSE PETlltiNS.—Notice is
1...1 hereby given that, iM punsuance of an Act
of Assembly,the following named persons have
filed their petitions with he Clerk of Quarter
Sessions of the Pea6e, for the County of Sus.
quelianna, for licenses to keep taVerns and fOr
Wholesale.dealers in sail County, for which
.they will apply st January Sessions, 1876,
J. N. Sackett, for Eating 1.106 lie, in Dow. of Gt. Ilen ' d.
--Frank Kano " ' " " "
I ; 3
iEGISTEIt'S no-%
- 11 t 1 tteelik heiebrgiven Minn perions concerned, in.
the frilloaing'lestates. to is I
Eatone of ueorii•AV. Pack, i Y= or.Fesilp In, dec'd; W.
- C. Smith. Executor t :t • •
Ratate of Joseph E. *Slant late or Gibson, dec'd:;
' Eliza A. Whitney and 'Jac , / L. , olllet, Aam'rs.
Estate of Alonart Walker, lite* Gibson, dee'd ; W. W,
Williams. Administrator., ' •
Estate os John Gerd, late o r 101b.on; dec'd ; George
W. Conrad, Administrator.
Estate of CilArlea Chambeilln,late Ilarford, deed;
Homer Tingley, adrainistratnr.
.ICatate of Old i'er.k ,ate ct Near Milford, dee'd • ZadY
F. Peck , Executrix.
Estate of Sarah M. Walker. :late of Dimock, ireOt ;
Deo. Walker. Admilli'lrster•
Estate of Mieldon Mecham, late of depsup,,dec.'d ;Q:••
P. Read at.d Margaret Meacham, Executor. •
Estate of Joseph Backue, late of Forest Lake; deedi;
C. F. Read, Executor and Tquatee. !
Estate of '.rmou, Peter. Henry; and Francis D. Phillip's
minors ; 'lose* Phillips, tluarliati._. I
Estate at Mary K. Nichols, minor ; • Keziah C. Smiley,
• That the accountants have tiettled their accounts in
the Register's Office fa an.i for the county at tiesque
hunnsoind thatthe sante will be presented to the Judges
or the Orphans' Coort,on Thri,reday, Jannary 13, 1874,
for contlrmatton and allowance.
li. N 4 TIFFANY, Register.
ll>gister's Office, ronirorN - Dec. 15, 1875..
• _IN niL
d. c
•.. , - !
Two stores in one—the fi ne et store and the best dis
sought In Job ton for cub. stiles* than runt:Acton:Ts
prices. and I will sell Ahern lower titan any other house
can sell.
Go to Barrett. for Ho l liday Ptegents, .and late motley.
' I .
. . ,
- . .; • PIANOS, -
, ..' i • -i t . • . 1
• • -.- Aiiii . -
• . .
• ;.. 1 ' .
1 •
_.., 4)
. ; .
• \ r
4 1 •
. 1
.. ;_
: 1
And I have also the celebrated WEBER PIANOS, and
MASON t HAMLIN °ROANS, ;which have gained
great- notoriety.l -
Also, Horace Walters -&- Soto Concerto. Oreheausl
and CtmhrdUs . Organic and S te Binghamton Piano, a
TM octave finely finished Insttametit, made. expressly
for mr* trade. whlci) C shall sell at $3lO, .ash, ten per
cent. added If sold cm lime, Don't buy or think of do
ing so until you have examined my stock. I have the
largest stock - of Sheet , 'Music. 'Books and small instru
ments of all kiwis to be found In Southern Newyork
Conte one come all to the New Temple of Music, land
4. Court Street, next to the Chtthangartver. • ~.;.
i , i• I S. W BARRETT.
Binghamton, December 15, 1875. • ~
PE3PLE SißillEiliNNA GO.
LAMM \AND GENTLIII ( :—The question of
Who fill b 0 our text Prosidol?
ot oras roach importaacei to you : as the fact that
of Montrose, is selling his entire stock of gonds Con
sisting in 'art of -
• •
Jim? and .Boys' Rea4-.41ad0 Clothing.
" " - Pools i lid Shoes.
" r Hats and Caps.,
id '"
DRY C74-04:207£3,
. .
FLES. otcl., etel,
At, 10 per cent leas than RrNrixiat. (tbe proof of the-Pnd
is the eatinz thereof.), for yr can find ootibe
ti uth of this by giving biro al call t his store in Posts
Budding. _ •
Our resions pr• the aboie: enorinons redaction are
eeveral, Ist. our large and welf7 assorted stock wants .e
-dueing. Second. we are making preparations to restore
into nudes , •
. • I - - - -
. . ..New Bric k _ Store„ -
. . ~
now belng built next doer to the h NEW , BANE, and we
do not ant to Move any mor e good* than wean he l p
*bird, * e want your custom for the futuretuid the o nly
way for tie tO gala and retains the same is to convince
Yon that it is to .your interest to purchase now and In
the luture, ;roux very respecthdly yowl,
. . ,
• , , S. PI ii..LIIIIAN dr CO.,
H I(Ohesp JohnJ ' - •
Montrose, December 15.181. • "
Figures Do i Not Lie !
Heavy eats:made pants, , • •.1.00
Stout wool-mixed pante F $ 1.18 .10 . - -.&1 50
Ovid all Noelpants. , &00 4.00
French easalineee pants. ' .• • 5.00 7.10
Heavy), ,vorktnginen's suitty'l.oo . 10 00
hcotrh casein:tete - • • - 8.00191$
casaineete suite, - ; . " 18.00 17.60
FOCI ebeck and stripe salty - 10 . 0 0 10 . 00
Black frock coats.' • . 6.00 9.00
Black dreea Coate, imported, -'
• 10.00 14.00
Black cloth Tests ,, 1.76: • 4.00
Wtilte linen sesta, . ' • I 1.25 - SAO
I3oye, SUITS • 3 to '9 -years.
Boys' cotton sults', • $ 200 4.00
Boys' inixrd suits. " t 4.00 COO
Boys' fancy wool snits, , • : 5.00 10.t.0
.13qtYS. SII/T8 9 ito i 5 yearo.
Boys' seboal suit!,• = $ 4.00 $ 7.00
Boys' fancy snits., ' . ,
Boys` &mat sussitnere anll4), r, 8.00 14.410
Youths' suite. all styles. ; 6 6.00 60.00
Good cotton shirts,• •
good ovaraile. : • 60
Good rubber suspeueefs, •
. • AUd all, oilier ClOode in proPuriion•
artie 'stove psleee are for • c4sh , only; and are quoted
tor customers (Om a dietaries!. '
FORPEfT tf,thte . stioss price list .16 not
;- whtth aro guaranted
per cent. lower than tfunievot any other house ht this
city or tricinlty, - „ - • . •
Wr.l3B'rEtt, The Clothier.
altigtiamton,lday bth'lM—tf
14—• Notice Is hereby gives that toe undersigned hereto
fore doing bittinetit ;older the , esmesed Arm of Hayden
Iluldeo, have this day distelvett Velvet copeent,
- • •i. lIOLDON.
New ttliford Nev. 10.-1813.. i
I .
All persons I ndebted to Itte above #rro by note or
book euxottet sre requested to can't the office otnr. D.
C. :fancy. over the poet oft teolud settle betnedlately,—,
4. Holden is auttiorteed settle all matters betook'
• - gorotx noLions..,
New YUmr4, Roman. Wtrh—Ow,*
• •••• ***** •!1•:4 , .. • d; . .; ••••'•• • • .61 * • .......
! •
• .. . _
• •
• • + T ... •.• • ri• •!• •• t . ... .
00D 1••••_•
. G.
.• , .
SATE & ?i7 X:1 .Z 11.: .IP. 01,
Ladies' and liildre's Shes,
With thanks to the ptibllc for past favors, I again
ask a renewal of confidence and patronage. pledgiaj
Vitality to you Wall our intercourse. •
• 1
am ,now receiving a large stock of all goods in our
I ine.bonght to the most favorable time and at the lowest
figtirel. Please cal. and inspect our goods and prices.
• N N, N ; ,,,\ Your. truly,
MOT:arm:Nov. 16,18T1;,
The Poulos Bru Stoll
. ,
if.llNYON:Dniggist & Apothecary.
. .
- The underrigxed would respectfully announce to all
the people everywhere. that to hie already extensis•
stoik and moiety of Iferchandlse to the Grocery. Pro.
vision:and Hardware:Au°.
Re tuts PATE N T, ry
FIIM any, be.. which he tatters him* It be can assure
the pablic they will find t to their advantage to exam.
roe before purchstlug elsewhere. Tu all Phystelane in
this section of the county he would rcrpectrally au-
Banana that he has secured the services or R. Kenyon
es Dregs It.t. and Apothecary whose long exnerience and
seknciwiedged care and abi lity. - entitle him to your en
tire confidence In the Ilne of compounding Medicines
or prepadn.prescriptions, and who would also esteem
it an estfectalfevor to receive calla from any of hts old
motormen or new ones. Will make the Patent -Wit
tiness specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral
Waters—an extensive stock. Also fine Cryonics—
anytblnsaad escrrthing that le ordlnarilyneed
ed.. , Respectfully soliciting a call I remain
Po%keel Powder: Powder
111set•In:i, Riflo and 81;orPowder, Sbot, Lead, Gnu
Tube., Cap., Pouchei., Flasks, Fnie,
• • in., acfi, for sale by -
Montrose. Sept. D. 19T1 = I. N. -BI WARD Montrose.
Wi have redue4 not 37. cent itud 50
cent fine Press Gnoda, to. 25 lllB, at
Ohettft 401in's. •
kI4)NE!. AL9NEII,, ALONg.i
Alt alone am I travelin sbroml,
• ; SLlver and Golit
Ttad Haws)* aleepa brigto and nice,
Sold at great Mirgainb at or,e
My smelt. which I now Introduce. convlsts of Gold
and Sliver Watches. Elgin. Walt hain, I.nd line Swlss
movements. solid gold aid platvd Chains: it handsome
aarorsment ot Eztr-ritma, Pins: Sleeve ottoita.
Bracelets. t:ltarmS. a It groat variety Of
. golif 'Rings. In
plaan, chased or seals , and everything' in the . 'Wewein
line, too Lome. otss to mention.' large stock at Solid
Silver Ware, from a 'Salt Spoon to a' Silver
itozera .t.• bro.'s 'Narita trpOciality. .1311 Oatterus tin
I hare reduced my prices as low as pool le, that you
maybe able to purctusse liberally. for thisliohdays. urid
Morathan that, that I may ;sin an honest reputation,
(or which tare labored six years in this coUnty and
am bound to incrtmee lt, ll...wing nu respect for any cilia
=even if my own relatiOn—who acts against honesty
and principle. •
Nramine: my follovringn?tteets - ana satiety' yOurseiva :
Notices of Importance !
First, pay no bills due me. trusted to you while I was
teavelingstione, or during the few weeks that I had my
brother with me as hirest help. l'ay - to no one but my
selkatootherwise.l grill not ailaw it on account. •
Second, id those who are representing their
goods equal to mine,claiming to be partners. or related
to me, As I have no one connected In my business.
Third, purchase not of; them that are selling ,cheap
goods on my tepotation,', to spoil it after my laboring
six years to establish it.; ,
Fourth, recollect - that I do not recommend env one;
even my own brothel , . es,he. alter !piping him all t pos
sibly could, use tried to collect my debts . I bate to:
make theme remarks, still I taunt to Pave myeell slid my
reputation. '
I hope you. will all pay attentionto this, as it is more
for your interest than Mine. Remember my tame If
-you wish to bay good JeWelry. •
NEW •NEHILIF01411), PA.,/
• At the Eagle Hotel.
Nov. 6,1873.-2 m .
Who is the pont . . tnau'a frieud—Cheap
John. -
R.Biaursa. 1 f 3; Simms: LI -0; Rt.Anbuto
^ •
[EnAsiteuzi• tx 1840.1
BARNES BROS. & 8111101 KG,
&Hai& aiAtricanparbint,
ffiarble and.plats mantles, -
26' ()healing() St.; Near Depot,
1t5,14. 187 X. SIN Oil AWV ON .ILY
:-.:For 1111 kinds Of Millinery Goods go to
Cheap John's. •
In add Lemenese Pe:hived In a abort time by the
ustof Taylor's Celebrated Olt. The great Rheumatic
and Nen:lt'll:3c Remedy. Tins medicine Is notA curt
all, but is warranted to care more of tbeatiaandilleto
which dead is heir than any Other Med'eltiereee
*covered. Dive it t Mal; If you do uottlnd it to. It
corns you nothing. It may be used with the ntmost
advantage for any kind or Pain. La m enees. 'Wound* or
Sores upon man or beast. Will not smart the rawest
Wound or edra. Poll 'directions for use around each
- bottle, Ask. your Mercitsnt for &Ira: , NoCure—
No Pay.
Taylor's rough Syrup 'dr itspectorant, for. alt Throat
And f.ung dteeaeos. fa very pleastiat We Mate and
agitator' nothing lepirioue. Try IL and atop_ that
conch and take the etwenves frow , your Throat and
ungs. Askyour Merchant for a tree vial; No Oure—
aci Pay. - f
Taylors Condltiem Powders for all kinds of stock ind
poultry. Warrant° l lint beet renovator of the system
of iron down Cir diseased stock. that , has ever been dbl.
covered., Try them for all Weenies Incident to the
'mute creatlon, Dlrectitips, for use. around each pack
age, Mottorit—Nol'aP' - •
All the shove medicatee for#.l'l°ll) , Abel Tarieltand
Barna& Nichols. of'Montrour. and all Dringfitts and
,Dintlere throughout theconntev.
- • - ' " ilfit./WNENO TAYLOR.
October IL 14'.-17. ,
RitivnigitoTzz., *
coop -
TIM 'HOTEL Is Ertiny tiITDATED ott the filtree
retuLleading imin Itingtismtbn to !Sonnets to conk-
Ito Station on the; D; .W. 8, : Partici atop- -
ping at this station - wW And n convenient to rill on
me, as I &aro pm et conveniences to cony parties to
anyplace they wish to teach, Ihavebaet.rentting any
boort And barn. maldng theta more convenient to et,
;groin; the. pablic„ - Tbanktot Jot pen , patronage of}
, pluoid kinds. 1.440 be liiinT"let Peet
tor public generally when in this vicinity. ,
D. J. ratilth4ek.
''" ti
.sl:T : E1:4 aI . .E 0
. 1 .
. ; ..._.,, H..... .. ..
..'lr . ~ -
.r _ , G
3 ,,,, :) .•!..
1Ic_) - •
- .9
. For ray Merchant Tail.oring Departxnent,
; •1 Embracing the Latest it nii Choicest Styles of
'O di
vercoats and Lades' Sacqw:F.
, i• ERN NEW YORK. - '
t • t
e j a ez a inaorting mlr or goods I have the advantap• oricondned styles, and save . one profit; I am thus
141 as Low as. Itetaii Dealers Can Puy.
• Mr. Spngnegnittantessall work from his veparlmott to be the best in the city, both in Style, Flt and
Mr .
Binghamton, D 'ee 15, 1875. IBIAGARIAN BLOCS.
. i I
N • eicsocioc> - vvort.sierx
• ; - •
To in tho Next 30 Days
N —AT—
• N
Binghamton', V:
These Gads will Di mid for CAfill ONLY, and at 1 3 -Ices never before orered la Binghamton. Anyone In
want of anything in thig line will 1511.T0 hot' 20 to' bj per ..ent.
Binghamton, December 8, 187.5.
1 Dealers in
Agents :for
,- • .
• • 'TINOS, &o.; " .
tebtehWeirlß sell 4. Marietta:4, Bartlet Co's. pet ea
• i .
Spatial Induccutontb psi Pane,. Pails, Coolers, and al;
. Dairying Oonda.
• ••, • •
14ILK PANS. •' • ..
(Joli.N. ILATDEN, General; Agent)
-4:3 -y1 WAGGONS%
Unaurpaaaed for Style and Durability.
We have recently 'glided to our seloctlir of Stoves
TUB 'CENTER ir•lAp cpoKi
made by Rathboit „Bard & Co., Alhany N. Y.. and the,
Argand Base Hum 1 . 11% Parlor Stow , and Cunard Cook
Stoves, MAnufacturta by rerryftr,co.,mbau„,:s.r. We
also Mt* tha ecleotaW • • • "
Rettitrooe, wetCl lisorom, Retiree,' with Corkr
Reseirort and Nirlai) Woofing' of the late s t
patterns. " Itrpridhir promptly done end. orderr
Jobbing solicited. i [ . • - •
' HAYDEN & CanlaCti.
:,1 1 8W Milrofd. MO filth. 2sm-ti; . • . „
,Boy's Clething—cheap—at Cheap
Joh ,
f',..11111°::::). ' 4
I -
. . •
In Order beikersecomuiodete. the 'ecuumuutty. the
tindeniglledbfl eetabllehed.o depot . ter. th .. e
. b euie: n t
Lumber Mantrfdrid 1 /...4 i sr_wi : Y.:l: 44l e, b 141 1 9,
the Old lieOcr 1tu1417
iljgjatT OF TOWN •
. .
where villl
,beikeOt 4lostantly on hand. ~, , tiallot,oek of
WHITE AND IrELLOW pigE, Tit:34+6m;
. WAI.,VIII' - Ltmpt:rt,.-
which Our rid l 4l4.lte molt Imph:evil' rnsehteily one
twin petent worktatO,), peeptiretl to Pork Intoruy,..hope
torarest the wrotr of Ctistowere.: , 7.
YLVORIN9. 4 C tilllNOLak ANU
• weru ;.ettitawiTi.v 041 LLANO.
riaPIPRi Mai/blot, htoultllngs.:land Ikb:ol:Sawing
order. 7, •• - - 1 -— •
!4114 i 10.1te e'.o[l:,'::islo.o
in, coiiimtiog 11Q ohoirr isitatillahniini. unite, 414
Inituagegicat at hi poet% Butaiai isinN 90;
trefoi) -miring you* order"
..3oprtse.tpi - iiestthfir dour
IPINg4 4I f, . •
• 2:
.Sisiatroio; bepieitubos Nay P 1154
. . , t.
Number • 56..
• • •
'-API. i ~-
The subseriberiarer for iliac the minable farm known
• is the ‘, • • :
sitnate n thet , towntitopl 3ltddletown. Snsvellanta
Co: Pat eontaintng Pa) acres gro.tly treek4at, acre,.
improved ; 40 acres of my Our bemlock Ilatrpine
her. wen fenced. lmidatt,lof reds of stonewall, and vrell
%catered. will be.vald at a Isammin. Itmiatireilor
- ' L. A. TlOWAltri
Al4O. 1M acres of land* adjoining , Mostly 'cree!: Eat.
, r(4l tenoed and nnnerx rood state cif uultitation. with
good butlitinas and two rood orchArds Aid In tonnee• ion
with the above would •mako ft tirrt clopti tisirr
he old with it or Pelotritely to' omit purchimerf. For
fu deer pArticalart call upon pe tuldreot,
.Illiddletown Centre,
Susquehanna Co
The eybintihiv 'ofters pule th. valuable farm known
Said:turn:Cis one 'of the timer. •deeinible farina in the,
enmity. amt. twanlifnlly sitaated in the, Vill , ge of
Pampxt+n Cllr. S - .1.10.-hanna county, • Pa. ; there I. a
.•rooe; siorn.'•fldnring Inlll,•eanr mill; heeler milt: and
blackeinttli and tr 3 von - sloop In rand vilia7e. The farm
is situated' directly on the D. •L. .t W. R R one Mie
and a halt from the "depot. Mt. Mew Milford. and :oar
mike from the depot at Greet Bend N.Y.Erie R. It;
ontalus fiNi acres of lanl. 1.r..0 acres improved. is well
watered, having' a lining! etrearn of, water runnin4
, hronvh lt.and water conveyed in pipes to the home,
barn and 'rattle yards, it' 1- - well :fenced. and under
Limid cultivation ; It . iswetl,adapted to growing grain,
and tr lilted for titnek in dairying ; there IA a large and
'mnrenient dwelling and weed home, well painted, and
.twant Ifni lawn, with ehrubbeel.a tame hove barn, ear
lane )lease cattle barn, with two cattle yenta and thole
. 171f1 ttlllikl , for feedin:f *tick er Malting cove, and two
• orchards of grafted. fruits Terms of payment made
las) , • • II L. SLTPIIIN,.
Real Estate for Sale.
Fa; is ror. Salei.
;, Andrew Canfield:Farm,
October 13, jBl3.—tt
ratm "Silo.
New Milford, BEl(l'4.o'.
Septernbti. I Ps
Sale of Weal Estate,
. .
Nrattitnt . tO en .ortitr of the Orphnnto t'onrt of flur
gneharinn Conntg. the rtroter-Ign.ti adminiottator of
the e4nte of Owen %felloningh, will pen a' public Ten
tine Ott the preatirer,-On
: Erilay.'lldeember 24. 1575. •
:It one o'clock p. m , the following neecribed real ertato
to wit: '
that i`ertain Arm or lot-Of Unit ritnate In the tome
thitt of .nr,Middletowrt e 0-nnty 8f Setenetetnna and
..,ctaro of Per nsylrioln,„honndid no the north ht Land
of .Tntmlforreoc..on t OW hr , „lando °Penn Heti Mell'on
'n end Tfinnyk. on the 'tooth hy Innda of 'Rob
ot?, Potter. *nfl tin the weAt by 'mll , of Petrie: Mellon.
ongh „ efinteinine tine linodretl and *ever. ilCUltmdre or
le••*with th.A. noonrtenttne.=.
TERMS :—Two hundred dawn. SI.AQO on a
nal eentlnttetlen 41 , 4 the bnlaner. one year thereraßcr
with IntoTeg from. noel renerm.tttee,
, • • . OWEN MeDONOUGii. Adler.
• Noveniher 11,10375,
Fltntrad In the Borciugh nt Nontmott. A very de.-
treble nropertv. Fine, anrge Bow. rood Barn. Garden.
%rnit Irocs, lq
.hettrior. good w'4. and other eon.
venlencleS. For particulars. enquire on the nreintses,
' 1 .W3I. G. BAILEY.
October 6, IAT . Montrose. Ps.'
ta, a s elllieap Joh'o's.,
A lIDITOR'S NOTTOE.-=—The under
•lvrtect appointed by the Tfon: the Orphan , ' Court
of Stuldnehann, County an Anditor to innkottlatritm•
Hon. of the fun renuttninx -in the hinds of Jame* L
Carnittitern..Trnetea,nneer thr blot will and et/dement
of Ladle Thomann. ttre'4, f• , r lation i!rdethill and oth-
Tritstreo. dc., will hear the our leo Claimant/I.a hie
oftlce in Montrose on Friday. Decamher 24.1h:3, at one
o'clock in , ha'afternoon, at which time and place ill
unrvilne haring'r.iaime will:nreeent bum or be forever
debarruct from rattling In noon mid faint " '
• FRANKLIN' nusticn, , Auditor.
Igor, ST, : •
Handsome Trimmed Hats, at Cheap
t 1.11/11 4 1)11S undendirned having
'. bean appotated an Andliar, by rho Orphan.' l'oort
n( titutgoehonn. , (+portly to 'hear and report on excet,t ,
lIIT 01 10 the tier-want ot Mart and 'Ababa L Millard
Otholtdot.totore of the , eetoto of Abltha Sllthtnit. deed,
belt' the pile les toter, ated at the omen of Frolic:
rtanatninr. !it Mnntroen; on Fritiv. Veeember 1 1 1..
p. m., or wittch all pertonr Intermit
take notice.
_ Fri .11:fi 'rum. A ad I tat.
41011114 r _.
2 11. 11.'75,-*- 4w
11 ; _ k l ee e d heeleg fiieit oppointed II the ('etto of
Illtlion-1144•_. `11 , 111011.11/11t1 t 11uhty, )111 itkuottecf to
ele.trOure the rest& tette hifutte
grai~nee t. , r the ttetxl;l:. of 011wy 11,tile01 !Tedium+,
ed .1+ 4ries liger,oleti will hay* 41 1111.1114 4•I file Onto
nr .1 . 111/010 a. e11i.4011011. Ist-Utralrostt, Fritliil v tittgmber
IN:comber S. 1
DItiN . ISTRATI I IX'S Eelllol2.—ln the esf.otWtn.
.4.5. • ettLl/morn, Into or ',Unlock townehip: Letter& of
thntaleiret lon in thr ..414 come hairtng keen granted
16 Lb., Iffithytalgnell: ail. poreone ,owing said eehdo aro
troet. , 44 to make fineledlate uayrutot. nod nll perilous
thtving , : eltiflos anithaei bpd catite stretequee-ett to pro* ,
rut them sv,lhoto,deley.
VAN'( , A)I PEN.
Nolember 1:7.1645.-41er;• Atlattalstritesit.
1.401.110 4 aptierafrorti ansnditos
appobated by thp Or` liana`;Aloft of Surquebaarta
County, to the eete.e of OnsaanartOrourman, deed us
t•arepttun tlitairto toe Onel art Watt.. of
. 40140 11. carter
aaatiutetrtitor of. the orlalcrof EA Fleespaa Brotauten
tko`a. NOIII btu tholatrtlea tatereeted,
.ir bltt office to
M i orartate .oa Tuoiday the 14 day. at Docaratter,ll4s, 011
a etc 11, p. m., of wlilot! all psnuolt litlsraste4 *Muir*
"notice, - • •
.0 , 411; .114,141 is W. BKRTBO4X6'4I3I4IIor.
)10ativolo sipxygibotit,
Middletown Centre