Volume 82: ptingcrat--Notal. `Arrangement of. Bildlt. VIA RAILROAD: f u nklumnock,'(Dally,). ViA Br.tals outromflepot.(Dally,).... ,' coo p m 6204,4 N o v 41-Oruro. tnaily.)— • 1000 a m 180 p m tt'salu tu.r. (Dm ly,) A 415 a m '2oop m Frit:mist - W.(tri vcekly.).. . 6110 p itt 'Booa m, Statioa.(trt vreekly,).. 00 4 m • 0 0 am • 111 lut nit (»JAI/ Li, hstke.(t rt wrekly )..• 000 lOni .700 p ra • it erhoppru ,tt ri treettly,) 1000 a m - .400pm The NOW lurk, (Via Manilla") Depot,) NOVI Milford. rualituiuttock.autt M'yalusiug arc daily. Iliet.'uol•llti Station mall rims Tamodays, Tharadayth. mil Saturdays. Ti m siagunutton mail,-(114 Sliver Laka,) nag Taco -11,. Thoreau ys. nud Saturdays. Priendartlk mall runs Taesday's.Thuridays,aid Sat Thu Ntestioppon mall rtitisMondaya Wedaoedaya,and Fri ' ADDITIOXAZ SVAOXP • A sta:c love P daily for Mnntroee Depot at 1 tA and rctume at 11 p. j,StAge loacex daily ror Isiew Milford at 780 m. s nd returnf at 800p.n►. Montrose Railway. amiguient of Trains. To like erect on ondny. iw c .`2l.et, ' - pews Trains. : Up Trains tOCTIIWAHD. IiONTRWARD A. M. F.X. I .1.34. P. X. 5,00 ....ittontrose..... 10.40 6.00 510 1 10. ...... .. - 645 'll3. ••• ............ 1020 ` 540 5 ' ...... • ..1015 585 ti • ... . ... Dime& ..100 825 r 1 32 ___ 055- 515 545 141.::. ...... 045 565 . 05••• 141 • Lynn 936 455 VS 153 kvery'r • 925- 445 10 2(19 :....Lemon • 9 15 1 435 1129 5 ) 20 ....905 425 630 ' 30. • •Id arcy's $55 415 045 ••215 .. . Tnnkh an n ock 840 855 Alltratne Connect st l`nukhannack with P. &N T. 11. going north and rontb. . 4 • . JAM 5 . 1. BLAKSLR,B.Pres't., New Advertisements.. A - ...tudi toe! Notice---ostale of .01ny %Hey.. Jewelry—Santord. . Save.Muney—Tribune. . • lioNda3 - 'Cootisr. M. Wkitnei. • Thirper'e Weckly. '6lterid • di BirstNati LOCALE • New Year Party, -• Nonce—Billings 4tmuti. Rural New Yorker Club. 31etlied Meeting. Brilitantines—Red 4 Strong. ChervoyanttaaniinaCions. ' , Jottings About Town. . In thejonmay of this world., the man who gill right l+ nut apt to get left: Presbyterian Sociable at tilo .reaideriee' of Daniel Sayre, Friday tvening. One of our townsmen says that seeing is ,not Tliere • "are many then you can see and yet cannot . believe, Tile difference lietween a modeni belle an r : - .la 'burglar is, the belle carries false Icieks and . the burglar false keys. Little pigs, Conttitning camphor apl carbolic acrii,•aru now worn gs • a luaitirslctant, Co pra t rent the kpresd of snail pcix, Call upon, Sanford or Whitney for Holliday Gain 'ivlien in Ilinghainton, and for .hkrther particulars see their advertisements•elseirhere. The merry Christmas titne is fast approach ing But empty )oekets wall bF a great obsta cle in the way of many Christmas gifts, we' fear. The man who ii curioos • to see how .the rt world could get ilongf without him can find atickitig s panibrie needle into a mill "t: pond, and. • then withdrawing it' and looking at the hula. • • We. feel constrained to slip something about, the weather,,.but .we hardy .know what will please our,readers the best ; it is, so slipper t about thet*lllays.. - This item is more particu a lady lor'itie.infortuation of, people outside' ot lioutrase...•..' • • George B. McCollum is now doing salesman's duty thr Hine it Blioles. Binghamton:- Mr. Mc *Coßum is an, excellent salesman and will nn- doubtedly be glad to am nny of his old friends who may - go to thit city fol. trade, and will en . , deavor to make it an, objecft for tbetn to call.— . Sec loctil notice in inother ieolumn. . , ~ . 1-.."„:"!,,..' Mr. Gerirge Becker, a well known lawyer 'l, :'' tl is.city, is in the lectire field this year, and is '..'''; ni !feting with high encomiums. „The lawyers :':.'lot this city hive united in requestingMr.Beck-. •`)':./ . ~..,, - . l7er to deliver his lecture in -this city, and be has - . 0 ac .ePtert the invitation. The lecture is on "L t Fayette;" *most excellent and appropriate .'.'".' z elect for our. centennial 'year, and that the 4 - . su ject is' fully and. ably 4auilled no one will. 1 • e doubt who underitands lett:lieeker's find 041- - ~' ty th.thiti direction. • ' .• • ... •-• ''' . , ' . It has been • agreed that he 'Sliedldeliver the ' lecture in the. Court House, on Monday eve ; nine, Dec. - .lllth. Oil"; citizens generally; should '.• be interested enough in the welfare ot this gen: . ~. tleman to lilevally sustain ' the lecture. A Jun - ' house always gives ' encouragement to a lectur r,A er, and we iniVe no ' doubt they' will be fully re --,. paid liy attending., The ,subject is .one Mr. ..T. Becker his closely studied, and gratitude to the ~-: •,:a. tune that sacrificed so much to aid in - gaining liberty , for . this country should of itself be a ... ..4' . ' sullicient ineen tive to'crovid, the house to listen 4. lei an enlogy to his name and -gallttriz . .deeds.—. -,.e..',..., Those that Have had. opporldnity to.glance at 5,.. the lecture speak 'in the highest terms ot it, !!!;:;',O end We have no doubt citizens will he well ''''l::l repaid fOrtheir attendanie.-1/ineutsitien Lead „;. • ,---,,) IR. Be . cker leas partially promised to deliver, ei','‘. the *,hove lecture at .Montrose on or about Dec. -"5i ,. .. , 21g. Should he eon etude: to do so, timely no .: s. .. . . . ;11l tice will be given, and all wh ate desirous ut a ;-:..•:. rare - literary leaat' 'eau 'be accommodated at .."..:. that time.. , Mr Becker has delivered his lecture! .........;; heiorti large. ireil 'apprediative audieices, - and .., :; . ,f they all uitihl'til patosumc the : high* encorti 'l,.% 01111118. Tnin.titt and hear the lectuie when lie !....,;,./ C9llles. : ' • 2=l Largo Vegiotablea. - • ' 3.1 r. It. Fuller, of ,Liberty townaltip, reared a bed:thia. 'yeat wLich . ireighed . 6 puede and measured. 2144 inebial In eircumlerence., fields() Lad two ruddisties Which weighed 10 pounds.' The Itiiaitable J. B. stepliens, or Clifford, slaughtered -kpig 84 months old that 'weighed .356„pourids. *l4ie breed or the politics of the pig is, nut known but the owner,ii sound.eursi Demotip . and the."feed't this tall, no doulat, had sutietblni to du with the size•ot'thu pig. . ; battiaationlVimted; Ulmles Vary, an Irishman, about twenty-six years Of age, rather ',AMU tile Medhlakbe!ghti felt his .home- at. Wilkee-Barre ea the 245t1Laf October, to attend a miners' intrude Or Meeting at Hyde Park, sines which thne nothing has Len heard of c hhh. Any infortus4on cteteern ihx him will tie most ' thinifullyreeeived by Ilia ,ife in Wilkes-Barre, or ills mister* the house of E. L. Dietritnan, °Teat Potato Tsar. J-•cording to the New , York papers, Potatoes pouring Into that city from-all directions— Ivy come down Abe Hudson' from points ing the river, Canal hostsnare frelibted with (an ; and evea-LITA as far Wait OS 1111441 8 410 * here are reeitiv,tatinquiriog'as to , the chances F'ouriftladred car. loads seatcUMes rive in : a--single . day, and large tows ,come wn the river, every beat leaded with frtrar ► to 8,000 bushels.. New York is the lead gAlute in the ,potato husieress,lhextuarber of es planted la 1878 being 641*1; the aver , feyield haaheis per acre and the a"r a g e *cc ceuts per brothel. in that year,the err e poutto crop a the [Traced Stetes,was 100, ,tiad bushels, of whicit ue*rly,one silyuler,or MOOO twebeis weie pruclueed in NOW. Xurk ate. AlthorEA the alaradant _,Oeld.Ods year al be ca* tle ppying the. rannersontwreount the cmrsequeatJaw pricas,it will he.ri grist to Otero: Alp t rialsNip ,91,44106 rrivei. Departs ... Wpm 1415 m It. C. rORDRAM. P. M. Kam How the Osiernment makes Vanity. : There is still outstanding et 2,000 efthe three cent heath:md currency . notes the issue of which ceased 1869, apd $1,600,000 of the fiv e , cent denimination.- 'Oils Is' clear gahl ;t? the government. How , much of the 'other de nominations will never find its wily 'bank to the Treasury, time will 'tell, but doubtless the aggregate will amount tot number .if mil . A Wernen aud three Children Burned to Dej e th. November 80, at two o'clock, . a d , !ling hove burned at a little plea: called PoilY Hol low!, about sixteen miles northeast of Elroira.--. , The m lna occupying it, netted ,Alhert ;Wood, was obliged to jump from a, second story win,. and,called to his wife t,o throw the child=. ren•out to him Before4he . could do so,' she and three children, two or own under six years of age, and a niece inirned,Axtell, about nine years of age, .were burned to 4eith, the .flour lading in. ' • Burning oat atumps, , . I tlig a hole . abou t eight or . ten Inches deep by the stump -- it possible, between twci pro jecting roots.. it' I cannot find two, then be side one. Then take a two inch aug.,r4 with a long shank ; set it near the center of the itip of the stump, ranging the, point to the hole dug by the side, and bore through. Make a fire In •tbeibole In the ground, and there is no trouble -lilt the stump except to.fill up the bole where it once was The.auger hole serves as a flue or pipi'titat draws the fire, not allowing it to go •Outtitxttor. acetant. 3fr. H. J. Preston living near 'McKinney's !dill, in this township, met with a sad accident last Saturday afternoon. He started from his inane, to walk to New Milford on the railroad track, and had .almost reached that 4'orouill. when he met a Coal train. HO stepped over on thh southern boand track and did not observe that thOre was,,at that moment, a train coming directly behind, him on that track The loco motive struck hint and threw him off The track briaking his right hip, cutting' several deep gashes in the forehead and fracturing the base of the skuil.—Grcat Bend Beporter. • Ancient Relics. - St. John's Masot;tc, Lodge, ot Providence, R. boasts of the •possessiot of a',Gavel which has been In continuous use in that Lodge for over a century' The Lodge was establialnxi.ln• 17 , 57, and the Gavel, with the Square anclCom pass were presented 'by Bro. Lewis DrJ Blois, during that year.. The Gavel leof . lignint Vite plain and solid,, and without ornament.. The Square is of 'rosewood, and the Compass of 811 2 ' ver, all bearing the insert Lion, ' , The Oft. of Lewis De Blois 1757." The, first Bible b-ring date 1752 is. still in the possession ot the Lodge All these relies are.highly prized.. • • J Docasso'of a Court. . , , The Mayor's Court of our city, whichi.expir, ed last Tuesday night' was :organized 00L,Iet, 1866, and so was a little over nine years a age at the time of its death.. Its briet life:was somewhat eventfukbut •it was -thought by many, that it had formed many evilussoeiatians whtch had retarded its useluluesi, and darken ed its future prospects, so that its early 4eceaf T was not greatly mourned It was organized.in 1866 with Hon: John „IC Conyngharu, Record'. er ; lian. E. . . S.M.:.HiII, Mayor ; F. .4. Hitch coca, Clerk, (appointed 'to vacancy toned by the death of clerk elect Christian Robin son ;) Jamtz Mahon," District Attorney;; Peter Nillin, Marshal.—Seranton. Journal. •i • Congealed Lightning. . • The telegraph operators on the Albany and Sukueltanns railroad found that their instru., 10144 would nut work yeSterday morning, and on seirching /or the cause bound that the main butt:sky At this end of the Hie, which is located in a small building near Ford's coal o ce,. had become a collection of jars of solid ice, !aid that all their 'lightning had thus cangesiet- Etnployes of the road at once cornmencer . l4! ac ing the coal stove into poSition in the b culdipg, and in a abort time a red hot arose .Ivati , at work repairing the damages, a lt was :alert:fp o'clock p.'133.; however, before the line was in working conditiun. • A fire is • kept in the battery building day . and night during the cold weatlier, but no one appeared to have thought of the effect of the cold weather of the last 'few days.—Bingham ton Times, Dee. 2. „ • Blink Cheek Stamps. - The great nlll5 ,nce, in business, bank check check ibunpp, bids fair to •be abolished. The complaint his become so great that the banks havellEcured the services of a special agent tb present the subject to Congress as soon as a sufficient number of signatures can lie übtain: ed. The ,mere amount paid is not so much, but the annoyance of having the stamp i on hind, on all occasions, when . a check - is drawn, and sometimes forgetfulness, with no criminal in tent, renders a person liable to prosetittion.3r There is is surveillance exercised If vr transactions which ie not pleasant, and \ soMej, times a tarok is mulcted by oversight, with inteillion to evade the law.' If.the tax Is nel cssfary; the banks suggest it , could be Is3ir l l4 l some less objectionable way: As it Is now, the, frequent humiliations, •to which all parties using stumps are subjected, are not pleasint'ito bear, in connection withlablitig a government tax. A change therefore will be urgentlfde man ded. ' • klnt•toekweirs Body.lronnd. . • A letterreeeired iu this dry Tuesday by Mr. Welch Crandall front but son, Dwight Crandall, Princeton, Cal,,gives informatitia that the U.s.l,y of lins. Rockwell, who went down in the ill- Sated Pacific, has probably been found, and has been partially identified - from three tinge Upon ' the fingers, one of whieb bore on the maid i the initials "0. 0." Other jewelryyakialso oond • on the body which Mr. Crandall had weal Mrs. ; Rockwell weer in the month or Ilry The body was buried , in thi ilasuxg. cemetery at Port Townsend. The letter states that there Is no longer any doubt i,havythe whole troupe were, drowned. l 7 The htteSt newslnnu fileattk, Washlukttsu Ter 7 ritory,gave - .Latoruuttion thik-no ,Dore bodies bud be*n !bend, and u terrible o;tortuLad just been zuglug there was a but little tiope of Sudiui atuy more of the boat compltny: TLe circumstances attending .ilte shipwreck were Tory stfaugo2tiud would uuder,go a thorough, examinettigh the trulkdgitates Ittspector.-1 Binghatrikai 'Vows. . • ' rtstal l'ointing. I• . . , 130 many , accidents have .occurre d hy the careless use of fire grins, tnore,especlallY by the so calfed "playlul" custom s)f pointing them at people in sport, that a rigid law to punish 'such carcleissufts id •necessary. . Senator 'Anderson, of Allegheny;- proposes to iniroduce Into Abe next, leg,islature a bill to' the elect "that ,aiiy,. ,person, within this counnonwealth, who shall point, discliarge,.or .threaten to point ,or dkif charge any gun, pistol or other firearm at any., Pe ri " whether PhiYhdi,Y, or otherwise, shall be guilty of a atitglemcanor,tmd' upon convie4lon coerces shall be sentenee4 to pity A tine_ not ex eta:ding one thousand donate, e4d undergo en linprisouiseut.titot exe9odiog five.Yeare* `or eitli er or both, at the discretion 01 the , tut." ,ii, Second action .of the ;pp willpro de "that nothing contained la Ala act shall a bar la ,the recovery fo r d am p s usi.nioy be 4034 in •a Advil suit arrising Amu- any Injury that way he sustained through fright or bodily data , age by pointing, discharging or threatening to :dud/ 4p &earn* or an.,y: ocieriptiou whasr ll==l , TH$ MONTROSE DEMOCRA, DECEMBER 3 18175. 1, The Ctidi, t System- ~ ,i - • 1 little work .ow and, then when ihey feel Just -Thelpractice of buying oh credit the necee- t like it, w s !'t hurt them nor:compromise their nary articlea`of the honselroid is fatal to good dignit In the- eyes 'of their fellows. But tan-. economy.. The housekeero mutt always' pay ".. ployers are wateldhl of, their own interiists,and dearer When . she does not pay cash. , The by and by young Takeiteasy firehi himself out iradesmitn must haie interest tor 'his moiiey, of '.employnient, and upon the hands ot ' bbi for a Latin will iiliver le a busy community be 'fa er or other relative, and wondering why ho ivilling,iand is seldom aide if he were wilting' hue such .infernal hick._ It's unfortunate for' o forget it. To the ortlinery'eash piles of the ihesathat they have formed such singularly in nide he therefore addsk the interest which correct ,i.letus of the relation of employer and Inv accrue during the- then that credit is al- man,. and he who soonest learns that hard levied:. This, moreover, k not all ; there must work for hit employer's intercstsworking the !lie ,a premium exacted : b lic i,r, the:dealer for the best he knows in business .hours—delving 'risk he runsi - n -Crusting is goods to that, class through wiuter's cold and summer's heat-,ster of more or less-dangerens customers who nev- jive honesty and ability to look any Hying man er pay ready money. Even the most honestly in the face and say, "I'M doing my level best" dis Posed of these are often unsafe debtors, for —the sooner this state of things is brought they are generally . such F . as are imprudent about, the sooner the boy or man begins to as= 'enough to anticipate theirincomes, and to tr- send the acclivity to something that, though-It eirim them in expeuditere.. ' The credit system, may not bring immediate - dollani and cents, is moreover, is s a tetnpuiticin to unnecessary put, nevertheless the foundation stone of worth and chases, There is a soi:), of cheek , in the.eight- worth, despite fortune's'llivois or frowns,makes and touch of the hard it 'money to the dis- the man. ;;Industry; even'possessed by the dul pisitiort to dispose of it ; lightly. .0n the other lent, is.worth more than brilliancy associated heal, there is somethin# in • the facility of crud- .with the shiftless and unthri ft y. Spirts .of it!,remOviug as it dhesithe disagreeable necessity work will never accomplish anything, for the 4:4 payment to a yegue future, very seductive spider is not to be depended upon. Let our to the buyer,•who can gratify his love of pos- young make up their minds to make their bus session Ith a alimentary sense, at any rate rit ness secondary, to no pleasure, however at ,that its tificatien costs him. nothing. There, tractive; and II" and by such habits of w..vi k r, is no su h and caukious purchaser as cask. Will -have become Im p l a n te d in the dailittfe 1 -,—........----------- - . .• Interesting - 1 ~ .„ that. no fascinations, however strung, can: up ito Travelers. [ .. 1 Yor k . .. 0 . root them. !From the New Sun we copy the i 1- lewlng noticaof -Mr. Stlonp's recent and value- ble`Jusention : . i s - I r. Win. Stamp, a inachines employed in Lb Erie railway shop ?'n Susq , ehanna depot. .Pa has patented an iiiventioni that prevents ap ka and cinders froth' flying out of alocorno ti Ilis s exhanst hattispiratchannel connect- L. with a similar channel in the smoke stack, s" 1 'gli-,ng the cinders a centrifugal force that. sends them against the lside of 'the stack, whence the/ are conducted ' toll he ground. • They can be etained ifl necessary, and deposited ,at any 1 Po t along the road. Mr. Stamp says ;that it ti inventiou' l l is used,. locomotives can • be run vii less coal, and passengers can raise the Widows without having their eyes fi lled with clu e ra or soiling. their clotlit„. * The engineer 4 keep a better lookout, and the cars may be tit ughly ventilated witout annoyance. So sauguihe is Mr. Stamp of the success of his in vention, that be Offers to give , two stacks to any company having more than tert,locorno tivits, and pay -all expenses if the result is not satisfactory. i Any company having tweity dye locomot - yea :can have patterns to 'build feur slack ; a Company with dtty,can have ten, mad a . comps , y Owning two hundred locomo tives can buill tWenty atacks free of 'charge for iatents_ll bui t• Within six months. Mr. Stamp is an old mblest, dependent on his labor for l support, and Ibis invention is evidently not a ai humbug. i ; 1 .1. 2 . ' I 1 , Disastians 'Xining Casualty-, The most extensive and serious raining casu alty ever knoWa in the: Wyo Ming Valley lies ilia, occurrethcand seems to ne still progressing ai the Chaungey and Grand Ttinnel mine , . be- - tweeri i'lym4tith and Nanticoke,' about, two and a lisil miles south - of the fainter place. t • About two weeks ago Mr. Roberts, one of %,, the pr prietma of the Chauncey Mine, noticed 'that' th oof. of the °reining was uorking in it rnest extraordinary" manner,'" indi c ating 'that inside opentil nkwere attended •w it h consider able danger it; those engaged in digging coal in . different chef ',bets or employed in the various` gangways. e welched the phenomen )n with. the greatest I. terest, and vas finally convinced that the min was di:timed to certain calami ty. About 10 n lock in:' the ruortil g of No v l 10, he gave orde • forlhe men to leave. he mine as soon as , pass hie, and remove as LEW tot the cocupany'a pi perty as could ,be taken ut on ' the spar oft 'e Moment. - , The mine' to the nimher,of 125 lett the 4.12 o'clock. 1 j king With them the iMplements of their calli.g, and two hours litter the mine caved in. - • 'rhe effects Ucgc boulde of !the tunnel hal been pc w like an Ilf the ve in were tritly terifie. were - 1 tbrbwu out of the mouth, lby the compres§ed air iias if they L bles, and the Ohock of the crush 1 rthqueke.-z-Er. • • Interest cmits ill Savings Banks. A meeting f-b i t • an presidents.' and -milder's' was held at - rookl m during the past week, for the puipose ofceinsidering the propriety of teacing the Presen s rate of interest to depos txotra in savings bunks. \ A reason -assigned for the proposed step is that the best investment' Crude by the breaks is in government bonds, andls lit, as these are now selling at - a high prom,,to invest in tbem to any el,insidemble urt exteut, would 'not be a wise Policy. Again,' that ,ti next best investments are on bonds and mortgages, and in this line there are a few first-elass investments 'offering. Indeet there are few investment 9 to be made out of which .more, an four per tent. can be realized. It I was the unanimous opinion.'of ell present ist the meeting that it would b - e use'ess to attempt anymeasure in' the dikection proposed unless all -the savings instittitions in Brooklyn and New, York 'and vicinity. were a unit lin the movement, - - ; - „ Thei Banks are boW represented as glutted with. unemployed capital. ' Whatever_ may be done 'towards a reduction it is not contempla ted to do it before; July . next. Resolutions to the following i effect, were passed : First, that the new law in- reference to savings i bertha should provide that they shall not be cox/well ed'to pay", a higher rate of interest than their ear/dams justify:l and, world, it! In the pres ent state of business affairs it! is net expedient to pata higher rate of interest thSn 5 per cc.; and- t .. at a reduction be made to that figure ac .cori4gly, to go into effectc Jenteiry 1,1870. 'Pie Philadelphia , Ledger minter; • the follow \; in g reason' for 'thinking that good will come , , from the reduction of rates allowed' to deposit -era Firat s , it will leSsoll the hutither, of ,depos itorw aid the 'amount.of -deposits Old ~warratat the institutions ' in continirig their,i4estments totits,hettl of securities, - thus rritefering Weide- PeS4tis the mere secure; . aud, Sefiiond, It ivill' l in du emarcaPitalists, not the laniallest, it9ie- FOmeclircezt investors:of, 'theirl little .savings, witih,..h Mei scan readily. educate thernselvea to do, 1.44 Atere profitably than:have the invest urea wade through the intervention of asati -44 Pfititution,. with a' double .;risk—that of cl4l.itreeonent of ..the company :and of the wmP lal - Y Nie • l b' , . . ' ' - B• SWAY i1k 4 714 F.' It weluit, i 1 .. b ya. 'You da f t expect to -.'-‘et . mie arty y, or achieve anything worth having jou olt by jerks, this little 'spiNks il-• and that I me ." irregularity—nowi a clay off and then At tit cif indiderance to werk—these,are thk:trout , with , you.:- It -is rie eredit to a :young limn to pull oft his 'coat and spit en his : ' 'hands awl work like ,tt nailer for a few days and then - turn up, loafer' Tor lt,weelt, It's oily . - the long. a Gag and steady . .oill that will a& eonspliada ' ythiug. • l'he , pooi• fellow who ham 4 been teudeirly hroughkup •t? quit work as soon - as he seta iired -- whoie leas! , 1 : 4111 1 )141 nt -4 the subject. of file tende.r solicitude of mottie`eand aunts and laistera•-'-who was ueycr recolited - to do anything he didn't- like to !to—these are the pram ;heti Who, tolloY aro Ifreo4Prioil whr It. la that Stltivattakoneuta are not in demaud, and their abilities Citneot cohunand apPreala. non 'BPing iligletd to plealipi positions oillir.- lid are at list daintily fiegeredi ever and accept ed"' frogtli e5;..V/o_ thereof the nifPlelts were 4q lug the donors thereof a , great tasuir. Ilaving . obtahleti - - sitipttigus, the ‘gii.4l4 idea With most young)* e 6 r 4 e 14 be that. a 0 that la new ne cessary itt,t,ediltw their pay find shirk all tho wOrk Wei tsta-wheu ochtt hosErisu s t looking.--, They ;hiiiitt ,acituehow got, an [idea that plaees • "serif blade lei yang tit4t to 14 1 tioge lute; and ''a t ' air, Steel Mill Eat)Woe. . . 1 • • , . Friday morning occurred, nt .the Steel 31111 in this city, one of those,. unfonee n accidents, we only occasiorally leneonnterr7one that might happen s l oon again. , The molten, iron had been 11:.• poured' l uta the converter and!"blown," and the Vesse was tipped forward for the purpose of mixing within' it_ the steel makipg ingledi: ents, and these had ! been. introduced.. Tha la borers who manipulate the heavy cranes were al; standing below the converter, engaged in their several employments.: • When the -great vessel, cgntaining` tons of molten Metal, was !being tipped . back into po sition, a tering explosion occurred, and the lig ! - nid steel was belched from the mouth of the converter, shattering itself tar and - near throughout the casting_room and carrying des truction re every' combustible- it came in•con tact with. It wasn't a .single explosion; but a rattling and ! cracking - like the continued Are from a battery of heavy guns, and deafening, in its effecis. I The ejected metal was of course: thrown upda those Who were engaged within' the caing pit, and as the hot globules caught! them upon the shuulderf baCks, arms and,legs; shrieks and cries of fright rather than- of pain filled .the air, and the scene , is represented as t,ne to fat the stoutest heart with •ternir. Men ran in every direction, endestioring to escape from the stteams and showers of red hot met al,and blinded by the smoke and dust and ,glaring , Itghi, fell over everything and each father. , - As soon as the disturbed metal had ceased its vomiting; it was ascertained that hut five men, of all those present, had been burned these were Fred Shulard, .Nichtdas Faust,"John Mee, Edward Dolan and a Frenchman whose name we could not ascertain. file clothes of these Were set aflame at once when the metal touched them, and those who found therPpelves, safe . Immediately set, about extinguishing the burning clothes of their tellows and stripping them to the skin. As' soon as 'passible they • ere removed to the office of the mill, when. oil was at once applied to 'their blistered backs and arms, and when the physicians got there hey tound little td, be done.. Shulard was urned the most' : severely of all, he having fal en repeatedly while trying to - get away from he metalic shower. ' His back. shoulders,arms, egs and the back of his Ireaeare all more or cis burned. He was taken- to the hospital.-- We do not regard his injuries. as at all serious. he others are, not so badly burned - but that they will soon be at. :work swath. All of them lked away from, the mill except Shulard.— Her , aton Times. - ' • Business. Locals. • BALL TicketS printed in drst-clase style and at cheap rates•at this office. .Srecter. BADGAD:S hairs, Black Alpacas, Cashmerei, Drub d'Ete and ttli the new. shades in Alpacas. Poplins SuMaga; READ tE STROUD. Montrose, Dec. 8, 1 ! 1075 2 2w. . NEW NEAR PAILTY.I. . A New Yew Paily will be field at the Bttgle Hotel, New Milton], Pa., on Pridity evening . , December 315t,1875. Music by Titrany's Band. Bill if,250. '.P. Purpttmt, prop'r, Dec. 8, 1875. • • ' • would be thankful if:my frientlg wliu‘‘e' • indebted to the for money advancer! oii Insurince would settle the same before Jan. 1,11876, as I shall nixed-the funds. . ' BILLINGS STGOUD. 1 11.1witrose, Dec, 8;1875. 49w3 !Ratter: NEW YOUFEitUtt.—For 1p 65 (publishers regular 'price) we will furnish, the lima! New Yorker tor 1876,and a selectiOn of seeds from our catalogue_ aniourniug to For $2 15 (Publishers lowest club pricA) litn;al mid seeds worth 41; or Rural alone pir $1 76. Sdnd postal card for details and list of other papers at club rates. : Address' - TiLittiOITAST BUOTITEI2II, PaaOryVilie, 'Wyoming c 0.,. Pa. - • 49w4 cow M . EDICAL ME - ETINO.- • -The .linageehanna Ec lectic ildedical•-•ocietyivill meet at the Hotel of AMbrose E. Benson, Busquelina% Depot, on Tuesday ; Dec. 14./ A. clinic will be held in thii afternoon, at which all who desire may be ex amined and p,rescribed fur or operated on free of .cliutge. 'A copy rif tiie charter ut .the eclec• .tic medical' association of PennAylismia, will - be presepied 'at the meeting. Prof. )1:8, New ton, ot.!the New — l7Ork Eclectic ?deified! tiOl lege,:lnia been invited-and %ill' prThably.,attend. the' meeting. The presence et ,every • member is desired. I All liberal pritctioners are cordially invited; • -1 Wsi W. WUP ATOM, C. H. YELVINGTON President. Dec. 8, 1875.w1 t Ityouwanttilmostaitgoodstortheleaßtestm - oney y„,o to • - ,Culuir:1011VB. stook of. Ladies' Beitver. .Closki just • aresair Jos 4's. A larg received Coats spool (31arks Cotton In all numbers at& a ' at CUE ‘r,Jout's Comg Win merl Noy. S nit examine our splendid tap sole gen kip boots ai4ilis just received: 1870. • Omar' Joan'. OYEriBILES 1 OTOTEUS OYSTERS 1 G1)04 oysters cheafott the Ott' gyirroxr. Sat OON. .31zszn.any Goods Jo- all the latest -. shades and stylaiWing.s, bilks aid Velvets, itc. A. 60 Trimmed Rataand )3onnets in Straw, Felts and Ve4vet for ,Lastlies,l3litises and reu, - •at Ouzel. Jorpt's.: ' PuoToonAPHit.—Pictures taken in all Lb tat ost awl* Old picturea. copied and mita ged. Also a iplendki. lot of fraines for ‘ale cl , 1 1 st Q;W. DOOLITTL 8. se t J4llO 10, Montrl ‘ - ,WA ILES, Clocks and • Jewelry repai r .. au allert , t 4 trice • wind ,_warranced, . at, F.-1),,:11. • lbw. isiN Z ia; - Wry Store.; ti.!rruerly Isbell .* Melba. Mont ,• , „ July2oi'lB7,l-4f To Fir' rms. - : : ' ' 1 N. Wdeox. Vetereusty Surgeon, M. R. lit. S., Toronki, Ooturio,, , is now locounl tt the Torben .ousu, lid tenders Ids pto(polornd ser likes to all wnot are 4lsc..esed - Annies. e '' , :1.- _ . DOS'T TO MOVit, IT. will i o4r my. JorgeWog,* of lotoiti and Salt, and genfrat line of grocery gOods yery /ow rot a short Linui for milli AS I.* ex"t , Nava in a' row 40* ipto, a pow store ' tellding oppesjce Coo Pe r, Co's. Oank, tind do not vitult. t4tybk. at, tim ~ p x.Opn of moving a large stock , of heavy goo4s.- Now is a good. Lime to buy your floor bay'p gover had,4 *HO pc good Fl Our, frail ;mood. ttoto at tko present time. II • • Er P. .I:Pramp., Itantiose; Octli10; tr, It 8.73 tam hasjust returned from New York, hayi)ig purchased principally a large line of UMW& and Children's - Furs, Buffalo and IWO' Robs, Blankets, Flannels, au. Lots of oth4r new goods at lowest bottom prices. Call and see than. , IGurrawnEtto, ROM:MAIM & CO. lihmtnis4, Nov. 3,1875. A B. Minis, at the Eagle Drug Store, keep, conatantlpon hand a large and well selectee stock pftoDrugs and Medicines, Paints,olls andiVarnhh, also very large assortment•of Port Monnaies, Cobbs, Brushes. Perfumery, and , . 'relict - Soaps. Pnysleiaus prescriptions cartiftillv compounded at all hours ot the day amtiniiin. Give him a call. Stgn of the Gol den:Eagle and Mortar. ' • Montrose, June 9 1875.-tf. - VEitY Low Pnicast. • ' " • I.4tave just returned from the city' with a ret stock ig . goods :which I. Will sell at fin low io Hera during the trout this date.— Call and beconvinced before buying - elsewhere. AllAgoods bought at this stem engraved free or chafge.' At Bronson's Music and JewelfY ifStore (Brict Block.) • . .Nuntrcise; Dec. - 1,1875. 48w4 To THE Punt,to.—As a guarantee that Tay lor% Family Medicines are. the beat in market, of their kind, and that the quality of the goods hereafter be maintained, i would say to all f . ` "If after using them you are not satisfied you have received benefit is proportion to the pride paid ; eturn the empty bottle or package, amt. get 'II money back, its 1 want no titan's money he is satis fied he has received its equivale. Respectfully,d • H. BnowlttNo TAYLOR, rrop'r: October 6,1875. • Paitertsa. - , . We have just received a very large sleek of plain and fancy'envelopes, letter and. note pa purl plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of ell sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc. all iif which we can afford to print cheaper thab any (Ake in ;tins os neighboring counties, and in as good style. Work done in black and i lr coldred inks. It on think there is any that calf; beat us, gl%e us a trial, and we will show yon what we ca do. All kinds of blanks on Luin,d or printed tOorder. . . , . lira Trfeik that the people of Montrose and i ods vicinity a'e finding out where the. most popu lar y House in-Bing.tanattin is located fork. F. isson a. Co. inforin us that their trade, from this section, is very large and cow etaAtlyinitteasing. .In!their stock may now he fouhd a large and carefully selectett stock of Dr.i . Goots, suitable to the wants of eyerybealy. Thdy ma e a specialty of Black. Silks, Black Cas'sitnerek ; Black illohairs, BlacleAlmkeas; and thel finer }grades of Dress Goods; and in this ling are _prepared to' give some decided bar gains. • 1.1" suppose...that. nearly everyb , :tly is aware tha their store is. located at 61 Court Stet, net to the Canal. . . HinghaMton, Sept. 22,1875. ' .. ear,LAT -• NEWS iN lONGILALKTozi. ,* The lot#a news in Binghamton is that Rine & aholes,'of 59 Court Sweet, have just received their thitt Fall and Minter stook of Dry Goods which is now . complete in all departmenti.--- Thii best Silk. The best Black Cashmeres.-- The best Alpaca. The best Merinos—;Empress —Plaids Of all ;descriptions. The best Shawls. Kid Gloes,,..Embroideri, Ribbons, Ties, it . e„ n Chet evervthlng that is kept In a a fir Ft-class Dry Goods * Store at bottom tigur s: Anothgr imPortant item,which itknown ma be essenthtl .to .Ite people of Montrose, New sllford 'sail li surrounding ethintry, that Geo. . . McCollurh snot C. C. Faurot would be. most Poppy to set: all of their acqUiintances • and shdw them the, barigains that lime & holes ore now prepared toee, . . Hunt ...t SonoLEs. Uingbamtou, Dec. 1, 1875. ST.IiNFOIID---I.ItuLAND.--At heree 0l the bride's parents,Dec. 2, by Rev. E Burroughs, - Mr. 13. S .- Stanford to Miss Emma A. Ireland, all of-Liberty, Pa. • - • Trrus—GstutisclN—At. the residence of the bride's parents in Lemon, Wyoming 'Co, Pa., Dec. 1, by Rey. H. G. Hamel, Mr. David V. Titus of Dimuck, and Miss Eunice A. Garri 13simow—McMtcKE24-40n Bunnell Hill, Nov: . 23d, by Rev: J. S. Lewis, Smith Barlow to Ennly Malicken, all of•Meshoppen. Pa. Pubtvattgo-11r.Ntfcrr —ln Gibson, Nov. 20th, hj. Rev. 0. Sterns, Mr. C. Pickering and Miss P. E. Bennett, both of Gibson. Cooswg4L—Ga.txosx--At Leßaysville, tfy ReV D. D. limy, Wilber H. Cogswell, of Leßaysville, to Miss Jettie A. Granger, of Rush. • Lorgaor—Trrustt—At the M: E t . parsthmge in Montrose, Nov. 25, by - Rey. W. L. Thorne, Charles E. Lovejoy, of Candor, N. Y . :, to Mary E. Tltman, at Auburn,. Pa. . ' ALlm-.-Cit,oirc•-•At the M. E, 'parsonage in' •r-' Montrose, Dec. flth, by - Rev. yv,..L. Thorpe. ()liver R. Alden, of Bridgewater, to, Phebe J. Crane, of New /' • Srkiunues—Lkwrs—At the residence of Hen ry Leipliam, Russell Hill,Nov:l3, by Rev...l. S. Lewis, Geo. W. Kirkhulf of Auburn, to • Lizzie Lewis, of Russell Hill. TENNAINT—To.WeRuis--At the M.E..parsimage in Harford, Dec. by Rey.i D. C. Barnes, Mr. Charles A. Telinant, of New. Milford, and NHss Mary E. Tompkins, of Raiford. 7:13E181P23.g3. C./ Owitia.—ln firooklyn, Pa., Dec. 1, Charles I..iton of IViu. It. awl Clara B. Caswell,aged 31months. , • , • Gaffe—la Rush, Oct. 27, 3lnt. Roby A., wife of John W. Pray, 24, aged- 26 . years, 6 mouths, ah.d 20 days:., War—At the residence of her daughter. ' la ApPleton, Outuganile co., Wis.,-sept. 25th, t3lrs.•Hannab IVest,•wlte of Nathaniel West, of Ararat, Susok'a - co.' and widow of Charles Payne, of Hatbol, the 81h yeat of per 1 age. New York Produce Market. Riported Every . Week ExOrevely for Tan Moaraosht Da*ocuAr by Rhodes a derver, Produce Comm( • •tna kivretteras. 28 Whitehall Street-1.4 ew York. New York, Friday, Nov. 19, 187 1. -• 1. ouTrElt. ne4lpts last six days ' . 4,492 pkga Vety filie State butter continues in limited s ply ? an with a fair enquiry prices. are bli firmly, but grades from a trifle below 9r , do*n to medium are abundant and exeessiv ll du9, tbtlre not appearing toy, be as outlet ir. a ; direction. , State Fairies, 31 salt 39 Secretary, . 44.; date , airier, good to prigt0....28, soil Statc . 31; aiel State Pailv,dtdry,good IQ kime 80 821 ' titate'Pails,cOnunon to . fair.... 25 at 28c; • CHAR 42. iteeeipti ; laat . 10,033 boxes The rev( oide,rs shippers had this week were easily lltled at quotations, and in „seine hasten etac`sales were made at even less money. The hoihe trade, although' taking a, gOod average stnOunt are still buying. In a band to mputti Sate .Factory, !sac)? 18. (ii) 13gc State Factory, line=:.:., 1230 State - Factory, fair to good.. 0140)) 10qc State Dairies, fair to 83i0 103ic Ttecelpts last ,six ,1,4413 . pitga. Thi arrivals offresh continue rather light, and wilda fa ir enquiry, holders are inclined to be .quiPt firm In their views at 20c. for prime, , otatiand gOVZA 8 1e Wotan' 091E10)1w:1a 30 c here 1 , i 1.4 fair. enquiry for dreamt poultry, art with _ with the supply riot exceasive prices are geaerally firmly held. turkeys, State primal. 16 to 170 (lbbAtellik State, prima ;15 to 160 i• IIA'ATB AN)) STOCK. . , Oilvesare selling fairly ,i 1 about quotations. /aye ShPep;weathers, - ;-,: , .... - .1)% to 550 I.4ye Calves; State psitna;.... 9 to 9 11 4 kiog Drosied Calves - fine- to 1230 1, 1, , • nurzro Futfrr4. 11 Apples 011 eides4vetyr nu!' 4nd irreebtr.7 I,loso tatokna not tn onttitsed , at our qii,oto= iti tbitio, but 'mu at lutit orrlving orevory tit cult. _, )1 0 " 10 #. 44 our nximool figure* .- 1 , 50,t,a Apout,conttent,,, ~,,•95-ito /04 ! : Itachat4peoled,ststta ' 18 -to 9* . • `libtokberriog, t ,, ... , . — T--'. ,12 310. 0 / 8 41. '..' *ipbeollii DOW,z..sa I?I;A $ ig°V. 0 tirli C3e-ES. • The Markets. POtiLVIT. tidatreoi:*rt" r,,xiattrwrioi*"l3. Fitt . • ! • ,There - 13.110:subject that Itigtilres RI) mneh study and pgriencens the treatteent:ot et roti. dtseaseit. i_ Thu astonishing atteeess'and inarkable Ores pertortned . ..bY:Dr.;:rf.Butterfiehl, are due to the gift of , elairvoyaneei - to the long studref the constltuthin of Mau,: and the eering Of dligertses from natural remedies.. :Curie the worst forms ot Serofula;.Catarrh, Piles, Fe- Melo We4neas, 'Asthma, Kidneys or - Bladd6.', Wilt be at 'the Catferty House. 131nOmtait Friday, an, Saturday, Janu;ry 7th end Oth. !*:EtlftEtca"-Is the sentiment of 'ecinnticsif stif feners who find the balm' of - TOM, - and the 'fountain of their,litalth and atteiigth In Mee' ;Sarsaparilla . It is the most` .potent of all the !tilteratlveS to Purify the system and cleanse the, ibloOd. It po.sese.(”S. invigoratlntrqualities, 'that it stiinulatcs the faded tititlities and piir- Igesout the conniptions -which Mingle With the, -11400, promoting dertingimit‘nt-Mid decay. We areiassttrred• by ttiriy, kaldligprit physicians !that ibis tnedi -me cures beyond others of dtp kind, and %Nu .can thrtify thiti 41afement by !oui, own expeilence.—.4.llzol (Micas)) While . Flew: lii.MEILpER that ,CtrEAP lons tilwaYprkedps on hand and selli lower thati - ony one 61sii the •folfowing gcio s. Etna - °them . too numerouslto mention : • - • - Ready Made Clothing. 'Boots und•Shoia; 'Underwear. .1 Huts. - Dry Goods. ' - Dress Goods. , Hosiery, = , 1 ilds Shoes. . i` 1' Hats and Bonnet, 1 Beaver Cloakis. • Felt Skirts j ' Jewely. .„ • , Blankets. Counter panes. • Calieoes. 3fuslins. ° lehnnels. , ' . etc., ete. -Montrose, Nov. 17, 1815. ' Jleu find B()ysi- Ladies and Cl Buy yam- ?it ChisapMil's. ..._ , •••—, . ' i,. ii • • 1 - 1 • , 1 • ol.:4.121:11Ir gAtiiinctit:4 - , . , • Thole is no pain Veblch. the Centaur I .Ih 6 . Liniment %ill not relleve,no swetllog 'lx - - ti:ey will pot subdra. and no latneriess . IF ... . whitit they willnOtectre. This Is stri:ng - ,-. 4 lanwniee, but: it Is ; itrue l . Titer have 1114 1, , rgi . prtulttcncl more CIIIMIt of I: I rbeuraalltei, •' . nburalgia.iockjaw,palsy.rprains.rirel 34trPag • 'trigs, !•alied brentift,,ettuitp, burns4llr . rbenu . ar-ache, iihr.. upon the human I'rente, nt of strait:is. spavin, galls, etc.; upon animals in one yierr than Nave all other pretended remedies since the werld begazi„ They are counter-Irritant, all-hetilit.,l4, pairC: re liever's. Cnpples throw awaithelr itrutches. the :lime Walk4polionons bites are rendered harnOcos, and frhe wounded are healed without a sate: The r'ecspe is pub- Ilsbetiiiround each bottle. They sell as urti articles ever sold before, because tliey di) Just.wintt tho pretend to di). Thee. who now sulfur from rlitintrudistn. pain! ) , or swelllne deserve to 811 trer If they will not use Cont our 1 Llnll4en,t white wrapper. ' More thil',4 1O eertllleates of rernafirdble !cures. 'deluding frozen !tin hs, chronic rhenritatism, gout, running tumors. ete., pave been re ' ceitted. -We will send a circular, containing certiflctiter,. ',the rdcipe, etc.:. gratis, to any , one reduettinr, It. One bottld of the yellow wrapper CentaniLlniment Is worts one hinuired dellare [or spaittied or swienled bor'ses and niules.'er for screw-worm In sheep. ;:hock-owders thetelinirner are Worth your attention, No 'apply sbonld be without them. —White wrapper rand ly us'et" ',. YelloW wrappdr for animals' - Sold by al) Druggist S— . Per bottle t large bottles; $1,06. J. U. Itosic ,t. , I C0.,154 ltroadwi t ax . New York: - I . I • inure than a oubrtitittc. ?pr . rraftor !e article In exioCncc tirtacti Is ecrinin hic9, rev:Ante. the bowitr, rare Wind ilea „natural sleep. 7E coOtaibr ncliher ~ .hinu or alcohol, and tor jil4,asulat-totakr, ut cry and ranthert may 1 . !I• Vaitorlaii It ie die only to'nsiOrnulsitt• , Colic ind prodl intrictis3l.l. mort Cbildkeu aced OttFi > 4 / se' 1 "I . llls COLUMN • =EI TOO BUST g New Goodo To PILL UP t Wore,'lema.t. Buy Sour.Olithini ut Obeap Ayer's Cherry Pectoral _ Oar illseaseS of the Th roma and Lungs,such as 'Coughs, Cold s , hooping Cough, Bean. chitlins, Asthma, and Consumption. • . 'he few compositions width eve won this :confidence of itkitid anti become honte. Oil words among not Only in but many nations ' riattA ire extraordinary virtuds,-!- ichaps 000110 secured wyden ropntallon. or trisin- Intl& it #0 long ss "Aloes, 'err:" Pectorul. It has been ,own to Mir public dtaint • sty years; by a long cntitiii :d )(cries of taarveioes mires i.at have won foe it a ctintk ,ence in it. virtues. 'Myer iedicine. 10 still inakeshaft, vughs Cads.,tbniempt4ons, indeed the Csidant. vie; really' robbed Mese Mimi:emus diktill.lo of their terrors, to a great extent. and given a feelngt of Immunity fromlbetr fatal effects, that is well founded If the remedy be taken in reason. Every family stiliald have:lln thelr.eloset for the remedy and prompt right of lie members. tsieknrss, 11010,1#_Ig. onrt OVVIL IP* is iaved - by this lintely,proteetion.. The kruduat poutd hot neglect it. and the Wl#6 will not. Keep 'it hylien for the Protection it affords by lin tlmely,sav in sudden attacks. rasramun . zjs. • 1 . • Hr. :Arte LowolllMusi - • - L Pr*ctical and AnalytiMalMenalsts. BOLD BY ALL- DlitUtiGlSrs Arta..DiALERSi MEDICINE. I • Nov. 1813. For Restoring ray.llair ! ~ TO ITS .PIATOR.:11; 177'.44iTY - AND cotple. idyripaiagyeitre. eickbets :e.; dimappolutmeut. 'and h!glittery- predisposition. ors the bah* gray.iand Chet of,theit 1 nellue (4to led prematarely, &Tuft's limn .Vtann4 by )w a gitAd that. i eXtent-Ove *tope lit e uie4nts lu at the hair , dataiffli. ly1; biter, renew* lthe )0,1 h. and *twat-* anreli Intel+ Its color. when 1.4+ ~... orpsy , h athilutat., n the illitritiVll (11 , 1 , 11.101 to 4 .0 1 4Nr` healtAll - fultivitt end it:" ... unto theitair And its beauty Thu; Washy. w k oi-slckly bait becomes glusay, Pit/L . 131U and atriiatthened lost hair regrows Withlvely exprtnisinnt lailThp heir I. checked and *tarnished ; thin MO tilleitque ; I Sad Sad ed or gray hair resame their eelglad enter- ts upira-, Sion is 'fare and harailes4 it carvitt dandruff, healra MI to r pori, acid keeps the scalp cool. clean and eoft—peAse . liblch coadit,ansolisenses of tialklaretelpessible, , A.* a dresiing for laiVe. , ' ha 11, ,, o. !gut Is prated l for da . ,ande ( ni and egret:erne perfulue, sult valued )(Ur I the tiaß lustre)* riettocha of toile it avfe . t i ,„ , 1,, .. Dr: 4. C . Al Eit & Gp.,ilimeil, fila- s i .:' ;1: • rreetes4andAnalytic/40601i; - - i SOLD ',Br ALL ..D111.1613114TS -iliOibliu,gitii as ' - -;• "J - ' -1 1 LEDICark • •'.. ~,.:- - - ~.., -. I '1 10 FT4 si t alle,f4al . , '. irt :1 , _ „ < • • . t 111•11E1 R ,. P08 _Wavy: PA66:tWI6TER:I4XII4I GattMtc - RoggiNO: . .&flo, iV 0 0 bEN SHAWLS. CLOAKINGS, CA SSI MERES,. • BEAVERS ANY. CLOTHS;`' treat vartati. PLAID AND PLAIN• WOOL-, AND MOHAIR DRESS ,GOODS. SILKS, POPLINS. CASHMERES, AA A ft- TE DES ALVA CAS,BLACK AND . • COLORED, ,', • . ,• • FLANNEtS,, IWsF _ 'BLANKETS MARCEILES BED . SPREADS, WOOL TABLE SPREADS, '• TABLE LINENS, TOW ELS, .NAPKINS and househlild I"'arnistting .GoOds, A largo assortment, awl cheap. • LADIES' AND CIIILDRENs 7 MEEINO ri•TIVERGAII. AMTS. MERINO 'AND "WOOL DOSE. lraLT - DHIItTB, (ILOVEg. Sc.. Sac. ALL bIZES „ AND - QUALITIES, :Ices to milt, At G. B. Co.* LLIN E HY MOOS, MORONS. rLowgivt, I ) `EATII ers,BGAMANI) COLORED. SILK A.ND COT-. TON. VELVETS. TitnatENO ELMS* fine variety,, .. - , At G a : It; &Co's AN':)' LAc - , , E'i?, FL/IN pEs, DUTToNs. STI.K Ti Es, C01:5W:3;4,- 1 - DitOIDERI*Es, ZN1 3 .1111?, WOIIBTEP AND FANC-Y YARNS, CO- , NoTtoNs ANI,I • • *: - - STAMM() PAT.; ' • * • • . TERNS, AlwayAin grcat. variety, , A 4 q. • ,. Cps - • DOMESTIC. GOODS. iti,E F.D AND lIDOWts SUE ETINOs AND SIIIIITING.3. CANTo.N NELL. 4.. TICKINOS • AND •CtlitVOTT SI/It/TINOS.: AL• • WAYS A FULL A SSOIITM ENT TAE NOSI' lit. Alt - .• DRANDs, • ' ' :And prteeii to emit the thnee ' it C3,11:4t Co's. cAR.PErs, OIL croriN. - mATS.. DltuGimuno FUItS, FURS. Flllts. BTFPALO • 11OBt 4, I.IOIOE I BLANKETS, LAP Ittflteli Ax).t.A. ' . • taag- 4 tinde Olot twg.- Men and linys' ready-made • salts, a ism, stock.' Cotn tete or beet zr•ods. warrai.ied to Oil/ at !auction. Prices to suit tin) times At G. A. .ft Co..'s - OIERCVATS !-' ,OVERCOATSI Nor Boys'. Ironlit.' and Men ; Ail sort 4. Qualities and m i , eas .. frorutl.3 to tit. t , iipply your wants at G. R. Er. , , . Ours Cristo Zepartment. Large flock otilne crii Imtres. Cloths and B6aver , ... Veaservs tnl6-o, ~. ., 4 . 4 1 fit Ing anti worktnanfk, • , $4OOOl, Ittc (.7u,;3tatu of ' .IH/0.1:44, Union pt a iR/il " • ' 4404 Kt: I..youtnlnglts. : •••• 1,4 scoter NUT, Ins. Cpi* • Firs ssociatipu df Phila. • Pennsilinnis CO.plis• Coa..inertial x. Fame Ins. f.10..0f, Watertown Int, Co 2 , 1 h 04ortatyo. , 44 1:1 U nion 1116. 00:41q:K (lop italind Naming, $4,000, in MIA& Fire in! Hartford, • CI; 400, 00 • 110441 m -it rite 11 1)041111031/ rpttl 43,000440 The undorrignet4 Iv SPECIAL ACENTIoi• tnnin 2 /0‘ ,. . log comp4nleA.(orNinthern Ponniylvnufa: • - 'Vire Amiocinclort of , - L'inowter Fire Ini.orshee Coloptosy of Ttio I nounin.co.proi , th 0.84440 01 -ititillsylpanta t ol Phllacle.lool4. • • , . 1 , • : -•- •='; , Qunn.lintniC LANA 011..00;, Mott. , - $33,000.40 • - .‘"CACIM3)-14M4.11P Rai . Tra lwa ireleti innt ton.00..Undlt!$,P00041040011),18$&000.tu Aigirlf "• •'; • • $850,q00 Tbounderalguosibilibeon wollknown tt4 thiseoont,tfor. the pistlllearitommo lA•guntnrangent4ooo4reouitt 1400 by bli•comEntoirchave'o,ivrsqi hean promptlypsio, •.; • oirrOnice bnAtikinr, to minainir 'east imp. Hanklitg, Qtnno. of W Pk ; 1t!),041,..i0 , t. &Co., Torapfku e t trnet.. l •, • - • BILLINGS STROUD - , iigeit, giU111 4 613 llr f)Alt.ll.l)olcellpsoger.l - - it ; Liklign4N 1011 0 110 r.' -Ifftotln444 N0v:18.7 . 10p • - bigning Flituutli Che4 l John't -:4l' . s*.sTf;!ciiK. , .Or - ,, , :; At G, R. Co,'4 At O. ft. Co'a Etc" Stc., as usu... - 7 -0- FUN Auld. See • F 1+1.; =EIS at : 0 II p 3Mgcs3oLtraisio,.!::"". . . . ... ...',„ ._-_-.7--i.- ek zr• • i . 1 4,2- . L, bEir ' , ... ~.,,_ -,...i.,q-i- , .„, NAILS, irrffivyAnig, ....:;i1 , i ,:,ii:, ~;,L.' BOYD & CORWItN Coinei Ifaln sad Tarnplitil 2:l2C)Mirle'FitC)o3l2•" Zi°44lL•• 1 Imitsits UI N 711103 TIN 00 SIIRT-IRON WAR[, 4ardware. d t ITTLERY, Na 11zry , 101114 v =es. • illsooka our Friend,* for Pasiffavorl. • ore thank! el to omsui4allwN WIMP ed ecrounl I with us. It they would eitU middle of Mirth next. We Would bo they here untiett mid bottle by th Feb. 4,IeVL 33 Court Street At 'No. ;sarirrom kEW .000 GOADS, •---, • ; , , we i have just returned trout the Illty et. New York slier purchasing a large and well selected Meek ef FALL Ali D (loops • of alt Linda bought from drat usnde, we me now pre. pared to offer good* at - priese thet win satisfy the rios• .4it buyer. We have alto orbled to ,opt , large atrect k oil DryOnoet., an Immense stoat of ' • • e:-OT ftekiSllittiES for Me 4 and :flofs .near. „NV* .are 'noW, pff . e . pfrol le • Sufis FOR Att, . . whoOM wt./stall as u , e , elasitrodusem engszed for tae saloon. Ladles .and gonttemr•n; you will•plesseean aid auto hie our otoclt before you purchase elsewhere.. • Thankful fo r pug, favorer , . wo bopig hie a eolstisustSus of the lame. We remain. 'Vona Respeetfitily; • • U. a A. CORTSII7. - • paint 'Binghamton, Apr!' eB. 1875.—tt le3* Beaver Cloalcs dt Chem:l,4oEoa. NAT MIC ar ES It is a liquid Lloament tar Bonne and atabitt au: A vain able combination, dioc.irired try celebrated Ent. if elichemirt, and horee•Girrier. Was introduced ha the Untied Mateo in the year 'and *Mee that time; by its great enecesa. In the enVe of diee-elee, it haa wee for itrelf that world wide reputation it to richly dm ertes, and now ettstis At the bead of all liniments Ur rivalled AS A FUIIIL 7 MEDICINE. . . It has already rained the' conlidenie and adastratios of •thonsands of hoosetiettle for Its malty tarot of dlr. c a o ep wen, external A oplications are of se. mach Repo& 'once, It in reucclally admired as 1 - family remedy fear Itcpecnii3r chemical cornhlttatl6o,, penalising no h inv•vdients. {lite tincture lit Csyeane or redseptattl whicirchrap and vnlnleee Liniments are largely eon. posed.) which Increase instend of diminish the loileaw tiara, nitkinji it ey nature a speedy cure for . II Li r,VAIATIS !it, BEA DAME, 8011,2 TUROAT. come. vouGus, cuoLgRA. :TOOTBACIIIk ' BRUISES, Silt.i. INS. LUMBAGO, CRAMPS, . • cut.ns,. curcts. ntesT, '7lO DOLOR.. ' 1 • '-' • ELM litiltSS. ciurs; arts 'or PO i r SONOLTS 4BitCTS,. rftra. . Testimonials and directio4 accompany each bottle. • ! . • . ' , Ray one—orily•OS cents. GO Cents, or . Sl.oo—ana it it \ 'd not give good satisfaction return 'the* bottle lan es fall and your money will bit, Mended. : Can lbw Q. B. 8,8., anti take no other. ' I),Q. CARY. At Co., ProPitnests; . .. , .. ' 1 , Middletown. Oriente Co., :v. T , • .... . —__._----. . , , . FOR $4l; LB' • A. 13. BURNS anA SI: A.. ',TAN., iirchas;ilito Wholettitle'stutas 14'..51h , ,1100t,1ta Canty. " - • l' Alontroo. >MT sth. 1816.4. '" . so.l. go to Cjiesp John's or Qauttito Flunis 8. IT. 4 DI SkiirßE ' ACCOUNTS MUST Bt SETTLED of they will be .o.lbieleil bY • • ' - COOPRR. LATHROP 411 IN) Roptember,ll9,ll3l4. - . • • '• t; Vine ea:bit - metes at 75,ceMkat 0 Jol , - A. NSW•BTOCSOB otroau.ervp Sit'ai l & 0). I. OtAttitsil I alCkillklii titilmo . 2.30 p tt 4114 pinetvnd and tor sale by Q rpzitinqz - For 'We H 2 A4O, ALL. g.lllDtt GROCERIES, At the owe ••,'•• •-• • ' • - Preirikk c )31 • 4 0":14,!14.• rotsst4;l7 - Lot4ii•G! Philip4ohtt's I C.3‘;;PC).ZI • . • NO 4 Qv.peuter ariON'ilfA4l erect Atoetorsa of an 141146. 1 10 ne4nun an cnnapkti them In overt 444A1',' 10,4 Mots tiautleiN SttA Unitas% .0 1- .1 1 441 rrOO•s, Ityrttistlirtr. tittiragtll4llo• tug psi 0440 • Lalti.e.b. gal ; v at jer • * VW, raced wool toed . . sem Me 1041pwiiiumarlikkliflioggl --7 " • -- 11114.7';‘ , r IFIAII,JIIII#ib (R)ODIL i ; i ,+ , .7,~~~'fi~t ; deo notified I diot "r! EXX2 SC &WEIL