The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 08, 1875, Image 2

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    Off . •
• '
ohurte 32.
ge* . citlo4 : =(
arealaden liaaraulas TWICE sa Pawl. a
oar raper Penanylivaula.
Qol _alma in
,New York, on Saturday
• . The PittOurgh Di patch gap, "thtre
wrikte4,l4.oyrittest,,kw ,agaiiiit
Third Tenn- rat`in the . 'case of Preai-
:60.VCir4nt,thprp would b e a rmi - i i ii ty
or hhOut 1,00%000 against n, ,, which
, .. _
might , perliaPs - iuswer the . same
purpose." , .
The liradiC4'2 2 tlteptirter and Pitts.
burg, -Cenittierrial
,Atto both demanding.
"a little Cold
,fusliitined simplicity" in , their
party and 'guava thut liartninft be in-
Vugurated-lsithiniqiny military display
etd - '', They vfilitiost . ' equal our contem
putiry- of the ,Montrdsti Iltpublimn iu
h t i ° ../X l 4erm , since electi on. We con
clude,they hive aka -heard frdm Basque=
hanoi coUnly. ,„
- T he e
Montros ,Rowtslian.of Monday
, saysan ielation..- t 0, ,: the. election of con
'. gremional opewker "the probabilities are
,rather in favor, of the' election of salary_
gra r Rsinda l, of Pennsylvania.
• II rat er : is `,doomed In • disappoint nest
-- • ~.
this year., Hon., -.Michael O. ;Kerr of
• LAI tins- no asalaryg rabber ) is, elected
I t :
speaker. Romer will be obliged to - take
his.' trage i 117., ti e "garret noW.
.• .n sn, ..
Y.,, bridegroom ..ivaS
iithet so: ehitNl- or.. confused • during hir.
Marriage ceremony that hE became
oblir and actually'
handed ,thc Parson a hUndred do2iar note
instead of a ton dollar,one., He came to
lais,seasea, huweyer, the next day, and
.'tAlegraphed the clergyman that hewoult:
like to hare that little 'mistake. rectified.
The preacher, good hatless tool, bud put
it out of . his power 'to correct . moral:es,:
haviug nett' it to pay some obligations
which -were pressing him for , liquida
Con. • •
• Ili it review. of Prof. Proctor's recent
lecture delivered in, this country,in which
he gavu . in liis.edhesion to
,the evolution
theory', the 'Catholic TdAgraph declares
,that evotution, except in its most ex
trepie sense; in dOmpatible with the Oath•
clic faith. It avers that St. iugustine
traught'the development of life from the
, that the fathers were
'nearly all agreed that the cteati've , days
we're` vast periods, of which our days are
only the fiunkst, types. ' . Every mad, so
far as he ip• an animal, may be safely
viewed as a product of evolution. All
these questions, the editor elaimq, belong
to science, and not to 'religion. He in
' E. 6 only' that 'the, soul be reserved for
an immediate set of,the Creator.: ,The
entire article is ably written, and' is a
goo,d sign coming from that quarter:'
_Rey.lienry Waid Beecher milde
• lie Schools the suhjectof his discou'rie fth
• ,l'hanktigiving day, cattle out boldly
in floor of free niaboOlii, but he is oppos
etl using the Bible in' them, still up
holds Compulsory, education: The gift
of B uis irgument is gins reported
iii re
_ ,
iiard to the intro s actio n of the Bible
Thirdly, thershonld be so constituted
creeds;should • d
that pen fir a llgen' their
children without.uiy fear of oropagand
ism: They must not be called religions
in the just sense Uf that. worek. After .
, the manner and speech of men the coin-.
moh sphoola must not be regarded as 'a
religiouli institution. 'lt is secular ;'it
'must be kept &mil:trend defended against
anything that . with . make it other than
secular. Only on that ground can you
have national scowls. It, is. not just
iitidlair that'. I should he taxed for the
education of: niy boy when I csiiiiot amid
him to the Coriiniiin 'school for fear hii
, conscience wilt be perrertril and wilere
he be taught the thing that abhor.
- is not fair to compel the children of a
Jew; a taxliayir like me, an 'atnerieun
citizen liltenie s it is not, right that he
aiiotild he 44t0pe1441 to ray .money so that
iii clii d may hear . the New Testunien t
react tiny, by
. day, which he doedn't believt•
in fAiiplante.Y . It is' not right that our
ei l tizeos should - be
compelled to seta tkeir , ,chiidr(mi to schOol
where. the. read, 'when they do
not believe that the Protltstaut version is
the •-faithful vision of . qod's . will [Ap
:plunge] It is *mit Abut they should read
their Douia Bible cu Cte wuntion vehool;
and cempel ueto hear them. Fair play!
Fair play • Thpo journals which at
firetareilieposed to vindicate the ohrOrder
of thidga, 'by larger reflection, by the
het of better iacOnd thought, have
conic. or arc rapidly coming'to the ground
..drat our -normal" schools must be aeCh
larstod not rel4iotisinstititions and that
• unl Ch that' ground eau the. state sup
port th}4..:" If they are secular, the state
has - a' right to support them, because in
doing so)tla preveutint its own dram+
and overthrow: PO4 Aug make a & idly
• sohool %ie sense it dues lipecuil
functions beintdeveloped,spvciall Angst's
must iheleducatioo of the
comituitilty there Air soother work to be
Chinch _work and there le
itel/091; work. : We Stu
pot take thegruu I'd
that b Child' can be educated without
relOotts cultnre; :You must put ibe
child`through'dilgirent institutions. The
common sehool does,not uodeTtstite to tic!.
ticate. l , l their4o";7 . *u.7, Xt,.0464!:2 h*
as far ash memory .to make hitu a inod
citizen, and toys to the father and to the
prime "Yen Maw AO the. rot" When.
th*fure, you * the 99tumon'iehool ie
ii:iodleas in Fertilely
th;.siime ttost ,tailoi's,slinp is god-
lest , Sappier I . should have aboik for
...ine:nutticturiniantjrt, and's man should
come and may, pin -natinfintur‘
Elea ?" ;"Then.;liin I,nye a god
it. ihop.t! ....The. , typirit - of . the cowmen
setieols tfotfte ttiftreniste :rligiot neni.
end the Minn! fe Her godiciss on - .that,
coconut. The soinatun 4 0 001 qiutur
doco not tukeriiiii troni, she young niti-
' \ - r..-:"'s :. , • .
zell ' the. Te - ligks - 41eitiint:.:' r it' Inehly
suyik_that„.thatintust -b1::: Peflormo OE-,
wii#e• :1:t belongs itsf:the parent M 4 to
.1 be ptient.i i UOlrtm**oolo 10 . by*rn.
'lll,hon ju,st Wittii hg poe; by the ,
Oap, by the - liiiiiistry. So far us the
thnrcheisare concerned,: if they chose to
hare parochial 'schools, there is no law
•'gainat it; _but. as a ;matte policy,,l
thinkit would be bad. 'T te tendency . is
to mike' the '.. choral a liScid of lioales
ark. It cannot underta e the manage
ment of all eiese ante sts that are ;de
veloped by its vitality.' .11 there is,any.-
thing in. which God's ,providence i's Clear,
it is this, that the church of God' is to be:
simply a power stimulating influence.
The growths are' td , take place from
their own root'. , tit 4- bultirgion is to
come as well'from ilarrent institutoms.
One after arainther the sycophantic
press of the Radical party are adopting
Gl:ant l u a "third term" necessity. a The
Montrose RtyMbliaan will undoubtedly
,Degin soon to trim it: sails to catch theiN
winds and'apologize for Its position taken
list spring. Tpe New York Times the
leading 'Republican paper of thy party, is
tacking against the popular storm, as
follows: •
'• • t
The Hma believes the iti atoms s
,t.ventually control the Deutoeratie
party, and in thai cue see no way out
but the re-nomination Of 'Gen. -Grant
Why some other bard money Republican
candidate will not be quits as likely", to he
successful it does not - indicate.' This is
one of the most
. singolar. , admishiQns
which has yet appeared. -It save "We
are inclined' . to. believe that the 'hard
ineney'seetion' of the DeTperatie witty
will constithOy diminishiti strengtit'und
numbers from this time. • •
The first result of all this' must-be the
very thing which the Democrats, profess
to be most anxious to avoid—namely . the
revival of 'third-term ideas. •. We do not
say that Gen.-. Grant • himself ;Will enter
into; or even indirectly encourage, any
. having .this, end in view ; but
they rill be Mucli,talked. of in our three.
'thin a:id anothet,:aiii! the more ob,stinateV
the Dernocrati: make headway . toivard in.
talkie and 'repudiationi . ' - ,the less'obnox
ions, to the peep!" .Will the third-term
idea gradually, becornu. - . The Democrats,
in:short, - seemliSiit , upon playing into
Gen. Grant's hands, they have, to
deal with a- man ' who makes very . few
' Mistakes (ontaide. of his uppointments),
and has personally—as' we firmly believe
--nothing. on earth to 'fear. .from ."ex
ponies". and "investigations," and who,
moreover, is itill,far more - popular with
'the masses,of the people .than .most jour•-.
oalists or'politiCians realizeaa this is the
situation of ffitirs, the, end of the' session
is likely to find Gen. Grant much stronger
than :the hegiuning. A great :firiancial
danger will menace the c6tintry„ and one
road out 'of it will be distinctly 'visible,
and people will be', inclined to 'take that
road : and save • thentielves'• all further •
bother:., Thit• is very' likely to be the
tendenCy in or about ancl.June,lB76
-- and ifit is we elialkhave the third term
upon -ma in a way' that . seemed *.very
probable a year ago: - . • .
• Our Own views on this subject are wen'
understood,. have
.beec put .forward,
may. ahitost Say. in Season and out of sea
senand.;are not at all likely to, 'Undergo
any change.'
.11, We describe 'a State of
affairs Which we believe to exist, 'or is
likely to exist next year, it is not•becauSe
we adMire it. Orlook forward to it with
any s.stisfaction. '4.third., term weirld be
a departure from ivell-established preqe-,
dents, almost amounting now to, ii!pair or ,
.hat "unwritten law" which must neces
sarily. ;enter -liirgely into the practical
government of any: free country. If
'would be a:lamentable event in Melia
tory Of tha United States ;. and yet reptidi-'
at ion, the Ittsit of national credit,Commer,
eial ruin and dishonor, . Would . be: worse.
Why should . The so blind
tied foolish• as to .force the 'people .to
Choose. between these two alternativea ?.
; Let them adopt the specie-payinent.policy
and put Acandidatii forward, on that basis
'and th eth tertn iwojeet. word dbe prat:
ki,:led; and .some new man would
, ti infoubtedly. be brought , forward in the
- - :FA C'T NU:WIER'
11'e have been Waiting threelong weeks
for the Ring organ 'to prove its assertion
that, it, made before election, namely-;,
that there never had been any "jail tar"
levied and'coll.etel and that E. B. Haw
ley kn; , w it was false when be stated it
but . `milin"SE4•lllB to be the
_word with
the Ring since eleetion..,Perhapejt was
`expecting more than we
.ought to from
the editor of • the Republican to...suppose
would l ise the tonnlinuss to prove his
statemetittror to cio us :simple justice by
sayiwr,that he. was ti ken if he did
not wilfully „misrepresent , us and .his si
lence 01 evidence that the.. latter. .is the
case. It must now be considered that
we are fully . vindicated upon this point.
Retied we'start from that to die second
„fact. .We asserted that . the county was
in cteht to the amount :of 418,100 which
witelliawing S per cent interest from the
tax-paYers and , is in the hand's of H.,11. -
iteed Of Philadelphia, or the Most of it.
This W`4 stated to be false by theßepub
tliere were
. A 18,060 in
bona. and Aiut at. fawfitt-iiiterest. • Thia
we:cionsidemd.worsa than a falsehood. It
would have been more inauly to have seit.,
ed that i it wawa out at 6per centind made
it an open falseltood,than to have added the
sneak to the falsifier by claiming itmlaw._
ful" 'hiding behind a law which was
bushed through our legislature in 1867;
the - yt.air 0; "jobs, 4 and - .whiCh one 'half
the lii%vy.eis,in the ouunty did dot know
wuaisiti the statute books, *wi: not a dos
en of the people, and men honestly be
frutn What the
Repufrticau liaa . 414, 'that , we`. - wilfully'
mistated,iitid that,, the boudi are it “Jaa-
fill interest!' which language conveys and
. was intended . kr convey only 6 per wit.'
and there 'hail never, one , word appeared
to t hicOotrairy IP*Ptr
?nand that' theßeAOlkan shall • state the
facts in this case or.-be vonsidered ante
liable hereafter csn snob etikiedt 4 . We .
have akw interrogator e s make here
to whichithe people are demanding a
straight forward
jurttVlore the day or etettlini aaknowitllB
- that there was aniudehtteueis of $18,.. -
800- against thia coun ty..' He has net.'„er..
denied hut ',that this , igiuotult,- -
beads and al 8 per cent. interest. • Mist!
ciitinerat'll us in 1868 that the'
:;'s^."Dr~ 4cSiu's'a~:-s':,a-sa;e«r ~•
ttetd 004ntylall:Ost V6;287.97 :.•13y'the
:'iiii*Oetlzing:the'bnildingetit jail and
4'1848:00e.0.11(1 . ,
lictpe 4 ,)Otied 141i161 the , ail titi3t
.$41.000 0 . 4i . r . readetit(will remember. that
the law giving. powe r to s o:nett& ,i 35,000
which We putipehet),.stated . ag fi)nows
.SECTION That the said conuntsioners arc
heftily authorized :to . issue the bends'. of the
said county; to. an amount not exceeding ten
.thousand a- Mars, payable at sueii tine, or times
as the said commisSioners shall direct; and bear-.
ing interest at a rate Of not, exceeding eight per
cent., and-to.he Applied to the payment for the
-erection of the surd jail, ' • .
aneplimente(ls6B rhieh
th( m - expend $6,000, more, making
$41,000 in all, gave the hollowing; add
lioual bonding power : ;
SECilliN 2. That the wild cOMmislioners-are
hereby,authorized to issue the bonds of the
said county for the said sum 4of six thousand
dollars; in'such:. amounts and ;payable at such
thnes as they shall direct, hearing interest at a
rate not exceeding eight per &mem •• to be ,ap
plied to the .payinunt, of the said slx'"ousand.
dollars. • • •• • : . •
The ahSve is all ;rho power the commis
sioners ever had to l bund this county at 8
per cent. . ,
Nuw we 'ask .them 'to -tell us , by what
authority they .. haVe
.bondedi it''' to' tbe
amount of 0113,500 ?.. Ifave they. 'ever
used one dollar of thiS money. 'i j or any
. otber purpose' than - the payment' of the
jail. bonds t What Were; '.thi!. times: of
,iti . the original !ionilii: that were
:issued „. Ails tint 'the .itit . .itiir4i of .t he
law. - ben violated;? .'Have . not iparlies
been tOld at the - :commisSionet* office,
. 1 i
whin called.., upon' to', i s trrentlek their
bonds innd . isice . the mOne :' that the rca
•-. l •
son , waf) because they.' had - lel ready I viola-.
ted tI4 kiniits of the law, 4fid thatthese
bonds must be paid ? ' Is t. ere:One r %VOA
to'shokin . the:anutuf.l stet molts .at' the .
' ' ' 18 :h -
corn m issioners,. st tics
. 66 . t is a t a i
dollar Of indebtedness was over funded in
bonds at 8 - . per. cent.. or- 44Ve1l , exclft:
where they haye Omitted lto ' pay bonds
ankinterest?:\ .1i - i I- .
'These are. tants aMI 1.11 R. Frazier will
not refute ti
..xhastin t. a the vocal)-
uTarli, in applytoe. e Ihets t,w h. D. Haw. '
ley., Ant one IMMir4bl.e way is open and
that; is to meet ihe - qtyrstiou .squarely :mar
disprove the tassertiouS or, acknowledge:
the facts... •' ' .- • i
. .
, . kCondo sQuill. i . .
• - •
'The .follo w in g
,singular histOty •of a
, • •
"quill,'l:has lusticbmel to -light: I .
1, 1 , , •
Herr Illrieabiteh, , the lion,tamer. gave
the.quill of it'clititlar, "captured by him hi
South A ineiiica, td' I.le*ry - Clays in 1824,
when Mr. Clay was oPposel by . Adams
a:.,-a caddidate for the Presideney with
the injunction that ii, should ' never. ,be .
cut until Clay was ei,t ted-Presideni; and
was 'then to' form a pe ~ta-writeliis .firstmessage • further, it was enjtiined that in
ease he if l iould uevei li .. ..,eletited it should ~
Tint be e t until a _constitutional • Presi-
dent 'might be able toiise it hi writing a
conatituttonal mes2:lo for till the States.
Mr. Clay ' received it, I land. the quill *as
'preserved ;at Ashland Ulitil after his death.
hi 18561 . a igentlethan, who '' noir. has'
it in' r iiis Ipoe4 -ion, received the , twill
fritinloliti Clay, son 1.4 the great Ken
tucky statesman, beiiig , at.the time .on
his way to Buffalo—with the request that
he'should present it, to iMillard'Filltriori..,
then Whig candidate for - . Presidency'.
Mr, Fillmore, iiot being-able. to Use the,
gift .fOr the purpose intended by the Origi
nal giier, retained itt-aot feeling: it prop .
pr thtit it.. Shiiiild -' be ' used by either
Buchanan. iLineOlti ;-• 'or, Grant— . -until
1872, when 1 Horace': ark•toy became . the
candidate of the Liberal - Party. Then
the gentleman 'h'o had, ' tralisferreit;the
quill to Mr. FilfmOre...witite .to him, 're=
calling its istory ; and 'stikilig Min if,‘ Mr. ClaY`himself, and Mr. Greeley.
as Old Line .. ihiga,' had forinerly .beet,
friends and Fooworkers, - thereWonict not
'be it peculiar fitness, in Mr:'Greeley,s Cut
ting the quill! and at length writing the
constitutional s' i message. • Mr.' Fillmore•
answeied, expOssing his doubt of Gree
leY's, election, -hut, preferring him to
Grant at d,- among -ether t hinge, 'saying '-
"It is impossible- now to tell what might"
have•been the result if •I hiti been elected
in 1556, and my message bad br' et(writ
ten with-the trill -- with :which 3 roui Par,
tialities intrusted- me. iAt - the.close of
my adiminiStrition the • 'entry was pros,
- perons i peaceful, ..and 1 4ppy but it iaii
pear's_ that, sectional ',pail ions il,bad: men
-North , and • South' ,wore
.deter pined; to
bring itbout the strife aid blotiashed,-the
troubles that have ;act .di
: our: unhappV
country :and,burtieneti bor with. hundreds.
of Mililuns.Of
,Obttl.7 -f,file-qiiil . l, is now
in the 'pogs-sSioli Of a gentletnan • -who
iiarrates the tibia:vs-14gs in the LexingtOn
(..KY. )Dixpatcl4j The quill is evert -three
reef iitig- - and- siklarge around as a itnan's
humb. l .. ii ~, • ~.
1 —7 7- - r...i- -0-- • i
'Tweed out , or - Jull. . ,
William •.M..; 'we6l.•eetiapred " from - the
f W •• -Dr p 41
.. .1 _
custody of . ar en ...iebliarn of 'Ludlow
, 1
Street Jail, New, „York , ' ‘ 0 ity,. last sator
.day and the Philadelphia Times sass tbil.
there is littlei.dOubt, 'that his. escape 'was
-carefully prearratigal 'add •.-liberalik; p a id
- for,, as were'all . the many extraorOtiary
.111VOrs coneerdelllhiln • while in Prison.
DitlicUlt unit wo ill:be to conceal . tde pe
culiar. Mace ahtfl i ficiire of this , weak:and
unwieldy old, Man anywhere in this,4:outi
try, ther4 is pi; 4kelit'opil of .hi's ,beil,ig :re-.
apturedj Periis.Pe,i is- just . as well l. He .
.-. as:already liar; y for his whiel.le.L-L
After' tintiergOpg, 'e
,nlinetrient . fill the'
_penitentiary. Wl' yin , and snore, lie was
no - sooner liberate( on' ..deavy bail
4mounting to ahout .,ooo-- - -tharr, he,
-.wet sued in- tlie H rici v la. , courts for:the $O,-
000;000 stolen frOm tee city and. had bits
_hail fixed; lat -$8,000060.. Most tif 'his.
ill-gotten \wealth , 'had by, this tinie,been
dissipated in litigatioh and , in other arrays
- and', - being unable to give the amOnnt Of.,
bail demanded,'!he' as again, arrested
and confine& -. Now. ,he . goes into exile;
and the , bail Midi:l.', which 'he,was held fo
linsWer the' thirty T nine', criminal) charges
against him is forfeited; While the suits to
*mier,otit of hie liropeity, will go -oil.--
The little remnant of tortnne l which he
',Way have ' saved id a niOves.blelforni to
'carry . with him .into -exile wili'n.ot repay
fo: all; that 'he, bas; endured: - .4liii flarile
is blasted and his health shattered.. Litst;•
ing infamy _ has • beet(
. b.rtingh t. apnea: his .
.family„,•ghe, leuiiidiler Of .his - oid age;
:itipposing him to eludeliii pa reuers,l4(iSt
be . paOsed in -gi .- . foreign . bald;_: and' even
there the inefft4ble. - ttignia'Orhileriines ,
will follow and : iihide with him. .. The"
picture_ is, not 'athiring; mild . Weildtil2t if
our „Philadelphia Tweeds . iiill dwell upon
't with Pleasure";: . ., - ..I'l, .„ . , ...- - L ..,
X W . Adveriiiiesniikts.
A UDITORS ,.. .NOTiCE.,— • Tu' tri,ro
i mi:.
ix. :derfentid bavtotheee ippointed by the Conn of
t ititeatont COnotY.,en Anditor to
dletrihnte the tie to the halide of 'Geo, p. Vine; en.,
atels.nee for the `lNmetl: or Olney Bailers ktegiltork4.
sit vortiminte , LOC will baye 6 beariug ot ,the office, of -Prager at L molt. in Montrov7e, Friday; December
IA; 18114 at 94109 clank, p. *D.- ,: .- - : - , . ,„ ~
1 ,
.. i + .. FRAifiLlit iltiSißli.
ilietenttler oi : '••--tvf.. Anditor,
. .
',. • . .
5.A.,V,..E • ..N.t.:o'.-NE'T
.... - . ...
by seeding $4.15 for any $4 Megazine find THE WEEK- -
LY TRIBUNE, (regular price til)- or $5.75 for the Mtge
Maine and the se.MIIW EMILY TRIBUNE-(regular
priee,s3.l ' Addreea, . e . :". ' • . •..
•I- lelll3, TISIIIIUNE,.: Neils vo*.
. t.
wras isstind by the i'ourt qt' Common Pleas of
I ,llB.quehanne County and to me directed, I will expoee.
.to sale by public Venenie at the Court Douse in
Montrose, on Tintredity, December 80, 1875. at' Otte
4'slticit..p.m..thq folkulvlng plettett Or Pitrelee otlaild,
, ...
I All that certain niec e o: parcel of•land *Rua ain the
tap. ot Brooklyn in the -County of ; s bee
ia, and Siete'
Of Pennsylvania, borinded and netenibed:all eelloww; to
tit it On the egret by the public - bignfitY, on theeree4.
y hinds , of the Widow.',Ellswertinon the north by laria•
of Frsry Sweet, and on , the eouth by lande.of Charles
Ingley, Containing one-half acre of land all improved
n which is sltnatedl : one one-kit:l'y - house and .a
t roe - story building used as as snore nut, dwelling
, we, .[Seized anti taken in execution e at the suit of
1 o
Marks A Bean Vs..l. Lii - : Very.] 1
1 ALSO—AII that certeiu Piece or Parcel of !and situate
In the borough of Stitqathanne, -ant' Stale of Penissyi-
'Santa, bounisect and described as follows, to wit : On
the north by Main - Street. On the cast by Third Street,
on the, Weet. by F. B. 'fhayre. and on the south by Chtt.
Morgan, 120 feet, all Improved, with
:the appurtennnces , ontetwo and a half story honer and
basement. Meet, in execution at the suit of Thumait
HOMY vu-. Berney MoSianumen.)- - ,• 1
:MAO—AII - that certain piece crea te d dof land situate 1
in the township of Auburn, in the County of Susque• 1
henna aud state of Petoylvanla, houutled mid flea
untied es follows. to wit .•: On the north by: lands of
John and Daulelline, e'nd land of Wm. Cooley:; estate,
- on the south :by lands. of Colwell litchlicken and E.
DaWsetn'un the east by lands Sot Colwell MtiMieken, ,
and on the west by lands of Daniel Jackeon, imhtaln- i
ing.73 acres of, land, More or low, and about' 60 acres
Improved, with. the appurtennueee, One : bons:, •two
barne,: and two orchards. 'Taken In excontiou at the
se %of Robert Dunlap, mse of • Jacob Hall, vs: I'. AL,
Loutedir and ff. N.-Loon : Da.); • • I '
- ALSO—AII that certain, piece or parcel ea land situ
ate in the township of Jessup the County of Surque
harms and. State of l'enneylvenia, - bounded arid dee
crlbed a l e folinwe, to wit: On the north by lalUle of N : :-
1S - Cornwell, onthe south by Adeline McKean', on the
east by Ito de of John Dinion estate and J. Rosenkranz,
and on th • Weft by lauds of David Olmstead and Han
lei Heir, containing 101* scree, more Or :less, about 80
,acres Improved, with the appurtenances, one hoose,two
barns, corn house, aud a few trait trees. [Taken In
execution at the snit of H. Adeline McKeeby, Adroinie-
tredve. Of Solomon McKeeby, deed, vs. Thomas P.: 1
ALSO---All that Certain piece or parcel or laud situate
In the tewnsillp of Oakland in the Cocnty of &wine
henna and Shoe of Pennsylvania,' bounded and des.).
Bribed as ,foliowo, to wit 1. On the east by WcMlall Ave
hue, onthesouth, north, and west byLeude - of Mervin 1
.e. West:tall, being a lots of - laud conveyed by deed oil
jainea M. Weetfall to Helen Mothering, containing :
7;470 feet of laud, more or less. with-the appartenane •
ccs, one-two story !Muse and out Initidinge. . [Taken ;'
In execution at the suit of Mrs. Mercy Mannering vs.,
Wilbraham Slannert eg.]
ALSO —MI that certain lot or pitted of land sit uate_th l
the township of Herrick; in the Couuty of Suequehano.
na and State of Pennayrvania, comialeing all of tote,
number, 256 in the resurvey melt allotment of Ilenryl
Drinker's Tunkhannock Tract, eontailing 126* acres".l
arils land, 20 to 23 acres cleared,: being the same lend [I
which Joseph D. Drinker and wile. and Henry Clark 11
and wire end ,to said Wililatu Williams by contract I
dated the 6th day of October, A D. 1669, with the ap- "
urrenancee, one house,lsarn. and a Mali shop. [Tn. l
len in exec/Don at the suit of 'Jobe Torrey vs, William .;
- W i el tam is].
ALSO—AIt that certain piece or parcel of laud sign : „
ate In tho township of Sitver Lake, in th e County of f
Snequehenna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described an follows, to wit.: . Beginning at a post on
the New Yo k State line thesstortheast corner of a rot
formerly conveyed to John Minkler, thence by the said
State line South 87 degrees east 247 and. three' tenths
perches to a post, a coiner : of a lot formerly conveyed
thWm. Whipple, thence south 81 and; seven•tenthe
p'trches to a post,a corner of Isaac V. Eleige'elot,thente
north tqx degrees west 217 and three-tenths perebee'fb
the eantarn hue of Joan Min kler'a lot, thence north s 3
and nine-tenths perches to the piece of briginning, red.
reining 128 sseren, more or leis, all Improved. with the
appurtenariree, one barn, &ell „ Re nerving front sale i.-,
Wert, of about au neree, - . form rly conveyed to Tbonntes
lifonaghabs, {Taken In exec lien at the 'mit of Philip
P. Sharpiese, use of James kLiCarmalt, vie, Jobe Mono
luau j -: ~. • 1
A 1,130- 1 All the Derenoent's intermit in :that certain
piece or parcel of land eituat In the township of liar
fora. in the county of s.n,que antla and mate of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as - follows, to wit :
On the east by lands: of S. Cootrian, deed" and G. P.
a n d te. ty. Wilmnrtla'on the north 'by . lands ot C, C.
Richardenn..on the, west by Is. :ids of C. C. Richardson
end C. W. Deane, , decti..lerd on the eolith by lands of
Milton Alivortli, contathingasout 65 acres - and 49 perch
es, Inure or less, with the tippurtenatimie. one dwelling
house. • barn an orchard, Ac.. [Taken is execution on
sandu writs,S. I.l,•ileile vs. John D. Howell. .
ALSQ—ill certain piece or parcel of land Filtr
ate an the borough of Sunquehietna Depot, in the coun
ty of Snequehanna and Mate Of Penrinylvanla, bounded
and described as ((Mown; to( wit : On the north: by
Main Street, on the east by FOurth Street, on the south
by lot - of .t Fitzgerald.' and on the went by lot of P.
•L lib, s: co ith Ul ieing feet . on ' ' Main Street and Iltai on
Fourth Street, with the riptairenances, one frame house
and all. improved;, [Taken in , execution at the suit Of
U. Sutherland vs. Mary A. Roney and 4. Simonson.]
ALatt—All that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the borough of Susquehanna Depot, county of
Susquehanna, and. State of Peunnylvania, bounded an
y e llow s : . Da the north by lands of Bell Gallaway, on
the east by Pine street, on the south by laud of G. at,
tiv.cet, and: nn the Nest by land of C, ii. Ives. contain
e° by . "00 feet of land, more or lees. with the eppur-.
tenons:4l:l.olle frame house- and all Improved. [(Taken
in execution at the suit of Caarles Churchill Vs. Willis
...ton Belelier.l .
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate 4 .11 tbeltowusliip of New Milford; county of Sue
quehrittna i th d State of Pennevlvsnia bounded and de
scribed as fellows, to wit : Beginning at a beech tree
an original coinelthettee. by lands of Lancaster Jen
nings. uorth 44 degrees weld 54 perches to a twat and
atones, theitee by lauds or Enoch Smite- north sede„,- , reen
cast SO and eive-tenth perc hes
to a post. thence - by lands
eurvoyed to Soseph Rice south 52 degrees teist. 20 and
nine-tenth perches to a hemlock stump, thence north
7t degrees' east 9 periches to a post, and north 43* dc.
greea east 12 aud fonr.tenth perches to a point in the
highway leading from New Milford to Jackson, thence
along said Mghway south 53X deputes east 31 and fivey
tenth perches to an iron driven fu said road, thence b
. Said Rice lot north 46 - degrees east 51 and five-tenth
perches to a post and stones, thence : by land formerly
in pu-sessio n of the late Peter Page, dee'd, south 44
degree: , taint tal perches to a post and Stones, and south
46 degrees went 34 perches to a point in said road:thence
along said road south 5.1% degrees ;cant 47 - and five
tentb perches to a point ou the -brideal. thence by land
formerly in possession of Leonard Corse, south 46 de
greea west 90 perches to a corner, and thence sontl426*
decries west 61 perches to a prose stones, thence by
laud, formerly in Poimeesion of the late Samuel H.
Will me north 41 degrees west 160 perches': to a post
t.,, a
and thence tone., and then by lands of Lancaster Jennie
nor 46 degrees ease 39 and five-tenth perches to place
of ginning, containing 189 acres of land, more or lest
C.l44tiong and reserving therefrom the following de
steritted pieces+ of land' First all that tierce' contatuine
about 4 acres heretofore granted to Annuli Hall. Sec-.
and all that parcel :covering saw mill pond aud mill .
privilege. containing, about 22 acres conveyed by deed:
to Leonard Curse. :and all that parcel of lend contain
ing anent 22 acres conveyed by deed to -- being
the same land conveyed by deed to said 0.8. Bennett by
Rufus Walworth and wife by deed .dated Dec. 17 1667.
also excepting and reserving all floe piece or parcel Of
land conveyed by Jacob Weyman to William Wayman
recorded in deed book no 59, page 419 containing about
50 ,'acres, with the uiparteirances one large framebarn
end about 75 acres improved. (Taken in execution at
the suit of P. W. Boyle vs. Jacob Wayman.]. " r'••—•
ALSO—AII those two pieces or parcels of land situate
in the township of New Milford, county of tanssaneharo ,
ha and State of; Penesylvania, the first piece bounded
and detect tbed as &Inn's, to wit: BraTjunlog at a.cora
net of Samuel H, Williams and Lancaster Jennings
north 44 degreen west u perches to a post and stones,
thence by Mande of Enoch Smith north 411 degrees - cast
80 andtlyoternteslierches to it post, thence by land Pur
veyed ttOotteph 1 ice south 52 degrees east 20 and Ilitio
tenths perches to 4 hemlock stump, thence south 71X
degrees east 9 perches toe post, and north 43% degrees
cant 12 and four-tenths rude to a point iu the highway
leading from New Mittotd to Jackson, thence along
aetil highway &tutu 5334 degrees east 31 and Are-tenth
oerchea to an non driven in said road erossingotata
road 'heading from New Milford to Jacknot , north ou
late of Joseph Elite 46 degrees east SO rods and three
tenths ton ionise and BtOuea parallel with staid road .29
rocin.ettke and «tithes pamiler with lands of Jacob
Weyrniin 8 end threttenth Irwin, middle of sold read,
thence westerly to said ita rods above named iron,thance
/a rods along Cyrus iterlow'e mill lot to a stake and..
,Lours, thence easterly along said Barl.,w'a line 21 rod,.
to a staketted eleines, thence soutttivestetly parallM
with the original line of Jacob M:titan 141 roils to
stake and to lands of Samuel Williams, deed,
thence north 40 degreen west 21 perflies to phase of be
ginning, eonteiniez 60 act., A of land more or lees, with
-the :ipourtettancen one orchard and abont 35 acres Im
„proven. The seednd piece ot parcel of land- situate ai
above, bonne ed- mid described as follows, to wit : On
the north apd case , by lands of Levi Tanner, on the
south by public highway, and on the west by land of
JOPePh H ite, With the appurtenances 2 frame houses, 1
1 bare, corn gouge, audeerg Wiese, 1 orchard and con
taining about 21 acres wortror less about 17 acres Ma
preyed, Taken tu exettniou at the snit of Jane Way man - ve, Ja l cob Wiirmau.)
ALSO—AII Diet :certain piece or parcel of land eitnate
in the township of Drookiyw in the county of Suitque
hatina arid State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit : Beginning In the centre of
the State road the , noutheant corner thereof, thence by
Janda of .1. 11:s dictates., north ;:* degrees motet 83 rode
to a poet.thenee by 'stela of. b. D. Townsend north
three-foertbe degrees west 16 rods to post; theniei by
last named larehrsouth SX degrees west 56 rods to een
,tre of road, thence 4011 g Centre of said road north 16
ttlrrees west 20 rode. thence along name north 21 de
gree:4 west 18 rods to pint therein. thence by lands
ot JianeeSterltne south eat( degree,” we_ st 61 rotes to
maitre of, atone wall, thence by told of B. 0. Watteau
aoutb threitereurthe degrees east MI; rode to cdritre of
Mate road, thence along. same north 50% ilegretii east
31rodir, theme along same north 81 dcgrnes - ---e- 45
rods, theatre along Some north 87 degrees east 58* rods
to place orbeetnn lug. containing 6.. t acres and meads,
more or lets, excepting therefrom 10 • acres : and 11U
square rods to 8. 11.. Towyend, with the appurtenan
,ses,.easaweelog house, barn. an orchard. and mostly
Improved. (Taken is execution at the suit of F.O.
Putter vs: L. Y. Porter.] .
,aLSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sit
uate in the township of Rueti. In the County of itne
reneharina- and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
crieed as follows, to wit.: - On the north by lands of
Rob't Leeleely,on tee east by lands ofJames Leatbroe,on
the south by land of Bartholomew Lally, on the west
by lands of WM. Lindeice, containing 95 acre*, more or
leas with the appurtenances, ono houee, barn, an or
chard and :Mont '75 acres Improved, [Taken in exe
anion ut the Snit of A. J.- Puenman vs. Thereat' Fahey.
Take Nonce All bidamusi be wronged on the day
of sale, " :.
, • X H.
filet - Ira °Mee, Montrose, De D. e. 8, itMELME, Sheriff -
• .Notice'le hereby given that die undersigned hereto
fore doing but/bees under the name and firm of Hayden
& holden, bare this day di orolved by mutual courent.
\ • L
New Milford, Ne e, lU, 1875.
MI purour indebted ,10
to call
above grin by.note or
booleaccount are requerted te call at the'oldee of Dr, D.
C. Ainer. over the poet °Elea. and settle immediately.._
L.. J. Malden is authorized to settle ail matters belong
fag to the late Erni'.
Now Milfoid,Novezber 9,t,1873,—qq.• _
?Y'B Bckottl, at CileapJobtee.
A IJDl',ltiltl3 NOTIOE.—The undersigned an auditor
„M. appointed by the Orphans' Jourt of Snetinehanns
tlonnty„ in the essa.e of StINUMiI nrOtZtrlBll, deed au
exceptions hied to the tttutl. Recount of John H. Carter
administrator of the owe Of told finalities Brotatnan
dec'd, wilthear the parties interested. at his wilco in
Idoutrosc on Tuesday the 14 day of Deceniber,lB7B, 0.1. I
o'cluck, p.. 111„ of which pentane futereated wits take
- * :W. , I3IIIITIIOLF, 'Anditnit'
” Ninntrose, floyember 17, 11 3Z,-74w. . . •
QTRAr...--Came, 43E6 ' fhe etleloeure of
-Albert ,Cliaar, Br. &I,eater townsbip, , Nev. 1411.
.r 45, one reti,%lop l huru eel"; with wtilLe •rlartk and Ave year* au, Atiy cpe plating krope,rty ii!lickpaytrig
'ebtrp.*:eari racke her sw;l7. . ‘•
• aridgewecer, 1,1816.•-$w.
-. i
''C7CTORZ" I 3
To Be Sold in the Next 30 Days
Biaighax4ton, , N. Y. -
These Goods will he sold fer OABII ONLY, and at Prices never before cleared is Binghamton. Anyone In
want of anything In this line , will save from 10 to !per cent.
Binghamton, Deopmbor 8„1875,
DligSS coopso
.Boorrs 4HOES,
At Prices to Suit the Closest Buyers.
Montrose, Docember 1, 18Z.42w.
"A Complete Pictorial Illstory of the
best, chcspest, and most ruccesiful F:amtly Paper in
° ttntou.'s
Notices of the :Press
Harpees Weddle Is the ableat ono most powerfel
lustmted perodical ptiblished in this conntry. Its edi
torials ate scholarly and conviaelog, and • carry much
weight. Its illustrations of current events are alt full
and fresh, ;and are prena.ed br otir best designers, With
a circulation of 180,000, the WEe i tly is read by at least
half a million persons, and its ihtitteuce as en organ of
optplon ls simply tremendous. t Tae Weak matutains
a tfusitive position, and expreases decided views on
political and social problems.—Zontsvilla Courier Jour
Its articles are models of bigh4oned discussion, and
ism pictorial Mustn't/one are often corroborative argu
ments of no small' fordv,--N. Pi .pauniner and Chinn-
Its papers upon existent queatlons. • and its !Minds.
ble cartoons rg to mould
l. the. neutinienta of the cenn
trv.—Piltsbe Coninurtia •
Harpers Weeny stands at the : head' of illustrated
Journals in the l tilted' States In circulation, editorial
ablEty, and pictorial . 111ustrations.—Ladiss• Repository.
I grer2:l2.l, a •
Poitage,free to all subsCribersn the United States
Baca* one ycar. 4 $4 00
$440 includes payment of U. S. postage by the pub
betters. •
t , iibeerlption to HARPER'S MAGAZCNE. WEEKLY,
and BAZAR, to one address for one yoar41000; ur,two
of Harper's peNdleals , to one address for one year, $7 ;
poetgae free. •
An estns copy of either the 4 Magszine. Weekly. or
tiaaar. wlii hmoupplled gratis for • every Club of FIVE
SUBSCRIBERS at $4OO each, In one remittance, or,
Six Copies for $2O 00. without; extra copy: postage
Back numbera can be supplied:at any time.
The Animal Tolame of Harper's Weekly in neat cloth
binding, will be omit by expreis, free of charge. for
ST 00 each A complete Set, cottiprioing Nineteen Vol
ume.. Went on receipt of each at the rate of $5 25 per
dol., fcclithkat expenee of purchaver.
. . .
Prominent attention will be given In ilarper'e Bazar
to such illustratisme of the Committal International
Exposition. • ' ` ,
Newspapers are not 'to copy this advertisement with ,
out the express Order pt Earner It Embers., •
Address. HARPER & BITHERS. N. Y.
;..i - - N a)
L -. 'si
H ' c
or k
Z. .
t 44- 111
. a a
r 1 1
• ri d
- 4-D IX
(25 g
4- 2
1 -)
+ 2
9MN . I.E ! p i S,.\LINE!
Th 3 undersigned has an =albite line running to ev
eq. train ~tbe D. L, W.. and Brie Railways et
Great Bend; Pia.
AnTerder 1:0
Shlrphi4 'or.Re-Shipping Bagaga
at elqua deprit will be promptly attendee
'Mellor; diner bridge ':111 now 44itaileted, hence they
le no Ferrying. , -
alwOrs onlanti to convetpaseetigers to nog. point it,
the surrounding country. -
U, otraturistx:li'rproi%
Brea Bend. Aug, 3 9 . t874.—t4 _
goorl gQ• to:Cheai)
d'obn!s. ' _ •
IJDITOI2B ' 'titYrlCE.4—Tbe undersigned having
Istri _woo to! Au Auditor. by the Orphans' Cant t
of Snsonellans ,Colinty to hoar ;and report on except
lora th the seconnaof )fary It..jnd Moots% f,.. Kinard
adrnintrustors of the estate of AWOL* Millard , deed ,
will hear th e parties interested at the office of Frasier
Crossanon. in Montrose, on eFriditY• bevember 10 ,
lel; tt, whjcl) ell persona, interest.
ad take notice/ • -
• " tow. , OTt 11. PRfirfrt,--4 4 MXIM t#44 1 4'4 740*
1r Pr
—le•~yk, z.n~ ..~S~,~.Si.".~J~,~"vh'.PFP~IIP j„
.. - .
, ,
• , ,
• , - Notion- •
. •
Notions, •, i
, .
..., - . •
• 1
. 0
, F,
A u TOR'S under.
signed appointed by ilia Ifon. tbe'Orpitane' Court
of enequettunne County an s Auditor, id make dietrltni.
Nous of the fuu remaining , in the hands of Junto E.
Cliftllatt Trustee under; no last will and statement
of I,vdts'fboraeon, dec'd ‘ for /moo Underhill and oth
ers, legitteett. !Cc., will heir the partite Ouisnautcott hl
once lu Ninuseoe on Friday - Dee. miter' 24; 1873, et ono
o'clock in the afternoorN. a 4 which Nine and place AU
persons "having claims williresout them. or be forever
debantai froth comic In algid fund: •
FR.4,1'.. LIN WitASIER, Auditor.
Nov, 21, -
DM INiSTRATIITZ'S Ninten.—lnibi, tit: of Witt.
VatuVatupuu, tato of filniocis Letters of
- A,lmitiotritima 111 the iukt rstatii having beta granted
to the undertlitned, an pumps tmlug!ittel titatei otrk
requeittt to make intoteakt f e. payment, tort all ;natant ,
hivititclttittti *gall:lst told 4tetatto are nxknollted.
•ent theca.without delay.
• • clial4sTaN4 V4sw.,tuitts,
ttotoni* 11. 1876.—0 w. ;r - AdvallitttrattiL
8, 1870.
"70 cfb •,"
Real . Estitei for Safe.
viturAntz .
- Farm For Sale.
The eabecriben• offer ter gale the vahtablefe
a 1 the
Andrew Canfield Farm,
situate in the townehtp of Middletown. Semi:,
Co:* ht., emit:thane. 120 'imam. mostly creck.ftat,
improved ;40 Beres very i nice bemlocX and p
ber. well fenced, baring!ltg rode of rtuuelwall,
watered. will Devoid it a Barain.. linquireor
A1e0.125 acres of landjudjoining.RMostly - ficreek flat,
weil fenced and untier a gotsl state of caltivation, with
good buildinga and two good orchards and in conheMion
with the above would make a first class dairy , farm ;
wihlte 'old with it or separately to *nit pnrch an For
range particulars call upon or addreAsd
. L. A. HO WARD.
Middletown Cen
October 18, 1
Farm For Sale.
, .
• •
The ealweriber offers for ra3c the valuable fawn known
• •
Su' on Wo.lesoe 2 .
Said farm is one of the Moat desirable faring in the
cottnty. and to beantllnligiaitn,ated in the Village of
Summersville: Sasquehantut county, Pa. ; there 1a a
good store, flouring mill, Saw milt, plaster mill, and-
WAS:smith and wavon shop in said village. The farm
I. situated directly on the 1). L. &W. It. R.,.one mile
and a halt from' the depot"at New Milford. and lour
miler from the depot at Grunt Bend N. V. &,Erie R. it.:
contains lflo screen( land.% ISO serer.. improved, Is well
watered, having a lasting.,.Streatil Of water loaning
through L it and water conveyed iu pipes to the house.
barn and cattle yards, it is well fenced, and under
good cultivatioh ; I t•is well f adapted to - growing grain
and is fitted for stock or dairying ; there is a innre and
convenient dwelling and wood hOuse, well painted, and
beautifni lawn, with shrubbery, a large horse barn, car
riage house caftlabarn, with two cattle yards and sheds
and stables for feeding stoat or stalling cows, and two
orchards of grafted fruits.) Terms of payment made
easy • L.i SUTPHIN.
New Milfetrd, Suq'a Co.
September 29,1613.--4nt
• Sale .of Real Estate. .
• ,
The Undersigned assignei; of the •eatate of William
James, Banbupt..uncer add by virtue of an order of
the District Court of the United States for the Wes
tern district of Pennsylvania, to him directed, wth,,
Thursday, December 9, 1875„
• at one o'clock p. m., •
will sell on the premises the following piece or parcel
of land, situate In the tewnslalp of Clifford, in the
County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania:
bounded and described as follows, to wit : Northerly
latisls of J. B. Stevens easterly by bands of Wm. 11,
Ilutrobrook southerly by the old Milford and Owego
Turnpike and westerly by-the Richer& Road, so calle.t.
eontaing about ten neresbeithe same more or les. vritn
the appurtenance. one steam saw mill with ethae
and Iztares, one ti in
barn and all improved, the liar=
land conveyed by J. B. Stmens to Wm. James. Th
sale to divest nil liens exciPt unpaid purchase money,
..TERMS :-Oat fourth cask on day of sale. One-fourth
In six mouths, OH C. (Math twelve months and one
fourth in eighteen nionthii, the amount unpaid to be
for Interest at seven per cent from the date of male. to be
secured by'Licit on property solo.
B. ELDR.P.D, Assignee,
Noiternber 17, IWPS.,Bw
A. DmrsisTßAraws
Sale of Real Esfaie.
Pnrenant nn order of tho Orphtinto
,O out of gas.
quebanna County. the tinderpigned, eulnilnistintor of
the estate of Owen 3leDonough, will melt at public von
due on the premi Bee. on ' •
Frila), • Decethber 21; 1575,• •
at one o'clock p.m., the rollowing chutcribe4 real'estste
to wit :
All that Certain farm brlot pt land altnate'in the town.
ehlp of of Middletown, CoUnty or 80.....qtichtiona
;Aare of potttylvuull, bns:led on the north by lambi
of dchn M tura v,riti the east ihy tundra Charles IfellonZ•
ough and Thomas Bolles, tio the aouth,byilands. of. Rail enPorter, en Potter, and on the west lay 'and of Patric!: ItteDoin
ough , containing One hundred and seven acrem more or
less with the uppurtunancet:.
'TERMS :—Two hundred dollara down. $l,OOO on flt
nal confirmation and the balance ono year thereafter
with intermit froth final confirmation.
Rovernher 17;1873.
(IWO 31cDONOU011,
Shaved in the Borough at Montroeo. A very de«
irable property. Pine, largo Mute. goad Barn.tifirden.
Fruit Trees, in bearing, goodie ell, and other eon
venieucies. For partieultint, enquire on the premising.
• 3V)4. G. BAILIN,
Montrose. Pa.
October C, 187
In the District Court of. the United , States for UM
Western District of PennSylvanla In lid W ,L. bloat
Notice is hereby given that there wftt be a third gen
eral meeting of the Creditors of the above-named
Bankrupt. for the purpoto onntemplated In the dsth
Section of Benkeupt Act, on the fourth day of Daum ,
bet, 1876, et 10 o'clock a. m 1; at thit office of edward N.
Regbiter in Bankreptcy,i Scranton Pa.. and
all ereditorit why hare proved their debts are hereby
notified to be prevent at said meeting, and at the rams
time and place I shall setae my acccunite. and the same
at!) be audited, and I shalithen apply for my tilteherge
as Assignee. ; - I
. TRA4 9 I" II4.YDICIi, Assignee, '
Seranton„ Nov. 10, 18 7 0 . g'
. •
it; - riT
IV :19 evi
010 Mo
My stock. which 1' how introduce, comets of Gold
land :timer Watches, Ellin. Waltham,- rind line Swse
movement*, zolid gold and plat,d Chine, a londeome
neeortmant•ot Sete, Ear-rings, Pitts, Sleeve Rollout , .
Sraeeleta, Charms, a(great variety or gold !tinge. in
pl:tio. el:mixed or !male,. and everything in, the Jeeelr)
lino, too r.unies owe to Mcntitra, A
_large stook of ttolid
Silver Ware, from d Silt Spoon to a Silver Tea Set.—
. 1874 Rogers t Itro'i Warua apeciality. All•natterna or
Painuud - rotmenessre.ievod in 4 short tba
Ilse of Taylor's Celebrated Oil; The great Rheumatic
oncfNeutaltgic Remedy. This Inedicifie is not .1 cure
all, but is warnpited to cure pore of the ails and Mato
'which fieskis heir • than any other medicine ever dis
covered; It a tidal ; if you do- not tied- it so.
costs yinrimOthing. 'lt may be need with the ritmer
advendige for any kind of Paln.tamenese. Wounds or
Sorra Upon nom or beast., Will not smart the rawest
woundor sore. Full directions for use atoned each
bottle.! Ask your .11eichsu t for a free viol, No Cure,-
No Fay.
Taylees Cough Syrup qr Kxpectorant, for all Throat
and 'mug dlsea*es. IF eery pietwart to the, tnato Anti
contains nothing •InJorious. Try it, and atop that
cough and take - the soreness from your Thrust and
Lunt's, Ask year 'Aiesctient for a free vial, Nu Cure-
Taylors Condition Tiowdera for all kinds of stock and
poultry. Wart-Cate-I the hest renovator of the ayatem
of run down ordlaeused stock. that has aver been dip.
covered. Try .them,for, all• ditUfti4Ati, incident to th.
brute ereatton.l Diretonerfor use around each pack
op: Ma Core+No fifty.
All the•ahove Medicates for sale by 'Abel Turreliatel
Burns( Niche a, of 3toutrOso. and all Druggists mid
Deoldro throng rout, the countrv,
111 . .
- a. isltoWNCr TAYLOR.
Octo h
.1 im-41-Itat
THIS t•l• tiIbIELY RITUATRD on the Moor
road. leading drum ifingharriton to Montrooft to Conk
lin tlifitleit not the Di It, &- W. It.. l i atilve
plugatibiti 'station wilt convimlent to (alien
=aide I hove proper; convenferefoo to carry pollee to
- any tleky wish te with, I hare been,refitt Ing ray
libuse owl barn,cmking. Theis more aonvecientsto ett
- tertaimatia. t Thankful - for past patronage et
• iuy old Mewls 'I shall be happy to-'grect them and
1 Rio Rablle,genertillyiwtten in this vieltait4L - • •
, I). if. MU rietoe.
OcirbettllSillo t Anguitajam—st •
......... • • .• . .
E..Me,rlK-- N ZI.E S
. •
4.,...."1.400.•• • ot.•+••,••,
.• -
• .... • ... . . ....Jr, • • " . -
. .. - • .
_ _
isz as—or .
3:10' CI 3P.19,
• •
Ladies' Eli CDildroll's
..• •
With thanks he the public for pad favors, T Again
ash a renewal ol' contatence and .patronage. pledgln
ddenty to you licm! tntereourre:,
s •
rantnow reeelvlntr i a Wee Mock- of all goodain our
Ilne,bonght to the ino t favorable time and at the lowan
figures. Plague cal. a d Inspect our goods and prices.
.1 Your truly.
• , B. McX&NZIti.
Montrooe, Nov. 10,1873
• / •
I. -t •
1„/ '
Tito Poole's:Drug Store.
L 11.43 - U - LtA-RD, PpOPRIETOIt..
!- • .
. 11
. KENYol 4 l4Druntat .t Apothecary.'
T-helunderslgned would reiPeetrUllv announce to .0 ,
the people everywhere. that to his tilrendy exteneiv
stOck and variety of Merchandise In the Grocery. Pro'
vision; and itardwaretline.
• lie Tits arl•ird a v ry choice as•tortment of P 1 7171:
&e.. which he flatters Itlms If be etin nitent
the public they will Lind It to their advantage to exiine.
Inc Before purchasing: cl4ewhere. To nit Physiciaits In
thle ttection of the cbunty be worthLreettectfully a: -
nOTIMV that he has seitimM the serViCef of IL Kenyon
aanntguist and Apothecary %hose tongexnnrleuceaud
acknowledged care acid ability, entitle him to your en
tire confidence in thd line of coronounding ntrdirintf
or preparinu prescriptions. and who would also est,•4l
- an especial t.tvor tfl receive calls from cry of his
-uatomere or new ones. Will make the Patent
ttnesa specialty. Sleo Dpmektic and Foreign Ilinenti
Watcrs—an extensivu stock. Also fine Groceries—
• ' i
In fact, anythimz and pvcrTlbiiit-, that npllnarilytieed
ed. ,Respectfully roilciting a call I remain
Powdlor: 10 i owder2' Powder
Blutirt..!. Milo and; Shot Powder, Shot, Lend, Gar.
Taber, (,''apt, POneher; 81aet•e. Iraee,
Mr..,fate... for rah: by
Montrose. SepL 9, 1874—t.f. •
We have red4eed nor 37
cent fine I)reEar„ Goods to . 25 cents, at
Cheap Johns.. . :•
.t. .
All atone amjl traveling abroad,
Heavily loaded with Silver and Gold
That alwaysitrept Wight. and nice,
Bold at great. bargains at one price.
I have reduced my prldei as low as possible, that you.
may be able to purchase liberally for the Holidays. and
mote than that. that Lutay gain an honest reputation.
for which have laboied ix years in this county and
am bound to increase It; h,ving no respect for any one,
—even if my own ' relittlim"--who nets against honesty
and. principle.'
'Exautine my following notices and Satisfy yonrselvks :
. -
.Notioes of Importan.ce I
First, pay no Nina due me, trusted to you while I wa;
toweling alone, or dating the few weeks that I had rn.
brother with me as hired help. - Pay to no cue but mi . -
self, as otherwise I will not :Watt* It on account.
Second, beware of those who .ure representing their
goods equal to :nine, claimi nr.; to be partners, or related
to me, as I have an one connected id my business.
Third. purchase not;of them. that are selling. cheap ,
goods on my reputation, to spoil it after my Liboriblg,
six years to establish It. , . ..
Fourth. recollect that I do not recommend :env one
even" my own brother r as he, utter belploglim all 1 pt*—
sibly could, nas tried to collect -my-debts-I - I hale t , ..
make these remarks; Willi Inapt to save myself and my
reputation. . ° . .
I hope you will all pay attention to this, as it is more
for-your interest thao , mine. Remember Joy name It
you wish good jewelry.
At the Fatyh ifotel.
Nov, 0. 1875.-2 at
'-'.lVli(),ls the poor toun's'lriend—Chetp
J. li. BLOM, E/;, S. tiAariks: i Ca.Axi,ix6
. '
(ErrAtureriza IN 1810.1
BARNES BROS. L.llll4lo l Dlir
gtaliatt auxtricatt ' 4 ltarblo .
t r Marble and Slate Illentlee,
2(I Chetiango St., Near )epot,
Mai14.1573.R1 ftAI~TON,h 1"
For sell kinds of Millinery Ganda - go
CheaP J Ol / 1 03, 1 • .
Number 49.
7 Dealers In ./
• - 1 I
Agento for
- INGS, it.c„ • •
Mitch we mill sell at Blanchard, Bartlet Co'e. pet es
FORK .611.0\ 7 E45, RAKES; •
• t •
Spectal,indticomenta on Ppno. Pails, Coolers, and all
IRON LAD lilß.‘3 l
(Jomt General Agent.)
. , .
~ • -
. 1. GY WAGGONS. _ / , .
Unsurpassed for Style and
We have recantly sided. to iatir selection of :Iltovet
~. . . .
made by lba,thbanne, Sti:rd A; go.. Albany N. L. and the
Arnaud Kat-e;lturutng Parlor Wove, and Canard Conk
stove& mr:nufact um{ by Piirry& Co. , Alban, N.Y. We
also keep tbe celebrated
TtatblKine. Jt Weir & Ranann),, Tangos. With Copp , r
Itcecrtnrn and , Nicklo altlnsainult of the lateat Improved
pattertit , . Et-pairing Drutoptiy done and orders for
joooidt: solicited. . .
YNw 14111ford..Nar 120. lfrrM.—tr.
. . .
. .
. .
In order to hatter accommodate the community," tho
nocter.l.Ned has eetagirhed 1 a depot fur the vime; of
Lninhirr An-natured at ti* ' newly-erected Loildlng u
the did Keeler t smutty
bite, in the i
• . .
wherawill be kept blist4utly onhinik A Dal stock of
• I
. •
whiat,with the md a the most Improved machtney and
competent prepared to work luto any .hape
to meet the wauta of Customers. •
s. •
Planing. Matching, Mouldings. and Stroll Saw•lni
eone to order.
Walot MRo:aid 81610
In connection. wltn tbeibove ePtalillOhment. tinder the
mnnegem(•nt of 31r. H. 11. Rogert. Examine our work
beforo leaving your orders clr,:rrbere. Ropalring.dono
• • " A. LATIIII43I'.
trope, Soprentbet nth, 183.
boy as Clothing--c;icip 7 a:.
Joh psa.
Figures Do Not Lie !
• - $ {Xi to 400
1.90 .4.00
5.00 ) 7.50
7.09 10 00
1 1 .1* 12.00
13.00- .17.50
10.00 20.00
koo 9.00
10.00 ' 14 00
1,75 '4.00
1.21 5.50
fie4creottonade print+, •
mitt tront-mlx,•4 paws,
Good nil wool hwit...
Ilrrtvy worhinvi.e.i . ohltr,
scot: h cztothninv omits,
ihirrk es4:+intere *it Ito; '
Fancy che.:ll:. Atrive faits
Rack frock c 0.09.
Mack rf.,F4 ceaVt, Imported,
I:littt etigti Ve10.4,
White-linen •
IcOYS' SUITS, 3 to 9 Vear.i.
Buyg cW ton Ault*, • . $ *On $ 4 . 00
Burg . 4.0- 6,00
I.kat` turf WOl.l Rat*, 5.00 10.00
• •
'1 to 1.0 ittlir 4
.14 , `•
$ 4.00 $ 7.00
1.041 10.00
8.00 14.00
; 6.00 0100
Boyle ncbool onlip.
Hoye,' iancy suite. • .
Flop , ' duvet raeeimere. irate,
Youths' pulse—Al etfts, •
Good cotton Attie,
Good "or orulle,
Good rsibber . .
1 And all Other Ganlsi In . proportion.
The above pricee.stre ror cash Qtly, and arompotcd
for from a dletancv.
grA'n FoltFitils it the 'above ptico" ilit 1. not
. which prlcca aro 01Aranted 15
per cont. Liver titan'thostt of any other
s boaso In this
citl• cutliciutty.. • , • :
. • • WEBS'rEII. Thtf Clothier..
Binahatuton, 310- Zith IS73.—tf •
Trinitned lists, at Cheup
Joh n's. • .
Sewing ',Machine !
SSWS tiom but One Spool of Thread!
lt too but six workirig int*, is tualulaiCand saws
mot: rapidly Mut auyidatlilue la that /Market. • .
1- ' •
Has a self-Sellitig Straight Yeats,
It Combine, Durability lath ilaautyandflimplicitY;and
.1v all this Map litsproratuoßta.
A ,
Or 1t vinsT,cLAsii iM AC 12 , 11 C 0141 BLI I Cfs
. .43‘.seralts 707", =tea. !
POIt .
Addroo, ; •
,24 1818' • Blnstbansion. N. Y
.T. - .L.Z4.3E).11:111E1 1 ,' •
. .
Cull ui P,ll. Chandlcee le tore and see Alm "Horns
Snit:sodded: ("Bossing, Eitatog and - Crimping' pion," pea
sliest tomplete !Ind iticflit Won ever invented,
7,t Onlaltess linen tapstil in "factory work."
It irons the natroweit bands,
The Meting 44111 Ottreping attachment's SliT IRON
and PLILISII the Ante or k:rtinp—nei simply CliflP.
iNti ihts.gootla Into altal, a. do the Rocker* en
HMls.Yllths. between band*, (lathers, Ratlles,whother o
Men, alpaca or worsted vials, equally finished 'stud as
conip:ety IRON VD, as the hotly of tan rarment.
Elegantly finished and cheat% than
:thefl old style .ating Mac e ! ,'
. ;• - •naN,L; C. PARKS, Gon'l .igt,
for flurry % Ca,
1i..4,4-territorl Or isle atiii Causation
31018110, 4441 104 4 'WM.. •