'''.:iVo).e:.3,P . ..., - 0:44i4ji,'0•44: Cldiaten )ilereataing 1 " 1 .F 14111 .: a add t~+ipet iii 2Ksrttstr Pentioylvania. GA'ciosed pl , ..New.York, on Saurday *s4l Log , , . GoverrioT.,lngercioll t ~lolieettcut..,has ApPilaioaativerricrll E.' Eng , Setior, to flu the va• nanny; eause3 by the delith;id Hon. 0. S. .I"rry. „itppointmeot, gives greilt in - Connecticut, tand , wiil lwell received by tine country at large., - . iut log on correspon ent of the y'Ohloago'ittler.:Oceayt does not take a•very rosy ; of the prospects of the repub tf*l,liiirtii'for the approiching.presiden ';'.iiil,ffie:Otion.; Ile declares that the presi .d4itiAl,'!Weo',Will be donliful. enough at beat for,his party. and thir,iks that some , candidate as Gen. • LOgan would :'fltilie;' - will'he the only ealvatidn of the fartv ' ",. 'T6 XiOrisbniv „patriot bas adopted , • the s taiiityto' form. _ It is 'believed by its y..proprietoisf that it can meet the wants of ,;.,:its subscribers and advertisers better , in ‘ o -.', .that"fo tri than as a folio.: 'We are ever '' ..ready', 'welcome ibo patriot in any form , ::.:44.) Tont it does not change its marked ability iS a first-class Democrat :c organ : ~,P,eing,tli- e 'oeutral. 'organ of tli o'Llemoc ,i lacy it ,tocratata„ it ought to be taken by exery mellber_ 'of our party. 411 7 K1i C . 11'0 ; • . ..tvfri,•iffiy it 'is. lietioraint• more and inure apparent hat a, needee bankrupt lava; as ,well as in tlte in, tlesiling with •‘l .. f.inlikiwpt - dkt,nrit. • There aril' many inen tha. jicticiS ..ennistanices,;apd who are harieStly._ batik: ,:rants; iitnd .wllo4esire to 'honestly l iay orediiprs :to thi last cent 14 their ~ . 'ability;: , but titifortunately. roil& .busi ,, was; `community there, are professional , ~., , :ti'.t . fkruPti;„' who fits( . Ai. .- gapea Inverutier of habkrapt courts. . '... Every *±..niati :, who .'becOrries . bankrupt can , iie.Coubt?for :the.'dtssipailUn of his rot an s t i ofid ye:owes it, to hilt oredittirs to G‘b . ol-u0 if he dueit, not then _his er44l - lihOultOnsitit, upon - rights aril tntiko blm ttOatint: thia'ittdcyrie, pro.- feqiciatil for .it w9l.lie a.. matter easy of tlenionstratiOn s tbut 4ass of. baiikruprar resort to. tli et ritti forflthe mere Too rpoie of cheat i 'their 'Cieditois;' by eoni po oil ding, , ,se.lvys.receiv,ing the larger share of their , P.seFtt. B fur fictitious claim's or intthe fluqk of Botitiowvilsges, W— hiC— h . simply repro . Boit itioniTthat has been pocketed pre-. I pitritory' to acompromise with creditors. ,iora tour ` through the bankrupiby, courts,. , tins , matter ie .looked into, it will be ,fr, , und that in 'sr large number . *of eases, debtors instead af Wing able, to'pay only 10 or 25'or 1.0 cents the * Zoller are able to pay, in full, and are only conceal iii ,teal assets under •ficti Mils joss .es or claims that have no real existence , : and,are made with the collOsion and for .thlibenifit of the debtors' 1 kbodification of the:)aw) i, inay -help .this matter,to a, great extent, ,5 4 . but: deter lailuiti4,:i'on the pert of erediters to force a oomplete exhibit of all, bneinese trans 'actions, and thoroughly investigate all losses and plaiius: will do mere,' and if treditore, make 'up their minds to adhere td this rule t4ey will find it greatly,,tir their advantage and the race -of,,proteesiOnal ,ban i krupta will, be wiped , on t4—Petabsirg Poet ,1 LIBERM TROUBLE& - ' Cho tieikti betw* .ti the Ilnited - Btates and Grott.Britilpi for the suppression of ;the ithierut.elsce Ifade ia held to warran ‘ t thie'conetry in interfering for the p'roteo- tiva tpeitvublic of Liberia front the tianger by which it now' iiienatee4 by iiiioadis thi, nstivea bf tian io:rior, In, enraii;ntion it, is well to state that vessel hail been. ordered . to • that .part 'of the Africati tout that`tbe pructi . loop oft he +rutty aft carried ' effvet Our the allegations is that Englishmen 'still con Untie to trade with, the natives, in ppen,,dslian4 of , the •enstonis laws of the I.ailatritu and, that"through this cliannil the natives -receiv#'firearms, ether appliauces of war.-- . rhe'little'liklitibliC very. Wiet;liinlertlict ekl trade with the , wild men a the inter . - uuleitunder'. such rn les and regn As provide 4. If' uhserupuluus tAidereare:permittO to break those isws• at their,phitaulre;peace banndt -he •preserved Or- , elkteliterAik• piogress tievtlopetieat and the arti'of 'oivi laut of.. the 'u l tithOritie,s and „ttio. : friends ami • supporters this inciement. , ,to .gridually ier c tiod 'a , •ifteeful' p er over the imtiVes and - ipres4 ..sinetig ; 'then] education and 'the" Vatqtotfatid'"•Mitraitits oivilizeil and 'This• is a coMmtiidakile work sod, ehOuld not be' interfered. with ,A)jipiterf , who would injure, both the Re vublio of faikettia and the batifes,, to put are aattaigli'samh a::.iriuniip.r as to troperii • the rowo Af4 4o , , gove rxi me bt , (4 , ,Librria; "their - g9v- - ..,swirrato,,•,..rour t v.ne matter skis now arres ,,tedihisitotition of the govertoent Of• o.this.eitatitty,..4t daub:dela, - also be itteDdd i O4 tr.at of O r e Kt ID, RD d h in be r • ' • no • irr elievedf rom '; a seri- - • . - "'''O,I)IIAgIZAZI49N. Tile'l ' t sar' 410 ' Ili .1"04r in Infer , A 41tr, . ''''it ,le t tlio inaWatei of organizat,ion ha thin in n -:L • following ser,gention :, . . state nt#o4,oo . into .4...4 it ,'the . election Alistriets A , „4; .':.mV.i,,.------- „A ri d-x. 6 one member from 'L.,' ANIMO"P"-"*".' 66ti — En , the , eleolleo , dintriet ; - -',,,,6014 i1i44414,43°r--` watts 8601; be ex ;'"lbridbilritilio l ' hB - f The county ,conunitto '46515-thii:Mtvil'er &teiet. ' ' ‘) and' he sh„uld have cin . the4aegt*„._ ..,.,..".„--. *xi member of' the ins ) . ' `. ,4m ikelmonitintima ri npafirt‘ed in ,the linit..-place •' '....."' ----' ' '''n'T-the dintricifernegleorof ~A it 4* Dirs:o4...A 001214c:e t Se ',4110 Chal": 4: 4#174:11E5—r..... tieo-41111110 con', ~I4W . sitti , rtivanal ', ' honidllaYe AM Pow" , i ,„„, t o :: firikifiniion% 111Wher-if the , coluity , Connnite: .1:. ' 4Stina 10'hiii ilutor: The: *orb? A1"2.1M.'• 's, - - ''' ' , jark4o424-44:40-w-v--" • ' 24,0", .ralatil9oo l4ooo , 'Clittirmittinf the county, .ennitititten should 'COn; 'atitute l she: State eentrat iCointitittee, fibettid:: be, foUr- - or: fries parts; corrt*pntu/- "ingiWith - a tilviSion•or;the state lute four or.five •diStrictitAtid uviee•theirmattalionid be:appoint-. itithy• the Chairman each% of these a visiOns`i• thtve •Viee-presidents Should coinititute an exeCetive conuutttee which might 'be , fre quently called together by the chairtian forre-_ - :port:mul. consultation. • • This:Would, .be • our idea of an leillclent'.Or ,ganiiation ; and it ..would ellitieut provided. tite chairman of, the' state torinulttee 'was. an energetic and capable man and , the chairmen of the couuty,:committeei w.A his efficient . secOntla. ,11k, '' failure to select a ..goo Chairman' would be Caused. onithyllie stupidity of the committee ; and to ensure good county .elndiven, we think it would be well to tly.e -.the . state committee. power to rdisplace such as migig. be found to, be inetlicient.and neglectful: . . . AlthoUgh 'we agree with the manner sOggested',by, the inielligencer as td.the Way of tliviclitik 'the . State into distriCts; and. the style, of officering them; yet we could not 'be' induced - to forsake - fiepub 7 . liotin , form.of government. soy .more fit party 'organization.. than nattonul.:—;- Such . a goiern men t - . is founded upon the : !riwill,of the governed" and ought alwaVs to'be considered tiputi : Jhut basis.. The: principle&of ,our government cannot be :made exelusiv.elpDetnooratio, but; of ne cessity; M.its extent,. it _must be repre-' seutative, - but we shell be Much older and change our views .very materiully before we'shall advocate :the adoption . of official tyrants instead of .41'641 servants, either in our party organiiiition'or . our state and national 'govertfinent., We think the people have-bad. a surfeit of these'in the Dist ten. yeUrs. - We only take Issue with the liilslligen tio; uppu,the powers of the officials. We would reverse the • order"at d iiistetid of making the chairman Of tbe State cen, tral committee a sovereign ruler,. with p mi" oWer to chop , the beads of his ,sub ordinates to, Snit .his crwti• caprices, we' Wotild place that power - with the people thetniietves. Namely :—Tpc•fctichcol dis tricts" shall have. the power :to ,temove their olfieers.. - The county -cortunittl;e shall have. the power to remove its of= tiecre and the State , committee shall . have 'the power to reinOve• its ofticerS, all witch sh ou Id or. coil rss* be for can Our reasonis this. We believe no man it set of men, can sit about .PhilialelPhia -- . -bmoke "Havana(' and hate a good tune zenerally, arid, tell as • wt:11. what Iv.: need n Snscinehanna Whhty as the people of". this county can, 'and ae - never shall sur . , render oar views.npiin this subjjet until • . we have had different experience, froth tilly.we have had yet. That there is need vt ;aft organization o empliatioally proclaim as any one.. , Our party has been tit the cuitOm cd'haviiig, a chairman of tn'e "Stet e central committee w„lio takes up hitt residence fur the tithe being iii-Philii deiphia,and there ]has' l been a great deal et` szratubling - for the position, and some "coolness" created minds of• toe who hate :failed in obtaining it. in fact we : haVe been told by.• some that our de-' feat this year was beCause :John Miller' wasn't chairman. We were not defeated in Sucnuehanna. county, but our snece,s did not come from 'any chairman. of the state central committee, but the Dem ocracy 'here knew .what were the • true issues in. Our county and acted upon theni and the result liaareWarded thent:' This is the kind of drganiiation we need.; 2 • •'We have'been chairman 'of the county enininittee' of. Om'. ccia for several years and we'..have..had -documents en.' otighaent us, printed in • Dutch, to ah most keep Us in wrapping paper the whole itime.7 This Would .Seein very profitable, to' us were it not for the fact that they have 'coin usabent dollar per pound in . eipress barges when, we ,could - haVe taTught other paper three contsa- Theie documents are as valuable- here where there.•h. probably not a bandied - Outchinen in the county, as twine printed in'Otioctal ••• . We: Mentionithis simply to show how much these Philadelphia 'chairmen kiwi aOont "the, ..wants Of 'this 'section, and as an ; argument' "against • unliniitel' power heing placed in their hatids. What - we Wantof u chairman. of-the, state central, committee' is, to execute the' will of the people if noWer;and not iA) impose • iiPo'n them he can render any assistance to ap'y,seetion - when called •u .. osi by the local nuthoritei, let him..do. -so and at all other atinies' let him smoke ht S own pr in.,. • 2- • Henry Wil•ows ilutbood. .• 31r. - 'Wifson, in las. Conversation, very seldom referred to tile.eventsiof his early 'itfe; - although it was not a , stihject Lat he ever avoided. 'Only -month's - ago, 'unusual - ft-eiiti4 in ;regard. fo'some *cruel ,iietvityaper teportS affecting the memory/ Of 'it la mother. • lie Said that their ptitincatiou nun himinore atiViiersonal ''auntie he hail'ever're e.sived- duringhi4 Whole public life. • The revolts- Were utterlvllintrue, for his moth-- ,t'r. alts 01W "Of t=he very ;•best women !tilzt t ever . lived, and to her .teaching more that. to ithutist any Other,.brall other Invitees; he ,owed the-. formation best traits.tif his • .character... Ile asked me if - it would be Koper for him to take public - noi ice of. thee • .un rive reports; us :be visa.. tLx everything 'that :would lie proper defend:hitt mother's memory. I heard him speak of .his er only once, ; but it _is hardly urceasary . to deny 11 ; , Ittive • somtiineto 'Seen in Kitt I. V14)04 parents were gypsies; they weralespeatible but very :poor New Eng , land- people. • in a conversation:about two years ago on the subject of tabor organizations, and the condition of the laboring classes,of this country now When compared . ' , with what it was 50'"or. even 30 years ago, he 'gavewe a Urief sketch of ins boyhood , and early tuanhood, 'and_ although the leading facts which he recited have hti fore been published..4e, narrative us he related will he none the leas interest itig,Aud I transcribe, it from motes which made at 'the time. hfiro," ; he laid, "in 1812, 'and at. the age of ten yeare was 'put - Out, as an ap.' .prei:tice...tO a 'farther ! Frau .the day of birth to'the .dat I was 21 years old 1 nexerilthd a dollar in money io spend for During the whole of myjui, ! . PrefitieedniP inneter never tilt Once gave me a Peau.T. >'On that, oconskin he allowed me a holiday with pertniAsiori attend.a .muster seven - Miles- from borne,. and gave me three' cents to spend: ',V "ivalked - to and froM the-.muster,`aki - of. edurNO . spent .tio mere - than that sum. "On .the day. 1 was` 1 years ,old—l re member it verf ,StitordaY. tii Cf - Fehtbary—in the afternoon, my •„waiter gave Me a Yoke of , - • THE 'UONTROSE DEMOCRAT, DECEM E .-,,',14 utter l's:old:01 - rOfe ifft...rhOon:iit .oxen6o, 1M tolot '.h.li pit *Ult ::t0:.. - di4istS -' of ' , til ~ Opt (14: t : eAtle..,t.otr. , : lityl.• . in..t,iotr tol keeii-ttikomry..l . 'e ui% di ...),totiOt Itioril i lig! whttih' he dill;'' hot-i , clitti.gitd, ..tne . s,o .fits , fotit: ': I . l'ikthl ;him 1.1114:JO& look-the . ox en ik r vil.y. I 6410 theta : to 11, rfitti.for' 6'75. atid 'took his INte- - .f,r tlio..a. toutit .- .11.30 when 1 .becane of :' if gt, , , I - I) aI , for fi...lov, , i i 1 ::.years'.,A4rk . ( I : was sent,. to.: elioni„ only :tour : weeks Oitli.year) $815.; . 0 had:earn - IA 57 coots., whielt 1- had , ' in sonic: - Way otfr tabled, : hotll'had ..paid :50 'vi) this - to my ntustet; far tec i ping: my.. oxen Itwe . eights.. I. then: hfrett,mys:elf .io a' &Oilier; 'agree •iltg. ti) , work for Itti is month -t4td-'board.-1 I_ used ; . to get, up long htifov- clap igh . t; feed the stook; ,gl-4..beeakiagt,d4tid.just aal _ the eist i wits.t.;htwi nun% - tiipe 'streaked. ,with red, atart off .19i the' wotps with my • teiith. ;,,.t. iced. to .elute thy , .Adi Maer • pail . on the - ,,sUbittiside'l-orit tretittokl:cOblin: oe draw log 8:1,,,w-toksio the,mill . hutil lifter; thirk;tit'it igh tf Thou ' . .t 'wel4t .66 nay fed the stack; ate i mpatiPper, awdl Weil t 'to bed - - my father tentltd r i the 1811W-toll' most of th;titne . .fOr inaiiyj years, , ; l4' 50 tents a day.. .' . '. . ..-. . N -. i - _ . ... . . _ . Spritig of the sani4 year :I Wk. . T My pack Amon 4 - back Mid. tirtittled afoo for the town 'I now Aire / Natick, Masi., 100 milesaway, and that journey - cost ine 12.• :worked :there at 8110eiltkitlgil'itveraging 'lsr ihoursla dm' 'and the,.hoit work ' . did at the : bench 'was at hi:Aiming sikies' for $5 a week. of' thiii Paid 150, pegs and $2.00 - 'Or ,board,'46 that I had Jeft just $2.501 - 4 have, bottomed 51 pait 'of to •n's shoe, anit thcit foialittle inure than 50 eentit,..: But even - at this rate, I got sOtn inoney nheitti t and made up my mind to work. my reap through Collette.— . I lent My Wong C ola, man m Boston ,and , and Aec went to the adtuir at. Concord N. 'I had been there pal six.' (three ?) months when the man to %11 - ioni intrusted my ftnitune . faileit 4 - Land- I itiist•it ail.. , 1. was so ref:lU' CiAl !hill- although I, owNlthr two or thre'e wekk'irbo;trd,l ly untible to ply tti,lor even to , take a let; tet from the Poittlace Without ow ing - money to apay' the , poietge. frtead Mvited to remain and board, with hikes, and pay wizen k Ski 1 sMyeiP.throuOt , the Wrin, rind in -tite! -Winter earned intone - 1. enough' for pay by teniching Sdhool. • NOW, Fife men Who -are working a Ooemakiiin honrs it darattd earo;og frOth $3 .to .$5 a I,lay;cont plain!! Wilson'*•lll4 slietchta sdmejinieli referred toitlit etenis Of iiis Curly , 10' one • mi±inorabfk! . .. oceasiOo elte, (1,1156' mot ~fl.itt 1858;in Jility vo . the "niodsiq" ',:ip , .•06 of mond of Soutif Cdrolioi, ht "Sir, 1 3 , 171160 ° E:0n of a bire)ituz:man.u- Itilatiorvr,sqlho,.with•the seythity .wi t ilte•s on hit; brow, •by 4" daily labor,' too have ikien . a."birelibg taborer.' -• Poverty ciist its dark •and achvsv`lovr the hunt of: my ehiaood, and . ivatt Wazi ottletitne4 ',there-Han tial4dep gtiez4.. • At die age, of tea'. years'—to aid.: Hint gave .n!le; being; kvepilig gazint„ 6peetre:from thr hearth of the muth'r who bot'e' me-4 left 4be lioine of my boyhood :an t i wimti forth to'eariir iny :bread by `daily • V,V1100411. *Me. . , . .'.- thilge‘ntleinati red at his borne, in 3imit om =Ty County i letinSylviinia: - laSt week, i aft I t. an ' itlif si! which extended. through_ s veral iMo . ths. '..rhe first . sy m - . :toms, w ,tch were o a dropsical nharae te exliih'ned themselves mere:than a ye ago , slice which trine he gra(,lually. '. became more . feeble, . until the.en4'of his. life was. reached. in a, penceful„ .painkss manner. , Mr. - Witte, was by, a in . .Nety, Jersey, .I.oiris. OutitY, • in.. Mayi . 1818. • Afterireceiving such da' education as was. common among - lipvs of his oa - 4: at that time; he - removed kith l, is father .try Bucks countf,.in. this' ! State,' and engaged .iii 1 mercantile' business, ,Being . of an: enter prising nature, Mr.".Witte - Awas not -satiS fied with the limited; range ol' a .couni ry business, and heince : belterrinved tip this city and entered upon . tliti same piirsnit,' only a more extended plaii. In'aildi. tint, to this. linsinek Mrl Witte alai ezn- f. barked ill, the fiur . i`bat,6 !and sale of real; e tatt in the tilt) . • istrict 01. biennium], and in a short tam:- 6.01 hsi.gt gini. - Ltities of ItUid in ithar Jicality; - 11 e was also elected a Commiiei nier..of that district, in w h ichl'capacit y Ii . 6 f..-.- ?.r ved -for se v e raty; ea r's. As lie . was an ti . tive' at - id pronounced. Demdcraehe soinyattratcted.the:notice of, the, itjaders of -that party , and - in 1852 wai. eleCted . to, Cotigross; in - Whfch: body 1 - )t . sewed one' term. During tli.t - . time -1 - 0. - - .mad 6 ii report ..- ti ion The, - Smithsonian i l - In4ti in t,; which iit ra:'.....tf'd ninch littentitn i n i al p a ils of the ponittry. 4 ' Contitinily hisl),l.i.tyi t tictrtity'i - n ..11 I 1 - I>rlyer i)Ccai.ol MrMr It 1. 'Wittei‘a,s mit lel.iiS Atte Drn e“cratlC. eandidale - foi. Gov( - nor in. 1857 - ,':i860 and 1861: - ,it.; 'he fail - p. d t4t, ...tich he goal of pis i t alb ti,,,ii toils .s 'pa rt;citLi.r. , alt - ooki:o on each eca...§.ion Iye -r,•et.i vi 4" con pli!lit-n -.1: ti,t - y aoti..- , :ku - 1 h .: hit tiT part:or his ,Illy iiiir:-. Wilte. est'abl i shed 'in thig fcify" a wi•ekiy . : Pii - tocrtiv ' Ipaper, calloi ' tio• Ci(mn?on . i , thltli; wi ICI - tile cm (11; - :cted with aliilltY4 l l' id - with! i it diort tinie l i of -,hi..' ,i t .death. . 1 - 11;,, was al . - i t leaditi -, : inetntcr of Al:e Miler kif Odd ji , ll'i;us,::and.lOraitd i Atitter• ., the- 14, ;ii -t:• . :-for,: ntan).- ;liqu'H. :Mr: Wit A. , Was a 'inn- of d , cid.d i ithiiii, iind :ii law. itical . Eli iikr of far. .niore ) b a n orditiii,ry - Ti'ire,e,• p nit . and - ill ttlisg.,tier lie 'had 1 :An . eLtri st; emphB.llo Mariner: w tich;toati with P werftil—,ff,ct. \Up o n art ALAI iehitel 1., i privie'hfe ')1r; . IKit - tr.! was ki i nd,l gclyi . :iiil .- ,ancl- oilfgagitn.t; and • his•lt.s,. Will he 'spietrelyn4..inr. , :i i .d by a wide ci rC.I;.- of atiiech i fe:o frinidiiihti . nequ4int/lees., Ilan& 71711e5.- ;-': .1!'z: - . • : -,:-.--. I' TI g il l'!'"'"" ---- ." El 4 , iiI, I :PHIC.••.- •- .. ... . '• 1 11 1 , l ' . ' . eand4 . .' - ---, . . . - • La,- - .)11 - 17;.7gi.)V-.. 25%,7-,l'here h4been a lieuvy p.04 1 01 - slistra ite gale off" the' oak. of Fifettlirrci': EiOnte klittig botite were lost. - . -.....8iite i Ostiertoiit are . ktiown itirbave" I)i•efiiiro iiled andifinirteen are •taisshig.., : . •,-,•,.. So firlAlihgep t lingo ir.y , bao - •• 1014 - to ii `rib . army po o . lir tit i iiiin ,A h 4 vilr,' oil the_ re po t .thitti parlirrieht' , - sits. to be called. 16- ,0 her 'to vousider tke. : E3§terp ; ilritition. .. OUTPLOW oF. BULLIO,II Pli.oi ISE BASili. . The : bullion in ,bolh departtnents of the' Baul.. or Eng Loin has, dticreailed .£128,0021 4 tiring. the, week. The propor tion .ofli reserve to ,liabilik, which list week ix'ail -43-f.„ has now riseto -432.. To .day the r e has ,been 'la ‘ ablaut, still fuither- with w - draallof : bullion , o balance, of abt, X 38,00- i I "- - , - • The X ntilei Bank (if ' L 4 i has _initspeadetl. Its liabilities are ;eati ilitk4' r . .t.,...„50,0,,,, ~,,. ._.. .., ...„...., _i Commercial anti Banklng - Tailarps. IsTewr:York,.Nov.ii.26.—"flie failure or l / 4 /.:. - Waitzfelder & Co., dry goods and'ontl-gli thereininta 'of 80 'Worth stmet, is, an - hntinoed to-day ; li bill; kis i'.,t &tided. • The liabilities o ' thelMatinfactiirera .034iBuilders" bank, which suspended to. AO, not including , the ' inpital which., is tklo,ooo l ,'itie about *3O ,000, 11), 1 , , D ili.: /iirs of the billik 'ussetrt that tilf.vt , ! tal ; aill,cient,iP6ts to payLikpoitts it) full and 1014 4:‘,bandoino surtlus ionaining.-- Valiant -Lifißtier lia3 •liiiontupl - milit(..:4l re '6l(l.: • .-.., - ii :•:... - ii - 1- ••'' • ; ~'' ' • - • ' 1 ~ ' EMI • AfAnnt.D. Nov. '.25. -General ,Qumula has cuptur,d San Criettvhal, with 411 the C. rlu positiona Ow neighborhood ctf , ' ••• - Lticlitionntreinforcemci i nvi, tet the'num. bet ! i,,f.l,3t;is inen have 'einbarkea foi 0n- 1 ;::...An.official .dit,patchlrom.General'Que stieeli annittitioi-s that, Pb.inpeluna liaa been cotriptett.ly relieved liftp'• i r liree days' fight ing.- Twelve battalion {'Ul (Wind yvt;ra foaled with heavy loss. 1 , - - Vile . niunicipalit v of , Victoria ,are pre . / paring to receive Xing Alfonso, on his way to..t he iron ti .. 1 I _„: . „ - Don Cittio4 - has . - wsnedf 4.-proc!amiqiup soldi . ers to; e.nei:gette re-, si.stlinep against the ~.fieSh. attaek:ot the. nortlNry I . -tte lniparciat - statei, *that 7,0.06-.'per -- . 4 1 the- Phillippine lelumla will send o' the Phaudel phia I;x.hibitiOn. _Arrival of New : iloux,. Nov..f. 2G.'-Tile` Ctinard skitiner Abysi.si!inia arrived ut the Hook abaat tw — eiy,o o'olock *4 - night 'yiitklits Enlinoioi , catTdihill AtcOloskey On botird,. Uftta. . - a pussitim . front Queehsiora of twelvt- day?, .• The steamer anchored in. quarantine stortly tif tierwa rd. tiard lila! Me. h. -the:ei V this n Closky w as , in gr h(ta health : and 'Will t ! ., reach in!tirne for bri-iiktist tvi ,it: his friends.. No foHa a l j•e&l)! ion wilt he ietbired• to hirN. : Much interest hus been felt i in' tlio:cOnliug of His Eiiiiiloice; and his safe • arlivul•wilt beltiveted with" pleatiure •by 'those' _who dredil,rvl the ocean "passage. at this: lute season Of thelear. ~. ~,. '4 • . . . . . • • - . - .Tarriele-lliarine Disasters. • . QUIF.BEC," 4)V;- 26.—A dispatd.h front one of-thy: survivors of, - . the . . - Magilalvo Island fr...et says • sli i vesselB, were !lost /s.hii wily 8-..venteen- medi were StlitA out of sisty-two.- . - ;- - ; ti SAN PF.AticiScd,.. 0V.28.----Th schoon "V Eeatliore, 'hence ft r (loose ,bay;iS ashore bot tohi; up, at the mouth of the? _Collin) Ilia.ri%er. '..Sue is- ritortod . to' liave had thitty ints , ligers besidcs a nretv•Of telt.- 4.1.: - are supposed to be .104 t. . ! • • . I- • • c., . .Small per.: ' • . 'Pa., Movanber 126 =-The which 1 11a3 ben incvailing at, haa broktki out at alioithei• plaet :dung the, llyhtuitm , . mai iltitsf . ,a At 'Hawley, heC porsotisart. Ole•cam itali!y,ll,.tvt!Atiarantut.ad ail I.) ,, alssll9:wit,g r 1101 sy rnriqn of the disvaso with a . I'lOV •of prvventilig its Spread. 1, • . ' " A Tcarith • :SlosTicimi..i); N. Y., Noi - . 26.—1 n tin ;11terea, tat, het filt - t1 burg,•NewYork,.o kw days siiice, one raised 'U iron poker and killed'u child in Ine ;inns Of the othei-. General Neivs Sammuir. , . . General Butler denieshuing4 Virgin ia,. gold mine. - I • :f' - .. . ''. The Indiztna Republman gate; conven 4ion will meet •iii .February . to nominate ealidiaiited for Ante °dicers to lbe - voted for . in Oetober.‘' The candidates are. to be pitied ; . . • . . , , i Ea-Governor Clifford, president - of the Roston and Providence railroad,' requests the 4irectoril went his salary down .oite- • nail rather than reduce the wages of the tvorkmu on the road. --.-- - F?rry, 'president priY tent. or the senate, tt•liws being lin intlatioiilst i rieMi;(l. limit tlie ourl'Hcoy to i'800,4500,001.) mill wake 04eubiqk8 a hi •b'r •lict -r fur dues tO the guvern a. telider - i tnen:;. . TL' e meetings .of Moody and' Sankey in continue with unabated uterert.* The audiences ark: •from 9,000 .o'lo,ooo persons daily, and seem to be r ittracked by More than curiosity. • I The official vote for governor ot...Miii iieskita 1 - o?Thilsbury, rep., 47,191 ; Buell, I.ieni, 35;173 ; republican majority, 12,- 018.. Pialideb rep. for s'Atk treasurer, bzia , 5,605, and the average , liepublican inajority was 10;451. . . oretiify'Rotesno ha 4. declared to an ittlyiewve tliat . ' the activity in the navy hard io 011 ly a precautionary,. Mak. tzre. Trouble is not . anticipated ' with othi.r colin - i.rws,'lJl4, it it. comes, it-Will - lint find the United states a Nprepared. I • , . 1 Messrs. Randall, Kerr. Qox 'and 'Wood, I)rononent I.4 , ittoeratic candidates. for the •1.-rwuk - erJrilp of the house, are 'nit in Wa,,h ,togton, and the caucusing is getting \i,ive- Nei ! h r of the. gent leinen . tn.ttittd zippettr, to be'.over,i;oiltillent. •..• r" • - Tlie cO' nuttis Ip.ltr , f from in 11.tiltaisippi :14i've the Df•mtierat)3 a nnijnritr of g 91575. the rcioalnitt, , will slid' the • m•liorny til 40,,U0 , ). 171.1t4.! . 11gfire: toe 11.-publlcavl 1 , 47 r:itt:.47, in; Cot!'gfes atid • A lively rel.ss;lnger rail way war has bro k-n"4,-iit in Pn4a , lelphia gr. , tvia out 41 de:;:rtiuti„n eif this liarket street. tint] . ty of ftillliifig• track of ,t;tt -.Emet conipanieii tlie.Cilestnnt.. street, I. , ridge: •ItiA. , ttin and School f rialnerial A!rts has fie•i!ii .nerinanoitly select!on of un oxcelli?n * t of 't riist,evs. A ct.m - to :ob tain. a' elniner has hear appointed: , of Which esq:;,is Chair- • Pattatna datest to Noternber. l l7 show that the r inst revolution is: :completely o vett& wh. The, deposed President hus betaken himself to .a.r.other state. The revolutlon•cost the coasts pates $1;060,000 and.the customhouses Were robbed of *200,00. There is great excitement at Print *lon ,college in tone-quence of the expulsion ,i;f students belongigg to secret souffles. 'The forty students: expelled yet° • nearly iall sertiore, and it is understood they have appealed to the faculty for a mitigation '•cif the sentence of expulsion. Yung . wing.,chip4e commissioner . of ;education,. has Vought a lot in Hartford,' 10,,t1 n eel for 4100300, and intends to have 4rested tika it a, large biiildif4o ,capable okf accommodating seventy :per ;sons. It will twd e.s the heailonar ten of the commission, who will there, , suptehtend theledueation of the Chinese / you Lb. ; I The,London Times, Not 9. bas 8 very !lugubrious.. review- of the' condition of ttrade in Great !".15ritaiti. It shims that ;the export triide of the country has large -iv 'declined, *bile the imports have been bliglrtlw to exces,s Of the firsf ten- in,ontbs ,of :1874: The , iron, coal, ; and - talon trig; C'4 are t 4 'etief setts of commercial titi;ros:lion, _Rind there is no prospect of itnprovetnent. , New dvertirientei , and Lum e n. ' 4 " , "wPari C1e5p.4914,e, . - O, t TRA.Y.-r;clunio. into tliPt ep - . pl64are 4 ItytcliTrintei - towpotp, orto Ted. lop-horrir:-,voy;' with mrtifte - lit4 - Rad Are yest242olit i Anyone, proving: property Ind Loy bag etukrzeal rim Ts lee tug' Oar." Briti g ewat D4 l6 4o-44.1115w" _ - N.„ . - • - - . •' ) 1 ! . , :a, , Olti2SS #9OO Closkey. BQOTS :SHO 31obtroee', Docember 1, 18t5.-2w. ekository of Fashion:roaalare, a ! \-• • Notice* of Ow • Dazar Is et heft with cdrobldau :on of that we el. Mom Rod in ant Jour. n I 3iitl lf" la the organ of the . world tif fa, Trarckr. - . _ , , . The 'Bazareetninentla 14 , 01 to every- member of - the ho r.ehOlf.—to t hp ehlldrew hi droll 1.111% pre' ty pletnrea to Ain -young ladies by Its. fa' lion phtv,i in Ulictli,'o va .rlelv,rto ttie•provhlent tuatr-)n by 11A pat t e r n s foi the eV Illrou's clothes, to pafefOnifias by tk , t,t , chi , tUi. +:l ,, lAfor embreidered ritlyerA, and - luxttrimis drerd,ing go 0, -. (tut the readinwtnitter 44 the Bar I.' obi t° Ilrof grant exeenen , e. 'ffho paper bar! actuutred a, wi .. illll , oll4rity for the fireaidi .unto,l wilt it atE.lllB.-- N. Y. F,renial /nee_ I n . . .1 I its way t6:rt: is Urtatittg liitd it., . FrC.h' arul.truat worthy 11-9 a to•bioe rnid..3, its , -'silrieek and t!-itryti.ll.l , po etry dull arinile.. are all iuvignruting to the nituth-4'lti cog° era:hind .lournal. i . . .- l i v riEratS 1 Post,4 , e free to all subscribers in the United . States • Ilsnran"s Ilsr-Au, one 3 e • •• • • • • • • (X) kt 400 . Includes p 'meat of U. postake hy the puts, ht•herta. . Tinliocriptlon to lIABPRit'S MAGAZINE. WEEKLY, and B %ZAK, to ono e ldr er for;oecloar, sle.oo ; or,two of it per' s parodical ,to one address for one year, $7.; pooti,ae free. An extras 'opy of ither the -Magazine, Weekly, or Besse. will he nuppli d gratis , for every Club of I , LVE StrikießlßEßS it t 00 ear.b, In one remittanfe, or, Six Copies for .f.*o 10. without extra copy : postage free. , Back numbers can c supplied at any thne. . Thd Annual Voter!' of harpies Bazar. lu neat cloth binding, will be o xen by exprpae, free of charge, for 00 each A comp cte Sit. comprising Eeight Vol umes: sent on retell of elbh Tat the rate of jtS 2.5 per dol., freight at expense of purrieu4er. 'Prominent attenil. will beg yen in 'Harper's Bazar to such Illustretians of the centennial Internaticuar Exposition as may b , peculiarly appropriate touts wi nning. Newspapers are n to copy 'this advertisement with out the express orde of Ilarocr & Brothers. Address, BA g •EK & BLIOTBERS, N. Y, I 7 Buy, your,Ci?Oing . 4.Chettp Job n's. Ayer's Cherry ‘ Pectoral. For ;Diseases of cite TbrOat and Lunsts.suCh an Coughs. C01d...," t 4 hoopinz Conch. Bron chitis, Asthma, and Consumption. It sqll makes the elleet nal cures ol Cough*, Colds. Consumption:, that can be made by medical Indeed the t_ttennt Pscromat Ise malty robW.l These danetnnts olseatax , of their terrors, to a great extent, and gin it feeling- of immunity trots their fatal effects, thin „is lceil founded if the remedy he taken in semen. Every family stniuld have ti to their closet f.r the remedy and prompt relict of iti members. hickness, snffring, end even life IS saved by this timely protection'. The prudent should not neglect it, aid the wi-e wail not, Keep it 4y you for the protection it affords by its tituck'y use in sudden attacks. • PAtP/lIID BY • Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cu.. Lowell Ma*., Practical and AtlilyticAl ChemWs : LD SY: ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS DI ItEDIt;LIE. ' Nov. 2 1 . 18 5 41. . _ AYEIt'S For Rafitorinfri • • TO :IT4 NA 7 Ull IL TIT3ILITY ASO COLOR:- • • Atiranclmr }Tam sicknetp dirappuit.taieut. and be4oditary • pi ceityp , :o.itioli.. all tut:, huir Itrity.. and ail It•-r of t Nit) indigo it to andtlia - ernaturcly: • Atam's Hain 1:toOt. by 14 - bi,o; and exteiisive usi:.b littiv i la 11:it. It 1110114 Ow i lII{ lig of Ow hatr t" ufti•ti .reuewi , the a, P2lll olVeVo , ritr , i , vettire, , it- cultir..wlion rad- WI or?nty. Pt i lan Int v. 4 110 nutritive on.: itui to 13(141(11y actir ty .and, prat litnifity. Tiror ti , artir,i cloak' T, - , :r and etrenr Owned lost hai r re,:rowg with Ex:A:ly- axprrA-ion ; hair Ss checked ad vtahli•hvo ; Lhi§ hair thirl , oto..; nt a rik: ud pr arty hair restune their relo Op r Its t ra:-"' unit is ' , inv. anti •It inn - 1111 dandruff, 1:01$ all houtore, and Jaleps the -tali) cobl.cleari and ruft—;under dl, , ,Attea of tne aclin ate ini;aisible. 'Alt - a drelaing; for hair, the ;Vigor le pritifed for jut gulf-Tut and agrecalde perfanie, and valuhd for the oft,lnrtre anti ricuttera.of tone it imperil. • . MY:P./11E4 lIY • Di. 4. C. YE Et at. Lowt , ll, lifilss.i Practical and Analytical Chesalp.ta, . SOLD 11Y ALL DituixiisT‘ AND .".DL'ALEItg IN • All:vii;llsn. -N0v:134, 1615.—drip ti OMLNI.IftS LET . i rblindersignoti hag au omn bas line runoingl cry tishi on ti.cD. L. & K. and E n no Raa t . Bhipphig or Ae•Shipping Bag O t. eltber depot will tleproinptly nttendenio' The new river bridge:is noviteorapleted. hene it no Ferrying. • . always on loind to) rmorey.punee — niers tti any the PgrtQaUdiArg country. ty..ccuaNAN; Pr Great Bend. Aug. 19. 1814, 7 1: -4,- Bay your Boots at Cheap John's. 'DI SOLUTION ,OF RARTNERS..ItP Notice Is herchy given that the undersiynedereto lore du fl tinetoess under the thanetuul firm at I Ryden do lioldm, have thin day diasoltied bymutual eouteut: • L. J )fetiOrircird, Nce.lo. 1815. 3 ' • . Will persons Indrbted. thal. tibove Ilan by: to or book seconta are requested legalist the office of Pr D. C. Ainey. met the punt office, *Ad settle linwediciely.- - Tilden Is authorized tu rale all matters l*Jaug. tact° betateartu. ' t• 4 1141TDEN ie. not: ER . - 14awirlIfor4057ovembgr 24, W7L-4w.* . ,•la)niudereliction an a. (Dior A 4 •-• 7Poillte 4 tba, Drintitua', Court of littiluolittotts Connt in tbeesti.e of tiacetiont Biotetnen, tine'don exec, inure filed to the Ariel acantint of Joint IL Varier: luill o ntrator of the of igo of Old Su eat) Brotztag U bear the pullet interested, at tile oilnat in _M Taelday the 14 dal af - litmember, lerZ. at 1 o'clock, p. pa.. of which all peptone intereeted will take notice.' - - W. likittfiGlY; Auriltor. Montrose,•November IT 16W-4w. AI).*ItTISTRATMX 211024(1E.—1n the eel. of WM. Taneampen, law of vttaQck tewnahlp, 744 terr of Aliathlistrattott lb the &lift estate- baring been , grtated tattle Ondersigaed, pll parson _ li owing said eat.ate are regaratOd to Wake lanuetiluto4ayment. and all pOrtamo baying Wallas agaturt said es a arc requaLed Wr&a 0 t them without delay. ' - - " - 1111113TAla VAZaP43 , , trAttitra.' W,XMI"X% I F A- LARGE:, AND t • I At prices t HARPERI I lIIIiiTriAT HD 'he feyr compositions which ire vcn the confidence 'or aLklnd and luicorne house• fid words among nut only' le but many nations, must Ire extraordinary irirtnes,--" irhul.ia nu one ever s , etnred wide a reputaion.nr main. hied it so long na - ayer's Rirri ectOral. It has been own to tue public about . .rty Years, by a long colitlii -11,.1 series of luarveloi, a cures lat . have actin for it a C-Ona. 'n :tirtutis. never' Great Bend, Pa. 1 Any ordatfar CtBri.n.X4h.GMLEl 1, 1875. ::':!7P-- - ,:ck1.1 -. - - "l'ia - , (i i N, oir i r •:,-t., . UST BOUGHT CASIL PL . FTE ASSORTMENT OF wer,,AV 1 TztA tion ,RUBIMI , . - _ - : 0:00t8,:'.&:94 . ::1 , . Suit the Closest Buyers. , . • , . 1 . • Instmo 'Rear Mate for Sale. ALV r iABLE v rarrnror Sale. The subscriber.. offer 114 rate the valuable farm knoarn Eas the L • nflrete Farm, situate In the" iownshipi sfiddletiivrt. Stl Co.' Pit; containing PIO reii. creek' fiat, acres imprdved • -id acres of ve nice' hemlock and pl tim ber, well fenced, haviugli t k rods of, stone wall, and well watered, will be sold at a itia in. Enquire or' ddress. IIOWA F t • • - " Ididdleto Cc:tire. ; . • Alto. „125 acrea of land adjoining, Manny creek flat, well fence , ' and enact ,tutu of cultivation. with. good building , . and two rood urchardri and In cotineci . ion. with the above would make A Snit ciao, dairy farm ;. will he old with it or setnirately to Fait ptirchers.'For farther particulars call twat' or iiddre.s. I L. A. fItyWATID: . .. or .V.GBEIZT STE.% DWELL, • r . Middletokrzt Centre. • Susquehitnnsi ' October 13 1675.—tf- Pa. „ net tat. ,t heJntirot I . :—.-- VALUAELZ ' ', [ , . . ' . • • • ' rarin For Sale: '-, , -.. . , • , c i The subscriber offers for sale the valuable faiM knowis . - ' as the $•111 .W. 3. 0 ,0436 t 'Said farm is one of the most deiirable farina t the county, and is beautifully situated in the VW ge Of it Surnmeroville. Sasquehanna connty, Ps. ; there 'ls s geOft store. flouring mill,{ saw milt, plaster mill. and blacksmith and WaVOn shop in said village. Thefarm is situated directly on the:D.' L. ,t, W. It_ R'., one mile ' and a hall from the depot. at New Milford. and lour uttlea from the depot at Otearßend N. Y. & Erie IL it 4 contains Oa acres of land; If3o - dries improved. is well watered, having 'a lasting stream of water running throngh it and water conveyed in pipes to, the house. barn and came yards. iti is well fenced, and under , good el:titivation : It isweil adapted to growin , ' , grain. and is fitted for stock or dairying ; there is a large and convenient dwelling' and woad house, well paintett.tuad beautiful lawn. with thrtilibery.a large horse barn, car , Mee bou-e cattle barn,svv,ith two cattleyarkis and sheds , and sialkiel , f-kr f.eding stack or stallin...• cows. and 4. wo orchards of grafted fruits! Term. of paytnent, made easy . n L. surprit7!: New Ililford, &Kea Co. Septemb • Pa, • • ASSIGNErS ' - • , . Sale' of Real Estate. The undersigned' aiiignee 'of the estate of William uncer ind by virtue of :in order of the District Curt of the':Enited States for the `West tern district of renneylinnla, to him directed, will, OL • • • Thuisdayi De'eernber 0, 1815 , at one o'Ciodk p. will eell on the premises the , following piece or reel tot how. eiti3 it.: ill the town.ltlp of Clitrord„ lu •the 'County of Susquehanna ;Intl State of PeonsOyania.- diotindcd and ed ft• follows, to wit :',Northerly by land. of J. li. Stevens eakerly by •datiiis'itf Win. H. IlAishroot: southerly by Die' old Milford aud' , ..owego innpUte wc•snerly•tiyhii Itichenis /toad. so cape 1, containg about ten:iteres tie the Kline more or less With the appurrenaucia‘.• one netts saw. mill with' engine 'and fixture., one biro itud.all o - proved , being the same land conveyed' oy J. B. Stevens to Win. Tables. sale to dive.t all liens ,exci pt unpaid purchioe money. :—One-fourth castion day of sale. Osi”-fourth ip six months, ones hearth, in twelve months and one aotirth In eighteen mouttis,-the umoubt unpaid to be for interest at seven per ant from the data of sin's. to be second by Lieu oil property acid. , , • E,Lpliee, Assignee, November 17, 1325.-3 w i - A . D„IIIINISTRATOIt'S "-. Sale. of Ileal Estate. J'arfriant to an order of.: the Orphans' Court of Su*. qaeharkua County, the ender-ign.d administrator of tl.e etti,te of Owen MeDohough, will ben at put!lic 'en due owthe prom iret, oti ;. . . . "Frility, Dec ember': 2:1 1975, atone'd'elock y. M.; the farcnyinz deseribed real estate All that certain fat i er-01 - :101 of land situate in the town- Aiy of of Allildletjawa. c..nnty of stkquefinnna and -tate of Po nt , yll - ,L11i3. lamnd...a on thu north by land. Hf J llurr,t ...on the cart by btu& of Chlrles Ucilon oluzh and TiounaA ne the ;y Linde. , of Rob ert Portvr, alit! ()lithe west by 'arida of Patric•. McDon ough. c ,, ntai el ug ttne hundr,...ti and eeem. acreis more or lo , e• with the 4), , nrietiartena. %tots %Iv Antoired do)Lti-9 _down. $ LOW tm nal confirmation and the; halance'one year there.afeer with intere.et trom,final confirmation. , WE 31cDOSOUGEt, Ada*. November 17,1575.. up . : • Sale of Seal Estate. Tht: andersi*ned. a TruStee appointed by the!Orpbans Court ot Stp•quohanna Connty„ *ell the Reid Estate u[ Eltzi Iteywrifilk. deed, tin pursuance of the order of court, will Poll at public undue or outcry at the Coart 11 , .age in Idoutrorei on ' laturday, Deciunber. 41h, 1.g75. at 1 feeble p ; m.,the followingreal estate to w it: All that C nark lot of land situate In the bcirot4b of ttontrose, t ounty of Snienehanna and State of Penn- Pranta, described as follows to wit: Bounded on the %unit by lends uf Rlizabcdtb - Mott. for late 01 Illizabetb Nlett,) on the east by lands of late of the estate of Da,vid fkit.i.(lPed. at: _the senth by lands now or latiOf D. Goodwin, and on the west by a street or Id hrray, eau. caloing one half acre of land more or levet. lyttit Clasp imitenaoces, one frame inie Se and all improted. -Timms :-1300 down on day of sale, and the 'balance on ,final confirmation. /d; B. 4.ELXR. rtalltee. Nclerober 10, 18'i5. DksmAtuAL. , 111017 . 8 E AND LOT FOR SALE. , . .81n:titled In the ooro ngli. of *fontraite. A, very des irable property. Fine. large Rouse, good Barn; Garden, Fruit Trees, la bearing:, good well, and other con :vatileticies. For particulars..enqulre on the ' remises, G • WM. . DAY, .october 0,187 • • Montrose, Pa. BANKEEPTCY, - • • In thellistrict COart of the United • State* &Me Western District of Pentisylrafila Its W;L.MOsa liaskrupt, Notice • , s hereby evertthat there will he a third gen eral meeting of the Creditors of • . the above-earned Bankrupt. for the purpnie contemplated in though- Section of Bankrupt ActAup, the fourth day of Detain ts.r, 1815. at W o'clock a. ts.".at the ntlicp of Edward N. Wiiisrd. Ifedlrter lu liatiltrnjecy, Scranton Pa., and all creditors who have prtired their debts aril -hereby notified to he prevent at a4kl meeting, and at the came time and place I shalt cettin my accounts, and the came will he audited, and t shalt then apply for mydlictiarga es - Asaignee. • • ' TRACY . UARDEN, Aostgac44 . scranton. ifnr, 10, 1875,1.' . Who is the jwor filwiti—Cheap John, Aui)proirs NoTrdE.----The. utnier. ifgned appointed 4,1! .. t Lion. the °miracle' Mart 01 k•nrinidiantia Votititt an adito W rmake distriim• tlin,a or the fuu _ rema itiiiit In the hands of J8113(11 8,. Carmelo erg.. Trotter nude: the lot will and etatement of Lvd in Thomson; deed, -. f) k loam Underhill andnh ere. legatee., 4e., villt bean - tire lank* ClallZilltltf.at his Wilco to Monti-wenn Veda? , Decetuher 24, WU, at cina 'clock in .he afternoon. t. liich time and -piece all Pef 4o 2 4 haVlng 014%1M Win t: %trent them or lie forayer debarred from coining in uyon said fluid, - - , . - . • . • , ' FlLA.l*.ritil:4 111a-Sliflt,,,A.tolltor. • Nov; 24 1242.-4*. !' 1 , - PO 'gOod Wo1or•proota;liolto Cheap Job 44. %,. ' - cc j i -4: 171:411'0118 - TIQR:it. , he ntidendgtied . hayloft LS. been appo int au Alidi r, by :be tirplopt7Court Or *11441 3el 5 I 411116 C , unty to h 1111" and report. on .44ccid tort to the a 4of Mary It.' and d1nth4;1 1 .1111,44d toitulteletratori or Alto - er&de of , ribithi 34114 rd. doted; will lwar the portleoirdertnotl 41 %tootle, Of ?Misr .& Crommitto. In .4dOutruate, tor F;iday . -00.4nabor 10, UM : ntl o'clocic;[Cra., of w 'deli dB peraorto Inter43l - .w1111441t0 make, -'' i:' -', - - - '' '' •.- - - , - - YRANICLUgn&4I44AI44O44 ; .'aittititticoti 14,, it, 1,14. , -4 •- -.-.- - i.. ',-• .', ... 'NO` 44vertiseents. '3E -t KEN. I!II=I=O=MOZECUZIM DEALIER. - - , • ..... .. .* L • ... . '• • • DRY . ..G.00 Y ~ I .FANCY GOODS, CLO an A.'l' - Lathes' ail" Clllldl'Bll'S STRICTLY-:FOR-CASH OR RE 'With thanks to ;the public for past fa itelk it renewal of Confidence sod patrons fidelity to you In alt ourluterconrre. I • • I ain.novel reeeleiai s Jaren stark of all Iltre,bought to the ;moot htvorable time and' Aguten. Mom e l l. an d inspect our good_ . . - „, , - Yours truly, E . onttnie; Nov. 10,1815. . • Fine Caablateres)it 7b Cent!, •t Cheap J NEW AILUALNGEMEIT - • I 1 Ti POODIO'S Drab _ L N. BULLARD, PROPR - t • R. IKENYOti r Drugip st & Apothi PATENT , MEDICINE E1!IP The undersigned ,wo uld respectfully air the people everywhere, that to his alrea Mock and variety of 'Merchandise In theta vision, and Ilardwarttline. I cheice assortm nt of prnm i Ife has ridded a v•ry DRUGS. PAT.MiT ...MEDICINES.. BRU. ItE9. Pim- FITIIIERY, &c : ,. whfeh he flatters hims If e can assure the public they wilidnd it to their /Over , tnee to eXaln ine he.fore purchasing elsewhere. TO all Physlcl aa s In j . this section of the County be would. res fretfully an nounce that he has secured the services o It. Kenyon as Drugs isi and Apotbecary, is IMP° long e nerience'and acknowledged care and *MIRY, entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of compounding m.,dlcines or preparing firescriptione, and who would also esteem Una especial favor tO receive cilia from any of his old. -nstomers or new °nee. Will make the . ralenr Medi• tines a sper,lalty. 'Alto Domestic and,Foreten 'Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also fine Groceries f IXTRTG'S EXTRCT CP BEEP, FRE J . R SALM ON PICKLED ~% C AA NNED Cf,Ams. ••• . PEAS, CORN. DEANS. OYSTERS, ac., tk.c. t • - t In fact, anythintr andorcrsttling that o narllymted ed. '• Respectfully soliciting a call Irem n • • lILLARD Poivder! Powder! Po Blostior, Rifle ao4 Sbot Powder ShO . Thbve, Cape.-Rooehes. Pleeke, Po ac.i otc., for sale by • Montrose, Sept. 9,1874—tf. I. 21 We have redneed otir 32 cent and 50 cc Good elo 25 cents, at pbeep John's. 10011E!LA All alone ten I trar'eling abroad. kietvils.lo4ed with Silver anti t • - That niwayie keeps brizht. and ni Bold at grelt tamale:is at one prig' , liy stock., which I! now introduce. coq and Simer Waltham,., rn movementa, Kaki gold and phted aipaoricamit of Seta, Da-chum, rine; Sit. );raceleta, etearma. A great vartety of gd. plant. chased or aellA. and everything in I line. too tome ous tni mention. A largo * •Silver Wore. front a'Salt SPoon, to a ilrt itozers itiu'l Ware a apectality: Alt hand. Ibave reduced my Prieea at. low as po•adl maybe able to pnrchme liberally for the lb more than that, :hat J may :min an hotte.t' for which ! have landred etz yeara in thi am bound to increave It having no reaptct --,even.l my own relation—who net* agui and principle. -. • • ' - • • • 2 A • . I Examine my following notices and satisfyi yourselves : i I . • I • Notices of. Importa ! I nce . l ~ flirt, pay no bills due me. trusied to you while I was tearellug alone, or dfirinu the few weeks that 1 trill my brother with me as Itirell'ittlp. Pay to no one hut toy self„ as Otherwise I Willnot atlaw A on account. iSechnd, beware of. those wins'are rt presentintr their good~ equal to mfuelelaimi nu to be partners. or related to ti1e,413 1 hare no One conneet,d in my business, , l'hird.purebase not of them shit ate selling. cheap _roods on ety tett/tattoo, to spoll it after my hiburing tf , x . years to establish it. ‘ r.. k'ourth. recollect that I d not recommend. ace one even my own brother, as he. tterb og elpl hint all I !Hr.- . +PAY could, Elam tried to colic toy debit. I trite tor" mike these remarks* still I must Jo save myself mid tuy re natation. 1 '.l • , I hope you will all pairattention to this., as it Is more for your Internet the,. tette. ' Remember my nathe If Yon wish to buy good Jewelry. I ; GEIIRGE . LICHTENSTEIN, NEW M*LVORU I At the Eexto Nor. O. ItrILL-Ilm Portal kinds of Idipincry Goods go to Chosp John's J.S.BAWLS. 8. lisaixze: I II U. Bz.kra.ixe BINGHAMTOIn MARBLE WORKS. • IZITII6IILIPIIICCI IN 1840.1 _ 9 DIIALIMS IN AND NANUFACTURBRS OF 4U/inn & aniericasPArbico, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES . Marble and Slate mantles; 010nango St., Near Depot, )(owl& 11373. 11 , 1 N itA AI'LOR'S FAMILY MRDIOIIIES. Pain atidlitmenesi re.leied In 's abort tithe by the use of Taylor's Celebrated Oil. ; The great Rheumatic and Neuraltute Remedy. •This Inedicino fi MI, !I core an: hut is, warranted in ct.ire mere of the all* and the to whleh flesh Is heir than any other nad'elne ever dis covered. MVO. It a tr".°l; If you' do not findit so. - it wets you °ethnic. :at may he need with the utmost advant ace for any kind of Pain. Lthienvits - . Woupda or Mores upon Oiail ot.:. beast. Will not smart the r.xweet Wound or sore. ilia ilirections for tam around etch ninth:. Ash yorir StOrehint for *freesial. :la Cum-- bin Pay. . - Taylor'sflr.ugh syrup Or Expectorant. far all Throat and f.nng dniesses. fa eery plestsnut to the taste alio cot/tains oothitig Itlurione. Try It, and stop that couwh and take the 7 onienett. from your Thnist and I nous. AilIF your Sterelpint fora free via); Neyntre - aro Pay. • - • ' ' ' Taylors COudnlrn Poirderr for all kinds oftpitikaiti. .poultry..Wa rrante I:the best renovator of bit syitym of run (low° ardiseesed stock: that has ever been, die: covered. Try thins Jot all diseases incident to- the brute_ craatlon. Directions, for use around cad! pack , age; Mo epre•: , -No Pay.' • ' • - All , the *hove medicines for sale by Abel Torten-and /Sorbs it Nichol*, of Moutnise, and all I/row/lino snit Dealers Cheat:l4hour the country. '1 ' • • R. OItuNNING TAYLOR. October ill; 74%—1y t Ito - 01-- /111. • * , PORBETTSVIZ.4I; •HOTEL._ - .' • ' , ,l TIIia.TIOTEtt IS t INELY SITUATED on Me Ricer neul.leading tronl,i+lngbamtonto Montrose+. C'tink - - .So Station no 140. 0.1 It .t W. R. it Partit.a .stop , ping at 'lda st , e i Vi IS Ond it 'convenient to . MI on in t, slat Rave ennvonlenees .to carry passim - to any place flier* bto I reach. Ibsen -been refitting qty h i•u.o mid pion, igniiing them inure convenient to en testateitie, pobile.;', nenkrul for. past pomnage Of .: my vid &leads 1..-shiltbe , happy .- tar gigot. theui and :'tae pablio gouivalli w hen (U IMs vieinity.-' • - . - I . - ,- .; J. - 41:11tPLIY. Prot otos, : ,0044 tinineo Aliofaill / 1 05.7 if -- : - ssileacodius- 4, 4apr-it.CkirPFl44ol* : . ' . - : : - -i ' . 1 - .1 . _ ) i''' .-.7 . ' . ,- .• i . -7.' ' 7 NNE A Nuinlper 48. lIafDGN & CLEMENTS, IBS I Dialers In STOVES, TIN. PPER t' SHEET IRON WARES, HOUSE MING GOODS,AST ERS. HARDWARE, &C. DS, 11MEEI BLANCITARD, ; BARTLET ••C0.,• BABA. 'BUN)::•; ; .ppoltS. WIN- . DOIVS, COItN ICE MOULD ' . LNEits, itc„,-* • , HING, wblch we vrtll sell at Blanchard, Bartict £ Co's. pet ei N.kILS, SCREWS, IL.kTO ri ES, BUTT S # . .A`[, I'44ND FASTES EIIS D LON UES, 110 ES, 'TOR K .. SIION'ELs, TIAKE6, ,NVIRE 610QDS, S.U. Dolls, Special Inducements .:on rPans, Palls, Coolers, and all Dastry9.44 Goods. • I * . • IRON CLAD. 111.5ir, 'PREMIUM, . 11 - 111 PANS ' • . V ; ow; HANDL Agxia.) • s s . OTSEC4O COUN LUMBEh, PLAT ••! .FORALIiPIZING BUG- • • GY• AVIAqOONS. I.ll36nr . pit4setl rut and Durability. DY PAY. ore.' I:wild e, wail in mfr. • t tbe lowest and • prices. :cKM7ZIE IiEIEI 'we Atm recently stilled to , our selection of Stove' TUE CE&"TE.4NIAZ COOK, mnde by RatbbOne. Sara k Co.. Albany N. Y.. and the. .t Nand 'Burning Parlor Stove, and Collard eth.l.7, , tovec4ntunlarcort.ll by PerrY &Co., Alban, N.Y. we alto keep the ociabratod Store. DIA WAD BASE.. &T 1 NING AND EEARLESS 'COOKING STOVES. flathbocte. Jewett ''lntnovii.. Ranges. with Copper itect4vorts an Nickle Mountinovot the late.t Improved PrOl , :rns. liqutiring -promptly done and °rat os for Jobbing concoct!. - ,oniun,! .• HAYDEN t ct.r..mEsrs. New 31j1ford, 12th. -18ib:—tf. • • st callcoeri 8 cents per "aid at Cheap John:. ounce .10 . 1111 'y eaen+lr• rocerv. ikto- •. iszcorrritcsil PLANING. OM ' OO -YARD:! In order to better accommodate. the eoeuntmity • the undertiped hap , vvtrdoiphed 4 depot for the .ale of Limber :Ninhufured at '11,44. umul-trect‘d the Old kLecicr tannery Site, In the ILE&AT OF TOWN' where will be kept constantly on thud. A full ewe:: of !-, , Lcnd, Utir. • WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, TIEILOCE, OAK,* AsI.L. - .3lAnt AND BLACK : WALNUT . L113113E1t , .. • 'LLARD which:with the aid if th , . moat Improved ninchlticy ar.d c'otc,kt,”nt Wnri.imen. ortvtretlto uric iuto any phapn littet, Wait of Co btetuerb. Line Drees ONE!!! WELL SEASONED . I.UMBER, INCL'TDING snan; cEMINO, . SHINGLE AND LATH. EO.NbT...CSILY OS HAND. Planing, 'St tching, :Moulding*. and Scroll tawlni; inue to order. 'AEoll . l ... ValTilltbi . :lllq Sliligl i!to of (0 , ,41 Ate Sw , ”A' pfllime Lye Bottom.. itirn.n.% tn. It 63 twk of r Tea patterns or. IVIALTUrACTOUV, in connection Air n the short otlailirlanont. seder the tit or Mr. 1 ' 1.4 .riti no. our o ork. ~ eroce !caving your oruerielrovitere... 'Moo promptly. • . Montroo.e. Soorembe4 `29lh. 1111'5, 4e, that yin; °itchy- qint repn i 4), C"unly nnti foraur ane iaxt honcely Figures Do Not Lie ! sia:',Fol? 70URSELVES. MTh , P It ICE LIST„ I'O IC N(i AND . ' 4 113.1 3IE OF . , cottena•le •. Vik•nch Cr/t.-Pvcrt• pante. ;14:3Vy Alibi, • h ego-Amen: .o)t4, axrrie cio , iniere thiN, Fancy cr.erk mid stripe suite Iltuc - I: frock co lt r. • • Muck &eft eve, lever: 0, Mick White liueu vent, • Boxs' SUITS, 3 to 9 years. Boys' Cotton intr., iloys' mlxid &Soy* fancy,wool suits, lOYq SUITS, 9 to 15 ;ttqtr? • Boys' tichori snijs, • $ 440 $ 7.00 Iloys i lane); sni4s. 7. 0 0 in.nu 11.41 float rail-3,110re 5a1t5,14. 14 Youths' cults. -tlll-sty Ira, , 6.t* ; ;owl:cotton oil az , . • ' • *. overalle, . . Good. rubber se pen =tii9i, • - • 25 •, And 11 other Goods In proportion. hoaboo pleas are ' tor cash only , and are quoted for customers f u'.distanee. I - n 41.00 FCI,IIF6IIT.If the above price list,.is not frilillled; la bleb prkcs are gut.' anted to per cent. !wiser :than thosu of any other house In this city or vicinity.; . • 1 • WEBSTER, 'the Clothier. , . Binghamton, 11ay 1075.--tf TB • ISI • SeWleAg, TiIG GIZEXTUI' Sews item but It has tint ell inure tepidly than any:. lias a self -Ali r It Cdtablnes nnrnbiill bet* AEI tile II I.IIIST-0,K.8 WALNUT V() •AL:weiLt ' !MN! , - I , ` address; , - 111 i'SN DE iist.ti-isz • . Boles Uloiti, 10. IR A. - 1 1 `. -It.. Min(%) smtiottittkg; 01141 `;''i‘qt , trotot c9utplete Aral us!: ; thilettett Iftwo . Ttoi 17dttt and .Vri and ittlLl9lt the' pule Ilia lb* wito.l* into, * Roth, • ruff# 'between blod ilneur,qlpagosi. or woratei oonzplOty 1140141:1),4* Elegantly finish 'AA 4, X. o.—T.isrAtory fbr 'us 460,1,041 ; Artgr,is - - , flaw Mirertisemenia. A l genta for A.ND A, LATISROP. rk.t.ts 1 , ,41 10 1%1 17,141 17.50 10.10 .1•0 q 10 lo 144* 1.75 4.0) 1.•43. &SO M ".11)13 zoto 10.1.0 )EP.82VDE41 7 7 Machine lIEVESIsiNTOFTIIN AOllll no Spool of Thread. • parle„ls noirele.*, and *col !whine Inltte Market. - Alb IkliintrUid dotn improvanieilt*. ACILIN 14 ON A B plB5, • 'I.. tt eiIIgULAR. Ts i 4011,140 16,40111D1RC1 „1 • Itinvbe Triton. ,; Ol~e'ap Jnh n''. X.MES; 't attire . itod *to tl ruing. And.llsoniting It iron tr - r4-.lnVoidt d. gnat to ,•Ittettol Its; ottrrowol iptag altoOtotoott SE,T ITION or ctitup—out bimply 0, a* do Thu 'Lucke* +to It irotitt th (lither 4; linfllc*--atiel her !ca gormia, nqqally. dulAbeii a nd Is ha lAgly 94 in* otrettent. And .elanaper tin Fluting 1 -r - A ars E. Gina .% , • . for Owl's Ir. and ;,:aatuotri vaic!. • • - $ 1.410 $ . 1,75 to :1,40 4.01 NM ,i'.