The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 17, 1875, Image 3

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Arraingemeni of .1110114.-
VIA .Ita ia):
TunUiauuock, (Dai1y,)...:..
itontrooo Depot,(Dat)y,) ' (100 p , 20a .4
New Al Mum ' 1000 a I dopru
W pita n (batty',) 43a m 90Opth
Fri'vhdev lie, WI Weekly.) tOO pm- SlKln ut
onkltnlitation,(trt week 1),) 'IOU 443 i ooam
ninghliniton,rio S. Lake.(tr .
l weekly). 600 pm :On
uephenoen.(tri weekly,) 1000 ant 400.11nt
The New York, (VW Montrose, Depot,) New Milford,
n khanuock,ltud Wyalueln are daily. •
'nu:Conklin Station matt rune Tuesdays, Thulttdstyd,
Ind Saturdays.' • • ,
The Binghamton mail, (eta Silver Lake ' ) rittis l rues.
.layr, Thu rvtlays, and Saturdays,.,
Hendee II le unit) runs TueeduysiThursditys i and Sat
urd aye. • %) •
The Meshoppen mall rens Monday a, Wednesday e l and,
Friday". I • •
A Stego lerAveedally rot Montroge Depot at 1 tri.,,Arici
A huge leaves for Now )dilforci At,16011, in.
returns at :10p, m.
. •
'244treso Railway..
A rrangwont or Trains. To take erect onldonday,
pec. aist, 1 . 574, •
Poun Trajtla t . - - '. Up Traits
SOUTHWARD. , ',. i ^ - .24:ORTHWAILD
A. M. P. K. A. M. P. at.
5.00. .09-- ....Montrose '' 10.40 li.oo
• 510 l9— ~. ..... Alleit's....".. ....JOSS 545
513 13. ...... ...Coors - • 1099 540
sal 2 4 ) Banter* _1916 saa
538 2 5 . •.. ..... Dint oak... - ..x...5005 5225
555 02 • ,Tyler's.... ........ 955 • .615
545 40. ... . . ... npringvilic 045 505
• 555. 45 Ipm . ' 935 455
6115 53 Avery's... ...... .9 25 445
510 '• 04 ... ....L'Omo9 915 435
• 6"a) 2. t2O Lobed; ,•,905 • 4113
' Cal 2.a) ,' /Karen) 4-655 415
• 043 245 • • Tunkhannock 840 355
All trains connect at Tunkbannock with P. &N. Y
IL it.geing north apd south.
. ,
New Advertisements..` I
Cheap John's colmun:. .
Aisignee'S s'ale—G. .B.:Eldred, Assignee.
AudhorS no4Eti—Franklin Fraser Auditor .
Auditors notkv-11.+: W. Berthoif Auditor.
Administratrix'sl notice—Chtistianna -- Van-
Canmem Administratrix. . • .'' . .. •
Administrator's ' sale of-'goal Estate—,Qwen
le.Donough, Administrator. '
1 - 33trartzial 'LOCALS. ,
'Taking of Cuba. . . • .
~. •
, Patterns-3;45. Frandrick. •
131111inery—Cheap Johp. , .. .
I)ry,Goods and Clothing—Me:4oolin. 9 •
___-_. l .______. • _
Jotting! About Town. 1 . •
\Varian's Temperance PraYer Meeting tit
Mrs. Jerre Lyon's, TlitirsdaY;'at 3 o'clock p - rn.
Z. Sociable at the , parsonage; Friday even
ing,:kov. 19. • •
. .
The sociable - in:connection with the BaptiSt
S. S. B. A.; Will meet. at J. Corwin's On Thurs.-
day (to morrow) evening. ,
tnion'Thanksgiving services in the Presby
tcrian church on• Thursday, Nov. lin, at 11
o'clech a. in. SeimOn by 'Rev. J. E. Chesshire,
, .
z,• On Wednesday night. last the house of F. F.
Goodwin Was entirely dstroyeil - I)Y2tlre and a
_• portion of its cements, , His loss 'is estimated.
;,' at 41,200 ; tnsurance $l,lOO. . . ..• '. •
J, B.' Tarbell has
. heen expending a large
'•, amount of money upon' the Tarbell House' and
• barns giving. them a thorongli repairing and
'painting, inside and out. - He now bits a hotel
• 'equal to she wants.of almost any town. •
Bishop Howe will visit this pariSh on--Thurs
day (to-triorrow next. There will hverylee, in
the evening of• that day cOmMencitig. at 74.
O'cloek,at which time•the Bishop will ail Minister
the Rite of Confirmation to all who dilly - pre :
••' sent . themsel yes. ;
It •is .currently r4;4,f.etit' since . ele4ipn by
. 4 otne; that the Dnlto4aTr:frasput the finishing
' troke‘on our town.,....ii.;::lfrSt Iflled the Legal .
ssociatiOn, then it crippled the-•elfrlfstone•
~. irokers" and now it has "busted" the "Court
•'', ()use Ring," and . ' yet. the editor. seems to be
i•i - •%PM% . . . •
li '
The Criminal Trial List before the conk last
week was the light L it has been 'for years,
which is a good: omen,
.fur our county.
this been juiit niter, the passage of Local Option
instead of its i reppeal some people Would have
attributed it to that cause but none are now
disposed to lay it at tlie door of whiskey.
'We notice that P. C. Burns,-of, the , firm of
Burns & White.; : proprietors of tih marble
Works at TunithanuOpk, was in town* last week
taking caders. Be is a :brother of A. B, Burns,
dniggist Of our town, and
. any information can
be obtained lay applying at The Eagle Drug
Store iu the :'Brick Pdock.r'„ . .
R.B. Little esq., was called to attend court at
Towandkiast week to try_ very important eject -
meat suit before, „Judge -Maser, of Lockport,
whoWas!Called to, bear the Case. The
!' •ffil four days and a half. Ile has . gone to .Wilkes-
E': Tharre.thia week to try a' slander suit before
7 Judge' Harding, betweela pis. Wheeler: and
aliles of ; A.birgtoti. •
In our reference AO "Fraudulent Tickets" last
Y .
•, omitted to notice one charge against
~.‘ Capt. : li B.Gates made by the Montrose Repub..,
bean. It itated . that he. came to our office•and `
;- .got some. fat! araile Republican tickets printed,
:i , with Wm.:,White's name upon them and then
deceived tbevotera by them. We' again place"
ii AOE ti.:ltor" and his beloved Senator in'a.wii,Y.,
,r, to accumulate more money. ; We Will give 010
t‘ , , a piece icir every ticket-'4hey. will lit:hig us eith
ii llepublicati-or DemoCrat that Capt. Gates
tdok from ottr office with Win. Whites manic
'or any other .natne upou it. The beets. are that
, - Mr. Gates did not take . anrand never had Any
in our knowledge . :Capt.:Gates,' did not '-go
ullout this county todi4ribute tickets', but to
i,.• catiu-on his . brave cinufades', to 'resent im -in
q - famous itisui heaped upon 'him by a co - willeV
§ Ring, whose tanclitiate . .said "lie :was a coward,
, and his own men Idiot him," and the .sequel
shows how w , ll they vindicated been. We should
not n t aglin , allude' to ilds••subject tiat,ifor the
'. • .
- ,i.base attempt tit the, •decktnct Ring serpent to
'•,V again IC iggle its iitil-topoison the . tninds of the
people against Capt. Gates. - We here. challenge
any person. in Susquehanna county to pcdnt mit
, single dishonest act of 140 in this -canvass. ,
'!' ' ' i 7------__......40-4w
Diin't Lipari*.
Sornetiody told us yesterday that tite "pridu
gnat" of, the Susquehanna journal
peeking away, rah his Me bill upon the "liulls
born," of'lle DEatOellikTi duritig the late pcP ,
litical canvass. Ifsn, was so • lied that we
tad not felt it, which is the .excuse ihr•notno.
'tieing Wm. •
Praziec's Alarm.
. Brother Frazier, of the Motitrose'.27eiulaetru,
trusta that ''the tidal wavO!! which swept two
of the best county oft:lees, into the-hands of : the
D , :raopnicy. will Buladde.. by next.. Year, tie,
also, says that the, :Republicans were sold out
in their own house, •by. members I‘;l.ltii.! - Pitrty :
Isn't brother rrazier a little alarmed about ltiri
county pap T—Susquolganho Gaiette.
Tuesday nlght,-.15.10r. iftb, fit, abbot 10 o'clock
the dwelling, of Mr. Tbeo.:Eljningsleen Jr., of
Susquehanna, was entered during.tbe absence
4 .4 idetself 'pal wife, and .adveral, drams a box
of lunalke!clueis , and gloves,etc:, were' tttken,
and ou Wednesday, Wni..l3ryati, a Young 'man
of that Plum* was Arreatee. and taken t0..31 Jut-'
l'ase jail lot the offense, buying been blind with,
tome of .the stoten artietes pois3 — ession.
A Lecture.
, • ,
Idabann.ilavemrf st (*sea 'ott great time is
expeetpdlereina natikagiiiing day. -A grand,
lecture ardl'bt `deilvined IA the Art . olllol2l the
Catholic. chirch of Ilia • - •Tdrum. • • Vounset,lor
O'Haulon of Williesbarre, will 4.mi hand, and
deliver his ccdallnited lte.ou.(.`,,d,:ukot lean In
dtpendepom"' and alan_Ve
_from ?iluinmse,
Dltnotk, and autinuading4ltilatti. ,
, - - -1:: -- - - '' .. i .. ,,-,. .. r.140.)740,-:
'Arrive*. Depatio
g. c. roxnfAM r.
Alonzo Pease,h young man residing at teas-'
.11c Creek, slipped while , stepping. Off froM :an :
Erie express train at Osgo about 5 e.clOck ;
yeierday . ,anornin, and the cars rna over his
right leg between the knee and ankle, crushing
it so badly that it is feared • amputation will4i :
necessary.' He as brought to this '-eity and ;
taken to the'LeWis House,- where he.-was Made
as comfortable •as poisible. Dr . ....P. Cornatoak l
attended him, He was takerfto his Louie at
.CaStle Creek yesterday Morning: ' !
It appears that :kir, Pease, accompanied by a :
friend, had been hunting deerintbe vicinity of;
• Wilcox, Pa., for the pass - two .• TeksAind that
they u'or on .their way -home hen' the Oct.:,
i cr
dent. occurred. The train
.wasTepining into thei
Siation, running at. a- greater - Speed ,- Lbws . hei
thought, and he slipped in getting'off wbile it
was in motion.—Binglunatoit Tinics, Aron. 11.!
Sad Accident
While several men were engit,din taking
diiwn the'old
.Utiverialist church.. on - the bill
'above•Bruriklyn, ,. Pa., Nov. 6th, Edward 'l.t,
Wright, aged 25 years, was • killed by the fall!
ing of timbers. No blame attaches toady One;
it was itirely, en accident. Ile fell with'his
head between two timbers and of Course died
, . ,
lie was, known in
.the c rilaae-as :a ?Acidly
'yoridg man. lie embraced the saviour fabout.
two Years ago and was a member of the M. E.
church at the time ot his death. 'lie leaves 4
young wife to mount, while he prOves the real
ity of an 'eternal life. ',The futieralwr.attend
ed at lioithottom bylarge.namber f SyraCini
thizing friends, add his remains lie in the hitni
ly burying ground on Martin Creek. •
Sudden Death
Almog every merchant in WitkVsbarr kneiv
Gould P. Parrish. . had had charge, orsonic
time past ,ot u lumber yard back of Pittston, in
Schooley & Waddet's woods. He was there
about two us. three days, in the 'Week .
and. generaliy stopped at- the'Paraham Housei
He was a very loquaciOus man knew the coi4-
try therealxatts and ita Wait)** like a book; and
was a genial conversationalist. '?.
On Sunday afternoon last he visited: iiia
wife's grave. In- the evening he attended
church in Wilkftbarre,where he ramie his home
and sulisequently lie wenttothe.Bristol house,
and returned abcoul- half past eleven o'ck,ek;
The nett Morning lie did - not make hls.appear; , '
ante, and ,us tine Went by,the door or the . room
with unlocked *with, a skeleton key, and '11..r:
Parrish Was found dead in bed.. Itlis - suppos'ed
that he . died of , 4ppoplexy. , were nn
01 any .141nAggle Whatever, akt..he'lunst
.Itave passed away' peacefuty.
.11e vas fit *.y five
-years of age; and was a brotheri of Charles
Parrish, the .
millionaire of Wilkestne.'.
A Great Work. it Cascade.
The work of filling in the gorge at the. Cita.
cade on the Erie road near Sasquellanna;is abottt
c'otupleted, 'rile embankment, it: may he ,iv
Membered, waft washed away laid:August% by a
severe stortu, and travel was intOrupled ,for:
-several days. The Company , tit:tinkly
,built a
trestle over the Divine, and at uncei began the
work of: tilling in the gorge an iii ti the recur
rence of The' disaster • would be imut al
It took throe years to fillin thisgorge be, re l
some 113 years ago,' when the trestle - liras first
~ .built.. The work was not then- 'made ; pernia
nent.Y ilt . lasted honteNer, until 'washed 'awny.
last Atzest. • • . ! . .'• !
This great work hag perhaanentl , clangelcl
the course of the, stream that lOw . d'tbroult
this ravine, and list - made the etubanktuent a
fix.ture: No storm ..ttn. again wash away die
• track. at 'that ' spot. Omit Walli - -bilte been
built on the one side tmthat the stream is:fore:
.'ed against solid ,rocks on the opposite side. „ !
ThiA work has been Well and citettply l done;
and has elleited:the atlroiration of ay *p *re,
seen It ' All that 'itt, 'Yet tol lie done Is to band
additional walls down*, the rocks wbieklatoric .
to rapidly being done and will sonn'be ilaisbe,d.
— 7 Pent Jarvis G'aietk. ... • , , '),
Frog 3rookdali
Harbingers otwinter are here. bleak. cold
winds, buil and Exiotv.
firs. A. t. Mailmen Is expected o teach Or
aehool again thillwinter. Portiunatel e• e f. •
a Drat awe teacher. •
Measles are again sweeping thronh this
itro. E;Mitchell and be ,nre,child n
Were. sic* win) Ahem at one time. ,
/ti, lielttits44,4 6 ,been an employe . tit,
ths 'acid factory-,:for 'four. =years past,. has pur
chasedi► farm one intle west of whettsville,
anti ineled there a few: days ainev..: We *Soh
The Democratic- Candidate . -to r 7:, Sheriffs in
Bratliorti county,: Col,. Storrs, Caine viitbin a
few hundred vOtim being clectcti. in a, cioanty
ttial gave over 2,000 Majority rot t.iza .Repttb)l,•:'
can §tate 'ticket. Bradford is still wefitl4 to
ber idols—but not so stri)nnly as fortnerly. •
Xlevrare of itharpert. • • •• 1 ''',
The Bainbridge 'Repyhltean • e i tMthMs il t irnerS
against the games of sharpers %via) have; recent
tkawitallecl a number in thatio6ality, It seems .
that they present them abth looking- es
though it might be•mirth three times as mush
lithe sharper risks for • it, and reqnimit them to
btiy $l5O. worth, giving their no for the
same. When the cloth is brought to a tat mit;
tomid. to be hardly worth Making:tip..,. •
Postage on Newspapers
. .
fly recent decishin of the posittnits' ter
ertil publisher's harera right •to:prepay,the.pos
tage at the visual rates on all . Pi t apers ordered to
he sent, frinn their .ciflices fort no matterhow
short, a time, if only for' ; once. This..oecicilis.
that asubscription:, to a' paper Is the payment
tbr the Battle by , any person fOr any purppse,
and the direction that it be sentto a perion,.or
persons whose : Wadies ' are-given, to the pu b blisli
ell for any length of time ; short iirlon,g.whetll
et' one week , one month or one year. ,
.Election .in Brooms County. ! ;
A vet} exciting time has existed sinthe
election in . Broome county, over the,She i iff,' in
deciding Who was elected and now it v ls Placed
in'the lianas pt the e ,puperviaots to' make a final
decision *Rh .the claim that the'Republienn
nominee bus three or four tnajoil(y..;,. i
-The Republicans carry the county, on,re
tsry of state, by iihout sBsmajorlly, a de r erease
of • 200 since last year: R. A. ;Ford; esq.; of
Binghamton, the Democratic candidate, is elec
ted to the Legislature by 800 majOrity. 'A
!Dian !
ocratie school CommisSioner, Wm.Tri. K.Cr4 in
•the Eastern _Dist rict•of the coupiy; eleciet9)y ,
50 majority for the first time in Mani yOrs. , . •
...Brociiire county being on the herders of Sus-'
quehanna; has caught the same "tidal •WaVe"
• that the Montrose 44nblialn says visited us. •
1 ,
.. • -.b. 4i112. .•••• 7 ------ 7 i • i : i
.Birthday. Gathering. . • ' .1 ..•
1 1 . ' ..
On the 22d day of_Septenriber last kere was
a fitniily gathering at the residence f Samuel :
Truesdell, of Lenox township, it being the sev
enty-third anniversary of his birth. All his;
children, grand children, and great-grand ehild-!!
Ten were present; the entire number of child-1
ren' and relatives being forty-four.. : '
• •. Mr. Truesdell has bop in this county', for a
good many years ii,nd is highly. resipected and i
by itukistry and strict
. integrity has;acquired a:
competence in this world's goods. IHis health
it Present is very,poor: • . ;- . 1 -
He was wry much gratified and cfrered up in
, , •
mind lind spirit by the many . mantles • lions of , !
aflection and filial regard in the• m ny 'fine
pments bestoWed upon . him 'on this , ion.
which' will be one long 'to be rememtleriid :by
all pre.ient. - • , ', ~ :
Serious Accident at Owego.
"Tbere is but a step between me and death,"
• I
J. 11. W.p,sro.x.,-
13roOklyn, Nov._ 9,1875.
- -—..............—____. I
him sueccss in ' his ile.* hoMe; but we realize
that • a i'pleasant familyl has 'gone from our
Midst. '
1 / 2 1. very Oleasant boys& warming occurred
itsidene of John:ll),:Butler, the evening.
1 1 .4 th, congratulatory to the family nod
their new' home. ,The heuse \is commodious,
tasty grid nettt. :It two story with. eight
rooms upon tlickgrounit poor. About thirty of
their friends Were -piesent, who, owing t 4) the
Miarty ireception, excellent refrtiments.
given them by Mrrand Mrs. Butler, went away
•; the satisfaction Of having liad a good
. •
time. 1 - - • •
lot orig since the Runny of I. Comstock
Were aroused, during the night ilia sound that
suggest l ed buNlars. MTS. C. arose and found a .
windoWin the parlor had been breed up and,
secured there by a portion of an old knite-- ,
A.hout One inh,of the. blade is lett, on the-part,
that' had beeti inserted in a handle. The mus-,
IM curtains were torn
~ilown and track on
them shows where the sneak thief bad been.—
Notbirg j further was distu l rbed. -Evidently it
w4 -not the wokof a hemp,
• Ilictokdale, Oct. 29, 1879.
. •
, • ,
!Attempt iitSnielde. •
• •
A.Cabouvnine o'clock ori Thursday morning
• . •
of,last, .week; Arnzl Pritchard, who, lives at
StearlwtOwn, aimut a mile imd a half , north of
littempted l .'to commit suicide by
cutting histhroat with a razor. His son, Al
her( Pritchitrd, was engaged at work outsidel
of the kouse; and! Wheihhe reached the old'
gentlenian's room' found the latter sitting in a
chair with his throat 'Cut hod a razor in bis
hand.: Ile was holding his bead forward while
the blOcid fell into a 'mot ashes which had
D been,
placed to catch it on the floor. r. Turner, of
Weltonville, was called and \ sowed up, the!
wound. 'The windpiPa-was cut off, but no tir-i
(erica were touched by the razor, and he will'
,probitbly recover. '
Mr. Pritchard is seventy-seven'years of BO.'
• I
Subsequent to the attempt, he informed his son'
that lie.kntd lived beyond. his time and did not
,to live any longer. He, had .desired to
die a natural :death, bilt had become tired-of'
waiting. : He also expr*sed his regret after
wards; and said that he would- not attempt sui
cide, again. .Mr. Pritchard appotred to be in
his right mind and 'has ,shown no evidence of
insanity either before or since the attempt at
suicide. i
•Twentaix years - ago_ he made a precisely
a temptsimilat to cut his;throat, nearly sever
ing his windpipe as in this Instance.—Owefin
A Fearful /leapt: . 1
I ' IL
~' A go4d• deap. of excitement- was caused in
this city on 3lonclay: moioing at 7 , ,q, o'clock, y i
the announcement that Andrew (or as he as!
more faiiiidarlY cfilled,"indy") O'Connell,w 41
ml 4 favorably knirwn to our, citizens, had he n
killed by the cars on No. 14Plane. The-sum
prisewas greater as many had seen him,appar—
entlyl w 1, going up Church street but afew.
mitt efore he Was brought back a corp,fie,
and i!w with difficulty that his friends corid
realk.ell i
sudden demise in so fetatul a man
ner. I
He int liis brpther Thomas had' for- smite.
yefirs , itept a restaurant in a portion of their
blocks 'pposite the Harrison House, and wlre ,
generally liked. Last spring they sold the sa
loon bus nese \ to Munlei Brothers, and • ha)ve
-since 1. d a retired life, their income being ant
ply' stiffilient to meet their wants. 'Andy p4r--
chased the Widow Campbell house on Not i th
TerraCe- Street ; which he intended' to occupy
rie.7tsoriiig, and in ,the mclinitindhad-fittedup
the snite * of roo ms over the corner store of their
block as
.a residen c.
Since retiring fr int business, bestial] avoided
entirely the use . f intoxicants. and had- eqn
iemplated engaging in some other active buSi
new rHe had excellent business ability, was
prontpt, energetic, geiteruuS -and bonorableotiid
wOuld have had excellent prospects of success
in any . branch to which be bad turned his sa
tentatii, • But this W ,as not to be. 1 '' c
On Monday morning last he *al, crushed be
neath the cars on No. I Plane intliikcity, and
his-life suddenly terminated, to the great gi i ief
of his ends. He was' quickly extricated by
men tiral were near at hand, and his lifelesSle:
mains! borne .down the street to his residence' in
less than half an hour after he bud pasted up
appartattly in perfect ' health and with gciod
! Promfae!of along and, happy life. ' ' '
31r4O'Connell was, about 37 .years of fie:—
ilia ffitieral was largely attended on Wednes
day a ternoon.--- Tbondcde Advance.
-Large vein Wir ''
. Abut 3 o'cloc,
was discovered if
immediately soup
was pbt forth to s
avail-' The• Item
'Ott fine - ilwellinf
the 4-ore, which
most of the good
A strong south
carryig the flaw
shoe shop of Mr.
most-of its can
were ntertained,
Bue4itnated sit
be dtoyed, and
take therefrom,
it lint and it- w::
"105i , ..‘ all the on
to it. t ; .
The dry . good
joining the house
bateli estapisi d
'scorciiing. If tli
, taketiftre the ent
woull have been
• Yo: Marshall's
surittice. Mr. Be
ho . ;no incur.
D 'ring the pro.
of p Wder in`litr.
terrific noise-, thr
7everlf.dtreet ton. •
Tile pail -brigad
cockifirc extingui
ry Aid good" servi
Buefttnd the stor
W l e,learn that
- abonit $7,0b0. _
. D tying .the pr.
fell rum ilinhou :
E.l.'Slier of Winds i
iuri gbis skull ant
the ace and chest.
into'the National
tors i !Beebt- and Edl
buirli an hPur lie, ell
21Y; .
Prozn iLubtert.
i`boluas , Sham]
birsie r , barn imarseili
• Ifenty Kb:IWO%
the !With or a (tail
.11r, W. Yangor4
Aud i WO.Oll hOuSi.
,atgattia!, well pl:_.
Ste I d ;the pl
tile7reconl w
Atatiel Guy esci
eat 'Of P4tatop P
r" .Pi D. Shannon i ,
buOneas in buying]
drilzin , * o 6 .
theni toils° tender
.AJM IIII i atineati l
Pg 441'4ra and "fi
, p,ri.yp,
~,, Lydon .of W
;ii Sheriff' of Su..
iscaniktizi) lormed i
bwiliOlrf store,
Ti or:
I last Thursday inotriiiig a fire
the store of J. E. Bennet of
I. co., N. Y. An alarm vitas
!tied, and- every effort pOssitile
ve the building but ivithqut
next communicated with
'of Mr. D., situated jeouthbf
- we& completeli'destroyed,
however, being eared. ?i -
wind aprimi up about, 3:30;
amazing rapidity iuto she
arslitill,which together whit
ents, - was destroyed; Fs* .'
hat the dwelling house of Mr
th' of the shoe shop, woOld
every moveable article Was
tut the wind finally subsided
saved, but not witbout,itie
°uses and barns '4161101g
store ormr. Woodruff, td
of Mr Benneti on- the sontb,
ttructfon, suffering a severe
store of Mr. Woodrue had
I re ,
eastern side of Maio sttea
wept away,
oss was about 's4oo; nct 7n
-I.lust several barns. and nut
ace. -
ress o 1 the fire several kegs
1; • eueit'a store exploded With
Ping beams. and limbos in
workell nobly. The Bab
her Irani Owen's whip hipto
in savhig the house of;)1r,
of_3lr wothfrutr.
Mr, Bennett is insured for
Igitaant the fire a chbanteY
otME. Bennett; striking; Mr.
npon the bend'itrae
TeNtriiiitylmangling him stout
Be.wila immediately taken.
iotel and attended by t)oc•
n.' After lingering: 'about
Ot'aPParaattiv.'in groat: ago-
a / ptepariug to build a
t:ely, .. _
vfige . Afeit wide tit* by
ter Ow 4th
Las lately completed a corn
ifligned. it is u neat sub
• -
eb building. •
ure of a. warm titmice iartds
oltr time lifinOred friend ;
13terly-pf this place, at Pr,(2.-•
idoing quite an extensive.
sliecio and neat tattle' and,
iilluisbirre, and deliTrin.g
',.:erey or the butcher.-
n. Wteeling of the citizens
iults r was held at Auburn
nin4; troy: _sth, to iidify
White, 1° the Plfiee of
uelittnna county, 2 . 1).0 as.
110 front of. TeWits
itisgtt. distinction of par:
-•- -
trancl'aptrelted in double 'colutnit around Mr.
Wliltc'a'dwelling, haetng excellent . musiein
tentlanee ;.)ngagetliesiuwili for oceOliinfrby
Mr,.11; t...X,ott,•Auburn
was given when three rousing cheers were giv.•
en fur Whttt, •the• newly elected Sheriff." Mr.
White was loudly called and at the second 411
lie . nuidtr his appeatanin upon the. Veranda.!in
limit 'of his : dwelling; making quite it letigk:
'speech, thanking the people of Susquehanna :
county for the very. great hunnr": - Conferred up
on 6im: lie then closed amid- rounds of 'np
plume. !. lio.w as then bourne upon the. should-,
yid of four then - and `placed in a ci)nifortable:
seut'a safe.distance from a very luminifos , luin
fire.At this
,the , eicitetnent„ arid , ;chners for
White were tremendiMS. 'Quietheik,.restor.,• - •
ed the titime of Denim, John Ponlin, being
calletl;'he made a .new well timed remarks;'
thanking the independent voters of Susque
huntr county for electing Auhrn's fitvarite son
to so high,anolllce of 'trust, anti profit. :Speech-,
es were also made by Messrs .1. P. - Tiler, W.
C. -Low, and others,when the Meeting adjourn
ed.sine • ,
Auburn, Nov. 0,185
From /minim and Elsewhere. -
Concert at Elk Lake, Friday evening, Nov
5th.... • . •
Van Camp's funeral was attended at
Jersey Hill Oct. 12th:
- litre. Samuel Quick diet' at her resideneemeht
Attharn 4 Corners, October . oth. Her :Mural
was Oct. ath.
- ! ,
The 8, &Convention of Wyalesing Districtr -
was . held At Mehoopany, Oct. itilt and. 13th,
and Was a great RUMS,
'A Pumpkin vine was fonnd • in tho earn I 1 d
of J. M. France, '46 feet limginud 314 tactics Yu
width at the,wide3t part..: t •
Quarterly -meetinit, of Auburn chorge,,was
held at Shannon Hill, Oct. :16th and nth. 'l'
D. Walker, P. E., being preisent. •
. •
The oxen of Smith James, 'of East, Rush;
were stolen . from. the field,last week, and hav,e
licen traced as fir as -Nicholson. . ;
Sherman Duntriore, of Rasa toWnship, :died
at the residence of Justus Hickok,. fiet 20th,
after a long illness froin(coMplicated causes:'
Mrs. Joh Gray died October 2.Btti, after a
dre hams of several weeks duration. Mir
remains we taken to Benton Centre for-inter
• The Rev. Mr. Millard, 'of Rush, gave an .et -
deljent discourse from -Psalms 'll6 ; 12, 18 arid
14th verses, at the Baptist Church, nearAuburii
4 Corners ; NaV. 7, 1875. . ,'.. --": i...''....
Mrs. Bishop Harris isttextensively engaged in
fatting up the latlic, 'of Auburn 4 Corners. utiti
vicinity, With „well rigged' sails In -the-form of
new dresses,fmd Mrs. Amanda Dickinson finish
es the toilet with.a new hat or henna.-- -.- '
Mn,e David. 'Bushnell, of Atiburn '4. Corners,
received. e, p!easan V birth-day 'surprise, Oct. 14,
on het' eightieth' . birthday.: .fille :was spinning
,wiles her dear ones came 'pell-mell to fill.litir
•home with glee and love. '
The dogs made a raid on the-sheep of Joseph'
White, of - Auburn. Centre7.oet.. 12th. Abotit
twenty.wcre kiik . a iind - wolithma. - Sitidellie#
one lamb of ltilson ilibbiod's haS been 111 :%ii/'
ed ; the sheep of Francis Gray are more or le+ •
injured byatrocious 'dogs...: : . " • '",•,. .•, ._ i
Dyer Lathrop died at his mideace, Tuesdayi,"
Sept.'ifStit He wan the second son ot - -Riekiel
Lathrop,one of the first Dirnock anti
occupied apart of his. father's hetuesici . id. Hp
was a veteran seldier.,iu ° the. Baptist. church,
.near Auburn 4 Corners ; and few wilt compare
with Iffm in faithful attendanceupontbelnsimiii.
,of Grace. ; : ' : . '''...!:..-' •; ' i• , ;.
-.. ..,‘
A. Teachers' Institute', was 'held at Atiburn 4
Corners, Thursday, Oct.. 7th, under the super-..
vision. of Eld. Tilden, -.who did all that. was
possible to render the oceashingnteresting and
, •Prolttible. "The • world moves 7 'vas a . motto
blended in the decoration's of the- school room.
We trust that the teachers and young pdople.
present will remenrhei the mottii, and accept it
for . their Life watchword.' • 'We ... earnestly
hope that our ,cntninou schools I will be highly
benefitted by the . Pre;..epts of .Eta. l'ilden ze
wisely given: The majdrity. Oe,yonng people
are tot) ueglectful of their educational interests
and •ePportunities, and - yet. aspire to the top
shelves of society with Out deserVing thetn.---
Too many .of our most. talented . youths,- are
spending:theirprecious time in drafting inspirit- .
thin from. the tobacco box and cigar,. rather
than delving With might and"!main in'the fun
dadiental principles of,a sound education. , •
'• , ..- . • BE'rrlE BLos Srocxixo.
Auburn. Nov. 12, , 1811'. •C . .l '
-- -." - ---.4i- •110 r!...= ---- . [
Court Proceedings—First-Week- ( .-•. , r :
Last Week of court being criminal court, nh
pilfer business was put down on. the I:slendet .
and the husipeis before it was less thin it kali
been before in many ye.tre. Court adj turned,
and the 'Traverse 7Jurimi were diecitargejOn
- • - I
, -
The Grand Jury or
-zed. on ' Mendiiik'hy
appointing Jacob,
.L. G)lett‘Of Gibson, Fore.
man, and in this .conneetiou we '.deem • it'our
ditty to commend their '!action in ignoring Bev;
oral hills and, putting tile
upon the. prose! !
critore,-Where they . were for petty stills and
consequently should . never
.havii• been brotiglif '
into the jury room;' Ai little of such wholei.
some discipline will be benefiCialto partfesaud,
10 tax-pa Yens.. It has 40ii .. foo 'Often the : ease,
that parties rovenge'by prosecutioita whei
cases have no particular : merit itod Coifs are
saddled:upon .the..conntY; beeinso the:prOsec&
furs are .not'responsible.
.':. !..
• The following true bills were, found by the,
• Coiu.'th vs. Judson Ve y- Assault. noel "bat'-
lily:: .: Mrs. S. lii)sencran'ta, prosecutor. -ri ...•- • :.
Com'tll, vs. Frederie% i MAO.' ' 'Assault anti,
battery. :Petrick IcGra l th', prosecutor. . • - •
' Cotten' vit. Clement..Wl:Moore. Arson.lthas: ,
D. Oakley,„ Proslicotor.: - . ~ '.l - :;. ' . -..'.: --• ..1. - :', . .
• The•folloWitig bills were - ignored` by-the
. Ju-'
7.'Y :,
Co) '' -
nn'th vs. Armstrong f,arue, charged,
Assault and Battery by lUharl -Harvey.—
ea W
Prosecutor to payeusts. ,- • • -; . , •
Com i th vs . Waiter, Graham.- - charged' with'
perjury; 0 11. Very
. prator„ - to pay :thy
Com'tli•vs. Andrew F.l.Rounds, charged with
Felonious Rve on complaint or Gilbert David
son. ' • -I •• .„'
Grand Asir having tomPtiy coMpleted the
business befOretbem,' they Were dhichafged:lM l
Tuesday aft; t rtiood... • • -
motto On otio of O. esq., John F.l
Sanderson, esq,ec Bradford eOunt'y, was ad-;
mittedai an attorney= at; the Baref thiacouri.'
On motion, a nolle proOgui was •permitted to
be enteredlL ease of Jeanette Yiltfalbronk, ln. -
dieted - for Assault and Bat.ery nn complaint of
B. J. Pike. I
In the.(uaia or CommoitWesitit i i% p t , wu
son, to' whom and 31. ft flartley, a new trial
was granted! on -a chage el. Forgery several
Courts Since; which has been continued for sev
eral Terms,(slr. Bate ley having since deceased)
a '.biry . was! called into'the, box ; but O. F.
Howes, theProseeutor, 'oat iippearimha verdict
of acquittal Was renderad.
D r , vli. Wheatok ,Eyruider Tucker, and
'rbane FXtitl, esq., of Jacitsiiii, were ralipointed
a (.7orrunitiee l in"..Lunacy iin• the , case ot• Eunice
' 1 11"Ii.. bailie.
'4,4 Emery Barrett. surety of the
.peuee„ lirs.,BarTett • oomPlatt ant. Defendant
put under bonds of $BOO for one - year,
The applit'aktiOn.of• EdWard , Idellodito keep
an Eating Itittae In llerrlek (ivhic i hi the fear
that it might prot , e, rather, a drinking -balsas.
was opposed .;by real - mistral:tee: OM continued
from a former Term,)'ias graqted sin
depositions das to his good charactcr, front
!everarpronal teitfzen aid that vicinity.
Clements . Mooro, a young man 'indicted
Aiton, 'huining -the" "Clitnch
- bonoX some t me since, and who admittedlite
itet to the Sheiriff and - others when pointnittid
.to jatl, was ticgaitted by the Jury under iia
itruetious the Court, on the ground Of tit-
Sanity, upon tim ample .tmthuony of hiernoth
and phsietan to-that-effect - - •
Case of Commonwealth vs. Judson Very. In
,ilicte4 tor Asiault and.,Battery upotpcoroplaint
if Airs. S.'itoseoeratits -vine "tried lmd verdict
i d
•nOt.guilty Id but costs d v e between parttes.
`clarein vs. I.'redertek° Batesie boy about ?2
errs of ag„. indicted for Assault and flattery
. upon Another boy, son of Patrick I,lcGratb,;by
- thrOiiiiik n stone quitriel. Verdict dot
and costs divided between the parties. 1
A, few other cases were settled or put over.!
i 'lf youwanttheatostestgoOstorthalenatestmonv,,
to CHEAr 4ione-
.1 A largo stock.of Ladies' Beaver ClOsks just
-received at Crtz.t.p Jouresj
Coats & Clarks Cottort'in all nanabers s at 5 a
spool 4 at Clear
9 1 . Coir. tind'exuniine our 'splendid tap.sole gen
tnen's 'hip boots utp, 75 just feeetved.
2 - Nov. 3,1875. • , Omar Jott.i4 •
. ,
.', .TA --
TTEliss.Lidies wishing new style pit-
Iterns i will find a :select assortment a:. Mrs.:C.
.E - Handl Tek's Just received froth Mrs. N. W.
.13ahlwin's pattern „rooms, Binghamton.
1 liontros.d, Nov-17,1875.-1w , ' •
MILLINERY GOoil9 in all the Wait Shades:
And stylei lir, Wings, Birds, Silks and yelvels,
'4e. Also Trimmed Hats and Bonnets in Straw,
; leeks uhd Velvet for Ladies, .3fisseti and Ohlld.
zren • ! ' at Outtat 4cnnes:
- that Cuzar Jour; always keeps
on hand and sells' lower than any one else the
rolloviing,goods and others too numerous to
mention :
Nee and Boys Ready ,Made Clothing,
4, " Boots and Shoes.
" Underwear..
" " Hats:
• Dry Goods.
-. • . Dress Goods.
• . hosiery, ll4:lilies and Childs-Sho'es.
" flats and Bonnets,
Beaver Cloaks.
Felt Skirts •
Blankets. • • .
-Counter panes. .
• ,
• • Cotton Flannels.
etc.,` etc., • eys...
a:Arose, N0y.t1.7, 1875:
Good oysters chtuip aC the e - I
1 1 161 1 ,00reame.--l'icturs.N taken in all.the Tat
'est styles. Old pigtures copied and enlarged.
.Also a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap,
a c.G. W. Dootarrm'a.
Montrose, Tune 10, '74.4--tf. I '
. .
WATCRES, Clocks and - Jewelry Tepaired!oxt
short notice and; !warranted,. at F. D. 3lelhu;:.
Jewelry flap/It:tip Isbell klilelbu;
LI • '
• Montrose, July 1875 —tf
S. Wilcox. VeterF.nary ;Surgeon, 31. R. 1 7 - .34
T ronto, ()martia l ,' ta now Ikuted at the Tarhell
• latst, and 'tentler*,-111a , ptofessional service tip
o have disc :tied horses..'
0et.:29, 1875.
• r
D.ltssiuitiii has just returned troth. Xew
-4 rk, baying p.utehased prinelpally-a•hirge line,
of Laeies' and. Obildr.m s
„Furs, Buffalo
WolSJOhei,-131:414,:vts..Flarinels. Of
otit'er new goods At lon tsi hottotu prices; _ Call
dud see them. - • •
.OiI7 . 4.Ox4Ritu,,AOSENBAIIM 'C.
t rosc;,'Novi 4,-1815. - - .• - . • I
BrNnixd r H-Books aro (ready for Avery.
Ltothrsi Bronson, Bunnell, Dickersbn,
Helene, • Jagger, Lyons, (Stisq'tt)
,Sayre, , Slmrwood, SumtnerS,
Small, Smith, ThAyre, Solman, Wakeley, Walk
er and %%Titans: • Bindery. at.. the- storq of
. oet. 27, 1875. I
!,1 - Lvecs fc DA.axiA.
NOTlcr..—The', 28111 day of October beingll.he
day fet •tor Dr. .11• 0. Mackey to, take potession
of my field of practice 1 would give -notice that
us the contract contin
ue my practice! as usual. All calls prormAly .
attended to inttlie line ot my profession. • Office
at My! residence.! is W. I\. GREEN, M. D. •
Foster, Nov. 4,j1875; •
.- , ,
..- A.,B.Buitais, te‘ k the Eagle - Drug Store, keeps
'"constantly on hand a large& and well seleeten
stock of pare Drags and Medicines, Paints,PilS
arni2Varnislt, alsci ,a very large assm - tment of
Port . .lonnaies,f 'Combs, Brushes. Perfurniry,
and Toilet Sows.. Physicians - prescription's
carefully contpounded . at all hours or the dap
;and - night., GiVei him a (mil... Sign of the Gol
. ,
den Eig,le andllertar. .. . ~ • =
! L
Montrose; duini 9- 1875.4 f.... •
I will otre-r my - large stock of Flour,aoetalti•
iutd genCial IMO grocery goofs verikoivlot .
a short time foexash, as I expect to mope in
few days into :ft; new 'store building ciPpoSite
cooper kt Co's. Oink, and do not *ant tO be at
the expense.of Moving a large stock Of 'fheavy
ilia, good time -tci buy your:Mu r
and 'S.:dt. I have never had a better stock of
goo, Iziour, , ..freil!!.grourul. than at the present
tine..' - • .1 '',
310 n t rose. 0ct40,•1875 , •
To Trry, Poniac,—As guarantee. thittTay.
Wet; Fathily '.sl4diviiimure -the-:best 4n Market,
of their kind, and that the quality of the goods
shall hereafter he maintained
. .1. would, say to
all: 1 - If niter Osieg them you are not satisfied
you have received benefit in proportion to the
price paid, returnthe empl.y bottle,,or package,
Met get yolk meney back, as I want-ne(man's
money unless ho is satisfied ho . hoz received its
equivalent. ,1 Revectfully, • '
H. tnoiv, TAYLegt, Prop'r e
October 0,1875. I
Ptii*ltiG; , L.: i ; ~ ',
'':-• 1' . - 1 ' . ... - 4
i. .. ' .' . -
We have jusi ' received a very large stock ail
PlAin and tube); "envelopes, letter . and note pa-'
1 1,
per;plain-and iiney iiilljtead papers, carda •
vii sizes and eA lore, cola" - poster papers, etc;
all al }vilicie w :i esit ail rd.-- to Print-, cheaper
t Lin' any- odiee:in -ilii or neighl;oring-eouaties;
and in as good i4lyte. SlT'ork. dune in !pack and;
et or t 4 i n k s .. Ail yeka think. there
.is, any : thatl
-ean heat us, gilt e atrial; 4pd we will eliow
you whAt we eilti de. All kinds _of blardaa on
hand or- Vrintet : 4. '. iirder:,:;--- • ::--'•:•' - -.--, s. 1
. -1 . , • •
.I.W a. ;
it xnw ll'ld the people or Montrose and,
'irreitlify-atil dui ng ont,witere • the..most-, popuri
k r - tar Dry.Goils.
' ; oust. iu Bing .amton is located
ii foe• C. r:si,,soi,i 4,,v, - Co. - inform us that tlleitt.
„trade; irttin:thiSiSeetiflui : ia_ yery,filtrge and ; thii4.
' . t,titiitly'liscreatilitg.i In her stocli may now', lid(
ijotirld a large and carefully selected stock of
Dry Goods, suitable to the :wants of everyboily t
:They, make ..a t pccialty of Black Silks, Black ;
Gassitnerm:',"lllaCli ;,.s•trifiniiii; Black Alpacas, and.
.the-.finer grades.' of, Dregs I Gpods, and in tbiS
_line are prepctc€i: to giva• some decided liat
sins. We siMpoite that tiearly everyb.As 1$
At ir are i that i helr....iti;re is.;; located at 61 'Court
~ barest, next tn:theiCithal; 'I . •
!....i. Bin;iharnton,i Sept. "22, 167 t.. - -• I' I
'There ,s• on subject- that sequiroslsointtch
': - .6 : lutly mid eiptirience as the treatmont ore prOli.
,itz thst.:,tscs. _ The astonishing success and re.
jnar.kahle . eures' i performed ' by . Dr. Buttcrflehl,
,:ar4 dile to the #rift of clalrVoyance.. to the We
',long bff.;(ly of :the: Onstitution of man, and the
itu ring of dist.luaes from natural te rued tea. 'urtia
itne Worst fOrtns otiSerohda, Catarrh, Pit , F.
': • tri ale AV eakiulsA i A:patina, -Kidneys 'or
.Wits `lie "at mite 'U. tre rtv;House.; rtngh'at Lori.
?Friday; and Saturday, becembe . 3d end tW I
Dr. 11111.4 '.44 1 1 1 be 'cheated Mid
. erai
Springy r, D ber
t'd on a vi , , • ; ,
- . •
1 Pciarrua 'num rci,us
remedies t ind uie
:trusted as 41. prov ,So
plectual—enreu , a,omy and such rent Illiljel
Piit'i-118 Dr; 4 - eil l I%olqm* • " , i i.
benS of pallentfi.Wfio were believed to be olie:: The ChefrY reeteral bies.restored great mo
lewdy.itifetted wititieonsumption,
.Ageo Cure,breaks up- .chills and !'ever q I'
ly and surely. i l • _ s
A Ayer's 'Compound .E*tract of Sarsap
#radfcatei sanfula land unit trities or the t
lanes theitystenr,. antrentores it to vie
litifilth. 13y.:. its . A i010, 3 i •Ait,e_inao . moat
ipoi l ivis; that,44.o a. - deelnli of boalWiii
pelted Or num& Ijl - . - _-,' -'....- . ' • . - • .
Ayr's Rills Anil Inat{ - tilecte Are, Age
known eVertWiiere Ito requite any ecantii ,
tio4 from us Ure,—;Sininiot} (*) .7P9044:7
0 v EMBER 17 1875
Dftounii , -L;Kweifl,ttnntor,-,Oet. ?,18115,
' Howard. esq,:. Mr. JasperPeeker bibs
Jane Knapp, all or. Lena; Pa.
CLostr.--Cumsnlos-At the .ri'llldenee bt Cleo.
W. Allen, esq„ in Dicke . N. Y., by - Rev. R.
E. Hall. Mr. John '
.Close •to Mies 'Jennie
Cummings. , , • =
None—Ostiinv-;- - -At 'tile Lynninitillu M. E.,
parrnage, t Noy. , fB7.s,&siva
Ranted, Mr. Cleerge Noble and klisa Julia:
E. Oakley; both of Springville, Pa.
,j, - 1
lllcKtnnev—Ctruvra—At the Preelterien
- _parsonage at Upioirville • Nov, 8, 1 t 5,
Rev..J. H. Dorernus, Q. Me/Cli:kr to
Lucy E. Curtis, da n gbter of Edward' curt's.
'all et" Planklin. '
• ,
Loostui--In Springville,. Oct., 80, 18735.,
Merles Loomis, aged 711 yearn.
Blii.r.ocx—ln Springville' Oct. 28, 1875, Nis.'
Mary J., wife of Albert Bullock, aged 08 yrs.
Soons- - -In Lyman,'Pti., Nov. 0, 1875, 'Moms
N., son uf. Mr. James and Mrs. Mary ; Komi,
. aged 9 Y l / 4 1 1" 5 .
Criarrinsit—ln Montrose, Pa., Nov. 10,1875, of
apoplexy, Benjamin Lyons Chandler; son of
•Francia B. an
,Mary., ()handler, bis a2d
year. •
Raving just purchased a large., odoCk ,gof Nllllaarp
Goods direct from the importers. I am able to 'ell
Oa moat recent styles of thu reason, At. prices - pat de
French felt hatr.of the, fhiciA qtiallk . , and all the
latest -eludes. A :Ina lune, of Fancy rimming... dints
and veireta in all the new 'amides. all kinds of leetberi
and wlrr. A. Ann. line of trimmed Huts allays on
hand: , lame lo , ourtmetlt t ho . . slaves, Is-
Mere' and children's , 'nuncio neltTweaf, I
tailand eee my More lilting Corsets a $l. •
• _ J. CARVER.
No. St Court St.. Cos. ,Vater St.
Blugharnton, N. T., (huller 21.1575.
Yo v . York Pkraue . o Markilt.
Ite_ported Every °Week Biiiienth for The litowneilois
picrocnar by Rhodos di: mercer; Produce Comtate• ,:
sloe merchant's. sa WhitAbail Socet.NewTork.,
, -
• ' .New Yera, Friday, Nov,. - i2, 1875.:
1, •„ ~ , . *,- BUTrillt. t• ' - ';'
Receipts f ast six' days 28,1'08‘ Pkgs.
The demand still.appwa h)! he almost entirely
Jar line grade 3 lit bi?lk9., aul all , ether 9.lullities
are neglected and accumulating : Dairies are
very plenty, and - while really choice an be
readily sold at thil valueythel supply of Ouch is
very light, the-.greati hulk of the receipta rang-
ing front medium , up to, a grade apbadd below
fine ? tor Whiett ,there does. ; not appear torbe any
perceptible outlet., ~ ,
' State Dairiei; tine ' :" ' ' - - 31, 46,•Zad
State Dairies, good to prime....29' €ll4, 30c
SUIP Pails, dairy,,eh0ii.v...:1..33,-, di - .34e. '
" Suite Pails,dai7,gotat4 .primo 30 f 112 c •
' State Pails,comincnitp fair..: 'a - .(20,- 28. c . ,..
- elit*. ' ''. '
Receipts hist six days .. , .....41;734 boxes, ,
The shipping demand is. yery
,moderate indeed;
Qne Or two shippers c are In ,the niarket, bat are
is nocase, buying at rates current a feWkif
o wee
- binti. 'Oa l a'pretraCted , dull , market there are
always some receiNiers'itileicina to , sell', and they.
will sell even at greatly' reduced pricei. i . ~
'.,. ,State Factory, fancy. \ ...,.... 4 13 -10 '1.3%c . „.
`,,'Staitr FactOry.tine a...11%0 12 1 c'
--'- State FaCtory; fair' to geod...`9yigt. 7 0, e
State Dairies, fair to g00d...'.-.= V i e 1 ).(1 c' -
: , ..
. • Re9eipts lOst 81 4,daYs.--,7“..- • 12 x 155 t'kgs•
Tile supply of fresh eggsits,rather Mire !liberal.
and with the demand rather
,moderate ilie feel -
ing is' Weal iiiott.eliadeictsier. i -'t' . .
Sista and Penn:...............30 • iQi ale
Western choice brands 29 tizi 293 c
Ptielll'llY. -
The receipts are fair' to-day but not Ifi excess
of the'd prices are steadily stistalied
; Choice stqek-,, is not, yury plopty .aruP',lvitli
~ gubdideroan,l M beta iirmly, with. oc4sional
sales a tritteabove,otir quotations.: • 4 .
Turkeys, State prilue, 15 to 16c
-.Chickens, Stale, prime .. . A 5 to ,16e,
' The (it:rimed' kir chilies &Widnes:4' kbia and
priceslule steady tor both liveand,ilteseed.
- Live Sheep; weathers..;. tkii's%o
Live Calves, State ptime.:... - .9 to /10c ; .
Mg Dressed Calves t 2 to 113 c -
r[ • • ,
GOOD I.IIEWS4 ;.[[.. -.[ [. .. - i GOOD 'NEWS :
1 . .
• THE"-
. t -
~ . .
~., . •.,.,, . •• . .• , •..
, . .. . , „ .... .
rI'TA • ItA,
.............:. ,_,.,.:..„ ~......,......•:„.........,.•
~ •• . F . , ... ,
\. • .
.- -.,...\,' 1 :- .--, .•,,,, .._ ~-...-, .-7 .-.:'. r. , .i . .'.'".
. .-Another Pitruier (with' ilortot .money) in the
firm of a , ,Pillialua-4.t Co.,' (Cheap JohnXenables
theni - to \bny ri ,TT B A their goods at
the yet. ) , lows tNJ ‘..) - l -I..prices' and,
theretore, to ,s I, theutint,the gape. wbjek is of
more advlintag ,itnil.:lletiefit to this canntniti
ty thatrthe captur‘isl:Cab&'' ''• -.: '', 1 • '.• -.
...... ._. ~ ... ... ....
- BY - THE ~:
~.~.,.: \
UNITED'`,..:, \_ TATSES':
~:.::--:- -;.: TROOPS \ - 1' -
WOiild be to the consnnera of s
agar-sail segare
Montrose, Nov. 170815,- . - " - - "['-'-.`!"- '[ '
„Ctnt;*7 - 77, 7 - ,
nt. i ,
aur Linime' • r . ' .
-'f: . • .. . There li no. twin which th 4 Centaur
• : Liniment will not relfeye,oo:lllrOlrig.
;zr - ---- they will not subdue. and no lemenese,
, which tbey will bot'cors. Thials strong',
.. ,1 ' .. : - htn'gruten, hat it ls .tine; .Trey hare
- , - .,..rgi "'''protrtired,tiore, ewer of rheiroatira,'
• • , ~
- peewee3o44lw, paisy.sprains,strel
. OtAl'IlOZ , Magi, tilted brensts;aciddis, Idris. salt
A f
, rheum. , ar-arlo, dc., open the human"train e, op- o. :
etraini; Smartt'', galls,`etc., .upoti animals in pun year
than hare nil ether pretended re:nettles since the world
began - . ,They ere toontevirritaut all.hcaling,ipain to-
Havers. Cnpples throw awaytbrtehes, Ihe lame,
walf,polsonous h tee are rend : sped h imless,iind the:
wouncled are heal witboutiTscar. The rempn Ittprob , •
lish4d around elm bottle. ?hey sell As no'nsleles ever .
11010etore, becan se they do just wfiettbey ptelend to :
do. iThori: who now suffer from rherlinatisul: Pilo. or'
svre(lln¢ deserrato autterlf, ibery-trill not use.',9Vtatir
Ltnlment, white wrapper, . More Olen 1000 eertlfttes
Of rOctorkablo enres,lnelndflit inucetf- litubs,i,thionie;
rbettalatitm, goat, canning tuteors. etc, baTi bent re=
c!!'4"i• too will o , u illPlT.colarPolu l o l ligeertttlealer ,
therecipe, etc. :pa, nitro! ono re-questipljt. One ,
houleot the yellow wrapper Ceineurtinfrientls worfa
,tpis *mired dollars tor spavined pr sweented horses •
and risttles. or'tar serew ! worm in sheep. Siortja:tiners
—thseltnintentr are wetth year attention, A family
shook! he withoutttrat. - ,..Mthltesarrepper Wetly Riot"
Yellow wrapper for animals, - iltild by all.Dllslolll,-
50etiots per bottle; large bottles, $1.00: J. B. Moss &
0ti.,;63 Droadwityi-New York, -; - • i •
Clistoya Is nforeitlito iintoittintoto Cilltor Oil.
144 the 044 Nfo mite! o, to .ortit once wlllol4icettaln
$o etsefuttilotk'4l3o food. roptii4 the boweli. =44 wind
colic and pioduce fletoral slesni. eokailosEzielthof
roidottla v izaorptg n iniOr 'alcohol. sod It ploatsintotilts.
OW Oren need not Or/ s4udinct4tiers may 1164, .
. Ott.tpl. ,
ti the Di!itiFtColat of thi-
,arr United Motu' `for the
Western District' ofTionnzmitTanla In • ite •W
tiVice hereby given Vat, there will be it third gen
maimeeting of the'eteditarc. al • • the abovevaamed
Bankrupt; for the- purpose, contemplated in the %lb
section of BanksuptlAct, tm the fourth nay of Meant;
MT:4 a a nd N.
sit trona= who lustre provewt we debts aro: perch,
111000 4 1 a bi t preeent at iseld-Mrelipg.itPd
tin:eta pieceOW 1 aettii iyaccounta, an %Seams
be audited,; And 401 Oka 'Per fOr fitOPOOOro
":18d'i°1—"t_ Of *fair
d 4.
4:**/§• li
--411 D-:
• •
Sallie' at - lam • Ambit Late 'of Oeeat Send, detti,
astawNeantuat. ltaventar, • ~,
satite:/at italet Dopp, argent*, - 140:4'; a, )4,,
tlempoell; kotalalattatat, • , • •
441. 4 .. 4 d. Au/ 00 , At ic t p l4ll P 4 !4 4144 : 41 ° 41 ;
Velir r a . sztant, 'of iiarfeitk dea'4l
Kdellatotratat. f •
• t'flatt aeatiantsats settlektilstr anoints In
I 1 awl Om the *maw at same*,
1041 the :maw idll..b. tat to the
ludgemot the: a *elm at wean; Noyeati
Pgrifile:M bttratratten aadJ.A.*.yrattee:_•
- • • ' hi:•TUntANY.lortajer.
• - , 40• ti hhatiose, Oat. at e
..10ifte' .
-, ---~
-~` {
- ,
fiki Undersigned , would. esportlintly ancronne-to the
citizens of Montrose cid Vicinity thSt thiTinse tuned
to their establishment a first-cam •
ender the direction el J. GEO. BSIDIMICKEI4 or New
York City. We will keep constantly_ on hand' • .
At Whollesaie Or
ALSO--4 3arge and attractive asantttnetdot
TOTS can and FUN
TOYS)• • • • FUN
Yost" ,
Montrose. Sept. 15..1875.-tf.
fleprese*.ed i $100,000,000
LlTallieol.Ltiiidert a Gic ‘ be__. . .. ' $200011,000
Revd Canadian Irma ianee C0,. - of NOntreal, Can-
: ads; Capital , .- - 1 ' li.000,0:k
A as.C.O., of liprth America " V 1,150,000
National, New York,. • - '• " . - Ape
/al. Cu...SLAW of reiiieit. , ,',' • • . 006
ynlon Mutual , ' ' ' ".r ' '' ' Few)
..... —_,
I. t peomitcg Fins i' • ' ' It1.00(00d
:Lancaster Fire Ins. Co. ••• 1150,001.,
The Meociation of Phila . ' •• uno,ooo
Pennsyllania Ins. Co.; Phila. ' • . • 1 .110,12100
co mercial •Fl re Ins.' Co, N.Y. '• ti 00.00".
Fame Ins. et... of Phil*. • ' =ilt
-Watertown Ina; Co, Watertown. N. Y. 60 0. 10
Home Ina. Co., N. Y. Capita land surplus. $ 4 . 00 0, 000
Ada* Fire Ins. Co.. Hartford, Ct. - - • • 400,00 u
ilutford Fire ans.. Co., apitahudSnrpla R. • Ltooo,opo
• •
The undersigned Is SPECIAL AGENT for the follan
tug companies for Northern Pennsylvania:
Piro Association of Philadelphm. , •
Lancaster Pins Insurance Company of Lancaster,
Thnlnsurioce . Co. of the State of Pennsylvania 'O3l
Philadeipbia. • •
' • 1.8 'X 3P 181
Cyan'. %kiwi! Life lus. Co.; AniCtts
American Life. Phint. °!.
• , .41.9CIOX.T:132INTrr: •
Rallway•Passengers .• $350 ,00t
Th e Cede isign ed bits been welllin ois tb connty,tol
tuefon4l l 37ears,” an filsnranee Agenl.Lossessustatnec
by s Cgrunaiu les Pave always been promptlypaici.
• flirtnade uP ;TIM ni." in bnitding east trolls Bankin
:oMcs et Vim. 11. Cooper Co.. Turnpike street.
' 6nAnLBB 11. SMITR, Office Manager. '
• • " S. LAMM:IOIf, 43oBektoor.
' Montroie.l4nr. 18. 1874 ' ' •
Southern Tia.
38 Wambington Stieet,
131zLislusimItaza. r .MT. "2"..
, Y6ll will Fin4lke
104; in BEST issornerr OP
At :the Lowest Prices of any Store in
Southern New Yqrk.
All Goode Wed iiteAVAMIATiMie Represented,
• •• • -
• • - 't
t, • -. • _ •
* '
not4lled tbit chat; .
•i: *1 ;, • •
ximpagiApicitaitei 3 r,. • •
or 1146111a/4 •N. iaw. • - •
, . .
• • 000PRR; 1 1.0.1l,ROP POIIISTOCIC;
80 . tetubet 29. lin& - - Asslitneec
, .
Erroctor: . . ••••:, • • '
C:110, CO Ci3Xeil l *;
nit: .14eehed and for Ise
- • ' '*- 11.4, Willi.'
' or
447+. 41.1.
..111 8 3reat.ti
Ifontrose, April 9,
. .
A.*. betelt7 eta* to 01l persons ,
.00Soonted loAbo fol.
103331,glOotates, to wit 3. . . - --
r ...~,.. _.,,~ ._
f ~ ', ..
, I I
- lariats:ENT
Etc., Rte., ss ussa—
UP Stain.
/14.500,00 t.
)8, i• Winn.
Number 46.
. ~T1RW1~8~
- 1() , * 0 '. i...•.-coltwiN.l
Corner of kribirliaTurriplke Ste.
• •
D1A7,214' Ix
i - .. sow c .. v iEsi i
Builders' Hardware..
3:Cabling, by , the $e g.
Thanks to our Friends for Past Tatars. '
. , .
We would be more thankful to one sad all who Wes
t e tteyhare unsettled Attottikl• with us. It they x 01140113
, t 4
auto by the mbattleof *arch next. •
Fob. 4.1b14. ' . '
At No. 33 Court Street,
, ,
nuomuuwrovi s N. Y.
As we turre just retarned irate the etty of New Tali*
after parcUalag a large and *elf 110/odl4 steak at .
.- •
of altkindplioagb from first bands.yre'lie Dow
pared to offc r gads at prices that will attar, tke doe
eettnyer. We have also added to oar large stack of
Dri * Gooee, an Immense itook of
for Men and Boy's - wear. We ' are now 'prepared Is
who will. glee us all is. we luive,firsl class workmen
en for the season. ; 4 •
Ladies and'gentlemen. you will please call utl .n
'no our stock before you purchase elsewhere. •
Thankful for peg favors. we hope for a cootinsuation
of Ike same. • We remelt'.
Yours itespectbilly.
C..& CORIBT."'"
Binghamton. April 28. 1875.—tf. 5-13-"141.
VIV,,M3C 1 1* IM3
It tea liquid Llnamentfor House and stable nee. •
veto able combination, discoverd br a celebrated Ely'.
ltdiehemigeand bores - farrier . 'Walt Introduced in tb•
- tfultedSates In the yearlB34. and 'lnca that elan. by great etICCCS4. In the cure of disease ', it has wow
Anti eel' . that world wide reputation it PO riebbr des.
sewer, and now . ettnda at the howl et all lbutatento
rivalled • .•`•* • -
It has already gained the confidence and edmlmitioll
of 'thousands of households for Its many cues of Me'
miser , were externet soplications aro of r's much impor•
tante. It is especially admitted as a family remedy for
Its peculhir chemical combination. PointeslnX no bash
Igrrdienta, I.llke tincture el Cayenne or respeppar.
which cheap and vainless Liniments are largely em
paied.l which increase instead of diminish the t nlaais-
Y It oy nature a speedienre for
'Testimonials and directions accompany each bottle.
Buy one—only 2S cents. el eents, or nillb—and If ft
'does not give good satisfaction return the bottle halt
fait and your money will be refaudetli Call Ibtp d 1111.
S. 8., Ind take ?.%o other. •
D. G. CAGY. d Co. . Proprietors, •
Middletown. Orange Co., 111. T
' A. B. BURNS and; . 3l. A. LYON;
DrugglstS, Montrose. Pa, . • '.
„ .
~ . .
Purchasable atail Wholesale sad Mall atoms In tie
s Montrose, Mar 6th. 161 L
Tide standard article is eatnponnde:4l with the gnat.
est eare. Its rifeCtli are as wonderful and eattalhotoly
u ever. It restorie gray or laded tour to Its yisithral,
eolor. It
Ik o nremove/ft- eruptio*, Itching and daitdrt.;
and the scalp by 4e Weenies white and clot
Its tonic propertied it restoroa the capillary gissale $
their normal vigor. presenting baldness, and staking
the hair grow thick end strong. As a dressing nothing
has been found so,etteetrod, nt desirable. De. A. 16
Hayes, State As.eyer of Massactinretts. says of It t "I
oonelderit the best preparation for Its Intended pare
Backinghanfe Dye,
'Miele:tint preparation may be lolled on lo *SO
the color or the beard Irons gm or attylt Maeir•
able shade, to brown or b a k at discretion. It isswab ,
sprolled. being In one preponsiton. and quickly sad st , -
tectnally p reduces a permanent color winch will •
'rub no wash off. -
11. P. Ralf 4 Co., Saslow, N.
July 14, 1813.
Ayer 's
4.llattrenats. Jatindles. Dye.
peseta, teals/taloa. Drew
tefy,troal Nome b m148,60*
theamatisa SrgptxnaoZ
:la Disasse*, Billtosssess,
leer Complaint. Drops=
, Taman and
ions duet. Preerahrta. as a .-
Hazier PM), itad.Purifyietthe
artrottivolet perfected. Thar
row 'nab they excel all Mar
Pills. .They They are oath and pleasant to take, hapset*.
fel to cure. They parry oat the Net humors of the
blond t_they stimulate the WWl* bedlam / demi arm •
ACUOU ;' and they impart the health and Isle to
the whole being. Taa l care not oal the airy say
coostßion* of, every het e asd4Margyeek.
cba cseseee; Most 1411 . -
phySitlans, most ealsea
clergymen. and oar beet dame. send eatttleata of ^
corer-performed ado( peat beeellte they hails aestrail
from t Vile. They are the safest and beat
fir chlidreti. becauie mild MI MO tfibeto4l. 4= ll •
eager coated. they are easy to Wen end. being panty -
eastatile they are entirety arta**.
Dr0.,11. C. Ayer Z A t u z sr up .,, , ,i.....
SOLD .iturvaptriti
Eft/44 INIS.
~ !.1