V.011IV) paw .s , ) "'"‘V— . s .r`_`. `i. ~ . ' .... "'~; ;; iticellantono;' ;Dressing fox tufkoy—•l:eathero. 'coma -- ria.llSA. A. noose paper—A death viarraat. 94 the green. • .-tiu• mhicr man le he who owes The co -0 suit of rest' selYek 4-men tire them elitimeut'4l • • the e • eolegne • called PeitY*, A Packi or Atli akt rite.. would bleed If rockl l ( 1 0 '1 quartz. r • „ X-- 041 w /3°Wtr° 1O A44".ffi't ' hen 8i10 4" . liciok here not, pannier a wadi basket Bcciriorny .. !n•yoptb'makes a cushion lor hi ago.' Comfortable quarters—T wen ty•fire cent' , Pie t " .^ 1111 IIIIOV one'S , Sr. Peru will. pay pa' . her, debtwith. gun no ,•Eicent A man who is always in a stew gener— ally goes to „ . • 4-• : • I, Bret nitric is in Ntain,itid the main ( a good SelloW, lArtintellartifetbrat a "tea of troubles." , • It tnnston skt , apritoneirravert mad to be' callett a jail-bird, - ; • L. tt t o, ea 430,, MOO ti • e C 313, dispense ' arrying upb bricks cks for masons is a hod i. wapif gutting a living. • •, hiyve altrzaciepaiskiliifoljelling themselve# 4 oill'Of school. • ' 4l • o,uee sabella still owes $90,000, brit' she dosn't worry abOul it. " • , For a, Massaohulietts wedding 3,500 itivitatifißsjiAve. ,h,geik i sen oat. , tioAtpit: , AlO, -03 410 1 A- t, !Ps nta ailment to tbed in theilark:" - ' It is.sloo fine to hold a Wisconsin girl by the neck and-kiss her on the ear.., a y Ikladame Paton nt Atte. of ninety fourcillAninog with A French omens. Gen:Gordon of Confederate fame, can shako ta . Irtigo Waa abont the only Victor' the A iniw k iesat2kown ritts t' The extra steep obtained by the use of the mottitijinAanopy is net ; gain: ::::; `, . Bears are numerous about liewbcrri,N. • ll l "iltr`;irish' enjey - cinistitiitional erty,.doti't wear a pall-dpack - 41ro • Buy Tour -coal early this year if you don't want to pay xi red-trot price for it. . You can't spe!kk of a billo4n without tiving,high wortks, but its death to fall Alnewdefinition,of old maid is—a otnltitrilitit'Afas Made t)r a long me. • Mrs. Peggatty,wrii.. that-lei lisband's '-havior is enotigh to irrigate an an .l,. - , • Equrtkitdditi - is' 7 hooke or "li f t y-tivn ~ r formaiws:ino the .South the octning Ikfr.lititivehat*. who- Intakes soap in ontitiefiiiiiishes 'his own lye of purse.. 11 Arifilla4 1 1 ,'-frr •c i ` setyuericeof ',s poor health, wants the'. execution da ted'. " ' - Ft - ur, wild -,Pigeons :and seventy-five' witkigunivpailted -..li4rthr-SAtaydnY .Iternoon.:‘ ." A Nestern editor returned a' tailor's endorsed,, - "Declined ; handwriting liana Christian Anderson wasn't ''worth. much money, but all children lov ed him. A Safatoga write it hoiiie% "It is horrible here—net a mau in town worth °per $15;000. IlottfithAfir i )bash fiend. solves the ' probl6m bristeit&--bY the Buy-nomi• ' meal thenry. ' , , • Thai is a soldier's aronnition box like a coitilfrjorbidir When:it:is fall ridges. , ' - A Vic044,4 1 3- 1 1 1 1 1 :ikqrdneq,:for ink. andlei plain that 'he'll riever make Philadelphisleditor. • ' l ,''EfastlihvAter.bPe* trPubiti.:about: tbe too far from the bead. MMIMEI It is stua that . r,oal mining if?. about to .tom the Oatipee moun t New Hatnrshiie. • • ,ttt •stt,, •• During the rric k nth .of jizly a Bingle baailotcompany : •fm •Oilifnrnis• manufnu. turf Jq;Qf?Q eigusTs. , . , s*eastig4.4l tate' r ~Mont ' fiipeet'inatt leittilliAepdef'' , fiCa - said,' "Ile cut me`tiifriff senator Jones -income from. a single said to trev'eUen $105,000. 4 ' WI te ll tew is plieerfallig clown Met!. lives ; F innia, one *it ( Inn her • gp*:tiol• _ l5 : A t; People vrl " -chewit+g and posth i ge„statgps,limse in th eir pockets, d o . not oasafilantiitlick . of buslaoss, • Wri'yrtfAa late; q." the, handiest letter ; tliitlpbo:iet ?. idocltuso:, *ben iti in use yatrillWilti ti: The timpjftiyur ~ithst Mbarles, Nordhof (ell lute a s zser the Yelluvri stop E . yo#ol,* veil:Oar ..gtty,i tar. orwwwo4, vt'b9r. day, Red 4,:fried.theoeihole An A bc*en glil stippnifes the rea — wm ,Is 6 a,: ftaitie man's liso is beganee.e.lmaiti lio(1),,sood ; '11:,,i,::, -,;„,,, - - - A. whine tram' .the' gost.:: 2 th ' Claret is still ft#iiiVithely 1- iii - tire'Tii'r ''Sh limy , ,ie iP,eglC!***o ilt#4,:ul4 o . l .Yf Atuktist.• ~ ,A. 14:vt1440, 4lafit'ilin,4 II all 'men would pay cat& - down forclotlied the tailors could knooloilbuty ,Asevita off of ''. Picea. ;fif'f.r , f,,t . t., JP; ~,,,-,,.: :-.:;1 . 171.,. , '=‘ ' i r : I Stirliriningposeentitrigice,a eat rovClp' tli: ? M44,161166'ient Cltritth:: i lnciannertlip atid ,ialk4d '.'oll*, sen,the4 1 ; .:s If ,th a,,,t*ti tt? -14! n t, ~ op. n se in :fork 0 1 .0 1 4: 011 : 1 47,1„ alt. ' - OtttelVali4 nni,tt,inns_ii9ll . , ~_ , . 1 44 ~ifitli, , , - •s , '"r' , ..,:' , • AI 41 Oi k Ii.VZ , VS 1 10' ,16 ', ' , 4 .: '''' ..1-1 1 6. 1 11. 0 111.... '..' ,'t. j V pillt:k?..lot; ' , `'. 4%1.A r t" ~' ; -. -....'`.' :) , ~ „ ' *. . . ' ,-. - , , -de w 4 100114 c,gf) t 101'00s-116r - •11' it . +o.linirlitien-' pr- , the. 1401-4 1 '''''' 'Airi - ittO ..if - *spy ' - ixt . iii", stele-at its wonruln - Joivawon i., th c e,,,, . I,llPermongl "' '- '•' ' - . - ', 4oltV'4'iiiiF --•''' - f' rlan onwo fl , ; (2 . l .eititiwootorlAt'iliiilliiii ; e'eaeitit'd ' itt l i :rr il4 4.g.l 6 , ll o4;';'--. -. . .., , ' -Ain; 4 4) dick' auto' .4 - It-' ii-whole 430 . an 6 3 4 74- 1, -; thi,...ti knees,' .` ott'..sawAltu tune, , 4.-%t. , A ;-_,..-.n; . . . ._ '.-:.. :f - :,, , ,: . ',..-, .: .• . ,' ,, rt,%!..10! ,,, i.: , 1 , 4 1 / 2 0; :.,,,,,t,•,,,,,zi,t,:.:45;.,,.,,,,. IswastatMil EMZEI !4‘ 11103 V 1) 4, °. • .jkWtUd • -4:- i l -f-,-4114niti:citzitvan GOODWIN:. La to she's 6 sg 9 g ed I . ° b 6 "' - o To ode oflr ch'' hat, it: Nl* In , ''. :.4 . t . .-I.',rn II n i ata f, 1 ' ±:::,, . i . /la ii -i, ''''..silieb todge'ralie tarried` - „Y; , Aegree Would be 0. IL-r-01t1 Maid. ' 14. - kuow heir ofi - , - Jig, iii . I ^ tbough Iso ; 1 But I'm more inclined to, belieye . , . ~ I *A' iv ':i:ooii. l'oi:tbe,falOw sloe SougWO, But codWn't deeettre2, -- , ' ' ' IYou!re aurpiised V' I,imaginetlyou lyould_ It'a a thing 1 say little about ; • I trwks 89 . 6 0qT,.), tS. age' aisycpli could "Did she love me Tliere Wasn't a doubt, IVby, sheinsjithrew herself at 'my head,ttiit 1_ Hut I k4e‘y.siol no,tieartiand leas brainsl. #ral thougli money will settle a bread bill, 1 It won't wash oft `this ?" *dear fel : lOW, • - What the duce did 1 care forher age ? • like womerilike.apples—,whera But the fact was, I kneW every page _ Of ' 4 ' e r t,liiiektr-311tr(PdiTi . ' 'There was Frarry blaCeown, sixiy•three ; it was she that drove hitit.to thedrink so. "..ittn. I sure ?" As`csn be. • §he's a scheming coquette,. alid I know • it ; 1 Bile hon't, the least hit•of,soul . h " 9r.fut item 441111 th . . 4 13 't SOW No ; her feelings are under control, Then li's nonsense to Sap - she - has beauty ; i l.Rity the fellows i lufs'caught, ; It, inusi he a ;natter ot • i". With. hint,_er he'S bought. AVho the dice can it bet'There's Fred Ba . , Toil remember him 2-46 red forthe Ninef I3ut'tliere isn't inuchlfear , tot he'd,takelier.;, i tie wants blue b1i)C3.1, - artit tint a . gold`trihte: Xhicken'' Joins ? he's married. 'Twits 1 funny . • i-r:i * E.e'L'tc.: , " - How he ran a tie race with Jim Front: For the laifil'eriulle,r'Wein't - 11)64 He's "ot 1'44 the Kout..•': ' - • "Tub" Abbott was sweet on her. • Sandy. 2 • 3leciilluttil. , -he roust be the one, . • -'Hy jove,"it'.o•6ltl 4 Satidfithe.ditudylo' . :- „ It4l.pcq ho,t I giv9.3lp, .P 3l . •Mirelass,areyou mire; . • 2 That the haasetied:for•lier plity the . fellow 1 let's haye, it! What., you. Ilia i.liettens you say•l „ .4 - S.cribw . for,Octati li.entuelitans Getting Marrtod loan= ===l „. . ‘StOr - that- boat,7 w.aitlie..cry on.tben TAUiBVille wharf at 10,. , o'efock-. Thtitsday : night, but ; the .ery- caFi4l-no late, fen. Ike, ferry omit haat at laoSe from her Jastem ings and was stearaii , g proudly up the . :river, khnudred tbet froth ' ‘ - the Ken.; okyshorc . . The crytanic from two men:: who . had • hotly young man and 1u iitOtheart froin'a. back- &mutt,* in State . to the rirer.and:there lost.them by. being:about, two minutes toelate, for they - were the sitting side by Side . eack,';other .' The horst;,s Panted:and -the levers sighed aad.-ton gradated themselves. ,onitheitrfescalie7. from the' dittic' ,a!;4.....b10e_dy, ground and their' - triiil- I Parertg. - the boat_ landed at, our Wharf_the'borsei were - given the reins; the I;iliiPaPpired....andoff dashed the bridal party tor :Charleettiwit; the County seat. - The - pnrsuers 'were too .clo - se to tarry at Jefersonvilte. - A- brisk,- rapid; •of an ..hour and 'fifteen 'lnitiates] Through theitUo, bOuntril ttlerk I rig ram ails tiorn'pleasinct creams and the marriage license obtained. • 'Howe was - .awakened' from his;shimbers, and: in less than it takes to tell it Mi'.' 4 okaiiioooWeni was the true and lawful husband of Miss L. Jessie . Parrent.. After spending a pleasant hour iat'lly.hiaqjed,pairleft„charlesto,lia,. retained through Jefferstnt i yilte ower than tkey. in Mind, and happy as a.newly•elected ..tiirintry squire. How those Kentucky Jo'vers . do laugh at letkitniths. ' • The Story of a Mu. "lie this Thomas Hardy ?" inquired his lionor.-' , • : "f)end me afloat it'it replied the irioner. . • • 1 - "Are you a sailorir "1/ry—doek me, if I hain't r' s "Youli T er. ; the / dry-dock:, op4g4,'ny boy: ittory goesiliat yen went into a store on Jefferson . nue and wan t,tt , to look; was alt.Giyrpad yon yelledq.l4.lt,Sficiet, the hat I' threw it down,juaßli on it,and then ran away. Is this true ?". ,*‘.The larboard sidicis "-isl*int" right." what induced you to act,thtil W a y ' ;,<.) “Shipped 'ts...p.„trinch X4lll ; ..a board , guess!, "It 14048 that w:y.. : .,.1 A4 134 ',.4 1 )-;PAY,9O `running into harbor every two Or three w-PekiZtit: 4 . ll.lntiti'and asking me for. -Oearanqe papers. think Ill:thrOiv• 4ot into the ereek." - •.• • • •••'••,•*‘'All .last, - Eiettltjajl4llrrsoxte.o:4.7.iith smile him to go . ulieud slow, Bijah,". eon— On tied the court.,"And wait him for nine •.lY . 43 41 .7 . • • till 11 Tae other evening a roan applied,.at the ;general delivery window of the poet otlioe to know if 'ihere &letter for : Jones. • "Joripsyibp.t ..T,lanesj.7.oske4 titic P ) etic.. l4 '; lei i -Just lieibing but:Jones," be an-ewer rnitst huveLtheartatt. o rmktas m 4phn, 4tiory, Ja.ities; :c 'sbe said.. , "I know your triek•!" exclaimed, looking very eon n ... You- „want ,rue to ask for Jim Jone 3 and then you'll say Thai there's nothing for Jim but that there is a letter for trlitiang.joAes r Fair Enotigh. inc insa.'liui'T toveri*Lpilliver-yes -teiday°,,A Aitivn,ealled ttililbpylwhiS-Wll - 6- noving - a 'limit: alotig thelkee and in,quir "Can yott set meAterpsf,the zii•er r reckoil.". “Aval , s tti ki3oraTee c my,. sAfety "I ditto() aboutt .at 4 s - tephed the bov , ivbeeled,the boat around; "but if' .C411 7 G do that I'Jl itri4:„lto 'itiriAgn you in better style, than ny other boy in' burg tiato #. , 1 ° , clylerlyt ...4 1 / 4 ze.,,-40 wit Sniti, tliatinqu islied politician Gorr: . • ‘`flAtkk et we.-1 beglin,ao alderman. , lanit •here 4am at. tnestun :the/ t E. , . s rasanrdl IiAcrty,AVILI be,the, • 7 1: + • ..--- '::. • :'44t`einvi'Aporeifi for nogy.:.V.Ne4. •, .-, - 1 , :•the',qiiestierCiti! 7 Cßeti . :aiked...;:', - -Wli Wha t is I -- the'•best 13.4 toleepletipleSfor: common .laiiiiif:*.r i . We liilf -• found - central ehelr. • vesitika,b apartment . set off or, devoted :to' Ihkptit..Pose„ the - - rn .. et c,O4* , hjefit: / ..,,:rrhi; . apples` re:-spread on ;these 'Bll4l . ve - 4:: - 'inly; a few i Clmii 'deep,. ,s 0„ that they ,:itt• ; :li ~ readily'tititlitd , :or{ picked .over;: ins: fast its.deca - ,Ceintnences'iiii any' specimens. '. ' .It is• xery important:that - the. apiihigh,il.• - Yept:tis'dool.uivtdoth3able•aftergathering 'ln „autumn - tr:(t , ' before,. the '.lVOing. weather--:of:.' white - it; arrives..., ii , .61: ,:,thni. -purpose. they..are'plakedT on 'the fleet of km. .out.hOnse 'hieing the. • north, and - allowed to , ,retriain. - there till ;about the time `that freezitigWeather :60Minenees; whed,they .areeteMoved:66 the Shelves . : or - •thii., , frilit 'room:in .- the hese ni eat .of , the h o iia6; - 1:1hi 8 'tooth (.whicib.ia :About On'-::-feet.. Wide land .thirty 'feet-long )18'18 - eparated , frobil•the: rest basement i - ,by - ait':;/3-in oh: 414: '-wall;.iiii4 has' a - cement..-bot toni- to' 'heep . the riirdiy, efintigh::., Viide ws for i , ,litita,- - ,- .ticio are hung on-bingea So thatther quty, , . . fie Opened.. Or . cloSed, .to - any - 'clistrea) , , de-: gret, for;he rittellitiOn:ot ,:the.temperature'. by't4e.. thifrinerneter...: Th. ' neater.-..thii temperature is to 'ffeeii , iiig -• the . bettee the frti t i t . .. , C611,: - -keen... ;When 'the Geuther ,h warm outside, ,the.,wi Wows . \.are..clOsed: to ex - clude.•the worni . nir ; , when .. colder, . they- are, opened. sufliertfary, : to - \ ad mit-Cool f air andiceep,dOwn. the 'temperature: : ...1 : -• .. - rheappl,es being ' 01114 spread On lthe shelves, any deetiying specimens are read. ii detee.ed and , removed,-care -heing talt . 'en yottatiistu*lrer titmble'oper Om idiind 'apples . which roman.. An! examination every few weel4 dar t vvhit'er and: spripg Avi I:;k64# the 18Uppl , - clear. of . riitte.top, Eels:, ~• „.,„ 71 :„ ~...:- ', mug - the : advantages of this. mode .t. r . . ar the readi nos. with which . the sfieei m nsivbigli wllftiett.'keti .are gePerated franc. he othqS, and only ..long. .:.keepers allow tl,to remain: , W het' fruit ! is kept headed up in harrels.,..whi 611 - is al common. mode, this , seleetien . ': and :: separation Can . no4-be made, and wiilß. - - : thty keep better pins excluded tront.,lle-iiii. so long Ws all remain 'Elena,. the 'coeinienOenient of 'de eaY, in .3 re:W. sprciinetii sothi'Spoils all the rest:' ::- .-' t, • --. :. :•: 'l-.' : •. •. - , l -'•• I Alittle practice will enable the attend- antto rernOvti..those Ppecimons , tvli 101 l willlnot,keep, even before', decay begins ;. and by- goingl oVer 1 tho . :shelves several 'dines during winter and spring, nona ttut ,soUnd, icing keep , :rs are left, • As warn Weather': approach., tis:...'.and it. becomes'tnore dillicult to keep -the apart .ment•so urn:cold may be desirable, for. the ;fruit, a portions' of the sounsllest and hard: est! -are selected ; "and placed , in ! shallow 'tinges and . ,shoved under, the •lower shelf on ithe bottom! Of the 'cellar. Tie „cold cellar bottom 'keeps j.them at a low tem 'peratare. and the , shelf above 'serves its a cover to prevent air currents. n Ellis Way we - have • fresh apecitnenS ';of itielt fruits as the Baldwin and, Mod 'k ISlan , Grienine at.the middle of 'June and w sometinies keep fide, hard, (rest Green lugs into the month cf July. The three leading requisites or sue Me iiici •-1. Placing the apples in a Coo ciithouse in , autumn till freezing weath ' , • er'; 2.. lieinoval of\ decaying \specimen: from the shelv'es; 3. ieeping the teui., perature as IoW as' precticable 'withou freezing, by a;'• proper • adjuitinent ' of tin. :hanging' witidows.-4;eountry GetitThrian ~., „. • i.fitholeslo Fit he 'Fee d Writers ', f " fashiOn"„ articles foi, - „th: daily presitil MI ,•_qthera who afPot phY . ii '- logical vie -.regarding the unhealthy I ness of hi . heels 'land short test co 7 i tinge to i outdate ~:tlieir l'opinions' - a" d dec r y file' i'"pre'tailiiig'Styles . of-"eh' : s;= espOcially those made•for ladies' wear, t every,. Opportunity. If these peoPle, in, stelid;hr taking e few exceptionallyifiniey. •:goods - mulct, expressly _for " the ellov ,windows or for especial purposes,' as et-- • ani pies of_ the fashion; . would visit some of die pri ? iiiirtent Man ncietureit:e:nd i•x amiae the stiles ,whigh_ arebeing made in' great qulititities for - tha' first-class retail trade of tha large Cities, ,they, Would - be quickly convinced ;that our American women are as imuchalice'to,corn fort ctini !tined with elegance as 'any. We do net deny that 'shoes with 1 high heels and crampid toes are made and find a mafli4t ' but, it' is Only. among certain,:- classes and for Opeciar purposes. ..For the ball room, and for,the stage : such- styles held their gronrid;„,,antl will, • prObably, _for.; a 'king' tittle to collie: Dot, for every- .. dav, use; af home and übioad, th'e,etyles_ot ellties timade I:iy ;the fiist ' class nianufapturers4for Attars 'madp . to'.- irietisnre by the custom • maOrs arel-only such: in intmet*.as' neck perfectitin as. regards Shape 'and` fit ' as rhe , distorted feet of the pretient gen .eralion twill , allow., The toes .are: - wide' and roomy / atid at the _same ".,time lint' _ cliimay 1 , jai appearance;:the - heels ere made%low laiul broad, ' sufficiently ' ao:to ~sustairt .tliei' weight Of the body with Out undue strain oh the muscle.of the.leg; l the m soles are' ode thick aud,erviceahl e , for , out-door' , treaty and subs,tantial en ' those intended for i ridoors,,..l3esid es these general ',peculiarities, the, an atomy - of 'the !foot hasbeen carefultY studied, and the_ 'art bas been brought.to- such pertec,tiiirt !that each natunial or, eeptiyuel peCuliarity 'haslbeeu T.lassified,,lan_di . goods ,are Made ;exactly adapted to each. Those inau• afaceurers who itim.; to be 'foremost have 'from four to seven different. 'styles for eaChsize, so 'that, piles the .foot is tit erally deformed, there need' be no diffi culty in obtaining . ..a perfect fit.. , • It is largely due to the perseverance of a few New York 'manufacture's, • who have labored steadily for yearti to educate ;the better and' More, sensible classes of the people into wertringii slioe that was cOrn • fortable, and. at the same', time beautiful, that this change has peen accomplished, KnOWipg that ' any ' suddenjtiqovatiou ...would. not find 'favor; they have, by gra& • - anal ster i s, se I shaped, „the tastes of 'their customers that the popular styles are now - such` "a ii the foodt critical in/Amnion] grutul,dial'wntild have difficulty ii•finding •, grun t liof cemplaint 'against. .: .They; facts are even fore aPparent in men' 'e oes, wi' h have now .rea(h ed even an' ultra extenSon, of sole,laltriost to, tii,rilues4 ,;. ; hut it is 'better so thana style .whicligiv4 a:stilted limping, gait. In these remarks we refer :to the most , ;',..fastiionablp -styles of the-principal cities of the -Union. :l'here are 'still many people who ;Ii ink , thi.ii ..feet ' leek bettaid btu:: '' for '- eCtlear.ertoeci ~.434,0.0,. - but .the - .1141.1.e- tillith• tOe-7--t4 01 , 10 lin leality i t. st i pn ia -. be calledliAnierican•r=and . ,.the,broad; lciv • heel are the' . revert - tea - among really &OP-, ionitklepeople:. ,_ Ii i. i. ~~ . ~. . t, T Prosento OCorn. ' . ' •, .":-...." :: : '2.--;.«...,z 1, f ' •. . 1 - vtf 1 eqt Ihe c rn iron' telitrtir roasting ‘ t4tre,, Aid itftt: in it. (inn, - eve .e, :tight -vessels of T} :t i y littid i If : fu 4of i(:l4r, , cotd brittle, 4 itr4OS'O9 ll ll.h to floo l t , kin egg. iTtit, a 3ight.iveigh t tie e,,corn takeep it, under 'the. briar,. ill ;awl it , atit.4o!:4li s 0401 piAcii, It the cunt i toi) - o,,itiorjyoue tatitti, par. ,wit it fur a t' , .l to ti-yteil:aud,the,n boil it w,41 iti - ,fn . .h'',vitteft'' Neffiiilfou Aoroßgh -4j...411%40000 it:To-!:41 :pigiii'lorg% T et.t 1 - ,imiiic api,Pitaer fo Soqr itaite ,, :04k4-it, if 140. a , pi rid le..vttot, , l)Puo4‘,l,-.1, I.; '.,-, , MEIN . i 1 . ~ -1 ..,, - u l . D EMOCRAI, NOV . - . 7.a,13 tati anti 50 *ltOgitol4r 1 , „•TV-. '=NI ttiscellaneous l NAT.7OaarMiT'XIV'M was— SO.R.Qi.Vi.A-, Scrofula Humor. , . . . Vegetino will eradicate thorn thoVeystem every taint or Serofttions Humor. It hes permanently' cared thon- - itands•ln Boston and !vicinity who:had been long and painful sufferers. . _ (lancet, Cancerous &tor. Thn inarreloon effect of- Vezetine in ease of ratekr and Oarsman tifnmor challerges the most proftnnd attentinn of the •metileal innititt many of 'whom are procribing Vegetfueto thelr patients. - • " - - Canker. • Odollnv has evii'latted to cure the moet . lnileill4o awe of pinker. , Mercurial "Diseases. Thdiro , rothie : ineitii' *lth w3nderral • isticcesti iti the core oTthlt r.lasi Of diseases.. • : Pain In the Bones.' • - • • 'nip& complaint the Areeetine I. the ermt remedy. us grordoves from the mtem the producing came. , . Salt-Ithemn.•: . - • , . , • . Tetter t Snit 'Rheum; ••Sold head. ke., will certainly yield to the grutt utterattreeffrcts of Vegetine. t • Erysipelas: • •• • I, 4 Vnotirai heu.nover failed to cure the most inveterate. 'ease rysipeles. ..• . , • • . Pimple s and TTumors •of the" Pace. • - Kwon •boitht. nu . thnt R blotchy. ront:it or pimpled Fkln clopilishkontlrely nymn Ayn intoronrcnne.c and no npownril npOlontion. cnn ever cure the defect.— \ .. Vogothac ill WO street blood pnriticr. Tumors and Ulcers. ark% eanied by an imtinre 'state of the bleed. .Clennse the Wined thorinvhly wtlh Vegettfie, and these com• phttnta disapnerit., r • Fpr thhi complaint,tho only ovholontitil boneflt can bo °bullied through the blood. Vegetine le the great blood • • Conktipation. •• V.ceetine s does-noinct as a cathartic to 0f:19444a te the be - fre.b., but cleanses all the °roans, enabling cod' to perform tbo functions aecOlcing upon them. ' Weealoe has re,tored to bean who hams bear long and palatial 'sufferers. Dyspbpsia. If Vegentlne fn •talten mularly; seenritlnz to (Wee tfons; acertaln and speedy cure will follow its use, . • raintness at the Stomach. • Vezetine la not a silienlating hitters which create.. 4 tlettcloas appetite.- lint. a. gentle tome. which a qic 'ziatare.to restore the stomach to‘a healthy action,' 1 - • Weakness. • • • re!.fi l p acts directly 'upon. the causes of thesi enm pl an to,. At - Aiiv, dont tes.and strengthens the module sys tem. nets upon the . F cereal.° °marl., and allays inflam matlon. , • Geneial Debility. In thia . complaint the lieu! each? of the Vegt. tlne are realired immediately atter commencing to UV! it; as debility denotea detl y riency of the blood, and eizetine acts direttly upon .the blood. octoner • • . Sold by ail Drqpists Everywh - Fixtyts AND.OIi s. A FM STOCK AT B. LYONS & Co.'s. Montrose,May 14.1878 • ARPETS. ,k) . . CARPETS AT SO CENTS AND UPWARDS. —Less than N. Y, Prices-- r DAM vj its. t[.• a. it • / A, COFFEE, Sr - - Doerieels • - •At Low 'Figures S!'- • . AND WINDOW PAPERS • A Large Stock,: • • And_ New Pattern& Received ;Every ; Week .Direct From Mel. -• • - itlanuftictory. • : B. R. LYONS di; CO. . S POOOI. , 1 1 1 13.reet , CI. tioat's Claries O. N. T.. ,• • ampl dark's Spool Th read Wtritst.• Buck, and asiku rom to Iso. 130,5, .75 septa per dozen . . Nor ea et by • a. R. vrox's co. • , ,f, Montrose,lisir • CHEAP 'CASH STORE! • We pay Cub. lox sioods, and eon for 9 41 i , and would r = ecommend .. . . -, • I ' I- ‘. . ' - ' 0 . PEOPLE- F 0 - BINOIIA T N 14) . • and ile.nit.f, visiting 'Montrose, t.o. , 1 . - * • ' GIVE 'US- - A CALL befortibi wehas t‘e lfil ie lfelir eam be e r:, ul as o . tui lt l t s o iearly j t . dm r litnd . it . . TWENTY DOLLA S . that..l 'icy sell N Ifingbatutbn for twenty-five dollars. - • • . . .- . • •... . . • . Ne* Goods Aryivlng Evert' D.y I. t '. RS'ADi 13711,01T.1D, • Mont:ore. Nor. 11, '74 t —lsr. I • • Tda-i.l3;szmx, °mini nottl!‘ it * OnIOSE.PEN . a t4..nnELYI4 • • Nine Slossus nod Banks larva MIS Rouse d 11( sou oentlns with the Montrose Railway. ibe'Leil alley Railroad. and the ILL. do W.. Railroad. - I April ist./8711.-tf • • • • WhetO Tow WHY .T 9 4.IO,33ULLARDA, „..,. j AT 'Hill) •oF NAVIdi geol9me SPRING -SEED: WHEAT * C • AND T140T11.1 7 : SEED, . . . _ • ••. „ Ottrdeo Setts of all klnds,the very bust Pion :Kak: • • 'Pe..a, Coffee,'Plib, ilsins, Levu, eta, etei rortyicases of choice coiled gears, coniiiitirm in part ,of Pettcher, POTS, Plums, Cherries, iltauto, ittirtawber 'rliai.-Plini Apples. V - oni, Beans; Tomatoes, Pos.-Ducar; Tarter, f zit's-ter, SuecoMarb, Porch, gallica ank:Applm But ter ,lactriled 11am., - And 'lots of Other things quite too numerous Or Whitil will be sem lc ail kWh 'af 'PATIO'S*" tor ready, pay at prices that will. , . Slog , Cptoxiark4otittX4cral . . and itrititly - of 'live and ist • Call tutilinie at • 'sr b1.4,14A.RDT., _ 31 9utreaptitpri11411115;: , . . , • . \ Catarrh. PilEks. tad otb er B. IL LYONS tt CO.'S 1,4201UL1Z1, „ 40er . ~, GEOR Has jusb returned Iran DRY' GOOD, Eats' an • •. , , Filling' 4is r large ‘tteitii)r i .~~ 5J ~. L .BRICK ..5",r011.E : , i ' .., -.‘... -; ..-:,•,.--',' Our .stock is nov and liptigi _ • - assiatut tr„„%m - rIIn t ter and Prodinv 'Bll;ptied, I ighest.. price and prompt re!. ruo.gnariinteed. Money hon;desired. . - ',G t . (); L. LENlltl.sl - • ;- I . Great m;1111, July 71h, 1875. - A. S. AIINER., 13.11cMIAIVIT 1- • Tzer...ErEt, AND COMMON CHIMNEYS, .•• • • INDUCE3IE!iTS IN - I Bronze Lringp. Opal Lamps,. All Glass Lamps, Hand Lamps, .Burnersi Wicks, Shades Shado Holders, 40.; dice EVEItY STYLE OF , _ if..i..14-ICFACTIYIIEri - • -!. JA_PPANTED- NrVIARE• - Prices Gilarignteul as Lore as any Ilona 14. • ' . • • Dl* NEU." et: by Nall Promptly Attended 1 wr la.4lrEQ P ar ß e c l oVi r u lt u i r l y adding 1 ding to,.o r u and •101 • our _„ _ Vargo Stock of -SOS 1 11P.a . ,,:and 'FOUR Printing Presses,: lye 'Defy Competion • 1, 1 o , ' • ' Both. In Price and gustily, either in Pain Brack Or ;Colored Work". .11 _ 4 1.1 ' WLEY. CRUKER. Pit 11,1 WINTEIU. NEW ,STOpK OF ' PALL & WINTER GOODS! Gutt llosaibatull & Co's. WOOLEN SHAWLS - , CLOA KINGS, OA SST MERES,I BEAVERS AND cL9'.rus,. in great varsity; At.G. R.& Coq. PLAID AND PL.VIN WOOL AND MO HA 111 1) ESS GODS: SIT;IRS, POPLINS. .01:kSFILIIERES; DRAB 7'E DVS AL PA CAS, BT., Am AND COLORED In variety and. .reat taigatna Zit . . . FLANNELS. )1,0i,' 0- ' ; BLANKETS ',-,IIIAItCEILES..BEI) . Sl'll /4: A DS, , ~ 'WOOL 'l''A BLE SPREADS, - - TABLE LINENS' TOW -, .. - .IELS; - NAPKINS . a 4 Imiliiiiold . . . • • Eurnisl;ing Good i',' A Loge is....clarnent..od c.111:p.,!1,., LADIES' AND 01III.Imr-NA` 2413•11INO UNDERGAII 31.arrrs. siI:B . IND AND It'OOL DOSE. FELT' SKIItTS, WAIVES. l: c. ALL 4,•IZES • AND QtrA!..yriss, Prices to salt, • P' At GAL ,t; Do's, mmus - Futx cioons, nre,RONi,TOWERq, FRATM ere, BLACK AND COLORNI), SILK NI) COT . TON VELVETS. ThilipLlNG . • A ' • - G. R. OWL . . DRESS A.:), CLOAK TRIMMINGS. LACES, yrazi -43E8. BUTTONS. SII.K - TIKS, CORSRTS. Eat.' - ' . - DROIIIERIES‘, ZEPIIYR, NVORS'PED • AND FANCY YARNS . s• .; • •-SASS. NOTIONS AND • • ; • STAMPED PAT- 1 ; Always la Veat variety, •A l 0, It. ces: . . , DOMESTIC GOODS,. DIX NOGED AND BROWN - StIEETINGs AND SIIIIITINGS. CAN'ToN FLA'N NELS. CAI,LietOE3,, TICIGNOS • - - - AND VII.EVoTT TILV,TINGS. - , , - WAYS FaL ASSORTMENT - - ' Tuu -.MOST POttILA,II' BRANDS . . And price; to suit tho times ' At c}. . CARPETS, OIL CLOTTft. .DIVOORETING , FURS, F. 17118. FUR S.I3TFPA Lk) ROIIKS•1101t81:: :11LANKETS. LAP ItOBW, - - Cbesp •# At O. 11. .t Co's. p4dg-lit.a4 . - .....01p#44tii• Metiand Iloye rmidy-roade ttritte,*a Tame btork.t com plete sto ,, orttuent or bert, Ws, irarraLted to ere kat. I efactlou. Yrltwe tolltlit. the thnei dt G. it, Co.q • OVERCOATS'I OVP RCO4T S I • . • For Bois', Yetithe" stud lien. 'All itorts : Qualities mid prices from flt.to pi% yOur - wants to G. B. At . . ~ . . . .. -. . Our Custom . Dep4rtmont. . - lotwavatock of Dna cuselmerCti, Olotii4 a 0 nenyeril. Itleamores xaken, good fitting .sto4 Wortnnancl.dri- gull' : auteed.‘ .Prlceel rally *A) per cent. Ince than out of town. 041140140 v your mea ear° at 0.'14 & COl. • -• • • ~ 00014. •• I.NO • . • (16kts furnishing goads. - : White nnd cuf?red cotton Marta, -Wool, and .31erino. Wrannora and DraWera, Flapool and merino Huse, Rialt - 14ckets, comfortem Ttail.*ows.; Ifluillen'4, 'Glove.* , „TrUabs. Nacho's, 'at, 4tr-, the hugest, variety in unin, at cu,o. .E&1,Z73/ HATS! I tt. - CAirt •C4l'Sll . • ►i 4. R. &"Co'ii„- • GUT,PENBERO & CO k" ' • M .•IIEsSAVMR, Mikoaging, ra•ttlier . . X tentrotio. bepteraber trarb - , 1 M44.. . 774. . •• • ••:' - zi . BR O T El gPc2 . . c i rt i xpoi ,p'vls wholesatere.ittunbcalerbtn • _ ItARDWAIi SIIQVOLS 14A:11,DVN s itt • / >VOIR RAIL, ROU:ViI Elikar , Vß 416:1 ,1; SPI.SRA • _IMILRDOA BI.V.ING Sr • :CARRIAGE SPRINGh. .4XL4 0 ,4. • BOXES, BOLTS, 1171T4 -2744-1.1E,48.1/Kl/8, 114.ND5:414LL8 . 4u LE • . • ‘, • wazoos,szAT ANYLLS, VICES, WPOUNK and ' DEWS, IL4III,IEBS, SLEDGES, FILEO, OlftetiLALD 'AND ;MIL 1. S AVIS, D.OLTIN - 0, PACE/N(3-1 • TACKLE ; -PAD/C . -" '' •DAIR anrsntiTaxEs.-WO:o. iftENOll. WINDOW G LASO .T,ICATD A, .F 3)! . • ?Amp AN/C.0.-OVAtit: TpB:WORK ••• 4„I Afi' Tlll4 k),IOCM;CIPYt.r, callanectua .&iivertist3mcirits, ''." ~. 7 11 Pa T :Zedbatlit) a r ra7t. ‘ - '..,..100.1m4i . L-..17)0 - i. 1 . ~ - -:- 1.1 TR I -ITENHEOf y or k with 'a large and complete a43ortment pLpTH,i - Np, Notions c., • E ary ' on ' - the Nationtil Hotel group.tis. remain here until - our new 1.18 COAIPLETE 'ON Tilt OLD" MOUND. • . • , , • , 'Ls •.- ,t: with -care. as heretdure,,iiiffer the largest - .ent :Mit best bargains in the count:v. ; !... niNT SPECIAL sillßisq-, & 1-:§lTAI:Alpi, ' L ST.APLIi FAINGY • DRY -GOODS, .gOOTS & SHOES, READY- .- ' - • ILITS4, iO2!PS , Dr....tp. Depth% n iwsottreent. Ali ts, all the new al4tl friner:patterne in 'the disrlint, %lite Goo& a grent variety., ' • •,; B,LEACI/E0 ' AND ~ NB7JEACIiED SIIIRTI G, ,C(fri;QN/I.Dg,S, DENDLS • 4, SELIP.E..,. • . ),, STITETIN,G.I 141N1 TOWELING, CAltilET , • ; , BOOTS' :Ea! sitio. At G. R. Ceii • - - , -I • Thelargnet stack , irr toren. ( First ; tls' prices tuna can bn boaght or, any Fab plans. • 1 1 • all the latest Styles, . 11,E411)Y-31A1)}1 CLO a full lino, and kaki ,gnoa niiide•n Vail and Examine:toy. ate elit hercre , P where. I will not he undersold for, the gooeo, by lit:, ono In or - olt of tarn.; ' . Batter ahiptied.. Prompt: rueurns at tl r. e highest ma Set price, hales ;,, , itnratiteed„ bills as soon eau. Wit, LTAY.kigN: . New Milford, Jane 2i2.'1875.4-tf. 22' . . At:0: IL & At W. W.-Sin i 4th & Son'e L • ~• • 8x tvie Iv enin itnio ;ri4rl onvlll64ltLalsißeet Stock bI - • . j • . • FIRST CLASS A D CO3iMOY ,• 3PrlcrEtDu'xlerit7 • • , To be found In this section g tl'e country . . at Ida own manor/Lowe, and at prices that cannot o to gloO oat's , Ittttcm. ,They mike thevoty § - est 7 • EXTENSJOIIi 'r4133 Eb , . -,, . TT. „Ix fi ,., tics "Vtr 'fey , 1..*: : e . 0t ail hind* done iu tt j e neatiat likaia •' EL X 211 , 43‘, sa li:10 OP VAillOG'ii KINDS. PUItE NO.I,3IATRASSES, ; AlsiD COMMON MATII4.'k4SES. U N.. p G. the :Thbacriber will hareaft(l-maketio, -.ntlenan!riga Ilitcnialty in la , lily bnalneaa. (avian jurt collrldi rf, iiEW - and thts lUClpoleitant ITEAUSE thal 3154. folk nyedilig tserNicr.+wil boatulndealo • prpittptipd astiantnforicharatelf; • • • • • ' • prfUTH :PAL • ITIA MEItS TA.KA.• N0T.,11.? , I Beit tratiketpipaid ift Cash, fat - V r ~C0:11•Ni..„.1111.1, 4 1N1sP;--94 = • 11 at hat 'Maatituiid:l4ecia'lllll;• , ! • iloo4 gupar tendent: hi or 4 ro Pe, July 14. 1875.--tt: ! • Tlitigst• fOrFUOI'S' lIEW-Y(llllCmEtgLy , -TRIBUNEI. knit ',a141; Ott! by r'Speritaext coriga frea., IPar , ti,Clllll,atid-wikitafsitionr, p 8 Vl '- ..• ',444retsi!TUAraiailt3piit,.:i; MiliMlNimmair - =tat 00T§ --- Mardi 31; 1,975 aro l .:=) 1 I ' ! I ...Itotißei:efinfd - • • WILLIANI ,HAYDEN. HATS !CAPS .. ..:i the COTIVItrh and 1 1 4.111LA".,T them. Iroa ilahlwarefeti: AIONF'Y SAY 4.. • NEW, rfEhr,.,l • ~:thaw sfrOna,-- MEM GooD NEW PRIOEg. ' `,l • GRIFFIN; SHOES, , • Slave opened, at the' old toration rf M, 8, WitaOst,fir Brick Mock llootrese„ And we ,tholl be pltholpdlp too allot stir old hien& and the. MAl4' new ones wt- Lope-to Sin. klur:atock wfli conelstof No - alltiliargwoto. • iularge quantitioi4 and Carlery. 'Stone.%Vire, Wool!' Ware. tioul.:;-Fulnii , ltteg (4.10414 (frocerier: rho] gt . T4, particular . kttention • to -the. irocety 'rrsde :Ind keep ' full assiliftUlent of T4itn,"figar.-Coffeee, kuirttly• : • t • • ' q-roceries;.&-.Pto7isions, - • to 6111 variety. Salt aka. Flour, Wegtlitil keep etln plant - Iv on loud flue lframis of floor at Inuctiloes than old priers, and crarrmit It to please:: .Gooile delivered promptly to onr town.owtomorr. . • rlur tOritia win 1 ..4 rtdtlY . . .. ({cash orrprodure..) - hPlt trill bo will to romem ..l,,iri as tlils will be tile secret, to our • 14%.r prices. We are conddent that hi ling and .exarato lug our goods hod lirteer your 'Willl . d that It %Olt be for your inter. .11 'est to try.our goodr. a therms: - •Jrprxrisils thurrift • Q. M. Sartra. ~ l ifoutrose%:May, 171114 '7l,—tf. _QART,O',:..; ABBOT r:l7, .:4,R . .pw:41 . t . - STpEL,A.ICD Blacksmiths' .Stpplies FARMERS'EAp ISEOELN;CS' TOOLS - - '.,Akgor!tts for • ,• ; 'SEESlPc7opektriill: jaito.33L ',13-cockciLms, SiSEAT iaNus, ST EL TOE t'ALEi and CAL STJEL, &c., • BURRETT'S: TORN .SHEIJ_,EII prcALL ANII . t4rl trsi- Oct.l4th.lbro.-IV., ri'he Cheapest 'Puce R V I V 111:1-116 CROCKER & OBEYS, ZARP ; :i, 4to. X.MT Gra393.3WILT wnotrsALE TIMALERS ut live psztjes In Ulu HEAVY\ AN MELF ITARDWARE, CARMACIE GOODS. . 111ACKSMITHS'.SIT.PPLIESt OISKVANNED LEATHER BEurmil RUBI3E11:-BELTING AND: TACKING,I ETU., ETC:, ETC. lIINQ • d trinunea. ierc* 4cuo quality of SONS* CIRCULAR AO GROSS-OUT SAWS OTEI BIM'S Celebrate Hand. Cut Files, Thellti.9tAn the World ! Illnglityntoc, Oct, 411.1b7.1. 'OLiUisi-I justWe hd~e return . from 'the ('hr of Now York with a splendid stocirtrimide; consisting 0( .- . D,YI7 00oza., BOOTS sttoiB, rint:G4. MRDICIXEI4, CROCE ' ERY, ItARDWARE,' And atrother goods he tly kept -in It-to:nail' store. CPX4tS 9.114 , an d all and- eatiefy 3ourselses that sr., are selling as dwell, ps tho Vv.:apt:et. We aro Oxeye wil ling to 'allow our goslde r !•••., - •• • 1 - W. .4. P. INDERLIED.' ,Ilradiney, Pa.; 20.sqlittls 'ltal.—tr. • DRUGS :AIME D 10.1 . N ES ivr , Where you will finft-ri • ittll - Offeeriniebt of Pore Drake ...tAledieinee; • tfbeisiftple * - Dye` tittors4. Jewelry, rec. 'fernery. Vfolloo- and VI Ito Sfritlas. blitroPli"4'il Yankne Notluna, Pocket I not-. Clioire 'l'ol.facto. 'rind Li s fnitt k; 0 41 , 01 Drififtleff.' ^able- Cuff:eq. Solid Silver biotin o. Pbile 4 Sp owlet. elt. Ives and rinkl, Genie. Plif ...telff.e BfOnliltloll. tibunitl4r . Diocea.- l'rite•ece. Medical IlletrfilllCits6. Denial 'A eters:4le, - Limo, and . . I...unie Ultiteneye, Teat Spleee,l Deicing feeder, nett - Atieffi refine. tielatipe:2'airiocat utt.,,,ctc.' ' •.:'. ' - •-' , - ~, __• 4' MU dbOdrtinetifilt• ildilif tka Dlifr - firid all klrele 'Of . : -'.-_ Veruleb kept, ointelently On .lted. • 1' • Vie: are 1.0 eilin 7, 0 a t...*itt :Paper tit - 'cost, arldAro.llikt.) :. • . ',', -- ' 00011.7 . E.,461t. 41 r Glaraware al A - •• : b-i . v e ry.--. -14 IV Figaro,' : . • -'- . ' . Get if ein'of our: 11Lie!fil o Cheinlcal I Paint, ,refifly for ..-..., • •-----.:.: toe, and Ack : Tritir • own pointing. - -...-,, .• ;, • "- With bur large itockof 'Ronde Wei eel confident that everyone: iri egting : lifontroiC. will find It.far theft inter eet to eall.and exurnlnfrio4 lbigesuleee before 4.eretut* fug e/scwizeze,:: - - , • , • , • • , .• - • - , :tioittroist , Jana !X is-m.'- - . , - ' viadLertai,3wwLa i . The undersign ed tatake .11adctektitp . " • r , Speciality ttkeir u rib t t , e i ttt . All Smiling their tkey.cieia tql promptly attended , ?eatittactioy gmuot,i444:• 4 P. 74.41r/VETWS. r),;',4,J1)11;1;:1875: ' • • _/44/ imam .. .~_.. Atx. xthoo, :0 I ; CItQCIYt Ih.GL~ _, 6:?A~E, ~o~cly-Z~st,J'> D I VAIERB 12( knit tile Improved FEB.(} cuiiim. 87 Washington St., LtIN4I.4I.IITON, N. T. TO BUT • 18 AT kr , ite , ' , lo's!Bannk Building, ° NPR gql3 :Ngentir ror 1. Gl~l f , CEItILS, The Placiito Get Your ;- • Jr. AT: ' J . ( • 11. iiiiiii Nrito beri 45. ITceflau©'ous. PI bit aritrits t v .ar We yr . oold:cell the atteetta 4R the Public timating ANYTHING IN Tli• MARBLE LINE to OUR . WORKS at -SUSQUE - 11ANNA . DEPOT, PA., tr'Bolni the onfy MartiYe Works In tlio County...al AID Work Wayra4ted, Represented on so, sea,"/.. "YOU CAN'• 54 By callingbn 1311LLIS DeLONG. SariCa Depot, Pa" Apri114,18;0.4i:i.44 va,miazkortdo4 T 1 PLA.TFoRM.WArIaNS, 313t. l sxo•tt?31o', LUMBER. WAGONS, Manufactured, on ixh. btfpn, : ind for - salei at SPRINGVILLE OR.3IONTRO9E. 3.tod iiose, March 10,1875. S. IL lianas. ► G • IS: lwatti. G. BLANT!IXO BINGRARPON DIARBLE WORKS. EEsTIBLIg4m. ix 18:40.1 BhNES BROS. & BLINDING, DZAVEDS IN AND MAN:UPACTUILEILS OF zx ar.bito • .• • AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITESI - Marble atid•Slate , Mantles, ' 4 6 Chenango S t .3 , ,rear Depot, Mayl4, 143. 'HMG!' Ali TO (: . 11iINIBVS LINE. 11,tandereIgnedinas. an ounalbna line rnnn lag to cv. try train on ice D. L. fla W., and Erie Ballwayeat Great. Bend, s'a. Aar order for qhippins' or . Re-Shipping Baggage at either depot will be promptly attendee to The new riverbridge:ls now completed, hence tiler is no Serzyl ng. CIALXI...X* - CBI-IEI tawny* on hind to convey passimiterf to any point !* the surrounding country. U. BUCUANA-N. Prop's.. Great &ad. Au z. 10, . • __, .a. INJew 3PlEtal SSVE irIONEY and YOul3 OWN IiGENT" for ,buying • Qttanrs &rittitr.,, 4 ttathiut • . ~ , We:liiii turb.e,b my kind' nt .Ftt pt • etrum. Orgtnb and Mae,ltlnel at A iii.?:....elA , t 111,1 t trill pay-you to cull nefore purcluteing. :live tts per cent for cArryincr Ingo.ru menteliitund nit trial. All lnotruirkturs And Machines fully warrantud. . '4. . ' - Montrose[ April 7. BUY YOUR Wautis, CRITIgM & OUSTERHOUT, liarlord, - PRIG'S LIST. Rep:l(ring detie on itturt nuiieo. Chcoper ' ihatl trio eltcel t. " •' • • - • Flitt•elass Pltwlens, . - - - 3Vag . nlo:: }ll5 " Plettonno from $l3O to slfo3 " " ' Swell Body, - • - $73 fo shoe per :lent, ne4; • $2,46 cork and liCk • -• 4 • • • • • • t 1.4 0. ttet per 'pan - , - . 411.90 , itil work warrarirecC 4114 _ex-1=11w) my stock be:: fore purchasing elsewhere. • . 'OL T STEMICIUT. Ilarterd;Octoher HEIIRING FARREL, 2137 13ratriodiora,3. 2%,f; MANUFACTURFES (IF ALL KINDS•;OF Iviroa ezzLcl, 3E3 urgiaor r'racot - • •Theo'tot and meet reltible Armin the United States 'They Ur! . tivrize medal awarded at the , • ' 'WORLD'S • FAIR AT LONDON! AS Septa are warranted Ito (row derepne‘e aqd CQ' • reeten, • , •,- MIXINGS STROUD, Agent.,* Molitrore. Nay • • . BLAT.IILEY'S ' Impritved • AtITCITIABZU I. ti DUMP, Is the a cris, kootittedtrudAfTANDAlßD of 'the tuarbut,hy.itopolar vortliGt, ok zirrp i. thu hest, pomp Tor thu !oast money., - .Attcuttots tsittritott Ilhttchley'r Impriard Bracket the Drop. took Vairr, whirl: awn - bowithttnswit with. tt diAtir 31ou thV tied the Celleg tuto her,. ,whtch, ••• creeks: mote*, Or du u.nd Will tub; Dfutttne. , Foto** by Mitre'anit tht Trade gtnehlly. Ih. order to olire, Dm: On gti• idtaLthhlay'i Pump. be refnl and bco that it hU,In7 trade-mark as • sitovu. If yort do trot-'"know-Wlturtr. to buy &J:I - Span utrouhtro, totTother With the-name and Ad OTM-A of' the ugrot nertreut you; b q p rompt l y t aro oohed hyTuldrtristry4. with Arnow_ CRAB; iILAICFCLEY; Nonnfactitier.• s 5071-COMlrifirrd Ptithulttlphts. 10, Urit-,Diax _ • - v • • • • • • . • • . A 1MF . '74TE13.4011: • ' 'A practital ►ivrktrfan; tzsfO:: mixioxe=4lFo, hA.ned-14 tarp rtnlier UNecia , 4P-Ca'w. store. 0% Publle Avirutte, where he W ready undo ntl kfndeuf wort kidsiu Wurk and • toputu wltb uouleou eUri 'di , ssWeb• '• 4 •" 4411523 *ont.74, votobor iterfs. 7 4pl4- _.; • toLvrs, I • D. D.'BEADLE, F.D. MEMILTI9II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers